#eevee yells
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akirameta84 · 1 year ago
*googles how many calories are in 10 packets of pez candy*
its about 350
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danieyells · 5 months ago
I hope you know that when I reblog Eevees, it's basically me going "pspsps, Danie, I know you like this Pokémon"
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THAT IS ME AND YOU CARE. . . . ;U; ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🤎🖤🩶🤍🩷
(i know now and i will be even more excited when I see you reblog Eevee going forward akabsudi)
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magp1e-starl1ght · 2 years ago
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Anyone else see it or
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Why didn't this happen to me? Is it cause I had to emulate the game?? I want a refund of the money I didn't spend
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remember to keep a good posture!
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phoenixiancrystallist · 11 months ago
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Month 4, day 21
It's an hour past my bedtime and I keep messing with this animation. I've decided to accept this single frame out of 500 as tonight's work done, and I'll continue fucking with things tomorrow lol
I think I've got it with this setup but we'll see how I feel after sleep and a day of my actual job :P
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fujii-draws · 4 months ago
Thinking more about how Dusknoir uses his words to hurt Ribbons vs using physical brute strength on Aimilios.
It doesn’t matter how much of an act he put on infront of the Riolu. How he didn’t care, or how it was all according to ‘plan.’ Aimilios easily spots those lies out— giving the ghost-type a look of ‘We both know you’re lying.’ So, the cloaked Gripper has to settle on another method. Reaching, grabbing, maiming Aimilios as much as possible to make him scared. Strike fear into him. Something the aura pup isn’t used to because he was basically a sheltered dog before he joined the guild, and learned how to fight. And seeing how certain Pokémon and outlaws fought and went for the killing blow terrified him. So you can only imagine how petrified he was during physical confrontations with a 7ft ghost-type. Gripping the life out of him.
And with Ribbons, she’s used to fighting like her life depends on it. Amnesia or not, that part of her never went away. It’s why she’s able to dodge and fight skillfully despite being dubbed as a small, tiny runt of an eevee. And why she’s the one screeching and biting Dusknoir like no tomorrow when he grabs her partner again during the Stoneship fight without hesitation. Physical strength doesn’t scare her. It means nothing after living in such a harsh future.
That being said, the point where Dusknoir realizes this— him beginning to rip into her during their first confrontation near the portal with Primal Dialga, a few feet away, is what shatters her. Being regarded as one of the most easily manipulated Pokémon Dusknoir had the honor of dealing with, and how easy it was to get her to turn on her grass-type brother. And such a delightful show it was to behold. It was laughable how even her own partner was somewhat onto the ghost-type. But her? He practically had the Eevee wrapped around his finger. And it’s the first time Aimilios witnesses her terrified. Scared. And why he gets in-front of Ribbons and yells at Dusknoir with an aura strong enough to shut him the hell up. Fists clenched as he shielded his partner from the wraith’s words.
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werepuppy-steve · 1 year ago
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*slams file down on the table* here, it's the party's pokemon teams.
doing it by game was easier for me since i'm more familiar with gen 1.
we're going off vibes, not stats. don't yell at me.
character type specifics will vary from game to game, sometimes they won't. it depends on what i feel when looking through the pokedex's.
tagging: @nburkhardt @simplebtromance @spectrum-spectre @corrodedcoffindisband @matchingbatbites @sugarcookiesteve @sentient-trash
we're starting with gen 1: firered/leafgreen, aka my first pokemon games. i tried to be as creative as i could with this one, but kanto's pokedex is so limited in gen 1, it was a little difficult.
*first set of pokemon are the battle teams. the rotation set is who i felt also fit the characer (will and mike don't have rotations bc i was honestly pulling blanks) *steve has an eevee/eeveelution and eddie has a haunter in every gen, that's just the way it is
alright enough babbling. if yall have any suggestions per gen, feel free to add them in the replies or tags!
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Eddie - Ghost/Poison
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murkrow • sneasel • ditto • ekans • jigglypuff • venonat
Steve - Water/Ice
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eevee • magikarp • kingler • seadra • octillery • delibird
Robin - Fighting/Grass
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clefairy • lickitung • meowth •psyduck •sandshrew • ditto
Nancy - Fire/Flying
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dragonair • persian • primeape • magmar • venomoth • charizard
Jonathan - Bug/Ground
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raichu • voltorb • weedle • oddish • graveler • pidgey
Argyle - Grass/Rock
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dugtrio • rattata • snorlax • venusuar • oddish • ditto
Chrissy - Poison/Water
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dratini • golduck • polywag • vaporeon • clefable • zubbat
Dustin - Bug/Grass
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bellossom • rattata • weedle • butterfree • golbat • magnemite
Lucas - Water/Fighting
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cloyster • cubone • omanyte • quilfish • remoraid • raticate
Max - Electric/Fire
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flareon • moltres • pikachu • polywag • staryu • zapdos
El - Psychic/Normal
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clefairy • growlithe • nidoran ♀️ • persian • rattata • tauros
Will - Normal/Ground
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Mike - Fire/Dragon
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Erica - Normal/Poison
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clefairy • ditto • eevee • lickitung • pidgey • rattata
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up next: pokemon crystal
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mistakenot4892 · 26 days ago
Fourteenth chapter of Thief of Joy, my pseudo-isekai pokey mans fanfic about a sweary eevee, is up. It features violence against a big snake, loud yelling, and some self-criticism.
This is the real climax of the story, I think - there are three chapters left and they're all falling action/epilogue. One is an alternate viewpoint chapter that is going to be a bit dark, from the perspective of Dave's ninetales, and the other two are riding out the fallout of the main plot. I got to put a bunch of scenes and jokes in this one that I've been sitting on since the first idea for the fic, so that's nice.
It feels very strange to be almost done, but it's been a fun experience. Will see if I keep updating the other fics or if this is a hyperfixation that dies off after I finish Thief of Joy.
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justcallmecj · 9 months ago
Don't Play With Love Potions
"Is it bad I'm curious what the guys would do if someone slipped alovepotion into their food/drinks as a prank, and reader was the first person they saw?" Courtesy of- Luna the shiny eevee (On Quotev)
Anyway, I randomized a boy and got Jack! There was no specific person in that comment, so I hope they won't mind that I chose one of the boys myself! (Lots of flustered and embarrassed Jack!)
        Potions class was kicking his ass. It's like Crewel just suddenly decided to throw a shit ton of information at the class out of nowhere and wanted them to be able to do everything on short notice!
        Now, potions class may not be Jack's best subject, but he's never particularly struggled with it. All he had to do was pay attention and study, when need be, and he'd be good. Someone must have done something to Crewel for him to suddenly torture his students.
        But all that is what led Jack to be where he is now. In the potionology classroom, hunched over a book of recipes, ingredients strewn about the table and some red-ish colored liquid boiling in a cauldron. For the most part, everything was going according to plan. He'd been practicing and studying the potions and retained most of the information without any problems.
        Then, his friend Y/N came into the room. His sharp ears immediately caught onto their entrance, and he turned to greet them.
        "Hey Y/N! What brings you here?" he asked while putting down the vial he held in his hand. Y/N walked over to him and placed down their bag.
        "Nothing much honestly." they said. Their wings spread out wide behind their back and their tail curled around in front of them. "I heard that you were studying in here and thought I'd come keep you company!" Y/N pulled out a laptop from their bag and placed it on the table as they sat across from Jack.
        "Well, thank you. I don't mind the company as long as you don't distract me." Jack joked, causing Y/N to laugh. They waved a hand dismissively as they reassured Jack that they wouldn't distract him while he was working.
        Seeming to remember something, Y/N reached into their bag again and pulled out a plastic bag from it. "By the way, Ruggie asked me to give this to you." they said as they handed the plastic bag to Jack. He took it and pulled out a ham and turkey sandwich. "He said he made a little too much food today and made a sandwich for you with some of the leftovers. He ran into me while trying to find you and asked me to give it to you."
        Jack took a bite out of the sandwich and realized how hungry he had actually been. Usually, he gets a snack after school, but he didn't since he stayed behind to study. Happily, he had a few more bites and left what was left for when he's done with work.
        Y/N giggled watching Jack garble down the food like he hadn't eaten in days. Jack pouted at their teasing but just pushed it to the back of his mind.
        Jack and Y/N sat in comfortable silence and did their individual work for a good 20 minutes when Y/N noticed that Jack had stopped moving. They moved their laptop to the side and tried to get Jack's attention.
        "Jack? Hey! Are you okay? Jack! JACK!" they kept waving their hand in front of his face, but nothing could snap him out of this strange trance. Not even his ears twitched at the yelling and calling of his name. Y/N's worry only increased when Jack's eyes closed, and his head hit the table.
        They stood up and rushed to his side and shook his shoulders. Slowly, Jack got back up.
        "Jack?! Are you okay?? What happened!?" He held his head in his hands and shook around, trying to wake himself up. He still had yet to respond to Y/N. After a few moments, groggily, he finally spoke.
        "Yeah, yeah, I'm....good..." His words were slurred, but coherent. That was enough to stamp down Y/N's worries a tad. He finally gained the strength to look up. His eyes met Y/N and stayed there, like he was stuck. If Y/N didn't know they had impeccable eyesight, they would have played off the faint, pink swirl in his eyes as their imagination.
        Something wasn't right, and Y/N knew it.
        "Hey...you're really pretty, you know that?" he said, snapping Y/N from the spiral of thought in their mind.
        "W-what?" Y/N stuttered. Why would he suddenly say that? Jack looked away and hid his face by his shoulder. A faint blush crept up his neck and he mumbled something to himself that Y/N didn't bother to try and understand.
        "I said...that you're really pretty." He was still facing the other direction. "I-Is there something wrong with me saying that??" Jack asked, he turned his head back to face Y/N and willed himself to look them in the eyes.
        Once they looked closer, Y/N saw the difference in Jack. It definitely wasn't their imagination. There was a pink color in Jack's eyes, it swirled and mixed with his gold eyes, pulsing at times and sending ripples through the mixed color.
        There had to have been something in that sandwich Jack ate.
        "Jack? How do you feel right now?" Y/N waited for a response but didn't let go of his shoulders. Jack was slow to respond, seemingly distracted by looking at Y/N's eyes.
        "I feel...just fine.." he stalled. "But I feel like kissing you.." That caught Y/N off guard. They felt their face heat up and their brain failed to think straight. Jack's words seemed to finally hit him. His cheeks grew pink and his ears laid flat against his head. Despite the embarrassment, he didn't back down. He continued to stare Y/n in the eyes, even if it made the blushing worse.
        Y/N finally started to understand what may have happened and now Jack's sudden words made sense. A love potion. A potion that induces and increases a person's love. It typically lasts for a couple hours, five usually, but can be more or less depending on the strength of the potion. People also tend to be a lot more...verbal with their feelings when under the potion's effects.
        Jack confessing he wanted to kiss Y/N really didn't help Y/N ignore the feelings they had for Jack that they preferred to keep down.
        Y/N's liked Jack for a long time now but was too scared to admit it. They didn't know if he'd return the feelings and didn't want to risk ruining their friendship. But due to the current circumstance, they could indulge a little, right? Chances were high he'd only have fuzzy memories once the potion wore off, and then Y/N could just play it off as trying to help him with the potions effects if he asked. One method to get a potion like this to wear off quicker is to indulge the person.
        What if he does end up remembering? What would I do then? He'd hate me after that. There's no way he wouldn't.
        There's only one small detail Y/N forgot about love potions.
        They can't create feelings, only enhance already existing ones.
        Jack seemed to lose whatever patience he had. He got closer to Y/N's face, which snapped them out of their spiral of thoughts. He just stayed there, staring. Y/N didn't know what to do.
        "Can I?" he asked, his voice was filled with emotions, some of which Y/N had never heard from him. It took a moment before they understood what he was asking. He genuinely wanted to kiss them. Would he be saying these things if he wasn't under the potion's effects?
        Y/N nodded.
       Jack moved forward, all the way until his lips connected with Y/N's. His ears stood up again, and his tail wagged even if he tried to stop it. Y/N wasn't doing any better controlling themselves. Their tail uncurled and swished behind them. Their wings twitched and the longer the two stayed like that, the more the wings flared out.
        Y/N gently pushed Jack back a bit. He wasn't the happiest with that action but did nothing to stop it just in case. Y/N turned away from him, intense blush covering their face. The sight made Jack blush, but he also chuckled at them. Y/N got even more flustered and pushed Jack more forcefully as well as hit him on the top of his head, but it was a gentle hit and lacked the force to hurt.
        "Jack...I think we should be careful about this." Y/N finally managed to say. Jack raised his brow in confusion.
        "Why?" he asked. Y/N could hear the tad bit of hurt in his question. Crap. He's not in a clear enough mind for me to tell him about the potion, he'd reject the idea. I need to come up with an actual reason. 
        "Is t-this really something you want to do out in the open?" Y/N asked. Jack brought his face closer again and Y/N stumbled to elaborate. "I-I mean!" they took a breath, "shouldn't we go somewhere where it can just be the two of us? To avoid being interrupted!" For the Sevens sake, that shouldn't have been as hard as it was, nor that embarrassing!!
        "I guess..." he started. Y/N watched as a resolve settled in his eyes. He swiftly put away the potion ingredients he was studying, stuffed his books into his bag, carefully put Y/N's stuff in their bag, grabbed both bags and latched onto Y/N's wrist, pulling them out of the potionology room.
        Y/N didn't know where Jack was dragging them, but they didn't put up a fight about it. Eventually, Jack came to a stop, forcing Y/N to do the same. They found themself at the door of an empty classroom. With a final tug, Jack pulled Y/N into the classroom. He placed both of their things by a desk and motioned for them to sit down. They obliged. They scooted over so Jack could sit too. The seat was plenty long, so there was plenty of space. (It's like the desks you see in the lessons of the game)
        He took the seat and faced the front of the room, not Y/N. They took the initiative to break the ice.
        "Jack, why are we in here?" they asked, placing a hand on the others shoulder. There was no way they could miss how Jack's tail wagged at the contact. He turned to Y/N, and Y/N caught sight of his current condition on full volume. His cheeks and a bit of his neck was fully pink. His face scrunched up with embarrassment. The potion was doing all sorts of things to him, and he didn't understand to the same degree that Y/N did.
        He quickly reached for Y/N's hands, holding them in his own, then using what seemed like quite a bit of willpower to look them in the eyes. Y/N met that stare with some embarrassment of their own.
        "I don't really know what I'm doing right now, but I'm going to keep going with it until something happens!" he shouts, more to himself than to Y/N from the sound of it.
        He let go of Y/N's hands and pulled them into a tight hug. Y/N was stunned with shock as Jack tightened the hug slightly. He was clearly pushing himself to make sure he didn't chicken out and embarrass himself further. Once Y/N had enough time to process Jack's actions, they returned the hug, pulling their wings around their conjoined forms and encasing the two in a protective cocoon.
        Now in the cocoon, his heart rate, which Y/N had been listening to since the potion effects started, slowed down considerably from what it had been this whole time. His grip loosed just a bit, he seemed more at ease. He knew how large Y/N's wings were, and he was sure that no one could see him from the outside with the way they covered him. It let him calm down.
        He pulled away just enough to properly speak to Y/N. "Sorry," he mumbled. He nuzzled his head into their neck a little, which tickled but Y/N stayed still as to not freak him out. But they did allow a small giggle to escape their lips. Jack, upon hearing this, huffed and nuzzled further into their neck. This only gave Y/N more reasons to giggle and laugh. Eventually though, they took pity on the poor wolf.
        "So, did you bring me in here just to cuddle with me?" they asked, Y/N really was curious to know if that's all Jack had planned. He pulled his head back and stared into Y/N's eyes. That pink from earlier swirled around in the gold again. Y/N had come to realize that it was a tell-tale sign that the love potion was doing something.
        Jack closed the space between the two again and locked Y/N into another kiss. Thankfully, they were a bit better prepared this time for the feeling and how it effected them. Jack pushed into Y/N more than he had the first kiss. Y/N made sure to keep their wings up and around Jack, wanting to make him feels as comfortable as possible.
        After a good while of long kisses and a few pecks on the lips mixed in, Jack let Y/n go. He backed up, but not far enough that Y/N had their own personal space again. Their noses brushed against one another whenever either breathed a certain way.
        Jack looked kinda out of it. Like his brain was still caught up in the middle of the make out session that just happened. "....I love you," he muttered under his breath. "I have for a long time, but I didn't know how to say it." Y/N was utterly shocked. They didn't know what to say.
        The boy they'd been heavily crushing on for months, the same boy they had watched from across the table at lunch every day, the same boy that was right then practically sitting in their lap, red all over his face, eyes half lidded, and had just made out with them not even a minute ago, was now sitting there and confessing that he loved them. It was a situation they had played out in their head countless time, but never expected to come true. But it had. What else can they do-
        "I love you too, Jack." they said breathlessly.
        -but seize the moment?
        Those words excited Jack. He looked up with a brand-new vigor in his eyes. He lit up, pushing himself up. His tail wagged fiercely behind him, and his ears flicked in every which direction. "Really!?" he shouted, a little to loud for Y/N's powerful hearing and how close he was right now. They giggled, nonetheless.
        "Yes, Jack. I feel the same way, have for a long time." He basically jumped at Y/N, pushing them backwards and forcing them onto their back against the long seat of the classroom. He laid on their chest, practically beaming with joy and love. This is my new favorite face for him.
        He finally settled down and rested his chin on the middle of Y/N's chest. Not far from their face, but not too close for it to feel claustrophobic, especially since they were still cocooned.
        They both just sat there and stared into each other's eyes, admiring the one they loved. Y/n watched as the pink swirl in his eyes got faster and faster, curling into itself before finally fizzing out and disappearing. He smiled differently than before, a smile that could leave anyone with no doubt, that he absolutely loved Y/N.
        "I love you." he said.
        "What are you laughing to yourself about?" Leona asked Ruggie with clear annoyance in his tone. Ruggie, who had been hunched over the counter with and open bag of bread, leftover lunch meat and a now empty glass vial with a bit of pink residue on it, made one more giggle before looking his dormleader in the eyes. He adjusted himself to be leaning against the counter more comfortably.
       "You remember our little conversation about how annoying it was to watch our Dear Dragon and Little Wolf pin each other for so long without realizing they both liked each other?" he asked. Leona looked him up and down like he may have lost it from all the laughing.
        "Yeah, it was annoying and starting to get on my nerves. What about it?" Ruggie reached over and grabbed the empty vial. He held it up to Leona, who grabbed it and put it up to his nose. He blanched from the strong smell the moment it hit him. He knew exactly what potion this was, he remembered the class where he made it for some test vividly.
        "Well, I think I found a damn good solution. And all it took was a sandwich and a little errand from Y/N." he laughed that signature laugh of his. Leona couldn't help but chuckle along with him. Finally, the ever-painful shows of pinning between Y/N and Jack were being put to an end.
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harmonia-university · 9 months ago
(@ask-sarah-and-co) sparkle @ mitzi
“Hi!” The shiny eevee grins and shakes Mitzi’s paw (whether she wants to or not). She notices the everyone bracelet, “So, you don’t want to evolve? That’s ok, I don’t either. Have you considered trying that gigantamax soup so you don’t have to wear that bracelet?” She shrugs, “I did.”
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Followed by an awkward silence, Mitzi begins to feel guilty for yelling in the poor other Eevee's face. "Look...sorry. My family keeps gratin' on that and now that random people are doing it too...it's frustratin' as it is. Guess I should come clean."
Mitzi pulls down the sleeve of her right arm, revealing a bracelet with a small, white stone embedded in it - an Everstone!
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"It's a tough choice you know? You're an Eevee too, you gotta understand, right? Must've taken you a while to decide that you're gonna stay an Eevee forever..."
[ @saywha413 / @ask-sarah-and-co ]
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blazingstar400 · 1 year ago
Incorrect Scarlet and Violet Quotes Part 3
Guess who still has a bunch of these sitting in a document?
Juliana: Happiness is like rainbows! If you see one, you smile because it’s so colorful! Sometimes, you get two and you get double happy!! :D
Kieran: Sometimes, you always get none even after watching so many rainy days you just stop and you just sit there, disappointed that no matter your effort, happiness doesn’t want you and life just truly hates you.
Penny: *calling a therapist*
Kieran, at the beginning of Teal Mask: *looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll*
Kieran, at the end of Teal Mask: *looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you*
Kieran, at the beginning of Indigo Disk: *looks like he could kill you, could definitely kill you*
Kieran, at the end of Indigo Disk: *looks like he could kill you, is a cinnamon roll*
*if Nemona was a waitress*
Nemona: Okay, guys, who wanted the macaroni and bees?
Everyone, at the table: …
Arven: …You mean cheese, right?
Nemona, struggling to keep the bowl covered: That does make more sense, actually—
Juliana, barging into Penny’s room, pushing in a wheelbarrow with Nemona in it: PENNY! NEMONA’S DEAD!
Penny: *gasps*
Nemona, getting up: That’s right! Dead serious about going to Disneyland!!
Penny: *groans*
Florian, about to leave Naranja/Uva Academy: Don’t spend all day watching anime, okay?
Penny: I forge my own path!
Clavell, tired: I’d like to live through one week in this school that’s not a whole new verse of ‘We Didn’t Start the Fire’.
Yukito, meeting Juliana for the first time: Oh, is this the girl your always telling me about, Kieran?
Kieran, nervously chuckling: AHA, Grandma! Stop making things up!
Yukito: She’s even prettier in person—
Kieran, opening a window and jumping out: Okay gotta run, bye!
Arven: Just when I thought Nemona couldn’t get any weirder, I saw her trying to write three different essays at the same time.
Arven: She was taking one essay at a time and writing a few sentences before moving onto the next.
Carmine: I think I’m getting sick, I’m losing my voice.
Juliana: That means you can’t yell at us anymore!
Juliana: Turns out Carmine is a lot scarier when she’s quiet.
Kieran: Do you think we could ever be… more than friends?
Juliana, beaming: I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED! I can totally see us as Pokémon! I even drew a picture, let me go ge—
Carmine: I keep a picture of all of us in my wallet. Whenever I face difficulties, I take it out and look at the picture.
The squad: Aww.
Carmine: And then I tell myself ‘If I can deal with these idiots, then I can deal with anything’.
The squad: Oh.
Arven: Did you get the eggs like I asked?
Nemona: Even better!
Arven: What did you do?
Nemona, holding up a chicken: Her name is Fluffy.
Kieran: What are you? Two?
Drayton: Yeah, two heads taller than you!
Kieran: *inhales deeply*
*5 minutes later*
Drayton: I WAS JUST JOKING! Juliana, calling Penny: Can you come pick me up? I think I’m lost…
Penny: I swear, if you got lost playing Pokémon Go—
Juliana: I caught an Eevee. If you pick me up, I’ll name it Penny.
Penny: I’m on my way!!
*when Juliana first meets Kieran again in Blueberry Academy*
Juliana: *going in to hug Kieran*
Kieran: *pushes her away and assumes a fighting stance*
Juliana: Hey, why’d you push me???
Kieran: I thought you were going to attack me.
Juliana: I was going to hug you!
Kieran, narrowing his eyes: Why would you hug me?
And that’s the end of part 3!! I still have so many quotes so there will probably be a part 4 in the future. (I swear I’ll post more than just incorrect quotes but they are just really fun to write lol.)
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danieyells · 14 days ago
6:30am, sun's coming up, finally going to sleep lmao
Suddenly craving miso soup tho???? Maybe i'll get japanese for lunch tomorrow or something not sure what in miso soup my body must be missing but it sounds good either way
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coolshadowtwins · 8 months ago
It’s time for the next part of my MDZS Pokémon Au, with part 1 here and the last part here.
Reminders for this series- 1) Everyone’s starter Pokémon is the equivalent to their sword, and has the corresponding name. If they have a second, named weapon, then a second Pokémon on the team gets a name! 2) Everyone has a team of three, because that makes things easier for me!
Last time I told you about the main characters, JC and WWX. This time, they get to fight their first gym battle and meet a rival! The boys have left Lotus Pier, and have made their way to the next big city with a gym - Qinghe.
There, in the Pokémon center, they meet-
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It’s Lan Wangi! I made Swablu a ‘Lan’ Pokémon, much the way I made Alolan vulpix one as well, and it’s the equivalent to Bichen. His ChingLing is the equivalent of Wangi. Yes, that does mean that he named his ChingLing after himself, not I will not change it. This is the rules of the world I have made for myself, and so it’s what I am sticking with lol
I imagine that when JC and WWX meets him, these are the two Pokémon he already has. He gets bunneary later, probably with something to have to do with WWX, but I don’t know what happens for him to get it.
You saw it before with the Juniors, but the Lan Pokémon have little headbands! I just thought it would be cute!
My imagining of this first meeting is WWX, knowing that a gym battle is coming up, is getting excited! Pokémon battling is fun to him! JC, who also normally likes battling, is really nervous about this because Qinghe’s gym is a hard one. Historically, it was supposed to be a rock gym, which would be incredibly had to get through with just an Eevee. In more recent years, it’s turned into more of a general ‘hits hard’ gym but it will still be very difficult.
Then WWX sees a new trainer walk into the Pokémon center! LWG, who already has two Pokémon! WWW thinks this would be the best practice, and jumps up to challenge LWG to a battle!
LWG just stares at him for a long moment, before telling him no and walking right back out. WWX wilts, and JC gets on to him for trying to start a battle in a Pokémon center.
The idea of LWG that he’s also on his gym journey and will run into the boys often as they journey.
JC and WWX decide to skip the training and go scope out the gym. When they get there, they are greeted to two men arguing. It’s Nie Huaisang, arguing with an older Nie cousin!
NHS wants to leave the city, and go on his own journey. Except it’s not a gym circuit challenge like the other heirs. I haven’t decided if I would want him into Pokémon contests or something else, but it’s definitely not the gyms. His older cousin, who had been out in charge of him while NMJ is gone to do Elite four things, can not let him go because NHS the one suppose to be looking over the gym! Except he hasn’t even been doing that- the cousin has been the one to take challengers. In fact, he had been the one to just fight, and lose to, LWG earlier that day.
So when the Nie cousin realizes that JC and WWX are there, he has to turn them away.his Pokémon aren’t up for another two fights.
NHS jumps in to give a bet- if NHS could beat both of JC and WWX in a battle, then he can go out on his journey. Clearly he would be a good enough battler then! The cousin is skeptical, but JC jumps on the opportunity- surely this would make the gym challenge easier! (Or maybe WWX jumps on the idea. I can’t decide which would be more up to it)
So that’s the deal made. NHS has only two Pokémon right now, so it’s a double battle with JC and WWX sharing a side.
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The two Pokémon NHS has right now is his Teddiursa and his Bonsley.
I imagine that he just… finds a bird on the road later lol. I’m giving him a gun.
Teddiursa is his starter. It matches his brother who, spoiler, has an ursaring. I felt that it fit them. I then gave him a bonsley because I felt the fake crying really fit NHS. Can’t you imagine NHS crying, yelling that he doesn’t know something, while both his Pokémon are doing the same thing at his feet. Also, both Teddiursa and Bonsley are little crafty pos in the anime, and I feel like really fits NHS character lol
I want NHS to put up a fight, and maybe even knock an Eevee out. A lot of tricky moves- charm, fake tears, attract. But ultimately JC and WWX win, as we knew they would, and they get the badge.
Somewhere along the way in the episode, the three boys get to bond, but I don’t want to write that bit. But WWX is sad for NHS about having to stay behind in town.
Until, of course, they go to leave the town, only to be stopped by NHS running after them with a bag. He cheerfully explains that his cousin let him go, but only if he had company! JC is grumpy about is but WWX is all for it. Welcome NHS to the team! ( the cousin did not give him the right to leave. NHS just decided that the only one that can boss him around is his brother, who isn’t here right now. Then he snuck out a window.)
See you next time on this thing! It’s time to meet the evil team of the region!
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theonlyren · 2 years ago
Public Sylveon Announcement
So. It's Pride Month, and the Sylveon are out in droves, being the icons we all want them to be (they adore the attention). During this time, you may be tempted to catch one of these goobers, or perhaps be chosen by one, to raise and train as your own. That's great! As a trainer of a Sylveon for a whole decade, I'm intimately familiar with the ins and outs of this particular Eeveelution and will be glad to share some advice!
Without further ado, here's how you care for a newly caught Sylveon!
0: Don't.
Get yourself an Eevee, and earn your Sylveon.
Understand I'm not saying this with spite, this is genuinely a word of caution, a warning, if you will. Aside from the fact that catching a Sylveon during Pride is almost certainly an "impulse catch" that you may well not be ready to commit to, stop to consider for a moment just how Sylveon evolve. They require affection. Love. A step above "mere" friendship. They require a genuine connection to another that sparks perhaps one of the most unique and precious evolutions known to all 'mon. Straight up catching/adopting one not only skips that entire, critical step, but also more-than-likely deeply implies that the Sylveon you're catching/adopting had that connection and, one way or another has lost it.
We call this baggage and a lot of people aren't ready to deal with it. You could be inadvertently taking in a 'mon with separation anxiety, depression, nightmares and high stress, imposter syndrome, and more.
Start with an Eevee (A child of a Sylveon if at all possible ;D), and evolve it with a healthy baseline into a Sylveon, you'll both be much happier.
"But what if the Sylveon chose me and isn't leaving?"/"I'm aware of the risks, but want to commit to this anyway."
Well, dear reader, keep reading!
1: Be ready for touch.
Sylveon are titled "The Intertwining Pokemon" for a reason. They adore touch. They're hardwired to seek it. Quite literally my own Sylveon is sitting under my desk as I type this, with his feeler wrapped around my leg. It's his favorite place to be that isn't also in my bed. Their feelers can be off putting to a lot of people, especially after one realizes they're flesh and fur, but do not recoil from it, you'll break the poor bab's heart. Touch is how they explore and how they get a read on you and other pokemon (it's also how they lull prey into a false sense of security before they go for the throat, more on that later). Do not touch starve your Sylveon. For a blessing, their feelers are velvety soft and feel wonderful, at least, to most people. If you have other Pokemon, encourage them to get used to the feelers as well. I have a Zoroark on my team, and, though it took a while, he doesn't recoil at Vivi's feelers and lets him explore.
This all goes double for cuddles. Sylveon are perhaps the absolute worst of the Eeveelutions that still believe they're a lap Eevee once they evolve. A lot of trainers will try and tell you to discourage such behavior, since it will encourage them to pounce on other people, but, in my experience, Sylveon are rather adept at knowing who to not pounce on. As long as you're the primary pounce person, your Sylveon will seldom jump on other people that it doesn't consider a friend and knows not to pounce on.
2: Be ready for high-maintenance.
Sylveon (most of them, at least) are spoiled brats in one way or another. It's a common "trap" most trainers fall into when raising one, a lot of the ways you can show one affection as an eevee is to go above and beyond for it in one way or another, and they will get used to that. My Sylveon, as an example, loves baths, and practically requires one daily. Other Sylveon may require a battle on the weekly, or high quality food, or long, scenic walks, or, Arc-save-you, all of the above. They're a very high-energy, high-maintenance Eeveelution, beaten out only by Jolteon.
3: Be ready for noise.
Oh they YELL. Sylveon are talkative little buggers, and the moment something goes amiss they will cry about it. If they're having fun they will cry about it. If they're bored they will cry about it. If they know Hyper Voice, Lord-in-heaven they will cry about it. You can train one to be quiet on demand, but use such commands sparingly, as frequently telling them to "quiet down" will make one start to question if you're mad at it or appreciate it. Which leads us to-
4: Temper your emotions.
Another aspect about Sylveon is they use their feelers to channel a calming Fairy-type energy that quite literally reads your emotions and dulls hostility. This makes them great therapy Pokemon, as it makes it damn near impossible to be mad if one's around, and great hunters, as it makes it damn near impossible to fear for your life when it goes in for the kill! It also, perhaps frustratingly, makes it damn near impossible to be mad at them if they misbehave. And they're a fairy-type, they will misbehave at some point. All a Sylveon wants to feel is love and joy, understandably, but other emotions exist for a reason, and both you and your Sylveon will have to learn to channel and process those emotions in a healthy, controlled manner, as this will reliably get the both of you back to feeling the love and joy you're likely seeking. This process is different for everyone, and Arc-knows I'm far from a licensed therapist, but it's still important to learn how to figure out anger and sorrow with a Sylveon around, and the both of you will need to train yourselves to work through your feelings.
5: Be ready to play.
I'm lucky, I have other mons that'll be playmates for Vivi at the drop of a hat. But one thing I've observed with Sylveon as a whole is that they all need playtime and playmates, and if you don't have other Pokemon that can be your Sylveon's playmate, guess what, bud - that means you're the playmate! Even if you do have other mons you are still a valid playmate!
Buy toys.
Squeaky toys, tug-ropes, ribbons, balls, feathers, and dolls are all fantastic toys for your Sylveon, and if one brings a toy to you, you'd best engage, unless you want an express example of lesson 3. Thankfully, most Sylveon are happy with short and quick play sessions. My own is happy with maybe three rounds of fetch or a brief tug-o-war session before it'll go back to happily cuddling up next to me, but all Sylveon are different in varous ways. Trust your instincts and you'll be able to easily tell when your Sylveon is content.
6: They are smart.
Sylveon are beat out only by Espeon in the overall intelligence category. Being mostly modern/urban life adapted Pokemon that usually spend all their lives around humans, they pick up pretty quickly on language, social cues, tools, and so on. Intelligence is always a wavering factor among all Pokemon, but, on the whole, expect your Sylveon to be far more clever than your average Growlithe or Yamper, and respect that intelligence. It may not ever speak Galarian to you, but it could very well learn to read, open doors, work a TV remote or even keyboard, steal your phone, visit and buy from stores, and so on.
And there we have it! Past all this, all the standard methods for training and caring for Pokemon apply! Sylveon, on the whole, are quite amicable, and most are perfectly content to chill out and cuddle when they aren't being high-chaos gremlins. They're fantastic battlers as well, with great durability, utility, and surprising potential for damage, amplified only by the love and friendship you provide one.
Give a Sylveon love, and - capital L - Love is what you get in return.
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chomperblue · 11 months ago
Oh, um. Yes I would appreciate that. A lot.
What is your experience with. Um. With Eevee?
I haven’t touched it, I didn’t have my gloves on me when I found it, but Cassia isn’t letting it go anywhere.
I feel bad about leaving Cassia there but it’s probably for the best that the Eevee doesn’t go anywhere. I’ll do some outreach and see if there’s any Eevee caretakers that can give me some pointers on how to handle this. I don’t have a lot of experience with Eevee.
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masked-vee · 26 days ago
Illusionary Take Down
Julius stomped around, plotting. He still blames Team Maelstrom for his predicament. He knew getting back at them would be easy, executing his plan, however will be a challenge. If he could get the group's demise to look like an accident, everyone would be none the wiser. But he had to be careful, since there was a bounty on his head.
Suddenly, he heard voices coming from the right of him.
It was them...
Team Maelstrom.
Now's his chance to eliminate them once and for all!
Rune stops, causing a concern amongst the group.
"What is it?" Dielle asked.
"Someone is following us." Rune answered.
Inigo looked around. "I don't see anything." He shrugged.
"Well, what do we have here?" Julius grinned. He turned his attention to Malachi. "Having fun playing leader, pet?"
Malachi said nothing as he arched his back, and started growling.
"You do know that word is degrading to former wild ones, right?" Inigo asked.
"I don't care if it's degrading or not." Julius snorted. "All I care about is making sure that ferals, like you, are at the bottom of the food chain." The Skuntank stomped towards Malachi, earning a hiss from the frightened Shinx.
"Hey! Back off!" Maelstrom snapped, making larger mon recoil.
"You have no place to tell me what to do, pebble!" Julius barked back. He stood up, and brought his huge paw down on Malachi! (Julius used Night Slash!) Rune jumped to protect her friend, only to take the powerful blow.
However... (It's not very effective!)
Rune's image faded as a masked Zorua tumbled on the ground. (Grey's illusion faded!)
"For not being very effective, that really hurt!" Grey snarled.
"The gig is up, guys. Grey's illusion is broken!" Dielle said as her appearance shifted to a masked Sprigatito. Inigo growled as his form shifted to a Cyclizar. Malachi stood up as he grabbed Maelstrom from his neck, and Julius watched as the rock became a green hilt, and a blade materialized, from her. And Malachi, no, Mouse, an Eevee, lunged at the Skuntank and swung their blade at him. (Mouse used Sacred Sword.)
"It's gonna take more than just a little swipe from a letter opener to knock me down!" Julius bellowed.
Claudia, the Cyclizar swung her tail at Julius, knocking off his feet. (Claudia used Breaking Swipe!)
"Okay, at first, I was amused, now, I'm angry..." The Skuntank growled. "Time for a little Noxious Gas!" He released a disgusting stench (Julius used Toxic and Venoshock, It's super effective on Tunip, the Sprigatito), expecting everyone to be severely poisoned, but to his dismay, his adversaries were one step ahead of him.
"Gross!" Elizabeth gagged.
"You guys should be writhing in agony! What gives!?" Julius yelled.
Grey dry heaved as she answered. "Pecha Scarf, stupid!" she shows the piece of cloth tied to her mask strap. Julius looked around and realized the whole team were all wearing a poison preventing Pecha Scarf.
"It doesn't stop it from doing severe damage to me." Tunip groaned. She ran up to the Skuntank and smacked mud in his face. (Tunip used Mud Slap. It's super effective!) "But we can worry about that once we subdue this outlaw!"
"You heard Tunip, Mouse! Time we finished him off!" Grey called as he grabbed Julius' paw as he tried to attack, and threw him to the ground. (Grey used Foul Play.)
"Oh, crap..." Julius whispered, as Mouse charged up their attack and swung a massive hammer at him. (Mouse used Gigaton Hammer.)
Julius tried to keep his balance, but his legs gave in from under him, and he collapsed.
"Now, let's tie up the stinker before he wakes up." Elizabeth said.
(The autism hit me again! Julius, Rune, Malachi, Inigo, and Dielle belong to @woo-led and their On Borrowed Time series @pmdobt. Hope you like this non-canon writing. also, it's my way of getting therapy after what that smelly jerk did to me as a kid.)
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