#eds zephyr
hypnoneghoul · 1 year
i would love to hear your ideas about eds haver zephyr (i believe thats what you were implying in the rain centric post)
yes yes exactly! Zephyr and Rain are eds besties for me! Under the cut!
i feel like Zephyr retired from the band because they could never listen to their body's limits and they fucked themself up even more than they were initially, basically reaching their limit. that's why I see them as a person always checking up on Rain, keeping him from overdoing it and all. Zephyr just doesn't want Rain to end up like them.
I think Zephyr's case of eds is more centred on pain than injuries themselves. yes, their hip or knee will sometimes pop out, but now it's more like a constant, all over pain, sharper in some places - a result of overdoing it for years.
i feel like they didn't really know something was wrong for the first few months or even years topside. how would they? there aren't illnesses like that in the pit and life on earth was just so different that maybe this too was normal? Zephyr just sucked it up, they're not the type to whine and complain, and lived not taking proper care of themself. the breaking point was when their wrist popped during one show and Zephyr thanked Satan their tears were hidden behind their mask. not because of pain or shame, but the realisation how wrong it all is and that's it's not gonna get better.
Zephyr is a proud mobility aids user (now), their "favourite" being forearm crutches or a simple cane on better days. they do have a wheelchair too, but they have some huge mental block against it.
Zephyr's packmates each found a way of helping them with their pain. Mountain with his weed and massages, Aether with his quintessence, Ifrit with his warmth. Even Dew, when he was a water ghoul, tried his best by getting Zeph to swim in the lake.
Rain feels deeply for the older ghoul, but he's also scared thats what's gonna happen to him. that's why Zephyr is really the only person Rain listens to when it comes to their illnesses.
@ominousposting sorry for tagging you out of nowhere, but i felt like you might like another eds post...
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ominousposting · 1 year
✨Disabled Ghouls✨
so real. so true
been thinking a lot of ehlers danlos syndrome havers rain and zephyr. ive also been thinking about maybe phoenix having it as well
zephyr definitely has the most severe case of the bunch, theyre old and have been around the ministry for a While. even as a human, their body did not treat them kindly, so its not surprising that their ghoul body is doing the same thing.
the same can be said for rain. constantly searching for doctors as a human before their death, never really finding the answer of what was wrong with them. zephyr was a big help in that way, they had already experienced everything rain had experienced years ago. they saw the signs in rain and made sure to reach out to them about how to take care of themself, lest they end up hurting themself unknowingly (like zephyr had down for years upon years)
rain and zephyr both are seeing the same thing in phoenix. phoenix, well. lets just say phoenix wasnt too old by the time they died and, in turn, didnt get to experience any intense issues as a human relating to their hypermobility. it was just a fun little party trick to them (“oh watch me put my foot behind my head!” “look at how far my elbows bend back!” “look at how far out i can turn my feet!”). now, since being brought back to earth as a ghoul, their body is starting to experience some issues. joints need to crack more often than the average body should need, joints are locking up, things of that nature. rain and zephyr make sure to keep an eye on them and help when needed.
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nytehavyn-circle · 2 months
/* for the vampires or Zephyr, or whoever you want to throw at Ed --@not-that-dillinger */
The only reason Ed ever visited bars was when he wasn't in a safe headspace to go home and Encom's walls felt more oppressive and confining than they did safe. That was exactly the reason why he was at this one.
Meetings with his boss, with casually veiled insinuations of corporate espionage or sabotage, in an office space that had once been his father's nearly three decades ago, and used to contain a unique touchscreen computer with a particular malicious AI that gave him nightmares as a kid, had a tendency to do that.
He sat in a dimly lit back corner of the bar with HeliOS booted on his computer and a grapefruit seltzer next to him. Code, he found, was always a good for distracting from unwanted trains of thought. Though he wasn't foolish enough to work on any of his projects for Encom in such a public place. What he was currently working on was debugging Talos, a program that was part assistive AI, and part system security.
He looked up from his screen, suddenly feeling the unease that someone was watching him. Ed closed out of what he was working on, and scanned the room over the top of his screen.
It was probably nothing, but with the restraining order fresh in his mind after his meeting with his boss, and considering that the legal protection it granted was about sturdy as the paper it was printed on when his father--CEO of the Encom's biggest competitor--could very easily bribe his way out of any repercussions or hire someone to carry out his threat of abduction, it never hurt to be cautious.
Zephyr watched this Ed person from a corner of the bar. Apparently, he was a big shot in the tech world. Was the son or grandson of a man who had created a giant virtual reality game. Zephyr didn't need to know the details. All he needed to know was a name, a place of business, or place of residence, and he did the rest.
Ed seemed paranoid. He was constantly looking over his shoulder. both figuratively and literally. Zephyr continued to watch him through his computer, having tapped into the security cameras on the bar, and having tapped into the guy's laptop camera. And no, Ed would not be alerted because Zephyr was just that good. He made a living doing this. And he would have been a shitty PI and a shitty hacker if his subjects knew they were being watched.
However, after another half hour of watching the paranoid man, Zephyr figured it was time to approach him on Terran's behalf. And if this Ed didn't know who Terran was, he was either living under a rock, or really didn't pay attention to news outlets or magazines.
Zephyr had a feeling that was not the case.
He opened up a dialogue box and typed- Hello, Mr. Dillinger, Jr. Look, I work for a Mr. Terran Nytefyer. I'm sure you know who he is?Billionaire, philanthropist, humanitarian... and no, he doesn't take after Mr. Stark. He's been around quite a lot longer than him. I am going to let you in on a little secret that might convince you to talk with me before I set up a meeting with Mr. Nytefyer.
What he's told the press, and the paparazzi, and several interviewers of countless magazines about being a Living Vampire... is the truth. Of course, no one but a handful of people believes it, chalking it up as a persona brought on by eccentricities that billionaires are apparently afforded.
Along with his public work, he also runs a rather secret information network. He has tasked me with finding you because he believed you'd be an asset.
If you're willing to talk, I'm sitting in the back corner of the bar. I am currently drinking a red citrus drink. The glass is rather tall, and the drink in said glass is carbonated and red, as I said before. It is sitting on the edge of the table.
When you approach me, just sit down. I promise not to bring attention to you. Especially since you look like someone who's being followed by someone other than me. And don't worry, I've tapped into the security cameras, I'll keep a watch on you.
If you choose not to approach me, I will return to Terran and tell him it's a no-go. After that, if he decides to approach you, he will do so himself. I'm just a precaution.
Zephyr hit 'Send', and then sat and waited, staring at the camera boxes on his screen.
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coarsely · 3 months
OC cuddle scale tag
Rules: Rate your OCs based on how they handle cuddling/being cuddled on a scale of 0-10
Many thanks to @noblebs for tagging me! This thing looks so cute and fun I absolutely have to participate! I have a lot of OCs so we might be here for a while but it's a very fun exercise to go through.
Saccade: 6/10
She's got biceps like cantaloupes, and is pretty tall, so you'd think she'd be great at it but she's pretty hesitant around touch for the most part, and so usually is pretty tense and awkward. She prefers to give people a handshake or a slap on the back rather than hugging them, and that hesitation comes through.
Vítor Cadogan: 2/10
You'd think a man whose occupation is looking after emotionally damaged children would be well used to giving hugs, but nope! He tends to leave that side of things to Apricity, preferring to be more of a steadfast emotionally dependent rock as opposed to a warm, nurturing personality. He's extremely awkward about it, and he's rather lanky physically, and isn't big on touch as a rule, so the whole thing doesn't suit him.
Ucalegon: 6/10
She's very sinewy, very thin, lots of bones and edges and hard muscle. Despite this, she does put her all into it, and often rocks the people she hugs gently in her arms. She doesn't much like being hugged, but doesn't mind hugging her friends and loved ones, of which there are many. She's also pretty strong and could lift most people, if you're into that.
Cerebellum: 8/10
Muscular, a little on the boney side but he makes it up with sheer enthusiasm. A hug from Cerebellum gets you lifted in the air and twirled around in excitement. He likes to hug his friends! But it can be a bit overwhelming for people not into that, alas.
Diomede: 5/10
He's bonier and thinner than he used to be these days, and is a lot more touch-starved than he ever was with the Vagor. So very hesitant and awkward for the most part, up until his desperation for human contact hits and then he's extremely clingy until you let go.
Hendrix: 2/10
Hendrix is thin, bony, very angular, slightly wet and cold, and has a number of very hard shell growths all over his body that can and do dig into the skin. The only reason why he's not 0/10 is because he does properly try to give you a bear hug if you ask (he's not large enough to really make it work but it's the thought that counts) and he's just about tall enough for most people to snuggle in nicely, it's just that you're snuggling into what feels like rocks.
Imperator V: 9/10
V is a gentle giant in every sense of the word (except for all the murders). He's very large, both muscular and with a healthy layer of fat on him, and while he is somewhat starved for real gentle human contact he's not socially aware enough to feel awkward about it when it is initiated. If you get his shirt off him, he's also pretty hairy. He'd make a great human blanket, if you asked. One mark deducted for the very real risk that you might get blood stains on you from hugging him. On account of all the murders.
Imperator III: 0/10
Sorry babe the armour that singes the flesh of the sinners and nonbelievers of the Empyrean's doctrine stays on during hugs.
Ed Edwards: 8/10
The man is over 7 feet all, and is a former boxer who has put on a lot of healthy weight in his sporting retirement. He is also, despite his bitter attitude and constant pissed off attitude, is someone who does quite like physical contact. He is touch starved also, which I'm coming to realise is pretty standard in this project, especially Bronze Eden. What intense cultural puritanism and Catholicism does to a motherfucker I guess. Anyway points deducted because he still doesn't quite know his own strength and will squeeze you a little too hard.
Sal Solomon: 1/10
Like hugging an unwashed porcupine.
Sylvester Praeceptor: 5/10
Probably the only person on this list that gets hugged somewhat regularly, by his favourite sibling and proverbial twin Jules. However he's not really big on physical contact outside of that, and rarely lingers in someone's embrace. He's fairly tall but quite thin, although his shoulders which are deceptively broad are probably nice to rest your head against if you want. All in all, fairly middle of the road hugger.
Potentate Magnus: 1/10
He's an emaciated 105 year old man with a very literal God complex. He doesn't hug and if he did it would be like hugging a skin-clad skeleton who actively thinks you are lesser than him. Also wouldn't take off his mask so you'd get stabbed by his horns.
Potentate Augustus: 1/10
He would think you were attacking him and would have a heart attack and die.
Potentate Boris: 6/10
Quite warm, very gentle and pleasant, but points deducted because he would start crying and make it awkward for everyone.
Potentate Salvatore: 7/10
He's more of a kiss on the cheek guy rather than a hug guy but he can and will do it, and is fairly warm and cozy, probably the most normal Potentate to hug. I wouldn't linger though, he gets creepy if you stay around him for too long.
Potentate Felipe: 0/10
Would get a stiffy, potentially cream his pants. Bad idea for everyone involved.
Potentate Clymene: 10/10
Warm, soft, smaller than you but properly wraps her arms around you and all around is a very comforting person to hug. Smells nice too, on account on all the floral perfumes she uses. And she won't tell you off for having bad manners for wanting a hug as others might do.
Potentate Zephyr: 3/10
Clymene took all the good hugging genes 😔 he is tall, lanky, and usually is awkward, tense and uncomfortable, but is much more open and warm around Clymene, who is the main person he's hugging. Again, they're probably the only siblings in this miserable family who genuinely like each other.
Potentate Louis: 2/10
Like his uncle Zephyr, he is awkward, tense and uncomfortable, and has the same lankiness Zephyr has (although isn't as tall). He is also chronically touch starved, but will snuggle nicely given the opportunity. Unfortunately you might get hair gel on you, nothing we can do about that.
Sorry for writing so much, games like this really make me realise how many characters I have in this current project 😅 I'm tagging @woundlight, @chauceryfairytales, @dyrewrites, @albatris, @solipseismic and as always anyone else who wants to give this a shot! It was a really cute and fun thing to do!
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plixiedust · 3 months
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OCS YAY!!!!! horribly mentally messed up siblings who cheered. content warning for probably disturbing descriptions 😭
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yourplayersaidwhat · 1 year
My party of 4 plus 1 NPC were investigating a ancient shrine when we got side tracked finding a dead Satyr. As we investigate the scene we find ourselves surrounded by bramble blights. We rolled low and everyone took some big hits for about 25% of our health *lvl 6 party* our artificer took some massive hits and was down to single digits.
On my turn *ranger* i knew I had to try to draw some fire.
I was struck with an evil but cunning plan.
Activated zephyr strike to get out of attack range and in the middle of the enemy circle.
Party lost their shit for a solid 5 minutes. DM absolutely face palming but laughing as well.
Successfully aggro-ed the enemies. Party able to take out all enemies with no downs. DM begrudgingly gave me inspiration.
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mutt-sys · 5 months
Disables your ghouls
Dewdrop;BPD, chronic fatigue, insomnia
Phantom; AuDHD, OCD, hEDS, tic disorder, maladaptive daydreaming disorder
Aurora; Epilepsy, psychosis, stutter
Rain; Tic disorder, EDS, PoTS, number dyslexia
Mountain; Deaf, epilepsy, OCD, autism
Ifrit; partially blind, BPD, dyslexia
Alpha; NPD, selective mute, dysgraphia
Cowbell; DID, selective mute, social anxiety
Zephyr; hEDS, chronic fatigue, narcolepsy+ cataplexy
Pebble: Epilepsy, tremor, autism
Please ask me about my headcanons so I can infodump:3
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belokhvostikova · 1 year
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | Swearing, vaginal sex, and use of safe word (playful nature, not graphic).
𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬, 𝐃𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭.
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Fucking flowers.
If not for the reason of being gifted to you as a sign of unconditional love, what good are they for?
By the coming month of April, humid warmth had suffocated Hawkins, Indiana to no avail, compelling a moody metalhead to become a sweaty, moody metalhead; the universe’s disastrous attempt of combining homeostasis with leather and chains.
On the bright side, the muggy atmosphere had a beautiful tendency of trapping hot girls, like yourself, into obtaining skimpy outfits of tank tops and short shorts that were surely in no complaints to the wandering eyes of boyfriends, Eddie Munson alike.
Although, the blissfulness could only be something of a short-lived experience, when suddenly his eyes would water, vision too blurry by the fault of a fucking flower to see you prancing around in practically nothing. It was times like these he hated his eyes for being so big; wider diameter meaning bigger target- or whatever the hell made sense in his Eddie Munson Doctrine under the section of allergies.
And look, Eddie wasn’t one to necessarily care of bullshit schtick of traditional masculinity, but it sure as hell bruised his ego facing the reality that a speckle of yellow dust on a Marigold could wipe him out. That’s like having a peanut allergy, the fuck?!
The trailer was supposed to be his safe haven—where buzzing bees, blistering heat, growing plants, and an environment swallowed by nefarious pollen couldn’t get to him—but when the air conditioner hit its celebratory age of becoming geriatric, windows were forced open for the hopefully possibility that the night could bring a small zephyr cool enough to dry sweaty skin.
Especially when nightly activities brought on more sweat than usual…
“Oh- fuck!” Eddie knew it was simply uncomfortable perspiration, but the way your skin glowed like you were glazed with glimmers made his cock spur, particularly more when cheeks were exposed by cutoff denim, and tits were bouncy free without the support of a constricting bra.
Eddie Munson had prowled onto you like a predator catching its prey. “So fucking tight- mm, shit, baby!” Positioned onto your side, Eddie took the liberty of raising your thigh open, your foot playing its part to secure itself behind his leg to hold in place.
“H-Harder, please, Eds!” Not one to disobey, Eddie’s pelvis had slammed against your backside, letting the bush of curls tickle your ass as your grinded back in seek of release.
His movements were enough to drool out your arousal, letting his tightening balls of heavy cum become coated in your juices, as he drilled into your pussy. A snaked arm under your neck had led to his grabby hands squeezing down to your boob, your perked nipple rubbing against a callous on his palm that had your mewling with new sensations.
“Fuck, yes! Back that ass into me, sweetheart! Fucking do it- so fucking delicious!” Eddie was becoming delirious from the grip of your cunt, letting his mouth fall open with gasps of ecstasy, so vulnerable to the yellow devil that awaited him outside.
And it struck with an onslaught of no mercy, riding the warm breeze as a means to weak sinuses, ready to cock block a desperate metalhead, who four hours ago was wishing death to all pollen and pollen-things alike.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum! Don’t stop, ugh, keep going!” Having your pussy pulsate with tightening clenches was enough to bring your boyfriend to brink of stuffing you full. But a tickle in his nose had suddenly snapped some coherency to the reality of his sensitive nasal cavity, and Eddie knew it was a losing game.
“Princess! Mm, oh my god, oh my-” Ever the gentleman, Eddie head quickly maneuvered his head away to save you from the sprays of snot. A guttural sneeze of ear-splitting volume had startled you in the midst of sex, constraining you to look back at your giggling boy toy.
Movements of thrusts surely halted, you laughed. “Bless you.” A groan of embarrassment, yet amusement, was all you were met with, as Eddie pulled out against both your wishes to lay back in defeat.
“Shit, I’m sorry.” Stuffed to oblivion, his voice and chuckles had been tainted with mucus. You’d turn to face him, ready to soothe his aggravated nose bridge, but stubborn as ever, he refused. “No, don’t look at me, I’m all gross!” Eddie whined, shoving your face away with no real force.
You beamed. “No, it’s okay, let’s keep going.”
“Nuh-uh! Ozzy, I’m calling my safe word, can’t do nothing about it now. No, no!” He incoherently laughed, as though he got the last one. The notion of another man being your safe word was a conversation for another day.
“I ruined it, ugh, I ruined everything!” He dramatically wailed. “I sneezed, got the sniffles, now my ears are- fuck,” a big yawn ripped from him, “I’m yawning now, fuck! I’m humiliated.”
Refusing to accept his pity party, you turned his chin to meet his lips with a savoring kiss that had him groaning with want. “No-” *kiss* “No, baby-” *kiss* “I just sneezed-” *kiss* “I probably have snot all over-”
“You don’t.” You swallowed his lips, leaving him to whine.
“Okay, good.” He chuckled against you mouth. You hoisted your leg over his hips to straddle him, and line his cock to the clenching entrance of your pussy to finish what he started.
“Uh- fuck!”
Pollen: 23,738
Eddie: 1 *ding ding ding* (a very lucky one)
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 | Inspired by this audio! Had to Eddie-fy it, of course. Sounded too much like an Eddie Munson situation, lol.
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puppsworld · 5 months
omg hi i saw you said you wanted to be asked about ghoul hc's and I love your ideas so I have questions >:3
i hope its ok that im asking about something related to like . whats admittedly my guilty pleasure headcanon bc it lets me project onto the ghouls sobs but . i know chronically ill zeph + occasionally rain and phantom is a common hc, but is that something you have ideas for ? bc I've seen some neat ideas about how chronic illnesses manifest for ghouls vs humans, so I was curious :3
ok so, here is ^^ my list of ghouls and some of the medical stuff i hc them with: (big list,,, ish. so imma put it under tha cut ^^)
Omega: - Hip Dysplasia (Uses a Cane) Delta: - Ménière’s disease: a balance disorder. It’s caused by an abnormality in part of the inner ear called the labyrinth. Fluid buildup here can cause a severe spinning feeling (vertigo) and affect the hearing. (Due to balance problems he requires crutches) - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Extreme fatigue that can't be explained by an underlying medical condition. - Acquired Immune Deficiency: Immune system weakened due to elemental transition Aether: - Rheumatoid arthritis Phantom: - Hypermobile EDS (hEDS) - Stomach / Digestive issues caused by his hEDS Aurora: - Hypermobile EDS (hEDS) - Heartburn caused by her hEDS Zephyr: - Idiopathic Scoliosis - Sciatica - Chronic Pain - Fatigue Dewdrop: - Acquired Immune Deficiency: Immune system weakened due to elemental transition
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jesusbutbetterrr · 10 months
Phantom discovers the concept of giving blood and fails to act normal about it
Swiss has a bite mark Aurora has left on his hip area tattoo-ed on so it never leaves (of course she was the one to tattoo it)
Raindrop in one of those relationships where they desperately want to love each other but they literally aren't meant for each other in any way, shape, or form. But they don't do anything about it because they don't want to address it, because if they don't maybe it will work out.
Zephyr will almost always go with Cirrus when she practices ballet alone, partially for the company, mostly just to stare at her in awe
Aurora with a stutter
Mountain not being able to fuck with gluten
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edzephyr · 1 year
Destination: Trek debrief in link above !
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hypnoneghoul · 1 year
anymore eds ideas about the ghouls?
hm, i may run out of ideas soon, but i still can dig up something more. and excuse me if it's messy (I got a bit drunk, day off work). as usual, tho, zeph and rain with eds. bit angsty.
under the cut
i may have hinted at that before, but I think that rain's biggest fear is loosing the ability to play bass. it's his passion, something he loves dearly and cannot imagine his life without. he does sometimes have issues with it, his fingers or wrists locking, sometimes even shoulders. he usually cries then, completely breaking down, because "what if he wont be able to do one thing that's keeping him up anymore"? its fucking shit.
zephyr, on the other hand, is way more gone, in this case. they can barely play piano anymore, and when they do it's usually as a form of self-harm. sitting down to a random keyboard or the chapel organ and playing. or trying too. then they break down, every time, sometimes smacking their (now) useless hands against whatever hard enough surface is around. it happened more than once, ifrit having to drag them away, or even aether having to knock them out with his magic. zephyr fucking hurts, but whats worst is that they realise perfectly well that they put themself in this situation. on their own. them not caring aboult themself enough, countlessly overdoing themself led up to this.
rain cares about zephyr, and zephyr about rain exactly because of that. rain feels sorry for zeph, and zeph doesnt want rain to end up like him. its a weird relationship, build on pain, but sometimes all they both need it themselves, someone who understands.
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h0neybane · 2 months
ZVA worldbuilding
just some world building for my ghibli-inspired-twst school, zephyr valley academy! this'll all be in a similar order to the one of the wiki page for night raven college
you can definitely apply to get in but i do think some students are handpicked for different reasons!
i think one of the best parts of ghibli films are the walking shots. moments in which characters are just walking to their next destination and you get to see the environment and detailing in the background... i think hayao miyazaki called them something, but i cant remember what it is.
the reason i bring this up is because i think when students are enrolled in ZVA, since the academy is in such a remote and rural area, they're dropped off at a certain point and then have to travel on foot to the building for the entrance ceremony. i dont think it's a long walk by any means: maybe like 30 minutes max and that's pushing it.
but i do think there are a lot of sights the students get to see while walking there. mountainsides, fields, lakes, undisturbed by society.. it's a very peaceful place. i also think maybe the walk should be timed with the sunrise? just cus its cool
during the entrance ceremony each student will receive a broach with their magestone, in which the color matches their dorm (link in next point!)
i mentioned this in my original uniform post, but also during the entrance ceremony, incoming first years recieve an enchanted leaf laurel and boa (shown here) that doesn't have any flowers. throughout their time at the academy, flowers representing them will sprout from the leaves. here's a timeline of the progression of the flowers:
first year: pretty much empty at the start of the year. little sprouts may begin to grow throughout their first year, and most have 2-5 small flowers. especially exceptional students may already have one or two bigger flower buds
second year: more sprouts start to grow, lots of wild variants; i think the second year is where students begin to experiment a little. by the end of the year, most have bigger flowers waiting to bloom. some exceptional students will have fully bloomed flowers already
third year: big flower buds begin to bloom throughout the year. many have grown a lot as mages over their time. by the end of the year, third year students will have rows of flowers around their shoulders and head.
fourth year: fully bloomed. students enter internships and graduate :]
ALSO the boa and laurel change colors with the seasons until it goes into full bloom where its enchanted to always be healthy and bloomed
i think itd make sense for ZVA to have a large (at least larger than usual) fae population considering how nature-connected it is...
ZVA is a co-ed school!!! both girls and boys attend!!!
i feel like ZVA is younger than NRC and RSA but not by very much! where NRC and RSA are 500 years old (i'm saying 500 for simplicity sake; according to the wiki, it's AT LEAST 500), ZVA would probably be 400-300 years old.
here are the figures each dorm is based on, in no particular order (some of these are undecided and will be added later!)
the wizard of ingary (howl from howl's moving castle)
i cant decided between kaonashi (no face) or haku for spirited away... maybe i'll do a special case where the dorm itself is split into two?
undecided (ponyo)
undecided but im considering doing an offshoot dorm/group based around that boar thing from the start of the movie.. (princess mononoke)
castle in the sky (undecided)
undecided (kiki's delivery service... it might just be kiki but i need to watch the movie before i decide)
i dont have any values for them for now (like how heartslabyul is based on queen of hearts and her severity, savanaclaw is based on king of beasts and tenacity, etc) but i think ill come up with them after some watching...
i also want to add traces of other movies that arent dorms! maybe in events or classes? speaking of events...
traditions and events:
VDC/SDC is definitely one of them! i think they get pretty far in the competition for the cute peaceful vibes but then i think they get beat out by nrc and rsa LOL
interdorm magift/spelldrive: i dont think theyre like SUPER GOOD but also i do think they've won a couple of times
i mentioned this as a serencor (howl dorm) tradition but wouldnt it be so cute if there was a hat-making event honoring sophie... LIKE IMAGINING HOWL MAKING IT A THING JUST FOR HER... AUGUHGJHGJ
halloween: i think itd be interesting if some of the creepier stuff from ghibli films popped up here (say, no face/kaonashi and the boar worm god thing from princess mononoke)
something spirited away related. i DONT KNOW WHAT but its spirited away related.
ZVA is known for its nature and being super duper peaceful!! it has a really good reputation among the public and its up there with RSA and NRC!
but at the same time i think itd be so funny if some of the other magic schools made fun of them for being hippies or something LMFAO
uniforms: (i WILL draw all these ideas i PROMISE)
i already did the normal school uniform (here) but i do think there are variations to it for summer and winter! like NRC, ZVA provides a winter coat and has an alternate summer uniform (it's pretty much just the same but short silk socks instead of stockings or kneesocks and short sleeved shirts)
ceremonial robes: i have no idea yet but im so excited to design them... im thinking going in the direction of a kimono or yukata as a homage to ghibli being based in japan
pe uniform: im sorry but nrc's PE uniforms are so. ugly. i think maybe a t-shirt and some shorts + socks? classic
labwear: pretty much the same as nrc's tbh. lab safety is important chat (IM LOOKING AT YOU 90% OF TWST CAST. PUT YOUR FUCKIN HAIR UP)
that's all i have for now! but i will make another one continuing on this tomorrow probably! as always, feel free to give me input!
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lelanida · 1 year
Prepare to dive into the depths of Megabird and Angst lore. Today, we'll talk about a group of gods known as Four of the Isle.
These fellas were living in my head rent-free for a very long time, and I made a lot of sketches with them. But I guess it's finally time to choose the least cringe drawings and explain why I love these ancient gods so much.
The Four of the Isle.
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The main idea behind them is that prophets from Isle of Dawn didn't just randomly choose animals for their masks. They outplayed some characters. A gods. Season of Passage proved that masks had a very important role in the ancient kingdom. And that these masks are... alive? There clearly was someone behind those masks. So why can't it be the same for Prophecy?
Four of the Isle were worshiped before the King, and even before the Elders. Megabird didn't create them. They appeared because people wanted them to be real. And so they possess(ed) their own kind of energy, which later took form of the gifts of water, earth, air and fire. Let's take a closer look at them.
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Aquatis, Terra, Zephyr, and Flamer were original gods of the Isle and used to take care of its inhabitants. But after Daleph's sudden appearance, they decided to retire and give up their powers to someone who would be able to finish a specific trial. We all know where it led. The Daleph himself, by the way, wasn't against Fours's presence.
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"But where is the ultimate mask?" You may ask. Don't worry, we are almost there.
Last but not least, fifth god of Four of the Isle (yes, I know how stupid this sounds) is Miru.
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Miru was believed to be a messenger god of the Four with a gift of future vision. While being the youngest in the pantheon, he was the first to gain a prophet so he could bring his prophecies to the people. Miru and Prophecy guide had a really deep connection with each other.
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Miru believed that the gift of knowing the future is far too dangerous to be given to people, so he didn't create a trial. He disappeared the same day the shattering diamond exploded.
Thank you for reading.
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nosferatu-png · 3 months
Ghoul lore you say? 👀
Do you have any disabled ghoul hcs? Otherwise ramble on my guy! It’s so fun to hear how ppl interpret and write ghost lore
A lot of my ghouls are disabled!!! Lots of things between the impact of summoning and various other things
The most developed one is Zephyr, with Chronic pain and Pulmonary Fibrosis. They have oxygen and different mobility aids!!
Ivy has chronic migraines
I also do very much love Phantom with EDS (projection gang). That is a Wiggly Ghoul. He also has some sensory processing issues!
Rain with POTS is another big one for me, and Dew is asthmatic. Cirrus has back pain that spreads through her tail and wings
There are definitely more, but these are the ones off the top of my head!!!
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memoria-99 · 3 months
Ok someone wrote about Blood in Roses pronounciation after Wizardess Heart... so I'd post mine too because why not
Alfred: Al-fred (is there any different way?)
Rupert: Roo-purt
Jack: Jack
Daniel: Dan E L
Raymond: Ray(like day)-mond(from almond)
Humphrey: Hum-free
Dominik: Domin(ant)-ik(like sick)
Cedric: Sehd-rik(like sick)
Spade: Spay-d
Edgar: Ed(like Edward)-gar(bage)
Lionel: Lion L
Gordon: Gor(geous)-(par)don
Ioannis: Yo-an-nis
Finn: Fin(ish)
Rogan: Ro-gun
Michalis: Mi-kal-lis
Cecil: Seh-sil
Gerard: Jerar-d
Rosario: Ro-sa-rio
Zephyr: Zeh-fi-rr(?)
Bradley: Bread-lee
Bridget: Bri-jit
Sascha: Sas-cha
Shiki: Shi-ki
Vance: Van-s
Jay: J
Evan: Eh-vahn
Caelus: Ka-el-lus
Matilda: Ma-til-da
Kenneth: Ke-nehth
Seth: Seth
Tatiana: Ta-ti-ana
Harold: Heh-rolled
Alissa: Al-lisa
And dhampir: dam-pi-rr
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