#eddy martinez
dxrlinggxd · 2 years
thinking about how emila, daisybilly & karengraham are 3 different types of doomed love. all their relationships were stuck at different stages -- emila was unrequited. daisybilly was requited but they couldnt do anything about it. karengraham did do something about it. and at the end of it all these three relationships were why the band broke up
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sadboi-writer · 2 months
Dear Jack (Series)
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Chapter Five: Swords and Magic
Summary: Milton and Y/N get bailed on by their friends because it's "not their thing". But, Rudy offers to help. Then the dojo realizes they're stronger together.
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, medieval cursing
Masterlist ~ Chapter Four ~ Chapter Six
Everyone was stretching in the dojo when Jerry ran in.
"Guys, huge problem!" He started, "Kelsey Vargas, the coolest girl in school, is on her way down here."
"Don't panic." Jack assured, "We've trained for this. Guys, bust out the emergency deodorant."
Y/N rolled their eyes, "So you'll put on deodorant for Kelsey, but not for Kim and I? Way to make some girls feel special."
Jerry rolled his eyes, "I don't need deodorant!"
"Yes, you do." Y/N said
"We all need deodorant. We're teenage boys." Milton replied, " Our bodies are a smorgasbord of smells.
Eddie nodded, "I'm not taking any chances, I'm wearing a necklace made of air fresheners right now."
He pulled out a necklace of tree shaped air fresheners and inhaled.
"This week I'm Alpine Meadow."
Jerry shook his head and turned to Y/N and Kim.
"I told Kelsey I was a martial arts expert and the youngest sensei in history." Jerry explained
Y/N cackled, "Oh, you're screwed dude."
Kim made a face and walked off. Rudy approached Jerry.
"Jerry," Rudy greeted
"Oh, Rudy, Kelsey's on her way." Jerry replied, "Dude, please hook me up with that black belt!" Rudy frowned, "You can't have this belt! Its a symbol of hard work, honor, and respect."
"Well, then why do you use it to walk your dog?" Jack asked
Rudy turned to Jack, "That was one time and it was an emergency. I had a pug with the squirts and new white carpet! Look, can we stop talking and get to sparring please?"
Rudy looked around, " Jerry, you're up against Kim. Milton, you're with Y/N. Eddie, you're with Jack."
"Jack?!" Eddie despaired
Jack did some warm up moves, much to Eddie's dismay. Y/N chuckled.
"Don't scare him too much, Jack." They hollered
Jack smiled, "Wouldn't dream of it."
"Uh, hold on. My phone is vibrating," Eddie panicked, " You know I hate to be that guy but- Hello?"
Eddie held his wallet to his face.
"You mean the guy who pretends his wallet is a phone?" Jack replied
Eddie shushed him, "Please, shh! Can you hear me now?"
And Eddie left the dojo.
Rudy clapped his hands, "Come on, guys, let's go!"
As they all prepped to spar, Kelsey walked into the dojo she stopped standing next to Rudy. Y/N waved lightly as they settled into their stance opposite Milton.
"Hi, Jerry," Kelsey greeted
Jerry spun around, "Kelsey, what a surprise."
"So, these are your students who fear and respect you?" She asked
Kim smiled tightly, "Yes, we are. I'm about to fear and respect the living grits out of him right now."
"Oh, no," Jerry panicked, quietly toward Kim, "Not my grits, I'm gonna need my grits!"
Kim was quick to grab his arm and flip him. Y/N cackled, offering Kim a high five.
"Wipeout!" Y/N chuckled
Jerry stumbled to his feet, "Yeah, I'd say you've got that move down pretty well! Oh, you guys take a five. Kelsey and I are gonna get a froyo."
Jerry stumbled toward Kelsey and Rudy.
"Oh, come on, Kelsey," Jerry groaned
Kelsey put out her arm to go with him, but Jerry stumbled and wrapped his arm around Rudy instead. Leaving Kelsey confused.
At school the next day, Jerry was all grump because of Kim embarrassing him.
He stalked down the stairs, "Hey, thanks a lot, Kim! You cost me a date with the coolest girl in school!"
"What are you gonna do, sensei, "She asked sarcastically, "throw me out of the dojo?"
Eddie chuckled.
"Kim, in the future, let's respect Jerry enough not to embarrass him in front of the girls he's lying to." Jack teased
Jerry completely missed the point, "Thank you , Jack! It's called decency, Kim."
The four heard a kazoo playing fanfare and kids laughing on the other end of the hall. They watched as Milton and Y/N marched through in totally embarrassing (in their opinion) royal garb.
Milton trotted to the staircase and announced, "All hail Miltonius, and his enchanting sidekick the Lady Y/N/N! The newly crowned king and queen of Narnia!"
"See, Milton, this is the reason you had to go to spring formal with a bio lab skeleton." Jack pointed out, "And Y/N what are you doing?"
"I'll have you know that Bonita is an excellent dancer," Milton protested
Y/N shrugged, "I'm having fun, Jack. I even made mine and Milton's outfits, do you like?"
Y/N did a little twirl, showing off the intricate design they'd sewn. Jerry smiled and offered a little clap for them.
Eddie interjected, "Hey, I know what's going on! It's that time of year when all the dorks come out and play swords and magic in the park!"
"Or if it rains we use the bingo hall at the senior center!" Milton added, "We tear it up!"
"Yeah we do!" Y/N cheered, giving Milton a high-five
As they spoke, Kelsey walked past the group.
"Hi, Jerry," She greeted
Jerry pushed Milton and Y/N out of the way, "Hey, Kelsey. I was just talking to these kids I've never seen before! I don't even know their names! Right, Milton? Really, Jerry?"
Milton ignored him, "Guys, big news! This year, you guys are all gonna participate in the battle with us!"
"It's going to be so fun!" Y/N chimed in
"What happened to all your other friends?" Kim asked, "You know, the ones who throw up when I try to talk to them."
"This years things are a little complicated," Milton explained, " Francis has a bassoon recital, Jeffrey is a finalist in the Mathlympics, and Louis got grounded for teaching his cockatiel bed words."
"Dude, we're not gonna be a part of your nerdfest," Jerry protested
Milton chuckled, "Very funny, Jerry."
"Nerdfest is in Minneapolis in October, duh!" Y/N laughed
Jack stood, "See, Milton, a bunch of dudes in tights running around the woods beating each other senseless with foam swords-- It's just not our thing."
"Well, it's our thing," Milton proposed, gesturing to Y/N, " And we wanna share this moment with my best friends. That's you guys."
Eddie shook his head, "I don't know. I just quit the cello and threw out my panda bear backpack. I'm just starting to get cool!"
"Come on! Just give it a chance!" Milton pleaded
Y/N looked at the ground, realizing their friends weren't going to budge. Which suddenly made them feel very uncomfortable in their outfit.
"Soon you'll know the exhilaration of bonding down a hill, cape aflutter, to slay a half-elf with a foam rubber axe!" Milton insisted, "Are you with me? All for one and one for- Gah!"
He shouted in despair as he realized the rest of their friends had left them.
"I probably lost them at 'cape aflutter'!" He bemoaned
Y/N played with the lace on the cuffs of their sleeves, pulling lightly at the loose threads they had yet to surge off. Milton came over and put a hand on their shoulder.
"I already made their outfits," Y/N mumbled
"I know, buddy, I know." Milton said empathetically before guiding them away
After school, Milton and Y/N were the first to the dojo. Immediately, Milton was complaining to Rudy while Y/N sat sullenly on a bench.
"I can't believe our own friends bailed on us!" Milton grumbled
Rudy shrugged, "I don't know. Running around in the woods, beating other dudes senseless with foam swords? That just sounds like a good time to me!"
Milton huffed, "Y/N made their costumes and everything!"
"You know what?" Rudy asked, "I love stuff like this!"
Y/N's eyes shot up, a small smile on their face. Milton turned and looked at their sensei.
"Are you saying you'll go into battle with me?" Milton asked hopefully
Rudy smiled, "It would be an honor... my lord."
Rudy bowed to Milton, who couldn't wipe the smile from his face.
"Wow," Milton acknowledged, "You two may be the only real friends I have."
Milton turned and grabbed a bo staff off the wall. He held it high with a smile.
"With this bo staff I bud thee, Rudy, my faithful squire!" Milton announced
"I can't believe it," Rudy giggled, "I'm a squire! I'm a squire! I'm a squire!"
That weekend, Rudy, Y/N, and Milton all took to the park with their weapons and costumes to go into battle. Rudy, being the squire, had the backpack full of everything. The three stumbled into the clearing where battle would start.
Rudy gasped for air, "You know, I don't think this squiring thing is for me."
"This turkey leg isn't gonna salt itself!" Milton insisted
Y/N chuckled, "My lord, I think we ought to give him a break."
Rudy huffed and pulled out his salt shaker, salting the turkey leg as Milton had asked.
"Dang it, I left my grape juice in the Port-a-Pooper!" Milton complained
Rudy shook his head.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Go get it!"
Rudy turned and hobbled away to get Milton his grape juice. Y/N turned to Milton.
"Don't get me wrong, Mil. I'm glad Rudy is here," Y/N began, "But, I kind of wish Jerry or at least Eddie was here."
Milton sighed, "Yeah, me too. But, at least Rudy didn't leave us hanging, right?"
Y/N shrugged, "Yeah, I guess it just hurts that they weren't really willing to do for us what we do for them. I almost kissed Truman for Eddie, and he won't put on a cape and beat some guys up for us?"
"Yeah, I know Y/N/N, but we have each other. And we have Rudy."
Meanwhile, back at the dojo Jack, Eddie, and Kim exited into the food court as Jerry danced up. He was in a really good mood.
"Oh, guys, check it out! I smoothed everything out with Kelsey!" Jerry announced, " I promised I would never lie to her again, and I got a date with her this afternoon."
"Yeah!" Eddie encouraged
"The kid is back in the game! Whoo!" Jerry cheered
Jack dapped him up. But Eddie pointed out something behind them both.
"Nerd alert," Eddie stated
They turned around as Sidney and his friends approached.
"Greetings. We are the Dark Knights!" Sidney announced, "Warriors known for being brave and ferocious and-"
Kim cut him off, "Ferocious? Sidney, you cried in science when your fruit fly died."
"That fruit fly left behind 3,000 babies." Sidney narrowed his eyes, " Milton and Y/N said they put together a band of loyal warriors that will finally capture our grail and defeat us. Like that's going to happen!"
Sidney gave his best (yet it was still terrible) evil laugh. Jack cringed.
"Dude, dude, dude," Jack protested, "That evil laugh is so not working."
Sidney turned to his other friend, "Thanks, Benny. You told me it was intimidating!"
Benny shrugged, Sidney stormed off past him. Leaving the four Wasabi warriors in their place.
Jack was first to break the silence.
"Woah, guys, Milton and Y/N called us their loyal warriors." Jack considered, "Now they're gonna be out there all alone against a flock of dweebs hopped up on Honey Buns."
Kim grimaced, "Uhm, Jack, are you saying we should go to the park and help them? Because, uhh- I-- I can't. My, uh, Aunt Charlotte-- yeah, she's coming in from, uhm, Charlotte and we're gonna go watch Charlotte's Web. Wow, I am not good at lying."
Jack sighed, "Look, they've both always been there for us! Jerry, what about that time where you tried to get Kelsey jealous by making her think you were dating a cheerleader? Who helped you out?"
"Milton," Jerry conceded, "Wow, you're right. He was there for me... Did you know that Brian Donnelly actually asked him out?"
"Eddie," Jack insisted, "What about you? You hate going to visit your nana."
Eddie nodded, "That's because she always wants to do things to my hair."
"But who always goes with you?" Jack asked
"Y/N and Milton," Eddie answered, "Sometimes I think nana loves them more than me. And I'm okay with that!"
"And Kim!" Jack continued, "What about that time at the St.Patrick's Day Concert when you lost your voice? Who got you through that?"
Kim sighed as she thought back, "Y/N."
Jack looked around at his friends.
"Guys, I think you know what we have to do." He incited
They all went inside and changed into the outfits Y/N had hung up for them in the locker room. Eddie and Jack exited, Eddie dressed like a bardish elf and Jack dressed like an English knight.
"Seriously?" Eddie complained, "Is this really what we have to do?"
"Yes, it is!" Jack insisted, grimacing himself
The two tried to adjust themselves to be as comfortable as possible. As Kim and Jerry exited. Kim wearing the pink and purple princess dress that had been sewn for her, and Jerry in his tartan kilt.
"Come on," Jerry grumbled, "Let's go to the park."
"I don't get it," Kim groaned, "Why do I have to be the princess?"
"I am not swapping!" Eddie was quick to say
Then the four took off toward the park. Jerry slowed for a moment and looked at a lady who had been staring.
"Hey lady," he snapped, "Eyes up here, okay? Ugh, these sexy legs are a curse!"
The four tromped through the park, out of breath and sweaty as all get out.
"I can't take this anymore!" Eddie hollered, "It's hot, my feet are killing me, and these elf ears are starting to get sweaty!" He pulled one of the ears off and wrung out the sweat from it to prove his point. Causing Jack and Kim to grimace.
"You don't get to complain," Jack countered, "We could have stayed on the path to the battlefield, but noOoOoO, you knew a shortcut through the woods!"
Jack snatched the ear out of Eddies hand and yelled into it.
"This is not a shortcut Eddie!"
"Relax!" Eddie insisted, "I'm an Explorer Scout! I was trained to navigate by the stars!"
Kim started smacking her palm with her wand, "Oh, I can help you see the stars alright!'
Jack grabbed her shoulders and stopped as she moved towards Eddie angrily.
"Woah, woah, come on guys," He mediated, "We have to focus. Their battle starts in a half-hour."
Meanwhile, Milton and Y/N stood with Rudy as they met at the summit prior to the battle.
"So, where is this big loyal army you've been bragging about?" Sidney asked
"Yeah, guys, where are they?" Sidney's wizard asked
Rudy stuck his arm out, "I've got this, your highnesses. Yeah, we may be outnumbered, but my king and our queen have the heart of a lion! And I have the speed of a--a-- you know those animals with the pointy ears and they're really fast?"
"A gazelle?" Sidney offered
"Yeah," Rudy agreed, "Wait, no, no, they're skinny and they don't really run so much as--as just bound! And they kind of go grrr! And, oh it's right on the tip of my tongue!"
"Squire!" Milton interjected, "Let's just go over the rules. One, the first team to capture the other's grail and place it on the pedestal of glory next to their own is the winner."
Sidney nodded, "Rule two, if you get struck on the chest you're out."
"Cheetah!" Rudy shouted, "Sorry, it's the animal I was thinking of earlier. It just popped into my head. Sorry, keep going."
Y/N stepped up, "Rule three, no cursing or foul language. Unless it's a medieval word like 'zounds'!"
The Dark Knights gasped, Rudy placed a hand on their shoulder.
"Y/N, you are better than that!" Rudy insisted
"Not today I'm not," They smirked
The three went to their base to prepare for battle. They watched the Dark Knights parry with their swords.
"Oh, this will not end well for us," Y/N mumbled,"Milton, I fear our defeat is imminent."
Milton looked at Y/N with a bit of sadness in his eyes.
"Rudy, this looks bad," Milton spoke, "They'll be coming for our grail soon and I think you should know, I probably won't be going home with you."
Rudy's eyes hardened, "No, don't you talk like that. You're so young! You've got your whole life ahead of you."
"No!" Milton clarified, "I won't be going home with you because my mom is picking me up here to take me to the orthodontist."
Rudy nodded, "Look, whatever happens down there, It's been an honor to serve under you."
Rudy saluted vigorously. Y/N smiled.
"Rudy, can I get a ride back to the dojo after this?" Y/N asked
He nodded.
"Rudy, I've been thinking," Milton said, "If you're the only one who stood by us."
Milton looked to Y/N for permission, they nodded willingly. Milton unsheathed his sword.
"I hereby dub thee, Sir Rudy, our faithful knight!"
"I can't believe this!" Rudy cheered, "It's all happening so fast! Pretty good for a kid from the wrong side of the tracks with nothing but a pocketful of dreams! Not gonna cry... not gonna cry."
"Get it together!" Y/N snapped
The fanfare blew as they said that.
"We're going into battle," Milton announced
Y/N drew their rubber sword, Milton handed Rudy his then pulled a backup.
"Men, I can think of no greater warriors to fight with." Y/N complimented, "May our souls be lain in glory."
The Dark Knight collectively yelled, "Charge!" Then, Milton, Rudy, and Y/N were back to back. A triangle of threat to anyone who dared go for their grail.
All the while, Jack, Jerry, Eddie, and Kim were still running from the bees that they'd agitated.
"I think we finally lost the bees," Jack panted, "Where's Kim and Eddie?"
Jerry huffed and puffed for a second, "Oh, Kim got her hair tangled up in a thorn bush. Eddie's trying to get her out."
Eddie ran into the clearing, "It took a while, but I finally got Kim's head out of that bush! Luckily I had my official Explorer Scout pocket knife."
Kim walked in, her hair spiked up where Eddie had had to cut it. The three boys gasped. Kim smiled at them.
"Guys, the battlefield is just over there," She pointed out, "Come on!"
She ran off toward the battlefield, leaving Jack, Jerry, and Eddie behind.
Jack turned, "Eddie, even if you make it out of this battle alive, Kim's gonna kill you."
Then Jack took off in a run toward the battlefield. Jerry stepped toward Eddie.
"Wait, that was Kim?" Jerry asked
In the heat of the battle, Milton, Rudy, and Y/N fought valiantly. Swords clashing with fervor as they guarded what was rightfully theirs.
"I don't thinkI have much left," Rudy commented, "My tights are riding up, I got sunblock in my eye, and if I don't get a potty break soon something really bad's gonna happen."
"Rudy, focus!" Y/N insisted as their sword clashed with Sidney's
"Something better not happen!" Milton replied, "Those pantaloons are rented! Battle on! We must protect the grail at all costs!"
"Aye, your majesty!" Y/N shouted as their sword locked with the wizards this time
Sidney knocked Milton's sword from his hand, "It's over Miltonious! Prepare to taste my foam!"
Before Y/N could move to protect Milton, a foam axe flew through the air and hit Sidney. Knocking the sword from his hand. All eyes shot to the perpetrator.
"Ow! Who threw that!" Sidney whined
Y/N's face broke into a huge smile as the four sprinted across the battlefield screaming to join them.
Y/N heard Sidney say, "His arm is made of ogres!" Y/N took a swing with their swords, "That is a princess and her loyal knights, you Scobberlotcher!"
Sidney and his knights gasped at the words Y/N had used. Sidney swept up his sword from the ground.
"Retreat! Retreat!" He squeaked out
The four joined Milton, Rudy, and Y/N at their pedestal of glory. Y/N smiled and gave Jerry a tight hug.
"You guys made it!" Milton smiled
"I hoped you would show up," Y/N revealed
Jack panted, "This may not be our thing, but if it means something to you guys, then we're with you, King Miltonious and Queen Y/N/N!"
Milton's smile widened, "Thanks! Who's the dude with the punked out mullet?"
Y/N's eyes scanned and landed on Kim and her janky hairdo. A gasped escaped them as their hand flew to their mouth in shock. Kim looked just as confused.
"All right guys, hands in," Jack was quick to switch subjects, "We've got us a grail to capture."
Everyone piled their hands in, "Wasabi!"
"Charge!" Milton shouted
The group took off in a run toward the Dark Knights, a battle cry loud in their throats. Jerry immediately took down one guy, Eddie psyched out three on accident and they were taken out, and Kim got two.
Rudy stayed a guarded the grail with Y/N on the foreground trying to prevent anyone from getting that close. Jack was taking care of five of them at once. While Y/N had another three. One knocked their sword from their hand. Y/N surely thought they were done for. But, Jack came in from the back, kicked them their sword and fought back to back with them.
When he was done with his enemies Jack celebrated, doing a stupid little running man.
"Yeah!" He hollered, " Don't mess with the Jack!"
Y/N chuckled as they watched him fall into a bush.
Across the battlefield, Milton was locked in battle with Sidney. When his sword was knocked from his hand. He used the swing set to kick Sidney away, then used the flag to pole vault over the knights. Milton got his hand of their grail and grabbed a loose sword. He charged back toward their base and slipped through the knights as they charged. He tripped on his way down, turning the knights attention to him.
Y/N watched Milton set the grail on the teeter-totter. Immediately, they nudged Jack.
"Give me a boost, huh?" They asked
Jack looked and understood what they meant. He cupped his hands as Y/N backed up to get a running start. Y/N ran and ket Jack cup their foot, giving them lift as they launched across the battlefield.
Y/N landed harshly on the upside of the teeter-totter, punting the grail to their side of the field. Milton stood and ran after it as the Dark Knights watched in awe.
Milton ran as fast he could as the battle stopped around him. He dove and caught the grail, slamming it down onto their pedestal.
"Victory!" Milton shouted
Y/N cheered, "Yes!"
Jack ran to Y/N, picking them up in a hug. When he set them down, they looked into an each other's eyes for a moment. It was like the world was quiet and nothing else mattered. Until Jerry joined their hug.
"Whoo!" Jerry shouted, "We did it!"
"Oh! Come on!" Sidney complained
As the Dark Knights dispersed, Jack, Jerry, and Y/N joined their friends by the pedestal.
"Way to go, Milton!" Jack praised, "You did it!"
"No, Jack! We did it!" Milton insisted!
Kim smiled, "Here you go, Milton. Here's your grail, you've earned-"
She screamed as she saw her hair in the reflection of the grail. Kim looked ready to cry.
"My hair,"She squeaked,"What happened to my hair? Eddie?"
Eddie laughed nervously.
"You are so dead!" Kim promised
Eddie screamed as he took off sprinting, Kim hot on his tail. Y/N laughed, leaning into Jack's shoulder.
"Oh, she's going to kick his butt," Y/N chuckled
Later that day, after Milton's orthodontist appointment, the group went to the dojo. Where Y/N was already steaming and mending their costumes. None of them hadn't seen them yet.
"Thanks a lot guys," Milton complimented, "I know you were embarrassed by those costumes. But don't worry, you'll never have to wear them again."
Y/N frowned, they had worked hard on those.
"And no one at school will ever have to know!" Milton insisted
Jack caught sight of Y/N, "You're right, Milton. They don't, but they will."
The following Monday, Jack, Jerry, Eddie, and Kim all wore their newly mended costumes with no fight. Partly to make Y/N feel better about thinking they were embarrassed to wear them. And partly, to just support their friends.
They got laughed at, and Jack officially lost any hot dates he'd been working towards. But, at the very least, he thought it was worth it to make Y/N and Milton happy.
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zombiefishmonster · 1 year
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- some of my fav behind the scenes pics <3
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Can you put him in the k-12 movie😀
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does k-12 count as a music video? 🤔
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meropegaaunt · 2 years
Billy Dunne x reader
Implied eventual Graham Dunne x reader
Can be read as a stand-alone or as a sequel to West Coast
Summary: You grow apart from your childhood best friend, Billy.
Warnings: Angst, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, a non-detailed mention of childbirth, implied cheating, and attempted kissing
Word Count: 4,940 words
Author’s Note: If anyone would be interested in a third part of this fic, please let me know in the comments!
© Meropegaaunt 2023
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BILLY DUNNE (lead singer, The Six): I don’t remember exactly when it happened, but at one point or another, things between Y/N and I changed. They started to pull away, to keep me at arm’s length, and that . . . that hurt more than I can put into words. For twelve years, we had been inseparable, then boom. Just like that, we were separated.
Don’t get me wrong. I was happy with Camila, happier than I had been in ages, but can one truly find joy without their best friend? No, I don’t think they can.
Billy and Camila getting together served as a wake-up call. At some point in 1969, you had unknowingly developed feelings for him, had let him into your heart, but now that he was off the market, you felt the need to take a step back, to figure out who you were without your best friend. So you stopped going over to the Dunne household every day, instead opting to spend time with your father or your other friends. As expected, Billy took note of your absence, but when he pushed you for an explanation, you assured him all was well. The year before, he would have immediately noticed that your voice had cracked when offering assurance, revealing your words to be false. Now, though, he was distracted, his mind so wrapped up in other things that he did not notice. (Or so you thought . . .)
Despite the wide berth you were giving Billy, you still saw him at band practice. As per usual, the two of you played side by side, giving your all to the music, and while your musical talents continued to grow, something was off. A tension could be heard, one that neither of you were willing to acknowledge even after Chuck left . . .
His departure was completely unexpected, blindsiding not only you but the rest of the band, because he had been quiet in his discontent, not telling anyone he was going to leave until there was no other choice. He had to, because you had all rode up his stone-paved driveway in Warren’s rickety, beat-up van, expecting to practice, only to realize that the door to Chuck’s garage, your designated practice space, was closed.
“Ah, there he is,” Eddie breathed, kicking open the back door of the van, a half-smoked cigarette hanging from his lips. Out of the back spilled you, him, and Graham, your features all a mask of confusion.
“Hey, Chuck,” you greeted, offering him a wide, sunny smile. The kind that could calm even the most nerve-addled man, because he looked to be in need of assurance. “We‘ve been calling all morning. What’s up?”
There was no time for him to answer, though, before Warren and Billy emerged from the front of the van, the former suspiciously eyeing the closed garage door. “Why’s the garage door closed?”
A beat of tense silence trickled by, depriving the space around you of oxygen, then, “Look, I don’t know how to say this, so I’m just gonna say it. I got into college.”
Warren glanced at you, unable to suppress the soft, surprised chuckle that escaped his mouth. “Huh, all right.”
Your own mouth curved downward in response, showing that you had mixed emotions about the whole ordeal. On one hand, this was good news. Chuck had always been smart, the type that could go far with his brain so long as he applied himself. You could, too, but scholarly pursuits had never appealed to you, not the way music had. Four more years in a classroom personally sounded like torture to you, but if that was what Chuck wanted, then so be it. On the other hand, though, him going to college meant the band would be down both a bassist and a practice space.
“Bro, we didn’t even know you applied,” Graham pointed out, sparing a glance at the rest of the band. No one had a clue about Chuck applying to college until this very moment, because he had stayed silent, closed-lipped.
“Was this, like, before or after I spent all my money on this van?” Warren asked, his surprise bordering the line of disbelief.
“I know. I’m sorry, it’s just . . . they have a really good dental program.”
That was shocking, so much so that it was now your turn for disbelief. “You’re gonna be a dentist?”
“I don’t know. I guess so.”
“Chuck, come on,” Billy huffed, stepping closer to him in an effort to get through to him, to sway his decision. “Please don’t do this. All right? Not now. Not when things are just starting to happen.”
Chuck had thought long and hard about his decision, which was why he stayed firm, hard as stone. “What do you mean, ‘just starting to happen’?”
“Dude, we open for the Winters on Thursday, and that’s just the beginning.”
“This is a real opportunity.”
“So is this.”
“Billy,” Chuck released a deep, exasperated sigh, one that showed just how much he had thought this over. He would not be swayed, even when his closest friends begged him to. “I know this is your dream, man, but just because you want something to happen doesn’t mean it’s going to. Do you really think that there’s a future here?”
“Well, yeah. Chuck, I do.”
“You’re out of your fucking mind.”
With that, Chuck left, leaving a large, bassist-sized hole in the band. It came as a harsh, cutting surprise, but even so, you called after him, “Good luck.”
Your words, though light, did nothing to dispel the tension that had fallen over the group. Eddie seemed to be feeling it most of all, as shown by how he pulled the cigarette from his mouth, turning it over and over in his hands. “We gotta cancel the gig.”
“No, man,” Billy shook his head, refusing to be put out by this one setback. He would not be stymied, not when the band had just gotten started on its rise to greatness. “We’re not canceling.”
“Yeah? What’re we gonna do? We don’t have a bassist, Billy—“
“We’re not canceling,” he repeated, remaining firm, unyielding. Emerald eyes slowly strayed to Eddie, clearing with comprehension, then, “Eddie, you switch over to bass.”
You could not help but roll your eyes at the suggestion, because even though Eddie was a team player, there was no way he would switch over without kicking up a storm. He would no doubt complain, spending precious time complaining rather than practicing. That was why you straightened your spine, volunteering, “I’ll do it.”
“Thanks, Y/N. We owe you one.” A pleased grin slid onto Billy’s face, replacing the discontent that had been there moments before. He placed a hand on your shoulder, pressing his gratefulness into your skin in a manner that could have been taken as friendly . . . if only his hand had not lingered a moment longer than it should have.
GRAHAM DUNNE (lead guitar, the Six): (Smiles) Y/N ended up becoming a better bassist than Chuck, anyway.
─── ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ───
ROD REYES (tour manager): Oh, yeah. I remember the night the Dunne Brothers opened for the Winters, specifically Billy Dunne and Y/N L/N. One look, and I could tell they were rock stars. He was cocksure, knew who to play in the crowd. They had this air about them, the kind that entranced the crowd, really brought out their emotions.
There’s just a quality that some people have. If you took nine guys, plus Mick Jagger, and you put them in a lineup, someone who had never heard of the Rolling Stones before could still point to Jagger and say, “That’s the rock star.” Billy and Y/N had that. And the bad had good sound.
“Obviously, you got to write your own material,” the famed manager, Rod Reyes, declared, the distinct smells of smoke and sex emanating from him, filling the air. The smell was so strong and potent that it filled your nostrils from your spot beside Graham, burning your throat, but you were happy, too optimistic to mind the burn.
“Well, I-I mean, I do. We do,” Billy replied, his emerald eyes flitting briefly from Rod’s to yours, because the two of you had written the band’s songs together. A multitude of hours had trickled by in which you two had tried to piece together worthwhile ballads, throwing paint at a theoretical wall and seeing what stuck. The first drafts of the songs had been horrid, lacking any harmony or smoothness, but with much shaping, they had been turned into songs that could go a long way. Key word: could. “Most of it’s not good enough yet.”
“What are you writing about?”
“I have this one song called ‘Nevermore’ about the Catonsville Nine.”
“No. Oh! Are you Bob Dylan? Are you Buffy Sainte-Marie? Enough with the political shit. It’s a new decade. No one needs reminding that the world is a mess. People want to feel good again. They want to feel hope. You can write a love song, can’t you?” Rod demanded, a sour look crossing his face at the thought of ‘Nevermore.’ The song had not been bad, sounding pleasant to the ear, but he did not need to hear it to know that it would not go over well with the masses. He turned to Graham, then, “You need to cool it with the solos, brother. Nobody cares about your technical guitar skills. They want to sing. They want to dance. Look, the last thing I’ll say, and this is key, you need to get the fuck out of Pittsburgh. You want to be signed to a label, you want to work with Jimmy Miller, Tom Dowd, Teddy Price—“
The mention of Teddy Price caused a great, perceptible shift in the air. You immediately sat upright, a curious glint working its way into your eyes. “Wait, you know Teddy Price?”
“Yeah, I know everybody, and they’re all in L.A. now. Not London, not New York. California, my friends. That is the place you got to be.”
His words resonated deeply with you three, specifically the brothers, which was why the prospect of going to L.A. was promptly proposed to the rest of the band. As expected, they agreed, and the six of you and Camila set off, riding off in Warren’s van, Lady Peaches, toward your futures.
Y/N L/N (singer, The Six): I knew the chances of making it big were slim, but I also knew that if I didn’t at least try, I would never forgive myself. The boys wouldn’t either. So I packed up my things and bid Dad farewell. He was sad to see me go, but just as happy that I was going after my dreams.
He didn’t tell me he was sick . . . Probably because he knew I’d have stayed behind to take care of him.
─── ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ───
The City of Angels welcomed you and the Dunne Brothers with open arms, taking you in as one of its own. You got into contact with Rod, hoping that he would set you up with the big guys, specifically Teddy Price, but all he had to offer was a gig at a dank, seedy bar named Filthy McNastys. Its attendants were sketchy, having all sorts of sins to their name, but given that the bar was on the Strip, the band gladly pushed through, giving their all to each and every performance.
Y/N: The months we spent at McNastys were slow. At first, barely anyone came to see us, but the more shows we played, the more attention we got. People started coming in just to see us, which was fantastic, but there was a problem: we were barely getting paid.
I ended up getting a job as a waiter at this cute little coffee house to help make ends meet, but no matter what we did, it just didn’t seem like it’d be enough.
“What happened with that producer you went up to?” Eddie asked as you slid into the booth aside him, donning your work uniform. Working at a coffee house was not exactly what you had envisioned yourself doing when you had set off for L.A., but hey, sacrifices had to be made if the group was to stay. “The one with the parrot?”
“Parrot guy passed on us,” Camila answered, having fashioned herself the band’s manager. You thought she was doing a great job, given that she had never done such a thing before. Others did not think as such, though, as shown by Eddie’s next comment.
“Wow. That is bleak.”
“Might want to save half that toast for tomorrow, Eddie,” she retorted, eyeing his toast with an expression of deadly seriousness. Atop the table lay a mound of cash, which was all of the money that the band had amassed since the start of the month. “This is barely enough to cover the rent.”
“Fuck,” Eddie cursed, breathing out a deep sigh. Half his toast was promptly placed in his shirt pocket, being tucked away to be eaten tomorrow.
“Fuck,” you echoed, resting your head atop his shoulder, the move a sign of just how deeply tiredness had settled upon your bones, weighing you down. “I’ll be working another double this weekend, I s’pose.”
Eddie opened his arms in response, letting you lean more closely against him. You did so happily, soaking in his warmth. The action, though gentle, was purely friendly, yet still, unbeknownst to you, two sets of eyes looked upon said action disapprovingly. Both Billy and Graham, despite not wanting to admit it, were jealous, because there you were, snuggling up against another man.
Their jealousy went unnoticed, but your exhaustion did not, as shown by the concern that made its way across Warren’s face. “Fuck it. Maybe old Chuckie was right, huh? Maybe this was all just a big mistake and we should have just stayed at home with our parents, saved money on rent, and become dentists.”
“I mean, I’ve sent out hundreds of photographs. Not a single fucking paper has responded. Should I just quit? No one said it was gonna be easy.”
Camila’s disheartened words drew your attention, causing your head to snap up toward hers. “No, don’t quit. All it takes is one person to make a difference,” you replied, flashing her a weak but warm smile, because even though you had distanced yourself from Billy, you had welcomed her into the group as kindly as you had the new keyboardist, Karen Sirko.
“Also, while we’re talking about stuff, how come I’m the only one without a bed in the house?” Warren deadpanned, heavily yearning for a good night’s sleep in a proper bed. He had been squatting on the couch, after all, and it could be felt in the aches of his back. No twenty year old should feel like they had the back of an old, decrepit man . . .
“Well, you could’ve taken Karen’s room,” Billy pointed out, finally breaking out of his jealous haze.
“No, I couldn’t have. That room is haunted.”
“It’s not haunted.”
“Everybody knows it’s haunted.”
“Oh, come on, Rojas. You don’t want to get all up close and personal with a ghost?” you teased, reaching across Eddie to jostle his arm. Of course, Warren jostled you back, the two of you nearly displacing Eddie’s toast, which he did not like. Not at all.
“Hey, stop! You almost made me drop my pocket toast—“
Sensing that the three of you were on the brink of causing chaos, Karen broke her silence, asking a question that had been bothering her for a long time, “Why are we still called The Dunne Brothers? I mean, four of us aren’t Dunnes, and the last time I checked, I’m nobody’s brother.”
“So you want to change our name?” Billy asked, not even wanting to consider the idea. Truth be told, you had been opposed to the name at the nascence of the band, but given that two of the three original members were Dunnes, your opinion had been the minority.
“I personally think that’s a great idea,” Eddie admitted, earning a sharp, accusatory look from Billy. Said look was sharp enough to cut skin, but he did not wilt, instead adding, “I’m just saying what everybody’s thinking.”
“Well, the name is the name, so . . . That’s how people know us.”
“Yeah, but it’s not exactly doing much for us, though.”
“How about Immaculate Reception?” Warren interjected, causing your nose to crinkle disapprovingly.
“God, no. That’s horrid.”
“We’re not changing the name,” Billy insisted, looking to his brother for help. Graham offered none, though, for he was open to changing the name.
“I mean, listen, if we’re throwing stuff out there, Hercules is still on the table.”
“No! No way!”
“Deliverance, Espionage, Poison.”
“How about Aurora—“
“The six of us will never agree on a name,” Billy cut you off, only liking a single one of the names that had been thrown out. “All right? So let’s just . . .”
His words caused a lightbulb to go off in Karen’s head, as shown by how brightly she grinned, realization donning on her features. “What about The Six?”
“I like The Six.”
“Sure as hell better than Hercules.”
“Y/N?” Graham looked at you, an expectant, questioning look flitting across his face. He had been looking at you more and more as of late with that look, one you could not quite make sense of. “What do you think?”
You opened your mouth to answer, to offer your view of the name, only for the words to die on your tongue when your boss, Dave, yelled out, “Y/N, break’s over. Back on the floor!”
Y/N: I put in crazy hours at the coffee house, working to the point of exhaustion, but one of my coworkers there, this bright, fiery girl named Daisy Jones, turned what was one of the darkest times of my life into one of the brightest. One day, after working a double together, she pulled me along to watch her and her friend, Simone, perform at the Troubadour.
I thought that was all it was, that I was just going to support them, but then, after Daisy performed, she got this crazy glint in her eye. The kind where you know she’s up to something. She set down her guitar and said, “Now, I’d like to bring a friend of mine up on stage. Come on up and wow us, Y/N L/N.”
I was shocked, to say the least, but Daisy Jones isn’t the type of person you deny, especially in a room with that many people. So I got up on that stage, took Daisy’s guitar, and sang a piece I had been writing on my own called “Equilibrium.” It was about trying to find a balance between who I was with Billy versus without him.
Looking back, it was sad just how deeply intertwined I was with him, even when there was more space between us than ever. At the time, though, I didn’t realize the song was about him.
Hell, I didn’t even realize Teddy Price was in the audience that night. In my defense, though, my obliviousness might’ve been from all the mescaline I was taking at the time . . .
After your performance, you returned the guitar to Daisy and hopped off the stage, your cheeks bathed in perspiration from exertion. As soon as your feet made contact with the earth, you were off, making a beeline for the star of the night, Simone.
A golden grin immediately slid onto your mouth, showing how happy you were for her in that moment. “Simone, you did great out there.”
“Hey,” she returned the smile, inclining her head to the man she had been chatting with before you had approached. “Y/N L/N, Teddy Price. You two should talk.”
Oh, my God, you thought when his name trickled your ears. It was all you could think, because there was one of the legends of the music industry, handing you his card. Feeling as though you were floating outside of your body, you reached out to take the card into your hands, hoping that he did not notice the slight tremble of your fingers.
“You interested, kid? We could work on some music together.”
“Oh, um, I appreciate it, but I’m not a solo act,” you informed, because at the time, you had only ever performed by yourself on a handful of occasions. They had been fine, perhaps even good, but not as great as when you performed with the band. “I’m in a band, The Six. Any chance you’d be interested in giving us a chance? Just let us play one song for you, that’s all I ask.”
He looked upon you, studying you keenly. A beat passed, then he nodded, agreeing to give The Six a chance. “Okay, kid. I’ll give you a chance. Are you ready?”
“Undoubtedly, yes.”
BILLY: People think we played one song for Teddy Price and he gave us a record deal. Not true. After that first meeting, he put us through the wringer for months, but it was worth it.
Everything had gone so slowly, and then suddenly it was all happening so fast. We recorded our album in six days, had two weeks off, then it was time to hit the road.
─── ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ───
BILLY: The night before we were set to leave, Camila told me she was seven weeks pregnant, and I . . . I decided we needed to get married right away. We had been planning to have a wedding sometime after the tour but I decided we needed to do it right then. I don’t know why that mattered to me, but the moment I knew she was pregnant I felt like we had to make sure we were a proper family.
CAMILA DUNNE (wife of Billy Dunne): Karen knew an ordained minister. She got his number from a friend of hers and we called him late that night. He came right over.
EDDIE ROUNDTREE (rhythm guitarist, The Six): It was four in the morning.
CAMILA: Karen decorated the porch out back, and Y/N picked some roses from the bushes surrounding the house. They made me this beautiful flower crown and did my hair; it made me feel like a proper bride.
─── ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ───
INTERVIEWER: What do you remember about the tour?
Y/N: More than I’d like to.
GRAHAM: . . .
WARREN ROJAS (drummer, The Six): . . .
KAREN SIRKO (keyboardist, The Six): . . .
BILLY: I, uh . . . It was a long time ago, I don’t remember much.
CAMILA: I remember everything.
GRAHAM: Pretty quickly, we found a rhythm: get to town, sound check, play, party, get on the bus. And the better we started playing, the more we partied. Hotels, girls, drugs. Over and over. Hotels, drugs, girls. For all of us, but especially Billy.
WARREN: Let me sum it up for you: I was getting laid, Graham was getting high, Eddie was getting drunk, Karen and Y/N were getting fed up, and Billy was all four, at once.
Y/N: Billy changed on that first tour. Cracked under the pressure, I think. He turned into a person I didn’t recognize and didn’t like.
And even though I didn’t like him, I still loved him.
After the wedding, something within Billy had changed, had shifted. He became hard, closed off. You and Graham, two of the people closest to him, were kept at arm’s length, having no choice but to helplessly watch on as he ruined all that was good in his life. He got drunk, high, and angry, and when his anger mounted to an exceedingly high level, he expelled it by sleeping with a nameless woman, one he could use, then discard when he felt better.
Him spiraling hurt you more than you cared to admit, but you were not his family. Not his spouse nor his blood, so it was not your place to set him straight . . . or you thought as such until he tried to rope you into his debauchery.
Y/N: After the Ottawa show, I went back to my hotel room and started getting ready to go out for the night. I remember, I was just about to get started on my hair when there came a knock at the door. I opened it, expecting to see Graham, but it was Billy. He had been drinking tequila. I could smell it on his breath, and the look in his eye . . . I had never seen him that down, and it made me sad.
I didn’t know what to say, but I let him in. He went and sat down on the bed, and knowing I’d need a drink to get through whatever was to come, I poured myself a glass of whiskey. It was awful, but did its job. I downed the whole thing, then poured two more. One for me, and one for Billy.
BILLY: I honestly don’t know what got into me that night. I just needed to see Y/N, to hold them.
Y/N: He asked me to hold him, so I did. We sat there for a while, not talking, moving, or doing anything. Just holding each other . . . until he tried to kiss me. That pissed me off, because he knew how I felt about him. He had known when he married Camila, yet still, he had married her. Had chosen her.
I jumped up and yelled, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Billy? I mean, honestly, is this the kind of person you want to be?”
And he said, “The booze, the drugs, the girls . . . I’ve been doing them all to try to get you out of my system—“
I slapped him. Hard.
BILLY: Y/N slapped me, and I just kind of sat there, reeling. They looked like they wanted to apologize, but before they could, Graham walked in. You could just tell by the look on his face that he had overheard the whole thing.
GRAHAM: I only heard a tiny bit, but it wasn’t hard to piece together what was happening. It also wasn’t hard to piece together that Y/N wasn’t willing to entertain Billy’s advances, so I pushed him out of the room and into the parking lot. Outside, he paced back and forth and muttered to himself, looking a little crazy. He said, “I fucked it all up. I fucked it all up.”
Deep down, I’d known it was coming, because he loved Y/N the same way I did. So all I could say was, “Just don’t do it again, man. Just don’t do it again.”
ROD: Billy started going at it double time after Ottawa. The coke and girls and booze and all that.
GRAHAM: Camila decided to surprise Billy a few weeks after that. She drove up, five months pregnant, and found him in a . . . compromising position.
EDDIE: She walked in on him getting, well . . . I don’t know how else to say it . . . oral sex, I guess I should say. From a groupie.
Y/N: Camila blew up on Billy. Like, slapped right across the face. Hit him with her bag, too, if memory serves. She asked me to watch him, to make sure he didn’t sink deeper into himself.
And she said, “When he wakes up, give him this letter.” The letter had an ultimatum; he had to get clean before the baby came.
KAREN: He didn’t stop messing around with all of it.
EDDIE: We were all sort of counting down the days. You know, sixty days until Billy has to get clean. Then it was forty days. Then, when it got down to ten days, he was forgetting the words onstage, and I thought he was never gonna clean up.
Y/N: On November 28th, we were in Hartford for a show when one of the stage managers called me offstage. Said there was a call for me. I picked it up, and it was Teddy. “You gotta get Billy home,” he said, because Camila had gone into labor.
BILLY: Y/N took me by the arm and held onto me until we got onto the plane. Then, we landed and they dragged me into this beat-up rental car and drove me to the hospital.
The rickety old rental car sped into the hospital parking lot, going way faster than the legal speed in an effort to get Billy to his girls as fast as possible. When the car rolled to a stop, though, he did not immediately jump to get out. Confusion overtook your features, prompting you to say, “Well? Go see your girls.”
“I can’t,” he whispered, his voice sad, broken down. Never before had you seen him so shattered.
“You can.”
“I can’t.”
“Y/N. I can’t have her meet me like this.”
An emotion akin to the anger you had felt back in Ottawa arose beneath your skin, causing you to tighten your hold on the steering wheel, your knuckles flashing white with force. “Okay, then,” you said, eerily calm. “I’m going to be there for Camila and to meet that baby girl, with or without you, Billy. But if I go by myself, you’re going to get help when I come back out. Real help.”
Y/N: That night, sitting by Camila’s bedside was when I let go of the possibility of Billy. He had a wife and a baby, and if he was going to mess that up, I wasn’t going to play a part in it.
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niyaisloww · 4 months
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I still have a lot more😞
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parkerslatte · 2 years
Daisy Jones and the Six Masterlist
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Last Updated: 2nd April 2023
Requests: CLOSED
Current no. of fics: 3
Current no. of series: 1
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Right Person, Right Time
One Last Show
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Subtle Touches
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150 notes · View notes
infiniteimaginings · 7 months
「𝘒𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯 𝘐𝘵」
Started: March 1st, 2024 Updated: March 1st, 2024
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Characters I write for in the show 'Kickin It'
Brody Carlson Eddie Jones Jack Brewer Jerry Martinez Kim Crawford Milton Krupnick Rudy Gillespie
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caffeine-disaffecto · 11 months
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- boo gi nights costumes !!
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daisyandbilly · 2 years
Daisy Jones & the Six — Book to Screen name changes
Warren Rhodes — Warren Rojas
Camila Martinez — Camila Alvarez
There has been no use of Karen Karen yet for Karen Sirko
Eddie Loving — Eddie Roundtree
Pete is not in the series*
Chuck Williams — Chuck Loving
(Will update if there are any more changes.)
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sadboi-writer · 1 year
Dear Jack (Series)
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Chapter Four: Dojo Day Afternoon
Summary: The group is introduced to Arthur, who shows interest in Y/N. When Y/N tells him no, he starts causing chaos around the dojo. Jack retaliates.
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings:Canon-typical violence
 Masterlist ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Five
After their argument Y/N was avoiding Jack as best she could. Only seeing him at the dojo. 
When they walked in that following Monday, there was a pile of concrete rubble in front of the others. 
“I’m going to get a smoothie.” Eddie grumbled, “Hey, Y/N.”
“Hey, Eddie.” Y/N greeted
There was a muffled flushing and then plunging noise coming from Rudy’s office. 
“No, don’t you die on me! It’s not your time!” Rudy’s muffled voice insisted
“What’s going on in there?” Milton asked
“Rudy’s fighting with his toilet again.”Y/N sighed, walking up a rapping on the door, “Rudy stop plunging Myrtle!”
He stumbled out of his office in full plumber gear, “Poor Myrtle, I almost lost her. Twice I had to plunge her back to life!”
“How do you know if a toilet’s a boy or a girl?” Jerry asked
Rudy gestured, “Well, you take the top off the tank and reach your arm in and feel around-”
“Stop!” Milton insisted, “I think I’d rather hear about this in an awkward conversation with my father!”
“Rudy, focus!” Kim snapped, “The new owner of the mall is gonna be here any minute!”
Eddie ran in, “Hey! You guys gotta check this out! These brochures are all over the place! This new owner is making some big changes!”
Y/N took the pamphlet from him and glanced over it. 
Kim looked, “Hey! They finally took the baby changing area out of the food court! And if you ask me, that was a big step in the right direction!”
“No way!” Eddie exclaimed, “They’re bringing in a Captain Corndog!”
“Oh snap! That’s a classy joint!” Jerry said, “Yeah, my sister got married in a Captain Corndog! The captain walked her down the plank himself!”
“Look at that huge new parking lot!” Milton pointed out
Y/N took the pamphlet back, “Where’s the dojo?” 
Eddie looked over her shoulder, “There’s a parking lot where our dojo should be!”
Y/N sat down on a bench and kept looking over the pamphlet. There was no other area for the dojo. It wasn’t just being moved, it was being destroyed. After a while, Kim sat down next to her.
“What are we going to do?” Y/N asked
Kim shrugged, “Rudy will figure something out.”
Rudy had headed into the locker room to change to meet the new owners. And he came out soon after, looking way more presentable. Not five minutes later, the new owner strolled in with a boy who seemed to be the rest of the group's age. 
Rudy stepped forward extending his hand, “Mr.Turner! Welcome to my dojo!”
Mr.Turner smiled, “Nice to meet you, Rudy! This is my son, Arthur!”
“Hello, sir!” The boy said, eagerly shaking Rudy’s hand, “What a wonderful dojo you have here! Let me ask you: How do you do it? A sensei, a businessman, and obviously a male model!”
Rudy got flustered, “Uh, yeah... I don’t know-totally, it’s-well- Look at me!”
“Arthur, go make some friends while Rudy and I talk!” Mr.Turner told his son
Arthur smiled, “Yes, daddy! You and Rudy go have a good talk, alright? I’ll just be out here with the gang!” 
Mr.Turner and Rudy went into Rudy’s office. As soon as the door shut, Arthur’s entire demeanor shifted. Jack was the first to greet him.
“Hey, I’m Jack. How ya doing?”
“So!” Arthur interjected, “What do you losers do all day around this dump?Sit around and pretend to know karate?” 
He punctuated his sentence by flailing his arms around. 
Jerry puffed his chest, “Pretend to know karate? Check this out,”
Jerry readied himself, and Y/N finally stepped forward to join the group. Jerry stepped back.
“Go ahead, show him Jack!” 
Jack rolled his eyes, but turned to a practice dummy. The group started cheering him on. He did a roundhouse kick and knocked the head off the dummy. Arthur rolled his eyes, he glanced at Y/N and smirked.
“That was nothing!” Arthur insisted, “You guys want to see some real karate moves?”
He took the bow staff from Milton. 
“Watch this!” He proclaimed
He swung it around wildly while shrieking. Y/N looked away out of embarrassment. He broke one of the trophies.
“Uh oh.” He panicked, before throwing the bow staff back to Milton
Rudy and Mr.Turner emerged from the office.
“What was that?” Rudy demanded
“I can’t believe it, sir! That kid just busted up all your trophies!” Arthur lied
“Milton you are in big trouble!” Rudy scolded
Jack stepped forward, “What? It wasn’t Milton, it was Arthur!”
“Oh,” Rudy softened, “Well, accidents happen. And thank you for showing us what a dangerous place that is to keep trophies! Now, everyone give our newest member Arthur a big Bobby Wasabi welcome!”
Mr.Turner started clapping and so did Jerry. Y/N slowly joined in to not seem rude. Meanwhile the rest were just standing there, in shock.
The next day, Kim was whaling on a practice dummy as Eddie held it. He groaned as he let go of it.
“Kim, take it easy!” Eddie whined
Kim sighed, “Sorry, I’m just tired of being looked at as just another pretty face.” 
Jerry nodded, “Welcome to my world, sister!”
“I mean, what’s the point of being a reporter for the school TV station if Margaret Bork just thinks I’m some airhead southern belle who can’t do real news?” Kim vented
Arthur came in laughing, dragging Jack along with him. Y/N glanced their way as they hit a training dummy again. 
“OH, you guys should have seen what we just did!” Arthur cackled, “It was a riot! It was like taking candy from a baby!”
Jack rolled his eyes, “That’s what you actually did, Arthur. You took candy from a baby.”
Y/N laughed, Jack glared at her. 
“Hey, uh, can I get in on that?” Jerry asked before taking a piece of licorice, “Thanks, nothing tastes better than something stolen from a baby!”
Jack stormed off into Rudy’s office, and the others went back to what they were doing. Y/N approached Arthur.
“Hey,” She greeted
He seemed surprised, “Oh, uh, hey.”
She nodded at the licorice, “Can I steal a piece?”
He nodded and handed her one. Y/N bit a piece off and chuckled as she chewed. 
“What’s so funny?” Arthur asked
Y/N shook their head, “I just think it’s funny that you got Jack to just stand there while you nabbed this.”
“It’s not like he was gonna do anything,” Arthur replied
“So true.” Y/N chuckled, “Hey, do you wanna go get something to eat?”
He seemed even more surprised at that but nodded. Y/N smiled and grabbed their things. 
Jerry quirked a brow, “Where are you going?”
“Arthur and I are going to get something to eat.” Y/N replied as they headed for the door where Arthur was waiting
After the two had left Jack came out of Rudy’s office. When he didn’t see Arthur or Y/N he immediately approached Kim.
“Where did Y/N go?” Jack demanded
Kim looked at him, “She went to get something to eat with Arthur.”
His face got slightly red, “She can’t do that!” Kim turned on him, “Why can’t she!” “None of us likes him!” Jack tried to defend, “She can’t just take hiim out on a date or whatever!”
“So, you’re jealous?” 
“No, I am not jealous!”
“You so are.”
“I so am not!”
Kim chuckled, “Whatever, Jack.”
Meanwhile, Y/N and Arthur were sitting at a table in Falafel Phil’s laughing. Y/N took the wrapper off their straw half-way and blew through to shoot the other half at Arthur. 
“So, let me get this right?” Arthur chuckled, “You and the pasty kid sumo wrestled a professional sumo wrestler because you felt guilty?”
“Oh yeah,” Y/N affirmed, “I had a bruised back for like a week. Milton had to help me down stairs.” Arthur perked up, “Oh! I got you guys a gift, do you want to see?”
Y/N nodded and Arthur pulled out his phone, showing them the new pristine practice dummy he had ordered and was meant to get to the dojo the next day.
“That’s really nice Arthur!” Y/N complimented
They checked their watch, “I have to go, but we have to do this again sometime! I’ll see you tomorrow!”
Y/N left with a wide smile on their face. On their way out they ran into Jerry, who was also heading home.
“Hey,” Jerry greeted
“Hey,” Y/N replied
“How was your date?”
Y/N smacked his shoulder, “It wasn’t a date! And it was good. Arthur isn’t too bad.”
The two parted ways, to go home. The next day, when Y/N entered the dojo Arthur was sitting there with the new dummy. The rest of the group exited the locker room. And Arthur stood, shooting Y/N a smile.
“What’s this?” Jack asked
“It’s a gift!” Arthur answered, “I know I’ve been a little bit of a jerk.”
“A little bit of a jerk?” Jack asked, “That’s like saying Jerry’s a little bit confused.”
“What?” Jerry asked, “Wait, what did I miss? I’m confused.”
“He’s trying to be nice, Jack.” Y/N snapped
Arthur smiled at her, “Look, to show that I’m not all bad, I got you guys this brand new state of the art punching dummy!”
“You know what, Arthur?” Jack said, “Maybe I had you wrong. If Y/N trusts you, I guess I do too.”
“Now that’s more like it!” Jerry cheered, “I think I should be the one to break this bad boy in!”
Jerry punched it in the face and the stomach opened letting out a spring punch. Y/N went to his side instantly.
“Oh my god, Jerry are you okay?” Y/N asked
Jack and Kim helped Jerry off the floor as Y/N rounded on Arthur.
“What the hell,Arthur?” Y/N shouted, “I gave you the benefit of the doubt! I thought you were alright! And now you do this!”
She punctuated every sentence with a poke to his chest.
Jack stepped forward, “Alright, that’s it-”
Kim stopped him, “No, Jack, you promised Rudy... but I didn’t.”
Eddie stopped Kim, “No, Kim, I want him all to myself.”
Milton stopped Eddie, “No, Eddie,this one’s all me.”
Milton turned on Arthur, then back to the rest of the group.
“Wait, why can’t Jack do this?” Milton pleaded
Y/N glared at Arthur, “It’s fine guys,let’s just start practice.”
Jack looked at her, and her eyes pleaded with him. Until he nodded in agreement. Arthur pushed Y/N out of the way.
“Woah, woah, woah, Jack!” Arthur prodded, “ I got this! Since Rudy’s not around and I outrank everyone, I’ll lead the class!”
“Are you nuts?” Eddie demanded, “You don’t outrank Jack!”
“Really? See, I don’t know if you noticed...” Arthur taunted, “But, I’m a green belt!” 
“Yeah,” Kim snapped, “Because your daddy bought it for you.”
Arthur stepped forward, “Jack, you don’t know anything about karate. You’re nothing but a scrawny little skate rat.”
“Arthur, would you just shut up?” Y/N demanded
Jack glowered at Arthur, “And you’re nothing but a spoiled little poser.”
The group chuckled at that. 
“Poser, huh?” Arthur snapped, “That’s it.”
Arthur ran at Jack.
“Jack don’t!” Y/N insisted
But, Jack hadn’t heard her and had already thrown him into the wall. 
“You’re gonna be sorry you did that!” Arthur shouted
Not a moment later Rudy and Mr.Turner entered the dojo.
“What’s going on?” Mr.Turner demanded
“It’s a good thing you’re here, dad!” Arthur cried, “I was just saying my prayers and eating my vitamins when Jack threw me into this wall!”
Mr.Turner turned to Rudy, “We had a deal, Rudy! You said this was a warm, safe environment where Arthur could learn karate and make friends!”
“Jack!” Rudy stumbled, “Did you throw Arthur into our wall of friendship?”
The group hesitantly nodded and agreed with what he said. Rudy ran to the wall and helped Arthur out of it. 
“They don’t do that to just anyone!” Rudy insisted, “They must really like you! Don’t you, Jack?”
Y/N stepped forward, “It wasn’t Jack’s fault. Arthur came at him first.”
Jack looked at Y/N with thanks in his eyes.
“He came at Jack, Jack came at him, it’s a big coming atcha party!” Rudy continued, “Alright, back to practice you lovable, scamps!”
“Rudy,” Mr.Turner snapped, “This is unacceptable, I want Jack and Y/N thrown out of your dojo!”
Y/N turned on her heel to look at the two. Glancing quickly at Jack, who was also frozen in shock.
“What?” They all asked
Arthur smirked, “Buh-bye, Jack and Y/N”
Rudy stood his ground, “I’m sorry, Mr.Turner, but that’s not gonna happen.”
“Alright then,” Mr.Turner stepped forward, “You have two hours to get out. You’re standing on the site of my new parking lot. Come on, son.”
Arthur was ushered out of the dojo by Mr.Turner. Tears brimmed Y/N’s eyes, one way or another she was losing this dojo. Rudy argued with his toilet for a second. 
Jack and Y/N decided to kick themselves out. Rudy stopped Jack.
“Put your stuff back, you’re not leaving.” Rudy insisted
Jack sighed, “If we don’t go, you guys lose the dojo.”
“We lose it either way.” Y/N said, “We’re not going to take it away from you guys.”
Rudy placed his hands on one of each of their shoulders.
“No, you;re not going.Sometimes in life, a man has to decide what’s really important,” Rudy said, two men started to carry his toilet away, “Oh hey! Not the toilet, take the kids instead!”
“Rudy!” Milton protested
“I’m sorry, but you’ve never sat on her.”
Jerry stepped up, “We’re not gonna take this, man! We gotta fight the power, yo!”
Jack dropped his duffle, “Jerry’s right! We’ve got to fight back! Like that guy on Meyer Avenue!”
“He chained himself to that old tree so that it wouldn’t be cut down!” Y/N continued
Kim nodded, “He stood his ground and saved that tree!”
“Until it fell over in a storm, destroyed my Aunt Verna’s house and she had to move into my room!” Milton complained, “I’ve seen things no boy my age should see.”
“You know what, you guys are onto something!” Rudy agreed, “What Turner’s doing is wrong, and we gotta fight back!” “What are you saying, Rudy?”Jerry asked
“I’m saying they can’t tear down the dojo if I’m chained to that post!” Rudy clarified, “And I will fight the good fight for as long as it takes! So chain me up!”
The group all cheered encouragement for him. 
“Get these things off of me! I can’t take it! I’m going crazy!” Rudy shrieked after he’d been chained up
“Rudy! It’s only been three minutes!” Jack replied
Kim stormed out of the side room, “Yeah, well if it’s such a great story then why not report it yourself?! That was Margaret, apparently Taco Tuesday is becoming Fajita Friday.”
“Yes!” Milton praised, “You slip the lunch lady $10 and a cat calendar and you can move mountains, baby!”
Eddie sighed, “All this talk about food is making me hungry, I’m gonna go over to Honeybuns to hook us up!”
“No!” Jerry protested, “You can’t go out there, man! That’s just what they want! You go out that door, it’s like we’ve given up!”
“Well, eventually we’re gonna need something to eat!” Kim reasoned
Eddie looked up, “You know, our air vent connects with the nail salon. Those ladies are always snacking on something.”
“Yeah!” Jack stood, “He’s right!”
Jerry nodded, “Yeah, but who’s skinny enough to fit through that vent?”
All their eyes went to Milton. 
“Oh.” Milton said, before the realization hit him, “Ohhhhh!”
Milton stripped his over shirt, leaving him in a  wife beater tank top. He threw the over shirt and hit Y/N in the face with it.
“Agh! Milton!” Y/N complained
Jack and Jerry hoisted Milton up to the vent. And there was a humming noise. Y/N glanced around.
“I think the exhaust vent just turned on!” Y/N announced
“What makes you say that?” Jerry asked
Then Milton was sucked up into the vent, Jack chuckled.
“Oh nothing in particular.” Y/N continued
They all sat together, waiting for anything to happen. About half an hour later, Turner showed up. Jack was the first on his feet.
“Look, Turner just showed up with some people!” Jack pointed out
The man had a megaphone and made an announcement.
“Attention dojo squatters, you have five minutes to get out.” Turner hollered, “We are bringing in a wrecking ball.”
“You don’t scare us, Turner!” Rudy shouted, before lowering his voice, “That whole bringing in a wrecking ball routine is the oldest trick in the book!”
Y/N kept their eyes outside, “That is a very real wrecking ball.”
“What?” Rudy demanded, “Unchain me, you fools!”
“Dude, we can’t!” Jerry said, “You gave the keys to Milton!”
Rudy panicked, “What? No! It can’t end like this! I never sat in a hot tub full of pudding! No wait, yes I did... no that was custard.”
Jerry peeked outside, “Nothing brings in a crowd like a wrecking ball! They’re totally on our side. You can feel the love!”
A muffled chant of “Knock it down!” began. Jerry glared outside before sticking his head out.
“Why don’t you guys shut your pie holes!” He shouted
Y/N slumped on the ground across from Rudy. Kim stood up straight as she got an idea.
“I just realized I’m in the middle of a huge story!” Kim announced, “Five kids from our school fight a great injustice!”
Jack glanced outside, “Well you better get out there, because it looks like your friend Margaret just showed up.”
“Oh no she didn’t,” Kim stormed out, “Not today, Margaret! Not today!”
Turner pulled out his megaphone again, “In two minutes we’re turning this place into a parking lot!”
Jerry looked at the four who were left, “I’m going out there.”
Then he stepped outside.
“Alright, now I got some demands, people,” He started, “Now, we’re gonna need a big bag of cheeseburgers, some fries, some juice boxes, and throw in some of those glow in the dark straws! They make drinking fun, yo!”
A guy in the crowd shouted, “Your demands stink!”
“Bro I wasn’t finished!” Jerry whined, “And I’m also gonna need a couple of helicopters flown by supermodels!” 
“Now those are some demands!” The same guy shouted
Jerry got the crowd to cheer Wasabi.
Y/N looked out the window, and saw Arthur climbing into the wrecking ball control center.
“Guys!” Y/N shouted, “Look!”
The wrecking ball started swinging around. 
“I got this,” Jack insisted before running outside
Y/N was quick to follow but stayed in front of the door. They blocked it with their body, if anything was happening to this dojo they were going with it. The ball swung toward them, and they leaned back.
“Y/N get out of the way!” Jack shouted
Pushing the door in slightly as the wrecking ball lightly tapped them and the dojo. As soon as it stopped, Y/N went inside.
“That was horrifying.” Y/N gasped out as Jerry pulled them into a tight hug
“You’re insane.” Jerry replied
Turner was the next person in the door.
“Is everyone okay in here?” He asked
Rudy sighed, “Look, Turner, you win. Alright, just go ahead and take your dojo back! Put up your parking lot! But, you know what? We’re proud! And we will hold our heads high!”
Rudy lifted his arms and the chains fell from around him.
“Really?” Rudy whined, “Hands over the head, that’s all it took.”
Jack ran inside pushing Arthur in ahead of him. 
“I think this belongs to you.” Jack said
Once they were both in he ran to Y/N. Doing a once over to make sure she was okay before pulling her into a bone crushing hug.
Turner rounded on his son, “Arthur, how could you do something like this? You endangered Y/N’s life! I’ve given you everything!” “Maybe that’s the problem.” Rudy said
“What do you mean?” Turner asked
“Well, this dojo might not be much,” Rudy continued, “But it’s built on the principle’s of discipline and respect. A couple of things Arthur obviously doesn’t have.”
“Blah, blah, blah,” Arthur groaned, “Look, can we just knock down the little dump now, dad?”
“No,” Turner snapped, “He’s right. I’m sorry, Rudy. Your dojo can stay.”
“Yes!” They all cheered
Jack picked Y/N up in a hug and spun them.
“Arthur, get in the car!” Turner snapped, “You’re grounded!”
Arthur quirked an eyebrow, “Grounded? What does that even mean?”
Jack smirked as he set Y/N down, “I think you’re about to find out.”
“Buh-bye, Arthur!” Y/N mocked
Turner pushed Arthur out of the dojo, leaving only the gang inside. 
“Jack, what you did was incredible!” Rudy complimented
Jack shook his head, “ It wasn’t just me! We all did it!... Wait a minute, has anyone seen Milton?”
Once everything was said and done the dojo was empty. Rudy was in his office and everyone else had gone home. Y/N sat on the bench, rubbing the spot on her sternum where the wrecking ball had tapped. A few moments passed before she felt a weight next to her. 
Jack glanced at her, “You shouldn’t have put yourself in harm’s way like that.”
“You jumped on top of the wrecking ball,” Y/N replied with a chuckle, “I am far from the one who was in the most danger.”
There was a moment of silence and Y/N looked at the ground.
“About what happened after the thing with Truman-” Jack started
Y/N stood, “Can we just forget that it happened? I’d rather things just go back to normal.”
Jack sunk in on himself a bit, “Yeah. Of course, yeah, it never happened.”
“Awesome. I’ll see you tomorrow, Jack.” Y/N said before leaving
Jack watched after her before mumbling under his breath, “I have a crush on you too.”
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guy60660 · 7 months
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Eddie Redmayne | Julien Martinez Le Clerc | Vogue
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zombiefishmonster · 1 year
My Personal Kickin' It Headcanons
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- yes another kickin' it post. i'm making as many as my heart desires. enjoy.
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- Rudy Gillespie
+ big anime phase in highschool, specifically dragon ball z and naruto
+ had a HUUGE crush on bobby wasabi in grade school. his dad showed him his first movie, and he was obsessed. he doesn't feel romantically towards him now at all but he still holds him in a higher regard.
+ trans rudy bisexual rudy.
+ ty, lonnie and him have "guys nights", they sometimes invite bobby and phil but only sometimes.
+ the reason why he became a sensei and cares so deeply for his students is because his parents were neglectful, so he's determined to be there for any other kids who need it.
+ he definitely goes to all their weddings/events
+ i'd like to think he and ms. applebottom stay together.
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- Jack Brewer
+ definitely had a crush on jerry at a point
+ he really likes percy jackson (this is me projecting)
+ the only social media he has is instagram, and it's just because everyone made him get it.
+ we know about his haircare, but i think he'd also take incredible care of his skin. he's also very naturally tidy, despite having his less than classy moments
+ divorced parents, but they really try despite having busy jobs
+ his grandpa mostly took care of him growing up
+ he got his first tattoo at 18, he got it for his grandpa
+ bisexual jack.
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- Kim Crawford
+ the most Normal home life
+ i can't decide if she's pansexual or straight.
+ has mostly guy cousins
+ she's such a lowkey nerd. but like in the way she doesn't realize she's nerdy. she's really interested in the history of martial arts
+ she stayed in contact with sloane, and they moved in together, with jack, after high school
+ her room is a clothes MESS.
+ even though her parents are normal, most of her cousins and extended family are batshit
+ i also think she draws, mostly just sketches of things around seaford
+ even though she can't dance for shit, she can sing (this is kinda canon)
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- Eddie Jones
+ repressed queer
+ he left seaford because his mom got a better job offer
+ unfortunately, this made him fall out of karate but he got way more into dancing
+ he has REALLY nice handwriting
+ he has an older sister, like 10 years older, but they're still really close
+ literally LOVES tv dramas. he really likes greys anatomy
+ his mom has a cat that she got a few years after he was born
+ he tries to keep house plants alive, but it always ends up dying
+ he keeps in contact with milton and jerry a little
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- Jerry Martinez
+ he's a big frequenter of the hospital
+ he had a crush on jack at a separate time
+ he and milton move in together after highschool, that's when they start dating
+ takes milton to dancing lessons/teaches him himself
+ started dancing wayyy before karate, only started karate in middle school
+ he has dyslexia
+ like eddie, he's close with his sisters (wiki says he has 7 unnamed sisters; i think 3 younger, 4 older, making him pretty much middle)
+ he's not "good" at painting, but he enjoys it
+ he has a strong appreciation for country music
+ eddie got him in to greys anatomy, they text each other on episode release days
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- milton krupnik
+ the MOST online of them all, he definitely had a tumblr
+ surprisingly, he made the first move on jerry
+ despite the fiasco in "the commercial," he continued baking and actually got wayyy better
+ he's got a single dad, who does really try but he struggles a lot
+ probably the most mentally unstable. i can't explain it but it's his vibes. (im projecting)
+ he got more into hair and makeup as he got older
+ after julie, he realized he was gay and likes jerry
+ he had a warrior cats phase
+ he helped the rest of them study for all their finals, and he doesn't like to brag, but it's DEFINITELY the only reason why they passed
+ he spends the most time at the dojo, his dad works a lot, so it's just easier for him to stay at the dojo and help out with different classes / help around the mall
+ huge huge HUUUGE HUGE. enjoyer of the ocean. i can't explain it but it's true.
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moodlevoodle · 11 months
introductory post??????? huh
i’m maverick/mavi :3
i’m not SUPER active BUT if you are in any of the following fandoms PLSSSS FOLLOW ME PLSPLSPLSSPL
dan and phil
sims 4
the stanley parable
the tick
monster high
steven universe
drew gooden, danny gonzalez, kurtis connor, or eddy burback
melanie martinez
i also Love drawing and writing and music so if ur into that stuff u know what to do pookie ok bye
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nightskyye · 2 years
episode ten of daisy jones and the six is just like- i hate it, i love it, i despise it, i adore it-
i hate that daisy had to tell billy to go after camila, i hate that they kissed a second time and a third, but i love that it was daisy who got to say no to him, to his face, i hate that camila actually left in the first place, but i love that she had doubts, unlike in the book where she never wavered.
i hate that we didnt get camila telling daisy to leave, in other words saving her, but i love that daisy chose to leave for herself.
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erinelliotc · 9 months
EEnE / Eddy / Eddy's bro EDit (EVIL - Melanie Martinez)
I love Ed, Edd n Eddy so much for talking about toxic and abusive family relationships, and I love Big Picture Show for giving Eddy a redemption arc
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