#ed upton
start-anywhere · 8 months
okay context-free spoilers for love lies bleeding
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theshippirate22 · 1 year
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It was said that Nancy Wheeler was picking fights from the moment she could speak. She was rather cunning, quite unimpressable, and more or less out of control of her venomous tongue, and quickly found herself pressing to the top. She served as the tangible visage of the press, titled “heroic” in a special regarding her liberation of an all-woman sweatshop in downtown Detroit through a series of articles, and called “muckraker” in a particularly cruel segment of political cartoons published after she publicly humiliated a corrupt politician in New York. It was even rumored that she worked for a short time with contemporary Upton Sinclair, during his drafting of The Jungle, and widely celebrated that it was her suspicion (and disregard for the local police department) that not only helped free one falsely accused Ed Munns in the Chrissy Cunningham homicide investigation, but also brought the actress’ real killer, a deranged, violent suitor called Jason Carver, to justice. Paired with her specialty knowledge of firearms after a certain run-in with organized crime, and her affinity for high-living, namely partying, she proved a tenacious character that even the richest families in Hawkins couldn’t engineer for their own children. When Hargroves originally approached her, regarding whether or not she’d be willing to be a surrogate mother for them, her initial response was no, but she quickly began to sense something extremely disturbing about the couple, and like any good journalist, stuck around to investigate. 
message me to be added to the tag list! first chapter of ROARING coming soon!!
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saintsir4n · 6 months
ARRIVING at Saltburn took a couple of hours, the sunset and the nighttime breeze blasted through Northamptonshire. Calypso hadn't slept, she spent her time texting her family, informing them of her whereabouts. Car games were played until Farleigh fell asleep. Felix and Calypso then sat in comfortable silence, she played with his ring-clad fingers until they rocked up to the vast estate.
Farleigh abruptly sat up like he knew they'd arrived and quickly exited the car, with the other two in tow, not thinking about their suitcases and belongings just their comfortable beds. The colossal doors swung open before either of them could knock revealing a beady-eyed man who lived and breathed the Saltburn.
"Good evening Mr Catton, Mr Start and Miss Danforth," Duncan's wry smile didn't dare reach his empty eyes. "Welcome home and welcome back."
"Thanks, Duncan," Felix said tiredly, greeting the butler with a nod as the trio dragged themselves through the archaic building filled with more artefacts than the country's museums.
Great paintings hung on even greater walls, showcasing the generations that stepped foot on the land. The same people who would've rather seen Calyspo and Farleigh slaving away than being treated like their equals.
"Night," Farleigh muttered as he carried his feet towards his room, leaving Calypso and Felix to yawn and stroll.
Their rooms were on opposite sides of the house, separated by yards of wooden planks and a spiralling staircase. She preferred that distance to how she felt wondering the lonely halls of her Upton estate. She was close to someone here, many someones and that was enough. Saltburn was a place where she didn't belong, but Felix pulled her in and made her feel like she was protected from the world he was born into.
"You have to share a bathroom with him?" she tiredly asked, irked that Oliver was only next door to Felix.
He hummed, "The other one is on the other side of the house. It's the least I can do."
"So I can't walk around naked when I'm coming to see you?" she quietly teased.
He snickered, "Of course fucking not. Well, not when he's there."
He pressed a kiss to her forehead, before letting her go.
"Night night Lix."
"Sweet dreams."
It only took seconds before Calyspo swanned into breakfast for her to be overwhelmed by the presence of Lady Elspeth Catton.
"Oh, how beautiful you look. And these braids," she gushed, wide eyes analysing every part of Calyspo's face, "I once had them when I went to Jamaica, your mother was there, didn't I darling?" she turned to her husband who nodded along.
"You did. Absolutely splendid," Sir James grinned.
"They weren't for me, too tight."
"Too white," Farliegh mumbled as he read through his newspaper.
"I think they're nice," Venetia hugged the girl, "I bet the blokes at Oxford jumped at the chance to talk to you."
"They did, didn't they Felix?" Farleigh jabbed, turning the page.
Felix hummed, barely shooting a glance his cousin's way, deciding to focus on his eggs and stuffing his face until his mother insisted he slow down or he would choke.
"I have our bird-watching kit ready Calypso, and some snacks," Sir James said, very excited.
Whenever she dropped by they spent their time fascinated by the birds that soared in the skies. It was a shared interest no one really understood.
"I'll be right with you. I need to freshen up after breakfast," she informed, making him clap.
"No doves in sight," he added.
She frowned, "Hopefully we'll find them."
Sir James vigorously nodded before returning to his food.
Felix watched the interaction with a crooked smile, adoring how excitable she was about something mundane as birds, he knew her all too well which is why he gifted her the necklace she hadn't taken off.
"Such nerds," Farleigh remarked to an amused Venetia then received disapproving looks.
Calypso rolled her eyes, "Sounds like envy."
"Go find your birds, come find me when you want some fun."
"I'll go to Felix for that."
"And I'll be happy to help," Felix smirked making her snort.
As Calypso told Duncan that she wanted scrambled eggs, an eccentric woman walked into the room, with ulterior style and crimson-coloured hair.
Elspeth gasped, "Oh, Pamela this is Calypso, you know Desdemona's daughter?"
Pamela, who appeared more dazed than sober turned to the girl, "Oh yes, I remember her." she commented, sitting down next to a now irritant Farleigh, "Beautiful eyes."
"Beautiful everything," Elspeth countered, before introducing her to Calypso. "Darling this is my friend Pamela, who's been staying with us while she gets back on her feet."
"Hi," Calypso greeted.
Calypso thanked Duncan who provided her scrambled eggs and then rose from the table to get some French toast, sausages and strips of bacon.
Venetia had quite a small plate, she nibbled on things here and there but her mother was chatting away with her friend, her cousin had his eyes on his paper, her father rambled about various birds he couldn't wait to spot and her brother stared at the girl he adored.
Calypso noted Felix removed his piercing, a credit to his mother's phobia of... anything ugly.
He sent her a smile and she sent one back.
The morning was awfully eventful.
Sir James was unfortunately right. Calypso saw for herself, that there were no doves in sight, they spent an hour looking and couldn't find one. House sparrows and blackbirds came and went but that was it.
So they quickly returned to the library where Duncan reported the rest of the family apart from Venetia resided as she was spotted lounging around attempting to gain their new guest's attention.
Felix quickly joined them after showing an early Oliver around. He suggested to his father to watch a comedy called 'Superbad'. It was the new rage and everyone loved it. They quickly set it up and laughter soon followed, background noise to his mother and Pamela's conversation about about Oliver. Farleigh smoked as he opened his laptop and Calypso occupied her time with her nails, painting a red coat attracting Felix's attention.
"Need any help?" he quietly asked, fortunately, Sir James was thoroughly amused by the film to care.
"I don't want to distract you," Calypso murmured.
Farleigh clicked his tongue, "That's a first."
She hit his leg, "Shut up."
"It's not a bother," Felix ignored his cousin and took the nail varnish as she draped her legs over the back of his chair.
Elspeth caught the interaction with a smirk before turning back to Pamela, "Well, I mean, they probably don't have rehab in Liverpool."
"No, gosh, no. No, I can't imagine they do," Pamela agreed, both uncaring that the door was cracked open.
"No, see, everybody just goes to ruin, I suppose."
Pamela twirled her cigarette between her fingers, "Where is Liverpool?"
"I think it's on the sea, isn't it?" Elspeth glanced around to ask her husband, "Darling, where's Liverpool?"
Sir James didn't tear his gaze away from the television, "Er, north."
"North," Pamela repeated slightly perplexed.
Calypso stared at her painted feet, "I thought he was from Birmingham."
"You know he isn't," Fareligh laughed, whilst Felix focused on making sure he didn't mess up.
She innocently shrugged, "Slipped my mind."
"It's called Prescot," Farleigh informed his aunt.
Elspeth gasped, "Oh, it'll be some awful slum."
"Mmm. A sort of hellish squat," Pamela commented, just as Felix finished his job, smiling at the girl who pressed a kiss to his cheeks in praise.
His mood only faltered when his mother continued dragging his friend through the mud, forcing him to turn his focus to the television.
"And both his parents were dealing. God and his mother's a drunk. I mean, babies can be really affected. Traumatised."
Pamela shook her head, "Oh, they come out drunk."
"Is that right, that he had to put his fingers down his mother's throat to make her sick?"
Felix exacerbated, not turning around, "Farleigh, that's private stuff."
Farleigh took a drag of his cigarette, "Well, you told us."
Felix argued,  "In confidence."
"Bad Farleigh," Calypso nudged his leg, causing him to flip her off.
"It's awful, darling. Can you imagine doing that to me?" Elspeth voiced, concerned.
Pamela's brows pinched together, "I think that's actually rather normal when you're poor. I think, when you're poor, that sort of thing does happen a little bit more."
Elpsleth proposed, "We should give him the most wonderful time."
"Good luck, he doesn't smile much," Farleigh exclaimed, offering the cigarette to his friend who quickly took it as she fanned her feet.
Elspeth turned to her son, "Farleigh seems to think he's ghastly. Why are you friends with him, darling?"
Pamela listed, "Dirt poor, not attractive and his parents are drug addicts I can't actually..."
A head belonging to the boy in question poked through the door, preventing them from continuing.
"And here he is now! We were just talking about you," Farleigh stated, as they all stared at him, each wondering if the information was accurate or not. 
"Don't be silly," Elspeth quickly disagreed, rising to her feet to approach Oliver. "Farleigh, you just make up the most awful things. Of course, we weren't. Hello, Oliver, darling," she took his hands in hers as she marvelled, "Oh, what beautiful eyes. Oh, how wonderful!"
Felix laughed, "Yeah, I told you he wasn't a minger."
"Oh, but, darling, you're kind about everyone."
"He really is," Calypso muttered, earning a  pout from Felix.
"Calypso's right, you're kind about everyone," she glanced at her son, "you can't be trusted," Elspeth said looking directly at Oliver as she tugged his hands, "Oliver, I have a complete and utter horror of ugliness. Ever since I was very young. I don't know why."
"Maybe because you're a terrible person?" Felix exclaimed, amusing himself and his cousin.
His mother frowned, "Don't be mean."
Felix chuckled, watching her go over to lounge on the sofa.
"Has Venetia seen you yet? Oh, my God, she'll die," Elspeth continued, chuckling as she did. "She's been draping herself all around the house all day hoping you'll come across her."
"As it were," Farleigh added.
"Do stop. The poor boy's only just arrived," Sir James said disapprovingly as he greeted the boy, shaking his hand, "Oliver, how good to finally meet you. Trip all right?"
Oliver gulped, "Yes, thank you, sir."
Calypso moved from Farleigh and chose to sit between Felix's stretched legs, he welcomed her tugging her towards his chest as the pair watched Oliver who stared back with a twinge of irritation.
"Oh, God, don't with the 'Sirs'. No, no, no, we can't stand anything like that here. Go on, come and sit by me," Elspeth encouraged, making the redhead shift to the side as he sat down, "This is my dear friend, Pamela, who's been staying with us."
Pamela lazily lifted her and for him to shake, "Hey."
"Pamela, darling, will you go and find Annie and ask about tea?"
Startled by the question she just about responded, "Yeah. Yeah. Who, which... Which one's that?"
"You'll find her, darling. Annie," Elspeth insisted.
Calypso surveyed the interaction feeling bad for the woman who was obviously replaced by the new charity case of the summer. It was clear by her unsure tone she didn't know how to take it, knowing their attention was set trained on her but not anymore. She wasn't given a choice but to search for Annie, about when dinner would be ready and only left when Sir James repeated what his wife said.
Pamela wasn't out of the room for a second before the gossiping started, "Poor Dear Pamela. She's been staying with us while she gets back on her feet. She's had an awful time this year. Hideous," Elspeth's eyes widened in size as she touched Oliver. "But, oh, Oliver, so have you. God, I was so sorry to hear about your father. How utterly, utterly tragic. I've lost so many friends to addiction. So, so many dear, dear friends. It's the root of Poor Pamela's horrors too, I'm afraid."
Farleigh grumbled out, "And the only interesting thing about her."
Oliver took in all their comments, eyes darting between the Lady of the house and Calypso who was giggling at Felix's whispers. They looked so cute, and tight, but they weren't together.
"Farleigh! No, she is rather dull, actually. But she's so beautiful. You have to admit, she's very beautiful," Elspleth insisted, "But it's only ever really been a curse." Calypso winced at the fact. "I mean, the men. Oliver, you wouldn't believe it. The latest one is some ghastly Russian billionaire. Malignantly ugly, of course. And she's been holed up here for months hiding from him." She looked up to see her daughter saunter into the room. "Anyway, let's not talk about that.  Darling, tell me about your mother. How is she bearing up? Still drinking?"
"Stop!" Felix pleaded as his sister lit a cigarette, drawing Oliver's gaze to the bright light.
Elspeth waved her son off, "Ignore him."
Felix emphasised, "It's rude."
"Nothing shocks me, Oliver. Absolutely nothing. Tell me everything."
"Is that honey?" Felix's voice made Calyspo jump in shock.
She palmed her chest, turning up to see him wearing a nice tux for dinner.
"Christ Lix, you scared me."
"Sorry," he bashfully chuckled, then licked his lips at the sight of her. "You look divine."
The faint smell of her new scrub was in the air, honey, he was right, she changed it again and he loved it more than the last one.
"So do you," she agreed, standing up from her bed as she stared at him. "Here to escort me to tea?"
He held out her arm, "My lady."
She took it with ease, "My lord."
Journeying through the house, he continuously peeked at her, the lacy dress she wore had a train that was a few inches long. Her back was exposed, only slightly concealed by small threads that weaved to ensure her arse wasn't on show. Her sleeves were long and her hair was tied into a bun, insinuating her cheekbones.
"You might as well take a fucking picture, Felix."
"Trust me I will," he muttered, realising she braless and the thinnest of materials alluded to that. "Fucking hell."
"What?" she blinked innocently as they approached dinner.
"Fucking tease."
Calypso laughed as was escorted into the room, where she sat between Felix and Venetia.
Elspeth was the first to compliment her gown before Pamela informed Oliver – who wore a tuxedo provided by Felix — all about her boyfriend.
"We met in rehab, so... He was just so lovely at first, and then all of his business partners started, sort of, falling out of windows," she said softly, "You know."
"Right. Lucky escape," Oliver assessed, putting a smile on Felix's face as he ate.
"Mmm. I suppose so. But he spoke Russian all the time and it just sounded so romantic. And I don't know the Russian word for 'whore'," Pamela explained, missing Farleigh's smirk. "So I, sort of, thought it sounded like lovely poetry."
Calypso's perplexed expression made a smile break out on Farleigh's face.
"Daddy always said I'd end up at the bottom of the Thames," Pamela went on.
"So far so good," Oliver remarked, gaining a smug smile from Venetia.
"I don't know what I'd do without Elspeth. She really saved me," Pamela added.
"Don't bang on about it, Pamela, darling. You know we're delighted to have you for however long it is you mean to stay," Elspeth falsely insisted as she picked up her drink.
"Forever?" Farleigh murmured, facing his uncle.
"Oh, no," Pamela spoke, "I think I might have, erm, found somewhere."
The Catton's were delighted to hear that.
"Oh, well done, darling. Oh, good," Elspeth smiled.
"Yeah, my cousin... My cousin has a flat."
"Oh, that'll suit you very well, a nice little flat."
"It's more of a... More of a bedsit really," Pamela continued, becoming less confident as she went on.
Elspeth grinned, "I loved living in a bedsit in my 20s. It's so freeing to live all in one room. And much less cleaning to do."
"Cheaper too," Calypso decided to add, knowing where this was going.
Felix playfully tutted at her.
Elspeth nodded in her direction, "Oh yes it is, but it'll be terrible when you're gone. How will I cope?"
"Well, I..." Pamela stammered, "I could actually stay for a little bit longer..." She trailed off hoping for someone to agree.
Elspeth softly gasped, "Oh, no, darling, no. You must be desperate to be rid of us and find your own place. I quite understand."
Pamela went back to eating, as did the rest of them, engaging in small talk.
It was only when Elspeth turned to Calypso did the girl placed down her fork, "Now Calyspo you must tell me everything about the boys in your college, your mother and I always had to fight them off when we modelled," Sir James agreed with her words. "But that was before your father so selfishly trapped her. So tell me, how were they?"
Oliver caught the dismay written over Felix's face as he abandoned his food and slid his hand under the table and judging from Calypso's flustered expression when she replied, it was clear what was going on.
"That wasn't an accident Felix, you can't accidentally finger someone – and don't bring up your cousin. And for Christ's sake, stop telling people about that," Calypso ranted, shaking her head as she dragged him back to her room, shortly after dinner finished.
He rolled his shoulders back, "Would you rather me listen to you go on about your university shags? I couldn't stand to hear what happened."
"So you thought doing that whilst everyone was eating was better?" she expressed as they stood around.
"You loved it," Felix recalled how she breathily spoke at the table, only alerting the young adults around.
"I had to cough loudly when I came, your mum must've thought I caught the plague," she groaned into her hands before he pulled them away.
"She didn't think anything of it," Felix reassured, "She wouldn't. She thinks you're perfect."
She wasn't convinced, "Sure."
Felix stared her down and decided to cup her face, forcing her to watch as he sucked his fingers dry, groaning at the taste lingering on his flesh until he was satisfied.
"You taste irresistible."
She pulled away from him, feeling her legs tremble as she dropped to her bed, slowly tugged down her thong and dropped it to the floor.
Felix's eyes darkened as he lowered himself onto the ground in front of her, pushing up her dress, and exposing her dripping arousal as she whimpered at his touch.
"You sure you want this? Once we start, you'll only slow me down for so long before I beg for more."
"Go ahead," Calypso breathed out, giving her the green light as he began kissing her thighs. "Fuck."
Her moans and his grunts as she gripped his hair echoed through her room. They were lost in the lust and sensual atmosphere, completely unaware that they were being listened to on the other side of her door.
no guys, they didn't have sex but they did more than expected. i mean really felix, jealousy makes you do that in front of your parents? i don't know why but i feel like that was in character for him, considering all the tales and references to the family's past. the two are getting closer, crossing those sexual boundaries and now oliver knows... yuck.
https://pin.it/4kZZbXCeF (how imagine cali's dress!) https://pin.it/6vmO0LUMU (how i imagine her hair)
the interactions with elspeth will feel borderline... microaggression-ish, very subtle to the point it'll fly over cali's head. it's a sad reality, considering she must've experienced it when she went to several private schools in her youth. i still experience shit like that to this day. throughout the film, there were many racial undertones, by the way, i know many people wouldn't notice, but it was brushed under the carpet as expected.
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mercadona007 · 7 months
If growing up you were sold the idea that kate upton is a plus size model you’re a warrior in my eyes (and probably have an ED)
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torreshalstead · 2 years
You make the miles worth it - Chapter 13
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Summary - The Chicago Marathon had always been a dream for Hailey. And when she meets a stranger in pink running shoes whilst training, she realises maybe she had been dreaming for more.
Chapter - 14/21
Chapter Summary - Jay gets discharged from Med and Hailey takes care of him when he returns home
Notes - this is pretty much all fluff! Hope you enjoy! Thanks as always for the continued support with this story! AO3 Link
‘Jay, put that bag down. I said I’d come back and get it when you’re inside,’ Hailey said loudly when she noticed that he had picked up one of the carrier bags with the takeout food in from the footwell of the passenger seat.
‘I’m not an invalid Hailey,’ Jay scoffed.
‘Right now, that’s exactly what you are!’ she said and grabbed the bag out of his hand, ignoring his protests. ‘Come on before I call Will, and get him to bring that wheelchair to get you upstairs’.
‘Don’t even think about it’ he said through gritted teeth as he walked slowly behind her. The pain meds they had given him at the ED had started to wear off so any sudden movement was sending jolts of pain through his body.
Sensing Jay was in pain trying to follow at her pace, Hailey slowed her walk down slightly until she could feel him behind her and offered him her arm. He shot her a look of disgust but when she returned it with a smile, he reluctantly threaded his arm through hers.
‘You alright?’ she asked as the pair headed towards the elevator to take them up to Jay’s apartment.
He nodded in response but Hailey could feel him lean a bit more of his weight against her which she was happy to support.
‘No V, I won’t be home tonight’. Hailey was on the phone in the kitchen whilst Jay was attempting to make himself comfortable on the couch.
‘He’s alright but Will wants me to make sure he has no concussion symptoms’.
‘I’ll be fine. I’ll see you on shift tomorrow?’
‘Okay, I’ll tell him. Love ya girl.’ And with that she hung up and finished putting the takeout on a couple of plates she had found, remembering where they were from her previous visit.
‘Vanessa alright?’ Jay asked when Hailey walked back over to the couch, food in hand.
‘Yeah she’s fine, she says get better soon. She offered to bring me some clothes over but figured I could just steal a shirt of yours to sleep in and get changed at work. I keep a change of clothes in my locker’.
Jay almost choked on his spring roll at the mental image of Hailey dressed in nothing but his t-shirt.
‘You okay?’ Hailey said worriedly as she put down her own food and rubbed his back. This contact did nothing to help Jay’s predicament so he nodded quickly.
‘Just went down the wrong way’, he spluttered and gratefully accepted the glass of water Hailey passed him. ‘You’re welcome to a shirt but you really don’t need to stay. I can tell Will where to shove it’.
Hailey laughed and returned to eating her dinner, ‘I’m staying. That’s final’. Jay smiled at her stubbornness but he felt a warmth spread through his chest at her insistence to look after him.
‘Okay Nurse Upton, if you insist,’ he winked at her.
‘After dinner I’m going to grab a shower, I can help if you want to have one after?’
Dropping his chopsticks onto his plate with a loud clang, Hailey turned her head at the noise to see Jay shaking his head.
‘I’m not being funny Hailey but I don’t think I could cope if the first time you saw me completely naked was when you were attempting to help me shower in a completely platonic way’, Hailey’s cheeks reddened when she realised what she had offered. ‘Unless you mean it in a non-platonic way?’ he added quickly with a smirk.
‘Don’t push your luck Halstead’ she countered quickly.
‘If you’re sure?’
‘Positive. Now eat up, so I can make sure you don’t choke on the rest of your dinner’. Jay chuckled and returned to eating his dinner but didn’t fail to notice Hailey scoot slightly closer to him.
As Hailey was showering, Jay pulled himself gingerly off the coach and walked into his room. He may be the one needing to be looked after but he was still going to do his bit to make sure Hailey was comfortable in his space.
Pulling open the top drawer of his dresser he pulled out one of his t-shirts, the dark material was slightly old with faded lettering reading RANGER across the chest, but it was large and soft so should fit Hailey fine.
He tried to reach the bottom drawer where he kept his sweatpants, but bending over caused him to yelp in pain. He heard the water shut off from the en-suite and a second later, Hailey appeared. Wearing nothing but a towel held tightly across her chest that barely skimmed the tops of her thighs, the water still glistening on her skin. Jay felt his jaw drop.
‘Jay, what happened?’ she asked worriedly, hurrying over to him.
‘I’m fine’, he said dejectedly, ‘I just wanted to get you some clothes to wear so you’d be comfy’.
Hailey’s features relaxed and she smiled. ‘I could have done that’, she said softly.
‘I know you could’ he said slowly, ‘I just wanted to do it for you’. Hailey reached over and rested her hand on his arm.
‘You do a lot for me Jay. But right now this is about what I can do for you. Head back out to the couch and I’ll get dressed and be out to join you soon’, she squeezed his arm and waited for him to nod before she let go.
‘I got you out a t-shirt’ he gestured to the shirt he had put on the bed, ‘but the pants are in the bottom drawer and I couldn’t get them’ he added quietly.
‘Okay, I can get a pair,’ she said softly, ‘thank you’. Jay smiled and walked out the door, leaving Hailey alone in his bedroom.
‘Yes Will. I’m sat on the couch. I promise I’m fine’, Hailey could hear Jay on the phone as she returned to the living room now dressed in Jay’s clothes. When he noticed her he smiled, ‘Hailey’s back now so I’ve got to go. Okay fine, I’ll call you tomorrow’. Jay hung up with a huff.
‘He checking in on you?’ Hailey asked as she took a seat on the other side of the couch, tucking her legs up underneath her.
‘Checking up on me more like,’ Jay huffed as he leant back and closed his eyes. ‘I love my brother don’t get me wrong but sometimes I could do with a break’.
‘You’re lucky to have him’ Hailey said quietly, facing towards the black TV screen.
‘Hails, I didn’t-’ Jay started.
‘No I know’, she said as she shook her head and smiled at him gently.
‘If you ever want to tell me about him, Michael, I mean. I’m a good listener,’ he said softly.
‘I know Jay. Thank you’, she reached out and took his hand squeezing lightly as she laced her fingers through his. ‘Now, before we put a movie on, let’s talk sleeping arrangements’ she said.
‘Sleeping arrangements?’ he looked puzzled at her, he hadn't really thought about where they’d both sleep in his one-bed apartment.
‘Well I know you’ll try and be the gentleman and take the couch but you are also the one who got shot today. So I’m going to sleep out here and that way you get the comfortable bed and can rest those ribs’.
‘Jay. You are not sleeping on this thing, don’t make me call Will.’ He laughed.
‘That wasn’t what I was going to say’ he said softly, squeezing her hand. ‘My bed is big enough, we can share’. Sensing she was about to disagree, ‘purely platonically, I promise,’ he smiled again. ‘But if it makes you uncomfortable-’
‘I’m not uncomfortable’ she said quietly, glancing up at him through her lashes. ‘If you’re sure?’
‘I’m sure Hailey, neither of us would win the argument over sleeping on the couch so at least this way both of us can get a good night's sleep and you can keep an eye on me,’ he winked which was answered with a laugh.
‘Okay then, now that’s sorted, another Marvel movie?’ Jay nodded and handed her over the remote.
As she scrolled through the movies, giving a commentary on the options, he just watched her. Seeing her feel comfortable in his space and seeing her dressed in his clothes was really doing something to him. She was beautiful.
‘Jay? You with me?’ he heard Hailey say.
‘Yep yep, I’m here. Whichever one you want is fine, I’m good.’ He smiled as she shot him a questioning glance.
‘Okay’ she said as she selected the first Avengers movie. Pulling the blanket off the back of the couch Jay threw it over his lap and lifted up the side, glancing over at Hailey. ‘I don’t want to hurt you’ she said tentatively.
‘This is my good side,’ he answered with a smirk. Scooting over, she settled in next to Jay, the closest they had been in a while. ‘Comfy?’ he asked as he tucked the blanket around them. She nodded and when he put his arm around her, she hummed contently and rested her head against his shoulder. ‘Good’ he whispered as the pair focused their attention on the screen.
As the movie came to its conclusion, Hailey pulled away from Jay and stretched her arms above her head.
‘Bedtime for the patient,’ she grinned as she stood up from the couch and folded up the blanket.
‘I think so,’ Jay agreed and carefully raised himself into a standing position. Hailey had gotten him some more meds midway through the film but he was still feeling a bit stiff having been sat in the same position for a couple of hours.
‘Need a hand?’ Hailey asked, noting the awkwardness with which Jay had begun to move towards his room.
‘If you’re offering’ he winked and she shook her head with a laugh, but still wrapped her arm around his back and let him put some of his weight across her shoulders. The pair ambled slowly into Jay’s room.
‘Can you get changed alright?’ Hailey asked as she walked Jay over to the bed. He sat down slowly and nodded.
‘I’ll be alright. Umm, are you alright with me just sleeping in my boxers?’ he asked, not meaning to make her feel awkward but he usually slept in his birthday suit so this was a step up.
‘It’s your bed Jay, you do what you want’ she smiled. ‘I’ll just sleep in your shirt, if that’s okay?’.
He nodded with a smile, ‘of course’.
There was a moment's silence until Hailey excused herself to the bathroom allowing Jay to take his clothes off in peace. Once he was stripped down to his boxers, he climbed into bed attempting to get comfortable without putting any additional pressure on his ribs.
In the bathroom, Hailey was tugging on the hem of Jay’s shirt. It did completely cover her butt but it still was pretty short. It wasn’t like she was particularly self-conscious, she ran a lot so her legs were nicely toned but this was a step-forward for her and Jay. Taking a deep breath, she shut off the bathroom light and walked back into the bedroom.
Jay was already tucked up into bed and although he could see Hailey dressed only in his shirt out the corner of his eye, he kept his eyes focused on his phone as she crossed the room to get the lights and then approached the bed. As she climbed into the opposite side, he heard her whisper ‘thank you’. He didn’t need to ask what the thank you was for.
He was aware they were crossing lines here but this was going to be at Hailey’s pace and he wasn’t going to push her anywhere she didn’t want to go. If it was up to him, he’d have her wrapped in his arms, her head against his chest, their legs tangled together. But Hailey stayed on her side of the bed.
‘Goodnight Jay’ she said softly as she turned on her pillow to look at him. ‘Wake me if you need to okay? I’m here to help,’ she smiled.
Jay switched his phone off, placing it on his bedside table and turning over to face her. ‘Goodnight Hailey’, he reached over and brushed a loose strand of hair out of her face, ‘sleep well’ he whispered as she closed her eyes at the contact.
Removing his hand, he pulled the covers up over his shoulder and nestled his head into the pillow with a smile. It might not be how he would have hoped but Hailey was in his bed and seemed comfortable to be there. Just when he thought he’d be spending all night on his side of the bed alone, a hand reached across and rested against his chest. He smiled to himself in the dark and brought his hand up to hold her small hand in his, keeping them joined and resting on his chest. He heard Hailey let out a deep breath as if she hadn’t been sure the contact would be welcome, he squeezed her hand gently to let her know it had been. Most welcome indeed.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
I have another theory . I heard the movie strange world did not test well.So Disney being Disney instead of putting the film on Disney plus.Because that would be a prnightmare having your first gay main protagonist movie getting shaft.They decided the best thing to do was to release it with little fan fair.I think they had no faith in it.
Animated movies are tough I think, you get the focus groups and the test screenings and you either have a finished produce or a nearly finished project when you're doing that and it's dead expensive and time consuming to go re-do all that stuff and I'm sure there's a few accountants in the back crunching numbers trying to decide if they should bother or not.
Occasionally it pans out
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but from what I'm seeing on that post there was diddly for promotional work done on it so not chance for organic outrage or love to form at all
so ya you may be sitting on a solid theory there
Also though not all Disney movies do great, Walt knew that so one fell flat they just pushed on to the next one, you ever heard of Candleshoe
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Jodie Foster being incredibly Jodie Foster in this one.
How about Gnome Mobile
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RIP Ed Wynn :(
This one is funny since obviously you're going to recognize these two
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Jane and Michael Banks from Marry Poppins, had the dvd of this one of the trailers just called them the "Marry Poppins Kids"
Movie was based on a Upton Sinclair book of the same name, came out the year before Chitty Chitty Bang Bang so no copycat claiming.
Black Cauldron is there if you want a animated one
Movies bomb, it happens
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doublesidedgemini · 2 years
Today was total ASS!!! But now I’m snuggled up in bed with my little puppy man, he’s my lil spoon right now and is soooo cuddly and warm 🥰 I would be so lost without my dog I love him so much!!! He always plops down right in the middle of all my blankets so in the process of pulling them from out under him, we ended up cocooned in a little blanket nest together hehe :3
tw: wiaiad, cal log/food diary, ed bullshit
Celsius, cranberry lemon — 10
Celsius, cranberry lemon — 10
Vegan chocolate protein shake — 110
1 cup vegan fettuccine alfredo — ~267
McDonald’s strawberry preserves packet — 35
McDonald’s grape jam packet — 35
Upton’s Naturals chick & noodle soup — 210
8 mini rice cakes, apple cinnamon — 55
Oreo — 70
100 squats — ~35
100 wall pushups — ~32
200 sit-ups — ~47
Almost 6k steps — 43
1,072 food - 157 exercise = 915!
A little more than I wanted, I wanted to keep things LOW to make up for my massive eating last weekend and because Thanksgiving obviously. But I was struggling soooo much at work, I had the hardest fucking tickets to work on and my brain was total mush and I wasn’t understanding anything anyone was saying to me lol. I needed the food, and overall it’s still a deficit so. Nothing to get worked up about I supposed.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Ypsilanti, Michigan, 1945. Engineer Preston Tucker dreams of designing the car of future, but his innovative envision will be repeatedly sabotaged by his own unrealistic expectations and the Detroit automobile industry tycoons. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Preston Tucker: Jeff Bridges Vera: Joan Allen Abe: Martin Landau Eddie: Frederic Forrest Jimmy: Mako Howard Hughes: Dean Stockwell Junior: Christian Slater Marilyn Lee: Nina Siemaszko Frank: Marshall Bell Kerner: Peter Donat Alex: Elias Koteas Kirby: Jay O. Sanders Noble: Corin Nemec Stan: Don Novello Johnny: Anders Johnson Bennington: Dean Goodman Ferguson’s Agent: John X. Heart Millie: Patti Austin Stan’s Assistant: Sandy Bull Judge: Joe Miksak Floyd Cerf: Scott Beach Oscar Beasley: Roland Scrivner Narrator (voice): Bob Safford Doc: Larry Menkin Fritz: Ron Close Dutch: Joe Flood Gas Station Owner: Leonard Gardner Garage Owner: Bill Bonham Ferguson’s Secretary #1: Abigail van Alyn Ferguson’s Secretary #2: Taylor Gilbert Woman on Steps: David Booth Newscaster (voice): Al Hart Security Guard: Cab Covay Man in Audience: James Cranna Board Member: Bill Reddick Mayor: Ed Loerke Head Engineer: Jay Jacobus Bennington’s Secretary: Anne Lawder Singing Girl #1: Jeanette Lana Sartain Singing Girl #2: Mary Buffett Singing Girl #3: Annie Stocking Recording Engineer: Michael McShane Tucker’s Secretary #1: Hope Alexander-Willis Tucker’s Secretary #2: Taylor Young Police Sergeant: Jim Giovanni Reporter at Trial: Joe Lerer Ingram: Morgan Upton SEC Agent: Ken Grantham Blue: Mark Anger Jury Foreman: Al Nalbandian Senator Homer Ferguson (uncredited): Lloyd Bridges Girl at Mellon Publicity Event (uncredited): Sofia Coppola Film Crew: Executive Producer: George Lucas Director: Francis Ford Coppola Producer: Fred Roos Additional Music: Carmine Coppola Director of Photography: Vittorio Storaro Production Design: Dean Tavoularis Editor: Priscilla Nedd-Friendly Casting: Janet Hirshenson Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Richard Beggs Producer: Fred Fuchs Casting: Jane Jenkins Music Editor: Mark Adler Supervising Sound Editor: Gloria S. Borders Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Tom Johnson Set Decoration: Armin Ganz Costume Designer: Milena Canonero Unit Production Manager: Ian Bryce Foley Artist: Dennie Thorpe Sound Effects Editor: Tim Holland Leadman: Doug von Koss Second Unit Director: Buddy Joe Hooker Assistant Costume Designer: Judianna Makovsky Assistant Makeup Artist: Karen Bradley Set Designer: Jim Pohl Camera Operator: Jamie Anderson Foley Editor: Sandina Bailo-Lape Stunts: Jimmy Nickerson Screenplay: Arnold Schulman Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Randy Thom ADR Editor: Louise Rubacky Original Music Composer: Joe Jackson Researcher: Anahid Nazarian Assistant Sound Designer: Mildred Iatrou Location Casting: Aleta Chappelle Stunts: Gary McLarty Screenplay: David Seidler First Assistant Director: H. Gordon Boos Stunts: Dick Ziker Makeup Artist: Richard Dean ADR Editor: Tom Bellfort Art Direction: Alex Tavoularis Assistant Hairstylist: Terry Baliel Technical Advisor: Enrico Umetelli Property Master: Douglas E. Madison Script Supervisor: Wilma Garscadden-Gahret Still Photographer: Ralph Nelson Jr. Stunts: Steve M. Davison Sound Effects Editor: Robert Shoup Stunts: Tim A. Davison Assistant Sound Editor: Martha Pike Hairstylist: Lyndell Quiyou Costume Supervisor: Winnie D. Brown Assistant Sound Editor: Michele Perrone Foley Editor: Diana Pellegrini First Assistant Camera: Billy Clevenger Assistant Property Master: Douglas T. Madison Construction Coordinator: John J. Rutchland Jr. Unit Publicist: Susan Landau Finch Second Assistant Director: L. Dean Jones Jr. Production Sound Mixer: Michael Evje Assistant Sound Editor: Clare C. Freeman Assistant Sound Editor: Paige Sartorius Location Manager: Rory Enke Second Assistant Director: Daniel R. Suhart Gaffer: Pat Fitzsimmons Dialogue Editor: Melissa Dietz Associate Producer: Teri Fettis-D’Ovidio Boom Operator: D. G. Fisher Special Effects Supervisor: David Pier Production Accountant: Joe Murphy Negative Cutter: Donah Bassett Second Assistant C...
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leanstooneside · 2 months
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paolawdiary · 11 months
CASE DIGEST: Alice Reyes Van Dorn v. Hon Romillo Jr. | G.R. No. L-68470 | Melencio-Herrera, J. | October 8, 1985
CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES ARTICLE 15. Laws relating to family rights and duties, or to the status, condition and legal capacity of persons are binding upon citizens of the Philippines, even though living abroad. 
This case discussed the issue of whether Richard Upton, the respondent, can assert his rights to manage the alleged conjugal property between him and Alice. Also, this case talks about whether the foreign divorce of both parties in Nevada is binding in the Philippines. Alice Reyes Van Dorn was a Filipina married to an American, Richard Upton, in Hong Kong in 1972. They established a residence in the Philippines and had two children. In 1982, both parties were divorced in Nevada, USA. The petitioner then re-married in Nevada, to Theodore Van Dorn. In 1983, the respondent sued the petitioner before RTC, Branch CXV, Pasay City, asking her to render accounting in her business, and the respondent declared his right to manage the conjugal property. However, the petitioner moved to dismiss the case as the cause of action is restrained by the judgment in the divorce proceedings before the Nevada Court, wherein he acknowledged that they had “no community property”. Respondents said that divorce issued by Nevada doesn’t prevail over Philippine laws and declared national policy. As the motion was denied by the RTC, Alice filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition with the Supreme Court.
1. Whether or not the foreign divorce of both parties in Nevada, USA, is binding in the Philippines 2. Whether or not Richard Upton can assert his rights to manage the alleged conjugal property between him and the petitioner
On the first issue, yes, there is no doubt about the validity of the Nevada divorce within any state of the United States. The divorce decree is binding on the private respondents, who are American citizens. While it's a fact that the Civil Code's Article 15 adheres to the nationality principle, restricting the acceptance of absolute divorces to Filipino nationals due to their consistency with Philippine public policy and moral standards, foreigners can obtain divorces in foreign countries. These foreign divorces may be acknowledged in the Philippines, provided they meet the requirements of their own national laws. On the second issue, no, pursuant to his national law, he has no standing to sue the petitioner as her husband is entitled to exercise control over conjugal assets. The petition is granted, and the respondent judge is ordered to dismiss the complaint filed in Civil Case No. 1075-P of his court.
Family Code of the Philippines (2022); Judge Ed Vincent S. Albano , Ed Vincent A. Albano, Jr.
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goalhofer · 2 years
2022 Seattle Mariners Famous Relations
#30 Ryan Borucki: Son of former Birmingham Barons SS Ray Borucki.
#48 Matthew Boyd: Distant descendant of former Cleveland Indians P the late Bob Feller & former U.S. 1st lady the late Dolley Madison.
#7 Marco Gonzales: Son of former Grand Junction Rockies manager Frank Gonzales.
#61 Riley O'Brien: Grandson of former Milwaukee Braves P & Seattle city counselor Johnny O'Brien and Great-nephew of former Seattle University athletic director the late Eddie O'Brien.
#37 Paul Sewald: Brother of former Buies Creek Astros LF Johnny Sewald.
#33 Justus Sheffield: Brother of Colorado Rockies P Jordan Sheffield.
#40 Andrew Knapp: Son of former Tacoma Rainiers C Mike Knapp and brother of former Sussex County Miners LF Aaron Knapp.
#3 J.P. Crawford: Son of former Toronto Argonauts DB Larry Crawford and cousin of former Los Angeles Dodgers LF & 1501 Certified Entertainment CEO Carl Crawford.
#8 Donovan Walton: Son of Oklahoma State University baseball assistant pitching coach Rob Walton.
#44 Julio Rodríguez: Boyfriend of OL Reign F Jordyn Huitema.
#8 Justin Upton: Brother of former Sacramento River Cats CF Melvin Upton; Jr..
Manager Scott Servais: Nephew of Creighton University baseball head coach Ed Servais.
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bracemanworld · 2 years
BBC BBC RADIO 📻 WM: MY FRIEND’S VOICE Poem for my local BBC Radio station as BBC Radio WM faces cuts to it's schedules BBC Radio WM is our local stationBroadcasting to the West Midlands for the NationFor local news with Louise HancockYou can't go wrong she runs it by the clockThree minute bulletins followed by "Make a difference "To the Birmingham and Black Country experience Your local presenters we have Rakeem at breakfast The first young black man to present the show at last.....We've had Phil Upton, Les Ross, Daz Hale et alAll trying to be your Brummie Breakfast palAt 10am we have Stanchers whose so bold.....A broadcaster in the Ed Doolan mouldShe has politics to tax your brains 🧠 And items so diverse as the new PM to Metro 🚇 tramsAt 2pm Stanchers makes way for Franksy....Or is it Foxy on a Friday?The Main Man to the Maxi?Franksy’s been on WM forever, He's such a big tall bloke and soooo bloomin clever!!!!At 6 in the evening Daz Hales teks the stageWith the football ⚽️ phone in, most fans in a rage!The Villa, the Blues, the Baggies too.....Saddlers and Wolves Yam Yams through and throughEveryone's in Daz's phone in queue.........Daz is a Wolves fan, and Mike Taylor the Villa.....Not sure who Henry Liston supports....?As he's such a young fella?The nights 🌙 are lit up by Cazza Martin.....She has us all cryin and a blartin at the diabolical dilemma The best presenter for me on BBC Radio WEmma!!!!Straight outta retirement from Brum University, I'm yer manThe Birmingham poet, Brummie Bard, Radio 📻 WM fan! The GREATEST station in Birmingham, not forgetting the Black Country Louring black by day and glowing red by night!The GREATEST REGION IN THE COUNTRY....that's awroight!!!!!
BBC BBC RADIO 📻 WM: MY FRIEND’S VOICE Poem for my local BBC Radio station as BBC Radio WM faces cuts to it’s schedules BBC Radio WM is our local stationBroadcasting to the West Midlands for the NationFor local news with Louise HancockYou can’t go wrong she runs it by the clockThree minute bulletins followed by “Make a difference “To the Birmingham and Black Country experience Your local presenters we have Rakeem at breakfast The first young black man to present the show at last…..We’ve had Phil Upton, Les Ross, Daz Hale et alAll trying to be your Brummie Breakfast palAt 10am we have Stanchers whose so bold…..A broadcaster in the Ed Doolan mouldShe has politics to tax your brains 🧠 And items so diverse as the new PM to Metro 🚇 tramsAt 2pm Stanchers makes way for Franksy….Or is it Foxy on a Friday?The Main Man to the Maxi?Franksy’s been on WM forever, He’s such a big tall bloke and soooo bloomin clever!!!!At 6 in the evening Daz Hales teks the stageWith the football ⚽️ phone in, most fans in a rage!The Villa, the Blues, the Baggies too…..Saddlers and Wolves Yam Yams through and throughEveryone’s in Daz’s phone in queue………Daz is a Wolves fan, and Mike Taylor the Villa…..Not sure who Henry Liston supports….?As he’s such a young fella?The nights 🌙 are lit up by Cazza Martin…..She has us all cryin and a blartin at the diabolical dilemma The best presenter for me on BBC Radio WEmma!!!!Straight outta retirement from Brum University, I’m yer manThe Birmingham poet, Brummie Bard, Radio 📻 WM fan! The GREATEST station in Birmingham, not forgetting the Black Country Louring black by day and glowing red by night!The GREATEST REGION IN THE COUNTRY….that’s awroight!!!!!
View On WordPress
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gold2558 · 2 years
Following to (MUST)BE “REMOVED FROM CONGRESS” All listed must be “
Cheney-Rino traitor” ROMNEY- RINO
Steny Hoyer
Karen Bass - Cal
Hirono- Hawaii
Mike Pence-Rino/Trump traitor
Val Demmings- Fla
Jayapal- commie
CHENEY-RINO/Trump traitor
MCConnell- Rino
Cornyn- RINO
Kemp- RINO
Sasse- RINO
Van Hollen- Commie
Upton- RINO/Trump traitor
BIDEN- acute commie
Corey Bush-Commie
Liz Warren-acute commie
Dave Joyce -commie
Jamie Raskin-commue
Ed Markey-commie
Zoe Lofgren-commie
Paul Ryan - RINO
Lisa MURKOWSKI-RINO/Trump traitor
MCCarthy - Rino
AOC/Omar/Talaib/PRESSLEY/Bush /all commies
Waters - trouble making commie
Todd Young GOP-Rino
Jerry Moran GOP- RINO
Katie Hobbs-commie
Should be on the terminal list rather than just remove
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bassmobile · 7 years
 Video from Fact Magazine, showing off a quite nice bit of custom kit from Ed DMX!
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earinfluxion · 5 years
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DMX Krew: Glad To Be Sad (Hypercolour)
DMX Krew is no stranger to this site, although it's been a while since last writing about his steady stream of transmissions. Some of that posts here have slowed, but Glad To Be Sad is also Ed Upton’s first release since 2017… that much is understandable, considering the continuous slew of releases from the project in 2016-2017 (3 albums and 3 EPs). In fact, 2018 was his first year off from releases altogether in a decade. Glad To Be Sad feels like a logical extension of the DMX Krew catalogue, and in particular his previous outing for Hypercolour, 2017’s Strange Directions. Upton continues to be a master of his own particular sound, fueled by vintage gear and a keen sense of space. It’s another fully instrumental outing, like most of his releases from the last several years, and it’s also a fairly even collection of tracks. The tempo varies, but the dynamics are relatively consistent. However, DMX Krew isn’t a project I associate with curveballs but rather reliability. And along those lines, Glad To Be Sad provides more of the squiggly arrangements at which Upton excels. While it’s certainly not as spirited as some of his work from the 90s, and its instrumental slant rules out most of the cheekiness of early tracks like “Street Boys,” Glad To Be Sad’s kind of sad is more oblique and spacious rather than overly emotive.
Glad To Be Sad by DMX Krew
Much like Strange Directions, the vibe is somewhere in between all of the sounds he’s shown off in the past, with a very deliberate and measured constraint and sense of space. He continues the home-spun beatmaking of Strange Directions’ “Home Made Drum Machine” with an aptly named “Part 2,” wherein samples of snaps and pops and clacks provide the drums for a spacy electro number. Similarly stabby electro bass appears on several tracks, including “Gate Output” and “Non-Entity.” Elsewhere he focuses in on vintage machines to provide the underpinnings; 8-bit crunchiness and fuzzy distortion tinges the drum tracks of “Mystic Relevation, “NP-Hard,” and “Metal Mod Beat” while Upton’s synth arrangements are airy and feaure a touch of the sadness the album’s title suggests in contrast. The chunkiest and funkiest track by far is “Jagged,” whose thick bass and steady four-to-the-floor recall vintage Chicago jack. Fans of his cheekier Fresh Up singles will enjoy the palate cleansing treat of the closing track “Winter Dance,” a swinging, melodic midtempo number. It’s a stark contrast to the beatless opener, “Shell Game,” but perhaps that’s by design. Upton may be Glad To Be Sad for the hour, but probably not all the time. Another solid entry in DMX Krew’s vast catalogue, one you’d be remiss not to check out.
Buy it: Hypercolour Bandcamp
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adri-2022 · 2 years
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Fandom: Chicago PD
Characters: Jay Halstead x FemReader/ Will Halstead/ Hailey Upton
Warning: swearing/ some comedy?
Word count: 945
Jay Halstead Materlist
A/N: Hey beautiful people! Here is an original imagine. I hope everyone is staying safe and you guys enjoy.
Don't be afraid to leave your comment!
You almost had a heart attack when you got the call from your boyfriends brother, that Jay “dumbass” Halstead had gotten shot, again. Couldn’t he be more careless, always putting everyone’s safety before his, and quite frankly you wanted to punch him in his beautiful face, so now on your way to Med you were thinking of all the ways you could get away with murder.
“You called Y/N?” Jay exclaimed to his brother looking at him like if he had grown two heads. “Yeah... I did. She deserves to know Jay” Will looked at his brother with an unamused expression.
“What? You scared?” Will bit back a smile that was fighting to surface in his face at the worried look on Jay’s face. Jay scoffed “Me scared -of Y/N... puff no- she doesn’t make me nervous or scared. Okay? I’m the one who wears the pants in the relationship” Jay said trying to convinced his brother or himself -because, yeah, he didn’t wear the pants in the relationship you did-.
Just when Will was about to torture his brother a little more, they heard your voice from the other side of the ED, “WHERE IS HE?” And just like that Jay was proved a liar, as Will noticed how his heart monitor when trough the roof.
“I hope you enjoyed your time with me, cause I’m pretty sure I’ll get murder in my sleep tonight…” “If not now” Will responded laughing at the expense of his brothers fear.
If there was something that could scare Jay was number one -hospitals- and two -you-, and now he was had both. Yes, he wasn’t scared of getting shot or tortured because you- you were very, very scary when angry. Which made everyone you knew joke about how a 5’10 former ranger and detective of one of the most feared units in Chicago, could be scared of a 5’3 law receptionist. And it was about to be proven again when Jay heard Maggie giving you his room number and your high heels clicking in his direction. Just then the door opened,
“What. The. Actual. Fuck Jay Grayson Halstead!” “fuck…” he muttered under his breath, looking at his lap trying to not show you he was worried or in pain.
“Did she really say…” “Shut up, shh, shut up” Jay cut his brother who was trying so hard not to laugh at his brother, because only Will knew Jay’s second name -he didn’t like it, you thought it was cute-.
“Will” “Y/N” “There’s the door” you said pointing to the door of Jay’s treatment room, to which Will looked at Jay wide eyes before moving towards the door, while Jay shook his head wide eyes pleading to Will not to leave him alone.
You were now looking at him, furious expression, arms crossed in your chest, raised eyebrow waiting for him to say something,
“Babe…I love you; did I tell you how beautiful you look today?” “Don’t- don’t even think about trying to smooth talk me…You got shot, AGAIN?!” you were pretty sure that the city could hear you,
“Honey, I’m okay, I promise. Its just a graze nothing major” “Just a graze?” he nodded giving you a small weary smile.
“Where is it?” you asked with a sweet voice and worried expression, to which Jay pointed to his right shoulder. You got close to his side not breaking eye contact, before you smack the injury,
“OWW, fuck, babe why did you do that?” he said groaning while you glared at him. “I told you if you got shot again, I would hit you” “But why did it had to be on the arm, babe?” he whined,
“Because maybe the pain will help you consider your decisions next time, huh, don’t you think, cause I can hit you again…” “NO, no, no, I’ll remember I promise” he said catching your hand that this time was going on full speed. You took a deep breath,
“You scared the hell out of me” “I know, I’m sorry” you talked sweetly at each other while Jay kissed the back of your hand. You leaned in placing your hand on his cheek to look into his eyes, then you exchange a caring kiss to which he smile in,
“Hey just making sure he’s alive, it got quiet…so, I don’t have to resuscitate you, huh?” Will’s voice made you pull back making you giggle, and Jay make a mocking face towards his brother.
“You have to stop being wheeled in here man. Your gonna kill us one day” Will continued,
“Got to keep you on your toes somehow…” Jay smirk towards Will missing the -are you kidding me- look you send his way,
“Its like you wanna be punched again!” “N-no, no babe, oh shit Will!” Jay screamed jumping out of the hospital bed hiding behind his brother who just laughed at the both of you,
“Okay, lets settle down you two, Y/N, I promise next time I’ll let you hit him a couple of times. You know so that it gets on his thick skull” Will sassed, wiggling his eyebrows up and down, while you smirked.
“I love how my dear brother and the love of my life plot to abuse me. Its hilarious…” Jay said sarcastically before sitting back down, then the door opened again showing Hailey with a worried expression,
“Did she kill him yet?” she said smirking at Jay
“Ha, Ha laugh it up” Jay said rolling his eyes. “Almost did…” that made everyone laugh, you looked at Jay and he winked at you mouthing “I love you” to which you smiled and mouth “I love you too” back.
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