#eclispe lake
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“That’s just life, rat. Everyone has a use, and if you don’t? ‘Pbbbbth’ buh-bye! Your friend gets it.”
Im supa proud of this piece XD
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sergeantsporks · 11 months
Mind telling us about the "Golden Guard is Eda's son" theory?
XD Some of us only joined the TOH fandom post-Eclispe Lake.
I'm aware that "Belos is Luz's father" was popular theory back when season one was airing, but I've never heard of this "Golden Guard is Eda's son" theory before!
I mean, I only joined after Knock, Knock, Knocking on Hooty's door, and I think it was kind of fading out by then, but I used to get theory videos recommended to me on Youtube about how the Golden Guard was Eda's son. I think the gist of it was that Eda had a kid but thought he was dead or had given him up or something, but really Belos took him either for revenge/haha oh the irony of training your son to take you down reasons or because he thought he was going to be a powerful witch.
It all sort of hinged on the fact that Hunter said "Byeeeeeeee" the way Eda did, both of them doing it during Separate Tides making it significant/something we were supposed to notice. And then once Hunting Palisman came out, I think some people theorized that he was powerless because Eda's curse messed with his magic? Anyway, it all sort of died pretty immediately after Eclipse Lake when everyone jumped on the Grimwalker train. I wasn't exactly super into the fandom yet at the time, so I didn't have a lot of exposure to it before it got swept off the table, I just remember seeing that same video getting recommended to me like twelve times and going "oh haha wow. That was. Very wrong."
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powerofthesunau · 1 year
Some information about Sol.
I thought before I go any deeper into the AU it would be a good idea to talk about Sol's changes.
SkyClan and The Stranger
• Like in canon he is still abandoned by his mother Cinders. He has spiritual visons even during kithood he tells her about 'the cats in the sky' which could refer to StarClan rather than SkyClan.
• Earlier than in canon Echosong is stolen by the elderly twoleg instead of Leafstar and her kits. Sol helps her to escape and Sol stays in SkyClan as her apprentice.
• Sol thrives as a medicine cat, being particularly skilled at interpreting omens. However he still has traits of his laziness similar to canon, he steals herbs from gardens in twolegplace.
● He disagrees with Leafstar and Sharpclaw's decisions. He starts to fake omens and use his gift of interpreting signs from StarClan against SkyClan to make himself more powerful. The flood happens and Sol claims that it is a sign that StarClan is unhappy at SkyClan for having daytime warriors. This starts a conflict within the clan as cats pick sides
• Sol does not outright kill anyone but he starts to hurt cats to gain influence. He poisons Echosong, leaving her alive but sick enough that she is confined to her nest so he is the clan's only spiritual connection. He kidnaps Leafstar's kits to cause even more conflictand plants omens that the only way to find her kits.
• Shrewtooth and Leafstar discover Sol is hiding the kits and confront him. He is exiled and swears revenge on StarClan by destroying the clan's way of life.
Sol's wanderings
• Several cats including Creekfeather and Rockshade follow Sol and his prophcies. Sol travels to the clan's old territories but find that they have disappeared.
• Sol takes an orphaned Darkkit into his group. Shrewtooth tries to assasinate Sol but he is killed by Creekfeather and Rockshade.
• Sol creates the Sun Troop, a group dedicated to learning about how cat civilisations live and how they interpret signs from their spirits. They spend years travelling and living in different groups including The Sisters and the Tribe of Rushing Water and various others that the clans have never made contact with. The Troop become skilled in interpreting signs and rituals to connect with the dead.
• Sol finds Midnight and he becomes her pupil, he finds out about the clans at the lake through her and sets out to destroy them
Power of Three
• Sol is escorted to ThunderClan's camp and warns them of the coming darkness and StarClan's lack of power. He offends ThunderClan's spiritual warriors and is kicked out
• Sol mentors the Three, taking particular interest in Hollypaw who is mentored by Firestar himself to become a leader one day. Sol tells rhem that their prophcey originated from a power higher thwn StarClan.
• Sol causes anarchy in ShadowClan by shaking their belief in StarClan during the eclispe. Believing that StarClan has neglected ShadowClan they no longer act like a clan. The Sun Troop move into ShadowClan.
• Hollyleaf's faith in the code is shaken when Firestar dies in the fire and she discovers her true parentage. She confides in Sol who tells her that StarClan is powerless as they insist on a code the clans must follow yet the cats who break it are rewarded by them. He reminds her that Greystripe, a cat who betrayed the code by first having a RiverClan mate then a kittypet (who did not reject her life as a kittypet) became leader.
• Encouraged by Sol, Hollyleaf reveals the truth of her parentage at a gathering as well as the prophcey she and her brothers are apart of. She promises to use their powers to help the clans.
• Jayfeather and Lionblaze reject Sol when they realise he is using their powers to destroy the clans' faith in StarClan. However Hollyleaf does not. She agrees to serve as a spy for Sol in return for him giving her more information about her destiny.
•Sol further manipulates Hollyleaf, encouraging her to seize even more power within ThunderClan. With Sol's help she incapacitates Greystar (Greystripe becomes leader instead of Brambleclaw in this AU) and demotes Leafpool to a warrior. Determined to raise her and her brothers' influence in the clan she makes Lionblaze her deputy.
• As a puppet leader of Sol, Hollyleaf assists The Sun Troop in invading WindClan and blocking the clans acess to the MoonPool. Refugees from WindClan including Crowfeather flee the territory and plot a way to overthrow Sol.
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angelcloves · 2 years
In his desperate attempt to stop Amity from leaving Eclispe Lake with the Titan Blood, Hunter summons a stone fist... And squishes her.
Hunter: "Oops..." He falls to his knees in despair.
idk if eclipse lake hunter would be screaming crying throwing up or reassured that he wouldnt be replaced as long as he returned with the key
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Not me thinking about fanfic ideas about domestic lumity texting each other
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4shfur · 3 years
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ranger-lcat · 4 years
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I really love the look of the Eclipser armor, with the glowing. 
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yellowhearther0 · 3 years
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clairaquos · 2 years
The miroir Philip needed to speak to the collector was found inside the titan's head!
We know that the titan was defeated by King's species but we don't know why and that the collector is trap as a shadow but we don't know by who!
The heart of the titan is still beating implaying that he's still alive.
Belos claim to be the only to talk to the titan and he's the only one to talk to the collector! They are even the only 2 to describe the covens as "Bright hues"
(This one only works if the theory of Luz being possess by the collector ends up being true) In Eclispe lake, Amity is represent by a cat while luz is represent by a bat. The cat represent Amity's palismen. The only bat palismen we know is the bat Queen. Who do we theorize the bat Queen to belong too? That's right, the titan!
So what do you think?
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give-me-hohen · 2 years
so. dearest friend. infodump me about blorbo from your shows please 🕴️
for no particular reason i just want to hear you babble about blorbo from your shows 🙇
heheheheh ok
toh spoilers btw!
so ig ill be talking about hunter toh, as hes probably my second favorite character. raine would be my first favorite, but unlike hunter i don't have a lot to say about raine. i love raine a lot, they're so <333. i love how they're like good enby rep and their relationship with eda is so cute. like I LOVE THEM SM <33 raeda makes me so happy whenever i see it! they're just so perfect for each other and i l_{APIKao i love them <3 like they care so much for eda, and like you can see how they feel so guilty seeing how much the curse effects her daily life. THE LOOK THEYRE GIVING HER IN THE LATEST EPISODE PAIN ME. and like in them the breaks i love how they like instantly become friends, its just so <33. they're perfect. i love both raine and eda sm. i don't know why i love them both sm, maybe its bcuz I've rarely ever see someone trans in a relationship in media? idk just ajaks
ok so i accidentally talked about raine. now time for hunter! hunter ,where do i begin.. fun fact- i didn't originally like him when hunting palismen came out. like i didn't dislike him, but i saw all this cool fanart- and was like- ur making this for HIM? THEN ECLISPE LAKE. AND OHHH MY GODDDDDddd. my mind instantly changed on him and he became one of my favs. like. i am sick. him having a mental breakdown due to failing his task RESONATED WITH ME. it was.. oh my god. that whole episode. hunters a stupid baby man (affectionately) but GOD that episode. i HATE his relationship with belos, belos is clearly abusive, and its sickening. like, its so sick that he acted so kind ' the titans has big plans for you ' and soflty smile. LIKE??? THATS CLEARLY GASLIGHTING. I HATE BELOS. and godd, the whole episode is hunter trying to prove his worth to belos- he doesn't want to get abandoned by him, and he GENUINELY thinks belos is a good person. and uh, that's what makes it so awful. it makes me sick to think about it. but hunters character growth is so??? his friendship with flapjack- and after words gus and willow is so :]. i like how you can see how he isn't a bad person- misguided sure, but he genuinely thinks following belos is the right thing to do. anyways, the sports one. i cant recall the name on the top of the head- BUT OH MY GOD. IT WASNT AS ANGSTY AS THE OTHER EPISODES- BUT IT WAS SWEET. SEEING HUNTER ACTUALLY MAKE FRIENDS- AND DARIUS?? MY OPINION ON HIM CHANGED. DARIUS ACTUALLY BEING A GOOD PARENT FIGURE IN HUNTERS LIFE! and i think its interesting to see how his trauma dictates a lot of his interactions. like when he originally sees the team- hes disappointed. the way he's raised means you cant be weak for a moment- and if you are then you'll get killed (thanks belos, you're a great guardian /s). but he made his first friends!................... then proceed to almost break their friendship. almost. i am actually, really thankful, that they were understanding about hunter y'know,,, trying to force them into the emperors' coven. AND CHARACTER GROWTH. SEEING HIM REALIZE THAT WHAT HE DID WAS WRONG- AND MAKE AMENDS FOR THAT. OLD HUNTER WOULDNT HAVE DONE THAT. and i love how its the pallismen that made him realize it. flapjack has helped him grow as a person, and its just so <33. then.. we have hollow mind. this episode messed me up... me and my bestie watched it together and it is... i was shaking.. it IS. HAEIDKAJUHD HOLLOW MIND. OH MY GOD. SO BASICALLY, HUNTER BEING A GRIMWALKER WAS CONFIRMED. AND I FELT SICK. THAT WAS SICK DANA TERRACE. and like.. hunter getting his whole world shattered. finding out his uncle is an awful person, and that HE KILLED HIS ENTIRE FAMILY. and like i love hollow mind. how they choose to show belos backstory with the pictures makes it so.. ALSO HOW HE TRIED TO KILL HUNTER. LIKE... I THOUGHT HE WAS GOING TO DIE! THAT WOULDVE BEEN SO.. DASHIODHAIODH AND THEN AT THE END/? HUNTER HAVING A PANIC ATTACK.O H MY GODDDD. anyways eda handled that amazingly well, giving them space after getting out of belos mind. and im like.. imagine u spend ur whole life following ur uncle for what you belive is a good cause- just to figure out hes actually a witchhunter and killed ur entire family- oh yeah! and you arent a witch, you're this thing called a grimwalker! yeahh i was not okay. LABYRINTH RUNNERS! LOVE IT! it really brings his growth in almost full circle, i loved seeing him and gus friendship ! it was sweet, though he needs a bath :/. but i think a scene that stood out to me was definitely how hunter originally rushed into save gus, AND THE SCENE AT THE ENd where gus is doing trauma vortex, how hunter faces all that just to help gus. i find that sweet, and how he uses the same technique gus taught him during his panic attack to try and calm gus down (and fails horribly, ) also i find it <3 how flapjack was looking for food for hunter...oh yeah and how hunter was researching grimwalkers. ok, one more episode! the most recent- clouds on the horizon.
i uh... reached tumblrs limit. so have to cut this short!
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lovelove-lovelife · 3 years
So, I know everyone has talked to here and back about the lore dump of Hunter being the clone of Belos's brother. How the cardinal is also connected to that as well, etc.
How will belos react though when he sees Hunter with the cardinal though? Because one theory im seeing is that cardinal used to be the brothers old palisman, which would make the eclispe lake scene dark and whatnot.
This though would make it seem that while Belos's dairy shows his fascination with the new world, how much he wanted to explore, he for some reason could not connect to it like his brother could.
I raise that while Belos may have been eager to explore things, he didnt understand himself, or how translate his feelings enough to gain a palisman, and this lead to a divide between them.
If it did, I can see Belos having a crisis seeing that Cardinal with Hunter, the one he trained and raised to think he couldn't and shouldn't have a Palisman.
Instead its his brother staring at him with hope that they can work together to get home. The one that may have sacrificed himself so Belos could live at the Lake.
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sakura-lovemm · 5 years
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Photo by Kentaro Goto.
撮影カメラ:FUJIFILM X-T20
撮影レンズ:FUJINON XF90mmF2 R LM WR
Kentaro Goto さん
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raggydraws · 5 years
Maybe a weird one but Spiderleg?
Spierleg has like...no ships, cause he's a lil stinky. However! I do have a rarepair for him, Sootfur. Don't ask me how I got into this cause even I don't know.
Some 🕷 headcanons!
Spiderleg and Shrewpaw were twins! They were also the only litter that wasn't sired by Dustpelt. He and Fern didn't get together immediately after she became a warrior cause yuck. Spiderkit and Shrewkit got them together cause they thought Dustpelt was really cool and wanted a stepdad.
Spiderpaw/leg is very insecure, mostly due to the fact that he isnt very 'thunderclan' looking. A few cats evwn dared to think that maybe he was father of Holly and Jay due to their similar body types.
Sootfur x Spiderleg
Sootfur and Spiderleg were never close in the old territories. But once the clans made the great journey they bonded and soon became good friends. Sootfur was very close with Ferncloud who comforted him and his siblings after Willowpelt died. So during the journey he stayed close to the queen and her last kitten, Birchkit.
When they arrived at the lake Spider and Soot spent a lot of time together building dens and hunting. Spiderleg actually found himself being pseudo adopted by Soot's siblings, Sorreltail even teasingly asking if they'd be the first mate ceremony at the lake.
A good ending is Sootfur surviving the badger attack, and the two possibly becoming mates around eclispe. After a really long talk (Spider was reluntant about kittens, he wasn't really around for any of his younger siblings and watching two die didnt help) Soot and Spider asked Daisy to help Surgate a litter. With Soot around Spider is more involved in Rose and Toad's lives, still a bit distant but the two can happily call him their father this time around.
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sitiomagico · 5 years
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COMO AFECTARÁ EL ECLIPSE DE SOL A TODOS LOS SIGNOS El eclipse de Sol del 2 de Julio, ocurrirá en el grado diez del signo de Cáncer pero afectará a todos los signos de manera diferente. El eclipse generará un clima de vaivén y mucha gente estará mareada" que afectará principalmente a las personas nacidas en los finales y los principios de los meses. A Cáncer, Escorpio y Piscis los afectará de manera positiva para renovar. Capricornio estará afectado de manera negativa porque están en oposición. Puede ser que les sucedan situaciones complejas con respecto a parejas y a socios. A los signos de tierra, como Tauro y Virgo, los beneficiará. En Tauro la creatividad estará activa y podrán darse cuenta qué vale la pena en esa área de sus vidas. Virgo podrá darse cuenta qué cosas hay que ordenar de la familia y que cosas tiene un fin un cambio o final y de renovación. A los de aire como Géminis, les hace un muy buen aspecto porque los apuntala y los adelanta. Libra es uno de los que estará más desestabilizado porque, si hay algo les molesta a Libra, es que las cosas no estén ordenadas y esta situación de vaivén lo pone nervioso. Acuario es el que tendrá que sostener a los demás signos. Será el encargado de acompañar a los que están un poco locos. A Leo, que trata de sostener muy fuerte su reinado y todo lo suyo, el eclipse lo tira un poco para atrás porque está en los signos anteriores. Sagitario trabajará todo lo que es la parte inconsciente, los amigos, el amor, puede ser que se den cuenta que necesitan más amor o más compromiso. Aries son los que están más afectados al igual que Libra porque el hogar o la familia se les puede desordenar un poco. ¿Cómo estás sintiendo las energías del Eclispe? #eclipsesolar #venezolanosenmiami #venezolanoseneldoral #venezolanosenkendall #venezolanosenorlando #venezolanosentampa #venezolanosenflorida #arziade (en Four Lakes, Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzYygcxgUF0/?igshid=g88k9fgp8lpx
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4shfur · 3 years
anyways eclispe lake!!!!
- amity and Luz :)))) they're so sweet
- obsessed with everyone calling king edas dog like. thats her son
- hunter and amity need therapy oh my god
- amity and hunter fight scene ohhhhhhh yeeeaaahhhhhhh
- I'm glad we're finally seeing willow! I hope we get a willow-centric episode soon
- Belos looks like ghost host and harrison
- Luz sending amity cute messages like that..... I'm dying
- said this already but goddamnit get these kids some therapy
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sakura-lovemm · 5 years
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Photo by Kentaro Goto.
撮影カメラ:FUJIFILM X-T20
撮影レンズ:FUJINON XF90mmF2 R LM WR
Kentaro Goto さん
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