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endasher · 1 year ago
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Cocktail Gazpacho with Colossal Crab. A party favorite & so easy to make! Crab lovers rejoice. This Cocktail Gazpacho with Colossal Crab is exactly what your taste buds are craving. Whip up this easy and refreshing recipe for your next gathering and watch it become an instant favorite.
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plipsa22499 · 2 years ago
Chicken Lasagna is one of those recipes which was strolling around my cook book for quite some time. Lasagna was my go-to dish while I was learning how to cook. Whenever I happen to cook lasagna- layering, base and baking are most important for a perfect lasagna. Since the outcome of the recipes was amazing, I kept the original one unaltered because if some this is perfect then why change it right? Chicken Lasagna is one of those versatile dishes which is loved by many and hate by non, isn’t it?
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multi-meal-dia · 5 years ago
An Instant Noodle Upgrade
When one pack isn't just enough for you but two packs of noodles is too much, a little upgrade with some of your favorite toppings might be able to do the trick.
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homeideen · 4 years ago
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Guacamole recipe- easy made with Jamie Oliver 🙈👍😊 #jamieoliver #recipes #recipe #guacamole #easymade #easymadefood #likeit #leik #doityourself #healthyfood #healthyfoodshares (at Stuttgart, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLckFYphufn/?igshid=bdeq5z64f55h
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sherrysioksim · 4 years ago
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It's Chinese New Year and what drinks can we make at home? How about nice Teh Tarik Gula Melaka? I had made mine that's very easy with Nutrifres Gula Melaka. Just use a shaker to shake well the Nutrifres Gula Melaka Syrup, milk, tea and ice. I enjoy the tasty teh tarik gula melaka that I made. @nutrifressoymaster The Nutrifres Gula Melaka Syrup is a new product of Nutrifres group. They convert the traditional Gula Melaka Block to Syrup for their Customer Convenient. This product also has Halal, HACCP, GMP Licences Certificate. This product provides a very premier Gula Melaka Taste and Aroma for the household user and restaurant owner to make their Beverages and dessert daily. With this Product, you can make their Gula melaka Tea Tarik and Gula Melaka Cake / Dessert like ice kacang at home easily. . Sharing is caring try the recipes following: . Name : 3 Layer Tea Recipe . Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8lM2SWxlh8 . Main Ingredient: . 70ml Teh, 136ml Fresh Milk ,Ais, 70ml Nutrifres Gula Melaka Syrup . Direction : . 1) Pour Nutrifres Gula Melaka Syrup into cup . 2) Pour ice . 3) Pour fresh milk . 4) Pour milk on to of milk . With Internet access now, it's convenient to shop at home. . Product Info Name: Gula Melaka Syrup Size: 1,000g Retail Selling price Rm 10.50/ bottle Certification: Halal, Mesti, Buatan Malaysia, Haccp, GMP Shelf Life: 18 Month Selling Platform: Shopee & Lazada You can find the product at: https://www.facebook.com/ConcentrateFruitJuice . And instagram https://www.instagram.com/nutrifres_maxmaster/ . #nutrifres #nutrifresgulamelaka #gulamelakatehtarik #whattodrink #diyathome #stayathome #dudukrumah #sherrygosharing #beverage #easymade #tasty #dessert #tehtarikathome #igersmalaysia #igersmy #selangor https://www.instagram.com/p/CLOziCiBa8I/?igshid=1kx0f8x3k0nwx
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lifeisanartwebsite · 4 years ago
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arcab-arts · 4 years ago
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Improvised little toys. I always forget what a pain in the neck magic air dry clay is 😒 .. .. Juguetitos improvisados. Siempre se me olvida lo fastidioso que es usar magic air dry clay 😒 .. .. #clay #magicairdryclay #seacritters #seahorse #dolphin #turtle #easymade #handmade #amateurartist #selftaught #artistaprincipiante #autodidacta #caballitodemar #tortuga #delfin https://www.instagram.com/p/CFVvrd1nJQU/?igshid=ybvdftlqfcdw
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samiasdiycrafts-blog · 7 years ago
DIY - Pen | Pencil Holder | Easy Handmade - with Paper & Plastic Spoon ❤️
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enoteasegretacapri · 7 years ago
#kimbocoffee#luxurylifestyle #thepleasure#coffeegram #coffitivity☕️ #hotel#restaurant#charminghotel#charming #boutiquehotels #capri#anacapri#anacapriwhynot#manykinds#alotofchoices #kimboespressoitaliano #kimbocapri#easymade# (presso Luigi Pollio e Figli distribuzione srl- Agenzia Kimbo Capri)
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seletbeurre · 8 years ago
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Before diving in completely to berry season, a final foggy day "burnt" caramel pot de crème. With Rosemary short bread, of course! #easymade #comfortfood #chezgautiercookingschool
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homecookingshow · 6 years ago
4 Easy Rava Breakfast Rava Ladoo Recipe: https://goo.gl/Mukh9t Rava Kesari Recipe: https://goo.gl/J1fAo7 #BreakFast #EasyMade #RavaRecipes You can buy our book and classes on https://ift.tt/2KebOuU HAPPY COOKING WITH HOMECOOKING ENJOY OUR RECIPES WEBSITE: https://ift.tt/2l7s73S FACEBOOK - https://ift.tt/1Ej2iQw YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/VentunoH... INSTAGRAM - https://ift.tt/2kctAEk... A Ventuno Production : https://ift.tt/1rUehhV by HomeCookingShow
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thekitchenqueen1 · 3 years ago
Chana chaat is a tasty, tangy and easymade with white chickpeas (chana or chole), spices, herbs, onions, tomatoes and lemon.It’s an excellent way to lose a couple of pounds if you have this healthy salad for lunch or dinner.
What do you think about this Delightful Delicious Chana chat or Chickpea chat just give a your minute and enjoy our this amazing and mouthwatering recipe 😋 The Kitchen Queen
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vasishtaram · 4 years ago
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driftstickers · 6 years ago
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Our 1/10 Scale RC Drift Slaps are perfect to add a little JDM to anything! . . . . #rcdrift #rccars #rcjdm #jdmRC #remotecontroldrift #drifters #jdmRCsliders #pandorarc #abchobby #ucdworks #rcbody #drift #drivecar #slammed #airpods #customairpods #easymade #rcmart2001 #oversliders #slideology #rcboss #emmen — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2X5FG6R
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gerardalbajar-blog · 6 years ago
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Ens contextualitzem al segle XXII, un segle on les modificacions i transformacions corporals han traspassat aquesta gran línia que al segle XXI les feia tan desagradables a la vista de la gent.
Avui en dia, les modificacions corporals, són totalment normals, tan normals que aquestes s’han desenvolupat ja no només en l’àmbit funcional, sinó quant a la moda.
Ara els dissenyadors busquen exagerar, jugar i transformar el nostre cos, per a fer-lo més estètic i més bonic a través de l’ull humà.
La cama fou creada per un dissenyador japonès, basant-se amb diversos referents dels que coneixem dins del concepte del “ciberpunk”, com: “Pinocchio 964” i “I.K.U this is not love. This is sex”.
Basant-se amb aquesta estètica, ell formà la seva nova línia de disseny d’extensions, inspirada sobretot, en l’estètica del ciberpunk japonès.
Són aquestes extensions, avui en dia, una gran referència per a tots els dissenyadors de moda i sobretot per a la societat, ja que aquesta s’ha vist distorsionada per aquestes.
Com ja s’ha comentat, ens contextualitzem en el segle XXII, però la història d’aquestes extensions ve de molt més lluny.
El dissenyador d’aquestes començà a crear-les a principis dels anys 2.000, però no fou fins ara que han revolucionat tots els mercats.
Són aquestes la nova moda, inclús formen part de l’alta costura, ja que moltes marques han volgut comptar amb la patent d’aquest dissenyador, és per això que aquests productes són considerats uns que només la gent adinerada pot obtenir.
En un context on els implants tecnològics estan a l’abast de tothom aquest Easymade mostra el muntatge d’aquest dispositiu, una càmera ocular implantada al clatell amb l’objectiu que qualsevol nen/a se la pugui fabricar, tingui els medis i sàpiga com fer-ho. 
Amb aquest mètode es mostra amb claredat i de manera senzilla els mecanismes utilitzant un llenguatge propi per al públic el qual es dirigeix. Hem de mencionar que per arribar fins al punt que estem ara amb la facilitat que aquest mètode de vídeo (Easymade) suposa, hi ha agut diversos referents els quals han donat pas aquest gran canvi com el cas de Neil Harbisson, el primer cíborg reconegut legalment pel govern.
El cas de Nei Harrisson va impactar en la societat, un home que pateix d’acromatòpsia és a dir, incapacitat total per veure els colors, però que des dels 21 anys en comptes de veure els escoltava, mitjançant una tecnologia que a partir d’un ull sensor rebia els colors i els representava en un so detectant la freqüència dels colors. 
Igual que molts altres casos que hi han suposat un gran avanç i millora en la societat, aquestes dues noies volen mostrar com és possible crear aquest aparell amb pocs recursos.
EXTENSIÓ CAMA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chQsFhlHC9E
EXTENSIÓ BRAÇ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwtFkd5X3aE
EXTENSIÓ ULL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5wO5F_4qg4
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gifpackmasterlists · 8 years ago
Kiersey Clemons Gif Pack Masterlist
Made by @casshelps​
One (188)
Made by @blakehelps​
One (103+)
Not specified
Made by @omibutt​
One (30)
Gif Icons
Made by @idfksources
One (46)
Made by @rpgenie
One (16)
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If you would like your packs featured please message a link of your post to this blog.
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