#eagles roost
viridare · 4 months
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Brian Haagen - Eagles Roost
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reluctantscribe · 1 year
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This might just be the greatest video game of all time.
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teojira · 3 months
[Sweetheart] [Noa x reader drabble]
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Summary: Noa comes to you and asks what a specific nickname means, one that he found in a book
Word count: 850+
Warnings: Noa having feelings for reader and he's once again fighting for his life.
A/N: this SUCKS but it's been in my notes app for far too long and it's almost 1k words that I cannot scrap, this is a weak piece but nonetheless, I hope someone enjoys it!
Noa has been introduced to the term "sweetheart" when digging through some of Raka's stash of books the orangutan had left behind. The Ape had decided to take a trip back to where he first met him to see if there has been more to learn from his late companion. And to this surprise, there was.
Many more books that Raka has deemed fit to be left behind. It was a good thing in hindsight, Noa figured. He could ask you about the words and their meaning, for you to teach him how to read it and comprehend.
The first book he has popped open seemed to be a picture book with very few words, like the one he has seen at the human base.
There were two echoes dancing around one another, seemingingly lost in one another's gaze from what the Eagle clan leader could tell.
'You are my sweetheart.' The script said, interesting. Tucking it into his woven bag, Noa mounted his horse to head back home.
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"Echo." Noa murmured, walking slowly from behind you.
You looked peaceful, the orange glow from the fire lighting up your features as you rested, a bowl of berries sat on top of your thighs.
"Welcome home, Noa." The smile you sent him was enough to make the ape trip over nothing. It was embarrassing. It made him feel like a child all over again.
After correcting himself, he eased himself down to your level, crouching to meet you.
"Need your help." Signing with one hand, moving to grab the book from the sling it was fastened in.
Your body subconsciously leans into his space, something you were usually mindful about. But he has been gone for a few days, leaving by himself along with Eagle sun and his horse.
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"Why can't I come?" Huffing, you're staring at the back of Noa's head, trying your best to not let the anxiety of him leaving overtake you.
"Too far, might be dangerous." Noa shook his head, moving to strap his spear onto the horse's saddle. He knew if he turned around and looked at you, he'd cave and bring you with.
Don't turn around. Don't turn around. Don't turn. He can't take you, he can't.
The warm hand on his back is enough to make a shudder, his shoulders tense as your small hand ever so gently pats at the fur there.
"...be safe." Your voice sounds small, and only then does he turn to you, taking you in.
"I will."
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It was weird being without him, you've grown so used to him being by your side.
You managed just fine despite what your brain would have you believe. You had taken on helping with the eagles in Noa's stead. Feeding, watering, making sure they come to roost at night and securing them.
It did little to keep your mind off of Noa, though. Just making you miss the chimp all the more.
If He had any issue with you in his personal space, it wasn't apparent, letting you cozy up to him.
Leaning a bit further, you peer at what's in his hands.
"Oh! You found a book?"
He hums at you, delicately cracking the small book open, careful with its worn pages to flip to the end where he found the weird name.
"What does-" He points a finger down at the word. "Sweet heart. Mean?"
"It's just an expression, a nickname." Picking up a berry to toss it in your mouth, chewing softly as you watch Noa compute your words.
"...nick..name?" He stutters over the word, raising an eye bridge.
"It's way to call your loved ones a special name. Sweetheart is one of them."
'Do you like it, being called that?' He signs, turning his body to you, taking in just how pretty you look in the fading sunlight, his eyes trained on your lips.
"Well, no one's ever called me any before, so I don't know."
You seem embarrassed, your body immediately going into defensive mode as you curl up.
Noa can change that, he thinks.
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You don't think anything of that conversation after a few days past, figuring it was just another one of Noa's questioning about humans.
It isn't until you're grooming the horses, scrubbing at their coat, and ensuring that they're clean that it gets brought up again.
"Sweetheart!" A loud voice all too familiar calls out, making you jump out of your skin and drop the brush in your hands.
Whirling around, you see that it's the Eagle Clan leader himself, making his way towards you with a smile on his lips, his bright eyes trained on yours and he has a extra carrier around his shoulder, no doubt for you.
"Noa?" You're trying your best to fight off the blush that rushes to your cheeks, but it's useless. Hopefully, he thinks it's due to the heat that you're flustered, god willing.
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This begins Noa's continuous use of the term. It replaces him calling your name at this point.
Sweetheart this, sweetheart that, for anything you do together, he makes sure to slip it in, loving how you react to it, that you immediately answer to him.
Anaya once tries to call you the nickname, knowing full well that Noa is flirting with you the best way he has learned how but gets shut down instantaneously, Noa playfully putting him in a headlock, huffing as he shakes his best friend.
"My Echo. Mine. Not. Yours."
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leonw4nter · 6 months
maybe like a lil drabble (or whatever you’d like to do) where instead of hunnigan working with leon, it’s the reader. and they be all flirty and cute and kinda like 👉👈
tbh it can work for anything post-re2r, even if its still before re4r. you can do how he acts around you in different eras (if you want to at all, or just choose an era)
sooo whatever you have most inspo with! thank youu
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RE4R!Leon x FOSAgent!F!Reader drabble
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After Ashley and Luis had gone to sleep in the small ramshackle shed Leon had managed to locate for the night, he sat by the entrance of their temporary shelter and turned on his comms, waiting for his radio to pick up a stable wavelength to relay information back to HQ. The dingy little thing still wouldn’t pick up a frequency, which the blond didn’t wonder about since he’s been thrown around one too many times, the walkie-talkie probably also got a small beating along with the impact his body took. After giving a small pat to the black box in his hands, he finally managed to hear the static of his handler’s voice.
“Condor One to Roost, baby Eagle is currently taking shelter in this… dilapidated hut,” he sternly reports. “Along with Sera. Luis Sera.”
A moment of silence fills the air, accompanying the gentle pitter patter of the rain on the thickening mud before you respond to his reports.
“Hmm… aerial imaging tells me you’re near a lake, am I right? Can hear the rain from here,” you say.
“Yeah. We’re not too far from a lake,” he responds. “Guess we got eyes in the sky too, huh.”
He hears a faint little breath coming from you, probably a soft scoff. He smiles to himself, the first time in a long time before he brings his wrist near to his face.
“What time is it back home?” he asks.
“You should probably get some rest, baby. Don’t worry about me, I’m making sure we all get out of here in one piece.”
“I want to but I can’t bring myself to,” he hears you softly respond. “I can’t risk losing you, you know. I gotta keep guard on comms 24/7 even though I know you’re great at your job.”
Leon’s heart squeezes a little bit; he knows how important rest is to someone, which is ironic considering how he hasn’t had proper rest in over 96 hours and is desperately craving a good, lengthy sleep though he doesn’t mind if it means keeping Ashley and the flirty Spaniard safe and sound. He won’t mind, most of all, if it meant keeping in touch with you.
“And besides, I have reports to send to Graham– location updates, aerial view images, all that jazz. I have many things to work on,” you say before he hears you yawn quietly. “It’s not like I can just stop doing these because I’m tired; at the end of the day, the president is a father who wants to know how his daughter is doing all the way on the other side of the world. He’s worried sick.”
“And at the end of the day, I’m just your boyfriend who wants to make sure my girlfriend is still taking care of herself despite all her workload,” Leon responds. “I know baby, I know but still take some time to rest– even for a little bit.”
A soft sigh can be heard from your end.
“Fine. But aren’t you supposed to be resting too? Don’t see any threats within a 3-mile radius, you’re good.”
“Nah. Gotta keep watch, can’t be too vigilant. You’ll be the one resting for both of us tonight,” he says.
“I’ll get rest later, honey. I promise,” Leon pleads.
Another sigh. Gosh, Leon hates how you’ve been sighing a lot more lately, which meant that a lot was weighing on your mind.
“Promise me that. Or I’ll personally fly there to beat your ass.”
“I’d rather you beat something else of mine instead,” Leon jokes.
“I’ll remind you, agent Kennedy, that we’re still on government-operated frequencies so I highly recommend communicating in a professional manner.”
“Ma’am yes ma’am agent Kestrel, the absolute love of my life.”
“I’m going to go on the break you’ve been forcing me to have instead.”
Leon chuckles to himself, a small puff of air leaving his cracked and pale lips.
“Okay, okay. Good night, baby. I’ll talk to you 4 hours from now.”
“Good night, hon. I… I miss you and… please stay safe,” you sincerely whisper to him, unable to switch off the frequency connecting you to him.
“Me too. I miss you. I love you,” he says before turning the radio off and placing it back in one of the many fancy pockets he had.
He props one leg up while he sits, resting his forearm on his knee as he looks out into the dark and foggy scenery. The rain would be nice if he was back home with his girlfriend, cuddling and joking in the bed of their shared apartment instead of this miserable hellhole infested with mutants and murder-crazed cult fanatics. As much as he wanted to bring along a locket or a small picture of you he couldn’t, out of making sure that there would be no traces of foreigners that the crazy locals could use to somehow involve all of America into this. A faint creak of the rickety wooden floorboards has the hairs on the back of his head standing, his hands flying to the sleek silver pistol on his holster to point it at the source of the noise, only for the source of the noise to be the nosy Spaniard who was unfortunately very much wide awake and conscious throughout the conversation he had.
“Didn’t know you had a ladylove, sancho.” was all the man said after raising his arms up as the agent pointed his gun at him.
Leon put his gun back down, the usual smoulder and frown taking its place back into his haggard features as he sat back down and stared out into nothingness again.
“Didn’t peg you as the type to call a lady ‘baby’ or ‘honey’,” he teases. He walks up to Leon, taking a spot beside him and placing a cigarette to his lips before lighting the end of it with his lighter.
“‘You should probably get some rest, baby’,” Luis repeats with a sly smirk as he shoots Leon a curious look.
Leon simply gives him a death glare, squinting his eyes before turning his attention back to somewhere that isn’t irritating or getting on his last nerve.
“That’s not what it was.” It was what it was.
“Mhm, Sancho.”
“You be thankful she hasn’t ratted your ass out to the president yet,” he hisses.
“Good point there,” Luis sneers. “No… no anything then?”, to which Leon responds with silence.
“Then… perhaps she’d like to go out for a jive, a little dance of bachata with me,” the Spaniard presses with a shit-eating grin. “Since you two don’t seem to be anything.”
“Back off from my girlfriend,” Leon blurted as he froze the man in front of him with his steel blue gaze.
Luis puts out his cigarette, chucking it somewhere and gets up as he walks back to where he ‘slept’ moments ago.
“Okay, sancho. I can clearly see that you’re hers,” he comments. “I guess only you have the pass to call her ‘the absolute love of your life’. Buenas noches, amigo.”
With a wink, he lays back down on the floor and turns to his side to fall asleep.
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NOTES - It feels great to finally get back to posting again!!! It's been quite some time and since I'm finally finished with the third quarter and my tests, I'll be more active with posting fics :)) Requests have been marinating in my inbox and I know ppl have been waiting for quite some time so here's the request, more otw!!!! I'm also eepy rn so I'm going to go to bed after I post this <3 Neways, thanks for reading my works and I <3333 UUUU!!!!!! HAVE A GREAT DAY WHEREVER YOU ARE <3
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stitchy-face · 7 months
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Calibreon Expansion #15 - Gryphon
Somewhat lore, mostly speculative thought about my choices in deign under the cut.
Gryphon are a species of Calibreon that have always remained semi-nebulous in their existence. Thinking about Gryphon as any large massive species never seemed to work because there in my mind wouldn't be enough food to sustain them where I imagined they'd be so I settled for something simpler and more compact. 
These medium-sized creatures can be found in northern Talis. Though by nature they are wild, it is possible to tame one for work in hunting results may vary on workmanship with one. They're at largest around the size of an average bobcat and form groups or prides of around 5-8 individuals. While they can fly it's not very long-distance and is ideal for short burst hunts and roosting at night.
Weyr are one of the few species to have constant run-ins with Gryphon. While they won't actively hunt one another sometimes Gryphon will follow a Weyr hunting party and try to snipe their catch from them- typically interactions never get more violent than this. Some Weyr are even clever (or brave) enough to try and tame a Gryphon much like someone would a hawk or eagle for Falconry practices. Gryphon are very tempermental however and may not listen the best- but some have managed.
Gryphon anatomically resembles hawks, smaller eagles, and puma or bobcats. Though the species aren't one-to-one aesthetically pieces of the design influence their colors. They have feather-like "ears" like a Great Horned Owl which they use expressively to communicate silently to one another. They have sharp beaks and teeth- though like other birds they lack the ability to chew so they swallow food in whole chunks. 
Their diet mainly consists of but is not limited to small mammals such as deer, sheep, or with group efforts Elk or Bovine. They have also been known to eat fish, insects, birds, turkey and in rare instances they may brave going after wild hog. 
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residentevilnet · 1 year
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Roost, this is Condor One. The president's daughter — Baby Eagle. It's likely she's in the village...
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uncharismatic-fauna · 3 months
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Desmodus rotundus, better known as the common vampire bat, is a species of leaf-nosed bat native to Central and South America, as well as parts of the Caribbean. They are found primarily in tropical forests, particularly rainforests, but can also roam into scrubland and agricultural areas. Common vampire bats roost in hollow trees, caves, and abandoned buildings, making them a common sight in or near urban areas.
As their name implies, the common vampire bat feeds exclusively on blood, particularly those of mammals. In the wild they will feed on large animals like tapirs, but they more frequently go after domesticated animals like cattle, goats, and horses. However, when ideal prey is lacking they will also feed off lizards, turtles, snakes, toads, and crocodiles. Like most bats, D. rotundus uses echolocation to find prey. Then, special heat sensors in the nose help it to detect blood vessels close to the skin; it then bites open a small flap of the skin and drinks its fill. Its saliva contains both painkillers and anticoagulents, so victims seldom notice their host until after it has fed. Predators of D. rotundus include owls, hawks, and eagles.
Common vampire bats live in colonies of about 100 individuals, although colonies consisting of up to 1,000 individuals have been recorded. Within these colonies, males and females roost separately; females cluster in groups of 8-20, while males roost individually and guard territories against other males. However, D. rotundus is highly social, and males and females will both groom members of the same and opposite sex. This grooming can even extend to homosexual behaviours like genital licking, which is thought to reinforce hierarchies and strengthen social bonds.
D. rotundus can breed year-round, but females only raise one pup per year. Males typically mate with females in or near their defended territories. Afterwards, females carry their pregnancy for about 7 months before giving birth to a single pup. These young feed on their mother's milk for their first month; during this time, other adult females will often provide the mother with excess blood as she cannot hunt for herself. Once the pup is weaned they begin recieving blood from their mothers, and at four months they begin accompanying her on hunts. At about five months they are fully independent; females will remain in their mother's roost while males will leave to establish their own territories. Young become fully mature at about a year old, and adults may live to 12 years in the wild.
The common vampire bat is relatively plain looking, as far as bats go. They are generally gray or brown, with darker fur over their backs and dark brown or black membranes along their wings. The nose has a distinct triangle shape, which houses special heat-sensing organs. Likewise, the ears are large and triangular, used for echolocation. Adults are rather small, about 9 cm (3.5 in) long with an average wingspan of 18 cm (7 in) and a weight of 25–40 grams (2 oz).
Conservation status: The IUCN lists D. rotundus as Least Concern. In fact, populations of the common vampire bat are increasing due to the abundance of livestock as a food source.
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Jose Gabriel Martinez Fonseca
Sheri & Brock Fenton
Nicolas Reusens
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misanthropologymajor · 3 months
buggin' out (pt. 1)
plagas!leon x partner!fem!reader
You've known Leon for a long while—since his unlucky first day in Raccoon City. What the hell was up with him on this mission to save the president's daughter?
warnings: parasitic infections, descriptive violence, slow burn, anxious reader because my anxiety is so ingrained that I can't write someone who isn't anxious every second of every day, ignoring the treasure hunting aspect of the game because it is a little silly outside of the context of a video game, one use of y/n, lots of euphemisms for killing, awkwardly written combat, crossposted on ao3
part two -
feedback is appreciated :)
wc: 2.4k
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"Roost, this is Condor Two. Condor One is totally out. We're in a boat and he's totally unconscious."
"Condor Two, what do you mean? Why are you in a boat?"
"It's so much-- there was a big fish monster, and we had to take him out so we could get to the area left on this one map to get the key to the church, but we killed the big guy, and Leon coughed up some blood and just collapsed. I'm taking us to shore, where we're less exposed." Leon thrashes in his sleep as you ramble, splashing some lake water on him.
"Condor Two, calm down, shelter him a bit, and update me when he wakes up. Roost out."
Pulling into the pier, you stop the boat. "Leon, you really are a bit of a damsel in distress." You pull him out, brushing his hair off of his forehead. He stirs just a bit, letting out a small groan.
Within twenty minutes, you manage to coax him into the nearest shed. You rifle through your waist pouch, leaving him with a small water bottle and a damp cloth on the nape of his neck. "Leon, I'm going to get you some medicinal herbs. Please wake up soon." Leon’s chest gently rises and falls. You brush his hair out of his eyes again before you leave.
You clamber up towards the Merchant's set up in the cave. "Excuse me? Do you have anything that can help my friend? Something's happened to him on the water; he's unconscious."
"Well, Stranger-- it may be best to let 'im wake up on 'is own. Never know what causes things 'round here-" you move to interrupt. "But, ‘f you must try somethin', try these herbs. Yellow an' red, if you will."
You hand him a few thousand pesetas and return down to Leon. After mixing them into his water, you coax him into taking a few sips. He groans, and you settle on the dirt beside him, cradling his head in your lap. "You've got to wake up, Leon. Ashley needs you, we have to save her."
After an hour of Leon's unconsciousness, you leave him in his shelter, obscured by an improvised curtain, and set off to get the key to the church. You sail the boat to the small boathouse and set through the path, pausing to fight three male villagers, two of which have their heads explode to reveal a bladed tentacle. Oh, joy.
Once you enter the cave, you find a large plinth between two narrower, notched pedestals, holding what seems to be the key to the church entrance. In the next room, a large map on the wall indicates the cave you're in and one across the lake.
Going through the cave leads to a new boat, which you take to check on Leon. In his shed, he's more responsive to your gentle probing, but he's still nowhere near conscious. 
"Leon, I'm going to get the first part of the key. I'll be back as soon as I can." You return to your boat and approach the smaller cave across the lake. The ride is uncomfortable without Leon’s quiet breathing or snarky mumblings. 
Arriving in the cave reveals a small building with an eight-buttoned console to the left of a relatively large door. Following a bit of multi-story investigation, you find the correct buttons for the entrance, revealing the detachable head and a few treasures in the room. You return to Leon, who is nearly awake.
"Condor Two, it's been almost two hours since you called in. Are you any closer to Baby Eagle?" Hunnigan’s voice crackles through your earpiece as you consider your next course of action. 
"While Condor One has been napping, I went to get one half of the way to unlock the key to the church. We'll get the other half once Condor One is back in action."
"Good to hear, Condor Two. Have Condor One call in once he's awake. Roost out."
It took another twenty minutes for Leon to fully wake up and adjust to his surroundings. Wrestling himself up by his elbows, sat with his back along the wall. "What the hell happened?"
"I was hoping you'd have the answer to that. We took down that big fish, and then you coughed up blood like you were in a period drama before passing out. Don't tell me you have tuberculosis."
"Definitely not. I think it may have to do with this cult; I saw a cloaked figure talking about a sacrificial body." 
"Don’t be so quick to rule out TB, Leon. Last year, an estimated eight million- Wait, fuck, that big priest said, 'Your blood or whatever accepted the gift.'"
"Oh, he worded it exactly like that. Wait, why do you know so much about tuberculosis?" You lightly smack the back of his head before filling him in on the work you'd done while he was asleep. His eyes crinkled as he looked up. He gestured for you to help him up off of the ground.
"One, we have to head to get the second part for the key to the church. Two, Leon, we literally work against biological terrorism, and I wouldn’t put it past Umbrella’s people to work out how to use TB. Are you good to go, or should I leave you here? Either way, call in to Hunnigan."
"I'm fine. Saving the president's daughter is all that matters."
"Leon, saving her doesn't matter much if you go down again and she gets taken… again.''
He ignores you. "Roost, this is Condor One. I'm up and at it, Condor Two is freaking out over nothing." 
"Condor One, you were radio silent for three hours. I think that Condor Two may be right to worry."
As he updates Hunnigan, you walk over and start up the boat. The retrieved stone head looks up at him as he enters the boat. “I take it we’re looking for another one of these bad boys?”
You nod an affirmation and take the boat to the dock indicated on the map. At the dock, you try the grated metal door to the right. "Locked. Looks like we have to go the long way."
"Let's get to it."
"Oh, by the way-- our friends sometimes pop big stabby tentacles out of where their heads are now. They don't like bright light. Just be ready."
"What the fuck?"
"Let's go, Kennedy."
Leon shoots a little wildly when the first Ganado you face grows into a bladed tentacle. Eventually, the head bursts, revealing another few enemies. You take them down as you head deeper into the cave section. Leon climbs up a ladder as you finish clearing the bottom level. You can hear him in combat up on the ledge. "They just keep coming!"
You finish down below and take the far ladder up to the ledge. Leon shoots his last opponent and jogs over to you. "This is the same console as the other cave. Let's look for symbols."
After finding the three symbols, you input them to unlock the door. You let Leon discover the bloody surprise under the stone head and eventually make your way back to the initial cave with the church key.
Putting each head on the pedestals unlocks the circular church key. Leon takes it and tucks it into his briefcase before leading you back to the Merchant's grotto. "Ashley's waiting for us; let's get going."
You head up the stairs towards the quarry. As you both step in, the gate slams behind you. A red figure atop the highest cliff gestures towards the gate across the quarry. The gate quakes, and the blockade begins to fragment.
"I'm not sure I'm a big fan of that comically large hammer anymore." You begin to load your rifle and aim it towards the gate.
The gate slammed open. It reveals a massive, lumpy humanoid. "Woah! Goddamn, you're a big boy!" Leon uses his handgun to fire a round of 3 burst shots at the giant. The giant seems unphased by the shots, and you take the opportunity to fire your shotgun at his back. He's marginally more impacted by this, which distracts him enough for Leon to begin to move away from the path of rampage.
Leon switches to small grenades and discovers another weak point on the giant's back. A small white figure pops out from the giant's upper back. 
A wolf howls at the top of the cliff. Leon points up to the top. "Hey! It's that dog again!" The giant looks frantically towards the moving wolf. After jumping down to the quarry, the wolf bites at the ankles of the giant.
You and Leon focus your shots on the smaller white figure, eventually leading to the giant falling low enough to attack the little white guy with your knife. After a few seconds, the giant moves to stand back up.
After another few rotations of knocking the big guy down and hacking at the little white head, the giant goes down. Leon stares down at it. "Damn. We were almost pancakes."
The wolf bounds off into the night, and you and Leon continue back toward the church. "Those bastards better not have moved Baby Eagle on us. I think I might lose it if we do much else without confirmation that she's okay." You adjust your side holster and reload each of your weapons.
"Let's not give them the chance." Leon opened the gate to the churchyard and slotted the key into the door. The door opens to a fairly basic chapel, with a jumbled stained glass in the center of the altar.
"Ashley Graham? Are you here?" You and Leon search for any location that could hide a full human being. "Leon, there's a blue knob in this cupboard."
"There's a gate over there, There's blue in the stained glass and a handle on the wall. Let's try this."
Leon fiddles with settings on the revealed console, pulling the gate above the doorway.
You walk through the doorway, checking for hidden combatants before climbing the ladder. You approach the door, indicating for Leon to open it.
"Ashley, Ashley Graham? Are you in here?" A figure swung at Leon with a candelabra.
"Just let me go!" A blonde girl in an orange blazer and a green plaid miniskirt swung again at Leon with the candelabra.
Leon caught it and threw it to the floor. "Easy with that. My name is Leon, this is (y/n). We're here on the president's orders." Ashley looked between the two of you before running between you out of the room. "That went well." Leon walked out of the storage room.
"Leon, you could have led with 'I'm not a bug man.' Yet, I guess." You stumble over the discarded candelabra momentarily before catching your footing.
"Because you were such a big help there?" Leon jogged to reach Ashley. "Hey, it's dangerous outside. You need to listen to me-"
Ashley interrupted him. "What is that? Over there."
You followed her eyeline. "That looks like more villagers. We need to be ready..." You trailed off as Leon and Ashley both grabbed their temples and groaned in pain. "Guys? What's wrong?" As they opened their eyes, you maneuvered Ashley to face you, pulling a penlight from your waist to check her pupils. You looked between her fairly normal pupils and the quickly approaching mob. "Kennedy, what happened?"
Leon and Ashley press along the gaps between windows to your right as you slide to put Ashley between you and Leon. Leon addresses you around Ashley. "Not good; let’s be ready."
Ashley looks between the two of you. "What do we do?"
Leon leans slightly toward her. "Your father trusts us, and I need you to trust us, too." Following a noise downstairs, you and Leon motion for Ashley to stay back as you look down at the villagers coming in.
You all crouch down as you move towards the left, passing Ashley's smashed phone. "Seriously? I just bought this."
You notice the sticker indicating Sigma Gamma Phi. "When we get out, we'll get you a new one. Let's get you back to your sisters first."
You reach a dead end and spot for Ashley as she climbs atop Leon's back to get the ladder down. You climb up the ladder, and Leon follows you. The only option is a window, which Leon and you hop through to the next ledge. Leon persuades Ashley to jump as you descend the ladder to the ground. 
A fallen bookcase blocks your path. Leon's voice crackles through your earpiece as you begin to clear the route. "Roost. We've secured Baby Eagle." You leverage your arms and thighs to move it back into the correct spot, as Hunnigan replies.
"Copy that. Is she okay?"
"Affirmative." Leon and Ashley approach your path.
" Well done, Condors. I'll dispatch a chopper ASAP. I'm sending you the coordinates for the extraction point. Make your way there. And don't let anything happen to Baby Eagle. Hurry, the weather is getting worse. Roost out."
You walk to the front courtyard with your gun drawn. "Ashley, stick close to one of us unless we tell you otherwise. Be loud if you need help." Ashley tucks herself behind you. As you finish speaking, an old woman with a pitchfork turns towards your little crew. You take three shots before her head is replaced with a tentacle. Leon fires twice more before that, too, explodes.
The sounds of her death summon another three villagers. Leon moves to create an artificial bottleneck of access to Ashley. Those villagers go down with only one more tentacle as four more enter the courtyard. You narrowly pull Ashley out of the path of a charging pitchfork.
When those four are taken care of, you leave Ashley with Leon to explore the cemetery. As you finish dealing with the visible, another gets close enough to grapple you. You yell in surprise as you fish for your combat knife, and Leon runs toward you. Ashley stumbles behind him.
Before Leon can get halfway down to you, you wrench yourself from his grasp and stab at his attempts to grab you again. You dispatch him with finality as you turn toward Leon and Ashley. "That could have gone better. Nice to meet you, Ashley."
"Oh! Nice to meet you too, I guess. Wish the circumstances were better."
“Don’t we all?" You pat her shoulder comfortingly before walking ahead.
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demigoddessqueens · 12 days
Hay, how are you doing today? I hope you have a great day! I have an idea that I have been thinking about for a while. Can you do Assassin's Creed character ( I can be your choice) with a partner that has a pet eagles.
I can imagine that Altair is on his keen and bragging to other people that his partner is powerful and strong, etc
You can do this if you want to, but if you don't, that's fine with me pls have a good day!
Sure! I’ve done two, one with pigeons and crows, so the trademark eagle deserves its spot
And of course it’ll go to the OG namesake himself 😉
Masterlist 11
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He ADORES your eagles, let’s just start there
Majestic, elegant, beautiful creatures that are loyal to you
One male and one female and they’re never separated from each other so the symbolism is not lost on him
If you’re not around, sometimes he’ll go up to the roost to look after them. Given how close you and Altair are, they immediately recognize him
Yes, he absolutely talks about you to the birds
Even going so far as sending messages to each other via eagle
Everyone else hears of how he praises your skills so of course they’re the next ones to hear about you
But sometimes most of the quality time you spend together is hanging from the tallest platforms as you look out over Masyaf together
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links-gender · 2 months
A list of Zelda songs I’m hyperfixating on, and why
The Great Sea (Phantom Hourglass verison)
- The part where it goes Ab - G minor - C minor SLAPS so hard, Istg sometimes I listen to this song only for those 5 seconds
-Idk I just love that part, it makes it different from the WW version - more nostalgic, in a way? It feels like… traveling. Being on an adventure far from home, and having fun yet missing the way things used to be
Dragon Roost Island (Wind Waker)
- A rhythmical masterpiece
- This song stands out for being both energetic, catchy, nostalgic, wistful, a little sad, and happy all at once
- Obsessed with part where it goes G minor - F - Bb . Maybe it’s because it finally breaks free from the G minor - F that we’ve been hearing up until this point
- I don’t have the musical vocabulary to explain why I love this one lmao. Rhythm is energetic and bouncy, flute/melody is soft and based on long, soaring notes. They complement each other so well
Hytopia (Tri Force Heroes)
- Embarrassingly enough I heard this one for the first time just last week
- I particularly love the beginning, and I love the instrumentation! The accordion fits so well to the vibe of a cozy, medieval village/town (I’ve never played tri force heroes, idk anything about what hytopia is like 🤡)
- It stands out as a very original/easily recognizable village theme but maintains some important elements from the Kakariko village theme! The guitar plays a figure that’s similar to Kakariko
Eagle’s Tower (Link’s Awakening)
- I’m pretty sure my favorite dungeon theme from this game is the Face Shrine, but this one has been stuck in my head way more recently
- It’s so eerie! While Face Shrine is as well, Face Shrine is more sad and dramatic while this one is just plain creepy
- Maybe I’m biased because I enjoyed playing this dungeon very much (I’m p sure I jumped back and forth between floors waaay more than necessary though 🫠)
- It’s like Link is just going through the motions at this point
Lanayru Mining Facility (Skyward Sword)
- Mmm yummy musical texture
- I can’t tell you what instruments are playing but I can tell you that they’re really satisfying to listen to
- I don’t care for the horn that comes in a few seconds in, I just love the mallets (???) and melodic percussion
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willtheweaver · 5 months
OC questionnaire tag
Shoutout to @drchenquill for the tag
Who shall I put in the hot seat for this one? Let’s do Lord Halley from A Feather in the Forest
Are you named after anyone?
I was named after the ancient war hero Halley the Blood Comet.
When was the last time you cried?
It was years ago when I was told about the coup that ousted my family from Eagleheart. Can you imagine? Hatchlings slain while they slept, my great uncle Odo took fifty wounds from claw, beak, and sword, so that the remainder could escape an avenge the fallen one day.
Do you have kids?
No. I have never had any luck courting. If you any available eagles, please let me know.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Who are they? Is it a loyal subject, or a bird from another eyrie? What is their rank, and are they alone, or in a group?
What’s your eye color?
Golden amber.
Scary movies or happy endings?
Hmmmm…an interesting concept; pictures that not only move, but talk as well. I would dare you to try and scare me.
Any special talents?
I can nab a moving fish, no matter how fast it is going. My aerial acrobatics rival those of a falcon.
Where were you born?
Loftperch Lookout.
Do you have any pets?
I honestly do not get the concept at all.
What sports do you play?
My occupation means I have no time for sports.
How tall are you?
In your measurements, about 42 inches.
What was your favorite subject in school?
Are you telling me that everyone gets an education in your society? What a strange concept. The favorite subject I learned from my personal tutor was history.
What is your dream job?
It would have to be a stress free version of my current job as Roost Lord.
Gently tagging @eccaiia @oh-no-another-idea @thewritingautisticat @corinneglass @agirlandherquill @phoenixradiant @revenantlore @buffythevampirelover @splashinkling @indecentpause @melpomene-grey @the-ellia-west @whatwewrotepodcast @little-peril-stories and open tag
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outofangband · 6 months
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The Echoriath or Encircling Mountains, the mountains around Gondolin which were home to the roosts of the great eagles. One of the early names for Gondolin meant flower or lily of the valley so I chose that for the center
Mountains of Mithrim, Ered Engrin, Ered Luin, Ered Gorgoroth, Ered Wethrin
x x x x x x x x x
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aussiepineapple1st · 1 year
Plaga Control
Leon x GN!Reader Summery: This is set during RE4, Leon and you are tasked to retrieve The First Daughter. Leon had insisted and managed to convince he would need help, that way if something happens to him Ashley would still have a chance at coming home. You were his pick, Naturally. You and Leon are a couple, have been dating since just after the events of Racoon City where you kept each other alive.
Words: 2,452 Contains: Fluff, Angst, Body Control, Sad Scared Baby Boy.
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"ASHLEY!" You call out as she runs off in fear, dropping Leon's knife she had taken from him. "Damn it.." Leon cursed under his breath, leaning against the gate now separating you both from Ashley. You both note the direction she runs in and stay silent, the gears in both of your heads turning. You had been lucky enough to not be infected with the Plaga so far, it didn't seem fun. Turning to Leon your eyes are drawn to the dark veins running up his forearms, slight discolouration running along his neck up to his jawline. How long was it until he was also going to lose control?
Shaking your head to remove your thoughts, right now you needed to get Baby Eagle back. "Welp... Now what?" You asked placing your hands on your hips, looking around to try and find another way around. The walls were tall and slippery from the recent rain, so there was no chance of clambering over them.
"I'll contact Hunnigan, let her know we've been separated from Ashley. You look around for any way we can continue forwards." He instructs, placing two fingers to his left ear. You give Leon a nod, him returning the gesture as he turns back towards the direction Ashley had run in.
Walking around a corner you find some VERY broken stairs, leading up to the walls surrounding this maze-like area you were now in. Snapping your fingers you grab Leon's attention who finishes his Sit-Rep to Roost. "We can get up onto the walls this way." You instruct, Leon making his way over to you and looking up at the crumbling, disheveled stairs you had found. His head tilts to the side slightly as he exhales.
"I'll go first." He goes to step forwards but was stopped by the back of your hand making contact with his chest. Looking to you quickly with confused, furrowed brows.
"No you don't, big foot. There'll be no stairs left for me after you clump up them. I'll go first." You say casually, it was a genuine statement but made Leon smirk and shake his head at your humour. Walking towards the stone staircase you examine where you were going to be putting each foot, once planned out in your head you begin your ascension. Easily making your way over the large gaps, using the crumbling walls to aid keeping you on your feet. The last hurdle was a large jump to the ground level of the wall, the gap being a good meter and the ground just taller than your head. Wiping your hands on your pants, you crouch slightly to get that pouncing action ready. Leaping forwards your hands grip onto the edge, your body slamming against the jagged wall where stairs should be. Wincing with an "OOF", you manage to use the toe of your boot to kick into the wall and create the smallest foot hold. Using that you pull yourself up onto the ground, rolling onto your side facing where you had just come from.
Leon was next, finding his own way, but was almost following in your own footwork. He managed to make it to the top, leaping to grab the edge you offer a hand to him. Making sure he had grip enough with his right hand, his left takes yours and you pull him enough that his right leg could swing up, helping him onto the ground with you. Both panting slightly from the light exercise, you look around at the area now below you. A door straight ahead leading into a new part of the castle. "How big is this place?" You asked yourself as Leon stood to his own two feet, brushing his hands together.
"I'm not sure, but I'm also not a fan." Leon said making sure you were ready to continue before he leads the way. Making your way inside you couldn't help but look at the darkening veins on Leon's arms and neck once again. Following behind him in silence as you both made your way through the elegant, yet unkempt halls. Your silence wasn't unusual, but for this long it was. You hadn't spoken up in about 10 minutes now, and Leon could see in on your face when he would glance at you, your brain was working overtime. 
"You know, if you keep making your brain work that hard it's going to break." He finally speaks through the silence, pulling you from your deep thoughts. "We'll get her back. Don't worry." He assured.
"I know, it's not that though." You explained.
"Then what is it?" He asks stopping at yet another door you were going to be entering through. He turns to look at you, one hand on his hip. You stop in front of him seeing his posture, Leon's face asking you a question, waiting patiently for your answer.
"It's you... And Ashley I guess." Your eyes leave his and flick to the veins on his neck and arms. Leon looks to where your eyes went, holding his arms up in front of him and giving a sigh. He had noticed them as well. "What if.. You also get controlled? I don't.." You stop and sigh, rubbing your forehead with your fingers. The grime coming off in small clumps that you pick off and rub between your fingers before flicking it on the ground. 
Leon was now silent, trying to think of some way to console his partner. Placing a hand on your shoulder your eyes look to his forearm beside your face and then meet his gaze. "Let's just focus on getting Ashley back, then we can figure that out, okay?" It wasn't the best assurance you could have heard, if it was even assurance at all. His words were more of a: let's continue and I have no clue on what we are going to do. All you could do was nod to let him know you agreed with his words, your gaze falling to the ground between you both. Leon felt your shoulder fall under his hand as you fear you may loose him. Looking over you once again he sighs and steps forwards, wrapping his arms around you. Surprised at the sudden unprofessionalism from your partner, it still didn't stop you from wrapping your arms around his mid-section. Burying your face into his chest.
"I'll be fine. But I can't do this without you right now." He softly says into the side of your head. You nod and pull away from him, wiping your eyes and sniffing as you try to steal yourself. You were worried about him, you were worried about Ashley.
"We should get going." You say looking back up to Leon who was looking at you with slight sorrow in his eyes, he hated seeing you cry.
"Alright. Let's go." He says gently touching the side of your face, giving you a forced smile before turning to enter the door you were both standing in front of.
-----*30 Minutes Later*-----
You had found a room full of these annoying cultists, being ambushed after trying to figure out how to open a door gated off. Finally downing the last of them, you pant heavily, leaning against a dresser in the centre of the room. Looking over to Leon, he stumbled back on his feet catching himself as he reloads Matilda, then places her back in the holster on his right hip. You had this sudden urge to check inside the drawers of this dresser and low and behold. "A KEY!" You shouted over to him with relief in your tired voice, you could now get through the door. 
Walking over to Leon you look at the key in your hand as you place your own gun in it's holster strapped to the back of your belt. "Who the hell just leaves a key in a dresser for anyone to find. I guess it works in our favour, huh?" You say amused, a smile on your face as you look up to Leon. Your smile starts to slowly fade as he was just standing there, back facing you. You feel your heart starting to pump harder than it already was, a wash of warmth runs through your body as you knew something was wrong. "Leon?" You say his name to try and catch his attention. 
"Don't worry about your partner, dear child." You hear a voice say from the top of the room, a small ledge spanning the length of one wall. It must be some observation landing as this room was almost set up to be an arena disguised as a normal room. Turning to face him you pull your gun out once again, aiming up to him, your back now facing Leon.
"Who are you?!" You shout up to the hooded man, you hadn't seen this guy before.
"I am Osmund Saddler." That name rings a bell, with all the visions Leon and Ashley had been having, plus the Ganados saying that word often enough, you had pieced together that this was the guy in charge of everything happening here. Your thoughts were cut off as you felt a strong arm wrap around your neck, a second arm holding under your right armpit, putting you into a tight headlock. You knew the arms to be Leon's, dropping your gun and key to the ground you start to struggle. Your wind pipe being restricted as you start clawing at his left forearm around your neck. Trying to swing your elbow into his side to release you, nothing worked. You could hear Leon grunting in your right ear, his muscles sporadically tensing as you could tell he was desperately trying to fight his own body. He could feel your body becoming limper as seconds ticked by. You hadn't realised anyone enter the room as the edge of your vision was already black, a sharp pain emanating from your right arm that was suspended by Leon's vice grip. You could swear your head was going to be dislocated from your neck any second now. Your neck giving a few loud cracks before everything went black.
Leon hears the cracks and feels you suddenly go limp, a shooting pain is sent to his gut feeling a tightness in his chest at the same time. Did he just kill you? His eyes flick up to Saddler as he leaves the room and he was suddenly released from his control. Falling to the ground, Leon still holds you in his arms. He could only hold your back to his chest, your head limply slumped over his left forearm. He twists your body so you were laying face up, your bottom resting in his lap as he held you. A trembling hand rests on your neck, his fingers placed under your jaw, hoping, praying to anything that he would feel a pulse.
It was there, the slowing throbbing of the veins in your neck. He felt his entire being relax, pulling you into his chest, a hand on the back of your head as he rocks. He thought he had killed you, all the relief and fear started to leave his eyes in the form of tears. Burying his face into your neck he heard you breathing in his ear, causing choked sobs to leave his throat.
You feel yourself come to, your body being rocked back and forth as you hear Leon's sobs, feeling his breath and tears on your neck and collar bone. You weakly reach a hand up to place on Leon's side, it was the first place your hand met him. Flinching at your touch, Leon lifts his neck, turning his head to look into your eyes. Pulling your hand from his side, you pull your arm from under his and place it gently on his cheek. Thumb brushing away the tears from his left eye as you smile up at him. "I'm not dead, but boy does my neck feel good right now." You joke, trying to lift the mood.
"It's not funny, I thought I snapped your neck!" Leon caught the humour, but at the same time needed to express how worried he was. "I thought I lost you." He adds wiping the tears from his face with the palm of his left glove, his right hand still cradling your head. You just watch him, he really did need you, whether that be right now on this mission or just in general. You assumed both. 
"Leon?" You said suddenly. His hand moving away from his eyes as he was exhaling to try and calm himself down. You look into his eyes once you had his attention. "If I die... Don't be like this for the rest of your life, okay?"
"What are you saying?" He asked, brows knitting into worry.
"I mean, just in general. If I die on a mission or whatever, promise me you won't drown yourself in alcohol?"
"(Y/N), I don't know if I can-"
"Promise me, damn it!" You say, eyes starting to tear up. You see him thinking, his eyes switching between both of yours, finally giving a few quick nods.
"Y-Yeah, alright, I promise." You could see in his eyes he meant it, and even if that meant he would probably still have a few, you knew he would try his best to not drown his sorrows away. 
"I want you to move on. Try and find someone else, someone else to confide in and not close off. You don't do well when you shut off, neither of us do." You add, not making him promise this, but at least you knew he might be able to move on with his life knowing that's what you want. "Of course all of this is hypothetical, okay? I don't plan on ever leaving you, but we can't be too sure of that."
"And I want you to do the same if I die." Leon adds. You give him a nod and wrap your arms around his neck, he wraps both of his arms around your body and hugs you tight.
"Right.. Now that I'm infected as well, we should continue finding Ashley." You say pulling away from him and crawling to your feet, holding down a hand to help Leon off the floor.
"Yeah, we need to figure out a cure. We can't have Ashley going home infected." He says taking your hand and hoisting himself up with your help. You nod to him and lean forwards giving him a kiss on the lips. "Just a quick pick-me-up." You say with a small smile and bend over to pick up your gun and the key. "Let's find Baby Eagle."
🏷️: @phoenix666stuff @maehemthemisfit @greywardensaywhat
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acornsandoaktrees · 1 month
Tolkien OC Week, Day 1: Worldbuilding
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Pale brightness shone from a crack at the end of the lava tube. Bowed to avoid the low arch of the ceiling, Alphes squeezed through the last narrowing. Light burst across her eyes; she gasped deeply in fresh air. Ash hung on the warm thermal that caught and tossed her hair.
She had arrived at last. The Roost -- a jagged valley cut deep into a long-dormant volcano's slim crater, far in the northern reaches of the Misty Mountains.
Wings darkened the sky, casting shifting shadows over her face. Attracted by an outsider's presence, a convocation of eagles many times larger than her amassed on the cliffs above Alphes. Talons scattered stones, sending them tumbling and cracking down cliffs. They hit the lake below and sunk, splashes amplified as the sounds raced up the steep valley's bowl.
Standing upon the lip of a whale's jaw of rock riding out of the vent, Alphes found herself at the dock of a great tribunal.
The Lord of the Eagles settled with a shuffle of his great heavy wings on a small plateau opposite and above her entry point. His talons gripped the stone with enough force to carve furrows in its face.
"Why does an elf come before us on this day?" The Westron clicked from his beak in guttural rumbles, his dark throat feathers quivering.
this all to say, the Great Eagles interest me so much.
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ofdarklands · 11 months
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29 - Chamrosh
Chamrosh is a bird in Persian mythology said to live on the summit of Mount Alborz. It is described as having the body of a dog or wolf with the head and wings of an eagle. It was said to inhabit the ground beneath the soma tree Harvisptokhm (“the tree of all seeds”) that was the roost of the Simurgh. When the Simurgh descended or alighted from its roost, all the ripened seeds fell to the earth. These seeds were gathered by the Chamrosh, which then distributed the seeds across the ground with its wings, and ushered them into the Vourukasha – a heavenly sea that plays an important role in Zoroastrian and Persian legends. The rain formed from the Vourakasha was rich with the seeds and, thus, helped to bring new life and vegetation to land on Earth.
According to the Avesta, Persia is pillaged every three years by outsiders, and when this happens, the angel Burj sends Chamrosh out to fly onto the highest mountaintop then snatch the pillagers in its talons as a bird does corn.
(i am aware i skipped the sea stage of this. sketch just came out like this and i was not strong enough to change it)
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nikkysic · 5 months
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Roost, this is Condor One...I've located Baby Eagle
Cosplay by Nikkysic_Cosplay Photography by Sheff_Shoots_Indie
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