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a place to compile the larger au that has come of my lotr ocs, following certain families of Greenwood through their past and their future. you may call me Tuior, if you'd like (he/him). #1 Tauriel enjoyer. main is @toasterdrake. header by @ianmckellen
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
acornsandoaktrees · 2 days ago
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acornsandoaktrees · 2 days ago
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Dear Friends in the Tolkien Fandom:
March 25th is Tolkien Reading Day. Who wants to band together in making March, Tolkien Fanfic Reading Month?
For one month, let's exert a little more effort in showing our Tolkien writers some love! They put so much time and work and love into expanding Tolkien’s world and stories for us. There's no better way to celebrate Tolkien Reading Day!
This is only a pseudo-event. Nothing formal or fancy. No invitation or registration required. No requirements or deadlines.
Simply gorge yourself on some Tolkien fanfic all throughout March. And PLEASE COMMENT if you can. It's the best way to guarantee we get more quality stories from our favorite writers!
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acornsandoaktrees · 2 days ago
aragorn headcanons <3
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1. he can’t swim
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thanks for reading :3
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(divider creds to @ saradika-graphics )
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acornsandoaktrees · 2 days ago
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Me and the apprentices on a night out
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acornsandoaktrees · 2 days ago
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A sketch of Grór
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acornsandoaktrees · 3 days ago
wish so badly we could have seen éowyn stand up for her man
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acornsandoaktrees · 3 days ago
mourning the fact that we never got to see legolas and arwen’s goodbye
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acornsandoaktrees · 3 days ago
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The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
🎬 Peter Jackson
+ IMDb trivia (FotR trivia)
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acornsandoaktrees · 3 days ago
I’m still celebrating a little unofficial Théodred Week, with some specific thoughts on his personal bravery. In Unfinished Tales, we get this assessment of the situation at the battle where Théodred was slain:
“It was clearly seen in Rohan, when the true accounts of the battles at the Fords were known, that Saruman had given special orders that Théodred should at all costs be slain. At the first battle all his fiercest warriors were engaged in reckless assaults upon Théodred and his guard, disregarding other events of the battle, which might otherwise have resulted in a much more damaging defeat for the Rohirrim. When Théodred was at last slain Saruman’s commander (no doubt under orders) seemed satisfied…”.
Have we all sat with the thought of how HORRIFYING that realization must have been??? You’re expecting something like a “normal” battle experience, but all the sudden you notice that enemies are running right past vulnerable soldiers and other obvious and valuable targets because they’re not here for a normal battle. They’re here FOR YOU. How helpless and vulnerable would you feel to discover that your death is their sole objective? How panicked? How confused?
AND YET….he didn’t yield!!! He could have tried to disguise himself as someone other than who he was. He could have run. He could have left his marshals and captains to contest the Fords while he retreated to relative safety, and he could have done that with the legitimate excuse that it was critical to protect himself as the heir to the throne (especially since his father was in such poor condition and Théodred himself had no heir!).
But instead, he did almost the exact opposite. He climbed to the top of a hill, the highest and most visible ground there was. He thundered out a rallying cry to his riders — “To me, Eorlingas!” — as loudly as he could. He might as well have screamed, “Come and get me, motherf*#@ers!” while waving a big sign that said, “I’m right here!” And then he went down swinging, first taking a gruesome, fatal injury and then enduring some horrific fighting over possession of his body in order to pass on his epic last words to Elfhelm and Grimbold (discussed yesterday!).
LOTR is obviously chock full of instances of the greatest and most extreme courage across a whole range of situations and contexts. But in terms of traditional battlefield heroism and bravery, specifically, this is right up there with some of the most impressive examples. And it’s wonderfully in keeping with the familial trait of courage that runs all through the House of Eorl, from Théoden riding out to meet his apparent doom and make an end worthy of song at Helm’s Deep to Éowyn taking on the Witch King himself or Éomer charging headlong into a marauding army with screams of “Death!” Unfinished Tales makes very clear that Théodred stands on equal footing with any of his family when it comes to valor, even if his great deeds aren’t well known within the main story. In fact, when Théoden is dying on the Pelennor Fields and invokes “his fathers,” in whose “mighty company [he] shall not now be ashamed,” he might more appropriately have invoked HIS SON because there is no mightier company he could possibly have by his side.
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@sotwk @celeluwhenfics
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acornsandoaktrees · 3 days ago
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acornsandoaktrees · 4 days ago
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acornsandoaktrees · 4 days ago
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Aragorn receives a dagger from Celeborn extended scene 4k
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acornsandoaktrees · 4 days ago
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err idk
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acornsandoaktrees · 4 days ago
Rewatching The Desolation of Smaug, and I got to the part where Thorin forbids Kili to join the company in departing Laketown for Erebor and Fili chooses to stay with him. It just hit me that maybe it was a hint that Fili was going to be the best king out of the recent ones from Thror down to Thorin when his time came, because in his heart he already knew what really mattered. “If more people valued home, above gold, this world would be a merrier place.” He embodied Thorin's dying words with his decision to stay with Kili, who was his home. Seeing his brother safe and experiencing Erebor for the first time together was more important to him than the fulfillment of the quest or his position as heir. I've made myself sad again and now I hate it even more that they did not die together for the love of their uncle. Oh, The Hobbit Trilogy, so much potential and so many chances to explore the 13 dwarves in ways that tie to major Tolkienian themes...
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acornsandoaktrees · 4 days ago
i love pippin. theres this guy in a corner who no one knows anything about, they dont even know his name here. they walk into a room with this weird guy and he just goes "HALLO!!!". truly an icon
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acornsandoaktrees · 5 days ago
so you’re telling me frodo and gimli DIDN’T talk about the fact that bilbo and gloin went on a whole adventure together while they were travelling together in the fellowship? do you think they saw each other for the first time and a strange glimmer of familiarity struck through them but they didn’t know why until they heard each others names? or until gloin began speaking? do you think gimli saw bilbo in rivendell and went “so that is the hobbit my father went to the lonely mountain with”? do you think bilbo saw gimli for the first time and went “wow, he looks just like his father”? did bilbo and gloin sit up at night in rivendell and catch up, talk about old times, about thorin and smaug and the battle of the five armies??????? ?????
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acornsandoaktrees · 5 days ago
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Thorin Oakenshield - The Star
I started this a while ago and want to do the whole company as tarot cards eventually. Thorin as The Star was a random pick but seemed to fit.
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