#drunk jj
scarlettjemily · 2 months
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Good Luck, Babe! Pt. 2.
Part 1:
Description: Continuation of part 1. Emily confides in Garcia after JJ runs out crying. JJ goes home and tries to cope by getting drunk. No one has heard from her in a while and despite Emily being hurt, she goes to check on her anyway.
Tags: Slightly angsty, V sad Emily, V drunk JJ, Sober JJ is clumsy, wait until you see drunk JJ, mommmy prentiss taking care of JJ, Penelope being such a cute friend, mommy prentiss is mad at JJ but she can’t help the way she feels, drunk JJ is cute but also clearly has a problem.
Chapter 2/??
Not my pictures.
“What happened with JJ? Oh my god, Emily, what’s wrong?” Penelope Garcia burst into Emily’s office, panic etched across her face after she had spotted JJ leaving, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Emily jolted at the intrusion, quickly composing herself and wiping her eyes, but it was too late. “Not now, Garcia. Please leave,” she coughed, her voice trembling with the attempt to suppress her emotion.
But Penelope couldn’t leave; not after witnessing the distress etched on both her friends' faces. She had tried to catch JJ, but the woman had vanished before she could reach her. “I’m not going anywhere. JJ just stormed out, sobbing, and now I find you in tears too? We all know that when Emily Prentiss cries, something must be terribly wrong.” She settled into the chair JJ had just vacated, her heart racing with concern.
Emily forced a humorless chuckle, sinking into her office chair, her gaze fixed on the ceiling. “It’s so complicated, Penelope. You have no idea.” A tear escaped, tracing a path down her cheek.
“That’s why I’m here. What’s going on?” Penelope leaned forward, genuine worry painting her features.
“It was me. I was the woman,” Emily whispered, her voice cracking as the weight of her confession bore down on her. Tears streamed down her face, and her breath hitched. “We slept together once. I don’t know how it happened, but I loved her so much, Garcia. I was completely in love with her, and she chose Will. She chose him and told me it meant nothing.” Rage flickered in her eyes, mingling with the hurt. “Then she walks in today, telling me she’s gay and that she did love me back then, but that she was broken.” Emily turned to Penelope, her pain raw and palpable. “She hurt me so badly. All I ever wanted was for her to love me back. And now she’s saying she did? Ten years? We could’ve had—something.”
Penelope was taken aback. She had been close to both women during that time and had never suspected a thing. The strength it must have taken for Emily to bury her pain was staggering. “I’m so sorry, Emily. I can’t believe you went through all of this alone. I wish you’d told us; we could’ve helped.” She edged closer, resting her arms on the desk, offering what comfort she could. “I know this happened a decade ago, but why can’t you both have something now? She’s left Will, she’s embraced who she is, and she confessed her love for you!”
Emily shook her head persistently, her hand lifting as if to put a wall up, blocking Garcia’s statement. “No way. I won’t let her hurt me again. I can’t trust her. How would I know she’s telling the truth this time? She’ll probably run back to Will, breaking my heart all over again. Nope.” Though the tears had ceased, her eyes remained red and swollen, reflecting her current emotional state.
Penelope wanted to scream in frustration, but she knew better. Her friend was in pain, yet all she could see was the possibility of love rekindled. “You won’t know unless you talk to her, Emily. She was really upset.”
Emily rolled her eyes, bitterness creeping into her voice. “Good, now she knows how I felt.” The resentment clung to her like a second skin. She wished JJ had never opened her mouth.
Meanwhile, JJ stumbled down the corridor of her apartment building, desperate to escape the weight of the conversation she had with Emily. Tears still stung her eyes, and she sniffled, wiping her nose as she unlocked her door and stepped inside.
The silence of her apartment was deafening. The bare walls and minimal furniture mirrored the emptiness she felt inside. She tossed her bag onto the kitchen counter and opened the fridge, the sound of clinking bottles breaking the heavy stillness. Grabbing a half-finished bottle of tequila, she contemplated a glass but discarded the thought, lifting the bottle straight to her lips. The burning liquid seared her throat, and she grimaced. “Ugh, fuck, that’s gross,” she muttered, heading to the lounge and collapsing onto the couch.
Hours later, JJ woke on the couch, sprawled awkwardly, her arm dangling off the side. The shrill ringing of her phone pierced the fog of her drunkenness. She groaned, hoping it would stop, but it persisted.
Flinging her leg off the couch, she used her hands to push herself up, stumbling slightly as the room seemed to tilt around her. She shuffled toward the kitchen where her phone lay, misjudging the distance to the coffee table and catching her foot. She fell, crashing onto the glass surface, the sharp sound of shattering glass filling the room. A scream escaped her lips as shards flew, some embedding in her skin. Lying on the ground, a low laugh escaped her—a bittersweet acknowledgment of her situation. She was grateful for the alcohol dulling the pain.
Eventually, she managed to rise on all fours, groaning as she crawled toward the kitchen, glass cutting into her hands and knees, leaving a trail of blood in her wake. She reached the counter, desperately grabbing her phone, which still buzzed relentlessly.
“What? What do you want?” she grunted, leaning back against the kitchen island, her head spinning.
“JJ, it’s Garcia. Where are you? Are you okay? You left hours ago and haven’t answered anyone’s calls! We’re worried! You didn’t tell anyone where you were going, and I kind of told Prentiss, and now she’s coming to find you. Please don’t hate me; I’m so sorry!”
JJ laughed, the absurdity of the situation hitting her. “Well great, Garcia, I’m drunk as fuck right now, and the woman I love is coming to my house.” Realization washed over her, and she corrected herself, “Loved, loved. I do not love her, but she’s gonna freak, Garcia. I kinda may have fallen and broken my coffee table, and there’s a lot of blood. You gotta call her and tell her to go.” She struggled to contain her laughter, knowing it was darkly humorous.
“Blood? JJ, what the heck happened?! Are you okay? I’m not telling her to go; you obviously need help! Do I need to call an ambulance?!” Panic flared in Garcia’s voice.
“No, no, don’t call an ambulance. It’s just a little cut—” JJ halted at the sound of a knock on her door. “Ah, fuck, Garcia, she’s here! You can stop freaking out now.” She hung up and tossed the phone to the floor.
Emily stood outside, dread pooling in her stomach. She didn’t want to be here, but she couldn’t ignore her concern for JJ. “JJ?! It’s Emily! Open the door!” She knocked urgently, her heart racing.
“I’m coming, hang on!” The drunk woman yelled. She stayed leaning against the kitchen bench, she couldn’t quite find the strength to get up. She drank half a bottle of tequila, there’s no doubt she was still trying not to completely black out.
“JJ?!” Emily’s voice came through the door, accompanied by more knocks.
JJ jolted awake again “oh” she chuckled; forgetting her boss was outside her door. “I’m coming, I’m coming” she used all her strength to drag herself up on her feet. Finally, JJ appeared, barely managing to keep the door open, the safety chain still in place. “Em, hi! What’s up?” Her heavy-lidded eyes and goofy smile betrayed her inebriation, but it was the blood—dark and smeared across her face—that sent a jolt of panic through Emily.
“JJ, oh my god! What happened?” Emily gasped, alarm flooding her senses.
JJ waved a dismissive hand. “Oh, nothing. Clumsy me, I just fell,” she slurred, squinting against the bright hallway light. “Sorry you had to come here; I’m fine, so you can go now.” She attempted to close the door, but Emily wedged her foot in the opening.
“JJ, you’re drunk. You’ve got a cut on your head that looks serious. Open the door so I can help you.”
With a dramatic sigh, JJ rolled her eyes. “Ugh, fine.” She shut the door briefly, then opened it fully, removing the safety chain. “Fucking Garcia,” she muttered, staggering back into the kitchen. “Welcome to my lovely home! Want a drink? I finished the tequila, but I’ve got vodka, whiskey, gin…” She opened the fridge and yanked out a bottle of vodka, twisting off the cap and tossing it aside. “Let’s have vodka; hope you don’t mind sharing the bottle.” She laughed and took a long swig, wincing as the liquor burned her throat.
“Hey, no, no! Put that bottle down!” Emily’s heart raced as she took in the chaos around her—glass and blood strewn everywhere. She rushed toward JJ, desperate to take the bottle from her.
“What? You got a problem sharing the bottle? We fucked once, remember? Now you care about saliva?” JJ tried to lift the bottle again, but Emily swiftly intervened, wrenching it from her grasp and hurling it into the sink, where it shattered, spilling vodka everywhere.
“What the fuck! That was my vodka!” JJ shouted, irritation flashing in her eyes, but Emily wasn’t backing down.
“Jennifer, you’re bleeding! My god, you’ve got glass everywhere.” She inspected JJ closely—blood trickling from her hands, knees, and staining her shirt. “We need to take you to the hospital.”
JJ pouted like a petulant child, her hands drooping to her sides. “No, Em, please. I don’t want to go. Can’t you just clean me up? Pretty please?” She looked up at Emily with a wide, almost giggly smile, her eyes pleading like a child’s.
Emily watched, concern tightening in her chest. JJ was clearly not in a good place. Guilt washed over her; she felt responsible for this reaction. “Fine. Your room now. Where’s your first aid kit?”
JJ smirked, raising an eyebrow playfully. “Oh yes, Agent Prentiss, I’ll go to my room now. The first aid kit is in the bathroom.” She stumbled away, a giggle escaping her lips that felt disjointed against the gravity of the moment.
As JJ disappeared down the hallway, Emily whispered to herself, “What the fuck?” A wave of anger had coursed through her earlier, but now all she felt was worry. How had she missed the signs of JJ’s struggle? This wasn’t like her at all; JJ never drank like this. The sight of her friend, so unlike herself, sent a chill through Emily. She had never seen JJ this way before, and it scared her.
Part 3:
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ayrsontenna · 4 months
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A thing I made
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trek-tracks · 11 months
I feel like I simply. Could Not take the pressure of writing an official Star Trek novel or novelization, because, as someone who loves making silly jokes For The Bit, the potential repercussions are so intense.
You write one line about Spock getting drunk off the sucrose in a mint and suddenly there are 50,000 fics about Spock's addiction to chocolate and everyone has to rethink the entirety of the chemical properties of the Vulcan diet
Can you imagine what a misplaced pun might do
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quadruple-aaaaa · 7 months
I can't stop thinking about the BAU passed out around Garcia's apartment after a movie night. They're just kind of everywhere, on the living room floor, couch, theres someone in Garcias bed thats not her, and she thinks she saw Emily in the bathtub?
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jjmaybnk · 6 months
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party tonight who’s coming
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meiloorunsmoothie · 4 months
shiksa goddess!
🎥 orangesanguinee on tiktok
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donnydamakkk · 1 year
unpopular opinion: there is no point in the show in which jeid would have made sense. jj never seemed interested in him, and his feelings always felt misconstrued and misplaced. they never had that kinda chemistry.
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marvelsfavoriteuncle · 6 months
CONFESSION TIME / — Talk Time With Me (I need a cool/better title idk)
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Peggy Cater didn't marry Daniel Sousa, made everyone at SHIELD look like she was single or whatever. (Daniel Sousa is now together with Daisy Johnson aka Quake, so they are happy too.)
But that girl securely got hitched with my EX-girlfriend at the time, Angie Martinelli who is a waitress and aspiring actress, and went on a little honeymoon in Paris with her. I am not bitter, I am more than happy that Peggy found plenty of love over the years and enjoyed her small wedding in New York City.
Me and Angie had a short term relationship, but stayed friends over the years (and especially after my accident, I knew she deserved way better than myself to protect and provide her with everything she needs in life).
We are all friends. I love my girl Angie, one of the best waitresses in NYC during the 1940s and 50s. She stole my heart in all the best ways, both girls did and I am more than happy they ended up getting their dreams. As a highly talented agent ( + Founder Of SHIELD) and a respected actress of the era.
Peggy might kill me for letting everyone know about this BUT I don't care love is love is love is love. They have a friends to lovers relationship.
Anyways folks, that’s a little weird but nice confession (I am/was tiny weeny bit tipsy from a last night), but remember you guys can ask me anything you like!
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @ask-starrk @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @luna-d-marsh @sherloquestea @rooster-84 and etc
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kazanskys-mitchell · 1 year
do u think icemav.
i love this ask
i just think icemav. nothing else
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theangrypomeranian · 11 months
What about you?? What are your favorite obscure ships for Bob’s Burgers (though I know we’ve got a handful everyone can name lol)
(why are you calling me out like thaaaaaaaaaat rude! XD)
Barryl (Becky Krespe x Darryl): i know i keep repeating myself, but i really never meant to ship them. i threw them together in my fic for fun and they weren't even supposed to be canon. but then Katie said she shipped them because of my fic and it was like a switch got flipped in my brain. imo they would be perfect for each other, a good balance for each other's worst qualities. i am bound and determined to drag the whole fandom into this rare pair hell with me, i love them so much.
Hemita (Henry Haber x Susmita): it feels weird to call a ship that's canon obscure, but considering how little attention they get i think they count. i am such a sucker for nerds in love and they are just too cute together, i love how into each other they are. they'd totally be that one couple that dated all through high school without breaking up and then stay together for the rest of their lives.
Trickey (Trev x Mickey): so i've actually crack shipped these two for a LONG time but just kept forgetting to bring them up lol. i just think they'd be really cute together. Mickey is a doll to those he likes and Trev deserves someone nicer than Jimmy Pesto Sr. (I just cannot stand him lol).
Duncan x Sasha (they need a ship name): i saw exactly one fanart of them here on tumblr and was like "wait yeah that makes sense." they would be cute! the ultimate black cat x golden retriever couple.
Mr. Frond x Gayle: look...they were cute, okay? and i kind of love the idea of Mr. Frond marrying into the Belcher family, like how funny would that be??
TedMort (Teddy the handyman x Mort the mortician): this is another crack ship that i've held on to for awhile, but @keepyourhornson-spyro completely sold me on them. they would fit well together and i think they'd be interesting and cute together.
JJ x Will: @devilh0rnsinc mentioned this one and i think i actually gasped out loud. it would be so so interesting.
and then there's one more i'm keeping to myself until the Baby Steps sequel :3
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strxngertogether · 3 months
[TEXT: Emily🖤] I know we're in the same room but... [TEXT: Emily🖤] You look beautiful ...JJ is typing... [TEXT: Emily🖤] I'm sorry I made everything so complicated
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pharawee · 1 year
It just occurred to me that we now have four different actors playing Hin Kantika - which probably makes him the most played character in the whole of Thai BL:
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The first Hin played by Marc Pahun in Chains of Heart
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The (hopefully) second Hin played by JJ Radchapon in Love Puzzle
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The original Hin played by Deam Wutthiphat in Art Adore En - which has been MIA for over a year now.
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The most recent Hin played by Fiat Patchata in The Hell Guards.
This is followed by three different versions of Hin's boyfriend Payu, which makes Payu the runner-up (and actually, when you consider the background characters in Chains of Heart, Hin's friends Safe and Maengpong, and maybe Phrai and Pleng also have four different actors play them 🤣).
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goldenboybarracuda · 8 months
this bitch CJ gets their own freaking tags verse post bc holy fuck there’s a lot.
( carp3diems graham verse: if i'm going to be drunk might as well be drunk in love )
( carp3diems logan verse: you kiss me and it stops time )
( carp3diems aurora verse: looking at you got me thinking nonsense )
( carp3diems dean verse: we were born to be suburban legends )
( carp3diems henry verse: but i can’t help myself when you get close to me )
( carp3diems jj verse: maybe the stars align and maybe i call you mine )
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maschotch · 2 years
lesbian jj YOU GET IT
repressed lesbian jj hits the sweet spot between self hatred and wavering self control that just makes it so fucking interesting
i love will, i do. he’s a sweet guy. but akdjskdh im sorry jj does not love him at all (maybe later on when he becomes important to her, but still not in a romantic sense). and there’s something so fitting about jj complaining about her conservative parents while adhering to the same traditionalist ideals she said she wanted to escape from. like… she wanted to escape that lifestyle, but the idea of actually confronting/admitting/accepting her sexuality is so terrifying that she uses that same lifestyle to escape. it’s full of fun and sexy contradictions that makes for EXCELLENT internal conflict
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lupaeusarc · 9 months
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@carp3diems gets another starter bc i miss our babies thx
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❝   so  let  me  see   if   i   have   this   straight   ,   ❞   the   blonde   deadpans   ,   optics   locked   on   the   too   -   proud   countenance   of   her   boyfriend.   ❝   you   and   i   are   gonna be look   out   ,   from the  pogue   ,   which   we   need   to   be   on   and   out   in   the   marsh   with   in   twenty   minutes   .   .   .   the   same   one   you   decided   could   wait   until   today   to   be   gassed   up   ?   baby   we   left home together   and   at   the   same   time   ,   so   .   .   .   around   when   were   you   planning   to   get   the   gas   ?   ❞
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cicadaemon · 1 year
Please more about Anya! I love when you talk about your ocs!
Thank you!
Anya was born in Russia but moved when her father passed away. Her mother is originally from Ukraine and decided to move there to be closer to her own parents for support. Her mother is a sports journalist who had a deep love for figure skating. Taking her two children along to competitions, Anya fell in love with the sport as well.
She began ice dancing at age 6, partnering up officially with Pyotr Ukhtomsky when she 10. At 15, while competing in the Russian Junior Championship, Pyotr collapsed while performing a lift, damaging his knee significantly on impact. He immediately retired, leaving Anya guilt-ridden and partnerless. This is when Pavel and Anya teamed up. They took a year to learn how to skate together and went immediately into Seniors. They stayed underneath their first coach for a bit, but moved onto Yakov which is how she met Georgi.
Anya is someone who will initiate a relationship based on the barest amount of affection and I don't think they dated long. She definitely saw he was way more into her than she was into him so you know. The breakup was super messy and dramatic. Georgi's fanbase definitely hated her for it, mirroring how the yoi fanbase treated her cause hoo boy some of the think pieces I've read haven't been great.
Definitely didn't realise how badly Georgi took the breakup till the CoC. To her, it was just horrifying especially after being harassed on Twitter and Instagram so she had no pity for him at all. Anya didn't go off to the GPF this year since they bombed pretty badly at both of their events. Anya and Pasha go off to Canada to train pretty soon after the Russian Nationals. One big reason was Anya didn't want to skate under Yakov anymore in an attempt to separate herself more from Georgi. That and her relationship with the new guy also fell apart. He broke up with her, stating it was him not her, only for her to learn later he hooked up immediately with some Instagram influencer wannabe. Definitely a blow to her ego.
Since it's unlikely we'll be getting a season 2 I have a whole plot thing in my head about her time in Canada and her finally getting over her mental hurdles. It's why I originally paired her up with JJ cause I think they'd complement and parallel each other well.
Her full name is Anastasiya Maksimova Bozinovskaya
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