strxngertogether · 2 months
@storyofwhoiam || Continued from here
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Violet gave a bittersweet smile, hating to see her child in such pain, no matter the cause, but also knowing she had felt that more than enough times in her life. Sometimes, emotions needed to be felt and shown, even when you did not want them to. Even now, she struggled with fully expressing all of her emotions. Perhaps it was her fault that so many of her children seemed to want to hide their emotions, despite how much she tried to affirm in them otherwise growing up. Children took after their parents, did they not?
She took Eloise's face in her hand, wiping away the tears on that side of her face. "I know it is not... always something we are want to do, but I am here for you when you do need them to be expressed. If you wish me to be. I will always be here for you, you must know that." She knew how rocky their relationship had been in the past, most parent-child relationships were at one point or another, and she had every desire to fix that and needed to make it known that Eloise could come to her whenever she needed.
"Now, whatever is the matter?" She gently pushed, not wanting to scare Eloise away but wanting her to know that she would not walk away, if that was not what she wished.
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morethanmybody · 5 months
@storyofwhoiam || Continued from here
As consciousness washed over Taylah, they carefully stretched, humming with their new wakefulness. A smile brought up their lips when they felt someone else in bed with them. They rolled over, sliding their arm over what they assumed was Marie's waist but was met with a lap and the memory that Marie couldn't be the one in bed with them.
That thought process was quickly halted when they felt a stabbing behind their eyes and a churning in their stomach. They brought their hand up to cover their face, feeling the urge to cry before being brought back to their previous thought process; who was in bed with them?
She slowly brought her hand down, only opening her eyes after several seconds of anxious stillness. She was met with a pretty girl with brown hair and brown eyes that made her stomach flutter. She thought she should say something, but her throat was locked shut.
"Hi?" She finally managed, her voice meek, crackly, and lilting up in a question that she couldn't quite form.
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          Kaz bit at the inside of her lip, the action only barely holding the flood of rage. A short, sharp breath pushed out of her as she crossed her arms. She didn’t know how to succinctly describe all of the trauma that Marie Winter had caused and their relationship to her.
    ��     “A snake in the grass,” she ground out before taking a breath to calm herself, hand reaching out to brush over Allie’s to comfort her.
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thearcheologistswife · 3 months
011, the last train compartment that's not full. 11 - Kate
Kate sighed as she sat down, eyes rolling as she ran a hand through her hair. "Can you please tell me why this couldn't wait until the morning?" The Doctor had barely given her time to brush her hair, let alone get dressed. She was sure her babysitter hadn't appreciated being woken up and having an infant shoved into their arms either.
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sioraiocht · 2 months
~ @storyofwhoiam || "Do I look like I tan?" graham @ anyone lol || Lucifer cause reasons lmao ~
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"Frankly, no - You look like you'd burn to a crisp." Lucifer's eyes flicked over Graham before returning to hold his gaze, a gentle smirk playing on his lips. "It's just an excuse for me to see you without a shirt."
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savingthrcw · 2 months
@storyofwhoiam - x Anthony 3 seconds before the Drama
The day had gotten warmer, too warm for her clothing, but having lost Pall Mall meant retrieving a few balls with Gregory and the other losers; that was when the bee had decided to sting her on the side of her neck, and soon after she had been forced to wrap her foulard around it so she wouldn't scratch her skin bloody with her nails, the itching and burning distracting her. Gregory had ignored the first isolated cough, but she had seen him grow restless at the next few ones, even though she had told him it didn't work that way - he couldn't remember, but her father had not been coughing at all. And then another coughing fit had her leaning against a tree for support, just as they saw Anthony show up, and before Eloise could stop her younger brother, he was already calling for him. "Eloise was stung by bees and now she's unwell!" "A bee," she corrected him exasperatedly, because Anthony? Anthony of all people? "I'm just coughing, it's the dust!"
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champagneprobllems · 2 months
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@storyofwhoiam * Eloise : "Is it true that you need to be married to get pregnant?"
“No,” Dorothea responds simply, hand going to her butterfly pendant. Eloise is an intelligent girl, so Dora is comfortable explaining more, though she knows it is not at all socially acceptable for her to have the breadth of knowledge she does. “Pregnancy is a natural phenomenon, marriage a societal one. One does not necessitate the other.” She shrugs, hand falling away from her necklace. “It does make things easier, socially, to be married before engaging in activities that lead to pregnancy.”
Dora gives a quick glance around to be sure no one is listening in, then lowers her voice to ensure it. “To ask that question, though, makes me believe you are not aware of how pregnancy occurs. I doubt your mother would appreciate me explaining, but I am willing to, if you are curious.”
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seabiscuit · 2 months
only @storyofwhoiam understands how i love all three of them
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flashbacksech0es · 3 months
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[ hair ] – for the sender to brush a strand of hair out of the receiver’s face. allie @ siena @storyofwhoiam
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Siena knew there were women that liked women, she'd never really thought about if she was one of them, Allie had been good enough to let Siena stay with her, it was better than being out on the streets, she didn't dislike Allie, and now the way she was looking at her and pushing her hair out of her face, she really was beautiful.
"Tell me what you're thinking."
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morethanmybody · 5 months
@storyofwhoiam || Continued from here
"You don't know the half of it," she half groaned. Most of her days were spent rushing to the bathroom despite brushing into the second trimester and it was affecting her work. They were really considering taking early maternity leave, but they at least wanted to see out their handful of cases.
"I almost chucked up in the middle of court yesterday from the judge's perfume..." They were still embarrassed by that one. They could usually make it through, but the trial had gone on longer than expected and she'd had to rush out.
Taylah hummed as she considered what time would be best. "I could do seven? Gives me time to walk to work. Or during my lunch at one?" She likely wouldn't be eating an entire meal until she got home anyway, so at least she'd be doing something with her time that wasn't trying to force down a meal she didn't want to come back up.
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@storyofwhoiam || Continued from here
          Cris glared at Rosemary, arms folding over her chest, squinting her eyes as if challenging Rosemary and deciding what she herself should do. Their arms fell back to their sides and they turned to walk away.
          “You can shove your micromanaging up your arse.”
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thearcheologistswife · 3 months
feed: for my muse to offer up their neck/wrist for your muse to feed from. Allie (supernatural bordello verse) - 13 (allie assuming they're a vampire)
A bright, beaming smile took over the Doctor's face when she realized what was going on. "Ohhhhhh! You think I'm a vampire! I would LOVE to be a vampire, but just me. Plain old me." She paused in thought. "Could I even be turned?" They made an intrigued face. "Hav'ta find out some day. Not today though, sorry. Big, important mission. Have ya seen anything.... big and scary? Or small and scary! Conflicting reports."
Her voice fell as she got lost in their own thoughts again, more talking to themself. "Possibly shapeshifting, now that I think about it. But it always chooses to be scary... so it doesn't want people around when it's doing whatever it's doing. Or maybe it likes scaring people; gets a kick out of it... and everyone's scared of something different. Potential mind reader? Or just reeeeally good at reading people."
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sioraiocht · 2 months
~ @storyofwhoiam || for an interrupted starter . Coby - Jamie ~
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Jamie gave a polite smile to the group of men that had crowded around him, all chattering to try and get his attention. "Listen fellas, I'm just the bouncer - There are plenty of better-looking people inside." He gestured over his shoulder with his thumb, trying to usher them into the bar. They weren't moving, however, stuck on asking him if he was allowed to take a break. Then there was a tap on his shoulder, Coby interrupting to lean in and pretending to whisper something to him. "I'll come deal with it, thanks - Enjoy your night guys." He nodded at the group before following Coby inside, tucking away into a corner for a breather. "Thanks - They were about thirty seconds away from dragging me to the bar for body shots."
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re-regeneratedanomaly · 3 months
continuing from x @storyofwhoiam
The Doctor's eyebrows shot up at her retort, an alarmed hand reaching up to run through his hair. His distraction only lasted a moment, before realising that there was no toxic gas capable of rendering him bald — he hoped. Adjusting his bowtie once more, his concern deepened as the beeping from her detector grew more insistent. His initial approach clearly wasn't working.
As she began to explain about the 'bad guys' and her experience dealing with them, he took a half-step closer, his tone growing more insistent. "Listen, I understand you think you can handle this, but you don't know what you're dealing with here. Those 'bad guys' are extremely dangerous. Trust me, you don't want to be on the receiving end of their bad side."
He glanced at her weapon, noting her determination. "And, believe me, that," he gestured at the gun in her hand, "isn't going to do the trick against them. It'll only make things worse."
With that, he turned towards the entrance. "For the record, I'm quite capable of taking care of myself." Without waiting for her response, he began striding towards the building, his sonic screwdriver already in hand and scanning for any signs of Sontaran activity. "Stick close and don't wander off."
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Why was he insisting on her not knowing how to deal with this - was it a sexist thing? Because he couldn't know what was up there unless he was with UNIT, and she'd know if he was with UNIT. Probably.
"Oy, you don't know that! You don't know what it does!" she retorted, offended, as he dismissed her weapon, which may look like a gun but was not. "And I'm just as capable, Bowtie!" She didn't exactly see what he was using to check for enemies, besides hearing a faint noise, but she went: "Aha!" and lifted her wrist, "You stick close, I got the radar." Just as she told him that, she realized they both were looking for the signals from the Sontarans. "Wait... do you... know what's upstairs?" she asked warily, not wanting to be the one who broke to a human that aliens were nearby; Earth was not supposed to know yet, except for a few groups of fighters. "What do you think you are looking for?"
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savingthrcw · 2 months
[FEAR] The sender confides in the receiver that they think they're pregnant because they sat on a toilet seat. -from Eloise to ANTHONY, with love (the equivalent of a toilet seat, though) Miss Conception starters @storyofwhoiam
For a beat, silence stretched between them, heavy with the weight Anthony's burgeoning rage. His fists clenched at his sides, knuckles whitening as he struggled to contain the fury that burned within him. Anthony’s jaw tightened, his teeth grinding as he fought to keep his composure.
“Eloise,” he said, his voice low and warning. “Explain to me precisely what happened. You must be clear about every detail.” He turned to face her, his gaze intense.
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She felt sick. But that, she supposed, was the whole point. "I asked everyone how one comes to be with child, and no would tell me, and now..." In a way, she blamed her entire family for being so unhelpfully mysterious about such matters, which would inevitably lead to a tragedy. "It happened at Daphne and Simon's last party, last month, and now I've been sick two mornings in a row. I had too many lemonades and... needed the pot, and it happened." And she knew from several accounts what morning sickness meant. She didn't like having to discuss her natural needs with her brother, but given the situation what choice did she have? If she was right, it was the end.
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gctawaygirl · 5 months
Closed Starter : @storyofwhoiam ( Amy ) - requested a starter Muse : Zara Wilder (27, lesbian, primary school teacher) Plot : Send “🎲” (or “dice”) for me to randomize the following settings and write a starter - grungy motel room
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The drive to visit Zara's parents have taken longer than intended. They were supposed to arrive before midnight but they had two hours to go and it was well after that time. Traffic had been the cause of that. They had decided to stop at a motel for the night and travel early in the morning. She gingerly sat down on the bed and sighed, "It's not too bad. I mean it could be worse if you don't think about turning on a black light in the room," she joked to the other woman.
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