storieswithvenus · 2 months
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Honeymoon anxiety - Tyler Owens x Fem! Reader
The fire crackles, spitting out small bits caught by the fire guard Tyler had placed in front of it an hour or so ago. you were currently sitting with your recliner up and head in your laptop.
“You know, it would be nice if you spoke to me instead of having your head in the laptop all night”, Tyler's voice gains your attention looking up towards the doorway where he is currently leaning up against, a teasing smile on his face.
“I'm sorry baby, I'm just trying to work out all the plans for our honeymoon, I’m convinced this is harder to plan than the actual wedding.” you speak for the first time in a few hours. you had been sitting researching all these different places across the world to see what would fit yours and Tyler's respected interests.
“I told you, we could just go on a solo storm chasing trip for a few weekends, then we aren’t spending as much money,” your head immediately snaps up to look at him, your eyes narrowing into a glare. “Tyler owens. I told you we are not celebrating our honeymoon by going and storm chasing. We already do that everyday, and you know damn well the gang is gonna turn around and tag along” you spit at him, he knew this was a non-negotiable issue with you.
You watch as he walks into the living room and towards the sofa where you are sitting, Tyler sits beside you and pulls you closer towards him ending with you on his lap facing him.
“I cannot wait to marry you my dear,” he leaves a gentle kiss on your lips, he can taste your vanilla lip balm which causes him to lean in again for a second taste. “I'm sorry I haven't been speaking to you, ty. I'm just so worried we won’t have everything planned and booked before the wedding.” You let your worries out to him, he watches you with the most love ever as you ramble on about the small details which were causing you anxiety. every so often you would feel him squeeze your waist so you knew he was listening to you.
Your wedding has always been made a big deal, even since you were a kid. That was your biggest dream, to marry your prince charming. Tyler had many conversations with your parents, mainly because they gave him the rundown of how you are going to act like when he does propose.
You start to fiddle with your engagement ring, playing and rubbing the small diamond in the middle of the gold ring. You had stated on your first date with Tyler that you only wear gold jewellery and have never been into silver, that was something he has taken a mental note of when you started to get serious - eventually using that to pick out the engagement ring 3 years later.
“Everything will come out perfect my love, stop worrying, we still have 7 months until the big day,” his voice immediately calms you down, his green eyes staring into yours, the love for you shown in the look he is giving you.
“We are still not having the honeymoon in tornado alley though.”
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storieswithvenus · 2 months
Spencer Reid masterlist!
God's Greatest Gift
Bookstore Conversations
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storieswithvenus · 2 months
Aaron Hotchner masterlist!
Thanking The Stars
Case Reviews
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storieswithvenus · 2 months
Tyler Owens masterlist!
Feeling Forgotten
Honeymoon anxiety
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storieswithvenus · 2 months
Anna - Aaron Hotchner x Pregnant! Fem Reader
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“I am not naming my daughter Samantha, Aaron,” you say as you are folding up a load of washing you had thrown on your shared bed, Aaron sits on the armchair which was located in the corner of the bedroom, a pair of glasses laid on his face as he flicked through a book of baby names.
Licking his index finger and flicking to the next page, he started listing multiple girl names; Olivia, Rachel, Emma, Heather, Sarah, and Lisa. None of the names stuck out to you, at one point you groaned at one of the names.
"I told you I wanted to name her Astoria," you frown and look over at him, " I don't understand why you don't want to pick that name, it's adorable." Aaron sighs and puts the book down onto his lap, taking off the pair of glasses and placing them on the smaller table beside him as he runs his fingers through his hair, combing it out.
"I didn't expect it to be this difficult when it came to naming girls if I'm being honest, but you and I aren't getting anywhere with this and by the time the baby arrives we will still be arguing about her name." his voice was soft but slightly stern, you both knew the baby girl would be here any day, so why count you settle on one perfect name?
Your pregnancy had been amazing so far, you were always being taken care of by Aaron and your beautiful step-son Jack. Anything you needed they came immediately to you and got it for you. Jack had even suggested a few names himself, however, they were only names of girls in TV shows he watched.
Getting up out of his chair, Aaron walked over to you and pulled you into a hug, his arms wrapping themselves around your waist and his head pressed into the crease of your shoulder and neck. "I think it's time we let go and let Jack pick the name," he begins as you feel him leave butterfly kisses on your shoulder, "it'll make him feel part of the family if we let him get the final pick."
You knew he was right in what he was saying. Jack had been a rock in this world for the both of you, he always went out of his way to make sure you knew he loved you, even if you weren't his biological mother. Jack went from being a shy boy who couldn't even look at you the first time you met him to now, this confident and goofy little boy who went and bragged about his mum and dad's career, that they "fought bad people and kept the world safe".
Aaron lifts his head to look down at you, both of you silently agreeing to each other that now is the time you should ask Jack to pick the name. Aaron grabbed your hand and led you outside of your bedroom and down the stairs, your eyes eventually settling on Jack who was playing with his toy cars on the carpet in the living room.
"hey little man, we have something we need you to do okay?" you sit down beside him on the carpet as you pick up one of his toys to play with, running the wheels over the carpet. Jack looks at you then at Aaron, "Am I in trouble?" his soft and quiet voice makes it hard to hear what he said. "No no of course not bub, me and Daddy just need you to help us with something to do with your baby sister okay?" holding onto his hand as you watched his eyes glass up with tears.
Aaron sits down on the other side of him, "We want you to pick baby sister's name jack, will you do that for us?" his eyes light up and his head turns to Aaron before looking back at you to make sure you two were asking him to name his little sister. Aarons's smile covers his face, and joy fills his eyes as he watches his son get up and start dancing around the living room and squealing at the fact he gets to pick the name.
"Really Daddy? You want me to pick baby sister's name?" Jack asks his father as he stops dancing for a moment. "We want you to be a part of this decision buddy, we want you to name her, anything you want. You tell him as he turns to look at you.
"Anna, I want her to be called Anna like in Frozen."
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storieswithvenus · 2 months
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Babygirl - Tyler Owens x Fem!Storm Chaser!Preg Reader
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘶𝘴 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘴
hey! i felt in the mood to write something somewhat wholesome so here we are! i’m really sorry if this doesn’t make sense x
Word count; 1096
Growing up you had always wanted to chase storms, after experiencing your first tornado at the age of 7 with your mum the second month of you living in tornado alley.
Living in England before that you had never been exposed to the world of storms and what dangers come with it. As you grew up you watched many different storms and the havoc they caused. your senior year at school you had been out on lockdown due to an EF4 heading straight to your high school, that’s when you met Lillie.
You and Lillie have been the only two out of a group of 40 teenagers taking shelter in the hallway that wasn’t scared, frankly - you two were always ordered to put your head down in case the tornado hit because you two were trying to get a glimpse of the storm.
You two quickly became friends after that day, finding comfort in someone else who loved storms just as much as the other. while Lillie heading to college to get a degree in technology which you two could use to get close-ups of future storms - you went into meteorology. That's where you met your now husband and the tornado wrangler, Tyler Owens.
Tyler has caught your attention from the first time you walked into that lecture hall. His tall and muscular frame, dirty blonde hair, and green eyes caught the attention of all the girls in the class, many even tried their shot with him but were turned down and never showed their faces in that class again. Tyler quickly became the face of the class, everyone wanted to be him or be with him. which is why you were shocked when he asked you to be his partner for a project.
During that project you and him grew closer, you two learned about each other and what they could bring to the table in an actual storm-chasing group. At the time, it was a dream, the two of you were going into your last year. The thought of being in a team chasing storms all over was something you would have only dreamed about, because it couldn’t be a reality… or could it?
You and Tyler had graduated top of your class, and this led to getting the attention of many different investors who would’ve loved to work with the pair of you and build an empire. However, you and Tyler wanted to create this dream by yourselves.
You two worked endless jobs, bouncing from city to city to save up for starting this team. You were lucky that Lillie immediately nominated herself to join the group when you first brought the idea up to her when you two were studying together for a final. Along with Tyler's good friend Boone who wanted to be his right-hand man, along with the person getting all the good footage for the viewers.
After many years of working your absolute hardest and saving up all the money you could, you were able to buy your equipment. At first, you were live streaming to nobody, it was obvious the team was slightly disheartened by this and after months of nobody viewing the streams - you had all actually spoken of leaving the group and going separate ways. That was until one livestream someone joined, and coincidentally that’s when you got the first-ever footage of Tyler and Boone driving into a tornado and sitting through it.
In hours the clip blew up all over social media, and thousands upon thousands of people were tuning into the channel and subscribing. the next time you streamed the view count was at 16k. After a time, the team expanded adding in the valuable members Dexter and Dani, viewers, and sponsors pooling into the channel and eventually, you and Tyler confirmed your relationship.
Bringing you to now, 4 months pregnant and barely showing. After telling Tyler the news of the pregnancy, he never left your side. Always getting anything you needed even if he had to drive hours for it and miss several big storms. For a while he let you join in the back of the jeep when he and Boone were driving into a tornado, now that you were pregnant however - you had to be miles away so he knew you and your baby were safe.
“Dani, this is the biggest storm of the season and he is planning on driving into it?” your voice was full of concern as you, her, and Dexter all watched the live stream on her laptop from the campervan. Watching the father of your baby drive head-on into a storm really made you anxious. You knew he knew what he was doing, but what if something went wrong?
Grabbing the walker from the front of the dashboard, “Ty? Can you hear me? Please stay safe, our baby needs her daddy home." Dexter and Dani's heads quickly turn to you, mouths dropped as they realize what you just said. Paying no attention to them you watched as the message went through to Tyler on the livestream, and watching his reaction was the best thing.
From when you first told him about the baby he said it would be a baby girl, and that he would be the ‘world's best girl dad’. So, when he heard the sex of your baby on the walkie-talkie, you watched as he and Boone went absolutely mental. You swear the jeep nearly tipped over from the amount of jumping and punching the roof of the car there was, Dani even had to lower the volume due to all of their screaming.
You didn’t have time to join in on the excitement before the tornado hit them head-on, leaning forward in your seat with anxiety, picking at the skin on your fingers as you watched two of the most important people in your life get shaken around while being struck inside a tornado. It felt like hours they were stuck in that position, not being able to move due to them having to be drilled into the ground beneath the car.
When the storm finally passed, you all had let out a sigh of relief. even after years of doing this - you still didn’t know when today was going to be the day it didn’t work and something bad happened to one of you.
As tyler started up the jeep again to drive away and join the rest of you back at the meeting point, he turns up to the camera facing him and points,
“That’s for you babygirl.”
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storieswithvenus · 2 months
glen powell & characters masterlist
Glen Powell
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Tyler Owen’s
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Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
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storieswithvenus · 2 months
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Feeling Forgotten - Tyler Owens x Fem!Storm Chaser Reader
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 𝘷𝘦����𝘶𝘴 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘴
hey! this is the longest ever fic i have ever wrote so i hope it’s good lmao. if you have any suggestions on how to make it better please do comment or send me a message. this one will contain some nsfw content so
TWs: allusions to cheating, flashbacks to sex, use of Y/N, somewhat of an insecure reader but not massively i think, angst, cocky reader at some points
please comment if i have missed any warnings, anyways enjoy!! ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི
word count; 1843
You watch as your boyfriend Tyler, walks over towards the young blonde woman who had suddenly turned up with Javi, another storm chaser from another group. You couldn’t help but glare over at the sight of your boyfriend smiling down at her, your fists clenching as you watched her smile up at him.
“You’re gonna break your knuckles if you keep clenching them that tight, love”, a voice from beside you speaks, looking to your left to see your best friend Lilly smiling at you sympathetically. “I just don’t understand why he was so drawn to her when we first pulled in, Lills, I really don’t get it,” your tone soft, a frown forming on your face as your shoulders slump down with a mix of confusion and insecurity.
“Do not be getting soft on me now girl, you are THE tornado wrangler's girlfriend, and from what he has told us all, his future wife! So why are you doubting that? Has he given you something to ever question his love for you?” Her voice was sharp, full of questions as she tried to pry the answers out of you, not because she was mad at you, but because she knew how much you truly love him and how much you want a life with him. Lilly had been the one to begrudgingly listen to all the plans you have for yourself and Tyler in the next 5 years.
Firstly; get engaged, then have a small ceremony in your shared hometown, buy a house then have kids.
You feel yourself smile slightly at her constant questions, turning your head back to look at the sight of your boyfriend patting this woman’s shoulder as he made his way over to you. “Can I share a room with you tonight, Lills?”, you ask her with puppy dog eyes. “Y/n, of course you ca-“, she didn’t have time to finish the rest of her sentence before you walked away from her and your boyfriend who was quickly closing in on you two with a bright smile on his face. Tyler catches up to the spot you just stood on, watching as your silhouette walks away to the back of the jeep.
“Is she okay? She hasn’t come to speak to me since we got here.” Tyler looks over towards Lilly, a slight frown on his face, before quickly watching as you grab your duffle bag out of the trunk of the car and set it on the floor. Lilly (again) didn’t have time to finish her sentence before your boyfriend was quickly over beside you, reaching down to grab your bag as he slings it over his shoulder.
You roll your eyes slightly as you roughly close the trunk of the red jeep before turning to him and grabbing the bag off his shoulder. Tyler is quick to stop you by grabbing onto the bag and pulling it back onto his shoulder once more, “Baby, what’s going on? You always let me carry your bags to the motel room? Have I done something?” His voice is slightly shaken and soft, trying to keep the volume as low as possible so that nobody can hear your conversation. You roughly grab the bag off his shoulder and hoist it onto your shoulder, “Why don’t you go see what that new girl wants, huh? Might need a strong man to bring her bag to her room.” Shoving past him, and walking toward Lilly who was waiting for you with her key, leaving your boyfriend behind you, confused as ever.
“You are taking the fucking piss right, Boone?” your blood boiling as you find out that your boyfriend had driven hours away to see this new girl Kate who had apparently left in a hurry after an argument with Javi. Standing up from the edge of your bed you run your hands through your hair. “Y/n, listen he wanted me to tell you-“ he began. “Tell me what? He ran off to see this fucking girl he’s know, what? 3 days? Oh yeah, thanks for the heads up, really appreciate it.” Your eyes glared into him, letting out a groan as he sat there silently looking around at your other friends in the room. You walk into the bathroom and slam the door behind you, due to it being an older motel you were staying at - the slam of the door nearly took it off the hinges.
Turning on the cold tap and splashing your face with the water as you try and calm yourself. Splashing your face a few times before looking up to see yourself in the mirror. Quite frankly, you didn’t look your best. You had been so tired the last few nights due to the early starts with tornados touching down at 5am. Your eyes had black bags under them, your lips were severely chapped, and your hair had at least 3 days of grease still in it. Taking a deep sigh, you reach to the bottom of your shirt, taking it off, and throwing it on the floor. Unclasping your bra, undoing the zip on your jeans pulling down your underwear, and throwing it all onto your shirt, leaving a pile on the corner of the bathroom. Turning around to the shower, reaching over the side of the tub, and turning it on. Grabbing all the essentials you need from your wash bag you had left in the bathroom next to Lillys’.
The water was a nice heat when you got inside the tub, pulling the heist curtain to cover yourself in case someone was to walk in and see you. Putting your head under the shower head and letting the water drench your hair, moving it around slightly to make sure every area was covered. You reach for your shampoo as your mind runs wild at what your boyfriend could be doing with her right now.
Could he be touching her like how he touches you? Could he have his head between her legs and please her how he pleases you? Have his cock in her and watch her face as she enjoys it? You don’t even realize how aggressively you are rubbing the shampoo into your hair, nearly scratching your scalp. Rinsing the shampoo out of your hair as you sigh, trying to fight away the images in your head of him and her, could he really do that to you after 3 years of dating?
Reaching over for your conditioner as you open the bottle, squeezing some out into your hand and rubbing it onto the end of your hair. Leaving it to set in your hair, you reach over to your loofah and squeeze your vanilla-scented body wash all over it, as you start to rub the loofah all over your body - the image of your boyfriend and you in the shower together engulfs your head.
His head lay in the crook of your shoulder, one of his hands holding your waist and the other playing with your nipple between his index and middle fingers, sometimes squeezing it slightly. Your head flew back as you let out a soft moan into his ear, your hand reaching and grabbing onto his forearm as you tried to balance yourself. His low chuckle surrounds the room, letting go of your nipple and trailing down towards the spot you wanted him the most, and just as he was about to reach there-
3 loud bangs are heard on the bathroom door pulling you out of your state of imagination, “Y/n/n, are you okay? I’m sorry for not telling you where he was going, I really am. You’ve been in there for like half an hour, please come out” Boone shouts through the door, his hand continuously banging in the door. “YEAH! I'm okay, I’ll be out now”, you shout back as you rinse the condition out of your hair and the body washes off your body, ignoring the pulsing feeling between your legs.
Pulling the shower curtain out of the road and reaching for your towel, wrapping it around your body you walk towards the door and open it, Boone is standing waiting for you with a sorry look on his face. “Please don’t be mad at me”, he looks into your eyes, which are full of regret and pain. You smile at him slightly, “I’m not mad at you dude, I’m just upset that’s all.” You reason with him, holding onto his shoulder, “he will just have to answer a fuck ton of questions when he gets back.”
You had been sitting in your room all day trying to map out the best mother storms for you and the team to follow when Tyler gets back when there is a soft knock on your door. Getting up and opening the door, “Dexter, really, I am not hungry, I don’t want any lunch.” you look up expecting to see your loveable older friend standing there however, standing there was your boyfriend with a bunch of tulips in his hand and a box of chocolates.
“I’m sorry for leaving, pretty girl,” his voice was full of love, “It was a really stupid thing to do and I should’ve consulted you on the matter before I ran off after her”. Moving to the side to let him into the room, you shut the door behind him.
“Yeah you really should have consulted me about it”, your voice sharp and full of anger, not daring to walk over towards him. He sighs, placing your flowers and chocolates on the messy bed you were just sitting in, walking towards you slowly. “I already know how you’re feeling my love, Lilly got a lot of shouting in when I first got back, I’m sorry I made you feel that way”, his hands placed on your waist as he looks down at you, “I didn’t bring her back if that’s what you are wondering, I told her I had to get back to see my lady.” You lean into him and wrap your arms around his neck and you lay your head on his shoulder, he pulls you closer and runs his finger up and down your spine.
“I love you,” his voice whispered, “I know you’re mad at me, and you have the right to be, but it’s always gonna be you baby, forever and always you”. You pull back away from him to look into his light green eyes, a cocky tone in your voice, “You know, saying sorry won’t make me forgive you that easily, along with flowers and chocolates.” His eyebrow raises at your words, quickly replaced with a smirk and he quickly lifts you up bridal style walking towards Lilly’s bed. “You don’t think she will mind if we use her bed, right?” He asks you in a playful tone before laying you down on the bed.
“I guess we will have to see, won't we?” You reply back as you pull him on top of him attaching your lips to his.
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storieswithvenus · 2 months
tlou masterlist
ellie williams
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joel miller
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abby anderson
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storieswithvenus · 3 months
singers masterlist
taylor swift
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jeon jungkook
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kim taehyung
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niall horan
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zayn malik
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hayley williams
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storieswithvenus · 3 months
opening night - fem! singer! reader x taylor swift
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°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘶𝘴 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘴
hey! i really hope that i was able to put my idea into an actual visual story kinda?? there is a little spice in this one so TW!! hope you enjoy <3
the first night of a world tour can be very stressful, you knew that, because you had watched your girlfriend, taylor, do it the last 2 times she has done a world tour. even during the middle of her most recent tour, the eras tour - she still made sure she was there for the opening night of your first ever world tour.
finishing up the dance break of your song “i luv it”, taking a moment to catch your breath and look around the sold out stadium at everyone screaming your name in support. the adrenaline rushing through your veins as you watch all the coloured bracelets the stadium staff gave out to the crowd flashing, looking around at the people in standing who were screaming for your attention you feel your eyes tear up before smiling and waving at everyone. the music behind you gets quieter, that being your sign to run off stage for the intermission.
running off the stage with your backup dancers who have became some of your closest friends during the rehearsals of the show and shows to come, all of you rushing off the stage before the lights went on to allow people to have a break and get drinks or food.
reaching backstage you are greeted with taylor who is running towards you, her face covered with a massive smile as she engulfs you into a huge hug. hugging her back for a few seconds before pulling back to stare at each other, she leans in to give you a kiss.
“you don’t know how proud of you i am, you were so amazing out there”, her voice and eyes full of love as she pulled away from you to twirl you around so she could see your full outfit (the one you had been keeping secret for the 10 months you have been rehearsing). you look at her and laugh slightly at the way she is staring at the small dress you have on that accentuates all of her favourite parts of your body, “tay, stop staring, i need to change into the next outfit quickly before the show starts up again”, your voice gentle as you try and pull her out of the daze she is in before pulling her towards your dressing room.
“all im saying is that you better take that dress home with you tonight, i have a few ideas for us to celebrate this great accomplishment”, you turn to look at her in shock at how loudly she just said that, however she doesn’t apologise all she does is wink at you before she closes the door of your dressing room before pulling you back into her embrace as she starts to kiss down your neck, immediately throwing your head back as she kisses that spot, gripping the back of her neck.
all of a sudden there is a loud knock on the door, pulling away from your girlfriend with much detest before you shout for whoever to come in. the door opens and your stylists come in with your third outfit of the night, smiling at both you and taylor. as they begin to discuss with you what they are gonna do in the short time they have left, you watch as your girlfriend winks at you again before leaving the room and shutting the door behind her.
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storieswithvenus · 3 months
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘶𝘴 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘴
Hi! I'm Venus and this is my masterlist! Please note that some fics may contain mature content (NSFW - sex etc). My requests are always open, so please feel free to request anything.
I mainly write using a female perspective, however, if you request something from a gender-neutral perspective I will try my best!
What I Won't Write For
Request here!
⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
Criminal Minds
Leah Williamson (coming soon)
YouTubers (coming soon)
TWD (coming soon)
Glen Powell & Characters
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storieswithvenus · 3 months
what i wont write for
if you are planning to request anything i would greatly appreciate if you were to read this before submitting the request;
there is certain things i do not feel comfortable writing for, this means if you request it - i will not complete it. these are the things i am not comfortable to write;
anything inappropriate to do with children (nsfw relationship or a x reader with a child character) or animals
anything to do with r-pe
anything to do with self harm
i will update this if i add more things i am not comfortable writing for please regularly check this if you are wanting to request <3
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storieswithvenus · 3 months
ellie williams masterlist
Worth it
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storieswithvenus · 3 months
criminal minds masterlist
Aaron Hotchner
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Spencer Reid
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Derek Morgan
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Emily Prentiss
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storieswithvenus · 3 months
Worth it - Ellie Williams x Fem! Reader
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Walking down the stairs in the early morning of the day was usually how you started your day, however what wasn’t was your table set with breakfast already.
“Ellie? I thought you were meant to be out with Joel?” You questioned the brunette girl staring before you. She turns to look at you with a smile, putting down the frying pan with 2 fried eggs in before pulling out a seat for you at your table.
“Love, I didn’t expect you to be up so soon, but I made breakfast for us. Now come sit!” her voice full of joy, her pale green eyes staring at you with love as she watches you walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. Your night dress slightly blowing behind you as you walk, giving her a full view of the body she worships on a daily basis.
Sitting down at the table and viewing everything she had prepared genuinely took you by surprise. She had managed to make so much food without making a loud noise that would’ve woken you up. “I only had to cook the eyes then I would’ve been done, then I was gonna come and wake you up for a surprise.” her smile slightly slipping from her face before she quickly put it back on. Staring up at the girl with admiration, you smile and slide your hand on top of hers.
These were the moments that made Ellie realise that finally letting go of the anger towards Abby made everything worth it. Being able to spend everyday with her beautiful wife without having to worry that she might not make it to the eve. Knowing she had the life she always wanted with the person who has grown up with her. From the first person who introduced themself to Ellie when her and Joel first reached Jackson and quickly befriended her to the woman she was waking up beside every morning.
Everything was worth it.
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storieswithvenus · 3 months
Case Reviews - Aaron Hotchner x Fem! Reader
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Dating the unit chief of the BAU has its downsides, the main thing being that you and Aaron are not allowed to tell anyone about your relationship in fear of it getting back to Strauss and both of you losing your job or being sent to different sections of the FBI.
So, how did you end up in his office at lunch time, sat on his desk while he is kissing down your neck and gripping your waist?
That morning before the two of you had left for work (after staying the night at his house) you both agreed that you would go up to his office at 2:47 on the dot to ‘check out some case file’. So, after avoiding all the questions from Emily and Garcia, you finally made your way into his office - and that leads us to now.
“Aaron, we really cannot be doing this..” your breath hitches as he reaches that delicate spot on your neck that makes your legs shake, “w-we could be caught, someone might walk in”. You feel him laugh slightly into your neck before he pulls back to look at you. His eyes are full with lust and desire, a slight smirk on his face as he watches you tremble on his desk. “Darling, are you scared?”, he says in a teasing tone, his hand landing on your lower thigh, “Last time we done this, you were all for getting caught, no?”. You groan because he is right, the last time you and him had ‘reviewed’ a case together - you ended up bent over his desk with your skirt rolled up to your waist.
You feel his hand slowly moving up your thigh, your heart pulsating in your chest, he knows what he is doing to you - and knows exactly how to get what he wants.
All of a sudden there is a heavy knocking at the door, Aaron moves back quickly and sits down in his chair as you jump down from the desk to fix your skirt and grab a random case file to make it seem as if you and Aaron were actually being productive.
“Come in.” he shouts to the person behind the door as he grabs a pen and the case file from your hand so start adding any extra detail needed. You look up to see who is opening the door and walking through. “I thought you would be in here, Agent L/N” Rossi states as he looks you up and down, your cheeks begin to redden in embarrassment.
“What can I do for you Dave?” the man beside you asks his dear friend, looking up to give him his full attention. “I need some more details about our case in Arizona the other weekend if you don’t mind?” Dave questions with a slight smile before continuing, “If you don’t mind, I have to go for lunch now, so would you leave it on my desk please?” turning his heel to walk back out the door. Just as he is about to leave he turns back to look at you,
“You may want to get that redness on your neck looked at by the way, could be serious.”
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