#drogo fancast
westerosiladies · 1 year
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asoiaf-fancasts · 8 months
Irri - Fancasts
Age: 13 - 16
Appearance: She is slim compared to her sister. She has skin the colour of copper with black hair and “almond-shaped” eyes.
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Character: Mulan [Younger]
Actress: Crystal Rao
Movie: Mulan [2020]
[She was 10 - 11 during the movie so too young for canon timeline Irri but it works for her pre-canon perhaps before her fathers Khalasar was destroyed by Drogo. She has black hair, copper coloured skin and “almond shaped eyes. She wears clothes from the Northern Wei Dynasty.]
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Character: Ka’kwet
Actress: Kiawentiio Tarbell
Show: Anne with an E [2017] [Season 3]
[She was 13 during this season so perfect for Irri in the first book. She’s slim and has black hair. She has skin the colour of copper and has “almond shaped” eyes. She wears Mi’kmaq clothing in the scenes that best fit Irri.]
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Character: Lawrence’s Daughter
Actress: Izabella Alvarez
Show: West World [2016] [Season 1 & 2]
[She was 11/12 - 14 during this show so good for her pre canon up until the second book. She had dark brown almost black hair and has skin the colour of copper. She also has eyes that are somewhat “almond shaped”. She wears 18th century clothing so she’s better for close ups.]
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Character: Pocahontas
Actress: Q’orianka Kilcher
Movie: The New World [2005]
[She is 14 during this movie so good for Irri at the end of the first book and in the second book. She is slim but doesn’t have black hair but a relatively dark brown. She has skin the colour of copper and has “almond shaped” eyes. She wears vaguely indigenous clothing and British 17th century clothing.]
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asongofsilks · 2 years
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Helya (main series era): A bentback old woman, the steward of Pyke in the Iron Islands. Fancast: Geraldine McEwan.
Henrietta Woodhull (b. approx. 120 AC): The daughter of a landed knight of the Paps, she was presented as a marriage candidate for King Aegon III at the Maiden's Day Ball of 133 AC. She was the last to be presented to the king, and was one of a few candidates to be rushed past him after he had already been presented with the girl who would become his bride, Daenaera Velaryon. Fancast: Larisa Oleynik.
Hildy (main series era): Lover of Lord Jonos Bracken, before that the lover of a sworn sword of Lord Blackwood. Fancast: Nicole Whippy.
Holly (284-300 AC): A wildling spearwife who accompanies Mance Rayder, in the disguise of a singer travelling with six female companions, to Winterfell to rescue Arya Stark, who is supposed to be in the hands of the Boltons. She is shot by the Boltons' watchmen as Theon and "Arya" (actually Jeyne Poole, the Stark girls' childhood companion) escape. Fancast: Hannah Sharp.
Irri (b. 284 AC): One of Daenerys Targaryen's Dothraki handmaids, formerly daughter of a khal who was slain by Drogo. She stays with Daenerys after Drogo's death and journeys with her as far as Meereen. Fancast: Lesley-Ann Brandt.
Jaehaera Targaryen (123-133 AC): Daughter of King Aegon II and his wife Helaena Targaryen. After the death of her parents, siblings and uncles during the Dance of the Dragons, she was married to the only remaining candidate for the throne, Aegon III. However, two years later, she apparently threw herself out of her window onto the spikes of the dry moat surrounding Maegor's Holdfast. The King's Hand, Lord Unwin Peake, may in fact have been responsible for her death, as he immediately tried to arrange for Aegon to marry his daughter Myrielle. Fancast: Eleanor Worthington-Cox.
Jaenara Belaerys (era of Valyrian supremacy): A Valyrian dragonrider who attempted to reach the tip of the great southern continent, Sothoryos, on the back of her dragon Terrax. She returned to Valyria after three years, claiming that she had only encountered endless jungle and mountain. Fancast: Zoe Kravitz.
Janna Tyrell (b. approx. 270 AC): Youngest daughter of Lord Luthor Tyrell and his wife Olenna. She is married to Ser Jon Fossoway and accompanies her niece Margaery to King's Landing when it is arranged that she will wed the king. Fancast: Scarlett Johansson.
Janyce Hunter (main series era): Wife of Edwyn Frey, whose father, Ryman, is the heir to the Twins after the death of his grandfather Stevron. They have a young daughter, Walda, but it is rumoured that she is truly the daughter of Black Walder, Edwyn's brother. Fancast: Phoebe Dynevor.
Jayde (main series era): One of the girls at Chataya's brothel, an upmarket establishment that caters to many nobles in King's Landing. Fancast: Aifric O'Donnell.
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navree · 3 months
26. 22, 24 and 33? for asoiaf ask game
26. Favorite “problematic” ship
I'm sure any of the ships I have from F&B count as problematic because of, like, the incest, but you will be prying the various romantic dynamics between the Conquerors (well mostly the varying ways Aegon and Visenya felt about Rhaenys and the way she felt about them because Aegon and Visenya were never into each other) from my cold, dead hands. Also I really ship the show's version of Jorah/Dany, literally top tier OTP from me. Also for some reason Jonrya really hit the spot for me, I think it's because having Jon canonically go What do you know of my heart, priestess? What do you know of my sister? about Arya was an insane thing to do and my brain kinda ran with it.
22. A character so queer-coded you’d argue it to GRRM’s face
Visenya was a lesbian. I don't care what anyone says, Visenya was not even a little bit into any man ever and only ever saw Aegon as her little brother and the real love triangle was that she and Aegon were both into Rhaenys, I will argue this to God Himself if I have to, let alone George.
24. A ship that gives you the absolute ick
Rhaegar/Lyanna, because of my detestation for Rhaegar. Daemyra, especially show!Daemyra, because literally all their other romantic relationships are infinitely more interesting and romantic to me than their marriage. Dany/Drogo, due to the whole marital rape of it all. I don't like Jonsa at all, either version, because in general I don't care for Sansa as a character and in the show I really do not like her OR Jon.
33. A fancast that just IS a character
I mentioned this in another ask but some pre-series blogs have used Kirill Zaytsev and Kivanc Tatlituv as Aegon I fancasts and those have always really hit the spot for me. Henry Cavill is my go-to fancasts for two characters, Maegor when he's Witcher-fied and Orys Baratheon when we go off of The Tudors, and for me personally, Lily James as seen in the Cinderella remake just kinda is book!Daenaera Velaryon, my precious girlie.
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*slams fist on table*
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kahlanhbic · 3 years
Give a fancast of a female khal drogo idea’s?
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fangrurin · 3 years
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Consorts to the Iron Throne ♕ Consorts of Claimants, Rivals, and Pretenders
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wishtherebestars · 7 years
Someone help me find the perfect fancast for Rhaego if he were alive. Like child-teen-adult fancast i need help
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fromtheboundlesssea · 4 years
Fox_Maiden: I'm glad you liked my suggestion of writing a polygamous Dothraki Celia-Drogo-Dany triangle story. Although, Celia wouldn't necessarily have to be as into Drogo as he was her...For the fancast, I would ideally want a Polynesian actress to match Jason Momoa's own ethnicity. Auli'l is an obvious choice, but there's also Sonya Balmores, Kera Ioane, Maggie Q, or Shannyn Sossamon, I also think Q'orianka Kilcher is stunning even if she is German-Peruvian-American.
I think Tiana Masaniai would be a good face claim for Dothraki Celia in this instance.
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simone-boccanegra · 4 years
any operatic asoiaf fancasts?
so King Robert is Bryn Terfel (maybe a decade ago)
Cersei is Elina Garanca
Khal Drogo is like... Samuel Ramey in his prime or maybe Ildar Abdrazakov (he’s allegedly a descendant of Genghis Khan?)
Ambrogio Maestri for Wyman Manderly y/y?
Jonas (a younger Jonas) for Jon Snow
Stefan Kocan as Stannis
Simon Keenlyside as Davos
Ferruccio Furlanetto as Ser Barristan
Mariusz would probably want to be Renly but he would make a better Ned at this age
Nina Stemme in her prime as Brienne
Stephen Milling as the Mountain, I mean, look at him
Greer Grimsley as Victarion
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westerosiladies · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering who the fancasts for Daeron II and Drogo are in this post?
Drogo is Te Kohe Tuhaka in The Dead Lands, but I straight-up do not remember where Daeron is from. It was some very low-budget period movie (medieval? roman? greek?) that I've never actually seen, I just pulled the clip from it. I can't seem to find it again, but if I do, I'll let you know.
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Targ Fancastin’
1 think that doesn’t make sense about Targ Stans, is the fact they often make edits & fancasts of the Targs as POCs. I mean I can understand when they married into House Martell, but when it’s about the Targs and their pure bloodline of pale skin, pale hair & purple eyes, I can’t help but laugh. And yes I know, Book!Dany has tan skin due her time with Drogo and while she conquered Slaver’s Bay. And I understand that some of the Targs who married into House Martell did have olive skin, and brown eyes and black hair like the Martell’s do. Also, let’s not forget the Targaryens of Valyria inslaved POCs.
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asongofsilks · 4 years
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House Targaryen fancasting --> Jason Momoa as Khal Drogo
“Khal Drogo was a head taller than the tallest man in the room, yet somehow light on his feet, as graceful as the panther in Illyrio’s menagerie. He was younger than she’d thought, no more than thirty. His skin was the color of polished copper, his thick mustachios bound with gold and bronze rings. Her brother took her by the arm as Illyrio waddled over to the khal, his fingers squeezing so hard that they hurt. ‘Do you see his braid, sweet sister?’
Drogo’s braid was black as midnight and heavy with scented oil, hung with tiny bells that rang softly as he moved. It swung well past his belt, below even his buttocks, the end of it brushing against the back of his thighs. ‘You see how long it is?’ Viserys said. ‘When Dothraki are defeated in combat, they cut off their braids in disgrace, so the world will know their shame. Khal Drogo has never lost a fight. He is Aegon the Dragonlord come again, and you will be his queen.’ ”
Little more to add for this iconic portrayal, this man is the reason I could never fully commit to a Jon/ Dany ship.
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count-di-luna · 6 years
Strange question: if you should fancast a game of thrones opera, who would you choose, why and in which role? I've always wanted to ask you because you are interested in both
Oh boy, there are so many characters...
- I’d probably cast  Bryn Terfel as Robert
- Elina Garanca as Cersei
- Tyrion is hard because Thomas Quasthoff would have been perfect but he’s retired
- Alastair Miles for Tywin, he kind of has the Look 
- Stefan Kocan for Stannis, he has the Baratheon colours
- Simon Keenlyside for Davos (to do the obvious and cast a famous Rodrigo)
- Jonas Kaufmann for Jon Snow
- Fabio Sartori for Sam 
- Lisette Oropesa for Dany 
- not sure about Khal Drogo but like. a sexy bass-baritone who is built like Jason Momoa?
- Carlos Álvarez for Ser Jorah (dude’s like. such a typical baritone. he’d have an aria pining for Dany. with an unholy amount of legato)
- Ferruccio Furlanetto for Ser Barristan 
- Erwin Schrott as Oberyn Martell
- Isaiah Bell for Loras Tyrell 
- Mariusz Kwiecien as Renly 
- Ambrogio Maestri as Wyman Manderly (honestly whomst else)
maybe ask for specific characters?
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madaboutasoiaf · 7 years
GoT tag game
I was tagged by @baratheons, @patchface, @horcrucxs, @bericdondarrion, @valiantnedspreciouslittlegirl and @jeynegrey <3
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag seven people :)
the first character i fell in love with: Arya Stark
a character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Stannis Baratheon
a character everyone else loves that I don’t: I can’t think of one
a character I love that everyone else hates: Mirri Maz Duur
a character I used to love but don’t any longer: I can’t think of one
a character I would kiss: Arthur Dayne (especially the Santiago Cabrera fancast)
a character I’d slap: Petyr Baelish
a character I’d want to be like: Arya Stark
a character who makes me laugh: Dolorous Edd
a character i miss: Ned Stark
a pairing i love: Arya and Gendry
a pairing i don’t like: Dany x Drogo, Starkcest
i tag: @makebeliever, @castleintheskye, @insomniarama, @thefeatherofhope, @jongritte, @sansalayned, @kitsn0w and anybody else who wants to do it
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samwpmarleau · 7 years
I was tagged by @lyannas
Rules: answer the questions and then tag seven people. :)
The first character I fell in love with: I was gonna lie about this, but--Rhaegar. I bought into the whole ~tragic romance~ thing but you can’t come to jesus if you haven’t walked through hell, so...
The second character I fell in love with was Robb, though, if that makes it better. He’s so very me
A character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Elia Martell. I had always found her story sad, obviously, but could never have predicted being willing to fight reddit a man at any given moment for her.
A character everyone else loves that I don’t: Olenna Tyrell. Everyone likes her snark, but she’s 100% that “you have to forgive grandma, she’s from a different time” person and I’m not here for it.
A character I love that everyone else hates: I’m not sure there is one. Maybe Cersei? I mean she’s a horrible person, but I do give her credit for keeping her eye on the prize even though she had to be married to robert for two decades to do it
A character I used to love, but don’t any longer: Tyrion. He’s an asshole. Not the lovable kind either
A character I would kiss: I’m going to steal @madaboutasoiaf’s answer for this: Arthur Dayne (especially the Santiago Cabrera fancast)
A character I’d slap: Jaime
A character I’d want to be like: Alyssa Velaryon. She didn’t put up with any bullshit, she was fiercely protective, she was politically savvy, she took Visenya’s sword, and she married a guy like 20 years younger than her--get it girl
A character who makes me laugh: Sam and Dolorous Edd. They’re so self-effacing and pessimistic and I love it
A character I miss: Oberyn. Having him hang around would have been so great, and watching Tywin have a mini-aneurysm every time they’re in the same room together would be gold
A pairing I love: My pre-series ships are well-documented. Current series, really any consensual relationships I’m game for. Ned/Cat, Garlan/Leonette, Arianne/Daemon (Arys can kick rocks), Oberyn/Ellaria, etc.
OH. And Robb/Jeyne. They could have had it all ;_;
A pairing I don’t like: Almost all of them. Far and away my #1 is Dany/Drogo (any non-con for that matter), with honorable mentions to Jon/Dany and Sansa/pervs
Tagging: I feel like all the ASOIAF blogs I follow have already done this, but if there’s anyone following me who hasn’t, consider yourself tagged!
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