#irri fancasts
asoiaf-fancasts · 8 months
Irri - Fancasts
Age: 13 - 16
Appearance: She is slim compared to her sister. She has skin the colour of copper with black hair and “almond-shaped” eyes.
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Character: Mulan [Younger]
Actress: Crystal Rao
Movie: Mulan [2020]
[She was 10 - 11 during the movie so too young for canon timeline Irri but it works for her pre-canon perhaps before her fathers Khalasar was destroyed by Drogo. She has black hair, copper coloured skin and “almond shaped eyes. She wears clothes from the Northern Wei Dynasty.]
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Character: Ka’kwet
Actress: Kiawentiio Tarbell
Show: Anne with an E [2017] [Season 3]
[She was 13 during this season so perfect for Irri in the first book. She’s slim and has black hair. She has skin the colour of copper and has “almond shaped” eyes. She wears Mi’kmaq clothing in the scenes that best fit Irri.]
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Character: Lawrence’s Daughter
Actress: Izabella Alvarez
Show: West World [2016] [Season 1 & 2]
[She was 11/12 - 14 during this show so good for her pre canon up until the second book. She had dark brown almost black hair and has skin the colour of copper. She also has eyes that are somewhat “almond shaped”. She wears 18th century clothing so she’s better for close ups.]
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Character: Pocahontas
Actress: Q’orianka Kilcher
Movie: The New World [2005]
[She is 14 during this movie so good for Irri at the end of the first book and in the second book. She is slim but doesn’t have black hair but a relatively dark brown. She has skin the colour of copper and has “almond shaped” eyes. She wears vaguely indigenous clothing and British 17th century clothing.]
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sanikori · 9 months
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Her brother Viserys gifted her with three handmaids. Dany knew they had cost him nothing; Illyrio no doubt had provided the girls. Irri and Jhiqui were copper-skinned Dothraki with black hair and almond-shaped eyes. Doreah a fair-haired, blue-eyed Lyseni girl. “These are no common servants, sweet sister,” her brother told her as they were brought forward one by one. “Illyrio and I selected them personally for you." “Irri will teach you riding, Jhiqui the Dothraki tongue and Doreah will instruct you in the womanly acts of love.” He smiled thinly. “She’s very good, Illyrio and I can both swear to that.” - Daenerys II, AGOT
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westerosiladies · 2 years
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Daenerys and her female servants
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asongofsilks · 2 years
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Helya (main series era): A bentback old woman, the steward of Pyke in the Iron Islands. Fancast: Geraldine McEwan.
Henrietta Woodhull (b. approx. 120 AC): The daughter of a landed knight of the Paps, she was presented as a marriage candidate for King Aegon III at the Maiden's Day Ball of 133 AC. She was the last to be presented to the king, and was one of a few candidates to be rushed past him after he had already been presented with the girl who would become his bride, Daenaera Velaryon. Fancast: Larisa Oleynik.
Hildy (main series era): Lover of Lord Jonos Bracken, before that the lover of a sworn sword of Lord Blackwood. Fancast: Nicole Whippy.
Holly (284-300 AC): A wildling spearwife who accompanies Mance Rayder, in the disguise of a singer travelling with six female companions, to Winterfell to rescue Arya Stark, who is supposed to be in the hands of the Boltons. She is shot by the Boltons' watchmen as Theon and "Arya" (actually Jeyne Poole, the Stark girls' childhood companion) escape. Fancast: Hannah Sharp.
Irri (b. 284 AC): One of Daenerys Targaryen's Dothraki handmaids, formerly daughter of a khal who was slain by Drogo. She stays with Daenerys after Drogo's death and journeys with her as far as Meereen. Fancast: Lesley-Ann Brandt.
Jaehaera Targaryen (123-133 AC): Daughter of King Aegon II and his wife Helaena Targaryen. After the death of her parents, siblings and uncles during the Dance of the Dragons, she was married to the only remaining candidate for the throne, Aegon III. However, two years later, she apparently threw herself out of her window onto the spikes of the dry moat surrounding Maegor's Holdfast. The King's Hand, Lord Unwin Peake, may in fact have been responsible for her death, as he immediately tried to arrange for Aegon to marry his daughter Myrielle. Fancast: Eleanor Worthington-Cox.
Jaenara Belaerys (era of Valyrian supremacy): A Valyrian dragonrider who attempted to reach the tip of the great southern continent, Sothoryos, on the back of her dragon Terrax. She returned to Valyria after three years, claiming that she had only encountered endless jungle and mountain. Fancast: Zoe Kravitz.
Janna Tyrell (b. approx. 270 AC): Youngest daughter of Lord Luthor Tyrell and his wife Olenna. She is married to Ser Jon Fossoway and accompanies her niece Margaery to King's Landing when it is arranged that she will wed the king. Fancast: Scarlett Johansson.
Janyce Hunter (main series era): Wife of Edwyn Frey, whose father, Ryman, is the heir to the Twins after the death of his grandfather Stevron. They have a young daughter, Walda, but it is rumoured that she is truly the daughter of Black Walder, Edwyn's brother. Fancast: Phoebe Dynevor.
Jayde (main series era): One of the girls at Chataya's brothel, an upmarket establishment that caters to many nobles in King's Landing. Fancast: Aifric O'Donnell.
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myimaginationplain · 4 years
I kinda wanna try my hand at making a Daenerys + her handmaids edit, but Dothraki fancasts seem very nonexistent, especially dothraki women
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mxrgaery · 3 years
brown people are all the same and therefore interchangeable according to martell stans… which i guess explains why they believe rhaenys (who they fancast as indian) should’ve been in dany's place and become khaleesi instead. indians = mongols. lol
These Martell ... 'fans' (if I am even calling them that) are mostly white people with a token few friends who are PoC who keep emboldening them to be racist toward other PoC in this fandom. They don't deserve to be taken seriously, anon. Not when they love to downplay actual incidents of genocide in ASoIaF to support their anti Targ agenda, write hundreds of metas about how Rhaegar and Dany are both irreedemable white supremacists and rapists who are led around by prophecy, when in reality all these Martell stans looooove Sansa, who in the show was a raging xenophobic bitch and in the books is a sheltered little toddler-brained chit who would shake and cry if she ever was dropped into Dany's storyline and had to interact with actual PoC characters. They also love show!Cersei even when she was responsible for the public degradation and death of their so called Dornish favourites. Inconsistency is the only constant with these racists, who love to say Dany raped Irri, yet unironically ship Cersei with Taena, without ever acknowledging the problematic nature of their relationship. "antis just don't admit how important Taena was to Cersei" -> from one of these cultists. Like I'm about to prioritize an actual white supremacist, deeply misogynistic woman just because she pulls at my heartstrings a couple of times but absolutely did rape a WoC? Lol.
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daenerys-daario · 3 years
yoooo your edits are gorgeous!!! thank you for doing all the overlooked dothraki characters!!! do you have plans to do more?
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I’m a (very) amateur gifmaker, so your words mean a lot to me!! 💖💖💖
Yeah, I would be doing more gifs. Not just of dothraki but of all the characters in Dany’s storyline. (And hopefully, other asoiaf characters and scenes too).
I kinda wanna match my Irri & Jhiqui with Rakharo/Jhogo/Aggo, hence I’m looking for East Asian and North East Asian fancasts, and I have found some with similar braids/hair ornaments/attire. So, there should be a Irri/Jhiqui/Doreah/Missandei set soon!
Once again, thank you for your lovely message 💌💌 It really means a lot to me!!
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I keep looking back to your beautiful fancast of the women of color in GoT. The sad thing is that almost every single one of them could have been saved. Like Ellaria, Irri, the Sand Snakes and Jeyne Westerling are all alive in the books, and Missandei didn’t need to die at all. But then I came across Shae. Since I’m really into fix-it fics right now, do you think there was a way for her to survive? I really love her as a character, and I wish she could have been saved.
Thank you for your kind message :)
And I’m not really a fic writer, but here’s a way Shae can survive and still keep the plot intact:
Shae helps Sansa escape the Purple Wedding, but she’s caught before she herself can escape.  She stalls the Lannister guards long enough for Sansa to get away.  
She sells out Tyrion in the trial, hoping that putting the blame all on him will divert attention away from Sansa.  In exchange, the Lannisters let her live.  She doesn’t trust them however, so she calls in a few favors and manages to get on a boat in headed out of King’s Landing, maybe it’s going to Dorne or maybe to Essos.  She finds work for a pretty chill employer, and lives a happy life.  
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exobrasiloficial · 3 years
Hi again lol! yess I think Neron fits for Stannis more . I think Vuron or Dhalas fit Victarion. Jaruu pre - Reek Theon. Cameron ( with an eyepatch) Euron. Lussia for Sansa. Redi Almeena for Myrcella. Ruto a Lannister or Harry the Heir. Li fa or Flori for Irri / Jiqui. Honestly if we use them, berserk, aot and Claymore characters we can do a perfect fancast
Yeah, guin saga, berserk, claymore and aot have some strong asoiaf vibes, we can do a lot with those. It's kind of a shame everyone is so focused on live action fancasts (which are amazing, don't get me wrong) bc i think the animated medium would be perfect for asoiaf.
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galatic-swag · 4 years
Does anyone have age appropriate (13-16) fancasts for Irri and Jhiqui?
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asongofsilks · 2 years
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ASOIAF fancasting –> The Dothraki: Zoë Robins as Jhiqui
“ ‘You are too skinny for him,’ Jhiqui was saying. ‘You are almost a boy. Rakharo does not bed with boys. This is known.’ Irri bristled back. ‘It is known that you are almost a cow. Rakharo does not bed with cows.’ ”
Ms Robins matches really nicely with my fancast for Irri, in my quest to provide a face for female characters who are far too easily relegated to the background.
More fancasts beyond Westeros
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asongofsilks · 4 years
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Random fancasting --> The Dothraki: Lesley-Ann Brandt as Irri
“She kissed Irri’s hand where Drogon had bitten it. ‘I’m sorry he hurt you. Dragons are not meant to be locked up in a small ship’s cabin.’
‘Dragons are like horses in this,’ Irri said. ‘And riders, too. The horses scream below, Khaleesi, and kick at the wooden walls. I hear them. And Jhiqui says the old women and the little ones scream too, when you are not here. They do not like this water cart. They do not like the black salt sea.’ ”
Both the Dothraki handmaidens are generally part of the background and scenery, simply adding completion to Dany’s picture. But they have been there from the beginning, two distinct presences, and they have witnessed the Mother of Dragons on her entire journey thus far.
House Targaryen fancasts here
Main series era House Martell here
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