fabiansteinhauer · 4 months
Passau - die schwimmende Stadt
Via Ruslan Beljaev
Ich habe in einer Stadt studiert, die Passau heißt und schwimmt. Die Stadt habe ich nicht wegen des Rufes der Universität, der Fakultät oder der Professoren ausgesucht, sondern aus topographischen Gründen. Die Meteorologie ist in Passau eine Herausforderung: wenig Wind, stehende, immerfeuchte Luft und viel Nebel. Der Inn ist aber der schönste Fluss, den ich kenne - und die Meteorologie zahlt sich mnemotechnisch aus, in Passau bindet sie Topographie an das, was Debord Psychogeographie nennt. Sie lässt die Stadt treiben, driften, das merkt man sich und damit auch mehr von dem, was man so tut. Was an Luft steht, lässt den Ort auch treiben. Was an Wasser fliesst, lässt den Ort treiben. Die Altstadt von Passau mag arg gedämpft sein, etwas daran ist topographisch und psychogeographisch das Manhattan Niederbayerns, sei es schöngeredet oder bloß geredet. Dichte Erinnerung, puuh.
Zwischendurch war ich fast 1 1/2 Jahre in Russland, die meiste Zeit in St. Petersburg, die Stadt schwimmt auch, im Zentrum driftet sie nach Nordosten, weil die Wasserflächen dort größer sind als die Landflächen und man eher bereit ist, die Stadt treiben zu sehen als das den Flüssen zuzugestehen. Man sieht die Stadt treiben und lässt die Flüsse stehen. Vielleicht hat sich daraus auch ein typisch russischer, revolutionärer Rhythmus entwickelt, mit dem man der Regierung lange Zeit alles durchgehen lässt, um sie dann kurzfristig zu killen. Das Verhältnis zwischen Schichten der Temporalität kann auf jeden Fall für Leute, die nicht von da sind, irritierend wirken, Stehendes wirkt bewegt, Bewegung stehend, aber das Muster Laokoon erkennt man trotzdem nicht wieder.
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twafordizzy · 4 months
Het nut van literatuur volgens Vargas Llosa
bron beeld: upf.edu In de bibliotheek van een Amerikaanse universiteit waar ik doceerde, viel mijn oog bij het doorbladeren van een boek op een voetnoot waarin de naam Dionysus voorkwam. Deze werd daarin beschreven als de god van de wijn, van de goddelijke extase, die de mens met de goden in contact brengt. Maar wat vaak wordt vergeten, is dat Dionysus voor de Grieken ook de god was van de…
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lazynessoverload · 1 year
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lingeriae · 1 year
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synopsis - Being the wife of Toji Fushiguru was never easy. At first it was love, until there was arguements. Arguements that led to tears and Toji syorming out of the house, he would appologize, until he just stopped. You tried everything to fix the relationship for the sake of love, and little megumi, but everyone has their breaking point.
warnings - normal au, cursing, smutttt (minors pls dni!) oral f.recieving], degradation [m,recieving], manipulation, implied age gap, angst, tears, cheating, toxic!toji, mention of alcohol,baby megumi! toxic relationships
you can blame beyonce for this yall
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The front door opens at exactly three fourty five in the morning, the floor boards creak as Toji moves throughtout your house with his audacity, stench of cheap perfume and alcohol. You continue staring out of space, a half empty wine bottle sits at your foot and black streaks of mascra are on your face from the crying you had been doing before. All that sadness turned into anger and regret, but you were mindful of Megumi sleeping in the next room turning up the tv and weeping into the chair arm, it had been a few hours after that. As you sit you think about the four years you wasted with him, how it only took two years for everything to go downhill.
Dragging the tips of your finger on the rim of you the glass you listen to how Toji's drag his foor as he walks throughtout the house, hissing as his foot bumps into the wall. He finally comes into the living room and it takes him a while to see you, when he does he lets out a groan rubbing at his temples as he knew an arguement was coming.
Pity he didn't know exactly what was about to happen.
"Where you been?" You ask, voice sounding sweet as if you hadn't been screaming into a pillow for atleast an hour. You don't meet his gaze, still playing with the rim of the glass awaiting for the lie you knew was about to come. "Work, do we always have to go over this Y/n?" he replied bitterly words slightly drawled out an slurred, making to obvious he been drinking, taking off his jacket and throwing it on the couch arm.
Smiling at his answer, you hummed bringing the glass up to your lips tasting the bitter yet sweet taste of the wine. "Okay." Toji looked at you, your responce making him feel a little worried. He noticed that you were crying because of the runny mascra marks under your eyes giving him an uneasy feeling in his stomach, his eyes driften towards the half empty wine bottle by your feet. That alone confirmed he was in deep shit, he quickly thought of ways he could possible get you to think your overreacting or that he wasn't doing anything shady, he moved towards you only for you to hold up your hand indicating for him to stop.
Finally meeting his eyes, you raised an eyebrow at him. You could see the panic on his face as you looked at him blankly, he slowly kneeled down not looking away from you adams apple bopping when he swallowed, you both stared at each other and he licked his lips ready to speak but stopped as you raised your hand at him again.
"Toji," your voice was raspy and held a dangerous lit to it, fingers tapping the wine glass a pretty smile on your full lips stained with the taste of the wine, eyes squinting at the corners and teeth on full display the grip you had on the glass tightening. "where the fuck, were you."
Flinching at the tone of your voice, a grimace took over Toji's expression. He could tell you already knew, that he was fucked. But a little gaslighting could make you think otherwise.
Toji licks his lip the scar on his lips stretching, along with his lips as he pulled it into a smirk reaching out to grab unto your feet with a 'cmon doll, don't be like this.' before he can touch you, lift your foot and push him back, your panties on full display for him as your foot rests against his chest and the sight causes him to groan. Taking a quick sip of your wine as you look down at him, your lacy night dress shifting and riding up your thighs as you lean back. The moonlight made you lokok Godlike in the dress, the runny mascra adding an extra effect, your plump lips are pulled down and the wine from early makes it look glossy,
"You're pathetic." you say in a honeyed tone, and it shouldn't turn Toji on but he feels warmth spreadin through his body at your words. Licking his lips Toji quickly nods in responce, "I am, doll, I-i agree."
"I should fucking kill you," He hums, bringing his lip to kiss the arch of your feet as he lifts it off his chest moving towards you. You quietly watch him aware of his intentions as he kisses your thighs trying to spread your thighs apart but you refuse to budge them, your hand moves to grab his face tilting it up so he can look at you. Your eyebrows are drawn and your pretty lips are set in a deep frown, your nails squeeze into Toji's cheeks and it causes him to hiss but he doesn't complain.
"You think you can come up in here and touch me with them same hands you touched that bitch with?"your hands are still pressed against Toji's cheeks as he shakes his head retracting his hands from where they laid on your thighs. Humming you release his cheeks, leaning back and slowly spreading your legs for him, watching his tongue come out to lick at his lips as he moves forward.
He licks at the centre of your panties, the motion causing you to shiver as you watch him through your lashes. He repeats the action before using his teeth to drag the material down, finally tasting your sweeet pussy moaning at the taste. It's been so long he thinks as he licks from your hole to your clit, smiling at the noise you make and the tug on his hair. Hot breath blows against your pussy, and he takes a deep inhale rubbing his nose against it before taking your clit into his mouth giving it a harsh suck that had a pleased hum leaving your lips, the heat of his tongue against your needy front had you wanting to pull him up in a kiss but you knew better.
Give Toshi Fushiguru a inch and he takes a fucking mile.
The wet muscle drags over your sensitive clit repeatedly, the rise and fall of your chest becomes unsteady as he pushes his tongue in and out of your hole and the grip you had on his hair tightens. With a tilt of your head you look down on him, taking in how much he was holding back, his hands clenched into fists on his thigh as he bucks his hip into his jean chasing the friction. You swore a whine came from him as you pushed his face into your pussy, his licking becoming frantic as he tried to restrain himself from touching you.
Toji wasn't good at a lot of things, but he was top-tier at eating pussy. Maybe that's why you stayed with him so long because everyone loved a good-pussy eater and the thought of anyone but you enjoying this leaves a bitter taste in your mouth but you had to be strong.
White dots appeared as you closed your eyes, nearing your release. You leaned your head back with a moan, your grip on Toji's head tightening his pink tongue continuing to lick up into you even after and your thighs begin to slightly shake because of how sensitive you were.
Pulling Toji away from your pussy by his hair, your lips twitching at the hiss he let out before his green eyes dragged from your pretty pussy to look up at you. It's funny, you thought. How such a big and strong man like him was bending at your every will, unable to touch you with nothing but his tongue, on his knees almost begging for forgiveness. The thought made you mentally giggle to yourself.
A little grin made its way to your face, your hand moved from it's position in his out-growned black strands on his head to his throat. Hands obviously not big enough to wrap around his entire throat, but it didn't matter. "You're so greedy." you say to him appyling a little pressure, feeling his throat vibrate with the groans he releases, the situation had him feeling dizzy. Out of all the freaky shit in his life time, this has got to be top ten.
"That bitch's pussy wasn't enough for you?" his lips part as the pressure on his neck increases, his hands coming up to your own but stoping at the look you gave him. "Doll, she doesn't compare to you, you know this." his voice is raspy and desperate, and his narrowed eyes are silently pleaing to you for forgiveness. Forgiveness he wasn't gon get.
After everything you did for him, he still begs for you to do more. Why should you forgive him? You gave him so many chances, only for him to brush you off and push you one side as if you meant nothing. He didn't even seem to care about Megumi anymore. You were over it, over this relationship and over Toji's bum-ass. You deserved better, and sadly Toji wasn't anything close to that.
"I know." you hum in reply to his statement, releasing his throat and getting up. Legs slightly feeling like jelly but you brushed it off, with the wine glass in your hands you look down at Toji, looking at the man you loved one more time. Cherishing the beauty of his face before your hate for him starts growing anymore than it already has. You bite your tongue to distract yourself from the stinging in your eyes.
Bending at the waist, you place a kiss on his cheek, linering for a bit as you wondered if you were overreacting and if your next actions would be necessary. His expression was filled with confusion, and wary watching you as you stood straight, a knot growing in his throat at the look in your eyes. A look filled with pure dispair, and...hate.
Your full lips pull up into a smile, the action giving you a crazed look beacuse o the mascra marks under your eye. "Good night Toji." the words are said softly, and they cause a shiver to go dwon Toji's spine. He knew the words didn't imply anything. That there was nothing 'good' about to happen, but he brushed it off anyways, like he always does, blaming your behaviour on the bottle of wine you had. You walked to your bedroom, the night gown you had on swaying with each step you took as if it was mocking the green eyed man.
Releasing a sigh, Toji's head tilts down to look at his laps, the boner he had being evident in the way the crotch of his jeans stood up. With another sigh, which sounded a bit aggitated now, he peeled himself off the floor and moved towards the bathroom.
Maybe if he wasn't a dumb fuck, he could've stopped what was about to happen. If he just communicated with you, instead of pushing you away things would've been better. As Toji dropped himself onn the couch he immediately falls asleep, he couldn't see you standing over him with that same wine glass in your hand only the difference is now it's broken, shattered to pieces from you dropping it on the floor. Broken like your heart, shattered from the carelessness of Toji fucking Fushiguru. The glass it gripped into your hand firmly, and the broken shards pierce into the palm of your hands, you tremble as you raise the glass tears running down your cheeks and a sob falling from your lips. This was it, you were going to kill your husband. You were going to kill Toji Fushiguru and all the love you had for him. This is it-
"Mama?" your frozen in place, the broken glass inches away from Toji's neck. A confused and sleepy four year old megumi looks at you, rubbing his eyes with a teddy clutched under his other arm. You almost break at the sight, your hands lowering as you stared at Megumi with wide eyes a hand covering your mouth as you drop the glass, moving over to him and wrapping your arms around him.
The boy is frightened, pulling back to look at you. Warmth meets your cheek, you look up to see Megumi holding your cheeks with puckered lips trying not to cry as he tries his best to comfort you. "Don't cry mama! You'll be okay please don't cry!" he babbles, pressing his chubby cheeks to yours and rubbing it against your tear stained skin. His words cause a gasp to fall from your lips and your arms tighten around him with your body shaking with emotion.
"Mama loves you, my sweet boy." You whisper, kissing his forehead as you rock the both of you back and fourth, your tears not stopping. "Mama wont ever let anything hurt you."
She wont let anyone hurt you.
When Toji enters the house at exactly two oclock in the morning, slightly stumbling on his feet as he enters the house. The drinks he had earlier begin to settle as he has to pause when the room begins to spin. He doesn't notice how quiet the house is, how there isn't any of Megumi's toys in the living room, he only pauses as he looks at the couch expecting you to be there with that worried look you always had on you face. But you're not, and he doesn't acknowledge that it makes him feel like shit. He assumes your in the room, sleeping with Megumi tucked in your side, a hand wrapped around his frame protectively.
Shaking his head, Toji moves towards the kitchen expecting to see pots on the stove. Instead he see's an envelope on the counter, and he hates how his stomach sinks as he stalks towards it. With each step he takes, he becomes anxious and as he opens the envelope with his name written in cursive for an extra touch, his mouth goes dry and he's suddenly sobber.
How do you feel knowing that you finally broke me? Broke us. Broke out family. You probably feel good about it, good about the fact that you can finally fuck any bitch you want without any guilt, come home any time you want without my nagging. You killed me, Toji. You BROKE me.
So what're you gonna say at my funeral now that you finally did it? Finally broke my body, soul and heart. Finally killed me.
'Here lies the body of the one I called the love of my life, whose heart I broke, without a gun to my head.
Here lies the mother of my child, who I make no time for and emotionally neglect.
Rest in peace, my true love, who I took for granted, most bomb pussy, who beacuse of my actions and words, will forever bear a hole in her heart.
oh how I shame myself for neglecting her, using her, absuing her.
Her love would be a heaven without betrayal Ashes to ashes, dust to sidechicks.'
Don't come looking for me. We're better off without you. Take care of yourself.
Toji started to panic, staring at the paper and reading it over and over as if the words would fade away before he started laughing, tugging at the roots of his hair and rushing towards megumi's room. All the toys and clothes were fone, the only thing being present is the bed along with the dresser and the glow in the dark stars you both had put on the ceiling for megumi. Next was your room, he tore everything down looking for any trace of you. When he notcied the place was completely void of you items, he sat on the floor in the middle of the room.
Toji Fushiguru had only ever cried a total of five times in his life. When he lost a tooth for the first time as a child, at megumi's birth, when his ex-wife died, when megumi slapped the fuck outta him with one of his toys, and on your wedding night.
As a tear ran down his face he stared at the grown blankly, self-hatred washing over him. He had the urge to scream and burn everything to the fucking grown. As he blinked slowly, he suddenly realizes he's on the floor bottles of liquor surrounding him his eyes on the ceiling and the weight of something heavy is in his hand, he lifts it up and realizes it's a phone.
A phone to call you, he thought clicking on your contact and waiting for it ring, hitching a breath at the sound of you picking up. Inhaling deeply he slurrs your name, hearing how silent you sound on the other end imagining how you would chew on your full brown lips in annoyance. "Baby...where are ya?" he asks, as if you would answer that.
He hears how you sigh deeply, and he frowns. "Who's phone is this Toji?" you ignored his question. You really fucking ignored his question. His eyebrows twitch at your question and his sitting up, almost falling back because of how quickly he did it.
"Don't ignore my fucking question." He snaps while he breathed heavily, gripping the device in his hand hard. He hears how quiet you get and immediately starts appologizing, running his hand through his hair as he sighs before chuckling. "Cmon, doll. Yknow im sorry. Please im sorry."
He continues babbling on about how he'll change, and how you should come back home. How he'll start taking care of you and Megumi, and he'll make it up to you and then starts back up about how sorry he is again. After he repeats it the fifth time you decided you've had enough. "Im not coming home, Toji. Goodbye."
Toji stand up fastly, as if that would stop everything ignoring how everything spins as he feels tears running down his face and a nervous laugh falls from his lips, the sound is so sad and pathetic you almost feel bad, shaking his head Toji begans to babble again. "No! no...I-i said I was fucking sorry what else do you want? You leave me after you tell me you love me, that's such a bitch move. And I honestly thought you were above that but guess I was wrong huh?" you hear him pause, inhaling deeply before it's silent for a minute, and then you hear sniffing that causes your eyes to almost bulge out of their sockets.
"Toji...are you crying?" a whine of your name is all you get in response before he starts up again.
"Y/n im sorry. please im sorry. come back, come back i-ill change if you do swear it on my fucking life baby-"
"You only want me now that im not there?" you say, your voice holding no emotion as Toji goes quiet. A laugh falls from your lips at the silence and you shake your head, "Better call that white bitch, see if she still there."
The sound of you hanging up has Toji staring at his phone screen, clicking your contact again only for it to tell him the number was no longer avalible
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euphoniumpets · 5 months
Guilty as Sin? | Garreth Weasley x Slytherin! reader
Summary: You hated Garreth Weasley. Well, disliked ever since he had gotten you into trouble from first day in potions of stealing the fwooper feather for him. How come so if you hated Weasley so much that you started to like him?
Warnings: mental illness if you squint hard enough, Longing, two idiots in love.
Requested? Yes by nonnie: Hiya ! I’m not sure how to do this properly but could I please request a Garreth Weasley x slytherin reader ? My boy deserve so much love and I just think that the Gryffindor x Slytherin dynamic can be something really fun and interesting to play with ! Maybe the houses are always in rivalry mode and then you just have Garreth and slytherin reader vibing and being two idiots in love.
A/N: thank you nonnie for requesting this! and am i putting a taylor swift song in the title? yes. Tbh there isn't enough Garreth Weasley fic out there and my boy deserve that much. I'm a sucker for enemies to loversssss. this fic is not edited, i've never heard of her.
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You hated Garreth Weasley.
Well, not quite literally, but you knew that he disliked you and you always found him annoying.
Griffindor versus Slytherin had been torn apart for centuries and you wondered that he had used you to ever since you started your fifth year and had stolen the fwooper feather and becoming the hero of hogwarts. You hated the role of how they had given you. You weren't a hero, overall it didn't felt like it.
The beginning of your fifth year seemed a flash in your memory and you could remember how much it had changed since you were in your sixth year. You were lonely and Sebastian had driften away from you and as well Ominis. You had heard the whispers whenever you would walk past by the students and the nightmares of Professor Fig's death had haunted you ever since.
You were lonely and didn't had nobody, that was until when Garreth would disturb you whenever the two of you shared classes.
At first, you found him annoying, considering of how he would disturb you during the leassons that you two shared and you wanted him to leave you alone. However, the more he would throw some comments to your way, you actually slowly became used and liked to have his company around you.
You wouldn't dare to admit him, knowing that he would be cocky about it, but your luck would disappear today when Professor Sharp had written Amortentia on the board that you would be brewing today.
''You've got to be kidding with me,'' You mumbled under your breath as you sighed deeply. You leaned on your elbow as you stared at the bold letters written on the board.
''Oh, please, maybe it's time that you will confess your undying love for me,'' You heard Garreth tease you, and you turned to glance at him and roll your eyes.
''In your dreams, Weasley,'' You responded and you saw the smug smirk on his face.
''You're always in my dreams,'' He retorted and you wrinkled your nose in disgust. ''I did not have to know that,'' You replied and walked to your potion station as he followed you from behind.
''Why not? I'm hurt Y/N that you do not like me,'' Garreth told you with a look of hurt on his face. You turned to look at him for real this time with your amusement expression and you couldn't help but study the freckles on his face.
''I do not like you, Weasley, you're annoying,'' You retorted and went back to reading the instructions for the amortentia potion. You heard Garreth chuckle at your response and went back to his potion.
Garreth Weasley did not like you.
Well, that would be a lie since he'd been beaming at you ever since you started fifth year in Professor Sharp's potions. He didn't realize that he began to like you more than as a what? A friend? He began to wonder what you two were since he enjoyed to tease you.
That was until when Leander said something about that Garreth couldn't stop talking about you when the two of them would hang out, it was then he realized he actually liked you.
He had seen how you began to be friends with Sallow and Gaunt.
From the moment you would be at their side throughout fifth year and now in the beginning of the sixth year, he had seen you walking lonely in the castle. He didn't know what had happened between Sallow and Gaunt but he had heard the rumors.
He had seen the dark circles underneath your eyes and he knew that you weren't paying attention in the classes you often shared together. Your mind was always drifting to somewhere else and he could see the sadness in your eyes, even if you played that you were fine.
He knew that the fifth year had been difficult and that was why he decided to crack some jokes for the first time in Professor Binns class. The two of you were paired together and sure, the two of you had known each other since you had stolen the fwooper feather from him, but you never interacted with him.
So, why did he then smell you in his own Amortentia potion when he made it? The day when Professor Sharp had to make it as a leasson that he dreaded it so much.
He glanced at you every often, studying your movements with a fond look on his face. However, he stopped himself from a moment when he saw the frown on your face.
''So, who did you smell?'' Garreth cleared his throat awkwardly, trying to make a small conversation. You turned to look at him with slight hesitation.
''Uh, I didn't smell who,'' He watched you shrug your shoulders. He looked at you with a frown on his face.
''Smelled some mixed potions for a reason....'' Garreth heard you mutter before turning back to his potions, curious to smell what he would smell.
''Hmm,'' He replied in thought. ''What about you?'' Garreth heard you ask him and he turned to glance at you.
''I don't know, something sweet,'' He responded, and went back to his potions as he didn't think much of it.
You liked Garreth Weasley.
How could you be so stupid that you figured out days later that you smelled in your amortentia potion was Garreth Weasley? Out of all people you had to like him.
It all made sense of what you smelled, the mixed potions, the burnt smell whenever he would fail at his experiments or the smell of fireworks.
You had avoided him ever since and it seemed that he had noticed it too as he would walk towards you, but as soon you would see him approaching closely, you would sprint away - too afraid to meet the confrontation.
So, why did you feel so nervous when Garreth had cornered you by the bookshelves in the library? You had been in the library for the last hour since you had met Cressida on the way and she had begged for your help to catch the books in the library since she didn't want anyone to read her diary.
''You've been avoiding me,'' Garreth spoke, his face serious as he stands tall above over you. You didn't came face to his eyes and looked down to avoid those green eyes.
''No I haven't,'' You responded, casting another glance at the librarian.
''Yes you have, don't deny it Y/N,'' Garreth replied. ''Why have you?'' He asked and you didn't dare to meet his eyes.
You couldn't. ''It's nothing,'' You dismissed. ''You're a terrible liar, you know?'' Garreth replied as you could hear the slight teasing in his voice. You hugged the book tightly in your chest and you could feel how close the two of you were.
''Is that what I am?'' You asked. Your voice quivered as you felt him envelop your back, his warmth seeping through your shirt. He was hot like a furnace and you couldn't think.
''You're more than that,'' Garreth spoke softly. It was then you dared to meet his green eyes and you could see that he meant it.
''Am I?'' You questioned. You felt surprised by his statement and how he looked at you. His eyes that filled with adoration and you started to think that he maybe didn't dislike you at all. Garreth knew when to stop as he kept studying your surpise expression. The invisible boundary that you held with uncertianty.
You felt everything. His love and the steady rise from his chest and the warmth that radiated from his body. ''Are you going to keep me trapped here or are you gonna let me leave?'' You asked, you felt your voice stuttering because of how close he is.
''I'm not stopping you,'' He responded. You could turn and leave and never looking back, but a part of you wanted to stay.
''You can go or you can stop pretending,'' He told you. ''To stop pretending what, exactly?'' Garreth shifted so he leaned closer to you.
You wanted to run away because of how it felt but your legs felt stiff.
''You drive me crazy, you know?'' He replied with longing in his eyes and voice. You knew that he wasn't the type of manipulating others and by the look of it, you knew it was the truth. ''Just give me a chance to love you,'' You looked at him, unable to speak since you were loss of words.
''You really thought that I didn't like you?'' Garreth asked.
''Maybe,'' You muttered. Garreth quirked into a small smile at his victory, knowing that he knew that you had felt the same. When he glanced at your lips, he kissed you, making you drop the book you were holding fall to the floor.
Maybe liking Garreth Weasley wasn't so bad after all.
I didn't know this fic would be so long, lmao, i'm so sorry
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vay99 · 2 years
Ace x reader
Modern AU
Studying you
Anime/Manga: One Piece
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Ace is fast asleep on his desk, noiseless sleeping through the lesson. Marco keeps an eye on his friend so he doesn't get into trouble, quietly laughing to himself as he puts sticky notes on Aces face. 
"As I announced last week, we'll be doing a project. I've already chosen the partners, there won't be changes."
"Should I wake him?" Marco asks himself, assuming that they'll get teamed up anyways he decides to let his friend sleep. 
"Marco and Tatch, Ace and (y/n)..." 
"Mhm?!" Ace, shakes his head, trying to avoid Marcos poking. 
"Dude, wake up." 
But no chance. 
Nop, must need a miracle. Just then the bell rings, the teacher tries to keep everyone from stroming out but no chance. It's the last period, who wouldn't sprint home? Well, you didn't. 
Approaching the two friends in the last row you notice that Ace is asleep. 
"The usual?" 
"The usual." Marco sighs. 
"I'll wake him up, he probably doesn't even know we got pared up for the history project." you explain, ruffling his hair. 
"Mhm, stop that mom." 
You immediately freeze while Marco bursts into laughter, causing Ace to wake up. 
"What is it? (y/n)?" Ace squeals, accidentally falling off the chair. 
"I just wanted to tell you that we got paired up for the project." you explain, while the flustered boy picks himself up from the ground. 
"Sure, nice sounds that. I mean! That nice sounds! I-" 
"You can meet up at Aces house tomorrow, after school, right Ace?" Marco helps out his friend. 
"Yes, sure, totally, absolutely." 
"See you tomorrow then sleepy head." you wave goodbye to your friends, saving Ace from more embarrassment. 
"Why can't I talk to her like a normal person?" Ace sinks back onto the ground again. 
"Dude, that's the least problem right now, you called her mom." Marco reminds him, kneeling next to his friend. 
"I did WHAT?!" Ace sits up straight. "Please bury me." 
*Next day after school*
"I can't be alone with her!" Ace whisper yells at his friend who's pushing him towards you. 
"Yoi! Here's your Ace. Have fun!" Marco immediately runs off, leaving a flustered Ace and confused you behind. 
"Sooo, should we go?" you ask, whipping forth and back on your feet. 
"Sure." he says, head turned away from you. 
"It's been a while since I've visited you the last time."
"It is..." Ace thinks back to the first time you visited him. You just moves to his neighborhood and had no friends yet, so your parents thought it'd be nice if you'd become friends. 
At first you got along pretty good but after a year in school your interests driften apart, so you grew more more distant. You'd still hang out at school from time to time but in private you barely saw each other. Aces huge ass crush wasn't helping at all, if anything he distanced himself even more to get you out off his head. 
"There we are." Ace says, opening the front gate, letting you pass first. "My brothers are at home as well, I hope that doesn't bother you." 
"Of course not, what were their names again... Luffy and, oh, Sabo!" you remember, right then Luffy opens the door. 
"Hi Ace! Dinner is ready! Oh who's this?" the enthusiastic boy grins at you. 
"I'm (y/n)." 
"Are you Ace's girlfriend?" 
"Uh, no, I'm-" 
"Ace come on the food will get cold." Luffy interrupts you and pulls his brother inside. 
You're joining the three brother for dinner, Sabo still remembers you, unlike Luffy. 
While Ace and Sabo clean everything up Luffy bombards you with thousands of questions. 
"Isn't that the girl you have a huge crush on~" Sabo nudges Aces side. 
"Please shut up." Ace groans, sinking onto the ground in frustration. "Luffy will ruin all of my chances with her." 
"I beg to differ." Sabo chuckles. 
"Ace is the best brother! Next to Sabo of course, even though Ace isn't as smart as him. But he always cooks food for me and let's me play his video games." Luffy praises his brother. 
"I didn't know you could cook Ace, you should teach me someday." you laugh, making Luffy explode with happiness. 
"Can I eat it then?????" this boys brain has food as only information inside of it. 
"Congrats, that sounds like a date." Sabo pats his brothers shoulder while you're getting strangled by Luffys hug. "If she survives. 
"Oi Luffy!" Ace pulls his brother away. 
"Your brothers are really, lively?" you say as you enter Aces room, ready to start the project. 
"Yeah, sorry about that." Ace feels like drowning in embarrassment, but he has no time for that. 
"Yo what are you doing?" Luffy immediately slams the door open. 
"We're working on a history presentation." you answer, while Ace starts his Laptop. 
"School stuff is boring. Bye." Luffy leaves as fast as he came. 
"They're annoying." Ace mumbles under his breath as he starts the PowerPoint window. 
Working for two hours straight with no interruption and full productivity had you two grow tired by now. Aces head is already laying on the laptop, adding lots of N's to annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn... 
"Hey Ace. Ace?" looking up from the book you notice that your friend fell asleep and immediately save the laptop and presentation from the attack. "How can someone fall asleep so fast, we were talking just a minute ago." /He looks too peaceful to wake him now/
Looking threw his room you notice a picture on his wall, you two when you were younger. Smiling you take the picture in your hands, remembering how fun it used to be to hang out.
"This must be five years old or something." you turn it around, to srr ig there's a date on the back, only to find a handwritten note. 
From 15 year old me to future me;
My mom just gave me this picture, it's already been a year since I distanced myself from her. I'm not brave enough to do it yet so if you, future Ace, read this:
"Oh my-" you can't help but stare at the words and read them over and over again. /It's been two years, does he maybe... still?/
"What- Oh no I fell asleep again." Ace yawns, making you hidr the photo behind your back, instead of just putting it back which was a really smart move. 
"Yeah, you were really fast asleep." you chuckle nervously, unsure how to behave. 
"Sorry." Ace rubs his neck, slightly embarrassed. 
"No worries." 
"It's already late, I'll bring you home." Ace says, noticing the sun setting. 
"Oh." but you don't wanna go. "We don't have school tomorrow, we could do something else. Like we used to." 
"Like we- Oh. Sure, uhm, wanna, wanna watch a movie ooor, what about." Ace pulls out random video games to come up with suggestions. "Or what do you wanna do?" 
His black, messy hair, the freckles hidden by his blush, his dark eyes filled with confusion and hope. This made you loose your mind for a moment. 
"I feel like studying something else right now." you eye his lips, taking a few steps towards him. 
"Like what?" 
As if everything else blends away you bet everything upon that one card. 
"But there's nothing interesting about me." Ace claims, now completely read as you hand him the picture. "Oh no, no no nonononoooo. You didn't, no, how, why. Im sorry, uh." 
"Ace." you cup his cheeks. "Calm down." resting your forehead against his he calms down. "I'd do it but since you've promised your younger self I let you go first. If you still feel the same." 
The last sentence took the most strength out of you. 
Taking a few deep breaths Ace pulls himself together. "I like you (y/n). I've always did and I still do." 
"I like you too Ace." you smile at him, kissing his nose. 
Letting out a relieved laugh Ace wraps his arms around you and falls onto his bed, laying on top of you, face buried in your neck. 
"Please tell me you didn't fell asleep." 
"No but I've just put all of my energy in this confession, I've got none left." Ace mumbles, his breath tickling your neck. 
"Then we'll study another time~" you play with his hair, growing comfortable in this position. Ace is like a heater, or like a big cat, or a big teddy bear. But one thing is for sure, his cuddles are the best.
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perfektunperfekte · 1 year
Ich bin heute Morgen aufgestanden. Wurde von Schlagzeilen des Tages erschlagen, die sagen, die Welt geht unter. Wurde von Wahlprognosen und Ergebnissen hochgerissen, weil wir nach rechts driften, ohne Gewissen. Weil junge Menschen es für richtig erachten, sich aufzulehnen und rebellisch zu sein, weil Perspektiven fehlen und Zukunftsideen gegen Realitäten krachen. Es explodieren Gedanken an Menschen mit Waffen, die sich gegen Menschen richten, die ohne Waffen nichts anderes machen als feiern und lachen. Bis sie dann rennen und schreien und weinen, weil Unmenschen erscheinen und nach Leben trachten, die sie nicht als Leben erachten. Ich weiß aus meiner Lieblingsgeschichte was Seelen spaltet und frag mich, was ist richtig, was veraltete Ansicht von richtig und falsch. Was machen diese Unmenschen mit Seelenfragmenten, die sie mit Blut verteilen, in Gedenken an vergangene Differenzen? Wie rechtfertigt sich das? Wie rechtfertigt sich das vor einem höheren Sein, einem Gott, einer Gottheit, eine Lüge, mehr Schein und letztendlich einfach nur unmenschlich gemein. Warum können Wesen so grausam sein? Andauernd im Clinch um Gebiete und Macht, streuen Hass und Gewalt und Zwietracht, nur Last. Eine Last, die immer nur die unteren tragen, ertragen und warten auf Frieden und Farben-frohes Leben. Denn die oberen trifft es nie, sind immer die Menschen, Kleinbürger, das Vieh. Die, die Hilfe brauchen, erhalten Sie nicht. Kein Wunder, dass man sich denkt, ich flieh’ aus dem Land, das mich verachtet, vertreibt und verletzt. Wer würde da nicht gehen in ein sicheres Netz aus Hilfe und Obdach, Sicherheit, ein daheim. Schau sie dir an, lass Menschen doch Menschen sein. Sind wie du und ich, einfach nur Fleisch und Seele. Behandelt wie nichts, wie Dreck, mit Befehlen, gepfercht in unmenschliches, behandelt wie Vieh. Ein Nutzen, doch kein Leben, keine Sympathie.
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claudi-is-fishing · 4 months
Freitag, 24.05.2024
Ausschlafen bis um 08:00 Uhr😊😊😊, wann hatte ich das das letzte Mal?
Der Schock vom Vortag saß noch tief! Den Vormittag ging jeder seinem Ding nach, ich lernte etwas und Setti las viel. Gegen Mittag wagten wir ein paar Würfe. Makrelen! Endlich sind sie da. Da wir am Vortag viel Kraftstoff verbraucht haben, zogen wir mit unserem Kanister los zum Landhandel um Sprit zu kaufen. Ich sah wie sehnsüchtig Setti aufs Wasser geschaut hat. Dann prüfte ich nochmal den Wind. Na gut, wir fahren raus. Die Jungs waren ebenfalls draußen und angelten an der Lengstrecke, der Kreml fuhr hinter die Steinfabrik und wir machten uns bei „For Sales“ breit😊. Bei 30-40 m hat man immer nur die kleinen Rupfer (vermutlich Franzosendorsche oder Mini - Lengs). Also begannen wir bei 40m und durch den Südwind trieben wir auch ins Tiefe an die 90m Kante. Die ersten drei Driften hatten wir zwar Bisse, konnten sie aber nicht verwerten.
Drift Nr. 4; Wir trieben, ganz gemächlich mit 0,6km/h, Bisse spürten wir keine mehr. 50m, 60m, 70m…80m, ich merkte was, der Köder wurde genommen, ich haute an…wieder ausgespuckt! Sch…e!!! Dann habe ich noch etwas abgelassen, der Köder wurde wieder genommen, ich haute an! Dieses Mal saß er!!! Besser gesagt er flüchtete und zog Schnur ohne Ende! Wenn ich 5m hoch kurbelte, zog er gefühlte 6 m wieder ab. Was war denn da nur dran?!? Als ich ihn bei 30m hatte, schnappte Setti sich den Kescher. Noch 20m, noch 10m…dann sahen wir ihn schon. Es war ein sehr großer Leng mit 1,08m und 6kg.😊Endlich gemetert😊!💪! Ich dachte immer, dass vielleicht meine Köder am Pilker zu groß sind, aber der Leng spuckte einen kompletten Fisch, den er sich gerade einverleibt hatte, aus.
Wir angelten die kompletten Tiefenlinien ab und in 50m schnappte wieder einer bei unserem Meeresfrüchte- Buffet zu, der sich mit 93cm durchaus auch sehen lassen konnte. Nach 2,5 Stunden angeln brachen wir ab und fuhren heim.
Startet schön ins Wochenende❤️.
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robinfrinjs · 5 months
Lmao this sounds fun
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wonder-teo · 5 months
Entry 3
Date: 4/26/2024 Approx. Time Frame: 10:56am-11:50am Days Since First Contact: 10 Locations Visited: 4 - Tsubu Woods - Secret Inlet - Amile Forest - Nest Creatures Sighted: - Finfin (With picture!) - Heartbird - V-Rex (Sound only) - Palm Tree Snake (With pictures!) - Unidentified dolphin-bird - Piki Seal (With pictures!) - Floating Flora (With pictures!) - Shulu Bird (With picture!) - Windy Bird (With pictures!) - Hawatchi-Bird (With picture!) - Finfin Jr. (With pictures!) - Blue Eye (With picture!) - Pokari (With pictures!) - Hoverfly (With pictures!) - Finnina (With pictures!)
Notes and sightings under cut. Notes I deemed important are in pink bold italics. As you can see, I took a lot of pictures today, so this entry may be longer than normal. I will make separate posts of the pictures for each creature later.
Tsubu Woods - Visited Finfin in Tsubu Woods - He was in the middle of flying around the right tree and singing - He flitted around for a bit before returning to the right tree and singing his song again - Finfin left, now there is only the sound of howling wind - Picture of the Tsubu Woods today (~11am)!
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[Similar but notably different color from my picture in Entry 1] - The wind stopped. Now, only silence. Eerie...
Secret Inlet - Noting the Tsubu Wood's color reminded me to check the Perna Lotus Flowers, relating to an odd observation back in Entry 2 where they just disappeared out of nowhere - The lotuses are still absent. Maybe rollover to Late April really did occur at a bizarre time back then - Heartbird sighting - I heard V-Rex! No visuals to accompany it that I saw. I know in Rem River Bank, you can see V-Rex in the background sometimes, but I didn't spot anything in the background here - Palm Tree Snake! Took some pictures of her majesty
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[Can you tell she's my favorite?] - Unidentified dolphin-bird stuck their head out of the water and sighed. Who are you??? I've heard speculation, but I need confirmation! Tell me your name! - Piki Seal! Grabbed a couple pics! Here's one of them
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[How darling! I wonder if it's looking for Finfin]
Amile Forest - Caught up with Finfin in the Amile Forest - He was on the close branch when I arrived, but when I offered a yellow Lemo Fruit, he flew off to the far treetop - He soon flew to the left branch, and I took a pic (~11:20am)!
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[Something to note is that the clouds in the background are in these sort of cirrus shapes] - We had a nice moment as I dictated out loud while writing my notes and Finfin listened - Finfin flew away. See you later! - A lovely little plant driften across my screen! Got a bunch of pictures! Here are a couple of them
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[Seems to be a Floating Flora. It seems to be orange instead of the light pink seen in the Encyclopedia. Maybe color is random or seasonal?] - Shulu Bird! It's far in the distance, but I grabbed a picture anyway
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[I probably won't make this one into its own post, given the quality] - Windy Bird! Took some pictures, here are a couple
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[It appears to be green instead of the blue coloration in the Encyclopedia. I guess it's a similar situation to the Floating Flora] - Hawatchi-Bird! Got a picture
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[Lots of birds today!]
Nest - Finfin Jr. was already outside of the den when I arrived!
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[Just chilling!] - He soon kinda danced in place while singing softly
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[Getting lost in his own music] - After a bit, he turned around and walked towards the water, showing off his cute back stripes!
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[Bright green and beautiful!] - Blue Eye sighting with a picture!
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[Seems like it's enjoying the partly cloudy weather on Teo right now!] - Pokari sighting! Got a bunch of pictures, here's my favorite!
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[Even Finfin Jr. looked on at it!] - I am so scared for Finfin Jr.... He got so close to the lemodoki on the right multiple times. I kept thinking he was going to try to eat it - Hoverfly! Got a couple of pictures of it and Finfin Jr.!
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[I think it's stated in the Encyclopedia that Hoverfly and Finfin are friends. I wonder if they will be, too] - Seems like Finfin Jr. is trying to get the hang of flying!
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[He got a little bit off the ground for a while, just gotta work on that endurance!] - Finfin Jr. kicked a rocked up in the air, and it landed on his head. The poor thing began crying. Pictures if you're a miserly old coot who loves to see children in distress
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[Would it be a bad look to post these pictures separately? Eh, I'll decide later] - Finfin Jr. went back to the den and is calling out. Finfin come pick up your son from soccer practice - Finnina's here!
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[Momma's here to save the day!]
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[Oh, she's just getting fish for Finfin Jr.!] - Finnina fed Finfin Jr.! Cute - I think Finnina has it from here. I'll leave them be
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handwerkstatt · 1 year
Von der Narretei des überlichtschnellen Reisen
(Folge 8)
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In dieser Folge möchte einmal für das gemütliche interplanetare Reisen "eine Lanze brechen" (alteisenzeitlich für: "einen Laserstrahl verbiegen"). Auf dem obigen Foto ein kleines Beispiel, was man bei gemütlicher Reisegeschwindigkeit so zu sehen bekommt. Hier ist es ein (von mir entdeckter!) Exoplanet um Proxima Centauri, vermutlich ein "Wasserplanet". Sowas bekommt man natürlich nicht zu sehen, wenn man licht-/überlichtschnell von Galaxie zu Galaxie auf den galaktischen Schnellrouten dahinrast.
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Hier noch ein Beispiel für eine kleine blaue Sonne im Sternbild Kassiopeia, auch von mir entdeckt, weil für die Erdteleskope viel zu dunkel. Das Foto ist mit der Bordkamera und der Rechenleistung des Bordcomputers zustande gekommen (was ich übrigens sehr begrüße, wenn der Bordcomputer ausnahmsweise auch mal macht was ich will und nicht nur selbstvergessen an bzw. mit sich rumspielt).
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Hier noch ein nettes Beispiel für einen noch unbenamsten Nebelplaneten, der um Sirius B im Sternbild Orion kreist. Schön, daß er überhaupt sichtbar war, ein Glückstreffer sozusagen.
Natürlich lassen sich außer Planeten auch noch andere schöne Dinge entdecken, wenn man sich mit gedrosseltem Schub durch die Sonnensysteme driften lässt, zB hier, eine Nebelbank im Orionnebel:
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Es gibt immer wieder eine Überraschung oder etwas lustiges zu sehen. Allerdings muss man sich auch auf unangenehme Dinge einstellen, zB einen auf der Lauer liegenden Vogonenkreuzer, die sich gerne mal in solchen Nebelbänken verstecken. Hier hilft nur, dem Bordcomputer strenge Ansagen zu machen, daß er gefälligst auf die olfaktorischen Sensoren zu achten hat! Diese dreckigen Vogonenkreuzer stinken nämlich im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes "zu Himmel". In dem Fall gilt: Nichts wie weg!
(Folge 9 folgt)
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kleiner-fehler · 1 year
Driften ist die Kunst einen instabilen Zustand stabil zu halten.
- Ich drifte
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liedpoesierebscher · 1 year
Am Atlantik
Der Dünenkamm
stellt drahtige Binsenstacheln
gegen den Herbststurm auf.
Weiße Sandkörner driften land -
einwärts, wo es nach Fisch riecht,
Seetang, Ölkanistern, warmem Holz.
Im  November
zimmern sie dort neue Boote
für die hellen Tage.
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fabiansteinhauer · 1 year
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Das Bild hing schief
Wieder Gieseking, wieder Dean: Wieder Tafeln, weil sonst nix gleichzeitig wird. Wer sind die anderen am Tisch? Ist das ganz rechts Ursula Andress, kurz und unkorrekt genannt Madame Urundress? Sie ist's. Was ist das für eine alt- oder neufränkische Stube? Hubertus tippt auf eine Stube im Elsass, kann sein, wenn es nicht das Saarland ist.
Das muss 1955 sein, die Wochen vor James Deans Tod. Ungleichzeitigkeiten lassen schwindeln wie sonst weniges. Wenn zwei an einem Ort sind und doch keine Zeitgenossen, dann kann sich schnell eine gigantische Melancholie aufbauen, traurig bis schmerzhaft etwa, wenn dann noch Liebe oder Freundschaft sein soll, aber nicht sein kann, weil die Leute in unterschiedlichen Zeiträumen driften, die einen zum Beispiel schon vergangener, die anderen noch zukünftiger sind.
Leute schreiben, das sei 1951, glaube ich nicht. 1955 hat Dean ein Verhältnis mit Andress, in diesem Jahr fährt Dean sich tot und Gieseking seine Frau, die stirbt am Ende das Jahres auch durch einen Verkehrsunfall, Gieseking fuhr, ein Jahr später ist er ganz tot. An dieser Tafel, was gehen da für Wendungen vor? Auf dem Tisch stehen Gläser aus unerbittlichem Glas, die der Fachmann Römer nennt, das sagt Hubertus. Das am Tisch ist der Saarbrücker Professor selbst, der mit der wogenden, auf- und abgehenden 'Begeisterung des Nationalsozialismus' (der von Adorno bewunderte Spieler Walter). Begeisterung des Nationalsozialismus: Es ist umstritten, wer hierbei das Subjekt, wer das Objekt war, der Konflikt ist von von Ungerechtigkeit und Schuld sicher getränkt. "Der genauere Blick zeigt," schreibt Rainer Peters, "dass Gieseking zum Nazi-Sein mindestens das Parteibuch, die germanische Borniertheit und der Antisemitismus fehlten". Nicht weit von diesem Gieseking sitzt der Dean, Popstrohfeuer schon vor der Geschichte des Pop.
Da sind lauter Unreduzierbare, aber dennoch Sterbliche am Tisch. Das ist die fantastische Ursula Andress, fantastisch vor allem in absurden Filmen wie der Mutter aller absurden Filme, in Casino Royal. Sie überlebt als einzige alle, lebt heute noch. Wir könnten jetzt mit ihr theoretisch an so einer Tafel sitzen. Man erkennt sie auf dem Foto kaum, weil sie glücklicherweise nicht die dämliche Vampfigur geben muss, die man ihr gab. Was hält diese Tafel zusammen außer der Teilung, außer einem Verschlingen, außer der Drehung der Erde, die Bewegung ins Vage bringt? Das ist keine rhetorische Frage, etwas, einiges wird das sein, uneins soll es bleiben und unbeständig. Da sitzt kein Netzwerk, es sei denn, das so eine unbeständige Assoziation gerade das ist, was Netzwerk sein soll. Nichts macht einem so einen Schwindel wie Ungleichzeitigkeit und qualifizierte Unbeständigkeit, also zum Beispiel die Unbeständigkeit der Tafelnden. Ein Sog geht davon aus, soll man von Faszination sprechen? Und wenn, ist das Reliquienfaszination?
Glücklicherweise hing das Bild schief, besser ist nämlich die Komödie, da sind alle Seiten falsch, am Ende zerstiebt alles lustig, und übrig bleibt verdrehter Haufen, alles also wie gehabt, was sag ich? Alles gehabt!
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dynamischreisen · 2 years
Max, Tag 9
Traveller Max ist tot, lang lebe Touri Max!
Wie immer, wenn ich weiter weg bin, wurde mir auch auf dieser Reise mehrfach von Menschen erklärt, dass es sich bei ihnen keineswegs um Touristen handle, sondern um Traveller. Weil sie irgendwie irgendetwas anders machen. Der gleiche Stuss also, den ich vor acht Jahren in Asien rauf und runter gebetet habe. Wo der genaue Unterschied, abseits von einem gewissen Geiz und einer erhöhten Wahrscheinlichkeit des Mitschleppens von Bettwanzen liegt, wird wohl für immer ein Geheimnis bleiben. In Anerkennung dessen, dass man als Reisender am Ende ein watschelnder Geldsack ist - ob in Goa Hose oder Jeans, habe ich mich heute auf neues Terrain gewagt. Nach einem erneuten, diesmal ausgiebigen Spaziergang durch Ica, ging ich zurück nach Huacachina. Mein schönes Hostel, ein Altbau in erster Seereihe, diente mir als Basis für die Unternehmung, die heute das Highlight darstellen sollte: Heftiger Touri Scheiß. Ich stieg in einen Baggi, der mit fünf durchgeknallten Kanadiern und einem peruanischen Guide besetzt war. Und los ging es - mit 70 oder 80 bzw. gefühlten 300 km/h durch die Wüste ballern. Dünen rauf und runter, Driften, schliddern und hier und da sogar leicht abheben. Innerhalb der ersten Meter bereits verabschiedete sich meine geliebte Kappe auf nimmer Wiedersehen. Selbst Schuld.
Auf einer riesen Düne angekommen, war dann irgendwann angesagt, sich eine Art übergroßer Skateboards ohne Rollen mit angeschraubten Schlaufen anzuziehen und damit den Berg runter zu heizen. Und verdammt, das hat richtig Spaß gemacht. Danach das gleiche wie vorher: Wie die letzten Rednecks auf Crack durch die malerische Landschaft donnern, bis zum Sonnenuntergang.
Vorher jedoch noch eine Menge Aufregung. Ich habe mir, zu einem völlig überteuerten Preis, Kleidung von einem externen Dienst waschen lassen. Wenigstens wurde sie abgeholt und gebracht. Nachdem ich sie entgegengenommen habe, irgendwann ein aufgeregter Anruf auf Spanisch. Keine Ahnung, was da abging, also irgendeinem Local, der Englisch konnte, das Telefon in die Hand gedrückt. Der erklärte mir, dass ein fremder Pulli unter meinen Sachen war. Ich habe nachgesehen. Nö. Nachricht von einer Frau, die Englisch konnte. Ich habe nochmal nachgesehen. Nö. Anruf eines weiteren mir Unbekannten. Ging ich nicht ran. Nachricht: kann ich nochmal gucken? Mache ich. Nö. Irgendwann weitere Nachrichten, Pulli von verstorbener Mama, bitte zurück geben etc. - wie gerne hätte ich ihn zurückgegeben, aber ich hatte einfach keinen Pulli. Nach vier Stunden derartigen Terrors dann ein Foto des in der Wäscherei aufgetauchten Pullis. Wie schön für den Besitzer. Wer hätte auch ahnen können, dass er nicht bei mir war.
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Gestern Abend hatte ich Lust, mir ein Bier zu kaufen und das am See zu trinken. Ein in Peru umgehender, mutmaßlich nur mich betreffender Fluch zeigte allerdings erneut seine Fratze: „Buenas, estas dos cervezas por favor“ „no.“ Viel hin und her, bis es mir (wiedermal) erklärt wurde: ich muss zuerst Flaschen abgeben, um neue zu kaufen. Ein Pfandsystem, das in Anbetracht der Probleme, vor denen deutsche Brauereien stehen, sicher einen Lösungsansatz darstellt. Was ich bisher aber nicht verstanden habe: wo bekomme ich eine Flasche her, um sie abzugeben, wenn mir doch niemand eine verkauft? Ich bin weiter guten Mutes, dieses Rätsel irgendwann zu lösen, stoße bis dahin aber mit einem Dosenbier auf all die herzlichen Leute und Abenteuer an, die mich auf dem Weg bis hier begleitet haben.
Bilder von heute habe ich nur auf der GoPro, also müsst ihr euch mit einer Grenadilla zufrieden geben.
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schamhoch3 · 1 day
Ich fange erneut an zu driften. Heute war ich nett zu mir, dennoch macht sich Angst breit, nicht genug zu geben. Gegen Abend ging ich nur von Annahmen aus ohne zu reden, das war riskant.
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