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red0-3 · 11 months ago
Man I miss dreaming....now I wanna sleppepep but I still have stuff to dooooooooo T-T
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rainingmusic · 8 months ago
Devics - Red Morning
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t-rexdescendant · 1 year ago
glargle smarpe unilo jargo barbon
No no no its BFARG smarpe unilo jargo barbon
Simple mistake to make
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pepexpablito · 1 year ago
gavi/reader public sex like on a bench in a park or something with maybe her coat dreaped over them
tonight Gavi was free from work and decided to go to the club with you and some of his friends, unfortunately there were only about ten spots at the booth so you had to sit on Gavi's lap. after about 30 minutes you feel something poking your thigh " Gavi can you take your keys out your pocket" you say " my pockets are empty nena" he says quietly whispers in your ear, and when you look back you see him smirking while grabing your hips and slowly rocking you back and forth " Gavi stop!" you say whisper yelling " shh they are to drunk to even notice, plus the music is loud as fuck so they wont hear anything" he says lifting you a little to unzip his pants. after he unzips his pants he grabs his jacket and puts it over both of your bottom halves aswell as sliding up your dress a bit so he could squeeze his dick in your pussy " oh my god " you whisper trying hard not to scream as Gavi slowly starts bouncing you up and down squeezing his eyes shut as he cums biting into your shoulder "ouch" you say a little to loud " what happened y/n" pedri says " she's fine, she just has a stomach ache and is a little full right now" Gavi says laughing and smirking at you
(hope you all like it had to include my bookie pookie bear pedri , feel free to leave feed back I love it whether it be good or bad and my requests are always open so if you have one feel free to ask🍌)
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tmbgareok · 5 months ago
Little Irish translation I did of Ant, to celebrate the possible giants coming over here. Should be able to post a recording in a bit!
Tá seangán ag dreap suas do droim san oíche
Tá seangán ag dreap suas do driom san oiche
Ach ceapaí tú go bhfuil s�� ceart go leoir ina chodladh
Chuaigh an seangán isteach i do ceann san oíche
Chuaigh an seangán isteach i do ceann san oíche
Ach ceapaí tú go bhfuil sé ceart go leoir ina chodladh
Lá abhainn beidh an seangán sin an uachtarán
Lá abhainn beidh an seangán sin an uachtarán
Ach ceapaí tú go bhfuil sé ceart go leoir ina chodladh
Cuireann an Uachtaráin glaoigh ort san oíche
Cuireann an Uachtaráin glaoigh ort san oíche
Ach ceapaí tú go bhfuil sé ceart go leoir ina chodladh
Ransaigh na fear do teach san oíche
Ransaigh na fear do teach san oíche
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glitterguts13 · 8 months ago
Can I get some hc abt what Sunday’s pregnancy and birth would look like?
You sure can! TW: vomit and brief talk of medical anxiety and c-sections.
The start of his pregnancy is rough. The concept of 'taking a break' doesn't exist for him, so he's pushing his body far too much. Violent morning sickness lasts all day, but it does little to keep him from meetings and other Family duties.
Robin has to beg Sunday to take a few days off. Despite being pregnant, he's actively losing weight. Nothing he eats or drinks stays down, and Sunday doesn't realize the gravity of what he's been doing to his body until he finally collapses during a very important meeting with the Family heads.
He wakes up surrounded by nurses and a sobbing Robin. She's plucked a few feathers from the wings atop her head in distress, makeup running down her cheeks. Sunday feels horrible for causing her such distress, and finally promises to take his health more seriously.
The second trimester gets easier. With the right combination of medications, Sunday finds himself suffering much less with nausea, and finally starts eating properly. Robin takes over a lot of his duties, and when she isn't rushing between concerts and meetings, she's dropping off bags of his favorite fast food and desserts.
At first he refuses most of it, because the doctors have given him a diet to follow and a triple hamburger with extra cheese is NOT on that list...but Sunday at the start of his second trimester is not the same Sunday as the one at the end of it. He's calling Sunday at 3 in the morning begging his sister to find somewhere that will make pizza using mayo as the sauce...
As he enters the last trimester, Sunday starts to feel rattled by the changes to his body. His face is a bit fuller, healthier. His hips have a bit more width, and the curve of his belly is impossible to hide. At first, he worries, what will the media and everyone say? He's getting fat? Letting himself go?
He's shocked to find, most (but not) are pleased to see the stern head of the Oak family looking...happy. Pictures of him casually laughing and having lunch with Robin are plastered on tabloid covers, while theories about who the father of his child is run wild.
Sunday wanted to have a homebirth. He wanted to be in the comfort of his home, in his bed, with only a very small, select group of medical professionals by his side. This isn't what he gets however.
His stubborn baby refuses to turn into the right position, feet first and promising to be a nightmare to deliver. The doctors give him the option of trying to give birth naturally, but only if he stays in the hospital. There isn't much choice, because when though Sunday wants a homebirth, he wants his child to be safe more.
Labor starts slow, and builds even slower. It's nearly two full days of on and off contractions before they finally start coming frequent enough for him to head to the hospital. Once there he's quickly put into a dressing gown and hooked up to every moiniter they have. He's annoyed, in pain and worst of all scared.
He doesn't call Robin. He knows she'd drop everything to be by his side, but Sunday can't handle the thought of her seeing him like this. The nurses come and go, checking his progress and reminding him over and over how slow everything was going.
It's well into the third day of labor when the doctor finally tells Sunday it's been too long. His baby isn't coming naturally, and their heart rate is starting to drop. Dreap seeps in, because the last thing Sunday wants is to be cut open, at the mercy of everyone around him, unable to do a goddamn thing about it.
Finally, he sends a single text to Robin right before they wheel him into surgery.
"About to have a c-secion, won't answer for awhile."
Laying on the cold table, unable to feel anything below his chest, the anxiety is gripping his heart like a vice. There isn't any pain, but the pressure of having a knife cut through his flesh, and just knowing a pair of hands is rumaging around inside of his organs makes Sunday want to scream.
It feels like an eternity before the nurses give a cheer, and the piercing cry of a newborn fills the room. Sunday will deny it till his grave, but the sob he lets out is so deep and filled with relief even a few of the nurses get misty eyed.
Robin is waiting in the recovery room when Sunday gets wheeled in, newborn snuggled in his arms. Her wings flap rapidly, eyes wide as the harsh words born from fear die on her lips.
"Meet your nephew." Sunday offers the bundle to his sister, offering an apologetic smile as she gently takes the baby boy into her arms.
"Sunday...oh, he's precious..." she coos, gently running her fingers over the tiny but fluffy down wings atop his head.
"I'm sorry...for worrying you."
She smiles, wiping a tear from her eyes. A small mess of brown hair atop the newborns head tells her everything she needs to know, as she hands the baby back to Sunday.
"I'll keep the press at bay as long as I can. Shall I inform the Family, or would you rather wait?"
He knows it's best to rip the bandage off, to get the worst of it over with, but Sunday can't bring himself to face them just yet.
"Tomorrow. Right now I just...want it to be us."
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myfanfictiongarden · 1 month ago
Thoughts in the dark- Rings of Power fanfic
Marion's thoughts after he finds himself in Eregion for the first time.
There is darkness. There is darkness around him, a comfortable dark that helps his thoughts flow freely. No flame nor candle illuminate the room, no light except the pale one from the stars outside, stars placed up high and far out of reach. A mocking light he thinks, even though there is beauty in it. Stars, placed up there to light the way when life first begann to wander these lands, these lands old yet new, the world changed since then, but the stars still the same. It seems odd to think some believe they are up there to guide or console you. One is meant to forge his own path, and not let others lead you astray with sentimental ideas.
He was given his own chambers. Of course he was, for Men need rest, need sleep, need nourishment, or else their feeble bodies go to waste. Didn’t he see many a one drop to the ground, young and old, if they had been famished, hurt or exhausted? 
Men need rest. 
He doesn’t. 
He has been resting far too long, first in that wretched cave, helpless, shapeless, and then wandering these wild lands nameless and forgotten. Centuries gone to waste feeling powerless. Does his murderer truly believe that he had gotten away with that treacherous act, that his revenge will not come? But not yet, not yet. If anything, this forced repost had offered him a better look at this brittle land, ravaged and marred, still showing wounds brought upon by one who had no use for the creations of others, no mind to bring about real change; an eye for beauty but no sense to truly appreciate it. With something of contempt Mairon thinks back to his former master, one who had appeared grand and promising to him at a time, but whose methods brought about only destruction and chaos. Chaos. There was too much of it in the world now. 
But he is going to change that. He is going to repair Middle Earth.
“The road goes ever winding…” he thinks as he lays, hands behind his head, in the darkness of his current chambers. They are simply, but not sparsely furnished, good enough for a guest who is supposed to be king among Men. There is never simplicity about anything the Elves ever do, not in the curtains or dreapings around the room, not in the woodwork flowing, floral patterns hewn into the solid stone. As he stands up and walks towards the window he has a good view over most of Ost-in-Edhil, the towers and turrets and rooftops shimmering white in the reflection on the Glanduin. It is remarkable, he has to admit, what those Elves of Eregion managed to build. It could nearly rival Gondolin. Remarkable is also the Lord of this realm, an artist nearly equal to his forefather- at least by what he has heard. The first meeting today though did seem promising. 
It was a bit of a gamble, his apparent mortal wound, the necessity to achieve access to an Elven realm. That she would take him here was short from perfect. The week on the road had not been that enjoyable, his mortal form disagreeing with the near unbroken pace she guided their horses. He was glad he hadn’t given himself a more serious injury, or else the guise might have slipped. As it was, the worry on her face whenever they made short rest, the sparse healing incarnations, and the sparse words of comfort were proof enough that she couldn’t see past the act. And if she couldn’t nor would the other Elves. 
She is a curios thing. Daughter of the Golden House of Finarfin. A self-righteous family, the lot of them. She has something of her eldest brother in her, that is true. Noble intentions, and a single minded determination to see them come true. Yet, there is something else, something he recognises from himself, a sort of ruthlessness about her methods, a hidden rage. If he could only tap into them more, shape them, what great things she might achieve. Visionaries, that is what the world lacks. Yes, there is something interesting about her.
For a moment he had truly wished to stay in Numenor, that place of marvels, a mortal kingdom like no other. The Great Powers themselves had singled these people out to start their lives anew on unspoiled ground, given them a chance to achieve unequal greatness. And they had, as close as they could. Yet now, they had risen to heights while building devisions,  now they are always teetering between greatness and ruin. And that somehow worries him. 
Gazing out the window and over the city and river, he lets his eye wander, wander as far as he can over this wide land. He knows how this world was supposed to be, remembers when it was made. Maybe now he has found a way to make this vision come true. 
A way to perfect what is broken.
He is going to heal it all.
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neiima-marin · 2 months ago
I’m sorry I forgot to tag you I couldn’t find your new account
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No face no case
@kenzieeluby @madifilipowiczz @astoria-rios @almondmilkhunniii @ethanndavis
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ngqueen · 3 years ago
Can you draw DS!Dream with the color palette "all star" please? :D
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its-elvie-innit · 3 years ago
By the way met this girl at work who is also super into the dsmp, and she mentioned something kinda funny about quackitys lore stream ? So quick question, why were karls eyes yellow???
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ssaalexblake · 5 years ago
Is it too much to ask for Dhawan!Master to seductively drape himself over a piano like Missy did? 
Create a trend, have all masters drape themselves suggestively over musical instruments. 
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zombieslab · 3 months ago
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dreap-hairsalon-kobe · 8 years ago
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2017.2.1 『sachiko』 スタイリストデビュー 皆んなと同じはちょとヤダな… ちょと差をつけたい hairで遊びたい そんなあなたは是非sachikoにお任せください✂︎ 得意なスタイルはストリートMIX,ハイトーンカラーです
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4voisper · 7 years ago
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jincha for @2jooheonie
~from your astroha secret santa♡
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nowimyurdaisy · 3 years ago
Could you please write something where y/n has a panic attack and Jeremiah calms them and helps them through it.
Basically a role reversal for what Conrad went through in the show;
Cleveland- now JEREMIAH
Conrad - now READER
Thanks for considering:)
THANK SO MUCH FOR sending in this request. I hope it's not too bad you like it!!
You didn't normally get panic attacks, but today was different, you just felt like everything was falling apart at your feet.
Today you were hanging out with your lovely boyfriend Jeremiah. He made you feel all gooey (in a good way) on the inside, but somedays you didn't feel like you deserved him.
"What!? What is wrong with me?! Like seriously, I, I, just..." you could feel your heart beating faster, *thump. thump. thump.*
"What's going on y/n?" Jeremiah asks you, worrieness creeping through his voice.
"My heart." you take a dreap shaky breath, "my heart, it's beating really fast."
Jeremiah's eyes open wide with concern. He had never seen you act like this. Oh my gosh, your having a pacnic attack. "Breathe, just breathe y/n" Jeremiah says trying to sound calm.
"WHAT'D YA THINK IM TRYING TO DO?!" you yell at Jere. The look on his face is shock and hurt combined in one. you noticed this and you started crying, and not being able to breathe and crying was not a good combo. Because now your making this terrible sound.
Jere liked even more shocked now that you were crying, "y/n, listen to me," Jeremiah said so calmly, your head turned to face him. "I love you okay, you are going to be okay, I am here for you"
You nodded along, taking I'm every word he said, your shaky sobs coming to an end. "I- i- I love you too Jere" you finally said. "I'm just gonna gonna rest my eyes now."
Jeremiah watched as your chest fell up and down, your slow steady breaths. As he held you in his arms. God you are a mess, but you are his mess, and he will always take care of you.
taglist: @bigassnocash @http.ily @http.ilysm @buckys2thicc @xtom-darling-x17 @crazylokonugget @a-ndys-stuff @almostcontentcreator @peneluvsprongs @savagemickey03
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roylesin · 2 years ago
"So not too hot?" He teased, sitting down next to her, dreaping his arm over her shoulders, his hand resting onto the top of her breast from an angle. "What if I warm you up on th einside? Would that be better than just warming the water?"
“You sure you don’t need it to be a bit warmer?” He said with a smirk, stepping into the hot springs, water rising slightly and pushing away the towel that had been tied around his waist. “I’m pretty sure I can do all that and more.”
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