#dragon stan au
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hellsquills · 1 month ago
Dragon!Stan be upon ye
A short thing for @babyblankyerror 's Dragon!Stan AU. Please go check their art because it's infesting my brain /pos
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Ford's voice echoes through the cavern. He hears some small steps in return that turn louder and heavier as they approach, until he sees the familiar –and gigantic– face of his dragon friend. Despite the tightness in his heart, his face relaxes a little as he greets him.
"Good night, my friend. Sorry for disturbing your dreams."
It's way later than he usually visits the creature. These past weeks, Stanford left his house around 5pm and arrived at the cave at 6, trying his best to be punctual, even though time probably means nothing to this dragon. Having this little ritual amongst his otherwise chaotic schedule helps him. Today is already dark out, not pitch-black, but enough to make the path slightly dangerous.
The beast approaches slowly, looking somewhat sleepy, and lowers its head so Stanford can pet it. It is then, as they are eye-to-eye, that the dragon stops and tilts its head.
"What? What is it?"
The creature moves its head forward, brushing its snout against the man's cheek. Ford is taken aback, shocked by the delicate and understanding move.
"This? Those are just tears, don't worry about it."
The dragon huffs like an exasperated child, as if implying that it doesn't believe a word he's saying. Stanford sighs.
"I guess I can't fool you, huh?" Another huff. "I suppose that you're even smarter than I assumed. Which, rest assured, was already a lot."
The beast turns around and lies down in the middle of the cave, much closer to the entrance than it previously was before Ford arrived. The man walks to it, accepting its silent invitation. He lies down next to its chest, which is soft and warm with all the fur covering it. He nestles against it, making a spot for himself, just like many other times before.
"I... haven't had the best of days, I'm afraid."
The dragon's head is now resting on the floor beside him, its right eye looking straight through him. As uncomfortable as he is around people staring at him, this barely bothers him. The dragon's eyes are kind, attentive, so different from all the others he's used to have on him. Something in those colors fills him with a sense of safety that helps him breathe easier. It also helps with pulling out the words from his throat.
"I had... an argument with my Muse. Which wasn't his fault, really! It was all mine. I didn't... expect him to be this angry, though." The sentence ends just as quiet as it starts. "I simply mentioned that I needed some rest during the night, that I couldn't properly carry on with my research unless I got a full night's rest, but he didn't like it. He said I was being selfish." Ford's words are slow, as if working out a way to properly covey what he means. "I understand where he's coming from, I really do. He just wants to escape his dimension– the Nightmare Dimension, he calls it. Obviously the name is already enough of a hint, but above all... I know he wanted to escape before that. No one understood him back there. I know what that's like. To be in a place where you're not welcome, nor wanted, nor understood. I really do."
The dragon doesn't move, just blinks lazily. Ford continues.
"I just asked him for a full night without him entering my mindscape and using my body to work while I slept. He says any human should be able to withstand it, so maybe I'm just weaker than average, which I already knew, but regardless. I needed some time to rest not only my body, but my mind as well. He... didn't like it. We argued, I tried to explain it to him in a way he could understand, but he was so mad... I ended up relenting, but he said it was too late. Now he couldn't forgive me. He said that... if I really wanted him gone that much, then he'd leave. And he... he did."
Ford's voice faults as he utters those last words. Nonetheless, he keeps talking.
"I didn't mean to upset him, I swear I didn't. I just wanted some time to improve myself before I kept working on the portal, but... Moses, what have I done? What if he doesn't forgive me? What if he never comes back?" His shaky voice now warns new tears. "I guess that's what I deserve for failing to keep my promise. I told him I'd do anything in my power to help him, since he's spent his entire time in this dimension helping me discover the universe. And what do I give in return? Just utter weakness."
"I don't deserve him. I don't deserve the people that cared enough to get close to me. Not Bill, not Fiddleford, not..."
The sentence cuts early, leaving things unsaid.
"What am I going to do now? I have no one else, I'm alone. I..." A shaky breath, way too close to a sob for comfort. "I don't want to be alone anymore."
The dragon is quick to react, as if it had been waiting for him to finish. Carefully, it lifts its head and puts it on Ford's lap. Noticing the man's quick heartbeat, it moves it up, until it's resting on Ford's chest. They both lay there, Stanford feeling lightheaded from his sudden panic attack and the accumulated anxiety. However, the slight but grounding pressure against his chest is comfortable, calming, and it helps him breathe despite the weight directly on top of his lungs. His hands absentmindedly envelop the creature's head, hugging it lightly at first and then tighter when he's sure the other being is comfortable with the action. Through the warmth, he can feel another sensation: the dragon appears to be... purring? Not exactly, but something akin. It's definitely vibrating softly as it breathes slowly in what seems a calculated rhythm, although that would be impossible for the creature to understand.
A memory hits Stanford as he keeps his eyes closed: the same weight on top of his torso after a panic attack. The familiar sensation of those soft vibrations against his chest, much less like an animal and much more like quiet snoring. A slow, even breathing rhythm in contrast to his agitated one.
His brother, having yet again braved his fear of heights to lay on him when he had a paralyzing nightmare. A head full of curls as unruly as the boy they belonged to beneath his fingers, now replaced by hard scales.
"Lee..." Stanford cries, not even processing his own words. He repeats it once, twice, thrice, as the sobs grow too loud to continue. The creature above him shakes slightly before returning to its previous position.
Both beings stay still in silence, save by Ford repeating several variations of his brother's name, as well as the occasional "help", "I can't", and "I'm sorry". This last one is the quietest, as if the man had a split second of clarity and realized he did not want to say it any louder.
Eventually, exhausted by the rush of emotions, Stanford falls asleep. His cheeks are damp and his face is red, but he seems more peaceful as he evens his breathing, holding the dragon's head more delicately now.
Somewhere inside the creature's head, Stan is filled with a rage that burns hotter than the flames that sometimes escape his throat. As much as he'd like to shape-shift into his humanoid form, he can't. Not until whoever that Bill thing is is shattered into a million pieces by his own hand.
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beetlbi · 2 months ago
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Gravity falls httyd au, is that anything? Transcript under the cut, more thoughts in the tags
Texts says “red” “very protective of Stan, messes with him a lot” “doing much better than in canon bc he isn’t alone + has someone to take care of”
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babyblankyerror · 1 month ago
More doodles of Dragon Stan! He's just a lil guy!
I'm travelling so I'll settle for paper c':
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As kids I like to think Stanley always brought wild animals to be their pets and Ford sorta starts that in Gravity Falls because there's so many creatures!! He takes a special liking to the tiny tubby dragon.
Fiddleford can't fight the cuteness too long. I think his breaking point is when Stan moisturises his eyeball like those tiny lazards- he just MLEM *licks eyeball* and Fidds, like the weirdo he is, thinks its adorable.
I'm thinking that maybe, like unicorns, dragons have some sort of power against dream demons or something so Ford really likes sleeping in the cave (until he just brings the dragon home with him).
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thicctails · 6 months ago
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Monster Falls? Nah, Mythology Falls bitches
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dark-lord-of-awesomeness · 17 days ago
Okay but wait. For dragon AU, imagine after a while of all these knights coming to rescue a princess and being disappointed, and the increasingly crazy stories about this non-existent princess’s life, Stan still gets surprised. He’s waiting for the latest fool who is attempting to rescue him to realize there is no princess and they’ve wasted their time. But it turns out that even though it’s a bit of a routine now, sometimes unexpected turns still happen.
Stan: well? Surprise. There’s no princess. Just me. Tough luck, buddy.
Knight: ……
Stan: …what’s with that look.
Knight: I was expecting a princess, but a prince will do as well.
Stan: hey, wait—no.
Knight: come with me, my fair prince! I shall save you from the terrible dragon!
Stan: what? What? No seriously, what is happening right now???
Stan is never winning. He keeps yelling at these knights that he's not royalty! He's just a guy! He doesn't want to get married?!
Sure he wants to get rescued, but by someone else actually. He's starting to have standards about this. This shouldn't be a thing people have standards about.
None of the knights are good enough by Fords standards also. Stan is angry about this on top of everything else. This not brother dragon shouldn't get a say in this! It's Stan's life!
Why do the knights keep showing up? Because obviously the fair maiden princess Stanel is under a dark enchantment. That's why she keeps refusing rescue, the dragon has bewitched her. When Stan hears this he gets even more angry about all of it. He'd love to leave! With someone normal!
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tinfoil-jones · 12 days ago
Jerk Ford AU: Silliness VI (Family Edition)
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17-year-old Shermie: *holding out a lunch pail* Stanford, don’t forget your lunch. I don’t want you to be hungry.
12-year-old Jerk Ford: Whatever, b***h.
12-year-old Stanley: Ford! You can't talk to our brother like that!
Jerk Ford: Sure.
-45 Years Later-
57-year-old Jerk Ford: *holding up a paper bag* Dipper, your lunch. I don’t want you starving.
12-year-old Dipper: Whatever, b***h *flips him off*.
[Directly From This]
Jerk Ford: Hey, runt.
Mabel: Yes, Great Uncle Ford?
Jerk Ford: I was reading through the entries and 'corrections' you and your brother oh-so-kindly put into my Journal, and I noticed something.
Mabel: What?
Jerk Ford: You defeated the gnomes?
Mabel: Yup, with a leaf blower!
Jerk Ford: And this whole kerfuffle started because... they wanted you to marry them and be their queen?
Mabel: Oh- uh, yeah. I was disappointed because they weren't secretly a vampire.
Jerk Ford: You don't say...
Jerk Ford: Now, what is the age of consent in the state of Oregon?
Jeff, hanging upside down from a tree: *sobbing* Eighteen!
Jerk Ford: And what's the age of consent for anyone with the last names Pines, Corduroy, Ramirez, or McGucket?
Jeff: Infinity!
Jerk Ford: Good, we're at an understanding. However, just in case- *continues to blow on dog whistle*
Jeff: *screeches in anguish*
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17-year-old Stanley and Jerk Ford sitting in the Stanley Mobile.
Stan: Ford, I know what you're thinking.
Jerk Ford:
Stan: You cannot blow up the state of Jersey.
Jerk Ford: Why not?
Stan: That wouldn't solve nothin'!
Jerk Ford: Yes it would.
Stan: What problem could blowing up New Jersey possibly solve??
Jerk Ford: The existence of Jersey.
(In all seriousness, Jerk Ford would definitely leave with Stanley. They would struggle being homeless in Stan's car for a few weeks or months depending on when they were kicked out, but they both still had scholarships to Backupsmoore so they'd be good once they went to college. Jerk Ford would conduct so many séances around Pines Pawns in the meantime that it would be super haunted forever)
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Stanford: I was stuck in a dimension where the arm of the galaxy I was in was in the midst of a galactic war. And all of the men - and about a hundred other genders across the different alien species - regardless of age were required to serve in the war. But, there was a loophole.
Anyone who worked at Hooters, in space or terrestrial, was exempted, to improve the morale of the remaining civilian population of women - and about a hundred more genders across the different alien species - the real reason I was in trouble for not putting in my two weeks notice isn't just because it was bad work practice, but it made me a war deserter.
Stan: Please never speak of this again, and don't try it again.
Stanford: I can't anyways, lost too much weight. No 'hooters' to speak of anymore.
Stan: Please, stop talkin'.
Stanford: I made so much money, too.
Stan: Sometimes I wish ya didn't know words.
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During a Game of Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons
Old Man McGucket, the Dungeon Master: You realize what you are facing is a type of ooze - a corrosive monster called a Black Pudding.
Jerk Ford, playing a Bard: Quick, is anyone's character a vegetarian?
Dipper, playing a Ranger: My character lives off of the land, so no.
Soos, playing a Druid: Same here dawg, no.
Wendy, playing a Tabaxi: Heck no.
Mabel, playing a Satyr: Surprisingly, no.
Melody, playing a Warforged: My character doesn't even eat.
Jerk Ford: Da-rn it! A vegetarian would be immune to the Black Pudding.
Old Man McGucket: ...And why do you think that?
Jerk Ford: Don't you know; if you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding?
*collective groaning from the other players*
Old Man Mcgucket:
Old Man Mcgucket: I'm giving you a negative inspiration point.
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midnightcreator12 · 11 days ago
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non-canon but related to this test-shot I wrote
I call it Coven Stan AU, and 90% of the reason I'm working on it is because of the ghost being a lil shit to Bill and Bill HATING it (Jay is fun, because he's dead and kinda crazy and doesn't give a shit about 'all knowing dream demons' he be like 'bud, I've been lurking around for centuries, please drag out some horrors I haven't seen!')
(also, JUST noticed the commonality of Jay and Bill both being super old con men with one eye that make a deal with a Pines. Difference is that Jay knows not to use his host as a punching bag)
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vpstrange · 3 months ago
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Warlock Dipper Pines👁
Basically my idea is to create set of Gravity Falls x DnD character cards💫 Too ambitious? Probably😅 But I’m delusional and full of optimism🤣 So, tell me, who do you want to see next?😏
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candiedbeez · 1 month ago
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Some stan twins dragon designs I’ve been cooking up
Ideas and thoughts I had:
Both - night/sea
- sea on Filbrick’s side/night on Caryn’s
- very faint nightwing tear scales, powers are weak and linked to each other
-hatched from the same egg
- have had matching earrings since they were very young
- both are relatively large compared to other dragons from their tribes
- coloring/markings got duller with age
- 6 large horns + six talons
- eyes were originally red (matching Stan’s coloring) but turned yellow after repeated possession from Bill
- small crown-like jewelry is enchanted by an animus to keep Bill out (in place of the metal plate)
- the purple in his pupil matches Ford’s coloring
- more constellation/star markings than Ford
Anyway, these designs are still kinda concepts so they’re a bit messy and I may change some things! I’m working on the rest of the cast rn too
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barbaricjester · 2 months ago
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I got a little figurine of Stan and didn't know what to do with him, so I put him on a dragon.
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beetlbi · 2 months ago
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Not at all happy with the dragons design, expect that to get reworked. Anyway here’s ford and his dragon! She is very tolerant of his many many experiments, and is very intolerant of his constant habit of throwing himself into danger to study things! More thoughts in the tags
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babyblankyerror · 1 month ago
Was thinking of some designs for Dragon Stan
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I feel like he can turn into pocket size too but prefers the size of a small dog most times, it is easier to fir most places and makes his cave seem roomier when he needs to move around.
I'm not sure if he can speak yet, I think he learns eventually to speak while in dragon form but he mostly can't. That or he becomes a selective mute after a while :3
I thought it'd be funny to give him a mullet even in dragon form but I didn't like the spikes despite wanting to make him more classic dragon...I couldn't help it guys! I wanted him to be a fluff ball!!
So I ended up giving him fur for the mullet and stomach, that way he's cuddly but still classic lizard dragon uwu (he makes a great comfort companion, great for cuddles and pressure since he is a bit heavy even small)
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babyblankyerror · 1 month ago
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I freaking love this man. Ypu get it- YOU GET ITT!!!! *Falls to knees and cries* you get i-iiittttt
Stanford my poor boi :c when he called for Stanley I was like GAAAAHGGGGGGGAHH
This was such a nice surprise to wake up to man. Thank you. Your writing is awesome
Dragon!Stan be upon ye
A short thing for @babyblankyerror 's Dragon!Stan AU. Please go check their art because it's infesting my brain /pos
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Ford's voice echoes through the cavern. He hears some small steps in return that turn louder and heavier as they approach, until he sees the familiar –and gigantic– face of his dragon friend. Despite the tightness in his heart, his face relaxes a little as he greets him.
"Good night, my friend. Sorry for disturbing your dreams."
It's way later than he usually visits the creature. These past weeks, Stanford left his house around 5pm and arrived at the cave at 6, trying his best to be punctual, even though time probably means nothing to this dragon. Having this little ritual amongst his otherwise chaotic schedule helps him. Today is already dark out, not pitch-black, but enough to make the path slightly dangerous.
The beast approaches slowly, looking somewhat sleepy, and lowers its head so Stanford can pet it. It is then, as they are eye-to-eye, that the dragon stops and tilts its head.
"What? What is it?"
The creature moves its head forward, brushing its snout against the man's cheek. Ford is taken aback, shocked by the delicate and understanding move.
"This? Those are just tears, don't worry about it."
The dragon huffs like an exasperated child, as if implying that it doesn't believe a word he's saying. Stanford sighs.
"I guess I can't fool you, huh?" Another huff. "I suppose that you're even smarter than I assumed. Which, rest assured, was already a lot."
The beast turns around and lies down in the middle of the cave, much closer to the entrance than it previously was before Ford arrived. The man walks to it, accepting its silent invitation. He lies down next to its chest, which is soft and warm with all the fur covering it. He nestles against it, making a spot for himself, just like many other times before.
"I... haven't had the best of days, I'm afraid."
The dragon's head is now resting on the floor beside him, its right eye looking straight through him. As uncomfortable as he is around people staring at him, this barely bothers him. The dragon's eyes are kind, attentive, so different from all the others he's used to have on him. Something in those colors fills him with a sense of safety that helps him breathe easier. It also helps with pulling out the words from his throat.
"I had... an argument with my Muse. Which wasn't his fault, really! It was all mine. I didn't... expect him to be this angry, though." The sentence ends just as quiet as it starts. "I simply mentioned that I needed some rest during the night, that I couldn't properly carry on with my research unless I got a full night's rest, but he didn't like it. He said I was being selfish." Ford's words are slow, as if working out a way to properly covey what he means. "I understand where he's coming from, I really do. He just wants to escape his dimension– the Nightmare Dimension, he calls it. Obviously the name is already enough of a hint, but above all... I know he wanted to escape before that. No one understood him back there. I know what that's like. To be in a place where you're not welcome, nor wanted, nor understood. I really do."
The dragon doesn't move, just blinks lazily. Ford continues.
"I just asked him for a full night without him entering my mindscape and using my body to work while I slept. He says any human should be able to withstand it, so maybe I'm just weaker than average, which I already knew, but regardless. I needed some time to rest not only my body, but my mind as well. He... didn't like it. We argued, I tried to explain it to him in a way he could understand, but he was so mad... I ended up relenting, but he said it was too late. Now he couldn't forgive me. He said that... if I really wanted him gone that much, then he'd leave. And he... he did."
Ford's voice faults as he utters those last words. Nonetheless, he keeps talking.
"I didn't mean to upset him, I swear I didn't. I just wanted some time to improve myself before I kept working on the portal, but... Moses, what have I done? What if he doesn't forgive me? What if he never comes back?" His shaky voice now warns new tears. "I guess that's what I deserve for failing to keep my promise. I told him I'd do anything in my power to help him, since he's spent his entire time in this dimension helping me discover the universe. And what do I give in return? Just utter weakness."
"I don't deserve him. I don't deserve the people that cared enough to get close to me. Not Bill, not Fiddleford, not..."
The sentence cuts early, leaving things unsaid.
"What am I going to do now? I have no one else, I'm alone. I..." A shaky breath, way too close to a sob for comfort. "I don't want to be alone anymore."
The dragon is quick to react, as if it had been waiting for him to finish. Carefully, it lifts its head and puts it on Ford's lap. Noticing the man's quick heartbeat, it moves it up, until it's resting on Ford's chest. They both lay there, Stanford feeling lightheaded from his sudden panic attack and the accumulated anxiety. However, the slight but grounding pressure against his chest is comfortable, calming, and it helps him breathe despite the weight directly on top of his lungs. His hands absentmindedly envelop the creature's head, hugging it lightly at first and then tighter when he's sure the other being is comfortable with the action. Through the warmth, he can feel another sensation: the dragon appears to be... purring? Not exactly, but something akin. It's definitely vibrating softly as it breathes slowly in what seems a calculated rhythm, although that would be impossible for the creature to understand.
A memory hits Stanford as he keeps his eyes closed: the same weight on top of his torso after a panic attack. The familiar sensation of those soft vibrations against his chest, much less like an animal and much more like quiet snoring. A slow, even breathing rhythm in contrast to his agitated one.
His brother, having yet again braved his fear of heights to lay on him when he had a paralyzing nightmare. A head full of curls as unruly as the boy they belonged to beneath his fingers, now replaced by hard scales.
"Lee..." Stanford cries, not even processing his own words. He repeats it once, twice, thrice, as the sobs grow too loud to continue. The creature above him shakes slightly before returning to its previous position.
Both beings stay still in silence, save by Ford repeating several variations of his brother's name, as well as the occasional "help", "I can't", and "I'm sorry". This last one is the quietest, as if the man had a split second of clarity and realized he did not want to say it any louder.
Eventually, exhausted by the rush of emotions, Stanford falls asleep. His cheeks are damp and his face is red, but he seems more peaceful as he evens his breathing, holding the dragon's head more delicately now.
Somewhere inside the creature's head, Stan is filled with a rage that burns hotter than the flames that sometimes escape his throat. As much as he'd like to shape-shift into his humanoid form, he can't. Not until whoever that Bill thing is is shattered into a million pieces by his own hand.
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dark-lord-of-awesomeness · 16 days ago
Okay but imagine in the Princess au that a town just up and decides that Princess Stanel is honorary royalty anyways and hold a cornanation from a safe distance, declaring him a possible ruler if he ever manages to convince that dragon of his to let him come down to the town to over look the rules.
Also that town does not care that Stanel turns out to be a man and an forcefully retired convict.
Looks like a Princess, sounds like a Princess, most likely is a princess.
The reason why this town is so accepting is that they want a dragon for a ruler or a Royal who has a dragon on their side to rule and since Stan fits the bill….
Which town is it? Well let’s just say it’s a mystery town. (Get it? Like mystery shack but mystery town? Ay ay? I’ll see myself out.)
In the future:
Stan: *is tired at this point in denying it and has decided to embrace his role as the first convict to become a Princess* That…is a long story pumpkin, you might want to sit down.
Some more bold villagers and outcasts come and establish a village near Fords castle, because they hate the current king and figure no one's gonna bother them right next to the dragon. Plus, all these disgraced knights, princess and princesses who've failed to slay the dragon have a lot of spending money before they head up and get it all stolen, so the economy is booming.
Then one of the princes or princesses start questioning what kingdom they've sworn fealty to, and the whole reason they live here is to not have done that.
So of course princess Stanel is their ruler! But, ah dang. She got kidnapped before she could be cornanated as the ruler of their tiny kingdom. Tragic really, ignore the democracy happening behind them, it was definitely princess Stanel of the uh..... mystery kingdom. Yup. Why that name? Well, we can't actually tell you it's real name, for cultural purposes.
They don't care about Stan's circumstances, he's their princess now, so they can avoid the other kingdoms that suck. Whenever a one of the failed rescuers come back and accuse them of trickery they get offended. A man! If course princess stanel is a man! Everyone knows that! Princess is just a title! A job description!
The relationship really starts taking off when they start raising livestock for Ford to hunt. They get a whole system set up and now Ford has a whole village that belongs to him. That's his village now, no one else is allowed to take it.
Stan has no actual power to start, until the dragon stuff gets settled some way or another and he becomes like, a figure head or something. Everyone in the village has gone too deep with the lies and now Stan's the ruler of a tiny kingdom. The first criminal to become a king without marrying into it by kidnapping. The actual ruling is done by a council but he has to talk to ambassadors and stuff. It's boring. He can't even go mad with power, because he barely has any.
Since neither Stan twin has kids Mabel and Dipper become their heirs through shenanigans. Both are now princesses. It's tradition. Unless one of them becomes a dragon, but that's not Stan's problem.
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signalwow · 1 year ago
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he does fire
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charles-leclerc-official · 8 months ago
If we had dragon racing (I'm assuming you are talking about HOTD) Daemon would have the advantage of Caraxes being a noodleboi and having a long neck to cross the chequered flag first. (I'm not complaining).
You are literally talking to the biggest Daemon Targaryen fan!
I'd support him, because Caraxes is the Ferrari of the HOTD dragons, he is even RED. He also has more refined aero elements like the extra webbing on his legs.
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Adrian Newey would be leading the dragon breeding program trying to create a bloodline of insanely fast dragons.
FIA constantly changing whether or not dragonfire is allowed to be used for overtaking.
Ferrari of course have the oldest most esteemed dragon lineages traced back the the beginning of the sport.
Tracks are created using natural features, like forests, rock formations and the lick, to create the need for 3D awareness. The most challenging track weaves through a series of narrow slot canyons in the south.
Riders must train to join teams, but the final test is they must be accepted by the dragon themselves.
Max rides a dragon with a distinctive set of bull like horns.
Charles of course has a slender red dragon(not unlike Caraxes)
The Mclaren dragons are a tropical species that have a very annoying high pitched cry.
Mercedes dragons have unique star patterns on their scales.
The bones of Michael Schumacher's Ferrari dragon are in a marble tomb beneath Maranello.
One time Fernando's Renault dragon accidentally bred with a Williams dragon and this was known as "Egg gate"
The two current dragons at Alpine have gorgeous pink scales, but they have temperament issues that they've been unable to tame and often try to fight each other during races.
I have more but you have made me start spilling the lore for the F1 dragon rider AU that lives in my head
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