#dr. chase soundtrack
judasiskariot · 15 days
It’s me again
And it’s another song that reminds me of Chase(esp s2 e13)
There’s also a very good cover of this song by Ugly Kid Joe but my phone isn’t letting me link 2 songs in one ask
This a classic Chase coded one! With the story that the song is telling.
Oooooooh 😞 I don't know if it is good to torture @alpydk especially today with this song. But maybe it fits therefore even more.
Do you also have a song for the topic in mind?
I can't come up with a song, but a recommendation.
Due to this emotional topic I can recommend A-Team Season 5 Episode 8 "Famliy Reunion".
Really brought up some philosophical questions in the exact same way Chase talked about his father in various episodes (especially after his death)
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mintygreenaqua · 4 months
Hello Neighbor Welcome to Raven Brooks - Dr. Peterson is coming
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redflagshipwriter · 21 days
Red Hot Ghouls chapter 13 part 2/2
Given that Dr. and Dr. Fenton had taken him on a drive around town that legitimately climaxed with an on-foot chase of a hulking ghost who did not care to comment for their family blog, Jason thought that was actually kinda probable. If the Drs. had that technology, their kids would probably have access as well.
“Why not?” Tim said, sounding a bit defensive. “We know for a fact that there’s a few undead out there, zombie boy. And there’s a ghost affiliated with the JL.”
All solid points.
‘But there’s no way the good Doctors would be able to convince a ghost to do anything they wanted. Would the daughter have any better luck?’
Jason covered a laugh in his fist.
His ghostly experience so far consisted of:
Danny Phantom, who was very annoyed that Waters was trying to pay him tribute and not happy to see Jason, either.
The mysterious collaborator who hadn’t even wanted Jason to enter his tower.
Skalker, who spent the length of their acquaintance screaming and flying away at what appeared to be his top speed while Jack Fenton whooped and Dr. Fenton shouted questions from a megaphone.
“I get the vibe that they don’t really care to interact with the living,” Jason said, before Tim could get his knickers in a twist. “So my skepticism is in regards to the likelihood of a ghost agreeing to collaborate.”
“What, you think they’re all the same?” Tim said. His tone made it seem like he thought that was such an embarrassingly unintellectual idea that Jason should sink through the floor.
“I think there’s pretty good reasons there might be a trend.”
Tim made an unconvinced sound and changed the subject. “Since they have a similar area of interest, I want to look for a connection between the Fentons and Waters. They could be- Why did you laugh?”
A neon sign lit up across the street, sending a wash of purple light through the air. Jason shook his head. “The Fentons- the Dr.s Fenton, at least, strongly dislike Jeremy Waters.”
“Why did that come up?”
“No reason,” Jason lied airily. “Anyway, that’s not it. Could be some kind of rivalry. But I doubt they’d want to visit Waters in Arkham to give him their sympathies.”
Tim chewed that over for a moment. “Could be a rivalry. I gotta go, O’s hitting my line.”
“Stay safe out there.” Jason cut the conversation and settled in to think. He stuck his hands in his pockets and wished for something to fiddle with that wasn’t a weapon. It had poser vibes to stand around on a rooftop alone playing with a knife or a gun. If Oracle caught you on video, she would tint it blue, set it to some humiliatingly emo soundtrack, and send it around the hero community.
Not, uh. Not that that had happened to him.
He called in. “Hey, O, good evening.”
“Good to hear from you, Hood.” She sounded as serene as ever.
Jason fidgeted a little. “Anything I could help with?” He toed the front of his boot back and forth on the cement ledge for a moment, killing time by idly calculating how many seconds he’d have to engage a grapple if he fell from this height.
“Good news for Gotham, it’s a quiet night.”
He sighed.
“I know, I know,” O said sympathetically. “You got all dressed up in your dancing shoes-”
“And there’s no one to go out with,” Jason agreed. At the back of his mind he vaguely remembered that that…might not be true, actually. He made a dramatic sigh. “I might call it a night, then. No point staring at the city like some bat-eared creep. I don’t have any monologues to work on right now.”
“Oh, you got those all done? Good for you, little buddy.”
Jason resisted the urge to flip her off. She wasn’t even here.
“Stay safe,” he said, because the idea of ending a call without saying that always filled him with a terrible premonition that this would be the time the other person ended up shot in the head and gone forever. He blew out a long, slow breath when he was finally truly alone and reconsidered the thought he’d had earlier.
‘I haven’t messaged Phantom all this time. It might be a good night for it. It’s been most of a week. He won’t be annoyed that I’m checking in now.’
Yeah… Yeah, okay. Jason grappled down and made his way to where he’d stashed his bike. He got into his current residence and stripped out of his gear. He got out his phone and shot Phantom a text before he went into the shower. Not much, he didn’t wanna come across as desperate. Just a nice, casual, “Hey, what’s up? Just checking in. Any luck so far? I finished my books!”
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all-pacas · 7 days
(because this is the one i was thinking about. bc reddit.)
OK, no idea how to do these things. Part of me is really tempted to pretend this is an actual director's commentary, you know, make a fake script, like here I am in a booth and we're doing a little watch along together. Right: Hi, I'm Helen. (We're doing the RP, ya'll)
So this was the first story I wrote for House. I think I did it in about two hours; most of it in one burst and then finishing it up. I have the bad habit of doing editing after posting, I'll just sit and re-read it until I spot errors or wording issues.
no mystery left alpacas
I kind of regret the title of this fanfic. It's called after a lyric from Portions for Foxes, which is kind of just my general Chase Soundtrack Song, which is why I chose it — except I kind of feel like I could have used it on something else, or picked something more fitting. But I don't hate the title either. I can never think of proper titles, I'm always stealing from songs. I've been trying to use as many Portions for Foxes lyrics as possible in my House fanfics.
"Who," House says grandly as Cuddy approaches, "ever heard of a diagnostics fellowship?" He's sitting in the hall by the elevators, ready to pounce. "Who ever heard of a diagnostics department?" she retorts distractedly. She slows. "You're hiring a fellow. Maybe even two, if you can find that many people who can stand you. This is a teaching hospital." House doesn't retort. She looks at him suspiciously and he twists his expression as if to suggest he has no idea what she's suspicious about. "Hire a fellow," she repeats. "That Treiber kid -"
This is a continuity error!! House actually did have fellows before Chase. This exchange really bothers me, but I've let it stand. I guess my excuse is that neither House or Cuddy say Chase will be your first fellow; House is just at a moment where he doesn't have any (also a continuity error, btw, Chase mentions meeting one in All In).
I… hadn't actually completed my watch of the show when I started this fanfic, which is where the error crept in. You'd think referencing S8-only Trier would imply I'd at least watched most of it, but no. I skipped ahead. I watched it coz the summary implied Chase Backstory.
He watches as she tries to enter before the doors close. A blond kid sticks out his arm to block them, flashes a thousand perfectly white teeth at her when she says thanks. Interesting.
I never have House refer to Chase by name in the story. This is meant to be the first time House sees (or hears of) him, and what he sees is Chase on a Charm Offensive towards Cuddy. Enough to pique his curiosity.
"I don't trust nurses." House keeps staring over Wilson's shoulder. The papers are too far away to read, but he can just make out the logo on the cover sheet. "Who does immigration paperwork in a hospital?" he asks.
This is still meant to be an accidental run-in. This is also shoddy immigration law, although I reference it in another fanfic too: as much as I like the idea Chase leveraged a 3 month holiday visa into a work visa, I'm pretty sure there is no way the department of immigration would let him. But I like how careless and sort of arrogant it seems. (very Rich Kid) Chase just assumes it'll all work out for him.
House flips a page in the rheumatology textbook he's examining. Trier tries not to fidget. "Classic power play," he blurts. "Read a book to show how little you care." House glances up.
Now House is actively researching Chase, probably because he also knows he's playing it fast and loose with his visa, and by implication is trying real hard to get a job by sucking up to Cuddy. I wish we'd had Trier more. I love everything about him. I love the idea that Chase just has a Nemesis in pathology. Like that one episode where he has to biopsy a dead baby? So funny if you imagine Trier is just off-camera and pissed Chase is in his department.
You're Dr. Thomas, aren't you?" the kid asks as the elevator starts to move. "Oh - I'm not a patient, don't worry." He smiles, sticks out his hand. "I'm interviewing for the surgical residency. Dr. Cuddy spoke highly of you. Rob Chase. Fantastic to meet like this - we're due to interview next week?" "Dr. Chase. Of course." Thomas clearly has no idea who the kid is but shakes his hand. The elevator dings. "Nice to meet you," the kid says, oozing charm, as Thomas exits. "Nice trick, Doogie," House says when the doors close. The kid jumps, noticing him for the first time. "Repetitive, though. Do you just hang out around the elevators waiting for your future bosses to climb aboard?"
I went back and forth on how Chase would introduce himself. We know his sister, at least, calls him Robbie, and even though the show itself is pretty consistent on calling him Robert, boy, can we agree that doesn't suit him? In my head, he started using his full name to "sound professional," but before House usually called himself Robbie or Rob. So he's not quite polished yet.
House is making a power play here, obviously. He's figured out Chase's game, and inserting himself into it just to let Chase know he's been caught: Chase is trying to "accidentally" charm his way into being hired. Also, something about him asking if Chase waits for his future bosses on elevators, House being on an elevator…
He turns on the kid, who stops short, uncertain. "Say," House asks, mock innocent. "Is my photo on the website?" The kid recites obediently: "You're Dr. House. Head of diagnostics. Double specialty in -"
Chase did research House, but didn't think he was a useful person to stalk. Trying to imply here that Chase really is being quite cynical and calculating about this — he isn't just targeting the specific folks he needs to hire him, he looked at every possibility and then chose who to seduce.
At House's office, he hesitates until House waves him inside. "The way I see it, Dr. Chase's only son could get a job in any hospital down undah he wanted, no matter how mediocre his grades."
Honestly, biggest argument against Chase being a lazy nepobaby, imo. He seriously could have done this in universe. Instead he moved across the world. This is one of the reasons I am so Interested in this idiot: he's so unambitious but he does wild things like this.
"Surgery and intensive care," he says. He turns to the counter behind him, picks up the resume he'd had Wilson procure. "You must love saving lives." "I do," he says, eyeing the resume and the copy of his father's book House had strategically placed under the manilla folder. "How sweet." "I like them when they're dying," the kid says, leaning forward. "When you have a bleed and ten seconds to find it. When they crash and you don't know why and you have less than a minute to fix the problem." "And that's why you're a perfect candidate for my fellowship?" House mocks. "You tell me. You're courting me, aren't you?" "Sudden attitude shift. Trying to appeal to the nearest authority figure by imitating his grizzled charm?"
I don't love this exchange. I think it's pretty decent banter, it flows nicely, but I do think Chase is too aggressive, even if I handwaved it with him doing in intentionally, trying to match House's energy. House revealing he's been tracking Chase's job hunt, and showing off Rowan's book, proves that he's interested in Chase and has been paying attention. So Chase notices this, and he's trying to imitate House.
I don't think (she says, having written it) that Chase's explanation for his specialties is necessarily true here. Or not the whole truth. He's just trying to say what he thinks House wants to hear. From his perspective, this dude he hasn't seen before just walked up to him and told him "I know everything about you, sit in my office, let's look at your resume." House mentioned Chase's immigration winging-it, that he's hoping to charm his way into a job. So Chase in turn is making his specialty sound sort of reckless and seat of his pants, too.
From House's perspective, he's seen this kid stroll into the hospital and attempt to manipulate
He skims the kid's file again. Looks up at him over the top of the folder, then tosses it down. "Have your dad give me a call." "What?" he blinks. "You want the job, I'd like a character reference." "I have references." "Yeah, but I'm such a fan of daddy. Shouldn't be a problem. Not like you fled England rather than live in his shadow or anything." "Australia." House waits. Finally the kid stands up. He offers his hand to House to shake. He doesn't take it. Rowan Chase calls the next morning.
This is the reason both the story and this commentary exists. It's a power play. House wants Chase to demean himself and do something he doesn't want to in order to prove he wants the job. Chase, meanwhile, realizes that House is pursuing him. So the real question is "will you do something you don't want to do because I asked you?" House has seen Chase is manipulative, and observant, but is he willing to do this?
Chase, meanwhile, knows House is interested in him and pursuing him. He doesn't know how much House has been tracking him, but clearly House wants him. This is enough to get Chase, naturally, to abandon his other plans to charm his way into a job: he might be able to get Thomas to hire him, but House is taking the initiative and showing an interest, which makes him way more valuable. (ie: daddy issues. It's always daddy issues.)
"I want to hire Bobby," House says, cornering Cuddy Friday morning.
"One's black and the other has milk and sugar. Did - did my father --" He blinks, losing his confidence. House takes the black coffee. Chase throws the other cup in the trash.
House calls him Bobby to mock him, obviously, but it's not until the last paragraph of the story the narration (and so, House) thinks of Chase by name. Now that Chase is in Diagnostics, he Exists.
Further useless headcanon director's notes:
I think Chase introduced himself as Robbie exactly once in New Jersey, and House heard, and it was also the last time he ever used that name.
For some reason, I feel like Chase drinks coffee black with sugar. So neither of those cups were ever going to be from him. He's blatantly sucking up here.
Finally, in an earlier scene:
"Do you even have an interview with Thomas, or were you planning on kissing his ass until you got one?" "I'll have it by the end of the week," the kid says defiantly. House smirks.
And in the last scene:
He passes her the manila folder. Cuddy skims it and looks disapproving. "Dr. Chase is the new surgical resident. Dr. Thomas specifically asked --"
I just liked this bit. Chase did end up getting the other job, he just picked the boss who wanted him over the one who didn't. From Dr. Thomas's brief appearance in S6, he seems to have Issues with Chase and Chase as an extension of House. I think it makes sense on its own, but it makes more sense with this context. He offers the kid a job, the kid rejects the job, four years later Cuddy makes Thomas hire him again, and Chase still pays more attention to House?? Lowkey Chase has as many enemies in the hospital as House and I think that's great.
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zozosnothere · 5 months
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zoe, british-pakistani reader and writer, massive english fanatic, kenji kishimoto irl, alina azlan khan's #1 supporter, zoha khan's second mother, shatter me enthusiast, sun tower series lover, computer science nerd, a love for coding and photography, passion for lemon cake, strawberries, purple.
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faves: sun tower series, shatter me series. (the owner of @cast7le)
others i've read: twisted series, girl in pieces, dating dr dil, tastes like shakkar, inheritance games (first book).
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massive chase atlantic fan, the weeknd, bollywood songs, badshah, dilwale soundtrack, ae dil hai mushkil soundtrack, and more (i can't remember)
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tdlosk + tdlosk:r, mha (idc i still enjoy it.) dilwale, k3g, housefull 3, golmaal again, bajrangi bhaijaan, kkhh, ddlj, any srkajol movie, romantic killer, tangled, namaste england, mainly bollywood movies tbh
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tags will be under zozowashere, zozosrants, zozosdrabbles, zozosideas, or anything else i think of in the moment.
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I love listening the Ninjago soundtrack and being able to identify the OG (pre-movie) and post-movie themes, knowing the season and the scenes. It's like re-watching the whole series again.
Some of these overtones are so good. Zane's Falcon chase is still my favourite. The violin in that OMG. I love the 'Built to protect' music too - - Zane's sacrifice - - and 'What Powered Zane' (the one at his funeral where Kai reads out his brotherhood speech). 😭 It's so emotive.
Titanium Ninja's ending is really triumphant and optimistic, some of the best from TotE, and the lead up which has parts of the sad sibling Nya water theme in. Blacksmith theme is pretty good (siblings yay! Maybe they need an rgb siblings theme...).
I like A LOT of Ninjago's ost.
Obv, Weekend Whip is always going to be amazing!
Little green ninja Lloyd theme is so nostalgic (I prefer it to his later ones because of the high flute light motif). And 'Somethings gotten into Lloyd' the one where he's falling from the Bounty to the Corridor of Elders having his flashbacks of his time with his father, before he banishes good Garmadon. 😭 I love flashback tracks.
'Maybe I'm departed' from the end of TotE after Garmadon sacrifice is sorrowful but have a tone of acceptance and remembrance. It's quite a memorable and sad one.
The main theme for the pilots, S1 and S2 for anything the ninja do together, like flying dragons or the tornado of creation. Aaah!
No complete soundtrack has been put together for DR yet! The Administration track is so funky, haha. I can't wait until they do!
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alpydk · 7 days
Welcome to the Dr. Robert Chase Soundtrack
What do you say: Is this song Chase coded?
Oh the moment I heard that organ playing, yes!
Though to be honest I also get huge brokeback mountain vibes from it as well.
Oh, this song is just so mellow and desperate. Just Chase sinking deeper and deeper into those Australian seas.
Sorry ended up back in s8 there.
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minijenn · 8 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Abominable
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Wow I can't believe Dreamworks made their own version of Up but without the Dead Wife and Flying House and with a Yeti instead of a colorful bird
Anyway, this movie was kind of a mystery to me going in, because I swear to god I've never heard anyone ever talk about this, so I had no idea what to expect out of it. As for what I got, well... it was... actually pretty ok! So let's get into it.
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After the death of her father, teenager Yi has grown distant from her family and her friends, Jin and his younger cousin Peng. That is, until she happens upon an escaped yeti, eventually named Everest, after she decides to help the creature get back to his home on Mount Everest, roping Peng and Jin along for the trip. All the while, they're being chased by the wealthy collector Mr. Burnish and zoologist Dr. Zara, who are determined to recapture the yeti and put it on display.
So yeah, a pretty simple "get mysterious creature back to where they belong" plot that we've seen in plenty of other movies in the past. The movie does kind of fumble over more than a few cliches when it comes to that plot, and the characters, for the most part, are a bit too simple and one-note for my liking. The tone is also a little strange, with some weird humor mixed in with often heavy-handed attempts at whimsy and drama. The pacing is also kind of strange? I don't know how to explain it but something is... off about the way this film presents its story and I can't... seem to articulate why.
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As for the characters, like I said, they're all pretty simple. I feel like Yi is a little confusing and doesn't really have a clear character arc? Like she just decides to help Everest almost immediately after meeting him? Like literally just travel across China on a whim??? What? I get she's an impulsive teenager but still, bruh, that's just wacky. Peng is your typical hyperactive kid character, and he grated on the nerves a handful of times. Out of our main human trio, I think Jin is the best, he's a pretty funny character who goes through an actual arc, starting off as a tech-obsessed stick in the mud before learning to enjoy the journey alongside the others. Everest is also just... your typical cute creature cliche? He doesn't have a ton in the way of a personality and he has these powers that are kind of just... whatever the plot needs them to be? Like deus-ex-machina yeti fr fr out here.
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Our villians are... surprisingly interesting! We start off thinking Mr. Burnish is our greedy big bad capitalist when, surprise! Dr. Zara actually is instead and I love her cause she goes from zero to 100 so fast and yeah, she's a twist villian cliche but I don't care because she kind of a baddie there I said it.
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As for presentation, this movie is honestly gorgeous. Like seriously, it is so damn pretty to look at. The set pieces are so vibrant and colorful and the scale of them is awe-inspiring. The character designs felt kind of weird to me at first, burt I grew used to them as the film went along, and they're animated very nicely. There's a lot of scenes in this movie that were clearly just Dreamworks flexing, and you know what? I'm not gonna fault them for it. They're beautiful.
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Something else that's beautiful about this movie is its score. Yi plays the violin and that actually becomes a major plot point throughout the film and every time she picks that instrument up, we get some truly soulful, beautiful pieces. This soundtrack is nowhere near as memorable as something like HTTYD's but its still absolutely lovely in its own right, I think.
So yeah, Abominable was one of the more surprising movies of the Dreamworks watch. I kept forgetting I would even have to eventually watch it until now, but I think, for what it is, it's ok. I wouldn't call it great, but I wouldn't call it terrible either. It's a perfectly servicable film about a bunch of kids and a yeti going on a cross-country adventure. And sometimes, that's all ya need.
Overall Rating: 6/10
Verdict: Evil Unetical Scientists Can Be Hot Sometimes, Actually
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Previous Review (How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World)
Next Review (Trolls World Tour)
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mostlygibberish · 1 year
"You fire me and I'll make more noise than two skeletons makin' love in a tin coffin, brother."
I liked the part with the Mr. Coffee Jr.
Holy shit. This movie was practically incomprehensible. I mean the plot was simple, but all the dialogue was confusing gibberish, the editing and pacing were horrid, the tone was all over the place, and the ending was laughably stupid.
R.O.T.O.R. (Robotic Officer Tactical Operation Research, a backronym if ever I've seen one) was basically an evil RoboCop knockoff that moved under the power of "a prime directive" instead of "gears and motors", and was about the least intimidating antagonist imaginable. It just sort of slowly walked at people in its stupid leather uniform, showing no emotion on its face 90% of the time, then spent the other 10% getting comically angry at the inanimate objects it kept tripping over and growling like an animal for some reason.
It was repeatedly described as the perfect law enforcer, despite that fact that all it actually did was chase a random woman for days over a traffic stop, and occasionally fall to the ground because a loud noise happened in its general vicinity. A couple of times it used some sort of magic time reversal, scene reconstruction power to track her when it couldn't possibly have tracked her.
Not one person in this movie could naturally deliver a single line of dialogue, let alone act. The incredibly named Barret Coldyron (Richard Gesswein) had negative charisma, and seemed to move and speak in slow motion. He narrated the whole movie like it was a noir thriller, which it most certainly was not, speaking over shots of bright sunny days to the accompaniment of truly bizarre soundtrack choices.
When Dr. Steele (Jayne Smith) was introduced, any hope I briefly held that this random big buff lady would be cool was dashed the moment she spoke. She then accomplished basically nothing, and her pointless death was literally just not acknowledged by anybody. 
Still, at least she died in combat. Coldyron was just shot in the back with a shotgun in the last two minutes, rendering everything that happened up to that point meaningless. They even tried to set up a sequel by introducing his meathead nephew or whatever (and bringing Jayne Smith back as R.O.T.O.R. II), literally seconds before the movie ended.
Throw in a few needlessly racist and sexist scenes, add a good dose of unironic fascist rhetoric about exterminating homeless drug addicts for the good of society, and this utter mess of a movie is just barely worth watching for unintentional comedic value alone.
I don't think I can stress enough how awful R.O.T.O.R. is. A bonus half-star for Jayne Smith's arms.
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wnxwrld · 2 years
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☆ Predebut songs ☆
These are all songs preformed on the survival show I made for my group, idol h!light (you can find it on my old account here) but they also came with music videos explaining the lore of my group
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Makenai - Kae Hanazawa
**to clarify, this song is a little longer in my dr and it’s Korean
This song is more known as the theme song for the last season of sailor moon that isn’t the song that we all associate it with (moonlight desenetsu), I thought that this was perfect for winx because the last season of sailor moon gets more plot driven and darker than the others which is reflected in makenai. This translates well into the context of the Winx lore and could serve as an introduction the lore.
The mv will tell the story of winx as magical girls, fighting against both the government of their planet and eventually succumbing to thier power due to the lack of planning and the fact that they saw things through rose colored glasses and I would like the last scene to be of the four surviving girls using a planet star to turn back time in hopes of stopping themselves from being magical girls in the first place
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Galaxy - ladies code
Alis, Halina, Daisy, Sorella - clear/voyance
Galaxy will serve as a clarification of the motives of clear/voyance (the subunit for the four girls that survived and turned back time) and illustrate through visuals how desperate they are to save the other girls, with visual storytelling similar to legendary girl utena and fritz the cat, I would also like the song itself to be changed slightly to sound more like the soundtrack of NiGHTS - gate of your dreams, featuring snippets of voices because I think it would hammer home the point that the girls still look upon the time they spent with the others favorably, which is exactly why they are devoted to stopping them from becoming magical girls.
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Angel - berry good
Cho hee, Colette, xiao hong, Kimiko - ultraviolet
This song will feature the four girls who the members of clear/voyance aim to protect the most as they are all the most enthusiastic about becoming magical girls in the first reality, all of the others are a little more suspicious of becoming magical girls.
This is implied in the mv that features them searching a private boarding school they go to with seemingly inappropriate levels of defense on the outside (high fences, barbed wire etc) for what seems to be a ghost but is really a character called ‘the scout’ who appears as a black silhouette of various forms throughout mvs but is a figure of a human girl in this one who is stopped from approaching the girls multiple times by the clear/voyance girls in the background of multiple scenes,the girls remain oblivious until the last scene where they see the c/v girls for a second before they disappear to chase the scout.
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Kirakuni- Crystal Kay
Viva, Luisa, luana, xuilan - Dreamcast
Kirakuni tells the story of the other for girls that weren’t as closely defended by the c/v girls and where lured away by the scout who gestures for them to climb the fence and leave the survailence of the c/v girls to go to the mall and skip school, this is a metaphor for how the scout managed to convince them to let thier guard down and indulge in fantasies of becoming a magical girl
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judasiskariot · 15 days
This song isn’t very specific in any way but it’s still got some Chase in it imo
Welcome to the Dr. Robert Chase Soundtrack.
@alpydk what do you say to this submission? Does it gives you Chase vibes?
Yesterday I watched S8E20. Chase to leave is sad, but was necessary, long overdue and the perfect "end" for his character. Very proud.
So it is nice they managed to go from a confused young Chase like in the song, to one who stands with two feet in life and knows from now on to make the right decisions to what does good for him.
(And House and Wilson content is always good!)
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askaceattorney · 2 years
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Dear Dawsongfg,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: 
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I did most of the costumes, but I will also give credit to Co-Mod for creating the sprites for Mia’s, the Skye Sisters’, and others I’m not remembering. The rest of the sprites I did.
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Dear Ladynoirthebest23,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Nope. We’ve pretty much shown all of them. In fact, I was literally making new sprites for the new letters to characters I felt their names could have a costume to go with them. I’m glad you love them regardless.
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(Referenced Link)
Dear Spookylampwinneroperator,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: 
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Erm... the link is broken I’m afraid.
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Dear charicla,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: 
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Thank you very much. I always try to make every Holiday feel something special on this blog. I’m also grateful for the other mods for helping out. 
Co-Mod: Thanks a bunch!  And to you and yours as well!  🎄  (I just recently learned the Start + . technique for adding emojis to anything in Windows.  😄)
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear Anonymous,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Don’t worry, we ALL know what you meant. 
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Dear Ladynoirthebest23,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: That would be the Robert Donny Jr. adaptation. Game of Shadows was especially good. I especially love how it goes into Sherlock’s mind and shows how he plans all of his fights and the outcomes of it. 
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It also has the only adaptation of Sherlock Holmes where John Watson finds out right away that Sherlock wasn’t dead in its movie adaptation of The Final Choice. I really hope they make a third movie, because I would love to see Sherlock’s return and Robert Donny Jr. returning back.
Co-Mod: Same goes for me.  From what I can remember from seeing it a few years ago, both movies were quite the thrill in terms of story buildup and action.  To be fair, I haven’t read any of the books, but topping the kind of writing and acting in those films is top-notch.
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Dear Dawsongfg,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: 
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You seriously need to place the link to the previous letter because I have no idea what you’re talking about. My memory isn’t good enough to remember any specific letter you sent me like what? When was this sent?
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November 1st at 10:15 PM. 
What? I did say we know the date and time all letters are sent.
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Dear Neuroticsurgicalclinicdirector,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: That’s interesting. All I really did with Dr. Grey’s costume was put his sprite on grayscale.
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Dear Skibot99,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: It’s talking about the old mods like Modot, Modthorne and so on. I will fix this. It may be partly my fault because there were a few times when Tumblr decided to get rid of all the links and I had to fix it at least two times. It was frustrating to say the least.
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Dear Dawsongfg,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: I suppose, but those can often confuse me because I don’t play chess and only know the basics of it. Using correspondence chess or any chess boards where you have to solve riddles in letters is not something I would recommend if only because I’m likely to make mistakes. I’m good at roleplaying as characters in letters, not chess.
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Dear Dawsongfg,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: I honestly find it interesting when a villain isn’t your typical twirly-mustached villain. I love it when villains are smart and competent in their craft. It makes them so much more interesting.
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(These three videos)
Dear Dawsongfg,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: It’s good. I really like the different versions of the soundtrack.
Co-Mod: Yeah, I’m just gonna cut to chase...
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That was some amazing work!  I’ve made some things in DAWs before, so I know how tedious it can be.
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear Dawsongfg,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: I’m assuming the link you were referring to was a letter from another set of mod letters, because I don’t see anything in this batch that matches up with what this letter is talking about. 
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I have done letters where multiple versions of a character answer it, but it’s all one at a time. Rarely do I have multiple characters answer it and, when they do, it’s often during what we mods call “breaking canon for the lolz” where we break our own rules of how letters are answered because it’d be funny. One such example is having Athena answer a letter mocking her angrily by having her be so angry that she creates an explosion or sends Vikings to attack. However, even with “breaking canon for the lolz,” it has to make sense within context. It can’t be random. I don’t do random comedy anyhow.
- The Mods
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tv + movie: 17, 28, 31, 97, 99 c:<
oh my GOD ive been ambushed by my own PARTNER wtF!!!!! hehe
17. A show that you love to hate?
oh somehow this is much easier for me <- enjoys the potential of things way more than things that are mid or actually good
So alot of like 90s video game cartoons probably fit here, the super mario show, the legend of zelda show, all of the tumblr classics like dr who supernatural or sherlock, but if i had to like choose ONE it would be sonic underground. that show sucks so hard but its so fun and has a bunch of bangers
28. What is your favourite movie from the 80′s?
i looked up 80s movies on letterboxed and like the first page was a ton of movies i love so im . gonna have to rly think abt this... ok ive decided its The Thing. that thang. that movie rocks so hard bro like genuinely (also glad i didnt see a fave from the 70s q on this list bc that would b so much harder o.o"")
31. Favourite movie from the 2010′s +?
Thought this was 2000s so i was GONNA say lake mungo but since its 2010s then It Follows would be my pick!! its such a good movey.... i wanna watch it again i think ive only seen it once but it sticks out so much in my mind its SUCH a good movie
97. Think of a positive movie experience you will never forget?
Well what am i SUPPOSED to put here other than when i went down to see uuuu my partner bc we were gonna see sonic 2 together! and it was so nice being able to grab ur hand SO FUCKING excitedly when shadow came on screen c: <3 and then just infodumping SO HARD and constantly pacing and moving around and u just being like *heart eyes* the whole time like come ONNNN i love u <3 it was nice hehe
99. Best movie soundtrack?
hmm this ones a toughie bc . movie soundtracks all sound the same to me,,, i know its kind of cheating to use a musical but genuinely id just listen to the ambient tracks for the nightmare before christmas... but outside of musicals probably it follows? both of them id just listen to in general but the ost for it follows WOULD give me anxiety lmao the chase music is so o.o""""""\
link back to the tv and movies ask game for anyone else who may want to send numbers n get those qs answered!
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Sunday, August 18th: Brat Summer, Demure Fall, and all the other memes that make horrible sense
First of all: check it. Soil could help save 1/7th of our super deadly carbon emissions. Is my ultimate conspiracy theory that it's already to late to save the planet but scientists can't handle all of humanity panicking? Yup. Still, uplifting.
Reading: Princess Diana's autobiography. Also Anna-Marie Tendler's autobiography got absolutely ROASTED by Celebrity Memoir Book Club and that has swiftly become my new favorite podcast.
Writing: An essay on running from a depressive view point
Cooking: Made artichoke and feta burgers today. Heavy is the hand that adds the garlic.
Political Awareness: Kamala Harris wants to incentivize affordable housing, ban fracking, and curb "greedflation" on important medications. JD Vance wants to fuck a couch. How is this election fucking close?
Loving Relationships: Monika, Makenna, Dad, Mom, Lauren, Ash, Bonnie, Natalie, Aunt Kelly and so on. No beef as far there is beef to be had. Such a relief always to be surrounded by the right people for me.
Getting Outside: Ruined my hair but I slathered on some sunscreen a ran around PB for a solid 30 minutes. It's pathetic how quickly I'm memorizing what streets have shade on them. Grabbed a Pressed Juice that went down a little spicy.
Dressing w/ style: Light green and white floral midi-dress handed down to me from Makenna (so sweet), white slide sandals, and a simple single pearl on a necklace.
Cleaning: My eyes may have lost a layer of moisture but the toilet is shining, the mirrors in the house have been windexed, and the floors have been mopped. I took out the trash and put away the dishes. Still to brace ourselves: dealing with the now very dead and rotting bee hive in the wall. *gags* Why do bad things happen to good bee-killers?
Organization: Planned like a woman possessed for the week ahead. Tomorrow for rougher tasks I plan to implement the Pomodoro technique- and maybe implicitly acknowledge I have ADHD in the process.
Yoga: 20 minutes stretching and supposedly relaxing while reruns of The Bear (the most intense show about beef) were shown on TV. Downward Dog? Yes, Chef.
Cardio: Those stretches were needed however as I hit 200 miles today baby! Knocked out a 5 K and my larger goal while sweating and listening to the "Six" musical soundtrack. Can I get a buzzer? Goalllllll! You didn't think I could do it, did yah? WELL, I DID, MOTHAHFUCKAHS. And while this is definitely a late 20s cry for importance, it's still cheaper than having a baby.
Meditation: I actually whipped out my meditation cushion and incense for today's focus on shedding. What does one gain from meditation? Nothing. It's about what we lose: fogginess, anxiety, impatience, and the need to change the current moment. I found myself so excited about the plans I made for tomorrow and realized I could channel that energy in to the very moment, the very next habit I wanted to nail.
Comedy: I reminded myself of one of my own favorite beginning quotes: You know whose had it too good for too long? Also writing a bit about when addicts swing to health extremes and suddenly act with authority. "Mmmm you once chased me through a vons parking lot on what you were 'pretty sure' was ketamine., but thanks Dr. Oz."
Some version of: that it's great that you went to rehab but it doesn't make you wiser or more of an expert on life now, it's kind of like bragging to other kids that you're more educated than them because you had to go Summer School.
Hydration/Sobriety: Check and check
Sunscreen/Skincare: I'm over here looking like a dolphin
New experiences: Never made that type of burger or drank that pressed juice, never have ran that exact running route, never wore that green dress before, never had listened to the Comedy Memoir Book Club before, never cleaned with such effective bleach before annnnd I woke up earlier today because I played a memory game on my new alarm.
Woof, just reading that I'm a little ty ty. A day worth living that got 100%.
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kanisema-blog · 4 months
The fluorescent lights of the metro cast a sterile glow on my worn notebook. I flipped through the pages, densely packed with notes for the upcoming seminar at City U. A knot of nerves tightened in my stomach. Presenting research in front of such esteemed academics was daunting, but the bigger picture calmed me. This was the culmination of years of work, a journey intertwined with the man sitting beside me, Liam.
It all started here, on a stifling summer day seven years ago. The air crackled with nervous anticipation as freshmen, we jostled for space in this very same carriage. Back then, Liam sported a mop of unruly hair and a nervous smile that made my own heart skip a beat. We bonded over a shared love for obscure science fiction authors, our conversation flowing effortlessly amidst the morning rush.
Over the years, the metro became our classroom, our study hall, our haven. We'd sketch out ideas on crumpled napkins, debate theories with passionate fervor, and steal shy glances across crowded platforms. The rhythmic rumble of the train became a comforting soundtrack to our budding love story.
There were times when our paths diverged. He chased his dream internship across the country, leaving a gaping hole in my daily commute. The silence was deafening. But technology, a blessing and a curse, kept us connected. We'd spend hours on grainy video calls, sharing anxieties and dreams, the pixelated image a lifeline across the miles.
When he finally returned, that first meeting back on the metro platform was electric. We embraced under the indifferent gaze of the commuters, the familiar scent of his cologne a forgotten comfort. Our research paths had converged, leading us to this very seminar, a testament to the resilience of our love and our shared passion.
He nudged me now, his eyes twinkling. "Ready to wow them, Dr. Evans?" he teased, using the title I hadn't quite gotten used to yet. A smile bloomed on my face. Dr. Evans, the woman presenting groundbreaking research, was also the girl who fell in love with a boy with messy hair on a crowded train ride.
The train screeched to a halt, announcing our stop. We stepped onto the platform, hand in hand, a familiar yet extraordinary feeling. This seminar wasn't just about research; it was a validation of our journey, a testament to the love that had fueled our academic fire. Together, we walked towards the university, the rhythmic clatter of our shoes a steady beat against the backdrop of our long, extraordinary love story.
0 notes
rockonyou717 · 4 months
Posting my review of Django Unchained of Letterboxd here. Maybe some might like it. I feel like most miss the importance of its story and very inception.
Spoilers ahead!
Am I an excessive violence fan? A Western fan?
No. But this film is absolutely amazing. A peak revenge film that has you smiling from ear to ear as you witness Django and Dr. King Schultz take on some incredibly smarmy people.
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Django Unchained is a fascinating film. Christoph Waltz knocks it it of the park as a lovely and cunning German immigrant with the alias of being a dentist. He brings fun shades of humour and warmth, a perfect contrast for Django's icy personality (though Django is not immune to being just as funny and warm in this film). Christop Waltz and Jamie Foxx, like Schultz and Django alike, complement each other perfectly. Each of their presences is unique and though they are different, they glue you to the screen nonetheless!
Leonardo DiCaprio, when he's not chasing 20-somethings, absolutely fulfills his role as Calvin Candie to the highest degree. He gives off an incredibly perfect amount of ignorance and malice in his role. DiCaprio steals almost every scene he stars in, impossible as it may seem when you have talents like Waltz and Foxx there for the ride. DiCaprio brings such an insufferable unpleasantness to his role that you easily understand why Schultz would instead take a bullet than shake his hand.
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The direction and the cinematography are both amazing and easily backed up by such a star-studded cast.
The film’s handling of slavery and its various nuances has been heavily criticized over the years by many critics. Many of them white. It feels as though these critics have misunderstood that not only this is this a well-done revenge film but it is a blatant satire and commentary on social injustices, the production of blaxploitation films, and the still true notion that our wider society still isn’t ready to have a candid discussion about slavery.
Proper discussion of slavery and its impact has caused for modern cinema audiences have a cautious appetite for authentic, honest and non-sensational films about the slave trade, especially from those that were enslaved. This film was never going to fulfill that. Why must any film with a black lead, one who lives in the past, consist of the same story about slavery? Is that not just forcing a minority group into a box yet again?
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This film had little to do with slavery and instead used slavery as a backdrop for the actual plot. This isn't a film that is about the slave trade. This is a story of revenge that stems from the slave trade. It is a bit different in that regard. This film is about a slave breaking free. The fact that many got incredibly angry over the revenge killing of white people in this film has shown that the commentary has fallen on blind eyes/deaf ears. Ask not why one should be upset about the on-screen killing of whites but why others are enjoying it.
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Conservative columnist Jeff Kuhner wrote saying: "Anti-white bigotry has become embedded in our postmodern culture. Take Django Unchained. The movie boils down to one central theme: the white man as devil—a moral scourge who must be eradicated like a lethal virus."
Mr. Kuhner missed the point of the film entirely, focusing only on the killing of white people. A shame indeed. Being upset about a film that involves killing whites while it's set during the time of slavery is quite telling indeed.
Samuel L. Jackson told Vogue Man that "Django Unchained was a harder and more detailed exploration of what the slavery experience was than 12 Years a Slave, but director Steve McQueen is an artist and since he's respected for making supposedly art films, it's held in higher esteem than Django, because that was basically a blaxploitation movie."
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Jamie Foxx and Samuel L Jackson seemed to understand what exactly the story was looking to tell. This is a film with social commentary, incredible storytelling, a hell of a soundtrack, and multiple characters to love. It's not perfectly historically accurate but it doesn't need to be. Its story, exposure of blaxploitation films, and its gritty, satisfying revenge make for a killer film that makes sticking it to the "white devil" all the more satisfying. It still isn't enough though.
This is a pure revenge film at its core and it's never been such a greater joy to watch.
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