#dr hikari
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dr-hikari-journal · 1 year
Day 1
I have not journalled since I was a teen and Henry forced me to. I assume that all my therapist wants is for me to write about whatever comes to mind. Or maybe my day. Since I am not sure, I suppose I will just do whatever feels right.
Patient D-R-A-1-0-6-1 has once again been admitted into The Clinic; there is zero surprise here. I don't know what he hopes to get out of these little attempts besides attention. However, he doesn't seem the type to seek attention. He is just shy of his thirteenth year on earth and fourth here at the institute. I had hoped after he arrived fully feral and off the streets that he would have calmed and adjusted to life here after a year or two.
I should have known better than to assume that he would ever be anything but a headache for me and my staff. He bit a nurse on his way in today and they are still sitting several yards away and giving him wary glances.
I will never know what my son sees in this untamed child. Clarence has always had a bit of a nose for lost-causes. He gets it from his mother I think; she never has had the common sense to avoid things that are bad for her. If she did, her and Clarence wouldn't be in this institute in the first place.
I hope Dr. Ryan doesn't plan to read this journal. If she does I'll suggest that she give one to patient D-R-A-1-0-6-1 instead. I'm sure I'm not the only person here who would like to know what goes on in that head of his. It must be a crazy place if the only thing he can think to do for entertainment is to act without a thought and injure himself.
In other news, Harriet is doing better in class now. I was worried that he would be unable to adjust, but he has become friends with this absolutely mousy little girl. Kindergarten won't be the challenging year I feared it would be for my little Harry. He has been missing his mother and Clare though so I suppose I should ask his new nanny to bring him by within the next few weeks.
I miss seeing him all the time like I did when he was a baby. Henry would bring him in his tiny little stroller with Clare practically attached to his hip. Melody was always worried that the boys would become more attached to Henry then her with all the time he spent caring for them while Melody and I were working. I guess it did all work out in her favor.
As I'm writing this patient D-R-A-1-0-6-1 is being escorted back to his room to finish recovering from today's activities. I'm sure Clare will find me within the next few hours to try and wheedle an answer out of me about what happened to D-R-A-1-0-6-1 this time and I have paperwork to fill out thanks to him so I will end this entry by saying that this was not as horrible as I expected it to be. I'm sure I won't have the time to do this daily like I was instructed, but I do feel a bit better now.
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mewkwota · 2 months
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The XYZ's and ABC's-ish
I wanted to make a comic with Dr. Light's kids-who-also-happen-to-be-parents. This whole thing could've worked, however her name is Emilia. Close enough.
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playsthetics · 1 year
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MBTI: My Favourite Characters
ESFP (12/16)
Midari Ikishima (Kakeguri)
Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter)
Maddy Perez (Euphoria)
Dr. Frank-N-Furter (The Rocky Horror Picture Show)
Marla Singer (Fight Club)
Hikari Kuina (Alice in Borderland)
Joey Tribbiani (Friends)
Villanelle (Killing Eve)
Tiffany Valentine (Chucky)
Young-sook (The Call)
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sminny-wew · 1 month
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A buncha Megaman Battle Network doodles from across the summer
- Bass w/o helmet and Falzar Bass attacking the Cossaks, unfinished b/c I lost steam with it - Dark Megaman in a copybot learning about the Magic of Friendship from Lan's son Patch - "Kei Yuki" is an alias Sean from BN2 uses in the manga, I thought it'd be interesting if there was a disguise to go with that alias using his Lord Gospel/Kid Grave color scheme - BN designs for Layer, Alia, and Pallette (humans) and X and Axl (navis) from Mega Man X, Idk what I wanna do with them yet tho - Saito and Iggy from @dunedragon's fic Running Up That Hill just hangin out together
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bizzaredreame · 2 months
Give Bright a chicken :3
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I can't draw birds so i used a png.
Thd chicken just broke into Bright's office, he doesn't know what to do with it though.
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ntwarrior · 1 year
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reposting this image from months back because i still think this is the funnies thing ive ever drawn
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somechubbynerd · 1 month
I was perusing your AO3 account as I do, and I couldn't help but notice how you whenever there's a character with glasses. Is that intentional?
how I what?
If you mean my work specifically, I can't say I've done anything in particular with any character who wears glasses?
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harveybwabbit92 · 4 months
[When Giant! reader asks Hikari if Akari could shrink her back to normal with her size manipulation ability? after seeing Akari shrink Fuma down to human size while they were playing hide and seek with the other ultra teens. Hikari reluctantly sets up a meeting and immediately Akari reject's R/n's request.]
R/n: Why? You can do it, I saw you do it with that ninja kid!
Akari: Cos your body wouldn't handle it.
R/n: How would you know if you haven't even-
Akari: I have. The result was not pretty.
Hikari, apprehensive: You've tested your abilities on humans before?
Akari: A human, it was a one time thing on a criminal; a human trafficker. And it was supervised by Butcher and Milene.
R/n, annoyed: Well, what happened?
Akari: Things started out fine... Y'know, Without me bashing the guy's skull in for being a creep; I managed grow him to about 55 feet tall, After an hour of Q&A they told me to shrink him back down to normal.
Hikari: And?
Akari: Due to stress from the rapid shrinkage; His insides basically turned to soup.
R/n, blanches: Wh-
Akari: I touched his ankle, he shrank back down when Mile started asking him more questions; he wouldn't answer her then this pink sludge started leaking from his eyes, nose and ears and then he fell over.
Akari: Once we realized he was dead; Butcher decided to open him up right there and... Uh, have you see one of those grass bubbles being drained?
R/n, gags and throws her hands over her mouth: Please stop...
Akari: Sorry...On both accounts. If you want I can ultra size some extra clothes and few earth snacks if that'll cheer you up?
R/n: It would...*under her breath* Though, I don't think I'll be eating anything for a while...
{Hikari pats her on the back]
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weibenwolken · 11 months
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Hello, I'm back with another horrible crossover edit
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dr-hikari-journal · 1 year
Day 2
I don't think I realized how much Clare cares about patient D-R until now. As I predicted, he came storming into my office about an hour after his friend was escorted back to his room.
He had plenty of choice words to use on me and seemed really, genuinely angry. It didn't even matter what I said, he was so insistent that I had something to do with the injuries. I've contacted Harriet's nanny to try and get him up here as soon as possible. Maybe that will help Clare feel better.
I did try to reason with him, but he was simply impossible to get through to with my lack of a proper excuse. I just wouldn't feel right telling him how patient D-R actually sustained his wounds; he seemed wary enough as it was to stop denying it himself despite the fact that we all knew what happened already.
Clare left last night still mad at me and I don't know what to do. I would have contacted his mother if I thought that wench would do anything but turn him against me even more.
I miss Henry The more I try to wrap my head around the things that have been going on lately, the more tired I am.
A girl died during surgery this morning. It was such a basic procedure, too; we never considered it would go wrong. She was one of the younger ones and was apparently harboring a problem with blood clotting due to a medication we had her on that interfered with it only for her. At least as far as we know. She bled out within minutes internally and we had no clue until she stopped responding to stimuli and coded.
Obviously, we've gathered up the other hundreds of kids on the medication into a separate block of rooms to do testing for the next couple of days. While it isn't exactly a huge hit to us to lose one patient, we can't have a repeat over and over again with only a limited number of subjects. We must be vigilant.
I would be lying if I said this didn't scare me. She was the same age as Harry.
Luckily her parents are long dead so they don't have to receive news of her death or lies to cover it up. I'm never quite sure which route the institute is wanting to take at any given time and I am hardly the most important doctor here to give such information to.
One day I will get used to the death and the burden of caring for others' well-being. This is a place of science, not a place of emotion. I can't risk losing sight of our objective. I joined on only a bit later than everyone else on the team, but they still treat me like some nervous student who needs his hand held to do anything right and can't handle a little gruesomeness.
I'll be sure to show them with time.
On the subject of students though, we have apparently acquired a new intern. He's a patient too, which might prove to be a nuisance in the future, but he is one of the ones who has been spoonfed the lines about finding a cure for the illness that got them stuck here in the first place and is very passionate about it.
I have had my eye on patient F-X-W-2-1-4-1 for a little while now. He is quite a suck-up if I do say so myself; prone to care much more about making sure we staff members like him than anything else. I'm sure that will be useful in some capacity later on. It's never a bad thing to have someone unwaveringly loyal on your side and perhaps we'll be able to use him to bridge the gap between us and the rest of the patients.
We'll have to hope he doesn't just fuck everything up in the long run.
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mewkwota · 2 months
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I focus on the Light/Hikari Family the most, but every so often I'll look over to Wily's line too. It never actually occurred to me that my helmetless take on King would be the exact same as Wily's only human son (somehow I forgot Regal existed at the time, oops sorry).
Also is it not funny that both are named after something like royalty? It ends up working out, yay I hit a full-circle without thinking again! ( ~' <')~
Alas boys, your dad would not know everything about Wily's family. (1) Why would he? (2) King is kinda estranged now. (3) Maybe ask Grandpa.
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techypotatoartist · 2 months
New Fic
This is quite the surprise : a new fic is posted! Something to help with art block and fuel BassRock (EXE) itch ID
If you're interested reading it, here's the link:
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sminny-wew · 3 months
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Meant to draw this for Father's Day but the timing didn't pan out so anywayyyyy :3c
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