Emerald the Lynx
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emeraldthelynx · 2 minutes ago
Quick thing about modern takes on Sonic's character. Sonic is a character who does things because they seem interesting. Water monster attacking policemen? "Hey this looks like it could be fun!" Getting a menacing letter from your arch-nemesis? "Yeah let's party!" Looking over a canyon's edge where you can't even see the bottom? "Wooooo!" The thing is, Sonic follow his own thoughts and beats. Everyone around him is just lucky that he's got a sense of justice.
Thing is, Sonic doesn't exactly have a sense of what is wrong and what is right. He doesn't care what is wrong and what is right because he just follows his heart. All this is in his theme for crying out loud! "I can't tell what is wrong and what is right", and "it doesn't matter who is wrong or who is right." "It doesn't matter," that line being used out of context of the "who is wrong or who is right" part makes the viewer think that Sonic is just a guy who does everything chill and right because it's good. I'll reiterate, everybody in Sonic's world is lucky that he has a sense of justice.
The official manuals say that Sonic dislikes tears, and that he hates injustice. He is a chill guy, until somebody makes him angry. Sonic's anger at evil, that gut feeling of what he knows evil is, is missing from modern Sonic.
One last thing, and I know this ramble is becoming very disjointed, but Sonic not caring about what others think has transformed from coolness to "Sonic why are you so stupid, why don't you listen to your friends? All these mistakes could have been avoided if you had!" And that bugs me. Sonic doesn't listen only when he thinks what somebody has said won't work. He listens, he thinks about it, and then makes a choice. Steps one and two have been forgotten in more recent takes. (I'm looking at you, Sonic Prime!) The last thing I want to mention about this point is that when Sonic does make a mistake, he doesn't give up. Mistake is there, yeah, but he doesn't care. He'll keep trying. He won't beat himself up about the mistake. Case in point, in Sonic Adventure 2, when he walks into the capsule and is about to be blown up in outer space, he just looks at a fake Emerald and decides "this might work!"
To summarize, I'm sick of Sonic being "What's that? Couldn't hear you over the sounds of my own awesomeness!" He's "Okay, you do that, I believe in you, I'll do my own thing" and everybody knows that Sonic's own thing will pull through, even if it doesn't make any sense.
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emeraldthelynx · 26 minutes ago
I love SatBK, it's everything a Sonic game should be to me. This are perfect renditions of these voice lines!
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A knave and his sword
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emeraldthelynx · 31 minutes ago
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Rockman & X Anniversary Sorry this to be late and I now tried to more rushed it and decide to be done 😅
Also tried to keep it simple too
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emeraldthelynx · 2 hours ago
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The haunted Tamagotchi in question
i'm really enjoying aile's life. this (i assume) teenager is orphaned, has a full-time job as a delivery girl, then her caretaker/employer dies in front of her eyes and she's thrust into a lead mech magical girl role and has to do everything by herself in classic megaman fashion. and on the side she still has to do her job to get enough money to upgrade her six haunted tamagotchis
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emeraldthelynx · 3 hours ago
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DarkMagician - YugiMuto AIBO AIBO
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emeraldthelynx · 3 hours ago
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Mets can be friendly sometimes if you're patient enough
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emeraldthelynx · 3 hours ago
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emeraldthelynx · 3 hours ago
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I was given permission to upload this, so this is my contribution to the Sega x Capcom Fan Zine: Chill NetCafe Times with MegaMan.EXE, Sage, and Nicole the Holo Lynx (ft. Roll and some Mettaurs)! I had a ton of fun with this piece and I was happy to draw Sonic characters again! I also didn't realize how fitting the main three here would be together considering the origins and backstories... Happy accident I suppose! As a note: the zine isn't finished yet, so I will be reblogging this artwork when it is out! BlueSky: https://bsky.app/profile/sapphirestarz11.bsky.social/post/3lgqhmqcm4s2o
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emeraldthelynx · 2 days ago
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emeraldthelynx · 2 days ago
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Because Ryou took forever to learn how to swim and insisted that he could, making me rescue him.
Many. Many. Times.
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emeraldthelynx · 2 days ago
My Chao!
Using the Chao Island 3D Viewer on Chao Island (I highly recommend it now after using it! It's ad-free and entirely online), I was able to make fairly approximate models of my five Station Square Chao in Sonic Adventure DX!
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This is Yugi! I intended for him to be a Run Chao, but he had other plans. He always seems to fall asleep when I want to give him little animals, either that or he's swimming in the pool. He's won three races in the Beginner Class, but has fallen asleep in the middle of a race on more than one occasion.
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This is Puzzle. Puzzle was meant to be a Swim Chao, and actually pulled it off! I don't enter Puzzle in as many races as I do Yugi, even thought they were both born at the same time. Puzzle just likes swimming around, and occasionally choking on fruit. (Every time, Puzzle! Stop choking! I know you like fruit, but please stop!)
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This is Ryou! (It took everything in my strength not to name him Bakura...) He's a Fly Type Chao, but I love giving Koala Bears because it makes him look huggible. Ryou can't run. He can't swim. He has no power, and no stamina. That's a slight exaggeration, but it's true! He's probably the most cheerful of the bunch, and loves getting headpats.
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I name this little guy Brock because of his eyes. Brock is a wise Chao, and very easy-going. I'm kinda biased about him because I didn't know how to get the Chao Egg from the Antique Shop when I played Sonic Adventure in middle school, but now, as a responsible adult, I can Google it and have Brock in my garden! He's an artist, and his favourite subjects to color are Sonic and a Hero Chao.
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Rei is just kinda vibing. I don't have a lot to say about him except that he only gets kangaroos, and is usually awake when I want to give them to him. He also evolved when I wasn't looking and I honestly couldn't tell at all that he had changed. (I had to race him to find it out.)
Please ask about the Chao! I really like these little guys, and I plan to keep all of them alive.
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emeraldthelynx · 2 days ago
I haven't seen any of Zexal, but this is a Zelda crossover, and I approve of interesting crossovers!
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Zexal Twilight princess AU
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emeraldthelynx · 3 days ago
I find this very amusing
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Shadow after he runs over sonic for the 20th time
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emeraldthelynx · 4 days ago
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emeraldthelynx · 4 days ago
I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but my least favorite part of designing a character is the color design. Like, what do you mean my black-and-white drawing doesn't correspond to colors?
Help me...
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emeraldthelynx · 4 days ago
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Me @ Myself
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emeraldthelynx · 5 days ago
Woah! This is sick! I love the way X is putting his hand on Volnutt's shoulder
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The father son duo ever!! I wanted to experiment with this for a while!
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