#dr gyro
sweettjrose · 16 days
I've seen this piece of art floating around and I don't know where it comes from (if you know please tell me) but I think it's from some type of promotional piece from Disney.
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But can we just talk about it... like...
It's so interesting seeing characters from the comics be done in what seems like the official Disney art style. That barely happens from what I know.
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I mean we have Trudy (my queen 👑), a very creepy Detective Casey, Gladstone, Fethry (I love his hat 💕), Gladstone, and Brigitta.
Though oddly enough Pete seems to lean more into the comics style with his eyes which feels out of place.
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But that's not all we also have Gyro Gearloose, Little Helper, Gus Goose, and Grandma Duck (though she was in an actual Disney short with Donald)
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AND THEN... we have John D. Rockerduck (No Lusky though), Chief O'Hara, Doctor Einmug, Magica (I hope that's not the number 1 dime in her hands), and...
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Those are Ducktales characters. Not from the comics??? What are they doing here? In fact is the Gyro from the comics or from Ducktales???
This is just so weird. I didn't expect to see characters from the Disney duckverse comics, mouseverse comics, and Ducktales TV show in a single piece of art that seems to be official.
What is this???
What is this for???
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cloverconsolass · 3 months
hiii i hope you're doing well! if you'd like to draw him i would love to see gyro in your style in some way or form... thank you!
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Dawg….He was WAY more fun to draw than i expected so i got carried away….
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A compilation of Gyro Gearloose in his “Im trans and will wear what I want” era
only he's like me and what he wanted to wear was the outfit of a nineteenth century headmistress.
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Gyro honey I know you think that looks cool. But if you're gonna spring for puffy sleeves, you gotta at least commit. I don't wanna see any more of that Snow White bullshit.
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nashikichi · 3 months
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local-meme-lord · 1 month
Mickeys former criminal friends
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Donald duck is dead
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That's a long list
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pov your evil clone who no one takes seriously has teamed up with your old evil mentor and now they’re suddenly a huge threat
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ducklooney · 6 days
Hiya! Dunno if you're the right person to ask, but since you seem to like Gyro Gearloose as much as I do, do you think that he should have a love interest? Now, I know most people ship him with Fenton and I know he used to have multiple girlfriends in comics (like Dana Data or Mathilda) but none of them were used afterwards (they were just one-shot characters I think) nor were really his "type" in my opinion. I remember some years ago, I had an oc that was supposed to be Gyro's "female counterpart" (like most of Duckverse/Mouseverse characters' love interests are) and a girlfriend but it kinda failed, I plan on redesigning her soon. However I've seem some people headcanoning him as asexual what I'm fine with, but I still think it would be a fun idea to imagine what his actual love interest would look like if it was canon
Hi! Yes, Gyro is one of my favorite characters. No, you've asked a good question since Gyro doesn't have a longtime love interest like Donald has Daisy. Usually many Gyro fans ship Gyro with male characters and not only Fenton but also Donald, Fethry, Gladstone, Mad Ducktor and others. Yes, I know that there are mostly disposable girls in comics, but in my opinion Gyro has a corresponding love of the opposite gender. And that he has his own love interests that have appeared more than once. In my opinion, they would be some of these characters:
Dickie Duck - Paperetta Ye Ye Dickie is a college girl in her early 20s and she is the granddaughter of Goldie O'Gilt from the Italian and Brazilian comics. Gyro is roughly between 25 and 30, but the two can really relate. Gyro is mostly kind to Dickie and seems quite shy. It was best shown in the comic strip Ducks on the Road where Gyro, Dickie and Daisy go on a tour of the USA playing music from the 1960s and 1970s and there Gyro and Dickie literally love each other. I think they would work well.
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2. Genialina Edy Son
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Most people don't know who she is, so I'll just say she's mostly a seamstress and fashion designer and the lead costume designer for Super Daisy (She-Venger or Paperinika). Just as Gyro serves Duck Avenger for gadgets and his costume, so does she for Paperinika. I think in an Italian comic (it's called Topolino) that she and Gyro love each other, so they really have similar personalities and I think they can relate together. And they are the same age if I'm not mistaken. She was created by Giorgio Cavazzano and that she used to be a student of Gyro around inventing gadgets and as I said before they can really be together.
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3. Unnamed female chicken from Sir Gyro de Gearloose episode from Ducktales 1987
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Unfortunately, her name is not known, but in my opinion she is also an excellent partner for Gyro. She only appeared once to get her toaster fixed but it ended up breaking so she was mad at Gyro whom she called Gyro "Gadget boy". Later when Gyro and Donald's nephews came back from medieval times she came to apologize and Gyro fixed her toaster and she gave him a bouquet of flowers as a sign of apology. Or was it the other way around, I can't remember exactly, but she's certainly a great partner for Gyro, but unfortunately she doesn't have a name, so she could be called anything.
4. Dr Sara Bellum
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Yes, that's her name, even before her namesake in the series The Powerpuff Girls and the same namesake in the Carmen Sandiego series. It's just that she's from Darkwing Duck and she's an extremely excellent scientist who is the head of S.H.U.S.H.'s research division and works for S.H.U.S.H. organization against F.O.W.L. She is also clumsy at times and her inventions go awry. Smart and stupid at the same time, but her desire is to win the Nobel Prize and she is really very pleasant. And somehow she reminds of scientists from the Far East who came to America. Of course she and Gyro never met or met except maybe in the Dangerous Currency comic (crossover Ducktales and Darkwing Duck comic), so I can't say for sure, but I definitely think she and Gyro would get along great and maybe Gyro would work for S .H.U.S.H. to have the opportunity to do so. Since I usually cross sometimes Darkwing Duck with Donald Duck as well as their characters so why not with Gyro with Dr. Sara Bellum. In my opinion, the same ideal pair, although more like my headcanon, but it depends how for whom.
5. Della Duck
It sounds twisted, but I can really make the two of them work. Granted, this was only in Ducktales 2017, where the two really didn't have a good relationship, considering Della was stuck on the moon for ten years and used Gyro's Black Licorice invention to survive and when she got back to Earth she was supposed to takes revenge but only one episode had Gyro almost attack Della (I think it's in the Timephoon episode but I'm not sure) so she fought back. Unfortunately, there was no interaction between the two of them in that series, but I could have made that couple work, even though I don't ship them. I'm wondering if Gyro is the father of Huey, Dewey and Louie from Ducktales 2017 since he took Della Duck's DNA and cloned them. Again this is purely theoretical and my hypothesis.
As for comic book Gyro and comic book Della, they get along very well, even Gyro managed to speak with Della Duck in a Dutch comic dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Donald Duck and his birthday. Although they didn't talk much, Huey, Dewey and Louie talked more with their mom, but certainly if Della Duck came back to Earth they could work together as a good couple, in my opinion.
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Source: https://imgur.com/a/family-ties-della-duck-debut-comic-3iGqH
That Gyro has other girlfriends, although I can't remember exactly what their names are and which one would be right for him. It's not a problem if Gyro is with an OC (original character) either, so it all depends on who you pair him with.
These are just my suggestions and my views as I see it. I hope I helped you and I apologize to others if this bothers them, this is just my opinion. I hope you are satisfied with my answers and if something is not clear to you, feel free to ask me. :D
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soupy-cosmos · 9 months
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We are so back
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So i found something.
This is from the original cutscene from Toontown Online that the story of Toontown Rewritten was based on. For the Corperate Clash players in the audiance, The Cog pressing buttons is our "The Chairman" and he's set up to be the BBEG of TTR
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I've never noticed, but his hands are designed to be toon gloves
All the other Cogs have five fingers, and none of them have the three glove lines.
There's also this from the official blog...
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The way Surlee talks about The Chairman...makes him sound like a son to him.
I think The Chairman might be more Toony then we thought
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shychick-52 · 1 year
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"It's not that I don't want to care for someone or have someone care for me. It's just... I get scared."
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"Face your fears, Dr. Gearloose."
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Back in March I had a Professional shoot done for my Dr Ferdinand cosplay as it was the first time I debuted him. The description I gave my photographer was “Aristocratic, self-important, whorish, and androgynous.”
I wish at this time I had my thigh highs that I now use for him😭
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Conversations had a few days before disaster
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sherbetlemonss · 2 years
Very very messy Gyro Astro Boyd angst doodles bc I was listening to this song (it’s This night has opened my eyes btw) and felt inspired
Single doodles:
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kurosublackvinegar979 · 7 months
This was one of the wackiest YTPs I made yet. Also ⚠️Warning‼️, in a fit of rage Scrooge McDuck ‼️A$$@ults‼️ a Realtor while Courage accidentally and brutally punches Enzo in the face in this video.
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evil scientist shenanigans
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grimescum · 8 months
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characters Axl Low, Billy Lenz, Choptop Sawyer, Faust, Herbert West, Jigen Daisuke, Michael, Nikola Orsinov, Tommy Coolatta, Walter C Dornez
Narancia Ghirga, Jan Valentine, Gyro Zepelli, Slayer
★ playlists may not share the same songs as their youtube or spotify counterparts. will be fixed eventually.
★ the spotify playlists are usually much more 'polished' and have more songs, the yt playlists come with extra songs and videos
Axl Low
youtube | spotify
Billy Lenz
youtube | spotify
Choptop Sawyer
youtube | spotify
youtube | spotify
Herbert West
youtube | spotify
Jigen Daisuke
youtube | spotify
youtube | spotify
Nikola Orsinov
youtube | spotify
Tommy Coolatta
youtube | spotify
Walter C. Dornez
youtube | spotify
youtube specific Narancia Ghirga, Jan Valentine, Gyro Zepelli, Slayer
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