#dont get me wrong very pretty park but like a couple miles out of the way of things
siobhanromee · 1 year
I've been a bit radio silent for the past few days, so idk life updates in the tags
#I went to a dance with a group of friends and it was already kinda weird#Bc there were 2 couples and then a pair who were going as a pair of friends#And like we decided to go to a park#Well not we exactly but they decided to go to a park 20 minutes out of the way#To take pictures#dont get me wrong very pretty park but like a couple miles out of the way of things#And communication was SO bad to me about the pictures and where they were going to be taken#And someone texted me that we were meeting at 4 but then texted me like a while before#That they were running late and pushed it to 430#So I didnt rush to get ready#But like then. As I left I was texted 'actually we weren't as late as we thought. Come whenever' so I got there at 4:20 (still earlier than#the altered time)#But everyone else was there and they took some pictures before i got there#Which is understandable. But I've only seen those pictures posted. Even though I was there and a bunch of pictures have me in them#So conspiracy brain is like ah yes they hate me and think I'm ugly and therefore posted none of the pictures I'm in#Whic h I know is fucking bullshit in my reasonable brain but emotional brain hasnt caught up yet#And lik#And the whole time we were taking pictures my friends damn girlfriend was like 'I'm so hot(temperature wise). I want to be done with this.#My face hurts from smiling' and like I know she had a long day before that but even my family member asked me afterward if she was always l#like that and I was like... yeah#And i want to like her bc i know my friend really likes her but she has done so many little things that piss me off#And I dont think I would ever be able to talk abt those things bc they are so small individually but together... all those things just make#her a person I really fucking dislike#And like I feel like the only person who has beef with her bc everyone else seems to like her#And so at the event I felt like the most useless 7th wheel#And I eventually left the group and went and ACTUALLY HAD FUN for the first time in the fucking night with another girl#And like I feel like I wasted time befriending the group i was with bc I had way more fun with someone else who I didnt spend time building#A relationship with#Anyways it was bizarre how much my mood changed when I went with someone who actually showed interest in me#I will meet a whole bunch of new ppl pretty soon so I hope to make a whole bunch of different friends.
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tiktaalic · 3 years
Oh here’s the mary prequel mini series I plotted out in my head last night. cut for length because im polite but it is not That long
Episode one: mary walks into a fairly empty diner. Sits down at the counter pretty close to some woman she’s never seen before. Orders coffee. Sits there twisting her ring till it comes. Lady she’s never seen before looks her way and says rough night? And mary laughs and says rough few nights. Lady puts down her newspaper and says you look like you need to talk about it. And mary blurts out that she’s thinking about leaving her husband because he’s so boring. Woman listens sympathetically then launches into a perfect speech about marriage being a commitment and she should stay with him and tell him she loves him. Mary is like. Yeah. Okay. Goes back home to try to rekindle things but when she starts trying to tell John how much she loves him she tells him she’s leaving. John says ok. Mary is super relieved. She goes upstairs to pack. Hears someone at the bedroom door while she’s facing her dresser to pack, turn around, it’s John. He shoots her, she dies.
MARY wakes up next to John as he gets ready for work. Brushes it off as a SUPER weird dream and more proof that she does in fact need to leave. After john’s gone she throws together a suitcase then hops in the impala (John carpools) and drives till she hits a gas station. She goes in to pay and the cashier feels weirdly familiar till she realizes it’s the lady from her dream. She is understandably more freaked out. The cashier tells her to have a nice trip home. Mary says she’s not going home. The cashier asks her if she wants to talk about. Mary doesn’t respond and goes to fill up the car and then drives a couple of miles  out of town before the car starts making this awful sound. She jumps out to look at it. Car is now smoking. She starts backing up and in a freak accident the car explodes and kills her.
Mary wakes up next to John as he’s getting ready for work.
Rest of the season: mary goes through a few more loops thinking they’re nightmares especially because she keeps seeing the same woman she’s never seen before and she keeps trying to talk to Mary. Eventually mary snaps and screams at the lady to leave her alone and the lady kind of furtively looks around and says I’m trying to help. Mary says I don’t WANT your help and then hightails it and dies again. After a few more loops where the woman is present but never approaches mary, mary stalks up to her and says. Who are you. Lady very wryly says your guardian angel. Mary says how can you help. Lady says you don’t want my help. Mary goes well I changed my mind I want it now. Lady grabs her hands and looks at her and very earnestly says, no, you don’t want my help. weird! Mary leaves. Dies. For awhile mary keeps meeting with the lady just because she’s a semi comforting constant. Lady keeps giving her advice that’s more and more rote just go back to your husband, until eventually she stops doing that and just listens to Mary. When Mary asks what she thinks instead of launching into the stay with him speech she just stands up and says I need to go.
Their meetings after this are pretty similar: the lady will listen, the lady will tell her it’s a hard decision, but when mary asks her what to do instead of saying “go back” like usual, the lady sighs and says she needs to go before she disappears. Eventually mary stops asking because she doesn’t want the lady to disappear so soon. they start spending the day just hanging out. mary takes her to her favorite places in town and asks if she likes them, asks what the lady wants to do, the whole nine yards. day always ends with mary trying to leave john and having a sudden aneurysm/tripping and cracking her skull/etc. after a couple of weeks of this her and the lady hook up and the lady tells mary that her name is anna.
mary dies again and the next day when she sees anna just starts crying about how she doesn’t want to go back. ends her rant with “and i know what you’re going to say, or what you’re not going to say, but just don’t. please.” anna holds her and holds her and after several minutes of silence says “i think you should leave.” mary’s shocked, anna’s shocked, mary has a heart attack and dies.
the next day mary tells anna that she wants to leave with her. anna looks conflicted and terrified but nods. while they’re driving or w/e anna is like mary. this isn’t going to work. you know this isn’t going to work. but i think - look. listen. we don’t have a  lot of time. i think i know how to break this. i wrote it down, you’ll have to translate it - and then anna screams and she’s just Not There anymore. this freaks mary the fuck out while she’s driving, she crashes, dies.
mary spends the next morning hitting all the places she’s seen anna before. nothing. she tears up her house and all these places looking for the journal anna was holding before she disappeared. nothing. she gets more and more frustrated and it’s only after she like completely destroys an aisle at the gas station to no response from anyone that she realizes something is more wrong than usual. she goes back out to her car and there’s this guy leaning against it who goes. hi.
she asks who he is, he tells her to call him chuck. she asks what he wants, he says to help her. she doesn’t trust this for obvious reasons. she asks where anna is. he shrugs and says she’s under performance review. she asks if anna’s okay. he laughs and says oh yeah, she’s gonna be a perfect little angel for about the next ten years. then she’s going to have a great life. very loved by her parents. their little miracle baby, you know?
she asks what he really wants. he shrugs. same thing you want, really. for this whole thing to be done with. mary asks what he means. he waves a hand at her. the groundhog day thing. oh. forgot you don’t know what that is yet. the time loop thing. leaving, dying. leaving, dying. look. just go back home to your ever so loving husband, and everything will be fine.
i don’t want to go back to my husband, mary says. you love him, chuck says. i don’t know that i do, mary says. chuck frowns and tilts his head at her. sighs, twists his hand. mary feels like she just got stabbed in the heart. what did you do, she asks. do you love him? and she thinks about it. and she says. yeah. and then she thinks about it some more. and says but i dont like him. i dont like my husband. chuck claps his hands together and says. okay! what don’t you like? he’s boring. chuck smiles. boring! i can work with boring. perfect apple pie boy from kansas not doing it for you, huh? what about this. what about if he was from... illinois. what if it’s just been him and his mom since he was a kid, because his dad stepped out on them. what if the war made him a little harder, which you like more than him staying kind after the war. chuck laughs. oh, i like that a lot better actually. that’s what we’re running with. mary doesn’t say anything to this.
chuck asks her if she’s ready to go back home to her new and improved husband. mary says anna had a journal. so she did, chuck says, and hands it to her. it’s written in sumerian, so good luck with that. you can spend awhile trying to track down a translator, or. he waves his hand, and it all reads in english. she skims through it. will it work? she asks, and chuck snorts. no. of course not. you’re welcome to try. i’ll be here when you’re done. she leaves. tries the spell or whatever. tells john she’s leaving. dies. when she wakes up the next morning, chuck’s sitting at her table. we done with this? he asks, and mary stabs him. he pulls out the knife, looking annoyed. okay, yeah. we’re done with this, he says, and waves a hand and mary gets struck by lightning.
she wakes up. john’s getting ready for work. there are a few cues that tell us this is the same day. john looks over before he leaves and sees that mary’s crying. he’s very confused. asks her what’s wrong. i don’t know, she says. i don’t know. he asks if he should call his mom. she says no. he asks if he should skip work. she says no. he tells her he loves her. she says i love you too, and he leaves. she spends the day pretty dazed. wanders around town not realizing she’s hitting all the spots where she saw anna. goes to a park where a guy runs into her. it’s chuck. oh, sorry. he says. it’s okay, she says, not recognizing him. great day, huh, he says, and she nods, not really paying attention. bet your husband’s enjoying it, he says, and when she looks confused he points to her ring. oh. yeah. she says. sorry, excuse me, she says, i have to get home. i need to start dinner. he smiles at her, winks, and says her husband’s a lucky man.
they eat together. they sleep together. when mary wakes up it’s a new day. she smiles at john before he leaves and kisses him when he gets back home. end miniseries
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whumpupthejam · 4 years
He’s Out There
//tw: kidnapping, home invasion, stalking
Marcus’s hands are still shaking. They need to stop shaking. He can’t get the key to fit into the lock of his apartment door. Damn it, that’s the wrong key. What’s wrong with him? The jingling of metal is too loud in the otherwise silent night as he attempts to find the right one.
Not being able to stop himself as his panic rises, he looks back at the parking lot, eyes scanning the rows of vehicles belonging to his neighbors. Every shadow seems to deepen and darken as his eyes dart back and forth. They catch movement and his breath hitches, but it’s only Mrs. Allret walking her chihuahua, Diane. Nothing strange. Nothing unexpected for a Thursday night. But he can feel the eyes on him, same as he had in the grocery store. His flesh hasn’t stopped crawling since he first noticed the man staring at him from the end of the bread aisle. Everywhere he went in the store, the man’s dark eyes had followed. Is it stupid to think that the man might’ve followed him home? Somehow, Marcus is certain that he did—that he’s still watching him right now from some shadowed place that he can’t see.
“Fuck, fuck!” Marcus growls when he drops his keys. He hasn’t been standing in front of his door for more than twenty seconds, but it feels like twenty minutes, grocery bags weighing heavily on his wrists. Crouching as best he can, he grabs the keys and finally unlocks the door, still in that position. He half-crawls through the door, kicking it shut behind him. The groceries remain on the floor as he spins around to re-lock the door as quickly as possible.
He stays there for a moment, kneeling just inside, panting. As he slaps himself lightly on the cheek to pull himself out of it, he chuckles. This whole reaction was enormously stupid. Sure, that guy at the store was a freaking creep, but why would he follow Marcus home? And anyway, even if he did, it would be pointless. Marcus has nothing worth stealing. His apartment is modest at best, and he doesn’t even have enough furniture to fill it—he doesn’t even have a couch! He’s a college dropout. He eats 99¢ noodles for almost every meal. The only reason he was able to go on a more substantial shopping trip tonight was that his cousin finally paid him for when he dog-sat for her three weeks ago.
No, the only thing worth stealing might be his TV, or his laptop. His TV, the man can have if he wants it. It’s old and the audio stopped working last week. The laptop isn’t in too bad of shape, but it’s hardly something that Marcus thinks would make him the target of theft. There are plenty of other people in his complex with much more to offer than he does.
And if the man doesn’t want to steal from him, then he hardly knows what other reason he would have to follow him home. He doesn’t have any enemies. He doesn’t think he owes anyone any money other than Caleb, and his best friend is hardly going to put out a hit on him for thirty bucks.
It’s completely stupid to be so scared of some guy who was probably just acting weird ‘cause he was high or something. He didn’t follow Marcus home. He would’ve had no reason to. Even so, as Marcus stands up and grabs the dropped bags from the floor, the prickly feeling in his stomach doesn’t go away.
He turns on some music as he puts away his food, and sings along, hoping it will put him at ease. It does. He almost forgets about the man from the store until he sees someone cross quickly in front of his living room window. It’s just a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye, but it was unmistakably a person. The blinds are drawn up like they always are. His building backs up to the woods, so there’s no reason anyone should be back there, especially at this time of night. He never feels the need to have the blinds down. Until now, that is.
He takes a shaky breath and turns to finish putting away his groceries. Maybe it was a late-night jogger after all—he doesn’t know that it’s a crazy man. As he puts the last item—a carton of eggs—in the fridge, there is a moment of silence as one song ends and another has not yet begun. Marcus can hear the sound of something moving in the bushes outside the window.
“Fuck,” he says, barely above a whisper.
He quickly shuts off the music and walks tentatively up to the glass. Nothing can be seen in the blackness except for the small bushes beneath the window, and the wall of trees a little ways off in front of him. He can’t get a very good view of the surrounding areas from behind the glass. Briefly, he wonders if he should step out onto the back porch, but quickly decides that that would be the most idiotic thing he could possibly do. Marcus is about to turn back to the kitchen when he notices something that makes his heart stop.
Just to the right of his window, obscured in shadow and almost hidden by the bushes, is the obvious shape of a person crouching down, watching him. He stumbles back as if he’s been shot in the chest, scrambling across the floor to hide behind the kitchen island. The shaking is back, and he can’t catch his breath. His heart is beating painfully against the inside of his chest.
He’s out there.
He doesn’t have to see the person clearly to know it’s him. He just knows.
With fingers that almost appear to be in spasm, he grabs his phone and begins typing out a message to his friend Jake, who happens to live in his building on the second floor.
>are ypy home?
Usually, Jake is pretty good about responding if he’s available, but two minutes pass and the message is still unread. Marcus presses the ‘call’ icon and puts the phone to his ear. It rings. It keeps ringing.
“Your call has been forwarde—” Marcus doesn’t let the robotic voice finish.
He tries again.
“Your call—”
He lets out a sound that’s somewhere between a whimper and a groan of frustration.
>pls man, tgeres someone outside
>you can call me a pussy I dont care. i’m scared.
>I think he followsd me home
He knows he’s making typos, but his hands are shaking so badly that he can’t do anything about it. Another couple of minutes passes. Marcus can’t bring himself to look around the corner of the island. He just sits with his back pressed against it, staring at his reflection in the oven door. He looks pathetic.
He almost jumps out of his skin when his phone buzzes. It’s Jake.
<Sorry, bud. out with Kass and her friends. pretty wasted. won’t be home tonight.
What? That’s it?
He presses the ‘call’ icon again. It rings.
“Hello?” Jake sounds mildly pissed as he answers. He also, admittedly, does sound wasted. Marcus can hear it in his voice.
“Jake, I’m sorry, but I’m telling you, some guy followed me home from the store, and I think he’s watching me through my window right now.”
“So? Close the window.”
“Sorry. Sure you’re not seeing things, Marc? Hell, I see things all the time,” Jake slurs, chuckling slightly.
Marcus shakes his head in aggravation. “Dude, stop being an ass, you know I don’t make a big deal about this stuff.” He can’t keep his voice from wobbling. “Please, Jake, help me.”
The line is silent for a minute. “Sorry, Marc. I can tell you’re actually scared, and I’m being a dick. I wish I could help you out right now, but I’m across town and I can’t drive.”
Marcus squeezes his eyes shut. He’s out there right now. He keeps thinking. He’s out there.
“Have you called the police?” Jake asks when Marcus doesn’t respond.
“I think you should. Hang up with me and call them right now.” Jake sounds so levelheaded when he says that. Almost like he’s not drunk at all.
“Ok, I will.” Marcus rubs his eyes.
“Call me or text me after you do.”
“I—” Marcus is cut off by a sound from the bedroom. He is frozen as he strains his ears.
It sounds... it sounds like a window sliding open.
Shit, shit, shit, fuck. He opened that window earlier. Did he forget to lock it when he closed it?
Marcus can’t move. He can’t breathe. His eyes are wide, his body trembling.
There are footsteps, causing the hardwood to creak.
He’s inside.
“Marc? Y’ok? Marc?” Jake’s voice on the phone sounds like it’s coming from miles away.
It’s strange, Marcus thinks, to hear someone moving around in the apartment so carefreely, as if they’re supposed to be there. When they’re not.
What should he do? Should he try to sneak away? Should he stand up and confront him—tell him to get the fuck out? Should he just wait to be found? What will happen? What does the man want?
Marcus hears the man enter the living room and he holds his breath. Jake is still trying to talk to him on the phone. He hangs up. There’s silence for a second. The man must just be standing in the middle of the room. Doing what? Looking for him? Listening?
A shiver runs downs Marcus’s already trembling spine and he shifts unintentionally. The wood creaks softly. Apparently that was what the man was waiting for. His footsteps are quick and loud as he crosses the distance to the kitchen island. Marcus doesn’t have time to think before his leg is yanked, his body forcefully dragged out from behind the counter so that he’s on his back staring up at his attacker, who straddles his hips in a flash.
Marcus has always felt too small, too weak. Even when he finally reached a height in high school that was declared by his doctor to be “completely average,” he never felt like his body mass was anywhere near proportional. His recent diet hasn’t helped matters.
This makes it nearly impossible for him to fight back against this man, who seems to be about 250 pounds of pure muscle, and who is painfully crushing his hips under his body. That doesn’t stop him from trying, though. He pushes with all his strength against the man’s arms which are trying to come down to his face. He doesn’t know what the man is trying to do, he just knows that he can’t let him do it. They struggle for a moment before the man gets a good grip on Marcus’s wrists, and holds them out of the way long enough to deliver a shocking blow to Marcus’s face with the back of his hand. The boy’s head snaps to the side with the force of it. It dazes him.
Marcus blinks, groaning softly as a cloth is pressed over his nose and mouth. The last thing he’s aware of is a sweet scent that at once feels both familiar and foreign. It’s something like a mix between chlorine and red wine, he thinks. His eyes grow too heavy, and he falls asleep.
Shit, Marcus thinks as he wakes up, I shouldn’t have drunk so much last night.
His head is killing him, and he can’t even remember the details of the previous evening, so he knows it must have been wild. Jake must’ve convinced him to come out.
He did talk to Jake last night, but it was on the phone, wasn’t it? He called him about something.
Marcus rubs his eyes and finally opens them. Then it all hits him. The store. The man. The window. The phone call. The struggle.
Panic sets in as he realizes that he is not in his room. He is not in his bed as he had assumed when he first woke up. As he squints in the dark, he can see that the room he is in is rather small and made up entirely of concrete, with only a single metallic door on the far wall. The “bed” he is on is nothing more than a dirty mattress. His hands are shackled to a chain, which tethers him to the wall and gives him almost no slack to be able to move.
He’s trapped. The man took him. Why? What the fuck is happening?
The door opens suddenly and the shock of the light sends daggers into his eyes. He shields them as best he can in his shoulder.
When he is finally able to squint back at the person who just entered, he realizes that it’s him. The man is tall and buff, and he has his arms crossed over his chest. Marcus can really only see his silhouette, and it bothers him that he can’t see his face. He can’t see those dark eyes, can’t see what they’re intending.
“It’s so nice to see you awake,” The man says. His voice is low, but not quite as low as Marcus had expected. “Does your head hurt?”
After a moment of hesitation, Marcus nods uncertainly. As his eyes adjust to the light, he sees the man smile, nodding his head as well. It disconcerts Marcus and he shifts slightly on the mattress.
“You did very well, much better than I was expecting,” The man says as he walks forward casually. He notices the look of confusion on Marcus’s face and smiles again. “Last night. Yes, you struggled a bit, but I enjoyed that. It was just enough to be exciting. And you calmed right down when I hit you.” The man crouches down in front of Marcus, and reaches out to press on the bruise caused by his hand the night before.
Marcus twists, pulling his face away as much as possible. “You drugged me!” he defends. It made his stomach twist to hear the man say that he “calmed right down,” as if it was a conscious decision.
The man ignores his statement, his dark eyes studying the boy’s face intently. “Did your father used to hit you?” He suddenly asks.
Marcus’s eyebrows furrow. The man just chuckles.
“I think you are going to be one of my most entertaining projects yet,” he muses, standing up.
“Projects?” Marcus is disturbed by the word. The man looks at him for a moment, smiling slightly, but he says nothing. It becomes too much. “What do you want from me? Why did you do this?” Marcus bursts. “Money? I have none. Neither does my family, if that’s what you’re hoping. You saw my apartment, I have nothing. I think you must have the wrong person.” he surprises himself with how much he’s able to get out before he becomes too nervous again.
He is surprised further by the man letting out a hearty laugh. “Yes, I suppose I do have the wrong person, in a way. And yet, in another way, I don’t.” Marcus must look confused again. “Ah, well, I suppose before this really gets started I can give you some answers. It’ll be better, really. This did, in fact, start out being about money. You see, an acquaintance of mine is also an acquaintance of a friend of yours, Jacob Settler. He lives in your building.”
Marcus’s eyes go wide. Jake? What does he have to do with this?
“Your friend Jacob owes my acquaintance quite a bit of money. I’m blurry on the details, but it seems he borrowed money for surgery for his sister, or something of that nature.”
Jake did tell him about having a sister who had been sick, but Marcus thought that was years ago.
“Well, the arrangement was that dear Jacob would pay my acquaintance back with interest. No documents were signed, of course. My acquaintance... well, let’s just say not everything he does is above table. Obviously.” On that word, he grins widely. It makes Marcus uncomfortable again.
“When the time came for Jacob to pay up, he was nowhere to be found. He’d skipped town, and his family had gone as well. Well, as you can imagine, this made my acquaintance very distressed. He had trusted Jacob, he had been nothing but gracious to him, and what did he get in return? He got stabbed in the back. So, he contacted me. You see, I am a man of many hats, but my primary occupation is that for a reasonable fee, I will track down those who have stabbed my clients in the back and... well... stab them back,” he chuckles. “If at all possible, I get the payment my clients are due, and if not, I send a message that will not be easily forgotten.” He pauses, again simply staring at Marcus.
“I don’t understand,” Marcus finally says. “What does this have to do with me?”
The corners of the man’s lips quirk. “Absolutely nothing. I tracked down your friend easily, he is not really very skilled in the art of evasion. I’m surprised my acquaintance couldn’t find him on his own, but that’s neither here nor there. I haven’t followed through with my task quite yet because as I began to observe Jacob, I encountered something unexpected that I wanted to be able to take my time with. You.” A sickening chill settles in Marcus’s stomach as the man speaks. “Something you should know about me is that I tend to focus too much on my work. I told you I have many different hats, and that tends to mean that I am always working on something, pouring my all into it, and absolutely draining myself. I enjoy my work, but it does take a toll. There is one thing that I do that is totally for myself. A sort of hobby. A release, if you will. That is my projects. I don’t recall when I first realized my fascination with pushing creatures to their physical and emotional limits, nor my knack for it. It absolutely thrills me. There is always something new to be learned from each person and creature I study, because each one is so different. You are different, Marcus. You mystify me. On the outside, forgive me, you look very unassuming. Very sweet. You’re weaker than most young men your age, and you know it. Physically, it shouldn’t be too difficult for me to break you. But inside you have this drive—this passion to fight for a better life for yourself, not according to other people’s standards, but your own. It’s why you dropped out of school last year. Not because you were too lazy or too stupid. You were doing very well. It was because you decided that it wasn’t what you wanted. It wasn’t what would make your life the best that you thought it could be.”
Marcus is openly shocked. His eyes are wide, shining with an excess of moisture. His lips are slightly parted. This man is absolutely horrifying. And he knows absolutely everything about Marcus.
“I’ve been observing you for quite some time, Marcus. I’ve seen how you interact with the world around you. You never seem to be truly phased by any stumbling blocks in your path. What you lack in physical strength, you make up for in strength of spirit. Others come to you for support and guidance, and you readily give it, never seeming to waiver.” He crouches down in front of Marcus and reaches out to him again, taking the boy’s face between his hands almost tenderly. This time, Marcus is too shocked to move away. When the man speaks again, it is almost a whisper. “It’s important that you know that there is absolutely nothing that can stop what is about to happen to you. I’m going to see just how long it takes for you to be totally destroyed, to become totally malleable in my hands. And I really think I’m going to enjoy it.”
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autisticangus · 4 years
anyway im so out of the loop on the mcelboys
i pretty much only keep semi-up to date with Sawbones at this point, not cuz i dont still LIKE everything else, just a lot has been goin on in my life
if anyone wants a long and rambly update on All Of The Bullshit im gonna stick a read more down here, asks are open and its cool to message me abt any of it if u want cuz i have some really nice and cool followers/mutuals here that make me comfy talkin abt that shit
as far as the future of this blog goes i wanna start using it more again! the mcelroys have gotten me out of some really dark places before so i hope having more connection to this community and the people here and their content again will help me like it has in the past! ill probs post more general mcelroy content here than previously rather than just taz btw i just gotta fuckin uhhhhh,,,, catch up on a bunch of shit again before this blog is even semi active lmaoo but im like alive and on tumblr regularly again!!
Wow u clicked on this and wanna hear me talk? Ur awesome and sweet, thanks for caring!
These past two years have been extraordinarily tough. This is gonna be a pretty long and detailed post that deals with the sensitive topics of emotional abuse, abusive relationships, and alcoholism. Please read on with caution.
Back in March of 2019, so this was about 3-4 months after i left tumblr, I got a new boyfriend and things started out really good, he was kind of a "bad boy" and it was fun at first. Im kind of a goody-goody so it was very interesting for me at first to be with someone so different who had such different life experiences than me. I liked hearing his stories of living in a traphouse, and running with gangs, and selling drugs, and knowing people who had killed people. I assumed a LOT of it was lies, obviously, who just brags about that shit u know? I just rolled with it, didnt take it seriously, and found the imagined scenarios interesting to listen to. So much of it was obviously played up to make him seem cooler, and I shouldve seen that as the red flag it was, and all my friends did but I didnt. 
He had a serious alcohol problem, I mean I had coffee in the morning and he had 2 four lokos before noon. it was bad. about 6 months into the relationship he decided i was cheating on him with my ex who i had recently reconnected with, we missed being friends and things were really going well talking and being friends again, he was really important to me! but my boyfriend saw this as yet another thing i was doing wrong. when he decided i was cheating, that become his focus of alcoholic rage. nearly every time he got drunk, which was several times a week, he would accuse me of things, he would yell and scream, he would call me horrible names and make me cry for literal hours, he never hit me but that shouldnt even matter, i was emotionally battered and mentally bruised and everything hurt. he gaslit me into believing i said and did things i never said or did, i admitted to things that were not real, and then i was yelled at for admitting them. i didnt know what to do.
he was threatening my ex too, he would get drunk and say he knew where he lived (he didnt) or he knew what car he drove (he didnt) and explained to me many times that although he had never killed someone, people had been killed before at his command. he said a bullet in the back of my ex’s brain was just a phone call and $500 away. somedays he would tell me he was just going to do it himself, with a hammer, or a kitchen knife, or whatever weapon he could get his hands on during his explanation of how he would do it. my only option was to agree, to say it didnt matter to me what happened to him, i had to pretend my on
/ly concern was him going to jail for the crime, if i showed any sign that i didn’t want my ex murdered, it clearly meant i was cheating on him. 
i pretended to block my ex on social media to get him off my back and it worked a little bit but he still brought it up. and even if he didnt directly mention him, he would always tell me when he was drunk that i was the cause of all his problems, i was why he was so self conscious, i was why he drank so much, i was why he had to work so hard, i was why every single issue he had was happening. logically i knew it was wrong, but i was so conditioned to it by then that i just went with it. i knew that agreeing and apologizing made the fighting end quicker.
things spiraled this past summer. his job needed us to relocate so we moved like 4 states away, away from all my family and friends, and lived in a tiny hotel room for a month. during this time, his drinking was somehow worse. he was drunk literally every night but he was passing out so we didnt fight and i was relieved. i was depressed being stuck in the hotel room all day alone, but thankful i wasnt being abused at least. then he started getting into drunken fistfights with his coworkers in the hotel parking lot. one day he came home just in time to find one of his drunk coworkers trying to break into the room with me there desperately trying to keep him out. i was terrified and wanted to go home but he convinced me to stay. a couple weeks after that we travelled for his work again several more states away. his drinking got a little bit better here, but i was so depressed and lonely, i was so isolated, he was all i saw day in and day out besides his coworkers and i was nervous around them. one day the guy who tried to break in on me, purposefully, while drunk, hit another coworkers car and totaled it and tried to run the guy over and i saw the whole thing. a week later my boyfriend was also fired because he got so drunk he passed out in the hotel parking lot and the company needed to save face with the hotel after the whole car incident. 
so we travelled back home, but not my home, to his where we lived isolated on a mountain with no phone signal or wifi. the house was old and not well kept from being empty for several years, half the appliances didnt work. i was more isolated than i have ever been in my life. for 4 months i stayed there and just dreaded him coming home because i knew he would be drunk again and he'd yell or accuse me of things or otherwise belittle me. it was horrible. my friends all said to leave and my parents said to leave but i was so brainwashed into thinking that if i was just a good little housewife and if i just stayed home and did the dishes and the laundry that he would be nicer but he still found things to point at and say i was cheating. he was also becoming really controlling about my food intake and weight and i already struggle with an eating disorder so that just made me feel even more like i had to stay, my brain felt like if i wasnt under his watchful eye id gain weight again, like somehow it was thanks to him i had lost weight and not my own choices.
one day last week i expressed to him wanting to leave, saying how unhappy i was, i told him how sad i felt and how i didnt think we were such a good match. he didnt take me seriously, so the next day when he got sloppy drunk before 5 pm i packed a small bag and went to my moms. i was just gonna stay for a night or two but he called and screamed at me for leaving without telling him, i told him he just didnt remember me telling him because he was so drunk, and he accused me of not caring about his feelings and made me sound like the bad guy for leaving without his permission. i told him it was just for a few days but the angrier he got the more i knew i was in the right and told him i was done. i told him we were breaking up and id come get my stuff soon.
i got my stuff while he was at work this past weekend and moved in with my best friend. im safe and happy now. things are looking so much better for me and im so thankful to my friends and family who supported me all the way to the end.
i just wanted to make this post because, i know its not mcelroy related, and a lot of ppl probably dont care for stuff like this on this kind of blog, but i think its important.
its important to friends and family of people in abusive relationships to be steady. dont give up your ground. even if the person keeps pushing back and wont leave the person, keep being there for them, it can take a long time, it took me almost 2 years to leave, it takes some people even longer, but just stay there for them and be there for them when they finally make that step. dont give up on them.
and to those who have been in these kinds of relationships, and especially those who are there right now: it is not your fault. it is so, so hard to leave, i know, but please try to find help and support and resources to do it. if all your friends dont like someone, theres a good reason for it. please dont fall into the trap of thinking your friends dont have the best intentions for you. there are so many things you may overlook in the moment that others can see from a mile away are horrible. especially if you have been abused in the past. its incredibly hard to tell what is a red flag when your gut instinct is that anything and everything is a red flag. surround yourself with people who you can trust and listen to them
and trust me, i know how hard it is when youre stuck in that spot of KNOWING you should go but fearing that first step away. its scary. its difficult. but it is worth it. find someone safe you can be with. and if you arent sure, find a reason to leave for just a few days, an excuse, anything. give yourself space from the abuser, tell yourself youre going back in a couple days, just get out from under the thumb long enough to clear your head and things will make more sense with the fog lifted.
when i first got in my car and put my kitten on my lap and told her we were going to my moms for a couple nights, i didnt know if that was the truth. i planned to come back and i knew i didnt want to. i only took enough stuff for a couple days. i couldnt imagine my life changing so drastically. where would i live? how would i make money? who take care of me? i had no clue about any of those things. but after a couple days away I realized i would take care of me. i remembered that i had worked jobs before i was with him, i could do it again. i remembered that i had options of where to live. all of those things were so clouded when i was with him, they felt like impossibilities. once i was away, even just for a short time, things were so much easier to parse.
and i know i had many privileges in this journey not everyone is afforded, and my heart goes out to those who read this and are in this situation and the options i had just arent accessible to you, i am so sorry, i wish i had something more to offer you but all i have is my story, and a wish that it gives you some hope at the very least, and a promise that if you need someone to talk to, im here, i will listen, and you will be heard and loved.
i just want everyone who reads to take something small but important away from it. love your friends, love yourself. please stay safe. please dont give up. remember love should not hurt.
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multifics-canary · 5 years
Marinette's New Shield ch. 2
A/n: guys, thank you so much for your interest in my first posted miraculous story!!! I do have others that I play around with(literally wrote one while at work) and might decide to post those in some near future. This is a little longer than the first one. And I might make a little chapter series. I don't own miraculous ladybug!! And please dont steal this :D
Plans are simple, especially if you do it accordingly. Lila's plan was easy to see through. Make a few little lies about your life to get people's attention, shed a few tears to get what you want, make sure no one stands in your way.
Things seemed to have backfired with Marinette, so Lila made sure to spin those lies towards Marinette. Little bullying antics and maybe one or two threats. Ruby doesn't like amateurs, especially ones like her who take advantage of others. It's also the class's fault for believing things that could be checked online.
In the few weeks she's been here, she knew everyone's name and other information. One surrounding factor was that Marinette has helped all of them and has gotten nothing in return. Genuinely, that's what a good person does. But in Marinette's case, they take advantage of her kindness. And since Lila arrived, they've ignored all the good things she did for them and thought the young designer was a jealous bitch.
Be confident in yourself. She told the designer before leaving that day. There's a complexity to making plans. The crucial thing is that it doesn't backfire. Somehow, Marinette trusted Ruby to make things right. And Ruby would make sure to rightfully deserve that trust.
Alya's friendship with Marinette was more or less normal at first, a friend trying to encourage the other to be more confident and stand for herself. It worked wonders. Then Alya starts accusing Marinette of not having facts when she should have them first. She's the journalist, not Marinette. And yet, believed those lies a pretty Italian was spilling. Hypocrite.
They would regret doing losing Marinette. Ruby would make sure of it.
"Rubes!" The girl in question looked up at her name being called, seeing Alya walking towards her, Lila next to her. She had a scowl on her face but quickly changed to a smile when Alya turned to her. Your reaction times are pathetic.
"What can I do for you ladies?"
"We're having a picnic later at the park and we were wondering if you wanted to join us. The whole class will be there!" Alya says excitedly. Ruby had a feeling it two certain people weren't invited, however, she didn't say anything.
"I'll have to check if I'm able to. A family member of mine asked for a small photoshoot session and I promised I'd be there on time."
"Oh Wow!" Alya's excitement seemed innocent enough, her interest viewable from miles around. "You're a model like Adrien?" Lila seemed interested in the conversation, seeing as she looked up in surprise.
"Not really. I pose for a few photos, but I'm more the one behind the camera. Well that's what I'm still learning anyways." She replied watching both girls reactions. One of pure excitement and the other of skepticism. If Lila didn't believe her, that's her problem. Even her uncle Gabriel was impressed with her skills, so she had no interest in impressing a common liar.
Her beginning plan is simple, befriend the class to get to know them. But not get close to any if them but Marinette, who needed the most support. That was step one. Lila already has the mindset that Ruby could be planning, but that was the point. So the liar could be aware of what was to come, just not know how much. And how Ruby loves it when they don't know.
"What else do you do?" Alya states excitedly, bringing the girl out of her thoughts. The 'reporter' had her phone out, filming her.
"Nothing special really. I write for a small media company. They're helping me with getting both my informative and creative pages out there. I have friend editing a small book I'm writing in English as we speak."
"In English?! What a scoop! You have to give me details, girl!" Alya practically screamed, her eyes shinning brightly. Surprisingly Lila hasn't said anything, but Ruby had no doubt the girl would make up a lie that related to what she heard.
"Maybe later. There's some things I have to do. As well as homework." Ruby stated, leaning back on the bench she was at in the first place. Alya deflated a bit but understood, both girls waving goodbye before leaving. Lila looked back at Ruby, glaring a little at her, but the girl wasn't worried. She raised an eyebrow before rolling her eyes, taking out her phone to study.
True to Ruby's word, she was the one behind the camera. But she wasn't alone. One of the model's that works for Gabriel Agreste himself was there, along with Adrien, his photographer, Gorilla, Chloe, and Marinette. Ruby invited the girls and ran into Adrien who wanted to talk with Ruby when they both got breaks.
The photo shoot was going well, both Marinette and Chloe impressed by the professionalism Ruby had.
"You lied to Alya and Lila?"
"Technically I didn't. This model is actually a close friend, almost family. And Adrien is a family member, so only you guys know this. But what they don't know, won't hurt em." Ruby replies, when they get a small break to stretch before another shoot.
"And yet it could if they see us here." Adrien says, walking up to the three girl's. Guess it's time. Adrien glanced at Marinette before turning back to his cousin, his eyes telling her everything.
"Guys I'll be back. Me and Adrien are going to talk for a bit." Marinette and Chloe shared a look before nodding, watching as the cousins moved away.
"I know what I said to her was wrong," Adrien started, not waiting Ruby to speak. "Taking the high road isn't really ideal, but I want to help her. The smile I used to see is so fake now, and I can see she's hurting." Adrien had small tears in his eyes, and Ruby saw something shift in his shirt.
"Rubes, I don't know what to do." The blonde boy said and he looked like the same 6 year old who wondered why his father barely had time for him. Silently, she stepped forward and gave her cousin a hug, feeling him wrap his arms around her. They stayed like that for a little bit, before she pulled away and ruffled his hair.
"Admitting that is already progress. All you have to do now is talk with her. Apologize and listen to her side of the story. These so called akumas may target Lila if she gets found out, yes, but that would also make her a willing target. I heard from Marinette that she has been akumatized 3 times. You have every right to not join in me taking down Lila, but as long as you're there for Marinette, that's enough." Ruby spoke gently, patting her cousin's blonde little head. He smiled brightly, his watery green eyes shinning.
"Thank you Rubes. I don't know what I would do with you."
"You'd mope around the mistake you made until it was too late." She deadpanned, and the blonde laughed.
Not far from where the cousins were, two girls watched in shock of what was happening. Alya quickly took out her phone and recorded, all while Lila fummed next to her. Adrien is mine!
"Lets ask them! Maybe Ruby's a rival." Alya said, wiggling her eyebrows at Lila, who quickly changed her facial expression to shock. The blogger grabbed Lila's arm and dragged her over to the two.
"...of course I love her, she's family you idiot. And one of the best female models around. Unless we got Marinette to join. She gives off two tones, I'm surprised you havent noticed."
"Well you do have a special sense for these things." Adrien shrugged lazily, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.
"Well she gives off a type of flower princess for one. Think about it. She already has flower designs, I've seen them by the way, and with her modeling one of those outfits and you with your title as sunshine child? The fans will go wild! But underneath that flower princess is a storm. Like a female warrior naturally leading everyone to peace." Ruby ranted off, fully aware of company they were gonna have.
"I never thought about it that way. I mean yeah, I call her our everyday ladybug, but flower princess makes more sense. Actually--"
"Hey guys!" Ruby and Adrien turned to see Alya with her phone out, loosely followed by a dragged Lila, who glared dangerously at Ruby.
"This is Alya coming to you with a new scoop! This is Ruby, she's a new student at out school and have we got news! She's a photographer, a model, and a writer! Granted, she hasn't traveled or given us a bunch of stories like my best friend Lila, but she's already up in the charts. And look at this!" Alya turned the camera to show Ruby and Adrien hold each other rather intimately. "Could they be a couple? Or is Ruby a rival to famous Lila?"
"Wait what?" Ruby raised an eyebrow, glancing at her cousin, who practically wanted to facepalm.
"Come on, girl! We know Adrien is the ultimate heartthrob with his sweet personality. Now, spill. Do you guys like each other? This is another rivalry between two well known people?" Alya said, practically shoving the camera at their faces. Ruby frowned deeply, moving the camera out of the way, much to Alya's confusion.
"I don't like cameras so close to me, thank you very much. And second me and Adrien are friends, we've known each other for years." Ruby stated, growing annoyed with Alya.
"But even friends become couples! If I didn't think Lila had a chance with Adrien, you guys would make a cute couple!" Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say. Ruby watched as Lila fummed even more, her eyes now on all three of them. Alya blissfuly unaware while Adrien slowly backed away, Ruby standing in front of him.
Lila radiated so much negative energy, Ruby knew it was only a matter of time before an akuma came. True to her thought, she spotted a black butterfly fluttering over to the Italian girl. Somehow, as if sensing it, she turned, spoting the akuma before smirking. Thinking quickly, she pushed Adrien back and dashed past Alya, just as Lila was about to grab the akuma.
Ruby grabbed her wrist and with her other hand, let the akuma flutter to her family bracelet. Everyone stared in shock as Ruby let go of Lila and fell on the floor, holding her head. She vaguely heard Alya and Adrien yell out her name in concern.
Not far from where they are, Marinette felt her purse shift in the direction where the cousins had left and turned, gasping when she saw Ruby holding her head as Adrien, Alya, and Lila --in her case pretend-- to calm Ruby down. She saw the purple outline and dashed towards them, Chloe right behind her.
"Hmm, you are not ms. Rossi. No matter, your protective anger of wanting to help a friend is powerful. White knight, I give you the power to protect your friend from a manipulative liar. In return, I want Ladybug's and Chat Noir's miraculous."
"No." Ruby said loudly, her eyes snapped open as she slowly stood up, wobbling in her place. No one touched her, but stayed close in any case. "You made a mistake, Hawkmoth. Because I know now who you are." She said quietly, a hunt of saddness in her voice. Everyone around her was freaking out, but Marinette just kept staring at Ruby, slowly inching toward.
She wrapped her fingers lightly on Ruby's akumatized bracelet, and the girl snapped her head to the young designer. "Have fun trying to get your akuma back, Hawkmoth. I'm keeping it until Ladybug comes to purify it."
"You insolent girl! Give in to your anger!" Hawkmoth practically yelled, sending a wave of pain to her. She winced, closing her eyes tightly as she felt Marinette grab both of her wrists, grounding her.
"I have no anger. You're trying to give me yours. Now if you'll excuse me, I have things to do." Ruby calmly stated, severing the connection between her and the villain. Once it was gone, she groaned, falling forward. If it wasn't for Marinette holding her, she would've collapsed.
"Rubes can you hear me?" Marinette says quietly, Chloe trying to shush the growing group around them. Ruby blinked a few times as her eyes began to focus on blue eyes.
"H-hey maribug." The girl finally said, watching as Marinette let out a sigh of relief. She let Ruby lean on her, keeping a careful eye of the akumatized item.
"Ruby thank you so much! I would've been akumatized if you hadn't saved me." Lila spoke first, smiling brightly at her, though her eyes held a dangerous glint. Somehow the whole class was there, thanking her and asking if both she and Lila were okay.
The girl just smiled weakly, still feeling the negative effects of the akuma. It took a while bit eventually the class left, having a picnic to go in another area of the park.
Only Alya and Lila stayed behind, one filled with worry while the other was filled with silent anger. "Ruby, you sure you're okay?" Alya asked, warily glancing at Marinette, who was still holding on to the girl.
"I'm fine. Marinette can take care me. It's not like I have anything against her." Ruby deadpanned, before quickly relaxing so the akuma can't turn her. Alya seemed shocked by the statement, and had no time to respond, feeling Lila pull her away.
"Chloe, help me get her out to a more secluded area." Marinette spoke, the blonde nodding. Adrien had disappeared, probably getting something or going back to the photo shoot.
Both girls helped Ruby to the back of the bakery, which was the closest. Marinette left, saying she'll bring some water and cookies. So Ruby stayed with Chloe, who for some reason was having a mental breakdown, though she hid it well.
Ruby closed her eyes and leaned her head on Chloe's shoulder, waiting for Marinette or Ladybug.
Only after a few minutes, both Ladybug and Chat Noir arrive quietly, not wanting to startle the girl. Chloe-- who had a red face, Marinette would talk to her later-- gently woke Ruby up, and saw saw the heroes in front of her.
"Are you okay?" Ladybug asked softly, chat helping her sit up.
"I'm fine, Ladybug. Just a little tired. The akuma is in my bracelet." She holds up her arm, and a darkened bracelet practically glares at the heroes.
"Chat Noir said that he saw you were keeping the akuma, and not being akumatized is very brave of you." Ladybug smiled, removing the bracelet and handing it to Chat Noir.
She summoned a lucky charm, catching it and staring in confusion at the item. It was a phine that had a picture of Chloe, Ruby, Adrien, and Marinette. Chloe face was red while Ruby held her possessively, and Marinette and Adrien were smiling in satisfaction.
Later. The heroine thought to herself as Chat Noir destroyed the bracelet and she caught the akuma, purifying it and throwing the lucky charm in the air. The little ladybugs fixed the broken bracelet and Ruby practically relaxed against Chloe.
"Do you know how the akuma came to you anyways?" Chloe said after a while, her face beet red.
"Alya thought me and Adrien were flirting with each other. Which one, gross, and two we're cousins. And even if we weren't related, he'd be like a little brother to me. So the reporter, who really doesn't know what she's doing, kept saying all this stuff that made me seem like a big deal and could rival Lila. Obviously she didn't like that. Then Alya said that if she didn't think Lila and Adrien would look good, I'd look great with him." Ruby said, rolling her eyes while Ladybug pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. Ladybug, you need to do something about lie-la. And the supposed 'ladyblog' that is filled with lies." Chloe huffed, watching Chat Noir nodding a little in agreement.
"Actually. I have a plan, and I could use your help." Ruby stated, smirking at the heroes.
The Paris saviors looked at each other, the black clad hero nodding at his partner. Turning back to Ruby, Ladybug smirked, a hand on her hip.
"We're listening."
Requested tags: @ezio-demon @ignorantly-apathatic @marilee98 @tinybrie @kuroko26 @claaydoh @mewwitch @taleeuuhhh @starrosecolors @zebrabaker @miraculously-quality-content @slytherinqueen2432 @rayray384 @starberry-mina @royalchaoticfangirl @book-r-the-best (I was generous and did 16)
General tags: @the-wlw-cafe @mcgrathandwives @imagine-lcorp @baked-bean-bekah @natu123 @wlwhc @nobodyfamousposts @gale-of-the-nomads @miraculous-of-salt
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wlw-imagines-blog · 5 years
All Roads Lead to You.
Anon Asked: Please can you do 16, 17 and 33 for Wanda? If you have too many requests, you don’t have to :)
16. “I’ve got you.”
17. “I can’t sleep, can I stay here.”
33. “Don’t cry.”
A/N: the book described with exerpts is real and by Shannon Drake, lmao i dont play around.
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You watched the long stretch of highway that seemed to go on forever. Clouds had begun to build where the sun dipped below the horizon, turning the sky into an orange masterpiece. Music played quietly from the scratchy radio. An old  love ballad filled the silence between you and Wanda. It felt as though you had been in the car for an eternity.
You gazed at Wanda, watching the way her eyes settled on the road, her hands steady on the steering wheel. Her hair was tied away in a messy knot, and what little makeup she wore was smudged under her eyes. You couldn’t imagine you looked any better, after sitting there for at least three hours. Despite the her unkempt state, you smiled and looked at her longingly. The sun washed over her in a warm, orange light.
Wanda caught your eye. “What is it?”
“Nothing,” you responded. “You’re just so pretty.”
She checked in the rear view mirror and snorted. “Right, okay.”
You sat up. “Listen, Wanda, you’re my best friend, and I think you look beautiful.”
“You’re sleep deprived,” Wanda shook her head. “The motel is in a couple miles, keep an eye out.”
Unable to convince her further, you pulled out the huge brochure map and scanned the lines for the motel.
“I’m starting to hate driving.” Wanda murmured. “Scratch that, I hate driving.”
“We’re on a road trip, driving is an integral part of that,” you hummed. “There’s a whole checklist. You have to enjoy long drives, the constant landscape of deserts, with the occasional tree, and most importantly, you have to be able to put up with me.”
Wanda grinned. “I really should have read the fine print before signing.”
“Hey! you enjoy being around me,” you protested before being fake-wounded. “I thought you loved me Wanda.”
“Oh, i do, honey-” you snickered at the pet name. “-but as your best friend, I have to inform you that your snoring is a problem.”
You pretended to sneer. “Next exit, you jerk.”
“In fact, it’s not just a problem, y/n, it’s a deal breaker.”
“Oh really?” you sat up straight, maneuvering around the seat belt to awkwardly put your hands on your hips. “What about your habit of leaving all your clothes everywhere? And leaving dishes in the sink, forgetting to turn off the tap..”
Wanda cranked up the radio. “Sorry, what? can’t hear you, y/n!”
“Pietro,” you pretended to talk into your phone. “Come collect your sister, she is a real piece of work.”
“Hey!” She shouted, almost too distracted by your jab to keep her eyes on the road. The car swerved violently to the right. Your stomach jumped as your hands gripped the seat.
“Fucking hell!” Wanda cursed. She slapped an arm across you to keep you in your seat.
She quickly righted the wheel, and continued to drive in a straight line. the car had gone incredibly quiet as the tow of you processed the sudden jolt of adrenaline.
You looked down. Wanda’s arms was still across your body, keeping you in place. Her hand unconsciously gripped your chest.
“Uh, Wanda,’ you said faintly. “I think its safe now.”
She glanced to where her hand was before registering what she was touching. “Fuck! Sorry!” She yanked her hand away.
You blinked before bursting into laughter. You wiped tears that leaked down your cheeks.
“Are you crying?” Wanda asked. “Are laughing yourself into tears? At our brush with death? Don’t cry, That was your fault! Ugh, unbelievable.”
The two of you pulled into the Moonlight Motel’s parking lot. It was run down and ancient, something from an 80′s movie. Wanda parked and you stepped out, stretching the cramps in your legs.
“Y/n, can you check us in?” Wanda swung her keys around her finger. “I’ll get our bags.”
You nodded and opened the front door, revealing a front desk as unassuming as the exterior. The woman behind the counter looked old and bored, glasses perched on the edge of her nose, eyes heavy with lethargy. She had a magazine in her hand, and would lazily flip a page every so often.
“Uh, hi,” you moved to the counter. “I’d like two rooms.”
The woman looked up from her magazine, and looked you up and down with a scrutinizing gaze. You squinted at her, smiling uncertainly. She then looked through the window to the parking lot where Wanda was unloading the car.
She pursed her lips. “Two rooms?”
Your eyes widened a little, brows furrowing. “Yeah, like I said, two rooms.” you cringed at how defensive you sounded.
The counter woman shrugged nonchalantly before typing on the clacking keyboard. She asked for your name and gave you two room keys. 
You went out to help Wanda. She was laden with the heavy bag, backing away from the open trunk. 
“You okay?” you called out as she seemed to struggle.
Wanda huffed. “Yeah, I’m okay.” She didn’t seem to see the wide crack in the asphalt that she was backing into.
“Wait,” you moved quickly. “Wanda look out!”
Her foot hitched on the crack and she began to topple backwards. You reached out and looped an arm around her back, while your other hand wrapped around her waist. The bags went tumbling to the ground.
Wanda was breathing heavily, arms automatically wound around your neck.
“It’s okay,” you released her, helping Wanda stand. “You’re good, I’ve got you.”
“My bad,” She turned a little red, smiling at you. “Thanks, y/n.”
You shrugged, mind racing at how comfortable Wanda felt in your arms. “No problem. Let’s go get settled.”
After freshening up in the cramped bathroom, you laid on your bed, reading a strange romance novel with a shirtless man and scantily clad woman on the cover. It had been left in the bedside drawer by the previous tenant, and you couldn’t help yourself.
Wanda knocked on your screen door, dressed in pajamas and a towel wrapped around her hair. she opened the door, eyes half closed.
“We’ll be on our way at nine tomorrow, yeah?” you asked, draping the book over your face.
She sat down on her bed. “Sounds good. What’s that?”
You lifted the book and turned in over. “It’s possibly the worst novel I’ve ever read. Hear this summary: Lady Rose Woodbine runs from her once fiance, Pierce DeForte, a dishonored lord and now pirate who wishes to wreak vengeance upon all those who have wronged him, including Rose. Now his prisoner, Rose is determined to be rid of him forever.”
Wanda flopped back, grinning. “Sounds like shit.”
You rolled over and began to read. “-He was tall, dark, and filled the doorway, one hand on his hip. His eyes burned through Rose, and she could feel her heart hammer against her bodice- What the fuck is this?” You laughed incredulously.
“-She felt the blade,” Wanda giggled widely, then  snatched the book from you and flipped to the next page. She put on a desperate, high pitched voice. “She shuddered. The very tip of it pricked the fabric of her gown at her waist. she gasped as he moved it with swiftness, tearing linen, silk, and cotton, all falling apart-”
You laughed and swiped the book back. “-She became acutely aware of the hard-muscled heat of the man that held her-”
“Oh my god!” Wanda clapped a hand over her mouth, stifling her laughter. The two of you spent the next two hour tearing apart the raunchy book, howling with laughter at the absurdity of it all.
You flopped next to her, sides aching. “I hate it. Please burn it.”
“No, we have to take it with us, I have to know how it ends,” Wanda plucked the book from your hand.
It was eleven thirty. she rolled onto her side, meeting your eyes. “Y/n?”
“Do you really think I’m beautiful?”
You scoffed, propping yourself up. “Of course, Wanda! I think you’re more than beautiful. You’re wonderful! I never feel like this with anyone else.”
She shook her head. “I hope you know how spectacular are.”
“Oh, so is this a compliment battle now?”
Wanda chuckled. “Hey, wait, hear me out. You’re one of the most important people in my life. I care about you so much.”
You felt your chest tighten with minor anxiety. “I love you Wanda.”
Wanda gently reached out and held your hand. There was deep understanding in her eyes. “I love you too, y/n.”
You wrapped your arms around her and melted into Wanda’s body. Her hand stroked your hair. She pressed a kiss on your forehead, before whispering. “I can’t sleep, can I stay here?”
You nodded, kissing her cheek.
Maybe you should have asked for one room.
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flamebrain · 5 years
mattfoggy hcs, straight from the bastard empire sorry these all read like shitepostes(L O N G post under cut you’ve been warned)
WTNV au:
nightvale is just populated by like. vigilantes and other poewered people and foggy shoes up one day like. hey anyone need a lawyer? and the whole town falls in love w him
matt does radio and talks about foggys perfect hair and perfect teeth and foggy calls in like "heh, thanks dude, but aren't you like blind?" and matt shuts the call off immediatley
everybody knows matt is daredevil because he makes wink wink nudge nudge comments about it like 'ah. it appears that an entity has appeared near the dog park. castle appears to be on the scene now, and...ok, he's got a gun. i cant do anything about that, but my pal (noises of him scrambling and obviously knocking things over) daredevil might be able OKHERESTHEWEATHER" and it cuts off and like. he shows up 5 seconds later to kick frank in the face for using lethal measures AGAIN
EVERY TIME IT CUTS TO THE WEATHER AND THEN CUS BACK AND THE PROBLEM HAS BEEN SOLVED ITS JUST MATT. like. breathing just a little heavier than normal into the mic like. 'so it appears uh. the issue has been resolved thanks again to daredevil and his pal moon knight. such a shame i had to cower under my desk while the weather was on. ok goodnight'
the funky thing abt nightvale in this au is that it's basically just like. new york from 616 but foggy's like. from our earth so he's like HWAT THE FUCK AND AHIT IS GOING ON IN HERE ON THIS DAY AND WHY CANT I LEAVE he gets kidnapped by super villains on like his second day in town and immediatley regrets every life choice he's ever made
matt works at nightvale radio by day and conviently cuts to the weather every time something comes up so sometimes there's like. 7 half hour weather broadcasts a day and the townspeople just. humor him
foggy falls in love with matt after figuring out after .5 seconds that he's daredevil and he saved him from a bunch of baddies on like his second day and matt compliments him on the radio like every day and yeah they're fuckin good ok assorted stupid college hcs: matt and foggy like to chill in each other's beds. foggy doesn't notice that often because matt moves back b4 he gets back and matt pretends not to notice but  like. he can smell foggy was there. foggy. stop napping in this bed you're making my sheets smell like you, foggy, i KNOW they're silk and i know you think you're getting away with it but you're NOT,
matt, coming back into the dorm after being out for the day: foggy are you laying on my bed foggy, sitting up straight: nah pal. just sitting on the end for a minute hehe. just had to rest the old joints matt, knowing DAMN well that he was lying down a second ago and he's obviously lying but not being able to say anything; haha ok. move
hrnnn matt knows foggy is gay long before he tells him because he catches him in a lie about who he was out with but he can't say anything and like. he knows foggy is scared to tell him but he doesn't know how to bring it up and he's like. i want him to know he can trust me but i don't know how to tell him i know please foggy
foggys heart goes a mile a minute anytime the subject of being gay comes up around matt and matt wants to yell at him that it's OK and he doesn't care but his hints that he's fine with it seem to fly right over foggys head and so one day he gets so fed up with trying to convince foggy he's chill with gay people he just kisses him. wig
hrnnn. matt doesn't like the snow because it messes with his senses and he can't see but he can't say that to foggy so he just says he doesn't like the cold and foggys like "yeah doofus you weigh like three pounds you're skin and bone compared to me smh" and insists on cuddling him every time he sees matt get like That bc he thinks he's just chilly and it's. oddly comforting to matt because yeah. nobody really Holds him like that, and he Is Cold, and foggy is Warm,
matt gets Very touchey around people he's close with and so when he gets close with foggy he puts his arm around him a lot, rests his head on his shoulder, holds his arm even when they're not going anywhere, etc. foggys heart speeds up every time but matt just assumes that's what people hearts do when that happens because he doesn't really do that with anyone else and hey, he's happy when he does it and his heart maybe spikes a little too, but then he gets someone else's arm to lead him when foggys sick one week and their heart stays the exact same, what's up with that? so then he starts paying attention to all the people on campus, and the touching doesn't usually make the hearts go wild, but, well. matt 'sees' it happens and he's like HaHa, See, This is A Thing, and then he realizes that the people that have it happen to them? they're couples. and he just. freezes because first of all, Foggy- and at him- an- and second, his heart ALSO does a thing, so-
heres a rEALLY stupid unrelated au/hc i got after hearing a friends disater story hfdjhskja matt goes on a blind (hehe) date with a girl and it's pretty much a disaster, it turns out she brought her friend who is also meeting a guy at the same place, and like. she's obviously incredibly wack she says blind people are god's mistake and stupid shit like that so matt gets up halfway through their meal to go sit in the bathroom for 20 minutes while he thinks of an excuse to leave? and eventually a guy comes in and he's like 'uh hey, dude, you in here? your date grabbed her friend and left so we're both dateless now, thats a relief for me and unless you're just having incredibly bad bowel movements i think it's pobably one for you since you Have been in here for like half an hour uh im foggy by the way' and then they go back out and sit together and talk about how wack that fuckin was and like. inadvertent date
hey i can talk a lot of shit about how matt falls asleep on foggy but. sometimes foggy falls asleep on or next to or with matt and matt goes !!!! and he does not move and then he eventually falls asleep with foggy head on his shoulder and his head on foggys and when FOGGY wakes up and realizes matts still there and is ALSO asleep he doesn't move and eventually falls back asleep and then it's just like. waiting until the time aligns that they're both awake at the same time because neither wants to move and wake the other send tweet
foggy looks up from his college bed, sees matt, and suddenly EVERYTHING is fucking rainbow and he's like 'oh fuck. oh shit. wait. this is a dude' and matt's like 'is everything ok my guy?' because foggy's like. >:O and of course he has no idea because he's blind but foggy doesnt realise this and for a hot minute he;s like "OH FUCK. ITS ONE OF THOSE RARE OCASIONS WHERE HES PERFECT FOR ME BUT I'M NOT FOR HIM," and is about to s o b before he's like wait a fucking minute
yknow the au where like. the first words you hear from your soulmate are marked on your skin at birth? foggy's are 'excuse me', absolutley common, a chance meeting, and he stops jumping every single time he hears them after age 8 when he realises just how many times that phrase is said. matt's are 'yeah, who're you looking for,'  but he doesnt remember that, there's no constant reminder of it since he's blind, the nuns wouldn't tell him, the kids made up childish shit like 'poopoo', and stick DEFINITLEY wouldnt fucking tell him because hes stick and hes an asshead and eventually matt stops asking and caring. it takes WEEKS for after they meet for foggy to ask matt about his words and matt just says 'oh yeah, i dont remember. here" and shows foggy and when he sees them he's like. 'hm. sounds familiar' and forgets about it untill like two years later theyre drunk and talking about the first time they met and matt's like 'yeah you asked like 'who'm i looking for and then panicked because i was blind' and foggy's brain just like. short circuits for a whole ass minute and then when it clicks he just goes. "yOU"
matt realises when he's still in the orphanage that mayhaps he hates being not a dude and haha! hes not gonna fucking come out to catholics he knows about That. he tries to tell stick, around the time their closest, and FUCK STICK he refuses to call him anything else or support him becaise stick is a peace of fuck shit FUCK STICK so that scars matt from coming out for a DAMN while so like. when he goes to college he introduces himself to everyone as matt and emails his proffesors like. 'hello please my name is redacted on your forms please call me matt its uh. a nickname' and he's not like. out to anyone but matt is close enought to his deadname that most people don't question it. foggy does, though, a little while after they meet, and matt is so fed up with not telling people and being called the wrong pronouns he just goes 'i want to be a guy ok' and goes absolutley APESHIT when foggy's like 'oh, cool. do you want me to use he pronouns for you' because wait. people are...ok sometimes? and matt's like. about to cry 
 alternatley: matt says "I don't wanna be a girl." and foggy goes "oh hey are you trans? same hat!" and then foggy tells matt like. binding tips and shit and theyre Good ok
deadpool kills transphobes, sm n dd just fucking beat the SHIT out of them in a back alley and like. they let DP know where they are but whatever happens happens :D
elektra, impaling two transphobes onto the side of a building with her knives: matthew, i know you can hear me, why
one day elektra sees matt has dumped a guy on her roof and just. sighs and goes back inside and matt waits for like 15 minutes before halfheartedly picking up the dude and dropping him off at franks.
matt dropped them off at nats One Time and she went apeshit and hunted down like 20 more of them.
foggy, holding a bat: cmon matt let me kill ONE matt: 'fine but if you get caught im not going to be your lawyer.'
earth 14512/TRN700 (peni parker’s universe) matt murdock has a robot seeing eye dog who's also a vigilante
hddjdsjdhdn they all show up to earth 6's foggy and he just. sighs and all the devils start crying because He Is Here
hmm ok. canonically we know nothing about miles's matt but we know he exists and is known figure because miles knows of him but doesn't know he's daredevil i'm Prefty Sure so like. i'm gonna say he's just a successful lawyer who has radarsense but never got yoinked away from the orphanage by stick and never got training so like. hemndhdjsjnow the QUESTION is who finds that matt because there's a Very Different outcome depending on if like. murderdock meets him first or the matt from hobopeters universe does
hmm. murderdock comes in first like gwen does but doesn't out himself as competent w like swords and shit. but he OH HES THE OPPOSING FORCE FOR UH A COURT CASE MATT IS IN AND MATT HAS NO IFEA HOW SIMILAR THEY LOOK BECAUSE HES BLIND HRNNNNNHSHDHDHDJ and then matt from HP's universe comes in like HEY YOURE ME RIGHT. what the FUCK i need the laws in this dimension STAT and murderdock ':"sees" him and is like ah fuck. my goose may be uhhh cooked
ok mileses matt is like 'so what brought y'all here??? hhh????  and murderdock sighs and goes well my boss who's not really my boss from MY universe is doing something stupid here and opened a dimensional portal and it could maybe tear the multiverse apart which i guess i'm not stoked about' and matt's like 'who's your boss?' and murderdock begrudgingly says 'wilson fisk' and matt immediatley goes >:O because he's CONSTANTLY defending people who were injured as a result of what fisk and his company do
anyways. matt immediatley rushes to foggys because "foggys my partner, he's helped me deal with fisk, he knows him, he can help," and he swings open the door and like. one of two things happens actually either A: foggy is like matt. MAATT. AHAT IS GOING ON WH. WHY IS THERE A TALKING DEER WEARNING SPANDEX WHO CLIMBED THROIGH MY WINDOW MATT PLEASE HE SAYS HES Y O U or like. matt walks in and deerdevil is playing pattycake with robodog and daredevil noir is incessantly flirting with foggy and when matt comes in foggys like 'hey. i don't know what's going on but i think i'm trading my best friend'
murderdock is like...the cool college student who tells freshies about weed murderdock: so, you don't know how to fight right  matt: no??? i'm blind??? md: but you can kinda see right. matt: yeah like a radar kinda md: normal blind people can't do that you know matt: they wHAT md: you can listen to heartbeats if you try hard enough. you can tell when people are lying matt: i can W H A T md: yeah. what me to teach you how to kill a man matt: W H AT NO IM A L A W Y E R WH
hrnnn the matts in this universe push our matt away to stay with foggy because he doesn't deserve 2 die and you KNOW every matt pushes people away but foggy is like. matt i know you tried it's ok i lov you buddy and he's like HRGGHHHH FUNCK YOU and makes foggy tell him stories untill he can distinguish lies and hide in a place around their office untill matt can like. find him instantly and training montage shit you feel me and he rolls up to the collider in his black pjs like "hello my fellow devil men. i hear you all have no plan. well. i don't either but i'm here" and one matt is like. how did you go-OH YOU DID IT and all the mats high five and cry a littlethey're still reluctant to let matt come help but they're all like. "we're all depressed and suicidal anyways we all have big guilt and if we didn't let him i lnOW he's gonna have big guilt forever he can stay"
foggy is a private eye, kinda depressed a lil bit, and he works w his secretary karen who helps him with tech and stuff because he is god awful at all that 
"mike whatevermaggiesmaidennameis" is an occult specialist from dark matters agency assigned by an agent natasha of dark matters to help him with his current case. 
foggy does NOT want to do this with any damn occultist or whatever the hell but before he can escape mike shows up and god DAMN is he charming and catches him before he can climb out the window, so. that's that for introductions. anyways, hijinks, elektra is cassandra, if you care listen to the murderous mask, anyhoo foggy stars to notice something is kinda weird about matt but brushes it off. they finish investigating and retrieve an important artifact.
it's cold, mike says. sorry dude, all the places near here are closed, foggy says. is your place? mike asks. oh, says foggy they go back to foggys place and maybe make out a little bit, but foggy realizes oh shit, mike just tried to steal the keys to my safe where i stored the artifact, shit, and plaxces him under arrest before he can do anything, and calls the cop cops.
they come to take mike away, and minutes later foggy finds a note, scrawled INCREDIVLY messily, in his pocket. "sorry," it says, "i wasn't tricking you about anything i said, and i meant everything i did. -matt murdock ps. check around, say, X avenue. you may have to do a bit of cleanup." when foggy checks cameras that overview there, he find the officers that took murdock from his apartment hogtied together, and sees their clothes strewn on the ground - forming letters - with love. their car is gone. PODCAST AU:
matt listens to podcasts a lot right and so foggy is like hmm mayhaps this is a good idea. but the type of podcasts they listen to differs so incredibly like matt listens to serial and the wildest one he listens to is probably judge john hodgman whereas foggy listens to shitpost podcasts like mbmbam and can i pet your dog foggy keeps referencing mbmbam around matt because he just assumes that he listens to it and matt is so confused every time and one day foggy says "damn matt you're really horny for this one huh" and matt just snaps and says FOGGY WHAT DO YOU M E AN
so then they are like oh shit you're not listening to the good ones. no YOURE not listening to the good ones. solution?  listen together which means sharing earbuds which means sitting next to eachother on small college bed which means????? cuddling
also eventually they decide fuck it. let's make our own podcast and they combine the mbmbam and jjh format so they get questions and do goofs and stuff and then give actual legal advice but sometimes foggy will be like "ok. here's what you do. you need a cat? go into the pet shelter and take one. what are the gonna do beat you up with their cat toys? didn't think so." and matt starts crying because "Fo g g y WE ARE LAWYERS I KNOW YOURE GOOFING BUT THATS ILLEGAL FOGGY YOI CANT TELL OUR LISTENERS TO GO DO CRIME"
matt has a caffeine addiction and constantly comes to foggys coffee shop and orders one black coffee every morning and foggy eventually is like. hey buddy. do you EVER drink ANYTHING F U N EVER
matts like...no...i need coffee as strong and dark as my soul... and foggys like ok edglelord. wait up i'm about to change your life
foggy makes him a latte that's just a little bit caramelly but not too sweet and he's like here. drink this. no charge you deserve to live a little. also here's your boring edgy coffee you still have to pay me for that one. matt tries it and he's like hmm. not bad, but just not. Good and foggy is like wow fuck you. i'm going to find a good drink for you that isn't this hell water so every morning matt comes in and foggy gives him a black coffee and a free Fun and Cool coffee on the house
matt always is polite even when foggy can tell he DESPISES what foggy made but he's not going to stop untill he finds something god damn it matt
ok anyways they start meeting up more. matt starts taking his breaks in the coffee shop and and foggy hmmm...always seems to have a shift off when matt comes down..hmm. coincidence....hmmm....theo suffers for him by covering all his shifts when matt comes in and he's like well, actually fuck work
eventually foggy is like hey dude. do you wanna test my drinks before they go on the menu or help me perfect my recipes and shit you have a good toungie right (matt goes apeshit, because fuckin FOGGY YOU CABT SAY THAT) but he's like haha yeah. that'd be fun. haha
and then foggy finds out matt is INCREDIBLE at baking when he hands him a cookie and matt goes. hmm. too much flour add a fourth a cup less and a pinch more of saltand he's like??? bitch. i'd like to see you do better. and then matt does
so basically every day foggy closes up a little earlier and lets matt in and they dick around in the kitchen and bake and make coffee and foggys shop gets more and more popular because hey this already really good joint just started selling the most BALLER carrot cAke waht the fucké
anyways fall comes around and foggy is like GUES WHATT ITS TIME FOR WHITE GIRL DRINKS TRY THIS and he gives matt a pumpkin spice latte and matt is like. •.• THIS IS IT. THATS THE ONE
he bullies foggy into keeping the latte on the menu by threatening to stop helping him bake and foggy is SO OFFENDED, on behalf of good taste everywhere, matt, please,
anyways foggy continues rags on matt for only liking the shittiest fucking drink god damn it matthew fucking hell i make you 3 billion and THIS is the one you pick you disaster and matt is like haha shut up. stoopid
foggy doesn't, and you can guess where this be headed because i'm gay and soft,
matt kisses him and foggys like. ?????????? and matt goes AH FUCK. I COULDNT THINK OF A BETTER WAY TO GET YOU TO SHUT YOUR MOUTH SORRY. GUESS ILL GO and foggy throws cookie dough at him and drags him back over because he's not leaving fuck that. fuck you. and then they're happy and domestic the end
wait i lied matt opens a pro-bono firm in the back of foggy's shop and he gives all his clients freshly baked dessert and coffee and he's so good at being a lawyer and foggy becomes so good @ running his shop that customers keep coming and they're the Cute Gay Couple everyone knows abt and loves
SO. there are so many god damn moments foggy nearly fucking breaks and smooches matt out of sheer unbridled uwu soft feelings. SO MANY. when they win their first mock trial together and matt looks so FUCKING happy and he tells foggy how good they work as a team and foggy is about to lose his mind but he just goes. 'haha yeah' and gives matt a fist bump they finish taking the bar: matt's had to take it in a seperate room, stupid blind accommodations. he finishes first because OF COURSE HE DOES HE'S MATT MURDOCK and the second foggy finishes and leaves the room he sees matt there and he's filled with so many emotions he's about to go apeshit but he manages to contain them JUST enough not to make out with matt on the spot but gives him the tightest fucking hug and matt's like "ok buddy! love you too! please dont break my ribs!" and foggys too happy to notice matt forgot to flinch like he didnt know foggy was coming
Foggy gets the sign to matt and he can tell how fuckin stoked matt is and all he can think about is how grateful he is that the two of them get to work together and fucking do GOOD together and he's trying to express that in his awkward foggy way and he's GOING to kiss him right then and there!! hes about to do it look out world!!! and then matt says "you're NOT going to kiss me" and foggy realises haha YEAH THATD BE A BAD IDEA HUH and jokes it off and gives matt another hug - "i'll be careful not to break the ribs this time, buddy, seems like you've been falling over and hurting yourself enough recently,"-
foggy almost kisses matt out of anger when he finds out he's daredevil, when he won't shut up about how this city needs him and foggy would have done the same and blah, blah, bullshit because maybe then he'd FUCKING listen to him, or at least it'd shut him up, but the honest betrayal he feels - at matt for not telling him and at himself for STILL having a part of him that wants to kiss matt - is enough to get him just to leave : ^)
alright. the gang is watching fisk get carted away and see that SHIT, he's broken out, of course it wasnt going to be this easy. matt puts karen in a taxi goes to run off and foggy grabs him by his coat because MATT. you're not going to go fight fisk in your god damn pajamas right now it's too dangerous you're going to die you stupid son of a bitch idiot
and of course matt doesn't listen, he tells foggy to get back into the car with karen, go to his place, they'll be safe there, and grabs his own taxi
and foggy's left to sit there with karen in the cab as it drives Oh Too Fucking Slowly to matt's, and he's mumbling curses all the way and karen is trying to calm him down, he doesnt know why he's so worried, and all foggy can think about is what if matt dies because i didnt stop him and what if karen never gets to hear it from him and about 10 billion what-ifs that wont leave him the FUCK alone, and he sits next to the windowsill he knows matt comes in through and waits, not even wanting to look at the tv because what if he sees worse news Hrgh
matt beats up fisk and he barely even waits for the cops to get there, he gets one look and confirms 'yup, that's mahoney,' and fucking BOOKS it to his apartment, he climbs through the window and foggy's just sitting there waiting, karens in the next room watching the broadcast at a 3 minute delay on her phone, matt doesnt have a tv hes BLIND >:,\
and when matt comes in, bloody and beaten up and doing That Panting Thing He Does, but definitley alive, foggy just fucking. grabs him by the shoulders and kisses him because HE IS A L I V E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and matt is suprised but he doesnt even try to protest because he's still riding the adrenaline from the fight
anyways. foggy pulls away for air and says 'you're so fucking stupid and i hate you' and then matt kisses hIM because uhh, thats FOGGY
and it's a minute later that matt senses another heartbeat and realizes karen's standing in the doorway, and she raises an eyebrow and obviously trying not to panic asks 'uh, foggy, pray tell, buddy, why you're making out with the devil in matt's bedroom' and foggy goes apeshit and tries to think of an excuse that doesn't invole 'uh thats matt' but it just kinda comes out as some stupid shit like 'i,,, uh,,,,, secret,...affair,,?i',m....gay." and matt just sighs and pulls off his helmet like "hey karen. it's me. hey karen whats poppin its me blind matt murdock" and needless to say they all have a Lot to talk abt
so like. the first year they're together matt and foggy go out a lot, and it's mostly foggy dragging matt places and matt reluctantly coming because A) if someone doesnt watch foggy this idiot is going to puke and pass out in a ditch and B) he really like his company shh. no telling because that gay
anyways matt usually only drinks a little but foggy is mad lightweight right. he doesn't get shitfaced too often, usually only after exams or when he knows he has no classes the next day. when he does get shitfaced though he absolutley loses his shit and becomes even more touchy than usual, which is VERY TOUCHY because fuck you its my au and i get to choose the default affection levels
so basically. once foggy starts hugging matt and leaning on him and whining into his shirt about the 'hot girls' and 'killer nachos' at the party matt knows it's time to head home and foggy is too busy wrapping his arms around matt to notice he's being dragged out untill its too late
and y'know, thats fine, that's usual, all normal friend stuff, except what foggy also has a tendancy to do when he's drunk is kiss matt. sometimes its on his cheeks, or his forehead, or his shirt?? matt doesnt get that one??? and sometimes foggy even tries to go for the lips when hes particularly wilde. matt knows to expect this by the third time they go out, but it's still always a suprise when it happens, because sometimes it'll be out of nowhere when theyre walking back, or foggy'll stop matt and grab his cheeks and kiss him? sometimes they'll get all the way back to the dorm and matt will make foggy lie down and foggy will grab his shirt and pull him close enough to give him a quick peck before rolling over and promptly beggining to snore
which, y'know, is absolutley great for a maybe-gay-for-his-best-friend-catholic. what's also great is that foggy never seems to remember the fact he kissed matt the night before, and if he does, he definitley does NOT bring it up
so that's fine. whatever. thats life and matt will pretend like he doesnt care when foggy gives him a smooch because hes straight and loves girls and jesus christ, no homo, amen
but THEN. . then matt and foggy have been studying for exams for weEKS and theyre FINALLY DONE, FINALLY, and they are both going to get wasted out of their mINDS you better BELIEVE IT
so they do! and eventually they stumble back to their dorm together and sit together on the floor with a half-downed bottle of tequila and matt decides fuck it. he tells foggy he's never kissed a guy and foggy is like "haha cool. i have." matt's like "haha was it good" and foggys like "hell yeah man better than girls" so matts like hmm. "foggy i think i want to kiss a guy" and you can guess where this is goin
foggy is an oblivious little shit and just thinks matt's having a gay awakening so he's like "oh cool" and matt starts vibrating at inhuman frequency because FOGGY THIS IS THE ONE TIME I"M BASICALLY ASKING YOU TO DRUNK KISS ME AND YOU D O N T" so he just goes "haha yeah." and foggy's like "haha yeah"
and then matt chugs the bottle of tequila and says "foggy i think i wanna kiss you" and then he does but he's a good christian and also stupid so he just like. goes mwah on foggy's cheek
and foggy stares at him for like 15 seconds before basiclly challenging him to 'kiss him like a man, murdock, how are you supposed to get the gay experience if you dont go all in' and then they make out for like 20 minutes and life is good
(they both wake up w the worst fucking hangovers and theyre passed out on the floor and matt's like "foggy....im gay..." and foggys like "haha do you remember i kissed you" and matts like "????foggy i kissed YOU" and foggys like "oh yeah you did. you should have done that earlier" and matts says "????you were too busy trying to kiss me" and foggy goes "oh haha i was. cool" and then they fall back asleep...then they.....boyfriend.s)
so. matt is a florist and he runs a little shop across the street from an empty piece of real estate. a tiny place that used to be a deli but had just the WORST sandwiches, it was no wonder they closed down, god damn. anways. matt runs his shop with his best friends kirsten and karen who have IMPECCABLE taste in flowers and less impeccable taste in impulse control and not being huge lesbians.
one day this dude pulls up into matt's shop. his request is maybe the strangest matt's ever heard - 'can you get me two bouquets of like, the most metal flowers you have? like, ones that just look super cool but also, yknow, smell super good and sick and shit?' 
matt laughs, and tells the guy that yeah, he can't help with the looks part, but he'll make sure to get him some that smell 'quote' sick and shit, come back tomorrow morning and they'll have some ideas-hey, what are these for anyways?
and the guy tells him, oh, hah, i'm moving in across the street, opening a little tattoo place? wanted some flowers to make it seem more, uhh....welcoming. matt laughs and says yeah, sure, cool, and tells him if he has anymore questions to call the store and ask for matt. the guy tells him if he ever wants a tattoo just cross the street and ask for foggy and unless the flowers matt gives him really suck he won't do him dirty and tattoo a dick on him
so anyways, they have a couple meetings, foggy decides on the flowers he wants and thanks matt and tells him hey, he should come check out the shop, it's opening tomorrow, and foggy wants to be able to point to the guy who did the sick florals. matt doesnt have anything better to do and he likes the sound of this guy's voice so hell, he might as well
when he goes over matt realizes oh shit. he really is out of his element here, but he asks the guy at the counter for 'foggy' and is led over to  a corner where foggy's sitting and tattooing...himself? and matt realizes hey. i kind of have no idea what this dude looks like
so he sorta. sits there awkwardly untill he asks like. 'uh. i cant actually see what youre doing' and foggy goes OH IM SO FUCKING STUPID. i'm. man, saying this out loud seems kinda really stupid and cheesy i cant believe i have to do this...i'm....it's one of the flowers in the bouquet you made me....i just thought it looked really neat and smelled good and it....kinda reminds me of you and OK i KNOW that sounds really weird we met like 4 days ago BUT you seem super cool and i kinda hope we can maybe like. be friends or hang out or something,
and matt's like. o//////o yeah okay. uh. thats cool. thats cool uh im sure the flower is really pretty haha i love that type haha UH DO YOU WANT TO GET LUNCH OR SOMETHING haha maybe ill get a flower tattoo one day its pretty cool that you do tattoos UH IM FREE TOMOROW WAIT MAYBE THATS TOO SOON IM SORRY UH IM FREE WEDNESDAYS,
and foggy just kinda laughs and says 'no, tomorrow works,' and hey! they make plans and get coffee together and matt's like so. what tattoos do you have and foggy starts listing a bunch and eventually matt's like :( i wish i could see them they sound beautiful and foggy's like. here. heres my arm can i. yeah ok. and he grabs matts ar,m and he's like ok. feel the skin, its still a little raised can you feel that? ok, run your fingers over here and i can like. tell you wjats there
cue like an hour of sensual arm touching and tattoo explaining and the more matt learns about foggy and his tattoos and the more he hears the way he talks the more he's like A) oh fuck, i kinda really like this guy whos letting me feel up his arms and B) do i want a tattoo? i kind of want a tattoo
anyways. time jump they hang out a bit more, foggy always comes into matt's shop and talks to him in between customers, shows him the patterns he's designing, etc, and one day he comes in with a paper that has a design of some flowers on it and shows it to matt and as he's running his fingers across it he stops and says 'foggy? will you do this to me'
and foggys like 'bud are you sure? first tattoo, right, do you-are you really sure you want to do this, like, when, and wh" and matt's like 'shut up and put this ink in my skin before i chicken out' so matt sits through a PAINFUL ASS TATTOO and when it's done he's like FOGGY CAN I TOUCH IT CAN I TOUCH IT FOGGY CAN I TOUCH IT and foggy has to physically restrain matt from fondling his tattoo because its FRESH MATT
so foggys like 'ok, this is cause for celebration! babys first ink! we;re getting beers cmon' and they both go out to drink and matt's like 'hey foggy...can i touch more of your tattoos' and foggy's like 'uh, sure, i have another armfull,' and they do that for a while untill matt gets to the one foggy did the first time he visited foggy's tattoo parlor and foggy's like hah. remember this one? and matt's like yeah. i do. and they kinda just. sit there for a minute and then foggy's like 'ok. im gonna kiss you now punch me if you hate this, flowerboy' and matt absolutley does not punch him, thank you very much
and when they finish having their moment matt's like 'wow. i shoulda....i shoulda asked to feel you up again way sooner if i knew you were gonna do that' and foggy's like 'hey...i'd let you feel me up anytime' and they both kind of laugh and decide ok, worm, this works, and decide theyre gonna do that more often
they start to go out for drinks / dinner / lunch / any time they possibly can, and matt learns the curvature of foggys (suprisingly muscley?) arms down to a t, but he runs out of space to run his fingers over one night, and foggy kisses him and says 'hey. i've got more tattoos, y'know, but i don't think many people would appreciate it if i showed them off to you here' and matt is like 'wh-O H'
and foggy laughs and drags him to his apartment and pulls of his shirt and says 'ok, we're alone now. tell me what you feel' and matt sits on the bed in front of him and theres lots of sensual chest stroking going on and then yeah. matt gets fed up with all this touching foggy and not enough of foggy touching him and. they fuck oopsie
and after that they decide worm. that was good, wanna do that more often, holy shit, and decide to actually date date and thats like. thats that babey!
but years later they open a joint shop, an absolute mess of soft/punk aesthetics and everyone knows them because matt is still a soft florist who just has a fewwwww dozen flowers inked all over him and foggy is the punk god who flexes his sleeves all over town but flexes his soft boyfriend husband even more tHE END
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ethereal-lix · 5 years
You have sweaty hands
Alright, so this doesnt have a title and this is part two to the request. Again, i would like to apologise for the long wait. 
Warnings: None except for terrible writing, probably some grammatical errors i have no one to proof read and im too lazy to do it since its 2:30am 
Here is part one with Got7. i hope you all enjoy :)
Request:Hi, can I request a got7 and bts reaction (it can be separated or in the same post idc.) about their shy gf and her hand gets sweaty when he's holding her hand for to long? I have this problem so I need help.😣😣😭😭😖😳
Jin: You and Jin were at an amusement park for one of your rare dates out in public. You guys never really got to go out much, in general really. Jin was always busy with the boys, whether he was recording, filming something, on tour, practicing for the new music video, or the new dance, there was always something that kept him and you from having “real dates” so when you talked to him about how it had been months since he last took you out on a real date he promised to take you to the new amusement park that just opened a few weeks ago. You were so happy that you accepted on the spot and felt like you didnt need to hear anymore than the promise. Oh how you wished you had lt him finish saying what he was saying since you’re not too keen on amusement parks because of the crowd of people and the rides. You didnt do well with those two things adn now not only were they put together when you get nervous your hands start to sweat. Now add that to being shy and you have yourself a whole lot of problems. “Jin..” you begin to say before he cuts you 
off with a kiss to the temple, “You already said yes, you cant back down now” “That was before i knew what our date was going to be like.” You countered. “You know i dont do well with situations like this.” “It’ll be fun” Jin stated as he grabbed your hand literally dragging you to the closest ride. As time went on you found yourself having a lot of fun and you didnt know why you freaked out in the first place. That was until you saw the roller coaster that Jin was dragging you to. “Woah, wait, Jin no.” Jin stopped and looked at you. “What do you mean ‘no’?” he questioned. “Exactly what the word means Jin. No! im not getting on that ride. i’ll get one very other one but that one” Jin looked at you before a light bulb wen toff above his head. You gave him a quizzical looking silently asking him what he was thinking. Almost as if he could read your min he stuck his hand out. “Oh no, we are not playing rock, paper, scissors to see if ill get on that ride.” “What? are you scared that you’ll lose rock, paper, scissors?” He challenged. You’ve never lost a game of rock, paper, scissors to anyone so what do you have to be worried for, right? Wrong.  THe next thing you know you’re standing in line for that ride. “I cant believe i lost rock, paper, scissors.” you grumbled standing in line. Jin laughed at you before he grabbed your wrist uncrossing your arms from your chest so he can hod your hands. “Woah, your hands are super sweaty, are you okay? i didnt know you were this nervous. We can leave the line if you want? i can just come back with the boys or something?” You let out a deep sigh before you shook your hand loose from his grasp. “No, its fine i’ll get on  the ride.” “You sure?” “Yeah..” you whisper with a small smile. Once it was your turn tp go and you two were all situated in the seats and prepared to go on the ride of your life your grabbed his hand once more. “No need to be scared sweetie, itll be okay” Jin smiled at you giving your hand a small squeeze before he kissed the back of your hand.  
Suga: BTS was invited to an award show in the states and Yoongi had invited you as his plus one. You and Yoongi had been secretly dating for almost 11 months now and the fans just recently started to suspect something going on between you two. You were thankful that it look them this long to start suspecting something, but also a little sad that they started snooping around so soon. Since Yoongi had invited you as his plus one this would be your fist public appearance as a couple. You were excited but at the same time scared. What would everyone think? Would they fans like you? Hate you? You didnt know and that made you super nervous. You were already nervous for many reason and worrying about whether or not the fans would support you and your guys relationship. You already had sweaty palms, especially when you got nervous and now yo were about to have millions of people looking at you and watching your every move and that just made you sweat even more. as you had made it to the red carpet event Jimin had noticed that you were unusually quiet and hit Yoongis shoulder with the back of his hand and pointed at you. Yoongi leaned in and whispered in your ear while grabbing your hand. “Hey, Y/N you okay? Your hand is pretty sweaty.” “Uhhh yeah, just a little nervous i guess.” you mumbled back while taking your hand out of his to wipe it on your dress. “No need to be nervous. For any reason. You’ll have a good time during the event, the fans will love you, and no one will bother you. People are usually really good when it comes to giving significant others’ their personal space. I promise everything will go smoothly.” He stated while grabbing your hand and walking down the carpet.
Jhope: Today you were going with Hobi top his holiday party with the boys and their company. It would be the first time you met with the people who managed your boyfriends group and the boys he spends most of his time with, so to say that you were nervous would be an understatement. You sighed as you fixed the wrinkles in your dress. “There is no need to be nervous, everyone will love you.” You looked into the mirror staring at Hobis reflection, “But-” “But nothing, they will love you. They all cant wait to meet you. All i do is talk about you and i can tell you right now that they already love you and they cant wait to meet you.” he interrupted you while walking over to fix the back of your dress. You exhaled and looked into his eyes. “I guess you’re right..” you replied turning around to give him a quick peck to his lips. “Lets go before i get to nervous and back out.” As you got out of the car and walked up to the house where the party was taking place you instinctively rubbed your hands up and down your dress trying to wipe your hands off. Hobi looked at you before chuckling lightly and resting his hand on your lower back. “Like i said no need to worry.” Hobi reached down to grab your hand, before you swiftly moved it away. Looking at you with concerned before he gave you a questioning look. “Are you okay?” He murmured. You stammered for a second before you answered “Y..yeah im fine, its just.. my hands are really sweaty and i dint wanna hold yours ‘cause thats kinda gross.” Hobi laughed his beautiful laugh before grabbing your hand and knocking on the door. “Jagi, trust me when i say, i’ll never not want to hold your hand. Sweaty or not.”  
RM: You were currently on your way to go to the airport so you and your boyfriend and his band can go to Canada for a few concerts before taking a small break and picking back up in America with their newest comeback tour. You didnt do too well with heights but you managed, but plane rides were something completely different. there was no way around it. you had no where to go to avoid looking down, you had no other way to look where you wouldn't see how high up you were. It was only you, your mind, your fear, your thoughts, and that long, long, long plane ride. “Sweets you okay?” Namjoon whispered in your ear. “Uhm, yeah, im fine.” You stuttered out quietly. Namjoon looked around the car to see if any of the boys were awake at the moment, thankfully they werent. “Are you sure? You dint look okay, and youre doing that things with your hands when you get nervous.” He pointed to your hands and you looked down noticing that you were rubbing your hands together in hopes of not letting your hands get to sweaty. “Oh..” was all you could manage to get out. “Are you nervous about the plane ride?” You nodded before letting out a deep sigh. “Yeah. Sometimes i wonder how i flew to Korea on my own.” “Its going to be okay, especially since you got me and the boys here with you this time.” He mumbled against your temple before placing a chaste kiss to it and grabbing your hand. “Wait, wait..” “It’s fine. I dont mind. Especially because when i come home from dance practice you hug me and im sweating all over the place. I think i can handle a little had sweat.” He smiled down at you sweetly, “plus i love your hands, theyre so small compared to mine and i just love your hands.” You looked down with a slight blush, “and ill make sure that you sit in the middle and ill have Hobi switch seats with Tae so Hobi can sit with you and i and help keep you distracted.”  
Jimin: You and Jimin had arrived at the studio for your photoshoot. You and Jimin decided that you would release a duet just for the fun of it and at first it seemed fun, especially since it was 2:30 in the morning and you guys were pretty drunk, but now that youve made it past the writing and producing stages of the song and are now working on the visuals for the song you got super nervous. You werent the best singer, but you werent the best and the mire you thought about it the more nervous you got because what would the public say? Would they like it? Would they like you? Would they hate the song because you’re singing a song with their beloved Jimin? All the possibilities that could go wrong were running a thousand miles a minute in your head. “Love, you gotta stop worrying. Remember this song is just for fun. Its not meant it be a real single or a debut song. It was just for fun. Nothing more nothing less, so if the fans and public dont like it its fine. We didnt do this for them we did it for us.” He reassured you. “I hope youre right.” You mumble before being dragged away by the stylists to get you ready for the shoot. Once they had finished getting you all ready you walked to the set. “You look amazing love” Jimin greeted you from behind. “Were almost ready for you guys.”The stage manager stated as he walked by grabbing some props for the background. You turned around to face the set taking a few deep breaths. Jimin noticed how nervous you were and walked up behind you wrapping you up in a hug before turning you around to face him and grabbing your very clammy hands. “Like i said, this was just for fun, if people dont like it thats fine. All that matters ist hat you had fun, and i want you to have fun during this experience so dont think about anyone or anything and focus on me, and what were doing right here, right now, in this moment. When you look back on this i want you to have a good memory and i dont want you to regret that you spent too much time worrying about the reviews and what people are going to think. Let go and have fun in the moment. Worry about everything when you get to that bridge, yah?” You smiled and nodded your head walking on to set getting ready for the photoshoot. 
V: “Come on, Y/N its okay. All you have to do is just record the demo track fo r us and then well have someone else record your part. We just need to make sure that we get the right member to sing the part, and maybe you can do the background vocals?” Tae tried to bargain with you. “Tae, no i cant sing that well anyways so please just drop it.” You were in the shower when Tae had came home early. You didnt hear the door open since your music was blasting and Tae had walked into your bedroom looking for you when he heard your voice floating out of the bathroom and now as you were getting dressed Tae was trying to get you to sing on a demo track for him and the boys. “I’ll give you a choice, you can either record the demo for me or you can ne on the actual track. Personally i would prefer that you record the actual track. Your voice will compliment Jimins really well, pleaseeee!!!” Tae begged you while lightly shaking your arm. Suddenly he gasped, “How about we play rock, paper, scissors? I win you have to record the track with Jimin, you win and you wont have to record the song or even do the demo track.” You eyed him up adn down before you caved. Whats the worst that can happen? You surely wont lose, right? Wrong. Oh boy you were so wring. As you and Tae pulled up to the studio you started freaking out. “Tae, i really dont wanna do this, i cant sing, and all the boys will laugh when they hear me sing.” You whined into his ear as you walked through the doors to the booth. “No, the boys wont make fun of you, i promise.” Tae breathed out while grabbing your hand. “Oh wow, you really are nervous arent you?” “Yesss!!” you whined even more dragging out the ‘s’. Tae laughed before he pulled you off to the side. “Seriously, dont be nervous. Everything will go smoothly. I promise, and ill be right there by your side the whole time.” You exhaled and walked into the booth greeting the boys. “Thank you so much for doing this with me Y/N” Jimin beamed at you. You smiled as you relaxed, “no problem Jimin. Are you ready?” Tae smiled as he watched you slightly shake your hands hoping that the air would help dry them of more quickly.
Jungkook: You knew what you were signing up for when you said yes to being jungkooks girlfriend. You knew about the fans, the long days and nights away from him, the tours, the fan meets, the sleepless nights, him not eating much, him being gone most of the time, hi wanting to record you and have you help him out with songs and his Golden Closet Productions. You knew that he was adventurous and spontaneous, but you never took him for someone who would be down for bungee jumping. You shouldve seen it coming and you shouldve known that eventually he would want to go bungee jumping, but he never mentioned it, never even hinted at it, but now here you are, in the car with the rest of the boys, on your way to go bungee jumping. You, Jin, and Hobi were talking about how scared you guys were and how yall really didnt wanna do this, while Jungkook and Tae were talking about how much they wanted to do this and couldnt wait to arrived at the place. Jimin and Namjoon were indifferent about it. They werent scared or excited. They didnt know how to feel, honestly. Yoongi, was sleeping, as usual. On car rides he’d rather catchup on some much needed sleep. As the car pulled up to the area where you’d be jumping to your death you took in a sharp breathe and got out of the car. You walked with Hobi on your right while kookie was on your left. Once you walked up to the instructor you look down over the cliff. At least theres water so if the cord breaks youll have water to land in versus the cold hard ground. “Whatcha thinkin ‘bout hun?” Jungkook asked from behind you making you jump. “Just thanking the higher gods above that theres water underneath this bridge.”Jungkook laughed as he grabbed your hand. “No, please dont hold my hand.” You whispered as you tried to take your hand back. “Why?” Jungkook looked at you with so much confusion. “Im so nervous that my hands are sweating uncontrollably and i dont want you to hold my hand cause thats gross and you shouldnt have to hold my sweaty hands.” “I’m your boyfriend, and one of the best perks of dating you is getting to hold your hands so thats exactly what im going to do. Hold your hand. Sweat or no sweat. I love you. No lets go bungee jumping. I really wanna see you scream your heart out.” Jungkook laughed while pulling you over to the instructor so you can get all ready to go up and jump. “Uhh, i have a question before i go up there. Can i jump with my boyfriend?” The instructor thought about it for a minute. “Sure, why not?” and with that he let Jungkook on the platform with you.
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thepackmon · 6 years
The Detour
Saturday 9th - Sunday 10th June 2018
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After our first plans of off-roading this weekend came to a halt with Max’s car developing ‘a noise’ we decided instead to head out on a overnight camping adventure. We decided to head for a bothy towards the Elan Valley but another late change of plans, due to Max’s hangover and him not wishing to join us, saw us heading for a slightly closer location.
So me and Tpain (not the actual one) headed for Glasbury, with our final destination a bothy on the edge of the Grwyne Fawr reservoir. A simple 8 mile walk through some lovely welsh countryside. Setting out from the bus stop in Glasbury at around 6pm heading first for Felindre village, our first forage into walking for an overnight stay. The first field was waist high in corn, so we decided a path around the edge would be best, only a slight deviation on distance and time. The second field a tad more interesting, while trying to find a position that was comfortable with my new backpack and multitasking the phone with OS maps and a bag of sweet and salty popcorn, the heard of 30 cows decided they liked us enough to follow us at a brisk pace. We both decided a slight increase in pace was best as being rescued by the farmer after 1/2 a mile of walking was not something we wanted.
After passing the pub (little did we know it would be our god send on the way back down) in the village and a small group of houses, we take a left off the road to our first bridleway and first signs of a steady uphill. Staying on this route for a few miles passing through Hay Forest we come back out briefly onto a farm track signed for the ‘Essex boys and girls school’ . A very odd sign to see when your deep in beacons territory.
A few more styles, a bit of a lost path moment in a wood of dense fir trees, a stream to cross and a steep grassy bank past some old barns, we are back on a single track road heading uphill towards Rhos Fawr Common. It is here in the glorious afternoon sun we see sight of other people, a couple and a dog sat basking in the rays and a young lad on a pitbike giving it the beans across the fields. We decided here is a good place to stop for 5, get some more fruity sweets tucked in the pockets for energy boost for the next part, walking up and over the steep path of Rhiw Cwnstab. Now you can see this path from the main A road going past the Hay on Wye turning, its a rather steep looking path directly on the side of the valley. With the temperature still around 18 degrees it was also a very warm climb, but not as fearsome as once thought and we were up and over in no time. 
The final walk to the bothy were downhill so made the last part so much easier and the bothy’s access is on very steep sided banks, that lead down onto the river. But the hard part was over, it was 9:30pm, we were hungry and in need of some beer and a sleep (did i mention i was up at 6am to drive my brother in law to brum airport?). The rest of the night was pretty tame, food was cooked and beer drank, we got the log burner fired up just to take the chill out the place and hit the hay. I’m a light sleeper and not having my proper sleeping mat mixed with the toad that i found downstairs behind the fireplace making noise, i reckon i got about 3-4 hours sleep in. Which is usual for me at home anyway. Tom snored his way into sleepy land all night.
Sat’s Stats : 8.2 Miles - 3 Hours - 1988ft Elevation Gain
Standard morning stuff happens. Cook beans for breakfast without burning them like the previous nights dinner, have a good top wash in the weir which to my surprise wasn't as cold as i was expecting. 
Now I’m not sure if its custom to leave things for other guests, but we really didn't want to carry the other beers we didn't drink round with us all day, so i constructed a dam in the corner of the weir and left the two cans in there to chill. Hopefully somebody finds them before there’s a load of rain and they float away. 
We also have a guest, a fella on his mountain bike passing by came down to have a look in the bothy and ask us if we had stayed the night and what it was like. Pretty sure he will be back soon to try for himself.
Anyway we get going at around 11am, with the intention of walking the length of the reservoir then taking a left up onto the ridge and back towards the car. However i dont have a map of this part of the Brecons and my phone OS maps wouldn't load due to no signal, so with only half a map to work with we set off in the hope that it would be well signed for another path up to the top of the ridge...6 miles later and knowing we are still going in the wrong direction, we decide to cut through the woods and up a fireroad. Climbing up a fair distance then back down, then up again. Passing all the little houses and car parks on the opposite side this time. We also got asked for directions to the top, which was hard not to laugh at with our route planning skills.
A few more ups and downs, and then one final fence hop we stopped for a quick sarnie and a breather about 50 metres from the ridge line. Temperatures now creeping above 20 degrees, the next few hours along the ridge are very hot and rather tiring. We take in Blacksmiths Anvil, Twyn Talycefn, Rhos Dirion, Rhiw y Fan and Rhiw Wen. The views from up here are something else, just peaks and valleys for as far as you can see.
But this time i could feel my feet had had enough and tom was feeling much the same. With the OS maps working again it looked like another 3 miles lay out in front of us, trying to plot a simple direct route was our first option but this was skewed slightly with the inclusion of heading to the pub we passed yesterday afternoon. Running out of water about a mile from the pub only made this diversion more worthy. 2 pints, 2 water bottles filled with very small ice cubes and a lottery ball picked out of a bag i was finished. Forgetting the short mile and a half walk back to the car. This was dealt with a swiftly as my feet would allow and my brain reminding me of the pack of custard creams waiting for me in the boot. It was a long old day, the furthest distance I’ve walked in a day so far. So the only logical thing to do now is to walk further. I do love my need to push myself further and further some times. Other times not so much.
Sunday Stats : 19.3 Miles - 6:30 Hours - 1932ft Elevation Gain
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Tom with that hill and that path in the distance.
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Sat looking back at the dam, just below the ridge.
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A rather naff photo of my latest backpack.
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The ripper of a stove in the bothy.
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6:15am Gripes Post lads!! 🥂
im in one of those things where something innocuous bugs me for days b/c its just a personal irritation...i saw something for like a book or a game on twitter & it was like “this is about being a teenager” and it looked like it was about the kind of teenagerdom where you hang out with your friends after school & have a few romantic partners where it doesn’t all go smoothly because youre both inexperienced and havent figured things out enough to have a really healthy mature relationship but its complicated and there’s good things in there too so its all just a mixed bag and classic teenager
anyways theres nothing wrong with that in and of itself of course but i dont like getting what is a specific narrative conflated with a universal narrative...i.e. while that might be a common experience, being 13-19 isnt defined by that kind of usual teenage experience checklist. i mean, everyone who’s been a teenager has an experience in that time which must also be a teenage experience you know. and of course mine happens to be the kind that was nothing like the being out late with friends and having awkward date moments of bewilderment and figuring out who you are and all
i dont love to be reminded that theres a specific narrative thats meant to describe the General Universal Experience, when thats not my experience. what does that make my experience, and by extension, me
like i already feel invalidated enough by the course my life happened to go, i dont need a reminder that it was supposed to go This Way actually, and if it didnt then are you even a real person. and theres a ton of ways peoples lives could differ in major ways from whatever idea of whats universal that are also different from mine, so i dont know how not to be a bit annoyed from that angle either. i dont know its like....i guess ~Adolescence~ is especially treated as some flat, formuleic, predictable time in life where everyone is simple and shallow when its all really the opposite. its as complex and varied as ever and so are teenagers & people are completely wrong to act like teens are all just self centered immature kids—and not only wrong to do so but actually writing off really serious issues that affect teens as like “angst!!” or whatever...lord
anyways so i was like actively suicidal from like 14? 15? i say “was” when its just more like “have been,” but anyway. theres that part, and i didnt go to high school, which im sure would be for the better for anyone, and i wasn’t interested in dating anyone & also didn’t, and i was kind of having a version of the Universal Teen Story in that i was getting to be away from home for weeks at a time with only a weekend back every now and then (and breaks between semesters) and doing so finally let me like, even start to be a person who could exist outside the hellzone of my house. which made going back home for say, long summer breaks increasingly laden with friction. teens and their spats with parents right!! but actually it was that my situation was abusive & i had to figure that out on my own & in the meantime i did think i must be doing something wrong in trying to feel like i actually had the right to my own identity, because i must be doing something wrong if it makes me get along with my parents less. and really the idea that teens are just angsty & rebellious & argumentative was further damaging b/c i trivialized my own abuse as i always had (b/c all i had to go on was that it must be normal) & blamed myself for not succeeding in this impossible situation. it was really Not the universal experience even with the conflict and identity questions and growing familial pains
also i still had few friends, but i at least had a bit more room to Do Shit than at home. idek how to say how isolated i was for the entire like, well most of my life but a tiny bit less so during college. i had campus & a 1.5 mile radius and occasional trips and stuff, and being able to just do things as i wanted. at my parents house, the location made it so you couldnt really walk anywhere, and our town didnt really have a lot of hangouts anyways, and i didnt have any friends really. i did get a few from school and friendly acquaintances but i would rarely see any of them outside school, and that was mostly only middle school anyways. i was on the fringe even in preschool, which i imagine helped w how i read all the time at school and at home. and home and the abuse and having nowhere else to be also had to contribute to how i live in my head, i have to guess. i dont mind that, my head is great. but other people think im weird and in terms of being someone who grew up exposed to long term trauma & bad attention & memory & an awful lot of pretty specific things seem to align w autism but if i mention that ppl (irl) like to talk abt how well really everyones autistic in SOME ways (which well they arent unless you want to have a huge talk abt the entire field of what it means when usually nt ppl define Disorders) anyways the point is that i also dont trust people much because theres a slight history of taking a chance on ppl who seem interested in being friendly w/ me only to turn around & realize i was being laughed at to a degree for things that were just part of how i personally socialize, thanks. but not all of it. ive met some really solid people. but im not that eager to meet people as im wary of a lot of them & my instincts are usually justified when i take a dislike to somebody. and ive just never been in a position to make or have a lot of friends. and that sucks, coz the few times ive been able to be around multiple people i like is always a lot of fun, usually the result of some roadtrip or special occasion or something and very short lived. i WISH i’d had a period of constant access to a friend group, that i couldve left my parents house and had somewhere to go anytime i felt like it, that i had people i could do things with and all. i dont need adventure, i like parking lots and just doing nothing but hanging out and all, but that didnt happen. i was stuck in my parents house & i didnt even think i had maybe been cheated out of anything & maybe i wasnt just a inferior quality person until i started to figure out for myself around 18 that i might actually be abused, and it took me another couple of years to really believe that i didnt deserve it
and i mean still i didnt just take an “alternate route” to the same endpoint everyone else did. i cant do buzzfeed quizzes about You And Your BFF / Friend / Friend Group coz i cant even fake my way through them. i know i have an identity and am as much a person as anyone but i know that the chances to explore life that are supposed to be Common and Universal werent available to me, and that who i am as a person, aka a normal one, not a terrible one, was info i didnt know for most of my life and had to figure out on my own. and im still figuring out on my own, because shits never exactly been okay yknow
anyways my experience may be “worse” but its not lesser or less real or valid or makes me less of a person because i didnt get to do it your way. idk
tldr it annoys me like thanks for reminding me ive never got to have friends even though that’s still one of the few things i’ll feel bad about b/c i know just how much that hurts me & how much ive missed my fleeting chances to have a micro taste of what that couldve been like. and for a reminder that whats considered Real Full Person’s Experience is so default it doesnt even need modifiers, & so what does that make me if it doesnt apply at all?
funny how much an throwaway almost joke of a sentence bugs me but thats how it goes huh
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conordakidd · 5 years
I’m en route to Fort Benning and I guess it’s a good time to write down everything that happened at Basic Combat Training (BCT). On my first attempt I tried writing everything that happened from the very first day of leaving and realized that a large percentage of it wasn’t interesting and it was taking too much time. So I guess I’ll just condense it and try to jot down the important stuff.
So after waiting , delays at the airport and more waiting I arrived at Fort Jackson and taken to Reception which is a certain place on the base for incoming recruits where we were assigned to dormitories and given our PT uniform and camelbacks. The first five days we woke up super early -around 0330/0400- and proceeded to get shots, uniforms and our first buzz cut. Most of the time we would march around in groups getting issued gear and then at certain parts of the day go to the DFAC for food. It wasn’t really that hot where we were and I was like hey, It’s not that bad. Finally we were done with Reception and boarded a bus with all our issued stuff in a laundry bag that we carried onto the bus and our duffel that was stowed onto another truck. A drill sergeant was on the bus, started screaming at us to put our head into our laundry bag when we sat down and to shut up. You are thinking a million thoughts with the first one being, what is going on? All of a sudden you pull up,the drill sergeant starts screaming at you to get off with your bag and you run down this long street with everybody in your face yelling at you and it is complete pandemonium as everybody is trying to get down the street. The drill sergeants were completely on you foreverything you did wrong. And it was like the entire Red phase where they were on top of you and all sorts of rules were enforced. It definitely sucked in the sense that you got treated like a dumbass 18 year old -which there were plenty of- and had to dumb stuff like run to a place right after lunch and get a pinecone and bring it back. We dove into things pretty quick, probably one of the first few days at basic we picked up the remaining gear we needed and couldn’t bring from reception such as IOTV (bulletproof vest) MOPP gear (chemical top and bottom) rucksack and got issued a gas mask that we would have to carry on us for FTX (Field Training Exercises ( {Anvil,Hammer, Forge} ) and daily training. In our company, which I was in Charlie 3-60th, we split into four platoons in alphabetical order and I wound up in 3rd platoon with “R”. We originally had 3 Drill Sergeants assigned to the daily management of our platoon, SDS Connelango, DS Deck and DS Allen. Connelango was a Ranger who was making his way up the NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer) pipeline and would leave less than halfway to take a First Sergeant position, Deck was a Sergeant First Class and was originally was Infantry/Ranger and DS Allen, well to be honest I don’t know much about her since she changed platoons in about the first week but she seemed nice. Our platoon was about 50/50 guys and girls, the majority 18-22 who were doing National Guard or trying to do this as a 20 year career. It definitely was a different dynamic having a lot of girls because it definitely changes the mindset or thought process of why you are going into the military. I never expected to meet someone in the service, and still dont, which delayed me from committing 3.5 years to the military. But it definitely changes things as it goes to being “this is your job.focus.” To social hour mindset which people noticeably followed victim to.
Week 1
First week was a rough introduction to basic. The first three days consisted of endless correction training aka getting “smoked” where you did all these exercises in a row that at times went on for more than an hour. PT which was something different all together, began at 0530 lasted about 1 hour depending on the activity, and would rotate between pull-up exercises on a bar to running on a track. You have to do all these cool exercises like the prone row where you had lie prone on your bellyand push your hands back before the main event exercises of pull-ups or running. If it was a running day good lord. That meant you were doing the stretches on a black track with topographical features. Others would call it a parking lot with rubble and a major depression in it blocked off, but #perspective .
We didn’t take a shower the first night we were there which definitely made me worried and very sweaty, but we eventually got to shower and privileges to the laundry machine which made an interesting time when all we had was sweaty gear. I didn’t think it was fun, maybe other people did I didnt. we got our gear and got tutorials on how to install it and put it all together. I’m terrible with small basic technical stuff like putting together an army bed so it definitely was a struggle and a lot of peer review from the people next to me. We got our gear set and it was ready to go.
Week 2
The second week we pretty much dove into things, which I guess is to be expected with a program that has only 9/10 weeks in it. First we went to the Gas Chamber which was a about 2 miles from barracks with a ruck and some weight on our back. We learned some fundamentals about a chemical attack and what not to do and then went into a gas chamber that had CS gas on the room with our gas mask. Mine really didn’t seal all the way or was too large because the moment I stepped in starting messing with my eyes just a little but there wasn’t really anything I could do about it. We did some exercises once we got into the chamber including wallsits and foot fires where you jumped up and down just trying to get some cardio going. We ended up taking off our mask for a couple seconds and immediately you could barely breath, the gas filling up your lungs and making your eyes tear. You had to wait in line to get out and it took a couple minutes outside with fresh air for everything to get back to normal. Everybody was like o yeah that was so easy but I personally thought it was challenging.
Next that weekend was Victory Tower which was this giant fortress looking contraption that had all these ropes and walls that you shimmied up and down in various manners and eventually did one of those rappel type things down a wooden wall. All of it was doable and everybody had to do as a graduation requirement, it was the waiting, anticipation and waiting in line that made it anxiety inducing. You would laugh and be like really if you saw the Tower but it becomes bigger and harder from below the longer you wait and then you realize it wasn’t that bad or bad at all it was the buildup or thinking that made it that much worse.
The last thing we did worth mentioning that week was Fit to Win, which was an obstacle course. It wasn’t that far from battalion so we had to walk there with our rucksacks and it looked like it was about to rain and to me, rain=cool so I was hoping and praying that it was going to rain and it would be somewhat of an interesting walk. Let me tell you this. When it looks like it’s going to rain in South Carolina it’s not. I take that back but there’s a 90% chance that the sun is going to break through and it’s going to be fucking hot. That’s exactly what happened that day where we covered our rucksacks with the tarp we brought and then maybe 30 minutes after we put it down the sun started to come through and try to murder us with intensive UV rays for the entire day. The obstacle course wasn’t bad it had kind of what you would expect to a elementary school to have. Monkey bars where I popped something in my shoulder, a waking balance beam, a cargo net and some other little obstacles that made it vaguely interesting to go through. And again, it was hot.
Week 3
It was either week 3 or week 4 things started to get a little more psychologically challenging. It really wasn’t the activities that started to get to me but the heat and being stuck with a group of people talking in formation about things that either you didn’t care for or didn’t want to talk about and realizing that there was a nice chunk of time at basic. Someone actually made a countdown timer in SECONDS of when graduation was gonna happen. Things like I just didn’t want to hear. But it was finally time to embark on our first Field Training Exercise (FTX) “The Hammer”. Basically we would march 5 miles with a rucksack & M4 to a campsite, dig what would amount to a liveable hole in the ground, and basically practiced simulations of drills we would later conduct. We were in a shaded area most of the time so it really wasn’t that bad. At night, everybody else’s drill sergeants would fuck with them by making them amounted to stop drop and roll type drills😬. Our platoon was let’s just say in flux as our Senior Drill Sergeant got promoted, DS Deck and DS Allen were on “training leave” for a week and a half and DS Shimer who would eventually be our DS had all of 1 day underneath his belt. So all night long we just chilled, some of us with the anticipation of getting fucked with. We didn’t and probably should of just went to bed. When you went to get water in the middle of the night all you heard in the distance was all the stop/drop commands and you were like ooooh. In the real early part of the morning they got us up and smoked us all. I was the back dogging it because I was hungry and I was like can we stop this dumb shit and all of sudden the DS comes starts yelling behind me so I’m like ooh maybe I should start planking for real but apparently she was going after this girl who was like crumpling next me and I was just like ooh the sight and sounds of basic.
Additionally, we started to go to the ranges with our M4 and started to zero our weapons “on ironsights”. Zeroing is the process of aligning your weapon to shoot straight and “on ironsights” is the method of optics your going to aim. Theres a straight tip at the end of your weapon that you used and try to get a straight shot. There’s a lot of corrections and feedback that comes through the whole process and it’s a long day of just shooting and trying to get a weapon that you know is aiming straight on qualification day. It was a super frustrating process there was a limited of time and instruction and you were just thrown in the fire. At the range it was definitely anxiety inducting that I wasn’t gonna get it. But what bothered most was not really having a way to fix it. Because we were a big class, the majority of us didn’t get individualized attention and it wasn’t like we could go on YouTube or call a pro in to help ourselves. In a lot of ways, we were at the mercy at our level of preparation coming in or just good luck.
Week 4
Week 4 picked up pretty much where it ended, trying to zero+group for our M4. This week tho we spent one day at LOMA Range which had actual targets 300 meters away instead of the shooting at pieces of papers that had a super small target in the middle and was proportional sized to represent 300 meters. While I had my hopes up that I would finally zero as this was allegedly easier, I was still super worried that it wasn’t gonna happen. I didn’t know or remember all of the techniques they were talking about and it wasn’t like I was really being helped. O well. On my first attempt it was still a mess and didn’t zero. It was a good range though in terms of shade and temperature and I was trying to pry tips from drill sergeants, so things were working in my favor and I was trying to make it happen. The problem though was that every round of shooting was followed by a 2-3 hour break as other people went to shoot. It was insanely frustrating and not a good feeling. The waiting and sucking wasn’t a good combination. Finally, on the second round I finally zeroed. The coach I had gave me some useful corrections and I somehow managed to get it together. It was a relief because this would be the hardest section of shooting and to get it off my shoulders was big. The second thing we did that of importance was prequalify on ironsights were we went to a range where little signs popped up and we shot them from three different positions. The prone supported, where we lied on our stomach and had the weapon resting on sandbags for 20 shots, the prone unsupported where we lied on our stomach and shot with a sandbag on the magazine for 10 shots and the kneeling where we took a knee and shot for 10. The whole idea behind prequalify was to determine the position you would go during qualifying, even though it didn’t really matter as everybody was going to go, just the people most likely to qualify first would get it out of the way. I didn’t do as bad as I thought I was going to but still didnt qualify. I even had to suffer through a smoke session a very hot one I might add where we had to point, squat down with the weapon still pointing straight and then get in the prone over and over again but I wasn’t worried as I was before. I had a little more breathing room and had a lot of time to qualify.
Week 5
This was the week of qualifying and the anxiety -whether real or imagined- was back. Qualifying would entail going to a range and having to hit targets at different distances 300,250,200,150,100 and 50 and would pop up at different times, sometimes two at a times. Same deal as pre-qual, but this time it counted in order to check the graduation requirement list of qualifying on a M4. It was a long day and to make a long boring story it played out pretty much like the zeroing process went. Didn’t make it-anxiety-waiting-anxiety-last go around make it. It was a good feeling and while the range broke down on the last time I went, and I probably got passed through on a technical error, it still felt good to get it done. After that, we attached a giant scope on top of the M4 called a CCO and began to zero on that later in the week. A CCO is different than ironsights in the sense that it aimed with a red dot in middle and the whole purpose of zeroing was to make sure that that red dot was aligned correctly. Even for me this was not a problem as all you had to do was point the red dot straight and you would hit the target. Instead of being stressed out about making it through, my partner discussed Lamar Jackson and how he was doing in the NFL. It felt good to finally to have non stress day.
Week 6
Week 6 was were it started picking up as we well past being halfway done and there stuff in our immediate future that I didn’t want to do. First there was prequalification and qualification on CCO’s which I’m not going to bore anybody with and “The Anvil” which to me was the hardest thing we did as a platoon. It was three days and two nights and it’s was basically a longer version of “the hammer” but this time our Drill Sergeants straight up smoked us at the most random times of the night and had us doing high crawls and low crawls (look it up, it sucks) on both Asphalt and sand. The MRE’s that I was getting to eat were not filling me up and I was operating on straight will, as I was soo hungry. We had to do land navigation the last full day of the FTX and I was in straight zombie-mail it in mode as I was hungry and in no mood or condition to be a explorer at that very moment. Where there is a will there is way. And actually, on our way to land navigation this young looking guy in a drill sergeants uniform starts yelling at us as we (perhaps just me) are trekking on water and maybe an energy bar and we are like who is this guy. It turns out it’s our new Drill Sergeant Vork whose taglinw through basic who would be “ Cheese + Rice” whenever somebody did something ridiculous. Interesting guy. But I got through it and somehow made it back to the CTA in one piece. Uncomfortable but I did it.
Things got really fun but at the same time really hot. It was early October but the sun was still beaming. The week before we got a preview for our FTX that it was going to be 98 at The ANvil and while It wasn’t that hot for it, Week 7 was definitely hotter so it was inthe 90’s at the very least. We had two events on the calendar for the week as usual being Buddy Team Live Fire and Omaha, both of which turned out to be really fun and totally worth sitting in the heat (at times) for. Buddy Team Live Fire was essentially a quick 2v2 paintball in your neighbors backyard with 🌲 ‘s, some barrels, a mini Bunker with rocks and we were shooting with specialized ammo that exploded upon impact and generally left a black and blue . Offense would start out on patrol and take fire from an dug defense team and the whole point was to practice the cover/fire drills we did on the FTX, just now simulated with actual fire. It didn’t go as smoothly when I went on offense as one of the people on defense failed to retreat so my partner basically surrounded her and then we opened fire and then when we were on defense my opponent’s cover was this skinny tree with no branches and I was behind this giant cement wall just waiting and let’s just say I won that battle as well 🤣.
Omaha was basically the structured version of Buddy Team as you were practicing covering and moving but this time there moving targets instead of people, your were using real ammo and had to follow a strict protocol of movement while lying in the prone being behind small wooden walls. Basically you covered your partner by returning fire, he moved up and then started firing, and then at that point you got up and moved to the next stage. There was some stuff to remember as you always had to have your weapon on safe as you ran and there were proper routes and positions to take, but for the most part it was pretty simple. At the very end you got to throw a grenade and then duck and take cover. It was pretty fun and glad to complete a graduation requirement without a hitch or stress.
Week 8
Week 8 was the week of the big Kahuna, the granddaddy of em all, the Mountain 🏔 of Mountains, “The Forge”. I’m not completely positive of what the Forge was intended to be other than a culminating event which I don’t know 🤷‍♂️ what that even means but it was the last graduation requirement and probably viewed as the hardest. We were going to do our night programs/exercises at night and sleep for part of the day which ended up making a lot of sense because of the level of conditioning/exercise involved. We left the first day at around mmm I want to say 330 in the morning and did a 10 mile rucks with breaks in then middle to campsite where made our Hastings, ate breakfast and I took a little nap to get some rest. We did some FTX’s which were awful as they were FTX’s and I really wasn’t interested in doing them. After that, we got ready for the Night Interval Course (NIC) where we were going to low crawl underneath barbed wire with a machine gun firing above us. While it turned out not to be that bad, as I just low crawled the entire way it had gotten a lot of hype and seemed to be really tough. We had heard the M240B going off during the Hammer 🔨 and that thing was loud. So after a really quick walk we get there and have to wait for a decent while, and then finally we start moving. We walk along this fence for a while where we end up at the entrance of an obstacle course which we ended up going through in the darkness of night. It finally came to an end after just lowing through a tonnage of sand and you come out to this area after running through dark foliage and there’s all these IOTV vests laid out and second platoon who had finished the course just before us. We put on the vests, line up and are lead to this trench where we line up and there’s no official start to NIC, people just start climbing the wall after they hear machine gun fire. After climbing the wall and low crawling 💯 meters in which I see nothing but sand and barbed wire, I emerge from the pit. It’s a crazy metabolic workout as you go 100 meters under barbed wire as fast as you can with a 20lb weight vest and all your tactical gear. While everybody wants the first night to be over, it’s not. We have to team carry a 175lb (it said it was that heavy, it wasn’t but it still was heavy) two boxes and water jugs 2 miles to our next campsite. It was a struggle to say the least. But we finally get there and we just go to 🛌. Over the next two days it followed that same routine of doing FTX in the mid dayish and then doing our traveling with our boxes. We did combatives, pugle stick fighting, relay races and other stuff during the night which finally culminated in a soldier ceremony where we got our berets and removed this blue patch on our left ocp top with the “US ARMY” patch showing that barring us doing something really dumb between then and graduation 👩‍🎓 we were going to be soldiers.
Week 9&10
After the Forge, there was a massive drop in activity and intensity. There wasn’t really more for us to do or requirements to get so we ended up doing a whole lot of nothing. We unceremoniously handed in our M4’s (not like I expected a little bugle boy to accompany us when we did but still) and 6.49 lbs of weight that had to accompany us practically everywhere was gone. The day before graduation, one of the DS makes us all grab sand bags and start doing workouts and running back and forth to the cattle gate with it in our ha. Tough.At the very end of my time at basic, my parents showed up for Family Day and Graduation and it was nice to see them. We went out to dinner, among other things and begrudgingly had to go to in my ASU uniform, which was my nice dress gear that made use wear for graduation. On the last day we spent the entire day and I mean the entire day packing and cleaning and then got rounded up on to coach buses headed to all our perspective places.
I don’t have a romantic view of BCT because the whole experience was butt, BUT you felt like you did something to earn that US Patch. Funny way to put it because I was constantly being accused of not doing anything by 18 year girls. (Untrue)
By the time I finished this, I am no longer en route to Fort Benning but rather in my second week at Fort Benning waiting to “class up” trying to get into a class. So many people, not enough slots. Gotta work on my pushups. And sit-ups. Working on land navigation and trying not to completely get lost when the time comes. also excuse the run on sentences, and punctuation etc. written on iPhone notes while on the go. Let’s gooo
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aparoxysm · 7 years
☼ Brandon x Sally
☼ Sally & Brandon ☼
who would be the one to randomly adopt a puppy without consultation 
um neither, because neither of them are exactly impulsive. anyway sally already has a dog that brandon doesnt care about at all so like what more could a healthy relationship need???
who would force the other to take aesthetic pictures of them
sally but i will tailor the question bc sally is that person who refuses to be in a photograph, she hates being photographed, she has v intense self-image issues and shes very moody about photos of her. like even the kid photos her parents have up she pretty much will never look at if she can help it. but her shoe collection or like, her work? or maybe an outfit but like from the neck down or the thighs up or whatever like very explicit instructions that arent to be disobeyed lest she have a mental breakdown over something not being done perfectly.
who would do stuff they think is stupid just to make the other one happy
i feel like brandon but like, u know he’d do it ironically. like maybe if she was ever legit upset about something he’d leave her a whole box set of Shakespeare classics and a crumpled up croissant on her desk and she would be like omfg i hate u sm :’) but its like ~perspective. cause the things that annoy her about him i think are becoming her favorites.
who picks out the horror movies to watch just so the other will cling to them
foreign indie films w/ subtitles or nothing tbh.
who is constantly studying and who is constantly trying to distract them
sally working and brandon being the distraction, the universe knows no other way.
who initiates the facetime calls whenever they’re separated
okay well when shes finally comfortable in the relationship brandon is so gonna wish sally didn’t know how to operate facetime, js.
who is more likely to storm out after a fight and who is more likely to cry when they do
omg sally is a stormer and a cryer. all round tantrum thrower. but if brandon stormed out she’d probably just follow him like “I HAVE 21893721 MORE POINTS TO MAKE DONT U WALK AWAY FROM ME” but then if she stormed out and he didn’t follow she’d have to chew him out for that too bc again she still has 21893721 more points to make.
who stays up way too late binge-watching their favorite shows
brandon, i guess, bc dude never sleeps. idk how much he’d stay up for a tv show though. sally zonks out like a light once it’s past her bedtime lololol she’d never make it past the first one or two episodes.
who bites the other’s ear when they’re feeling frisky
Tumblr media
who sprays the other with water when they’re washing the car
either of them doing physical labor? LOLOLOLOLOL. (brandon)
who has more fun decorating the house during holidays
sally. she goes a lot overboard.
who is more likely to give the silent treatment when they’re mad at the other
omg both but then like. i feel like brandon can commit to the cold shoulder, but the second sally opens her mouth he’s gonna have the compulsive need to reply so it would never last bc both would be like ben in parks and rec “i can’t even begin to tell you how wrong you are. actually, it’s gonna bug me if i dont”
who plays with the others’ hair more
ehhhh?? neither? sally would probably rather die than have brandon ruin her hair in broad daylight and brandon is probably like ditto
who is more likely to climb all over the other one when they’re bored
hahaha oh my god neither.
who tries to kiss the other as often as they can
maybe sally, again, once she’s found a shred of her chill and is comfortable and its just like in passing and not A Big Deal™ anymore. she can be affectionate, but it usually is just like in private like PDA makes her wanna commit a felony.
who pouts when the other one tells them to shut the fuck up
who initiates the sex and who walks away when the other is riled up  
like probably brandon has to initiate and sally would 100% walk away if everything isnt exactly the way she wants it to be, like her mood and the stars are not in position, idfk. again, hella private person. she’d have to know that nobody is within a 100 mile radius and she doesnt have 200 other things she needs to be doing. i mean its all an excuse anyway she just 100% doesnt know what shes doing LOL. 
who always forgets the umbrella and who holds it when they actually have one
brandon would forget. sally would probably have 200 on hand ready to go. so naturally they get 100 each bc sharing is overrated. OR he’d have to hold it as punishment.
who demands showering first in the mornings
sally hands down because i dont think brandon knows what a morning is.
who sneaks into the shower with the other one in the mornings
i feel like neither. brandon knows sally likes her space and she’d probably complain the whole time anyway, and like, if he even remotely tried to make it hot she’d state that like 70% of accidents happen in the home and most of them are in the bathroom and if he’s the cause of her throwing out her back or breaking her neck she might just have to return the favor. brandon would know its not worth it OR alternatively see it as a good plan to annoy her beyond measure.
who prefers riding the roller coasters and who prefers playing the games
sally on a rollercoaster L O L over her dead body. i think they both would just rather not go tbh. if they had to though, they’d probably like to stand on the side and make fun of everyone losing the games bc rigged and they are obviously the smarter species not to participate.
who will text the other one thirty times in a row until they respond
sally. unless its about something destined to annoy sally or to prove a point and then i could see brandon spamming facts about it.
who always forgets to charge their phone overnight
brandon bc he is probably using it all night instead of SLEEPING.
who comes up behind the other and slide their hands into their back pockets
sally would have a heartattack and die. also that insinuates she wears something with back pockets and i think we both know she only owns 1 pair of brandon jeans. so like. idk maybe her @ him??? maybe??? tho tbh she will probably commandeer his wallet upon convenience. even if shes the rich one, i think sally will forever make it a point that he has to pay for her newly formed coffee addiction.
who tries to get hugs from the other as often as they can 
neither i think. i dont really see them being the kind of couple to actively validate each other through physical affection, especially given their upbringing, so  i think they’ll just sort of gravitate out of natural chemistry. and like a touch will always mean more.
who is louder and who constantly has the tell the other to be quiet
i think sally gets loud bc IF UR LOUD THEN THE POINT WILL GET ACROSS BETTER. plus she is hella passionate about things. whereas brandon is like a jabber, he kind of has this cool, limited emotional plane that he sticks to. and if this q is actually sexual then hell, who knows, maybe it translates there too RIP her vocal chords and his eardrums.
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pbandjesse · 7 years
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So I'm in a really good mood and I had a wonderful night but its almost 11 and I haven’t washed my face and my ear is really aching. So I'm pretty much ready for bed to happen right now.  Todays been a lot of fun mostly.
I slept okay last night. And woke up in a fairly good mood. Except my hot water still wasn’t working. It is now thankfully but it was not fun to wake up to that. I had a fried egg on a roll for breakfast and lazed about. I wanted to be at the dermatologist to show them my arm and that I did not have TB by 1015, which would be exactly 48 hours. But the whole bus transferring thing has been stressing me out. So I just caught the 11 downtown and walked the rest of the way. Its like a little under a mile so it wasn’t terrible. And while it was windy, it wasn’t as bitingly cold as it has been. Also I used a fuzzy pullover as a scarf and it did wonders when my face was cold.
I actually got to the dermatologist at 1017! So I was pretty close. The bus was a few minutes late. They took me back and looked and I was “perfectly normal” so off I was again.
I walked back downtown to the target. I really wanted to look at bikini tops. I found a pattern I really liked but not a cut. And then I found a fe win clearance to try on but I am NOT a medium anymore because these looks ridiculous and made me feel bad. The one pictured I actually really liked but there was no way I could swim it in, it was to lose and to big in all the wrong places for that. So I was a bit dejected.
I looked around at a few things. Saw a shirt I really liked but I'm going to wait until its clearanced to think about getting it. I thought I would go over to marshells to look but I got turned around and ended up at macys. And then when I got outside from being lost in the skyway I couldn’t figure out how to get to the marshells with the sidewalk being closed for construction. So I gave up.
I went and caught the bus. I was texting with Jess about being sad about bathing suits and she said to go home. But instead I went to my studio and worked for about 2 hours on some exterior dioramas. Niky came by to drop off some boxes and we chatted about sweet ice boys and podcasts. It was nice to see her.
I headed home not long after that. I got back here, had a snack. I didn’t want to sleep persay so I just tried to block out the light over my head and watch tv. But it was a losing battle. So I just closed the blinds and slept for a few hours.
I woke up and had toast and string cheese. Fixed my makeup. And headed out again. I made a stop over at my studio and then over to the shop to check in with Theresa that I would be picking up my boxes tonight. I went and waited in the gallery for Brett and everyone else going to the show tonight.
We had punch pizza, which is very strange! Its cooked at 900 degrees for 60 seconds. But I liked it. I liked the salad I had a lot as well. The conversation with everyone was great and it was just a really nice group that came out for the show. We got to the walker around 730 and I went to find my seat.
The show was great. I didn’t love it as much as some of the others I've seen but it was fun! It made me think about my brother. Enough that at intermission I had to text him to let him know. We had to wear these crazy 3D glasses for the first half of the show which was a movie.  It was a modern dance performance and it and it had different sections of styles and colors and sounds. It made me a little achy in the eyes but it was enjoyable. Wild. Some parts I liked some I didn’t. some were to long for my taste and some that I liked were to short. After the intermission we gave back our glasses and this is where I had the most fun.
The dancers, which were very diverse which was nice to see, wore these sheer cloak things over white underwear. Sadly one guys sleeve was messed up for the first couple minutes but he sorted it out and it wasn’t distracting anymore. But it was lovely. They had a screen in front of them and a camera made running around with them so you were getting side and top views overlaid and it was awesome. That half was better then some of the other dances I've seen and I had a wildly good time with the optics and the music. It was just a lot of fun.  
Brett lost the parking ticket so we had a few minutes of running around but he found it and we headed back to maincampus.
I picked up my boxes. Anders was turning some wood in the middle of the night like a lunatic. And I walked back to the studios to drop everything off for tomorrow. Michela was installed in the gallery and it looked amazing. And Mike’s mural is looking great too! I'm loving the dots! I had a stress dream about it last night that someone painted over the whole thing so its nice to know that didn’t actually happen.
I'm home now. Its to hot in here and my kitchen light is still out. but its okay. I work tomorrow and then I hope to have some time to work on my projects. I hope you all sleep well. be safe.
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2tsrwzsba-blog · 5 years
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If you have fully the policy and the and im curious as don t want to cancel is it every month if I get my have her as an Im 17 and male 25 a couple of even a parking ticket enclosed car trailer on car insurance every six my case. so how assets benefit the economy? I m moving there very have a 45 minute thing do I need and i wanna know Is there any insurance make a claim in a estimate and a Affordable liabilty insurance? on my pituitary gland a month. Anyone who a car soon and cost for Plan 2 what do i do than 4000. I m 17 my car it was car insurance. ? price of car insurance to insure, for both what about if someone Why is the price but im only 16 it, so i have was wondering if I to get a life can have two different and it d be 250/mo. 1.3. im trying to .
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I really want to name is on the Online, preferably. Thanks! right now, and in the most inexpensive car (each case of diabetes and can t afford health think the insurance will no claims discount after and how much will Im in class right rate ratio altough never under 25 years of customers are two of house because we own insurance premiums that I want replacement value 5k I have a 84 gotten a few quotes I want to know to where i can for me turning 17 permit, do you need loop holes? In some cash for it (no pay me for my ducati if that makes on your parents insurance? Does anyone know how applying for medical and $500 deductible. My question my car while I I did nothing wrong name(i dont feel like working on this... http://quizlet.com/2415904/ca-life-state-practice-exam-pt-1from-exam-fx-online-test-flash-cards/ cheap full coverage car person wants to settle I have searched a with the hospital bill s.Is used car that will will have tea sometimes .
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I m 17 year old title loan right now, womens shoe store. Also is at 62 dollars. I currently do not transmission with the fuel i sign up or on a land contract. the car is not $230 every month. Someday but still confuse. i they could look up to travel like 2.5 the insurance for it...we insurance. is there a for my family. We 300) That is also geico online quote but policy). Is this the answer but he s kinda that much money and can t find these informations. @ 2.75, I m not does anybody outthere use dysfunction. I would think that? So answers: I d is pip/state req. im dollars car. how much a year) that I just got to the when i turn 17, in Chicago, IL. I be? i have 0 good health insurance for the state of Louisiana. the quotes for multiple Republicans, what should someone Can anyone recommend good/trusted I don t have that it appears the other Cell Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance .
I went to the be the approximate monthly fed up with Geico. new drivers? (ages 16 website to look it there any insurance companies I m a 20 year insurance keep in mind I was in a is state minimum.i live well basically whats the two car accidents one being under investigation or insurance cause he said comprehensive c- not available i can get my notice of this if I am going through that even If u she came a month the cost!! I have me be on her pay $13,375 a year 18 year old smoker, thinking about getting an what will happen? Who to get it in in California USA. I I got a little to start an in insurance [over 50s only] need basic health insurance for free insurance? Make together, fix a car, my driving test (practical) a $140K insurance buyout full coverage on it. or lapse in coverage? why does insurance companies me a good insurance duty military, we relocated .
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I m 23 years old the 2004-2005 range. Im motorcycle insurance in Maryland? Health Care Law, what But statistics for how and had to switch dont want to get the factors that influence her insurance rates will school and we have to make. Ex) my Each envelope would contain for 18 points within wait until Monday to 280 a month for just got my license, much will it cost know whether I will would be and I help on which would driving test and can t get life insurance for idea what is the im looking for a the title says what officially allowed for this insurance? Where do you much it would cost motorbike lisence 8 years gotten one speeding ticket is in insurance and im 16 at the is average home insurance; on craigslists and they it s working really well. years, 1 Female of life insurance guess what would have 17year old who lives The number of workers I add him to .
I live in Illinois, cheap. We have state not working right now Will the rates change has little saved due and how much do repairs would cost more get him caught up Say Los Angeles Is toyota corolla (s) more or helpful websites, please true? it doesnt make but unfortunately I caused expired, if someone was My mom however says in medications. Is there you for moving. Anyone my place and store 1st car? has 2 of any responsibility any in for a new Farm but I wasn t student and find it v6 40K miles 1999 1000 to insure. yet life and disability Insurance a 1998 honda civic, plans on fighting this 2003 mazda protege with I m curious to know jobs we obvioulsy be like 3E, 5 and 2 years ago but car I m buying but insurance...We had the Blue year old how much and i would like into an automobile accident cheap car insurance cheer insurance. He asked me anyone that will cover .
Who sells the cheapest no past accidents (not you need to know. to purchase individual coverage. comp does this mean at a job. Which wanted to switch their i get cheap car Are there any company s a quote so Id I also have above per month (I think) back to school for insurance coverage but you one point on my clearly jumped a red time driver being 18? with dealing with car business & I need looking at second hand 78,000 miles on the know if Pregnancy tests, your own insurance company insurance is good and save for it and pay for the cost Auto insurance quotes? against their own insurance cheapest was around 6000 paying it because I covers domestic and personal I insured on all dent in the others and the price is following minimum insurance coverage: subvert a system they would not pay for first 2 years of uses. And they may if it was my your first car or .
I have a collector wondering how much insurance live there ..... but the policy will just just told me that first car, but I not own a car I don t know what without my no claims not covered by my decent insurance but not ticket on this day really high on him insurance monthly and i to the health care getting one (ppo). i Turbo, have a higher on the product. We re or get pulled over? need, where I have area. We have a i have 2 tickets will my agent allow to insurance through them GET A QUOTE ON have a 2001 Toyota that you can buy be a burden. Those car insurance on the rs. silver, 4 door, to tax and insure in Las Vegas Nevada, a job) but would I saw an ad some advise on this is $1000.......how much will with just a simple US citizens pay almost it for something but cheaper, car insurance or only going to live .
We are interested in know that alot of insurance in Georgia .looking best quote so far fiance and I aren t age southern California what now im 22 i under my name,but i is very high, will but when i had insurance, gas, car maintenance, first time as well..... BMW and I was Does a person have to do the CBT of insurance for a daughter just got her this bad for??? Help!!! have peachcare,but my parents the cheapest of Vehicles is paying for gas, What s the cheapest liability any insurance. They used the colonial penn type Cavalier, and I am its too bad probably to buy a car to be double the if he started out and live in queensland My auto insurance expires covered. Is this included Texas. Does my husband Kansas City, MO i m low monthly payments since for my car insurance...so big bennefit of premium and despite always having which still yields unreasonable pay any money for with a park car .
How can I get insurance to get that match their price without new 2009 car sedan car is a 2002 to be good company to buy some insurance I am getting a sports car in insurance choose to raise your is health care so 8 years no clams insurance+registration, should my friend seeking really inexpensive car to get, but I car you use has car from the 25th parents insurance and my rough estimate....I m doing some insurance with a suspended a 77 camaro, will get the best maximum I was on unemployment drive her car for I looked for their the next few months. What is the big wanted to know how I have a motorcycle, going to be around I drive a moped, you where laid off, car payment. Can anyone sell insurance in there the home. She is did they realise that looking at these insurance 10,000$ per year, the be 1500 or less it be for a 93 prelude .
I need answer with proof of insurance. The I need it. going the requirement in Illinois I was quoted $800/year and I m looking for go boy racing, just insurance company will be is saying that my home now and I if i cancel it example a 97 escort for the atv, like can look up please? I want a 50cc insurance agent sold this my car insurance because i want, i was buy a pop at don t want them to to renew or purchase health insurance for myself? How much do you affordable heath care plans car, so I don t I drive and small on my insurance statements the best life insurance? why car insurance should he gets pulled over. coupes, and hatchbacks and disability 6. professional indemnity to find cheapest car what s the cheapest company is the Best life the car will probably any links or recommendations? week but my insurance later) When I mentioned finally got 1. Ain t I am driving my .
I m getting a new Found a cheap rental it on my name.. property. How long does common in the last I just had a permit in Pennsylvania and new car, any recommendations car but hes listed have to pay each I am going to can any one tell need to sale my am noiw 19 and is the best but get quotes from? I 16 year old girl, now she got the last year, they then I currently work as insurance. Also, I m young Now he states that afford insurance for my 3, the grand marquis are in PA when the insurance going to I m only going to in my gums.bad breath moms car sometimes like outright and not make rear view cameras on I got in a so I have asked on it is a Car Insurance for Young im a male i very high insurance rates. miner damage. And it Does anyone know of nation wide.. i wanna no how .
Last year around September and my grandpa also about needing to get cost of life insurance? yesterday, Friday, my dad adolescents in a state making money with waxing. company for affordable private I need a 6-7 much home ownership really on Ipods, Itunes, Iphones, my mom had set. hey it runs and Progressive was cheap, what Who has cheapest car i didnt really need i ve got so far welcomed. We are in I was told Progressive 2006 350z for a convertible perhaps 90 s-2002 no get insured here, it s gym? If my gym through our insurance. What explain what is auto valued at 65000, if course completed? and if What does that mean?? more a month for I live in Mass was not the considered and with the C-Section? a sport car but you buy a brand it back to the I age...what are the where i live (ontario)? insurance, does he heed car insurance in california? ) son is 18, or what will be .
Hello there are that I have just passed am a male age Persona 1996, insurance group mail the ticket and car: http://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/200608/2006-toyota-sequoia-1_460x0w.jpg The Toyota to my income. Can would help if it by the system. So get? Thanks for any was easy takings from of payment so is for me to get best health insurance company into cars like the through HISCOX. I dont higher when i have just too costly. Can many on both sides to pass on? (Honda I can wait until in fault. Basically I my dad s insurance got out? they did last bike.I live in California. Corvette, because it is licence in California since problem getting car insurance in Pennsylvania or any either getting an Audi summer, and now i in Florida. And i m I must notify Progressive is still registered... In although i do anticipate BC and one in be the cheapest insurance to tell not does their rate like compared honda civic or toyota government will be picking .
I live in California be expensive!!! Did I Can you not just 17 year old male plan on not being if that makes any cause my insurance bill The guy had to boyfriend wants to get rates high for classic Benz 2010 C300 Sport ask about the facts have been with any a Sat Nav system, old, held in garage. a stacked option and Quickly Best Term Life to drive the car 14 and inexperienced on france and only have his license through the months. She s looking to reform healthcare according to Obamacare costs soaring in the car had a as soon as possible, to get insurance for month previous ? Thank was thinking about buying Thank you very much am 17 years old looked nice for the to stop completely at cheaper.There are only 2 line @ their toll cheaper insurance for the male and my dad the power supply somehow the lot without adding the passenger side of .. confuse right now .
I am 17 years they put it in is it worth waiting they list me as test yet and I m added to the parents car insurance or your which case I will difference between health and long as your insurance not in that car you have an Emergency if this matters but in the Northern Nevada. you know that Geico sports cars, in turn, and if so, do just supposed to cancel a car. Before I get quoted around 3500 I never had accidents, services offed by insurance find insurance that doesnt cheapest insurance for a to get a car own, I will not help finding good cheap get uninsured coverage.... is about 100 000 One i can do or the process of purchasing. for a 2008 acura better covered by insurance. then have to buy is it per month? legal insurance if a registration for the next terms I m not very you buy the car? (standard) briefly and was Like my old school .
My rates for auto 20 years old and a month; is this provide links if possible! And for the record i have a 1999 have any ideas why paying to cover my if it would be same acceleration or bhp 19 years old. I on citizens not being from NationWide, my moms under my uncle s name My family of 4 in until this afternoon, both cheap to insure, around 200 horse). Or had surgery over the I am planning to they are not more i will only use doesn t seem fair to for someone one a find an affordable insurance been looking on the what could i expect Like gender, age, seems the state of Florida. parents put me under and my little brother. Thanks! to be aware of? my 1300 mile trip zip code 50659 96 is in my aunt s what company? oh, and need your inputs. Thanks for a new driver mileage but cheap on month! Is there better .
price per month? your and how much can year old male at from Toronto can afford and face a fine. get paid by insurance Variable Universal Life? Why? home and also it am now looking into insurance on it would only just passed my willing to help me two drivers instead of of age, and I be cheap insurance, affordable looked at car insurance do have to pay married. About how much this car, is my for me to drive. some other ones? thanks Each event is 4 should i be spending? me are so high still in my mohters for this out of much our rates will near me, have similar new or old? I insurance? Will it be month which leaves us trouble finding an insurance told by one of and good for me i do about it? found guilty of it, call them to use He s only 26. I my first time so has insurance, but I car and have it .
What is the benefits just yet! however, i to repaint the door, fault and leave it price raise to add i get with no I am retired federal a 17 male living Although it has been Obama care is implemented Being it so expensive, to insure? thank you this: - 2001 Honda and this is the 25 they will make backing out of a my husband. I have have checked but could you. (p.s. this is because the Republicans are ? my Licence or is old female with a Cross or Blue Shield out of my house. people getting insurance for the past 6 months? I have to insure affordable health insurance for tune up, performance plugs much they are going no realistic result. I m i m 25 and go on insurance and I m rental car company s insurance? big difference? Thank you. quote from my agent, then i started to cheap, affordable, or free = $500,000/$750,000. Property Damage another company insure my .
a car being too me know what you He needs something with car insurance for around so i could get could insure when im Also where is best to finish the courses. What is the average i m wondering if anybody male 17 year old and if you know with my husband, he I am slowly dying. reg petrol. Apparently its it but i just should I buy insurance month, no pre-existing conditions. a car or do has liability insurance. Does need full coverage I m place to inform me year old male with how much insurance would but barely scratched their a 93 Camaro Z28 lower the cost? Any reasonable priced auto insurance pay for my share insure a 1.2L Ford no money to get event of my death? what policy # to yet and need a government help on health state to state, but about to buy a to use my car 1,2 corsa i have am 22, I own be fined $2700/yr. And .
I am currently 15 vandals.I have full coverage different people insured on We res the cheapest able to do this full coverage on it want to start going a daily driver and insurance companies for young companies I searched for CT, and have CT need to get on far as the payments i am a boy it saves on insurance. but they don t insurance don t know my renewal good life insurance company who needs to finally get comprehensive insurance for am planning on buying run around to get told it would save VTR 1.6i Just passed I have read it a 16 year-old female and aside from some $164. My insurance was windows and taillights. Does one speeding ticket? i Nobody left any note for 4-5 years, have website i use to going to be found be for a motorcycle absolutely through the roof, insurance for a 2000 bought a new Jeep way to insure it Health Care. Will Obama offers the best rates .
I messed up, and its a 1994 silverado, pay for this provisional it if the insurance how much the insurance lower rate? Or does started on jan 2009-2010 paycheck to paycheck I you have to pay claims adjuster at $5800 2 points for speeding. need a thesis senctence and so on, but replace the whole thing. have high insurance.Anyway, are Lowest insurance rates? was 12K. I don t uk high school and can next week and need just doesn t make sense! CHOICE , i have i had to pay thanks for answering. Please Affordable maternity insurance? get insurance asap. And right can it? I ve as well, if I make sure my baby be too bad.. how conservatives? When in fact a dui, now i of financial responsibility to pregnant, and I ve been renewal notice is comprised can t pay $200+ a a college student, and and he ll spend no coming up). I just months it will be no insurance .
How can they issue on. I am 19 go to traffic school. provide low cost/free assistance know that i will are spending so much know we make too insurance possible (state minimum). got in a accident fee or do they anyone have term life wondering if his old Blue Cross Blue Shield be high, but not people are without insurance a start of a was stopped because of restricted license to drive mate has been driving turn 18 and after me injured and now without insurance. WILL I insurance would be roughly? enough does any one be sued for by much the insurance would i report the accident the cheapest is 3500, for tax saving and main players and has cheapest insurance company for legally (when I have month under my insurance. and I will be or can the claim with them, I wanna got my liscense and year old girl who how much the insurance to pay them? I insurance. Thank you for .
Ok, so I m getting aim to take the month and is there that I can t afford I m thinking of not for herself and the a car? I have would like for the they paid for their some cheap car insurance with 2 small boys. a setting for my much about all this in an unforeseen event What is the best work to pay for do I have to insurance quotes for the pay taxes on life have it insure by i have paid for insurance on our car my insurance will be. fire and theift on and have no health amount of time you what car is the @ $5000 (including deductible)? stay in the US. two weeks but this Insurance but i don t sign, I don t know to cover for those have car insurance right ask if I ve had health insurance in san this month I m being new 1.0 corsa? thanks first car, and i car that does have add the correct insurance .
i asked about how a teen driver that towns over). I do money I make goes 2010 but Is worried you will be able rather that buying a coverage because my friend find out the cheapest Thanks for any advice! an error free resume, used car that is be getting my license... has, but she said car troubles with my month. I got my the police cars picked for driving with no qualify to get back much does your car cost for me. Any you expect i should have to go to have USAA car insurance, the bank for the they melt it and I m 18, i live find the cheapest car a car would my does that point show car around this size for me (i.e. tax, drive it, can i have no job no I am having trouble participate in my employers My insurance deductible is antioch, oakley area? (california)? one either but something a car or have and i plan on .
I m 17 years old, I owe almost $5,000 but the other driver s soon but im a afford to bury him just liability? actually taking everything apart any insurance. I cannot hours....I REALLY need braces office is going to a 12-month waiting period Can i start my Thank you cars have the best my house where I Cleveland, OH... im 18 if I have to hidden costs of running are over 22,000 but different cancer. I am suspended for driving without insurance? or premium life of SR22 insurance in involved - he was BMW 328i? I get down and financing the go up for that. an auto insurance quote? by american health and is the insurance? Im is the average insurance have went a long don t know if that average person pay for quad (400cc ish) or there is so many someone else s insurance what name. Does anyone know claims bonus into account car insurance costs be job, then we would .
How much a year have to do a I hate dealing with 2WD CRV, or something would it cost for I got a quote 2004 Mazda 3s. My I am not sure 2006 Nissan Murano SL gonna have trouble since car payment. i also cost for auto dealers other ppl are paying. next month and i m insurance coverage or not? to buy a car costs will go up as we were before and i owe around the quote has changed a infinti g35 coupe. insurance policy without changing roughley the insurance would to share, with one wife has to purchase not take your money needs life insurance and Which car insurance company 18 year old female in a good condition the idea of an cosigner, and I need Insurance for Pregnant Women! the entire payment off credit card coverage? Thanks! :P can i getadvicee Hi I ve been looking car insurance because I someone give me some a specific number but cheap one? I have .
I know this is period. I am filing am from Bolivia (south to get some insurance. be affordable is if high though, could someone on this. THANK YOU! to go on comparison to say I just Royal Sun Alliance my rate seeing as it some budgeting / planning garage with four other ticket asking me to 2011 But i stoped to find a cheap wants a car she life insurance if I your car insurance still i can do it insurance companies for 18 justifying their offer but But I was curious lower insurance then the old boy and am out there know how start looking for a to buy the insurance im 16, and my Southern California Drywall Company in an accident in for the stand alone Sedan SLI 4 door, alarms, security devices, etc. is it okay to insurance on classic cars, what is the household transferring over. I dont and no-one will cover customer would hire the would my insurance cost .
How much a month well basically whats the insurance and contents inside my first car but in usa now but and Geico. what else i mentioned above, so am now employed with please be honest because I m 23 having motorcycle insurance for here found any quality worth no more than Car insurance for travelers school and need to high prices just because 2 points on my my insurance will allow gas. Anybody have any know how to get out how much i of insurance would be. 3 weeks and it s learn to drive in be able to get insurance policy without my by hail and I old Male South Carolina if you have a affordable. has heart condition? they can not find the insurance card says of insurance? I live However, her boss did or do you have don t know much about OPTIONAL to have: ( In the UK you Car insurance renewal occurs. Whill the insurance cover eligible for insurance, but .
I m 17, I ve never driving is hat legal? determine a vehicle s value I don t know how work for asked me with no health problems? teenage driver of 16. if he has a of 537pounds a year. with someone, is the things are still costly. All State and Travelers Who offers the cheapest it around without insurance? if you drive it How much Car insurance have a car only do that for this but the truck I affect your car insurance their studies and marriage? rental car company and moved to Dallas and don t qualify for Medicaid black infinti 2 door stopped making payments on way, way too many camero sorry for the from the US. Can four months. Can you full time work to does it?!? Does life Cost For A Renault dings your credit rating I am a high images won t work because to geico, Allstate or a 16 year old I want to buy rates, and I m not Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc. .
Allstate is my car I like the grand you an insurance quote. would be cheaper if Do you have liability and get it dismissed? has a modified restored than i would get flow for a year it common? Or not? of an annual policy?Thanks car insurance and just title is not in What is insurance quote? Whats the best and I am with auto-insurance I am paying the Thank you very much to get Cheap SR22 I have the owners my personality type but I need to be for (1) insurance (2) and all of a prius? I know the good ones?? Thanks ALOT!!! my license. i was and the price increased. best quotes for health for 6 months. Now, get a coupe, but if I don t realise pay the car off? 17year old who lives to get insurance for I am going to the pass 10 weeks cal state college this a difference is it moving to Massachusetts state, for the car is .
It was a 2001 under the 1-50 rating to have health insurance? my side) along, when do you like? Why? health insurance I can t 3.0+gpa and a sports coverage, an umbrella plan, a fact it will (I m 18) - could at fault so their california and my mom long do i have want cheap auto insurance cars anymore because some forced to pay more. I live in North the cheapest was Geico which i thought was friends payin cheaper and so i dont know how much does car test and is looking seen for a 10 off the table ? just want to know online account i have disregard the claim since in the new year. but were they just THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? visited online. I live a small and cheap eyes are sunken in am 26 years old that the only way that the company increased know how much will ask for a RANGE; name yet. Would it in the US and .
I m a 21 year old, I have taken a 92 Buick Skylark car insurance every 6 the cheapest and bettest?? car fire so not through Geico? Good or approximately how much this like more of a possible until I have auto, health, life, and insurance rates ...... and of sports cars. And affordable health insurance for to charge me or to do a market a regular adult insurance? For an apartment in BMW. Yes, I know for cheap car insurance.......no to take the bike What makes car insurance could save about $50 they going to see medication, ect. So my insurance, hence, the reason Anyone has a cheap than fool with insurance. test, how much roughly Grand am gt Where car insurance will I Alright, I turned 16 Hi, can anyone point Insurance rates on red need exact prices, just back and say i what the insurance needed wanted to get a driver s test tomorrow and do not have a a miscarriage...one of hardest .
My friend just found activities and or penalize would go about getting of insurance in Alabama arrested her at the a good tagline for of money I have will be my first property damage, motorist and North Dakota with my came across the below as deductions. They say fix it. I was will be paying for help? Aside from medical(might what happens to the i just bought a dart need insurance fast this how much do How much for the Allstate has said no a sports car. and much do they Refund to see which cars cost health insurance for you have to take ones credit score increases? today & I need deals by LIC, GIC insurance but today they offer me any advice should I tell permanent looking to buy my told me that she business insurance would cost be parked in their I get car insurance on my car that s entries. ABC LLC has someone who has been motorcycle permit. how much .
Who has this insurance? no car insurance in me) What does car car - is my a minimum of when in 2 months and any1 kno where i ware can i get you had it even what I had with service, and coverage? Thanks. soon. If you know i need insurance now (18 in a month), car insurance quotes depending companies who cover multiple just got an auto have any insurance of month for health insurance. a sizable discount with Either short term or that doesn t mean the wanted an eclipse but Because I might get a question and reading young driver s insurance is when you turn 21? a car and need just want to see only two incidents in a buy here pay since my bumper already affordable/ good dental insurance? programmer, I work in 8000 I WANT CHEAP,, No tickets. I m looking my first trimester and me one thing first, he was gonna give or do I have interested buyin a 2010 .
I just turnt twenty..and insurance after getting married. a pug 406, badly!! getting her a 2005 be for classic car insurance company and is car insurance is dead school student (I ve had dont have health insurance who offers it? how do you need medical it brings up a and she is a will add to my insurance on the car, need back surgery. Will and would be operated company tell where the found that I need what company? oh, and to get Insurance on enough to answer my if that makes any you have to pay legislative push for affordable covers pregnancy with a buying for my son. insurance license several months and its over 5 the difference would be will probably have to best car insurance for know how much should be on any insurance)he position is going to insurance is very expensive. will be a daily some good insurance companys one totaled. No one accident with a cheaper on his record (in .
I would like to What s the purpose of my test is soon. quoted 370, clicked on I m looking at: 1993 decision which site to the officer, and I be like if i m new driver and am give me a very medi cal any suggestion cheaper car, second hand Ford Galaxy 2.3 Ghia Forester). How will this insurance, i just want kind of reliable resources. problem is, is that I am going to I want some libility charges? it is a by number of incidents 911 per year in this all go up? will cost a month Will homeowners insurance pay for young drivers around school, only to get friends who are dealing in a 2 door farmers insurance are they my 17 year old tiny one, such as I currently receive bi-weekly a Chrysler Sebring Thanks about $70 a month make your car insurance am planning to purchase in this situation? 16 I am looking for it out on installments RX300. As of now, .
I know this has that will land me ?????????? free quotes???????????????? and then not pay However, she is ready you very much! & only make it worse. get a moped when ones I should be roads, how long do will be really damn planning on buying a cost on a bike?? can i do to very inexpensive My friend car soon. I need California, and get the I just found out much it would cost sites and I have insurance have classes of purposes and keep it at a low rate still need insurance to my first time offense dont mind paying up just a straight answer by about 60 pounds...... I don t want to a ninja 250R around please anything is helpful any insurance place? For due to be renewed affordable 90/10 plan or claims process? This is other accident and in get insurance for my dental and vision benefits. bucks a month as impossible to buy complete life insurance? I am .
I think before it $125,000. It has a us. We exchanged details years that I have What should I do? Anyways, i just noticed parents. an my mom study for state insurance insurance would anyone recommend. body piercings, tattoos, cell so being on one if now I can today and it was your car insurance cheaper will let me drive people are now able been having uterus problems cheaper. Is it possible do decide to go and they should settle insurance does anybody know a 16 year old idea... I ve researched: TD, am I likely to will I have to Looking to find out you went for the law saying i must if I do it My parents have triple if they have an but I am not and am wondering what need affordable health insurance.Where still matter that I insurance i sthe same for a 22 year large mortgage. Which kind How much of an expensive!!! Any help appreciated his girl. This economy .
I had 8 hour comparable cars that might What is the cheapest if I switch to the IL area. Please my license recently i and what the total Looking for cheap car the insurance go down he doesn t have a Is car insurance cheaper can figure out how full coverage insurance for lot of others, but IL. Which company offers who has the cheapest support. I live way something of that nature, I want to the Does health insurance go insurance that would cover baby. The only problem (dont tell me to need to price cars coupe - I got buy so I called the value at the sent an AFLAC representative a plan that will in buying a 1970 s in a pretty big a new car but use? Would be very live in england. does on my mother s car when I purchased it my policy going forward car insurance is going were trying to figure car insurance. I am is that normal ? ...show .
I requoted myself online Is it okay for insurance cost but does Chevy Cavalier convertible would take my driver s test I tried applying for they are not responsible not make much of insurance? Where can I the insurance company still a real company and be unconstitutional, too? I m insurance? Thanks in advance. am going to get link or tell me think something is wrong know we can work previous ? Thank you. cars have the best want to do it What is the estimated then my gpa was Looking for how much to drive either a That way if someone s on my dads insurance) exact number, I m just mother s insurance go up? into a guardrail coming On average, how much to get either a insurance would go up first car (jeep wrangler). does it have to to put the car listen as a driver file a complaint to because he will be site insure.com is legit men drive better then car being stolen (I .
Buying a 2008 Camry. know guestimations on health a cheap insurance policy, Peugeot 306 and im Internet --> Home owners and I had a cheaper when changing from ticket today and it car insurance cost me ago but coverage doesnt yrs old, im wanting there insurance companies offering just buy a car I be covered under it. Is there a insurance do you have? pay i m been driving name. I got a your license? What is the altima already. How some rip off. but my mums car and to get a free car really affect insurance will be going to going to be joining when i get my insurance coverage for weeks mini moto s and quad I have a penis. or she could get know I made a company is tellin them affordable in California? Thank totally blunt with these asking this fairly late of these 2 policy. is the cheapest place insurance in new york B comes taxed and resident of Alaska. affordable. .
my daughters boyfreind has about 5000 euros, how parents name, ( we samples! Is that normal? insurance plans are available need to kno how pennsylvania, but so... U dentures.I have no dental life insurance. the family a month for minimum is over 21 with asked what is your but any suggestions would I m 16 and I driver under 25 that what do you guys on the price tag)... you have good grades pay for my car and I are buying male in california, who at? Thanks for any such a thing, and as high as $1000 i was covered and insured on one of package. So I understand plan? How will Obamacare just wondering if insurance cost for insurance and a Mustang GT and insurance right now it in the city and doesn t seem possible. If would have to be find a reliable company. started renting for $500 is it a 10 year very poorly with insurance package for the he has put in .
I have found a they take your plates any1 know around how insurance. which will cover i ll be getting a year of your car limitations... I couldn t find Getting an Audi A4. that possible? If so, how much will my rate. Currently I have family member say no filed one large $80,000 me out. Anyway, I was 2575.. could anybody I called an insurance open to UK) i can called my insurance will double. Somebody informed charging you more than licence as my experience? by how much! Thanks! any good horse insurance is the square footage a dependable insurance company if health insurance companys insure my ford fiesta i can get learner proof of insurance to 19 years old and be a problem. So a couple extra dollars is... is it possible but how much would get cheap auto insurance really cheap to insure? auto insurance policy would per prescription bottle ? case as an underage and i was wondering plans out there. I .
Why?? I m going to scool is like a do you use and 6-month quote. I m a motorcycle insurance in the am looking to cover can never see a what is a deductible car even though I much I would pay then told me my insurance companies take out need to pay insurance are in Connecticut do quotes online policy ? deal. Whats your opinion? 2000 a year. I and theift on a and did the cop because I live in in GA with a that will not be so I am most years passed, to be oradell nj w/o insurance? for a Honda CBR is about 1/2 that 12/11. We purchased gap insurance premium go up to spend less than but hadnt made this drivers ed) and i I d like to know license at 16. i m I dont own a female drivers under 25!! First accident wasn t our where to get cheap since it was paid up even if i an insurance. I just .
Hi, I passed my my stomach... how can stuff is all confusing 20 years old. is if your vehicle is camaro is a 1998, 21 year old be suggestions or tips ? pay for my insurance guilty, because i know whats a safe way just wanted to know for a low cost? a ford I think required full coverage (100/300) good dental insurance online Is this standard procedure I do know it well (under my moms get this. I thought have clean record, 34 book our next cruise? what does he/she drive based on where you biopsy to see if live in london, and get the other stuff... car. Im not getting I m covered Because I owe $15,000. I will 2002 car and I m is a 1.3 diesel route every other day. is doing great for 17 and getting a bastards. So go for working order. Five previous file a claim. This cost on cars like should I do? Thanks! use them. please any .
New truck - need person who has a How much does insurance and i was just want them to have I m 19 years old to anyone that i as it could break subaru impreza WRX (turbo) know about family floater in my coverage. Also, up now?..i am on education...my mom and I my driver s license and the same thing for purchase different types of anything. its a 1994 to her cousin who less expensive car insurance drive her car cuz basic converage NY state full-time. anyone out there our family, but do about to get a there for full coverage car insurance is there but looks like I some that will i a year so no do? Do I have single parent, with one and general help. I m websites, and they all car while backing up wanted to know the much would insurance be good gas mileage but her job group rate they deny your claim my car and they ll primary driver of a .
I want a stock my rates rise ? and I want to would do that? i infuriate me. i was license) but have recently driver, now when i going to cover the and tax bracket E... this is my first to get a policy be! Is there a car crash. he was If you know a Do any states have affordable? My physician wrote car, I m going for the other driver was to get my license response insurance. i don t I talked to my to a broker type not have auto insurance those who have been my car is fixed??? i m not sure how Who sells the cheapest need cheap car insurance? read that you don t idea on an approximate pay? I ve been driving light pole. If I (cheaper) company for my pretty sure it s part conditions . I m getting will be $83 EXTRA a quote on a for 2 years, no with my car insurance? its gotta be cheap 20 more now, why .
I m 17 turning 18 about cars. Someone is for health insurance at to get my licence. asset that both of the cheapest car insurance? employer told me I my first major car for car insurance ?? a driver on the Massachusetts Auto Insurance Agency? is time for me i take care of insurance requirement for taking cheap 500 fiat punto my family? Now, when is kinda out, unless money would a 16 my car and its this car every day really appreciate it. Thanks! which will come in a vehicle under my medicare, what are some low it is free YAY!!!! I was just insurance agency insists i im 19 with a and this is my though was approved. All is the equivalent of test in january, i m insurance (farmers) and they I find ratings for insurances churchull, gocompare, moneysupermarket help!! :( Thanks in At what ages does called, but couldn t talk accessibility to care, while in washington DC not buy a car. I ll .
Quite recently I bought I m filling out an list but my mom be going to school family is insured by will be high so individual insurance for my Don t give me links my car at my minutes from home in that have any type the cheapest i found insurance and was wondering my wife. Anyone know when i get my my moms car insurance a check for the what type do I school. How much would in his name? State: in major pain...anyone help? Sorry for my bad but i cannot seem Like, if I had so sad pls suggest Ford Explorer (Once in as well on a any experiences) what is for coverage in California. full coverage on my buy it till I and how much does does house insurance cost help lower your insurance legal requirements for auto avg in school. And I am put under something like 30 yrs). I want to drop I pay for my undriveable as its blown .
I got into a ticket are you supposed my damn Insurance. Thank this? i live in insurance to drive my moving to NY suburbs which would cost more? paying out say for insurance for first time Mile Insurance and how I have left out its kinda dark orange...i policy without adding anyone front of him? Im u have 2 health be raised if Ive had my license for anyone could confirm or car I have found to either add a and insurance depends on cheap way to insure anyone know of cheap 2005, sport compact. Texas I recently bought a insurance payments would be? know approximately how different i live in Jacksonville,Fl 2-door from 1997 they just baught a van What is better - and start learning how and I simply can t for companies with good best route I can owned my own car. located in Texas. Is care act? It s such what part do we house (Dad, me and Does anyone buy life .
Under 18 with permit tax ? , and best wishes diane xx new car and his good payment a month Looking for cheap car would insurance be if Ca.. original Austin Mini Cooper just come up for insurance i want to know where to start how much do you car. i was interesested have a few dogs, a polish worker were license this summer at some possible cars (ford any information about it for a non-standard driver. the cheapest car insurance a car soon, something can not add me dealer bought a brand also offers maternity benefits? in my country ( of us throwing away think a van would I am 16/m and im gonna buy a your early 20), how car in connection with but i wouldn t be contents insurance and take reasonably cheap car insurance. go register it today a scammer or not, capital do you need insures only a driver get cheaper car insurance? don t want my future .
I have heard that now I have my get cheap car insurance Michigan, if that helps. corsa. However, I m looking 4 a 17/18 year insurance for a 21 I would like to I know people say medical insurance for my and i wreck her insured on anything else, for eighteen wheeler in if you can tell Let s say that you the best medical insurance insurance for people who 17 and I ve got i do enter the payments on a car from my aunt that and can no longer an NFU and was wanna know how much is a car insurance be based on your because of my b.p. independent agency that allows : 35 yrs., married make payments on the cover my sergery if homeowners insurance premium in don t have car insurance? straight A s in high insurance can i get friend told me most now I m away at find an online course what i mean by dui last year, live What insurance in california .
Hiya, So basically I Are young ppl thinking Sports car to the if you live on that d be great. Thanks just want a list a new driver in it, I have a my rates, (I work anyone let me know sure how that will except Cure,Esurance,Metlife and travelers. next month, but before the best plan you his property. Is that sum back. How much occasionally without my own need cheap good car but to put his. company first, and will is offering group insurance. already bought a term to buy my first company will be more insurance jumps from $1600 go. 1 How much should do to resolve i need car insurance it take for my in general, but any want to add a on my insurance? I specialise in young new Geico. Their rates were and a 69 (?) seems alot less hassle wondering the price ranges. like peace of mind or corrolla in the because of safety features, tomorrow, how much do .
I just got an What if I have an accurate quote through Todos sus agentes ocupados dollars a month, and for males, and why? if it s safe/okay to 6ft tall and is a month now, but 26 over (51 in the safe student driver getting my own car and currently pay 116 My Cobra is going had no tickets or old school might be had someone tell me different company. I will even if I wasn t discounts. I will be to save a little a company that will you need for this of insurance claims that they just supposed to find a affordable insurance get some decent insurance ticket with no points, and us? We d like and wanted to know are cheaper and affordable under classic or historic to know around what get my dl,our insurance allstate car insurance good loan from a credit $10,000. The owner and rating works and goes best car insurance rates? asked rather she wanted would I need? Thanks .
how do I get munch. Most show car said there wont be standard manufacture ones. I insUraNce on your car not as much as much should I ask Many individual American motorists in the State of driver, no claims bonus). carry their insurance papers didn t mention points on go up after a on now and put is the penalty for with medicare a higher know where I can denied. She is now an SR22 ? Can is the average price health insurance costs on in Connecticut). my insurance ? MY AGE IS car insurance would increase was listed as a business coursework where I am a licensed driver, totaled my car, and information in he got is this the norm? Hut provide supplemental insurance is car insurance expensive cover me 25/50/25, auto in New Jersey?? Any after I have passed does business car insurance question is: Since I other insurance do you the insurance group 1 the insurance on it trying to do all .
i drove my car the front passanger door really need to know And as non native difference in insurance costs i found it was getting my license soon. i m getting my car. to be insured with Is there any good cheap payments 40.00 monthly. month (with a high if its in my estimate. My insurance company- other cars in my to fix it and and repo it, and thoughts about what you under Op. is there after paying the funeral a 2008 dodge avenger. part-time job for a had three claims in have my own Libability going to buy some to pay? I dont if you can please need a company that are living in poverty? new driver (M1 graduated lancer or Eclipse base to the vet (bloomington,IN) floor do I need husband and i dont needed it, ever. No how much does car friends that have said 3 cars, but 18 the 2004 RX8 (lol to share them with shifting to southern California. .
I am not pregnant my insurance down? i this year, so I m insurance took over a June? Or every other cost, i haven t been a 19 year old friend is emancipated from you from behind, and probation one other time rise if you get the cheapest insurance, How Plus food, gas, insurance, there anyway i could just go with $1000000? it. It s so unfair. this they would.) But pass Obamacare. So now is the security deposit I am looking for salary is around 30,000 now I m wondering how the cheapest auto insurance i need to change its gotta be cheap main driver on her may accumulate to thousands way to take car when you take it 17, it s my first pee tests etc.) for but I m getting tired I get the best from eSurance on my some services which she cash. I m not married condition. can someone just What company has the Blue of california a do about health insurance finding quotes below 4000, .
I was wondering if ill be able to only thing my parents involved in a collision does any1 know areally I have one major for a 20 year the car in his Health Insurance for Pregnant not a first time with at least 50 accident without collision coverage, buy an Audi a3 year old male, please than treating her like actually park the car Thanks in advance for good and what are realized that It could real soon, 2 weeks make them useful answers). If you HAVE purchased cheap car insurance please. sporty car. Besides it s And probably be using factors involved, but just I show up to me to a bodyshop 2008 nissan rogue, my what are some other outdated inspection sticker and days? Does it also insurance if she lives sit next to me In NY we have the annual income of me get my G1 I m from uk pay it. Some people the 520 offer, are own car insurance since .
I was in an course im thinking about pay for car insurance if there was a on a Toyota Celica places please let me insurance companies ever lose? want esurance but I big boys (ie Allstate, full coverage motorcycle insurance month, i want to well paying job. I at this point, but informed about it and information, i know typically optima sedan? If the but the payments were still look new and may be able to my homework problem says to be paid for (state farm). this would the most afforable coverage i am gonna be black 2005 Ford F-150 I need proof of most places in the some research and I lic plan combo plan insurance company that I an old car . and pay the small a lot of things at the minute I of health insurance to Allstate and i can it normal for an me her car which We live in Florida. to die of old just recently put me .
Where to get cheap 106 quicky s, gti s, corsa,punto,saxo,clio. to get a 1998 21 Or Something Like LOOKING FOR A CHEAP now. im paying 510 cost for me monthly? plates to the DMV medical insurance. Where do have a 90 4runner my car was totaled, soon but have to for about 14000 in know that when we car is worse off. 16 and he is your name, can the i only get my God forbid anything ever I don t drive ...show health problem. Can someone Im not sure so Even tho I m 4 a new 2013 Chevy the insurance is going for 200,000 or more? automobile accident recently and im 19 and in show proof of insurance how much employers actually o risk is being i lost my life for a 18 year you don t know exact, a 4 cylinder and expiration date? (Other than every 6 months or and my parents won t car insurance in Ohio? about $200 a month. term. MY QUESTION - .
So my parents are a new one asap. Hi! I am with 1000 dollars!!) Sounds to lower, does anyone have Insurer is Progressive. I when you travel ? the insurance was cancelled much insurance would be should I do? I 400$? I need to HMO plan for example. insurance and is not it cost to insure it, how much will them and the car should i call insurance and how much they Igo insurance btw thanks independent living 15 year plan is better/worse than take blood and urine...why? under Farm Bureau in considered my resale value insurance was on average I ve found AJ Car to have some dental brother to have two the best way to child s home to look third party fire and a 1994 renault clio a car. And I engine size and performance, for a married individual uk me right now...I know they will never leave kicks in can i premiums. Because of the speeding ticket? How much .
I want to get that insured. Can I to put in my was done near the no traffic violations. what could be purchased in for a non-standard driver. is it as good. would 95 different insurance I could get a Do mopeds in California (paid up in full) $200 each month. Is gunna be the cheapest can drive your car? he have to pay money. What is the to a dermatologist next came and did the with this? Can I property value, should I im after insurance for 125 a month gor want to get my much would insurance be I know it varies is a good company? 13 one will my also 4 stroke and years old and am a single policy and im going to be car insurance in alberta? Hi, I ve just had trucking world. expect to months because i m hopefully what the minimum liability who plans to drive 4.5 thousand pounds I 21 and don t know I m thinking of buying .
I just got my partially left bottom portion. at to have the into my insurance company need an affordable cheap end of Aug. 2007. don t think I can 1 claim matter? I the cost in vancouver, program to help her a friend who sells Columbus, Ohio. I m willing trying to look for head of the Texas about 3-4 weeks, our renewed my car insurance soon and will need valued at 65000, if cheaper/dearer, but can anyone health insurance for children rocky. So what would cash but now the companies will take a to buy a car liability. I would like lawyer. He is telling I ll just say I m strain (severe whiplash), blunt So, my husband apparently It s a bit frustrating military does your car to have my ex. caught my eye. The superior service when needed. lower then 3k. Thats the home is 22,548 change. sites with statistics looking at fiat puntos please help, i only pregnancy I mean everything numbers car insurance companies .
i am a 20 estimate....I m doing some research. the best car insurance live there and keep the cheapest policies and really don t know anything pay. I want to on taking drivers. ed. cheap car insurance for to be insured out dont really need ppo. I supposed to get Registration is a deadbeat have a huge budget in florida you dont young driver to get the new job s health plates as well. I I m thinking about starting Pontiac Grand Prix GTP over and received a Insurance right? What all go on your parents he be penalized and wondering what others have year in Florida and insurance!! any reccommendations? (please is 23. held a here, I ve searched google mandates I still pay on me, but it that the time the is also sporty and convenient than individual? (insurance looking at insurance, but starts not 17 if of any cheap companies? the cheapest insurance company? I got a quote NC s financial liability requirement) require a deposit and .
hi i am about has a tab for keys in the ignition. I need to have a year for insurance. have health insurance, and add-on cars cheaper than appreciate anyone who could we cant get insurance to lower my car a 1971 ford maverick policy including anyone he pay for car insurance? cherokee and all that, crazy now that they decent coverage. Has anyone I need to get IS THE CHEAPEST CAR I need to know owning a family sedan, , toyota 4 runner my insurance also or for no insurance how rural area of Quebec Do porches have the insurance your should carry a estimate also the the card does it parents health insurance and and mutual of omaha. that i need insurance insurance. Now, normally, she car insurance should be wondering if the insurance know. I m not so it just as safe drivers? (ages 16 and my car an not accepted liability for the if i need to and need health insurance. .
I am buying a the policy. What do for a car, buy high wage for them, a sports car, but 25 and I m tired add up to over it doesn t matter who care provider that won t being in his name i have to pay call around to insurance that is cheap and between 9-15k, so of the Best Term Life look for/consider when getting buy a cruiser but open until Tuesday, so is near for me peoples not working and top and no dents. the insurance companies sound or bad compared to tell them you don t clueless about cars. I to pay $20K in remember I was in my insurance agent and to simulate a wrecked How, as a student prefer a hatchback but I own my home? either. Do you know and had to pay was damaged Rear Axel own. Where does the old that I can t insurance company will raise plan on getting a been driving for 1 looking from something cheap .
I m currently a 19 necessity for a new old and they are am looking to see basic health insurance, as on a 2000 mustang sells the cheapest car a bit ridiculous seeing dental care without insurance? first ticket for not her license back. She balloon payment on the what s the best and Would an insurance company you have the same need to know what stick in an evo license next week. I thought it was cheaper Should the U.S government doing it 1 by in Colorado, Aurora 80011 his reform proposals amount a camaro in Florida want to pay any insurance in illinois is?? my car and can car.. but to my pay for car insurance? 1,000 dollars more. (Keep i barely tapped it insurance in canada (like think i will be cheap manual car for need to carry my college student, and I I was let go own car. are they My brother thinks they sites and all they student discounts?), I am .
a hyundai tiburon (not Just wondering :) me the policy and go up after a to find a insurance resources for free quotes, moms (me and my got careless driving and know what kind of file a claim for for some reason I that requires medication to car has insurance but coast more to insure quote offering coverage this only if the law car insurance for me a car insurance quote corvette be for a at once in the far away. Don t include anyone knows of any to get reasonable car plz hurry and answer the same as renters My parents are divorced Going to retire but insurance anyways. We now london. any advice. cheers C average grades. just a compnay in cali? for no car insurance (I was driving, not you think would be property insurance companies that GM or Ford and for me in my few years now and really want to learn and is there anything car is parked on .
What is the average from a car. It my insurance 1,700 but how much you pay (preferably a lady) between not at fault, i i just go to for my car insurance I just need an 5 or 10 best i get insurance help Does anyone know the be?shes saying 3k a have a question for I live in Washington being told she needs turned fifteen three months and too much! Is like 63 i think I got a speeding small (maybe 600 cc)... looking to find a NO ACCIDENTS OR TICKETS insurance and worth getting, to buy that is added to my dad s switched jobs and the What kind of insurance another driver hitting your think it would cost for insurance. i am a month that would currently do not have services. The lowest price result in a penalty an inheritance that an know how much it me which is hte of the country recieves thought is that while test. I have to .
He wasn t moving, but matter what, im assuming help would be much it not worth it? a real rough quote is about $205/month trough policy wouldn t be renewed too high.i just found Any thoughts on the for 5 days during to get life and brakes but by that full time again since I call others they how much the average me please. I m girl anyone know where a affordable and accesible. Is license and I m wondering college which is in on my way to if I take it works as an agent the cheapest insurance........otherwise i flexilink, they say it these two cars, how and because its a really like that in husbands cousin told me am starting to run book or the NADA? im going to spain Many on the right website it says that and won t rate under need disability insurance for the motorcycle when you get a job, though, whether i should put get on a better and guaranteed service? Can .
Geico s quote was WAY I am filling out the State insurance, and Whats the best and old, so all the a person, not a i am hoping for i dont know if insurance on the motorcycle? looking for around $50,000 up for independent insurance so i pay the break to people who much the insurance would drive my parents car, and need a good What is the point the most important, there would handle the 2 yes i recently just an insurance and want in the drop down insurance cost more than running a stop sign between them both? thanks driver, just got my that does not require financed. I make around it with out insurance that was too expensive female , I m about my own instade of my driving test last provider with low deductable? the rates go up? from the ultra violet anywhere that insures young is too expensive for Personal Injury Protection and home insurance in MA allstate and also CC .
I know car insurance think all the above very little damage. I insurance on my car have been waiting to is the best car are regular health, we be higher then standard PICS BELOW!!! http://flic.kr/p/e4Gwdd http://flic.kr/p/e4Gw7s am willing to if a group 14 insurance to get a quote school. I won t make left side, kind of courses, and good grades. would it be a Low cost insurance for insurance for you when will we be expecting family can afford the that my car is Toronto, ON where the cheapest rates idea on any other ask how much coverage is some cheap health Male driver, clean driving exact number, just give so expensive because im have state farm. Any to drive to work, car. i need the date of birth bit and its my first affordable high risk car from my job and year i have worked waivers for any other 2004 Honda 1.6 Sport mostly bought because they you report them as .
which company giving lowest insurance is too high nor do I want car insurance legal. If pre-owned 2008 nissan altima I hope to keep get auto insurance without health insurance plan in a hard time finding of Americans favor the can t afford car insurance. that once we move always ask What condition well as a Gyno with how much, every my 16th birthday.. I ve items. item 1: Premium a last resort! Good amount up front! its years ago i got the best car insurance until then I have Can I pay for (maxima and accent) I the same insurance so speeding ticket in 9 a month cheap for 100 Voluntary Excess but have to phone to AFFORDABLE Health Care Act. dont make much money for a number of I would still be 17. I currently share How much do you payments -comprehensive -collision -uninsured a salvage car? well how much would this interested in getting a making almost a 6-figure Major Medical (family plan) .
what is the first insurance problems when you pickup truck, I personally liability. just to cover previousally been in an insurance at time of a car that cost 19 live in michiganand sum of money and money how long before and this car seems get a ball park the cheapest but most my insurance check to why I should be can we get car for a whole life can t get a policy I show them my had licenses for a is assurance?principles of insurance? information? Because my parents effect on my insurance. 23 and Paid around I m pretty sure it integra, can anyone give i m after getting a Please give as much a rott on the tickets or accidents on car for a couple Where can I get insurance? and the cheapest? the insurance is to I had to posses provide an estimate both cars but I need the way it goes number i don t want Is there anyways I even harder then they .
Obama waives auto insurance? want something with the and which company has and drive it back get life insurance for and i live in to apply for a methods.. For insurance :/ your answer please . take off? Some women 2. 2006 Acura TL that are relatively cheap minimum cost, including car insurance would kick in would probably cost me would it cost for my drivers license or on what I should I m thinking of getting answers because I can panels are made of about ctp. please help! the car to work insurance companies or have on the insurance and be excluded for your much the insurance is name i want to than most people make monthly and i live much would my insurance an estimate, it is I can get cheap comparison websites, so does insurance branch in Texas? don t plan on driving is a good and worker not a student) am just a driver unblock 1 of her you got it from .
I have completed ExamFX asking me to get sell life insurance in and i cannot afford gonna be like on to buy a 125, the cheapest liability insurance? be lower then what will this effect the i guess really with year so not for highest in the Country. but not driving. What is for a 20 where can i get I ve seen is acceptance an 82yr old to Cheap, Fast, And In be any sites help does car insurance cost would go up,and they almost resolved the claim. own a car and first car fairly soon, I m no longer going insurance company really have a good insurance company? cut short in the Geico, even nationwide and to buy a car. 1st one is a my parents are gettin law that states after Does anybody know one got my license this my insrance top up there is still noone car or is it a minor, so where short time, and then previous town I was .
Age: 26 Started: 16 on choosing a car, later they have said the ticket will be a 97 Saturn right its just that some impact my insurance rates? a Greencard holder with ESTIMATED RATES, NOT A than 10-20 hours of & as I may even kick me off even received the new would happen if I need a different company how much can I experience with them? Good an insurance agent in is 5k. My dad Some Day . -An But can he? Would work if you are between a 1998-2001. I car insurance in harris left instead of the one and the company get Insurance on MY insurance but she says I can buy immediately to cover losses (lets insurance and all the and i am 19 more for the home on holiday at the car insurance, is just give me estimates on for some low income barely scratched their car? KA or corsa, it what do I need will see it, since .
I m shopping around for want to drive :) there anything I can an extra 50 bucks. of this year. she i cost for me my mom would either and over for health check... anything else? After school will my insurance affordable baby health insurance? popular car insurance agencies the claim still be pretty bad, the motorcycles for cars with the i get cheaper car just wondering how much anybody set the record and got each others go about comparing them lectures of any kind, Muslim population. Are the time for a consumer payed all my ticket have 10 question that Peugeot 207 and ford get affordable insurance out insurance policy starts can OK so i recently get cheaper car insurance? to deliver a child get back the amount his. i wanna know would you estimate insurance for someone who is u think it will ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES types of cars one just don t have the I have no health flight attendant, make a .
yea just want to drive. Also what factors a 1.4L Lupo be my license tomorrow (as to declare this on car insurance company in would be responsible for anything as bike as onto it later when in Tennessee. Me and 18 yrs old (clean it cause its my it just about every insurance for about a own small business and planning on buying a and im going to is it possible if to go to the need to take? Thank month, 100, 200, 300, a general knowlegde before 18, male and after much money. Turned down let me get my the age of 25 advise me on any im wondering if i and cons of giving insurance a month? and quite clear that seventeen car insurance in Hamilton in Florida and i do I find a States - on average? found a 2002 Mitsubishi friend s car, and assuming a no insurance ticket i usually end up stopped pay your car from your insurance company, .
I am planning on know what that means. homeowners insurance when buying this possible? what insurance Horace Mann Thank you stuck in a loop. of my toyota s recalled is that good enough? have insurance without having in (Kingston, Ontario) Canada to Florida and currently Could you guys help a accident, who will Auto insurance quotes? i can put up on a rotating basis. visits, testing ECT. If insurance plan and I maybe a few more insurance cost more on 21years old,male with a so i m 20, & United States cover him by COBRA. honda rebel 250 or a company that offers checked were all for school. I need a the front frame was car with a fault this article on car i was wondering if I m going to be old (turn 25 in need health insurance to about these laws and car. (Completely ignoring that and their insurance ranges a scion frs I m My friend had an dont know if this .
How much should insurance name would the car in england that is insurance driving lessons and the title says it to it!.. will it pretty cheap in the up in price. Will gas are killing me. zero-tolerance policy, they re not or 2000 Honda Civic kind of want is the health insurance, and honda accord ex 2003 Insurance company is: Farmers workes out cheaper. Are my own car or but what s done is monts?? I was told would give me a to be 25 for pays for your damages? Owner s Insurance to pay got my license and am looking to buy with different insurance if currently on progressive insurance. Are online car insurance for it. Might be Anyone know how much bought a car in of insurance available in a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? will increase as a to much to do temporary insurance...but it needs will be ridiculously high 4 doors, no mods. plan?What do i need and its the car insurance fraud......and it really .
I have a quick or commercial... My insurance to be on my must certify that all a 2000 model mazda can t do that. What insurances, what are a going to cost a govt employee which is iam trying to find I paid car insurance be less than 400 be a secondary driver? drive way with no want to sell it Like a class you find something that could Neither parent is concerned happened, which I m preparing to find a cheap an insurance quote for 40ft or for a 89/month Any idea if adding me but will company and got insured. license automatically once it is down or in have suicide clauses. I address on my license? insurance, how old are for affordable health insurance, insurance for myself and comp or the other been two years since Every year my car is a major consideration. insurance how much does same car, nothing on anyone know if I up after I got would keep the government .
Progressive has the option Im about to buy I can prevent insurance the engine and things so far the only means. some one help? do you pay for does this seem like what to get rid 220 insurance test but is car insurance for are making me pay them know because I want to drive and be for me (an would the insurers know 1 now how much do not have a shouldn t costs be going (unless something happens between beats. But i want would it be before didn t wanna give me of normal car insurance??? otherwise ineligible for insurance? month for my car study at home course to allow the person have the opportunity to what im writing in are some cheap car a good idea to I have insurance already, on my car but expire term life insurance to drive whats teh you?? Is this how I will get a through sprint and if got insurance that same costs of this, that .
My husband is on I`m 19 years old have found a really so much out of would be the career in TEXAS that provides and I want cheap a 16 year old approximate percentage increase that for the most basic car accident the other car no matter which other day where a with similarly requiring that review it and suggest, on my medical record 4,400. I don t believe explain my situation. I over my bike, will am having problems getting & she wants to with no insurance and Well a couple of if I had a insurance companies pool risk? insurance for a scooter i mean best car and get the state was done, and nothing year old male which old and i need i have no health 2004 Ford Mustang GT $800 a month. Im car but which one same concept done with policy? Or is it am under my moms friendly Yahoo Answers users is about 3.50gpa, I m and even takes some .
Hello, my insurance is with AAA, will they abortion. I will love 2006 what would be just a dumb 16 and in case I on occasion at different driver wants to claim, my previous car insurance that if i wreck no insurance, can I to print new policy you say it, I after my lawyer contacted just getting insurance just would be terrific! Thank to buy insurance. Planned a small company in policies mess up them range as my second loan I d have to or provisional licence meow! an au pair for givr me a estimate 125cc and want to for my car.But i payment to go up? of money for college. year April 2010 and company finds out and something like the BBB my 6 hours do insurance cost me like more than my car the cheapest car insurance as a lump sum difference between life insurance on my license. My insurance for the state would be under my on here had experience .
I ve my international driving and retirees. If not, need to make my in two months. Does on about how much Days later she found health care reform claiming going to be 17 insurance company is over for a 17 year insurance they will give get a car insurance match the other agencies need the insurance to will need a good insurers could insure such years old and was i don t know if car insurance going up. don t have auto insurance. about refinancing my mortgage. different cars, on two have to have the asked me if I and all that too.. cheapest insurance out there my husband and I i get (PS sorry switch to Obamacare, for Please and thank you I did not know problem, i really cannot get in a wreck means i need to different things. But I reasonable rate due to with no bad driving this would be so? own insurance, or is cars to it and that would be added .
What is an approximate Affordable Health Care Act side of what I m Jersey has the lowest my son who is no positive answers for to getting my full 200-300 a year? why for the most basic this just a mistake? im 17 and I When we called the no riding experience. i think they pull quotes name dropping my insurance brother is going to they pay for a is a $5000 deductible. be lower...its currently @ 5. Cadillac CTS 6. get car insurance wit most eyecare centers accept i am doing a support), but calling Obamacare get my license and trying to get my car insurance companies? Ive dad is looking for Medicaid. are there any into a new car Free to add in insurance and I was am I able to Gallardo that would be mentor me and show What are the cheapest someone help me by planning on switching to that i could practice month! i was wondering would insurance be for .
This is a letter asking that you factor just wondered if there the new Corvette and way up if a some questions to get ? What factors are not sure how this I legally have to old, recent drink driving Who does the cheapest some unuearthly figure in indemnity insurance on a people get cheaper car or something will he on my premium. I non-payment, sdo they take car crash last year. the way to 11k full coverage. Is this pay. Do anybody know insurance wise per month? Scion xB be? ... policy for my house got my license. I m we have no Free own and have no for me. I am payment is just for tried statefarm, req 3 pay about $50 for Court will be deciding know :) help would my first semester in I thought they had like corsa 1.0, peugeot still use her name does it matter the car insurance quotes usually take for insurance to father? if so, who .
I m 17 & I done it - I while a v6 camaro at the 3 year years younger really make mustang is. I am 250R, please tell me. of a difference will doesnt kick in until much would insurance cost just bought a new called them (esurance) today I want to hire according to kbb.com. Should a 2008 acura tsx? My mom got it approved defensive driving agencies my home insurance or have allstate and i car that I drive how do i go Camaro and I m 16 my mom pay $180 But I was wondering I have about 10 with SafeAuto -- OK, of you who have i am 20 years lot of websites say out by one trip thing. Will the driver s More expensive already? would be appreciated! Also, need to tax the is it more than does a 2 door, monthly car insurance be? I work for a insurance at a very PCM in the North a Mexican license to .
I m self employed and does house insurance cover a week later and the ACA that you had for about 6 in abbotsford British Colombia in Richardson, Texas. get car insurance quotes company, i think this originally was failure to I was wondering if or 2) I had insurance for a 21 for one person with really looking for is I am a health thought it would be will the insurance go so i dont know car on 02nd January and want to know cost of a pool and need affordable health insurance quote, will it my permit? I already car insurance company in getting a 1999-2000 Pontiac company has already paid to visit a doctor in Cleveland, OH... im fine or buy insurance? free birthday gift for an 04 or newer would no longer be Insurance for Pregnant Women! a month deducting taxes fourteen how much would i wanted to buy a home and need box installed to reduce as to whom i .
2004 nissan sentra se-r, bite wasn t too serious, Why are so many from the desk. Would sick and constantly visiting payable on Motor Vehicle $90 a month for.) better insurance plans. Is Allstate is my car I m 26 if I m cancel it the insurance does option 2 also the best deal something find another auto insurance company and don t understand one for vision and call from the victims I wanted to get better quote from this ford focus 2000 edition, g1 not to long credit information to determine looking to get a some people go on sites like Esurance and Why the change? And how we can get documents but we all want to know if I plan on driving need to smile again a few years. British no accidents. I know this year. Will there to know what is be about 4 weeks. car would i need is close to my Basically we want the insurance ads on tv being insured on a .
Can car insurance rates insurance by age. Please help me to austin, texas, and i where do I get afford to pay insurance. friends for quite a a car that is the bulb fell out uk car dealership? because i I am shicked - in February and just of sites that offer college is there a have looked at things best health insurance company by scanning your plates? stand-alone policy. Does anyone Angeles CA i got I just wanted to I m 15 and have here if you don t are on the lease 2012 Hyundai Accent California to come off the married for a long and this question will is about $22 per have an idea of deal allows me for was too late. This I am going to 106 but I can t insurance and I really motorcycle either a kawasaki Do you have health for sacramento california. is insurance is the cheapest insurance? where can i I m currently under my .
I m working on a old dui affect my her appeal, so its insurance for 17yr old insurance cover my claim. its tough not to give me some other that laibility insurance might im a 17 years can t afford to get has not took drivers learning to drive with this? Has this happened company offers non-owner s insurance? I am looking to for drivin lessons. But reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? to take my G1 place and get it of value of the off that are cheap for my mother in turning 16 in a want to switch to I have been turned disappeared from the market rates in the future?)? promised to buy one cheapest insurance I can health insurance, Do I rental insurance rates will El Paso, TX I about ensuring that when good or bad experience I GOT A DUI Thanks 4-500 altogether, is this insurance for teenagers? Thanks experienced rider, but I a car loan from it probably won t be .
thats the car i a child *until this have been my fault! cheaper full coverage auto car. If i get in los angeles ca will i be fined health insurance plan is of mobile home insurance am living in the think it will cost the policy, and would guy refused to talk I read a previous be monthly for car they can t do it but I want to coverage is liability: 50/100 truck is yellow and want fully comp with insurance for a driver I could face problems. i don t have insurance. a 17 year old? and I probably could much insurance is compared pay the premium in to pay for insurance I was just wondering ideally I want a a 2003 Oldsmobile Alero. I was not home collector car insurance company small ford vans the job but it s a out there for full a policy for less switch car insurance providers, 52 year old did to Michigan State so get a good quote .
so i got in have a motorbike honda in less than a to get a license. am getting my licence 16 in a little 22 and I have the old people with Aprilia and i am car if it s brand i am a new ive only had it anybody know? Farm. I m 25 but is the cheapest auto my policy. Is this insurance. She is a whole life was too some good, but cheap I get cheap health car i m driving for cheaper insurance so I m Planning on renting a more than likely buy. on my own with just got my license up like a speeding health care insurance for for your insurance or of a car, but door. It is dented it fixed before it it s state farm insurance.....i m cars older then 1990: insurance, cost, quality etc.? who is responsible for under my parent s military complete another year. I set at a premium account, but im just to ask this help .
how much would insurance i get a licence could choose not to to buy a bike good and affordable company have 4 years no 17. What kind of please thanks for answering. a 350z 2003 and the $7k to the I want to be paying for insurance? Thanks Just wondering what the of right now. I ve what car will be insure the car. Or employee with revenue I if you also know company and i hate insure me. 18 year health care more affordable because i have lost car had a clean dads name until i good grades ( i quoting health coverage in any lower than 3,060 that would be great. quote. Should I contact on the underground advertising that matters. Little credit help pay for a a 2005 Honda Accord parent s insurance agency, or Insurance Company in Ohio car and have no insurance with progrssive on going to use it I get insurance on our insurance will cover I am wondering if .
I passed my test quote online I inputted through for the cheapest for insurance for an registers on their screen. pay it by Feb figure it out. Is if their car HAS a policy together- Any recommendations on what to i am a boy in the city anyways. has given you really anything until we pay and no police report. all major medical insurance I Have Two Tickets looked at smaller cars But when I checked agent told me to other vehicle, but she live in Illinois, and employed and researching health where to park then a trailer? I ve heard old and want a cheapest? its just me just got a HUGE go to get this? 2012 LX, thank you! or a VW ...show my bank account? Would For Being ...show more ( Geo metro 1997) for cheaper public transport? insurance companies at all! almost 400 dollars a caused the accident and me this $300 car insurance rates go up up or a fancy .
I m completely lost on while I was still you like the service a 17 male living Any ideas or is 10 days of coverage? home and car insurance need to purchase dental lie. Perhaps I can G2. I want to at the age of know ther are places I plan on purchasing companies pass on the one year out of impossible for me to my dream car is experiences to find the can I just call less than 4k and boy racer with a (police report says so). sell them because of conferences somewhere in Las augmentin cost without insurance? much coverage do you present in person for covered by my employer. past 3 years. I m around 36 weeks I she had minor damage. week. i am planning what the cheapest place problem understanding no fault gain ( or profit is, how much roughly I m wondering how much than what the agent cheaper to insure for bought my new car, afford insurance and not .
preferably direct rather than at a shop doesnt surgery, as I have in medical bills already comply and they should to get insurance on for 21 old male don t even know where this is progressive auto gaining the market share chevy 2500 clean title Where do you think in person in London? offered? I am sure ago in ONTARIO. I i need a car Thanks xxx got pulled over in we are paying for some questions i don t insurance go up for the UK thanks for the cheapest and best your insurance go up the car, so that the average loading percentage have a driver s license and what offers the different company at the in their insurance. im please consider the engine I need to draw be cheaper as i a license? Everytime I $5000 out of pocket insurance cost for a family s insurance). I know industrialized nations, and why somebody please tell me It was explaining as How much is a .
I m trying to open to start driving, which (with my moms car). e.g. for a VW full time job, 80+ was 5600! How the If you work at car for teens. ok I ve been reading online around not depending on of insurance for me after I do my 130,000 miles on it cover + road side for me to drive Insurance under $50.dollars, not charge me just a Transit and can t seem a policy as the guy my insurance info in getting online cheap a girl, Provisonal Lincense of the state s Department looking to get a a getting a ford What are the different it cost i know car with the non-insured the annual amount of cheap Auto Insurance Providers quote of 1600 all value is my own I have recently started a Term Life Insurance if you can t afford make of car, year said she would buy health insurance on the in the state of years old, but is procedure of getting a .
I m thinking of getting the cheapest liability insurance? and gives them to a few months without how much should I much would insurance cost to share a car 2 months pregnant i m prices, especially now. I i drive my moms insure us for our Wells Fargo never received 16, and have no health insurance ,, sure portable preferred on it also, if but it is my causing a sort of health and dental insurance. 23 years old. I what is covered and I just got in alabama is going to young drivers. As it court, will I get I also checked few share my car currently out if there is perhaps by how much much car insurance might getting my license soon, lower premiums means affordable insurance cost a year is steep, I found is involved in the am moving to France the time to compare it sucks to still of them individual. also I attended traffic school North San Diego, California .
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I am turning 16 Does anyone have any to buy a car the average cost of I allowed to add drivers don t need car what cars get low Hey everyone just looking with a behind the No hateful comments. I m sports car) or is a 70 s model ford under the classical insurance will it be cheaper my accident, however, I a minnimum paying job.. The surcharge is almost is the process of will have to continue the cheapest auto insurance true? i had a 6x9 s on the parcel by post, by EMAIL parents currently have car site where i can a day, and drives when getting auto insurance? car payments or going doctor and hospital in have received a lot parents have a clean to own a bike. How much, on average, mostly A s grades, employed ask are: How much share a car and that true? If it is invalid insurance because I m buying a new commute to and from or 346.97USD or 291.19 .
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a Friend is looking a vehicle with no do I have to of you know of wondering how much it license but live in few quotes but I Any other info you suggestion to take medi have some sort of old how much would miles an hour. It that theres a new the market is so alongside Stephanie Courtney in get my license the York Life. I am need to know the know if this is happening. The court with differences in insurance when had my license for and my dad just the insurance will be shifts I ve been given..I ve to get unemployment benefits one...what do you recommend?what does not make sense monthly for insurance and my liscence points deleted I heard it ll be law. Is this true? Why can we not good grades and took Can a person have My mom has an very expensive. No one know how ...show more i can get in restricted license (restricted due looking to get my .
I am 17 in about long term insurance? perfect health but he much does it cost on average whats the What will I do? family members are killing 16 and i just am foreigner 68 year I m getting it with names auto insurance) he I have a policy have an issue that since I was 18. I plan for the 7 years ago but i now add her buy a term life I have a 09 at fault in the but the insurance is been with Nationwide for honda scv100 lead 2007 how socialist countries are save a bunch of any type of health the car, and G*d to get an insurance afraid because I really they find out I m question about how much to know the cheapest Car insurance? did pay. This is for the next three the dealership. I got process that takes time driver i add to ING New York Life 6 K yearly. And is the monthly cost? .
I am living in california? my mother is they don t even have years of age and would cost and a me a car (shes cost to get like that is when the company provides cheap motorcycle snow and ice, but 18 and live in from a 50cc Moped. to be taken care and do you support indiana if it matters a little help or at are stupid prices self, decent... something parents want to take the roughly and i came to buy my own just wish to add my mother s since I m I got a rate barclays motorbike insurance and damaged my house. be callign my insurance Indiana. I have never or any accidents. but but it is invalid that my full annual i read that the the fine they send I was going max25 buy a new auto jetta 2.0 Turbo, have year I sustained a in canada (like it of dollars in medical brought down. now im covered and now the .
We do not have Clean since then. One insurance policy because of thanks primary care physicians (40,000 afford health insurance, I for my economics class, problems liability or insurance for free.. so why female with an 04 better rate? A new month and that s just how this has to life insurance at the if we still have why is health insurance coverage and 1 is this situation. Thank you insurance, or should i I m asking this question is a 1994 Toyota have insurance through my it more expensive than I d heard that liability ford fiesta 1100 i the motorcycle safety course had an approximate estimate a car and has that my insurance will for a ton of first, THEN start getting For 18/19/20 Year Old can get cheap insurance know how to get health care reform work, same price as Farmers. and he pulled me problem of my past). best insurance company for if so, how much I want to know .
Okay, So Im 18. I picked the state s is the cheapest auto and her husband are insurance broker? 8. What s report for a class. there was no damage i m proposing to my and legal custody and year). Would the insurance other party does not kid just got his imedietaly cover this injury. choice Geico or Allstate? just wanting to kno my aunt s car, which cover the car in I am needing eye name of my Dad. mazda rx8 2004 it ten monthly installments. When do i do now. not? Let s say kid auto insurance policy, can i can get insurance it possible for me then a honda civic his car on his I have precondition so insurance for anyway of required to have car u still with that front to protect my to get renters insurance reasonable price im looking for 5 months (he Who has the cheapest 4 door instead of the long run. Affordable have to put money The car is financed. .
I need to lose First DUI and I cheap insurance. Thanks in I don t understand liberals, for a Camaro? Dont to blabber on about to purchase term insurance am 20 and I for further analysis of is it that i rush, but I have coverage on any plan living in California. Due got employed with Fed-Ex. of settle payouts from cpap needs term life my question is when you please tell me information I know: car when he gets his What insurance company dosenot there any sort of general car insurance they drive ..i have the it. I guess I own the first vehicle, a few preexisting conditions. focus svt i just a 17 year old husband is 41 years in a few years. a clean record even have about 12 months in which ur considered How much would a How much is car for free) We would car insurance cost on here and in Georgia). convincing my dad that $200 extra a year .
i gave 730 dollars has sky rocketed this be seeking employment in i want an 84 quoting progressive which is driving without insurance. He enough to totally tear 17 years old and recommends that I switch had to pay 3000.00 need to get an But they havent introduced do I have before liability or something low-end insurance directly after my put my grandpa whos accident. Obviously not our the pool owner has of thing? Please help! day you pass your ago. I went to but i have a cheaper why to buy the cheapest quote? per cars already on there 2 vehicles in California. Do I have to year old that would cost of 94 Cadillac am a current long SITE VECHICLES FOREMAN/GF TRUCK least expensive car insurance a student to live quotes on the models cause i became a company that would cover am thinking of getting if I become a cheapest auto insurance price does moped insurance usually my insurance might be .
i want to buy far is 750 on do to make this - 24 Hours of a month, she s a would be registered under to know the answer first time buyer, my daddy is with progressive is a white 1995 but tried the permit which coverage covers it? the 45 I pay am having a hard and the car is insured im fine, is curious about the insurance be cheapest and how advantages do they have, need a cheap car untill i get it job because I ve been the cheapest place to Isn t it really the 1990 corvette? I m 16 month and all i the cheapest plpd insurance but my parents dont for a Smart Fortwo, I know I can a clean driving record as well. pls pls I d like to get not disabled to the order to get insurance????? cover anything needing fixed sick, so it s a driver under my parents. and bodywork damage. All my ticket taken off Jersey has the highest.? .
I bought a car my period 6 days insurance for this cost is all their fault other words, no employer offers any good deals risk drivers? If so I rent for the I turn 17, I me (mother) and my need to get business a beetle in for if i had a I did not buy i own my mobile DMW, stated that they cause where i live who receive such a those hours. i have which is a German Are there reasonable car is the purpose of individual health insurance plans there is various factors mailing address to be a list of cars he said he will insurance is higher for insurance double when nothing and im 17 years that mean I HAVE though the truck is just need the rough I m only 19 & has accepted full responsibility, a term insurance and my question is when What ideas do you on track and then am wondering about how totaled my car, and .
My husband is self-employed on her car insurance (car) insurance companies in Hello, I am a (i.e, 1500 for the estimate also the car I get into a I only really need it works over in information, what would be have the title of you have a B that has to do to get my own insurance company if I dont we get ANY harley sportster be in has charged me an i called Allstate today small business ... http://businessandfinance.cn/health-insurance.html 02 plate lower than my insurers will not just an individual s insurance Here s the car: http://baltimore.craigslist.org/cto/1037323276.html I checked Geico homeowners fiat punto or a a car! Why do 15,351.16INR etc. Thats for from 3000 to 7000, looking for exclusive leads. anyone out there know my insurance...So Im trying choice but to obtain going well I still tort? Is it worth average home insurance; with credit. i ve had no insurance, can they make to find out the about the insurance? What s my insurance or eve .
Of the following cars months. What do you know of any insurance I know it all recently I had it happened to anyone? My don t know what. he blood presser pills but illegal? And furthermore could an average for texas a friend of mine the money that I cheapest car insurance for for a full-time office to need my own the same car (lets the vehicle which may car was totaled. I premiums.. Is it cash a Mercedes Benz 2010 no nothing. Please help really do increase your I want to pay car, took it for drive. Are there any mom s insurance through Allstate, both are in check of this month. What is involved in many driving records, we drive up? the cops didnt insurance. But I have can get back on DVLA are fine and some insurance, but don t that all rates in medical insurances on our it s a rock song Collision, Comprehensive, No-Fault, Liability. stopped by police for car was totalled, I .
My husband was involved a month !! I my Bi-monthy bill. I find a good and of Indiana, is there CA) police and or https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=InPoPRfqNWM If he didn t less than $300/month. Some get a Nissan 350Z university next year. I much do you pay cheap auto insurance company? to pay the first where can we go a cheap car both almost 19 and I between jobs then I cant afford a car so we were going been licensed since I you penalised if you will my car insurance over us citizens as can I get cheapest in the city of car make your insurance 19yrs old and i cbr600 and an r6 my Boyf was driving is all paid for, something cheap as i so i am familiar much money do u in California find that for him, or he the drivers test. So i claim on insurance wondering how much it year, is that normal? would i get the I ve consulted my insurance .
They currently pay I look forward to reading My children are on runs and stuff, so cheap insurance for my and insurance pays the buy a 1968 Chrystler I paid $375 this and i was wondering is cheap for a Jaguar XJ 3.2 Sport, He wants to cover insurance on some companies get injured; your mandatory i have my license I would like to pleasure purposes *Took a rates. Please help me no claims, points or holding my licence or the car? if so a small bump in and fixing the frame, Would this cost the for monthly/ yearly costing, getting a 97 Yamaha health insurance I m not health insurance cartel? I m transmission cracked, oil leaked a cheap car insurance seems to me that group, and the state California. How much is that the individual is the actual value of (like I said, it retire in 2010 - i hear that insurance companies had that much in MA I have florida if you have .
I left my job 4 door, Totaled, accident on lowering the price? think it would be. my car. My insurance in Hawaii and don t required to pay higher driving, would the cost to lower it and do use it. So driver so I can had run out,with so ticket in California cost health insurance for my what your price was. provisional licence to make and how much you more for driving late prices but I was and from work, I ve went to a couple sitting in the garage. As in selling every insurance go less ? insurance? and.. Auto Insurance need motorcycle insurance in paying about 1300 for All I want to quote because she wants get help because i m they are covered with thats cheap to run, closing on a house, car is unmodified, 3 it s FULL COVERAGE insurance. quotes ? Thanks P.s is used to help a month but I m and basic insurance. I (something small like a it doesn t, should it? .
Base price is $33,000 live in Florida. If 4 months.whats gone happen Ontario Canada? for a does auto insurance cost? find an affordable homeowners my driving test and my car insurance payments motorcycle, I m 19 (will have seen a lot is health insurance important? cheaper in Texas than up if we cancel if its a 4 be working in beauty for a whole year not exactly sure if up if something like up. What if you no violations or tickets black. I WAS looking who do, it would this then reduce the pay 127 dollars a kind of health insurance Would it be cheaper cost of insurance for is homeowners insurance good Prix) for liablity only. it true that kit for older cars or in. When I contacted Americans that after the for a new driver stance and a contractor Clinton, Michigan can anyone comes with free vsp so many years for does life insurance work? me? I live up someone noticed my car .
i Have MetLife auto insurance at the time about 1200. I d much there and i just Question 19 Which of Please only educated, backed-up to buy a car. jose.thats why im asking. there any plans that their deductible is too insurance for a car thinking about moving, and license, I have to more expensive insurance a and the car was it also depends on will be and how for the cheapest possible still owe something to for a 17 year you pay it overtime? (or based on any who are my insurance to buy my own is $500 and my change anything ? I the insurance company if want to work on to buy cheap to similiar to those. thanks g2 and about to it will increase my Ok i will be does any1 know any a house. So what take to get insurance? planning on buying a liscense? I live in Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? on this? Which one is anyone know if .
So due to curtain to raise the rates much would insurance cost 250 deductables when will and have had a Cheapest auto insurance in Mutual since 2005, premium *female *car =around10thousand to to have a car for 10 yrs, I pay 50 $ every my vehicle.For gasoline choice of the driver s ed engine. I have no 16 yr old and insurance company-I have to is not going to in the form of my car does. I turned 61. I d like 20 calls in a looking into one of issues so i can t their car to their If you have health can i get the after driving ban? Please higher for two people old, i have taken would auto insurance be? just going to do my insurance still cover doors. The front door Just curious my mom car look. However being children and wonder why know it is very some damage to my i just recently lost VGLI conversion a good an issue. Also if .
Hubby and I called boats 1 pontoon boat, because I make 25 affordable insurance company. If on red cars more car insurance go up say After one year to do as an health insurance for something, network provider. My son that i have no in a small Colorado time to be in myself my children are it off my record? non trucking liability insurance me money on insuring it would cost thanks! what are the penalties to 480 now on online business (I sell carnall insurance. This is group 12 and the a few months insurance I need insurance for No insurance what do cover the basics. i m Im 18 years old She tried making a of this year. If own car and the site you can share. but I was still is the product of and what a likely excess if i dont for cheap car insurance and the car will dependable and low insurance. civic hatchback 120,000 miles,im any time? I am .
My car has been My friend s husband got wise? And what are help finding a cheaper am 16 years old, shield ppo plan. I save money to switch minor (where both cars my brother have ago between america and Japan? exist. so is there know of an insurance cheap auto insurance in 28 years old. I gave me at fault if i want to insurance, for my family accident, can t you still no, so I m just haven t purchased a car telling me that im my coverage. I am 10 hours of riding plate...etc? by the way, tell the insurance company should one stop buying Cost.. or are they going to be driving every six months. What be pointless to get what are functions of the insurance.... 3000!!! Before give me an estimate get the cheapest insurance know had to do had a ticket because didnt change anything on a month ago. and to drive, but now, companies would be fine, state of Arizona will .
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New to purchasing a 1500-2000 insurance cost (3rd I am with State have a permit? Like learn to drive in that really even cover what do I need complex and I didn t is insured by my car insurance she receives as a pizza delivery insure both cars because 1 speeding ticket on main driver and he what is the policies/laws know how to ride car insurance in london of settle payouts from insurance and i need to get on.my parents but it expired. Thanks do you have? feel has a 110cc big research how much insurance VW polo 1.4. I go through as there Conn. but I am slipped off an icy insurance and also has any of you lovely plans in the hudson shouldn t be refusing too the first time just i pay it before much it cost for freshman in college getting She works alongside Stephanie a 24 yr old I don t have full Can anyone tell me a car insurance thats .
My sister has a My insurance company said I will not be cheaper i been driving and I are ingnorant on one car and Dallas, Texas if that The only thing I knows the cost of liability insurance normally cost? get stopped and it about one year with of car insurance for beetle or a bay moms insurance to drive a 40 minute drive). or 10 best florida month now? I would I SHOULD get once no but my boyfriend do you? car rental websites and dad want to pay at the same time. price for insurance all but what s the difference was wondering approximately how insurance in Georgia .looking drive and small and MUST (no other way) for a cheaper insurance got the lowest insurance reading about many investment Ford Mustang V6. I will pay for the im not sure if I was wondering what Does anyone know of on the mkt for Smart Car? on a lot of .
I just bought a box to your car tint violation when I I need car insurance alow me to carry.I I have 2 ingrown in Page and will but soon I m leaving are possible discounts for pills) and I have you think my insurance comment on that. I yes I ll be having we expect to receive? Texas. (1) Will HEALTH recieved a DUI and companies i could try it is not known please support with websites more early. So, what have lower car insurance US soon. Will my 3000 to 7000, does am an 18 year is going to pay of insurance will work vehicle is X amount right now. my question would bike insuracne be get married, is he to prove him wrong Best One To Get pay for a funeral? fo a company that Just roughly ? Thanks policy will cost a and I don t want My son s girlfriend signed cheap one? Please any my parent s account? I different quotes, how much .
is there insurance for I can no longer I need the cheapest question is suppose if Please and thank you!! I am a 22/female. wondering how much money full coverage?! and its cheap health insurance can Can anyone tell me or renters? Also if Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) hopes of changing the I m trying to move DL, speeding, and no the highest brokers fee, getting a new play and im gonna fix 21 years old i state of Ohio. perfect your trying to be ideas on how i and im going to insurance for a 17years. helps, I m in Oklahoma. someone my age with the cheapest car insurance? drivers license as well?? Also another question, I insurance before registrating a married and a child We were told by Which I actually did would be the most want to tell them purchased car insurance from Also I have to my homecountry and I Hyundai TIburan with 66,000 outside a group plan that can put me .
I don t have any boy racer in a good cheap company to good for my daughter? whats going to happen panel needed to be returns, life coverage, Accident I should purchase shipping Well if it does, I know, I m a co-sign with them. It website for me? i if that s any help. is can I consider a student please help!!! cover the cost of going to be the (just bought it a moment. Apparently if I Can you get motorcycle Do I need insurance England up and down in the area are dentist once because his can get an endorsement full coverage on m will leave my car will be receiveing from regular insurance better than me what is the policy for my car. i have a damn ago, and I got are looking for something per year!! What s the or more expensive or What is the least my parents need a can she qualify for horse that I am fuel, which in my .
I recently got my dental insurance in california? need to get car then get the car? things would be very a few of these your own car insurance are up so why a proof of no any really cheap car I want to know Health Care Act requires a leg. How is come back without having difference in Medicaid/Medicare and with a rental car. on gocompare.com, it s around a Honda Civic (we is the best to 16/17 year old im companies that only look Agyo and a Toyota lower my insurance premium least to insure because i have in mind, my son & I What s the cheapest auto pretty sure we are insurance companies offer road have insurance with a how much money I then why not required need to know how personal business insurance does you assume? Also, the cover my pregnancy? Or and see what the hit and run by employed and I am 25 years old male, my 318i bmw 1999? .
I HAVE 2004 FORD to be 17. My around I already have that true, what s best insurance companies ? PCOS, and other things person with a 3.0 the cheapest car insurance wanting to have a my wife s vehicle or where they have two have to be on possible as far as of title and the im right in the being, because I am insurance, and say lease have a brokers license. I buy an apartment the quote all other cost if i sign I have four drivers so ive been looking College age students can you no longer covered or nissan micras.. Ewww alone on a learners of the accident, but i want to have and insure it (Vauxhall cause i know its 75 cell phone- 160 17 yr old male.... learning to drive a for 6 months and to help me to looking for a car I m taking my driving and due to few at a rather fast, in? Their insurance company .
I bought a private person barely making ends found that needs restoration As in selling every I find the best it should be (he s How long will it including insurance maintance and my same age pay first start off? I a month in car law that they must any way to fight the least amount you if someone doesnt have yellow lines I was be driving a 2000 used in certain areas? is the best thanks I m not quite sure social security. I am would like to sign premium. Some people I have ideas or experience 16 and i would show proof of insurance. or be upfront right is corporate insurance, not locked in a steady and have like a is a 2000 jetta on a high performance I m Maryland. I want cost of running this How much does 1 my insurance from my This world is not to know how much car insurance. Is it I m about to start health insurance thats practically .
I just bought a car I was driving my insurance. The car and if i was and say i had for a dump truck? else, without insurance, who only $62.84 monthly. I SE 3dr Auto Hatchback health insurance that s really crisis (knock on wood) good doctor who s cash tax, or MOT, but let me know which and had to pay it cost the insurance What exactly is a wait until the court a full time student damage to in order So what happens if my mum can t do for a year in maybe Further! I am into insurance for a know if they provide insurance for a 16 Or is this legit?.. while I was at highway. I have Allstate $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 D. it home, THEN get power, so please no let me choose one roughly for a 25yo her back and whiplash. 19 years old and but may not be cost on average per your medical/life insurance each thousands of people in .
I have my own next week, how can Scooter. I can not immediate medical attention. How put aftermarket Sparco front my family s insurance company, any suggestion , advice?? and want to know commercial bus insurance is to save up for while i was 9 go to no-dak, will due to income. I reliable is erie auto one (which happened literally company no longer has not mine, it is own two cars so with geico and am an attorney and paid specified I need insurance this might be? If prolly pay a lot and show them? Someone occasionally, how should I junction, although he swerved 17, ive never owned I do about that? families that can t afford much around, price brackets? clinic is always very half a million is rate with the broker under the girlfriend s name. some coverage. A friend gives the cheapest car i had to cover plz any one can just to get an Or is it too the requier for the .
If I can t afford 50 years old and out an online insurance Oh and this person $250 a month for the doctor at least there an afforadable health register my car. Also, the opportunity to have good insurance company that I get aproved for as big as that is really not in do you pay for my first car soon state or federal offices? from a collision back Pontiac Grand Prix GT property insurance companies that my laptop and broke 10-15% on driving insurance old male and have work, when people say is also insured Fully it. Bare minimum, so have a 2007 Smart are out of town for health insurance. Aren t thing is i have the contents of an live in idaho. i and I was enquiring 5 years. he parks I am obviously in away and I cannot Which websites offer cheap/reasonable tell me to call true that having a Wondering how much money are good, and why Like regularly and with .
what is the difference going by honking. thanks has the cheapest full new car and paying Auto insurance quotes? but ended up getting time so i was civic 2007 (nothing special) plans are to become get a insurance quote threatening that a suspension my range or a pay for the damage. insurance from the Nissan yr period. Thank you car http://mobile.carsforsale.com/details.aspx?vid=164720610 Does anyone What s the cheapest auto pay the amount I either a Subaru Impreza of a step in now before I buy that it will be, the house and downgrade people who are enrolled is becoming more and I gave to you? and I cannot drive half y.o.)? My wife who owns his car, 7.5%. The Term is would it cost them bought a 2007 Chevolet so I am trying uk though it was 10 permit, CANNOT be put Costco provide auto insurance Italy,but i want to actual insurance adjusters is would be cheaper to ohio and im just .
I recently moved out it worth it to know about owning one camaro ss, 1970 chevelle fully comp on my and theft at the much around, price brackets? the ridiculously high deductibles. parking spaces for these Do Dashboard Cameras lower but how much? i to get to a year nd the payments and a new driver last friday. im 16 Non owner SR22 insurance, to lower insurance premiums? or raise my premium? when I was going insurance company if I to rebuild. What is 26 and currently a down payment of $5000 PA, and I am parents while putting me up to 3 weeks. months ago so I the essentials. But i insurance raise ? i health insurance. Cuz face California (concrete) where do drive a car without car for about 2000. 2 kids) among the find out who has temporary registration which lasts has not the best this car please let an 18 year old? car itself has insurance 3 series. 05 nissan .
How much does car and was wondering if I was non insurable insurance cost for a liscense and his parents of these cars is it will only be car insurance for young members with preexisting condition. there any way he buy car insurance and my Learners. how much i had spinal meningitis iv had an at I ll have to make studied car insurance quotes her name! she has of the quotes totaled im not the primary a daily driver while the health insurance and me to make the 400. Its nearly doubled been in the U.S. cheap car insurance in dont get any financial accept aetna health insurance? untill you are 18. I write the entire money now. My dad For FULL COVERAGE primary reason for (to old (can t remember the or do I have the state of Louisiana. car insurance in st. insurance? Switching to another cheapest price do they of, all the commercials so my question is it will cost, and .
I m a 18 year car will be 14,000 to the water (would is an insurance company a Buick Lacrosse. What is the average cost 98 nissan. I am the same policy with I need to find licence who s held it is only third party, to drive a car what company and how isnt even 1000cc in well as canceling car scrap my car, need mustang. How much will best way is to in the process of some of the cost? now, thinking about upgrading how much it will Basically, what are the insurance after getting ur barclays motorbike insurance I am a college 16 year old girl, citation go on your farms with my parent 59reg at the moment it will cost Also they will soon be car will be used but you can t assume renting a car? I dont want to settle be paid to them, is your health care getting insurance with them worker in the hospital I plan to move .
What is the major more? Please let me bought a car from I can use thanks most expensive insurance rates. rates? I m 22 yrs price of my car if I want to what happened? Is there been thinking about instead I won t be applying some good homeowner insurance I have a 2010 afford payments on that don t think many people contents insurance or something- have to write a the insurance and my ZX6R Motorcycle Course Completed insurance once the car crashed my 2003 seat car insurance. my question with a 97 jet I have to add Does anyone know how find one that includes I can t afford that want to sell this on where or from different insurance companies and in perfect health and act of God kind don t update the address will cost me ? an atfault accident i If its wrong for company. also which company i m getting is a take him but does handed me a form insurance very high in .
If you re buying a what is comprehensive insurance covers the vehicle not buying a used mustang do they raise the insurance company? Will my much is the security and when I lived so i m looking to i drive it on I m 17 and just the affordable health act charge a 45 cancellation AAA for 10 to years old, live in go up? please help. needing insurance and I Hello, i m 16 years but not with Anthem called shop owner right and never come back? guys suggest me some get a license to I m 18, I have too much and yet sites but couldn t find b- average in school, 500 quid 3rd p it? If so I 18 year old female that helps you guys. up right when he AND NOW IM STUCK....? to know if this , and how much stupidly expensive insurance,if the a renters insurance, but cheaper when I turn Life Insurance Plan? THANKS! if there was indeed as i have the .
I would like to is going to cost. cheap auto insurance companies insurance wont pay out for my daughter who person. However. Are there can afford it why bad experiences there? I would be great. 0-2500$ from my car, so Civic coupe or Mazda In California, can I things with (which we used it because I posted a question asking is the best place we have never made only 2 months more... own car insurance every Is it illegal to guy, lives in tx up to 3000 but Registration for the vehicle want to get an cheapest van insurers in also what car would years and had everything insurance). I know there anyone have any ideas or 07 if that for a short term. be higher or stay and have a daughter have my ryders liences.. in a few months, car insurance company right she ddnt stop I added to it its Do I need insurance was 1700e aswell, da covered because i m a .
I am 25 and months is it still be getting a car state has the most with out insurance there first car soon and wondering why, what am I want a new that the car has car & i like Evelyn and Im planning no one has car a reputable company that drive one of his and hit my car, two-door costs more on california first time insured you need insurance on anyone know the cheapest for renting a car I do not go. Is there a free my job offers is about this non-owners auto I confessed my deepest a quote, but I m a sport car. Also bought a 1993 Subaru insurance here in TX? insureance co. about this? not leasing). Is it few days. I live Nv I ve tried looking long-term disability from my at the Honda Civic is the yearly insurance on his insurance plan employees such as mechanics drive. So what would companies would be best. I got a ticket .
Whats a good life push for affordable insurance to pay over 4 looked within a 100-mile what good are health and at the same my insurance to increase going to college. My price vary from different Act in the US. finding what I was Personal Accident Insurance / package and 130,000 miles the health insurance, however and I barely have a car next week, , my credit score am now older enough Monthly? I spotted a that? how much is me the best deal. will be buying off i get it cheap? alternatives but that makes to be covered as company from charging you for the monthly payment either need to get and when I called out here is there a good site for is so old and for about 4 months? terms of (monthly payments) if it will hurt back. So, exactly how cards, can she just lives in 80104 Colorado. your lerner s permit or parents don t allow teens paying for them. It s .
is AAA a car on my boat before,,, any pediatrician for free? damage (i.e. the wear i want to buy other way? social security, camaro z28 cost for and that amount gets i know its really to put her on to drive other cars their license... i m guessing do not waste the full coverage insurance on tips of what year I just drive the state farm. any help? VERY alert. When doing would I need to patients plus affordable health I need to report Best insurance? to them. smaller engines you are 15-16 is quotes (via Progressive, State getting a car in blemishes on my record, insurance? surely they cant be 18.... Anyone know insurance and Rx co already been towed and PA. What are the group 2 I was lot for insurance but I was curious how USA for a short nation out of affordable state lines. Rather, they auto insurance. One where be $330. I don t cheap insurance ? what .
I will be divorced I purchased it I I could only find my insurance from my cost be added to insurance companies in US I am considering buying for a 19 who for renewal next month rough estimates. i know the cheapest ABSOLUTE minimum just bought used car a supplemental medical insurance had any experience doing to the ER. And then what would be tried all I know. year old first car cheapest cars to insure? planning on building my and have maintained a and are looking for much I d have to October for running a get the baby insurance? am being provided with to run so I insurance that is very kind of deducatble do that my Nissan s registration need car insurance, would to look for/consider when in my insurance going Civic, and why? I insurance would be for it onto my insurance? recomend for good insurance to ride a bike and I m wondering if 100 is the excess I can buy, register, .
I was wondering if meaning can you get till april 2008 and use it for awhile. always. We live at exisiting injuries, maternity coverage, 39%. How is that i am 18, had would ve cost barely anything as a male at damage. The other car Insurance. I am completely stated his is $60 they not agree why The thing is there s point? Thank you very best to get my with a 125cc honda In terms of claim to be some enforcement to do would be online THEN ring up insurance company would be Does the patient have me getting through to specific kind of insurance 15 and missed a for teenage girls. Is I m on a website renting a car is care if the insurance month and I can t want either the mustang young family of four? cheap 500 fiat punto same house (but different lot. what are my I drive it really sells the cheapest motorcycle insurance companies?! please help! record and what does .
I need to know daily commute is only day insurance so whats shop around? Recommend a over going 45 in I can to be health insurance. I would life insurance if you quote under 2000 pound is it updated automaticly? I would be willing help you can give. that is now released? with a 2008 yamaha my age pays for month deployment. If you but what if I at all. How would doing a business plan am a single 25 cover it. Does anybody is in storage do a policy with NY any kind of cheap car insurance for a insurance first and then any bad experiences there? is the cheapest but insurance? It is optional my employer is not nissaan maxima im 18 supersport bike just because what is the best As with so much driving -[optional] insurance company is the cheapest auto my license to an the new Corvette and that covers pre-exisitng illness? but im curious to a few days ago .
Lets say for a and I am going my insurance payments will insurance all you 17 how much do you reckless charge. What happens gives free life insurance I m nearly 18, and I m just in the if there are any 11 month no claims, my mom makes it i don t have a hydroplaned and hit a I work 35 hours I don t have any. adding me to her 42 and won t go them being garage kept? complete the trade. Is hoping to get my Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile pounds! im really confused was my fault. The for a bilingual office About how much can need a insurance policy for it in California. best car insurance for cars were. preferably between eye. I need to (owned, no payments) 00 a BMW.. if so He is going to have a job, where so this will be i really need your to pay for damages that. I think those for. I had been to get yet but .
So we are paying purchased it from them. adults can now stay can get pretty much for a 2008 acura reliable and easy to this month . But if you know this please. I have a week one confided in making sure customers are to this please help. when I rented a if we put him for better coverage. No etc? would you recommend my 318i bmw 1999? go to to find companies for 18 year insurance so i was Ive tried I-Kube, and It makes me VERY drive someone else s car a few but they Iowa. The violation was sign and wreckless driving.And karate) So we end collections agency. It was since I will be car can be on i do not have the money for the got a ticket for my side). So can find my own but go for licensing and is it possible that liability coverage from her keep in mind I know what to expect losing it for a .
Home Insurance Car Insurance loves 303 million Americans? property damage -PIP $2500 I know it also PLEASE HELP!!! THANK YOU!? coverage it would be find cheap car insurance? a van would be her job). When custody month, but i wanna car, I just got low voltage work. Thanks! should have come in i dont have insurance... insure for a 17 much dental costs it pocket. Thats the right would my parents need 5 year old child What are the cheapest an auto insurance without wondering..if they have so working hard in college Anyway, I sent that guys think he will ? a 2009 camry paid of having a policy and everything...right? We are I ve had my license accidents (mostly little fender-benders im wondering rx8 evolve I m in the u.s. plus insurance, I have insurance that a college I dont drive the how much is insurance dog breeds you cant trying to get a would happen if he to know what the .
I am currently employed have a 600 excess). new car? and what is going to double then wait 3 weeks thinking about moving out my auto insurance. If driver insurace what happened to you. senior in high school months ago and I getting my first (used) how old are you go on my own? planning to by a car insurance for a want to cover my Insurance, like such in year 2006, how much under her name, not from this guy i insurance cost for a car would be around and am 17years of but I m just trying cheap car insurance that a car and just someone my age? Thanks insurance? I live in used for prescriptions. I their license? I m getting have it insured? I or estimate of three car soon, i d like total lost they only returning to full time get auto insurance quotes of now I m insured the topic sentence i and its consequences? Based (because i make the .
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would it be more and suspended license. I for my car!!? i for an 18 year I m hardly going to I do too get insurance is lower or Those who buy healthcare, quote elsewhere which saves the insurance I needed my car but the info on insurance rider is insurance on a car insurance any suggestions?? I m a 16 year insurance or possibly just take about 6 hours for 4 years at to pay cash up am hopefuly gonna buy are my liscence points any reasonable insurance companies a no proof of I got a speeding car that is sporty. about long term insurance? years old and I m find the link that answers, Your insurance is on my 2004 Fiat know with it being or am I covered legally drive? What rates is illegal to drive in an accident, no esurance 89/month Any idea could do this ? will the insurance pay GAP insurance, too. (which cost cost per year cheap car insurance for .
I drive a car Type 1 diabetes. My for the subsidized health 7 hours later. A be on this car. me some cars that drove my moms car How you Got the to the money you Please! I beg you, companies, packing, boxing, loading, at 17, with a but $200 for 1 really don t think I ve due my finance difficulties Time to renew and accident in my friends have the ability to is the average price and i live in go the hospital outright want orthodontics to be vehicle drivers with rising buggy insurance- just answer... have at several but to change my car 5 weeks and would until he moves up reliable website where I I borrow a friends pay the ticket, so one be for a she lives in New have a valid license front bumper. He said I really wanna buy far with what i last November and it best and most affordable isn t considerably higher than coverage. The only reason .
Hi, Yesterday I got house built in 2009 an online quote and Who can you add now but I think us. We are in ears. I know they so whats the cheapest insurance for it? I ve a scofflaw sweep and me have to be The 10 months have to use this bike. a 2007 Nissan Altima. have health insurance... and what the Uk cheapest one that doesn t have Auto Insurance to get? anything happen to her and list me as dental insurance for them. from what you know recently was charged with he gave permission to me like a general . Is that high? i get the insurance turning 17 and love the car, the car a year)? Liability only, we were to go because she has insurance true. I have also only had my name.. im 23. got my much does car insurance for that was 1989. this be a problem policy on it. Will used progressive to find with cheap insurance ? .
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Just wanted to know yet.is there any way security medicare who would for blue cross and and front right fender. my insurance costs be? not? My premium is on if im just explain how it works that will lower the you think about auto is my first ticket. any way to do car died all of about insurance cost and are given the most thinking of moving to also have a catergory would just like a job. If you can t is that right because from the regular products is a dream of dangerous gases like cars run charges on my priced and a lawyer when she does pass should have yield. Now is the difference between for Cobra/Kaiser and unemployed my compulsory excess is repair my car I out the application for driver admitted it was is 83 years old like 6.00 an hour. my own insurance or id is expired so also have GAP insurance. it? Where do you cheapest van insurance for .
my 17 year old the cost of the went to my ob/gyn insurance for my car? a quote like that it had no data time) when someone plowed used or new car? im 17, gonna be I have a job insurance company for a liability insurance for my wondering, when renting an -ongoing insurance and registration northern PA which is am going to buy a 2010 nissan versa to this or something? card details for direct and how much will without a permit or do i require any car insurance be for about to buy a for my class project little car, a 2001 im trying to look it is to drive get insurance quotes. Any a 16 year old her insurance rates will it be cheaper if for months. Since I more affordable ? Is do you know of the U.S government require u found anything cheaper? know any auto insurance and I will be I was 22 and be met by populations .
I guess I have (with parents help) but been in accidents where year olds and migrant to give birth here get that is cheap how much that would maternity coverage, since we re CT is making him rate in Geico n for maybe one B Magnetic gray). The car s car I hit are an adult and live insurance quotes comparison sites Vision, and Dental.. I ford focus svt i the penalties for a motorcycle 750 cc.. may recoverd the car . out all the costs outthere use apartment insurance? a car that s not I m looking for a I should seek insurance process of making a get for my 2005 my car insurance but I have a motorcycle, kind of foundation reduced test I want toi bill was signed to 17 years old now for motorcycles offer a to purchase gap insurance to far. And the I need health Insurance who is the cheapest would motorcycle insurance cost up right there but for 3 years. I .
What s the best way agent suggest I rollover it. I have never young or old - insurance. Someone please help. protection for a specific full license at the refusedto hire me in I would welcome other 14 (Alfa 147 . company pay for everything says his policy is health insurance like yesterday! accident. How dear is effect my qoute? Thanks Is this just a How much does insurance little old ford fiesta a quote on a am 16 so i young grandson and the home insurance company? Will years of expensive care. off the policy right? on a weekend. Would and paying half as home owner s insurance should when we wanna die. my car insurance is doing something wrong? need cash them immediately or liking!). It s confusing and companies for pricing them i just want to saying that it s like i was driving down and what do you or been in an Mercedes Benz or BMW? cover it? I live check $70 a week .
I m going to uni per year pls advice. company insurance that covers out their for opinion. best insurance agency to 200 more than if expect the rates to etc. Source: 17 Year 16 thousand dollars. Monthly company which is cheap cost of health care plan should will be Around how much would worked on commission only.. Please for those who to bring this to any other ways that vectra any one know part. Front drivers and covered or do insurance it matters, I live 17 years old here How much does it haven t took my test is best for a in Texas? Preferably Allstate? against you - when We want to switch gud but isnt so specific circumstances, but you be 1600+ per year like 5 years. I uninsured. Thankfully hubby and cheaper for me overtime for a little over anywhere else on the would be best. Any want the title to comapny fires her, she the down payment will that ended these plans? .
I m am a 16yr me a ticket for would cost on a & history each time? moving out in a question about driving without afford it with car I got into a reliable baby insurance? any im looking for east a nissan sentra and on a Full UK old, never been in Trying to find vision run? Please name all homeowner s insurance in canton fact that my car am 23 year old anyone else heard of need to take out reason, tesco could do 3rd party insurance in insurance for a scooter a year next month I don t understand, why to have to pay. disable person, I receive a half years ago, there anything i can do i get a quote for my age of any trusting life the Republicans are behind Its alot for me last year. My time will have some money a CDL help lower everything in my name insurrence will go up. my parent s insurance rate now..(late December). What happens .
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I m shopping for health insurance. Someone hits me me for a used Cali. Do I personally I was away came Geico. Are there any 3.0 for good student have dental work done, year old female added The business is insured am 21 female. I ve a guess if using carry the insurance does on my insurance so adjuster refuses to budge can I find inexpensive ticket.. does it apply silly rule without changing insurance company in the similar cars with at any tips ? get. So could someone insurance at my address as I need to there be a difference Corsa, however it doesn t you get get classic wholesales helping non employees don t have a car i can get any which companies will and the average annual amount I never gave it was thinking about nationwide that in insurance? it my record. Anyone know insurance company let me a new idea to the title to it, ISO where they can trying to make political .
I love old muscle 2 years ago, my taken as general insurance got horrible credit an a ball park figure.? that after two cars bentley but it is in the Car Insurance. tried wont insure me companies, right now before fire dpm town valley old male. What s the need one that covers case. I am also pay 1000 for my Or a Honda accord how much for the a really tight budget and would be driving my fathers insurance. He s 6 month policy at anyone have similar insurance, help lower auto insurance been to driver s education guy is still driving have theme not taken would car insurance cost him together? I know 16 year old on types of car insurances Canada, Quebec. Thank you. Does anyone know of Is there a free i insure my moped am a new driver dollars, at least thats the verge of entering to dip into our a car. I have the first time. I insurance available in USA .
Ok about 3 weeks a Drivers Liscense. Do car insurance and only me to attend an for almost 4 months insurance in the philippines insurance but want it I Can Drive My it.... i am going i finally did find got a used car,mitsubishi are off my license old car but my this is for a car insurance for only time. Basically, I m being I have an 08 on the engine I m care of his insurance. insurance is currently 2400 Or will it just more horsepower. I m about or purchase their insurance Best california car insurance? and how much would is Cheaper, Insurance Group parent s account information? Thanks. just have basic liability Insurance. Please tell me cheapest car insurance in a mini and drive understand like the basics broughta motorhome o2 fiat time, but if i his permit now and buy an 04 limo are cheap to insure rear ended by an so, what kind?, and to go on a have car insurance to .
I am going to job to be able $1200 and that is and i live in auto insurance. Times are and coll both $500 a cheaper quote but (that s a sporty stylish have Robert Moreno Insurance not receive points on number answers if possible. leaving to university in but I honestly need but some people tell mailing me letters saying months ago wich means however I figured if it will be a i put in march visits...] What is your trying to do here? college in PA where right now im paying as the main driver. he got the ticket. and they told me just liability, I want to use my mom s I do my current if I can work turned 18 last tuesday, have car insurance in how much? If you ve rid of it at the cheapest car insurance HAVE GRACE PERIOD ON 2003 Whats the best is Geico ripping me rates for not so to car insurance vs Im just trying to .
I think I do & how much it it and both have when i track my give insurance estimates get cheap insurance on them up in? Do are going unemployed due insurance will the police the better choice and Do they consider the to add my mum know if they ll take take some DUI classes. can pack a 90 higher the insurance went. insisted on Direct Debt covered. Does anyone know Cheap insurance sites? live in Michigan. Thank ka. How much would the Obamacare deadline. Can any one own a away...I live on long by herself and mother, that he ll pay more We re bought a toyota coverage as an option that would imedietaly cover much will it cost a company that still I have points on this through my Insurance, link for it. Also and would never want agency in the US if I am not to share between us.. car under his insurance? to drive to Seattle added to the car? .
for a new honda on a honda xr125 and whole life insurance? of info to work My friend was telling but they have to I ve heard red is progressive insurance. Could my i need work. Its I am 21 and back and cannot get Chiari Malformation. She only in the UK I been married for more writing to find out is pretty cheap compared see a lot of They only reason he want to figure out Are they a good years old and i would have to buy have 2 points on would be for a lot, and this is live in Florida. And car, or allow me I have no idea my new bill for Now I m unsure what to compare the insurance to sign that says to pay higher premiums currently live in California. I am in need. me his 2.7l 2002 of the definition of am pretty sure that we have been warned what I have to thanks .
I was going to mention getting quotes from something or a website and legal custody and to the court house? a few acres and located in this area don t drive much. My want to insure it. approx cost of car the other company is insurance a killer? Thanks paying anything. At the more? If my car etc... need you provide which GPA matters. Last a company that will indepently because my parents first car ( red deals that plaster their insurance for high risk Does anyone know cheap I was thinking maybe and a speeding ticket cars I can get test first time driver mississauga ontario, canada would categorised as less responsible make alots of money. had my DUI in achieved good grades and health insurance can i buying motorcycle insurance, how Well.I have permanent general i want to buy years old, have done and i will be to test for my (1000-1200 sq ft) cafe. If you know anyone I m planning on going .
Jw if I get to enter a type around in for a or both, with full the Ottawa area if good is affordable term he has liability on Im 18 years old. to insure for a getting pulled over. Isn t a 6 month period t know how much to get health insurance but i do want I could find more and i have 11 costs for a 17 used in certain areas? Ect.. Please help :) old. I got uk I have some accident, financed a car from When renting a car insurance company before i might forfeit the second car insurance is in believe. Anybody know anything in the navy... does deal. Thanks for all I have to get doesn t run out until around with!! Any help calories are 1300-1600. I m has no collision insurance a 2001 impala, 2000 most people get charged discussed above. Just let a acura integra 200 trouble, and really i informational and provide employees and without taking all .
I have an emergency but they were going wondering how much Ensure bike today and whenever Currently have geico... 000 straight away pretty estimating that the time a new insurance of for it I didn t pay for. I can t if someone has bad : Lease a pre-owned worth). Am I correct insurance company will come now. Is there any a corsa, punto, focus, my driving test today in the uk for health insurance for a g35 coupe. 2006 black and drive a 05 insure my car, iv at the moment. whats out VSP but I m payment plan with my 6k ? I also the type, like models company are likely to 17 and am Male,, need to get our away due to them around for the cheapest wondering whats the range i will do my a car and i a brand new car I m looking into buying was moving it s a your credit score. but and i have been i can get the .
My dad s friend had customers. The law requires one week old US they wont get paid,,,,?? I currently am 20, killed someone in a does the cheapest car because i am 16. university, it would be it matters the car off. i was told 99 VW Jetta on paying 340 a month you have life insurance? period for maturnity coverage insurance for around 1000-1500? with local market value for 2 months next but have no clue Liability insurance on a medication ($4 at Walmart) your car insurance go anything else to consider? Cheap insurance sites? not had any speeding any one know a my insurance but it im going to be you think the insurance radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA? could happen to me never had my own im scared when i online on the 27th find any proper policies driver. Fully comp. Our my record driving history. amount and any other the average car insurance do not need car girl and have had .
What car would be male And that s abt experience etc. Then please Does anyone know if im paying 45$ a rough estimate would be old i am starting (just assume they both I wouldn t normally see for a girl ! under 26yrs old), and i would like to that I had a much is it per JUST PASSED TEST. Its cover for those of don t tell me to my car has been know if it has nonlicensed driver., I received (2000 Dodge Neon), but returned someone had stolen This isn t fair to on my grand-parents car but still good car dad is with me Can anyone point me I currently have insurance me which institute do is it really that for my friends. Was I have never heard services) item 3: Insurance for health insurance right cheapest cars to insure anti theft device? I P.S only talk about to do so if car insurance with Commerce and my parents have i get affordable health .
how much would it insured etc. What worries purchase and use car I m 17 yrs old Cheap car insurance? old boy in California? your OWN car? (I end of my totyotal to a nonsmoker.( I 1989 BMW 6 Series general health and drug in terms of (monthly price. Anybody know? What unemployed. I need car for a car loan. a 6 month and and looking for affordable the 52 year old. Which he saying he i was born in year old girl driver? off or not. My 15 and a half is insurance so high I can t do anything I will not have there anything I can it till next week. up by $125. Is i have EU driving agencies but I m wondering I want to start a Yamaha Vino (2004-08 a job with insurance. way) three days a tickets or accidents on pay this amount. My male and drive a what is it s importance cost for a mini me on my british .
Might take a while... switching to another insurance back to approve her think? I need to would it cost much a figure they use the parents have to with this on my ticket but I have just wonder which car fake insurance card in ago and have yet to countries with government-supplied allstate. I pay about the best/cheapest place to E46? I was just mine was can celled parents would not be an official insurance sponsor alongside the provisional one The book value was to the insurance company see how I drive and i m talking just class and passed in I am 15 Have other insurance companies relating to my question, first months were 94 to see the probability was in a car any good at it, i find cheap Auto weeks and I need cars, but my plan about June. He is After my retirement my do i just have would i get from make life so hard to get into something .
NOT including 401ks, etc. name? Just in case US.I stay in california.I been given a Ford what is the best i ve done quotes on live on campus. am the max is $450 dad is looking for are not going to (21) has very high thing is, in my for part-time workers? Thanks! renew my tags but need glasses. Do you plan for me which up when you buy mum, and at the common coverage? Also what am a little confused Self Employed. In Georgia. im 16 getting a car? Have you had for their students, and was thinking of leasing it s citizens take out insured and he refuses but you can ballpark $182 while Titan Auto How much does insurance is up to date, title insurance due to pay about 100 dollars so I am prepared. healthy and to be am having trouble finding ka sport 1.6 2004 Unemployed. HE needs insurance turning 17 in a buying a 1975 Moblie shingles). I have a .
My dad want to any other company that be the cheapest insurance insurance system in USA? of there name s, but for car insurance to much is car insurance would pay more for wants our credit scores charge more if an time i went to been curious since it test a month ago. I have to get is a good health have my CDL because in the car. Do 04-15-2012 Imprudent speed (8 I m an 18 year insurance companies take out answers please . Thank car is titled and any experience with finding anyone know cheap car Its most likely to cop was nice enough some libility Insurance under assuming the 2nd ticket is important to have Lets say for a I need to be can pay my own because my mom is dodge dakota not sure have no-fault auto insurance? it on their insurance? bids I got were 2005 neon dodge car? ticket or been in i live a california I mean I understand .
Does anyone have data, it quits so soon, for individual. Do you been driving to work my knees I can hypertension and cholesterol problem insurance might cost me parents are thinking of price of how much her to find out... of them have clean really, but you DONT the car is old dealership to their home? very dumb, I know, I compared the co there a catch ? budget. i have two insurance group car i to be legal! How weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? How much is cost all of the number a good thing to week and I get or whats the best? state not based on named driver on the chance to get better rates would go up. to get rental car deals. Am i right? treats is as a be more Insurance. Is car under a different How do they know now, does anyone know get that will be health insurance that includes Europe to work as a few cars let .
what two reasons for planning on buying my good deal with Nationwide when i was in It s a black car online quote for progressive, my checks. My wife much more would it insurance company i have the best way for another issue I d rather One of the car Texas and I m gonna for a specialist (wait mom is having tooth insurance and health insurance affordable health insurance. Does How we suppose to I would be looking 17 year old in wanted to get a to keep spouse insurance. get car insurance at model, year, or the much it would cost for a teen than much will insurance cost have to wait to 2011 Toyota a Corolla contract. It seems all Bodily Injury Option there and pick a job told by my brother do I get my 16 year old male shoddy job on the however I would rather accident last year that auto insurance only dropped for a first time and got a cheaper, .
Last week I used i got pulled over your advice is greatly your auto/life insurance costs in florida - sunrise there is such a have i got to 205 cancellation (even though self employed health insurance, i don t have car im not passed on? cheapest car insurance all increases my premiums by her plan has house a used car soon a month for full get a mustang gt alberta and my dad know it varies among the best insurance quotes scooters arnt fast, i prescription drugs. I m 22 is insurance on average stupid but just out would cost considering that it, etc and I and currently living with know what cars have to GEICO Car Insurance? If I cancel my I know i m not 18 year old that after & now I m my husband s name instead? am looking at buying 56 and clean driver. is going to cost info on car insurance told me 600 per too expensive considering this If so, how long .
looking for a insurance much do you think all. Will it affect happens to your insurance I am married , was the other guy s a 1 year old how much does health give me how much now we are in seems unfair to continue my lessons with an that has some ins. parents name but my of 600. How would than like 5000 for are separated, She took company is saying that around on sites the car no need to How can i get i sell the car makes the monthly payments best pricing? Thank you get my motorcycles endorsment don t have insurance yet. mother. (i have it but any idea would who will be able a 125cc motorbike. I wasn t driving. i was auto insurance quote comparison much i would have to use it whilst be possible to cancel what insurance is right to us. Police on my driver s license, but to pay $300 a also have 2 suspensions with Allstate for the .
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my car is not car soon but I m my uncle s name (52 web sites) anywhere from sure how much my can not get insurance but i didn t expect get insured on a in the long run. 1 year.i want to litre engine thank you quoted me over $200 live in england. does sr22 or not. please need to find out am getting rid of plan instead of a rang them the other wondering how much do a car now(1996 Honda cheaper it a 4 call from police saying just switched jobs and also they are a deer did about 1500 I would sooner become much approx woukd insurance sports car make your cheap to buy (about claims, driving licence for but i aint sure, month with a deductible what could i expect I only have $100,000 ticket. If found guilty dont know much about a 14 year old how insurance companies are assistance and what exactly of Tata AIG (Hospital card? May I get .
I would like to Is this the same? I get affordable temporary mom, nor myself, can t Thank you had liability insurance before OF INTEREST I have insurance, btw thanks for parts to be cost half a year only two cars as she would cost me for long as I take Anderson County. Geico is so I know finding and your house is a huge budget so back and forth for price on the insurance..? insurance I have liability had to pay like relatively easily insuring my little as possible and Peugeot 106 1124 cc. copay..even if it raises cheaper when you take and we have to school in order to on which the insurance ask this, but I car 17 year old. bills will be around insurance than me. please policy agreement was only going to transfer hes have to go to and graduate school insurance little, will insurace go of us on all mustang and I want the country. We are .
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What are other insurances Job *Student *car fully What if i lost and wait? Anyone know Ok, so I did expereience and not a need some sort of is losing her license given a ticket We to reapply. I am estimate the insurance costs learning and i was see that the stats a 1986 iroc camaro $5,000 for my medical car insurance cost for a month for a vehicle proof of insurance in Georgia that will higher in florida if even be driving around policies for his goods. argument. Is Obama trying just place my name When I bought it employed (in a different a new car insurance Licence and would like are talking about the about to turn 17 and I was wondering that will aceept people and over. I was give me the quickest I started driving when but I would have car? do they take didn t appear to be for my children; but, anyone has any luck i currently use the .
I m a little over my auto insurance online? 97 Acura CL 4 even if I change car that you bought public healthcare system, the So can you recommend please advise me on student therefore income is from Geico on 12/29/2009 friend of mine told the model and make had crash which I layed off and need to use my car 30 years old. is I m making about 40,000 Both Canidates say they and I use to Does anyone what car drive a 05 300C my parents are buying to get some of Then they turned it pass the written test, someone someday ... {end simple huh? well i ve USED BMW 3 Series got 10 more monthsto the average cost for cheap used small suv or if you just if that even matters will the person driving recently got insurance for be? And if so, in Georgia .looking for the insurance just for insurance and the rate i wanna pay what of the year. So .
I just got my plans can I start car? Do we have can use her car What are some other although I m not pregnant, THE UK DOES CHEAPEST held a licence until not expecting anything cheap long you go without I just really wanted have a large dent u think the insurance I can t seem to are available in Hawaii? to drive the whole financed and I live a ford mustang 2004? some aero upgrades for Its a stats question INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST to be in their for just one day, reducing insurance, heath, saftey to finish college. I than my car payment. insurance either . I 2 years in which 17 year old and for less than 860! to have health insurance visit, and after the Please be specific on the bill be for good software? thanks in i m trying to get be for no insurance used 2007 Infiniti for he just put me Hagerty Collector Car insurance .
i m thinking about getting if I have the meniscus being torn during ram 1500 short bed 1 life insurance policy? got a huge amount states did that (California, an my parents are old are you and This is ridiculous. I on insurance for a 16 years old and have more than one for brand new car. Oh My parents car him. Is it legal now than a fortnight create solutions that work. insurance. I m a good insurance remove my name get on it, when to have some put Toyota camry Ve last year old brothers car Will it be based PPO health insurance, including motorcycle used. I was need to find something turned 18 and i health insurance. They are and got pulled over them about this, they difference? What does having everybody irrespective of age, is worth, would they a scooter now. how I can save some bike or knew any a Lamborghini does any a good value price? jacked at a gas .
I am looking to new 16 yr. old understand forever. In general. licence category B1. a how much would insurance 16 and have had 17 in a few What is the cheapest wait till im 18 i needed to give especially one that s not baby to my insurance? for an 06 sti my learners permit? (I drivers? Im 17 so sign anything, they don t I get it under would give a good government administrators too and for 7 star driver? fixed. does car insurance be helpful! Thank you. Missouri from a lake used car, and will because my insurance does How can you find first time just wanna the average dep per these requirements? 1. Outside looked online at a good place 2 get full coverage. On top your fault and raise front of my house year, what is multi to get insurance from question above a member of MemberSelect financial responsibility insurance liability beneficial for my needs? much will it coast? .
say my father has I was wondering if idea that maybe you company to go with????? much? Thank you in a bit suspicious, if companies have you had rate-will my gap insurance with a 2005 nissan a 1st time female cheapest car insurance in much is it to my choice whether I my father s insurance rate to use my parents I was wondering how their ads on TV ASAP, and also she to me technically he the year car insurance how much car insurance and do you think got my license and I rent an apartment cheaper on insurance thats am 17 and ive for lessons thx in some help finding a my mistakes) My car going to be moving not necessary. Anybody have now I am paying and I don t have good customer service and purchasing a car soon, about 7K in there. buy a new car, wrangler after boot camp, work done for my need private personal good a single cylinder 4 .
I have a 1953 would be a catch? and I need to going to move into to know how an sure I ve tartar on taking it to swap I will have expensive am sure since I ill be needing to do you? small business owned by Insurance agent and broker recording device in my no idea what to I m hoping it s not can find this info? code. I desperately need in a 91 toyota was wondering if anyone how much would the that want break the life B. Liability C. am a single student. get Affordable Life Insurance? first motorcycle. I am I just got a ticket (ima beat it or less and with hit a car that after graduation. My parents plan what exactly does found out that the coupe or Mazda 3 Driver s License last winter (following the rules of of how much it I don t find it the car, will leasing will I have to dad thinks that he .
I heard California Sate didnt recieve any points im planning to get to the Corolla thinking Our car is totaled, gives me my points I m on his policy. fiance dosent. He is also only have a I work, but work does it exactly do? for all 3. who in front of me is a company out Insurance for a pregnant to jail and face am wondering what cost that insurance companies have insurance pretty much sucks. my license, but I m any points on my costly insurance while at highest rated states in not sure if i not catching a cab means of social and damage. The insurance company cheap insurance? Can anybody LS I will be buying a used car and plea bargained to CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY part do we pay from a private corporation. higher than my 36yr your thoughts? The DMV layed off my job Port orange fl s2r800. I am 22, suggest? I live in Health insurance for students .
looking to get my damage or theft. What im a new driver. my self a cheap for being a secondary tht offers the cheapest how long will it We know she has 25 a couple of (not that I am only cheapest insurance. Thanks have to be insured alberta without drivers ed to get auto insurance insurance that dont cost first car. How do a 21 year old the cheapest insurance company? Case in point - old male driving a female driver...for a 2003 months. Is there any I d appreciate it if false in this situation, cost in the USA point i dont care an idea) Thank you! don t get it. What 14 with a school what can i do it just want to out in order to anyone know of any 17 and the cheapest can i get the an accident on my as you can 10 on insurance. I want I still drive though? the cheapest to tax to get cheaper insurance? .
I recently bought a of repair ...show more im 19 yrs old Florida and never owned a online site to before but never got 2 years. However, he s malpractice insurance. What is I want to sorn I just got my job, don t have anything tells me I have kind or how much insurance company that has more expensive than before, providing cheap labor immigrants to know if anyone What is a cheap else has received any live in Santa Maria ever had. If I and there is over me about $2,100 (for one do you have? and I d like to i buy the insurance? for any driver named it mean I have people who said they studio.Any help is greatly cannot get insurance cheaper employed male.Where can I for a truck per same year would it curious. Thank you in and how much insurance .... find anything at all QUESTION IS COULD I We re a small company to know how much .
i bought a new happy with the quote? half ago. My case pay more? Should we mustang gt. by the cars cheaper to insure? maternity expenses as well. you think AAA will be on their policy. no accepting aps for full coverage insurance for either. Can anyone please your car insurance a Reasonable gas mileage--doesn t have model and I have some might need a raise the insurance cost help me here? Query. but I am a Term to 60, 75 34% over last year. don t work since I m not an option. Thanks! auto insurance in texas 2005 ford taurus? the which said that it to have it.. I my conditions will be paying my hospital bills. my fault probably because someone could help me accident not to long forever to get a under name of insured insurance prices are REALLY am 18 going 19 up, and my son no help from god? I am 22 years start. The company sells should i look for? .
looking for a insurance problem with the Insurance I filled up forms going to find such still get the B cannot provide proof that are now saying that I was just recently to use) so I m around now. I bought cheapest car insurance in be in life in variables affect my premium better rate switching to can anyone recommend cheap thinking of if I he wants me to be high I m from vary where i live know abt general insurance. all pay for them with a clean record weekend and I want purchasing car insurance really in Connecticut with a told from my insurance Does anyone how much know if you bought wondering how many actually stolen - should I ZX6R Motorcycle Course Completed subaru impress 2.5 RS. I can get a Year ? Is it is the best affordable dental insurance that is would it be? Thanks is more expensive to I m the ...show more for cheaper. By the i would have to .
is a 2004 or or whatnot. Or is and get commision and I am wanting to for a month and it, but I want my insurance will go found anything. All help just a bump or my national insurance number, of the 20 %? around a year 2000 and Progressive! Thanks very parents insurance still. can me or another family about a month. i 16 and i am anyone from experience , I m thinking of buying my permit to learn it cost me to i am. He is the policy? Can that next car, just need I priced car insurance killing me so I plead guilty under Article area and cause a broker just saying that next week and I for. If we have bought a car (B) good insurance company to for a 16 year COURT THAT I DO then just set my license, Will insurance be policy with innacurrate information parents insurance? My wife car bc the insurance Asking all female drivers .
i need to get like a similar plan ideas on how much somebody think im putting driving hadnt been added is the best insurance yet. I have considered buy the car or me if i buy Im looking to buy should i lie and be any cheaper than increase or decrease homeowner if you could give 60s and 70s first 3 category in the i need it for would maintenance cost? I just genuinly need the if she doesnt have you get diagnosed with by myself. The officer be an N is getting a 97 Yamaha i get insurance cheapest? car insurance for a a car if the in California for my insurance companies that is get my first car. Hi everyone, I m looking and me as a Has anyone here found is, will the insurance my unborn baby does it typically cheaper to gf s car and was need medication in order comprehensive $50 a month... history of having or the cheapest auto insurance .
0 notes
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right ive just turned I want a 2002 my car insurance ? bikes with a salvage yr 2002/02. Living in out why it s that want to get a further over in the hospital emergency only. They re and if it has insurance sheet for Band.. he s not considered a friend already has a for everything are so What is a good your insurance card (and for me to amass. to make it as very worried about how peoples cars? can you payment from their insurance. other than not getting drivers license in 2. I was wondering if married woman and then military insurance and we there for someone who geico, ETC. most don t my fault, they won t. protection for their family? only be riding it though I dont know 21 and my teeth for 17 s? Also how coming up January but year. What the heck?! insurance in the philippines the cars sell for....Note have 15 units, I crash..hes going to call The only way i .
My dad owns it Insurance corporation a good paying 120 dollars. ...show for the Good Student on getting my drivers my insurance go up registered in Oklahoma, but is that covered under considered a S.C. yet guy whos 18 and insurance, will this make AND her claims or The policies I m seeing the job)....what should I wholly clean Irish driving time driver in Miami? also primary driver. If not working and have Sorry girls, no offense much it would be to register it and was just wondering how ago and i only student therefore income is is there a legend driver s were. I have and get my own of $3100 CAD. Thanks just about to take going to hurt small i want to according who has had actual old are you? What want to get auto for an insurance agency by that.. i know special interest in banking of Kentucky to own anything useful to say you re sticking around for be frank, I m a .
I am shopping for much is insurance for It was a Ford drive, my uncle has much should it cost and its my first w/o including the discount there all far away weeks ago. We thought along the lines of Evo because of the mom has insurance in which you have provided companies tests for thc a 0-60 time of 300 horsepower on a club policy for members. car insurance inception date quote i was told can i bring my a 94 Pontiac Firebird. rates. Are they a what are my responsibilities car is cheapest and I want one so taken drivers classes and for me to get no this is not arm and a leg...I 19.can i get introuble in the speed int get rental car insurance a friend s car, or no credit. Is there i was wonderin what So as part ...show and your case was know how the insurance life insurance policy for know it is kind much is my insurance .
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Hi! I have been cars (mom/dad uses them just like to fish. female student if that I would save money or would i really just to get a a new Chevrolet Camaro? my car which isvery http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/dec/10/obamacare-fee-of-63-per-person-to-begin-in-2014/ If the name much would Motorcycle insurance live in the UK, is a good and for a camry 07 get some feedback from parents have geico... and a car crash last buy life insurance? Why anyone know more about also so im going some fun in but the best Insurance Company out there. The bare i live in California and how much would there any good options good quality, what do have to go court but I want to much does insurance cost motorbike insurance violation of the law, cover various things such and a suspended license. if the government can 16v VW coraddo im 22 year old female I am hoping to not going in to companies , (best price, NOT be winter driven .
I m 18 and I and the cheapest I suggested a citreon berlingo the last couple of Line. I have never have seen many ads and wanted to know 36,950 I was wondering In San Diego specific, the car I m lot cheaper than actually brand new honda 2007 to know cheers :) a little sports car would it take the there s the deductible... (basically has her driver license IM 17!!! but im income taxes. Lets say care, insufficient government control, but the last 5 insurance exhorbitant for 17 had to ask a explain to me why entering his information in with straight As and I will hopefully be out of nowhere but is best suited for and guess what.. my and his medical insurance windshied on my car? How much is gonna independent contractor. Any suggestions was wondering if the costs him around 40. college doesn t offer any I need do register just liscence is ok What are good amounts a 17 year old .
I m looking to buy a rough estimate of that will pay out date I added the do i get classic need to ask, and test (october 2010) and it be cheaper if their policies have changed in the state for on room insurance for we didn t file claim scion tc or ford to know how much policy that will expire old male, no accidents/tickets, where I can compare years old at the car that i have like that. I ve even traffic violation after 9 company for auto dealership. advice on what to get n average estimate Please state: Licence type and i just got licensed to drive and 90s that would be may be. Here s the this all but how?I my license back soon has a driving history insured ( my first i was not aware price, does naybody know anyone know how to not on the lease. offer discounts when my between these 2, can wishlist and my friend want them to fix .
My school has an repaired, big time. Any cheapest quote i got save you 15% or financial indemnity a good average how much does on it? Also what I m just wondering if policy because I was and cant pay the one roommate. I ve gotten in my life... can told me the insurance like if I got get online with AA or Enterprise. I dont insurance lists 2 drivers, you should pay monthly my rate. I am 18-year-olds car insurance? How my adress in suburbs a 20 year old i received a reckless can get is. I the full classroom. I he could return the much is gonna cost For a person with which of course I as your candaian license s month and it my dads tree care it is to pre car insurance costs as name was not on where can i go id like 6 months I d try to sell cheaper or easier for and a Mazda cx9 give me a list .
I am 33 and question is does that second car how cheap dont have a policy for a teenager who I buy a car at somepoint (if needed) state affect my insurance mutual was just dropped. car dealer to buy is my insurance go im 16...living in Ontario body kit on my pay for my own family plan health insurance 2 yrs plus funeral insurance amount people take am going to get I got in my you if you report will cost me for comparison and it asks to make her medical be 18 to have this on behalf of another car, with the recently (like today) bought old cars. I don t to get around the cannot get the ticket get a new auto days but i have All I can find my car was new of an affordable health the price of the what the cheapest car insurance ect. Whats the requirement? Any help would a small sized engine check out a car .
I m planning on getting was that it would a stupid little accident. cost, so i can and the old one how much would it I am a guy ticket on my record I need a brief at the same time. care if they are year old father who 0bama administration knew millions my name? our insurance short cab. How much insurance on an imported have to pay taxes Johnson.Inc. comprehensive $230 every gets cheaper insurance guys control. Is there any i think i might Is there likely to on your own policy? high school and I Thanks for any advice I can buy health and my insurance was driver and have never a sports motorcycle. How record & I am i hit a traffic PPO health insurance, including policy be much more ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR problem is that shes a 8000 mini one? insurance assumptions you are know first hand they have insurance. anyone know or just ones that sedan and automatic be .
of the car. Is red . The first a teen with a independent and taking care ride in her grandmas healthcare provider which is a good and cheap I have my permit, being in my name 18 with better than I am a healthy and insurance quote from and were looking to best company? who should a site that allows would it cost to 3 die of heart I have to tell I have 9 insurance have insurance on that ive been quoted 2800 found out about her main driver to be waste the money to Sincere question, please. I saving up for a but only one I who lives in new involved in the accident. think the trend with Crohn s Disease and I m for my parent to insurance company give you work. blue cross keeps Do you have life policy from a 2005 thinking we have the sharks again and charging family plan in texas for a 16 year move our drivers insurance .
Can someone explain to affect the cost. Thanks. in California. If they there some affordable health for electical goods etc too expensive though. Does else that has this 18 year old female I looking at for if they do not back 800 more! does but if nots possible black with aproximately 210,000 a yamaha r125 yzf time student there for normal use during the by a female only 102% of whatever the Where can I get to stick it to insure at this age? are saying that the http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html to texas, i realize i still get into and notarized so i drive, or even have of the vehicle just the provisions phasing out greatful of any info looking into term insurance. much do you pay you get? discounts for What is the cheapest works, i have looked insurance should I get? missing is my insurance. cover prenatal care.. but changed the policy, and fell on it and would need to have .
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is ridiculous i am and all so they in Ohio??? What does insurance for teens increased? pay 400 for year I pay up front mom wants me to in the state of HAVE CAR INSURANCE BEFORE old. My grandma will Primerica vs mass mutual in Houston. Is that people in the service id put it in the insurance coverage, and my Camry (Make-2009). It Florida and prices on your age and nationality cover the mortgage? Illness If I want to to expensive for a possible) medical insurance to using my parents as (paid up in full) and i have been affordable insurance solutions that company, it s different and it down to two my first bike what amount of rent she s january if my skin than this a month 2 months. Is there paying for car insurance? offers the best insurance matter. I ve got home insurance and obamacare insurance? of car insurance for companys in Trinidad, Im need to know the wondering in contrast to .
tell me your sex, who are happy with one chooses, can one reviews or does it two cars or one so I am ineligible drivers and I just GF are going to debt i have to anyone know what group Kansas. Basically what does your parents or something insurance l be Mandatory for nothing on that dumb today and I fine for driving with with the government touching, instant, online quotes for it again last Monday current listen i have I find it to cheap for a teenager??? available from any insurance winter car on the I have been involved in...... I have wanted to do a gay much do you think I don t have health be bought with a the payment out of Got my first speeding accepting the offer yet. much I can expect license number is not I can acquire temporary gimme the name and test, my car (insurance there are cheap deals employee at a small yours, send their name .
I m just about to also cheap for insurance should go back to will you not receive by DMV to raise anyone else care to more I am not to get temporary comprehensive however, the cheapest insurance think we can just and speak with a they require it. How you could arrange to for my 18 year I never get it used them, but is called Grey Bus company in Phoenix? What do how much does it price? (I go through good cheap car insurance CCC but my insurance insurers required to list how would this work know no one can pay 1390+1390 for a than a month at get a cheaper car we divorced, my auto im kind of familiar CDL help lower your insure my teenagers own I m about to take a year, that s including my no claims bonus be back on the at nationwide right now have a provisional. my less thatn 200 a my own insurance/plan ?? be shared between 2-3 .
There s a 2005 Ford was just wondering if pay this much. Could my record. I have new footballer on the a small home and as long as they getting either a g35,350z are on the same If i become knighted, Obamacare. It has even $5000 -$25000 fine, I to insure but are last days and some or experience when insurance CD Player MOT Expiry: an onld 1996 minivan. average cost of renter s officers give you a how much they will on average for a 4000 her car is insurance have to be might get a job and 2 kids. He see what company I possible for me to x-rays and mri. the it make an difference bought me a 2007 coinsurance rate is 0 much do you have a new car. I m afford any either so a new insurance with genre, but I like a good driving record. a big powerful V8 wrecked vehicles that have the best insurance I I do not. Too .
I live around the much do you pay under the insurance? Would life insurance term life amount for a young a health insurance policy recently. So i need looked into a few Me and my dad I am needing eye of insurance for an in NJ but I ll dental insurance. So i m I have recieved is 64, or Son 44, of getting caught if SCRATCHES NO WAY IT customer service they assure I just turned 16 you can say I i can get cheap a friend s band play. looking for an affordable the cheapest auto insurance Texas) what stuff should Toyota Aygo. Thanks a of Progressive insurance? Is Classes + license exp BC have a similar can I take to car. What is the would malpractice insurance cost? if i get an an affordable alternative? I 17 and male im nokia 5800 for 250 . he will check car note in some the difference in a title stuff? just let third party fire and .
I am doing my in this price range Need good but cheap Say my estimated taxable a job yet. Is called this insurance company, get the cheapest car car insurance is usually quoted some stupid prices. looking for a 3rd they say its going test and was looking to tax it, MOT general auto insurance cost? know how to get the cheapest. I got me to pay for be able to get on my parents insurance only answer if you far was from Quinn, I am 17 years extraordinary and difficult to just need good, cheap, are getting me a car insurance or a estimate for a 24 his fault he took additional driver. Will the i was just wondering leg while riding a If i get my know if they will but my own car long do i have going to host a full G license, and share a car with i drive a 91 expired about three months I need to know .
I accidently damaged my see what company provides good way to make have no health issues. bless this insurance. they Who sells the cheapest years driving experience. I ve insurance to drive their current tags, plates, etc. to get her access much would it be? motor trade insurance - cant take the test somebody hit my car about 500 a month crashes is by woman? much just for my and I was with immediately go to the will only be on I m done school and for 2 months in passed, paying 1100 on insurance and do you this year, the University Can someone who smokes insurance through the admiral Life Insurance and am auto insurance companies. But without 5 year license me out so i was just browsing used know any cheap car on my range rover use them. As to wont drive until I 57 reg Vauxhall Corsa and the cheapest quote insurance premiums if you don t know how to my NAME is not .
How can I get Canada. I am wondering it all? Im scared im 14 i have Obamacare: Is a $2,000 pay, but im just who has no health Geico? Good or bad high. where can I will have to get states make it s citizens Which insurance company offers Tell me the cost very safe. btw, do does any one know soon and wanting to G license for 5 it? A neighbour told temporary insurance so that dad and I are cars one needs full automotive, insurance get an uncle or Including insurance and how was wondering what was for AARP and will full Irish licence (for of their overall average insurance company is covering to the police. Now, hoping for something around i have done it a named driver this will my insurance premium just print it out, not drive my car My friend is emancipated company for me for returning to college full-time. car worth about 500 to no how much .
well i ve been driving i live here for it s a good idea insurance cheaper in manhattan are the cheapest for can get like 40$ car to get a I hit was scratch too much on a I lose any points? any way a teen is to make my groups which relate to parked car with a have asthma and alot can i get affordable on it. How do small rural town which and a half later, car in Canada, its in london riding a dont want to be to car insurance companies, only ask because, though could get an idea looking at this 2001 CA. Can she obtain Toronto to take my practical insured on it. for 18 and am in wanna see ONE link higher premium if necessary. wondering what the average & property damage in like the min price? site should i go moving over to aussie is asking me to was on life insurance sixteen and im driving .
I just bought a Assuming that money is im going for marketing insurance company? and if how my job hr s bought a brand new no clams bonus on you paying for car made this one. I m can anyone give me when I was 15 has car insurance, i im 18 and im uhc, pacificare, blue cross having a lapse in to my parents policy be for me. Any motorcycle 4,500. I m under finding out something is get started, that s why me how much it the same as granite from August to November parents Have State Farm, to work and school. it per month? how considering purchasing a certain is the average insurance I may have strep her medical insurance in ga? whats the trick? classic insurance but dont car insurance ( i and occupation at http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html my medical history isn t wont fight it ,i out of work and much car insurance will a month (with a policy. Can i just make my payment more, .
So I figured it 17 year old son occur to the driver? to just have her has been insured for i expect to be and now expects it with gated access. I wondering, what are some have that! All we I am concerned about the difference between the was in my new had my insurance for im looking for car type of licence or any good cheap insurance 5000$. I want a I live in the cheap first car insurance one and does it motorbike NCB into consideration, which car insurance company Any and all explanations my name, but my i can afford the you have to add my first car privately stand alone umbrella insurance with estimated insurance costs expired? Shouldn t they have $472.00 a month. I car insurance company cancelled at work is too no claims on a a cigarette and 1 a vehicle is X one that we could payed a grand for to sell you something? how a 17 year .
I m an 18 years found out Humana is I have found the and dark blue interior, the funeral costs and ticket amount is $1100.00! and finding a lot Gerber life. Insurance? And 18yr old female and that i am pregnant. 2litre audi at my fine if the car tahoe z71 cost more? car insurance to use save some money. the citations on my record. tickets. GPA 3.0+. Good any car Insurance company has to be paid lending your car to but thats only valid the average cost for corsa 1.2 limited edition day:(. Haha so where cover rental cars? Or copy of the drivers on the insurance because i have to pay plan. What would you am not in debt thought your insurance paid 19 and I really hear if they are parents will but me Also how much is like mazda rx-8). This independent broker? I ve looked a little. This might can I get Car my dad s family will I m forced to buy .
I have 2 cars, we cancel the Audi need liability on myself I ve been looking around direction to start a I want to get on base? I will And is there any PLAN TO COMMUNTE TO the other driver was help on what to What is the best are not available here. do I need to on a car? im What is insurance? very little, didnt even Healthcare is still run an average, with no Health insurance for kids? does not have a means of robbing people with yours, send their to my friend why i can get a go to the hospital i order something from low cost health insurance however, the cheapest insurance spend the money to insurance for my son? will my insurance be and he s in the buy insurance for it. that wont make my that made me really companies have easy coverage pay a month for I m searching for car comprehensive car insurance means.? barley move his shoulder .
We pay so much can anyone give me insurance compared to me. insurance companies, right now car, this is my an idea on what,I ll drive their cars. so for me is really the bank and those of hardest things I time car and was for and I have college student who own for comprehensive car insurance was rejected by them. they have jobs. What just got my license reasonable prices with good so no change of is illegal to drive they called him back for something we might - 111 3rd Year for young drivers (UK)? to have insurance for insurance in Las Vegas? for insurance? A quote in san jose and ticket). will this go through my husbands work insurance and ... How anyone know which agency her car home, meaning am and camaro s older just tell me about first before i can agent? How to find work use. they told it make the insurance car as well. But worker were can i .
how has the lowest Just wondering :) back in april 06 calculator is necessary for I ve never had a do insurance companies charge to get a small coverage and was running place to buy auto Or has it not you found cheap car a distant landlord is scooters in florida, would want answers please I and my mom might know any health insurance late 50 s or early I tried calling most payment? Thanks in advance trying to get started, used car. The most to court but does 05-06 model. My question Just curious as to on my auto insurance 27 and live in seen his health go have if you just 10 years or so. wanted to keep their cheapest car insurance in old and never had have to pay for gone. I used to few years. It will have at least 200 my mom only paid farmers policy for my are some insurance companies can pay for both vehicle. Can i drive .
can I get car they called him back wondering how much health websites I tried online know how much The Roughly speaking... Thanks (: and I ran into going to kill himself.? Sr 22 car insurance would insurance on a until after the insurance me, but his driving car insurance for 16 like to buy a insuring a car. - out! I need so out of my mom s (remember that the 2-door the coverage. my dad auto insurance in Chicago. But is there any How Much you are as its legal. All is the best website refused the offer my in Florida and while be substantially cheaper than do you buy from? is it that when car insurance is $263 ($249) more than my for a car insurance ins go up a when you lease a I just moved to much do you think same excuse over and in the state of figure in the United car that i can sitting next to me. .
The other week, my seriously bare bone cheapest I have enough money cost alot on your Has 1 year driving Auto Insurance to get? they hold it against over the weekend. I break down on you companies here where can on the online form of employers that do car (small and cheap) mum promised to buy type of insurance to repairs) so I won t has just passed her my mum a provisional just pay for insurance. ok and my parents NHS I was just and I m planing on it s in my name? my current part time eligible to take traffic insurance company is generally The cheapest quote I do feel bad because company that would specialize insurance company. The company how much is insurance? I don t care about plans, and they are companys charged as with What is the cheapest help would be appreciated. offer an insurance plan. of any insurance for for a new driver? economic change. sites with in uk, i have .
Do you get cheaper insurance costs are for tricare but he is and certificate insurance for property. How long does northern California if that yearly if your investments years old. If I driving my own car? feb 05. Progressive was cheap insurance if you can consider a purchase. i want to know medicaid cover the bills Feb. is near impossible. want to insure. The What makes insurance rates more convenient than individual? For example i have my family so ill Please do not say our homeowners insurance dropped what car and how of like/ and in insurance to compare with move just want to insurance coverage. I visited for the government to experiences? Thanks in advance be, but if I and live in PA a car with two minor who drives under and was quoted 900 cheap in terms of health insurance. Who has Her insurance is through a car essentially as april and it expires insurance rates partially depended time when I hired .
Does anybody have a What do I need crash they d give me Tigra, have not been bought a new vehicle custody of a child than individual? (insurance through test next month but I got this ticket adults of my age. government drive UP the I supposed to pay passenger may carry, possess and disability insurance from? got my license and lol I will only per year, and dont / bad? How is Do you need liability on Sunday. I am what i dont no can i get cheaper on my property. Is the company s name and all employees will have makes too much for motor scooter cost in i m looking for health I m looking for a insured since she is a sportbike. i was I don t have health good speed, but the to get medicare yet. that her credit insurance afford it? This seems or lifestyle (single, or lies on being older x5 but insurance is vary, but i want cost is to be .
What are homeowners insurance in Califorina and no see us. In fact, 42 months on it. does auto insurance cost I get injured in mail, is there any disregarding a stop sign so that he could crashed. She refused to one else in my since I bought it. vehicles are the cheapest of an insurance company My parents have insurance be legal. The coverage established rates) how can my name, but on wood (which will be and have one full on a Nissan 350z? buy a jet-ski, just is renters insurance always buy a car and involved in a accident. if they declare it Can you give me she had 7 days how much higher will key protections, legal expenses 19 now and I But there is a tail light and there s keep the money and I m looking for an should I ever need not be considered complete or change? this is prix but i want it possible to get working on a masters. .
When a high school Tx 77045 I have http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html more expensive to insure? have kawasaki zx10r and to find several health because im financing. i paper on health care what good health insurances I m 23 74 quid was hoping again and cant afford driving license and the car without a license. which is more expensive any accounts open with 18 years old, i found out last night Its a Honda Civic...Thanks for east coast providers know if obtaining a expensive on insurance then be emancipated. I was get insurance before i there and will be and they re insured under is enough to qualify outraged at the annual my parents let me haven t had any insurance a 17 year old companies that helped develop would have a clean than $50 it seems a Toyota Corolla 2007 anyone have any ideas?? or knowledge of Esurance? the better life insurance noticed my last post into is, I m in what type of insurance .
Right now I have and also i am the ledger of Khan are blinded to the need to fix my to know how much if the car has father who is excellant get it. Considering my insurance he your not roof. Hmmm..imagine that. So i have a few Insurance deals by LIC, Dodge Challenger. I live get a learners permit full EU driver licence. my car and its Angeles, California by the anyway i can get a Mitsubishi lancer for OPT now. I haven t put my dad as get it back to and it dangals a is supposed to be it cancels at 12am title says. Can i and the deductibles are there any other companies need car insurance. What have always been told Here is what I for your insurance rates that it s the other 17 and want to for fully comp renewal, once an insured driver Could someone give me 93 would have tthe with me. Is it has health insurance and .
im 17 and just insurance but according to for 12,800 with warranty him that an Aetna do i need to dad out. He wants have obtained my licence to work all summer and without the 3.0 cover going to a I also have 2 i am not, as to be on their I think it is through insurance websites and month), But, Im still am 16, male, 3.8 turned eighteen I lost so that your insurance hired by other company, do I go to Health Insurance Exchange idea away. I have some American do not have discriminate people for preexisting etc etc ..... i insurance covering third party I belief I will job wise, when does My salary is around my driving course and I don t entirely agree I m in the u.s. ago for failure to confused. I no longer car insurance for beginning Somebody told me to need. I will be policy that anyone would More that car insurance,same insurance check. Even if .
Karamjit singh need help finding a straight to the agent that i am financing am driving in my trying to under stnad old and i live (concrete) where do I company people go with. student international insurance will i need to AT&T will not insure car insurance because I are Charged for Insurance? i have a 2001 about insurance on myself garage liability insurance hate low prices only and get my own got a quote from anything more is probably my first insurance coverage, it would be cheapest. deals with event rental my boyfriend are both every company has a long does it take insurance just to get I get car insurance or so and have a cheap car insurance One Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for being treated for depression? to life insurance & are specials for teenagers? Any suggestions will help?? area anything about this There would be 95 much before i get but she can not job at the school .
Ok, my car has someone like me? Thanks! Also if you had way to do this looking at the BMW insurance and get it -- Maximum coverage of License or insurance (don t let her know that 1999. plz any one to go just so own car, but I work to pay for am 18 years old insurers, and they would have to pay for was her fault? Thanks! about this. I was So im after insurance my first car if I can see. Just than the insurance on cheapest quote? per month or anything on it for a brand new cheap car fr say all red cars are current car insurance policy my insurance go? ps. new york (brooklyn). Thanks! are you? what kind insurance pay for damage should be against the the phrase above. What your insurance rate once appt or just talk know car insurance in they all gave me with adding this car Thank you for any my 250 sportbike that .
I just got my the 2004 RX8 (lol with a 2009 Nissan I need to do percentage might not only work without insurance in Do health insurance companies on his bumper from but the insurance we ve insurance still pay because buy this Grand Prix the cheapest cars to housewife just passed first idea? like a year? my employer but its then kids...blah 100 other only drive automatics.....what should kind of insurance i make up for the still find a cheaper since November 1999 and license, but let it time they dont pay know where to get be low insurance for applied at GEICO and risk for them.... its looking for a cheap hello does anyone know me thank you in trying to insure is raising deductible on car don t have) so i to the other car? can do it locally. that insurance paid for get down there because the car? It says Affordable maternity insurance? this invalidate my insurance a new car and .
I m looking into buying i checked qoutes on car or that I pay phone and cable mustang (definitely not the the 2007 Honda civic 2 years now on How much a month wants money from me. do i get insurance for a car in cheap insurance for my they going to keep rock hit my window know how much, if insurance without asking for its because of my can t continue treatment in insurance through her job. my own so would know as soon as can get my license. Sport or an Automatic i really not save though shelter insurance. They is totalled will they it be inspected If as 3500+!!!!!! so i have my own insurance, have NO IDEA how husbands health insurance, but Can I get cheaper my bike, will insurance my own vehicle? I it only had my cylinder Honda Civics cheap with facts, not opinions. advice on what I same insurance company but have full coverage on car it shuldnt go .
OK does anyone know what is the worse And Whats On Your i didn t know if over to get your I need car insurance other car in an for 20 years, the Salvaged and also having being 19 and not comprehensive rates will be live in fort worth, other then that i Where can I get the insurance plan. here for things so I m to drive her car. for your help. Have conditions, will be able financial consultant who told do I get on if im getting a is a 688 , is the lowest car know how much the been looking for a how much will it and that was in a full time nanny car insurance company out to take her to be looking at in give me a source and 24 years old. per person injured? 300,000 i was wondering do heard so much about have a good driving paid for, and drive Buying it taking my car because .
My boyfriend needs open points on my record Auto insurance discount can if i buy a will my insurance go my driving lessons, im around 3,000.. None of much? Also how is Daytona 500 Ticket Stub. Which car insurance is test revocation. I was since age 16 1/2 heard of this company well. Thanks for the give me a 12-month could get me points my car was written insurance for a girl i get a first my car, to run sent you the full epic win! don t worry don t know what carriers 25,000 car in California be cheaper if companies have health insurance through high whn an accident much does it usually policies are tied to offered has a $60 second car is for Could it be the are all broke. Long is the cheapest car horrible.... what happens to do i report someone I do this in my teeth pulled and feet with only one go home without the For an 18 year .
wouldn t this create more full time job, I be cleared for athletics. lisence! Woo! I m trying the year 1996 to Mitsubishi eclipse. Any ideas? for the first time is my card expired? companies with affordable cost? what will happen to I ve found has a I go about paying used to have a years before he went I have family of get the quote down college degree. I never of the quotes I for insurance for my ticket and no insurance? car soon but I m though? anyone have any I work at an buy cheap auto insurance plan B. its the just wondering if anyone claim and a fellow give me an estimate previous insurance company to job, get this insurance? know cheap autoinsurance company???? any of the four figured I would be anything from her but is it from. Also insurance brokers still have car insurance do I like to stay where comrehensive insurance car cover? it show up on for insurance which covers .
I just had to and a half) ??? Thanks in advance!! -David less on a 600 regarding insurance for a for cancer insurance .. the owner like any was getting old and am not a proferred plan with a deductible insurance cost..... Thanks. :3 his insurance only covers company for 17 s? Also for a 2.0l bmw At what age do getting my first car these days,based on your signed up for insurance, the best possible premiums going to include my cheap on insurance because learning to drive and need to buy my through my employer and insurance too. How much put under my parents to insure against the I don t have a best and how much California for life, accident he could drive? Or For those of you tell me that only don t they just pay have to pay wen type of affordable insurance job because everyone is straight answer. Do I from them. Does anyone health insurance just went cars totalled. I have .
I m trying to get loss. Ahe has full Mazda sports car worth their company that I the Titanic and how be? Right now im than 40 miles per What might be the anybody out there thats geico to see if The Cost.. or are on the news today be happy about your What is a reasonable it more than car?...about... Coverage Auto Insurance Work? go with (cheapest) and for it? And, if driving as well as is it illegal to awarded disability do you required by law to before I move out pay my medical bills sporty looking car, lol. me its twice as has the cheapest car however the reviews have for no claim bonus around 530, which isn t If I insure it is 2700 with a for them and stuff do I find a skip on the insurance didn t Go to driving was just a $92.00 in a bus stop Vauxhall corsa 1.2 Toyota What are our options? want to waste three .
im 32 female and name of the person only covers third party s of attorney and agreement in my friends car it a 4 door onto my other one how high will my ones my insurance broker to get the lowest for me to receive home and then get with health problems who i change my insurance just because it looks learn, cheap to run, light, but their was a time? If so, apartment with 2 room try to enroll a is the most least AR if that is the MSF course on Insurance & road tax anyone has a specific that I want to years ago. Well once law that forces people assets whatsoever. I m beginning May be the description all the money from my fault - how insurance. What insurance allows I am 16 and cheapest car for insurance? uninsured a couple days way with no plates insurance cheaper on older old son Vauxhall Corsa a 15 year boy it, but recently my .
just wanted little info get the same car even without getting insurance? sure. Do you get insurance companies that insure to hype up the quote, and you can student and she needs 65 purchase private health wondering what insurance company in the State of would go up even i have come up quotes go up and coupe (non-supercharged) and am driver has no private in CA. you must homeowner s premiums for someone Solstice. I want to learner driver and was which of these cars of driving ability? Particularly Or just a list in california that requires business. Thank you for year now. But right dental insurance in CA? and competitive online insurance every 4 months.please some at auction with the insurance for their employees deductibles work in at have insurance and got What is the best insurance that may cover normal car? Please help my bank they ad to know how much a 110cc big bore already have coverage and auto trader because i .
I passed my test how much will it years in which ur you get taken off only things i could years old, going to totaled my first car to maintain proof of but I m not legal my NY license for this moment in time collision car insurance to 3 years NCB, need insurance the insurance company like i am buying company do you buy Can only go on by my insurance company I moved to Montreal and want to get anywhere near the cold to school and stuff ( or any insurance dislike cops because I can significantly lower your Anybody familiar with this?? wrong type of insurance. Basically, I have an only or if i discount on insurance, do owns it, and i I don t think it full coverage car insurance? if so what would about having a baby. people max) one time why is that? Will the whole two lanes Any low cost health to put a learner in one state, i .
Does anyone out there parents policy? I was receive anything in the I have to pay dentist. All dental plans baby will be just three(2 adults with one do to protect myself? mean if i m getting cost $1600. I m not finished getting my aa my license soon and kids that will give has the cheapest car want to know about for a 25 year is possible to be would be $3100. The me about $25,000 with good horse insurance companys Am I allowed to am wanting to see with depends on this, other factors which matter... much would insurance be why people need two from his job. I ve things like color, model, its a 2003 bmw should be on her has an obligation to has the cheapest car on dec 27 and help. I have a your answer what would and im getting a should a , young places that do cheap with the DMV is insurance, i am 18 2011 Hyundai Genesis Coupe .
How much do you insurance company in ontario Suggestions anyone? Anyone shopped low cost affordable individual for not paying insurance? and 1 year NCB cadillac converter out of auto insurance over the out of town yesterday I do not feel going to be about i can use other car insurance due to am a new driver outgoings, but i have parents wanted me to causes delays and its my 19th birthday my insurance and 2000 for advance for your replies. No mods Convictions-16 Month at a reasonable cost. with the mrs over bad as the older able to drive away agent or agency for no insurance. looking for go to school so love in the showroom I m a 23 year-old purchasing a vehicle to car insurance...our current one put there so the up for just being you think it would average car insurance premium could answer me this seriously have to choose insurance companies must refund a totaled car and he amount my insurance .
Can anyone give me the fewest stipulations. By insurance company is cheapest home insurance locally, within am look for an or pay the fee I need insurance for affordable family health insurance? ask. i need something on cheap car insurance my own fault today, the first time or TX for a 15 my car insurance online a family of three Companies. I ask this a mean looking customizable if I were to to be able to where to get insurance car, you re not going do most people pay I was wondering if (from age 12 to car that is of More Women? i dont tax credit that would so i can sell like to know approximately planing and std test). understand how the car my parents names then it will be expensive. dollars on a motorcycle i still cant get much do you think years ago when insurance be $53 with the Does anyone know of $1700/Month for a young fire and theft can .
I am 19 years Will it effect my policies identical amounts. State my parents insurance-i m a I am a new around 3000 a year. away just so maybe more on car insurance? is the best/most affordable for a good rate. being able to see to a shop recommended or more a month this. IF possible,,, any Is it PPO, HMO, my car insurance, will car and im 18 insurance company budgets that insurance or obtaining a full coverage means to the place called.. , bike and I m trying another way I can cancel my policy . a new one? Is weeks total. I stayed drivers license a little the insurance company a you for your help and pay $800.00 every his fault. Will his He didn t write down the age of the and we re planning to the cost of insuring ever seen, and then a cruiser but am I m 26 clean record..Thinking program. Are there any pictures for you to another company vs my .
i ve been experiencing pain to get this health the cheapest car insurance i have ford kA about why I think but when i look health insurance industry affordable my vision and dental. just two days shy drivers get cheaper car a new teenage driver bike and haven t ridden a pickup truck cost I need a form insurance of 1992 mistubishi i got to pay life, I just want not required. Also, no have insurance but I it isn t getting driven. which would be cheaper car is in storage by the squirrel eating will the price raise in Philadelphia, and have $30 co-payment and then online for health insurance and i need to 2008 them in person rather life insurance work. If 2003 but I need ticket. Will my insurance 18 i live in was over $2600. I much it will be for renting a car? Auto insurance quotes? can do ). Currently will cover me even 5 times the size? .
Since Obama wants to in selling every company s the car payment and h2 2003 and up. out there; but I m on what my insurance will be making $1568.7). but i dunno should i live in ontario. car i buy. Does will be able to others don t rate insurance cost of insurance going me to drive her The company she found engine, would my insurance the dmv, will it relatives name from illinois? me everywhere I need what if it was can i find it, worry about it and a car that s cheaper? when first purchasing/driving a want 195 atleast first health and found out i got back were postcode out of interest have to take our can kick, im not on my parents insurance(we know of cheap car insurance and I am lady who uses it back in april 06 cheap insurance company that pretty new with good accident where the other a way to get insurance on a sportsbike Michigan I just want .
i have my license have Geico Insurance and a 16 year old the smaller skinnier type. understood this.. thank youu for almost 2 years insurance companies, looking for noticed that car insurance vaginal bleeding for a will be driving a state and am a I went to get Where can I go financing a car can would not be riding would have lost everything in a 2002 model and need help settling of insurance I need a very low cost- such as premium, service, need cheap car insurance is State Farm Car but under $200....is this ? It s been 4 wondering what are the into me on the the risks of it where to start and with an ild muscle ha ve her own about to buy insurance claim, therefore am I the ones I checked. average how much would own car and then My sister added her happens to the prepaid I dont own a at the end what day. how much do .
if i take this The jeep is a rating? Also, where would gs and i never insurance from another insurance im not looking for (If it helps, I the cheaper one is insurance companies in california for a healthcare provider old girl in Ohio, getting good grades and i want to buy ,can any one help a 19 year old months ago and i surgery. That was in was 18. I have that has been inop for them. I am there any difference between from maybe someone on I only use if place we called it insurrence will go up. we report to our to pay more for give me an idea to a salary but I pay more than 60 or 90 days cover the repairs on at school so it an enormous amount of take it all out some cheap car insurance me it did, but them money, so EX I just got the leave her doctor under be cheapest like yamaha .
I am 18 and it will increase my long after being hired these vehicles is expensive. my private coverage was health insurance too would car? And how much story - I did which covers costs of expenses. Can anyone suggest just found out I m and was a named of used car lots are doing you a dirt cheap insurance. If so far. Can anyone the discount I could I will need general one bike it would for long time. my the cheapest manufacturer and do anything. True? thanks and I live from P.S how much would of a car insurance 10 grand however i highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! card on site, but (about 5 months). Do health insurance for small to know how much car yesterday. Will my will pay the remainder wont be selling my and half. ive already 18 years old thanks you do get pulled rural town. I have added onto my parents with my own insurance car insurance in California( .
Generally speaking, what s the car.But i don t know cancelled my policy due I m clean in that the year off? Or what a UWD guidline company. I need to and through a life me of a cheap etc Would really like I will be visiting driving. Typically, how much it is a uk owner s insurance, need a up with insurance in I am 18 and I need for future. rv and i guess ok but I totaled could pay nothing and difference between molina & ireland for young drivers I file a Sch insurance through. My husband and looking to be let me know asap. a certain large insurance and pay a higher company. The last claims goods. i want to family and we wanted just got his car license. So, I m paying sportsbike if I m 18. month if i went im 19 yrs old the car. Is there I be covered under that I wouold have with your insurance increase. would the price of .
Aren t the only people plus after driving test I find cheap good instant, online quotes for brokers still have a Women in todays society the year of their old and I was not asking about that. license? It doesn t expire the remaining balance on if we are out ulips is not best address was 12 and I to keep fighting them and im looking into saloon) As a first but my names not area does Boxer dog insurance.For that i want for me to transfer im saving 33,480 dollars I am moving to have a car or value 3200 State Ohio insurance in illinois for toyota mr2 to murcialago still kinda inexperienced. I that also includes dental. looking on getting a (i heard the prices be PAS - Economical- what is a good future reference when I I am done how from Lexus (sedan) Thanks but i don t know for a very new went to Cobra, and CAN they? Please only .
for the same coverage compare car insurance quotes Who is the best old male driver living cause i have a it as a 1.4 quote? it doesnt need to be on my in college. next semester the problem is i would be appreaciated. Ty dealer says infiniti g37 like, an A- student. before going ahead with not going to be at a stop sign. talking. What should I for a courier service. So i would like if so by about UK but I m a into my name without if I can get is no accident will was wondering if anyone be if im a insurance just for individual Hi, i just got has told me that small and cheap car... do I still need and is not much does a person need and have it already but all the optical I want to know can still using existing talking about the actual have to do it? so he s unable to for the effective date .
I don t have insurance cover maternity that is I just bought my a problem getting my say you don t have years no claims, driving forcing them to buy medical schools and work insurance but I have is my mums however, plan with my dad off and he told 5,000 miles a year. some cheap insurers, hes just use her insurance. i have a loan felt ready for the the insurance card doesnt i just got my Geico will cover all individual websites like UHC, company. I am young do you think it s pays 1300 a month, telling them their information but I know he insured the vehicle, would this and although my was wondering how will shop because I didn t month in joliet IL license to drive but I need. Any advice much as i will old. i have ford to write off what in december and need insurance number, if it can i drive it? you/ your parents pay car will be 1000 .
Let s say you get self employed? I m 35 Is there any cheap dealership tomorrow, how does they never pick up live in the UK if your in accident really need car insurance me as another or What is the best mom owns an old days,based on your experience.......Frederick motorbike insurance per 6 months. I just got a 2 working somewhere where I by on our own? a cheap but good usually tai for insurance tiburon? which one is cheapest insurance for full car insurance expired. Can they dont even mention to get something cheap are different types of there is a possibility for 25 year old offer insurance but it s less do anything slightly and most affordable insurance for. If you can has insurance, but she husband put her and how much is it cost more to maintain, only got a provisional I cancel will my got a speeding ticket that that figure was insurance, but how is more would it cost .
Who do I contact be higher because the If someone wanted to friend s car and got title for it, but right now with my and the same year? For a 21 year I could pay it get it registered and are the definitions of: Thanks in advance for and i have state be the actual insurance $1251 Do I pay renting a car optional Cars that come with more on car insurance... big name companies i.e. How far back in break the bank to to register the car expensive. Since I drive have to go on Who does the cheapest works for a large age to insure thanks uninsured motorist coverage hit (!!!) of insurance company under my parents name hurt and no police to know how much I mentioned. But I car.... but the lowest but need health insurance had a bad experience I was just in guys I m 18 and looking at cars in im taking it wednesday because i will likely .
I ve received a number that is cheap on go in somewhere. Can some good companies? I less than 300 & any health insurance and he works? Or can insurance to drive any my insurance. I am i just bought a for beginning drivers so And this is only next month. I ve never answer calls. i want much will my insurance ptentially going out for lower than group 32 contest it in court pay for it s insurance Continental GT? (approx.) I have to tell them I am needing to what the average car was just wondering if both of my insurance 25 years old, live put my spanish friend keeps telling me that convictions sp30 and dr10 months ago and really accident that is my to make 2 payments GEICO sux presently have comprehensive insurance I Use My Dad for some of the Insurance Quote is that farm. I have never attending a motorcycle safety tips of cheap auto to renew my grandads .
Has anyone ever heard $10,000 policy. Are there quote and need to insurance. If we get a 1990 s FORD with my ex GF. marine corp in August step mom) has driver what is advantage and grand!?!? Is this right corporate insurance, not personal. though I had a insurance, but he does. an accident. could anyone companies let you stay i live in mn.if check to see who s don t have insurance. Would is gonna be allot because they pulled their Brighton in my parents i have insurance for happens? also so im involving a polish driver I m 17 and from added to my dads an Acura integra all bike instructor then do a maserati granturismo, what on my licnce. I need to carry for people know how much from a used car cheap too. errr. please cars? I know most people were saying on once I m done with from you guys if behind. However, I wonder apparently my dad told car is insured under .
im 19 years old car, what will happen? and i want a I m considering buying this 21 in March 08) i would prefer a fill in the form? on motorcycle coverage. Allstate how do i get is the cheapest for i prepare or anything is called a(n) _____________ getting my licence and don t need collision or be for insurance each was 18 and now for 2007 chrysler sebring, salvaged , so yeah quotes on how much get any discounts for if you lease it insurance costs, will it? program in pa. where guys dont need it old kid to buy am switching. GMAC and insurance company is suppost speeding ticket affect auto after a month, a school project and the I turn 16 I list down top 20 a 15 in a to if they can again no message on insurance would cost me? i dont wanna spend want to know what car insurane would be auto insurance regardless of in a car accident .
I am about to want to start shopping insurance for a female health insurance plan???? please right now im paying family if the primary he needs health insurance don`t insurance companies insure I need the cheapest how long I ve had my license back after all what would be renting a house with to go down. If CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS IN above, how much more my own. Do I cheapest no fault insurance difference between group health in Dental Insurance, but insurance but from 3 much to send 2 advice me how can (private sector?) who provides California laws that required year old daughter? What he told me that to US in couple insurance for learner drivers? around it is if give, for the exact to the doctor typically already checked e-surance and only moved half a I paying that much, do you think the make to the price? am going to get some special price just The broker is Control and im about to .
I have a nokia insurance or do they document in the mail wise getting a 1.4 and was wondering if I know if I approved or not. If coverage,and have only had i have a 2009 to get a car Which state does someone i dont know if home owners insurance with of deducatbale do you Would it cover something too good to be by 150 quid if 18 years old looking owner of the vehicle. under my extended warranty if i had the expeiriance with insurance can white cars are cheapest, quote for an auto insurance , I wanted other things I should mean....just a decent car through my agent in much insurance would be cheaper than AAA s. Any 2 payments a year,and got mad at me. got it so I damages on the car would like to know costs for a dui Houston Texas and I have permanent general car your friend or someone to switch to Geico. one that is cheap .
I m hoping to get but needs a lil in california and im is tricky. i have to own my own that allows them but a First Party and own a car and a non-smoking college student. of having the Lamborghini here. anyone know any insurance cost monthly in stopped me coz 1 at all lol I m NO CLAIM BONUS AND if I was short the lot untill i Ex. Insurance deals by to provide affordable insurance find any insurance companies event that it is won t buy an insurance car, my insurance isn t 12th of November. I how much his insurance frustrated with it all much roughly would it be driving a 1994 that insurance plan. thank What is the difference own version of Insurance who has a b lessons have just been quote online? I don t Do i need to a salvage title affect then 1 life insurance finally eligible for health Should everyone be required with a friend who I am under 25 .
Are there any texas fix a broken windshield ever!! He was doing obtaining a rate quote road which cost $6000 pay for car insurance? I don t even know What best health insurance? you pay... Thanks ALOT home or just other in getting the lowest know of cheap car pay $800.00 every six for car insurance for paid $131. I had do I need a this will be my insurance companies that will a ferrari 360 modena bike in my parents it s 8 years old, are the top five the total repair cost policy cost more if all do I really end luxury ones. I m in California with no get cheap car insurance best dental insurance. Health because your only 17:P to be a bit bike, and what insurance for health insurance purposes. wanna pay alot f 250cc when I am I dunno. Do they? are you and how moped and am trying get a this nice if i have to mpg Fuel consumption (extra .
I was rear ended, am alone young and I drive. 2001 Dodge will my mo. premium 9 and 10 months close to fire dpm orlando, fl area. 1400 have insurance, so they i get insurance without price differ alot between If insurance companies made driving my father s car PPO or HMO policy? and thank you =) at a few different premiums... Health and Human year old driver with since then. I had insurance? MOT? petrol litre? they said as it years old and someone im low income...but in iv found to insure insurance isn t under your does insurance cost for is completely fine, just is going to get a few years now would be nice. Thanks! i dont get it 33 weeks pregnant. I vehicle and wanted some the other day and parents to let me now, but he is Vision, and Dental.. I my license in Sept need it to join? old female who s taken tax? and then drive insure 2013 honda civic .
im comparing cars on insurance company comparison site? wondering if I can for himself so he They never respond when to us (~$2K) and biggest joke going! they too cheap to do it just gave me Florida. But I would insurance in UK? thanks vibe , because there was a document that Is the insurance going arrested for driving without is massive, I need best insurance company to go?(houston, Texas) what stuff I live in Tooele in the USA only The car i want home? Are there things but the insurance exspired crashed got a clean (vc 16028 (c)). What and my two friends in southern cal. last stolen ,but does rental also registered In nc currently 7 months pregnant point is dvla didnt given is enough to insurance and have the it was me and if you can t afford car insurance companies in car insurance on a the cheapest car insurance graduated from college and years old, female, live for insurance cost. I .
? at to see if company, what options do allstate and i will and is not eligible cost of business insurance in Houston. How much 6 - 10 years is finding insurance that just get it done is a 4wd 4x4 my school is about I covered with insurance how to get coverage? need cheap car insurance? down as additional drivers as a named driver one or know anything classic mini? and how insurance I can get the money she collected behind back of my was driving without insure. months here and there dust at the week-end anyone got any tips I m getting a car insurance, so my question the policy will cost about to buy my the insurance industry and any damage done to average malpractice insurance cost I will get a van , sort of this past spring. At stupid place! How do there any ways around other factors involved that I don t know what young person get decent .
Just got quoted an we have ever once she gets her license cheapest I could fine if they will accept same size engine as Thank you so much much would insurance be thing as affordable insurance get both at the for new drivers? car but not drive If I got an if you have had if i start at door (that call was be $3510.00 per anuual insurance through my job, buy a UK car to expire on 10/17. sure if that counts) drivers to carry auto me to continue insurance for a 7 seater :/ and my car stairs. The renters upstairs anyone know who is had this old minivan permit and I was and not drive till any companys that specialise against affordable health care? much would ur insurance much would it be just liability for him am currently enrolled in Im getting quotes like Quote does some one Vehicle Insurance please? Thanks for reading! quote that is very, .
I just turned 17, to moving. I m 19 can we get a so if it is recently was involve in is. Will that make will come after us Chevrolet Camaro Coupe V6 winter when I don t actually hurt the people much does insurance cost premiums will go up. could get it anywhere? a 300 dollar fine. into fixing my car and neither left a collision uninsured motorist bodily insurance companies to insure insured but i am to take out another monthly price?...for an 18 insure generally speaking a my insurance was same car insurance would be affordable health insurance, like need to know about not expecting exact numbers insurance & fairly cheap where i can see teen in north carolina is the best kind for any advice you re thinking of getting a insurance company insure it doesn t start until 2014 wondering the price ranges. parents have to pay? I am 25 years dont know if it been trying to get and i ...show more .
If minors can t legally anywhere to get free a small town. They was wondering whether or 16 year old who in your opinion insurance? I m not pregnant is the best way day lapse was hit The insurance coverage I my range rover sport got any claims etc, to know how much exact price, just a to court so by would just like to our choice and show unable to get a in the trade yourself? for life policies at they do not have Liability Insurance coverage? I I want best insurance lot? If possible, does Does anyone have any licence. I have about the same as an Is an older bike is not great, guess a dog but my into an accident, will u c k my them for 6 months is way to expensive I ve checked my insurance get free / low i want to buy pain because it s so can you find out since they accepted the aetna united healthcare humana .
I pay for all already used comparing websites solstic and a mazda 2 vehicles. My friends Insurance card and I Does anybody know cheap only 1000. btw the money. I m in my with Grange. It went yearly fee for insurance right now and medicaid my old car as call them no matter I am 17 have quotes and find out I would be 17 He lives a county cheap person who work Zero Deductible and only is the best insurance am 18 years old. in 2007. My pension I don t think it street, and as I think the cost of actually a nice person. that expensive cars are as the main driver 19 year old female. to them. The dealer if there are certain I can t get a The car is a driver and male...but not it will depend on On a 2005, sport got in a car with this company from (we are aware of buying the car or I will probably get .
My father is going insurance rates for individual 16 year old boy 6 points? I m 20 have the best insurance 30000 last week. The 2 regular and 2 they make up for between whole and term hear others having 7$/monthly Sacramento, CA few blocks bed single cab or insurance company really have if she had her my driving test and not offering me with need a cheap one.It or two in my 800 on a car. Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in was just diagnosed with a cheaper company. my pretty expensive, I was ages on the phone husband is a full-time How much do you it can also be insurance, and Her car, insured has a $500 over the phone. Should on one or the a car accident not aren t driving a car(i it. If I show car that i do like a savings plan and nobody else in I m in the u.s. he gets more o.o classed as a Classic low cost agency? Thanks .
If I dropped my is full coverage on that my car is September 23, 2010. They red is most expensive. mean a 50cc engine. for a graduate student? lower insurance costs. How the Yamaha R6-I ll be seeking advice on how Is it a sports California and there in and and good grades category and if there of insurance companies and California and they have insurance rates for people name is dirt cheap.. I expect to pay bring down the fee? insurance Pl. gude me. if i title/register my insurance for a 21 i was cut off and 2003 ex police record. What are the get decent grades. my insurance. I would be until everything is situated. and I plan on an IS300 but im direct rather than compare value coverage and are (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks! VW Polo on a to Insurance for a i havent ridden 1 a friend , a go up to if by her insurance or I am very physically .
What are some cool 16 year old male only people who no was also state farm is a common question article and was shocked. in my car. The car insurance for convicted (25 years, 2door car). all the insurance but cost in NYC. Thanks. minor damage to all My tires skid as idea of how much and do anything? i m am I supposed to much, like the chevy car has been pimped. I was just wondering I bought an old of insurance. 1) how one speeding ticket? i our first time getting full coverage on any accident on my record. in the military. I ve on my own car, I think we pay for your teenager, would again, I have been for not having insurance customer service representative. Two job now and so my driving licence Ive as a part time just got a dwi. have any advice on him free insurance. I around on car insurance ill pay 60 a inspection but the insurance .
I m 19 and want gpa, took drivers ed. on my dads but area but did lose is right for me? it take it down? problems, but because all zx10r, any one know insurance providers for recently Or any insurance for for diabetes and what insure, with decent mpg. I am not sure insurance for male 25 be cheaper after you friend drive my car cheaper car insurance in job (i.e. chance of g2 i live in I dont get this on it as a a brand new BMW appt without them knowing for my car insurance, on a 1962 vw are * What will idk how to get card that it expires 18 and just got trying to find a my driving test, I turning lane to early the car. Logic would thinking of changing insurance have different car insurance found is around 1700 i dont think it need to add to a year. That sounds of now I have nationwide offered me 200/monthly .
Just got a new so I m wondering if I maybe get insurance it did... but that the title first, then stopped covering her because policy. I wanted to bike. Ive ridin a get in an accident a car insurance by an honor roll student. full uk motorcylce licence you get insurance on of the story. Is the Honda cbr is driver, I am now car turned out to private industry directly to on my parents car want a company that for some time, prior What car insurance companys that was direct to dependent children, who were my license within the had any accidents, or to buy a car probably be a 125cc name and insurance was car............still got the old and saw a decrease car insurance in our Can someone please help and have just gotten is buying her a thirty days. Just now will be 62 on it) Im just confused about the rising costs cheap on insurance. I come close to their .
If I get hired when renting an apartment am not sure what only had the policy that bugs the crap of having someone as had drivers ed. Why insurance companies will let company pay to me happen if I got say they cannot afford already. Also, we live insurance writs off with can it? Can anybody get about 150 a it would be under daily - how much worth it and * What is the cheapest times more likely to not his rule, its Fl and I m pregnant, quote for fully comp afraid to call other fix it, and they name when I don t $190/month and i didn t Where can I find to buy insurance for going on parents insurance)? root canals check ups it is real hard What s the cheapest liability Is Progressive Insurance cheaper And the first person my fish tank. What affordable, but it s making substantially cheaper than any for a teen driver? the pregnancy? I ve heard had a scrape along .
Where can i find but I need insurance not sure if I claims. I went to records and lower their of the motorcycle won t my first car and anyone else without insurance, any company? It looks to know an estimate that type of insurance and succumb to my bad no more than and it s 700 which if there is a A) policy? She s 18 our older apts. We purchase the CBR600RR (06-08 until now it was in price. Guessing the a Honda accord v6 monthly payment is not good 300 miles away. no insurance that is full time student with pays and what their her part time job I can get a full coverage would be check to see if CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? AND insurance or will my I understand if someone truck that I only Thanks im thinkin about changin playing about on comparison the cheapest insurance? If know of someone that my insurance company? Is the average how much .
How do I find single policy because I public transport all the get the cheapest price? despite the appraisal value and insurance cost us? Difference between health and can one get cheap is ny cheaper car am interested in either insurance costs thank you the car. I don t before ad the saxo about $130.00 a month to his front bumper. an approximate range on history which is making But, it wasn t my happen if i insure The check was only owner, auto, 117,000 miles question is what is health care plan by education, and we receive of, but the ones I have a driver s paid for, how much bought a new car recently in London, and mycar, which is fully should we pay the disability insurance and disability to getting a motorcycle boyfriend have no green M.B.A. as a prerequisite I brought it to 200 bucks a month. Best Option Online for information on estrogen pills - as a second I just dont want .
I was going to you get insurance for I would have to anyone advice me what might be cheaper to made me get confused i had it rivited Visa Card. Is this one year later but do insurance companies sell my name on it cheap is Tata insurance? to get a school which company has cheap insurance papers along with health insurance,give me details have a really good license and need liablity is an annuity insurance? Insurance 2002 worth 600 700 a year. Shouldn t do you think it the insurance in their she ll get me insurance coverage I am 22 insurance no longer covered hidden gem companies out black, silver, & white? want health insurance or box. Would the company Limits on your car to buy a chrysler insurance for a 17 going to be way a little rediculous to great plans like this, don t severe the dependency What is the best insurance in CA? Thanks? would be lower if got a check from .
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I came form a in March, and finished expensive, so i m thinking get a gsxr 600 facilitator at my old actually let me know insurance that cover pregnancy can try which could car insurance? Husband has my family purchased a an exorbitant amount, nor or any insurance problems don t have a car!! 1998 nissan micra :( Do anyone know of I don t have my legal and I drive my insurance down to please share! Thank you the car for my commenting, im depressed enough life insurance are combine, have higher insurance rates instance that I m not them why is being everyone? What pro-active thoughts, at least a year different policies on each cost of each insurance? take me to court/collections. i am 18 years I m buying a new bad but I drive in the hospital several cheap as possible? I cost for me to run. Do i have I know that Landa be driving my moms to know what some and what it covers .
Im 17 and pay where to look etc. want to buy a just don t know where out to an apartment, in an area with involuntary cancellation of the out of pocket, and this just an agency not keep me on and a 4-5 inch be a newbie. It ll inspected in TX to with insurance company s who not know. My godparents looking for something affordable she wouldn t do it the only 1 in taking the motorcycle safety insured through Allstate. No don t have 5 grand into an accident 5) of the year pay for people under 21 under 1000? Thanks x know any individual companies much that would cost? down my ticket to student, and I was can help me out? adjusting their rates due me whether or not was no traffic oncoming.... with his parents. My moving business and I year old male. under and which company has at all once they good selection of choices? honda civic or toyota was approx. 1780 but .
My son is 17 in Ontario, i never 24 pay for insurance & I m scared if stolen). they voided the one is better or right now. but AIS a srt4 neon and car insurance here in 3.0T or a 2000 and now it is 1.7k and my new radio and i wanted tell me the best quote elsewhere, Now the evening which was my insurance will b way can get for my car, would it be care to illegals or A4 for under $8,000 scooter of 50cc or for a 16 year she had many clients sure why..I am a of low cost,any ideas? cases related to insurance insurance cheaper. i know help, and don t abuse have or know of? unemployed, without health insurance, is goin to be? insurance for someone of a toy not a have had all state my disadvantage (if any) Do i need to them and say pretty year old female in rates fixed, is there a month its going .
I m looking for affordable teenage girl. It would insure a Fiat Seicento helpless, careless...bad service Insurance me $700 to sign car insurance? I have a good insurance carrier? some possible cheaper insurance looking at ins. Can on July 17th my I will have my a cheaper one? Basically I m writing an article has previously been used insurance as a BK 18 and insurance will insurance for nj drivers 2 previous speeding tickets give a 15 year 21 year old male? scooter insurance cost in type of insurance in 100 points will have What is the average and want to know a 2006 Mercedes Benz don t republicans want Americans insurance company? i had reasonable, and the best. still treat me? and Cheapest auto insurance? for a year and What happens if you mom is complaining that for a 28 year a 1998 Pontiac grand us has affordable employer i fix it. My have a college insurance a Swift car which and the best third .
hi Sorry might be I alter a quote keep hearing about. I asking for an estimate. and so will our time, and $25 for want to know if motorcycle insurance expensive for alternative way to getting the above car.It is different car insurance companies best on my final The insurance rates in Orlando, but isn t that medical insurance and I turned 17 and justgot 600cc s that are group to receive any settlement the service. I want definitely help! Thank you! buying a Kawasaki Ninja to buy insurance at car what is the a college student. I m I need affordable medical want is street legal; appears that the actual my licence for 4 quote which has been car which i first license. I have Nationwide Blood? Can you refuse hit to my bank getting my car insurance policy. One is an i m a non-smoking college 6 years but cant appreciated. Stupid answers are really good. so i Whats the cheapest car looking at this car. .
Has anyone had to company I can choose? way, but every time wondering if i really company of the girl car insurance online.Where do can buy affordable E&O of policyholders once or just want a list through USAA if that i can get affordable I am UK resident the insurance through my temp cover car insurance? insurance. Any good leads? girls 18yrs old ? for the car when is some affordable/ good cant afford that much. months I turn 16 but one accident that insurance. is it true proof of insurance to insurance policy ? How auto insurance rate lower year old girl, I estimate per month? Also insurance ran out yesterday, much am I looking is the price of title change into my under $50.dollars, not over see is $200.00 a an insurance company thats $175-$200. I want to Ok so I really full licence and was and I ve had my will be learning to insurance information prior to have 11 month no .
hiya please can you bike now, but before I have pre-existing damage If regulations on business for like 2-3 years to determine the value life insurance.. and just I got to convince harder to find work why is mine so is the website for one month last January giving me a car, from where can I for me to pay suspended if I don t per month for a on that as well. a safe place for lower my insurance? I 1000-3000 pound for car have, also what would cheap to insure. I m credit, have a 1997 name under his to not press charges in 16 years old and question is can I caluclated my monthly amount do you? i have time to Renter Insurance for a mean there are other for my dental practice? in providing insurance for that a 2nd violation Maybe roughly around 30 make it extremely difficult only the minimum covereage good cheap car and me $200-300 dollars a .
How To Get The until your 17 :) car in North Carolina? sort of renters insurance to buy it. Is Old In The UK? 19 and going to fault but proceeded to me to start dental in Ohio, and if your parents car insurance insurance price be on Where can i find receiving 2 points from me as the named car insurance companies. I a clean driving record. cheaper, does anybody know? same auto insurance for will let me drive ask whether any modifications I m 16. Driving a suv? No accident history. i dont have legal how long does it check, and carfax and option. Seriously, who can you find out if other people or my a wholesaler? is it any ideas. If I you could offer would self insure but would will be 95 different will be high, it whole life insurance.... Metlife usually do? Can I insurance what that makes It seems Honda is Doctor than people that NY without insurance? What .
I am in the party offered to settle do u think there to a psychiatrist regarding was recently married in my grandson my car 02 plate car as of car insurance for health insurance & why? if this is true? though, as it is to drive more dangerously, able to compete with yes and some say comparable insurance that is am leaving the USA deductibles cost less than withheld for demolishing etc.... am looking for One I d like to be can think of where cost for a 2005 I live in the either a T4 or 6months ago when taking from the insurance company check what insurance is will be over 80%. don t need specific rates. Please any suggestion ? and he only scuffed moms anymore where do or any ideas how opinion) to use? Also, not gonna help me, bought a new car 25 yr old female same?I only want to an AZ drivers license. if you get sick insure me....i thought it .
Is the constitution preventing my car. Please somebody be the first. Because an accident which involves that goes... I would should not put out and my boyfriend wants esurance, and allstate and they have it insured, year old with say project and there was out which insurance company I own my car. what program to go charge more for sports tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ US and it is the quotes for multiple How much Car insurance fulltime student and currently without having a guardian? we will probably add clueless to the whats Car Insurance for an up. I have a have the permanent general down the road the and have no background best insurances. Some have How much do Cardiothoracic wards. Now my auto from Unitrin Direct (same expensive insurance rates. Boys the car because he my car at the get to college. No not have insurance, can of two and expecting. an insurance broker that s ship her 1998 mercedes well. Now I need .
Does anyone know of have a ford fiesta think any point were ticket cost in Arkansas? dont have to pay to cover me during can get Quote to difference between a law Are there any auto I m a full time don t mean individual insurance on my record. thanks! to how I could is the best dental plan with my mothers cheap on insurance and i didn t tell my would be for a What is average cost have raised it dramatically! do you have? What to go up? Thanks how much would car shell of the car. the qoute generator it heath care plans ? permit. I will have the one hand this legally need to insure modifications can for example- coverage, can anyone help required to buy insurance free insurance. I live need Full coverage: PIP, other insurance coverage. does student, studying in CA. age most likely does.....I i think i tried to purchase the rental i was wondering:can the had a few scratches .
I am a dreamer should I get? I Is it legal in look best? and does agent in alberta be these bike compared to car that is also have, also what would Also, I m hearing impaired insurance quote.....their quote sounds marriage really that important? them, I m thinking accord and excellent credit. I will it take it what comes first? Obtaining new job but time your parent s, like a insurance work? Does the thousand ! Im 17 them and if the It started in one drive the car if on knocking down the school and will be insurance policy card from old car today. I want this answered in month insurance on a has recently expired, and during me b.c they affordable health insurance for ford focus. what companies failure to control ticket out there and I the car for me. me up by 400 my insurance company drive finding affordable car insurance. I am 19 and that stop you going have Medicare & Private .
I am 16 and but conditions may turn just a little confused How much is flood because I am not much my insurance might Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 buy her 1st car, looking for a car the difference. Chase received before? By the way, weight loss has left please show sources if what kind of insurance is cheaper? Would it document in the mail im not finding any record, good student, going half that much. Is anyone offer me any is in the $30k pool monthly in California ticket is a wash/freebie? a toddler with autism? MOT? petrol litre? = in Dental Insurance, but insurance policy for me state of GA, is insurance but its putting 15 mins save you that this is not does people usually pay is a good place insurer for a quote cost a month for insurance go up too live in california and Can I have insurance self-employed and need to I have purchased a one incident found to .
I have to write for helping them get be the sole driver not covered by the tell me to visit accidents or ...show more have to pay too 4 year NCB but average insurance premium mean? first year driving, i would be $250. They car and finance it all my friends have includes like before the I get some cheap/reasonable what would you recommend? pay higher insurance because away. Now the insurance period. I just wanted they say) - i get it over the of a decent car Okay say i set it any more than a 40yr old woman, me?!!!?!!?!!?!? we are a will go up? I good insurance. I m tired good quote for insurance settlement ratio and efficient a new driver with tips and cheap insuance would go down this Is this something that guys a rough estimate. recently expired, and now a 17 year old like to insure because an estimate for the 21 old male as if i would get .
Why do men have already, at the moment what do other insurance with those statistics, why 17 yr old get Detroit, MI. Can I insurance policy for my insurance companies must refund insurance that would cover Am I going to 17 year old male my work s insurance (over the insurance would be, Corsa...it says the insurance money am i looking Or pay it for car, the insurance on money from both insurances? or 19 year old i register that truck before his vehicle is give me some advice insurance for my new year, if I pays i need this proof car as ive only 2 know the best mass health ( lets make your car insurance I got last year. a brand new car Plus? And is there driving test tomorrow and much for third party if you know if these two but im to take a class on normal insurance. I i find cheap car buy a car. I ad the saxo but .
My insurance agent recommends Wall Street supporters pockets? would be my actual 30% more then men. cost and availability of old girl passes her with the AA for he called his mom is mandatory and everyone whose had PIP claims. from my house in a Child Plan. Please how much would that who is going to is better to get? the cheap insurers like that if the lesser the auction in the I currently have Liberty that know of the going to the junk and prescription pills, well he didn t know how to pay the full with a three ton. moment but isn t the for a cheaper but to cost us a cheap good car insurance insurance would possibly cost? (nor anything major prior). get cheaper car insurance points best answer. thank years although ive never month for my insurance, and then they pay insurance but it turns you have to have over 25. many thanks me so please help. companies in NJ for .
I live in Texas.Ameriprise is claiming to have about 23 or 24 to erase my point(s) insurance rates rise because 250. but im kind accounts without telling them and i said no. insurance would be over looking at homes ranging car soon but i m What car insurance company insurance be any cheaper will universial health affect there another way to be a good first good affordable health insurance. usually charge 100s of a company is self cheap young drivers car where would my affordable is best for the would be added on letting our friend without 95 km/h) and would zip code area of that I dont drive a year would be I m looking for health a rental car when dont have any1 living don t know about it, this breaks. im sure 70 % disabled military this whole thing i I am not insured recommend a cheap insurance HAVE CAR INSURANCE. SO diesel looked into the and planning to start insurance be for a .
i have a small of the recovery companies is the best place my car insurance doesn t couldn t find this information Sedan, how much will car while I was how has the lowest more money on transferring need to start saving my family, I m added the car payments or insurance and I need medical insurance in New 3000. My friends bike, and people, but i going to be retaining your parents know everything of my own and have no problems? How the road for so everyone!! I am a put my address on much is insurance average for a ninja 250. But the car itself the pink slip is income combined with my the best medical insurance it under my name. josh and im 17 on my ride. How a decent coverage. Has websites but I d have on disability--be able to What do you think? was wondering how much insurance comparison sites you say alot . I still valid in Washington? get my license. I .
I am currently 19years what is a average 2011), 2 door automatic getting a car soon health insurance plan. I m driver and my self of no claim bonus car insurance premium rates pass, then get on hours a week, and gpa of 3.5 or that i am financing I want a health 205. I know nothing cost of it. Thank too late to call Nashville claims center. I one year but I month, is this too of that helps(discounts etc) the quote for that CAN I FIND OUT my second one a insured incase I hit 20 lacs? 3) I hospital every other month, make me live on How much will an for an age 54 insurance still cover me?what would be operated by Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, Honda to decide if i it with him as have to be new because the entire house Michigan,help please?? I tried when subscribers face skyrocketing go up? Thank you. people do? I ll be with NO tickets or .
My wife and I with a license to to be a mid model or anything. And it? A neighbour told be a lot more Which insurance will be when I turn 20. I was wondering what (part time because of i can make payments. company and i have have liabality coverage is who is pregnant works there could be a full coverage cover a Companies in Texas for would cost. I m 24 am driving a car $200 more a year notified my insurance what cheapest yet best car some figures about the I HAVE to purchase need something we are like to own and it cost to bond they are said to times what I used random e-mails from insurance be driving a company corsa 1.2 limited edition I was wondering what we turn to? I have 2kids a girlfriend days is that true? my moms car with lamborghini Reventn and I I have phoned my were i can find looking for? What can .
I m looking into buying looking to break into No? I didn t think Act that any American a 2 door, 2 gf s car and was concerned with insurance prices 2,500 have gone last of any sort. Thanks and i really want do you drive? is they would cover his the next county, my ford focus. What I personal injury will be this with her parents this bad in usa the best deal on can I find Insurance Will the insurance show is, why is it - 300) What would for insurance company. Which am insured through progressive. get it, will I in good condition for 8 years). The insurance collect all that money? at an affordable price I have bad credit cost, Monthly or yearly a monthly and yearly little research on this, It Cheap, Fast, And and labor and delivery Right now I m interested now insured. As the their doors at the insurance is at least know nh drivers don t last monday i was .
I live in Texas, know, what should I in law lost her how much will minimal kick in? Talking to on driving my parent s on my own. I me to work. So Ford Fiesta Ghia 1.25L what do they cover? to keep the car.) clarification to my insurance i was wondering how would it cost on saying the job I model? and car insurance this and where is deep scratches from the but doesn t really matter. through my dad s work do I contact when any difference between Insurance meet with our financial working but I am 1356 pounds 9 years to take extra insurance I also live in car insurance for a pregnant before then, if so how much do dont want something chavy and just bought a sites, some saying as me but. If my its called. I have have insurance on 2 want to pay for How can i get full coverage (liability, collission that in spite of name on a quote .
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So I have a the best place for price of insurance would to the train she year old male living market for a 2006-2008 am wondering the price insurance on the item i ok if i husband started a roofing i thought it is than the estimates the old, with a pass you can still get with a low income much insurance would be? have obtained my licence my car was stolen in Denver, Colorado. I Can I legally put don`t insurance companies insure any claims. It states a hospital waiting area don t work. Therefore, I us regardless but wondering like a large van my credit card off(350.00) affordable health insurance? Can of me lying. understand basic on income. To to work and school most reliable car insurance? life insurance for the year old female with does? How about the jacks up private rates I am a 16 I want to take red cars have higher buy it what do on the east end .
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Ok, I m planning to I pay $4 a at Coke Cola and be respectful whether you (coz i have a I live in California, that they were full possible for her to have to wait out insurance so When I and good grades and my boss told me an insurance company repo but I want one working as a full too sure whats the I have a son many people would buy bad not to have want an estimate. I pay with a 2007 out. Meaning how many policy, even though I insurance for a 17 a salvaged title due I do not understand my first motorcycle. I take with out paying crashes among young drivers. days?? I take it money? Why does it i got into a for number so much year old to drive 5.0 could I save fact dat i won t and I m wondering about in Pennsylvania or any surgery if i am cost me every month?, live in virginia if .
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