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desertmountainapothecary · 2 years ago
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Hike the Pacific Crest Trail at Barrel Springs trailhead in the San Diego Backcountry mountains!  It’s a beautiful, sunny, Southern California day on the trail, so let’s explore this breathtakingly beautiful,  high altitude section of the pct.  Located just north of the 100 mile trail marker, Barrel Springs trailhead is located in Ranchita, next to the Borrego Montezuma highway that runs from the historic Warner Springs Ranch down to the low desert oasis village of Borrego Springs.  
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hannahthehiker · 12 days ago
Favorite backpacking food
I feel that this post is long overdue for someone who loves the food involved with backpacking as much as I do. In my many miles of hiking and backpacking, I have come to know some of the tricks of the trade when it comes to backcountry meals. In this post I will talk about my favorite meals and snacks for on trail, as well as some advice when meal planning for outdoor adventures. Dinner time…
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hikertrashprincess · 1 year ago
FT Day 29
We woke up and started hiking out of the forest. Shortly in the to hike there was a bathroom, which we obviously took advantage of. We crossed a highway and Morpheus decided to take the road while I opted to stay on trail. A large part of the day would be a long roadwalk along that highway. I preferred to stay on the trail while I could, while Morpheus preferred the speed of the road and to just get used to it.
There wasn’t anything too special about the section of trail, but I enjoyed being away from the traffic. It rejoined the road just before a country store, where I rejoined Morpheus. He already had a breakfast sandwich and I went in and ordered a Reuben while we charged our phones. The sandwich was amazing with generous portions. I could barely finish it.
We started on the roadwalk. We met some horses and a donkey along the way. I hate road walks so that wasn’t an enjoyable 7 miles for me.
We turned off onto a dirt trail that crossed burn areas and many forest roads. We ended at a large cistern with a picnic table. It was a surprising amount of amenities for the middle of nowhere. We filtered water and ate dinner. I tried to watch all the stars come out but soon got too cold. I spent half the night trying to warm back up but eventually fell asleep.
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moteldogs · 2 years ago
hanging out with local homeless guys remains my favorite town activity
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patricksilvers · 8 months ago
Count down to the John Muir Trail 7/28/24
The hours are dissapearing, my start date feels like its been inching towards me as i'm moving through time towards it. Matter of fact it is, my start has moved from the 8th to the 6th to the 1st of August.
Because I'm hiking alone, I have the freedom to make these kinds of changes at my own discretion and though I'm not out there yet, I can already basque in the glory and solitariness of that freedom, however lonely or empowering.
I've set aside my set of clothes, one shirt, one pair of lined shorts, two pairs of socks and a hat. So that they're clean and easy to find the night before my departure, they won't be clean for very long.
My cotton button down hiking shirt, which I found as a thrift store last month already has the outline of my backpack straps bleached into the fabric from my first time hiking in it. I've fallen sentimental to that navy blue striped shirt, when you go through really vivid experiences with only one shirt that tends to happen.
I added some seam grip to my shoes yesterday to protect the exposed threads from abrasion at the recommendation of Dan Durston, the famous prolific pack and tent maker. As I go through my pack I see only the shadow of my inspirations. Each piece of gear, I've come aware of by studying the practices of my favorite hikers. John Z, Glen Van Peski, Scott Williamson, Ray Jardine, Kerouac.
Its funny, I'm so thrilled to get out there and hike, and to document the journey, but sometimes it feels like the goal isn't grand enough, like anyone could go out and hike the JMT, somehow making it less grandesque and alluring.
This only motivates me to go out and seek more engaging experiences, like the PCT thru and the AZT. These trails have a higher barrier to entry and the rewards of completing them, I imagine are greater. I'm careful however, not to underestimate the difficulty and achievment of completing the JMT, It's still the longest toughest trail I'll have ever hiked and I'll be doing it at a very fast pace.
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hostelhiker · 2 years ago
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Missong the days on the PCT (2021)
#pct #pacificcresttrail #pctclassof2021 #thruhiking #thruhiker # thruhiking #hikertrash #appalachiantrail
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infosince1999 · 2 years ago
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whatsy0urdream · 2 years ago
When Lightning Strikes: My Experience with Wildfires and Smokejumpers on the PCT
If you’ve ever hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, you know that the weather can be unpredictable, especially in the summer months when lightning storms are common. During my thru-hike, I found myself in the middle of multiple lightning storms and saw several wildfires start. One of these fires, which I named the Scraggy Fire, was started by a lightning strike right next to my campsite. It was a…
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copperbora · 10 months ago
I made a new avatar that links my two lives (my seeker-obsessed, Transformers' addicted, A03 fanfiction-writing alter ego Copperace and my boring normal tree-hugging cat-obsessed thruhiker socialist self who screams about protecting wolves/creates a science-based graphic novel about survival issues which our wildlife face (starring a wolf of course.)) Oh, and also: I'm asexual.🏳️‍🌈🖤🩶🤍💜
Also: this arctic wolf is Bora, and I draw her instead of myself because drawing humans doesn't give me dopamine the way that drawing animals, especially wolves, does.
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I finally made proper use of Procreate's line tools on tiny Screamer's altmode, which is why the lines on him look so nice and clean and not craptastic like they usually do because of the tremour in my hands. 😂
I'm still too scared to try drawing Starscream in his non-seekerling rootmode. 🙃🤣
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desertmountainapothecary · 2 years ago
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hannahthehiker · 1 year ago
Thru hiking hygiene
I talk about hiking and thru hiking a fair amount. I normally get the questions “do you go alone?” “aren’t you scared?” and “what do you do about bears???” These are relatively easy and comfortable questions to answer. But recently I was talking with someone who reads my blog, and they asked “what do you do about your period?” Now that is a good question. And not a comfortable one everyone asks.…
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hikertrashprincess · 1 year ago
FT Day 28
Not every day hiking can be exciting, and this was one where we pretty much just hiked.
Uncle Bo dropped us back at the Circle K. We got some food. I enjoyed the hash browns and Italian sausage so much I went back for round 2. We started off with a road walk.
Then we turned down a dirt road and surprisingly we started to see some very small hills. We went along a river and then a paved bike path.
Back on the trail we got some rolling hills! It felt like real hiking!
We set up camp and I horrendously burned my Mac n cheese. I dreamed of being able to cook better.
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moteldogs · 2 years ago
tramps like us baby we were born to walk slowly for very long distances for no goddamn reason. for months at a time
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patricksilvers · 8 months ago
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Chase standing with some alpine snowmelt around 12,000'. The water is so clear that the enlightened hiker can see ideas on how to reduce packweight in their own reflection.
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Standing atop Reds Peak Pass. Somewhere I'd been dreaming about for more than a year.
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My abode, pitched on a night with immaculate weather neaer 11,000'. Huge thanks to John Z for making such an ideal shelter.
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Chasre having some dinner at altitude, looking sheik and cracking jokes before accidentally inhaling a large bug and couging it back up crushed. These are the moments that cement the memories.
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Blips from the Clark Range
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NOBODY STARTS THEIR HIKE WITH THE HOPES OF GETTING RESCUED. For a Person to End Up Like This in The Photo, Something Has Had to Go Terribly Wrong...and 90% of Time, It's As Simple as Lack of Preparation.
This Photo on Franconia Ridge along The Appalachian Trail in New Hampshire.
The Moral of This Story is Pretty Simple....Be Prepared To Go Into The Wilderness...Even on a Day Hike....Being Unprepared Not Only Puts a Person in Danger Themselves, It Puts Everyone Around in Danger...From The First Responders to Anyone Else Who Comes Along to Offer Assistance...Luckily, Red Pants Survived But, That's Not Always The Case.... YOUR SURVIVAL IS DETERMINED BY YOUR PREPARATION....Please Be Sure to Remember That in The Woods and In Life
#appalachiantrail #Hiking #hikingadventures #Hydrate #outdoors #nature #mountains #survival #backpacking #thruhike #NewHampshire #newengland #rescue #goodvibesonly #experience #besmart #beprepared #Danger #Dangerous #responsibility #safety #Safetyfirst #safetytips #tips #tipsandtricks #photooftheday #love #besafe #forest #woods
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pcttrailsidereader · 7 months ago
More FKT -- now it is the 457 miles of the Oregon PCT
This is an excerpt from an interview the Crystal Ligori conducted with Renee Miller following Miller's 14 days, 14 hours and 26 minutes walk of the 457 miles of the PCT in Oregon. This was an unsupported walk. Miller thru-hiked the PCT in 2018 with her husband, Tim.
Crystal Ligori: You have a lot of experience with long-distance hiking. Can we start with how you got started in the sport?
Renee Miller: Yeah, so I read the book “Wild” about through-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail and had done some backpacking and camping before with my husband Tim. And I just got really excited about the long-distance trails and had a dream of doing it someday, and finally convinced him that we should hike the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada.
Ligori: I understand you and your husband Tim Beissinger have hiked over 10,000 miles together. Can you talk about what it’s like to spend that much time in the backcountry with just one other person?
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Renee Miller in front of Three Fingered Jack on July 15, 2024. It was day 11 of her hike on the Oregon section of the Pacific Crest Trail.
Ligori: What made you want to attempt this record-breaking hike on the Oregon section of the PCT?
Miller: I’ve been intrigued [and] love following some folks on social media who do these fastest known times and I saw a post just randomly — a woman who set the record last year for the Oregon Pacific Crest Trail unsupported fastest known time. And I did the calculation, saw her daily miles and thought, “Hmm. That seems like it could be doable for me. I think I could maybe break that.” And I just decided to go for it.
Ligori: I know that you document all of your hiking journeys on your Instagram account @thruhikers and watching the videos, I saw lots of excitement but also some tears. Can you talk about the highs and the lows of the hike?
Miller: This was probably the hardest hike I’ve ever done. Maybe one of the hardest things I’ve ever done both mentally and physically. The lows were just, you know…I started out with a 38-pound backpack, which is way heavier than I’m used to, so my daily mileage to start was much lower than at the end of the trip. And I told myself I would get faster as my pack got lighter, be able to hike more miles per day. But in the beginning, that was just there in the back of my head. “Can I really do this? Am I really going to get faster?” Trying to break that record, really wanting to, but trying not to doubt myself and trying to believe in myself along the way that definitely led to some low points.
I also hiked the trail pretty early [in the] season because I was worried about wildfires. So I ran into snow and downed trees over the trail and just challenging conditions on the trail in general. So those slowed me down and definitely got me frustrated.
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