#donquixote twins
itscoffeetime-world · 1 month
Oh i'm just a kid, i never use my brain
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sualne · 2 months
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cora and law sketches
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skipar00 · 7 months
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rosi took all of the ass in the womb
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tavsianus · 14 days
Donquixote brothers as conjoined twins; as a metaphor for codependence, an inescapable bond, a forever relationship even if they want it or not.
The way they are so different... They would love each other, a connection they can never have with anyone else even if they tried, yet they hate every moment of it as well because they are never seen as two different individuals forced into one but one person who tries to be two (sometimes even by themselves).
Doffy slowly killing his brother while ending his own life in the process. He knows this, it hurts him as much as it does Rosinante, but can't stop himself from doing it either. And Rosinante allowing him, never putting up a fight because even as him, he knows and feels what his brother is going through and believes that this torment will end only if one of them dies (and if that relief will only las for minutes, if not seconds, until the other joins him it doesn't matter). That's their fate.
Say, which one is the parasite and which one is his host? An unbalanced relationship so sick yet there is no cure and it will be the end for the both of them.
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zoroslost · 6 months
One Piece Warrior Cats AU: Doffy, Cora, and Law
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Doflamingo cat naming progression: Joker -> Spiderstrike -> Spiderstar
(chimera solid chocolate and golden chinchilla pattern)
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Corazon cat naming progression: Corazon -> Silentpaw -> Silentheart
(golden chocolate charcoal classic tabby)
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Law cat naming progression: Snowkit -> Deathpaw -> Deathomen -> Snowheart
(Lilac oceloid spotted tabby with white patches due to scarring (due to hair-loss from illness))
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purplecrayonismine · 3 months
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Heeeeeeey so why not mix the fixations, so, the twins as the donquixote brothers from one piece!!!! And Virgil as Trafalgar Law!! don't think too much on the implications!! (Please do!!!)
The instigator: @darksides-dutchess
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fanaticsnail · 5 days
Snail!! Please, I have to many drawing wips already, you can't make me think of cowboy! Rosi right now!
More Cowboy Rosinante? Don't mind if I indulge. Let's talk about how it'd work before we get into the little scenes.
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 650+
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He was halfway to death when he came to you.
The man had barely enough clothes to shroud him in, dripping and crusted over with blood belonging to who knows. As soon as you opened your front door, he slumped to his knees and gawked up at you with uncertain eyes that held such deep sorrow.
He claimed he had no idea who he was. All thoughts and notions as the man he chose to become was lost to him. His mind was a web of fog, clutching to each morsel of his mind, body and soul. There was nothing of him that remained: only language from his lips, and soft movement his body as he gazed up at you in the luminance of soft lamplight.
Your father tasked you to dress his wounds, and clean him up as best you could, while you waited for the medics and surgeons to attend him at your farm. Each swipe of flesh, each gentle caress, each smooth motion wiping the marred skin from the remains of his wounds slowly cleansed his body of a violent history lost to him. All you received in return was nothing but a soft look of wonder from the messy blonde receiving your care.
In that expression alone, you, and those who ran your family’s ranch, gave him a new name.
Those eyes never left you. Not for a single moment. Not while training with horses, learning the beasts, wrangling cattle, and showcasing stellar marksmanship. He only ever had eyes for you, and the rest of the workers gave him hell for it. With no other name to crown him with, the Eyes would have it.
When Eyes was crowned with his first hat, his heart swelled with pride. He had been with your family for so long, he felt as one of you. Each hazing he endured, brand he gifted, and championship he managed to win in riding and shooting, he only ever sought you out with that gaze that never left you.
Eyes was your protector. He stuck by you as chaperone to each foul date, never asking questions while only gazing at you from the rearview mirror of your father’s truck. Escorting you inside your family’s homestead by a gentle hand and a kind smile, Eyes ensured you were safe before tipping his hat to you and bidding you a silent farewell.
That's how you remained, Eyes watching on from afar while he graced you with that soft smile you had come to pine for. Washing his face in a troff first thing in the morning, placing a cigarette between his lips and gently enjoying a cup of dark coffee, he always seemed to find where you were with those twin hazel orbs.
There was a crack of red lightning in the warmth of his irises, something simmering beneath the surface. Something partially unhinged and hidden from all of you. While he pined and yearned for you in the silence of ten years, he never once stepped out to find the path leading him back to his memory. Only ever the gentleman, he simply never made a move on you to keep the peace between your family and yourself.
But one day, he finally plucked up the courage to do so.
Just as he was about to take that first step up towards the house, hat in his hands and clutched to his chest, no whisper on his lips other than the rehearsed speech he practiced in the silence, he was desperate for a single name to speak to you. He was so close to finally confessing to you, finally giving in to those feelings he tried to repress, there was not a single thing that would hold him back from it now.
Until it appeared at his leather-boot clad heels.
All it took was a yellow-tanned bounty with a face of a foreign man in a white spotted hat to have that red flash auburn in his eyes. Eyes would find his name, learn his family, and know all of the things he had ever done as both marine and pirate under the name of law and lawless.
Donquixote Rosinante: former marine, saboteur to the Donquixote Pirates, protector of Trafalgar Law, and proclaimed dead by those who witnessed it happen in the fall of soft snow, was holding a page with a face of a boy now grown to a man.
That same Trafalgar Law he wanted to protect had made a name living up to that middle initial that willed him to.
Romance would have to wait for this cowboy, now posed with a quest to seek out that history and reclaim it as himself again. Eyes would be yours eventually, but for now, he needed to be Donquixote Rosinante again.
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senso1954 · 10 months
jacobean england dashboard simulator
☔️ melancholic-donquixote
london bridge is congested again. what if we all killed ourselves
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🌎 goodpilgrim Follow
⛪️ normalprotestant
get thee out of our country
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📐 peterpaulrubens Follow
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lange nie mì gheziejn
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⚾️ lustfulmaiden
ben jonson's new masque was exquisite. if you care
#don't ask me how i saw it lest i doxx myself and bring dishonour to my noble family but i saw it. #his poetry illuminates some deep deep crevices in me 🤤 #diary
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💀 oedipusdevotee
i want to watch twin peaks so bad but it hasn't been invented yet
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🤡 julietcapules Follow
so, they're finally taking up those fucking alehouse patents in parliament. here's what i'm hoping will happen:
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👺 faustusthegreat
it still baffles the mind how our king let himself be tricked by such a knavish device lmao. either he is that foolish... or the pamphlets are right.
#house of commons for ts #idek what to say at this point when it comes to his divine right... #actually idk what i expected from a foreign king who basically only consorts with foreigners... #glad tumblr is so irrelevant i won't be executed for treason 😝
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⚔️ learnedworker because you follow #calvinism
i swear by my weakest brother's life that the old man from york is that most behated beast, a catholic... but what do?
#i wish i could turn him in to the authorities but he might tell them about what happened behind the woodshed #much to consider #calvinism
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🪦 coronaregia
not my white ass being executed for treason....
🪭 erosbittersweet
RIP to my wife's special friend's husband. his widow and their 8 children will find refuge with us so i may be too busy to update the tract for a while, sorry men.
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✍️ poetessanno1590
interested in my manuscripts? want to support me? why don't you become my patron?
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📌 Pinned Post
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yoonavii · 1 year
Father of boys
Context: The heavenly demon and his devil sons
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Doflamingo’s feelings towards his twin boys would likely be ambivalent, torn between his responsibilities as a father and his pursuit of power and control.
Given his manipulative nature, Doflamingo might try to mold his twin sons into following in his footsteps and becoming part of his grand schemes.
He would likely have high expectations of his sons, enforcing strict rules and discipline to shape them into powerful individuals.
He would emphasize the importance of strength and power, teaching his sons to see themselves as superior to others.
Doffy might keep an emotional distance from his sons, viewing sentimentality as a weakness.
He would teach his sons to survive and thrive in the dangerous and ruthless world they inhabit.
Doflamingo might test his sons’ loyalty and dedication to him, ensuring they are truly worthy of his legacy.
The twin boys might experience sibling rivalry as they vie for their father’s approval and attention.
As they grow older, the twins might struggle with conflicting loyalties between their father and their own desires for a different path in life.
Doflamingo’s role as a father might evolve unexpectedly as he witnesses unforeseen developments in his sons’ personalities and aspirations.
In a grand and opulent chamber within the depths of the Dressrosa palace, Doflamingo sat regally upon a lavish throne, surrounded by the intricate patterns of his sinister birdcage. His twin sons, Don and Marco, stood before him, both adorned in attire befitting their royal lineage.
Doflamingo’s eyes surveyed his sons with a mixture of pride and calculation. “Don, Marco,” he addressed them with a smooth and composed voice, “you are the heirs to the Donquixote family legacy. Remember, strength and power are the cornerstones of our existence. Embrace them, and you shall command respect and dominion over the world.” Don, the older of the two, maintained a stoic demeanor, absorbing every word his father spoke. He knew the expectations placed upon him were immense, and he was determined to prove his worth. Marco, however, displayed a glimmer of defiance in his eyes, his spirit not entirely aligning with his father’s vision.
“As heirs, you must learn to navigate the treacherous currents of the world,” Doflamingo continued, his tone becoming more commanding. “Weakness is unforgivable, and the strength to crush your enemies is paramount.” Don nodded solemnly, internalizing his father’s teachings, while Marco’s expression remained guarded. He was not convinced that the path laid out before him was the only way. Sensing Marco’s hesitation, Doflamingo’s lips curled into a predatory smile. “You doubt me, Marco?” he questioned, his voice taking on a colder edge.
Marco hesitated for a moment, then straightened his posture, meeting his father’s gaze with newfound determination. “I believe strength can be found in different forms, Father,” he stated, his voice firm yet respectful. “There is more to power than merely crushing one’s enemies.” Doflamingo’s eyes narrowed, intrigued by his son’s defiance. “Explain,” he commanded.
“Strength can be seen in compassion, in protecting those who are weaker, in forging alliances rather than instilling fear,” Marco explained, not backing down. “A ruler should inspire loyalty and admiration, not just fear.” Doflamingo’s hand clenched on the armrest of his throne, torn between pride in his son’s assertiveness and irritation at his audacity. He recognized that Marco had a point, even if it challenged his own beliefs.
After a tense moment, Doflamingo’s demeanor softened slightly. “You have a will of your own, Marco,” he acknowledged. “Use it to prove yourself worthy of the Donquixote name.” As the conversation concluded, the twin boys exchanged a knowing glance, each acknowledging the unique challenges they faced as the sons of one of the world’s most feared and enigmatic figures.
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©𝐘𝐀𝐘𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐀— Any sign/evidence of plagiarism made from outside this name will be dealt with by whatever means necessary. Legal action may occur if non fanfiction works are plagiarized.
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Op daddies reacting to S/O nothing having a one baby not twins buts triplets *dun Dun DUUUUUUN*
Kizaru✨: *raises his brows* “…wow…that’s…a lot of kids”
Akainu🌋: *sheds a tear* “…my future three admirals are on the way”
Ryokugyu 🌱: *is MIA after hearing the news*
Fujitora 🐅: “…we’re gonna need some help with three kids”
Sir Crocodile 🐊: *raises a brow* “…this is a lot to take in…I mean I’m happy…but three at one time is overwhelming”
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩: *cuddles S/O’s belly* “…three mini-mes! They’re going to rule the world”
Benn Beckman 🔫: *starts smoking even more cigarettes than usual but away from his S/O*
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡: *smiles excitedly* “…guess they’re gonna be taking after their dad and uncles”
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Kaido🐉: *laughs happily and cuddles S/O* “…let’s hope at least one of them does not give me grief”
King 👑: *raises a brow but smiles* “…we’re gonna need a bigger home”
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Izou🔫🔫: “oh my…this is a pleasant surprise…we aren’t going to get any sleep that’s for sure”
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒:
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Oven Charlotte 🍞: *happy crying* “…I’m going to be the best dad ever!”
Buggy🤡: *nervous laugh* “haha you got me there, honey…please say you’re joking”
Marco the Phoenix 🦅: *smiles excitedly* “…I’m excited to be a dad! Three times more now!”
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸: *confused metal sounds* “…three…babies…three of…me…oh my god, help us all”
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕: “It’s happy tears, I swear!”
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bowlinggwithmargo · 6 days
Hey All! I finally finished a five-part essay exploring multiple sibling dynamics from multiple animes using something I've dubbed the Goliad Dilemma.
The dilemma and essay are structured based on the Adventure Time episode Goliad.
I'll be analyzing:
Johan Liebert and Nina Fortner Naoki Urasawa's Monster
Millions Knives and Vash the Stampede from Trigun
Donquixote Doflamingo and Donquixote Rocinante (Cora) from One Piece
Hyakunosuke Ogata and Yuusaku Hanazawa from Golden Kamuy.
Asking important questions like:
How did Francis Bonaparta shape Johan outlook on the world?
Why is Knives so pathetic?
Did Doflamingo care about his brother?
What the fuck is wrong with Ogata?
And more...
Essentially, I'm trying to answer how these sibling relationships became so twisted in the first place (which sounds easy, but it surprisingly isn't because this isn't a question of morality but rather of how these siblings broke apart, who is responsible for them fighting against each other, and how the core traumatic event that befell them led to two different outlooks on life.)
There are also some nods to Twin Peaks, Dororo (2019), Succession, and Camouflage (1977). I recommend other supplementary media for you to check out and dig into the themes of nihilism and existentialism present in each work.
This essay was a six-month labor of love. I would love it if you could check it out and let me know your thoughts! :)
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itscoffeetime-world · 1 month
I think is a good time to say i gave Rosi and jeanne more kidsKFLFKDJK
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I'll post about them when i have more time, buy they're twins named Carmelo and Dulcinea!!!
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The Reynolds + Charlie + Mac (It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia) VS The Donquixote family (One Piece)
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The Reynolds + Charlie + Mac
Members: Frank Reynolds, Dennis Reynolds, Dee Reynolds, Charlie Kelly and Ronald 'Mac' Macdonald
"Frank raised Dennis and Dee but they found out that he's not their biological father when the twins were in their late 20s, he was also a terrible father the entire time. Charlie lives with Frank and they share a bed and believed for years that Frank was maybe probably Charlie's bio dad. Mac lives with Dennis and they have a whole thing going on that I won't go into rn but it's gay and weird and it's been 17 years of this shit. There's an episode where they go on a Family Feud show and Mac is included in the Reynolds family for the day despite not having the name or the possible blood connection. They're all horrible to each other and the people around them but ultimately they love each other and they're the only ones who'll put up with them."
The Donquixote family
Members: Donquixote Doflamingo, Trebol, Diamanté, Pica, Vergo, Giolla, Sugar, Lao G, Senior Pink, Dellinger, Gladius, Baby 5, Buffalo, Monet, many others
"the donquoxites were super rich and essentially treated as gods, and when the mom died, doflamingo ALSO murdered their father in cold blood (he was like 8 years old at the time) because he's terrible (affectionate). doflamingo later assembled a pirate crew including his brother (corazón), a bunch of other terrible (affectionate) people, a couple hostages, and some children he was grooming to kill for him. corazón eventually became fond of one of the aforementioned groomed children and tried to protect him, so then doflamingo murdered him also. that leaves doflamingo as the only living donquixote by blood which is interesting considering how much this mf values 'family'" More propaganda here
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fly-chicken · 1 year
OP 1086 reactions and standout panels
what. a. DOOZY! Long post w my dartboard theories ahead
I post from the early scans too, so keep that in mind; read at your own risk
Starting off
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(Swats Stelly w a rolled up newspaper) NO! BAD! NOT FOR YOU!
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…well none of us had ‘vegapunks eternal flame’ as what took out Lulusia. Also Imus Sasuke eyes really highlight the creepy heavy feeling but also makes me giggle
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Hmmm all war gods huh? Interesting that the tactics and defence one is meeting them at egghead. I’m a bit worried for Robin if that’s the case, she’s been brought up by all the major players independently as a key figure
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Fucking knew it; the WG made clones of all the warlords. I bet Seraphim Doffy is impossible/ the worst to control.
Although, what an adorable elementary school class w all the warlords lol.
Also I’m calling it now; there’s gonna be an eventual plot point for at least one warlord where, yadda yadda, comforting and healing your own broken child w your grown self by giving them the words they needed to hear most.
Also Bonney being featured in this arc makes me wonder if they use her dna to de age the warlords as seraphim and if 2. Well see some young warlord good/evil twin dynamics as a gag
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Hmmm; Chekhov’s immortality operation, there you finally are. And bonus for being tied to the biggest bad too.
House Nerona…why does that sound familiar?
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Yay more media blackout as a tool to limit mass panic aka keep the public uninformed while also leaving the gods in an untouchable status
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…shanks, this your dad man? If so it clears up a few things
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Of course he’s a Donquixote omg. I wonder if he was Doffys informant too. I spy a Jesus pose too, signifying his symbol as a martyr
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Omg 5 weeks! After dropping all these bombshells!!!! What timing!
That being said, of course Oda deserves all the rest he needs and then some. Hopefully his operation and recovery go well and he gets some much needed and well deserved time off to recharge.
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(Also I guess he’s getting laser eye surgery!) Oda radical beam!
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joukka-archive · 1 year
" Doffy. " How strange it sounded being uttered from his lips. His name — not some demeaning sobriquet like he would usually spit out. Yet, even as he calls, Crocodile still can't capture the warlord's attention. He should be thankful that something has temporarily occupied the flamingo's mind, granting opening for space to be put between them. But instead, Crocodile does the opposite — he steps closer. A hand reaches up towards the side of the other's face just as he utters, " I'm taking these off. " But as fingers brush the frames of glasses, he feels himself immoveable. Instead of being met with the bite of strings against his skin, he stiffens at the hand that grips his wrist.
Instincts protest, but the reptile grits his teeth. " Let me see you. " His voice is gruff, commanding, as if he were scolding some spoiled little brat. And when no response is given still, he forces himself to be seen — head tilting down just as golden hues dart back and forth to meet Doflamingo's gaze. The pause is brief before he speaks again, his voice softer, a whispered confession meant only for the ears before him. " I want to see you. "
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his mind is occupied with troubling thoughts. memories that many think he's left in the past , but haunt every moment donquixote spends unoccupied. the way his mother's face looked as she lay dead , the sound of his father's lifeless body thudding to the ground , & the way his fingers burned in the cold of that snow-laden island ( rocinante , rocinante i'm sorry ― ) doflamingo doesn't hear it when his guest speaks , but reflexes remain pristine all the same. a hand attempts to take frames from his face , & the warlord stops him with a firm grip of his wrist.
only then does he look downwards , expression cold & stiff , unlike his normally vibrant self. for what reason should crocodile desire to see behind the glass ? countless attempts has doflamingo made to be pleasant to the other man , each met with the same disgusted expression as the last. no , sir crocodile does not like him. so why , after all the vitriol & disdain spat his way , does he think he deserves to see what so few have ?
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❛ oh , now you want something of me. ❜ he'd be angry , were it not for the soft tone with which the former warlord now speaks. so fingers slowly uncurl from where they hold , & without so much as another word spoken between them , crocodile takes that as permission to slip the frames from his face.
white lashes flutter shut in the sudden influx of light ― brow pinched as doflamingo is so not used to seeing the world without the colored filter. but slowly , & against his better judgement , do his eyes open. the color of rich mahogany , a reddened brown , the very same as his late twin. though one of them clouded , the pupil permanently affixed open , dilated from that fateful night he hung by his wrists. crocodile gazes up at him , doflamingo looks back. a fear no longer concealed , of what ? vulnerability ? intimacy ? he doesn't say , & you know he never will.
❛ satisfied ? ❜ he says , & it's almost disdainful. not at all the normally smug , confident tone one comes to expect from donquixote. a wound as been reopened ― raw & agonizing. just as soon as they were taken off , the frames are snatched back & returned to their rightful place upon the bridge of his nose. doflamingo says nothing else on the matter , nor does he wait to hear crocodile's reaction. instead he simply brushes past the man to take his leave , retreat away into his room , hide away once more. & though it's impossible to be sure , you swear you saw the glimmer of something ― tears that threaten to fall from his beautiful eyes.
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shoguns-second · 2 years
This was originally from Twitter but I wanna put it here too cause it’s a collection of little facts for Ananias I really enjoyed writing-
Under a read more so I don’t clog up the TL!
1. Ananias is not FULL Celestial dragon- her father was a Birkian slave so both her AND her twin have half Birkian in them- Annie presents it more these days- since she still has her wings, albeit heavily clipped so she can conceal them easier 
2. This lead her to spin her mixed blood as a "real gift from the gods" she sees and presents herself as fully divine- as a real breathing angel. Frankly she has forgotten she was even born from a slave, Well really she was never actually told.
3. She's alot older than she looks- 61 to be exact! her Birkian genes keep her features youthful and taught, another reason to why she sees herself as "immortal and holy" 
4. Despite her gender neutral opinion on herself, she desires to be treated as a man most of the time- using male pronouns and titles alongside her feminine ones which she only wants to be used on a personal basis- professionally she is seen as a man. 
5. He one of the only Celestial Dragons to go off Mariejoa as much as he does- Annie lives for travel and education much like his twin does (although perhaps not AS MUCH) One of his favorite things to do is visit Impel Down where he oversees some of the tortures~ 
6. His travel does pose a risk however- As a Celestial Dragon he still comes close to the hateful energy that provides- thus he has taught himself to defend himself PROPER- not just with a gun. He's not just a useless royal~ 
7. She's involved with Charloss more than she'd like to admit- mostly willingly but there are times where she wishes he would just stop pestering her. She's not afraid to give him a wack or a lecture though, which She often finds herself doing. 
8. As a Donquixote Ananias is Doflamingo's uncle, and you would THINK she has some sort of sentiment foe him. NOt exactly.. Homing was never looked upon fondly by her and just having that blood in his veins is enough to turn her cold.- HOWEVER She did go specifically to visit him  in Impel down when he was captured, to talk and maybe find some common ground.. it went well enough and now she wonders if she should strongarm to get him out of there.
9. She has an INCREDIBLY playful and childish side, loving toys and little gadgets. She collects trinkets made by only the FINEST and will often just take the entire toymaker with her. She has a "fleet" of whimsical men all dedicated to making her toys.
10. Although this playful side dissappears when she has to deal with anything involving the Marines, or even other Dragons. Replaced by a cold, stern, calculating look in her eye. As I said before, to her business is power and it shows through her switch. She can be quite scary 
11. He genuinely loves his twin however- despite the intense clashing view Ananias and Dulincea HAVE, They always seem to come out of it still knowing the love they hold for eachother is so deep.. It saddens Annie to hear his sister talk in the way she does but... he knows why. 
12. He LOVES Mjosgard- so so much, genuinely he would give that man anything in the world to see him smile, he's one of the two people Annie will have no issue with showing affection for. You can believe he FREAKED out during Myo's trip to Fishman Island.
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