#donate clothes
gramarobin · 7 months
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poobirdy · 2 months
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xin mo did not become the demonic op sword of all three realms for this!!! for @kawouwu who asked for binggeyuan sillies! thank you for your donation to svsss' gotcha 4 gaza!
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Inventive Helping Hand Society is a non-profit organization working to improve the lives of people in need. Our goal is to provide everyone with a chance to lead a healthy and dignified life in Rajasthan.
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cairoloves · 1 year
How Much Money We Made at Cash 4 Clothes | Over 80KG SOLD!
Want to make quick money? Join us as we make $$ from selling our old clothes to charity.
We raided our flat and mum's house for ancient wears, getting to cash 4 clothes was a simple drive by car. The branch we went to also had a car wash. There are friendly people on site to make sure your bags aren't filled up with rocks as they pay you per kilo.
We ended up making around $40 in total from about 3 trips. Which was not bad considering we would have thrown them away, but couldn't stomach knowing they'd go to waste, but giving them away felt good.
Hope you have found this video useful and encouraged you to do the same.
Gloves: https://vtudio.com/a/?e=rubber+gloves
Hazmat Suit: https://vtudio.com/a/?a=hazmat+suit
Recycling Cans: https://youtu.be/icuy_xxjIpU
Dyson Cinetic Big Ball: https://youtu.be/2uPRkbnvVrg
Dyson Pure Cool Me: https://youtu.be/tUaqJOfsmWA
Coffee With Cats: https://youtu.be/XtvmP51qbro
New Day - Patrick Patrikios
Links to products often include an affiliate tracking code which allow us to earn fees on purchases you make through them.
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happyfacesv · 2 years
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Best Charities to Donate Clothes
We collect clothes from people who voluntarily want to donate clothes, and then donate those clothes to the people who have better use of those clothes. The same way, we collect food from people and distribute among the underprivileged people. Providing clean clothing to the people who are less fortunate is one way we are pursuing this goal.We donate clothes to the needy.
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mousedetective · 5 months
So I can't edit this to show what it is exactly, but I basically just got shamed by a Facebook "friend" for offering to share this link to get laundry supplies for my birthday. So now I'm miserable and that wasn't what I'd wanted to happen at all.
So if anyone would like to cheer me up, this is my family's Homeless Supplies list. I need as much of the laundry and disinfectant stuff as I can get. Clothes for me (or even my mom, because she still needs pants) would be a huge help, as I lost 40 pounds last year and most of my stuff is too big or it's full of holes. Food is much appreciated by all three of us.
Can't help? Reblog. Don't care/don't want to help? Don't be an asshole about it. Just ignore me or block me or whatever. But I am thankful to everyone who has helped, everyone who continues to help us, and everyone who is inspired to help. It's basically a waiting game with disability at this point for us to get housing, so all I can do is wait and hope.
But yeah. If you can help, or even just reblog, it would remind me there are good people in the world, and I sorely need that as much as I need anything on the list.
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officialjimmybuffett · 11 months
dimension 20 enjoyers come behold my greatest thrift find
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holocene-sims · 6 months
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belle of the ball ❄️✨🤍
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littlealienproducts · 18 days
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Clothing and Accessories from Pali Roots
PaliRoots Meal Program: The meal program is our hallmark charity operation that has grown beyond our imagination. It started with the mere idea that the work we are doing to spread the Palestinian culture around the world, must be sustained within Palestine. What better way to ensure that then directly supporting the growth of Palestinian children who will carry that responsibility. In addition, the program supports their families by providing monthly food parcels, compensation for hospital visits, and provides working opportunties to marginalized women. We partnered with Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) to carry out the ground operation and to ensure every meal is allocated to a child in Palestine.
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gwyoi · 8 months
remaking my post since it lost traction -
earlier this month my car got towed and I got a ticket since I hadn’t renewed my tabs, I was able to get my car out of the impound but I still need to pay my mom back and to get new tabs so I don’t get towed/ticketed again
10/22/23: $0/250
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donnyclaws · 3 months
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Happy tdov ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 (it/he/they)
Not feeling myself > give up on surgery > make a drag oc > become disabled > decide I want to do drag > re-discover my body > feeling myself. Do hrt, be indulgent, keep surviving if you can't quite live yet
▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ Kofi Zines Operation Olive Branch
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jonathanbyersphd · 3 months
No bc why did I just now notice that Max's depression over shirt she wears in 4x01 is recycled from Jonathan's s1 wardrobe
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satans-knitwear · 1 year
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Titties in corsets... 😌🌼
Treat me ~ Tip me ~ More of me
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notetaeker · 8 months
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11.6.23 | Monday
I had such a nice weekend that I feel reluctant to go to work. It’s my last week there. We’ll be back at square one after that. I don’t know if it’s the right decision but it’ll give me a chance to catch up on my islamic studies classes, get back to memorizing qur’an, make some art and build new skills.
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omegaversereloaded · 4 months
i have so much clothing that i wanted to send to haiti, but nothing has been able to safely enter haiti since the presidential assassination. back in october, i thought i could send that stuff to palestine, but i doubt that'll be possible anytime soon..
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venomgaia · 3 months
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Help me get my sibling settled!!!
tldr, last tuesday-ish (March 19th) my family's house caught fire! While everyone is okay, a lot of stuff was destroyed and/or stolen and the house itself is unlivable for the forseeable future. Whatever could be salvaged has been, and the house will be going under construction in the next few months, which is when we'll decide what to do.
While my family has found temporary housing for the time being, they don't have enough permanant space to fully house my sibling @mudcabbagekitty /@clockwork-phantasm. I want to fly them to where I live right now, just for a few months until a more stable solution gets sorted out!
Because of this, I'm temporarily opening commissions for the forseeable future!
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Chibis, experimental, and sketchpages are unlimited for now, but please ask for one at a time. Fullbody pieces are currently closed until all 3 slots reopen. (3/3)
Thank you!
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