#don't worry! she gets better :D or at least she gets friends which is better than being alone!
ubejamjar · 2 months
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day one - new dawn
treachery tastes like stale bread and saltwater. it's these frigid mornings that give to wretched afternoons filled with sweat and sun-warmed fish-rot. it's the knowing that i am neither sailor nor soldier, just a wretch that survived.
auraugust promptos
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chubs-deuce · 6 months
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(^it's his turn with the child but he has an overlod meeting so this is how he shows up)
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I brainstormed a bunch with some friends on a server for how Dawn came to be and we had many fun ideas, some of which I'll elaborate on under the cut for anyone who wants to hear :D
Dawn was kind of created by accident! With Lute in charge of the exterminations now, Sera trying to hide Sir Pentious' redemption and her eyes opened towards heaven's doings, Emily wants to make good on her promise to help Charlie's efforts in hell. She learns through Remiel that heaven has been safekeeping Lucifer's old grimoire since he fell and decides that Charlie as his rightful heir should have it, hoping something in it would help her defend the hotel. It's written in the ancient language of the angels though, and while Charlie is able to translate it, she's by no means fluent in the language, but they find a ritual for the creation of an infinitely powerful weapon! Alastor of course is intrigued when she tells him of this and so he leverages his status as her work partner (and a powerful mage in his own right no less) to convince her to let him help attempt it. They figure out the components needed to fufil the ritual and perform it perfectly and create... a child. (this is because the definition of "weapon" can differ greatly depending on who you ask - it can be a sword, it can be ruthlessness, or it can be words, courage, hope and kindness. The ritual would therefore merely provide a blank slate for them to mold into whatever they need it to be! Charlie mistranslated slightly, since the word used in the ritual would translate more to "tool".)
Charlie and Alastor aren't (yet) romantically involved when Dawn gets created, though she does pull them together out of necessity over time. Alastor is very apprehensive about the concept and insists something must've gone wrong, but ultimately he absolutely recognizes that no matter the intended outcome, he's got a responsibility now, and decides he's at least got to be a better parent than his own father was, so he stubbornly still does what he can to raise this kid. Charlie is overwhelmed with the sudden responsibility they've both been burdened with at first - especially because she already has so many other things to worry about and take care of - but her infamous bleeding heart of course can't deny following its calling. I actually don't think her innate maternal instincts are particularly strong? Ultimately neither of them asked to be a parent and the upheaval of their personal lives that came with it, but they quickly learn to love their newest resident and how it ends up redefining and redrawing their own relationship to each other as well >:D
The newly shared responsibility for a literal child is what finally gets Alastor to cave into agreeing to acquire a phone with a camera - if only to soothe Charlie's nerves whenever she can't be there herself.
A friend from the server even wrote up a whole detailed ritual for me to visualize this whole thing and offered to help with insight on like. Heaven lore(?) and adding onto this concept if need be and I'm honestly having a blast with figuring out the details of this plot, so I might attempt writing a fic out fo this if I can solidify it all a bit better?
Either way, this is kind of escalating into a Whole Thing but I hope y'all are enjoying it nonetheless :'D
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
28 asks! Thanks ya'll!! :}} 🕸️
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Thanks to you anon I finally found a way to make the Mega evolution work! Which inspired me to make this post!
And an Enchantment Seed to induce mega evolution.. that's genius!!
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AW. I hadn't realized that each mega has a stone unique to their species! That adds an extra layer of difficulty 😔
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Ah? :0 My name is not Jana..
Also I'm going through a reaaaly hard season in my life rn 🫠🫠I'm hoping with all my heart that its over soon.. thank you for asking! <:D
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Sorry, I don't take drawing requests! <:D
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That'd genius XDD Now to find the right stock images.. 🤔
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You make a good argument ngl XDD
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Bonnie probably has some dialogue lined up in the event he encounters a crying child. All relating to his own role as a Bowling coach no doubt.
He might try to comfort him with things along the lines of "You did great." "Don't worry, you'll get it next time champ." "Don't give up, you can do it!"
But if those phrases don't relate to what Gregory is upset about.. Bonnie might not know what to say. He's not intended to be the chatty type.. He might give Gregory a gentle pat on the shoulder. Maybe a "Its gonna be okay, kiddo.." Probably just subtle things like that until Freddy or Foxy show up to better help comfort him. :'(
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Indeed he is! I had my heart set on a Sylveon but I wasn't about to spend hours looking for a 12% spawn chance on a female Eevee <XDD
Plus drawing Sylveon to look more masculine is fun! And having his story be that he loved his friends so much that he evolved for them and they accepted him the way he was?? It makes the male Sylveon thing work for me XDD
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Thank you so much!! And aww!! She's adorable!!! :DDD
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I'm feeling better than I did yesterday, but still not great.. 🫠Thank you for asking though! :)) I hope you are well!
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I'm not familiar with any of the book animatronics.. though I'd like to imagine that Fazbear Entertainment was wise about the designs of the other glamrocks. It would make sense that each different location would have different themes. You know, to keep them from being same-y same-y.
What I mean by this- is while the Pizzaplex is very futuristic and space themes.. maybe other locations that have the Twisted wolf or Ella would be Ocean or Fantasy themed..?
Maybe the ocean themed place would be blue and have a lot of mermaids, pirates, boats, treasure, sea creatures, etc. The animatronics would be glittery and have long flowy designs perhaps?
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Thank you! I don't have a Patreon or anything.. but I have considered making one i the past.. 🤔
-- Also NOnononono, absolutely not- I don't draw NSFW 💀
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XDD Tuna just be standing over you like "..Is.. is it dead? Oh crap its dead isn't it- I gotta get Louis to help me dispose of this body-"
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Indeed he is! XDD
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ah? :DD You're welcome! (?) :00
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THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDD That means a lot to me!! :}}] 💞💞
Now I'm taking a break from Octonauts atm- but I do have a headcannon I can share about the Vegimals at least! :00
So typically in Octonauts, we see only 5 vegimals total. These being, (from left to right) Barrot, Codish, Grouber, Tomminow and Tunip.
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But in this screenshot from.. I forget the episode, we see 3 extra vegimals. A blue one, (Halibeet) another big purple one, (Sharchini) and a little green one (Pikato)
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We almost NEVER see these vegimals. So I headcannoned that the main 5 Vegimals are all chefs and rather extroverted. While the missing 3 are rather shy and are the gardeners of the group. While you can go into the kitchen and easily find and talk to the 5 vegimals.. of you go into the garden pod you'll find the missing 3 all shyly humming together and gardening. :}
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Its gotta be this one here <XDD
(Also good on you for steppin out! Proud of you for that :}}} 💪💪✨)
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Huh? Oh nono I don't ever delete or purge my artwork- it must be a Tumblr problem not showing my posts..? <:00
Also my pronouns are they/them for anonymity XDD so you're totally fine!
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While he's in there can he eat all the insulation? I'm trynna let that cold rainy air, IN
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Oh to have a Gengar in this summer heat indeed.. 😔
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@chickenheadguy (Image is from this post)
The dude just loves his fwiends so much.. 🥺💞💞
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I have been laughing at this image for 25 minutes
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Fr?? That's sick!! After a quick Google search-
"Inside Rayquaza's body lies an organ that contains the same power as a Mega Stone. A Devon Corporation scientist named this organ the mikado organ (Japanese: ミカド器官). By consuming meteoroids as it flies through the stratosphere, the organ will be filled with enough energy to enable Rayquaza's Mega Evolution."
Turns out he's a hungry boi XDD
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Well Grimace isn't warm- Gengars steal the heat from their surroundings <XD But I'm sure he wouldn't mind a hug! :))
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I'd like to think he encountered an Espeon at some point, Mostly because that's the only eeveeloution I remember encountering in game--
But considering Espeon's whole friendship evolution thing... maybe a Leafeon or Vaporeon encounter would be more likely? I wonder how that would make him feel.. seeing what he could have been.. you just gave me a drawing idea! 👀👀
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ancha-aus · 1 month
RealAgeAU Drabble - Therapeutic
New drabble drop. The awaited conversation between Dream and Ccino. @spotaus you ready for another gut punch for Dream my friend :D
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
no edit or beta! :D
Dream tugs on his vest as he glances at the cafe door.
He sees more people leave. As they have been for the last half hour.
It is fine! There is no reason to be nervous! He is just going to visit a place where someone works and lives who may have been kinda friends with Dream's brother!
The same brother that Dream has been actively working against because he was so convinced he knew better what was going on and instead of talking to his twin Dream decided it was smarter to trust other people's opinions who Dream had only known for a while and who were not close to his brother at all!
The same brother that seems to have disappeared and who Dream is no worried sick about while everyone around him celebrates his disappearance! Again because Dream messed up his job!
Dream leans against the wall and tries to calm his racing soul "it is fine. it is fine. it is fine. the worst that can happen is him telling you to get the fuck out and never return." which would include dream losing his one possible lead to find his brother.
Happy thoughts.
Dream shakes his skull. no. No forced happy thoughts. that is part of the reason he is struggling this much now.
Dream takes adeep breath and mutters to himself "let the fear be there. let it be with you. but don't let it consume you. don't let it keep you from doing what you wish to do." a bit of an exercise that Blue's Undyne had thought of for him. As she also struggles mentally with quite a few things.
Dream nods to himself and slowly nears the door to the cafe. a glance inside. just to make sure he isn't still busy. damnit the cafe is empty.
Well! Here goes nothing and everything!
He pushes the door open.
Ccino looks up and speaks with a practised smile "Welcome to the Cuddly Cat-" he stops and stares.
Dream tries to look calm but can't help himself as he slowly raises his hand and gives it a tiny wave.
Ccino's shock transforms into a glare as he hisses out "Well if it isn't the god that didn't even bother to read his own job description.".
Dream can't help but start laughing. It is almost a relieve! so many people had been trying to cheer him up and reassuring him that everyone messes up and that what he did wasn't that bad. It is so much better. He hadn't realised how badly he wanted at least one person to actually hold him accountable. To actually look him in the face and just straight up tell him he messed up.
Dream smiles brightly at Ccino as he answers "I know right? I made a mess of things… It is just…" he takes a deep breath. the hard part. Why he came here and hoped Ccino would have info. Because over the last few weeks a memory had suddenly stood out to him. cats who all looked and acted so much like others who Dream knew "I heard you have... very special cats and i was hoping to meet them?"
Ccino hesitates. Ccino keeps glaring at him but then his sight turns slightly and Dream can see him eye a piece of paper. Dream glances at it and sees his own pamphlet. He had left them in every universe he could think of to give everyone a quick update.
It is still a lot of work to continue clean up all the hatred he had unknowingly spread and promoted but it was a start.
Ccino sighs but he waves him over "make sure to turn the sign to closed please."
Dream blinks before smiling brightly as he does just that. he steps fully inside and turns the sign.
Ccino goes around quickly and closes the curtains and everything. Then he walks over to a table and just takes a seat.
Dream joins him at the table and smiles "thank you so much for doing this."
Ccino huffs as he leans on his fist "I figured you would keep bothering me otherwise."
It hurts to not be trusted nad Dream wonders if Nighty had to feel this daily. First in their own universe and than still in the multiverse. for over 500 years. actually being able to feel how everyone hated and distrusted him.
Dream rubs his hands "I... i would have respected a no... if you want i can still leave." he doesn't want to lose this chance... but he can't make stuff even worse. He just misses his brother so much. had missed him for so long already.
Ccino just waves it off and looks at him expecting.
Dream swallows and looks around the cafe for a moment before looking back at Ccino "I... i remembered that some of your cats were... special... in their looks and acting.. .and I was wondering... is it a coincidence or..."
Ccino snorts as he leans back "Yes. they are counterparts to other outcodes and important players in the multiverse. No i don't specifically look for them or get them or make them." he rolls his eye lights "They just show up at my front or back door and i let them stay. Sometimes some leave again."
Dream gives a slow nod and manages to gather his nerves "is... is... Is my brother's? Is my brother's cat okay? I... I can't remember seeing his cat and it is my brother! He is a god he has to be important and be here at least." he can't keep the desperate hope in anymore.
Ccino shrugs "being a god doesn't necessarily mean they show up here. it would be rather busy in here otherwise as there is a surprising large number of gods." he huffs and dream can hear Ccino mutter "with multiple universes completely focussed on making gods and having gods."
Dream alughs and nods "that is fair... it is just... i remember seeing a cat that was.. well... me.... I figured.. .there is no way that i would be there and not Nightmare."
Ccino snorts and grins "Every protagonist needs an antagonist after all."
Dream glares at the table before shooting him a glare "no not like that!"
Ccino tilts his skull and grins "relax. Antagonist doesn't automatically mean evil or anything. it means they are someone who goes against the protagonist and their goal." he shrugs "seeing as we both know nightmare had been right and you were wrong. he was still the antagonist in your story."
Dream shakes his skull "he wasn't!"
Ccino glares at him "it isn't like you left him any other role to play."
it hurts so much to know that and Dream glares "i know! Okay?! I know I messed up. I just want to find him and apologise. i need to tell him i am sorry and that he was right." that Dream lvoes him. that he is sorry. and that... that it is okay if nightmare hates him... that dream would deserve that but dream needs to make sure that nightmare knows he is sorry. that Dream regrets everything and is trying to make it right again.
Ccino stares at him before sighing and getting up. he walks towards the cattree and Dream feels his hopes fall. he is going to be send away... not even a single clue and-
very angry cat meowing as Dream watches his own counterpart cat be pushed into a side room and the door to close. Next ccino goes to the counter. He dips behind it and Dream hears a cabinet open.
After he hears panicked meowing as Ccino rises again. in his arms a large cat. maybe a main coone? but Dream feels himself start to hope as he can spot four large tails and one slow blinking cyan eye.
That is... oh fuck... that actually is!
Ccino wlaks over as three cats follow him on the ground. Dream looks at them and it is pretty obvious it are Killer, Cross and Horror. Dream wonders why they are following when he sees the cat and feels his soul grow cold.
Nightmare's.... his cat looks sick and tired.
Ccino sits in a chair closer to Dream as he gently pets the cat. Nightmare's cat purrs and leans into the touches.
Killer's cat jumps on the table and meows loudly before marching over to Ccino's side and nudging his arm. Ccino stops with petting and Killer's cat stands partly in Ccino's lap to nuzzle and clean ngihtmare's cat.
Dream looks at ccino "waht... why is he...?"
Ccino answers softly "sick? tired? older? I don't know. I have no idea what caused this..." he loks so sad as he pets the cat "I never saw anything like this before..."
Dream remembers his own weakening powers. the way he had been slowly but surely loosing his own powers and magic as he has lost his domain.
This confirms it... Nightmare's also lost his... but he was being kept alive by said magic and powers.
Dream raises a shaky hand "can i... cna i try to heal him?" anything. please let him try.
Ccino looks very unsure and loks at the cats before looking back at the door where Dream can hear his own cat version scream its head off.
Ccino sighs and nods "you can try. nothing the vet did seemed to help him much. he is just... much older now according to him."
Dream still tries. he first pets the cat gently. the goop feels strange but comforting. Dream never thought he would think of the goop like that. he had believed for so long that the goop had taken his brother from him. that it was something to be removed. But if the goop was just the apples magic trying to keep him whole? How could dream hate it? How could he hate something that saved his brother?
Now it is his turn.
He holds his hand near the rib cage of the cat and he can see NGihtmare's cat shoot him a suspicious look.
Ccino chuckles "i wouldn't touch a cat's belly if i were you. that is a very strict no-touching zone for most of them, no matter who you are."
dream shoots him a smile "that is okay. i wasn't going to touch him there." and even if he wouldn't mind too much. he focusses the little magic he still has and tries to heal the cat.
His magic doesn't touch anything that could be healed. according to his magic everything going on wiht the cat is natural and normal. there is nothing to heal.
Dream frowns as he pulls his hand back and looks sad at nightmare's cat. Dream can't even help him like this...
Ccino sighs but seems unsurprised "I figured as much... don't feel bad. the vet already tried healing magic himself. I just try to make sure he can relax and rest."
Dream frowns at the door "why keep... my cat version away from him?" doens't he hear how desperate his cat is calling for nightmare's?
Ccino looks to the side and shrugs "i mean... before when these two got near each other your cat would... well... attack... all the time. It was saver for both to keep them seperated. and now wiht him weaker... I just didn't want to risk it." ccino pets the old cat.
Dream's hand forms fists as he glares down. his sockets itch with tears but he forces them in. this isn't about you. this isn't about you. your brother is dying somewhere. this isn't the time to make this about you or your pain. you don't even have the right to feel the pain. you are part if not the whole reason this happened.
Ccino gets up and takes nightmare's cat with him again. Dream wants to stop him. beg him to just let him hold his brother's counterpart. if only for a little while. but he doesn't.
Dream remembers how his own aura and the goop could get when they met in battle. he doesnt want to risk making it worse.
ccino returns to their table. also the other three following him gone again.
Dream feels hopeful and stares at him "his... his gang cats stay with him?"
Ccino blinks but grins "yeah. all the time. there is always at least one wiht him."
Dream sighs and smiles "that is good... that... that should mean he has them with him now right? that he isn't alone?" at least?
Ccino shrugs "it means there is no animosity between them all. that they all care. that is all i am sure about."
drema nods and rubs his arm "why... why don't people remember this? I get why you don't tell but how come no one notices?"
ccino shrugs "i am not sure how. people just don't. if anyone is willing to hurt someone within the cat group? they just.. don't notice or remember. it is why i am even willing to have this conversation. you remembering implies you won't hurt him."
dream feels himself relax and nods "i won't" never again.
Ccino nods "i figured... but that is what i know. i don't have any othr information for you."
dream smiles "that is okay... he is alive... and most likely not alone. that is more than i knew before." he may not be able to find nightmare fast. but he has a place where he can go to check if nghtmare is still alive. and then while he waits for their meeting. Drema can work on himself.
He can work on teaching the multiverse the truth and find his own calling.
Dream can work on his own trauma nad heal.
All while he searches for his brother.
This? This just showed that it isn't too late. His brother is still somewhere and there is time to fix this mess.
It won't be easy. but he can fix this. and that gives him hope.
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cgcgs43046 · 28 days
"Learn about Blitzø's new and improved backstory with his new and improved childhood-to-midteens-to exes-to rekindled kinda relationship best friend! :D"
So... I kinda hated the way they did the childhood friends trope for Stoliz since you can't have a long-lasting friendship after just one day of a forced playdate between two, frankly, abusive adults and Stolas just expects Blitzø to remember him after a decade and a half;-; which is weird so I built up on that idea/refined it a little on their part in the rewrite (they won't be endgame! I PROMISE!) Honestly, the episode was horrible but I kept it and I'll later add a dramatic twist to it maybe...
So for BlitzFizz, I think the show handled it a bit better but could use a little more refining and actually show them as good/strongly-tied friends since if Fizz was really Blitzø's friend, wouldn't he try to be a bit defensive of him instead of being Cash Buckzo's lapdog/golden goose, idk maybe the whole circus was toxic except for Barbie and Tilla XD
In short, I love the childhood friends trope but if it's DONE RIGHT!
So I decided to create my own partner for him which was my OC, but don't worry, they won't have an exclusive closed-off conservative relationship.
Full backstory ft. Blitzø's POV under the cut ;) (Heavily based on the Anne and Marcy backstory with a few changes to fit the worldbuilding)
The story goes that I grew tired of performing on one of our shows at a pier in the Envy District in The Pentagram. So, I quietly left the tents, made my way to the beach, played in the water, and noticed a young girl. She had skin as pale as the Earth's moon, hair as dark as the night, and was sitting by herself constructing a large sandcastle…small wings folded behind her. Nearby, a tall man with red sunglasses, curly hair, and a top hat adorned with a big, eerie smile was watching over her.
I invited her over to splash in the waves, but she'd rather stay high and dry, working on her "masterpiece" in the sand. I laughed at first, then it caught in my throat as I saw what she'd built. A stick in her hand traced out a literal blueprint, not just any drawing - a detailed scale model of a castle from her favorite video game (the name escapes me again, you've been obsessed with it since you were, like, six years old? Still the first thing you mention to new people, well, since the last time I saw you…). Right, it was C&C, Vagabondia Chronicles, and some dark and spooky tabletop games on the side along with..."classic" fairytales. I may have been lost in translation, but the passion burning in your eyes for this game and the castle homage was crystal clear. Even as the waves rolled in closer, I knew I had to defend your masterpiece from the watery demise before it was complete. You were getting flustered, so I grabbed your hand, met your gaze, and declared with all the seriousness a kid (even me) could muster: WE WOULD DEFEND YOUR CASTLE TO THE BITTER END! That part, at least, I remember clearly. Your dads apparently saw us valiantly "attacking" the water with our little shovels. It was a doomed battle, for sure, but we went down swinging, tripping over each other in a fit of laughter and getting soaked to the bone. We lost the castle, yeah, that part sucked, but hey, we found each other. And damn, if that didn’t make all the chaos worth it.
Damn it, Darc, why did I have to push you away?! If only I hadn’t been so stupid to think our relationship could cause a war. I had a chance to escape from the shitty drama in my life earlier, from my shitty circus, from my shitty dad, from my shitty family. I would’ve planned for Mom to get cured, and maybe bring Fizz. I wish things were different, but they’re not. And, I’m sorry I had to make you go through this… but you’re strong, I’d think you’d be the only person who’d move on and not excessively hate me like the others did. One day, I’ll come back for you and I can finally sort out the shit we’ve done to each other.
Anyways, you can leave questions in the comments but if they need a longer answer from older lore-dumps, just go to my asks! ASKS ARE OPEN EVERYONE!
Bye~! :)
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nonstoplover · 2 years
fake or not fake ~ daniel ricciardo (dr3)
my masterlist | my f1 masterlist
pairing: daniel ricciardo x fem!reader
summary: a prank in a bar by his friends, then some slight embarrassment, that might just lead to something bigger and better.
words: 2.8K
warnings: explicit language, mentions of drinking, and fluff. just fluff.
a/n: no, i did not get the inspo for this from narcos 1x1... lmao. i haven't even watched more episodes (at least not yet) but that scene just got stuck in my head. so credit goes to screenwriters of narcos i guess.
and you know that i just had to write something ahead of this very emotional weekend. i'm not ready btw. (i'm gonna miss you so much, sv5 and dr3, i don't know what i will do after sunday. f1 will never be the same without the two of you.)
reader, please don't be a ghost, all feedback is well appreaciated, rb or comment!
taglist: formulapierre
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"Are you sure it's a good idea?" Sebastian asks, leaning back in the booth, his eyes glancing back and forth from the bar counter – or more specifically the two girls sitting there – to his friends-slash-colleagues sitting opposite him.
"When do any of his ideas turn out to be good?" Lewis lets out a chuckle, earning a light punch in the shoulder from George along with an exclaimed, huffish hey.
"It's going to be alright, don't worry. Danny can take a joke," George says in defence of his idea he just announced to the other two a minute ago. "And by the way, that girl is one hundred percent his type. He won't mind."
As if he was summoned by the mention of his name, Daniel appears in their sight on his way back from the bathroom, a spring in his step as his head slightly moves around to the beat of the song playing.
"Okay, let's do this," Seb mumbles, all three pairs of eyes trained on their fellow driver as he approaches.
"What's up, guys, why are you all silent? Does the conversation just die when I'm not around?"
Daniel chuckles at his joke, and Sebastian playfully rolls his eyes whilst scooting a bit further inside the booth to let his friend sit down comfortably. "Yeah, sure."
The chat between them sparks up again, just as light and fun as it was before – and as it always has been in their group. The perfect way to let go of all the tension of the racing season. They were lucky to have a free Monday evening after another race weekend.
Not many minutes pass though before George quickly glances at Seb with a mischievous glint in his eyes, then turning his attention to the victim he's chosen for his newest prank.
"Actually, D, while you were coming back, that girl at the bar just couldn't keep her eyes off you," he nods with his chin, pointing in the two girls' direction.
"She was full-on checking out your ass, too," Lewis adds, voice slightly shaky from the laughter he truly struggles to hold back now – luckily only Seb knows him and his voice enough to notice it, but he still kicks the Brit gently and noiselessly under the table. If they're really going to do this prank, they can't have Lewis blowing it before anything happens.
Daniel turns his head slowly and as casually as he can manage, to catch a look at the mentioned girl. "Which one?"
"(y/h/c) hair, dark blue top, sitting with her friend."
"You kiddin'."
"Why would I? I'm just informing you, thought you might appreciate it," George shrugs, and Seb has to admit to himself that the kid is a way better actor than he'd expected him to be.
After turning towards the counter as well – as if he'd never seen the girl before and he's just checking who the two Brits were talking about –, the German gently pushes Danny's shoulder with his own. "You should go for it."
"I don't know, man, I'm here to spend time with you, not with some random girl."
"Oh, come on, you'll have dozens of nights like this with us, and this girl, you might never see her again," Seb can feel himself get more and more into this joke as time passes. "Don't tell me you'd actually give up an opportunity like this."
"I agree," Lewis chimes in. "You prefer our boring faces instead of that girl?"
"I know that she's your type, Danny, just man up and go get her," George delivers the final push.
"Fuck it, I'm going."
With that Daniel gets to his feet, wiping his palms swiftly on the jeans hugging his thighs. A look back at his friends – catching the sight of a thumbs up from Seb – and he's off. Calculated, confident steps take him to the counter, where he immediately goes for it, without a second thought, leaning against the wooden furniture right next to the girl.
She momentarily glances at him, a little disturbed by the sudden appearance of someone next to her, so close that she can the body heat radiating off him. There's plenty of room on his other side, he could've easily stopped a bit further away, a bit less in her personal space, she thinks to herself somewhat irritated, but she doesn't want anything to ruin her night, so she leaves it without any comment said to the man.
But then the next second Daniel leans forward, trying to catch her eye. His signature smile – the more flirtatious version – is playing on his lips, with words spilling from them, and it's painfully obvious they're directed at her. "How're you doing?"
With a sigh, (y/n) half turns away from her best friend, casting bored eyes at the man. "Busy," she replies, "and having a great time with my friend."
The unspoken continuation of the sentence hangs in the air, unmistakable even to Daniel. 'And you're ruining it right now.'
Confusion fills his mind, the smile slowly fading from his face as she turns away and he leans back. If she was checking him out, what is going on now? Why does she seem so fed up with him? Did he do something wrong? Insecurity kicks in, and his eyes flicker back towards his friends.
George is doubled over, his whole upper body shaking with laughter, Lewis is shaking his head with a wide grin spreading across his cheeks, and Seb obviously tries to hide himself, sliding down in his seat in the booth until only small parts of him are visible, but it's still clear he's laughing away as well.
'I know she's your type, Danny.'
'You should go for it.'
Their words are on swift repeat inside his mind, and suddenly everything makes sense. It was a stupid prank. Shaking his head in disbelief and biting on the inside of his cheek to stop the surprised chuckle threatening to escape, Daniel wonders which one of the three originally came up with it. He'll have to find a way to get revenge for this.
Oh, the embarrassment he's feeling right now.
His eyes move back to the girl as he slowly pushes himself away from the counter in order to saunter back to their booth. He mentally debates apologising for being so straight-forward. After all, she must think he's some total creep now, being so pushy even though she never expressed even a tiny piece of interest in him.
But then the perfect idea forms in his mind, and another quick look at the three drivers and how they're still enjoying themselves over there confirms to him that it's the best thing he could ever come up with. It's already somewhat a revenge in itself, and there's no way he'd back down from a challenge.
So after that one first step taken away from the two girls, he turns right back around and leans in once more. He can clearly see the frustration in her eyes now, but even that doesn't stop him this time. If she just listens to him this once, she will never see him again, and all her frustration can go away.
"Yes?" (y/n) asks impatiently.
"I'm sorry, we got off to a bad start–"
"You don't say," she mumbles, interrupting him.
"–but if you look to the side you can see three guys in that booth laughing." Daniel waits for her to do as he told, and a long second later she rolls her eyes and with another sigh turns her head. "They are my friends, and they thought it would be funny to make me come here by telling me you were checking me – and my ass if we're tryna be exact – out before. But I mean, who'd check out a race driver's ass?"
"You're a race driver?" (y/n) asks back with the first thing that comes to her head. She's still trying to comprehend the story he's told her.
"I am."
"Nascar?" (y/f/n) chimes in, leaning closer to the two, and Daniel spares a glance at her, only for his mind to conclude that her friend has nothing on her, she really is one of the most gorgeous women he's ever had the pleasure to see.
(y/n)'s lips momentarily pull into a grimace at her friend's intervention, and he catches it just before it disappears. She probably doesn't like Nascar then.
"Nah, Formula One actually," he replies, curiously waiting to see if it triggers the same reaction from her. Nothing happens, to his great relief.
"So that's why he's moving in so fast," her best friend chuckles in the background, eliciting a giggle from her.
"Be careful, (y/f/n), or he'll move so fast by you that you'll get whiplash," she can't help but add jokingly, her eyes swiftly moving along his body. She has to admit, the man actually looks quite attractive.
Daniel shakes his head at their antics, before determinedly going back to his mission.
"Listen, if you could help me out, I'd be forever grateful. I would offer to buy you two a drink, but that might come off as flirting again and I don't want to make you more uncomfortable, so you have to make do with knowing I'm grateful."
"What do you want me to do?" (y/n) squints her eyes, turning more serious as she waits to hear his plan.
"Give me your number."
She raises an eyebrow in surprise. It wasn't what she expected. That she can easily do. "Is a fake number good enough for you?"
"As long as you give me anything I can show them, I'm okay with it," Daniel shrugs.
"Fine," another sigh escapes her lung, holding her hand out towards him in the air, palm facing up, waiting for his phone.
His eyes light up, and he scrambles to pull the device out of his back pocket, unlocking it on the way before placing it in her palm. She deliberately turns her body a bit so that his friends can definitely see her typing away on his phone, before handing it back to him.
"Here you go."
"Thanks, and sorry for bothering," Danny flashes a wide grin towards her, showcasing all his shining, pearly white teeth to her, before wheeling round and making his way back towards the booth.
(y/n) shakes her head, still not being able to fully comprehend the situation. "Why did you let him go like that? He was actually so hot," (y/f/n) scolds her, shoulders bumping into hers as she watches him retreat from the corner of her eyes.
"Who said I did?" (y/n) replies, her voice a bit dreamy and distant.
"What?" her friend lets out a laugh in disbelief. "You gave him your real number, didn't you?"
"I might have," she shrugs, turning back towards the counter.
"And what if he doesn't realise this? I mean, you did in fact tell him it's fake."
"Then it's his problem. It was worth the risk," with a giggle into her glass she takes a sip of her drink. Maybe it was the small amount of alcohol already in her system that made her decide on such a crazy thing. "I didn't want to make it so easy for him."
"I can't decide if you're a genius or an idiot."
They burst out laughing at the same time. Whatever happens, this will be a fun story to tell in the future, she decides. What she doesn't know is that the attractive guy has turned in his seat at that very moment, hearing her laughter even through all the noise of the bar, and is now watching her with happy amusement.
When Daniel arrives back at their booth, the first thing he does is to lean in above the table and smack the back of George's head. "I know it was your idea, Russell George."
"What? Why?" the younger Brit exclaims, rubbing the skin where Danny's hand made a contact. He's still unable to stop chuckling though.
"Lewis is too nice for it, and Seb is not cruel enough."
Sitting down in his seat, shaking his head, Daniel casts a look on all three of his friends that's meant to be reprimanding but only comes off as funny, especially when it comes to the two older drivers. All four of them are simply grinning wide in the end.
And in the middle of the just setting, temporary silence, the Aussie places his unlocked phone on the middle of the table. "But your plan didn't work out quite how you thought, did it?"
He leans back and watches joyously as the three move closer, feeling oh so satisfied to see the shock settling on their faces.
"That's her number, idiots."
"What?" Daniel can hear George's mumbled disbelieving, probably rhetorical question, which only fuels his satisfaction.
"That's how you do it. Next time, watch and learn instead of laughing your asses off."
A couple hours later Danny arrives back to his hotel room, and flopping down on his bed pulls out his phone to scroll on social media for a while, not in the mood to go to sleep just yet. It was such a nice night, he wants to enjoy the content feeling buzzing in his body a little more.
As his phone unlocks, his eyes fall on the saved newest contact. He's totally forgotten about her – how could he? He forgot how he locked his phone right away after showing her number to the other three drivers, and didn't use the device again until now.
But now her number and name are right there, in front of his eyes, and he can't help but think back to those breathtaking (y/e/c) eyes. He wishes he could see them again.
His finger hovers above the call button before his mind can catch up to his actions, but freezes just in that very moment. She gave you a fake number, his mind tells him.
Yeah, but what if she didn't? What's the worst that can happen? He wakes some old grandpa up in the middle of nowhere. And so what?
So in the next moment, when his finger moves again, Daniel doesn't stop himself, and lets the skin on the pad of his finger press onto the screen. It rings six times, and he's close to giving up and just ending the call when someone finally answers.
With bated breath he waits, his nerves tickling, muscles tense as he's laying on the soft mattress.
He immediately recognises the voice. It's her.
"So it wasn't a fake after all," he can't help but smirk to himself.
"No, it wasn't," she replies, and Danny can basically hear how she rolls her eyes playfully at him.
"Why'd you say it was fake then?"
"Wanted you to figure it out yourself."
"You give me way too much credit if you think I'm that clever," he chuckles.
(y/n) giggles, her heart fluttering in her chest. She'd been waiting for him to call, but slowly started giving up hope he actually would. And now she's actually talking with him.
"I thought you'd like a challenge, Mr Race Driver."
"Oh, I did."
A second or two passes in silence, both just contently breathing, happy that they didn't lose this opportunity, to speak to the other again.
"I'm Daniel, by the way," he speaks up again, just wanting to hear her voice again, more than anything else.
"I know. I looked you up in Google," she admits.
"Did you?" Daniel bursts out laughing. (y/n) joins him a moment later, and he swears there are butterflies in his stomach and chest by the sound.
When they calm back down, it's her turn to break the sudden quiet. "I'm (y/n)."
"Nice to meet you, (y/n)," he speaks her name slowly, carefully, rolling it around his tongue, trying to get a taste of how it feels to say it. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.
"You too, Daniel." Her voice is soft, so soft he could fall asleep just listening to her – especially if she says his name. It's like being in heaven.
"Are you free tomorrow?"
"Wow, you really don't wait around a lot," and just like that, he earned another chuckle from her.
"I'm leaving town two days from now, that's the reason." He shrugs, even though he knows she can't see him.
"Oh." A long pause, one that scares Daniel for a moment that his previous announcement scared the girl. "I'm free in the afternoon actually," she adds then, and he's back to grinning with that signature, teeth-flashing smile.
What has she gotten herself into?, she can't help but think as her heart beats rapidly in her chest and in her throat.
She doesn't know the answer, not just yet, but she can feel that it's going to be one hell of a wonderful adventure.
.::the end::.
my masterlist | my f1 masterlist
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i just had to put another gif of him, i couldn't stop myself. sorry not sorry. let me know what you thought, i'm dying to hear from you.
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rius-cave · 3 months
Hey! It’s the anon that hadn’t watched Hazbin or Helluva before and wanted some encouragement to try it out 👋 I wanted to let you know that I did it! I watched the pilots for both series as well as helluva boss episode 1 (as I heard that was a better introduction) and 👉👈 I actually liked both. I thought that Charlie was cool she has an attitude that I really like in characters believing in others when she has no reason to. Angel was cute Pentious was really adorable (I like weirdos) and Husk was pushing a lot of buttons for me. The only character from Hazbin that I still don’t really get is Alastor and tbh it’s 90% cause of the hair like I can’t think he’s hot with that haircut I’m sorry 😭. But I really liked it I really took to the humour and tone. 
Helluva Boss was the same I was actually surprised that the kids dying didn’t really bother me at all and the death of background guys were not as uncomfortable as I thought. I think I worked myself up about that aspect which is good cause I liked how horny and gay it was. After seeing so much nsfw of them I do get simping for Blitzo, Moxxie and Stolas now they were all kinda cute in their own way (You can tell I’m a gay guy huh?) and yeah I liked quite a few of the jokes as well. So I feel like I can go on with these shows!
I know this is a really random place to do this but I wanted to tell you since it was seeing all the nice adamsapple stuff and the storytelling possibilities from that as well as you’re specifically more chill and fun side of the fandom that made me want to take the plunge and actually watch it so thank you. 
Heya!! Yay!! We got another one boys 💪
I think I probably said this in your first ask, but well yeah Hazbin and Helluva are definitely... for specific tastes, it's not for everyone, I think if you're someone that gets offended easily they're probably not for you (which is why sometimes I'm surprised at the absolute stupid things some people say in the fandom lol) but I'm glad you gave them a try and liked them!
It's been a couple days since I received this ask so hopefully you've watched more by now and still like it? :D at least I hope so lol. One disclaimer, I believe the Helluva pilot is not considered canon anymore? I'm not a 100% sure exactly what parts are canon or not, but yeah just keep that in mind.
Your faves are absolutely completely valid, I really love those characters too! And it's not just that you're gay, I honestly think the male characters are just more interesting in the writing in general sfdggdf (unfortunately, please Viv throw us a bone here).
I absolutely feel you in not understanding why people love Alastor so much LOL. I love him, I really do, but I do think he's a taaaad overrated because he scratches a specific part of tumblr people's brains. It's... hard to explain, but yeah if you don't simp for him then he's kinda just alright lol.
Don't worry about chatting with me! Happy to hear about a new fan!! Just a heads up though, if you expect to understand why we ship adamsapple after watching the show.... you probably won't LMAO IT'S MOSTLY BASED OFF OF OUR OWN DELUSIONS TO BE FAIR (I have two friends that I got into hazbin after they saw all my adamsapple art and brainrot, and they were like ".... yeah Riu we don't get it" haha)
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
That things to incorporate in smut post got me thinking. In a roundabout way that’s prob only indirectly smutty. Ok, say Jim had managed to acquire a younger girlfriend (which he totally thinks gives bragging rights because let’s be real, he’d be forever going on about it), pre-chow time. Post…well, look at how obviously different he moves. Not just the limp, but the caution. He’s more AWARE now that he’s an old guy *coughwithmoobsbutilovethatforhimcough* Very mortal. Very missing half his parts. GF still has more than half her life left, barring any unfortunate circumstances.
I think he’d be an absolutely tragic nightmare combo of clingy/flirty/tell him still think he’s hot/you can be the sexy nurse, but then when the phantom pains get bad enough to make him really THINK about it, he’s all cranky from wounded ego. No, he DOESN’T want a massage (because that’s a thing you can do for phantom limbs, apparently). He’s not taking his pants off for THAT, thanks. Maybe tries to spin it into something dirty, like “but if you’re asking for more fun reasons…” Before he just gives up and goes back to sulking. Says just hand him the booze and go away, he’s got things to drink about for awhile.
OMG YES- AND PROSTHETICS TOO! If I make smut for Jim, or Long John Silver, or Captain Hook- will absolutely be putting detail in about that. Thank you for the reminder!
And, yes!! He is a lot more cautious and grounded in the second movie! Obviously- because of trauma (I mean- look at my last post.). And I like how you're suggesting that only getting mauled by a croc made him realise he's old. Like, the general aging process did not do it for him (Which honestly makes sense, considering how he watches the coach get attacked in Final Chapter- he's watching like he's invincible. That would n e v e r happen to him right?? Sure, to his father and his mother and his aunt- but not him. Nooo.); he had to lose his limbs to get humbled. (Crazy person.)
Once again- yes! XD I totally agree on how he'd be after that with his S/O 😅 She can play sexy nurse, fine, but as soon as the concern gets real she's got a grumpy old man on her hands. He doesn't need anyone worrying over him, he's a grown ass man and (At least this is my HC) he's been on his own for a l o n g time (I mean he's a sleazy alcoholic low-life illegal poacher- I doubt he's got a whole lotta trustworthy friends.); he can take care of himself. He'd be stubborn as fuck, very very used to doing shit on his own; Gritting and bearing it; D r i n k i n g his problems away. Accepting help? Pff, nah.
I couldn't help it- I had to write a little something for this XD
Jim Bickerman x YoungerGirlfriend!Reader || Oneshot
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Plot: A typical night trying to make Jim take care of himself causes a couple revelations for you both. Mostly for you, because he's too damn stubborn to believe you.
Warnings: Very evident age-difference relationship (Its a major theme this time). Insecurities regarding aging and prosthetics. Unedited.
Tagging: @marinerainbow , @masqueradeball and @slxsherwriter
Its a stand-still. You imagine a tumbleweed blowing by in the untidy above-bar apartment; between the ratty old couch and the beer-damp coffee table, and across old jack bottles and a loose-strand mat thats seen far better days. But your focus is stead-fast on Jim across the room by the window. You're half concerned he's going to try and climb out of it to get away from you.
Well- not concerned-concerned, not in a way where you're worried he's going to hurt himself (Thats his prerogative), but more because then he'll escape. And you wont be able to get his damn leg off.
"Jim." You start, a very firm frustrated tone moulding itself to the sound of your voice; not taking your eyes off of the old cowboy so he knows you mean business. "The doctors said you need to take it off at night so the wound can b r e a t h e. If you don't, it can suffocate and get worse. You could lose more of your leg."
"Yeah, well, then it'll get worse! I'll lose more, wont I?" He exclaims, giving a shrug and you throw your arms up in frustration at this quick responce. This man!!- "Its my leg and I'll decide when I take it off."
"Just let me help you, you old coot!"
He waives his hand and the new hook around and shrugs. "I'm fine! Don't need aany help, thank you very- hey." The sudden dark tone that enters his voice creep in as soon as you move to approach and makes you halt immediately in your tracks as he sets you with a very stern look. Jim points his hook prosthetic threateningly at you. "You stay right there."
Well, it would have been threatening if you didn't know him so well. He was not going to hurt you, so you take another step. "Or what?" You ask, shrugging.
"Don't be cute." He warns, a growl in his voice and a snarl on his face.
"Whatever do you mean?- Oh, come on, Jim!" Mid-sentence, Jim had turned around and opened the window. "Its dark, its raining, and its slippery. how do you suppose you're gonna climb down??"
"I already left a ladder out there, assuming you were gonna start this shit again t'night." Of course he did. "Just gotta slide to it. Hm... " The way he's peering out the window suggests that he kind of forgot, though, the exact location of the ladder on the other end of the porch cover below the window sill. Would that stop him, though? No-
Ughh. You groan, and drop your face into your hands out of exasperation.
You managed to compromise- he gets to keep his leg on but you convinced him to take off the hook, so long as you handled opening his beers for him. Now you sit side by side under the window (The cool air from the rain is nice after the heat of the stand-off and negotiations). Carefully, you pull the tab on a can of gross beer and pass it across to him. "... so. Same time tomorrow night?" You ask, a worn-out smile on your face.
He chuckles darkly beside you, taking a sip of his drink. "Probably. 'nless you plan on leavin' me alone?"
"No." Nice try on that wishful thinking.
"Then yeah. Same time, same place then."
"... you know you have to give in eventually," You pipe up again, turning your head to look at him, leaning your temple on the wall. When he looks back, you flash him a sleazy smirk (You learnt from the best). "I have better stamina then you do."
That unlocks a real chuckle from him, his shoulders jumping and a smile flickering across his face in a way that makes your smile turn genuine. "Yeah, well, you might be right about that princes but I'm a lot older then you- I know things a lotta you don't, right?" He looks away from you. "And I don't anticipate you stickin' around here forever, so eventually I'll be home-safe." Your heart falls, and the smile slowly disappears from your face listening to him- but he doesn't seem to make any note of it as he flashes you a dirty look of his own. "No matter how good your stamina is."
"... what, on earth, do you mean?"
Jim gives a shrug. "Well sweetheart, just- you're a sweet young little thing. I'm uh- well," Chuckling, his eyes move away from yours again. "I'm a little past my prime, hm? Pretty sure I know how this story plays out. Eh?" There isn't a self deprecating vibe about what he's saying, he just sounds certain. And that baffles you all the more.
You straighten up. "No?? Well, you'd be wrong. Because, I- I- "
"Aw, sweetheart, you don't needta reassure an old man. I'm fine with all this is. Sure, I like ya, but I know what I am, hm? A little bump in the road, right? I'll be fine when you go off an- "
Oh you have never wanted to smack someone so bad. "Jim!" You exclaim in exasperation and a lick anger, cutting through the absolute bullshit. "First of all- " You take the beer out of his hands, set it clearly out of his reach, and then sit down very firmly in front of him; hands on his shoulders. Holding his attention. He looks bemused, and you wish he'd wipe that little grin off his damn face. "Second of all, listen up. I'm serious, here. I'm not going anywhere, not as far as I'm concerned right now. You're a pain in the butt sometimes but I really don't know where this idea that our relationship has an expiration date is coming from. When we met you were in this- what changed??"
"Well," He chuckles, sounding like he thinks whatever he's thinking is just obvious before he looks meaningfully down at himself. "Uh, I'm not exactly g.i. joe fresh outta the box, am I sweetcheeks? Don't even got all my pieces anymore."
Your jaw drops, and for a moment you don't know what on earth to say. You feel like you cant even breathe. Is that what this is about?? Oh- for gods sake. Setting your face in a frustrated frown, you get up- only momentarily- and climb on into Jim's lap; wrapping your arms around his neck and getting comfortable with a sigh.
"Listen," After taking a deep breath, you force your voice to be low and soft, and start again. "You're hot. How can you not know that?? I knew you were crazy but I didn't know you were out of your mind."
A slow, mirthless grin spreads across his haggard face. "... uhuh. Now I think you're just trynna get in my pants, hm?" Oh, he's deflecting. You refrain from the urge to roll your eyes, but come on man. How transparent.
"Maybe I am. Know why?"
"... " he sighs and rolls his remaining eye.
"Cuz you're hot!" You insist blatantly, putting your hands on either side of his face now so the tips of your fingers disappear in his short grey hair. "Please believe me, I'm nuts about you."
"Sure... "
"Everything about you is perfect. I like you; how you are and how you look." You say gently, tilting your head to the side. "... which is why, no matter how difficult you are or what you do to yourself, I'm not going anywhere. You can refuse help all you like, be as stubborn as you can old man, but I'm in this for long haul. So unless you don't want me, anymore, in which case I'll leave and thats fine, I- "
He had let you speak and do whatever you wanted this whole time, only interrupting when you paused, but when you move to get up and off him now Jim uses his one good hand to catch you and keep you where you are, with a finger in one of your belt loops. "Hmmm, now why would I want that?... "
Happily, you settle back down, wrap your arms back around his neck and lean your forehead against his. "... do you believe me?"
"... Not really." He says bluntly with a cheeky grin, making you groan in defeat. Stubborn. Old. Goa- "But I believe you believe all that crap right now- so I'll just enjoy the ride, huh? Long as it plays out."
Closing your eyes, you give a drawn-out sigh. "... you'll see."
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sol-lar-bink · 3 months
Honestly your Kirby ocs are wonderful and really inspire me to wanna make some too, you got any tips for that? Would appreciate any tips or just how you came to have some of the ideas for them
Thank you!!! That really means a lot to me! My OCs mean the world to me, and its wonderful to hear they inspire you!
I'll try to write some general tips and how I kinda came up with some of my ideas... hope any of this helps!
I mostly focus on the spiders since I'm just super in love with them. And they vary a lot I'd say!
I usually like to start with a few questions before starting work, but not always! Sometimes its fun to just design a character for the heck of it, or if you get a really cool idea! And you can worry about story and lore later.
My questions usually involve
. 'where will this character live?' usually dependent on where I want to plop them into the kirby world. Dreamland? Floralia? Some distant planet I just made up? Anything!
. 'what role/ purpose do they serve for me or the story creatively?' Are they gonna be a main character and have a story? Are they gonna be a self insert for fun? Are they a supporting character or a love interest perhaps? Or better yet, a villain?! The possibilities are endless!!! I sometimes like to make side characters as well, like NPCs. . 'what will their personality be like?' Fairly obvious question, but it will really shape the character into exactly what you want, and who they will be! . 'who are they friends/ enemies with, if any?' I like to usually pair my characters up with someone at least, unless isolation is a key part of their story/ identity. A good example I have is making Toxecia and Sylvette. I specifically made Toxecia to be a tyrannical Queen, and Sylvette to be a close friend to Tox, trying her best to help her become a better person.
Or you have Puffe and Pierce for example. They both work for Haltmann Works INC, but are rivals and hate each others guts.
There may be more questions I'm forgetting but those are my main thoughts first and foremost.
One thing that usually leads to for me at least is a story to tell. I like to create a story my characters can follow and develop through- even if I know I'll never actually be able to tell the story. But a story can come before or after you make an OC.
Now lets talk a lil about how I came up with a few of my characters!
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Halaro for example! He's a... sort of self-insert, but also not. His design is both based off of my other sonas/ main characters, and also Taranza. Saying Taranza may seem obvious, but my ideal goal was to have Halaro work in the castle, to be a part of it and be around Taranza. This helps me control how much detail I can actually put into Halaro. I don't want Halaro looking superior to Taranza as he is meant to be lower rank than Taranza. So his design ends up being rather simple with a few minor quirks to make him at least stand out.
Tbh he's does get confused for Taranza often still, but I'm slowly working on separating them more and more as time goes on... but still keep em somewhat similar.
So... he lives in Floralia, Dreamland. He's a sort of self insert, he's the main character overall in my little story (which may never be told lmao) but its nice to have a story somewhere in the background and bring up bits of it every so often.
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Toxecia is a fun one. She's heavily based off of a anime character from 'Black ⭐ Rock Shooter' named 'Black Gold Saw'.
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I took the longer horns, the hair design (somewhat) and some outfit pieces. Like the sleeve I turned into one of her robes. I also made a similar weapon.
Where my differences come in are the colors. I really wanted to use a toxic green and purple combo cos I've never tried that before. Other elements are mostly original- like her scepter. Its simple, more or a trident if anything, with a classic kirby™ eyeball aesthetic.
Its perfectly okay to borrow things from other IP or OCs as long as you change it up enough!!! Be inspired by what you like!!!
One thing I like to do too is look at other peoples OCs and examine how they design things, what makes them unique, what colors can work or not.
You can also go the route of making a mood board of things you might want the character to be like.
I'd write more but I don't wanna go overboard lmao. Hope this at least is a starting point! Feel free to send any more questions!
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silverynight · 1 year
By blood
Part IV
Tanjirou doesn't like to lie and yet he's been lying to his hashira ever since the whole thing with Akaza started.
He knows they don't deserve it, but he can't risk the demon's life in the process. Besides, Tanjirou can't give up on him now that he said he's willing to become human if there's a cure for him.
Everybody deserves a second chance, especially when they're making an effort to be better.
"Was it a difficult mission, sunshine?" Kanroji asks, face darkening with concern. She pulls Tanjirou into her arms, but has to let go of him because Kocho wants to make sure he's completely fine.
"No, actually it was pretty easy," he says, cheeks turning slightly pink. He's determined to say as many truths as he can.
"Are you hurt?" Kocho asks then, cradling his face with both hands.
"No. I'm fine," Tanjirou mumbles, which is also the truth. The demon didn't have the time to do anything because Akaza arrived quickly.
"I'm glad!" Uzui grins before carrying Tanjirou in his arms and taking him to the backyard where his wives are waiting for them.
All of them, including Tokito, who attaches himself to Tanjirou as soon as Uzui puts him back on the ground, Kocho and Kanroji have lunch together.
Tanjirou really wishes he could tell them everything, but then he remembers his and Nezuko's trial and thinks that's a very bad idea.
The other Pillars are busy at the moment, but Kocho makes sure to send them messages assuring them Tanjirou is back and he's completely fine.
Some of them pay him a visit the next day though; they make sure he's alright, bring him gifts as usual and spend as much time with him as they can.
They're very good people.
He gets a partner for his next mission, which means Akaza can't see him or help him that time. Tanjirou tries to finish as quickly as possible, but it gets him a little bit hurt in the process.
"Tanjirou!" Genya is the one who ends up saving him more than once and the redhead feels very grateful for having the boy with him.
"It's okay! I'm fine! At least it's over!" He smiles, although he is too exhausted to walk and Genya notices it.
He carries him to the nearest inn, where they get to rest for a while.
"We have to spend the night," Genya insists, placing Tanjirou on a futon. "You're too tired to move at the moment."
The redhead grimaces, even though he knows his friend is right. Although he really wanted to go back to the butterfly estate so they could give him another mission as soon as possible.
"Okay," he nods, feeling his body like it has grown too heavy for him.
"Do you want me to call a doctor?"
"No, I'll be fine. These are just scratches."
Genya nods, although he's still worried about him.
"D-Do you want me to change your clothes? They left us a couple of robes here."
Tanjirou is so focused on his need to rest and the idea of having some comfy clothes on is so appealing, it doesn't occur to him why it'd be a bad idea to let Genya help him with that.
"Yes, please," he sighs and gets a little bit confused by the way Genya's face turns completely red.
Too late it comes to his mind that the only one who has undressed him up until that point is Akaza... Tanjirou sits on the futon only to find a very embarrassed Genya handing him a robe with a shaky hand.
"Are those... Do you have a lover? I'm sorry! It's none of my business!" Genya stammers, immediately turning his head away from Tanjirou.
Of course he's seen the bite marks.
Tanjirou takes the robe, covers himself and thanks the gods Genya didn't look close enough to realize those are demon bites.
And yet he feels like this is not good.
"Yes, I'm seeing someone," he blurts out, which is not actually a lie, but it's not the truth either. However, he thinks it's better if Genya believes he has a boyfriend. "He's... intense."
Tanjirou feels his own face burning up as soon as he tries to "explain" the marks on his thighs. No wonder Genya thought he had a lover.
"Is it serious?" The tall boy asks in a whisper, looking miserable for a second. "I mean... do you think you'll end up marrying him?"
Tanjirou bites his bottom lip, considering for a brief second to tell Genya the truth. No, it's too risky. What if he ends up blurting everything out in front of his older brother?
"No, I'm not going to marry him," Tanjirou whispers. "It's not like that."
Which is also the truth. Akaza would probably laugh if he found out someone thinks they're lovers.
"Oh," Genya releases the breath he's been holding, looking almost relieved. "That's... okay. Although I think you should tell the Pillars."
Tanjirou pales; no, they are the last people who should know about that. Besides, they would quickly realize that Tanjirou is trying to feed a demon instead of sleeping with another boy.
No. He won't tell them.
"I don't think they care about something like this."
"Trust me, they do," Genya says. "Although maybe you're right, perhaps you should wait a little bit because I think Nemi would kill the guy if he knew."
Tanjirou thinks that too, but for a completely different reason.
"Will you keep the secret, right?"
"Of course, Tanjirou," Genya says and gasps when the redhead pulls him into a grateful hug. "Can I c-cuddle you tonight?"
"You don't even have to ask, Genya!"
For a couple of minutes, Tanjirou decides to forget about the trouble he's in and try to sleep, unfortunately, the tall boy still has a couple of questions for him.
"Why are you dating him?"
"We're not exactly dating," Tanjirou mumbles, glad Genya is cuddling him from behind and can't see his face. "I'm just... giving him something he needs."
Which is not a lie, although Tanjirou immediately regrets phrasing it that way, mostly due to the way Genya reacts.
"You shouldn't..." the boy almost growls, turning Tanjirou around to stare into his eyes; he's angry, but not with Tanjirou. "You shouldn't let anyone use you like that! I mean I know it's none of my business, but please just... you could do so much better! The Pillars would never treat you like this! My brother–"
Tanjirou presses their foreheads together to calm the other boy down; it works like a charm.
"Thank you for worrying so much about me, Genya, but I know what I'm doing," he assures him with a gentle smile. "Besides, I know the hashira are good people and they care about me a lot, but it's not like that."
His Pillars don't see him that way; they're just very good friends.
Genya shakes his head, but doesn't say anything else, instead he pulls Tanjirou closer.
"Tanjirou!" Rengoku rushes into the recovery room before sitting on the bed next to him and pulling him into his arms. "I'm glad you're okay!"
When the flame hashira starts nuzzling against his cheek before Iguro complains and pulls him away from the other Pillar, Tanjirou can't help but giggle.
It always makes him so happy to be around his hashira, even if not all of them are present at the moment.
"Are you sure they don't see you that way?" Genya asks from the other side of the room as soon as Iguro and Rengoku get out to bring him some food.
"They're my friends," Tanjirou mumbles, ignoring the way his heart starts beating furiously inside his chest. He turns around to look at Genya and realizes that his friend is still angry at his "boyfriend" for treating him like that.
Maybe he should tell him the truth. But Tanjirou is not sure; no, he needs to inform Akaza about what happened first.
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matan4il · 1 year
Why I will never give up on Canon Buddie..... Listen I am just a little straight girl who grew up on romance novels. You want Eddie with a women. Well, I mean Vanessa was perfect if you were a writer.
One dare I say she was a better version of Anna and 2 with a little manipulation she could be the girl version of Buck. I mean no one ever could, so don't come for me with pitchforks I just meant in general. She was beautiful, fun, a little heartbroken and didn't add stress to Eddie. Telling the story?? So easy it's a tale as old as time. She shares his culture so let's fake date to throw our tias off. Become friends. Maybe meet Chris. Maybe hesitate to do more because she's jaded and worried it won't work out and how will that effect Chris. Like I have seriously read this story a million times yet the writers never pull the trigger.
My second thing. Again I am a moderately attractive straight single girl. It is not that hard for me to find a relationship. I can throw a rock and find companionship you know?? No disservice to us straights it's just facts. So the fact that the writers intentionally get this wrong while being so loud about the couch screams volumes to me. Especially when you couple it with the fact these 2 do not wing man for each other, talk about sex lives and only refer to the significant other to tell them to dump them. That is the loudest part about their living in each other's back pocket BFF forever relationship. I mean Eddie couldn't even process Buck taking care of himself.
In conclusion 911 if you want me to stop shipping them this all on you. I mean I will never stop. But you could at least try!!
Awww, Nonnie! :D Welcome to the hopeless romantics club! We got comfy cushions for you, as well as cookies. ;)
Regarding Vanessa, yeah. I have seen plenty of rom coms that start off with the exactly interaction she and Eddie had. He's not ready, she's not ready, they come to the date with the intent to let each other down easy, and when they realize they were never an option for the other person, it intrigues them. It could have easily developed in the direction of "instead of going through this repeatedly, how about we fake date to get our Tias off our cases?" and slowly falling for each other. TBH, I wouldn't have been surprised if that's what 911 would go with, since so many shows would. I'm glad it didn't, that the point really was to help Eddie progress on his romantic journey rather than set him up with yet another LI.
I agree with you! I already thought it was eyebrow raising when 911 let Buddie be single throughout the entirety of s3 and a respectable chunk of 4a. Now in s6, they're both once again very single. And we're talking young, good looking, heroic firefighters. It should not be hard for them to find romance, yet out of almost 5 seasons of them being on the show together, roughly 2.5 they spend with both of them being single men. When they're the only single members of the main cast! That is VERY unusual, it's not the route most TV shows would take with their only single characters, you know? That Buck and Eddie are directly responsible for this state of double singleness a part of the time just makes it all more hilarious. XD
I've said it before, I will always ship Buddie. Which means as long as the show is on air and both of their characters are alive, I will hope for canon Buddie. But even if that doesn't happen, Buddie is canon to me. The show has written and filmed their epic love story, and I can't unsee that no matter what. In my head, it will always be just a matter of time before these two morons figure it out.
Thank you so much for this ask, lovely! Have a wonderful day. As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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mittensmorgul · 1 month
Have you ever gone to a supernatural convention? I'm going to Austin just for the Misha Special thing, but I feel a little fomo for not getting a ticket to the actual con. But the thing is, it's so expensive, and I actually cringe a little when I actually meet actors. Idk why, but I'm so awkward and the idea of paying so much money for a 5 second obligatory hug makes me squirm lol. What's it like? An I missing much?
If you haven't, then disregard haha. Thanks for being in the fandom, I love your blog :)
hi hi! first off, a bit of housekeeping, because i've got a few other anons in the inbox i just haven't had time to reply to lately (SORRY! I haven't been on tungl much recently!), but since this is a bit time sensitive with the con happening this weekend, i figured i should at least answer this one :)
YES! I've been to a bunch of cons, but only a few as a ticket holder. I have volunteered at some, worked for a vendor at others, and lobbyconned at even more. They are a LOT of fun. The first con i went to was DC Con 2014, over a decade ago, and after all these years, the most fun part for me personally is just seeing friends in person, more than the actors, panels, etc.
most recently i was up at NJ con in May, right around the 10th anniversary of my first con :'). i didn't have a con ticket, but did have a ticket to the SNS (which is also a lot of fun if you ever get a chance to go to one of those! Karaoke is also fun, and free to the public!). Some cons are better for not having a ticket, and NJ is not among those lol. You need a ticket to even get into the vendor area there.
That said, I don't know the layout of the austin con venue, so I don't know if you'll have access to the vendor area, etc. But it is fun just go to and wander around a bit!
I also haven't been able to get into the Misha event yet (i tried in NJ, but when they moved the venue I was worried I'd miss part of the SNS if I tried to make it there and back, so I didn't go... I went to the SNS with friends instead :)
As far as con tickets, there are single day general admission tickets that are less expensive, but the cost of the con is for the whole experience, the all-day panels with the actors. And even if you do get a photo op, you absolutely do not have to hug anyone you don't want to! in my lil icon pic up there, i wanted both me and jensen to hug misha (that pic was taken during the post s10 hiatus, and i thought Cas really needed a hug :'D), but you don't even need to touch anyone if you don't want! Directly in front of me in line, my friend jenn had jensen and misha play twister while she knelt beside the mat :'D But there's lots of ways to have a fun pic taken with folks without hugging if that's not your thing!
But again, the biggest draw to cons for me at this point is being in a room filled with people who all love the same thing as much as you do! :)
I hope you have a great time, however much of the con you're able to experience! :D
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Hello! I hope you are well? May I ask for a BG3 and Hogwarts legacy matchup, please? 😊
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: I’ve always been drawn to men, but I do find myself attracted to women sometimes, so I guess i could be Bi-curious?
Appearance: I’m 1,59 cm tall (short?), chubby, blonde and quite pale with grey-blueish eyes. My hair is shoulder lenght and I wear glasses! I dress mostly comfortable, but I do enjoy wearing dresses and skirts. I only wear make up, when I feel like it (which means mascara, because I can’t do makeup…haha).
MBTI &/or Engram: INxJ, Type 6
Personality: I’m introverted and a little shy. I’m anxious, but have been told that I’m calm personified. I feel awkward a lot of the time. I try my hardest to be polite and kind. I do get annoyed easily, but try not to show it. I’m not easy to get close to. I observe, before I act. I enjoy joking around with my friends, which contains playfully teasing and flirting. My sense if humor can be dry and sometimes dark, but also silly. It’s all over the place.
Likes (at least like three things): I love cats, having time for myself, playing video games (who would have thought?), Horror Movies (Morbid things in general isnterest me) reading, scented candles, soft blankets
Dislikes (at least three things): Forced social interactions, people, not being able to sleep, being late and unorganized, spiders
Extra fun fact: Despite me disliking people, I work in the medical fiend. I quite enjoy my work.
Race: Human
Class: Monk
D&D alignment: Lawful neutral
Please excuse any mistakes, English is not my first language! Thank you in advance, and I hope you have a nice day!❤️
~~~~~ MATCHUPS ~~~~~
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~~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~~
Shadowheart respects privacy, especially yours. She is already a very private person, so it's okay if you don't open up to her right away.
Once you two open up to one another, it's all over. You two are only ever flirting and chatting.
Shadowheart is queen at getting you to blush with her slightly raunchy jabs.
She gives off candle-girl vibes because of the occult stuff she's involved in and because she loves the smells.
She loves to spend time with you privately, away from others; she feels like too many prying eyes ruin the moment.
She will learn how to help you sleep better so you never tire.
She will teach you some cool healing spells so you can always care for yourself and others.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
You were sitting in Shadowheart's tent, eyes closed, listening to her prayer. Though her Goddess seemed a bit extreme, you felt it was respectful to be calm and quiet during her prayers. As Shadowheart finished her routine, you opened your eyes to observe her gentle features. She was always the most graceful in these moments. Usually, she was a vicious warrior on the field, but in the privacy of her tent, she looked like an angel. Once done, Shadowheart blew out her offering candle and turned to look at you, "Alright, my love, everything is done. Should we head down to the spring nearby and freshen up? Or would you prefer to read for a while?"
You heavily considered both options before choosing the latter; there was still too much warm sun out for you to get cleaned up right this second. As you two chose your material and headed to a small opening nearby camp, you tripped, grabbing Shadowhearts hand to brace yourself. She usually didn't like PDA out in front of your companions as this could symbolize weakness, but she immediately dropped everything to help you. Standing there in shock as she assessed you, you noticed everyone in camp watching. A red blush covered your face. It's not like your relationship was a secret, but you two rarely showed worry or concern in front of others.
After Shadowheart had given the all-clear, you two finished your walk to the clearing. Sighing now that the feeling of all eyes on you had faded, you turned to your partner, "Thank you, but why were you okay with doing all of that?" Shadowheart laughed gently before speaking, "Everyone knows that we are together, plus that elf has been getting some ideas recently from what I have heard, and I needed to stake my claim." You stared at her in shock before laughing gently and kissing her cheek. You two spent the rest of the afternoon reading before cleaning off and heading to bed.
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(You two sat around a book Shadowheart used as a kid to learn healing magic. She was trying hard to teach you the basics of healing to help you understand the more advanced spells)
Y/N: So, do I do this? (You move your hands in a pattern)
Shadowheart: It's more like this (She replicates the pattern perfectly)
Y/N: All it looks like is you moving them in a fast circle. Why can't I just keep potions on me?
Shadowheart: Because knowing to heal in battle is far superior to those disgusting potions now once more.
Y/N: I already know how to do essential healing, though; why can't we move on to the more advanced stuff. ( You flipped the pages and imitated the hand placements. A bright spark erupted from your hand and smacked Gale in the forehead)
Shadowheart: (laughing) That's why, but good job conjuring a minor firebolt.
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Ominis Gaunt
~~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~~
Ominis doesn't easily trust people, so he was put off by you at first.
Once he opens up, you two act like a married couple.
The flirtations are enough to make Sebastion blush.
Ominis likes using your arm to guide him more than his wand.
He also likes to trick you into getting close to him so he can tell you something, only to whisper something naughty in your ear.
He is afraid to ask you to let him touch your face, not because he doesn't want to but because he knows how intense that can feel.
He gives you his jumpers when it is cold outside.
He really enjoys it when you help him bully Sebastion.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
It had been a long day studying; with all the running around and filling out your field guide, you were practically pooped for the time being. In the undercroft, lying on a couch, you heard the door open above. It was probably Sebastion since it was just after his Transfiguration class that you kept your eyes closed and rested. The silence in the room was eery and not typical for the boisterous man. Glassy eyes hover above you as you open an eye to peek up. You giggled and reached out to pat Ominis's head. Pulling back in fright, Ominis quickly caught up with himself.
"My love, you scared me. I thought you were sleeping," You laughed gently, putting his hair back in place. "I was resting. I am exhausted from all the running around today, but I was far from sleep. I still have some things I need to get done." Ominis smiled impishly. You already knew what was coming, "Am I on that list of things you need to do?" You smirked, moving closer to him, ready to complete this battle. "I don't know, Ominis. Can you handle all of this?" gently, you caressed his arm, watching him shudder. Ominis smiled in return and carrressed your face, "I think I can do more than handle my love." As you two moved in to kiss, you heard an obnoxious gaging sound.
"God, could you two get a room that's disgusting." You laughed as Ominis turned to face his best friend. " Sebastion, I am afraid you are the blind one then, friend; as you can see, we were, in fact, in a room alone till you showed up." Laughing harder, looking at Sebastions face, you stood up, helping Ominis as well. "You know Sebastion, if you could just land a girlfriend, you wouldn't be so bothered." Ominis laughed into his sleeve before pulling you into a side hug and kissing your cheek. "She is just bloody brilliant."
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(You had spent all day with Sebastion setting up the perfect surprise for Ominis. Since his birthday fell just before the break, you would celebrate it as a group this year.)
Y/N: You know Sebastion, if you didn't stomp like an oger, he wouldn't know where we were.
Sebastion: Oh, please. For a blind man, Ominis knows everything all the time, and I am surprised we have gotten this far without him catching on.
(You two enter the Underdark 15 minutes before you asked Ominis to meet)
Y/N: Still, you are loud; everything you do is what will give us away.
Sebastion: Sure, I will. Definitely not you, with your horrible lying skills.
(As you two turn on the light, you both yell in unison, dropping the gifts in your hands)
Ominis: (Wearing a party hat) Why hello, you two, I have been waiting.
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copperbadge · 2 years
Mr Badge, as an (unwilling?) connoisseur of Hallmark Christmas movies, do you have any recommendations for particularly good or enjoyable ones?
Ah, see, the problem is they're so much of a muchness, and I never pay attention to titles, so I could be like "well there's the one about the cookies" which, there's actually like 15 about cookies, and I have no idea which is the one I saw, and also because they're made in about two weeks by like, four guys with a binder and a camera, often the information about them online is incomplete.
I do have a few, but I also want to caveat that Hallmark Christmas movies are rarely something you just sit down and watch. Usually they're something you put on in the background while doing other things, or you sit and "watch" them while surfing on your phone or doing handcrafts or something. Most of them are extremely difficult to focus your entire attention upon. :D
If you can catch the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries "Happy And Friends Yule Log", it is far and away the finest yule log out there. The focus will be, for a while, on a fireplace with a merry fire burning, flanked by gifts and Christmas trees...then it will cut to a Christmas ornament for a minute, and when it cuts back, kittens and puppies (and the occasional potbelly pig) will be cavorting in front of it. I believe all the animals in the film are rescues, and Happy The Dog and Happy The Cat, who are the "hosts", are adorable. (You can see an earlier year's here.)
Also if you're looking for a bit of a very gentle romcom without the Christmas angle, basically any Hallmark movie featuring or produced by Kavan Smith is A+ by Hallmark standards, especially since as he's gotten older he's generally cast women his age to play opposite him, and they don't really worry too much about airbrushing out the odd wrinkle or grey hair. He really loves Hallmark movies and he has really good taste in scripts.
Finally, if you're looking for ideas for movies to watch, listen to the podcast It's Christmastown -- they review and analyze Hallmark movies, so you can listen to the podcast, get their view on it, and then decide whether you want to watch it. Jeb and Dave are really funny, too, and super nice to talk to.
Anyway, I have a few titles below the cut...
Christmas At Pemberley Manor is a fun one especially if you like Jane Austen because it has nothing to do with Jane Austen. It's just a modern-day AU with about the skill level of a tenth grader just trying out fanfic for the first time. It is, however, still pretty charming, and has the closest thing I have ever seen to an actual villain in a hallmark movie. Also the Darcy character is fun to watch because he's so clearly a better-written character trapped in a Hallmark film. I believe it's got at least one sequel, though I haven't seen it. (I've heard the other Hallmark Austen AU nonsense, Unleashing Mr. Darcy and its sequels, are pretty good, but I haven't seen them.)
A Shoe Addict's Christmas was memorable at first mainly for the title, but if you can put up with Candace Cameron Bure's....bureness (I would normally recommend avoiding the ones she's in because she generally insists on a high level of evangelism) it's actually a really charming story and Jean Smart is fucking hilarious in it. :D And I think...the thing about A Shoe Addict's Christmas is that like many Hallmark movies, under the fluff there is something interesting about the way these movies view womens' lives. You can make all the jokes you want about Big City Woman Coming Home To Get Negged By A Man but that's actually pretty rare. Most Hallmark Christmas movies are about a woman who is unhappy with her life and is challenged -- yes, by the love interest generally, but that's how romances work -- to examine her choices and make ones that are better for her. Which is very much what this movie is about -- a woman reliving her life through memories of the shoes she wore and loved, and wondering what would have happened if she'd made different choices.
There's one about a bakery getting bought out that I thought featured a man as the baker and a woman as the Agent Of The CEO but I can't find that one so I think I must have mixed it up; in any case Christmas In Love is a movie about a kringle bakery that I recall as being pretty enjoyable.
This is a Lifetime movie and I'm going to caveat that also I am Not A Jew, but as a student of Judaism I actually really loved Mistletoe & Menorahs, which is about a toy executive who gets mistaken for being Jewish and has to learn Jewish custom and tradition in order to make a big pitch to one of the executives. It was written by a Jewish man and clearly some of the artistic staff were also Jewish, and I think there's a depth to it that I really found delightful. The example I always point to is that her Jewish love interest, at one point, is waking up from a nap and goes to the door wrapped in a blanket to let her in, and the blanket is fringed and draped to look (obviously deliberately) like a prayer shawl.
Netflix also has one, or had it, IDK if it's still available, called A Christmas Prince, and it was heavily influential in how I designed Fete For A King. I thought an extremely nice touch was that the prince's younger sister is visibly disabled and as far as I can recall it's not a huge deal ever, there's no magical healing or even a desire to be different, she's just...disabled and present as a whole human. (I'd need to rewatch so like, don't necessarily take my word for it, but I recall really liking the sister both as a person and as disabled rep.)
Netflix also has a whole series of Christmas movies starting with The Princess Switch which are about a princess and a baker who look startlingly alike, and both The Princess Switch and Princess Switch 2: Switched Again are fascinating. I can't really say whether or not they're good, but they're so fucking bonkers it almost doesn't matter. They're the best kind of zany because they're not playing it for ironic laughs, they really commit to the bit.
Lastly, I have mixed feelings about the Signed Sealed Delivered For Christmas movie (which is a holiday movie based on a pre-existing series, but you don't have to have seen the series to understand it) because it's got some weird problematic evangelical stuff in it, but also the Signed Sealed Delivered films/series -- about a crew of people who work in the dead letter office of the USPS -- are kind of charming. They have a really compelling setup and feature a number of characters that very obviously code as autistic, who work in jobs where their skills are appreciated and get nice romances with pretty people. And the romantic hero drinks YooHoo out of a wineglass which you really have to see to understand the weird hilarity of.
Hallmark also has an app that if you download it will put every new Hallmark Christmas premiere movie on your google calendar (ask me how I know: my mother did this and it put every Hallmark film coming out that year on our family calendar) and they usually release between 20 and 40, so sometimes it's good for a laugh just to sit down and watch one and giggle at the production values or weird writing.
Anyway, I hope you find some enjoyable ones to watch this holiday season! If you see any you like drop a comment or a reblog so other people who are interested in the bizarre cultural phenomenon can watch too :D
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sunsrefuge · 17 days
(@aetherblooms) scuttling in your walls!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1, 5 , 10, 15 of the commander ask game for phoenix (:
hi aya !!! how are my walls, are they cozy? :D
1. How good are they in combat? Can they handle themselves in most fights? Is there anything that hinders them or acts as an exploitable weakness?
Phoenix leans on the side of above average in a fight. She isn't the best by any means, but she can hold her own for longer than might be expected! I think her biggest weakness is that she's bait-able, 100%. If you can manage to piss her off, she'll get a lot more reckless and leave more openings to herself. Another weakness is after she loses part of her left leg, it's easier to catch her off balance or for her to just mess up her own footwork. That's partly why she moves to shortbow full-time though, so she can keep her distance and not worry about it too much!
5. Are they good at fighting alongside allies or are they better fighting solo? Are they better at taking orders or leading? Is there anyone (friends, pets, summons, etc) they synergize particularly well with?
She's spent so long fighting alongside Khozzak that at this point they can communicate strategies through small signals, so they synergize very well! As a shortbow user, she does better in groups or at least as a duo, which is why Khozzak is built like a frontline tank <3 He normally gives the orders while she spots and calls possible weaknesses.
10. What weapons do they generally use? Are they particularly proficient with anything specific or have a preference of any kind?
Khozzak trained her in swords, and she picked up shortbow on her own. Phoenix typically keeps to her shortbow, especially more recently, she's comfortable being able to keep some distance and not worry too much if she trips over terrain with her prosthetic at a bad time.
15. How powerful is their magic compared to their peers? How do they feel about it? Is it their limit?
With her background being a line of prominent necromancers and thieves, and the additions of Aurene's bond, eating weird things, being infused with dragon minion magic... I'd say she's best described as a nuclear power plant of a sort DFKJSDGN,, I don't normally think about magical limits on characters, but I think Phoenix should reasonably be at her peak tbh! She tries to ignore it, as well; the only thing that bugs her is how strong her connection to the Mists is, now. It's hard to ignore your magic when it comes with hearing spirits in your ear.
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spectralscathath · 10 months
What would each Antares character play as in a tabletop RPG like Dungeons and Dragons? What races, classes and builds? Why? What does it say about them as a character?
now this IS a fun one. I'm gonna go with standard D&D because I know it well enough, though there is actually an in-universe dungeon-crawler tabletop RPG called Grimmlings & Grottos. But anyway! Let's do some breakdowns. Let's just set it tentatively at the beginning of the story, because what the characters might play at the end would be very different. But lets just stick with early days for now. I'm also gonna stick to the people, so far, who might currently have played in Ruby's hypothetical D&D game, so thats mostly her family and friend group. Beacon Era, even. Or else this would be VERY long.
First of all: Ruby is the DM. No question. She wants to tell stories, make homebrew stuff, and gets to play all of the monsters and NPCs. done deal. If she had to be a player at all she'd probably want to be something she can do a lot of fun roleplaying in, and also probably be really rules-lawyering and try to swing it all in her favour. Which makes me think that her go to is a Stout Halfling Dhampir (its a lineage that goes on top of a base race) as an Arcane Trickster Rogue or something ("yeah DM sneak attack is once per turn"). But yeah Ruby is the DM. As for why? She likes storytelling, and she likes having a measure of control over things around her, she's not ever been a 'go-with-the-flow' person, she thinks and plans and even as leader her worries were 'what if things get out of control and I can't handle that' rather than 'i'm too young for this'. And, well, Ruby is all about fairytales and grand adventures, what suits her better than making that grand adventure?
Which is to say: when the players go off script she gets grumpy about it. She'll roll with it but she'll complain. "Yang I gave you eight seperate story threads and you picked PIRACY? that wasn't one of them do you know how many crew member NPCs I have to roll up now?"
I like to think that canonically the Xiao Long-Rose-Branwen household has played at least one session with Ruby DMing and Yang instantly picked the highest damage output possible and built an Orc Barbarian (Path of the Beast). Backstory? What's that? "Her name's Ember and she's killed twenty people, lets go kill monsters'. I think this should be quite self-explanatory to Yang's beginning characterisation. She wants to skip ahead to the cool fight scenes where she can describe how badass her character is.
Taiyang and Qrow (they're mostly here to support Ruby's interests and don't actually get what's going on but they have a great attitude and Ruby's patient with them) both individually saw 'Bard' and Taiyang saw 'well that looks fun, I can make up lil rhymes' and Qrow saw 'I can be a sex, drugs, rock-and-roll guy that's the epitome of cool' and drummed up a bard duo called where one is an aging punk rocker Tiefling based on all Qrow's fav emo bands as a twenty-year-old and Taiyang saw 'gold dragonborn' and blacked out. They both picked College of Eloquence because it looked easiest. Not much to say about why beyond 'parental support and really trying to understand their kid's interests' which is why Tai is the best parent in Antares and why Qrow- well, sometimes he hits the mark.
Weiss has no fuckin clue what any of this is aside from 'nerd stuff for plebians that I suppose I must join for team building'. Basic first options on the list, human fighter, basic stats, doesn't really get into it for a couple of sessions but once she twigs that the dice is like a numbers game it really catches her interest and she starts looking into it more. She snags Eldritch Knight as her path for access to spells and ends up having a good time. Its a microcosm of Weiss's 'defrosting ice queen' plotline. Once she gets into to she gets into it.
Blake actually read the players handbook for more than half a second and decided she wanted to be creative and have a bit of fun while also quickly making the connection that the party was very tanky, so she decided to create a Water Genasi Sorcerer with the path of Lunar Sorcery, since she thought the options it had were fun and she absolutely did extra reading to decide. Mostly this ties into Blake's early character of, though not looking like it, actually genuinely really wanting to get along with her friends while also rediscovering her interests. She also decides to play an optimist, just to try and have that bit of escapism she so desperately wants. Oh- play as a Tabaxi? No, why do you ask?
Onto JNPR, Jaune has the distinction of Acutally Having Knowledge of This, he strikes me as a 'oh I love D&D podcasts I've always wanted to play it'. His dicerolls are, obviously, fucking horrendous at all times, but he ends up playing as a dwarf paladin, I think, good ol Oath of Devotion. He just wants to do a bit of wish fulfilment as a hero, but he doesn't really push it to the point of being a pure 'must follow all the rules' type of paladin roleplay. He just wants to enjoy having friends and mostly tries to keep things chill at the table.
Pyrrha has no idea what she's doing either but she's trying really hard even though she can't wrap her head around any of it. She picked a Cleric because it seemed nice, she could be the party healer. Life domain, Ruby threw her a softball and said 'that's the healing one' and Pyrrha went 'yep'. She just wants to be a normal girl who plays games with a friend group and also be useful in a way that will keep them from ditching her. Gotta please everyone, and healing- it's nice. Useful. They'll invite her more to play.
Nora wants to be a barbarian too, specifically a Goliath with path of Wild Magic for the chaos because she wants to try derail the campaign like she heard about, but Ruby plays favourites with her sister and tells her to pick a new one so Nora goes sulking through the book again for something else, sees the words 'blood' and 'hunter' next to each other, and goes feral. Order of the Lycan is an instant follow-up. Race? Oh- yeah, still a Goliath. Nora just wants to fuck shit up and be with her friends, there's no underlying deeper character issues. Possibly height envy, maybe.
Ren, similarly to Blake, reads the handbook cover to cover, does his own research, and gets super into the idea of Roleplaying as well. However, he goes full 'how dark can I get away with' and creates a warlock, specifically with a Great Old One as patron. A haunted man, troubled by shadows and loss of the past long before being cursed with a treacherous deal that leads to the nightmares and madness of the present, desperately struggling to hold onto sanity as their patron eats a piece of their mind with every spell he casts. Yanno, standard Lovecraftian horror. Ren's really trying to be dramatic and hoping for a tragic end, where his character is twisted into the secret main villain, and Ruby thinks that would be really cool and is pushing for it if only the rest of the campaign wasn't trying to power of friendship this. Ren's just trying to lowkey work through some stuff, it's fine. It's totally fine. Oh- and he picked Pact of the Tome, he wants more cantrips.
Sun got invited along and was like 'gnome ranger lets fuckin go'. Epitome of 'holy shit I can have a pet dinosaur this game RULES' as a player. Mostly coasting on dice luck but can pull out one HELL of a bit of roleplay when he wants to. It's beautiful. He really wishes this campaign could go on forever, it's easier when the bad guys are just figurines on a table.
Penny is ready and waiting to play but she never gets the chance to join a session. Her schedule just doesn't line up, unfortunately. And she hasn't decided her class- she'll see what everyone else needs for an effective party balance first and then she'll pick one. So she doesn't get to pick a subclass. But she'd really like to give it a try if she could! She'd play a standard human character. No there's no other meaning in her wanting to be a human character when she could be something way more interesting, not at all.
Ruby offered to Sun to bring Emerald along for a session but Emerald said no. F in the chat for Emerald (one day).
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