#spn cons
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angel-fruitcake · 8 months ago
okay...... is it just me or was Jensen suuuuuper lovey dovey with Misha during this panel? and even during other recent panels, too. he's just been openly showering Misha with praise and affection for the past few months.. what is going on??
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they make it impossible to not be a heller
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jellybracelet · 6 months ago
Salute to Supernatural L.A. 2009
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sources: x, x
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cloexbrosluvr · 5 months ago
This is my [musical] edited version of dugindeep96's 'the lift'.
"All I know is that to me You look like you're havin' fun Open up your lovin' arms Watch out, here I come
You spin me right 'round, baby, right 'round Like a record, baby, right 'round, 'round, 'round"
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watching-sam-and-dean-again · 2 months ago
2025 SPN Con Predctions
(“Borrowed" from Twitter)
This Twitter post (x) made predictions about what they think will happen in the upcoming SPN Con Season, and I have thoughts. This person is totally allowed to post and predict whatever they want, but as I am coming at things from a different fan perspective, I can’t help but adapt their list to make my own predictions.
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My Adapted Predictions:
Jared says anything, especially canon compliant (and Jensen agrees), and haters try to make it controversial, and try to get him, and only him, cancelled.
“JenMish” end up sharing a stage, where they stand 6ft away from each other, Jensen throws jabs at Misha and Misha agressivemy hugs an unpiressed Jensen … and cockles shippers call it "gay shit"
I completely agree about the cruise prediction … if it happens, it will not have J2.
Controversy about headcanons … mostly due to some people claiming things are canon when they clearly aren’t. "Headcanons" are totally fine as long as people don’t call them canon.
A certain SPN actor will continue to out himself as a creep every time he steps on stage at a con, but his fans will defend him to the death because "it’s just a joke."
People probably will continue to be mysogenistic about J2's partners, as in they like then or don’t just because who who they are married to …. People will also mistakenly my call it "misogyny" if anyone dares to criticize a woman based on her own character.
I hope Jensen continues only tweeting the occasionally work-related tweet because AAs and hellers are creeps, and I don’t blame him for avoiding them.
I’d say there is a good chance of an airplane selfie … maybe I’ll even see one on a flight, as our locations might overlap for one con … but I’d like to think I wouldn’t bug them for a selfie.
Mark P is barely ever at CE cons anyway. And I don't care either way what happens with him.
Misha will continue to purposely sexualizes Jensen and shit on Jared to pander to his shipper fans … and others will rightfully call him out about it.
I would enjoy seeing a JA, JP or J2 selfie. We’ll see.
I too think Soldier Boy is attractive … but I hope his character really lets lose on the final season of The Boys.
My Additional Predictions:
A jerk fan will pay $200-400+ just to disrespect Jared in an photo op
Someone will ask Jensen yet an other reworded "confession scene" question in hopes that his answer of Dean seeing Cas as a brother in arms will finally change … but it will not.
A heller will make up a lie about seeing JA and MC do something intimate together during photo ops or autos.
J2 will have a scene together in The Boys, and fans will have them act it out in Ops. Bonus: J2 will act it out on stage. (This might happen next year.)
J2 will go for Pretend Kiss #3, or something equally "normal" and silly
More people will get forehead touch photo ops, and more AAs will cry about how it traumatizes both Jensen and themselves, even though J2 have chosen this pose unprompted.
J2 will act out Jensen stabbing Jared in the leg again on stage.
Jared and/or Jensen will highlight how SPN was about the brothers, particularly around the 20th anniversary date … and some "fans" will scream "Whst about Cas/Misha?"
My Totally Selfidh Predictions:
JA will bring his Baby to Boston
Boston will have some special feature being the first CE con of the 20th anniversary year.
Vancouver will have something special since it’s where they filmed the show and only a dozen days off of the exact 20th anniversary of airing.
My photo ops with the boys will turn out well 🤞
I’ll be able to make both planned cons work
Does anyone else have any 2025 SPN Convention Season predictions?
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warpedwings · 3 months ago
Misha Collins - Sixteen years of smiles.
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[Completed posting of yearly con highlights.]
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cas-is-my-weakness · 10 months ago
Slut behaviour
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credits : x
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credits : X
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shedontlovehuhself · 8 months ago
Of course a certain fandom account live tweeting the Misha and Jensen panel posted about Misha praising Jensen, but failed to post when Jensen praised Misha. But she made sure to post when Jensen jokingly ran from Misha's hug.
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sweetonsugden · 3 months ago
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A thread of JenMish 2024 cons
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teamfreewill2pointo · 6 months ago
Even Jensen acknowledges that they meet up at cons pretty much only these days. Mostly due to their own work schedules and family obligations and simply the distance they live from each other. They haven't been on any "trips" together in quite some time, unless you consider the con in Australia a trip. Jensen has said in M&G's that he and Jared talk to each other regularly and via text threads.
When did he say that they pretty much only meet up at cons?
At the BBQ at Austin Con, Jensen said that he and Jared get together with JJ/Kaleo whenever he's in town, so that's one meet up outside of cons that we know about. There are more that we don't know about because they don't post it on social media, but they'll mention in m&gs or other people will mention. Just like how at the BBQ Jensen said that he's in Texas every few weeks, and visits his folks often, but we don't see photos of most of his trips to Texas.
I keep telling y'all, social media is not an accurate reflection of reality.
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kickingitwithkirk · 6 months ago
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subearnatural · 7 months ago
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Happy bearthday Misha!! Thanks for being a kind and caring friend to bears.
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luciferourlightbringer · 2 years ago
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Mark Pellegrino at #SPNSF23 Saturday panel
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alex-iltempo · 2 years ago
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rockinimpalapie · 6 months ago
Can I ask you your experience at conventions? Did you meet J2M or just Misha?
Hi! Of course you can. I have a lot to share. I met J2M and many of the other cast members (you can ask me about interaction with any specific cast member in other messages, if you'd like. I love getting asks). It wasn't their fault specifically, but I didn't have what I'd call a "good time" at these conventions. I went to multiple because I hoped that my experience would be better. That it would be different this time... and it wasn't. There's always loud music during photo ops and autographs. It was too loud to talk or tell them the pose that I wanted for photo ops. It was too loud for them to hear me say "thank you". This is a long reply, so I put the experiences under the "keep reading".
Before I talk about my experiences with J2M, I would like to begin with saying that I don't hate any of them. I'm not a fan of CE conventions, but I don't necessarily hate them, either. Would I go to another CE con? Not likely. Many people have amazing experiences at these conventions, but I just found CE conventions to be highly overstimulating.
With Misha, even when I wasn't with that toxic waste monster of a friend (who will remain unnamed because even though I feel that people should be warned about her, I'll never say her name because that's just not the kind of woman I grew to be), he was always focused on someone else. It wasn't his handler (lol, that makes him sound like a zoo animal, but that's what that person was called!) or the photographer... it was always another fan who hadn't left yet. So while other fans might've had a great experience with him, if I was right after them, I got the short end of the stick. 50/50, I can't blame him, but also... I can, a little. That other fan's time was up in the panel Q&A.
Jensen has always been my favorite. I'm a "Dean girl", through and through. I don't think it's enough to be called a "stan", though. I had the most positive experiences with him. His attention was on me, he called me sweetheart, gave me a hug, and during autos at VanCon, when my voice began to shake as I was trying to talk to him (nothing heavy, I'm just a nervous, shaky person), he held my hands and said just what I needed to hear in that moment (that I was a strong, smart, and beautiful person and that I could do this, and could do anything). He did not even have to do that. I wasn't expecting it. He wasn't obligated to say a thing. I was so blown away (and a bit confused) by his kindness.
Most of my interactions with Jared were pretty awkward. At MinnCon 2017, I brought a poster for them all to autograph. I wasn't aware that it was photoshopped until Jared said something about it. He said, about Castiel, something like, "oh, the ugly angel guy in the trench coat wasn't even there for that photo". He then ignored me and looked past me (when it was still my turn) at my toxic waste monster friend and said, "and you brought me such a beautiful woman!". Oh. Huh. Okay. Whatever.
At VanCon 2019, I had a J2 op that I shared with a stranger to cut costs. This was an awkward experience but ... not all negative. I was 330 lbs and hated the way that I looked. I just wanted a hug from Jensen, that was it, so I told him that I didn't want to show my face, and Jared overheard. At my solo Jared op, he asked me if I wanted a hug, and he gave me a hug (one that hid my face), and I was confused because I didn't see the flash. That's the photo I thought I wanted; what gives? Then, he held me at arms' length and said, "No. I want to see your pretty face." That was oddly sweet, and it ended up being a really cute photo.
I was one of the first people in Silver to get Jared's autograph at VanCon 2019. Like with Misha, I told Jared about my autism and how I appreciated him and how kind and patient he was with me, and while I wasn't expecting much (because he has no obligation to say anything either), I got even less. He just nodded and said, "thank you" and turned his attention to the next person. At the time, that felt... not good. I wasn't upset, nervous, crying, etc., and I just felt... brushed off. I don't know how so many people get so much more attention, not that I wanted it, I was just... y'know, I don't even know why I felt the need to disclose the autism. I think I just felt bad for causing (what I thought was) a problem during photo ops, and just... not being able to make solid eye contact or talk or act like a normal person. Before therapy, it was hard not to feel like a problem, so... I was always apologizing, explaining myself, overexplaining, letting people walk all over me, etc., I am the way that I am because of a disability.
This reply is getting unexpectedly long. If you need me to elaborate on anything or have any other questions, I'd love to hear from you.
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warpedwings · 10 months ago
Ty Olsson - Cute con moments.
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mittensmorgul · 7 months ago
Have you ever gone to a supernatural convention? I'm going to Austin just for the Misha Special thing, but I feel a little fomo for not getting a ticket to the actual con. But the thing is, it's so expensive, and I actually cringe a little when I actually meet actors. Idk why, but I'm so awkward and the idea of paying so much money for a 5 second obligatory hug makes me squirm lol. What's it like? An I missing much?
If you haven't, then disregard haha. Thanks for being in the fandom, I love your blog :)
hi hi! first off, a bit of housekeeping, because i've got a few other anons in the inbox i just haven't had time to reply to lately (SORRY! I haven't been on tungl much recently!), but since this is a bit time sensitive with the con happening this weekend, i figured i should at least answer this one :)
YES! I've been to a bunch of cons, but only a few as a ticket holder. I have volunteered at some, worked for a vendor at others, and lobbyconned at even more. They are a LOT of fun. The first con i went to was DC Con 2014, over a decade ago, and after all these years, the most fun part for me personally is just seeing friends in person, more than the actors, panels, etc.
most recently i was up at NJ con in May, right around the 10th anniversary of my first con :'). i didn't have a con ticket, but did have a ticket to the SNS (which is also a lot of fun if you ever get a chance to go to one of those! Karaoke is also fun, and free to the public!). Some cons are better for not having a ticket, and NJ is not among those lol. You need a ticket to even get into the vendor area there.
That said, I don't know the layout of the austin con venue, so I don't know if you'll have access to the vendor area, etc. But it is fun just go to and wander around a bit!
I also haven't been able to get into the Misha event yet (i tried in NJ, but when they moved the venue I was worried I'd miss part of the SNS if I tried to make it there and back, so I didn't go... I went to the SNS with friends instead :)
As far as con tickets, there are single day general admission tickets that are less expensive, but the cost of the con is for the whole experience, the all-day panels with the actors. And even if you do get a photo op, you absolutely do not have to hug anyone you don't want to! in my lil icon pic up there, i wanted both me and jensen to hug misha (that pic was taken during the post s10 hiatus, and i thought Cas really needed a hug :'D), but you don't even need to touch anyone if you don't want! Directly in front of me in line, my friend jenn had jensen and misha play twister while she knelt beside the mat :'D But there's lots of ways to have a fun pic taken with folks without hugging if that's not your thing!
But again, the biggest draw to cons for me at this point is being in a room filled with people who all love the same thing as much as you do! :)
I hope you have a great time, however much of the con you're able to experience! :D
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