#don't forget about when ren
11rosebunny · 2 months
Things you do that he finds cute (BOFURIN)
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Haruka Sakura
Snorting. He's a bit of an odd ball for that but he finds it cute the way your face slightly lights up and how you try to maintain from bursting out laughing, he like's seeing you happy.
What's even more weirder, he likes it when your focusing on something and you end up doing a small habit of yours without even thinking about it (biting your nail, playing with your hair, finger tapping, nodding your head to music, etc).
Since he has trouble speaking sometimes, his go to is to just admire you.
Hajime Umemiya
Screaming. He finds it absolutely hilarious and cute whenever you're startled and you let out a scream or a yell which is usually followed by a punch of someone who scared you purposely.
He's very annoying and likes it when you're shy with him around. The feeling that he was able to make you go red by just a subtle thing makes him chant to the sky in his head.
Even so, he equally enjoys it when you're babbling about something that you're very interested in.
Toma Hiragi
Really loves it when you laugh softly, it brings out the pretty nature you hold in which he doesn't understand why you hide it from other people. So when finally coming across you laughing, something swells in his heart seeing you cheerful.
Grabbing a piece of his clothing and pulling it to get his attention. For whatever reason, it makes him go crazy to the point where he starts throwing bananas all over the place in his head. If you ever do that, don't be surprised if he magically picks you up and squishes you to death (he probably won't do that but he thinks of that whenever you drive him crazy).
Ren Kaji
When you're quiet.
Even though your relationship ship is extremely wonky, because of living next to each other and being in Highschool, the two of just slightly matured with each other.
He will never admit this but he likes seeing you put up a good fight, even if it's against him hence why he'll never admit it.
Taiga Tsugeura
Rambling about total nonsense. If you're the type of go onto unethical topics that pretty much have no importance to anything, seeing the way you're so interested and deep into the conversation makes him feel like it's also interesting.
If you're walking together and you hold onto his arm, he will forget how to breathe.
Aside from that, he loves it when you support his stinky gym life.
Hayato Suo
Laughing audibly. An absolute sucker for making you laugh, even if it's not intended.
Since you are the one who's more cheeky and open than him, he finds it cute in the way you willingly immerse yourself in his types of interests even though he can already tell you're not going to like them as much.
If you're stuck on something, it makes him so happy that you go to him first about advice, makes him feel needed for you!
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1-marigold-1 · 6 months
An AU thingy that umm, please listen to my ramble I beg you :[
Hello!!! Had this AU in mind for a bit too long decided to dump it all here :] sorry if it's all a bit messy I'm bad at organising those stuff hghghgghg <-- delusional (explanation and story below the images)
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I call it the FMN AU [Forget-Me-Not] and it's set in a fantasy world of course, in a great Empire of Heremitaran.
Because of how big the Empire is, it's divided in two, with two rulers: Ren The King of the North known for his bravery, plenty of victories, feared by those outside of his Empire , and the other one in the Sout is ... well... Mumbo.. (yes he's a king because his father died, he sucks at it tho, can't help but be that wet poor cat and not knowing what to do).
And that's when we come in with Grian and Scar.
There's a crown, to be specific, called the Vacivus Halo which is safely kept in Ren's vault , away from the rest of the world. It's the most powerful thing ever known, and Watchers are ready to fight for it against Listeners, who are worshipped by most of north people and Ren himself. The war those two spiecies of angel-gods started over a crown has been going for many centuries and now when Listeners has had it for themselves for so long, Watchers start to fear that they might use it against them to finally get rid of the enemy.
The crown has been under Watchers' control for some time too, that's when they tasked Mumbo's father with protecting it, but he died at war, crown got stolen, landed in Ren's hands and now all they got is Mumbo... They quickly realized that he's definetely not... well.. worthy? So they give the task of getting it back to an orphan living near the palace. He's a poor chicken keeper until he meets one of The Watchers disguised as a snake, asking him for help, the snake promises him everything he wants. So he agrees.
He gets powers such as:
Manipulating others' minds [putting images and memories that never existed before into anyone's head ]. It's his most powerful ability that he uses by just looking into their eyes, yet there's one thing about it: he can't make people forget the things he puts in their heads.
Flight, he has a cape that turns into wings when needed.
He can see what his snake sees whenever he wants, so he can use it to spy on people.
With those abilities he fools everyone at the palace into believing he's Mumbo's new guard and personal assasin, so he can be always close to the ruler who should be visiting the North very soon... he also makes friends with the young king, they get along pretty well.
Meanwhile Scar has a simmiliar story, though he was an assasin and Ren's guard before Listeners chose him. Ren is still in a good shape and probably will still be a good protector of the crown, but they felt like they need more than one If Watchers ever plan on getting the crown back, so they chose Scar by appearing to him as a cat, they wanted to tell him that they are ready to give him anything he wishes for but he was like "KITTY!!!!!!!! HELLO YOU SO CUTE!!" and agreed right away, just to have a scarf that turns into a cat...... he likes cats alright, he's been feeling pretty lonely recently too...
Scar's powers are:
Super speed [he got it with the boots]
Sensitive Hearing
Completely silent walking
He also got his cat [he named it Jellie because it's semi-transparent like a jelly when in not-scarf form lol] that can transform into a tiger like creature sometimes.
Yeah guess what.
They meet. Grian and Scar. They. Meet.
And they uhhh kinda make friends with eachother and don't really think that they might be enemies.
Watchers don't know that Scar is Listeners' servant, and the other way around, Listeners don't know that Grian is Watchers' servant.
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Things escalate from here...... and that's where the story starts!
I have plans on making short comics and stories to tell you the lore piece by piece, but be aware that updates won't be very often, I'll try tho!
Just wanted to add that I made this AU long time ago and Jellie is a fundamental thing in it, very important, as much as she was important to all of us, may she rest in peace <3
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On simplifying Akechi
My brain was ridden with these ideas people have about Akechi that piss me off a little. Mostly ones that say he is "just crazy" or "just hates Joker." There's countless metaposts countering these arguments (and they are absolutely wonderful) but I often wonder WHY simplifying Akechi down is so appealing, even to people who are fans of his character. I can't say I've never been immune to simplifications of his character either, and I feel like that's important to admit. I don't even think it's necessarily a bad thing, but I was wondering about that why question.
TW: Discussions of mental health and child abuse
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Source: A high schooler's holiday from the P5 Comic Anthology (read it here!)
I do think it's hard for all of the little things Akechi's character builds upon to be conveyed through a single playthrough. If you go in blind or don't finish his confidant, you may only get that surface level exploration of his character. Base Akechi is flashy and still gets the point across that it needs to: he's a foil to Joker and the PTs. However, by missing out on his social links and special events, you miss cultural, relationship, and personal context.
Many words have been said about the translation, particularly in the engine room, being faulty in areas. But some people still don't understand that Akechi's plan isn't to kill Shido, even when the text makes that clear. There's also this scene with Shido, which reads more as an exposition dump in a long section of the game most players will either tune out or skip. Not everything you see will always stick in your head, and Persona is a LONG game. I feel like it's easy to forget people just... forget canon sometimes. It's easier to put these details aside and say Akechi isn't affected by the system he's raised in. But the reality is, you miss what Lavenza says about Akechi's role, you miss that one exposition scene, and you miss the confidant: you believe Akechi had much more autonomy than was actually true. In conversations I've had with people IRL about Persona, 2/3 either skipped or did not finish Akechi's confidant. It isn't improbable, playtimes can range from 100-300 hours, most playthroughs take weeks. People will forget things. It isn't a maybe, it WILL happen.
When the game feeds you so much information, it's also easier to take what the characters say at face value. Doing this with Akechi will bite your ass. Those words in Rank 8 are directly expanded upon in No More What Ifs, the engine room, and 2/2. Maruki and Morgana confirm Akechi doesn't hate Joker, but you never hear Akechi say it himself. To me the game beats you over the head with this information (as the game has a tendency to do for certain situations), but I've also been in the rabbit hole for over a year now.
There's also this idea that recognizing that Akechi was set up by Yaldabaoth, his upbringing, and Shido means that all the venom is taken away from his actions. That isn't true, and Akechi holds to that in third semester. He doesn't give himself any grace for the situation he landed in, wanting to take accountability for it when it is undone without his consent. Akechi is by no means a perfect victim, and he doesn't believe that either. Recognizing that he had no choice, it was either homelessness and neglect or the plan he conjured himself only brings to light the tragedy of his situation, not whether his actions were morally incorrect. He wanted his father to be in his life, and he wanted his father to suffer. He wanted to have someone like Ren in his life, and he couldn't have someone like Ren because his plan would be jeopardized. It's a series of choices, some of which are forced upon him, some of which he chooses himself. That is an important distinction to make.
There's also this idea that Akechi is 'just crazy,' or never suffered from abuse or events that affected him long term. That he doesn't suffer from unspecified mental health conditions or trauma, and chose everything with a clear mind. When someone brings up this argument, it's usually in response to people talking about his life experiences. That somehow, the existence of trauma or a condition is an excuse for whatever he did. There's a double standard here: Akechi is someone who suffers from a condition that makes him 'plain crazy', simplifying his entire motivation and role in the story, while also removing him from the context of his mother, Shido, and his experience with the foster system. Actually interacting with these facets of his character brings to light the challenging things the story asks you to think about when it comes to Akechi: Is he a victim? Is he like the Phantom Thieves? What about his situation informed his choices? Interacting with this requires effort and an actual acknowledgement about what it means to be someone that suffers from trauma. Calling him 'plain crazy' not only is in disservice of textual analysis, but more importantly incorrect (and frankly, it falls straight into ableist tropes about mental health).
Sometimes internet debates/discourse lead to simplification, even just random headcanons may lead to simplification. That isn't always bad. There are many ways to say what I said here in fewer words. I, unfortunately, am not skilled enough to do that. But some of these simplifications lead to entirely incorrect judgements about a character, or even about mental health issues. When that happens, I wish people would learn to reflect about what that means when they interact with a piece of media. Or even with other people.
tldr: people should learn to say they just don't like things instead of coming up with excuses that make no sense. basically
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muntitled · 2 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬
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Pairing: Kylo Ren x Fem!Reader
Summary: "Kylo was nothing if not a sadist,"
Warnings: Language, WarPrisoner!Reader, Toxicity, Weaponizing Hux, Humiliation, God Complex, Jealousy, Possessiveness, Smut +18 (Minors DNIA, DEAD DOVE FIC, Dark fic, Sadism, Masochism, Inexperienced!Kylo, Ownership Kink, Dry humping, Forced sex, Spitting, CNC, Dubious Consent, Massive Degradation Kink, Inappropriate Use of Force, Choking Kink, Size Kink, Impact Play, Groping, Breast Play, Premature Orgasm, Controlled Orgasm, Dom/Sub themes, Dom!Kylo, Sub!Reader, Brat Tamer!Kylo,;Bratty!Reader, Slight!Exhibition Kink, Humiliation Kink, Inappropriate Mind Reading, Overstimulation, Dirty Talk, Mentions of Rape, Fingering, Rough Sex, Dacryphilia, Gagging, Subspace.
Do not read this if you're incredibly sensitive to violent imagery. If this doesn't make sense don't say anything or i'll cry <3
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As Hux walks diligently ahead of you, you could not tell by his tense shoulders and his palms clasped behind his back that he was following the duties of a madman.
While he escorts you, Hux thinks back to his slip-up with Ren.
The way he shouldn't have mentioned your name in a comprehensive report about the overall running of the Starkiller. The way he should've known how dangerous Kylo is when it comes to anyone taking even the vaguest of interest in playing with his toys.
"Despite having the accolades of an established pilot for the resistance," Hux had said moments earlier when Kylo was pacing up and down his private chamber, "Your prisoner refuses to put any of her skills to use aboard the Starkiller. She's essentially useless dark matter," He uttered his words rather clumsily. As if forgetting he was reporting to a beastly excuse of a man.
Hux only realises his mistake when Kylo stops his various pacing to turn slightly. His unmasked head tilts to the side as he advances on Hux in a low, large gait. Everything about the boy being so unnaturally large.
"My prisoner?" He steps closer, "Or the First Order's?"
Kylo's laugh appears unnatural without the mask. Not any less intimidating but certainly, frighteningly human.
"You act as if my will is not synonymous with that of the First Order, general," Kylo's blood runs fucking cold at the thought, "You insinuate that I keep her here out of my own free will,"
"Well, we all know how much a boy fancies his toys," Hux's degradation causes Kylo's Adam's apple to bob and a deep frown settles over the boy’s face. Whatever weakness Hux was accusing him of, it rattled the foundations of his already fragile ego and Hux smirked.
"Go tell her I wanna see her," the first command left Kylo's lips in a fairly controlled and monotonous manner. The second however... "FUCKING NOW!"
Robotic inclination bleeds from the mask of the stormtroopers “Yes Sir-”
Without sparing the stormtroopers so much as a single glance, Kylo spat, "Not you, fucking degenerates," Kylo stares Hux down as he steps towards him. His voice is ice cold. "I want you to summon her," he takes immense pleasure in the way Hux's smile drops.
Kylo has observed the glances Hux throws your way and it makes his fucking stomach turn. He's seen the uncomfortable leering and the lecherous thoughts. Kylo was nothing if not a sadist. Humiliating Hux using the object of his desires.
He wants you and that makes Kylo want you even more... Violently so
"Where are you taking me?"
You could feel the rest of the crew watching your every movement as you trailed behind General Hux like you were compelled to do so by some unseen leather leash. You cannot help but feel as though you have done something very bad and very naughty.
You try to rid yourself of these thoughts immediately.
Perhaps he was taking you to see the vermin underneath the mask.
That thought should not sprout such a deep desire within you. Kylo was your captor and yet, he fascinated you more than anything ever could.
"At least slow the fuck down," You breath out, trying by all means to evade all eye contact with curious onlookers.While you walk you try to keep your head high and appear unaffected by their piercing glares. Every stormtrooper, navigator, pilot- even down to the measly technicians all keep their eyes trained on you and you glare back. Leering your head forward with narrowed eyes because being held captive on the Starkiller was punishment enough. You would never allow yourself to be intimidated by the judgemental stares.
"Do you ever plan on disclosing our destina-"
You're interrupted by a sharp and loud hiss before two doors part. Your eyebrows furrow before you're dragged into the chamber, quite literally against your will. You did not wish to get acquainted with any more rooms on the Starkiller. Hoping that one of your comrades in the resistance might have saved you long before you ever had to make this ship your dwelling place. But you've only crawled deeper into the Starkiller's core and you find yourself here, standing before him in his black cowl with his hands clasped behind his back.
The room is as lifeless as the rest of the vessel. The bed, colourless and hard. The only signs of vibrance is the east window depicting a slab of stars in hyperspace.
"I am told you've made yourself fiercely unlikable in the flight deck.” Kylo says, completely ignoring your slightly shocked experience at seeing him without his helmet.
“That's what this is then?” You turn briefly to make eye contact with Hux before turning to Kylo with one arched brow, “I'm being scolded now?”
“You're insolent when given any orders,” he oaces before you while Hux stands behind you by the door, “You disobey at every given turn and you're resistant. Vexingly so.”
“How clever of you, it seems as though you'd only just discovered a key characteristic from a member of the resistance.” You say with a smirk, “Clever, Clever boy."
“It's that mouth of yours that's gonna get your head slain from your very shoulders.” Kylo advances you like a midnight storm and you fight to stand your ground.
“I have grown terribly bored of this place,” You say, “Perhaps even death might be more eventful then whatever you are, Kylo.”
Before Hux is able to make his escape Kylo grabs at your throat, encircling his hand around your skin like a vice until he is forcing you to look at Hux ahead of you.
"This is what you want?" He isn't speaking to you but to Hux, pushing your cheeks together in a painful display of humiliation. "This is what's been plaguing that mind of yours-"
"I've no time for this-"
The very last thing Hux is able to see before he leaves Kylo's quarters, is your frightened eyes and Kylo looming behind you. A mere mouse being imprisoned by a God.
You make the mistake of thinking that Hux's absence might soften Kylo's resolve, but your time as his captive should have let you know that there was nothing soft about this man. Nothing at all.
"You should be grateful, you know that?" His lips graze your head and you're suddenly hyper aware of his proximity.
You're hyper aware of the closed metal doors that were probably being guarded by a pair of heavily armed stormtroopers. There is no escaping the clutches of this monster behind you.
And yet; you still find yourself scoffing, "I should be grateful?" You ask, hoping to assimilate every shred of confidence you had left, "I should be grateful to be your prisoner-" you wince when his grip on your jaw tightens and he's wrenching your face until you're craning your neck backwards to face him.
Large, looming, and completely fucking livid.
"You should be grateful that you're still fucking breathing, you brat-"
And then, a very strange thing occurs.
Since the moment Kylo had wrangled you off your home planet, you had sworn to be nothing but defiant. In honour of everything you stood for, you would never let him see you weak and yet here you are, carelessly allowing the faintest of whimpers to slip through quivering lips.
The sound confuses Kylo initially. In fact, he cranes your head back further, not caring whether you were comfortable or not as he bends down, appearing to inspect your mouth for that peculiar sound further. He squeezes your cheeks lightly, prodding the round tissues of fat as if fervently trying to search for whatever button might allow for that little sound to spill from your lips again.
"How completely and utterly curious-"
"You're fucking hurting my neck-" the fire returns and with it, comes your will to wrench your face out of his grip. You're only able to get free because he lets you and you know this.
"What..." Kylo bends even lower towards you and you turn your head to face the blank wall ahead of you. Evading eye contact with this man was nothing if not crucial. "What was that sound you just made-"
"It appears as though hearing nothing but the cries of utter doom and damnation has defamiliarized you to the sound of pleasure, Ren-"
Your breath is wiped clean from your throat not even a second later when you steal a look downwards at a gloved hand interlocking itself around your throat once more. Seemingly his favourite place.
"All the praises that could fall from your mouth..." Kylo drawls before pressing himself firmly against your backside, "All that you could say to worship the hand that feeds you and you still choose to be insolent-"
You try to escape his death grip but he doesn't let you out this time around. All you can do is be thankful that he had the decency to allow you to breathe.
"That's all you fucking know how to do right," Kylo's lips are at your ear and your knees buckle. "Insolence. Insolence. Insolence." Your legs give out, but before you're able to topple to the ground in a puddle of your own lustful perversions, his other hand curls around your waist, keeping you firmly pressed against his front.
“Today's the day you fucking obey," he whispers, "Understand?"
Kylo is not sure how he does it, or why he does it, or where he got the understanding to do it, but his hand makes its very slow descent from your collarbone, to the spot right above your pillowy breasts. Clad in nothing but your knee length tunic, a garment stitched with fibres indigenous to your homeplanet, you suddenly feel incredibly naked and incredibly exposed. What was once an act of rebellion, is now your undoing.
"There is a way to make you disobey isn't there?" You can hear him becoming excited. "Every cattle has their price. What's yours?" Before you're able to turn and possibly beg for some sort of mercy, he's already in there. The stuff Kylo sees digging around in your mind, is enough to have him staring off into hyperspace. His eyes are trained on nothing at all as he rapes your most memories and most private desires. All while drawing you impossibly closer, until his mouth was buried in your hair and his hand was closing around your left breast. You squirm underneath him until finally, he's released from your stupor.
You did not dare turn around to look at him, in fear of seeing his dark eyes dilated with enlightenment.
"How barbaric." He whispers. "That's what I have to do in order to get you to listen to me,"
"I-I don't know what you're-"
"Open your mouth." Before you're ever able to interject even a single word, Kylo's hand is digging into the skin of your jaw, "Do I have to do it for you- open your mouth-" He wrenches your mouth open and cranes your neck back once more.
"That's it," You're absolutely frightened to see the violence that has darkened those irises. This is the look that's shielded behind the mask during times of battle. This is that look no one got to see.
Yet here you were.
"You're so fucking filthy, you know that?" You're nodding before your brain is aware of it, "You're a filthy, perverted little creature," one by one, your inhibitions slipped away from you until you could feel yourself become completely and utterly dumb for him. Your mind becomes a tabula rasa as Kylo bends his heavy frame downwards, spitting directly into your open mouth. There it is. That whimper he wanted to hear so badly.
You're not even aware of his hand reaching around your front until he's parting your legs with determination. "Is this where you want me?" Your mouth hangs open and you look up at him glassy doe eyes as he cups your drenched heat. Kylo locks his full lips and presses his front impossibly closer to your backside. "This whole time I've needed to get you in line, and the answers been here this whole fucking time?" A gloved hand swipes your underwear to the side and the wind is completely knocked out of you when Kylo pushes his fingers in immediately. He fucks his fingers into you with zero restraint and zero preparation, and the roughness has your eyes nearly rolling to the back of your skull as you grow limp in his grip. Lucky for you he's so large, lucky for you he might as well be a stone wall behind you, letting you lean against him with your long legs spread wide for his absolute assault.
"Look at me." He says, holding you against him by your throat while his index and middle finger violate your soaking cunt. Despite his orders you're still a drunken, blundering mess with half lidded eyes, promising to keep you locked away in your pleasure.
"If you don't fucking look at me, I'll stop and you'll suffer." He squeezes your clit quite painfully, immediately bringing you out of hedonistic stupor-
"Do you want me to stop?" He asks, with a note of cockiness that had your brows furrowing.
"Are you stupid?! Of course I don-" before the curse could even escape your mouth in its entirety, Kylo's blocking out your airways. You fight to scratch at his gloved grip around your throat but his grip is fucking metallic.
"Look at how docile you look when you're not running your mouth,"
Your insides were screaming for oxygen, yet your hips rut against his hand. Kylo slyly adds a third finger inside your slippery cunt. "What a whore," he whispers, causing you to fuck forward against his hand, nearly humping yourself to completion as the blood flow to your brain seems to stop completely. You need oxygen and you need to cum. You just don't know which you need more.
"You're nothing but fucking filth-"
Your mouth opens to let a moan escape but it never does, and Kylo watches your struggle with a pained expression of his own.
"F-Fuck, I've never seen anything so vile-"
You were slipping. Whether it was into unconsciousness or an orgasm you couldn't tell. "If you pass out I will fuck you," he whispers, "There's not fucking escaping me-"
And in that very moment, Kylo unlocks the invisible grip on your airways and suddenly you can breathe and cum. Almost immediately you're slipping into a violent, damn near supernatural orgasm that has you seeing every star in the known galaxy.
"F-FUCK- oh my-" You're rutting against his hand, tongue lolling out all while Kylo continues to fuck his fingers into your cunt.
"That's it," He whispers, "Cum for me, you useless fucking whore-" Every vile sliver of degradation causes a fresh wave of pleasure to roll through you until the first droplets of tears are rolling down your cheek.
"Don't fucking do that," he whispers, pulling you closer than ever, "Don't fucking do that unless you want me to fuck you right now-"
He watches the tears roll down your face and absolutely loses it. Now suddenly aware of his own cock aching in his pants.
"K-Kylo please-" You try to push his hand out of you but to no avail. "It's too much-"
But his eyes are shut, and your body is overcome by wave after wave of electrifying shivers. The pleasure quickly bleeds into the pain of being so heavily overstimulated but Kylo is lost in his own world now. He clutches you impossibly closer, mumering obscenities into your hair as he ruts against your ass and you fucking pray for it to be over. Your pussy is fucking spent and yet he's still keeping his hand there, as if driven by his own need to cum.
"You stupid fucking slut- look what you made me do-" He's rutting against your ass, eyes squeezed shut as his hips stutter, "F-Fuck-" the whimper that breaks his voice is utterly intoxicating and you find yourself slipping into another dry orgasm as Kylo pushes against you, cumming in his pants with various expletives falling from his pillowy lips. When your orgasm falls you beg him to let go of you and when he does, you topple to the floor.
Never in your life have you felt so weak. So spent. So utterly used.
Kylo does not spare you a glance when he turns around. "This is where you will reside from now on," he says with finality. Careful to let his voice relay how utterly broken he feels. Just as broken as you.
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cherrifire · 17 days
I love the Power Ponies episode. Would you keep their powers the same as the show or come up with something that better fits the characters themselves?
Ren: Mimic (this is just Roleplay from his Hermit TCG card lol). He can mimic any power he sees. It's super overpowered in the comic they get dragged into, but since Ren has never seen any powers except his friends' poor attempts to use them he's basically useless for the first half.
Martyn: Shapeshifting. I imagine a bit where he's told he has shapeshifting abilities and Martyn is like "What!? But I can already do that!!! That's not fair :(" Then during the big fight at the end learns that shapeshifting also includes inanimate objects and not just living creatures.
Edit: I forgot changelings can turn into inanimate objects too. So there really is no winning for Martyn tbh
Skizz: Super Strength. He gets really happy when he can lift a grumbling Martyn shapeshifted into a giant Ursaminor (He's so pressed about his superpower). He gets the hang of his power pretty quickly since it just makes him super strong. He struggles with balancing the objects he picks up though.
Bigb: Teleportation. The thing with this power is that it's something talented unicorns can do with ease, but it's loud, flashy, and has a limit to how far they can teleport. Bigb's teleportation is silent and he can go anywhere he wants with little effort. Though, since he's an Earth pony, he has no idea how to do it for a while lol.
Etho: I'm not super confident with the answer, but I don't really know what else to give Etho but... Ice breath. He can blow freezing winds at anyone coming his way. It doesn't work right away because of his mask being in the way lol. He just keeps forgetting to lower it. I imagine a bit where the ice ability finally works on a bunch of enemies trying to charge at Impulse. Then when the camera pans back to Etho, he's already lifted his mask back up. You just never get to see him without the mask on lol.
Impulse: Lightning. He can control electricity and produce lightning from his horn. Only issue is he struggles with aiming the lightning. He'll point at an enemy and the electricity ends up landing too far to the left or go right over the target. It feels almost random. In the end, he decides his power is stupid and just uses normal magic blasts. He's a pretty powerful unicorn, sometimes you just gotta use what you know works. (I'm also picturing a bit where Ren gets the hang of the lightning power before Impulse does.)
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clumsyromantic · 8 months
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Welcome to this ten generation legacy challenge based on vibrant colors! Inspired by all the other color themed legacies out there, because who doesn’t like basing their sims whole personality on a color (I know I’m a sucker for it lol). I won’t put a long list of rules here, because at the end of the day I want this to be your gameplay and story that you create. I will suggest that you follow each generation, but if something isn’t to your liking, by all means, change it for yourself. With that being said, don’t claim this challenge as your own, even if you tweak it. Remember, though, legacy challenges are all about having fun!
If you play don't forget to tag me here or on instagram @clumsy.romantic or use the hashtag #notanotherlegacy. I would really love to see some gameplay/stories!
Generation One: Licorice.
You never stay in one place too long. As a criminal, you’re always on the run. You don’t commit to anything. The only thing you’ve ever truly loved and committed to is your career. When it comes to actual love, you dip as soon as it seems like things might get serious. You don’t like being that close to people, letting people in like that. You can’t trust anyone, or so you thought.
Traits: Evil, Non-Committal, Romantic. (Additional: Self-Assured, Mean)
Aspiration: Serial Romantic.
Career: Criminal.
Have more enemies than friends.
Have a child with an enemy.
Move to a different world each time you age up.
Only your child(ren) can be your partner in crime.
Get caught cheating at least once.
Max your career.
Complete your aspiration.
Master the Mischief, Handiness and Programming skills.
[Packs used: None]
Generation Two: Pearl.
From the time you could hold things, you were coloring, drawing, painting, anything that could help you express yourself. You are the exact opposite of your parent. Maybe you’re like the other one? You wouldn’t know, though. You never met them, nor heard a single truth about them. That doesn’t matter, though, because as soon as you can, you move out of your parents home so that you can start your own life and family. Love isn’t easy, as you don’t truly know what it’s supposed to look like, but with how kind and caring you are, it almost comes easy to you.
Traits: Creative, Cheerful, Family-Oriented. (Additional: Loyal, Good)
Aspiration: Big Happy Family. 
Career: Painter.
Complete the Artist Prodigy as a child.
Move to a different world from your parent.
Marry someone with amazing compatibility (or someone with similar traits).
Have 5 children.
Have a bowling night with the family at least twice a week.
Max your career.
Complete your aspiration.
Master the Painting, Parenting and Bowling skills.
[Packs used: High School Years, Growing Together, Parenthood, Bowling Night]
Generation Three: Latte.
You come from a big family, and you’ve always loved every bit of it. However, nothing can compare to the love you have for fitness. As a teenager, you become a simfluencer who models athletic wear and shows off your healthy lifestyle. As a Young Adult, you constantly have dogs. You tell yourself all you need is dogs, until you meet another fitness buff who you end up having a baby with.
Traits: Active, Dog Lover, Vegetarian. (Additional: Ambitious, Outgoing)
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals.
Career: Simfluencer.
Have a good relationship with your parents and siblings.
Go to the gym four times a week.
Change your hairstyle once a week.
Have at least 3 dogs as a YA.
Become a B-lister.
Have a baby with someone you meet at the gym (bonus points if they have the active skill).
Max your career.
Complete your aspiration.
Master the Fitness, Entrepreneur, Media Production, and Pet Training skills.
[Packs used: Cats & Dogs, High School Years, Get Famous]
Generation Four: Dandelion.
It was hard for you to relate to your parents, as they were much more outgoing and sociable than you were. Keeping up conversations and being around people always made you feel drained. You preferred being by yourself with a good book. It was usually a sci-fi book about robots. It’s no surprise that you’re the first in your family to go to university and you end up working in engineering. Your best friend, perhaps lover as well, is a robot you built. Seems like a good life to you.
Traits: Loner, Overachiever, Socially Awkward. (Additional: Bookworm, Geek)
Aspiration: Nerd Brain.
Career: Engineer.
Attend university.
Build a servo bot.
Be romantic partners with the servo.
Woohoo with the servo in the rocketship.
Only adopt or have science babies.
Max your career.
Complete your aspiration.
Master the Logic, Handiness and Robotics skills.
[Packs used: High School Years, Discover University]
Generation Five: Emerald.
You want to make the world a better place for the next generations. Everything you do involves Mother Earth. You live off the land, garden and fish for your food. You raise chickens for your eggs and cows for your milk. You also fabricate and make things for yourself, others and your animals. Some of the things you create you sell on Plopsy for income. You have a baby with someone you’re engaged to be married to. But as soon as you can, you pack up and leave them, taking the baby with you.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Maker, Freegan. (Additional: Green Fiend, Recycle Disciple)
Aspiration: Master Maker.
Career: Plopsy Seller.
Live in Evergreen Harbor (If you don’t already, move there as a YA).
Live in Port Promise, where you must make the eco footprint green.
Additional Challenge: have the Simple Living lot challenge in Evergreen.
Knitted and Fabricated items can be sold on Plopsy when you need simoleons.
Get engaged and try for a baby until one of you is pregnant.
Once you have reached green for the eco footprint; break off the engagement, take the baby and move to Sulani.
Complete your aspiration.
Master the Knitting, Fishing, Gardening and Fabrication skills.
[Packs used: Eco Lifestyle, Nifty Knitting, Island Living]
Generation Six: Turquoise.
Growing up on a beautiful beach with your single parent doing everything for you made you into a spoiled brat. The only thing you actually want to do, besides sleep and chill, is fashion photography. You have a real eye for fashion. Although, you don’t really have a knack for picking up work. You’re more likely to be suntanning than actually doing your job. The few times you do accept a job, you fall in love with the model. Instead of falling happily in love together, you are constantly fighting, and to make matters worse, you have a kid together. Something neither of you wanted.
Traits: Self-Absorbed, Lazy, Hates Children. (Additional: Jealous, Squeamish)
Aspiration: Beach Life.
Career: Freelance Fashion Photographer.
Accept a job once a week.
Have a baby with one of the models that has the Mean, Hot-Headed or Evil trait.
Only have 1 child.
Have a bad relationship with your child.
Move to San Myshuno as an Adult.
Max your career.
Complete your aspiration.
Master the Charisma and Photography skills.
[Packs used: Get Famous, Outdoor Retreat, Moschino, City Living]
Generation Seven: Ruby.
You constantly heard your parents fighting over something. They were never not fighting. You found your solace in music; listening to it, writing it, playing instruments, just everything about it. You get married young just so you can move out. But you’re in love with a musician on the side. You’re not really sure if you should keep seeing them, or stick by your spouse. You never really were good with decisions, especially ones that could really impact your future.
Traits: Music Lover, Hot-Headed, Childish. (Additional: Erratic, Dance Machine)
Aspiration: Musical Genius.
Career: Live off tips and fame.
Marry and move out as a YA.
Have a bad relationship with your parents.
Cheat on your spouse with someone who plays an instrument or sings.
Only earn money from tips when you play instruments or sing in public.
Have either a dance battle or karaoke night once a week.
Obtain fame, at least c-lister, from music.
Complete your aspiration.
Master the Singing, Dancing and any instrument skills.
[Packs used: Get Famous, City Living, Get Together]
Generation Eight: Magenta.
You’ve always used humor and pranks as a way to cope with everything going on in your life. No one but your best friend really gets you. It’s hard for you two to get over being friends when you realize that you have feelings for each other. Except, after having a baby together, you realize you were better off as friends. You still civilly raise the child, just not under the same roof anymore.
Traits: Paranoid, Goofball, Gloomy. (Additional: Clumsy, Cat Lover)
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief.
Career: Social Media.
Have a childhood best friend.
Have a baby with said best friend.
You and your best friend fall out, but you still raise the child civilly.
Have at least 1 cat.
Max your career.
Complete your aspiration.
Master the Comedy, Writing and Mischief skills.
[Packs used: Cats and Dogs, Strangerville, City Living]
Generation Nine: Tangerine.
You prefer the finer things in life. You live in the city, but as a young adult working in law, you often take vacations to Mt. Komorebi. Where, when you fall in love with a local and have children, you take your children there often. Not until you retire, do you and your spouse move there. In the meantime, you enjoy the time you spend there; skiing, snowboarding, rock climbing, sightseeing, etc. You dream of your vacations while at work.
Traits: Adventurous, Kleptomaniac, Bro. (Additional: Lactose Intolerant, Materialistic)
Aspiration: Mt. Komorebi Sightseer.
Career: Law.
Take 2 vacation days a week to go to Mt. Komorebi.
Marry and have children with someone who lives in Mt. Komorebi
Continue living in San Myshuno until you retire and move to Mt. Komorebi.
Steal one item a day.
Max your career.
Complete your aspiration.
Master the Skiing, Snowboarding and Rock Climbing skills.
[Packs used: Snowy Escape, Cottage Living]
Generation Ten: Aubergine.
Your parents always showed you the luxurious sides of life. Treating you to everything and anything you could ever imagine. It lit the way for your future career as a critic. You enjoyed being able to put your 2 cents into whatever you could get your neatly, well kept fingers on. You also always looked and presented to be your best self. 
Traits: Neat, Foodie, Snob. (Additional: High Maintenance, Perfectionist)
Aspiration: Party Animal.
Career: Critic.
Host 3 parties a week.
Each party has a theme; decorate and cook accordingly.
Get married 3 times (not to the same person).
Have 1 child per marriage.
Don’t get close to your children until they are Young Adults.
Max your career.
Complete your aspiration.
Master the Cooking, Writing and Gourmet Cooking skills.
[Packs used: Spa Day, City Living]
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frickingnerd · 1 year
no more what ifs
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pairing: akira kurusu / ren amamiya / joker x gn!reader
summary: a look inside akira's diary reveals all the thoughts the boy has had about you, including his feelings for you..
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"oooh, what's this~?"
akira and you had been waiting for the rest of the phantom thieves to join the two of you at leblanc and while you were upstairs, in his room, you were checking out the interior, when you came across a little notebook. 
akira had been too busy looking at his phone, exchanging messages with ryuji in the group chat, to notice the little book in your hands. by the time he looked up and spotted it in your hands, it was already too late and you were flipping through the pages of it. 
"w-wait, that's not something you should be seeing!"
he shouldn't have said that, because now you knew you had to find out what he was keeping a secret in here! 
"is this a diary?"
you turned one page after another at a rapid speed, just glancing at the pages, before moving on to the next one, before you found a certain side that caught your attention. 
"you looked so pretty today, y/n. i could barely look at you, without my face turning red. though i wished i could see you like this more often. your beauty had me captivated and i could swear i feel in love with you even further"
you quietly read the words out loud, your cheeks turning red as you realized what you were just reading. was this a confession? 
"y/n, give me that!"
akira had gotten up by now, quickly snatching the notebook from your hands. his face almost had the same color as yours – a dark red! just by seeing your face, akira knew that you had read at least one of his confessions he had written down in his notebook. 
"s-sorry, i… i didn't know that you…" 
"can we just… forget about this?"
akira sighed softly and stepped back, letting himself fall onto his bed. 
"n-no, i–"
his eyes widened as you told him no. why wouldn't you want to forget this? it was absolutely embarrassing, having his crush find out he liked them thanks to his unfiltered thoughts being written down like this. 
"i don't want to forget…"
"and why wouldn't you…?"
akira could swear that your red cheeks darkened even more. 
"because… what you wrote there was really sweet. and… sometimes, i have similar thoughts. about you…"
now akira was the one who could swear his cheeks somehow got even more red.
"you do…?"
he got up from his bed again, slowly walking towards you. 
"i do…"
the gap between you closed and akira now stood in front of you, smiling down on you. 
"then… would you mind if i… kissed you?"
if you had flipped down a few pages further, you would've seen more of his unfiltered thoughts about you, including a detailed paragraph about how kissable your lips looked. 
"only if i get to read a bit more from your diary~"
akira chuckled and leaned in, his lips hovering close to yours. 
he whispered, before gently pressing his lips onto yours. 
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mytokyodebunker · 2 months
Asking The Ghouls To Do Your Hair
Jin Kamurai
Jin… Doesn't know. Probably hands it off to Tohma- I'm just joking…UNLESS-. He's actually pretty caring of others so he might learn one or two different braids but that's it. He seems like he's probably good at putting your hair in a clip or a bun but nothing else.
Tohma Ishibashi
Tohma…..He would be good at it probably. If not, then surprise!!! He is now. He's used to taking care of Jin anyways, adding hairstyles or braiding to that list wouldn't be that bad.
Kaito Fuji
Kaito would absolutely love to do it but he would probably be bad at it. He's SCREAMING at the fact that he's touching your hair with your permission, extremely happy the entire time. Might be confused during the process but he's not complaining at all.
Lucas 'Luca' Errant
He doesn’t know but won't give up until he knows every hairstyle humanly possible. Every time he asks you with earnest eyes to let him practice again, and every hairstyle is more elaborate than the last. The process is always long and painful on your scalp, but the end result never disappoints!
Alan Mido
Our young grandpa himbo. We all know he wouldn't know how and he would rather not accidentally hurt you in any way, even if you flinch at the slightest tug, he'll stop immediately.
Leo Kurosagi
Leo knows different hair styles, but doesn't know how to execute it. He knows what's trending and what looks good on a person. Little bastard wouldn't give the advice until you mess up though.
Shohei 'Sho' Haizono
He wouldn't know until he get comfortable with your hair and he'll pick up on it after awhile. The type to learn quickly. Alternatively, he does Leo's hair when Leo makes him do it, and he always does a good job. Very gentle.
He also strikes me as Leo's unwilling makeup artist and lighting/photoshoot assistant so you know that he has some sort of experience.
Haru Sagara
He's the best person to ask if you want someone to brush your hair nicely (and quickly), since he's the one who grooms all the animals at Jabberwock. Can't do much else to your hair - maybe add a bow? Would still somehow injure himself in the process though.
Towa Otonashi
Surprisingly good at hair. Would probably also put flowers in it too while he's doing it. Sunny sunny day the entire time....may or may not eat the flowers while it's in your hair. He knows One (1) style and proceeds to make everyone he can get his hands on look like a fairy princess. There's no choice.
Ren Shiranami
Doesn't know. Doesn't WANT to know. Frankly, he is offended you asked him. He hasn't touched a comb in ages, his hair is short enough and it'll get messed up again anyway.
If anything, you would be combing his hair. But be warned, he will loudly complain whenever you get the comb caught on a tangle.
Taiga Hoshibami
Taiga….Nope. He will pull and tug on your hair. Forget anything about braiding or any hair styles, he'll fuck up your hair worse than you ever could. Taiga would rip your hair out or else cut the tangles out with scissors if you ever asked.
Romeo Lucci
He had strong opinions about your hair (and the rest of your look) from the start, so if you let him he'll give you a full makeover.
he'll know what your face shape needs and wash & style your hair nicely, then complain that your skin is crap and give you a facial and apply your makeup, then put you in a better outfit so that your shitty clothes don't ruin his hard work. Then make you work the casino floor because his services don't come for free and no he won't pay you. Do you have any idea how much the perfume you're wearing costs?
Ritsu Shinjo
Doesn't know. Could learn. Will he though? Probably not, it's nothing he needs to be a lawyer. If you insist, then he proceeds to over-gel your hair while you die inside. Later, he'll genuinely ask why you haven't asked him a second time.
Subaru Kagami
Subaru would say he doesn’t know anything about hair but if you insist then maybe he'll just brush it out for you, but secretly he probably knows all of the theatre hairstyles for kabuki. He prefers leaving your hair loose though.
Haku Kusanagi
He can, and is ridiculously smooth at it too. No head pain, can tell if you've got a sensitive scalp, knows all of the staple styles - ponytail, bun, braid. It's strangely therapeutic to get your hair done by him, like spending time with a big sibling.
Zenji Kotodama
Zenji would make some rendition of maiko and geisha hairstyles but with his own spin on it, but it will take hours and your scalp will be screaming at you and he won't shut up all through the process. He would spout off poetry while at it. Might sing too. If you don't like his voice, too bad he's doing it every time he does your hair if he gets the chance.
Yuri Isami
He insists that he, a genius doctor, is adept at everything that requires dexterity, but he refuses to spend his incredibly precious time braiding your hair. Suggest he's not actually that good, and he'll change tune. He'll sit you down and plait your hair with perfect surgical precision (ha), then demand endless praise and fawning.
Jiro Kirisaki
Doesn’t know. Probably hasn't used a comb before. He could learn, but that's so much effort. Thinks it'd be easier for both of you if you just cut it all off.
Rui Mizuki
Rui won't touch your hair, because he's worried about his curse, but he'd notice right away when you change your hair. He'll happily compliment it, and might suggest hairstyles he'd love to see you wear in the future.
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xgumiho · 9 months
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(You got me) in the palm of your hand
"Fortunes told, futures unfold." The sign at the local ren faire looks tempting. After all, Steve is one year out of high school and has no idea where his life is going. Sometimes he wishes someone could just gaze into the future and figure it out for him. In the fortune teller’s tent, Steve has a run-in with his past. And if he doesn’t turn on his heel and leave, it has absolutely nothing to do with how pretty Eddie Munson looks in his costume, all gleaming jewelry and dark tendrils of hair spilling out from under a patterned headscarf. He lets Eddie read his palm, because why the hell not? It’s all bogus anyway! Except, as the summer goes on, Steve finds that Eddie’s cryptic predictions somehow, inexplicably keep coming true. As they keep running into each other, almost as if orchestrated by an invisible force, Steve can’t help but be intrigued with the other boy. He also can’t seem to forget how pretty Eddie’s eyes look in black liner, or the way his fingers feel on his skin, but that is an entirely different problem. Read the fic here.
Author: @just-my-latest-hyperfixation (tumblr) | just_my_latest_hyperfixation (AO3)
Artist: Yours truly @xgumiho (tumblr) | xgumiho (instagram) | jul2ja (twitter)
The other artist creating for this fic: @peachypurr (tumblr) | peachypurr (linktree)
Thank you @steddiebang for hosting Steddie Bigbang 2023!
Personal note!
I have already talked about this but I'm gonna say it again because I can!
When Steddie Bigbang fic excerpts dropped, I got HOOKED on Hype's fic immediately. I knew I just HAD to draw for this fic because I saw what I wanted to do in my mind's eye the moment I laid my eyes on the excerpt 🖤 I loved every part of this fic and I hope y'all will love it just as much!! Chapter 1 is now available and also make sure to stay tuned for the updates - you're gonna adore each and every chapter. Please don't forget to show lots of love for the author and leave comments under the fic 🖤
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wizardfrog69 · 5 months
May I request raising a child with Fyodor? I feel like he would lowkey be a scary strict parent but would also spoil them a lot lmao. He gives the vibes of a parent that would ask his 7 year old son to read Crime and Punishment and to write a 3 page essay if they want something.
Thanks for the request!
'•.¸♡ Raising a child together (Fyodor) ♡¸.•'
Fyodor x reader (parents)
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Raising a child with him is difficult, to say the least. He firmly believes that children should be punished as a consequence of their actions. The punishments he would suggest may be too cruel for the situation or child, so you never let him punish the children.
Your child will learn to play some sort of instrument like a piano or some sort of string instrument, one that is featured in classical music, so no electric guitar or banjo (unfortunately).
They will end up in therapy, Fyodor is such a great father.
Fyodor is very strict about homework and tests, he expects 90% or higher, it's safe to say you are definitely the favourite parent.
Reading and poetry is a big thing for him and so his offspring has like 20 poems, mostly Russian poems, memorised.
Classical music is what they would listen to the most due to Fyodor but they are allowed to express themselves via music, art, clothing (as long as it is appropriate, for all genders).
He is overprotective, yet he does not wish to be overbearing so it comes off as him just locking himself in his room and interacting with his child on occasion to fulfil their natural need for attention and to reinforce the house rules, and to spend time with you of course.
On special occasions, or when Fyodor wants attention from his family but doesn't want to show it in fear of acting weak, he would take you on a fun night out, taking the kids to the playground or somewhere fun, going to a restaurant to eat something, and so he can spoil you a bit, ending the night with a walk in the park while the child(ren) run around.
Some of his rules include: no phone, the only thing they can watch is TV and w someone else, not on their own, home by 20:00, in bed by 22:00, sleepovers only once they turn 13 and he needs to know the parents, nothing too immodest, no going to his study.
When you had your first baby, Fyodor was really attached to it. It was probably the most you've seen him smile ever. Finding him taking a nap with the baby was a rare sight, but a sight you cherished with all your heart.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Have a wonderful day/night and don't forget to do something you love and drink plenty of water!:)
-with love, Az
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11rosebunny · 2 months
When he teases you (BOFURIN + SHISHITOREN)
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Haruka Sakura
He's not the type of person to go out of his way to see someone melt into a puddle of ice cream, he's not going to lie, he doesn't actually see much of a reason to go tease someone, especially the girl he likes. Because why would he want to tease someone that he's interested in? He wants to treat them with respect.
Instead of purposely trying to make you squabble and look like you took the hottest shower on Earth, the closest way he teases you is by playfully arguing with you or saying facts about yourself.
If you're minding your business, he'll say in the most calmest voice,
"Your skirt suits you better."
"Something smells good, is that you?"
"Haah—? What do you mean you don't look good today?"
It doesn't click in his head that's not something anyone should generally say especially face to face with the person they like, if you're in a tangent about the things you don't like about yourself, he twists his head in confusion and puts his face right in front of yours to try to find out why you're turning red and telling him to stop.
And he doesn't stop till you push him away.
Hajime Umemiya
If he really wanted to tease you with no consequences, he would, but for the sake of his reputation and your life expectancy, his teasing is still pretty obvious and cocky but a little toned down. Even coming from a guy like him who makes sure everyone is okay, he still has a rebellious side that likes to push your buttons.
He likes to act like he doesn't know what's making you so shy, touching you in places and rubbing his hands ever so slowly against your skin to make you jump. He'll whisper in your ear, saying,
"Why're you so red hm [Name]?"
All while acting oblivious on purpose, it feeds into his ego and gets off on the way you starting stuttering, tripping over your words, start to grow quiet around him, and the best part for him is the look on your face.
He'll stop if you ask him to though, even so, it might take him a while to pry off of you.
Toma Hiragi
He's also an egotistical ballsack of a man, so yes, he finds it amusing to tease you until you forget how to breathe around him.
Mentioned before, he has a thing for shy girls, and if you happen to be shy, his teasing is much more worse because of how easy it is to make you go red.
He's around the same level, if not—worse than Umemiya when it comes to teasing, expect him to playfully insult you.
"Someone needs a little help hm?" He hums right next to your ear while towering over you. He could go on for hours saying how hopeless you are without him, and then begins to start saying things like,
"Do you really need me that much [Name]?"
"Stop it!" You hit him on the centre of his back.
Ren Kaji
The way he teases is by straight up insulting you. It's not like Hiragi where you can tell he's joking and just messing around, but when it comes to Kaji, if you mess up on something or need help from specifically him, he will grin to himself feeling like an emperor and will use that against you for 2 whole days before gradually forgetting about it.
"Seems like somebody misses me already," He says with the slightest grin on his face.
He won't really say anything while trying to make you red, instead he'll look at you making you question what his problem is.
"Getting so mad already? Do you really like me that much?"
"You can't live without me huh..."
They sound like insults but trust me, the way it rolls off his tongue makes you want to rip out all his hair.
Taiga Tsugeura
It's either he is aware while teasing you or he's not.
Sometimes he's not able to read the room when he's around you, it's 50/50 whenever he teases you. When he does it on accident, it could be when you two are having a normal conversation and he says something that makes you stutter for a split second. He notices it when you trip over your words and immediately questions you, when you explain that you just got shy, he starts to pester you about why, because in his eyes, whatever he said was 100% true.
However, when it is on purpose, he couldn't really be bothered to be nervous teasing you. He'll be all smiley and giddy when making you lose your marbles, all while the whole time, he finds it quite hilarious. Of course he doesn't see it as something to point and laugh at, but he thrives off the way you tell him to stop and look all over the place otherwise someone may hear him.
"Ohh, are you getting nervous [Name]?" He says while letting out a throaty laugh.
Don't look him in the eye or he'll force to make eye contact with you.
Mitsuki Kiryu
He's one of the worst.
Kiryu is an extremely well kept together person with a beautiful and fun personality, that being said—it also means he ends up swooning a lot more ladies than he can keep count of along with his hardcore but gentle facial features, anyone would be a fool to deny he's pretty.
He knows how to get under your skin in a way where you can't defend yourself. He knows all the tricks and antics if he ever wants to see you go all sloppy and messy. He'll keep staring at you to the point where it's obvious, coos at you if you try to defend yourself, he gets close to your body to where you're practically on top of each other, at the same time he'll even start complimenting you.
"Ahh, seems like you lost the game again," He looks at your screen. The both of you were on your bed playing the mobile game he wanted to play, he was sitting behind you as you rested your back against his torso, he had been using the top of your head to rest his phone in his hands.
"I wonder why..." He says taking a strand of your hair and twisting it in the air noticing the way the tips of your ears were red. He hummed to himself before smiling.
Hayato Suo
He notices when you're embarrassed, but in courtesy, he won't make it obvious that he knows. If anything, he slightly feels bad but at the same time, he craves to see more of it. During those times he is usually able to avoid those thoughts and stop his teasing, but for the other times, well...
He won't exactly say anything to make you start running around the place, but he does it in very subtle ways and takes glances to check if you reacted the way he wanted to react.
If you're holding hands, he'll brush his thumb across the inner area of the curve of your hand, he'll clean stuff on your face, push in your chair while you're seated, stare at you with those loving eyes all while throwing compliments every now and then.
Jo Togame
Do you hate him? Yes. Does he care? No.
Past Togame in the first arc would most definitely have you on the floor with his words sprawling all over the place to get you in a hot mess. To make matters worse, he's the type of make you aware of how you look like right now.
"Ah, you're face is red [Name], do you have a fever?" He'll bring you closer by wrapping his arm behind your back and placing the other on his forehead. He could feel the way your forehead progressively get's even hotter.
Present Togame would be less of an asshole when it comes to teasing, but sometimes his past behaviour sometimes peaks out and takes over. He's been more nicer and won't make fun of you for getting all red, instead, he seems to be more worried and even finds it a bit funny. Even so, he can't lie to himself that he doesn't enjoy it when you're all sloppy because of him.
"Whatever, I don't even care," You mumble to yourself breaking the eye contact with him.
"Yeah?" He said raising a brow and smirking to himself.
Tomiyama Choji
Past Choji and current Choji are still the same person when it comes to making you shy. He's learned how to be a better person, but yet some of his traits had still stuck with him. Not the bad ones, but more of the playful ones.
He will laugh at you whenever heat rushes to your face.
That won't even stop him from continuing to touch you all over the place, say things that make you lose your brain and speak like you've got your foot up your ass.
"Ohoo, you seem to have a hard time focusing right now...?!"
"That's because of you!"
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howi99 · 13 days
Forever fall accident
Nora: *looking at the sap from the tree slowly filling her jar* Soon, soon you will be mine~
Ren: *sigh* Nora, the sap is not for you. It's for the professors. Please don't drink another jar... Again.
Nora: *cheekily* I can't promise~
Pyrrha: *looking around* Did anyone see Jaune?
Nora: *looking up to Pyrrha* Maybe the call of nature got the best of him?
Ren: *sigh even louder* Nora, i don't think Jaune would just leave without saying a word just to go to the bathroom.
Pyrrha: He probably was lost in his own head. He does that a lot, we should try finding him.
Jaune: *looking at team CRDL* Now that i helped you with getting more sap, do you need anything else?
Cardin: *smiling* Jauney boy, you've been such a good help today. So much so that me and my team decided to finally move on from you.
Jaune: ... What do you mean?
Cardin: *taking one of the jar* See, whatever we do to you, you seem to not mind. And frankly, it's booooriiiiing. So, instead of trying to get a reaction from you, we thought "what if we tried on someone else?"
Jaune: ...
Cardin: Now, we both know how much of a pushover you are, soooo *put the jar back in Jaune's hand* We want YOU to throw that bottle at Pyrrha.
Jaune: ... Excuse me?
Sky: *with a box in his hands* We got a rapier wasp nest, and they love sap!
Cardin: *spitting on the ground* She keeps beating us up because we are a bit rowdy with you. And we want to teach her a lesson. And you *poke Jaune chest* will help us.
Jaune: ... *Sigh* Cardin, i give you 10 seconds after I finish speaking to reconsider your actions.
Cardin: *laugh* You think you can threaten me? We all saw how bad you were during practice.
The jar breaks in Jaune's hand
Jaune: *coldly staring at cardin* The only reason i don't do well in class is because if i actually tried, i might kill people. Now, i will ask you again to rethink your decision, Cardin.
Cardin: *a bit less sure* You might be good at bluffing, but i still know that you wouldn't be able to fight the 4 of us by yourself! I- *get punch in the guts. Then, while trying to catch his breath, Jaune caught him by the throat* Ack!
Dove, Sky and Russel: *ready their weapons*
Jaune: 10 seconds. *Sigh* i let you walk all over me, pushed me and sent me into dangerous situations but i didn't care because you weren't trying to hurt anyone that was important, just me. *Bringing Cardin to eye level, not even flinching when Cardin desperately tried to punch him to get released* But you had to try going for the ones that matter. Now this is your last warning Cardin; Forget your plan, and i won't break your neck like a twig. *Jaune's grip tightens even more, breaking Cardin aura*
Sky: *screaming* URSA! WE GOT URSA!
Jaune: *finally look around him, seeing the Ursa's encircling the group* Hm... *Release Cardin* Get out. All of you.
Dove: H-how!? There's no exit!
Jaune: *smiling* You make yourself a path. *Goes in front of one of the Ursa* Like this! *Use his spear to behead the ursa in one swing*
Sky and Russel: *help Cardin getting back up*
Dove: *looking at Jaune smiling after killing the grimm* You freak...
Jaune: *turning to Dove* Yes, i am.
Pyrrha: Jaune! Where are you!
Nora: Fearless leader, we got sap for your dessert! We know you love making them!
Ren: ... Nora, i highly doubt he will-
Jaune: *coming out from the trees* More sap? Nice, my jars are broken!
Pyrrha: Jaune! *Goes to him* Thanks the gods you are okay and- *look at the broken lance* What happened!?
Jaune: Oh, you know, a little grimm ambush. *Smile* Nothing to worry about.
Ren: We were supposed to tell Glynda for any sighting of grimm.
Jaune: Don't worry, their's none left. *Turning to Nora* And you won't need to break Cardin's legs, i don't think he will try anything else against us.
Nora: Ohoh!~ You kicked his ass?
Jaune: *scratching the back of his head* Not necessarily. But i don't think he will want to try anything else.
Team RWBY is walking back to the bullhead
Yang: ... He was laughing.
Blake: ... Yeah.
Weiss: he dismembered those grimm like if they were made out of paper.
Ruby: *sigh* and the way he talked to Cardin...
Blake: Can't say he hadn't it coming.
Yang: ...
Ruby: *looking at Yang* Hey, i know what it looks like, but i'm sure we can talk with him about it, right?
Yang: *sigh* Yeah... Probably.
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hiskillingjar · 5 months
What do you think Strade, law, and ren would react to a bimbo type MC?
this is so fucking mean. how did you know i was into this??
ren 🦊
ren loves it. of course he loves it
mans is a cum brained hentai addict, of course he fucking loves you playing up to all his favourite tropes
he especially loves it when you pitch up your voice and coo and fawn over him. you sound like a little doll, it's just so cute!
(loves it even more when you do the same in bed and whine and squeal like one of his pornos lol)
cute outfits? skimpy clothes? an obscene amount of pink?? he'd love every second!! he loves high aesthetic anyway so he'd be more than happy to shower you with gifts so you always look pretty and perfect all the time
(and would totally want to pick out your outfits so that he could match lol)
he likes the heavy makeup too, especially if it gets messed up and smeared by tears, saliva, cum
he might even get a bit of a complex about it, especially if you played into the whole "tee hee i'm dumb and you're smart :3" part
like yeah actually, i AM smarter than you. you need me to look after you, don't you, baby? that's okay, you can just stay here with me and look pretty and enjoy being a dumb girl all you want ^_^
doesn't that sound so nice?
doesn't that sound so freeing, never having to worry about real life again?
awww don't fight me, babe, you just don't know any better!
lawrence 🥀
lawrence is. a little confused by it, honestly
like they know that you're playing this up. what are you trying to do? do you think i'm stupid, or something?
i mean law has kind of a complex about honesty, so they might be a bit. put off by you playing a role of some kind
besides, they want to break your brain by themselves. you doing it to yourself is no fun, is it?
in a brain break kind of circumstance though...
law would be super patient and take good care of you
your speech keeps slurring and you forget the words for things that should be obvious...that's okay though, they're there to help you. you don't need to think that hard when they're around
or maybe they'll just shut you up if it becomes too irritating, your dumb voice and your inability to even speak anymore. they have a pretty short fuse for that sort of thing
they might get a little tired of looking after a braindead doll, though...especially if some of your joints have been popped out
you'll just have to prove your worth in some way, the only way dumb dolls can...isn't that right, petel?
strade 🔨
yeah strade likes it a lot too lmao
he picked it up pretty quickly though
the way you were dressed at the bar, the fact that you so readily trusted a total stranger. takes someone pretty dumb to do that...
so he takes a good long time figuring you out back in the basement?
is this just an act or are you really as stupid as you seem?
but you moan and whimper so sweetly, your voice slurring, and your brain blurred faster than he could have ever imagined
he has to keep you on, even for a little while, just to see what'll happen
considering his standing as the world's worst sugar daddy, you can dress up however you want and he doesn't have a word of complaint about it
especially when you get so upset when he tears your clothes off and fucks up your makeup when he fucks you. it's really irresistible though, your whines are too cute to resist!
might develop a bit of an ego about it (nowhere near as much as ren though, who definitely pushes his luck and fucks with you when strade's not around) especially considering how well his audience responds when he pushes a pretty girl into her rightful place under him
you're not much fun as anything other than a living fuckdoll though. you're too stupid for any kind of conversation, and you don't react nearly as fun to pain as he wants
but not like you care, even if you had enough of a brain TO care
you'll be his doll whenever he wants you <3
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Let's go enjoy the sun and 55!
Hopefully I'm doing this correctly eksoqheb-
Let's go enjoy the sun!
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Haru might have convinced you to help out for their fundraiser so let's see who are the three people who come to spend the evening in Jabberwock
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Wc: ~1,8k
“Is everything ready?” Haru asks from the door of Jabberwock while he carries out a very homemade stand under his arm before setting it down. It's the equivalent to a child's lemonade stand but rather it read ‘jabberwock fundraiser’ in big black letters
“Are you honestly doing this?”
“We are really in need of money, ren!” He pouts before saying something to Towa who was humming in agreement.
“Why are you even here? You aren't even part of Jabberwock” Ren looks up from his raid to side eye you.
“Haru looked pretty depressed while he vented so I decided to help”
“Are you stupid or spineless?” a sigh leaves his lips and he doesn't wait for an answer before focusing again on his phone.
“Stop bothering them, Ren! At least I heard what you said so now you only have to wait on visitors and charge them”
“And you forced me to not take shifts to do what I do for my job?” 
Ignoring him Haru pulls a marker and writes down the prices.
500 yen for 30 minute foraging group tour with Towa
800 yen for 30 minute capybus ride with Haru
But when you reach your price for essentially frolicking around the hills and sunbathing your breath scapes your lungs
“So expensive”
“Don't undersell yourself!” Haru chimes and towa hums “I'm sure you will get us more earnings than you think!”
“That is like 2500 diamonds in Shock of clans” Ren comments, and it makes you remember when he spent 30 minutes thinking if buying diamonds was smart. Next he throws a sly smirk  “seems like someone else can take care of the cashier for me”
“Then you can go feed the salamanders! Such good thinking Ren!” Haru chimes.
“Forget it, I just remembered they weren't good at math"
“Hello, senpai” Sho smiles as he hands the money to Ren, who was still bitching about now having to pay proper attention to his job and not the game.
“oh? I didn't expect you to come by, Sho!” quickly you walk around the stand and hug him. Seeing he paid, you link both of your arms and start leading where Haru told you was your ‘station’.  
“and leave you with whatever pervert might come? After you helped around the truck some weirdos came asking when you would be there again” 
“Mhm, so you decided to be the weirdo?” You two walk down a path between some overgrown red cap mushrooms that were as tall as trees, this would be such a good place to record an Alice in wonderland movie.
“Here I come trying to save you from perverts and this is how I get treated?” Sho feigns being hurt, his hand slapping his chest “so what were you supposed to do?”
You throw yourself on the red blanket laying down on the floor before smiling knowing he would crack up “ I'm hosting a flower themed tea party” and your hand signals to the glass teapot with lotus designs and the matching lotus shaped teacups that hotarubi lent “and if you want I can make you a flower crown” without missing a beat he laughs “to be fair, I thought I would lead a tour or play cashier” 
“And they ended up having you serve tea?” You nod “and you didn't complain?” you nod again “well, are you going to pour me or what?” He sits down next to you, soon drinking the jasmine tea.
For the hour that he booked you two mostly chatted about how he was doing, how he was getting closer to Subaru, and how his food truck was going. It was so nice to be able to chat with Sho without Leo interrupting or him dividing his attention between cooking and receiving clients but every few minutes his phone would start buzzing making him frown until he checks who is sending the texts.
“Oi, smile” Sho raises the telephone and takes a photo of you making him a flower crown with some dandelions and wild flowers.
“keeping a photo for the memory? I would have fixed my hair if you were gonna to photograph me” 
“Leo is texting me nonstop, maybe this will stop him a bit” he puts down the phone and grabs one of the cookies that were on the plate, they are the typical chocolate chip cookies from the kiosk but that are a worthy accompaniment.
Not even a few minutes later Leo uploads a post on wickchat and Sho gets a notification, from his scowl you can guess he isn't happy. In his screen there is a story with a snarky comment mocking his friend and soon the comments flooded with people sympathizing with him.
damn, my friend bailed out of a hang out to go out with his crush who doesn't even like him
“That asshole” the comment and the cluck of his tongue slip without thinking, soon getting your attention from the almost finished craft.
“Is it that bad?” Curious, you take your own phone from your cardigan but before even being able to type Leo's user in the search bar Sho throws himself at you, arm quickly swatting away the phone. Effectively ensuring you didn't see the post but making him lose balance and fall over just in time for Ritsu and Ren walking in.
“Hey, YN, can you watch the stand for a sec? He wants to go on a tour and I can't find To-” his eyes widen when he sees the scene “what the…”
“If you  desire to file for sexual harassment I would be honored to be your lawyer in the proceedings”
“Wait a minute this isn't what it looks like!” 
“He just lost balance, there is no need to jump to conclusions”
“No need to feel ashamed, there are two visual witnesses to attest, I'm sure Darkwick will respond”
Soon enough, either because of embarrassment, Ren looking at him with thinly veiled disgust or Ritsu pushing you to file a restraining order, Sho leaves soon after entering jabberwock.
“Tsk, why would you bring me here?” Jin scratches the back of his head, icy blue eyes almost closed due to the sunlight he isn't used to.
“Hermits can be prone to vitamin D deficiency, and I saw this as the perfect opportunity for you to take some sun”
“Go to hell and die, asshole” Jin barks at him between clenched teeth but Thoma doesn't bother with him and goes to the stand.
“Morning, Thoma!” You wave as he gets closer
“inspector? I wasn't expecting to see you here”
“Yeah, Ren left me here while he led a first year to Towa’s tour” your hand points to the wooden slate with the three options and prices.
“Oh? I didn't hear that there were different tours” Thoma grabs his chin, looking over the proposals curiously. Behind him Jin is kicking dirt and cursing under his breath, if he could teleport with his sword why is he here still?
“Yep! Towa just left with the foraging party so he shouldn't return for a good few minutes, but Haru should be back soon”
“Hmm… I do see your name here, do you host a tour of your own?”
“It isn't quite like that” you laugh a bit “we decided that I shouldn't be alone with the anomalies just in case anything goes wrong. I just have a sort of tea party” 
“That does seem more like Jin's thing out of these options” Thoma mumbles lightly
“Oh, right now I'm taking care of the stand so I can't really entertain people” out of nowhere Ren’s hand lands on your shoulder, prompting you to give him his seat, last time you refused to he pulled his floatie around your torso so you couldn't move. He had a smile from ear to ear, sadistic brat.
“did you decide what you want to do?” Ren uses his customer service voice, barely different from his normal voice, just somehow more lifeless. If that was possible.
“we both will go with YN” Thoma pulls his wallet and pays. Ren hums while counting the money.
 Jin scoffs seated on the checkered blanket, a smirk on his lips “so you are going to be waiting on me again, servant”
You roll your eyes at his comment, even if this time you were technically serving him “yeah, yeah, it was indeed on the description” a soft smirk forms between your lips seeing a way to tease him. you turn around to face the teapot you ask “jasmine or black tea?” your hands fiddle with the lid, acting as if you were going to open it and put leaves in.
“Fine then, I want black tea”
“Wrong, it's jasmine” as you turn around to serve it and see his annoyed face and Thoma's amused one “this teapot never runs out of warm tea but it's always Jasmine” silently he complains but still drinks the tea, getting slightly more annoyed from the fact it tastes good, soft flowery flavor that leaves a nice sweetness on the tongue.
“Isn't that quite the useful anomaly?” Thoma muses, watching how slowly the liquid inside swirls from side to side and starts going up, filling itself again.
“I thought the same, Subaru was so nice for lending it to us for a day! He said to take it as Hotarubi’s support” you can remember clearly how he offered it before assuring that he didn't mean that he expected Jabberwock to help his dorm if anything happened! And that it wasn't like he was expecting anything like that and- luckily Haku popped in before his dorm leader had a panic attack.
“Isn't that nice of them? I'm sure we could use a source of warm drinks in Frostheim” 
“Haku told me that the wait list for it can get pretty long, around two months at a time” idly your hand brushes the grass, plucking a white flower growing close to the blanket and you bend the stem to make a small ring. Seeing Jin's pale hand resting on his lap you might as well give it to him but before you lean to the right and grab Jin's hand he moves it.
“Don't even think about it” like a cat with a too cuddly owner, he swipes his hand behind his back.
“Fine, Thoma give me your hand then” you lean forward but before you can grab Thoma's hand Jin snatches it “oh~? I thought you didn't want it”
He stuffs the ring in his pocket “Tsk what you give to your king can't be taken back even if you want to so stop whining”
When the time finished they both walked back to frostheim when Thoma hums softly a song.
“Do you want to die? bastard” when he flips him off the little white flower is in the next finger to the middle finger 
“Did I do something to anger you? It's just some notes” and he keeps humming the wedding march.
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dvskf4llz · 5 months
HIYYYAAAA DUSK IT'S CLOUDY HERE!!!! I've missed ya! I hope you're doing alright and remember, you don't need to be constantly writing oneshots so that you can post them! Take as much time as you need <3
Anyways! Could I request some Valentines HCs with some of the Hermits? Maybe Ren, Xisuma and Grian again? Or just any Hermits you want and can do! :D
I do apologize for asking for so many Hermits last time- you are allowed to do as many Hermits as you want <3
Much love and always take care of yourself! <3 -☁️ anon
Hiii cloudy!! And hello to everyone else aswell!! I'm actually back this time I swear- I do apologize for not following the uploading schedule I promised, I just didn't feel motivated enough to write anything but now I do!
So have some Valentines HCs! <3
Valentines with the Hermits HCs
𝓜𝓾𝓵𝓽𝓲𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓲𝓽𝓼 (𝓢𝓮𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭) 𝔁 𝓖𝓝!𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
This oneshot contains: A bunch of corny stuff, fluff, kissing, slight suggestiveness (?), cuddling, fluff and overall just some wholesomeness <3
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- With Scar, he either tends to forget about Valentines or he does remember Valentines
- This year, he remembered. By the time you were awake, you bet he made you your favorite breakfast. He had woken up a few hours before you did just to do that for you for Valentines, not that he doesn't sometimes do that on regular days aswell
- Scar's the type of guy to prefer more simple stuff, he wouldn't go all out on Valentines but he would still do his best to make it special.
- He'd get you your favorite chocolates and just a simple Valentines card he made for you, the card had a very sweet paragraph that explained how much Scar loved you
- If you wanted to go out on a date, Scar would surprise you with a simple yet cute picnic date on a spot he figured you liked. He had also picked up some flowers to give to you, the flowers just so happened to be your favorites aswell!
- If you wanted to just stay at home, Scar wouldn't mind at all. He'd still get you flowers though, he couldn't just not get you anything for Valentines. For the rest of the day, you two just mostly spent time together in bed cuddling.
- When I say this man will spoil you, he will go ALL out.
- You would wake up to a whole feast of all the different foods you like, it was practically enough to be considered as three meals.
- He'd definitely also have made a whole build just for you, most likely a huge build of a teddy bear that held a heart that had the words: "I love you!"
- You think that's all Doc got you? Oh hell no. He got you a whole bouquet of flowers, your favorite chocolates, a small version of the teddy bear he made but it's actually a stuffed teddy bear and much more.
- This man takes Valentines as an excuse to spoil you even more than he usually does, but he still makes sure tone it down a bit if you tell him it's too much already
- If you were fine with going out on a date outside, you bet Doc would bring you to a place you've always wanted to go to or would you bring you to a fancy restaurant
- If you just wanted to stay at home, Doc would try to persuade you first but would soon give up as he respected your decision. That didn't mean though that he wasn't going to still try his best to spoil you, but at the end of the day you both just cuddled together in bed after a long day of Doc spoiling you <3
- Ren would be a mix of both Scar and Doc honestly, he'd try his best to make Valentines both extravagant while still trying to make it simple enough to your liking
- Just like Scar, Ren would wake up earlier to make you your favorite food for breakfast. He'd try to make a cute little design with the food, but would fail a bit but it's not like you minded.
- Like Doc, Ren would also spoil you with gifts such as, your favorite flowers, favorite chocolates, a stuffed animal that just so happened to be your favorite animal and a lot more things
- Ren wouldn't mind at all whether or not you wanted to go out or just stay at home, he respects your decisions.
- If you wanted to go out, Ren would be all for it. He'd take you out on a nice dinner date at a place where it just has the most wonderful view. And of course, the food was but your favorite.
- If you wanted to just stay at home, Ren would be fine with that too! He'd happily bring you to you two's shared bed and cuddle you the whole time, he would also definitely be all up for just a simple conversation. He loves you and will always respect what you want <3
- This man will not let you get out of bed, like at ALL.
- As soon as you woke up and tried to stand up, Bdubs was there to stop you by pouncing onto you with his full body. You may or may not have hit your head as this happened, which Bdubs apologized profusely for and made it up with kisses
- After that happened, he still would not let you get up. He was not going to budge, not even if you give him puppy eyes or try to persuade him with.. Ways...
- You wanna eat? Bdubs will bring a bed tray with your favorite food, it also had some of your favorite flowers in a vase as it was one of Bdubs' gifts for you today.
- You wanna go out? Too bad, Bdubs will stay laying ontop of you so that you can't move. You don't exactly have a choice since Bdubs was ontop of you, so you just had to give in.
- You wanna have a date? Consider a bed date that's filled with cuddling and kisses, probably some other things aswell but we'll not get on that subject yet
- Where's your gifts? Don't worry, Bdubs would hand you all the gifts he got for you for Valentines. It consisted a bunch of your favorite stuff, he even went out of his way to learn how to create an origami version of your favorite animal!
- You two ended the day with cuddling of course, it's just a necessary to do every night!
- Grian doesn't try to go too eccentric on Valentines, but you bet he's not going to stop his mischievous nature.
- You two would be doing something sweet as making Valentines cookies, which would end up getting a bunch of flour on the kitchen and on both you and Grian. Both of you would be giggling your butts off as an accidental flour spill on Grian turned into a whole flour war, it looked liked winter in the Kitchen afterwards. You both agreed to just leave it for tomorrow as you both continued on with Valentines!
- Grian probably would prefer to just stay at home, but he wouldn't mind taking you out on a cute date. Maybe a stroll around the server, holding hands and happily talking while the other listens
- Meanwhile if you didn't mind also staying at home, then you bet you both would be playing with Maui and Pearl. You two would be sitting down on the ground as both cats got equal attention from the both of you, both you and Grian definitely would end up having to chase after the cats soon enough
- If you wanted to just sit down and chat with Grian, he'd be good with that! He'd willingly listen to you talk with admiration in his eyes, he just loves you so much ahhsbshdhb
- By the end of the day, Grian would have his wings wrapped around you while you two cuddled on the couch with both Maui and Pearl on both of your guys' laps. Just a sweet wholesome moment <3
- While yes, Xisuma does remember about Valentines. He struggles to find enough time to spend time with you on this day of love, he would feel so bad because he couldn't spend all that much time with you. He would apologize profusely everytime he would have to get pulled into something important, you of course would re-assure him to calm him down.
- Xisuma would always be trying to make it quick so that he can spend time with you, he would also make sure to grab you some gifts when he just so happens to pass by a store that had some things you liked
- Once Xisuma finally had the chance to spend time with you, he would rush home as fast as he could. He would be at the door with him panting like crazy as he ran as fast as he could back home, he could've flown back home with his elytra but he kind of forgot about that..
- After catching his breath, he'd give you the gifts he got for you looking slightly bashful. You were surprised to say the least, but you weren't ungrateful. Xisuma was definitely getting some sweet kisses, and a lot of them.
- If you told Xisuma you wanted to go out on a date, he'd bring you out to a slightly high hill and would sit down with you to watch the sunset. After, you both would then stargaze in peace, chatting from time to time as you both started up at the sky. Xisuma would definitely start naming different stars off of you, even using some of your nicknames just to be a bit funny
- If you wanted to stay in though, Xisuma was fine with that! You both would do some sweet yet simple couple stuff like learning how to do different things, Xisuma would definitely try to teach you how to play the guitar.
- And of course, ending the day with cuddles and sweet kisses in bed. Xisuma would have his armour off so that you could actually feel the warmth from his body and just actually feel his touch from his skin, overall it was just a sweet and simple day <3
You reached the end, congrats! :D
I'm a little late to post this but I still got it! I hope you all enjoyed it, I do want to thank rubi for helping me get this ideas so shoutout to them!
Oh and, if you're wondering what you got for the Hermits.. That's up to your imagination ;) (Go wild.)
Anyways, have a good day/night! Always take care of yourself lovelies! Get all the rest you need and don't feel pressured to do anything! Love you all! /p <3
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unhinged-simp · 4 days
Hello! If you don't mind writing angst, I have a request for you: Jin, Alan, Ren, and Haku finding out the reader has a crush on someone from their dorm, but it isn't them. It's an NPC. Thanks in advance if you write this
Jin, Alan, Ren, and Haku with a reader who has a crush on someone else
Yes of course! I love angst! Thank you so much for requesting. I hope you don't mind that I used Haru in Ren's part due to Jabberwock not having general students. I hope you enjoy it!
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He heard about your crush on someone in Frostheim through Tohma, and how you were going to confess to them.
Jin thought it was himself, due to the fact that you had been visiting more and helping him out.
He would call for you more afterwards just wanting to be with you, and wanting to give you a chance to confess.
Jin would grow increasingly bothered every time you came but didn’t confess.
His attitude turned more and more sour as the days went by, making the students of Frostheim more anxious.
Jin decided to take a walk to clear his head one day, where he witnessed a scene he couldn’t forget.
You walked up to some general student. You held a bouquet of flowers, and there was a nervous smile on your face. The student turned and greeted you. 
“I have something to tell you,” you said.
“What is it?” 
“I like you, please go out with me.”
Jin left with a tch, but he slowly left the scene. He walked out onto the balcony and pulled out a cigarette. He gripped the balcony hard enough to see the white on his knuckle. He sighed and wiped one stray tear.
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Alan had heard the news that you had a crush from Vagastorm from Leo. He listened as Leo went on and on about how the crush may have been him.
Alan was quick to shut him down, although part of him was happy that you may have a crush on him.
He'd see you around both at the Vagastorm dorm and at school, where he’d lingered a bit too long in your company.
Alan’s hope became less and less, as you continue to treat him the way you have been.
Nothing really seemed to change, as Alan masked the hopeless feeling he was feeling.
Everything came to a head when he saw you approaching a general student.
You jogged up to a general student. You were quite fact that day, dressed up as best you could in your uniform. You held a bouquet of flowers in your hands. You held out the bouquet to them.
“Please go out with me?” You said.
Alan didn’t hear the response, and quietly left the scene. He was more reserved than usual. When he got to his room, he slid down to the floor and buried his face in his hands.
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Ren was passing by when he heard you talking to a random student. He heard you tell them that you had a crush on someone from Jabberwock.
He quickly assumed that he was the one. Because to him, nobody would like Haru because he's a stalker, and Towa was creepy.
He felt a bit of pride due to the fact that you liked him, or at least he thought so.
It also didn’t help that you visited the diner more, though you were with Ritsu. 
After those meetings your stops slowed down, and you stopped coming. Ren’s hope had all but diminished.
It all came crashing down when he saw you with Haru.
You had come up to Jabberwocky fancier than you usually are. Flowers in your hand as you walked up to Haru. He greeted you with a smile and a pose.
“Haru, will you go out with me?” You asked. 
Ren stared in disbelief. He had been wrong this whole time. You didn’t love him, you loved that stalker? How?
Ren went back into the Jabberwock dorm and into his room. He pulled his blanket over his head and opened his phone. He scrolled through it while trying not to cry. 
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Haku also overheard you talking with a friend. He was intrigued immediately, you had a crush on someone in Hotarubi. 
Haku thought for a bit about who it could be, Subaru was a likely candidate, but you probably don't like him like that. You didn’t know Zenji too well, so that's probably unlikely. Maybe it's me.
Haku would meet you up with more than he had. After all, he had to know, especially if it's himself.
He starts picking up on how much fun you're having with him. All he's thinking is that you could potentially like him.
He makes more flirty remarks than he used to but he just wants to see your reaction to them.
All his questions were answered and his heart was broken on that one day.
You walked across the stable wooden walkway into Hotarubi. You quickly spotted the student you were here to see. You presented the general student with the flowers you brought. 
“I’m in love with you, please go out with me.”
Haku stared at the scene for a moment, his smirk not leaving his face. He walked away with a sigh.
“So that's who they meant.”
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