#don‘t blame me
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copias-juicebox · 5 months ago
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*𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘄𝗹𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝗺𝘆 𝗸𝗻𝗲𝗲𝘀*
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fastianini · 4 months ago
Valentino Rossi & Marc Márquez
[ happy (belated) 9 year anniversary to sepang 2015 aka the one weekend everything went wrong, everything changed and that still haunts motogp to this day <3 ]
history of man by maisie peters
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autisticrosewilson · 3 months ago
“Why didn’t you call me.” It’s not a question. Dick’s voice is frigid.
Bruce exhales. “Nightwing…”
“No. I’m not talking to Batman, I’m asking Bruce why he didn’t call me. My little brother is dead!”
“You were in space.” Bruce finally turns around to look at Dick. His face is haggard and he has large bags under his eyes. “The mission—”
Dick laughs bitterly, stepping forward and jabbing a finger in Bruce’s chest. “I don’t give a fuck about the mission. You had his funeral without me. You buried my little brother and I wasn’t there! And neither were any of his friends!”
“I don‘t—”
“And why the hell is there some new kid running around dressed as Robin?”
“Tim is—”
“I don’t care who he is! I care that you’ve stuffed another kid in that suit! Into my colors. The colors I gave to my little brother. The colors that got him killed.”
“Jason was reckless!” Bruce snaps. “I’m going to train Tim better, he won’t fail like that.”
Dick stiffens.
“I’m *sorry,* what did you just say?”
He repeats himself. “Jason was reckless. Tim will be better”
“How dare you.” Dick hisses, stepping closer to Bruce. “How dare you. Jason wasn’t reckless! He called me, did you know that? Left a voicemail. He ran because you benched him. He thought being your son was contingent on him being your Robin.”
Bruce’s face goes ashen. “Dick—”
“No. I can’t even look at you right now. And I think you’re making a mistake with the new Robin, but I can’t stop you can I? Even though that’s my name. Does Batman ever consider the feelings of others? Of course not!”
Dick turns around to leave, but before he takes more than a few steps something catches his eye.
“What’s that.” His voice is almost silent as he walks forward, stopping in front of the glass case.
“A good soldier. A good soldier.”
Dick turns back to face Bruce, face unreadable.
“Is that really how you see us? Soldiers in your crusade against crime? Is that all we are? What happened to being your sons?”
Bruce opens his mouth, but gets cut off.
“No, no, soldiers are disposable aren’t they? You can cut us off when we disagree, you don’t have to mourn us when you get us killed.
Bruce backhands him.
Dick laughs and spits blood at his feet, ears ringing.
“Don’t you dare blame me for Jason’s death!”
“No? You were the one that made him your soldier. My brother is dead because of you.”
Dick turns on his heel and marches towards the exit of the cave. “Don’t call me unless the world is ending. In fact don’t call me even then. Have Diana call Donna. And don’t even think about sending the little cuckoo bird to train with the Titans.”
(I know Tim does temporarily end up with the Titans for a bit but that last line wrote itself)
Somewhere on the other side of the city, John Doe lays numbly in a hospital bed. Through the window he catches a glimpse of black and blue, bouncing and flipping, backlit by rolling thunder. He tries to yell, he thrashes in the hold of the wires piercing his skin, but his collapsed vocal cords let no sound escape.
When the nurses come rushing in, one of them is different. She is not a blurry face barely separate from the background, she is soft eyes and rough hands and a familiar accent. He doesn't understand all the words, but she says "safe" and "home" and he believes her. She calls him Jason and it's so foreign he almost doesn't recognize it.
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difficultdomains · 1 year ago
i‘m drunk and at a party rn but hEAR ME tf out cause all i can coherently think about rn is going to a party with geto.
even tho you arrive together, you‘re quickly pulled apart in different directions because there are just too many people you haven‘t seen in a while, too many new faces to meet and befriend.
you bump into each other occasionally, sneaking glances and smiles or even a fleeting hand on your waist as he squeezes past you through the crowd with his friends. you wink at him once from across the room and he swears he can instantly feel the heat creeping down his cheekbones (he’ll blame it on the whiskey highball he‘s drinking tho if anyone is quick enough to notice).
and when the night slowly starts fizzling out, your alcohol-fueled elation mellows down and your social battery comes dangerously close to being depleted, you know exactly where to find him. sprawled out on a couch in a slightly calmer area, thighs parted and relaxed, one arm resting lazily on the backrest. you can‘t help the heart eyes you shoot him when you spot him sitting there, with a couple more stray hairs having escaped his half-up half-down hairdo. he pats his thigh when you approach and you are quick to oblige, pulling him closer to whisper „you ready to leave?“ in his ear, your question being immediately met with enthusiastic nods.
he insists on the both of you saying your goodbyes to everyone, too polite to pull an irish exit on your friends. and when you‘re done, you stumble out into the cold, catching an uber home.
it doesn‘t take long until you fall into bed together, hair untied and skincare done, tangled up in the sheets you giggle and laugh inbetween kisses and recollections of the night‘s events. when you tell him how you saw one of the guys fall asleep during some random drinking game, a laugh so sweet escapes him, it makes you wish you could hear it again and again and again.
it also doesn‘t take long until your words run dry and your lightweight kisses sharpen into nips and bites, the flush on your faces no longer just caused by the residual alcohol coursing through your veins but rather by the precise, well-rehearsed motions of your hands. one slow pull here, one lazy push there and finally the fabric of his sweats and your sleep shorts is no longer separating you from each other. the pace he sets is slow, languid, bordering on sleepy - eyelids heavy from exhaustion and pleasure. your nails dig into the soft shirt he‘s still wearing, gasps and pants intermingling between your lips until the tension you‘re both feeling builds and snaps like a rubber band.
after that, you don‘t just fall asleep, you black out, body heat ramped up enough for your sheets to be crumpled and hanging down the edge of the bed instead of wrapped around the both of you.
a/n: i am no longer drunk or at that party lmao but i found this in my drafts this morning - so to honour drunk me‘s dedication to sitting in a corner for 10 mins and writing this down, i‘m posting it in its og form
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tys-kitty · 3 months ago
Imagine a scene after battle (in pouring rain ofc) where Kit and Ty finally talk about their feelings and it goes like this:
Ty *whispering*: You told me you loved me that night
Kit *shaking his head*: I shouldn‘t have-
Ty: Please, don‘t tell me you didn’t mean it.
Ty taking a step closer towards Kit
Ty: Not after I spent all those years thinking about that night and how much I regret not saying-
Kit taking Ty‘s fluttering hand in his and intertwining their hands
Kit *haltingly*: What I meant to say was I - I shouldn’t have said it that night. It wasn‘t fair to you and I spent all these three years regretting the way things played out. But I never regretted telling you the way I felt, even when I tried so hard to blame you for what happened.
Ty: Kit, I-
Kit: But we‘re both to blame, I realize that now. And I said so many things that night I didn‘t mean. You aren‘t selfish - you are one of the most generous people I know. And I could never regret meeting you, Tiberius Blackthorn, just as I could never regret loving you.
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bravo4iscool · 1 year ago
i‘ve been asked to give this little ‚false signs‘ thing a happy ending and while i believe that i can‘t do that since this piece of work from me is a little too personal and based on real events (lol) i want to give you a kind of ‚ending‘ nevertheless.
people i thought might want to be tagged - @samthereader1 @alittlejudgemental @lilliumrorum
(masterlist | false signs masterlist)
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it was the evening of the marine ball and well, you weren‘t going. you decided so the very second simon told you he‘s got someone else. perhaps it was childish but he hurt your feelings and you couldn‘t just ignore the way your heart shattered to pieces.
so, you sat in front of your tv, watching the lastest season of bridgerton (please don‘t blame me guys, i‘m OBSESSED with this series😭) and nibbling at a bottle of water. it was safe to say that you were surprised when there was a knock on your door.
you scrambled to your feet and walked over to your door, opening it. „simon,“ your hand tightens around your door knob, your knuckles turning white. „what are you doing here?“
„‘taking you t‘the ball,“ he simply says with a slightly tilted head. „why‘re y’not ready?“ he wants to know, pushing himself past you into your flat. he turns around, eying you. „get ready.“
you stare at him for a second before you close the door. „no.“
„what ‘no‘?“ he frowns.
you plant your hands on your hips „i said no, simon.“
„but why?“
„because i am tired of being the second choice, alright?“ you try not to spit it into his face, balling your hands into fists beside you. „i don‘t want your pity simon! i don‘t want to only be considered because you feel guilty!“ you take a deep breath and try to calm down.
he searches for your eyes and takes a step in your direction. „you‘re not-“ he starts but you raise your hands to stop him.
„don‘t try to talk yourself out of it now. you‘re making it worse. i‘ve accepted the fact that i won‘t be someone’s number one but i don‘t need a constant reminder of it. you wouldn‘t have thought of me if i hadn‘t mentioned it at all, i want it to stay that way. just leave me alone, okay?“
he doesn‘t want to leave you alone. he wants to- he doesn‘t know what he wants…
you sigh and massage the bridge of your nose. „leave simon, please. take her to the ball and be happy. i‘m fine.“ you know you‘re lying to yourself but you always have done it, no? lying to yourself, manipulating yourself… it‘s all you know.
he doesn‘t know what to say at that. he keeps still and eyes you. he knows he fucked up; he can see it your eyes and he hates himself for it.
„i‘m sorry,“ he says before he strides over to you to take you in his arms. „‘m sorry…“
you relax into his arms, hiding your face in his chest. „don‘t be. it‘s…alright.“
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years ago
Helloooo I just wanted to say I absolutely love your writing! I always look forward to your posts, they just make my day! When I‘m feeling down they cheer me up and when I‘m in high spirits they make me even happier. So keep up the good work :3
Btw I‘d also like to request the Lookism boys reacting to them accidentically hurting their S/O (especially Jake and Goo, I just love them) 🥹
If you don‘t want to it’s fine! I also just wanted to tell you I really appreciate your writing🫶🏻 Thx!
~Your fan
Hi Anon! SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY. I know it's been a while. Thank you so much for your kind words omg 🥹 your words are also a wonderful pickmeup for me too. I will work harder to keep making the most of this fixation with these silly boys 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ And don't worry, as long as I keep putting out bullshit for Lookism, there will always be some Jake and Goo cos they are my faaaaaves.
Accidentally hurting S/O: Goo, Jake, Gun, Samuel, Vin
Neither of you ever go full force in your spars together. The intent was to improve, not maim.
However, seeing a gap in your defensive stance, their right fist jabs out. Quick as lightning, hitting you in the ribcage.
Which you usually would be able to tank, except.
Fucking liver shot.
All your focus and drive is knocked out with that one hit. You're breathless, trying desperately to stay standing-
Goo x Reader
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Goo raises his eyebrows, a smirk gracing his features. It's not the first time you've manipulated him and then punched him as soon as he was within reach. No chance is he falling for it again.
At the sound of your whimpers, and pathetic sight of you head down, clutching your side, Goo finally backs down.
Surely he didn't hit you that hard, right? He thought you were much sturdier than that especially with all the trash talk coming out of your mouth.
"Cupcake, you ok?" The mirth isn't entirely gone from his voice, but he tilts your face up towards him and gasps at the tears in your eyes.
"My little baby! Did I hurt you?" his fingers come up to wipe the tears from your cheeks, "I didn't know you were so weak. Such a delicate little flower, my buttercup. I didn't even try, and you couldn't withstand that? My sweet darling."
Your tears dry quickly when you hear his words. More gloating than concern. "You asshole, that was a cheap shot."
"If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, sweetheart."
"Asshole," you repeat as he cackles like a hyena.
"C'mon," Goo gives you a loud obnoxious smooch on the forehead for your troubles, "Let your Goo bear look after you today."
Jake Kim x Reader
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Jake realised the impact before you did. Already too late for his fist to change course and resulting in your face crumpling up in pain.
"Shit!" his hands come up, gingerly assessing the area and eyes frantically searching yours, "Y/N, are you ok?"
"No," you squeak out and Jake has never felt such panic before. Is that his life flashing before his eyes?
And then when your eyes well up with tears, lip starting to quiver, Jake feels his soul departing his body.
The apologies tumble out.
Of course, you can't blame him. Accidents are a natural byproduct of sparring. Jake suffered a sprained ankle not too long ago, and you still can't bend your left middle finger fully.
You regain your breath as his hands rove all over to check for any other injuries. Needing to touch you and feel that you're still fine.
"Jake?" You interrupt his worried movements.
Probably an inopportune moment, yet even through the pain, it warms your heart seeing how much Jake cares about you. "Love you."
Oh. Jake wasn't expecting that. That's what you give him after a liver shot? You really are too adorable for words.
With a soft smile, he tells you he loves you too.
Gun Park x Reader
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Clearly unimpressed, Gun watches you.
With anyone else, he would have called them pathetic, worthless and a waste of his time.
But with you, it's not time wasted. He would rather be with you, than not at all. Which he finds difficult to admit. That fact at complete odds with his drive and his self. A personal weakness he is willing to overlook.
From the offset, Gun could see there was zero possibility of you becoming his masterpiece. Simply put, you didn't have the body nor talent nor skill. When you first asked him to start sparring with you though, he acquiesced. Frankly, has he ever even said no to you.
You chance a peek at your boyfriend. Already you are expecting a look of disappointment, instead you see his retreating back, leaving you alone.
Tears spring to your eyes and you drop your head in shame. Damn, this hurts. You're no match for Gun, no match for most people really. Still, you've been trying to improve.
As you wallow, a blanket is wrapped around your shoulders. In the blink of an eye, Gun hoists you into an effortless bridal carry, calling you an idiot.
You know his words have no bite, his actions speak far louder.
Arms wrapping around his neck, the pain subsides as you nuzzle him.
Samuel Seo x Reader
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Samuel feels it in his superiority complex first, always bubbling away and too deeply ingrained for anything else.
Incapacitating an opponent, dominating them, proving that he is better.
Followed quickly by fuck. This isn't an opponent. Not really. It's you.
"Y/N?" he holds you by the shoulders and you lean into it, your legs too weak to hold you up.
Samuel's eyes cloud with worry when you let out a feeble groan.
"Come on," he picks you up, maneuvering you into a fireman's lift with grace and you with anything but. Ass in the air, hair flopping down, still feeling waves of pain.
Samuel faintly recalls his packed calendar for the rest of his day. Meetings upon meetings. Calls and face-to-faces with vendors and investors and corporate fucks who can barely form a thought between them without a brainstorming meeting and a presentation.
"Ughhh Sammy I feel like shit," you gurgle from behind him, and that is all it takes for him to wipe his schedule clean.
None of it matters.
He'll be spending the rest of the day with you instead.
Vin Jin x Reader
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Vin nudges you with his foot, "Get up."
In the end, your legs had crumpled beneath you until you're flat on the floor, hands clutched to your throbbing side.
At your lack of response, Vin tries again. "Get up you pussy."
Vin is Vin. An asshole to the end.
"Go away," your voice is weak, barely reaching his ears.
He squats down and squints through his shades, trying to get a closer look at what the hell is wrong with you. He barely even touched you.
"Yeesh, are you really this weak? You're no fun."
You can't bring yourself to say anything to that, just throwing a glare at him. So venomous that you hope it penetrates those stupid sunglasses and into his soul.
"Whatever, if this is what we're doing now." As if he wasn't the cause of your predicament, Vin lets out a melodramatic sigh and lies down beside you.
"You're such a loser," he says, even as he shuffles close, carefully positioning your head on his shoulder and pulling your body to his.
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skipper1331 · 1 year ago
Tell and show the world // Lina Magull
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a/n: based off this request. Please enjoy:D
"Lina" you said as you stood behind the kitchen counter, chopping the vegetables for dinner. "Ja, liebe?" the brunette asked, eyes looking away from her laptop screen. "I‘ve been thinking…" you mumbled, suddenly feeling shy, cheeks slowly turning red, "what‘s wrong?" the german was immediately by your side, "stop the chopping, baby" her fingers laced with your own as she turned you around. When you didn‘t answer her, her hands cupped your cheeks while you started playing with your wedding ring. "When are you going to tell the world about us?" you mumbled, shy, afraid. She seemed confused, jaw tense, eyes that asked many questions. You never had a problem keeping your relationship secret or private. Lina did not tape her ring nor did she wear it during games or ever mentioned that she was in a commited relationship. Her private life was private. Where did the change of heart come from?
"Lately, umm" your voice was shaking - you didn‘t know why, you knew that Lina loved you, she was your wife but something was making you nervous. "Comments. The comments under your posts are getting worse. And- and these ship videos with G, I don’t like them. I like G, don‘t get me wrong, she’s awesome but-" you rambled on about the thirsty comments under her instagram posts, the ship edits you had on your for you page and your hurt feelings. In no way, you were mad at Lina, just hurt with the whole situation. "Hey, hey" the bayern munich player pulled you close, her hands firmly resting on their usual place around your waist while your head hit her shoulder with a quiet thud, "my love, look at me" she demanded softly. With tears in your eyes you looked in to the orbs you‘d loved for so long, "Is that what has been bothering you the last few days?" one of her hands cupped your cheek, wiping away the tears that spilled. You didn't want to admit it, it still hurt you a lot and seeing her do nothing about it was just another little stab in your heart. You knew she didn't read most of the comments except those from her friends and family, so you couldn't blame her - you didn't even want too. Your heart just stung.
In respond, you nodded, biting your lower lip to contain yourself, "Stop crying, please" the germans heart ached at sight in front of her, the way your body shook as the tears ran down your cheeks, "i would tell the world in a heartbeat, liebe."
Your eyes grew wide, only a sniffle coming from your throat, "really?"
You chuckled at the determined look the midfielder had on her face, "do you want me to post something on instagram or a tweet or what? Tell me, baby, I‘ll do it" she pressed multiple kisses over your face, a nose scrunch in reply as you giggled along. "You‘re my wife and I love you, okay? I would tell every person in the world myself If that‘s what makes you happy"
Match day.
Champions league semi final.
Bayern Munich vs Chelsea.
Lina was sitting at the press conference table with Alexander Straus as media teams were behind the cameras, many with notes and a mic in their hand.
"Der FC Chelsea ist ein starker Gegner, glauben Sie, sie können gegen so eine starke Mannschaft gewinnen?" an older man asked Alex and Lina, both sharing a look. With a tilt of his head the Bayern coach asked the midfielder If she wanted to answer or If he should - he answered. He told the interviewer, "From goalkeeper to striker, the most diverse talents have met - Guro Reiten, Sam Kerr, Millie Bright and so on - pooled together and formed a high class team. They are very good but not unbeatable. That's what we're trying to show today."
There were some more questions which Lina and Alexander answered before the last question before the game was asked.
"Nächste Frage an Lina Magull: Was motiviert das Team und Sie persönlich den Sieg heute zu holen?"
"Der Titel" she chuckled, "Wir alle sind super motiviert und haben ein hohes Interesse daran, den Titel mit nach Hause zu nehmen und das Halbfinale ist ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Am Ende des Tages, kämpft jede für das Team und hat seine eigene Person für die er kämpf, das variiert von Spielerin zu Spielerin. Für mich zum Beispiel ist es meine Frau. Ich betrete heute - immer - das Spielfeld, um meine Frau zu beeindrucken und ihr Strahlen am Abend zu sehen"
The whole room inhaled sharply - wife?! Why didn't anyone know that? Alexander had a smile on his face, of course he knew about you, all the Bayern people knew about you and they loved you - you were great.
Only then did everyone notice the ring the german was wearing on her finger; it was simple yet beautiful - it suited her.
Tell the media she had a wife? check.
Lina loved the faces she saw behind the cameras, there were shocked ones - jaw to floor, there were confused ones - huh? Did she say wife? and there were happy faces.
Sitting in the stands next to Sydney‘s mum you saw the girls walking out of the tunnel. The Allianz Arena was sold out, red shirts everywhere. Even the mens team came to support the girls - a rare sight.
It was just wow. The girls played their hearts and showed their talent. It didn‘t matter that Chelsea got on the score line first, Erin Cuthbert with the header.
Bayern was eager and hungry.
After the first 20 minutes, Bayern played better than their best. Pernille Harder scored the equalizer, she didn‘t celebrate though, she turned to the few Chelsea fans, raised her hand a little and apologized silently. The Blues were her home and family once and still are, even If she doesn‘t play for them anymore.
Georgia was the next to score a banger - outside the box. It was beautiful, AKB had no chance. The stadium went crazy.
Last but not least, was the third goal of the game. The game had built up from Grohs, the Bayern keeper. The girls played a Tiki Taka, the opponents could only watch the ball, there was no chance of taking it. Bühl then converted it to 3-1, the ball slipping past her national team mates fingertips.
When the whistle blew, the stadium got louder and louder, fans were signing chants as they jumped around to celebrate.
When everyone finished shaking their opponents and talked to their friends, the girls swarmed out to sign jerseys and to take pictures. Lina though, she had only one goal in mind. She wanted to see you. You were often at the Bayern games but never in a jersey or at least never in a jersey with 'Magull' on the back of it.
Not until now, this morning the german had told to wear her jersey later, she was very clear with her demand.
"Hi, my love" she whispered after she had jumped over the barrier, her arms going around your waist. Your smile was brigther than the sky while you cupped her cheeks, proud of your wife and her team, "Baby! That was amazing!" The brunette just grinned at you, loving the big wide smile that covered your face. Shortly after your said words your arms looped around her neck, your head on her shoulder as you hugged her dearly. Her own head was hidden in your neck as she pressed soft kisses to it.
First kiss: i‘m so happy.
Second kiss: thank you for being here.
third kiss: i love you.
the multiple kisses after: wow!!
Many eyes and cameras were on you, multiple people taking pictures of the two of you. Yet it didn‘t matter, your heart fluttered at the sight of your wife, the way she interacted with you in front of the fans. Normally it was the bare minimum but not now, she had accepted the concerns you told her about and implemented your wishes, your request. She would do anything, absolutely anything, for you.
And If it wasn‘t clear enough, the kiss on your lips was. She gave you a passionate yet gentle and appropriate one, it was like in the movies; your hands resting on her neck, her own hands placed on your hips as she leant forwads, yourself leaning backwards in return. Lina felt euphoric, like she was high. High on love, high with happiness, high with everything.
It was safe to say, Lina‘s announcement at the press conference went viral, multiple clips across the internet. As well as various edits of the scene in the stadium.
The german international broke the internet, yet it wasn‘t enough for her.
She had announced it to the media, she had demonstrated the fans and she was about to show the world.
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stanwaygeorgia and 36.047 thousand others
linamagull ❤️
it was that simple. 4 pictures with more or less the same gesture. You in her arms, just with a different view. The pictures were taken over the years, they still gave you enough privacy but a clear statement was made: Lina Magull was happily married.
Der FC Chelsea ist ein starker Gegner, glauben Sie, sie können gegen so eine starke Mannschaft gewinnen? - Chelsea are a strong opponent, do you think you can win against such a strong team?
Nächste Frage an Lina Magull: Was motiviert das Team und Sie persönlich den Sieg heute zu holen - Next question for Lina Magull: What motivates the team and you personally to win today
Wir alle sind super motiviert und haben ein hohes Interesse daran, den Titel mit nach Hause zu nehmen und das Halbfinale ist ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Am Ende des Tages, kämpft jeder für das Team und hat seine eigene Person für die er kämpf, das variiert von Spielerin zu Spielerin. Für mich zum Beispiel ist es meine Frau. Ich betrete heute - immer - das Spielfeld, um meine Frau zu beeindrucken und ihr Strahlen am Abend zu sehen - We are all motivated and very interested in taking the trophy home and the semi-final is a step in the right direction. At the end of the day, everyone fights for the team and has their own person to fight for, it varies from player to player. For me, for example, it is my wife. I step on the pitch today - always - to impress my wife and see her bright smile in the evening.
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matchalovertrait · 10 months ago
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Dulce got away with the exposé video but at a cost nonetheless.
Start from the beginning
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Noemí: Cariño, I think we should forget about grounding Dulce.
Erick: Yeah.. I agree, but what made you decide that?
Noemí: She‘s already heartbroken. I don‘t think she needs to feel worse.. what would punishing her do exactly, anyway? She only had good intentions...
Erick: ..and the bakery has been doing even better thanks to her.
Noemí: Right.. Although, we should still let her know to not make such rash decisions. She‘s too young to be doing all that.
Erick: Exactly. She can’t start getting herself into scandals until she’s at least in her twenties! [Jokes]
Noemí: Erick! [Laughs] Don‘t say things like that.
Erick: [Laughs] I mean, it’s Dulce. Can you blame me?
Noemí: I blame you and how rebellious you were as a kid!
Erick: Yeah, she takes after her awesomely wicked dad.
Noemí: [Giggles] She’d probably groan if she heard you say that.
Erick: It’s true, though.
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desperate-daydream · 2 years ago
☂️ Umbrella Academy
❀ Five Hargreeves x male reader ⚣︎
A/N: @fandomz-brainrot you asked and here it is: the part two of "Together, we will save the world"
tags/warnings: meet the sibs, set in season 1 still, reader basically insults the sibs, I changed it a bit what happened etc., top/protective reader
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Together, we will save the world pt. 2
The boy - who had finally told you that he was called Five - really didn‘t let go of your hand. And that was good because you would‘ve probably walked on the street without noticing while you listened to a summary of how he got here.
It blew your mind. And then you remembered having seen some of the old comics about the umbrella academy not even long ago. The boy you found cute was basically a superhero. 
He just finished with the story when you arrived at an expensive looking house with a fence and double doors. Five dragged you inside and the first thing you noticed was the staircase - plus a damn chandelier.
„Wow.“ It was the first thing you said since he had taken your hand.
„Precisely, yes“, sadly he let go of your hand as he said that.
„Five?“, a man‘s voice called from.. somewhere in this house.
„Yes!“, he looked annoyed already.
And suddenly you were met with several people - adults around thirty. „Five, where were you?“, one of them stepped closer to take a look at him worriedly, „Are you okay?“
„I‘m alright, Viktor“, he moved his head away from his outreached hand. Then he noticed you. While he had asked, the others had come closer too and noticed you as well.
A man in all black looked at you suspiciously. „Who‘s this?“ He pointed a small knife at you which creeped you out only a little bit. 
Five sighed. „Put the damn knife down, Diego. This is (Y/N), he saved my life.“
Then he looked at you again. “(Y/N), these are my siblings. Viktor, Diego, Klaus, Allison and Luther.“ He pointed at each of them while he said their names.
You did a small nod and an „Hi“ escaped your mouth. Viktor and the guy called Klaus (if you remembered right) were the only ones who smiled back at you. The others were still wary of you. 
„Okay, but what happened?“, the tall woman - Allison - asked, „He saved your life?“
„Yes“, Five started walking and signaled for you to follow him. So you did. The others did too. „Remember the commission I told you about. The Handler sent some agents after me. I was on the run - and to be honest on the verge of passing out.“
You had reached the kitchen and Five went over to make a sandwich with peanut butter and marshmallows. Only then did you notice that you hadn’t eaten before you were almost shot earlier. You leaned on the counter as you watched him and crossed your arms.
Five continued. „He got me to calm down and recharge for a moment but then they showed up and long story short without him you‘d probably have to bury me now.“
He was almost finished doing his sandwich when you spoke up with a smirk on your face. „You‘re gonna eat that?“ 
„Yes, want one too?“, he looked at you as he bit into it.
„Honestly, yes.“ He shoved the ingredients over to you and you went to work.
Meanwhile his siblings started talking again. But you only listened halfway - it was majorly a lot of raised voices so it seemed like nothing too important. Instead you looked at Five. 
You noticed the small bruises on his face that probably went to cluster all over his body. His clothes were ripped and well.. not clean. And another thing you noticed was his habit of going through his hair which made it look really disheveled. 
Your mind wandered off to other reasons his hair could look like this involving you and a bed - or literally any place. But you quickly directed your mind back to the still arguing siblings. 
And then you noticed how Five‘s siblings gave him the fault for all of this chaos - which was absolutely not right. You spoke up with a frown on your face. 
„Hey, this really isn‘t fair and it‘s not true. Don‘t you dare go and blame the one person here who actually tries to do something against the shit happening right now. He came back to save your unthankful asses and doesn’t even get a single pause since then because you can‘t work together like you‘re still in elementary. Have you actually looked at him for once - he almost died today. And it won‘t get better if you keep on behaving like that because then he surely goes outside again to overwork himself even more.“ 
You turned away from his siblings and gently took his hand. Then you went for the door - on the way you grabbed the sandwich you hadn’t eaten yet. 
When you were out the door you still didn’t let go of him. „Where in this weird thing of a house is your room?“ 
He directed you to a room that could‘ve been anyone‘s because of the little to none personal belongings. But the walls were plastered with all kinds of mathematical equations that you couldn‘t understand at all. From what you had heard out of his telling earlier these were most likely his own. 
„Have your siblings always been like that?“, you looked around the room and then decided to sit down in a chair in front of the desk. 
„Well, we‘ve never really had some kind of sibling-bond I guess. The old man was focussed on training and educating us so we‘d be able to fight and be elite, not on making us feel loved or like a part of a real family.“, he shrugged his shoulders, „It‘s been like that for our whole life.. well, apparently until I vanished and the others ran away.“ 
For a long time you both said nothing. You ate your sandwich - that actually wasn’t so bad - and Five looked out the window. 
“What you thinking about?”, you asked.
“Why are you suspecting that I’m thinking about something specific right now?”, he still didn’t directly look at you but you noticed a quick look from the corner of his eyes. 
“Because you have a certain look on your face and - from my observations - you seem like a person with a non-stop brain.” 
“That’s.. quite right.” 
He finally looked at you and his dark brown eyes pierced into your own. You felt a shiver down your spine and stood up without even noticing at first. But you didn’t stop and the other boy didn’t seem like he wanted to stop you either so you went to sit closely next to him. Now you two looked out the window together. 
After some time - you honestly didn’t know how much - you felt Five’s head lay on your shoulder. First unsure and slowly, ready to draw back if needed, but when he noticed that you didn’t have anything against it he relaxed. 
You heard and felt the deep sigh that left him and his frame relaxed more and more against you. You took a deep breath before being brave and slowly putting your hand on his thigh. He tensed a little and you were already about to pull your hand back but then he put his own on yours to keep it where it was. As a last brave step, that almost made your heart burst, you put your head on top of his. 
You sat there basically snuggled against each other for a long while. 
(And if later, when his siblings came in to apologize, they saw you both quickly separate after almost falling asleep on each other, they didn’t say anything about it. They would however be secretly very interested in this developing relationship between their overworked brother and this one guy who gave him happiness, protected him and reminded him to take breaks.)
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fic-writer-confessions · 2 months ago
I feel guilty for comparing what I write, which is mostly whump, to other works. I guess it‘s mostly that I see works of other genres get more engagement, and I don‘t begrudge them of that. But I know that there must be some people that like what I like, and so far they don‘t seem to have found my works. Either that or they just read and leave to greener pastures.
I guess my guilt just comes from a mix of unfounded envy and the unfulfilled expectation that readers will kudos and comment on a fic they like, like I try to do. Of course, they don‘t owe me anything of the sort. But other works get more attention, and I don‘t know why. And I can‘t ask anywhere without feeling pathetic and whiny about it. And since the only difference I can see between my works and the majority of others in the fandom is the genre, I blame it on that. Which sucks, because I like what I do. I just don‘t understand why it goes mostly ignored, unlike others.
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moonentries · 1 month ago
Please escape from me,
as if I was a shed burning to the ground.
Evil rage within those flames,
I lit up within myself.
Please run from me and don‘t look back,
I‘m not fully healed yet.
I know these burning flames could keep you warm,
but you‘ll turn out cold once I‘m gone.
And I noticed what you meant as I kept reading,
the blame I was ready to take on instead of dealing,
with the consequences of falling in love with you.
I held onto you until you transferred your fire over to me,
right as I was about to bloom.
My blossom caught fire now,
I couldn‘t run nor extinguish the flames,
so I had to sit with excruciating pain,
eventually turning into ashes,
while you move on to light up your next victim.
(c) moonentries
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yubellia · 9 months ago
Please stop protecting Stolas
Wish me luck everybody. This might be a bit risky. Remember how I talked about full moon in my last post? Since than, I saw so many people protecting Stolas. Coming up with all kinds of excuses for him and his behavior…. It’s just sick. So I thought I talk about it again.
Prepare yourself because I also am writing something for Octavia.
Also, there are many things I don‘t write about in detail. Others did a way better job, showing it with pictures. I just want to talk about some stuff.
So. Before we begin I would like to say AGAIN, that Blitz made mistakes too. Yes he broke into the palace, yes he played with Stolas‘s feelings to get the book. And yes that’s messed up. I know. But I still believe he was in the right to call Stolas out for all his nonsense.
For starters, Stolas was the one who started the deal. After blitz realized that he could use that, he followed. On multiple occasions we can see how Stolas pushes the interactions in one direction. The bedroom. This will be interesting when I talk about Octavia too. It was Stolas who said stuff like „you are so cute when you are serious.“ like really? He didn’t take blitz serious. Not one bit. Everytime blitz seemed annoyed or voiced his opinion, Stolas dismissed it as a game. Only after the events at Ozzie’s, when blitz drove him home and told him „I can‘t do it. I don‘t want to.“ did he realize that this might not be a game. Blitz called him out. That this was a deal, that blitz was his plaything (Stolas even called him his ‚impish plaything in the past I think? Like wtf? Not to mention ‚itty bitty Blitzy‘ I would be embarrassed too.) and all that. After THAT did Stolas really start to think and realize that blitz really isn’t happy.
And Blitz was right to call him out too. Remember how Ozzie stood up to Mammon to protect Fizz? Blitz was there. He saw all that! He knows that it could be different and he was holding back tears before he drove away. He has feelings for Stolas. Everyone and their grandma knows that.
But what did Stolas do? When he was called out and people saw him with an imp? He hides in shame. I know Blitz was using him to get into the club. Before you point that out. I know. But imagine you are with someone, they get called out for it and instead of backing you up, or saying SOMETHING to help, they hide. Try to not be seen with you. Blitz was right to call him out. We know that he has feelings for Stolas. Now imagine how painful that one was.
Stolas can claim to love him all he wants. It doesn’t mean anything if he can‘t act like it. How is blitz supposed to know what Stolas feels? Do you forget that he didn’t hear those depressing songs we get? I already talked about their interaction in full moon. If you wanna know, please read that one.
Now, let’s talk about some of the ‚excuses‘ I’ve seen for Stolas.
„He didn’t have his pills.“ yes, I too wrote about that. I said something like ‚it’s not a good start for something important like this.‘. But I forgot something. First, Stolas is a GROWN MAN! I know! I know! He acts like a teenage girl with a crush sometimes. It’s easy to forget that. But it’s true. And as an adult, he should be able to take care of himself. And keep an eye on his pills
Second, if you take pills and you take them on a schedule. And not missing out. It will actually take at least a day or two (or more depending on what it is you take), until your body realizes what’s going on and falls back into the old ways. You don‘t get withdrawal symptoms that fast. Maybe with painkillers but not with this. He could have panicked without his pills but he should have been fine. So this one is not an excuse really.
Second, people actually blame Blitz, the Victim in my opinion, by saying „he stole the book he could just go and find a new job.“
The first part, ok. I already said that he started this in a way. But the rest? I am sorry but…. Did you watch the show?
Striker outright confirmed that it’s pretty impressive for an imp to start a business in the first place! Imps are at the bottom! We don‘t really see how hard it really is to find a job for them but it seems like they don‘t really have the ways to work themselves up. Unless you are like Fizzarolli. Talented and lucky to have Ozzie. But those are exceptions.
Second, „find a new job“. Guys…. Blitz is not an employee, blitz is the BOSS! It is his business. He can‘t just quit. He has a responsibility! For his employees who need jobs! Bills to pay ! Not to mention it would be nice if he and his daughter would not end up penniless on the streets and starving!
Seriously, people are so desperate to defend Stolas, the one with ALL THE POWER in this relationship, that they don‘t think before they write! I know it’s easy to feel bad for Stolas! I too have seen images of little baby Stolas that plays with blitz and can‘t realize what’s going on. Well congrats! You fell for it too! This is called victim blaming. Blitz had no choice. Not if he wants to do business that is. But because he is loud and aggressive and a jerk sometimes, we feel bad for poor, poor Stolas. A few depressing songs and boom!
I know that I said both messed up. And it’s true. But Stolas messed up more. At least focusing on this relationship. Like I said, I also write something about Octavia and Stolas too. That topic hits pretty close to home for me. So if you wanna know more reasons why Stolas messed up, wait and see.
Sorry. Lost my composure for a moment. It’s just so annoying. I know that some people look at fizz and Ozzie and hope that someday we get something close to that with these two guys. But really? They are very different from Ozzie and fizzy. That won‘t happen. Not too soon at least. And not without Stolas really working on himself. (BOTH working on themselves. Blitz needs to learn to trust and open up for real. To not think too low of himself and let others in.) Stolas saying that he understands that he did something wrong doesn’t mean anything if he doesn’t work on it.
(I already wrote about how he messed up his love confession. I am not blaming Blitz for not taking him serious in that. And remember, blitz had the crystal. He didn’t have to run after Stolas but he did. Give him credit where it’s due. Ok?)
Like Rosie said: „words are cheap. Actions, they speak the truth.“
So? What did his actions tell us so far? With blitz and Octavia? Doesn’t look too good now huh?
So…… I hope i didn’t upset too many people. Stolas fans, I am sorry. Something makes me want to like this fluffy bird too but…. I can‘t help it. He was in the wrong.
This was more jumbled then i wanted it to be but i hope you understand.
Remember, English isn’t my first language and if you wanna see more, wait for it.
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panelshowsource · 10 months ago
Nick‘s the cutest thing there‘s ever been 2. Joanne‘s seriously got the hots for John and I don‘t blame her 3. Love all of them
HAHAHAHAHA I WAS THINKING THIS TOO joanne going on and on about john being romantic and a gentle lover i was just thinking 'did they hook up???' it was cracking me UP
but yes they're a sweet group! :)
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tys-kitty · 9 months ago
As we‘ve already seen in QOAAD *side eye* Ty would do everything to save the people he loves. So my hot take is that this man is about to go absolutely feral once Kit‘s identity is revealed and he‘s endangered by the Faerie Court as well as the Princes of Hell.
*Don‘t blame me by Taylor Swift starts playing*
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valkyrayn · 2 years ago
okay but imagine this
marius gets like a ton of pressure to finally have his own child because - after all, who‘s going to take care of pax once he retires, right? so things escalate into a little fight with his precious wife because of the pressure, but he feels incredibly awful so he tries to make it up with her. with a good ol‘ make up fuck
but he promises he won‘t come inside, but ends up doing it because his lovely wife suddenly is too invested in this thought, about having a baby with marius and all, that she doesn‘t let him pull out on time by holding him close against herself by locking her legs around him, he thinks he imagined that but once he finds out that she‘s not THAT opposed to having a baby suddenly, he just gets really into it out of nowhere and cant. stop. breeding. her.
(i was listening to an audio on reddit, don‘t blame me for this brainrot, blame reddit for the sudden horknee)
also hi how are you doing, i missed talking to u
yae YAEEEEE FUCK i’ll have you know that I was at work when I read this and I couldn’t focus for the rest of the day after that. I hope you’re proud of yourself
ANYWAY YES just imagine the look on his face when she wraps her legs around him. like ‘oh okay we’re doing this,’ and just starts fucking her raw all night and filling her up oh so much to a point where she feels so obscenely full of his load. like rivulets of cum, his and hers just running down her thighs and onto the sheets.
he’ll put her in a mating press so he can lodge himself even deeper to make sure her womb swallows his load. she relishes at the feeling of his hot cum inside her—filling her up to brim. and when it leaks past their joined flesh, he’d pull out to scoop it with the head of his cock and then pushes it back in. this drives both of them absolutely insane—the dopamine rush reawakening their need to fuck each other’s brains out.
and so they do with the walls being the witness of their lovemaking (baby-making) session until they’re fully satiated. and it ends with her snuggling against his chest as he kisses her head and whispers good night—his palm lightly caressing her belly.
i need this to be a fic pls write it 😭 thanks for reawakening the horny with your brainrot ily and i miss you too!!! we are in drought again so thankyou for feeding me <3
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