#doktor mgr
Battle of the femboys
In which Raiden battles Monsoon. Highly cursed.
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Raiden (or I should say Jack) had just woken up and was disappointed that there were no beyblades that "he could let rip". He had just listened to some bionicle looking ass mother fucker go on about the importance of memes. "To hell with this!" he thought. "I'll be damned before I let Jack jr. have a tiktok account and start watching skibidi toilet videos!" Then the next thing he knew, an officer had plunged a weapon into his chest. He let out a small moan. CupcakkeI'mHorny.mp4 starts playing.
"Doktor. Turn off my pain inhibitors." Soon a codec window popped up showing a very confused, elderly german man. He begged Raiden not to go through with the decision but in the end relented. If he disobeys the cyborg than he can kiss those left hands goodbye and that just wouldn't be acceptable. He had already moved once and had reconstructive surgery due to his peculiar "interests". If he turned off the pain inhibitors then he could still live a quiet life.
Jack began to moan ahego girl style like in one of his good friend Hal's japanese animes. Since the patriots had taken away most of his body, the doktor thought that it would be best to use the lack of a crotch area to his advantage. No one knew how the cyborg became aroused without a dick but soon he had a soda stream bottle protruding from his nether regions.
He unscrewed the lid and slid in some mentos and diet coke. After tightening the lid back on, he jerked himself like he was using a shake weight and aimed himself at the remaining officers. Within seconds the cap lifted and shot one of them right in the forehead. "Bullseye!" Jack cried. Then the coke began to drown the rest of them like some sort of bizarre bukkake that Pepsiman would be jealous of. Monsoon could only stare in horror. "You've lost your mind."
They had forgotten Sam was there when they heard "Yeah, I'm sitting this one out sorry." He then double jumped to god knows where. Probably to go get more injections for his gluteus maximus. Jack had forgotten that he still had a sword plunged in his chest. He took it out and licked off some blood. "Mmm. Cherry flavoured."
"I've misjudged you. You are like us after all." said Monsoon. Like Raiden, he also had no dick. He then opened up his crotch plate but instead of a soda streamer it was just a juice pitcher. To be more specific, it was the kool aid man. It then came running into Jack and began to wash him away in the warm and soothing sugary liquid. "OH YEAH!" screamed Monsoon. "AND IT WILL CUM LIKE A FLOOD OF PAIN!"
Raiden managed to grab onto a chunk of a building and fling himself back to World Marshal headquarters. "Man, I haven't seen that much red since the time I forgot to go get Rose her tampons." He sighed. A perfectly good couch had been ruined. Oh well. It's not like he hadn't come home before drenched in blood. They would just tell their son that they were replacing their couch again because of his father's work injuries. At the very least it was better than having to deal with his wife's awful cooking.
Monsoon waited for his return only to stab him with his sais. "Does it hurt?" Perhaps he should have thought about the consequentions of his actions. "HARDER!" Jack cried in ecstasy. The cyborg did a double take (which was an achievement of modern medical science since the man had no eyes) and jumped into the air and did the naruto run until there was a good distance between them.
"Look" he said, "I somehow survived during the reign of the Khamer Rouge and then decided that it would be a good idea to join the mafia, and even I think you need therapy!" Jack glared at him with his one eye. "DON'T KINK SHAME ME! AT LEAST I'M NOT A GIANT, WALKING REFRIGERATOR MAGNET!"
Suddenly Sundowner walked outside of the building. "What in tarnation? Christ, what's takin' yeh so long?" Jack was now walking towards his direction. "Well look if it isn't foghorn leghorn. Stop stealing my trench coat look by the way, you can't pull it off." He then began to rub the cyborgs bald head for good luck. "The fuck!?"
Jack then threw an EMP grenade in Monsoon's direction and began to slash at him while Sundowner watched with morbid curiosity. He then pieced all of him together in the wrong places like some sort of child when you ask them to solve a rubix cube. "HEY! STOP IT! SUNDOWNER WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE!?" His partner let out a chuckle. "Now what was that thing yer always sayin'? Something about exquisite memes? I think I'll go get my camera!"
Sundowner then came back and gave a smartphone to Jack. "Now be sure to get it just right!" The man had positioned himself so that Moonsoon's body was now a human chair that he was sitting in while he held his comrades head out like he was reenacting Shakespeare. Jack couldn't believe he was doing this. He groaned and then tapped what he thought was the picture button but unbeknownst to him, it was the record option.
"Are we done yet!?" asked an irritated Monsoon. Jack then threw the phone at his head, causing the man to fall out of Sundowner's grip. The Alabama war criminal began to holler. "Damn, I think you could be a good pitcher. You know what? I'm so impressed that I think I'll let you keep em damn brains." Wow. That had been easier than he had expected.
"Thanks baldy!" Raiden then used his ninja run to make it to the top floor. Now it was just the other two cyborgs left alone together. "What did he mean by bald?" Sundowner eyed his parter like he was blind. In fact, he was blind. "Are you telling me yeh can't see my head?" Monsoon rolled his eyes (if he could have). Am I supposed to? Most of my body is artificial you idiot!
Sundowner scratched his head as a realization came upon him. "Wait. Are you telling me... that yer not in fact a girl!?" Now Monsoon was the one that was confused. "What? No! Why would you think that?" His partners jaw was left wide open. "But what about that dainty hair and slim build!" Monsoon cringed. "So a man can't take care of his looks?" He would have been offended had the situation not been so bizarre.
"No, it's just... uhhh... excuse me, I gotta delete some pictures off my desktop..." Monsoon began to scream at the man. "SUNDOWNER! HEY, YOU GET BACK OVER HERE!"
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x3yong · 7 months
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i just gotta believe in myself
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zaddyazula · 2 years
literally 4 days late but happy 10th birthday to this masterpiece
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tier ranking of the bosses as well
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at least he uses renewable energy #terroristscarefortheenvironment
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icycoldninja · 6 months
To give more love Raiden, may I request for headcanon or fic (you pick which you prefer is better!) of the reader fixing up MGR Raiden and pampering him with love?
Ooooh yes, I chose to do headcannons for this. Hope you enjoy!
MGR:R Raiden x Reader pampering headcannons
-Pampering Raiden usually consists of one of two things, sometimes both. Either A, you'll be polishing his metal body to keep it from rusting, or B, you'll be helping him reattach a broken or dislocated limb; regardless of what you're doing, he's glad you're there helping him.
-If you're assisting him with polishing his "skin", he'll be more than happy to let you scrub his back.
-If you're helping replace his body parts, he will hold your tools with whatever appendages he has left and patiently instruct you on what to do, where to do it, and why.
-He is normally very cagey and closed off towards anyone (except Doktor) who tries to touch his body, but with you, he's more relaxed; joking, even.
-When he's around you, Raiden lightens up a lot more than usual, even reverting back to his old, kinda goofy self that he claimed to have left behind "in the past".
-He likes having you repaint areas of his body whose paint coats have begun to chip away or fade.
-Bonus points if you do his nails tactical claws; it makes him feel beautiful and special.
-He'd do face masks with you if he had much of a face, but alas, he only has two cheeks, one upper lip, an eyeball and his nose, so looks like the only thing he can put on without damaging his metal parts is a nose strip.
-While massaging him with your hands is impossible (since he can't feel anything) using a massage machine works wonders for him. It's one of the few human comforts he can still enjoy.
-Most days, the two of you lounge on the couch watching TV or someting; you with a bag of snacks and a drink, Raiden with a fresh coat of paint and a vibrating massager pressed against his back.
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keysareoutofreach · 6 days
Xibalba (46349 words) by ukenceto, dragonfly1212 Chapters: 12/? Fandom: Metal Gear Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Raiden/Samuel Rodrigues Characters: Raiden (Metal Gear), Samuel Rodrigues, others - Character, Sunny Emmerich, Doktor (Metal Gear), George Additional Tags: Mayan Mythology - Freeform, Action/Adventure, Drama & Romance, Enemies to Lovers, Digital Art, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Canon, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Work In Progress, Slow Burn, War Crimes Summary: A year after the events of MGR, Raiden is in charge of his new future… until an unexpected glitch makes him embark on a journey in South America, which will leave him on the brink of a discovery promising to change everything he knows about the world. Death has always been part of the Reaper, but is life? Seeing Samuel again is definitely not something he ever expected to happen, but here they are now. (Detailed fic idea and headcanons, as well as the artwork belong to @dragonfly1212. Writer: ukenceto)
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scratchyemporium · 1 year
hey metal gear community, specifically the metal gear rising fans, hear me out:
couldn't raiden play metal gear rising and scope out all the little tricks on his own instead of getting his ass whooped in the game? since.. mgr came out in 2013 but it was set in 2018, when internet is a very modern thing
couldn't he play like.. a lets-play or a speedrun of metal gear rising to help him out instead of crying to doktor and the rest of the nerds back home for better equipment and stuff
idk, might be just me though
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Rank metal gear characters in order of who you want to rail(penilely) against a wall most to least 🔫🔫🔫
oh! finally an intelligent question. thanks anon. I have for you here a non-comprehensive list:
Strangelove (I hang onto hope that she's bi)
Big Boss (PW, the height of his charisma and crouch walking)
EVA (MGS3 (have you seen her???))
Meryl (MGS4)
Raiden (Revengeance body, with an ass to surpass Metal Gear)
Raiden (MGS4 body, technically different robussy)
Mei Ling (MGS4 (have you seen her ass? Johnny has!))
Solid Snake (MGS2, his prime unless you're asking Liquid)
Sniper Wolf
Quiet (she'd be higher, but she is covered in bugs)
Olga Gurlukovich
Jetstream Sam
Revolver Ocelot (MGSV)
Laughing Octopus
The entire rest of the B&B Unit
Kazuhira Miller (PW)
Naomi (MGS4)
Courtney (MGR)
Rosemary (MGS4)
Otacon (MGS4)
Roy Campbell (Portable Ops)
Gene (Portable Ops)
Decoy Octopus (technically he could rank number 1)
Any given FROG soldier
Natasha Romanenko
Kevin (MGR)
The Medic (GZ)
Ed (MGS4)
Johnathan (MGS4)
Gray Fox (MGS1 (he might go cyberpsycho and snap my dick off))
Liquid Snake (MGS1 (he's so much lower in rank than Solid Snake because he'd probably have a complex about being railed))
The Boss (Strangelove likes her, but she is like a mom to me)
Emma Emmerich (she is like a sister to me)
Vamp (MGS2)
Solidus Snake
Vulcan Raven
N'mani (MGR)
Major Zero (MGS3)
Senator Armstrong
Peter Stillman
Boris (MGR)
Donald Anderson
Doktor (MGR)
President Johnson
Lyndon B. Johnson (no really)
Nikita Khrushchev (no really)
The Sorrow (idk how this one would work. he's probably cold and intangible)
Volgin (Ocelot fears that he'd zap you just by proximity, and I believe him)
/// Psycho Mantis (MGS1) would go here if he didn't hate sex
Fatman (I cannot take his voice seriously)
Metal Gear RAY
Metal Gear REX
Chrysalis AI Weapon
The Shagohod
"Metal Gear" Excelsus
Metal Gear ZEKE
Peace Walker AI Weapon (it's like a mom to me)
Sahelanthropus (I cannot take its voice seriously)
Arsenal Gear (MGS4)
Johnny (MGS4. he stinks)
The End (he is old and might explode)
Code Talker (he is old and covered in bugs)
The Fear (he might poison me and he might explode)
The Fury (his skin is just unpleasant. and he might explode)
The Pain (his skin is just unpleasant. and covered in bees. and might explode)
The Man on Fire (self explanatory)
Huey Emmerich
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kentrix11 · 1 year
That bit in MGR were Raiden falls of the chopper and Doktor is instantly mouring him by saluting is even funnier when you remember that Dok absolutely knows Raiden can survive that fall since he made his cyborg body.
Dok is just being dramatic for the sake of the bit.
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pepikhipik · 1 year
Tento týden je nabitý akcemi HISTORICKÉHO ÚSTAVU FF UK. Zde naleznete přehled toho, na co vše se můžete těšit:
🔵středa 26. dubna 2023 od 12:00 Historický ústav FF MU a Ústav pomocných věd historických a archivnictví FF MU vás srdečně zvou na XCIII. medievistický pátek, který je mimořádně ve středu. Tématem bude Sichtbare Inbesitznahme der adventus Kaiser Friedrich Barbarossa in italienischen Städten přednesená prof. Knutem Görlichem z Mnichova.
🔵středa 26. dubna 2023 od 18:00 Spolek Masarykovi historici a Matice moravská společně pořádají akci Večer s knihou. Bude zde představena publikace Mgr. Věry Slovákové, Ph.D., s názvem Dětství a dospívání poddaných na Moravě ve druhé polovině 18. století na příkladu slavkovského panství za účasti autorky. Publikace vyšla na počátku tohoto roku v nakladatelství Matice moravské.
🔵čtvrtek 27. a pátek 28. dubna 2023 od 09:00 Pro naše současné pojetí politiky je charakteristický základní předpoklad, který se většinou dále nezpochybňuje, že politické jednání je především jednání prostřednictvím rozhodnutí. Lze tento předpoklad snadno aplikovat na středověkou politiku?
🔵pátek 28. dubna 2023 od 14:00 (Ekonomická transformace a deindustrializace jako předmět historického výzkumu)
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kisahpedia · 2 years
Tgl 29 Oktober 2022 Warga ORANG ASLI PAPUA BAHAGIA
Uskup Terpilih Keuskupan Jayapura
22 Mei 1894 - 29 Oktober 2022 selama 125 Tahun Arang Asli Papua Menjadi USKUP
*Selamat Datang Uskup Baru Papua (Uskup Jayapura), Mgr. Yanuarius You Pr*
Hari ini terukir sejarah baru dalam sejarah gereja Katolik Papua. Setelah Gereja Katolik masuk di tanah Papua pada 22 Mei 1894 (128 tahun), untuk pertama kalinya Uskup Orang Asli Papua, P. Dr. Yanuarius You MA, diumumkan oleh Tahta Suci Vatikan melalui Uskup Jayapura sebagai Uskup baru Jayapura. Ia akan menggantikan Uskup Leo Laba Ladjar OFM yang telah memasuki usia pensiun sebagai Uskup.
Terpilih Uskup Orang Papua merupakan doa dan harapan umat Katolik bahkan dedominasi Gereja di tanah Papua selama ini. Karena itu ketika diumumkannya Pastor Yanuarius You sebagai Uskup Jayapura oleh Bapa Uskup Leo Laba Ladjar OFM pada 29 Oktober sekitar pukul 19.00 waktu Papua, secara spontan umat Katolik Keuskupan Jayapura sontak teriak histeris disertai tangis haru. Banyak dari mereka terlontar kata-kata seperti, _Puji Tuhan, Terima Kasih Tuhan, Bunda Maria Terima Kasih, Terpujilah Tuhan dan seteruskan._
Ucapan selamat Kepada Uskup Baru banyak terbaca di media sosial. Uskup Terpilih ini bukan sembarang orang melainkan ia merupakan salah satu pastor senior yang lama hidup ditengah umat dipedalaman Papua hingga di paroki kota. Ia benar-benar pastor lapangan yang kaya dengan pengalaman Pastoral.
Setelah lama dilapangan sebagai pastor Paroki, pada 10 tahun belakangan ini, ia mulai focus dengan studi kemudian menjadi ketua Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Teologi Fajar Timur (STFT FT). Ia melanjutkan jabatan sebelumnya yang telah ditinggalkan oleh P. Dr. Neles Tebay pada 2019.
Banyak pihak banyak di Papua dan Indonesia bertanya siapa sesungguhnya Uksup terpilih Keuskupan Jayapura, Mgr. Yanuarius You Pr?
*Bibiografi Uskup Terpilih Keuskupan Jayapura*
Berikut ini kami rangkumkan Bibiografi singkatnya.
Yanuarius You dilahirkan di Uwebutu Paniai pada 1 Januari 1969, anak kedua dari enam bersaudara dari pasangan Lukas You dan Rosalina Tatogo. Ia menempuh pendidikan formal SD YPPK St. Don Bosco Uwebutu, SMP YPPK St. Fransiskus Assisi Epouto, SPG Taruan Bakti Waena, Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Katolik (STTK) (sekarang Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Teologi-STFT) Fajar Timur, Program Magister Universitas Gadjah Mada, dan Program Pascasarjana Doktor Ilmu Sosial Universitas Cenderawasih.
Yanuarius You pernah bekerja sebagai pelayan umat di Paroki Kristus Sahabat Kita di Nabire. Ia menjadi figur guru di SMA Adiluhur Nabire selama tiga tahun dan Bapak Perintis Asrama Taruna Karsa Nabire. Ia berkarya di Paroki Sta. Maria Bintang Laut Kokonau (1983), Paroki Kristus Sahabat Kita Nabire (1987-1990), Tahun Rohani Pondok Emaus Tateli Manado (1986/1987), dan menjalani masa diakonat di Paroki Kristus Sahabat Kita Nabire (1990-1991).
Pada 16 Juni 1991, ia ditahbis menjadi pastor dengan tugas pertama sebagai Pastor Paroki Kristus Terang Dunia, Jiwika Kurulu Wamena sampai 1998. Ia menjadi Pastor Paroki St Wilbrodus Arso Keerom di perbatasan Indonesia dan Papua Newguinea serta menjadi Pastor Dekan (1998-2002). Ia mendapat tugas pelayan untuk melayani umat sebagai pastor Paroki di Katedral Kristus Raja dan Vikarius Jendral (Vikjen) di Keuskupan Jayapura (2002-2007).
Menapaki usia kepala empat ia menempuh pendidikan magister di Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada selama dua tahun (2008-2010) dengan tesis berjudul "Efektifitas Pendidikan Seksualitas untuk Peningkatan Kontrol Diri atas Perilaku Seksual Bagi Remaja Seminari". Selama dua tahun itu pula, banyak pendidikan ekstra ia tempuh, yaitu: pelatihan jurnalistik oleh Lembaga Pelatihan Jurnalistik Bernas (LPJB), Pendidikan Seksualitas Remaja, kursus teknik pendampingan konseling, psikospiritual, aneka terapi psikologis, psikotes, dan statistik.
Tidak cukup magister, ia menempuh pendidikan pada Program Pascasarjana Doktor Ilmu Sosial Universitas Cenderawasih Jayapura (2015-2018) dengan disertasi berjudul “Laki-Laki Hubula dalam Perspektif Gender pada Masa Dulu dan Kini di Lembah Balim Wamena, Kabupaten Jayawijaya, Provinsi Papua."
Jabatan terakhir Sang Uskup terpilih, Dr. Drs. Yanuarius You, MA. adalah dosen Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Teologi (STFT) Fajar Timur dan Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Katektik (STPK) Yohanes Rasul Waena, pembina para calon imam Keuskupan Jayapura, dan sejak 2015 hingga 16 September 2019 menjadi Ketua Yayasan STTK Papua. Tugas terkini sejak September diangkat sebagai Ketua STFT Fajar Timur Abepura Papua.
Dengan semua perasaan haru dan syukur saya menyampaikan Selamat kepada Ninopase Kain Kok, Yanuarius You Pr yang diangkap sebagai Uskup Keuskupan Jayapura. Setiap Orang Yang mengetuk Pintu dengan Setia Pintu Keselamatan akan dibukakan bagi mereka. Kini pintu itu telah terbuka bagi orang percaya, Waaaaaa Elalin Mage.🙏🏿
Markus Haluk
Tokoh Umat Katolik Papua
I Rinuncia e Nomina del Vescovo di Jayapura (Indonesia)
Il Santo Padre ha accettato la rinuncia al governo pastorale della Diocesi di Jayapura (Indonesia) presentata da S.E. Mons. Leo Laba Ladjar, O.F.M..
Il Santo Padre ha nominato Vescovo della medesima Diocesi il Rev. Yanuarius Teofilus Matopai You, del clero di Jayapura, finora Direttore della Fajar Timur – Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Teologi (STFT) e della Casa St. John Mary Vianney dei Seminaristi di Jayapura.
Curriculum vitae
S.E. Mons. Yanuarius Teofilus Matopai You è nato il 1° gennaio 1961 a Uwebutu, nella Diocesi di Timika. Ha compiuto gli studi filosofici e teologici nella Fajar Timur – STFT ad Abepura (Jayapura).
È stato ordinato sacerdote il 16 giugno 1991, incardinandosi nella Diocesi di Jayapura.
Ha svolto i seguenti incarichi: Parroco della Cristo Luce del Mondo in Yiwika (1991-1997); Parroco della San Willibrord in Arso e Decano della Reggenza di Keerom (1998-2002); Vicario Generale e Parroco della Cattedrale Cristo Re di Jayapura (2002-2006); Studi per il Master in Psicologia presso l’Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta – UNY (2007-2010); Docente presso la Fajar Timur - STFT e Direttore della Casa St. John Mary Vianney di Seminaristi di Jayapura (2011- 2018); Presidente della Commissione Diocesana per l’Educazione e Supervisore della omonima Fondazione (dal 2015); Studi di Dottorato in Antropologia presso l’UNY (2018-2020); dal 2020, Direttore della Fajar Timur - STFT e nuovamente Direttore della Casa St. John Mary Vianney.
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humanoidpigeon · 2 years
Mini Gear Rising: Revengeance
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armed-saphire · 2 years
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Tier list I did with @humanoidpigeon except I don’t tell you what about the characters we were ranking
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candymothster · 2 years
L0ft finding a video of a baby deer and showing it to Raiden.
Raiden: What is this?
L0ft: deer.
Raiden: and…what about it?
L0ft: it’s adorable and i want one.
Raiden: I’m not buying you a deer.
L0ft, under her breath: mother fucker
And this is a friendly reminder, L0ft is 20.
vid credit @/belle berg on tiktok
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icycoldninja · 23 days
What would mgr Raidens reaction be to you slapping his metal butt
If you had the audacity to approach a walking arsenal and slap him in the ass, you would discover that it jiggles slightly. How this is even possible is beyond you, but it's safe to assume this has something to do with Doktor.
Raiden would obviously be very confused and a little upset, since that rarely ever happens, and would most likely seek to return the favor before storming off in indignation.
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keysareoutofreach · 2 years
Xibalba (20416 words) by ukenceto, dragonfly1212 Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Metal Gear Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Raiden/Samuel Rodrigues Characters: Raiden (Metal Gear), Samuel Rodrigues, others - Character, Sunny Emmerich, Doktor (Metal Gear), George Additional Tags: Mayan Mythology - Freeform, Action/Adventure, Drama & Romance, Enemies to Lovers, Digital Art, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Canon, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Work In Progress, Slow Burn Summary: A year after the events of MGR, Raiden is in charge of his new future… until an unexpected glitch makes him embark on a journey in South America, which will leave him on the brink of a discovery promising to change everything he knows about the world. Death has always been part of the Reaper, but is life? Seeing Samuel again is definitely not something he ever expected to happen, but here they are now. (Detailed fic idea and headcanons, as well as the artwork belong to @dragonfly1212. Writer: ukenceto)
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autumn-moss · 3 years
proposal: we should call pre-amnesia doctor Doktor, pronounced exactly like raiden mgr says it
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