#doing to for mine sister 💪💪💪
little-sw33tie · 3 days
Hey! I was wondering if anyone has Vietnamese food recipes they could share!
My sister has been a bit homesick so I wanna try and learn how to make a couple things to hopefully cheer her up a bit!
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ahmadturk-family · 25 days
🚨 URGENT: Help Us Escape from Conflict in Gaza 🚨
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Verified by @el-shab-hussein link here and @nabulsi link here
Dear friends, followers, and compassionate souls,
I’m reaching out to you with an urgent plea from the depths of a dire situation. We’ve just received news that brings a glimmer of hope amid the ongoing crisis: there is a possibility that the border crossing will open soon. This could mean families like mine, who are currently in Gaza, might finally have a chance to cross into Egypt and find safety. 🕊️
This is my little sister Aseel 🩷
But here’s the difficult part: this hope comes with a high cost—one that we simply cannot meet on our own. I am turning to you, my incredible community, with a heartfelt request. We need your help. If you’ve ever thought about making a difference, this is the moment. Your support, your donation, can make all the difference. 💪💖
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💔 Every single contribution, every share, every bit of support matters. 💔
Imagine being able to help a family move from the brink of a crisis to a place of safety. To give us a chance to live without fear. We are trying to survive in this situation. And we cannot do it alone. 🤲
Please, if you can, donate whatever you can spare. Your kindness will bring us closer to safety and give us a chance to rebuild our lives. And if you can’t donate, sharing this post might reach someone who can. 🌍
🙏 We’re counting on you. Help us find safety and security. 🙏
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. Your generosity could change our lives forever. 🧡
With hope, [Ahmad Turk] and Family
@el-shab-hussein @nabulsi
@palipunk @sar-soor @neptunerings
@el-shab-hussein @appsa @hack-saw2004 @neechees @spacebeyonce @90-ghost
@rinnie @sweetoothgirl @timetravellingkitty @deathlonging @briarhips @mazzikah @mahoushojoe @rhubarbspring @appsa @90-ghost @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako
@irhabiya @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria @junglejim4322 @kibumkim @neechees @kyra45 @riding-with-the-wild-hunt@omegaversereloaded @vague-humanoid @evillesbianvillainarchive @ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez @dykesbat @stuckinapril @violentrevolution-blog @mavigator @lacecap @watermotif @socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sayruq @papenathys
Please help me and family 💙💙🙏🏻
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thegamingcatmom · 2 months
Hullo! As always love your blog and the service you're doing for the un-holy trinity bc there's not enough content about them and that's sad. I'm pretty sure you will know who this is but oh well, i guess I'm just shy to actually ask without the anon-thingy option. Today i come seeking advice for writing, if you can provide it, if not that's perfectly fine. You see I write for myself, a coping mechanism of sorts and when i got back to the fandom after so many years and got struck with teh Denali obsession i used to write The sisters/OC, but as I became more obsessed with Irina I changed the relationship because I found it easier, we all have our versions of the characters in the end so of course MY version of the sisters will be different from anybody else (perhaps), in my story Tanya and Kate are more carefree, Tanya being the msot responable one since she's the leader while Kate is more on the playful side meanwhile Irina is the most cuddly, loving, affectionate and needy of them, even clingy, especially emotionally (Once you've reached her heart ofc bc is hard to get tehre XD), I think this version of her turned like this because as I mentioned writing is a coping mechanism so it is what I kind of needed to feel better at the time if that makes any sense and now I struggle to write the three of them with MC again because no matter how hard I try I always feel like MC gravitates towards Irina, like magnets yk and I feel bad for the other two bc I feel is not fair XD ANYWAY I would like to ask, any advice on how to balance that? The attention they recieve, the way they itneract without each other without feeling as if the others are left out? because i am frustrated that i want to write them all and it doesn't feel idk, natural? When I read your HCs, despite the tantrums thrown around their interactions with MC seem natural, effortless in a way that i am honestly jealous of because you make it look easy! (Totes adore your writing style btw <3) IDK if any of this made any sense? i struggle to put in words what I mean to say but I hope you can shine some light in my dilemma, thank you in advance and have a wonderful day/weekend <333
First of all: Thank you, as always, for your lovely words. ❤️
I totally agree that there isn´t NEARLY enough content about them out there, so we all gotta change that! 💪
Also, I think I do know who this is. 😉🫶
Which: Anon asks are absolutely fine, really. Whatever you feel most comfortable with. 🫶🫶
We all have our ways to cope with things, and I totally get writing being one of those. I write to unwind after a long day or just to provide some new stimuli for those grey cells of mine. It´s immensely helpful with reducing stress or anxiety as well. ^^
My point is: You write whatever makes you feel good, what feels right for you. It´s your story, you decide how it´s gonna play out. 🫵
Tanya and Kate are more carefree, Tanya being the msot responable one since she's the leader while Kate is more on the playful side meanwhile Irina is the most cuddly, loving, affectionate and needy of them, even clingy, especially emotionally (Once you've reached her heart ofc bc is hard to get tehre XD)
Yknow, that´s kinda my view on them too. xD
(Except Tanya´s much more hornier, LMAO.)
Look, we all got our favorites, and I´m pretty sure mine shines through in some of my writing too. It´s only natural to have your MC / OC gravitate more towards the person that you yourself would rather spend time with irl. There´s always gonna be bits and pieces of ourselves flowing into our writing I think. 😅
...I mean, in my case (The Sisters), Tanya gets little to no luving because I really love making em work for it. The clingiest one gets the least attention, that´s the principle I go by here because I love watching em suffer. 🤷‍♀️
As for giving advice:
First off: ALSKNFLSAFNLF, tysm for your words. 😭❤️
I feel absolutely honored that someone would come to me, asking for writing advice. 🥺❤️
Right so, you already know how you view them, that´s good. Let that flow into their interactions with each other and with MC. Think of a scenario you´d like to see them in. Think about the different ways the sisters would react to that scenario, depending on their characteristics. Everything else builds on that.
E.g.: Celebrating MC´s birthday
Tanya: carefree yet responsible
did most of the organizing (responsible)
which...she will let MC know
receives lots of praise for it because it does look amazing
much to the annoyance (and jealousy) of her sisters (🙄🙄)
the first to give MC a present because she´s the leader (🙄🙄)
the present is a lingerie set (🙄🙄)
(which is really more a present for herself)
entirely chill about it (carefree) whilst MC´s turned as red as a lobster
will take that as her cue to get reallll close and whisper into MC´s ear how good she´s gonna look in that
much to the annoyance (and jealousy) of her sisters (🙄🙄)
will perhaps even go so far and hold it up to get a first...impression (carefree)
Kate: carefree, playful
the only one to wear a party hat (playful)
much to the annoyance (and jealousy) of her sisters because, as it turns out, MC loves party hats
I mean it
Irina and Tanya can only watch in utter agony as she receives all those cheek-squishes and smooches for being the absolute cutest in the room
as soon as MC´s back is turned, she´s gonna turn to her sisters in utter smugness
her plan worked out
her present is a roboter (you decide which one)
MC fucking loves it
Kate fucking loves it
(whose present was it again?)
both of them end up spending most of their time with that thing (carefree, playful), together ofc ❤️
Irina: cuddly/loving/affectionate/clingy
immediately wraps MC in a hug
nose rubs
whispers b-day wishes into MC´s ear
the sweetest b-day kiss
and one more
and one more
the coughing behind her reminds her that, ah yes-
presents MC her gift a lil sheepishly because she almost forgot about it since she was entirely focused on...other things
has the most hopeful/attentive look on her face when MC opens it
the present is a photo album containing all their adventures/special moments together, with date and all
MC tears up and throws herself at her
they stay like that for a while
and another while
and another-
That´s kinda how I would do it. Just get a feel for how they would react first. What makes them different from one another? What´s something that makes you go "ahh ye, that´s totally them"? Their interaction comes more naturally then because it will feel more natural.
Well, I hope that made sense? I´m not sure if that´s the advice you were looking for, or if it´s any helpful at all. But that´s pretty much how I do it. 😅
If you have any more questions, I´d be happy to answer them to the best of my ability! ^^
Wonderful day/week to you as well &
Thanks a lot for that lovely ask! 💋
I mentioned it in the comments, but I´m putting it here as well because I think that´s also very good advice:
There doesn´t always have to be a balance.
Sometimes, good storytelling thrives on imbalance. It spices things up and encourages you to approach/view certain situations from a different perspective. It can also inspire new thoughts and ideas. 💡
There is no "right" or "wrong" when it comes to writing. ☝️ ^^
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skele-bunny · 2 months
Please more silly Special and Cowbell of when they were growing up!
Omg say less snjejdjx also I <3 giving Bell my speech patterns 💪💪 no c.... No o...... Frfr
Teen Years. (No CW) Special & Cowbell/Doves
Tags: Teen shenanigans, fluff, bigender Cowbell, sibling teasings
Characters: Cowbell, Special/Phil, Doves
(Divider by @ wrathofrats !)
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One thing that always got the Doves curious was their human-like mates and how they shared traits without realizing that deep rooted to their once element. More specifically how they had human traditions called birthdays the replicated moon cycles, school dances that mimicked bonding rituals, but one that got them the most was piercings. In their culture, piercings were a sign of status and proposals. Little did they know the rabbit hole they'd be led down from a simple question.
Aqua tilted his head as he asked one fateful day as he eyed Cowbell's bellybutton piercing, a rarity only shown when she'd wear her crop tops in the den. "Is it also a human tradition to be pierced?"
The Null's tail went up to signify he heard the question. "N't really." Bell rolled over so he can sign, bringing his hands up. "I was just a dumb teenager and Special had access to sewing needles sooner than he should've."
"Phil!" Aqua turned in his chair. "What is Bell meaning by you had access to a sewing needle in relation to a piercing?"
Loud, genuine laughter suddenly came from the kitchen, Special turning the corner while holding his glass of water. "Oh fuck! When we were younger, I watched this Sister of Sin pierce her friends ear in the school's bathroom and I wanted to do it. So I started piercing myself, and then Bluebell wanted one."
Bell's face went red in embarrassment, grumbling. "It su'ked!"
"Because you wouldn't stop squirming!"
The youngest ghoul sibling grabbed the pillow under her head, throwing it at the eldest who laughed and let it hit his shoulder. "It ti'kled!"
Aqua blinked somewhat, tilting his head. "I still don't understand how a needle plays into this."
Phil held up his index as he pulled his phone out, pulling up an image to show an 18-gauge sewing needle. "That's what I used."
"How unsanitary." Gaia added, looking over the kitchen counter. "And it didn't get infected?"
"Oh, not Bell's, but mine definitely did." Phil put his phone away to lift his sweater, showing the small scar from his piercing. "Did that stop me? No, but it should've. Now look at me, ear gauges!"
The two Doves chuckled at their smaller mate's tease, watching him go over to Bell and shove her hooves off the couch so he could sit — only for them to return on his lap.
"Now if you want to talk about mistakes, you should ask Bell about Clara."
The hoof near his stomach kicked sideways, Phil grunting and slapping his siblings knee which now started a small war.
"Fu'k y'u f'r that!" She squealed, watching Special hiss and move to bite his knee.
Cowbell kicked again before both his and Phil's ears were grabbed, grimacing and looking up at Iris who raised an eyebrow. "No rough housing on the couch."
"Phil started it!" Bell whined, swatting his husband's hand away.
Iris gave one last tug to his mates. "And what would that be?"
"Clara," Special stuck his pierced tongue out which Bell returned. "Her first girlfriend."
The water ghoul simply clapped with interest, his gills fluttering just as much as his wings. "Oh, do tell. I love hearing mating stories."
The two nulls were in a glare off before Bell moved his hooves behind Phil's bone wings just to inconvenience him. "Clara was a sister of sin I really liked when I was... What? 15? Prettiest thing ever. We dated for exactly six hours and when I unmasked she fainted, and I got grounded for revealing myself and dating."
"Oh that's a terrible mating story." Aqua corrected himself.
"You win some you lose some." Special shrugged, standing up and pulling Bell's leg fur just to be annoying.
He earned another hiss before Bell stood up as well. She stomped over to their bookshelf, causing Special to stare and gasp as he pulled out a purple photo album.
"You wouldn't dare..."
"I w'uld."
The eldest instantly chased after his sibling, yelling loudly. "Bluebell Emeritus I will end your fucking life!!"
"'At'h me first, bit'h!"
The doves watched the altercation as Bell ran around the common area while flipping through the book, laughing maniacally. Sarra stood in the doorway, eyeing his fellow packmates who simply shrugged. She jumped over the coffee table and into Iris's lap who sat on his rocking chair, shoving the photo album in his hands.
"L'k at his fa'e!— AH!" Bell started before squealing as her hair was yanked back, Phil dragging him before Bell grabbed his shoulder and pulled him down.
Sarra lifted the coffee table as they rolled around, hitting and poking at each other's sides. Iris hummed, both Gaia and Aqua looking over his shoulder at the photos. It had photos of Phil during an event called 'homecoming', his face covered in acne and braces tight. He looked... Awkward. They couldn't help but smile at the obviously embarrassing photos fondly, admiring their husband and now flipping through the pages.
"Turn to the sixth page!" Phil shouted, straddling Bell's stomach while she thrashed before slamming them upwards in a vice versa position, twisting Special's arm behind his back.
"D'n't!!" Bell whined in response, distracted but yelping as legs wrapped around her neck and twisted him back down.
Doing as told, Iris moved to the sixth page, stifling his laughter as Bluebell stood with an angry face as she was dressed as a variant of an Easter bunny. The icing on the cake was the carrot she angrily held, a death grip like he was ready to throw it at whoever was behind the camera. Iris turned the book so Sarra could look while he still held the coffee table up but also monitored the two siblings still going at it.
The quint cooed. "Oh, that's just precious. You should dress up as a bunny for us, Bell."
"Why not me?!-"
The two looked up at the same time, knocking their heads together and groaning, holding their respective impact marks. They hissed at each other, glaring and a new found fire as they went back to fighting, Phil grabbing a previously thrown pillow, hitting Bluebell with it who quickly got her own to retaliate.
Slowly flicking through the pages, Gaia pointing at a baby photo of the two, their hearts melting with a shared 'Aww.' It was one of them matching for their first Halloween, Phil as a ladybug, Bluebell as a bumblebee.
Sarra reached up with his other hand as a pillow went towards his face, quickly throwing it back to Phil who resumed beating his younger sibling while laughing.
"Look at this one! Aw, Phil, you were smaller than a Firebird!" Aqua smiled wide, seeing the picture of the kit being held by Papa Nihil who compared him to the body of the guitar.
Their response was Phil yelling as Bell had adjusted her hooves on his stomach and kicking overhead, sending the doctor onto the floor and groaning at impact. They both panted, catching their breath. She tilted her head back just in time to see Phil slowly raise his middle finger, responding in the same way.
Agni, who had been watching from his doorway hummed. "I don't even want to think of you two doing this when you were younger."
Iris laughed. "My guess is broken bones. Plenty of them."
Very delicately, Sarra placed the coffee table back down and picked up his two husbands, them resting in his arms but now glaring as they were in eye contact again. "I don't think they're actually grown." Sarra teased.
Immediately, the two snapped their head at the quintessence, then back to one another.
"Truce?" Phil huffed.
Bell nodded. "Tru'e."
Sarra quickly lost his balance as Phil wrapped around his neck and pulled back, Bell dropping and quickly tackling his waist. They grabbed their pillows and went to beating their mate with more laughter, Sarra holding his hands up to protect himself from the throw pillows.
"We're older than you, you overgrown grape!"
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
H i i ii i
I may or may not be addicted to your writing and its on yu 😤
Down to business 👹
Crocman's wife walking into the living room to see what the father son duo is up to bc it was too quiet
She walked in to see a crocodile who fell asleep holding their son who was fully awake while also holding a storybook
W e l l his son was doodling on his father's face like an artist 😌
I like it picasso 💪
And then much later when reader returned with a camera,
Their son was asleep holding uncapped marker pen with some smudges on his face
After reader left them be, when she passed by again
She saw crocodile awake and obliviously drawing on their sons face unaware of the doodles on his own face
So precious 🥺
you can add much more or yes like usual
Enjoy your day officer 💪💪💪💪
hello my dear helicopter anon! you dont understand how excited i get when you request, literally my favorite writings to do ngl. AND BRO THIS IDEA IS SO GOOD! literally my sister and i were just adoring this idea the moment you sent it! thank you so much for making this series my thing on this account and bro, if you have any baby names for croc's son, let me know because i cant think lol. thanks so much!!! <3333
Croc as a father part 5!!!
Pairing - Crocodile x reader
Warnings - none!
Word Count - 649
Notes - (image below not mine) thank you so much again! i seriously love all of your ideas, you are so creative and amazing! i hope you have a super day and enjoy this as much as i do!!! stay hydrated helicopter anon!! <3
And don’t forget REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!! So, if you want to request any writing, don’t hesitate to ask. Please read my pinned post before requesting though. Have a good day/night and please stay hydrated!! <333
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“Darling,” you began flipping through some mail, finding quite a few letters addressed to your husband. “You have a couple letters in the mail. Did you want me to put them on your-”
You paused as you stepped into the living room to find your husband fast asleep and your son wide awake on his lap. Usually, you would think nothing of this but a wholesome moment. What really made you pause were the drawings on Crocodile’s face that were made by your son. There was a drawing of Mihawk and Buggy, a drawing of you, and a drawing of one of the banana gators. You couldn't help but chuckle a bit. You knew you should be getting onto your son, but you just couldn't help it.
“Mamma!” Your child giggled and put his arms up for a hug.
You walked over trying not to giggle at the picture book open on your husband’s large chest, and hugged your son. “Shush baby,” you whispered, placing a kiss onto his forehead. “Daddy’s sleeping.”
Your son giggled and crawled back onto his father’s chest, handing you the picture book that he didn't need anymore.
“Are you gonna stay with daddy, bubba?” You put the book back in its proper cubby and he nodded, laying on his dad’s chest.
“Mhm. Daddy’s warm when he sleeps.” He sleepily lifted up the marker in his hand and drew a small smiley face on Crocodile’s face. You decided it would be best to leave them be for now so you could get some work done around the house.
It wasn't long before your chores led you to the living room where you found your son now fast asleep on his father. His face was pressed to Crocodile’s big chest while Crocodile softly snored, his son drooling on his bare chest.
You looked around the house, satisfied with your work.
Damn you were good.
The house was squeaky clean and there wasn't a child up and running about to mess it up. You definitely deserved a treat after that.
You grabbed yourself the nearest chocolate bar and realized that it had been a while since you checked up on the boys.
You went to step into the living room, but quickly stepped out, peeking back in to find Crocodile giggling to himself and drawing all over his son’s face with the washable marker that your son had used prior to draw on Crocodile’s face.
You giggled and stepped in the room, eating away at your chocolate bar. “Good morning, darling.” You pressed a kiss onto Crocodile’s lips and he chuckled, pointing at the smiley face he drew on his son’s face.
“Morning. I just saw this marker and it seems to be safe on skin, so I thought it would be funny.”
You laughed and sat on the floor next to the couch. “I would hope it's safe for skin. You should see your face, dear.”
Crocodile froze. “What?”
You giggled and ran out of the room to the bathroom where you found a handheld mirror. You ran back to the living room and showed your husband his face and he couldn't help but burst into laughter, startling your son awake in the process.
Your son just giggled and hit Crocodile’s big chest, making a soft boom sound. “Dada! You woke me up!”
“Sorry buddy.” Crocodile placed a small kiss on his son’s forehead. “Let's go wash this marker off, huh?”
“Yeah dada! You look funny.” Your son giggled and Crocodile stood up, helping you off of the floor as well.
“You look funny too, kiddo.”
You showed your son the mirror and he burst out laughing just like his dad. You slicked back his jet black hair. There was no mistaking that that was Crocodile’s son.
The two of them giggled all the way to the bathroom leaving you smiling and satisfied with your day.
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vodika-vibes · 10 months
Vali’s got this 💪
She does! She's tougher than she looks, and everyone knows it.
"You seem to be healing nicely, kiddo." Echo says from the doorway, his gaze locked on Vali's prosthetic leg...a leg that identical to his. Vali smiles at him weakly, "We match, Echo." "We do." He lifts his own prosthetic arm, and flexes his hand, "I'm sorry it took me so long to get here." "S'alright. You were on vacation." Vali slides up her hospital bed, wincing when she puts weight on her prosthetic arm, "It still hurts." "Yeah," Echo's laugh is humorless, "Mine does too sometimes. It gets better, though." He crosses the room and sits on the edge of the bed, "How are you holding up?" Vali flexes her new hand, a thoughtful look on her face, "I thought I was going to die in that mountain. I accepted that I was going to die...it feels weird that I'm not." Echo slides his hand through Vali's short hair, "Your dad has you in therapy, I hope?" "Course he does. I start next week. The Order is supplying a 'Mind healer'. Which I think is the same thing as a therapist." Vali replies. "I think Callie needs to see one too. She winces whenever she sees me." "Fives was the same way, after I was rescued. That, my darling baby sister, is guilt." Vali looks at him, questioningly, "Did you even hesitate before you decided to sacrifice yourself for the Twins and your sister?" "No. Of course not. I'm the oldest, it was my responsibility." "Callie's probably struggling with that." Echo murmurs sadly, "Also, you're 14. It wasn't your responsibility." "No one else was there. It was my responsibility." Vali says with a shake of her head, "I might have been knocked down, Echo, but I'm not out." She grins at him, "After all, you were an excellent soldier after you got your prosthetics. If I can be half the person you are than I think I'm still pretty solid." Echo exhales slowly, and pulls her into a tight hug, "Me, Fives, and Jesse can put you through ARC training as soon as you're healed. Assuming Rex is okay with it." He kisses the top of her head, "You're going to be more than 'pretty solid', kid. You're going to be the best."
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riansdiary · 2 months
hi rian! it's the sp anon back (could that be my nickname lol?) and I was looking through your blog and saw that you want to be an idol, so do I!!! it's been a dream of mine for a long time. hopefully I get to see you on stage someday hehe <3
I already know I am an idol but I was wondering if you have any techniques or methods that help you "manifest" that lifestyle
thanksss xoxo
You could be that or maybe 🌹 since it's about love and sp! It's cute, how do you feel about this emoji?
You have the same passion too? That's amazing! Oh that's the exact same for me! Ever since I was young, I saw SHINee and F(x)'s music videos on Tv. They inspired me a lot. I started training myself when I was young. I even taught choreography for my sister's school event. The song was My My by Apink! Her classmates said I was amazing as we were practicing so that made me feel so happy 😊 I basically watched lessons online, watched idols and I really did great at teaching myself!
I'm actually contemplating showing cuts of my recent Aespa covers here. It's not an official cover, it's cuts of my recording.
And I hope to see you on stage or backstage as well! Good for you! I also know that I'm already one no matter where I am or what I'm seeing in front of me. We can do this! Hwaiting!!! 💪
Okay so when I'm needing help to improve I listen to subliminals so that helped me a lot! For techniques and methods I use to manifest this, I ask myself how the version of me who is a K-Pop idol would react to things. For example, I have desired best friends. Instead of just watching their TikToks like a fan, I align my thoughts to me already being an idol and being their friend so I think like that and hype them up in my head. I think like I'm already close to them.
This is the best one! Another trick I like to use is to watch Kpop idol imagines on YouTube! I'll give you examples here, here, here and here. They really help me think it's already done. It's real in the 4d aka our imagination so I love doing this. If you have a desired face, watch their vlogs or videos. It will help you manifest if you think that's you. Not taking their Identity whatsoever but just using it for imagining. Search imagine, y/n as a Kpop idol, pov Kpop idol, pov celebrity and I'm sure you'll get loads and loads of videos like that. Pick what resonates with you, meaning the ones that seem like you most or what you want and save them in a playlist or in a collection in TikTok. I'm doing the same thing right now! 👍
It's already real in the 4d, you just need to slam the door on your face like Abdullah did to Neville and leave the 3d alone. Make sure not to pay attention to anything you don't want to stick or stay in your reality.
I also found this tip on how to blur faces! I use this to blur fancams or videos to imagine myself in that video. My df is Wonyoung + Ju Jingyi so it also helps me to watch their videos. If you don't want to do the work to blur faces in fancams like me you could just blur the whole thing a bit and you can imagine it's you. I'll show a sample I made for me here. You just need to click effects, find blur and adjust it depends on how much you like them stretch that out to the rest of your video and export!
I also made my own all in one subliminal that has everything which includes me being an idol and adding affs for safety and change whatever I want to change in the industry. It's more so for me to see my family a lot and to be treated nicely or even get princess treatment.
That's literally all I do to manifest. When I record my practice time, I think like I'm recording my own songs. It helps me be even more confident.
That's all I'm doing right now! I hope this helps you! 💖
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pingunaa · 2 months
I figure yr getting out of school soon and I’m so so sleepy so I just wanted to say hi and I hope you had a good day !!!! You made it through week 2!! Already 20% done with this term 💪💪 so proud 🥹 I love that emoji omg
I need to go back to doing those drawings omg
Today iiiiiiiii went to lunch with my grandpa and sister and got to see my grandpas dog, and we had steak to celebrate my moms bday, andddddddd I talked to my friend a bunch and talked to his mommm and iiiiiii drove TOMATER all the way across town and back😮‍💨 it was soso scary but I made it. TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE PULLED OUT IN FRONT OF ME IM SO MADDDDDDDD 😭😭 next time I’m not stopping idc
I have schedule pickup and school photos on Wednesday and I’m not ready to go back 😭😭 but I also think it’ll be good for me 🤑🤑
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Have some Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelsen :)
RAHHH I LOVE DOGS 😡😡😡😡 unfortunately i don’t see them much unless i go to my friends houses 😔
I LOVE TALKING TO KY DRIENDS PARENTS 😍😍 literally like hesss lovee!!!!! wait hold on quick TOMATER sketch on my phone
that’s the best i could do oh my gif wait it’s starting to rain i’m gonna start running
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ok i’m home cool
omg scho photos… what a nightmare. NONO cus i had my school photos like feb right?! GOD I WISH I CAN SHOW U. they decide to blur everything right? my beauty marks n everything right? BUT THEY MADE ME SHINY. i guarantee u i am not that shiny pls. ANDANDAND!!! i am looking in two directions in my photo 😣 i swear to god its so bad. i hope urs turn out so much better than mine omg
RHABK YOU’nn!!!!
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y-eontan · 8 months
here's a little get-to-know-you tag game
tagged by:@snug-gyu
name(s): lili
pronouns: she/her
star sign: aries 💪💪💪
# of siblings & fun facts about them (if you have any): 2 younger sisters. they are both terribly horribly evil
# of pets: 1 kitty cat who's all mine starting thursday ‼️‼️‼️
fandoms: zerobaseone and stray kids 😒 u'll find me where u find me
favorite color: sunflower yellow, to be extremely specific
favorite song: changes every day. but. alvaro solera la libertad will always have a special place in my heart 💔💔
favorite author: idk how controversial she is lmfaoo but probably v.e.schwab i rlly enjoy the darker shade of magic universe
hobbies: crafting things <3
favorite holiday: easter!! close to my bday usually and i like spring weather :)
do you have any partner(s)?: nope
fun facts about you/anything extra you wanna share!: i'm a hater. do send me asks about things you hate. not about me or things i like but i am usually on board if u wanna be evil and mean about things
tagging: @orangehair ; @taeraex ; @seokmingming ; @seokmashu ; @chanrizard yes pressure. or else /j
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binniesoob · 2 years
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i missed January lol, but! I decided to share my top favourite songs for each month starting from today 😌 it's going to include both kpop and non-kpop songs, i promise i'll try to keep this short :D if you have any recommendations (or you want to comment your favs!) feel free to drop them <3 i added a lil moodboard bcs why not? (the pics are mine eheh)
edit: i made a playlist for this month :)
( KPOP )
▪︎ Fighting (feat. Lee Young Ji) by BSS (seventeen)
SLAPS!!!!!!!!!!!! FIGHTING 💪 HAEYAJI 🖐 FIGHTING 💪 HAEYAJI 🖐 Young Ji in this!!! The stages were so fun, they brought such a nice atmosphere every. single. time. also, them at the circle music awards making everyone dance and enjoy themselves: KINGS BEHAVIOUR!!!
▪︎ Happy Fools by TXT
can't stop replayinggg, puts me in such a good mood <3 she deserves a lot more love tbh!! IN LOVE with beomgyu's line "I'm like a butterfly / a honeybee that only works / even that sky where the sun’s setting / won't know whether it’s pretty"
▪︎ Pull Up by Viviz
me everytime ggs have a mature sexy girlboss moment: SIGN ME TF UP!!! I seriously need to check out their other songs 👀
▪︎ Forever Only by Jaehyun
the amount of times i've replayed this one is ridiculous tbh, it's one of those songs i just never get tired of. and the pop rnb hip-hop type of song i need more of!!! everytime i find one it's a win <3
▪︎ Nap of a Star by TXT
I wrote most txt analyses at night and this was the perfect soundtrack <3 also one of my fav txt songs, makes me feel like i'm wrapped in a tight warm hug 🫂
▪︎ Anywhere But Home by Seulgi
my emotional support during those days i had to face hard past things and all i wanted was to go anywhere but home🚶‍♀️
▪︎ OMG by NewJeans
yes i am still obsessed. yes i am still going 💁🏻‍♀️"oh my oh mmygah yesanghaesseo na" 💁🏻‍♀️
▪︎10 000 Hours (feat. Justin Bieber) by Dan+Shay
terry's sister wedding happened and it was so sweet and now i'm obsessed with this song and his cover all over again 😞💔💖💗💔💖💗
▪︎ Can't Get Enough by Big Time Rush
kendall's falsetto i am ascending ✈ tbh big time rush coming back best thing to ever happen 🤌🤌🤌 i can't wait for the album to drop ahhhh
▪︎ Teach Me How To Love by Shawn Mendes
deepest obsession since janaury. someone get it away from me i can't do this anymore. the only way i can describe this song is:
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need me a man like this. anyway. next.
▪︎ Ricordi by Pinguini Tattici Nucleari
italian band makes an entrance! hands down one of their best songs! it's about your lover suffering from alzheimer and the importance of memories. it's heartbreakingly delicate and, at the same time, feels very reassuring to me. love the instrumental and the lyrics so much <3
▪︎ LLYLM by Rosalía
manifesting more songs like this from rosalía bcs i desperately need them 🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯 🧘🏻‍♀️
And this all for this month~
See you in March!
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vee-reading-chair · 4 months
Reading Update 🦊📖
I started and finished Bad Blood by Bella Jacobs in two days. It was a fun read, about two sisters who find out their mother is a witch, and that their family is essential to keeping a protective barrier up over a town of supernaturals. But to renew the barrier, the eldest of their family (the Wonderfully’s) need to marry a town elder, and the main character Blair’s twin sister Annie has decided it will be her getting married. Cue Blaire trying to figure out a way to stop her sister entering into a loveless marriage, and faking being in love with a vampire to stop the marriage ceremony.
It was fun and quick, but I don’t think I’ll pick up the other books in the series that follow the other sisters. I think there are two other books in the series out now?
Gave it ⭐️⭐️.5 because it was fun but I’m not going to reread it or pick up the other books. I’m happy that I got it for free through a Stuff Your Kindle day last year, and I’m sure someone who enjoys romance more than I do will love the book.
I’m still reading Before the coffee gets cold, I’m on the last story rn. I’m enjoying how all the stories interconnect a bit, not just through the cafe, but though the characters that keep recurring because they keep coming back to the cafe.
I’ve also started listening to The Power of Six, the second book in the Lorien Legacies series. I read the first book, I Am Number Four, years ago, and I figured that I remember enough that I could jump into the second book. Mostly because the series is one that’s available through my library to borrow without having to wait. Thank you Libby 🙏 godsend. Anyway, I’m listening to it as I play Stardew Valley, and that’s how I was able to listen to it so fast (started it two days ago and I’m already 65% of the way through = around 7 hours through). Also, Stardew Valley update: I’m in Winter Year 1!! It feels so weird not farming any crops, but at least I have chickens and cows and I can actually go mining for a full day now. My plan is to upgrade both my axe and my pick to iron/steel (can’t remember the name lmao) before the end of the season.
Also! Hahahahahaha god I read so many books at the same time. I’ve finally started reading The Eternal Ones by Namina Forna because my library finally got a copy of it. The power of emailing your library and requesting a book 💪 Libraries are honestly so cool, you can borrow physical books for free as well as books and audiobooks if your library is on sites such as Libby or Overdrive, AND you can request for them to add books. Not to mention any events that libraries host. I love libraries 💙
Back to the book, I’m excited to finish the series, and I’m so tempted to reread the whole series and write notes so that I can flesh out the wiki because there is almost nothing on that wiki. I’ve had to make myself lists to remember who is who, and who is uruni to who
Anyway that’s my reading updates!
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masongrizchel · 4 months
The Only Scientist in the Family 👨‍🔬
What does it feel like to be the only scientist in the family? 🧪🔬
When my grandmother died, all the family members from my mother's side came, including my aunts and uncles, my cousins, and their siblings. In the Philippines, families are typically extended, making family reunions either exhausting or unlikely, especially for very large extended families. At least 2–3 generations of the family tree primarily cover this aspect. 🌳
On one side of the story, there is a comparison of the careers and life choices that your cousins made. Typically, Filipino parents are highly competitive, often comparing you to someone they perceive as doing better, saying things like, "Look at ___; he has a car, a stable job, and great pay and benefits. 🚗💼💰This is a common comment amongst aunts and uncles. Comparison is a natural aspect of family reunions. During the reunion, the metrics of success primarily rely on the number of assets one can present or flaunt (this is how they flex). 💪💼 How much they earn, how many kids they were able to finish college, and how well off they are in terms of their respective careers—for the most part, it focuses on what I call superficial things, mostly tangible (no offense meant). I enjoy conversing with them because my perspective and motivations are quite different from theirs, especially when most of their motivations are different from mine. What motivates you on a completely different level is the desire to leave something for the next generation to explore. 🌱🚀
Just to give you an idea, most of my cousins are seamen (if male) and teachers or managers of fast-food chains (if female). 🚢👨‍🏫🍔 As part of our culture, we all feel obligated to provide the comfort that our parents didn't have. 🏠 What do our aunts and uncles usually boast about? They often express a sense of pride and ownership regarding their siblings' successes. 💼 Despite facing various challenges within their own families, he or she supported their nephews or nieces in achieving their dreams or completing their education. 🎓 As a result, they tend to boast about how their kids pamper them. 🌟 Many of your cousins' jobs are either highly profitable or offer the greatest financial convenience. 💰 Tracking most of their careers, it is noticeable that I am the only scientist in our entire family (mother’s side). 👩‍🔬
On my father’s side, however, due to significant disparities in economic opportunities, he is illiterate. It's fortunate for them to have received at least an elementary education. 📚 My father completed elementary school, and according to what I heard from my late grandmother, he excelled academically, often ranking at the top of his class. 🎓 But since my dad wanted to help his family (his sister, brother, and mother), he grabbed the chance to ride the ship and sail to the new place of Metro Manila. ⛴️ His uncle started a photolithography business, and he recruited most of his nephews for job opportunities and ventures. According to what I heard from my grandmother, my dad is the son of a carnival owner in Cebu. 🎪 My dad, as a maiden child, was asked to live with my grandfather. I often hear this story, and I see it as a good opportunity for my dad to explore new ventures. However, I sensed some resentment because my dad also had to fend for his family on his own. 😔 This is a unique trait among Filipinos in general. They have this sense of pride and responsibility to show how independent they are. 🇵🇭 Most of my dad’s relatives are fishermen; their swimming skills determined their success, depending on how many fish they could catch. 🎣 But sadly, this can’t support and provide better opportunities for them since there are lots of factors involved when it comes to the number of fish that they can harvest from their respective nets. 🌊
Being with my relatives raised common questions about my salary and benefits. 💰 They often teased me, while few understood your true intentions or how much you wanted to contribute. 🤔 Your intrinsic drive for the quest that tests human boundaries is remarkable. 🚀 A middle-class background doesn't necessarily shield families from these persistent issues. 💼 You feel like you are the only one who is out of touch with the reality of the present time. 🕰️ You always think ahead since, for the majority of your work, you have deliverables to accomplish, as set by the funding agency that allowed you to ride your own mission. 📊 When you take part in something that your relatives think is pointless, you have no choice but to look for the support that will help you propel yourself to live up to your dream and vision that maybe someday everything that you have been doing right now will make sense. 🌟
Being the only scientist in the family is a unique experience that comes with its own set of challenges and rewards. It's an opportunity to bridge the gap between science and everyday life, helping to foster a greater appreciation for scientific inquiry within your family. 🔬👩‍🔬🌱
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peapodsinspace · 8 months
Pinned Post Revamp!
[I’m still taking drawing requests in asks btw!!!]
Howdy!! Welcome to my blog!!!
I post art (digital drawings, traditional drawings, nail art sometimes) and whatever else I feel like!
You can call me pod/peas/peapods/ whatever else you can come up with!!! (I love nicknames!!!!!!)
Feel free to message me if ya wanna chat (especially if we’re moots)!!
And you can tag me in any tag games and such! It doesn’t annoy me- I just might not participate in all of them!
Mutuals can ask for my spotify and / or discord 👉👈
Other places you can find me:
Art fight
Game jolt
I mainly post on tumblr anyway tho!!
Drawings requests-
I’ll do request for OCs and any fandom I’m in, and maybe ones I’m not in too depending on my mood
No nsfw
No ships (unless you’ve seen me post art about the ship before probably)
Just send me an ask or a message!
Art trades-
I’ll do art trades with anybody! Shoot me a message about it :]
The same rules apply here as the ones with the drawing requests!
((Bold ones are the ones I’m most active / interested in!))
Rangers Apprentice (and brotherband)
JoJos Bizarre Adventure (I’ve read sbr & am currently reading jojolion at a snail’s pace! I’ve also read the phf spinoff)
Demon Slayer (I’ve read the manga)
Naruto (I haven’t watched all of it yet soo)
The Moomins (1990s cartoon)
Star Trek (basically all incarnations but it’s been a while)
DC (I’m very new to this fandom though)
Mob Psycho (reading the manga!)
Saiki K. (Anime only!)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (I’ll hopefully read the manga soon?)
My art - tag for my artworks !
My posts - tag for my posts, anything other than art usually
Pea pods lore - information about me or my blog
Doodles - any drawings that are sketches, like art requests!
Drawing requests - you guess it! It’s my tag for drawing requests
Asks - self explanatory, it’s for asks I get (feel free to yap at me or just send random asks!!! I love them !!)
Kibby post 🖤🤎 - tag for posts including Jack and / or Vivienne, my kitties!
Gilbert 💚 - for posts that contain my son! ((Aka a rubber toad))
Submissions in space - for submitted posts!! (Feel free to submit random bs btw !!!)
Pea Pods Writes - my tag for my writing!!
Pods Reblogs Pods - when I reblog my own post!
Pea Pods Paints - a specific tags for my paintings!
Pods Rants - tag for posts I am angry ranting in 😭
*for most of my fandoms I have a specific tag I use only for my posts and drawings! For instance, If you want to see only my demon slayer stuff, then search my blog with “#demon slayer”! For mob psycho you’d search “#mob psycho 100”, etc! You can find the correct tag via my featured tags :]
AU tags- ( yes I know they’re mostly for jjba rn)
[JJBA] glam rock au - my sbr rockstars au
[JJBA] small town kids au - golden wind characters aged down, with cameos from basically every other jojo character-
[JJBA] jojoxter au - my jojo moomin au!
[RA] barons apprentice - an au with Foldar as morgarath’s apprentice, and generally exploring their dynamic
[RA] ra wild west- cowboy au :] !!!
[JJBA] pods mermay - mermaid drawings of jjba characters (this tag doesn’t seem to search well so sorry 😭)
[KNY] morikawa sisters - tag for mine and my sisters’ kny ocs that go together :]
[mp100] mob sailor 100 - mob psycho x sailor moon/ mob psycho magical girl au!
Mutual tags -
My sister cameo - @scarymonsters-andsupercreeps
The alpha 💪💪💪🐺🐺🐺 - @bekahkmcc
Unknown 🧡 - @unknown-art-room1
Dandy post ✨ - @dandelions-arent-weeds
Vinny post 🩷 - @gayfraggle
Gir post 🦇 - @xxbattiepupxx
Percy post 🔥 - @mitsubinyuri
R post 🪻 - @ilov3b00kss0much
Any other mutuals who want tags can ask for them / give suggestions!!!! <3
Rani Ambrosi - an oc I have in an original universe
Salty Sal - an oc in the Chaz-Monsters cowboy universe !! (If you know you know)
Berry Barracuda - JJBA oc
Cherry Pie - JJBA oc (pt 7)
Loretta Derby - JJBA oc (pt 4)
Haruka Hamasaki - kny oc
Kiyoko Morikawa - kny oc
Chiharu Hirata - kny oc
((You can search my ocs via the names written here!))
DNI HOG JOKE ADDICTS!!! /reference
Alrighty! That’s all!!!! bye bye!!
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diggity-didge · 8 months
hi friend, I also did not go to prom and didn't have an s/o or a job in highschool and as a now college student I promise u will barely remember it a year after graduating. teen years suck and any idealism of it is fake as hell so look forward to the freedom of post high-school life!! good luck and happy (early) graduation :)
I saw this a lil late because I was on that academic grind so sorry for the late reply bestie 💪 anyways this fr made me tear up 😭😭 like i KNOW that teen years are bs (and tbh it feels like mine ESPECIALLY have been bs, what with covid delivering the final nail in my social life coffin), and I KNOW things get better but all I ever hear from others is how important high school is and how many lifelong friends are made and teen love/first “real” romantic relationships happen and yadda yadda and it’s like damn…where do I get that???? But then!! But then ppl like you, another mutual of mine, and my older sister, are all like “wait for college it gets better i PROMISE” and I’m trying to wait but its so DIFFICULT knowing that it gets better but like….first I have to read the grapes of wrath. Which is in all honesty a small price to pay
Thank you for your kind words and support 🫂 it really means a lot when my parents were trying to STOP me from early grad because of all the things I could possibly miss out on (which, do I really care abt the football team? No). Being told that it’s ok to be a hater on the teen years, and also that the expectation of doing everything and having the funnest coolest time ever in high school is a construct not worth striving for/not real in the first place., which validates my feelings more than being told I haven’t met the right friend group/person yet. It really does mean a lot as prom season comes up and the end of high school is approaching for me, and it feels like I have nothing to show for it. But hey, having nothing to show for it is a-ok as yall so kindly inform me! :)
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planetpiastri · 9 months
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pairing: lando norris x fem!fewtrell!reader [no faceclaim, reader is faceless] summary: you've had a crush on your brother's best friend for years now, but haven't had the guts to tell him. but christmas is about telling people how you feel, and this ski trip might be the perfect chance. notes: tumblr tried to kill me dead and stop this smau from getting released but i persevered bc delivering wholesome christmas content is a full-time job. also as a disclaimer... i have never been skiing. so hopefully this doesn't suck. anyways merry christmas thanks for all the love over the last few months!
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liked by team_quadrant, landonorris, and 84,038others
ynfewtrell ski trip part one: the fewtrell siblings venture into the wilderness
view all 1,897 comments
maxfewtrell Doing me dirty
ynfewtrell it's a full-time job
alex_albon whose dog did you kidnap?
ynfewtrell don't worry about it
landonorris posting as if i was not on aux for the three hour drive we took together :(
ynfewtrell your aux skills are exactly why you didn't get posted
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell, and others
ynfewtrell ski trip part two: this shit EZ
view all 1,504 comments
maxfewtrell I have footage of you falling over several times
ynfewtrell no you don't because that didn't happen
username2 that shit is breathtaking dawg
landonorris built different 💪
username3 ok yn in her photographer era
landonorris i took two of these ynfewtrell no free promo if i post it before your jpg account it's mine
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liked by ynfewtrell, team_quadrant, and 811,034 others
landonorris the most wonderful time of the year with the most wonderful kind of people
view all 12,765 comments
username4 aw lando and his emotional support fewtrell siblings
team_quadrant Are we just chopped liver?? landonorris yea
username5 yn is actually SO pretty omg
maxfewtrell I can't believe you've done this
landonorris 😁
username6 bring back your jpg account
ynfewtrell post the video of you falling and sliding into that big snow bank
landonorris only if i can slide into you ynfewtrell what landonorris what three comments were deleted by landonorris
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liked by logansargeant, landonorris, and others
ynfewtrell ski trip part three: being both holly AND jolly this season
view all 2,180 comments
username7 yn is such a g for giving us lando content
oscarpiastri I would not trust him with an animal
maxfewtrell Glad my tree decorating services aren't going unnoticed
username9 ok but you're slaying the all-white look
landonorris she holly on my jolly till i
ynfewtrell no no finish the sentence
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liked by mclaren, ynfewtrell, and 843,876 others
landonorris totally normal christmas where nothing exciting happened. definitely didn't fall in love with my best friend's sister and kiss her under the mistletoe.
view all 15,327 comments
ynfewtrell that'd be crazy if it happened. good thing it didn't.
landonorris exactly what i'm saying
username11 the unicorn helmet LMAO
username12 girl u are focusing on the WRONG PART OF THIS POST
mclaren Take him to the moon for me 🥹🧡💫
username13 BYE team_quadrant Back off, they're ours
maxfewtrell Ugh you guys are both so annoying. Happy for you tho
ynfewtrell ? landonorris wym? nothing happened maxfewtrell Nvm die miserable
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell, and others
ynfewtrell ski trip part four: christmas magic ❤️💚🎄🌟 (+ proof that we did, in fact, fall over skiing)
view all 2,897 comments
maxfewtrell Finally
ynfewtrell 14 year old me is giggling squealing kicking her feet rn landonorris ew do u have a crush on me or something ynfewtrell NO SHUT UP
username14 pelting ur new bf with a snowball is such a funny hard launch
team_quadrant Cute
ynfewtrell thanks for the invite pls keep giving me free merch
oscarpiastri I just know that the snowball was deserved
ynfewtrell yea that was his punishment for not making a move sooner landonorris i'm a little slow okay
username15 wahh i'm gonna miss yn's posts now that the ski trip is over 💔
landonorris i love you btw ❤️
ynfewtrell 🤭💐❤️
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
ᵀʰᵒᵘᵍʰ ᶦᵈᵗ ʸᵘ ᵏⁿᵒ ʷʰᵒ ᵐᵉᵉ ᶦˢ-
to say you is speed is an understatement- i too, get excited when i see you posting croc man content- your writing is just muah 💪💪💪💪
Also- yes i would like a nickname :D, dats hec COOL-
✨Helicopter anon✨
Bc ykno- it goes brrrr and brrr is good for health 😌
I hope im not spamming requests- you can take your time of course 😤
These are just ideas for you :)
Ok business time 👹
👏Crocman dad👏trying👏to👏protect👏his👏child's👏innocence 👏
Like crocodile has bad habits right-: smoking (a l o t o f s m o k i n g), mafia business, cussing, angery and stuff like that.
To start- He wont smoke around his child, if his child appears out of nowhere he would most prob like yeet his cigar somewhere HAHAHAHAH
Doesnt talk about his underworld business when his child is present, imagine his agents or his clients coming in straight up with details of his work like "sir i got rid of tha-" *croc staring daggers at dem with his kid playing in his office*
Also, since he spends alot of time with his wife and child, when there is a needed time to k e e l somebody he just hands his child that he's holding, to his wife c a l m l y and the wife who knows whats abouta go down and just goes "whoops lets go buy ice cream shall we" *walks away* bc queen knows 😌
He just avoids everything possibly bad
I hope this gave you some ideas-
Again, you can take 1% of these or add and its still foine
Thank youuuu
OH MY GOODNESS, i was waiting for you to put in another request lol. i love your requests so much they give me so much writing inspiration! seriously though, your requests are amazing. And helicopter anon is literally perfect, when i tell you me and my sister were cracking up when you chose that name. I love it. and i love these croc as a father writings, they are so good! now onward! i did what i could, so please enjoy and have a great day helicopter anon!! <333
Croc as a father part 4!
Warnings - none!
Word Count - 550
Notes - again, thank you for the request helicopter anon! i love these and now my requests are finally open so you can request another if you're down!! have a great day and i really hope you enjoy!!! stay hydrated!!! <33333 (image not mine)
and now requests are OPEN!!! please check my pinned post before requesting!!
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“Dear,” you played with the collar of Crocodile’s button up trying to ignore the cigar smoke flying around your face. “I've been meaning to talk to you about…” you flicked his cigar and he giggled, kissing your neck. “This.”
“Huh?” Crocodile moved from his neck looking down at his cigar. “This? What about this?”
“Uhm… It's just… our son. I don't want-”
“Oh, I haven't been doing it around him.”
You tilted your head, trying to think back to the times of all of you hanging out together. “You haven't?”
“Nope. You think I want my six year old to know what I do for a living?”
You giggled and played with the bottom of Croc’s hair. “I don't know why I ever doubted you.”
If Crocodile was being fully honest with you though, it was the most impossible thing he had to do. Hiding your mafia identity from a sporadic child was hands down the hardest thing in the world.
For example, one time, he was just in his office working when his six year old burst in the room making airplane noises as he ran back and forth with a toy plane. Crocodile has never thrown something so long and far, but his cigar ended up on the other side of the room while his child turned to him with a goofy smile asking what that was.
Or when Crocodile was teaching his son how to use a map and one of his employees walked in.
“Sir, we took care of the body you wanted us to hi-”
Crocodile had never stared at someone with such force. He pointed to his child who was coloring the map with sharks and fish and pointed to the door, forcing his employee out.
All Crocodile’s son knew Crocodile to be a big teddy bear. Someone who would help him whenever he had a nightmare. Someone who loved his momma with all of his heart and soul. Someone he looked up to.
Crocodile knew that eventually he would have to tell his son about his business, hopefully have him take it over when the time came. But for now he was learning. Trying to figure out the world. The last thing he needed to know was Crocodile’s grudge against Monkey D. Luffy and the fact that he had been to jail and that he had committed multiple crimes. That was for another day.
Whenever he was curious though, it was always your job to step up.
“Honey,” Crocodile handed you your son, his employees standing behind him. “I have to go take care of something. Take him out to go get some frozen yogurt and get yourself something nice, love.”
He placed a kiss on your head and your sons, walking out of the room with that evil, but sexy look on his face that made you swoon.
“Momma?” You set your son down and grabbed his hand. “Where’s daddy going?”
You just smiled and rubbed the top of his jet black hair. “He's going to work dear.”
“What does daddy do for work?”
You grabbed the keys off of the wall and smirked. “Daddy takes care of business, buddy.”
You kissed him on the forehead and took him out for frozen yogurt while Crocodile did just that.
Take care of business.
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