#iris ghoul
skele-bunny · 2 months
Please more silly Special and Cowbell of when they were growing up!
Omg say less snjejdjx also I <3 giving Bell my speech patterns 💪💪 no c.... No o...... Frfr
Teen Years. (No CW) Special & Cowbell/Doves
Tags: Teen shenanigans, fluff, bigender Cowbell, sibling teasings
Characters: Cowbell, Special/Phil, Doves
(Divider by @ wrathofrats !)
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One thing that always got the Doves curious was their human-like mates and how they shared traits without realizing that deep rooted to their once element. More specifically how they had human traditions called birthdays the replicated moon cycles, school dances that mimicked bonding rituals, but one that got them the most was piercings. In their culture, piercings were a sign of status and proposals. Little did they know the rabbit hole they'd be led down from a simple question.
Aqua tilted his head as he asked one fateful day as he eyed Cowbell's bellybutton piercing, a rarity only shown when she'd wear her crop tops in the den. "Is it also a human tradition to be pierced?"
The Null's tail went up to signify he heard the question. "N't really." Bell rolled over so he can sign, bringing his hands up. "I was just a dumb teenager and Special had access to sewing needles sooner than he should've."
"Phil!" Aqua turned in his chair. "What is Bell meaning by you had access to a sewing needle in relation to a piercing?"
Loud, genuine laughter suddenly came from the kitchen, Special turning the corner while holding his glass of water. "Oh fuck! When we were younger, I watched this Sister of Sin pierce her friends ear in the school's bathroom and I wanted to do it. So I started piercing myself, and then Bluebell wanted one."
Bell's face went red in embarrassment, grumbling. "It su'ked!"
"Because you wouldn't stop squirming!"
The youngest ghoul sibling grabbed the pillow under her head, throwing it at the eldest who laughed and let it hit his shoulder. "It ti'kled!"
Aqua blinked somewhat, tilting his head. "I still don't understand how a needle plays into this."
Phil held up his index as he pulled his phone out, pulling up an image to show an 18-gauge sewing needle. "That's what I used."
"How unsanitary." Gaia added, looking over the kitchen counter. "And it didn't get infected?"
"Oh, not Bell's, but mine definitely did." Phil put his phone away to lift his sweater, showing the small scar from his piercing. "Did that stop me? No, but it should've. Now look at me, ear gauges!"
The two Doves chuckled at their smaller mate's tease, watching him go over to Bell and shove her hooves off the couch so he could sit — only for them to return on his lap.
"Now if you want to talk about mistakes, you should ask Bell about Clara."
The hoof near his stomach kicked sideways, Phil grunting and slapping his siblings knee which now started a small war.
"Fu'k y'u f'r that!" She squealed, watching Special hiss and move to bite his knee.
Cowbell kicked again before both his and Phil's ears were grabbed, grimacing and looking up at Iris who raised an eyebrow. "No rough housing on the couch."
"Phil started it!" Bell whined, swatting his husband's hand away.
Iris gave one last tug to his mates. "And what would that be?"
"Clara," Special stuck his pierced tongue out which Bell returned. "Her first girlfriend."
The water ghoul simply clapped with interest, his gills fluttering just as much as his wings. "Oh, do tell. I love hearing mating stories."
The two nulls were in a glare off before Bell moved his hooves behind Phil's bone wings just to inconvenience him. "Clara was a sister of sin I really liked when I was... What? 15? Prettiest thing ever. We dated for exactly six hours and when I unmasked she fainted, and I got grounded for revealing myself and dating."
"Oh that's a terrible mating story." Aqua corrected himself.
"You win some you lose some." Special shrugged, standing up and pulling Bell's leg fur just to be annoying.
He earned another hiss before Bell stood up as well. She stomped over to their bookshelf, causing Special to stare and gasp as he pulled out a purple photo album.
"You wouldn't dare..."
"I w'uld."
The eldest instantly chased after his sibling, yelling loudly. "Bluebell Emeritus I will end your fucking life!!"
"'At'h me first, bit'h!"
The doves watched the altercation as Bell ran around the common area while flipping through the book, laughing maniacally. Sarra stood in the doorway, eyeing his fellow packmates who simply shrugged. She jumped over the coffee table and into Iris's lap who sat on his rocking chair, shoving the photo album in his hands.
"L'k at his fa'e!— AH!" Bell started before squealing as her hair was yanked back, Phil dragging him before Bell grabbed his shoulder and pulled him down.
Sarra lifted the coffee table as they rolled around, hitting and poking at each other's sides. Iris hummed, both Gaia and Aqua looking over his shoulder at the photos. It had photos of Phil during an event called 'homecoming', his face covered in acne and braces tight. He looked... Awkward. They couldn't help but smile at the obviously embarrassing photos fondly, admiring their husband and now flipping through the pages.
"Turn to the sixth page!" Phil shouted, straddling Bell's stomach while she thrashed before slamming them upwards in a vice versa position, twisting Special's arm behind his back.
"D'n't!!" Bell whined in response, distracted but yelping as legs wrapped around her neck and twisted him back down.
Doing as told, Iris moved to the sixth page, stifling his laughter as Bluebell stood with an angry face as she was dressed as a variant of an Easter bunny. The icing on the cake was the carrot she angrily held, a death grip like he was ready to throw it at whoever was behind the camera. Iris turned the book so Sarra could look while he still held the coffee table up but also monitored the two siblings still going at it.
The quint cooed. "Oh, that's just precious. You should dress up as a bunny for us, Bell."
"Why not me?!-"
The two looked up at the same time, knocking their heads together and groaning, holding their respective impact marks. They hissed at each other, glaring and a new found fire as they went back to fighting, Phil grabbing a previously thrown pillow, hitting Bluebell with it who quickly got her own to retaliate.
Slowly flicking through the pages, Gaia pointing at a baby photo of the two, their hearts melting with a shared 'Aww.' It was one of them matching for their first Halloween, Phil as a ladybug, Bluebell as a bumblebee.
Sarra reached up with his other hand as a pillow went towards his face, quickly throwing it back to Phil who resumed beating his younger sibling while laughing.
"Look at this one! Aw, Phil, you were smaller than a Firebird!" Aqua smiled wide, seeing the picture of the kit being held by Papa Nihil who compared him to the body of the guitar.
Their response was Phil yelling as Bell had adjusted her hooves on his stomach and kicking overhead, sending the doctor onto the floor and groaning at impact. They both panted, catching their breath. She tilted her head back just in time to see Phil slowly raise his middle finger, responding in the same way.
Agni, who had been watching from his doorway hummed. "I don't even want to think of you two doing this when you were younger."
Iris laughed. "My guess is broken bones. Plenty of them."
Very delicately, Sarra placed the coffee table back down and picked up his two husbands, them resting in his arms but now glaring as they were in eye contact again. "I don't think they're actually grown." Sarra teased.
Immediately, the two snapped their head at the quintessence, then back to one another.
"Truce?" Phil huffed.
Bell nodded. "Tru'e."
Sarra quickly lost his balance as Phil wrapped around his neck and pulled back, Bell dropping and quickly tackling his waist. They grabbed their pillows and went to beating their mate with more laughter, Sarra holding his hands up to protect himself from the throw pillows.
"We're older than you, you overgrown grape!"
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prfctlmprfct · 3 months
Kin list reveal 😵
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Rewatching the episode "Crushed" I noticed that G3 Clawdeen and Clawd have new fearleader outfits while Iris just has logo MH on her shirt and Kuma has hat. That's it
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I can't stand this injustice so with my free time and free art program I "made" fearleader outfits for them
Start with Iris.
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I added her signature "eyes" and simple greek design.
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Originally I wanted to be red outfit but its looks like Toralei's uniform so I give orange color instead
Honesty... I have difficult finding a signature fashion for someone who doesn't wear clothes...
So I added claws marks. I know its were creature thing but I think its looks great on him
Bonus: Heath
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I was inspired to G1 Heath prototype dress. It would be awesome if Abbey joins casketball ball team and Heath can cheer her up.
Last but not least: Spectra
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Thats pretty much it. I'm not best editor or artist but I have fun making this.
And I hope you like it too
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islandofthesnakes · 11 months
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saw ppl being mean abt her so i had to draw her >:)
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nocturnalghoul · 1 year
Mushy May Day 11: First "I love you"/ Unspoken "I love you"s
Aether may be the first to say I love you outloud, but Dew says it back to him tenfold in his actions.
Come get y'alls fluffy Dewther content!
Words: 579
Rating: Gen/Everyone
Read below the cut or on AO3 here
Aether technically says those three little words first on a stargazing date. Dew is laid out on the picnic blanket next to him, brow adorably furrowing in concentration. His eyes scan the sky above, intently tracing imaginary lines between the stars Aether pointed out as belonging to his favorite constellations. 
He watches as the faint glow of the moon illuminates Dew’s lips, showing the way they twitch ever slightly in the suggestion of a name each time he moves to the next constellation. 
It slips out before Aether even knows he opened his mouth. “I love you”. Three dulcet words cutting through the nighttime chorus of frogs and crickets surrounding them. 
He watches the way the other ghouls eyes widen as he turns, corners of his mouth pulling up in surprised delight. All of his gills and fins gently puff up in unison, catching the moonlight in a resplendent display. 
Before Dew has a chance to say anything Aether says it again. “I love you” he declares, firmer this time as he allows one hand to settle along the back of Dew’s neck. “And you don’t need to say it back, honeydew, I already know.”
Dew launches forward closing the small remaining amount of distance between them and capturing Aether is a passionate kiss, snaking his arms lazily around the quintessence ghoul’s neck.
Aether may have said it out loud first, but they both know that Dew has been saying it through his actions for far longer. It only seems fitting that he returns the sentiment in a similar vein to how he’s been voicing his affection all along. 
They go back and forth like this for a while. Aether says “I love you” and other saccharine words in moments of tenderness, and Dew shows Aether that he feels the same through what he does. 
Aether overworks himself yet again and Dew is right there to draw him a hot bath and force him to relax, favorite snacks and a thermos of tea at the ready for afterwards. I love you.
He comes back from an outing with another ghoul and finds the neglected acoustic guitar that lives in the corner of his room has brand new strings and is polished. I love you. 
Late night tender touches and vulnerable expressions, reserved only for Aether to see. I love you 
It is so abundantly clear in everything little thing that Dew does that Aether never feels like he needs the other ghoul to say it. When he finally does though, it feels like a final piece of Aether’s heart has slid into place. 
Dew whispers it almost inaudibly, barely more than an exhale into the crook of Aether’s neck. He had come into the other ghoul’s room immediately upon hearing the telltale scream of him having a night terror, sweeping him up into his arms and whispering sweet tranquil assurances. 
Dew says I love you, and Aether feels all his usual words of adoration slip away into the night as he decides to act out his own devotion for once. 
Aether gently picks Dew up, carrying him to his room and placing him gently on the bed. He watches the way Dew instantly snuggles deeper into his sheets, inhaling deeply to get as much of that comforting scent as possible and smiling fondly. Aether lies down next to him, and holds him tight all throughout the remainder of the night. An unspoken declaration of security- I love you too.
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candygoop · 5 months
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for the iris @pepperediris
erm yeah !!
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artthemasquerade · 1 year
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New Orleans Coterie in Amon Style
So this requires some explanation, so since there are kind of some similarities between Devilmen and how Kindred work, they both have a beast/demon to overcome and to stay human they have to keep their human heart of sorts or they'll lose themselves to the beast/demon, also they have to merge and gain power they have to devour another demon/Kindred and overcome their will. Honestly Akira's journey in the original Devilman manga is a perfect example of someone slowly losing themselves to their inner beast despite their good intentions, and him giving up on saving humanity is also him giving up on his humanity, in vampire the masquerade terms he's no longer on the path of humanity. So in my headcanon au for Devilman/Vampire the Masquerade crossover, Kindred are Devilmen who can make more through the embrace, have to feed on blood and hide from the sun, Devilmen and Demons in Devilman have this eyeliner like markings under their eyes to intricate their demonic nature and that's why I've given it to mine and my friend's vampire the masquerade new orleans by night characters here, and changed around the shape and colour of it to intricate what clan they belong to.
Also I thought it would be fun to draw them in the Amon OVA style and it really was :D
First up is Andy the Ravnos and his famulus Elliot, he's the baby of the group, having only been embraced under a year ago, he belongs to @qwibwib, the storyteller of the New Orleans by Night chronicle :D.
second is Moreen the Volgirre and the eldest and fleshcrafter of the group she belongs to @morbidoptimisim.
third is Iris the Salubri, she's the healer and sniper of the group and also a mother to a five year old child who we are currently working on rescuing this season, she belongs to @cthylla-rlyeh.
forth is Rose the Tremere, she's the blood and water magic user of the group and she belongs to me. :3
fifth is Dolly the Daughter of Cacophony, Moreen's wife and former longtime ghoul now a Kindred herself in order to save what was left of her family after Moreen got kidnapped by the main villains of the chronicle last season (Moreen is back safe and sound now) and she belongs to Morbid.
and finally sixth is Kevin, Rose's longtime ghoul (21 years of service!) and a big brother figure to her, he also belongs to me.
Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr, instagram, a note on deviantart or artistree https://artistree.io/missn11
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monsterhighfemboy · 6 months
These ghouls wear pants
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Monster High Characters Sexuality Headcannons pt 4
Last one, unless you want me to get the really minor characters like the vampires and werewolves from fright on, or even new characters in the second- generation reboot, or the celebrity-based characters they have. This list has those that just weren’t listed before, and those from Ghouls Rule, Haunted and Great Scarrier Reef.
Casta Fierce-Lesbian
Finnegan Wake-Gay
Gooliope Jellington-Pan
Headless Headmistress Bloodgood-Demisexual
Iris Clops-Straight
Johnny Spirit-Straight
Kala Mer’ri-Pan
Kiyomi Haunterly-Ace
Lilith Van Hellscream-Lesbian
Peri & Pearl Serpentine-Bi
Porter Geiss-Bi
Posea Reef-Lesbian
River Styxx-Lesbian
Vandala Doubloons-Lesbians
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iris-nonsense · 1 year
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She's so hot
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gh-woah-st-v1 · 1 year
@forlorn-crows mentioned ghoul ocs that are still hidden from the internet and now the ghoul i had vaguely thought up has a whole backstory
maybe possibly expect something
if i can figure out how to present her to the world properly
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skele-bunny · 3 months
Special & Cowbell's Dynamic With the Doves (Era 1) - No CW
Just a whole bunch of fluff w/sexual and romantic talk!
Real quick context for those unaware how I write these ghouls:
I personally hc Special and Cowbell brothers, both null (no elements), and the first two ever summoned by Papa Nihil as accidental kits and raised by him and Sister. I nickname them as the AroAce Bros wjjsjd
Name guide for Era 1:
Agni - Fire
Aqua - Water
Sarra - Quint/Omega
Iris - Air
Gaia - Earth
Special is aromatic but still a mate to the Doves and has a more specific bond with them as he was trusted with helping to teach them, also a personal translator. Phil is not bonded to them. They also share a mentor/student dynamic. While there's no romantic relationships, they do have a form of romance.
Cowbell is asexual (Libidoist) but in a romantic relationship with them all, and is physically bonded. He wasn't really around the Doves much during their first summoning as they had no way to communicate yet - the Doves didn't know sign language or Italian/English/Latin, so their relationship took a bit longer to develop.
Now onto dynamics!
Bell is their dedicated princess (and not in the bad way)! They absolutely adore pampering Bell to no end wether it's in affections, gifts, or just simply doing anything he asks. The Doves love to please, especially when it comes to one of their mates. Cowbell honestly is low maintenance when it comes to affections and relationships, he just likes being around them - it's the Doves specifically that treat him so highly.
They take time to make sure their den is sensory friendly for him, making sure to keep muted colors that aren't too bright, keeping two sets of hearing aids and batteries for him PLUS a charging port for his main set, keeping stim toys, and once they learned Bell sleeps better on beanbags - they made sure to get multiple for their den so Bell can go where he pleases with comfort.
Iris is usually Bell's target for texture needs, always carefully running his fingers through Iris's feathers, or even just laying on his back to be in a feather nest. Sometimes Iris will allow Bell to help with his preening, he loves watching how focused his mate gets, hands so slow over each individual feather before making excited trills when he finds a barb to remove.
Gaia is big on hoof health, and since Bell shows traits of meant to be an earth (major being his own heavy hoofs), he was the one to show Bell how to properly cut his hooves down. However, the sharpness makes Bell too nervous to do it himself, so Gaia does it while Aqua distracts him with a little water show.
Cowbell's safe foods are cinnamon buns ("Cinna-buns" Bell calls them) and oddly, warm celery. Agni is adamant on not using a stove/oven, so he uses their fireplace slate to make everything. When he learned Cowbell's favorite foods along with the safes, he may or may not have stolen some of the clergy's cookbooks from the kitchen workers. Cooking is one of Agni's love languages and it's very loud with Bell.
The Doves very much do respect Bell's orientation, although it took them a while to understand their species could simply have no desire. They accepted his boundaries and they both came to a small "negotiation." Bell still masturbates and sometimes the Doves will gift him toys for assistance, and in return to satisfy their own desires he'll take videos for them. They're all comfortable with this agreement, and who doesn't love getting videos of their partner just absolutely railing himself on a toy you gave them?
Aqua was the first one that Bell tried to court, and in his own silly way - literally stalking him through the Abbey and leaving gifts on his normal route. Bell was completely oblivious the entire pack was trying to court him during this time, too! He just thought people were randomly leaving flowers around. Bell is the definition of romantic oblivion. Since Bell was too nervous to actually make a full move, Sarra had asked him for the entire pack. He ended up getting bonded to them a few months in their relationship.
While usually ghouls in the clergy don't bother Bell, there's always a few whispers he's oblivious to. Even if it was said to his face, Bluebell still has processing issues and even if he doesn't have his hearing aids in he'll just give the biggest smile. The Doves hate seeing his personality teased, and are very, very quick to shut down another ghoul causing issues. While Bell tries to see the best in everyone, sometimes he does process what's said to him and it keeps him in a depression rut. They do their best to reassure their partner, show him how loved he is, how wonderful he his, and how lucky they are to have Bell in their lives.
Bell has scary dog privilege. After his own traumatic incident in the clergy, he's never alone (even if he doesn't realize it.) Someone is always lurking to keep an eye on him.
Special is teased by them a lot by calling him the side mistress, but he's really just as much of a princess to them. When they were first summoned, Phil was the first face they seen and who they met, in fact - Phil was the one who named them. He was a nervous wreck in front of them before he realized that they're just as nervous as him. Agni was the first summoned and the first to imprint on Special, trying to understand this... Very short, no wings or horn, scentless ghoul.
Their relationships absolutely started out as mentor/student, listening to Special and trying to get accustomed to everything. For a while, the Doves wouldn't listen to Primo or Nihil, only Spec. Multiple times they had to be reminded by Special they had to listen - and it'd get the point across eventually. Special learned so much from them from anatomy, what he was called, and just their general culture.
Agreeing together, they had wanted to progress their relationship with Phil, and he agreed. Special was with them for a long time before he realized he just... Didn't feel romantic towards them. He felt devastated and had a really long cry in their arms, being reassured it was alright. They agreed to end their romantic relationships, but still continue to be mates in their own unique way.
Special has no issues mating with them, he's their "darling bottom", and doesn't have issues receiving kisses or anything else along the lines. He just doesn't officially date them or have a bond with them. He's part of the pack and still considered a mate, and they have no problem claiming Special as theirs. They don't mind his other sexual partners, either, they're not very "stingy" about it.
They love listening to Special info dump about his findings and research, just watching his face light up when they ask questions or inquire about something he's so passionate about. The Doves have advanced his medical knowledge so much! Aqua explaining how their hearts work since it's much diff from humans - some Ghouls may even have two, Gaia showing how to incorporate herbal ghoul remedies to human medicines - absolutely giving a giant jump in medicine, Sarra even assisting on training other Quint's to follow human medicines and healing. The Doves have happily let Phil experiment on them. Taking blood, testing their abilities, seeing their durability, and even taking samples of their wings.
Sarra is considered the closest with Phil; always accompanying him to places, being his breathing shadow, or just simply being around him.
When Phil's wings literally ripped out of his skin, the Doves lost their fucking shit. Trying to figure out what to do as they seen nothing but bone, even Sarra startled and unsure how to heal it - could he even? They brought him to Cowbell by his request, and literally watched as Special spoke Bell through cutting his other wing out of his back. Iris thought he was going to faint the entire time as he watched.
Iris at first believed he was meant to have feathers and tried thinking of ways to make his wings artificial - but with the structure it was more close to Sarra's then his. More bat then bird. It helped realize Spec was meant to be a Quintessence. Iris was still the one to help his physical therapy afterwards, assisting in expanding and folding. How they worked and being the one to make personalized casts when they would get hairlines or simply break.
Gaia got Phil high ONCE..... ONCE!!!!!! And now it's one of their weekly activities together to just get stoned until they can't think, just flopped in the nest together just rambling about whatever comes out of their mouths. He's the main one to take care of Phil during his exhaustion periods, always knowing how to soothe a certain ache, or heal a certain strain.
Together, they enjoy playing their instruments in just a mellow setting. Phil is talented with his singing, and loves being their "stand-in Primo" when they needed practice before they retired. Still, there's times where they'll break out their equipment for old times sake.
Between the both of them, the Doves are extremely protective yet still so loving. They will (and have) get violent over them. They've done their own quiet research on how to care for their specific health issues, doing anything to make them comfortable and improve their health. Spec and Bell adore all of them and keep track of their interests to spoil back in gifts and affection. They both got together to get them big present (which they used the clergy's credit card for but no one knows that since Special controls it.) which was their den remodeled to include a giant room for their nest, and a size appropriate step down tub. The Doves are huge and there's no denying it, they lived in discomfort for a really long time as the den was meant for the nulls size. Especially since their pack hates sleeping separated - it was the best gift they received from them.
Now they can comfortably sprawl out together and accompany for baths and showers. It also leaves certain.... activities...... Accessible too!
Bell loves woodwork as it's one of his hyperfixation and the only sharp materials he's not nervous with - he's crafted each Dove their own items from book shelves to even Iris's rocking chair! His current project his miniature figures of them.
Special isn't a big gift giver, but still manages gifts now and then. Flowers, cards, their favorite snacks and foods - but he's more of a servicing person. He likes to make sure they're comfortable, offering to do anything for them. They love letting Phil massage their wings specifically.
Between them all, they're the happiest pack in the entire clergy. Rarely they disagree on things, and when they do its simply talked out and compromised to make both of them better. The Doves are big communicators and it shows.
Also I'm just jealous that they managed to cop both Bell and Phil and I didn't :,( /silly
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I designed my own Monster High ghoul doll! She is the daughter of Näkki, a water spirit that can camouflage itself as rock or driftwood and drowns people who are careless in water. She is Finnish, loves metal music and coffee, and cares deeply about sustainable fishing practices and protecting lakes and ponds and rivers. Her pet is a skeletal seal pup, who once died in fishermen's nets, but was brought to a new life by Lumme's sadness and anger. She's a part of the metal club at MH, but doesn't play or sing, more just enjoys listening to it and bonding with her fellow students. She my seem quiet and reserved, but won't stop talking if you get to know her properly!
Some design notes under cut:
Also I'd like to add design notes to this:
- fishing nets and hooks & related things are a big design note in her doll because she did almost die by drowning stuck in a fishing net, and she has Feelings about questionable fishing practices.
- there's a permanent tangle of netting around her neck to represent the way she technically died
- her purse is a glass float
- her hair is a light ashy blonde-brown - dirt road brown as we call it in Finland, which is a common hair color in Finland, with accents of darker brown, green, and blue.
- blue eyes, cloudy iris, dark eye whites. Netting eye-shine
- her base skin tone is a light grey, but she has rocky camouflage and birch-tree camouflage on her limbs, ears, and forehead to represent her camouflage/shapechanging abilities
- Luunappi is a skeletal "kuutti", baby northern ringed seal, who died of getting stuck in nets, and Lumme's anger and sadness at the injustice magically revived it
- frappe bc Finns drink ridiculous amounts if coffee per capita but I didn't want to give her straight up black coffee
- Karelian boo-strie is a Karelian pastry but made to look like a fish with big teeth
- her object heel is a fishing loom stone, a type of a fishing weight
- her phone is not an iCasket bc she's _Finnish_ and obvs reps Nokia instead. Hence Noakiasket
- sea glass bottle bottom sunglasses. Seaglass is frosty so that's a little funny for sunglasses but listen.
- the CD is "Nemo" by _Nightfish_ which is obviously a silly riff on Nightwish, which is a Finnish metal band, and she loves metal (Finland has so many metal bands. We just really love metal.). I decided on a CD-player purely for nostalgic reasons.
- "Land of a thousand lake monsters" refers to Finlnd, and you can see the shape of Finland on the cover. Finland is called the land of a thousand lakes, so we probably have a lot of lake monsters too.
- yellow comes a little out of nowhere for this, but I like raincoat yellow and it reminds me of fishers, so I can have it.
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pupsmailbox · 4 months
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NAMES ⌇ abby. ace. addam. alister. amelia. amoret. ange. angel. angelo. anubis. arch. archette. ash. aslan. aspen. astor. astoria. astrophel. atticus. axelle. azazel. azrael. bael. bat. batsy. bella. bellatrix. blade. blair. blanchette. brahms. branwen. cain. callan. calliope. cannibelle. caskeite. casketta. caskette. caspian. celeste. celestia. chaos. charlotte. cherry. chira. chiraelle. chiro. chiroptairre. chiroptelle. chiropteranne. choir. christian. cofette. coffin. coffine. constantine. corbin. corpse. crimson. crow. crowley. damian. damien. demonesse. divina. dorian. draven. edgar. elatha. elijah. elix. elwin, elwin. elwood. ember. emmaline. etienne. evan. evangeline. eve. faith. forest. forrest. frill. frille. frilleine. frilliette. frilly. genesis. ghost. gothita. gothitelle. gothitess. gothitesse. grey. gwen. gypsy. hades. hawthorne. hecate. hemlock. imortalle. imortella. iris. israel. jakob. jet. jett. johnas. josiah. judas. kain. kane. kedi. keir. lacey. laciene. laciette. lazarus. leo. lilith. lilithe. lolita. lucid. lucien. lucifer. lucius. luscious. lynx. maeve. malice. mana. martyr. max. melancholy. merle. micah. michael. misery. mordred. morris. mors. morte. mortis. mourge. mourgette. myrette. nightshade. noah. noctre. nocturne. noir. obsidian. oleander. omen. onyx. orion. orpheus. ozul. ozzy. prince. prophet. raven. ravenie. raveniette. rook. rowan. ruby. saber. saint. salem. samael. samuel. scarlet. secrette. seraph. serenity. shilo. shiloh. silas. silver. silvester. skelly. skulliene. skulliette. skully. sorrow. sylvester. syn. thorn. thorne. tobias. tommy. trix. umbriel. valkyrie. valo. vervain. vesper. victoria. ville. violetta. vito. vlad. woundie. zeon. zephyrine.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ abby/abby. ae/aer. ash/ash. bat/bat. bleed/bleed. blood/blood. book/book. bug/bug. burn/burn. chain/chain. chap/chapel. chill/chill. claw/claw. cloud/cloud. cob/cobweb. cof/coffin. coffin/coffin. corps/corpse. creep/creep. cri/cross. cro/cros. cross/cross. cross/crosse. da/dark. dae/dae. dae/daem. dark/dark. decay/decay. dee/dark. des/despair. devout/devout. div/divine. dust/dust. echo/echo. edge/edgy. en/envie. fae/fang. fang/fang. fe/fear. fie/fiend. fog/fog. fri/frill. frill/frill. ghost/ghost. ghoul/ghoul. gore/gore. goth/goth. goth/gothic. gra/grave. grave/grave. ha/haunt. halo/halo. hie/hiem. ho/holy. holy/holy. horn/horn. hx/hxm. hy/hym. ink/ink. lace/lace. lae/lace. lost/lost. mist/mist. moon/moon. net/fishnet. ni/night. night/night. null/null. par/parasol. parasol/parasol. pray/pray. pray/prayer. proph/prophet. ro/rose. rose/rose. rot/rot. rust/rust. sac/sacrifice. saint/saint. scar/scar. shx/hxr. shy/hyr. si/sinister. sin/sin. sku/skull. skull/skull. snake/snake. spider/spider. spike/spike. sto/storm. stud/stud. thou/thorn. thron/thorn. thxy/thxm. vae/vaer. ve/ver. velvet/velvet. vo/void. whis/whisper. whisper/whisper. witch/witch. wood/wood. x/x. xae/xaer. × . ♠️ . ♣️ . ⚰️ . ⛓️ . 🌑 . 💀 . 🕯 . ���� . 🕸 . 🖤 . 🥀 . 🦇 .
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hypnoneghoul · 6 months
May I request Phantom taking big boy Mountain for the first time, and maybe we get that tummy bulge because he's slight and mountain is just so.. big
yeah i wrote exactly what it says on the tin
“Phantom, are you sure?” Mountain asks—again—holding the writhing quintessence ghoul relatively still in his lap. He whines and nods furiously.
“Yes, Mounty, yes, please,” Phantom begs and Mountain can’t deny that it gets him all hot and bothered. He already is all hot and bothered, has been since the younger ghoul pressed himself against him and started spilling filth into his ears, begging Mountain to finally take him to bed. To fuck him stupid, break him in half.
Mountain is a strong ghoul, but he’s not invincible.
“Fuck…okay,” he sighs. It turns into a moan when the all too eager Phantom grinds his ass down onto the earth ghoul’s half-hard cock. He grunts and hooks his arms under the other’s thighs to hoist him up. He yelps and giggles, making Mountain smile. “You’ve been spending too much time with Swiss, you menace.”
Phantom only smirks.
Soon enough they reach the earth ghoul’s bedroom and he’s dipping his hand into Phantom’s pants as he’s straddling his lap. “We have to prep you nicely, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Done,” the quintessence ghoul mutters and just then Mountain’s fingertips are brushing against his hole, slick and loose. His cock twitches and he swears under his breath.
They work together to undress themselves without really parting—Phantom planted himself firmly on top of Mountain and it doesn’t seem like he intends to leave his spot. Rather clumsily, but they manage, and the earth ghoul truly drenches his fingers in lube before bringing them back to the other’s asshole.
“Don’t wanna hurt you,” he mumbles again and Phantom whines, but nods. He arches his back like a cat, pressing his chest against Mountain’s and tucking his head under his chin as the earth ghoul pushes his fingers in, one by one until he has four in. Phantom really did a good job of stretching himself and Mountain has no doubts he aided himself with quintessence.
His cock kicks at the thought. He pulls his digits out and wipes his hand on the sheets. They’ll need washing anyway. “Okay, iris, I–”
“Put it in, Mounty,” Phantom whines, looking up at him, and Mountain doesn’t even feel bad for folding immediately. Who wouldn’t if the quintessence ghoul looked at them like this?
Mountain growls and puts his hands on Phantom’s hips, trying to not think about how small he looks between them. A little more and he’d be able to just about squeeze him whole. He pulls him up, grinding his little cock into his stomach and positioning his own dick at his hole. The quintessence ghoul’s eyes widen a bit when he feels the sticky tip against him.
“You ready, honey?” he asks. Phantom doesn’t respond—at least not verbally. He presses his ass back and moans all high pitched as the head of Mountain’s massive cock pops into him.
“Fuck,” the earth ghoul swears and clenches his jaw. He’s holding Phantom with one hand under his ass and he’s trying to make him go slow about lowering himself, but the young ghoul is eager. Probably too eager for his own good. “Careful, honey.”
Phantom whines and nods, slowly going down inch by inch, feeling himself stretch out further and further on Mountain’s cock. It’s maddening for both of them.
He’s about halfway down when he winces and whimpers in a worryingly painful manner and Mountain instantly freezes. “Iris? You okay?”
“Yes, fuck, but it hurts,” the quintessence ghoul cries out, squeezing his eyes shut. Mountain’s own are dragged to a single drop of sweat beading at the younger’s brow. “You’re so big, shit.”
“We can–” the earth ghoul grunts, but Phantom cuts him off, near in panic.
“NO! No, ‘m good. Let’s keep going,” he pleads and Mountain has no choice but to trust him. The quintessence ghoul takes a moment to breathe and adjust some before moving again, lowering his hips until he’s fully down, with Mountain truly balls deep in him. “Oh, shit. Fuck, I– hah, I did it!”
The earth ghoul can’t help but giggle at how proud of himself Phantom seems. The younger ghoul plants his hands on the other’s shoulders and pushes himself up to fully sit on him and–
He watches as Mountain’s eyes fix on his belly before rolling back into his head as a wretched noise falls from his open mouth. A second later Phantom feels warmth pumping into him and his own jaw drops as the realization hits.
“Mounty, did you just–”
He only whines loudly as he goes limp under the quintessence ghouls. His sight seems to have returned to him and he doesn’t drag his eyes away from where his massive dick—that is now already softening—is protruding from Phantom’s stomach in a prominent bulge.
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dazed-and-confused23 · 5 months
Dear Hearts and Gentle People 9
Summary: You think you're too late to get back to Cooper in time, but the ghoul shows you that he's stronger than either of you think.
Pairings: The Ghoul | Cooper Howard x Female Reader
Warnings: Feral behavior, Angst. Sad thoughs but a happy ending
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You've never run so fast in your entire life to get back to the set of buildings that you'd left Cooper at. It's been four days, a two-day trip to the nearest town where you had been lucky enough to find a couple of vials, enough to at least get your ghoul back on his feet, and then the two-day trip back. It was evening by the time you made it back, and you heaved in deep, steadying lungfuls as you skidded to a halt.
"Coop!?" She said loudly, not willing to be any louder in case any nasties had moved in while you were gone. Fear grips your heart when you make it to the back room you'd left him in and find the place empty. You lick your lips and zero in on the indents left behind in the sand.
You follow them out of the house and out into the wastes. You can see a figure stumbling around in the distance, their movements jerky and the occasional terrifying snarl echoing in the night. You lope forward and slow to a stop a good ten feet away from the familiar ghoul in a cowboy hat.
The ghoul whips around, and you shove down the horror that threatens to rise up and consume you when he looks at you. His eyes, usually beautiful and golden, are bloodshot, his pupils so blown tray you can't see the color of his iris. Cooper snarls at you, baring his teeth before his head jerks to the side.
"Darlin', wha-," He cuts himself off with a low growl, and you take a step forward when he slaps his hands over his cheeks and shakes his head like a wet dog.
"I told you I'd come back, Cooper," you say and reach for your bag, keeping your movements transparent, "Come back to the house. Lemme help you."
Cooper can't believe that you're back. It's been a day after you left that he'd started to lose time, his mind fuzzy as he struggled to keep his senses. Even now, everything has a film over it, and he's got to squint to see you properly. He takes a deep breath and stops himself from stumbling to your side when the scent of your flesh hits his ruined nose. You smell delicious.
"Cooper, please. Let's get out of the open," you beg and take another step forward. The wind shifts, and Cooper snarls again, his mouth filling with saliva.
"You gotta go, baby," Cooper manages to bite out and spits to the side, sneering and wiping at his mouth. He twitches and the urge to lunge, to bite, and to tear you apart.
You screw your face up, upset at his dismissal, and square up. Cooper was a lot stronger than you, but this was just a chance you'd have to take. You back away from him, deft fingers, finding his inhaler and loading a vial inside of it.
"You're crazy if you think I'm leaving you again," you hiss to yourself and then take off in a run, launching yourself at Cooper and tackling him to the ground. After that, it's a bad wrestle, the ghoul fighting you with all he had. You finally get the upper hand and pin him down with your knees on his shoulders, hands fumbling with the inhaler until you can press the mouthpiece to his lips.
"Breathe it in, dammit," you order, and Cooper regains enough sense to do as you say, sucking down the chem and dropping like dead weight to the sand. You keep him pinned and loaded in another vial, not trusting one to be enough.
Clarity comes slowly, and you can't help but sag forward in relief when the hands that grip your legs loosen their grip and slide up to caress your hips. You look down, and overjoyed tears come to your eyes when you see his familiar golden ones staring back up at you.
"I ain't used to bein' the damsel in distress," Cooper quips softly, and you let out a wet chuckle, sliding down so that you are sitting on his lap, "I think my savior deserves a reward."
You nod and let out a wet chuckle, then lean down and seal your lips to his, headless of the taste of chems that lingers on his lips. You didn't give a shit. Cooper was alive, and that's all that mattered to you.
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