#doesn’t make any of his other actions less awful but I’m just saying that’s integral to who he is as a character and you either get it or
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stewyhosseini-bf · 2 years ago
Honestly think what’s devastating about Ken snapping at Tom for the ‘you sound a little unhinged’ line was that I never would’ve expected that reaction cause that wasn’t even the worst thing Tom’s said to shiv, even just that day. You kinda forget it’s all happening behind closed doors cause we, the audience, see it all, so for Ken to lose his shit at him over it is just like … a reality check ig
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cruiseshipmoment · 1 year ago
This might be a controversial take, but I think Luther tries to love Mac, but genuinely doesn’t know how.
From what we know he’s missed out on a lot of his sons life because he’s been in prison, and it’s put physical and emotional distance between them. Mac feels abandoned but maybe Luther feels abandoned too, even if he’s the one who essentially left his son without a father. Luther is shown to be very repressed emotionally, but when he is out of prison he does make the effort to build bridges with his son (and includes Charlie in that as well, likely only because he’s the friend of his son, which could’ve been so fascinating to explore in the show tbh) only to see his own actions end up putting him back in prison again—all because he couldn’t express the idea of making amends to others, or communicate his feelings or actions to Mac which ended up further driving them apart because Luther is so stuck in his own ways and Mac can’t trust him because because he doesn’t actually know him. Mac thinks his dad is a criminal. Luther was making positive steps forward, and ready to extend an olive branch to his only son, only for the rug to be pulled beneath him and discover that ‘oh, my son is afraid of me. He sees me as a criminal and believes I’m a bad person.’
It would be so hard not to hold onto that anger at both himself and towards Mac, who essentially just turned Luther’s attempts at redemption into a criminal act all because Luther himself wouldn’t let himself be vulnerable enough to be honest with his kid. Plus, to know your son is so scared of you that he would threaten to lie to keep you in prison? That he thinks you would take his life and the life of his friend—believes it with enough conviction he tries to stage his own death? That would feel so awful, knowing you’ve wronged your child this severely and that they in turn have tried to defend themselves from that pain by going on the offense and trying to hurt you first by sabotaging your chance at parole and at freedom? How do you come back from that from either of their perspectives?
But then we find out that Luther wrote to him, consistently, and we never know what he said because Dennis doesn’t tell him. All that pain and distance between two people and once again Luther is trying to bridge the gap and send out a chance for them to be redeemed to one another and have a father-son relationship. He might not say he loves Mac in those exact words, but it must mean something to keep writing to him even when he wasn’t getting anything in return. How long did he send letters only to never have anything returned? Did he think Mac didn’t get them? Did he think Mac got them but didn’t care? When did he give up on receiving a response and send his final letter?
And then we have Mac, who thinks his dad hates him. He can’t reach out because he feels responsible for putting him back behind bars. He is afraid that if he is his true self that his father won’t like what he sees. He doesn’t know if his dad hates him or if he ever thinks about him at all and all that time Luther had been doing what he could to close the rift between them.
We don’t know almost anything about the letters, and I wish we got some follow up to that. There is so much miscommunication and misunderstanding and pain between two men who should have been integral players in one another’s lives—and they are, but not how they should have been, you know? They’re both grieving for what they’ve lost. Mac lost a father, but Luther lost a son, too.
And then Mac shows up one day, out of the blue, and makes the public declaration that he’s gay. Luther didn’t have a moment to process that, or the privacy to do it, and basically he just sees his son show up after years without contact—with a surrogate father, no less, who has gotten to be privileged to seeing Luther’s son grow up and become a man and become His own person. And Luther didn’t get any of that. He’s the last to find out his son is gay, without any sort of warning, and he is expected to make some kind of declaration to that; to love his son anyways despite their tangled history and such a fractured relationship. Mac has come to tell him something important, because he is his father, but Luther hasn’t actually been his ‘dad’ for the majority of his life. He can’t repair ages of loss and absence in one sitting. So he walks away. He doesn’t say anything, but the action itself speaks loudly anyways.
Then there’s Luther’s own childhood, drug abuse/addiction, the criminal background that he’s always had and the hyper-masculinity that is probably all he’s ever known. The strength and stoicism required of his environment being met with the earnest and hopeful personality of his son. I’m sure there’s some envy there, too, to the freedom that Mac has with his feelings and emotions, even if we know that even Mac has such a limited outlet and willingness to acknowledge and express things. Plus the religious trauma and how that might effect both Mac and his dad.
I feel like Luther would see the worst of himself in Mac; whether that be in softness or in hardness. It’s hard to love a mirror of yourself, sometimes.
Idk if I explained my perspective clearly, but I think there is a lot of pain but also a lot of love between them both. They just don’t have the tools or the history required to understand each other and meet in the middle. They don’t know how to love themselves in their entirety, so they hate the versions of themselves that they see in each other. Idk I just think Luther is very repressed and even if he is a horrible father and a terrible man I really believe he is trying to learn how to love his son from a distance with the tools he has because being close to one another only leads to more hurt.
They’re so interesting to me. I want to much more content between the Mac family and a closer look at the dynamics of it all because there are so many ways to read everything we’ve seen between them.
Please tell me your perspective on this, I would love to hear whether you agree or disagree on my interpretation of them!
This is an interesting interpretation, and it's a much more generous one for Luther than I would think of. However, from what we see, I don't think this is true.
We know from "Mac Kills his Dad" that Luther was a distant parent even when he was around. Mac says Luther couldn't possibly have killed someone, since his "bad shoulder" meant he could never play catch with Mac and also couldn't possibly decapitate a guy with a stop sign. The tone with which Luther says "Riiiight" makes it clear that was a lie. Even when child Mac tried to connect with his dad in a hypermasculinity-approved way, Luther wouldn't engage. Catch is not an overtly emotional commitment. Plenty of emotionally repressed people can manage it.
Unfortunately, from Luther's later behavior, Mac is right to be afraid of him in "Mac and Charlie Die." Decapitating a guy with a stop sign takes a lot of rage coupled with some level of calculation. It's not a thing you can do on accident or a split-second impulse, like a gunshot. Also, in "Mac Finds His Pride" we learn that Luther cut out a guy's tongue for tattling on him. "Mac and Charlie Die" was Luther on a very good day. It could have so easily gone a different direction. There's maybe a case to be made for his time in prison contributing to the violent behavior, but since Mac was terrified from the get-go, I don't think the violence came out of nowhere.
We do know a little bit about the letters. Per Dennis, "He never once said he loved you," and, "He mostly just wanted you to send him pornographic magazines and put drugs in your butthole." This very much says that Luther just wants Mac to help him out, not build any sort of connection with him. I don't think Dennis is lying, because these are the same requests we've seen Luther make previously. It's a pattern.
By "Mac Finds His Pride," Luther has completely written his son off before we even get to the coming out scene. When he thinks Mac got someone pregnant, he says "There's hope for you yet. Not with your life, of course, but with the life of your son." He only values Mac for his potential to give him a grandson who might be better able to adhere to Luther's standards of behavior.
Luther waited until Mac was looking at him to walk out. He did so calmly and with an incredibly cold look on his face. That's not a man who got overwhelmed, panicked, and left. That's an awful, calculated "Fuck you." He didn't have to make a public sappy declaration. He just had to sit and watch. Mac is so starved for unconditional love that he would have been happy with Luther saying something as bland as, "Okay, son."
All of Luther's behavior, put together, screams "I love you, but only when you behave exactly the way I want you to." He wants a prop or a puppet, not a real son. Especially not a son like Mac, who has a lot of complicated feelings and needs.
And I'm sure you're right that Luther's own upbringing fucked him up. There's definitely trauma there, since apparently Grandpa McDonald effectively shunned Uncle Donald for being gay. Luther definitely learned that love is conditional from his own childhood. Luther's had sex with a man at least once, so there's a good chance there's internalized homophobia at work too.
Luther does love his son, but in a conditional way. And that's exactly what fucked Mac up so bad. Mac spent decades bending over backwards to be the son Luther wanted, and in the end it still wasn't enough.
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ladyloveandjustice · 4 years ago
Spring 2021 anime overview: Quick Takes
Now for my Spring 2021 anime thoughts! I’ve decided from now on if a season’s like, 20- to-24 episodes I’m just going to wait ‘til it’s done to review it unless I feels super passionately, so though I watched To Your Eternity (it’s good!) and MHA (eh), I’ll comment on them next time. Also, for the record, I watched the first eight eps of Joran: Princess and Snow of Blood but I dropped it because it had clearly crossed the line from entertainingly dumb to boring dumb. 
I will probably give Supercub and some other stuff a shot later, this was a stacked season! May give updates on all that later, but this is what I have for now.
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Quick Summary: A mild mannered middle-aged walrus taxi driver is drawn into a case involving a missing girl, yakuza, Youtube clout-chasers, manzai comedians and idols with big secrets.
It’s rare to walk away from media and be like “that is a singular experience I will definitely never see repeated again” but ODDTAXI is definitely one of those. A tense noir thriller murder mystery starring cartoon animals that spends an entire episode detailing the one (cat)man’s very fall into darkness triggered by addiction to gacha games and an online auction for a novelty eraser? Also there’s a porcupine Yakuza who speaks entirely in rap? Also there’s tons of meandering conversations about stuff like manzai comedy and the struggle to go viral on Twitter?
Admittedly, I had a hard time getting into the first episode, the dry meandering humor not being enough to hold my attention while I was sitting still, but once I watched this while I was working out at the end of the season, I found it an easy binge. A ton of characters with dark secrets or dangerous ambitions, each with their own part to play in a tableau of intersecting events- and it all actually comes together really well.(As for the female characters, it’s a pretty dude driven story, but they do get nuanced characterization and even some good heroic moments from one of them.)
 It’s a great example of a carefully planned narrative paying off, with all the twists appropriately seeded and foreshadowed to reward viewers who paid attention. Even when it ended on a perfect “OH SHIT” moment and denied me closure, I couldn’t help but respect it. If you that all sounds interesting to you, definitely check out the first couple episodes and see if you like it- you’re likely to have a memorable, satisfying experience!
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Shadows House
Quick Summary: Emilyko is a ‘living doll’ who’s told she was created to act as the ‘face’ of her shadow master, Kate. The shadows and their ‘dolls’ all reside on the mansion and are required to pass a ‘debut’ to prove they’re a good pairing. If they don’t pass, they might be disposed of. And so the mystery of the Shadow mansion grows...
This slice of gothic intrigue was my favorite of the season, tied with ODDTAXI. With an interesting premise, slightly tense undertones and a strong focus on character building and relationships, it kept me hooked the whole way through. And for any squeamish fans put off by the hype about it, don’t worry, while there are some suspenseful elements, I wouldn’t qualify it as horror. I thought the relationship between Kate and Emilyko might end up being a completely sinister one, but it’s thankfully a lot more complex than that and it’s really interesting to follow how both their characters and relationship grow. The focus of the show is, unsurprisingly, on the “dolls” slowly discovering their autonomy and personhood as they struggle under the rigid system imposed on them by the mysterious elders of this weird Victorian mansion. Can they develop a more equitable relationship with their shadow “masters” (who are also shown to suffer under this system)? There’s a lot to dig into there, and the show has the characters develop through learning to understand and appreciate each other, which is pretty heartwarming. Our hero, Emilyko, is the typical plucky ball of sunshine (they even nickname her sunshine), but she’s also shown to be clever in her own off-the-wall way and she bounces off the far more subdued and cynical Kate well, not to mention the other ‘dolls’ she ends up befriending. 
What’s more, the show spends plenty of time to developing several other character pairings and combinations, and they all have their own interesting dynamic that makes you want to see more of them. Same-gender bonds are at the forefront of this show, and many of them are ripe for queer readings (I definitely appreciated the healthy helping of ladies carrying ladies), but even outside that it’s nice to see a show where a strong, complex bond between girls is at the forefront. My only real complaints about the show are the anime original ending is noticeably a bit rushed (though it’s not too bad, and leaves room for a season 2) and I wish the animation used the whole “shadow” theme more strikingly (like the opening and endings do)- instead the colors are a bit washed out which makes the shadows blend into the background sometimes. The “debut” arc also drags a bit in places, but it makes up for it by having a lot of good character integration.
I hope to check out the (full color)! manga soon and see more of this quirky, shadowy story. There’s some physical abuse depicted, sad things happening to characters and naturally the whole “oppressive familial system” thing, but otherwise not much I can think of to warn about. I give this one a big rec, especially If you’re a fan of gothic fairytales and stories of self discovery.  
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Zombie Land Saga Revenge
Quickest summary: In this sequel season, everyone’s favorite zombie idol group must claw their way back into prominence after a disastrous show- the fate of the Saga prefecture LITERALLY depends on it!
This was a fun follow-up to the first season- if you liked the first zombie-girl romp, you’ll probably enjoy this one. In fact, there were a couple areas it improved on- namely, Kotaro failed, ate crow and embarrassed himself a lot more this season, which made him more likeable (as did the fact the girls gained a lot of independence from him). This season also shed more light on what the ‘goal’ of this zombie raising project is and what kind of shit Kotaro got involved with to make this happen, and it’s appropriately off-the-wall and ridiculous. We finally got some backstory for Yugiri too! I wish it had focused on more of her interiority, but she got to be a badass in it, and it was a treat to see this zombie idol show turn into a period piece for a couple episodes (also her song ruled).
 Tae also got a cute focus episode and there was a particular SMASHING performance early on! Also That revelation last season that had the potential to turn creepy hasn’t yet, and hopefully never will. The finale was heartwarming with big hints of more drama to come- I’m definitely down for more zombie hijinks!
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Vivy: Flourite Eye’s Song
Quickest Summary: A songstress AI named DIVA (nicknamed Vivy) is approached by another AI named Matsumoto, who says he’s from the future and they must work together to prevent AI exterminating all of humankind 100 years from now.
This show is absolutely gorgeous visually with some really nice action scenes, but when it comes to the story my feelings basically amount to a shrug. It’s fine! I guess! Vivy starts out as an interesting layered character- and I guess still is by the end- with her stoic but stubborn determination bouncing off her fast-talking bossy partner Matsumoto well. She never listens to him, which is delightful. The way the show took place over the course of 100 years was an interesting conceit as well. However, it bought up a lot of themes and then sort of... dropped them. For instance, Vivy interprets her mission (PRIME DIRECTIVE if you will) as protecting humans at all costs, no matter how destructive said humans are or what their fate is supposed to be, and is perfectly willing to murder her fellow androids to do this, showing she inherently thinks of androids (herself and her own people!) as less worthy. Which is a little alarming! There’s a very dramatic point in the show where they bring this up as a potential conflict for her character but then it’s sort of...dropped. Pretty much.
Actually, despite the premise, the show doesn’t dip into the “AI rights” as much as you think it would with the main theme being more about Vivy’s search to find her own creativity and discover what it means to ‘pour your heart into something’. Vivy herself doesn’t actually care if she has rights or anything. Which is in some ways fine, because ‘AI as an oppressed class’ has been done to death, but IT’S ALSO KIND OF IN THE PREMISE, so that means that the show just shrugs really hard at a lot of the questions it brings up  basically just going “humans and AI should work together probably” and that’s it. There’s a lot that feels underexplored. The antagonists in the show also either have motivations that don’t really make sense or have boring hackneyed motivations. In the finale in particular, it feels like a lot of things happen “just because” and it falls a little flat.
I also have to warn that one of the arcs focus on a robot ‘pairing’ where the dude-coded robots actions toward his partner are straight up awful and rob her of her autonomy, but it’s played like a tragic love story. I suppose you could read it differently too, but it definitely made me go ‘ew’ the story seemed to want me to sympathize with this robo dude,
Overall, I wouldn’t anti-recommend this show, it’s an all right little sci-fic romp (and definitely SUPER pretty). My favorite element was definitely the episodes where Vivy develops an entirely new (an loveable) personality, because it played with the idea of of an AI getting “rebooted” really well and interplay between her two “selves” was done really well. But there are a lot of other parts of the show that just feel...a little underexplored and empty, making me have an ‘eh’ feeling on the show overall. It’s definitely an ambitious project, and while it didn’t quite stick the landing, there’s something to be said for a show that shoots for the stars and falls short over a show that just languishes in mediocrity.
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Fruits Basket The Final
Quick summary: The final season of that dramatic drama about that weird family with a zodiac curse and the girl who loves them.
It’s very weird that after not cutting a lot out, they kinda sped through some material for, you know, the finale. I guess they thought they couldn’t stretch this final arc to 26 episodes? Or weren’t cleared for another double cour? However, though there were a couple places that felt awkward, despite being a bit condensed it mostly held together pretty well for a D R A M A T I C and ultimately heartwarming conclusion. I was really disappointed they kept the part where Ritsu cut their hair for the ‘happy ending’, I thought  their intro episode not showing them in men’s clothes meant the anime had decided their presentation didn’t need to be “fixed” but WELL I GUESS NOT. That was the only big upset for me though, otherwise the adaptation went about how I expected, sticking to the source material. Furuba has a lot of bumps, from weird age gap stuff to ...gender, but it also has a lot of important feels and great character arcs. It was a gateway shoujo for many and has its important place in animanga history, so I’m glad it finally got a shiny, full adaptation.
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travoltacustom · 4 years ago
The Presentation of Hifumi’s Trauma
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I’ve been thinking on how Hifumi’s trauma has been presented for years now, and with the release of Bad Ass Temple VS Matenro, I feel like now’s as good a time as any to give my thoughts on this.
Note: This is in no way a defense of KR for the presentation of Hifumi’s trauma, but it is an analysis of such. I’m open to discussion on this and you’re free to disagree with me at any point on this. Most of this was also written BEFORE the release of the album, save for the last section.
CW: Mentions of abuse, trauma and rape + spoilers of the MTR dramatrack
I hear a lot that the presentation of Hifumi’s trauma is a ‘poor attempt at humour’, but I don’t exactly think it’s that simple. It is still a presentation of trauma, but it’s not portrayed as humorous in comparison to the rest of the humour of the series.
Hifumi panics when he sees women. He is unable to do anything until women are removed from the scene - but these instances are hardly ever the focus of the scene. It’s mostly used as a scene cutter to progress the story. When Chuo enters, Hifumi’s panic cuts off the situation and the focus shifts straight to the women. When the women find Hifumi, Doppo, Gentaro and Dice, Hifumi’s jacket is taken away to shift focus off of the women and to have Gentaro and Dice speak. Rather, Hifumi’s panic at these times are plot movers and not the focal point of the scene. Sadly, they can be seen as plot devices, but it’s not supposed to be seen as humour.
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In addition to this, the ‘hysterical’ screaming (for lack of a better word) in the presence of women is limited to the dramatracks. In the manga and the anime, Hifumi runs away/removes himself from the presence of women. The purpose of Hifumi’s hysteria in the dramatracks is for visualisation purposes as there’s no visual aids - the reactions to women are toned down in the anime and manga. With this, it’s easier to believe that the anime and manga is the ‘intended’ portrayal of his reactions as the dramatrack has to make up for what isn’t seen.
The narrative is very aware that Hifumi’s trauma affects him badly. It’s a panic response. But it’s not the same as a panic attack. We know how awful the presentation of such can be, and it’s definitely something triggering for a lot of people. Personally, I would feel horrible to see him have a panic attack every time he saw a woman. KR doesn’t want to make his discomfort the focus of the scene either. Simply put, I think his trauma response is a part of the scene, but has less plot purpose than what is going on around it. 
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Trauma can be presented in different ways, but it’s more controlled to see only a glimpse of how trauma has affected Hifumi. There are other ways of showing this trauma and how it’s affected Hifumi that HPMI has already covered: Hifumi being unable to take off his suit jacket, behavioural change when wearing the jacket, his extremely warped perception of danger when his life is threatened etc. He’s spent 10 years adapting to the trauma and is in a stage of recovery as he’s going to confront his said abuser. If we were compounding this plot point with an idea of a Hifumi that is always having panic attacks, then we would have a Hifumi that is clearly not ready to deal with what he wants.
We know the writers can portray trauma as such from Jyushi’s backstory. If we remember the fandom response, there were people who were legitimately triggered to varying degrees by what happened to Jyushi’s grandmother and the severe bullying he suffered. Really, I believe that Hifumi’s trauma hasn’t been the forefront of scenes because narratively it’s not the time for this to happen yet.
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There seems to be a ‘trauma-porn’ narrative around the need to have Hifumi’s trauma played out ‘correctly. Trauma porn is media that showcases a group’s pain and trauma in excessive amounts for the sake of entertainment. There’s no need right now to show the extent of how badly Hifumi has been affected, because his trauma isn’t the focal point of the story or his character. His past is about to be shown, but it shouldn’t be what defines Hifumi as a character. And even more importantly so, there’s no ‘right’ version of trauma to portray.
[ This section is written post Bad Ass Temple VS Matenro’s dramatrack.]
There are no redeeming qualities to Honobono, the source of Hifumi’s trauma. She’s despised by Chuohku and kept around for her ‘usefulness’, and Doppo was unsure of Hifumi going to confront his own abuser. However, in the recent dramatrack, Hifumi’s power is taken away from him in Honobono forcing herself into his space. This is the first time we’ve ever seen Hifumi have an explosion of emotions; ‘a typical image of a panic attack’. It is an audibly uncomfortable scene, just as Jyushi’s backstory was to read. There are different levels to trauma responses that HPMI has shown us with the 1st season’s Hifumi with short moments, but this instance is long and drawn out with guttural screaming.
HPMI was always perfectly capable of showing trauma, but for a listener, to hear this sort of occurrence every time around a woman would be potentially harmful. At this moment, Hifumi was nearly completely paralysed, suffering a breakdown of his identity by switching pronouns and screaming (similar to Gentaro’s breakdown at the insult of his clothes). It is difficult to listen to this. I don’t believe you would’ve wanted to hear this every time Hifumi was reminded of Honobono. We’ve even learned that the abuse might not have been dealt directly to Hifumi but to his family - we see Hifumi’s love for his family here in being so torn by her actions, and how trauma does not have to deal with someone directly either.  However, the first instances of Hifumi’s trauma were more ‘digestible’ for a viewer, and they set us up for this moment. It was good that Hifumi’s panic responses were less heavy than the blow we’ve been dealt with this dramatrack.
In meeting Hifumi, Honobono greets her with “Hi-Fu-Mi”, just like how Hifumi says his own name in songs. It is most likely that Honobono said his name like this when they were in highschool; for Hifumi to use it in his songs now can be seen as a reclamation of his identity, as now Honobono can’t use his own name against him. Hifumi has spent years recovering from her, and seeing small hints of how he’s trying to move on from that time is a legitimately good way to understand the recovery from trauma.
The HPMI fandom seemed to have an ‘obsession’ with what exactly traumatised Hifumi up until this point. Most believed that it would have been sexual abuse/rape, given that he fears the opposite gender, and it wouldn’t have been the first time sexual themes have appeared in HPMI (the trafficked women at the start of BB/MTC’s manga). However, to think that ‘there is only one sort of trauma that can cause Hifumi’s pain’ is a dangerous idea. Almost anything can be traumatising, and almost anything can be a trigger. 
There’s no need to theorise ‘what is good enough’ to be a trauma for him. To fear women, it can simply be that a woman has done something bad to him - which we see is Honobono. When we hear women fearing men because a man did something bad to them, we don’t theorise what exactly happened to her. There’s the automatic assumption that gendered fear is the result of sexual abuse, when in reality, it can be any manner of abuse that has caused this.
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So I don’t think KR is portraying Hifumi’s trauma as humorous. It’s definitely awkward, but the narrative has constantly made it clear that he’s in a state of discomfort that stems from trauma and Doppo and Jakurai always do their best to move him out of those situations without drawing too much attention. Nobody in the story laughs at him, save for Asunaro, who’s an ill-mannered child without sensitivity towards both Doppo and Hifumi, and Honobono, the source of his trauma. Those who don’t understand Hifumi in the adult cast however only find confusion in him. 
There’s no ‘best’ portrayal of trauma in any media. But it’s clear that HPMI isn’t trying to be malicious or poke fun at any sort of trauma at all. If anything, I think the portrayal of it so far has been relatively ‘easy’ on common audiences that don’t explore such media, helping people to realise how trauma can manifest without forcing others who do have trauma to realise their pained experience in this media. Hifumi has been painted as someone relatable to those with trauma because he’s still a man who’s capable of doing his best while still stumbling along his way to recovery. Traumatised shouldn’t be the descriptor of Hifumi, but he is a character that has been traumatised.
While Honobono and her abuse is an integral part of Hifumi’s backstory, she does not define him as a person. To portray Hifumi as a strong character, despite moments of trauma responses, was a suitable choice in treating him respectably. 
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braindeadbaddie · 4 years ago
A Study on Love: Relearning What It Means to Be Human
Takemichi doesn’t really remember what it’s like to love. He doesn’t really remember what it’s like to live either.
So he is forced to relearn.
In his first life, he blocked all his emotions out, buried his fiery personality away, and kept his head down always apologizing apologizing apologizing. He never wanted to live through the hell his arrogance cost him ever again.
One mistake was all it took to fuck up his life for good.
And yet one push was all it took to make it right.
Takemichi loves Hinata.
Or he did.
When your life’s peak is in the second year of middle school, where emotions and hormones are always high, and everything is so intense, love is as simple as ice cream on a hot summer day.
His first life was simple. The days bled together, full of sorry sorry sorry. Because he was so sorry sorry sorry. Nothing was good, everything was trash, so of course he loved the only person who ever thought highly of him. Of course, that was the highlight of love.
But here he is, in his second life, with a future he crafted, that he took initiative in, that is so much more colorful than his previous one.
And so less lonely.
He doesn’t remember much, his memories of the current timeline lagging a little to catch up, but he does know that even the him that was left to live his life up to this point, started to feel it too:
The dull gray that comes with thinking that as cute as the idea of middle-school sweethearts to lifetime partners is, maybe it isn’t for him. Maybe he doesn’t love Hina the way he once did.
He loved her so much, and he still does. But not like he did before. Her kisses don’t make him feel strong the way they used to. Her embrace lacks a certain warmth. Her love doesn’t make him feel alive the way it used to.
He doesn’t regret saving her. No. He never could. Because he loves Hinata. And maybe it isn’t the blazing love it once was, but it is still a fire that keeps him warm. It makes him feel so good knowing that he saved her, that she’s alive, she’s safe. She’s happy. But she deserves to be happier. She deserves a love that will fulfill her, a love that Takemichi cannot provide for her.
And so Takemichi comes to his first conclusion about love.
That maybe we can love differently at 26 than we did at 14, but that doesn’t make the love any less real.
Just because something is no longer true, doesn’t mean that it once wasn’t, and that doesn’t make it any less valid. People grow, people learn. People become different people.
And isn’t that the most beautiful thing about human nature?
That we can change. That our lives are in our tiny, helpless but ever-changing hands.
So he breaks up with Hina, tells her as gently as possible, cushioning the blows with “I love you, just not the way I used to” and “it’s not you, it’s me,” and “I’m so sor—“
He doesn’t say it. He doesn’t apologize.
He takes a deep breath.
“I’m so sorry I hurt you like this…”
Yes. That is true. That he feels.
Hina cries and Takemichi hugs her. He offers to stay at a friend’s until she is ready to leave. She agrees because she is too much of a mess to do otherwise.
As he packs a bag to stay at Akkun’s or Mikey’s or one of the other guys’ place for a week or so, he is certain that they’ll both be okay.
He’s sure of it.
So Takemichi makes his way out, planting a final kiss to Hina’s head, whispering a soft affirmation that love will find her.
And then he’s out the door and out of her life for good.
Oddly enough, his first instinct is to call Mikey…so he does and not even 20 minutes later, a beautiful CB205T is driving up to the convenience store he is at.
Mikey gives him a reassuring smile, still unaware of why he’s been called out here and why Takemichi needs a place to crash for a while. He just heard Takemichi needed him, and he was already on his way.
Takemichi settles onto the bike, wrapping his arms around Mikey and sighs, inhaling Mikey’s fresh cologne and body wash and fabric softener.
And as he rides through the city with his cheek pressed against Mikey’s warm back, he comes to his first hypothesis about love.
That love must be warm, and smells like vanilla, cinnamon, and sweet sweet ocean breeze.
Mikey is helpless.
That is Takemichi’s first impression of staying with him in the first week.
No wonder Draken lives with him, he giggles to himself one morning.
But Takemichi is helpless too, and he realizes that maybe he wants to stop being so. Because he did want a second chance at life. The least he could do was learn household chores.
So he cooks with Draken over his shoulder, instructing him on what to do in a surprising calm voice. The drastic improvement between each meal is always shocking.
He helps Draken with dishes, laundry, and even a bit of spring cleaning.
Takemichi thinks that this is what love must be like. Because what better way to love than to take care of someone in every way you know how.
Mikey is helpless but he takes the skills he does learn and applies it to the small room he has put together in dedication of his missing family. Shin’s room made from a garage stays the same, a time capsule of love. In the memorial are the ashes of Shin, Emma, and his grandfather. The room is adorned with memories, and a picture of Baji nestled between his siblings.
He has the bunny Draken gave Emma on her birthday, three tattered kid uniforms with Sano Dojo embroidered on them hanging on the wall, a picture of the abandoned building with the collapsed ceiling in the Philippines. He has pictures of old bikes, childhood photos, a first generation Black Dragons jacket and a copy of the photo of the founders of Toman. There is a photo of Izana towards the back of the room, hidden away in the corner, a Teijiku jacket hung above and a pair of earrings lay in front.
Takemichi goes into the room sometimes, talks in a soft voice and apologizes for all that he couldn’t do to save the people closest to Mikey. But he promises them that he will dedicate himself to make sure life is a bit easier for him, because now he can share Mikey’s burden with him, instead of making him feel like he must do it alone.
Takemichi looks at all the photos, radiating love, of all of Mikey’s loss, and finally realizes why Kisaki was able to manipulate him into going dark in so many future. Why he still lost his way, even without Kisaki.
And so Takemichi, belatedly, comes to his second conclusion on love.
That love is what makes us human.
It is what fills our lives with color. It connects us to one another, makes life worth living. The two are connected, needing one another so that life does not become bleak and gray. Love hurts, but the hurt is only possible because of love.
Love is our first language.
And Takemichi so desperately wants to use his second life to become more human.
So he makes dorayaki on days that Mikey’s eyes look far away. They’re awful at first; Mikey makes a very disgusted face and a dramatic show of spitting them out. But it still doesn’t fail to bring his eyes back to the present. And Takemichi is determined and stubborn, and if he could fix the future, he can make the perfect dorayaki for his best friend.
So he consults with Draken and the internet and slowly but surely, manages to make a dorayaki so perfect that Mikey’s eyes shine and shimmer and look at him with so much emotion he feels paralyzed in place.
Ah, Takemichi thinks helplessly. That is what love must look like.
Takemichi moves in with Mikey and Draken.
It’s something brought up by Mikey, co-signed by Draken, and so it instantly becomes a course of action, no matter how badly Takemichi wants to protest.
But he doesn’t.
Because Takemichi thinks that home feels a lot more like a traditional Japanese house, right next to a dojo, with a garage time-capsule than a shitty apartment with paper-thin walls and shitty neighbors.
Home is mornings with Draken wrapped up in a blue-gray apron with a small dragon stitched into the corner pocket, made with love by Mitsuya, making a traditional Japanese breakfast, cursing out Mikey for always waking up so late.
Home is Mikey stumbling into the kitchen, looking more like an adorable 12 year old than a full grown man who could kill you with one kick.
Home is running his hair through black locks on the porch that overlooks a small garden, because Mikey is clingy and says Takemichi is so warm and insisting that he must nap in his lap every Sunday afternoon.
Home is growing fresh vegetables with Draken in the garden to make meals filled with love. It’s the perfect balance of a noisy kitchen while making dinner and a cup of calming tea in the dead quiet before bed.
And so Takemichi comes to his third conclusion about love.
That love is what makes a home.
Chifuyuu runs a pet shop with Kazutora because he still loves Baji.
Hakkai is a model because he spent so much time around Mitsuya because he loves him.
Smiley and Angry run a ramen shop together, balancing one another, because they love each other.
Mitsuya is a fashion designer because he started sewing for his two baby sisters who he loves so much.
Pey-yan is Pah-chin’s assistant because he loves him.
Draken lives with and takes care of Mikey because he loves him.
Mikey made and disbanded Toman because he loves his friends.
And so Takemichi comes to his fourth conclusion on love.
That love is a lot less like fire, and a lot more like water.
That love is not in burning the world for someone, but building a world for them instead. It is nurturing, it is life, and it refreshes. It makes up so much of who we are.
Sometimes it is soft like a drizzling rain. Sometimes it is sweet like a cool, crisp glass of water. Sometimes it is harsh like a thunderstorm. Sometimes it can be damaging like a brutal tsunami.
But it always always always nourishes the Earth. Even if the pits of it are dark and scary, unknown trenches of deep deep ocean.
Love is so integral to our being.
Takemichi is slowly but surely learning what it means to be human. He is slowly but surely learning to live each day as if it were precious.
He takes morning runs with Draken. He fosters an environment of forgiveness at work between his employees. He eats ramen at the twin’s shop. He gets bi-weekly haircuts from Akkun. He wears his special Mitsuya-made apron as he cooks dinner. He buys the magazines Hakkai is featured in. He hangs out with Chifuyuu every Friday night. He still talks to Hina and Naoto, loving the way that the light in Hina’s eyes shine brighter than they ever did with him.
And every morning, and every night, in a small futon, he kisses Mikey, sweet and lovingly.
He holds Mikey close to his chest, guarding him from drifting far away into a sea of sorrow ever again. He whispers sweet nothings into his ear, calling him Manjirou on days he sees dark clouds rolling in his eyes. He kisses him like he is trying to pour all the love he feels into Mikey’s heart.
He lets Mikey cry out about how hard life has been, and how much he has suffered. He kisses away his tears, shares his burdens, and wraps him in warm warm love.
Because he has come to a fifth conclusion about love.
That love, to him, is a fierce desire to save someone.
And hasn’t his whole second life been dedicated to saving Mikey?
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lesbiansforboromir · 5 years ago
once again you made me deeply emotional over boromir. i don't have the fellowship (much less the english edition) at hand, so i can't even re-read my fav parts with him. any particular boromir-related stuff you may share?
FUCK ok I’ve got a migraine and a passion and I do not know how to use either of them but I’m gonna use this ask to talk about something I’ve been thinking about for months, not kidding on that one. 
Galadriel... was the direct cause of Boromir trying to take the ring- HEAR ME OUT. 
There are some very important things to remember about Boromir when you’re considering his actions and motives.
- He explicitly came on the quest assuming it would lead them all to Minas Tirith, because that’s where he needed to get back too. It’s very clear, he and Aragorn are literally going because Minas Tirith is on the way to Mordor. And every detour and every delay of the Company amps up his frustration and worry. 
- He left Gondor with the certainty that his city would be besieged VERY soon and that they would not be able to break it. His trip to Rivendell is desperation based in it’s entirety, he’s looking for anything that might help. 
- He knows absolutely none of these people from adam and whilst he very much wants to trust them, they have yet to win his loyalty or faith in ANY capacity. I’m sorry! I know everyone wants the Fellowship to be that good good found family foundation but it simply isn’t that for Boromir and never has been.
Okay so when they finally leave Moria and Gandalf’s dead, everyone’s grieving and miserable. They are also worried, Gandalf was their guide and as much as Aragorn’s a tracker he doesn’t have Gandalf’s expertise. Then again, Moria had been entirely Gandalf’s decision in the first place, claiming there wouldn’t be many orcs in there at all in an argument he has with Boromir about how dangerous the mines would be in comparison to the Gap of Rohan. Indeed, if Bilbo hadn’t given Frodo the mithril shirt then Frodo would be straight up dead and it would have been Gandalf’s decisions that caused it. 
So at this point Boromir’s faith in Aragorn’s ability is pretty low. And no one else in the Fellowship has any interest in leading. Boromir deferred to Aragorn’s judgement because Aragorn’s more knowledgeable of Eriador and also just... a dude who needs to be in control, it’s easy to tell. But now Boromir’s not so sure Aragorn’s up to it, since he seemed to rely on Gandalf so much. 
And then Aragorn tells them all they’re going to go through the Golden Wood. Now Boromir knows from the Rohirrim and Gondorian legend that the Golden Wood is Strange And Scary And Dangerous And Men Who Walk in Never Walk Out Again. And he says this, politely. Aragorn tells him he’s foolish for fearing it and essentially that if people got hurt in the Golden Wood then they deserved it. Again, despite the general discourtesy of these comments, Boromir chooses to believe Aragorn’s judgement. 
The next thing that happens is they are accosted by Haldir, treated like possible enemies or spies (despite Haldir admitting that Elrond had already told them they were coming) and a day and a lot of dwarfphobia later Haldir is threatening Gimli with death. No I’m not joking, Haldir says there’s a law dwarves can’t come into Lothlorien without a blindfold. And when Gimli gets justifiably angry about this and wants to go back if he’s being treated this way, Haldir says he WILL be killed if he tries to leave. Weapons are drawn! The only reason this de-escalates is because Aragorn suggests they all go blindfold because ‘it is hard on the dwarf to be so singled out’. I cannot express to you how soon this happens after Aragorn assures everyone that Lothlorien is safe. I also cannot emphasise enough how Gimli does absolutely nothing to deserve this, he’s polite and kind as ever until Haldir instigates it. 
So again!! Another mark against Aragorn’s reliability! And then we come to the CRUX of the matter, the meeting with Galadriel and Celeborn. 
A lot happens here, some of it very funny in terms of Galadriel’s treatment of Celeborn, but the important part is at the end where Galadriel mind-interrogates all the fellowship but Aragorn and Legolas. Again, this isn’t subtext, in-text it says interrogate. And the fellowship discusses it afterwards. Gimli, Sam, Merry and Frodo all agree that ‘Galadriel offered them a choice, to go back home where they would be safe, or to continue on with the quest though there may be far greater perils ahead’. 
But that couldn’t have been the choice she gave Boromir. Because he can’t go home to be safe and sound away from the evil!! He lives there!! This has been Boromir’s fight his whole life, it has never BEEN a choice for him. And from this moment on Boromir’s manner changes dramatically. He questions Frodo about what Galadriel asked him, he expresses concern about Galadriel’s motives, he says he believes she was TEMPTING HIM (remember that for later), concerns which are, once again, sharply and cruelly dismissed by Aragorn. 
There is then a MONTH of a time skip, we get descriptions of the how the other fellowship spend their time in Lothlorien. Gimli and Legolas become friends. Everyone else grieves Gandalf and has a lovely time in Lothlorien... apparently. 
But Boromir has never had any real positive feelings toward Gandalf and did not show any real grief at his loss initially. And whereas the rest of the fellowship seems respectful and awed by Galadriel and Celeborn, Boromir replies to their questions at the end of the fellowship’s stay in Lothlorien with what I would call veiled anger. `As for me,' said Boromir, `my way home lies onward and not back.' Which is a callback to the interrogation, the stark difference between the motivations and priorities of the rest of the Fellowship in comparison to Boromir. Which became VERY obvious to him in that moment. So I would posit that! Boromir did not have a good time at all! Boromir was stuck somewhere he felt unsafe and unwelcome and every extra second they spent in Lothlorien was yet another moment he was away from his currently-at-war home!!! 
Anyway just before they leave the fellowship is privately discussing what road they should take when Boromir makes a slip of the tongue, where he’d always been articulate and clear before. 
‘But if you wish to destroy the armed might of the Dark Lord, then it is folly to go without force into his domain; and folly to throw away-’ He paused suddenly, as if he had become aware that he was speaking his thoughts aloud. `It would be folly to throw lives away, I mean.'
It is very obvious to Frodo what he actually meant here, and this is where essentially Frodo’s inner monologue lays it all out!
Frodo caught something new and strange in Boromir's glance, and he looked hard at him. Plainly Boromir's thought was different from his final words. It would be folly to throw away: what? The Ring of Power? He had said something like this at the Council, but then he had accepted the correction of Elrond.
The important points in this section are that 1: Boromir has started thinking about the Ring of Power as something usable. 2: He did not think this before now, he had accepted Elrond’s words. This is ‘new and strange’. Something changed here. 
And of course it did! Boromir doesn’t trust any of these clowns anymore. 
Boromir’s advice, priorities and concerns have been almost entirely ignored and derided throughout the fellowship, even from the very moment he arrived in Rivendell! And after nearly freezing on a mountain, being chased by wargs, dragged through a mine of Orcs, a Balrog, threatened by supposed allies and then mind invaded by some elf he’s told to be in awe of, whatever will he had to trust and stay faithful to Aragorn’s decisions is barely hanging on. 
And Galadriel didn’t just invade Boromir’s mind, she was tempting him! He says so himself! And considering the circumstances and how he speaks about it, the only logical conclusion is that she is tempting him with the ring, because Boromir’s shown no sign of conflict or interest in the ring before now. So Galadriel was the one who put that concept into his mind in the first place. It’s Galadriel who initiates Boromir thinking again on whether this was in Gondor’s best interests. And Boromir recognises she’s trying to manipulate him!! Which is fucking heartbreaking!! 
'To me it seemed exceedingly strange,' said Boromir. `Maybe it was only a test, and she thought to read our thoughts for her own good purpose; but almost I should have said that she was tempting us, and offering what she pretended to have the power to give.’ (--)  `Well, have a care! ' said Boromir. `I do not feel too sure of this Elvish Lady and her purposes.'  `Speak no evil of the Lady Galadriel! ' said Aragorn sternly. 'You know not what you say. There is in her and in this land no evil, unless a man bring it hither himself. Then let him beware!’
Do you see?? Do you all see?? Am I making any sense at all?? Well I make sense to ME so lets continue- Here, you see how Aragorn puts all the blame on Boromir again? The twisted knot Boromir is in at this point is unfathomable and EVEN STILL! Boromir resists! For a very long time! This is what I mean when I say any characterisations of Boromir being overemotional or somehow out of control get at me so much, NEVER has a man had so much self discipline in his wholeass life. Boromir’s entire civilisation could be being bulldozed by Minas Morgul at this very moment and yet he takes everything that’s thrown at him without malice and internally continues to desperately hold onto his integrity. 
But that’s what’s at stake! His integrity! Because now he’s grappling with what seems like a choice to either keep faith with the fellowship, stay with them and go where they go despite how much his country needs him, or potentially do something drastic in order to bring a the powerful weapon Gondor seems to have ALWAYS been looking for home to finally actually save his people. Because that’s what Galadriel offered him! And whilst he doesn’t trust her, it’s also in his head now as a logical thing to want! He doesn’t trust Elrond either at this point, so why should he believe what he said about the ring! It’s obvious everyone has boundless ulterior motives!!
Oh! Here’s a good place to try and explain my theory of how the ring’s temptation actually works. The Ring can control people one of two ways. The first we see with Frodo and with Boromir, it takes FULL control of their actions for a split second when they are vulnerable. For Frodo it made him put it on on Weathertop. For Boromir it made him attack Frodo. However this effect is exceedingly temporary and the person effected immediately comes back into themselves and recognises that what they did was outside of their control. 
The other way is often thought of as this like pervasive constant pull to the ring that effects you even just by being around it, wearing you down etc. But I don’t think that’s what happens. I think, in order for the ring to start exerting real dangerous persistant power over you, you have to know it’s power and logically want it. You have to come to that conception yourself, you have to think about it. 
And I have a lot of reasons for this but where it pertains here-!! Boromir is a fine, reliable and solid member of the fellowship RIGHT up until Galadriel’s mind meld. It’s not gradual, he goes from making jokes, carrying Hobbits and fighting Balrogs to BARELY being able to control his speech and biting his nails and staring at Frodo creepily. There is barely any easing into it and it starts with Galadriel!!
And you know what! There’s an even more sinister layer to this because like... WHY was Galadriel doing this mind stuff in the first place? An immediate obvious answer would be to test the fellowship, to make sure everyone was solid enough to carry on, to ensure the folk who continued were focused. But... If that’s the case... and Boromir’s test was the Ring... like... he obviously failed that test right? She was reading his mind! And she does it again before they leave! If we’re to assume that Galadriel’s mind powers are greater than Boromir’s ability to deflect them then... surely she would have known! That this turmoil was in him! And if she KNEW then why didn’t she say anything to anyone? To Aragorn?? But I don’t think yall are ready for that discussion yet tbh and I have to stop typing or I’ll go blind.
TL;DR Boromir didn’t want the Ring until Galadriel tempted him with it and made the idea of it saving Gondor a possibility to him. 
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matsuokaparadise · 5 years ago
Rin Matsuoka relationship hcs
This is quite the hefty post, since I’ve tried to cover as many aspects of the relationship as possible (both SFW and NSFW), but if any of you liked a particular (set) of hc(s), feel free to hit my ask box and I will elaborate on it/them with a drabble or maybe even a full-sized fic (if your patience is otherworldly). 
where does one even begin
this relationship would be full of everything from extreme sap, to extreme drama to extreme romance to extreme steam- literally nothing missing, aka you just can’t possibly get bored
you better expect this boi to go to the ends of hell for you because that’s exactly what he’s going to do and if you’re not ready to do the same for him you may walk yourself out the door, sir
also, a relationship with a world-class athlete ain’t easy- you have to brace yourself for a whole lot of time spent apart, not only because of his competitions and whatnot, but also because of his incessant training- an integral and necessary part of his career
but not only do you have to prepare yourself mentally for the long-distance-despite-not-being-long-distance aspect, you have to remember that he is constantly under massive pressure too 
being super clingy and complaining all the damn time is a massive no from your girl here 
but to get into the actual relationshippy things 
this boi would absolutely love the idea of matching jewellery 
you know the way he’s always wearing some sort of bracelet or necklace
yeah he’d totally get you two a bracelet or something after a good while of the relationship because-
-he’d also be the kind to take everything slow 
so he’s super passionate as we all know, but he’s not really a rash person 
he’s definitely grown a lot and I feel that many people actually keep labelling him as the dude he used to be when he was 17 and was a teeny tiny bit of an asshole 
however, he really thinks things through and realises the importance of pacing in a relationship
I mean yeah if you’re good with it early on it’s not like he’d wait 3 months to have sex or anything 
I just mean that he wouldn’t be throwing in unnecessarily grand gestures like saying I love you at 1 month and a half, especially if you haven’t even known each other that long, like you were just classmates or something for a year or so and then decided to date
in fact, during the relationship, he wouldn’t really drop the 3 words all that often I guess
it’s not really because he just gets flustered sometimes-he’s not 15 anymore-it’s actually because he strongly believes in their meaning and doesn’t want to trivialise it
I guess this is part of his Japanese side that hasn’t changed at all despite the foreign influence from early on in his life and also at present, at university
so when he says it, it’s a really important moment
that, or he’s just pent up so much love towards you that he just had to express it directly 
he’d be very good with words, though
as he still has this tendency to express his sentimentality rather indirectly, he has mastered the technique of making you feel things with simple words, but carefully chosen ones 
also, he’d be real big on affectionate gestures
this boi would really be the kind to gift you random things for absolutely no reason and buy you flowers
when he’s in public with you he wouldn’t really do more than hold your hand and occasionally give you a peck or something, 
but when you two are alone he’d really enjoy either lounging with you combing his hair with your fingers while he’s lying on your lap
or hugging you from behind when you’re doing random things just to surprise you and see your reaction
couple workouts! but fear not, not the cringe yoga and him doing push-ups with you on his back kind of workout- rather, him lending you a hand, sometimes jogging together and just generally the two of you doing your own thing together 
bonus: Rin stealing some appreciative glances at you amidst your intense workout session, which can either lead to a candid, loving compliment, or would trigger some ;;;;;) moment in him which will catch up on you unknowingly later during the day (or, should I say, night ;;;;) )
bonus x2: seeing him sweaty, panting and gawking in awe at his perfectly sculpted muscles which are flexing before your very eyes... damn 
one of his best looks would be his black tank top with a pair of sweats, a look he generally wears around the apartment and which, despite being as casual as you can get, is a genuine gift from God 
nevermind all of his very well coordinated looks which make all the lasses turn their heads on the street 
which brings me to-
-shopping dates and him helping you choose what to wear when you’re going somewhere
even though you’re not together at that moment, if you’re in a quandary as to what to wear for a specific event, snap him a few pics of the outfits, or just ask him directly (yes, he remembers what clothes you have- a scarily good ability) and he’ll give you a whole ass run down of why this one’s good but that one’s better etc etc
also, since we’re on the topic of pics;) 
this boi would LOOVE taking selfies with you! just imagine: two dorks making peace signs in the most adorable selfie ever 
he’d be a bit shy about using cute filters but you’d end up taking cat whisker selfies with him in no time 
but also
since the relationship involves so much time apart 
texting (and sexting) can be a really important part of your relationship (here you can read my Rin texting headcanons)
he’d make you feel like a goddess most of the time, because he really appreciates your hard work 
but whenever you’re in a slump he’d be your number 1 source of motivation
it’s really different when you see someone you don’t really know who becomes successful and whatever, but when the man you know so intimately and who you’re so close to is that person, achieving your goals really becomes more realistic 
after all, sometimes you need motivation from external sources too, there’s nothing wrong with that
a very healthy relationship indeed, you two would psych each other up and be there for each other, teach each other things and be an inspiration to one another 
but hey lemme give you some NSFW because I know you were looking for this part
i’m just gonna say this, Rin is a whole ass dom who really loves pleasing
and teasing 
so don’t expect anything without at least a little bit of teasing 
enjoys positions in which he can see you (and your facial expressions) properly, positions in which he can kiss you, nibble on your earlobe, you got it
not to say that he doesn’t enjoy taking you from behind
actually, do expect some nice desk/table/kitchen counter action 
he’s not vanilla but he’s not necessarily kinky either 
so he’d be up for the occasional roleplay, the occasional tying you up, occasional cosplay, you know
things he usually does include: biting (your neck, collarbone, ear, lip, thighs, sides of your abdomen), edging, breath play if you’re really into it, a lot of goddamn whispering in your ear and around your neck, does it make sense if I say suave dirty talk? like he wouldn’t use curse words, he’d just say things in such a manner that he’s using rather sweet words which end up sounding sexy and a bit indecent 
sex with him would definitely feel more like lovemaking rather than a good fucking if you get my gist 
aka imagine less of whatever porn scenario you have in mind with very rough handling and imagine more of a really jazzy kind of thing, even when you’re spicing it up with different things
actual rough sex with him would occur, but really not often at all
i guess i can narrow it down to passionate and extremely sensual 
the boi really gets off to your being extra pleased, so expect long sessions
get ready to be worshipped, you goddess, both in and outside of the bedroom
he probably won’t let this show too much, but he’s the kind who would be absolutely ruined if you broke up with him or things weren’t working well
but you’d never see that, because he’s matured a lot and he knows how to pull through difficulties
he’d cook for you super often! whether you know how to cook or not really doesn’t concern him because you bet he’ll wine and dine you all the freaking time 
and he’ll cherish whatever you cook, even if it’s some underdressed salad, or slightly overcooked eggs with toast
he really deserves all the love that he can get
the relationship definitely won’t be smooth, but it won’t lack in anything and it would only get better and better with time- it’s literally impossible to end up complacent with him because there’s always something new 
even the medium amounts of drama that arise only add to the amazing things this relationship has to bring 
kissing the tears off each other’s cheeks, frantic embraces, sometimes over-the-top, grand displays of affection after a long time of not having seen each other, or even small gestures that end up moving either of you to tears 
this would only be a glimpse into how the relationship would feel like with this absolute babe and sweetheart of a man
i could go on forever so please do ask for more of these
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spiders-hth-is-an-outlier · 4 years ago
Today in Strongly Worded Opinions (That You Didn't Ask For), I'm going to assert that there are too objective ways to measure whether or not a relationship is strong in story terms – by which I mean, unrelated to whether or not readers/viewers personally like the dynamic or the chemistry of the actors (in such cases as there are actors involved).
So for the sake of clarity, be ye advised: this isn't about shipping, fuck it, ship whatever you want idc.  Shipping a strong relationship isn't inherently better than shipping a weak one – heck, you could just as easily argue that it's the lazier, less creative route.  Also, I don't care?  I don't care, it's just fandom.  Follow your arrow.  This is about ways to discuss whether or not a relationship introduced into a text succeeds or fails as an element of the story – or really as I'm going to prefer calling it, if a given relationship forms a strong or weak story element.
For this I'm presuming that you're creating a relationship between a protagonist and a secondary character introduced as a piece of the protagonist's overall story – protagonist/protagonist relationships aren't really a different situation, but they do have more moving parts, so for simplicity's sake, let's   stick with a Main Character (we'll call that M) and a Significant Other (S for short).  Also, these relationships by no means have to be romantic; any relationship can be measured as weak or strong in story terms.
Also, I'm going to say everything here as though it were factually true, even though it's just my opinion, which is correct, but if you disagree then it's only my opinion, but I am correct.  Ready?  Okay!
Strong relationships have story functions; in reality nothing means anything and people just like each other because they do, but fuck reality, it's a huge narrative mess.  And my basic premise here is that the story function of a strong relationship falls under one (or more, if you wanna get real fancy) of these three categories:
The relationship can unlock under-explored elements of M's story or character through mirroring or intimacy (often shows up as “friends to lovers”).  There is backstory that hasn't been unearthed yet, or some reaction or experience in M's life that could advance the story, and S can serve as a means to get at it.  Maybe M and S share a similar trauma or life story; maybe S is the first person M feels able to open up to about something profound and relevant.  Maybe part of M's story is a conflict between how they seem to others and how they see themselves or their own potential; maybe S is the person who sees them the way they see themselves...or sees M as the person they're afraid they'll never be.  The story goal being met here is giving M a boost toward successful completion of their story arc, so even though there could be conflict, S is fundamentally pulling on the same side as M in the major story conflicts, in such a way that by the end, the reader should feel like M's success is at least in part because of what they gain from their relationship with S.
The relationship can function as a piece of the story's overall conflict, or as a secondary subplot conflict (often shows up as “enemies to lovers”). Traditional romance novel plotting effectively slots the love interest into the role of “antagonist,” because the romance's conflict is generally driven by people not getting what they want from each other until certain win conditions are met.  In this kind of relationship, M and S might be actual-facts competitors, or be divided by ideological concerns, or they might be forced into proximity by the plot but clash on some personality level.  The arc of this relationship is typically going to be about the M softening up as the relationship develops – if M starts out ruthlessly single-minded, maybe realizing that they're running roughshod over S in the process is part of their character breakthrough; if the story is about M realizing that they've underestimated the complexity of the world around them, maybe coming to recognize S as an equal is how that gets concretized for the reader.  Basically this is a story where S presents a problem that M has to solve, and the more central to the narrative solving that problem is, the stronger the relationship is.
The relationship can serve to divide M's goals (often shows up as “love versus duty”).  This is a story where M has to accomplish two separate things in order to fulfill their arc, but those two things aren't easily integrated. One of M's goals might be fulfilling a vow, or filial duty, or seeking revenge, and the other goal is some form of protecting or obtaining S.  If the story puts M in a position of having to choose, then the relationship is inherently strong; it's providing narrative drive, whether or not S is especially well-developed as an individual character.  This one can be tricky, because a very weak relationship can serve a superficially similar purpose, by demonstrating M's devotion to duty or obsessive pursuit of whatever when M rebuffs S to keep them out of harm's way or to avoid distraction or whatever. The difference is that in those superficial cases, the audience is meant to recognize that aw, that's sad, M has really had to Make Sacrifices – but there's really no dramatic tension involved; we know all along that M is going to Make Sacrifices in purusit of the real goal.  When this is done seriously with a strong relationship, the audience is meant to feel divided as well; Romeo and Juliet just doesn't work as a story unless the audience likes Juliet and Mercutio, unless they fully identify with the dilemma that Romeo is in when he has to either avenge Mercutio's death or spare Tybalt for Juliet's sake and the sake of their future together. That's a big fucking story moment, and it only works because the audience buys both relationships – Romeo's with Mercutio and with Juliet – as narratively strong, to the point where Romeo's choice is not a forgone conclusion.  This one is much easier to get wrong, I think, than the other two are!
What I'm saying here is that a strong relationship isn't really determined by how personally compatible two characters seem to be; a lot of movies that fridge a character's wife, for example, rely on actors convincingly portraying, in a brief window of time, two compatible people who care for each other – I'm thinking of, like, Richard Kimble and his wife in The Fugitive, who I think do sell the idea of a loving and happy marriage, but the relationship itself is a weak one.  The story only really needs the bare fact of it – “Kimble had a wife that he loved and then this happened” – to kick off the actual story; the relationship between Kimble and Gerard is a stronger one narratively, because much of the emotional tension of the movie, what makes it more effective than just a series of chase scenes, is the way their mutual respect evolves as they compete against each other, and the story question of “Kimble really needs an ally, is this the right person for him to trust?”  It's such a strong relationship that it comes as a huge relief of tension when he does make that gesture of trust and it turns out to be the right choice.  The audience is happy that Kimble will be exonerated, but the audience is equally happy that the conflict between these two charcters is over – we didn't like them being at odds because we didn't want either of them to lose!  Now, would these two people ever be close friends, let alone come to love each other?  No? Yes? Who cares?  Kimble loves his wife more, but has a stronger relationship in this story with Gerard. From a writing perspective, it's trivially easy to introduce an S and say “M loves this person,” but it means relatively little.  It's harder to introduce an S and say “some part of this story now hinges on how M navigates knowing this person,” but that's kind of what has to happen in order to create a payoff that's worth the effort.  A strong relationship provides skeletal structure for the story; it can't be stitched on at the margins.
This is an even tougher sell in something like a television series, where the introduction of S may come in well after the story is underway and the bulk of M's characterization is already in place.  That's why introducing a late-season love interest is a notoriously dodgy proposition!  To demonstrate weak vs strong relationship in action, I'm going to take an example of what I think was a failed attempt and pitch some ways to doctor it up into a strong relationship: Sam Winchester and Eileen Leahy.
This is objectively a weak relationship.  She doesn't materially affect the metaplot of the series, or drive any major choices, or reveal anything about Sam's character.  She's just, you know, generally nice and attractive and Sam likes her, which is a fine start, but then the writers just leave her idling in the garage forever.  But it didn't have to be that way! Say we wanted to make it a Type 1 relationship: super easy, barely an inconvenience!  Eileen is very like Sam, actually, in that she lost her parents as an infant and then had the entire rest of her life shaped by the trauma and the pursuit of revenge.  That's amazing.  How many other people, even hunters, share that specific experience with Sam Winchester?  Sam was physically changed by drinking demon blood in infancy; Eileen was physically changed by being deafened by the banshee or whatever it was in infancy.  Even just allowing them to talk about that would have made the relationship stronger.  Sam is affected by the fact that there is no Before Time for him; even now that they've long since had their revenge on ol' Yellow Eyes himself, he grapples with the fact that he's forever robbed of any memories of innocence or safety or a life that wasn't lived in the shadow of this killing.  Eileen also has had her life's quest for revenge fulfilled, and also has to reckon with the fact that it doesn't actually give her access to the innocence that was stolen from her.  Maybe she struggles with that.  Maybe Sam can open up to her because she knows what it's like to look back on your child self and feel that however strong you've made yourself, you're never strong enough to protect that child.
What if you want to write something spicier than Sam and Eileen talking about their sad feelings?  Okay, let's take a Type 2 story.  Eileen has been a lone hunter with a disability all her life; it's fair to guess that even if she can't match Sam's physical strength, the fact that she's survived at all means that she's pretty indomitable.  Maybe she's had to be ruthless, even brutal in her hunting style; maybe she has a shoot-first-ask-questions-never approach to hunting that she credits with her very survival, but that Sam finds excessively rash and bloody.  Maybe they fight about it.  Have her kill some ambiguous, maybe-not-dangerous monstery types, a werewolf or something, and Sam's like, hey, we really can't just-- and Eileen is like, look, I hunt how I hunt, come with me or don't.  I mean, this is a retread in some ways of early season conflicts about who to kill and when, but everything in the latter seasons is a retread anyway, so whatever, and it provides something interesting to have Sam deal with this whiplash of how there seem to be two Eileens, the smiley, jocular sweetheart who eats pancakes with him and the one who kills like she's swatting flies.  What if he wants one but not the other?  It doesn't really work that way, does it?  Is this something he can dismiss as a foible, or is this a dealbreaker? The dude is almost forty, if he distances himself from Eileen, how many more hunters does he think he has a chance to meet and marry?  If she won't even listen to his concerns seriously, is it really a good relationship anyway, or will Sam's needs always end up taking a backseat to Eileen's?
A Type 3 fix could just come down quite plainly to, what if Eileen is ready to retire?  She's had her revenge.  She's lived her life on the hunt.  Maybe she's done, and maybe she wants Sam to be done with her.  Doing this in season 15 would circle Sam back to his season 1 story conflicts in a nice way, I think – why does Sam do this at all, if it's not for revenge any longer?  Does he feel personally responsible for every dead person he could've saved but didn't – is that a reasonable boundary, or lack thereof, to set?  Is a compromise possible – could he continue to coordinate hunts while also getting out of the field and starting a family, or is that still putting his family in the shadow of too much violence and danger to tolerate?  What's Dean going to say?  He's pitched a fit in the past when Sam said he wanted out, but he's mellowed with age, hasn't he?  Maybe he'll get it now?  But maybe Sam also feels guilty and fearful, because he knows Dean will hunt without him, so now he's in more danger because of Sam's choices, if Sam makes this choice.  It's a little heteronormative, as story conflicts go, but it's thematically appropriate to Supernatural, and the fact that Eileen isn't speaking out of timidity but out of the same weariness that Sam has so often felt about the whole endless cycle makes it feel a little less “the little lady won't let me go on adventures anymore.”  This might not be my pick of the three, but the point is that it makes for a strong conflict, a legitimate divided loyalty for Sam to wrestle with, and one that doesn't have a clear right answer.
Anyway, hopefully that helps illustrate what I mean when I say that the narrative strength of a relationship doesn't have anything to do with how likeable an S character is – Eileen is very likeable! But that doesn't substitute for building her into the fabric of the story in some way.  My expectation is that a serious protagonist relationship should bend the story arc in a way that requires response, and if it doesn't, I don't take that relationship particularly seriously.  Canon can declare a relationship real by fiat, but it can't automatically declare a relationship meaningful without, you know, making meaning of it.
Oh, and there's not anything really wrong with weak relationships – most M's are going to have several in the story.  My point is just that the difference between a weak relationship and a strong one isn't really a matter of taste or preference, but has a functional meaning that can be tested and measured, and if there's argument to be had about it, the argument can take place on evidentiary grounds.  Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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p-artsypants · 5 years ago
Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions.
Overwhelmed with her responsibilities, guilt, and drama, Marinette has an emotional breakdown in front of everyone, and even hands over her earrings in a moment of weakness. Only for a few seconds, but the damage was done. Adrien’s pretty quick on the uptake like that.
I got this idea from a sermon a few weeks ago. It was supposed to just be a one shot, and then it got out of hand. This will have maybe two more chapters.
FF.net | Ao3
Nino would feel guilty in the days to come after unconsciously making her burst into tears, Marinette knew. It wasn’t actually his fault, but there was so many layers to this onion that she couldn’t explain it if she wanted to.
I had been a simple request. He was going on to create a sequel of Horrificator, with Mylene and Ivan starring again. He had simply asked if she would be able to create a costume that matched the akuma on film, though it didn’t need to be perfect, since they’d be filming it Blair Witch style.
Before she could even respond, Lila had butted her head into the conversation and said something along the lines of ‘oh my father’s college roommate is a famous monster movie costume designer! He could totally whip something up for you!’
Her butting in hadn’t been the problem. Marinette was totally used to it now. She practically expected it.
“Oh that’s awesome, Lila!” Alya had chirped. “That would be so amazing!”
“Yeah dude! We’re going to start filming soon, so if you could reach out to him and give me an answer about it, that would be awesome!”
“Of course! And that way you don’t need to bother Marinette. She always so busy in the bakery…”
“I would have loved to do the costume.” Marinette clarified. “It really isn’t a problem. So if this falls through, let me know, okay?”
“Thanks Marinette!” Nino beamed.
Then Lila smirked. And Marinette sensed that she had sealed her own doom.
How? Easy.
Lila would put off on confessing that her contact was busy, and then Marinette would be forced to work too quickly and do a half-assed job, or reject it completely.
Making her look like a flake, or a bad designer.
She rolled her eyes at the thought, and took out her sketchbook and pulled up the Ladyblog on her phone. Of course Lila had no contact. There was no reason to wait for a response. She’d might as well just get started on it now.
“It’s so cool that you know so many people, Lila!” Alya said from her side.
“Oh, I try not to think about it too much. I don’t want to be a braggart.”
Marinette bit her tongue, trying not to respond.
From in front of her, Adrien had leaned his head on his arm, on her desk, watching her work. “That’s smart.” He said softly. “Let me know if you need anything, okay?”
“Thanks Adrien.” She smiled at him, a little solemnly. Her stuttering was mostly gone now. She was trying to be a good friend and let him go for Kagami’s sake. But it was so hard! Especially since they weren’t official yet.
Alya sat next to her, ignoring her ‘jealousy’ to her classmate. “Girl, before you came around, Marinette was doing everything around here! Now we’ve got you so we can pull from all different talent pools!”
Except they weren’t. It was still Marinette.
Doing everything. As class representative, as craftsman, as liaison, as a tutor, and even a therapist. She was constantly bending over backwards to help.
And still no one appreciated her. Now she was working with shorter deadlines, and less respect. More skepticism and less mercy.
Everyone was taking advantage of her, and she was too nice to put a stop to it.
Or too naïve to notice it was even happening in the first place.
Of course, this was all on top of her guardian and Ladybug duties, which was already a full time job. And also a full time student, with remarkable grades!
And she was expected to do her chores and help out part time in the bakery.
She couldn’t remember the last time she designed something for herself.
“Of course,” clarified Nino, who had been sitting on his desk, “when you’re working with famous people, things don’t always work out. That’s why it’s nice to have Marinette around! She’s so clever! She always finds a solution!”
It was supposed to be a compliment. He was trying to let her know they still liked her and needed her.
But it came to a screeching halt with Nino’s words.
“Marinette?” Adrien asked, noticing the tears first.
She covered her mouth, lest she sob out loud and get too much attention.
But the concern in Adrien’s voice had already grabbed the attention of those around her.
“Girl...” Alya said with far too much pity. “There’s no reason to get upset.”
“Yeah Marinette.” Said Lila, with fake sympathy. “I know you want to be helpful, but you’re only one person. There’s no reason to be jealous. You can’t master everything!”
“Lila, maybe you should stop talking.” Adrien said patiently. “You know she doesn’t like you.”
“And I can’t imagine why! I’ve only ever been nice to her!”
Alya winced. “It’s...complicated.”
Lila gasped. “You’re not still jealous because of Adrien are you? After all, he’s dating Kagami, and she’s your friend! That’s not fair to me, Marinette!”
Any minute now, Marinette was going to burst into gut wrenching, uncontrollable sobbing. And she would rather do it as Ladybug so she could snatch up the Akuma before they landed. Classes were over for the day anyway. She had just stayed behind to attempt to socialize with her friends for just a few minutes.
Looked like that was in vain.
She stood, “I have to go.”
Alya grabbed her wrist. “No you don’t. Let’s just sit and talk this out.”
Lila continued to twist the knife. “Yeah Marinette. Let’s air our grievances like adults. We can be friends.”
But Marinette frantically scooped her belongings into her bag, holding onto every shred of dignity that she could, while Lila continued to rip it away from her.
“Can’t you see how your stubbornness is hurting your friends? You’re causing a lot of unnecessary drama.”
“Lila’s right, you know. Acting like this is really hurtful to me.” Said Alya, still full of sympathy.
She should have stayed silent, but her anguish spoke for her. “I’ve told you again and again that I don’t like Lila because she’s a liar. No one believes me, so there’s no point in talking about it!” Her voice cracked at the end.
“Marinette, we know Lila has a condition that causes her to misremember information. That doesn’t mean she’s maliciously lying!”
Marinette shook with untapped rage. She was a ticking time bomb. “She is though. She threatened me. I warned her that her lies were going to catch up to her, and she said that she was going to war with me. To take my friends away from me!”
“How dare you!” Lila shouted, with a pathetic snivel.
She was overacting, to be honest.
“You did that to me! How dare you try to make me the villain?! I was willing to let it go, but apparently, you’re worse than I believed!”
“Are you sure you aren’t misremembering that too, Lila?” Marinette bit.
“I could never forget the attempt someone made on my life! You gave me nightmares! You threatened to kill me! All because I was talking to the boy you were in love with—no! Obsessed with!”
“That’s awful!”
“Why would you do such a thing?!”
But Marinette didn’t respond, knowing that it was futile, just shouldered her backpack, half empty coffee cup in hand.
Adrien, bless his heart, packed up with her. “I’ll walk with you,” he offered.
Eloquence was not on her side, nor was grace or kindness. All that was holding her together was the utter desire to get away. “Leave me alone!” She shouted, before leaving.
Or, attempting to leave. She was short on the step and slipped, thrusting her coffee cup forward and right onto Lila.
“Ow!!” Lila cried, as the day-old lukewarm coffee hit her. “It burns!!”
Marinette, who wasn’t buying the pain, did feel guilt for spilling coffee. Because even if it wasn’t hot, it still stained. “Oh my gosh, I’m so so sorry Lila! That was an accident! Let me run home, I’ll get you a change of clothes!”
“You did that on purpose!” Lila sobbed, holding her arm. “I think it might be third degree!! Ow!”
“Marinette, seriously? What’s wrong with you? You’re out of control girl!” Alya scolded. “We need to tell the principal about this!”
“What? No! That was a complete accident! But the coffee is from this morning, it shouldn’t even be warm—“
“Come on Lila, let’s go see the nurse!” Rose, ever vigilant and noble, grabbed the lying girl and escorted her out of the room.
Marinette stood there quaking. Stupid. Unfair. Cruel. Why had fate turned everything against her? Why was everything unraveling?
Why did she mess up with every step?
“Marinette—“ Alya started.
Furious, and not quite herself, Marinette poured the rest of the coffee on the desk, on Alya’s hand.
“She’s a liar! She’s always been a liar, and that’s all she’ll ever be!” Then she finally stalked out of the room.
Alya scoffed with a shake of her head. “God, bitterness is so ugly.”
“I’m going after her.” Adrien stated, making sure he had everything.
“Dude, leave it. Marinette’s always upset these days. Don’t worry about it. If what Lila says is true, we should just let her go. We should be more concerned about Lila.”
Though Alya didn’t quite share the sentiment as she touched the puddle of cold coffee on the desk. “Well...Lila might be being a little dramatic, or it could be shock. Either way, it’s just another day of drama. Marinette just needs to calm down. Even if she did have a lapse of judgement, that doesn’t mean we can’t just let bygones be bygones.”
Always upset these days? Was she really? How much of a friend to her was he if he had never noticed before?
Ignoring his other friends, Adrien left the classroom, hoping to catch up to her.
She was in the locker room, packing up her bag while she trembled and hiccuped.
“Marinette?” He asked.
“Please leave me alone.” She whispered.
He frowned, coming closer. “I don’t think I want to.”
“I don’t want you to see me like this.”
“Like how?”
She shrugged her shoulders miserably. “Weak? Ugly? Pathetic? Take your pick!”
“What? Because you’re crying? That’s not weak at all. And you want to see an ugly crier? I’m an ugly crier.”
“I highly doubt that.” She whispered.
“No really! I get all snotty and hiccupy. When you cry...your eyes get all sparkly.”
Adrien had seconds to brace himself as her lips trembled, before she started to sob.
“Hey...” he reached out for her, wrapping his arms around her slowly so she could pull away. But instead, she just returned the hug, burying her face in his shoulder.
He could feel her tears leaking through. Still, he just held her, rubbing her back gently.
Suddenly, a switch flipped and she shoved him away. “No! No I can’t!”
“Marinette?” He asked, startled.
“It’s not fair! I can’t take comfort from you!”
“Sure you can!” He laughed incredulously. “I’m here for you, Marinette.”
“It’s not fair to Kagami!”
“Kagami? She’d want me to comfort my friend.”
Marinette trembled. “No! It’s more than that! You’re with her and I can’t cry on you because I don’t want to hurt her because I’m in love with you and it’s not fair to take advantage of you! It’s not fair that you don’t know that!”
His eyes blew wide. “You...what? Lila was telling the truth?”
Marinette made a horrible choking sound as she realized what she blurted. “No no no...no this can’t be happening. I didn’t, no I—I’m just a fan! I love you, like a friend! Like—like—!” She sobbed. “Ugh! I’m ruining everything! Everything is falling apart! Why am I so stupid?!”
Adrien grabbed her arm tightly, almost painfully. “Marinette, we need to go.”
She looked up sharply, seeing that he wasn’t looking at her.
He was looking at the black butterfly crawling through the edge of the window.
“No, you—you’ve got things to do. I’ll go—“
He squeezed her tighter, “you’re crazy if you think I’m leaving you alone.”
“Come on!” He yanked her, pulling her out from the locker room and into the courtyard, where students were milling about. Including their classmates.
“Oh Marinette—“ began Alya.
“Shut up!” Adrien retaliated.
“No!” Marinette dug her heels in as a purple light formed a mask over her face.
Adrien didn’t let go. Couldn’t let go. He didn’t see where the Akuma had landed. Her bag? Her hair ties?
Marinette trembled. “I—I can’t. I won’t!”
Adrien turned to her, cupping her cheeks in his hands. “Marinette? Marinette listen to me. Look at me. You don’t need him, okay? You’re smart, and wonderful, and kind. He’s not going to help you. He’s lying to you. You hate liars, right?”
Marinette nodded mutely.
“Then tell him to piss off!”
“I can’t—“ she choked. “I can’t be akumatized. I can’t!”
“And you won’t!” Adrien argued. “There’s always a solution, no matter how bleak or overwhelming. And I will help you fix this!”
Marinette clenched her eyes shut, every muscle in her body coiled tight.
Then she whispered out, in a very even tone, “Hawkmoth, leave me alone.”
The light disappeared, and the black butterfly flew away.
For a few moments, everyone was tense, still, and silent, the only sounds coming from Marinette as she stifled her cries. Adrien moved his hands from her face down to hold her hands.
Then she collapsed, and started wailing.
Powerful, horrible, heartbreaking wails. The wails of hopelessness, fear, and loneliness, bubbling and bursting out of her like a waterfall. On and on, she just screamed, not caring who heard or saw.
The crowd was at a cross between embarrassed and concerned. Some wanted to give her privacy, some wanted to just leave. Either way, everyone eventually trickled away. Her classmates leaving last.
Adrien crouched, sitting beside her. Close enough she could lean on him if need be, but far enough away for her to pretend she had privacy. But he kept his hand on the back of her neck, moving across her shoulders occasionally for support.
“Marinette,” he moaned, once they were alone. “I know you must need to cry…but I can’t bare to watch this…do you want to talk about it? What happened? This isn’t just about what just happened in the classroom. Although that didn’t help...”
“It’s Lila!” She screamed. “And-And Alya! And you! And Master Fu! And Luka—And And—!” She wailed, her words turning into moans.
“Whoa whoa whoa what?”
She just wailed harder.
He exhaled slowly. “Okay, that’s a lot to unpack…” He glanced around, taking note of the lack of people. Fencing started soon, but he was obviously skipping.
“Marinette? Don’t you want to go to your house?” He asked softly.
“I don’t know! I don’t know what to do!”
“Hey, hey, let’s breathe together. Okay?” At least she wasn’t screaming anymore.
She hiccuped a few times, but finally took a deep breath along with Adrien.
“Okay.” He said, smiling at her. “You’re doing great. Now let’s slowly talk things out. Once we know what we need to do, we can take care of your problems in little chunks.”
“I can’t tell you my problems!” She yelled, clenching her fists. “That’s the whole problem! I can’t tell anyone! Not my parents! Not my friends, not—“ she cupped her hands over her mouth, holding back a sob.
“Oh Marinette...”
“No! No I can’t do this anymore! I’m 15! I can’t handle this kind of pressure! I’ve ruined all of it! Paris needs someone better, and I can’t even handle my own problems let alone everything else demanded of me.” She fumbled with her earrings, before slapping them down in his hand. “You take them! They’re your responsibility now! I quit!”
A flash of pink took over the earrings as they went from the plain black stones she wore, to the flat gray stubs he saw as his stint as Mister Bug.
He choked.
His reaction snapped her out of her hysteria. “I shouldn’t have done that! I should not have—!” She swiped the earrings back and put them back on with fumbling hands. “I need to go before anything else happens! I’m a walking disaster!”
“Hey, whoa whoa whoa, Marinette—“
“No, stop talking!” She snapped. “I’m sorry—I didn’t mean to yell. I’m just—panicking.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” He sighed, and then took her hand in his. “Look, let’s get out of here. We’ll go to your house.”
“But—But don’t you—aren’t you—will someone be looking for you?”
“I have fencing.”
“I don’t want you to be late!”
“Marinette! I’m skipping!”
“Yes! You’re way more important to me then some stupid sport!”
He helped her to her feet. “I’ll text Kagami so she can cover for me. Don’t worry about it, Marinette.”
“...I just don’t want to burden you.”
“You’re not. I’m promise, you’re not.”
She gripped his sleeve. “You can’t tell Kagami, or—or anyone. Please Adrien, I didn’t mean to say it. It’s not...not that I don’t trust you. I’m just...” she sighed in frustration. She was so overwhelmed, words weren’t coming the way she wanted them to.
“Marinette, I get it.” He assured, taking hold of the hand gripping him. “You trusted me with the snake, even though I failed back then, I never breathed a word of it to anyone. I’m not going to say anything. See, I’ve already forgotten what you said.”
She managed a watery giggle. “Thanks Adrien.”
“Now come on. Let’s go talk somewhere private.”
Resigned, Marinette allowed Adrien to tug her along. On the front steps, students were milling around, having evacuated the courtyard. Adrien didn’t say a word to anyone, while Marinette kept her eyes firmly on the ground.
Once they were away from the school, Tikki peered out of the bag, taking note of the fat tears rolling down Marinette’s cheeks. She was spiraling again, assuming the worst.
But Chat Noir was here, and they’d work everything out.
In the bakery, however, things reached a fever pitch as Lila, still wet with coffee, stood at the counter, talking to Sabine.
The conversation halted as the little bell above the door chimed.
Lila just looked at them and smirked, her face turned away from Sabine.
“Thank you for telling me, young lady. I’ll handle everything.” The woman said, edge in her voice.
Lila nodded pitifully and walked passed them to the door.
As she passed Adrien, she whispered, “I’m going to your father next.” And then left without a rebuttal.
Marinette looked at him, wide-eyed and horrified. “Did she just—?”
“Adrien,” Sabine said sternly. “Thank you for escorting Marinette home. But I have to ask you to leave. I need a word with my daughter.”
Adrien panicked for a moment, not sure how to navigate this situation. He never talked back to authority figures.
Well, not as Adrien. But his Lady was in danger, so Adrien was going to sit this one out, and let his Chat Noir persona deal with it. He held up a hand. “Mrs. Cheng. I don’t know what Lila just told you, and frankly, I don’t want to know.” His tone was stern and demanding, one he adopted from his father in the most cutthroat situations. It was scary, to Sabine and Marinette. “Lila Rossi is a liar and has been harassing Marinette for a while now. She’s the one responsible for her expulsion, and lying to get it reversed as well. I’ve spent the last—“ he took out his phone to look at the time. God. “I’ve spent the last hour holding Marinette while she cried. That gave Lila plenty of time to come here and do damage.”
Sabine just stared between him and Marinette. “Marinette, is this true?”
She could only sniff and nod.
“Madam Cheng?” He said, a little softer. “My father doesn’t trust me. I never did anything to warrant that treatment, but he doesn’t. It hurts that I don’t have an adult I can turn to when I need help. Don’t be like that to Marinette.”
Sabine gasped a little. It was harsh, of course, but seein0g Marinette—his lady—so broken was stirring up some ugly emotions in him.
“I’m not leaving.” He told her. “Marinette needs me.”
“Of course dear. Thank you so much. I found it hard to believe that Marinette would become violent with anyone, but after that ridiculous expulsion, I didn’t know what to believe. I’m not at school, I know Marinette, but—“ she shook her head.
“I tripped.” Marinette whispered. “The coffee was cold. It was an accident.”
“Now that, I believe,” Sabine hummed fondly. “Madam Rossi probably deserves a phone call. Why don’t you two go up to her room? I’ll bring up some tea in a bit.”
Adrien massively sighed. “Thank you Madam Cheng. And...sorry for being rude.”
“You were stern. It was important.” She walked over and hugged her daughter, petting her hair. “Marinette, I’m so sorry for making you feel like you couldn’t talk to me about this. I trust you, both of us do.” She kissed her head. “Don’t be afraid to ask for help every once in a while, okay?”
Marinette could only nod against her.
“I’ll let you two go. When you’re calmer, you can tell me what happened, if you want. Either way, I’ll disregard what that girl said.”
“Thank you, Maman.” Marinette whispered.
“Of course baby.” She kissed her forehead tenderly.
Then Adrien took Marinette’s hand again and pulled her away upstairs.
Once in her room, Marinette sat on her chaise, pulling her legs up to her chest. She was silent.
Adrien grabbed a blanket from her bed, and wrapped it around her shoulders, then sat by her side and pulled her to lean against him.
“Whenever you’re ready to talk, I’m here to listen.”
She whimpered. “I’m scared.”
“Of what?”
“...of saying something I’m not supposed to. I wasn’t supposed to tell you about...any of that. It just all came out.”
“Sounds like you’ve been bottling yourself up. That’s not healthy, Marinette.”
She pushed away from him, standing, her back to him. “I’m sorry, Adrien. I really appreciate you being here with me, but...it’s just too dangerous. And, like I said, it’s not fair to Kagami.”
Adrien huffed, his bangs fluttering over his forehead. “Marinette...I’m just trying to help.”
“And I appreciate that, but I can handle it.” Then quietly, more to herself. “I have to handle it.”
Swallowing a growl, he looked at his stubborn lady. “What about Chat Noir?”
She hunched her shoulders. “What about him?”
“Have you talked this out with him? Does he know you’re struggling?” He knew the answer, but he was curious to what she would say. Would she lie?
Her hiccups and sniffles weren’t exactly what he was expecting, but it wasn’t surprising. “He’s already so disappointed with me!”
“What?” He stood too, whirling to face her. “What are you talking about?”
“It was written all over his face during the last fight! He knows I gave away my mentor’s identity! I’m the reason Chloé got upset! And I keep stringing him along!” She sobbed. “He had to do everything in that last fight! I couldn’t plan, or think or—or do anything! And he hasn’t talked to me since!”
Adrien’s warm hands landed on her shoulders. “Marinette, Ladybug, you know that’s not true right? Chat’s your partner. He’d never be disappointed in you!”
“How do you know?”
He shrugged. It wasn’t the right time to reveal himself. She was already dealing with so much. Surely revealing himself would cause another spiral. “I just do.”
She shook her head in disbelief.
He pulled her back down to the chaise to sit, and rested a warm hand on her back. Then he eased her over to lean against his shoulder again.
“I won’t say a thing. I’m not Adrien, I’m not anyone. Just a pillow with ears. Why don’t you talk it all out. And once you’re done, I’ll stuff this day far into the back reaches of my mind where no one will find it. All your secrets are safe with me.”
Marinette started to relax against him, despite the absolute panic of being close to her crush. He was warm, and his arms held her securely. She felt safe.
Tikki made her appearance, coming out of Marinette’s bag that had been set on her desk. “Marinette?”
Marinette only looked back at her, ashamed and embarrassed.
“It’s alright. You can trust Adrien,” is what she said. Not, “you‘ve failed and I hate you. How dare you!” There was no judgement, no reprimanding. Just comfort.
She wanted to cry again, but Adrien petted her head, a soothing rhythm.
With a shuddering breath, she began, “Lila’s been threatening me. I knew she was lying because I’m Ladybug. I didn’t like that she was using my name to get close to you. I saw her getting away with all these other lies too because no one bothered to fact check her. It was frustrating that every time I urged Alya to listen, she wrote me off as jealous. I’m not jealous of her. I have no reason to be. But because I have a...crippling crush on you—“ she bit her lip.
Adrien gave no reaction.
She continued, “—I was automatically deemed jealous because she was talking to you. Lila confronted me in the bathroom, fake concerned about my well being when I was moved to the back of the classroom. But when I told her I knew she was lying, and that everyone would figure her out, she threatened me. She said she was going to make me her enemy, that my friends would leave me behind and you’d—you’d be with her. I tried to ignore it, and take the high road like you suggested, but...”
“Did you tell anyone she threatened you?”
“I was so scared Alya would treat it like every other thing I said to her about Lila. She’d pass it off as jealousy. She’s supposed to be my best friend but she doesn’t believe me!!”
“Forget about Alya then. If she doesn’t believe you, then that’s her fault. You’ve got nothing to prove. What about anyone else?”
Marinette shuttered. “I thought...no one would believe me.”
“Even me?”
She pushed away from him, hugging herself, the guilt starting to creep back in. “I can barely talk to you...how was I supposed to tell you I was being threatened?”
“That’s fair, I guess. I just...I could have helped you.”
She was quiet, hugging her arms to her chest. “I...didn’t think about it. It was my problem to deal with. And I’m not great at asking for help. I’m sorry.”
“Aw, you don’t need to apologize for that Marinette. You didn’t do anything wrong. Lila’s the one with the stick up her ass.”
Marinette giggled. She had never heard Adrien swear before.
Suddenly, Adrien’s phone rang, interrupting the conversation. He sighed heavily. “Gee, I wonder who that could be.” He took it out, and saw Nathalie’s name. “I’m sorry, I have to take this. Then you can have my full attention.”
She highly doubted that, but nodded him on.
He answered, “hi Nathalie.”
“Adrien, your father wants you home immediately. Considering that you answered, I’m assuming that you’re not in practice anymore...or maybe you never went.”
Adrien swallowed, but realized there was no point in arguing. Not with her at least. “Put my father on, please.”
“You can talk to him when you come home.”
“This is urgent, Nathalie, give the phone to my father.” He couldn’t keep the bite out of his tone, but allowed his protectiveness to take the reins, filling him with adrenaline.
“One moment.”
The phone went quiet before Gabriel’s voice cut in, “Adrien, I want you home. Now. You are in danger with that girl—“
“Do you trust me?”
Gabriel sighed, “I’d trust you more if you did as I asked.”
“No, father, I need to know if you will listen to me and believe me when I have something important to tell you.”
“Yes yes,” he said, and Adrien could imagine him flipping his hand. “What is it, Adrien? What is so important?”
“Lila Rossi has been sexually harassing me.” He blurted. Not the argument he was planning on making, but one that might make his father listen to him.  
Gabriel paused before asking, “what?” All anger in his voice had evaporated, which was new.
“She touches me without my permission. And she threatens any other girls that get close to me. I don’t know what she told you about Marinette, but she’s been threatening her for a while. Marinette had a break down at school. I’m trying to comfort her.”
A pair of slender arms wrapped around his waist from behind in a gentle hug. She rested her cheek against his spine. Adrien rested a hand over hers, appreciating the comfort.
For once, Gabriel didn’t respond. Adrien took that as a cue to keep going.
“I don’t feel safe around Lila. She lies to people to get her way. She got Marinette expelled almost effortlessly. I’m scared that she’ll do something like that to me. To us. What’s stopping her from accusing me of sexual harassment or worse?” He swallowed. “Please don’t make me model with her anymore.”
Gabriel continued to be silent, and Adrien took it as quiet contemplation.
Finally, Gabriel responded. “You’re concerns are valid. You make very good points. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.”
Adrien exhaled in a whoosh.
“I will be working through dinner, so you may stay with the Dupain-Chengs if they’ll have you. Just be home by 8. I’d like to talk with you more about this then.”
“Thank you, Father.”
“Thank you for being honest with me, son.” And he hung up.
Adrien took a shaky breath as Marinette pulled away from him. “Sorry for the hug, I know you were just talking about being sexually harassed—I just know that was a hard conversation to have and—“
“Marinette.” He stopped her, holding her hand. “It’s more than okay. You can hug me whenever you like. I don’t mind.”
“You sure?”
“Absolutely.” He smiled. “Your hugs, whether intentional or not, are nice.”
She blushed.
“I-I mean...Lila and Chloe hang on me, or clamp down like...like a pair of handcuffs. You hold me. Sure, but gentle enough I can pull away. It’s nice.”
Still blushing, and unable to look him in the eye, she hugged him again, hiding her face in his chest.
He gathered her close, savoring her touch. He had found her. Finally. Of course, it was in a horrible way, and she didn’t know who he was. But he found her, and he still loved her without the mask. That’s more than he ever could have asked for.
“Your hugs are really nice too.” She mumbled into his shirt.
He snickered, imagining her reaction if he was Chat. He couldn’t help but think it would be a little different. “Alright,” he pulled away slightly. “My problems are on hold. Let’s get back to you. Let’s get back to what caused you to cry in class. What got you so suddenly upset? Because you started crying before Lila blurted out all that stuff. Was it Lila making another bogus offer?”
She shook her head. “No...it’s stupid.”
“It’s obviously not stupid if it made you cry.”
She sighed, but didn’t pull away this time. Her walls began to crumble, since he was Adrien and he was so kind.
“It wasn’t Lila. It was actually Nino.”
“Nino? Really? What did he do? Do you need me to kick his butt?”
She smiled softly. “No, he didn’t do it on purpose. I think it was supposed to be a compliment...”
“And that was...?”
“He said that it was nice to have me around when things fail because I always have the solution.” Her eyes watered as she spoke.
“Oh. Hmm. I guess I don’t really see why that would have bothered you? I mean, you are really smart and clever, and quick too! You always know what to do.”
“But I don’t!” She threw her arms in the air and began to pace. “That’s just it! I can come up with problem solvers when facing an Akuma! And occasionally I have good ideas for dealing with school problems! But right now? I don’t know what the heck I’m doing!” She shouted, a few tears leaking out. “My mentor is gone, and it’s my fault! I gave away his identity to Hawkmoth and he in turn gave up his memories to protect me and Chat! Now I’m the guardian of the Miraculous and I’m only 15! So not only do I have to deal with that big mess, but I have to deal with balancing being a full time student and superhero without letting anyone catch onto what’s happening, which requires a lot of lying, which I hate doing!! And now with Lila making these bogus claims and no one listening to me, I’m left scrambling to pick up the mess she makes because I’m the class representative and I’m terrified of disappointing my friends more! I’m already on thin ice with the class and being a social outcast might just break me! So I have to put aside my own problems to deal with Paris and my fickle classmates. I just keep watching you grow farther away, and Chat become more and more disappointed and heartbroken, and Luka become more impatient and I don’t even have the emotional energy to decide which one hurts me more!” She outright sobbed.
“Marinette...” Adrien breathed, not able to say much else.
“Just for once, I want my problems to just—solve themselves. Because I’m so tired and I’m so scared! I messed up so badly today—what about tomorrow? What if my next break down is in front of Hawkmoth?”
Adrien stood slowly, approaching her like a wild animal. “Hey...if it’s any consolation, you are completely justified in having this break down. This is an unbelievable amount of stress you have. I’m surprised you didn’t crack earlier.”
“I did. Right before Miracle Queen. Luka found me then. I felt awful for crying on him, because I know he cares about me...but I just don’t feel the same. I like him, I really do, but I can’t—“ she shook her head. “I’m just leading him on at this point. I’m so terrible.”
“I know exactly how you feel.”
She looked up at him, seeing the sympathy in his eyes. He looked miserable.
“That’s exactly how I feel about Kagami.”
Marinette wiped the tears from her cheek. “What?”
“She said that my indecision hurt her, which I get but...I can’t just stop loving—“ he turned red, and turned his face away, “sorry, we’re focusing on your problems. Not mine.”
“No, don’t. Adrien, who are you in love with, if not Kagami?”
The desperation in her voice forced him to look at her. He felt extremely embarrassed and guilty. All this time, he declared he’d know her anywhere, and yet how was he supposed to explain that he looked right passed her?
“Um...” he said smartly.
“It’s...you. I’m in love with you.”
She choked, her face turning red. “You...are? But I thought...”
“Ladybug, you. To be more precise. But now that I know who you are, the feelings are the same. Or possibly even stronger. Just so you know. It’s not just some silly celebrity thing.”
She opened her mouth, preparing to speak, but the words were stuck, her throat dry.
“Marinette...” he took her hands gently. “You are amazing, brave, smart, and kind. You’re my hero, and while you are going through some really hard stuff right now, you have something that Lila and Hawkmoth don’t.”
“A life?”
He chuckled, “well, yes. But I was going to say integrity.”
“Yeah. Willingness to help others even when you have bad days. Doing your best to keep promises. Being someone dependable, honest, and selfless. It might be exhausting, but in the end, you’ll be still standing when everyone else’s messes fall down around you.”
Her shoulders sagged as she let out a whoosh of air. “That’s really sweet, Adrien. But...” she hugged herself. “You told me it didn’t matter as long as you and I knew the truth. That I should take the high road and her lies would catch up to her. Well, I almost got expelled, so it obviously isn’t working.”
“Right, yes. And I’m sorry,” he clarified. “When I gave you that advice the first time, I didn’t know she threatened you. I thought it just bothered you that she was lying in general. I’m not saying you have to lay down like a dog anymore, I’m just saying that you have an advantage on her. And your character is your foundation. If you were a terrible person, and she was lying about you, there would be no reason for anyone to doubt her. But because you are so amazing, someone’s going to notice. And if they don’t, that’s not your fault. I will help you come up with a way to solve this problem, I promise.”
She sighed again, this time in relief. “Thank you Adrien. That means a lot.”
“Now,” he began, starting to pace himself. “I’m not sure what I can do to help you with the Miraculous. Given that I was a terrible temporary holder, and I’m not even supposed to know about this—“
“You don’t need to help me there.” She sighed, but in a gentle way, that sounded relaxed and okay. “If we can get the Lila situation under control, I think I’ll be able to handle guardianship a lot more.”
“What about Chat? Can he take some responsibilities?”
She groaned. “That’s another one of my problems. He’s so...”
Adrien held his breath, ready to take whatever terrible trait she had honed in on.
“...so wonderful.”
Huh. Not expected, but not unwelcomed!
“He’s goofy, and impatient, and goes overboard sometimes, but he has such a good heart and encourages me. So during that last fight...it broke me to see him step up and take control while I just spiraled.”
“You’re a team though. He should be able to take control when you’re unable to.”
“I know, but it shouldn’t be when I’m having an existential crisis! Just when I’m hurt or sick—“
“I’m sure Chat didn’t mind stepping up.”
“How do you know?”
“I mean, I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”
Marinette groaned again. “And there again! If I keep rejecting him, he’s just going to get more and more heartbroken, and then he’s going to resent me! And I hate that! I don’t want to be the cause of that!”
Adrien paled. Honestly, he was trying to move on with Kagami. He wasn’t going to let heartbreak turn to resentment. Especially not towards her, who he still adored. That was yesterday’s problem though, things were looking pretty optimistic in the love department now. Though they hadn’t gotten that far yet.
“Marinette, I think if that does happen, it wouldn’t be your fault. I think...Chat should be mature enough to respect your wishes.”
“He has his moments.” She breathed. “Did you know I almost gave up being Ladybug right at the beginning?”
“What?! No way!”
“Yes! But Chat encouraged me. Alya was in danger and that prompted me to put the earrings back on, but Chat actually talked me into being a hero. In my darkest moments, I wonder ‘what would Chat say?’ Sometimes the answer is stupid, but it makes me laugh. And then I hear his encouragement.”
“You care a lot about Chat, don’t you?”
“I love him. He’s my best friend and the best partner I could ask for.”
Adrien’s lovesick grin was probably not the best reaction to her praise of someone else. He shook himself into a more relaxed and normal expression. “Have you guys talked at all since then?”
“No. I have no idea what to say to him.” She plopped down in one of her computer chairs and leaned her head back. “I wish I knew Chinese!”
“What?” Adrien asked at the sudden change in conversation.
“Don’t get me wrong, I know some. But not enough to get me by. My mom offered to teach me some when I was younger, but I was being stubborn and now I regret it! I’ve been trying to learn more since I started training, but I can’t ask my mom for specific phrases, and free apps only get me so far!”
“Why do you need to know Chinese?”
Marinette took a deep breath, and looked at Tikki.
“I mean, he already knows this much, might as well keep going.”
She exhaled. “Alright. The miraculous come with...a manual, of sorts. But it’s all in code. Some of that code is in Chinese, either Mandarin or something else...maybe even ancient Chinese. I don’t know. But I figure being able to read it would help me figure it out.”
“Uh...wasn’t there a temple or something in Tibet that came back? Could you use the Teleportation miraculous to get there?”
Marinette stared at him, wide-eyed. “You...you’re on to something there! Oh but that doesn’t fix my Chinese problem! I know how to say ‘please’, ‘thank you’, ‘good morning’ and stuff but not ‘hello, I’m the new Miraculous Guardian in Paris and I don’t know how to read the book. Can you teach me?’”
“Hello, I’m the new Miracle Stone Guardian in Paris and I don’t know how to read the book. Can you teach me?” Adrien said in Mandarin. “At least I think that’s what it is. I said ‘Miracle Stone’ instead of Miraculous, because I think that’s a better translation—“
“Adrien!” Marinette grabbed his face with both hands, squishing his cheeks together. “You speak Mandarin!”
“Yes? Isn’t that what you were getting to? Asking me to be your translator?”
“I didn’t—we couldn’t—“
“Because I’m not supposed to know?” He asked delicately.
Marinette didn’t answer.
“Or because you believe you have to do this on your own?”
She groaned again. “Are you like a mind reader or something?”
He rested a hand on her shoulders and rubbed back and forth. “One of my many talents.”
“But, yes. That is what I’m worried about. I don’t want to get you too involved. I should at least talk to Chat about it.”
“Yeah, I think you should just be honest with him. Just tell him everything.”
“I can’t tell him everything, it would compromise my identity!”
“Um, just out of curiosity…why don’t you two know who the other is?”
“It was a safety measure, in case either one of us got akumatized, or under the control of an akuma. Our master was very strict about it.”
“But, you’re the guardian now. Isn’t it better to know each other? What if something happens to the other? There’s no one that would know who the other is.”
Marinette exhaled. “I’ve been thinking about that too. I just…I don’t know.”
“Okay. Well, I think you should let him in at least a little more. Just talk to him. He should at least know where your head is at.”
“Okay. I’ll start there.”
Adrien’s phone buzzed with a text. “Oh, who is it this time?”
Kagami: Where are you?
“Oh whoops! I needed Kagami to cover for me.”
Adrien: I’m with Marinette. There’s some class drama going on right now. Can you cover for me?
Kagami: Sure! Tell her she’s got me on her side. (Even though I’m not sure what’s going on.)
Kagami: Are you doing anything this weekend? I’d love to get Ice Cream with you! <3
Adrien winced, as he read the newest text.
“Is something wrong?”
“Um, just trying to figure out how to interpret this text. I think Kagami is asking me out.”
Her heart sunk. “Well, um…are you going to go?”
“Not if it’s a date.”
Adrien: As friends?
The little dots popped up, indicating that she was typing.
Kagami: I already told you that your indecision hurts me. Are we a couple or not? Please don’t waste my time.
“Woof. It’s like everyone is falling apart today.”
“What’s wrong? Can I help?”
Adrien smiled at her. “Not to be a complete hypocrite, but I have to handle this on my own. Should I just be blunt and honest?”
“Quite honestly, that seems like Kagami’s language.”
Adrien: I really care about you Kagami, and your friendship is very important to me. I don’t want to lose you. But I can’t be in a relationship with you. I’m very much in love with Marinette, and I just found out she feels the same. But I can’t be with her right now because of…extenuating circumstances. I wouldn’t be fair to you to be with you while I wait until things clear up for her. You deserve to be happy, and I don’t think I can be that person for you. I’m sorry.
“Adrien? Is everything okay?”
“I…I think I’m doing the right thing.”
Kagami: Thank you for your honesty. I wish you had told me sooner. We will remain friends, but I need some time. Tell Marinette I said hi and that I hope she feels better.
Adrien didn’t know how to respond to this very professional reply, so he just didn’t. He had heard you weren’t supposed to break up over text, but they weren’t exactly dating in the first place. More than likely, this conversation would be continued in person. Or she’d never talk to him again.
Instead, he noticed he had another unread text.
Nino: Did you take Marinette home? Is she okay?
Adrien gnawed at his lip. “Are you okay if I tell Nino kind of what the truth is? Besides your identity?”
Marinette shrugged. “If you can convince him, be my guest.” And she took a seat at her desk, pulling out some homework.
Adrien sat in the chair nearby, tapping out an honest reply.
Adrien: I took her home, still with her. She’s not great.
Nino: Alya said that Lila went to tell her mom about what happened. Please tell me she didn’t.
Adrien: She so did.
Nino: Ugghghhhgghhh We told her not to, especially since Alya confirmed that the coffee was cold. Ngl that whole thing at the end was super dramatic
Adrien: Of course. She’s an attention hog, and she demands it however she can get it. That includes lying out of her nose.
Nino: Lowkey bro, I haven’t been believing Lila’s stories for a while. I’ve been going along with it because she’s nice and Alya’s really good friends with her, but today was too much. It was not her place to out Marinette’s crush, especially in front of you. That was dirty
Adrien: Wait really? What made you start doubting her?
Nino: When she could never come through with any of her promises. A few times, sure, celebrities are busy, but every single time she said she’d pull a string, it would fall through. Chloe is more reliable than her. Why do you think I asked Marinette for help first?
Adrien: Boy I’m glad to hear you say that! Marinette’s feeling really overwhelmed because she has to pick up all the plans that Lila ruins.
Nino: Why? It’s not her fault. I love Marinette, but she’s got to stop catering to people.
Adrien: Dude…don’t get mad, but that’s kind of what tipped her over this afternoon. You said something like ‘she always has a solution’. She feels like everyone is depending on her to make things right.
Nino: Aw dude you’re so right! I noticed she started crying when I said that! I just didn’t get why! Aww man!
Adrien: I don’t think she minded helping people, but being asked to help and being expected to help are two totally different things
Nino: For sure dude.
Adrien: You trust me right?
Nino: Yeah dude! You’re my dog bro!
Adrien: Then know what I’m about to tell you is the absolute truth. Lila isn’t just lying for attention. She’s lying maliciously to hurt Marinette on purpose. And not only is she not friends with Ladybug, she HATES her. Chat Noir himself told me that she faked an injury to get him out of a fight and leave Ladybug alone with an akuma. When I told her she didn’t need to lie to make friends, she turned straight up evil. Marinette got on her bad side because she told her to knock it off. She lied about Marinette pushing her down the stairs, and all the other stuff that got her expelled. The only reason Marinette was allowed back at school was because I sorta blackmailed Lila. That’s when she made up that ridiculous lie about having a lying disorder.
Adrien’s phone laid on the desk for a moment, Nino’s contact completely silent.
Nino: Dude.
Nino: I gotta find Alya.
Nino: Stay with Mari.
“Okay. So, I think I won Nino over.” Adrien said with a relieved smirk.
Just then, Marinette’s phone buzzed. She had ignored it since coming home, knowing that there would be a plethora of foul messages from classmates. But she spared the screen a glance. “He just texted me. ‘Dude, I’m so so so so so so so so sorry that what I said hurt you. I only meant that you are extremely smart and clever and reliable. I never wanted to take advantage of you, but it’s nice to have someone in your corner, who you can trust and knows will be honest with you. You’re real, and I’m stopping communication with Lila now. What she did was not cool. Sorry this went on for so long. I’m talking to Alya now. Might take a while to wear her down. You know how she is. But she loves you, so she’ll see the light’.”
“Aw. Nino’s so cool.”
Her phone buzzed again. She blushed at the message, and turned it face down.
“What was that?”
“He said ‘behave’ and then a winky face.”
“Ha! I love Nino. It makes sense why you chose him to be Carapace.”
“You know about that?”
“Yeah, I know who all of the others are now. Except Chat Noir, but I have my suspicions.”
“Oh yeah, who do you suspect?”
“You know the performer XY?”
Marinette gagged. “No. Way. My Chat is way more handsome, kind, and talented than that pompous asshat!”
Adrien guffawed, and when he collected himself, he giggled out, “Handsome, huh?”
“Of course he’s handsome! But don’t you dare tell him I said that!”
“Your secret is safe with me.” He took on a more serious tone. “All of them are, you know? I promised I’d stuff this day in the back of my mind so no one will know.”
“Actually,” she gave a contented sigh. “It’s nice that someone knows. It’s nice that you know.”
“But we didn’t actually solve any of your problems.”
“Well, no. But we have a solid foundation to work on. I feel a lot more optimistic about being the guardian and dealing with Lila. I think the rest will fall into place when I have less on my plate.”
“And I’ll help you with Lila. Again, I’m sorry for my useless advice earlier.”
She rested a hand on his shoulder. “Adrien, it was helpful advice for what you assumed was going on.”
“I really tried, you know. She weaseled her way into my photo shoots, and I told her I wouldn’t boot her as long as she left you alone. And she hasn’t. So the deal is off.”
“You did that for me?”
“Of course!”
“Even without knowing that I’m...?”
“Yes! Marinette! You were always a very precious friend to me. The first that I really felt like I earned on my own. It really sucked to see you hurting, and I wanted to do whatever I could to protect you.”
Tears sprang to her eyes, but in a hopeful way this time. She threw her arms around him and squeezed. “You’re the best.”
He hugged her back, squeezing her tightly. “I try.” He glanced at his phone. “Looks like we got some time before I have to leave. Did you want me to look at that book? Or do you want to just play video games?”
“Honestly, video games sound awesome. Let me just go tell my mom you’re staying for dinner.”
After she left, Plagg appeared. “You doing okay kid? Your heart is just a hum for how hard it’s beating.”
“I’m fine, just...I guess still processing everything? No wonder she feels so overwhelmed.”
“I’d like to think that by confiding in you, she’s feeling a little better.”
“I hope. I know how particular she is about her identity. She might still be uncomfortable.”
“Are you going to tell her who you are?”
“Not just yet. On one hand, she might feel better knowing it’s not some random person who knows who she is, but on the other hand, that’s a whole other can of worms and just one more thing to worry about.”
“Yeah. But you’re also not a stranger to her. You’re a good friend and the boy she’s in love with.”
“Yeah…Marinette’s…Ladybug. And she’s in love with me…”
That was all the warning Plagg got before Adrien straight up passed out on the floor.
Marinette rushed back upstairs when she heard the thump. And thankfully Plagg heard her steps so that he could hide.
The dizzy spell only lasted a few seconds, as he groggily blinked back to awareness.
“Are you alright? Do you need water? Food?”
“Yes to all the above.” He stated with a lopsided smile. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just...I think my brain finally processed who you were and I just got really light headed.”
“You didn’t hurt yourself, did you?”
“No, I’m fine. Thanks Mari.”
She blushed.
“Is that okay? Can I call you that?”
“You can call me anything.”
“Okay boo boo bear.” He grinned.
She started giggling. “Oh no! Not disgusting pet names!”
“Snookie wookums?”
“Sweetie Mari pie?”
“My most ardent desire, love of my life?”
She calmed down her giggles. “That one’s pretty good, only if you say the whole thing every time.”
He smiled warmly at her. “Actually, I think I have the perfect name for you. But I’ll drop it on you when you least expect it.”
“Whatever you say...Blondie.”
“That’s the best you got?”
“I’ll think on it. I’ll get one that just melts your heart.”
There was a knock on the trap door. “Marinette?” Asked Sabine.
Marinette opened the door, and helped her mom with the tray of snacks and tea.
“Here you go. Plenty of feel good snacks to help a wounded heart.”
“Thanks Maman.” Marinette said earnestly.
“Now, I want you to know, I got in contact with Lila’s mother.” She sighed. “I’m so sorry honey, but she’s right up in Lila’s lies. She didn’t even believe me when I said Adrien had come over to clarify everything. Apparently, he’s dating Lila. There’s no way he would defend her bully.” Sabine gave them a flat look.
“Me? Date Lila? I’d sooner date a rancid garbage bag. And kiss it too!”
“Well, and least the garbage bag would never lie to you.” Marinette smiled.
“So, want do you want me to do?” Asked Sabine. “Stay out of this? Call the principle? Call a lawyer?”
“No mom,” Marinette said with an accepting sigh. “I think we’ll handle her.”
“Don’t do anything dangerous.” She warned. “I know you’re not a bad kid. But don’t stoop to her level.”
“Don’t worry. I intend to handle it with grace and dignity.”
“Dignity I can see. Grace? Just do your best.”
“Gee thanks.”
“Just let me know if you need anything. Talking to her mother didn’t work, but if we can a parent teacher conference...”
“That’s not a bad idea,” said Marinette. “But let me try a little longer. Adrien knows a little more about the situation, and so does Nino.”
“Okay baby.” Sabine smiled. “I’m proud of you. And I love you. You too, Adrien. I’m proud of you for coming here and making things right.”
He blushed. “Thank you Madam Cheng.”
“Alright, I’ll leave you kids alone. I’ll call for dinner.”
“Thanks mom!”
The video games were a great distraction from all the stress and revelations the day had brought. Smack talk, praise, puns, and even overt flirting.
“What’s wrong, Ladybug? Having trouble in a digital battle?”
“Oh you wish! I’ve fought in one of these for real!”
“Oh you lie! You think you can just tell me you did anything as Ladybug and I’ll believe it!”
“I mean, I can. You can’t prove I didn’t.”
“Yes I can, you’re sucking at this!”
“Oh but that’s just a part of my plan!” In a super mega ultra combo, Adrien’s health bar went from three quarters full, to only one hp left.
“Nonononono!!” He cried, mashing the block button.
It didn’t matter.
“Victory, thy name is sweet.”
“Guhhhh,” Adrien moaned as he flexed his sore hand. “And not a single victory for me.”
“You’ll get there some day.”
“When you go easy on me...”
“No promises there, handsome boy.”
He grinned at her.
From downstairs, Sabine called, “Adrien! Your bodyguard is here!”
“Wow, is it 8 o’clock already?”
The clock read 7:45.
“You know what they say, time flies when you’re having fun.”
He smiled softly at her. “And with you, every minute is an absolute blast.”
She blushed.
“Look, Marinette...” he trailed off, scratching the back of his head. “I...I want to be more than just a friend. I really...I love you. Truly.”
He winced. “A temporary but. I have a few loose ends I need to tie up before I ask you out, properly. I need to talk to my father, and I’d like to make sure Kagami’s okay. And I should probably mention it to Chloé.”
“Okay. That makes sense.”
“I just don’t want anything to ruin us before we even start, you know?”
“Of course. I understand completely.”
He sighed in relief. “Thank you. And um...I’ll leave you with this, so you know I’m serious.”
“Leave me with what?”
He swooped in, pressing the sweetest, warmest, lovely kiss of them all on her lips. It only lasted a few seconds, just to leave them both pining for more.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” He asked as they parted.
She didn’t have the words, as she only dumbly nodded back.
With his award winning smile, he pressed a tiny peck to her nose and then danced away before she could compose herself.
After he left, she sank to the floor.
“Wow! Looks like talking out your problems with someone really did help!” Said Tikki.
“Uh huh...”
“You okay?”
“Adrien...kissed me.”
“He sure did! That was really cute!”
“I love him...I’m going to marry him.”
“Okay, maybe slow down...”
“Don’t crush my dreams Tikki!”
At home, Adrien arrived 5 minutes before 8. But his father was still waiting outside his office.
“Welcome home, Adrien. Did you enjoy dinner with Marinette and her family?”
It was certainly nice to receive a warm welcome! “Yeah! Her mom made this soup that was really good, and we had fresh bakery bread!”
“Sounds lovely.” Gabriel stayed with a pleasant tone. “If you aren’t busy, I should like to finish our earlier conversation.”
“No. I mean, no I’m not busy! We can talk!”
Gabriel nodded and beckoned him into his office. They sat across from each other in chairs.
“I want to thank you for being so frank about the situation with Miss Rossi. I’ll admit, I was impressed with her quick wit and ability to fabricate stories—“
“Wait.” Adrien held up a hand. “You know she was lying?”
“Of course. I’m not an idiot. Her lies were obvious, but to the unpracticed ear, they’d go unnoticed. She seemed earnest enough when she told me she cared about you, and so I...had her keep an eye on you.”
Adrien felt his skin crawl. “She...spied on me?”
“Hmm. Spied is a little strong of a word. Just reported back to me the goings on of your classmates.”
“I mean,” Adrien began, sheepishly. “If you wanted to know, you could have just asked. I would have told you.”
“I should have. I see that now. Lila was obviously abusing my trust and taking advantage of you. She probably assumed she could get away with anything as long as she reported everything else.”
Adrien wiped his sweaty palms on his pants. He desperately needed a shower after this conversation.
“I feel kind of violated.”
“I understand. Lila had no business to touch you without your consent.”
“No, I mean, yes, that was very violating, but I meant, your spying on me. I thought you trusted me?”
“I do. Adrien, I do. Lila told me you were being manipulated by unsavory types. I now know that she was talking about herself. What you said about her lying to get Miss Dupain Cheng in trouble really hit me. We will be dropping her as a model, and I’ll be speaking with my lawyer in case she decides to turn her silver tongue on us.”
Adrien sighed in relief. “Thank you father.”
“You know if someone ever touches you in a way you don’t like, you’re allowed to say no. Right?”
“I...yes. I guess.”
“You guess?”
“Well, I just...it happens all the time. Models and stuff. Lila was just doing it off set too.”
Gabriel frowned in thought. “Does modeling make you uncomfortable?”
“No. Not really. Just...some of the times in like, couple shoots?”
“I see. I’ll look into getting you more solo sessions.”
This conversation was going a lot better than he expected. His father had certainly lowered Adrien’s expectations, but at least he was admitting allowing a teenager to spy on him was a bad idea.
“Now, about Miss Dupain Cheng.”
Adrien winced.
“What’s your...relationship, currently?”
“Right this minute, we’re still just friends. But very soon, I hope to be dating her.”
“Mmmm. You’re still very young, Adrien.”
“I know. But too young to love?”
His father gave a little chuckle. “You are so much like your mother. I suppose it would be hypocritical of me to prevent you from dating, since I dated at your age as well. Marinette has certainly proved to be an upstanding girl. Her family name is well known and respected, even in elite circles. If you wish to date her, you have my blessing.”
“But I would like to have dinner with her and her family, once you do ask.”
“Yes father, of course. Thank you!”
Today wasn’t so bad after all. Of course, it hurt to see his lady in so much pain, but he had been able to bring her so much happiness! And now this!
“There’s one more thing I wanted to talk about.” Gabriel took a very serious tone.
“Do you trust me?”
“I—yes! Yes of course father.”
“Good. Because I need to show you something. Something I should have shown you a long time ago.” He stood, and walked to the painting of Emilie behind his desk.
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nametags · 5 years ago
But her emails...
I aim to be a woman of integrity. I’ve sat on the content I’m about to share for almost 6 years in part because it originally was a private conversation between me and a friend. A friend who happens to be a lead singer of a band, but a friend none the less. However the way people have been speaking about him and what’s been going on in the world lately, I couldn’t let this stay hidden anymore.
I’m tired of people claiming that because Patrick no longer uses social media (and hasn’t for damn near five years at this point) that somehow he doesn’t “care” or isn’t doing anything right now to help the Black Lives Matter movement. I’m also incredibly tired of people ignoring/belittling the fact that Pete Wentz is a biracial/black man in America. You really do not want the social media person in charge of Patrick���s account tweeting things out. It would be hollow and fake.
Below is both a transcript of the conversation I had with Patrick on 12/06/2014, a follow up message he sent to me 08/25/2015, and the accompanying screenshots. Unfortunately I do not have the tweet(s) that prompted me to contact him in the first place nor can I find screenshots of them to provide that context. An image of me and my younger brother Jacob when we met the band at Boys of Zummer will also be attached to demonstrate one of the people I was concerned about in my original email. 
The only redactions made were my personal email address and the name of a friend I referenced. Patrick deleted his email account at some point between late 2016 and early 2017. It’s only left in these screenshots as proof for those who knew the address before to see these were legitimate messages. I hope the content reveals not only where his heart lies not only then but where it is now. 
Allison White: So I caught the insanity way late, but it's a tricky spot to be in with what's going on. For most of my life, I didn't even identify with half of my race. I was raised with my mom's side of the family and it just didn't click for me. It really hasn't been until teen years and onward that I've opened my eyes to it all. And with that, I began to grow wary of authority in a way. Like I still believe that people go into law enforcement for the right reasons. The few times I have dealt with police officers personally I haven't been concerned, but I have noticed in the past few years that when I spot a police car on the road or an officer just out in public somewhere is if I look "white enough" or do I actually look like an adult who belongs in whatever space I am in. I know Trayvon Martin was murdered by a vigilante and not an actual officer of the law, but that was when I first started to fear for my little brothers. I knew both of them were the sort of young men that could get targeted and most likely justice would not be found for them. And then there comes this summer. With both the Mike Brown and Eric Garner cases coming back with no indictment, it makes it feel as if it's just open season for black people to be hunted by cops. Which is hurtful for the cops who are actually in it to protect and serve, and every citizen who now has to wonder if they are next. I hope that your cousin is doing alright. I hope that people aren't making his job harder right now. Just I know for me right now with all that's going on I am definitely on the side of the protesters.
Patrick Stump: Brief for now; I'm sorry in all that you didn't notice that I'm squarely on the side of the protestors too. That's a failure of my wording
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PS: The problem is that I so poorly expressed myself, people thought I was balancing the empathy to be spread across the black community and cops. That's a mistake on my part. I'm angry.
I'm angry that Mike Brown's case didn't yield enough evidence to indict. But that case was a very complicated one...Brown had just (allegedly) committed a violent crime and information was murky. As sure as I was that Wilson straight up murdered the Brown, I understood the limitations of the american Justice system given how little evidence there was. That's the unfortunate reality of justice is that it needs to be just. It needs to be 100%. We can't go in with "I know in my heart." And so that case pissed me off, but I understood it. 
With Eric Garner however, this just feels so flagrant. By no accounts was he violent, wasn't he doing anything that could even be misconstrued as life-threatening enough to even imagine defending the usage of deadly force. He was cooperating and they choked him to death on camera. That's fucked up. I'm pissed. I tried to be polite and sit back and not say anything, but I'm pissed.
However, my reason for discussing the side of the police as well is that human beings are complicated. When we boil people down to simplistic stereotypes, when we create a narrative of "Us VS them," we lose sight of the humanity of it all. You can't reason with a "Them." You can only reason with a person and it works better when you remember they're people.
I don't believe in enemies. I'm not religious but I love the way Jesus preached "Love thy enemy." That's hugely influential to me. Hugely important. That's the empathy I mean.
The other night I was holding my son and I thought to myself about a black girl I used to date. And how, we could have had a kid together. Maybe a little boy. And how, that boy could (by no action of his own) be killed just for the color of his skin. Like, I've heard and read words like that before, but to actually connect with it (on as small a scale as that) was horrifying. Gutting. For a little moment I thought, all this joy and all this beauty and somewhere, someone's having a black baby boy, loving him and feeling all the same things I feel for my son. But I wondered if in between their tired diaper changes and their burpings, if they were saying a silent prayer "I hope you don't get killed by a cop." If they say it constantly because they know how possible it is. Or even if he lives to be a 100, what black man won't have an unjust run in with the law? Not to make it exclusively a male issue but seriously, how many black men are in prison right now in America? That's a disgusting thing. The young parent of a young black boy probably considers that and that's maybe the most depressing thing I've ever tried to understood. That's a horrifying thing. There really still is a racial divide in this country, and to not be black is to not say those little prayers. We live in a supposedly free country. What about the pursuit of happiness? Who's defending the right of that little black baby boy born somewhere in America to just be an adorable little baby without any pretense? And when that baby grows up, who's defending his right to walk down a residential sidewalk and not expect to get pulled over and frisked? Maybe worse? 
So I'm angry. Just plain angry. But I didn't want to offend anyone so I expressed my anger in the lightest way I could think of. 
I'm not sorry for having an opinion, I'm sorry I explained it so poorly that you didn't know what it was.
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AW: All of this is hard, and there is so much anger. You shouldn't ever be sorry for your opinions, and I am pretty sure you yourself have told people only be sorry for how you express your opinions. I wasn't upset with you or what you said, I just felt compelled to share that for me there's a knee jerk reaction to the image/idea of police and why.  This whole situation has been tough and it's been inspiring watching people across this country let their anger show and demonstrate in the streets against it. It makes me wish I was brave enough to take part in it out in the streets and not just online. 
I hope this collective anger and protest leads to real change. That in 2014 we are able to do the things they were aiming for in 1964. I mean recently the full letter the FBI sent to MLK to urge him into suicide was released and it just highlights the divide between how much has and has not changed. There's a lot of value in what religion is supposed to teach. Love thy enemy, love thy neighbor. True love and care for those around you is a great thing and certainly something I'd hope people identified with. 
The past nearly seven years there has been this push for hope and change. Maybe the country is finally reaching a point to make it happen?
PS: I have a funny feeling this is civil rights part 2. I'm proud of the protests. I'm so grateful our generation is angry about something it should be angry about for a change.
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AW: An argument can be made that our generation (or just post baby boomer generations in general) have been taught and fed nonsense to keep us compliant, but that veers into a territory that I am not completely sure or comfortable with. Overall I do think that this is heading a direction that the powers that be are not ready for in the slightest.
PS: Where did I go wrong? What do people think I said? They're so mad at me, and none of the people have said anything I didn't mean. I'm not getting angry right-wing stuff, people are just calling me a racist. What did I say that was racist? What do I think that's racist?
AW: There's a strong immediate reaction right now of if you sound slightly in favor of the officers that did wrong that you are racist. The swift reaction and need to dogpile on is kind of crazy. I think people took the initial comment to mean "not all cops!!!!" In the same vein as "not all men!!!" and that's where the rage is coming from. 
AW: Just to be clear, those who matter know you're not racist. You have shown both in your words and actions where your beliefs lie. I don't know how to calm the masses right now because at least for the time being its not going to get through :(
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AW: You could try a blog entry on tumblr?
PS: Nah, I think I've done enough damage for one lifetime. I think I'll keep it to myself but I appreciate your talking it through with me. 
AW: No problem. I am always willing to be a sounding board for that stuff if you need it.
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PS: I re-read my stuff; "I support our police," is the worst things said. I meant "I support the idea of police and the need for a police force we can trust on a national level," not "I support the police in NYC who are killing people and attacking protestors." That sucks.
AW: If you wanna try to clarify now you can. At least in your Google alert it only had one mention of he mess and it was a tumblr user supporting/defending you. 
PS: There's no fixing it. The Internet is unforgiving I think and the reality is, I said that. I didn't mean it in the way that it so obviously sounds, but I said that. So I deserve everything I get.
AW: It will most likely go easier if you let it ride out instead of trying to go out and fight it. That just gives the "he doth protest too much" air about it. Hopefully the energy behind letting you know you said something like that will dissipate sooner rather than later. And that it won't get big enough for someone to write a story about it. 
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PS: Yeah. It'll sound like back-pedaling and glad-handing. Anyway, thanks for talking it through! 
AW: You're very welcome! Thank you for hearing out my side of it this morning.
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PS:  I never would've ignored your side.
AW: Which is very much appreciated
AW: I say that because in the past two weeks I have lost a handful of friends because of all of what's going on and them being unable to understand how and why their words hurt me.
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PS: Well that's awful and unfair
AW: It was but they were all from the "when I look at you I don't see black, I just see Ally" camp and then would go on to say things about stereotypes and "thugs"
PS: Yeah. Thug. "Oh that's so ghetto." Bullshit.
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AW: When someone says "thug" it's always clear they wanna say the n word
PS: Or even if they're the kind of "Well meaning," person who knows enough not to say that word, they mean the same thing
PS: "Not like you. You're good"
PS: White America just needs to know what it doesn't know
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PS: Or rather, understand that there are things they (we) will never understand. Not from a first person perspective.
AW: It always makes me want to scream. The erasure of identity so then the people known to them stay safe. It reminds me of something I witnessed the other day. My friend [REDACTED] from junior high is now an established lawyer. Needless to say he has been keeping up very much with the recent events. He made a post about it and one of his friends commented with "I wish you would go back to being my friend [REDACTED] and not my black friend [REDACTED]." Mind you there's no denying [REDACTED] is a black man. He can't pass in the slightest so the comment shocked and saddened me. Thankfully [REDACTED] handled it with poise and grace. 
PS: If you have to say you have a "black friend," then you probably don't. That's fucked. I guess I just genuinely didn't imagine how pervasive this stuff really is. Like, Pete and Joe and I have been talking a lot today. I was under the misapprehension that we grew up in a decently inclusive area. Just come to find out, nobody used those words around me. The whole time they were heckling kids like Joe and Pete. I thought racism was this thing that doesn't happen here. It's scary how much it's come out post Obama's election. Elected officials sending out mass e-mails of pictures of watermelons. I just didn't get it. Ignorance is bliss.
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AW: It knows how to hide in plain sight, which is a lot of the problem. People are taught "don't be racist!!!!" Without being told exactly what racism is. People (myself included at times) aren't aware of words/phrases/ideas have nefarious ties until too late. 
PS: I think we get too caught up on words and not enough on what they imply. "Thug," means a prepackaged idea of a black male. It instantly limits his perceived intelligence, his perceived trustworthiness, his perceived value to society, and his perceived prospects in life. That's so fucked. We expect black men to go to prison. Not be doctors and lawyers. When a black man is a doctor or lawyer, we treat him like such a cool novelty. When a black woman asserts herself, she's so "Sassy." "You go girl." 
These little words and phrases feel harmless. They never were
AW: Those are the positives. Usually assertive black women are angry, mean. It's so fucked all around. 
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AW: I really owe Pete for helping me be informed on Ferguson. He tweeted the hashtag the night the protests started in August and it helped me dive in. I am sure tumblr would have got me to it eventually, but seeing it from day one was a definite help. 
PS: You know part of my problem? I'm just not brave enough to say what I think. I'm just scared of offending people. Pete's not. He doesn't care. That's powerful
AW: It takes a lot to just put it out there. I am not sure if I had the amount of eyes on me that you do that I would be so "fuck you I will do/say what I want" as I am. Hell I become such a shadow of myself when at work with how quiet and polite I am. I mean I am still pierced and tatted with short hair so visually I say a lot, but then I watch my speech to make us for it. 
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(Follow up on 8/25/2015)
Patrick Stump: That is amazing and I'm very flattered. By the way; Been thinking about our conversation from a year ago a lot. The takeaway is this: Saying "All lives matter," and "Not all cops," while literally true are contextually horrendous. Really awful. In retrospect I feel pretty awful about saying both. Specifically because "All lives matter," can carry a lot of implications. Who's lives? I meant by it that Latinos and Muslims are also unreasonably targeted/mistreated/murdered by cops. But is it as systematic or blatant as it is with darker skinned Americans? Not remotely. Furthermore, as a white man, I just need to remember how fucking easy I have it. It's easy for me to preach peace and unflinching patience when I've NEVER been a victim of the War On Drugs or the aftermath of straight up slavery. So there's a lot to think about in terms of what I, a white guy, have to say and do about the situation. But not a lot I have to say about the way it feels to be oppressed to the point of feeling like less than a citizen of this country. I shouldn't have spoken about it because I don't/can't know. Well-meaning white folks get to talk about policy changes and do everything we can to help, otherwise we should get the fuck out of the way. I'm sorry, really REALLY sorry to the world that I ever said either of those things. It's more than "Fuck the police." It's "Fuck this whole system." And as aware as I'd been, I hadn't realized how complacent in it I was. Anyway, disgusted I said what I said. Sorry to the whole world for being part of the problem
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dikiyvter · 4 years ago
23 & 31? :eye: for either or both
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Of course aid anything 4 u <3
Uncommon Questions [ accepting ]
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23. How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)?
For Gio: Envy is... kind of a scale of ugliness for Gio, to be honest. First and foremost his envy is typically not something ugly; It's typically something that turns more into a hopeful longing other than any sort of truly resentful behavior. Just because he wants what someone else has doesn't mean that he needs to take it from them necessarily; the world is not a pie to be split among it's inhabitants. He views the world as an endless wealth, and if he wants something someone else has, all he has to do is work to get it himself. Ultimately his longing to be human and to take a quiet role in human society spawns from envy of the lives that humans lead.
... And then there's the far uglier envy. Gio is a rather childish individual who experiences emotions very strongly; In part this is subconscious acting, and in part it's genuine truth; He's really never been good at things regarding emotions primarily because he's never been taught a whole lot in regards to control of ones emotions or ways to manage them. He's a bit... emotionally stunted but more in the 'seems like an erratic mood swing-y mess because he feels very strongly' sense and less, you know, [gestures at Baal and Zhongli]. There is thus always a chance that when Gio becomes envious of something, his first reaction is that of intense resentment towards whoever it is that has what he doesn't- This is partially true even for his love of humanity. Even though he starts off with the thought of "this is beautiful" it was still interlaced with a lot of bitter resentment that he would never really have that; Coming to terms with his worldview is what got rid of that. But it's a bit harder to have a mentality of 'the world isn't a pie; someone having a bigger slice than me doesn't mean i can't have more if i want it' when its... say...
A person whom you love whose fallen for another or is having all of their time taken up by them.
For Riga: ...Riga gets a much shorter paragraph and for that I apologize, but I have a lot more thoughts regarding Gio on this subject considering that lil clowns got a lot of conflictions and nuance to ramble about. Riga, on the other hand, tends to be far more simplistic in the things he is feeling and how he is feeling them; though this isn't to say he feels any less strongly or erratically than Gio does.
Rigatello typically feels envy as a genuinely ugly awful emotion that typically results not just in resentment but in a very, very intense form of frustration. A major part of his character is that he is someone who wants very little, but the few things he does want are things he perceives more as needs; Case in point being he doesn't perceive wanting Gio to care about him as being a want, he sees it as a need, and when your needs are denied you become... what? Angry. Frustrated. Depressed. Envy turns him violent, because why should others have what's rightfully his? Why are others entitled to the few things he truly needs? Why is he not deserving of these things? There's a tangible cycle to a lot of Rigatellos emotions, and it's that he is confronted with something ( or someone ) he wants; He becomes reliant, he thinks he needs them ( using gio as an example; He cannot imagine who he is without Gio nearby. He cannot imagine himself in the hierarchy that is set between them both and Dottore without Gio there, because Gio has always been the one to provide a release of tension, even if the relationship the two of them shared was at times very far from healthy; The change of something he sees as being integral to his identity and his place in his little corner of society is something that throws him VERY badly; Rigatello is someone very afraid of any meaningful change because the fear of what comes next and that change leading to potential failure is one that haunts him ) ; They move away from him, and he panics, because he has very little and thus clings desperately to what few things he has; Cue the cycle of seeing that which he 'needs' with someone else, being angry, being frustrated, falling down the rabbit hole of wondering why he isn't worthy, arriving at depression, resparking that frustration, and... repeat.
A lot of his envy spawns almost purely from a place of this frustration-depression loop of wondering why he isn't good enough-- something that ties in heavily with the way he was 'raised', where threats of being scrapped were thrown freely, and any failure could potentially result in his literal destruction.
Wait this wound up being longer than Gios. Whoops.
31. Who are they the most glad to have met?
Okay here's where we ease into me being able to make coherent sentences again bc i'm not bound purely by my muses emotions <3
For Gio, It would be Venti, in more ways than one. First he had technically met Barbatos. The ideal Barbatos gifted to Mondstadt that rubbed off on the freshly-created and quite impressionable Gio; It was Mondstadt and their talk of freedom that lit the little fire that eventually turned into Gio pursuing his autonomy and humanity. Then was the archon; Barbatos gave his vision to him, and without that Gio never would have managed to escape Dottore, and if he didn't currently have it he wouldn't have been able to evade capture for this long. It also served as a constant reminder of Mondstadts ideals -- And not just that, but the special shape that the vision takes has always been a symbol that although Snezhnaya was his home-- Mondstadt was where he belonged. Then came Venti; Someone who made him feel welcomed in Mondstadt when he was initially very nervous about being there. He and Venti became dear friends ( possibly more ) and now that's someone he looks forward to every time he's on his way back to Mondstadt. The city truly feels like home to him now, and that's mostly because of Venti-- and even if his friend doesn't wish to be seen as Barbatos the archon, Gio cannot help the appreciation he feels for those previous actions, nor for the general ideals that Venti / Barbatos inhabit.
For Riga, that would be Lio, no contest. It.. it would take me ten years to explain all of Rigatellos feelings towards Lio there's so much shit at play they mesh so fucking well together their traumas and mentalities are such similar echoes, Lio is literally the only person in the world that Rigatello has felt genuine love and affection for and not in some way panicked and tried to burn the bridge before it could burn him; He feels genuinely safe and happy with Lio, and the fear that constantly haunts him is eased in their presence; He trusts not just Lio but himself, the fear he typically fears when he touches others is gone because they trust him so thoroughly that in the midst of their love it's hard to be afraid of himself. He feels for once that he can be something that protects instead of something that exclusively does damage; He feels cared for, wanted, loved, when all his life he's felt rejected and constantly on the brink of destruction. Where he once was told his wants and thoughts don't matter he has now found someone who cares very much for what he wants and what he thinks and FUCK I have a lot of thoughts about these two.
40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
Oh god, here's another thing I can't fully explain.
For Gio: Immensely. Gios current mentality is essentially that if he just closes his eyes and refuses to think about it then he doesn't have to deal with his flaws, and if anyone points them out he can just get mad about it and avoid them until he dies because he does. not. want. to. think. about. it. He HATES feeling bad, he hates feeling negatively about himself, he doesn't... know how to genuinely change things about himself; And I think that. That itself can be very much shown in how he treats the fact that he's not human? A person? Yes, he's a fully sentient person with his own thoughts and expressions and free will, a human? Not exactly. He's made out of metal and circuitry and artificial materials, and this is simply a factual statement, its not opinion; But he almost treats it like it is. He sees this idealized version of humanity that he wishes to be a part of but he cannot fathom how he can be apart of it if the core thing about himself isn't changed, but its NOT something he can change; Instead of accepting that, however, and still going on with his goal to pursue his autonomy and humanity despite this, Gio would... honestly rather stick his fingers in his ears and go "lalala" because he doesn't really have the toolset to mentally deal with the contradiction of "I want to be human but I can't". He perceives a need to change that isn't there, and instead of trying to address it he ignores it entirely in hopes that... it'll just stop being an issue that he needs to address with himself at some point. The same mentality applies to a lot of his flaws. Does he know hes being avoidant of his problems? Does he know that it's going to cause more issues in the future? He does. But he can't even address it with himself because it makes him feel bad, let alone with someone else who could actually provide him with skills that he needs to change his behaviors and mentality.
For Riga: Okay he genuinely gets a shorter paragraph this time because in short? Rigatello doesn't care. Admittedly he kind of wears his flaws on his sleeve. He's a "says it right on the tin" kind of guy most of the time, where he's typically mostly open about the less positive parts of himself-- If not exaggerating them as a means of keeping people away. There are of course the flaws that he hides due to them stemming from traumas, and his general desire to hide all things relating to his personal thoughts and feelings-- But this in and of itself could be perceived as a flaw, though one very unexplored considering Lio is his first close relationship with another person where he's been in any form open about his own thoughts and feelings, away from the influence of Dottore or the Fatui.
Rigatello does have... slightly less healthy perception of what counts as flaws in himself, though, such as having his own thoughts and emotions. He perceives his traumas as weakness, and weakness is a flaw, to him-- So too, then, are his traumas. He's not sensitive about this in the sense that Gio is where he's willfully ignoring something he's doing wrong; Riga doesn't... know that this isn't a good mentality. He.
Riga is kind of hard to explain this regard because of how severely impacted Rigatello is by the traumas hes endured, the people he was 'raised' by, and the current lifestyle that he leads. His emotional understanding is extremely limited and always has been, and I'm not entirely sure how to put it in coherent wording; Because typically when I try to talk about Riga and emotions it devolves into word vomit because his thoughts are just... nonsense screaming pain mush that he doesn't know how to cope with so he tells himself to toughen up, shoves it in the closet, and goes on with his day until he can lay down at night and have a meltdown--
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
Honestly? The general rule of thumb is that I don't typically write people that I myself would get along with, if only because I know way too much about my own characters and their flaws? When. I look at people that I get along with, its primarily people who are patient enough to deal with my memory issues and my general lets say... low iq, to be nice. They're mostly laid back people who don't give too much of a shit one way or the other, but are friendly and fun to talk to because they have interesting ideas to contribute to a conversation, give room for others to contribute, and don't mind a bit of chaos when things inevitably devolve.
When I look at the characters I write... They all have some sort of flaw that directly contradicts the core things I typically find in someone I get along well with?
Gio is someone who I think I could get along with for a while; But inevitably his flaws, his distress regarding those flaws, and his subsequent refusal to acknowledge them in any meaningful form would inevitably stress me out and it would start to get tiring.
Bluntly put Riga is scary and I feel like I'd be stressed out 24/7 that I'm going to irritate him... And his general mindset of emphasizing his own flaws to push people away would just make me angry and I'd probably wind up letting him isolate himself because, having once been someone who was very much that way, I no longer deal well with that degree of self-pitying behavior b/c it pisses me off.
Outside of this blog, Ku Shen and I could probably get along pretty well, but I think the issue is that he's a massive introvert who would go Weeks in-between texting, and I have the memory of a goldfish and i'd inevitably find myself in a position where i have a text from him that's been waiting for me to answer for the past week and I'm too nervous to reply because I feel awkward being like 'hi i have untreated adhd sorry', and then suddenly three months has passed and I just can never talk to this man again.
...I'm going to include my Morax on here as well even though it's blog isn't super active; Look I might actually be able to chill with Morax if only because we vibe in either 'i am listening to you ramble for 3 straight hours with occasional questions or commentary' or 'we have both been dead fucking silent for the past 3 hours' and these are both my ideal ways to exist in someone elses presence. Also I feel like it'd wanna do fun shit and likes going on walks or smth. 10/10 I think I could get along with Morax.
H) What trait do you admire most?
Ah fuck okay. Uh. For Gio... I admire his optimism and hope. I consider myself to be a generally hopeful person but I'm not typically the kind of like... ~ * direct action * ~ person, and Gio VERY MUCH IS in most regards. He's generally super fucking ambitious and if he WANTS something he will GET IT and you cannot STOP HIM and I just wish I had that level of
I. Dedication II. Energy III. Optimism in actually completing the goal
For Riga? I guess it would be his general tenacity and endurance. He goes through. A lot of shit. Constantly. And he just keeps trudging on forward without pause. He does what he needs to do, and if you get in the way of him and what he needs to get done, then he'll make you fucking regret it. Top tier shit 10/10 good for him.
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innenofutari · 5 years ago
On Goro Akechi’s morals and forgiveness (character analysis, but also just a very rambly post)
Akechi is… a very interesting character, I have no doubt about this. Also my favorite of course, if you hadn’t figured that out yet by this giant text you’re about to read (sorry). I have a lot I want to talk about in regards to him since he is so intriguing and we actually don’t have that much info about how his thought process works so it leaves a lot of room for speculation.
In any case, in this meta in specific I’m going to be talking about Akechi’s...morality(?), forgiveness and his relationship with regret. I’m not sure if that’s the best word to define this but I’ll roll with it for now. I’ll try to be fair and talk about things as I personally see them, it’s totally fine if you don’t share my views! Now, onto the actual meta.
Starting off, as people are obviously aware, Akechi is a morally gray character, a darker shade of, but he’s a sympathetic and tragic character nonetheless. That much is undeniable, he was written to be sympathetic, even if I’d argue Atlus did a pretty poor job of it in Vanilla (he was still my favorite ever since then though lol) but he’s reached his true potential in Royal, which makes me immensely happy to see. I get so unbelievably happy whenever I see people saying Royal changed their perception of him and started to like him more! But even then, there are a lot of people who just can’t forgive him for what he did, and that’s only natural. I personally think that, if you don’t try to sympathize with Akechi and truly, truly try to understand his mind and history, you’re doing him a huge disservice. But, forgiveness is something that everyone is free to think and decide if he deserves it or not. In Akechi’s case, I feel like forgiveness is something much more personal to the player, and this shows between the Phantom Thieves too.
There is a visual novel I hold very close to my heart called Umineko no Naku Koro Ni (which I’ll be quoting relentlessly throughout this entire post) that illustrates what I think better than I could put into words, so I’ll be quoting that scene with a few tweaks for better context:
“You said you understood the culprit’s motive.”
“Is that motive… a satisfying explanation for why they’d [commit murder]?!”
“Who knows. That’s for you to decide. Even if I say it’s satisfying, that doesn’t mean it will satisfy you. …You have to decide that for yourself.”
I really like this. It reminds me a lot of Akechi’s situation. I firmly believe that this has no “objective”, “most correct” answer to, just your personal feelings, which are the most important. I, as a player, do forgive Akechi, I want him to have a happy ending, another chance at life, manage to live happily with Akira and have some fun for once. That’s what “forgiveness” means to me in this situation, but while some people may empathize with Akechi, they still can’t forgive him. They think he should stay forever in jail or die since he cannot be redeemed in any way in their eyes. Where do I wanna go with this endless blabbering you ask, and I respond, I just want to try and see Akechi’s actions through two different lenses.
Well, I personally don’t like downplaying the crimes he committed and dumbing it down to “he was being manipulated” because, even if this is not false, it is not entirely correct either. Akechi is so fun to speculate about because he’s a character who is always clashing against himself in various ways as if he was in a constant state of internal turmoil, and this is not very different.
Akechi himself made the choice to go to Shido. It is extremely unlikely that he didn’t know he was going to be using his new powers for murder. He may have been very young, but despite the fact that he was a child forced to mature prematurely, he knew exactly which type of person Shido was. When he walked into that deal he was aware of the consequences and had fully made peace with the fact that he’d be taking another person’s life. Now, I’m not saying that Shido never manipulated him because he did, but not with that particular choice. 
This alone tells plenty about Akechi’s morals. I believe that Akechi indeed has some level of empathy for other people, but I sincerely doubt he feels especially bad about the Okumura-like people he had to kill. He might feel bad for the family of the victims or just feel nauseated with himself, however, he doesn’t regret a thing. As if he had grown numb to it. ...Until a certain point, that is, but I’ll talk about that later.
I would also like to elaborate further on Akechi’s continuous conflict with himself, and this particular piece of Maruki’s confidant immediately reminded me of this:
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He’s talking about Akira here, but isn’t it interesting to note that Akechi’s internalized and externalized realities are, in contrast to Akira’s, the farthest they could possibly be from each other? His sense of justice, childlike desire to be loved and seen as a hero, in contrast to the cold-blooded murderer he had become? It’s like there are two people fighting it out inside of Akechi’s brain (lol) which must cause him a lot of distress. I don’t believe that Robin Hood is a ruse or that his Detective Prince façade is entirely fake. The way I see it, they are his ideal, which he strayed so far away from he lost grasp of who he himself is.
In my opinion, Akechi has never cared about fame the slightest bit, he used all of that as an opportunity to act out the person he wished he was, just and virtuous, while still being the feral murderer and bloodstained person he is today. These are two integral parts of him that he has never known how to reconcile. It’s interesting to note that in the third semester he was the one who since the beginning advocated firmly to return to the harsh reality but he had spent the entire game living in the comforting “detective prince” dream he made for himself until the engine room scene happened. 
With the third semester context, the engine room becomes so interesting because that scene is akin to Sumire finding out she’s not Kasumi. It’s a cold bucket of water thrown straight to Akechi’s face and telling him to wake up from this lie he made to comfort himself and face reality: he is no hero. Despite the fact that he is, too, a victim, he is simultaneously a murderer who perpetuated with the cycle of his father’s aggressions and he cannot escape that fact. Worse, he was being manipulated all along and his revenge plan and arguably his only reason to live AND justification for his actions was completely crushed.
Once again, this Umineko scene illustrates what I think Akechi’s situation up until that point was like:
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Akechi rationalized every awful, inexcusable thing he did as, “It’s for my revenge’s sake” and ran with it. He was incredibly blinded by his hate and ignored the weight of the consequences of his actions up until that point where everything came crashing down right in front of his eyes. There is no excuse and no justification for that.
However, Akechi was also abused himself. There is no excuse for what he did, but is getting back at the person who took everything from him so reprehensible a thought? Is wanting justice against someone who essentially ruined your life not understandable? Many people like to say “cool motive still murder” or things of the like, but I’m asking you again to put yourself in his shoes.
Yet AGAIN with a Umineko screencap:
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I played this the other day and one of the first things I thought of was Akechi. A lot of people draw parallels between Akechi and Adachi, but that’s just so damn wrong and make me lose my hair so much and become completely bald because that couldn’t be farther from the truth and I’m gently asking you to reconsider. In the pic above, Adachi would fit the “homicidal maniac” mentioned to a T, and while Akechi is by absolutely no means free of guilt and much less a stellar person, his crimes were moved completely by his heart. 
For the people who use his choice to become Shido’s hitman to say Akechi does not deserve any kind of forgiveness and that he’s a murderous maniac, I ask you to at least think of what state of mind he was at that moment. Think very hard about it, imagine how completely bleak life must have looked like then, to the point that he risked everything on murder.
This is nothing more than my speculation, but I believe Akechi’s thought process at that moment was something along the lines of, “I have nothing to lose since my (current) life is completely meaningless". It was as if he had reached such a numb state he chose to forgo all his morals and humanity in pursuit of at least one thing that would give his life meaning, that being his hate for Shido, which I also think was the only emotion he ever truly understood well ever since his mom passed.
Since Akechi is all about conflicting emotions though, I would also like to remind you how vulnerable Akechi really is to any kind of affection. His “childlikeness” that Robin Hood represents was, by all accounts, still there. Akechi has a desperate need to be loved while simultaneously putting up walls and wearing masks, making it extremely difficult to have any kind of meaningful relationship. This is something that Shido thoroughly takes advantage of, too.
That’s also why one of his lines to Akira hit so much harder for me, following this reasoning. “If only we had met a few years earlier,” expresses many emotions at once. If Akechi had known something other than misery and hatred during that period of his life he would not have latched so thoroughly to that revenge plan. Akechi simply had nothing to lose, since he had nothing at all.
I mentioned earlier that Akechi doesn’t regret a thing, which I still think it’s true. Before he had met Akira, he truly did not regret a thing, but meeting Akira caused him a lot of strife because not only Akira is a person whose whole existence flaunts everything Akechi could have had if he hadn’t fallen into fate’s trap, but Akechi also experiences happiness through his connection with Akira. Hanging out and talking to him truly makes him happy, and it’s something more genuine than he’s ever known. Yet, it’s too late, because his choices were already set in stone and he had already pulled the trigger with no way to take any of the bullets back.
That’s why Akechi is so confusing, so controversial and sometimes uncomfortable to think about. There is no clear line between good or bad, he just is something in the middle. Akechi is both a person who ruined a lot of people’s lives with no regard whatsoever to the consequences but also a victim rebelling and retaliating against the person who took everything from him and made his life a living hell. That’s why it’s so hard for not only some players to form opinions about him but also downright uncomfortable for the Phantom Thieves to think about. There is no objectively best answer for what he deserves. It just doesn’t exist. Should he spend the rest of his life in jail, or dead, because his crimes were inexcusable? Or should he be given another chance at life to learn to be happy? It’s entirely subjective, and that’s why he’s so great to think or discuss about. 
Aaand that’s it, I’m grateful you read so far, hope I didn’t piss anyone off, also not gonna pretend this wasn’t very self indulgent because of the amount of times I quoted Umineko in it. Anyways, thank you!
SIDE NOTE: I didn’t write this recently, it had been sitting on my drafts for some months now and I found it again today and decided to just release it into the wild because why not? I think this was meant to be much longer than it is and to elaborate more eloquently on a lot of points I brought up (like the PT with Akechi) but alas, I lost the train of thought and so it Perished.
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evakuality · 6 years ago
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I’ve been thinking of doing this for a long time, but it kind of got kicked into another gear when I got this ask a while back.  That gives a broad overview of the similarities and differences between these boys, but I’m also interested in drilling down and looking at them as their respective stories progress.  Now I know a lot more about Isak because I have actually seen all the seasons of Skam and have only seen the full season 3 of Druck.  So I’m going to stick to the storylines in their own seasons, but bear in mind that there’s a broader understanding of Isak behind what I’m saying.  Having said that, I did watch those ‘season x but it’s just Matteo’ videos for s1 and 2 of Druck but it’s not really helped a huge deal.  I don’t feel like I have that good a handle on his character as it stood before s3 started.  Anyway, the thing about these characters is how fascinating it is that they share a lot of similarities (of course, since Matteo is based on Isak) and yet they’re very different and their stories play out in quite different ways.  So I decided to take a look at why this has happened.  Episode by episode because as usual I’ve been very wordy.
Season 3 introductions: From the start, we get some very different vibes from the two of them.  The music chosen to set the scenes for each is interesting from this point of view.  Isak’s is ‘LiQR’ which holds suggestions of needing social lubricant to enjoy the situation.  And indeed, there is a lot of that on display: people drinking, smoking etc to enable them to enjoy the party.  Matteo’s, by contrast, is ‘turning me on’ with it’s heavy suggestions of sex.  That also plays out.  Lots of sexually charged behaviour happens before we see him and even when he meets up with the boys it’s all very explicitly sexual.  I think in a lot of ways, these things set up how the seasons play out.  Isak does need to learn how to rely on himself rather than the easy drug and alcohol-fueled flippancy he’s been used to hiding behind.   By the end of the season he’s much more secure in his own sense of self and we see much less dependence on those social lubricants.  Matteo has been holding back from his life, including sexually, staying on the edges of those conversations etc (and it’s interesting that when he blows up later in the season at the boys it’s sex talk that he targets as the way they piss him off), and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Matteo waits til the last episode before this is something he really explores.
Then we get the actual introductions of each of the boys.  Isak’s in a bathtub surrounded by his friends, outside of the party which is what we see first.  Matteo is at the party, but on the wall.  He’s isolated himself not just from the schoolmates but also from his friends who at this point are in the bathtub together.   Isak is far more integrated into the boys’ conversation than Matteo is, and seems to be far more consciously deploying the ‘I’m a straight guy’ cover.   Matteo, as we see later in this episode, almost falls into the pretence without his own impetus, whereas Isak very definitely uses it to convince the boys.  There’s a reason for this: Matteo has fallen into a reluctant relationship with his Sara and is still in it.  Isak has removed himself from the relationship with his Sara, and has no ties at all with Emma.  In fact, he uses her as his cover story before we meet her.  Once she’s there, he has to carry through with it or he risks losing his mask with his friends.  It’s very obvious that he’s only doing this for their sake by how quickly and how thoroughly he pulls back as soon as they’re gone.  Matteo is still with his Sara, and we see him with her before we see him with the boys.  He’s dragged into it by her but doesn’t want to be there at all, and yet he plays along.  He seems kinder at the start (not to say Isak isn’t kind, but he hides that side of himself a lot more at the start of the season), and he doesn’t want to hurt Sara at all.  Isak’s ‘insult her to intrigue her’ thing isn’t something I can see Matteo doing at all, even if he wasn’t already connected to Sara in a deeper way than Isak is to Emma.  
The interesting thing here is that, despite the very deliberate facade Isak is wearing, Isak has a real connection with his friends and he has a happy enough life.  I get the feeling that if Even hadn’t come along, Isak was reasonably happy with how things were.  He may be tired of the pretence but it isn’t affecting his ability to engage in the rest of his life.  For example, Isak has a much longer time with the boys in the bath and he’s much more present in the conversation.  Matteo is very quiet by comparison, and is faced with explicit sex talk immediately, while Isak’s boys are much less forthright at this point (again, this ties into sex being part of Matteo’s learning curve; that’s all part of being present in his own life by the end).   Part of this is because Matteo is isolating himself, putting himself on the edges and he quite clearly doesn’t really enjoy his life.   From the start,  Matteo is a lot softer with less hard edges, and so he feels a lot of the things in his life more obviously than Isak does.  He’s also a lot more internalised than Isak is, even though they are both fairly clearly introverts.
Matteo has already gone through getting with Sara, so his comments to the boys about things with her are all vague; he has no need to convince the boys of his heterosexuality as he’s already got the cover he needs.  Isak has to ‘perform’ in front of the boys to make good on his boasts, and indeed he has to make the boats in the first place to let them know he’s into girls when they question him.  This is partly his own fault: he talks up his chances and talks a good talk so when Emma arrives he’s put on the spot.  Still, even though the situations for each here is different, they’re both left alone with their own thoughts when the boys leave.
Interestingly, they’re both isolated and unhappy at the end of the bathroom section, but how they get there is different.  Isak is there because of Emma and how that whole little farce had felt (pretty awful as it went on and he was left alone with her), whereas Matteo was already there before he got into the room and lets it out properly once the boys have left and he can be alone.  Neither of them has any focus on the girls they’re with at this party; Isak is performing for the boys, and Matteo is so tuned out he can’t wait to get away from Sara.  He’s not performing here, just genuinely totally not into it.  They both reject sexual advances from the girls, though at different points in this episode.  Emma has literally just met Isak and wants to go down on him, which flusters him because she’s just supposed to be an easy cover and not this forward this soon.  Later in the episode, Sara wants to seal their newfound relationship with sex.  Both boys are visibly uncomfortable (to the audience) with the idea and find ways to get out of it.  Both girls don’t recognise how uncomfortable the boys are, though Sara seems to get it faster.  She just always manages to talk herself out of it.
Getting the weed is different too.  Isak’s boys are arguing about who ‘has’ to take it, whereas Matteo keeps it as a way of teasing when Abdi wants it back.  They both have different responses to the police as well.  Isak’s not at his own place, and just wants to get rid of the weed.  Matteo fobs off responsibility for talking to them (but only after Linn also does), and plants the weed on Amira.  Matteo’s actions are far more shitty to the person who confronts him about it, though both are shitty in trying to hide it somewhere that it will come back to bite someone else if found.  This of course means Isak doesn’t know what happened to his weed, whereas Matteo does which in turn changes how they go about getting it back.  
Isak in general is far more glib, able to use his wit to get himself out of trouble (eg with the police the way he talks to Emma etc), apart from the disastrous story he tries to spin Eva to get the weed back from her.  Matteo is much less vocal even with his friends, and therefore less able to talk his way out of things.  They both end the clip (or start the next one) with their Jonas, but Isak’s much more bro-ish.  He seems by this point to be over whatever it was that he felt for Jonas.  Whereas Matteo is very clearly still pining.  This of course changes how they approach their love interests.  Matteo seems hit by a truck, whereas Isak is flustered again.   Isak sees Even in a very public place, catches his eye across a crowded cafeteria and immediately tunes out everything the others are saying.  He’s ready, I think, to find this overwhelming big passion, the thing that will force him to drop his carefully cultivated mask.  Matteo, on the other hand, is tuned out of his life already, moving once again away from his friends, going through the motions of the day.  He wakes up suddenly when David appears.  He doesn’t need to break a facade at all; he’s a bit more self aware I think, in terms of accepting who he is.  So, what he needs is someone to push him out of his apathy and make him face life.
The social media stuff the morning after the party is interesting too.  Isak is included and involved even if Eskild insults him a bit; he’s cuddled up with the others while they talk to Noora.  Matteo leaves before they take the picture and so is once again excluded, even from his own bedroom, though again this is a deliberate choice he makes when Jonas and Hans are talking.   Matteo flinching away from Jonas when Hans comes in is fascinating too.  He’s hiding everything he’s feeling and it’s part of what’s isolating him so much.  We see Isak consciously deploy a persona to cover up for who he is, so he puts himself out there almost as a larger than life version of himself.  But Matteo doesn’t want that; his preference is to fade so far back into the shadows that no-one ever notices him and he does everything he can not to be noticed and not to be seen as different.  
Having said that, Matteo is a lot more proactive in some ways than Isak (again, not to say Isak isn’t, but Matteo takes more action even at this point).  It’s his choice to go and talk to Amira and try to get the weed back.  This is partly because he knows exactly who has it and Isak doesn’t, but it plays out over the rest of the season as well.  He’s an odd mix, actually, because he’ll let people tell him what he should think and he’s passively willing to go along with Sara but I think it’s because it doesn’t really matter to him.  When it does matter, he’s all action and quite determined.  Isak will be proactive in defence of his mask or persona, but he doesn’t do much about pushing in other ways.  This is seen quite clearly at the kosegruppa meeting vs the abistreich meeting.  Isak slips away, sure, but he follows Even outside and kind of lets the conversation come to him.  For the first half, Even is definitely the leader and Isak follows, even if he picks it up more in the second half.  Matteo, by contrast, speaks to David first, gets him to come along with him to the hallway and is the one offering weed.  While they both take an active part in their respective conversations, Matteo is more of a leader definitely at the start.  David does eventually engage further in the conversation and gives as good as he gets, but Matteo is the driver for a lot of the first half.  
So that’s the first episode.  Clearly, while our boys have some similarities and their stories are still mostly the same at this point, the differences in the way they are presented and the way they react have already turned up some big contrasts.  It all boils down to what each has to learn, and as I said earlier, for Isak that’s to open up to himself in a more real and authentic way.  To drop the mask and be true to himself.  For Matteo that’s how to re-engage in life and stop hanging on the sidelines letting things passively come to him.  They both actually make some progress with this stuff in this episode, but they both have a long way to go.
Episode two can be found over here.
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17. Clara
Author’s Note/Table of Contents
Bill's arrival honestly could not have come at a better time. Perhaps I was a bit too quick to feel hopeless, after all.
Standing together with my friends in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, my sister standing in the front where she could see Bill, I felt a sense of unity radiate from the few of us--even if Merula and Ismelda were there, it didn't affect the surging uplift of hope that pumped through my being. To be fair, I think it was the first time we were all standing together in one room without any other clueless students or teachers holding strict authority around. So long as we worked together as one united force, we could face any obstacle ahead. The warmth that radiated within felt very different from the cold boldness I got from Rakepick last year when I worked as her apprentice curse-breaker--that, at least, was a good change.
Well, not to mention that we needed a better professor than the one we had now.
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"Thank you all for coming," Bill told everyone, a huge smile on his face as he looked at the group. "You might be wondering why I've called you here."
Ben shook his head stiffly in response. "I don't waste time wondering anymore. I just take action."
"Blimey, Ben!" Tonks exclaimed, shock written all over her face. "When did you get so interesting?"
"'Interesting' isn't how I'd put it..." Penny warned her friend, a look of embarrassment crossing her face.
"As I was saying, Charlie told me your Defence Against the Dark Arts professor is particularly useless this year," Bill continued, as if the interruption never happened. "And since I have some down time between my Gringotts curse-breaking missions, I figured--"
"Get to the point. I have revenge to plot," Merula snapped.
I could feel little Em recoil against me, and I almost face palmed myself at the interruption from Merula. Why did she even have to bring up her desire to--well, I won't even bring it up anymore. Even I couldn't think about it without feeling some sort of disgust toward her.
"And I really need to get back to feed my toad, Sir Ribbithe," Liz added.
Bill chuckled at Liz, turning away from Merula as he looked over at everyone else. "Then I'll make this quick. I've decided to visit Hogwarts from time to time to teach you new defensive spells," he announced. "This is all informal, of course--I'm not replacing your professor, just tutoring. I've already got Professor Dumbledore's permission to use this classroom after classes finish for the day."
"Not that we're not grateful, Bill...but why?" little Em piped up, tilting her head in intrigue.
Bill nodded at little Em then, his face serious. "If the events of last year have taught me anything, it's the importance of being able to protect yourself," he responded. "If Rakepick of any of her lot return, I want to make sure you are as prepared as you can be--and from the sound of it, that won't be possible with your current Professor. Not that I'm forcing you to do this, of course," he added quickly. "You can leave if you're not interested. But I think there's a lot I can teach you if you decide to stay."
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Was there anyone who actually wasn't interested, though? Everyone glanced around at each other, but no one actually left the room, so it seemed we were all in favour of this plan.
"If it helps me protect my sister and friends, count me in," Penny decided with a firm nod.
"Me too!" Barnaby added excitedly, and I was quick to catch a slight dust of pink splash over his cheeks, making me chuckle as well.
"Same. As long as we learn plenty of curses," Ismelda chipped in, a tone of menace in her voice.
"And I'm not about to turn down an opportunity to stare at...I mean, learn from Bill Weasley," Rowan said with a laugh.
"I suppose it doesn't sound like a complete waste of time," Merula finally gave in.
"Anything to make sure we can break the curse faster, together," little Em piped up, readying her wand.
I smiled in pride at my little sister before glancing around at everyone else. "I think I speak for all of us when I say we're interested, Bill."
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"Perfect!" Bill said, clapping his hands. "So for our first lesson, I'll teach you all how to create a Cursed Barrier. I picked this spell up from a Dark Wizard I fought during one of my Gringotts missions. But instead of the barrier preventing people without a Dark Mark from passing through, my modified version stops people with a Dark Mark from passing through."
A Cursed Barrier made to stop certain people, huh. I figured it could come in handy among the few of us--especially seeing that, as Moody had predicted, there was a war now on the rise and we were all on separate armies training hard for the day it happened. We could only create so many barricades for ourselves before they get destroyed by the enemy, and who knew when our defences could go down? It was only best for us to prepare reinforcements that were more effective.
I watched as Bill gave his demonstration to the rest of the group. Some of us took notes, some of us copied Bill's gestures (without major damage), and some of us simply watched with scrunched up faces and various expressions that ranged from awe to confusion. I glanced down at little Em, who just smiled up at me with a little smirk and gestured to the notes she took. At least she was enjoying this as much as I knew she would.
"Alright, well done everyone!" Bill finally cheered. "Now all that's left is to give the Cursed Barrier spell a go. Clara, care to do the honours?"
Of course I'd be called on. Everyone wanted to see the resident curse-breaker give her demonstration.
So I nodded and went up to the front, performing the spell. It definitely qualified as one of the harder spells in any proficient wizard's arsenal, but at least I was able to do it. The only issue was whether it actually worked.
"Um, Bill. How do we know if it actually worked?" I asked him. "No one here has a Dark Mark."
"You sure about that?" Andre inquired suddenly. "Has anyone checked Merula's arm?"
The tension in the air soon became charged with electricity as Merula stomped her foot and glared Andre down. "You take that back or I'll..."
"No!" Em cried, waving her hands. "Stop!"
It seemed like Bill understood the message, because then he put his wand away and signalled the end of the tutorial. "Why don't we call it a night? I'll see you all for our next lesson."
God. Did Merula really have to flare up like this every time someone provoked her now? Something told me what Rakepick did to her ended up with much worse consequences than we perceived. As everyone filed out, I caught Em's eye, raising my eyebrows.
"I'll take her back, Clara," Diego assured me then, placing a gentle hand on my sister's shoulder. "She'll be in good hands."
I nodded in gratitude at Diego. "Thanks, Diego."
As the group dispersed, I made haste to follow, but then Bill called me back.
"Clara, do you mind hanging back? I was hoping we could talk."
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I turned around to face Bill now, nodding. "Sure, Bill. What's up?"
"Before you arrived, Charlie told me you talked him out of leaving Hogwarts," Bill started.
Oh. Ohh. Just hours before, Charlie and I managed to negotiate a peace since he felt like Hogwarts was becoming less and less like the safe happy school it should have been, what with Rakepick's betrayal that he wasn't there to witness and all. Over a few glasses of Butterbeer and tears of worry, I eventually managed to convince Charlie to stay at Hogwarts instead of commence his early start as a dragonologist. Besides, the rest of his siblings needed him. And maybe I wouldn't admit it, but I needed him too. He was such an integral part of my group of friends, it would pain me to see him go so early.
"I can't thank you enough for watching out for him," Bill said then with a smile. "I've been throwing myself into my curse-breaking work to take my mind off what happened with Rakepick...so much that I didn't notice how much Charlie had been affected too."
I simply smiled back, though. Since befriending the eldest Weasley brother and meeting his parents at Christmas and the rest of his siblings as well just last year, I felt like they've become family to me, too.
"It's not a problem, Bill. Charlie's supported me all this time, so it's only natural I do the same for him," I said.
"I'd be grateful if, while I'm away, you could keep watching over him, and the rest of my brothers for that matter," Bill told me then. "I don't know what I'd do if something happened to them."
I couldn't think of anything to say, but just as I opened my mouth, in came Percy with an expression akin to that of someone seeing a ghost for the first time, along with Charlie who looked just as worried and shocked.
"Good, you two are still here. There's been a major catastrophe!" Percy cried. "Fred and George are missing!"
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"Hold on, slow down," I said, holding my hands up in alarm. "What do you mean, they're missing?"
"I asked them to meet me in the Great Hall earlier for dinner," Percy told us, his eyes still wide and wild in his haste to dish out his story. "Hours passed, but they never showed up."
"You don't think they've been...affected by the Statue Curse?" Charlie asked me quietly.
Well...it was possible it was another of their pranks, but I've been so worried about what the curse could do, I couldn't rule out the possibility that the curse might have hit them.
"I won't lie to you, Charlie, we can't rule it out," I responded dejectedly. "The circumstances and timing are...concerningly similar to Beatrice's disappearance just last year."
I wasn't trying to rile up any of the Weasleys--I was only telling the truth--but now the shock in Charlie's eyes have become more evident, his face paler with every second that passed.
"Oh no. No no no," Charlie murmured. "Now I'm more worried--what are we going to do?"
"I should never have let them out of my sights!" Percy lamented.
"Hold on. I'm worried too, but let's try not to jump to any conclusions," Bill said firmly.
Charlie's fists, balled tightly with his anxiety, didn't even loosen at Bill's words. "I-I'll try, but I can't get the image of them Petrified out of my mind."
"Well, the only way we know for sure is to find Fred and George," I stated. "The statue curse started in the courtyard, but we'll need to check the Grand Staircase as well in case the portrait curse has somehow been reactivated. We can split up and cover ground faster if we take to both locations at the same time, and hopefully we'll get clues to their whereabouts."
"Sounds like a plan. Who would you want to take?" Percy asked.
I looked at each of the three brothers, and instantly knew who I wanted to take. Perhaps we've reconciled somewhat over Butterbeer, but what if those thoughts of fleeing from danger entered his mind again?
"I'll take Charlie with me, and we'll search the Grand Staircase together," I said. "As long as you don't mind, Charlie," I added with a nod.
Charlie looked relieved when I picked him, and he nodded. "Of course, we make a good team."
"Then Percy and I will take to the Courtyard," Bill said. "And hopefully we'll find the twins in time."
"I just hope we won't be too late," Charlie murmured again.
Would we, though? How much longer would it take before the Statue Curse began to affect the people I shared even the closest bonds with?
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orgasmiccontagion · 5 years ago
In light of recent events and the pouring out of despair that I’ve seen on here among the various anarchist/insurrectionists/anti-civ individuals for the inevitably reformist recuperation of the uprisings in response to police brutality and white supremacy in America, I want to highlight a passage that I read in ‘ Critique of Chrisso and Odeteo’s Barbarians” by Frére Dupont, one of the authors responsible for writing “Nihilist Communism”. It may not be something we want to hear right now in response to what is transpiring, but there are some crucial points of critique being expounded here: “On what level does the militancy that C+O (Chrisso and Odeteo) validate signify to the self yes, we feel good to come off best after an encounter with the authorities, but to the authorities themselves and beyond them, to the existing structure, what value does any instance have? A burnt-out bank is a boon for builders, cleaning companies, cops, security advisers, property developers. A riot, like a forest fire, is good for business, cleans out the old, shock and awe. Capitalism makes capital out of conflict and disaster. Rioters and insurrectionists are not the most resistant elements in society, they are perhaps the most conscious, the most confrontational but they are also the most spectacular, the most self-conscious, the most prey to delusions of ‘people power.’ The insurrectionist is fine in his moment, and so many of them fall away exhausted, but they act only for themselves, they are not creating a better world, they are not at the front. They act for themselves, the extreme acts of a few will never be a substitute for the small acts of becoming human of the many. to acknowledge this, to accept the essentially selfish and subjective nature of the ‘black block’ is not to say we must not resist. On the contrary, we must continue. It is only to say, that there is no necessary connection with the outside through our desire for it. It is likely that our resistance, in the end counts in favor of existing authority and against the possibility for revolution. All we can say with certainty is that we can recognize what is not outside.” At a first glance of course we could dismiss this as counter-insurgency misrepresentation of insurrectionist action that has no purpose but to undermine the efforts made by the anarchists really out there throwing down. However, I think what Dupont is doing here is highlighting the burnout that anarchists feel time and time again is due to their failure to acknowledge that a few intensely radical individuals simply cannot through their own will annihilate a system as all encompassing as capitalism (and by extension the state and civilization) without acknowledging the efforts needed from those who are not already radicalized. Throughout my time spent on here the last couple of weeks I see pro-insurrectionist anarchists (myself included) giddy with excitement that because of riots/looting/precincts being burned down that we were on the cusp of a true apeshit moment in America. Unfortunately, within just over a week corporations, media, and the innumerable activist/careerist/opportunist rackets captured the virulent rage spreading throughout the metropolitan areas of America and beyond in order to reform us back in line once again. Due to the fact that (as is all too obvious) the vast majority of people do not have any ideas of a world “outside” the one which has ensconced all life within its totality (insert discussions on domestication, spectacles, the hyperreal, desire etc etc), the reformists are gaining the upper hand and the radical potentials are fizzling out due to counter-insurgency propaganda and worries among leftists and centrists of “de-legitimizing the movement”. However, getting excited about violent rebellion is one thing, but the subsequent crash into the reformist rackets shouldn’t lead anarchists into disappointment and defeatism, but rather revaluating and transparent criticism. Hence, this is why I want to launch deeper into what’s being said here. For one, the beginning of the passage discusses the emotional high radicals get off of clashes directly with the state and the institutions that protect them. Of course, this is a predictable reaction and one that should inspire more and more people to embrace their rage against the state. However, if the only places where these actions take place is in a few dozen large urban territories around the country, and if only an isolated number of businesses/police stations/institutions are attacked, how can we expect that this wound sundered in the death machines of capital will not close up in the blink of an eye? @corvid420​ pointed out that cops that are resigning from large city police forces (NYPD for example) will likely move into the suburbs or smaller districts and be hired as cops there, suburbs which house the petit-bourgeois/bourgeois sectors of society (not to mention majorly white). These places have seen far less action in comparison but still encompass many of the characteristics as the big cities (shopping malls, police stations, jails, courthouses), and while these spaces of society still remain untouched there will not be any significant strides in working towards an abolition of capital.
To build off the previous point, insurrectionists run the risk of spectaclizing their efforts as we have already seen the media continue to use the rioting/looting argument to discredit the most angry portions of the revolt. The ontological problem of “becoming-imperceptible” in an age of smart phones, mass surveillance and police helicopters continues to pose an immense obstacle in struggles such as these. Isolated incidents of a burned AutoZone or shoe stores being looted in New York make it easy to highlight and demonize a subset of “unlawful individuals” who are “not paying honor to the legacy” of the state sanctioned murders of black people in America. More importantly, due to the ways in which people in capitalist society create identities based on brands and commodities, they will empathize with business that have suffered from the riots and looting first. They will mostly ignore the economic crisis brought on by COVID-19 that is influencing a lot of this action in the first place (and even if this devastating crisis wasn’t occurring, why should we care if we deny the surplus value from corporations and engage in our own excess?). Insurrection needs to be treated as an all or nothing affair, otherwise its integration into the spectacle is only a matter of time. Of course, as Dupont points out later in this passage, he doesn’t want the banks to stop burning, but rather wishes to point out that smaller actions against the logic of capital by the majority will do far more than a few insurrectionists trashing a Target (or other similar large displays of disobedience). Fortunately, I have seen more and more anarchists highlighting the importance of this lately on here as of late, although at times like these those suggestions get buried under the desire to go out and break shit (I’m guilty of this as well).
Finally, and perhaps the most controversial portion of this excerpt, is Dupont’s discussion on the insurrectionist’s position in the overall revolutionary potential against capitalism. They highlight the individualistic nature of insurrectionists, and how in the moment they act mostly for their own desires. They are not, as Dupont argues, the “most resistance group” among those that suffer under capitalism, but rather the “most conscious”. This consciousness is perhaps the greatest strength insurrectionists have, in that these anarchists will embrace the most violent and extreme measures to go to in order for the current order to collapse. However, it is what also leads anarchists to feeling burnout when revolts and protests continue to get recuperated. This is where I agree the most with Dupont and see this passage as mostly coming across from a point of empathy rather than contempt. However, wanting to attack the state/capitalism/civilization from an individualist perspective is a necessary means to act within the context of the current struggle. This I think is a misunderstanding on Dupont’s part. The individualist tendencies of insurrectionary anarchists does not stop at the singular level but creates trajectories toward molecular forms. Through individuals enunciating their own struggles in the various spaces of the capitalist world, we can found relationships unmediated by the haunting specters of civilized life and use each other to the advantage of all. However, to the credit of Dupont, the desires of most people do not align with a revolutionary trajectory and therefore those individualistic tendencies can come across as impotent and ineffective. This of course is where future struggles and crises will have to compound on each other in order to make a push toward a different direction. The sobering observation of the crisis still being out of sight for most of those around us does not mean it can always be pushed to the periphery forever. Insurrectionists cannot be at a “front” because simply put there is nothing to be in front of, and they cannot create a better world because it isn’t up to them alone to create it. This is the real struggle not just for anarchists but anyone who rejects the current state of things. It is the struggle to form a movement, a revolutionary trajectory, when at the present there is hardly anything to mobilize. 
Overall, I find Dupont’s insights to be valuable at a time like this, despite some of the points I found a bit off. Using this passage as a way to focus on the response to not only what’s going on now but the inevitable crises of tomorrow will allow some necessary reflections on how things went down undesirably. I welcome any positive or negative feedback/commentary to this response and how it fits with the unrest going on currently in the United States and abroad. I do not wish to speak on behalf of anyone else, only from my own perspective and how I see the current movement unfolding and how other anarchists around me (who have much more experience in this than I) are reacting.
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umbraastaff · 6 years ago
Pokemon: Century Version
1.3 - Integration II
[first] [previous] [recent] [teams]
“I can’t belieeeeve,” Taako moans, lying on his back on his bed, head not even up on his pillow. His new eevee is standing on his chest as he pets it.
“I cannot believe!” Lup parrots, pacing up and down the room. Her eevee is playing around with her raichu at the side of the room, darting up and down beside the wall.
“All the damn work we do to keep off the higher-up’s bad side and here they are insulting us. Like we don’t already have teams planned for this mission!”
“God, they’re adorable, though. I hate this.”
“They’re cute as hell.”
“I’m naming this one Gingerbread. You hear that, Gingerbread? You have an adorable name and could get away with crimes.”
Her eevee looks at her and squeaks.
Taako rolls his eyes and looks at the eevee on top of him. “You don’t get a name. You’ve gotta earn it.”
“Just admit you can’t think of a good one,” Lup says.
Taako scoffs. His eevee purrs at him.
“You sure these things aren’t cats, Lulu?”
“I don’t know. Taxonomy’s a bastard.”
The IPRE’s massive greenhouse is a place where the department’s grass-type pokémon frequently roam free, but Davenport finds Merle’s party all gathered around the dwarf.
He approaches the party briskly. Merle and his Ludicolo are leading the rest of his pokémon--along with a few tagalongs Davenport doesn’t recognize--through a dance exercise. Given that most of them are quadrupeds, the dance doesn’t translate very well, but the instructors still cheer the rest along without hesitation.
“I’m glad to see you’re getting your eevee acquainted with the rest of your party.”
“Hey, Skip! Take five, everyone.” The pokémon halt at Merle’s command, except for the ludicolo, who keeps dancing to an unheard tune. “Yeah, it’s goin’ well! Kid’s got moves.”
The eevee climbs up the ludicolo’s arm as it dances, perches on its shoulder, and sings/squeals along to the swaying movements.
“I came to ask about evolving it. Lucretia has asked me to put in a request for an Ice Rock sample, and I want to confirm with you about getting a Moss Rock piece as well.”
Merle squints. “Why?”
“Well, forgive me for presuming, but I thought you might be inclined to evolve it into a leafeon.”
“Oh,” Merle says, but the confusion doesn’t leave his face. “And what’s the Moss Rock got to do with it?”
“That’s…how an eevee evolves into a leafeon, Merle,” Davenport says.
Merle laughs. “An eevee doesn’t need a stone to evolve!”
“It’s not a--”
“Rock, stone--whatever, man! Eevees evolve through exposure. Positive experiences in the greenhouse will get this one to evolve into a leafeon, if it wants to evolve at all. Just like an eevee living by a volcano will grow into a flareon whether you give it a fancy ol’ Fire Stone or not.”
Davenport crosses his arms. “Alright, so no Moss Rock? And you’re sure it’ll evolve before the mission?”
“If it wants to,” Merle says noncommittally.
“Well, that’s good. Let’s not be in the business of forcing anyone to evolve.” Davenport shrugs. “Alright, I won’t keep you from your, er, dance lesson any longer.”
“Wanna join us?”
“Ha. Maybe next time.”
“This is Big Boof,” Magnus tells his new eevee. The arcanine sniffs at the small, new arrival.
The eevee shakes as its face comes close, whining. After a few moments, it falls over altogether.
“Oh no!” Magnus reaches out to help it stand back up. “You’ve got some jellylegs, don’cha.”
The eevee squeaks. Boof sits back when Magnus waves at it, giving them some space.
“D’you mind taking a break? The newbie’s a little nervous--we’ll work up to you!” Magnus says. Big Boof looks disappointed, but it obliges when Magnus holds out a pokéball.
Some time later, there’s banging on the door to the dorm room. It startles Magnus’ rockruff and eevee out of their play, and the eevee almost falls over again.
“Hush!” Magnus shouts as he runs for the door, taking wide steps over the paper scattered in the main room. “You’re scaring the baby!”
He opens the door to Lup. “Oh! Hey.”
“Hi!” Lup says, stepping into the room as soon as Magnus moves out of the way. “How’re things going with your eevee?”
“Better before you nearly knocked the door down! What’s up?”
“Oh, sorry. Is Lucretia here?”
“Nah, she has a late class.”
“Aw, lame.”
“That’s what I said when she was picking out schedules last year! But she says lots of seminars and stuff happen around noon, and she kept missing them ‘cause of class? So…”
Lup crosses her arms. “So, you named your eevee yet?”
Magnus leads her past the painted papers and back into his room, where Lassie is still trying to coax the eevee into playing again. “I was thinking Jellylegs? Is that anything?”
“Oh, that’s cute!”
“Right? What about yours?”
“I’m going with Gingerbread.” Lup tosses a pokéball, sending her own eevee out into the fray. Its sibling and the rockruff immediately come over to sniff at it.
“I know.” Lup says. “Is your rockruff trained not to hurt friends with its neck?” she asks, watching carefully as the three pokémon hop around each other.
“We’re workin’ on it,” Magnus says. “It knows to stop if someone acts hurt, though.”
A knock sounds on the lab door. “It’s unlocked,” Barry calls out, his hand not pausing in its scribbling.
The door creaks open, and Lucretia peers through. “Hello.”
“Oh, hey! One sec, I’ve gotta…” Barry writes increasingly incomprehensible scribbles into his notebook as he tries to speed up, and then drops the pencil with finality. “Sorry, writing, uh, reactions to…” he catches himself before he launches into an explanation. “...Stuff. What’re you, uh, what’s up?”
“I thought it would be good to have my eevee battle another at its own speed. Unfortunately, none of my pokémon are both small and patient enough for that.”
“Ah, so you wanna pit it against its sibling instead?” Barry says mockingly, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh, please.” She rolls her eyes. “But yes, I thought it might be good for them.”
“No, yeah, that’s actually a great idea,” Barry says, fishing in his bag for the right pokéball. “You wanna do this now?”
Lucretia holds up her pokéball in affirmation. “Let’s act like it’s a regular battle? So they learn how they’re handled.”
“Sure thing… I choooose…” Barry finally recovers the correct pokéball from his bag and tosses it forward. “Goldilocks!”
“You already named it?”
“Yup. You haven’t?”
“Well, kind of…” she throws her own pokéball. “Eve, come out!”
“That’s gonna be weird when it evolves.”
“I knowwww. But nothing better came to mind, and now it’s stuck.” She raises an eyebrow. “And Goldilocks is going to be just as strange unless you end up with a Jolteon.”
Barry shrugs. “Got me there. Byte, what’s the expected moveset for these guys? Eevees, three weeks old.”
The rotom dex beeps a few times, then says, “Tackle. Growl. Tail Whip.”
They wait a few moments, but it says nothing else. Barry chokes back a laugh. “Arceus. Is this what it’s like when you start a journey?”
“Little more exciting,” Lucretia says with a smirk. “Speaking of, these two are getting antsy.”
The eevees are fidgeting and squeaking at each other, unsure of what to do without orders. But it seems they’ve at least been trained in battle behavior, more or less.
“Hmm,” Barry says. His eevee twists around to look at him. “Well. Growl?”
It lets out a little rumbly sound that might well be a purr. Its opposing sibling’s hair stands on end as though it suddenly grew horns.
“You growl right back,” Lucretia says, and her eevee obliges, making Barry’s step back with trembling hind legs.
Barry stares at them for a few moments, and then he looks at Lucretia, deadpan. “Growl.”
Her eevee reacts just as dramatically as the first time.
“Oh no,” she says. “Oh, you’re not winning this. Growl.”
His eevee staggers to the side, unbalanced by the forced weakness.
“Growl again.”
“Annnd growl.”
This time, mid-growl, Barry’s eevee sneezes. Lucretia’s jumps nearly two feet in the air and lands with its hackles raised to the sky.
Barry and Lucretia break down laughing. “We can’t,” Lucretia wails. “Oh my god, this battle’s literally never going to end.”
Barry’s voice breaks as he tries to respond, “W-We can just--let’s just call a truce and use Tackle--”
“No, no, we’ve been growling for a minute straight, do you know what growl does--”
“Oh my god,” Barry says, a new wave of laughter coming with the realization. “Holy shit, the attacks are gonna do nothing.”
“Do you ever think about the consequences of your actions, Barry Bluejeans!”
The eevees are chittering and hopping below them, unsure of what’s going on but clearly enjoying the happiness in the room.
“Okay, okay, okay, wait, we can fix this,” Barry wheezes, and he points at his eevee. “Tail whip.”
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