#does this count as valveplug?
I found these vintage transformers erasers on eBay and uhhh
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I’m DYING at the pencil hole placement on these
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rex-underscore-ink · 7 months
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I colored it..
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absoluteminimum · 4 months
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When bro is your doctor
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stat-16 · 6 months
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Want to do more rendering on this one
I need to see them having some hot steamy threesome where magmatron breeds his two babes in turns
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pandora-the-halfling · 2 months
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Pay gorn
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Suggestive post? (I don't normally post things like this)
Also I started university yaayyy
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mychlapci · 3 months
mertwins time? :3c
The two of them slowly opening up and getting more curious and playful is so cute to me. Especially the thing about them slamming their tails against the glass just to say hi ;w; The first time they do that when Prowl walks past, Prowl gets such a shock the noise that he jumps, doorwings shooting up, datapad going flying. The twins think its so funny
They also like to steal stuff like datapads or cleaning equipment so that Prowl has to come get them. They swim around and keep it out of his reach, toying with him, knowing he can't keep up under the water
Eventually, as they get comfortable enough to get physically closer to Prowl, they start poking around his frame. Land mech armour is different in a way, less joints, more exposed cabling. They think its interesting. Prowl squirms and tells them to stop, and initially swats their servos away- but eventually relents when he realises maybe its good to encourage their boldness. The first time he swatted at them they shrank away and he immediately regretted it. So he lets them poke around. He makes it obvious that it annoys him tho. Not that the twins care.
The twins are especially interested in Prowl's doorwings. They behave closely to the fins they are used to, flaring out in aggression and being pulled close to the frame in fear, etc. They like to provoke reactions out of Prowl to see how his little wings move. They think its very cute when the doorwings wiggle. I think they make fun of him too, trying to mimic his little doorwing wiggles with their fins when he does it.
Prowl always sighs heavily and resigns himself to getting his doorwings played with. That's usually something he would never allow- His sensor panels are too sensitive to just let anyone poke around. They're a weakness he will not let others exploit. But these two are different. They're just curious. And mayyybe he has a soft spot for them. Maybe he's not very good at telling them 'no'
The doorwing thing is distracting tho. The panels really are sensitive. Depending on how the twins decide to poke at him, sometimes it tickles, sometimes it feels really nice. Once in a while they will poke or pull too hard and Prowl jerks his doorwing away in pain. The twins do seem to recognise the little pained noises and always pull away, making a little noise that sounds like a whimper, an apology.
Prowl does have to remind himself that the mers dont mean anything by touching his wings. Even when they gently run their talons over the flat of his sensor panels, even when they massage into the tense joints and his wings flutter in response... They dont know what it does to him. And that's okay. He lets them keep going.
After a while, in return, they do let Prowl touch them too. The red mer is a little more eager, the yellow one takes a little longer to let Prowl's servos anywhere near him. But it turns out they both like being touched. Prowl gets to pet them. They seem to like it since they always lay about him and purr their engines when he does. The red one is a little more forward, nudging his helm and sometimes his frame against Prowl's servo until he gets the message. The yellow one likes to pretend he's not interested, but will lay around Prowl anyway until he gets included in the pets.
Prowl is awed to find out how delicate their flowing fins are. They are soft in a way that ripples in the water, usually soft enough that attacks would deflect off them, but also easily torn if caught. Prowl also learns that, when one of the twins accidentally hurts themselves in a friendly scuffle, that the thin mesh of their fins repair quickly. He likes to run his fingers over the soft fins, feeling their almost silky texture under his digits.
One day Prowl gets absolutely no warning as he enters the tank and suddenly gets kissed on the lips. Or he THINKS he gets kissed. He has no idea what happens really. One moment he's getting into the water and the next moment he has one of the mers on him. He squawks in surprise and suddenly he finds the mer's glossa in his mouth.
His optics are wide in panic- Vaguely he notices that he can see red twin off to the side, smiling at him- so the one on him must be the yellow one-
He doesn't have it in him to push away, despite the shock, and is just frozen solid as the mer licks the inside of his intake. The mer's glossa is thorough, pressing against his own glossa, then stroking against the insides of his cheeks, before running over his denta-
Prowl pants. Or he tries to. If he were above water his vents would be throwing out hot air, solvent probably dripping from his intake. But, in the water, all his systems can do is cycle the water through his vents. At least it does a good job of cooling him.
Only after a very thorough lick through his mouth does the mer finally let up. The yellow mer pulls away, servos still on his shoulders, stares at him, cheeks pink with energon, before suddenly darting away.
Prowl is stunned, vents whirring, as he sees the red mer laugh and the take his twin's place, giving Prowl no warning before invading his mouth too.
This one is less intense, in a way. Less thorough. It's a quick lick through his mouth, before the mer pulls off him, grinning. It gently bumps its forehead against his, and then lets him go, swimming around and looking at him then like nothing happened
When Prowl doesn't move, stunned, overheating, the mer tilts its helm at him in question.
What just happened?
YESSSSS we're bringing back mers licking people's mouths!!!! I like that it was Sunny who took his time with it.... he's like a cat. Stubbornly refusing to let Prowl know he appreciates his presence in the tank, but when he shows him affection, it counts.
I imagine it is also a grand act of trust between mers... they're trying to tell Prowl that they finally understand that he won't hurt them. If he meant to hurt them, he would just reject the affections and bite down. That's how this works.
Prowl does not know that that's even an option. Not that he'd consider it if he knew, but he's just overall very confused as to what happened. He's not a mer behaviouralist, he only has special privileges to approach and touch these two specimens because they seem at ease when they are near him, and with everything they've gone through, the staff wants to keep them calm and comfortable. Prowl wouldn't know that mers kiss, let alone know why they do it.
He is confused and weirdly aroused by the action... And probably extremely ashamed of himself for feeling aroused. First they kept charging him up by rubbing his door wings, and they're going to be doing this? How is he supposed to keep his panels closed...
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vitrificvitriol · 1 year
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00:01 second remaining before Another Laboratory Incident
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trashhole · 6 months
Red alert + inferno wip and my tfcon haul
Cw: pin up/probably nsfw(?) further down
Yes I’m alive and back from the war, hopefully to stay. Unfortunately the fire department thirst brainrot took over so you all get this:
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Something about those fire vehicles…
And here’s the pin up:
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And my haul (ignore the sewing equipment)
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Full pieces, and my figures being silly
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I’ll do a more through tfcon/figure post later
Anyway…wfc Red Alert I’m just saying…
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transingthoseformers · 5 months
I've been toying with an IDW au in which pretty much everything is the same, except Megatron was originally a beastformer and has become one once again in his last body. As we know from Ravage, beastformers can be cold constructed as well.
I imagine his beastmode would be a bit like a flightless dragon/crocodile fusion? A creature dapted for digging and living at great depths beneath the surface. Miners hate accidentally disturbing one of their nests because even if they're the equivalent of herbivores, they're fiercely temperamental and possessive of their territory. Whenever it's mating season, they show off to each other, and the biggest one gets to carry this season's clutch. Very protective parents, until it's time for the cubs to become independent.
So now Megatron has to deal with the instincts he hasn't had for a very long time. Like wanting to dig into the floor and make a nest. Dig around and look for deposits. But worst of all, go into heat. There's nothing Megatron hates more than losing control.
Ooo that'd be interesting, especially since given how uncommon his altmode has to be it had to have been an Experience in order for his last frame to be rebuilt with it (I remember Ratchet rebuilding / repairing him into his mtmte frame?)
This somehow got lost in my drafts
Anyway this sounds interesting, and since it's IDW Megs he's gotta be having interesting emotional responses to it all (meaning: he's not taking it well and we're grateful he doesn't have a fusion cannon anymore)
Does this mean monster!Megatron again?
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windshieldtiddies · 1 year
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@lord-squiggletits and @energone and I were talking about spike designs 🍆💦💦💦💦💦
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festeringfreek · 14 days
I don't mean to put transformers on any peoples pages that don't care about it but I would literally go fucking insane for a single night with ultra magnus. From any adaptation. I'm being so fucking serious I need that mech like you wouldn't believe. EXTRA points if it's his TFA or IDW counterpart. I'd go for minimus as well. I'm eating him down piece by piece until all that remains is the spit-slick blood against my teeth and fluids with coughs dubious origins. Within me. Preferably. I need him to read off the autobot code while I go ham on whatever he'd got hiding behind those panels. I need him to cry. I need him to be covered in blood. Mine or his, it doesn't matter. I need him viscerally. I need him in a way that transcends physical bodies. Don't even get me STARTED on the ultra magussy
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stormofbats4224 · 6 months
Blurr briefly experiences being a fleshlight for his giant fuckoff lover
Listen, I have so much I wanna do for ShockBlurr, the size difference alone makes me go fucking FERAL.
Shitty art below
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Everyone is scared of Tarn except Crossfire, and Tarn is scared of Crossfire because the first thing Crossfire did was try to get that DJD
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