#does she know how to make a grilled sandwich
dragonroilz · 9 months
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he doesnt know
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anistarrose · 2 months
taz balance one-shot recs!
I've been meaning to make this post for a while now, so here we are! The majority of these are from the past three years or so, because I love a fandom classic as much as anyone, but I particularly want to shine a light on some gems from after the peak of traffic in the fandom tags! There are of course also exceptions that are older, though.
Also, April 19th-21st are Just Leave a Comment Fest, so please show these authors some love!! They're all so deserving!
a recipe for home by @journalofimprobablethings: Taako tries to cook for the first time since Glamour Springs. When things go awry, Lucretia is there to lend a hand.
Gen (Taako & Lucretia), 3.5k. Early B.O.B. era hurt/comfort centered around cooking, with a delicious dollop of sentimentality and dramatic irony on top.
Seven Times Magnus Burnsides Gave Someone A Hug + One Time He Received One by @barry-j-blupjeans: Magnus wasn't really any good at— at words. He was more of an action man. Or, y'know, a "I'll take this hit so you don't have to" man. Talking to someone about their feelings was all kinds of weird, so usually he just left the space for someone else to talk. And, well... Magnus wasn't good at words. But there's a few different ways to get his support across.
Mostly gen with some Magnulia, 8.6k. You've all heard of the classic 5 Plus 1, but obviously Magnus deserves a 7 Plus 1! I don't know how to describe it without spoilers other than being full of incredibly sweet, gentle takes on so many fraught or bittersweet moments. Super underrated, do give it a read.
Embrace the Dark by @ceilingfan5: Bookstore coworkers Kravitz and Taako get more than they bargained for when Taako tries to use his powers to fix Kravitz's migraine. But it's okay--it's an excuse for them to spend time together until one of them can nut up and ask the other out.
Taakitz, 8.9k. Modern with Superpowers AU! Super sweet interactions between Kravitz and Taako, paired with lots of fun background worldbuilding. And, of course, a very special grilled cheese sandwich.
Break This Heavy Chain by Punka_Writes: In the immediate aftermath of Story and Song, Barry Bluejeans could really use a hug.
Blupjeans and misc. platonic interactions, 2.3k. The absolute epitome of comfort food in written form, with excellent Barry characterization (and of course, he does get that hug)!
birds of a feather steal sweaters together by @holdmecloser-gandydancer: When you're a big, burly guy it seems that your clothes just become free reign for all your friends. Normally Magnus is a reasonable guy, but everyone has their limits.
Gen (IPRE crew), 1.9k. Starblaster era fluff! Everyone is written absolutely delightfully, and every time I read it I snort out loud at least twice.
Security by @ceilingfan5: Barry has finally made it--his incredible scientific discovery has landed him a huge fortune...and a lot of problems. The only good thing that's come of it, honestly, has been his bodyguard, Lup. (And the science. That's good also.) He's just gotta stay normal about how nice it is to have someone like Lup around, and also not perish by way of press circuit, and everything will be fine.
Blupjeans, 6k. Modern with magic AU from Barry's POV, featuring equal parts anxiety and pining. Also, it's straight-up extremely funny.
Lonesome Dreams by @jerreeeeeee: Taako wakes up one morning from a nightmare, fast fading. There was a guy in glasses, and they were… somewhere high up? Something terrible happened, but he doesn’t remember. He wakes up in a wagon he’s never seen before, but it has his name on it. There’s tons of food inside, more than he’d be able to afford. And he’s alone. Thinking back to the last thing he remembers is difficult. College? No, he’d graduated. Top of his class, obviously, he remembers that. But what- what happened after? Where is Lup?
Gen (Taako & Lup), 10.2k. Everything starts out the same, except Taako remembers Lup, even if not how she went missing, and it's incredibly underrated and full of phenomenal characterization. I won't spoil how things shake out, but it's a great emotional ride and I genuinely reread it all the time.
it's my party and I'll mope if I want to by @holdmecloser-gandydancer: Taako's birthday is just another Thursday. A detective and an old friend have a different idea.
Gen (Taako & Lucretia & Angus), 2.1k. Short and so sweet! Fics about voidfished!Taako's birthday never get old, and this is one of my absolute favorites. Nailing the angst-to-wholesome ratio.
Tedious Familiarity by @barry-j-blupjeans: Déjà vu. Noun. A feeling of having already experienced the present situation. A tedious familiarity. Barry Bluejeans woke up in a cave, fresh out of a pod filled with green goop, and saddled with an unsettling feeling that he had been here before. If you had asked forty-year-old Barry if he would follow instructions left by a talking coin, he probably would have asked you what type of drugs you were on. But, y’know, fifty… two? Fifty-one? How old was he? Fifty-two sounded right. But, y’know, fifty-two years old Barry didn’t really have that many other places to turn, so this couldn't be all that bad.
Gen, 4.1k. Missing scenes based off Barry's decade alone, written in such an effective style, where all the little details truly make it. Mandatory reading for fellow Barry angst enjoyers.
Angus McDonald and the Wonderland Escape Rooms by coppersunshine: When Angus gets grounded from detecting, to keep his skills sharp he becomes a patron of the Wonderland Escape rooms, run by Edward and Lydia, who quickly decide he's their new nemesis. To their surprise, Angus and the collection of weird adults he's accompanied by decide otherwise.
Gen (Angus & Edward & Lydia), 7k. Modern with magic AU, putting Edward and Lydia in the absolute funniest possible job, at which a little boy detective torments... and maybe, even gives them a chance to turn over a new leaf. I am of the opinion that Angus and the Wonderland twins have a criminally underexplored dynamic, and this fic gave me everything I wanted.
If the Sun and Moon Should Doubt by Punka_Writes: Merle Highchurch, on the brink of a bad decision.
Gen, 1.6k. Merle character study immediately before running out on his marriage. Truly the incredible characterization that Merle deserves; this was a fic that really ignited my love for him.
Greensleeves by @sgrumby: Kravitz has never seen a lich like this before, and he's seen a lot of liches. Merle is just trying to save the universe, thanks very much.
Gen (Kravitz & Merle), 2.2k. A unique and also absolutely genius Lich!Merle AU where Kravitz inevitably comes after him, and Merle is... well, the Peacemaker, of course!
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lets-try-some-writing · 7 months
Random question, but how good do you think the ‘Bots and ‘Cons would be at cooking? Does the Matrix happen to have any tips or knowledge of the culinary arts? Would the kids be of any assistance to the ‘Bots, or would they also fail at cooking? For some reason I think Miko would be really bad at making anything with more than 5 steps but make a really good grilled cheese sandwich. You think they would fare any better at baking?
Heck yeah this is funny.
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Cooking on Earth
As a general rule, cooking is not really a thing on Cybertron, at least not as it is on Earth. The process of creating energon based fuels and treats is more of a purification than any real chemical bonding or serious alteration as commonly seen in human culinary works. As such, when the team brought the children under their care and were then hit with the realization that they needed to fuel their small wards, issues arose immediately.
Arcee could hardly process normal energon, much less cook anything to save her life. The only human food she is capable of putting together is boxed macaroni and cheese. Even then, it still isn't all that good. She either adds too much butter or none at all. Her milk additions make dish look more like cereal than anything else and quite frankly she somehow manages to burn the noodles despite that fact that it should be nearly impossible. The children don't like her attempts at cooking, but if pressed, they will consume her noodle dish. She has attempted baking but has only succeeded in burning the wall in an attempt to quote "make sure the cake was fully baked".
She is not allowed in the kitchen alone. Ever.
Bulkhead has been met with limited success in all things gelatin. He can't make much else unless he is putting sauce on pre-ordered food, but gelatin he can do. On Cybertron he was known amongst the Wreckers for his banger jellied energon, even earning minor praise from Ultra Magnus. Thankfully for everyone, the same general concept applies to human jellied treats, and so Bulkhead is able to make gelatin without killing anyone. Of course his flavor profiles are rather... off. He has no clue what actually is constituted as good food for including in gelatin, but he tries his best.
Smokescreen and Bumblebee can make a mean grilled cheese, but only if they are working together. One must have their optics on the food while the other plays music in the background while grating cheese. If either of them get distracted or only one is present, the results are wild and worthy of a fire extinguisher. Bee has attempted soup before, and surprisingly, once in a blue moon he can make a really good potato soup. It is close enough to preparing energon rations that he can manage it occasionally. Smokescreen though? He has been given a lifetime ban from the stove. He somehow manages to make a really good salad despite that. It is largely just him throwing random green things in the fridge into a bowl, but it works generally.
Ratchet does not cook. Optimus has forbidden him to cook despite the Doctor wishing to figure out the strange science. The only time he tried cooking, he made actual poison and almost fed it to the kids thinking it was a nutrient dense supplement. Since then he has been confined to the realms of baking, which thankfully, is not too foreign since he can and has made spectacular energon goodies in the past. He knows how to work heat related tools well enough to make really good cupcakes. He can't do frosting though. Its always chunky or pure liquid sugar. Miko still eats them, even if they are a little burned sometimes.
Ultra Magnus can cook, on both Cybertron AND Earth. He just refuses to do so. Period.
Optimus for his part, despite his knowledge, can cook in theory. He knows how it should work, and so largely depending on the resources given to him and his level of focus, he can make a mean dish on Cybertron and Earth. His specialty on both worlds is a variant of shepherds pie, something he lived and vented back on Cybertron due to how cheap it was at the local restaurant. Of course the names of the dishes and the ingredients differ, but the concept remains the same. And so as long as the dish requires no decorum, Optimus can make it fairly well. However if asked to bake, the Prime physically cannot. The singular time he made the attempt, he came away covered in soot and with a lifetime ban from the baking items.
When it comes to the Decepticons, Megatron does not cook, period. On Cybertron he was a fantastic brewer of high grade, but that skill does not translate over well. On the Nemesis, he has a small personal brewing station where he will occasionally whip something up for himself. But that is a rare treat. He has taken the time to study human brewing methods though, largely out of a desire to mock their efforts. This of course led to some experimentation on his end, which in turn resulted in better high grade than what he was capable of producing before. He will never admit where the jump in skill came from.
Knockout and Breakdown love to make cake specifically. They can't even eat the stuff, but they like seeing how big and how grand they can make it. Hours are spent dutifully baking cakes to perfection, molding them, and then decorating them. Usually its done after Cybertronian sites, but off an on they will make human tourist locations out of cake. Breakdown also experiments with chocolate and has become relatively good at making realistic chocolate molds. These, along with Knockout's cakes, he takes to different places around the globe to donate. He may not be fond of humans, but waste is not acceptable.
Starscream is by far the best chef out of all present Cybertronians, and that is only because he fragging hates that Gordan Ramsey is better than he is at it. Starscream has devoted a ridiculous amount of time to cooking JUST so that he can curse right back at the human chef and prove himself superior. No, he does not know where it stemmed from. No, he cannot even eat what he makes. But frag it all he will get that beef wellington right or he will die trying. However against all expectation considering his considerable cooking ability on Earth, he can't cook on Cybertron to save his life. He never needed to, so he never learned.
Shockwave doesn't cook. He makes purified energon and that is all. He doesn't even bother learning anything else. Why would he? Its not like he can taste or appreciate anything complicated. Arachnid does not cook either, and that is largely because she sees it as beneath her. Soundwave is in a similar boat and does not bother... unless it comes to making cat treats. Those he will go through the pain of working with tiny human tools to manage in order to lure in the furry creatures.
Dreadwing can only make noodles. And only from the box. He has no explanation.
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grandlinedreams · 8 months
You probably hear this a lot, but your writing is amazing. I’ve spent hours just going through your works and they all tug at my heart. Is it possible to request a lax x reader where he realizes he’s been overworking the reader a bit to much. Like, asking her to do something while she’s already working on something else he asked for. And maybe poor reader gets frustrated but tries to hide it.
Hiya!! Thank-you so much, it really does mean a lot to me that people enjoy my rambling hehe ㅡ but also absolutely, I can do that!! I hope that this is to your liking bb!!
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He doesn't mean to, you know he doesn't.
But you're still a human, and there's only so much that you can do at a time ㅡ and Law tends to forget it. Sure, he delegates tasks to the others, but you seem to be the one he entrusts more difficult ones to and you're honored, truly ㅡ you just wish it weren't so much all at once.
Case in point, he's sent you out into the main town of this island for supplies, both crew-related and not, the list varying wildly from pantry staples to medical supplies.
You don't mind, you tell yourself firmly. After all, he's done so much for you ㅡ the least you can do is take on whatever he asks of you without complaint.
It's a whirlwind of activity as you flit from place to place, amassing a pile of neatly wrapped packages, boxes, and brown paper bags that only seems to grow with every stop. (How you're going to get all of this back to the Polar Tang is beyond you, you have no nifty powers like your Captain.)
Your muscles ache by the time you find a second to rest, studying the remaining items on the list and eyeing the sack full of berries that Law had sent you out with. You're almost done ㅡ and you smile to yourself, pride tempered by the abrupt growl of your stomach. Right ㅡ you haven't eaten yet today.
"I'm making good time," you mumble to yourself, "so I could grab lunch..."
Neatly folding the list, you tuck it into your pocket along with the money for said items, retrieving your own pouch of personal coin and set off to find something to eat.
The closest place ends up being a little shop with a refrigerated display case showing off various sandwiches and salads, along with neat rows of carefully shaped onigiri. Your expression lights up.
"Could I get two of the grilled salmon onigiri, please?" Given that he'd been in the middle of studying when he sent you off, you have no doubts that Law has yet to eat anything either ㅡ and since you're using your own money, he has no room to complain, either.
It's as you're watching your items be wrapped up that you become aware of the low 'purururu' from your pocket, rummaging to retrieve the tiny transponder snail. It's made in your Captain's likeness, from the tiny speckled cap to the shadows under its eyes.
Hurriedly handing the waiting cashier the berri needed, your attention shifts back to the snail as you answer it. "Captain?"
"[Name]," Law answers, "have you finished getting supplies?"
"Well no, Iㅡ"
"Good, I need you to add a couple more things." You bite back a groan of weary annoyance. Of course there's more. It takes a second of fussing to find the list, mouthing a "thank-you" when you're handed a pen to scribble it down. "Have you got it?"
"Yes, Captain." There's the click on the other line, and you huff. "Wouldn't kill him to say 'thank-you'..."
Food stacked as carefully as you can on the pile of purchases, you set off to resume retrieving the rest of the (now longer) list.
"Do you need help with that?" Concerned, the last store owner watches as you struggle to lift the massive pile, parcels at the top wobbling.
"No, I've got it. Thank-you though," you answer, trying to keep the strain out of your voice as you stagger off in the direction of the Polar Tang, muscles straining under the weight.
How you manage to get everything onto the submersible, you don't know ㅡ only that your body aches something fierce by the time you've hauled the last armful onto the deck.
Vision obscured by the boxes in your arms, you jolt as your boot hits the corner of a box and makes you scramble to correct your balance.
"Gotcha!" Fingers snag in the back of your shirt to keep you from falling over, but there's nothing to be done about the sway of the items on top ㅡ the food you'd picked up for yourself and Law ㅡ and you watch as your food topples from it and busts open on the deck.
"You good?" Penguin peers at your face, finding you staring silently at the mess of food on the floor. Law's onigiri, at the very least, remain neatly wrapped on the stack of boxes. "It's okay, we can clean it upㅡ"
"[Name]." Both you and Penguin look up to find Law standing by the door, taking in the stacks of supplies before he continues. "I needㅡ"
Need. Need, need, need ㅡ frustration mixes with exhaustion in the way you tremble, snatching the onigiri from the pile and striding towards Law.
"All due respect, Captain," you say flatly, shoving the food into his hands, "but either ask someone else, or do it yourself."
And then you're gone, trying not to stomp your way to the bunkhouse. Law turns, startled by the way you've talked to him, the thinly veiled insubordination ㅡ and then down to the pair of onigiri, smell of grilled fish reaching his nose.
"To be fair," Penguin pipes up, "you've been running [Name] pretty ragged lately. They're usually the last one to go to bed and the first one up, so maybe...go a little easier on them?"
Law frowns. Has he been asking too much of you as of late? You've never complained, simply offered a "yes Captain" and continued on. Tasks got done, things completed. But then again, you shouldn't have to complain for him to know it's too much for one person to handle.
It's guilt that has him turning to head for the bunkhouse, knocking tentatively before he opens the door and steps in.
Your back is to him, blanket tugged up around your ears, and he can see you tense as he approaches. "If you're coming to tell me my punishment for talking back," you say, "I'll accept it."
You sound so tired, and it makes Law feel even worse for continuing to add things to your seemingly never ending task list. "I'm not going to punish you," he says. "If anything, I think I'm the one who deserves punishment for not noticing how hard I've been working you."
"I don't mind." You still won't look at him. "It's just a lot to handle at times."
"I know." Law plays with the wrapping of the onigiri. "And I apologize. I rely on you for a lot, and I appreciate what you do for me, for this crew." He pauses. "I also apologize for not saying that enough."
You're quiet for several long moments before you roll over to look at him. "I forgive you."
A small smile tugs at Law's lips. "Good," he says, "but I need you to do one more thing for me." You frown as you sit up, eyeing him warily before he offers you one of the onigiri. "Eat with me?"
You blink, then take it from his hand and meet his gaze, an answering smile curving your own lips. "Of course, Captain."
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sleeplesssmoll · 6 months
Reverse 1999 HCs: The Kitchen
I mentioned these in passing, but I finally added them in post with more detail. Feel free to add your HCs to the buffet! Word count is 960ish so you know what you're getting into if you continue down this path of madness.
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Apple tends to stay out of the kitchen unless he's looking for wine. He doesn't want to be mistaken for a tasty snack.
Regulus is banned from the kitchen but barges in anyway as the "official taste tester". She also steals from people's plates if they're left unguarded, unless it's Sotheby's. She is an exception. Vertin gets the worst of it where Regulus might lean over her shoulder and chomp down on her spoonful of food. This is the tax for sharing her premium snacks with Vertin.
As for the snack sharing, one time Regulus caught Vertin eating uncooked noodles with the seasoning packet sprinkled on top like chips as a snack. Ever since then, she gave Vertin free access to the stash of snacks in her room. There's always potato chips and Dr. Papper available to her friend.
Vertin stills occasionally eats noodles like chips because Madam Z used to do it when they were traveling together. When Smoltin caught her red-handed, Madam Z advised her not to be like her and to eat her celery sticks instead. They both knew that wasn't going to happen.
Sotheby is allowed use the kitchen with supervision. There needs to be someone there to give their opinion on her creative choices (stop her from accidentally poisoning someone).
Druvis is the head chef and Sonetto is her apprentice that does everything by the book due to her upbringing in the Foundation. For example, if they don't have the right ingredients, Sonetto believes they can't make the dish anymore. However, Druvis will teach her how to substitute things and improvise.
Sonetto is a great cook, but she operates like a robot that needs to be updated with new ideas from a programmer. All the knowledge is there, but she struggle to make her own conclusions. (This is something we see her struggle with in game but I applied it to cooking lol)
The Horror Trio have no interest in cooking, only eating. Although, Jessica and her Critter friends harvest things from the garden so Druvis can supervise/mentor in the kitchen.
Vertin can't cook per say, but she can throw together very basic meals a child could do (eggs, bacon, toast, grilled cheese, simple stuff). However, her specialty is eggs. She can cook an egg in every way possible thanks to Madam Z. The scientist told her if she learns to cook anything, let it be an egg. They're easy to cook, versatile, and a good source of protein. This is an HC but I can hear her explaining egg supremacy to Vertin. Fun fact: Eggs are a staple food in China and many Asian countries. Eat an egg for Madam Z everyone.
Vertin's also handy with a knife since it's all about technique and she's good with her hands. Before her crew, she probably ate a lot of sandwiches, Foundation MREs, and instant food (with eggs on the side).
However, one day Druvis witnessed hot bacon grease pitch onto Vertin's arm. Vertin flinched at first but continued flipping her bacon, saying, "It happens sometimes." Druvis damn near threw Vertin in the sink in her rush to run cold water over it. They didn't notice how serious Vertin's disregard for injuries were due to the lack of scars and reactions from her. Vertin doesn’t understand since it'll go away with a healing potion. This breaks Druvis's heart because even if it's healed, Vertin's putting herself through unnecessary pain since she's used to getting hurt.
That was the last time Vertin was allowed to touch a frying pan (rip her beloved eggs as collateral), but they still let her use the knife since she's adept with it. Also Vertin wants to help them because it's a way for her to spend more time with them. They couldn't chase her away after she admitted that.
There is another advantage to letting the Timekeeper help sometimes; Vertin's the only one who doesn't cry rivers when she cuts an onion. Sonetto and Sotheby are a mess when they try. Pupnetto has a sensitive nose and Sotheby is baby. Druvis keeps her deadpan face but tears will prick at her eyes.
Vertin didn't always eat her veggies as a kid and Madam Z wasn't sure how to make her eat them. It's actually Tooth Fairy who found a way to make fruits and veggies fun. Vertin now does the same for her Suitcase Family.
Imagine an elegant, celebratory dinner set up by Druvis, Sonetto, and Sotheby after a particularly tough mission. What did Vertin contribute with her knife? Sandwiches? Salads? Nope. It's this:
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Fruits and veggies decorated as little critters! It's how Tooth Fairy advised Madam Z to prepare them so Smoltin would eat them. As a kid she loved it. Vertin is creative so there are many variations (she's the opposite of Sonetto who's highly skilled but lacks creativity).
They're a hit with her crew too. Even Blonney, who normally acts like a moody teenager when it comes to her true feelings, finds them adorable. After seeing the way Jessica's eyes lit up from the little display, she was inspired to try and learn too. In secret, of course.
Horropedia said they were neat, but listed a terrifying bunch of ideas for Vertin's next fruit/veggie display: monsters, eyeball, tentacles, severed fingers, a dipping sauce that looks like slime or blood...
Regulus: Vertin! What are you doing?
Vertin: I'm making cheese toasties (grilled cheese). Don't worry, there's no way I can burn myself.
Regulus: You're dealing with hot melted cheese. On a scale of 1 to 10, how angry do you think Sonetto and Druvis would be if I called them right now?
Vertin: ...Would you like one too?
Regulus: Cut diagonally, no crust. Thanks ❤️
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cheynovak · 3 months
Coral and Clover
Boaz Priestly x F/Reader (Y/N)  
Warnings: Friends to lovers, Mentioning of sexual assault, alcohol, She/Her/ YN, ...  
Side note: English isn’t my first language.  Be kind please 
Words: 3367 
I love Danneel but Tish is a bitch in this story... I'm sorry
Didn’t proofread, sorry for any mistakes. 
*Does not follow the original storyline!* 
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Y/N is an old schoolmate of Tish, but the two girls never seemed to get along very well. Tish being the all-American sweetheart cheerleader, and Y/N being the alternative girl who drove an old muscle car and listens to loud music. Tish was popular because of her looks, Y/N had friends because her dad has money. Both girls couldn’t be more different. Yet they had one thing in common.  
Steve was the lead singer of a little local rock cover band. Popular with the ladies because well... He was the lead singer. Y/N was his guitarist and backing vocal when needed, his best friend and yeah you guessed it he was her crush. Steve seemed to only be interested in one high school girl, Tish.  
One night after a local gig Y/N and Steve spend a night together, he guaranteed he and Tish broke up. But the next morning she woke up to pictures of her in her underwear on his myspace account. When she confronts him with it, he took advantage of her. Making the rest of her senior year a living hell.  
“Welcome to Beach City Grill. What can I get... You” Tish recognised her in an instant. “Y/N” - “Tish, hi. Eh, what can you recommend?” Tish didn’t answer which made the staff behind the counter look at the person who dropped the temperature in this sunny place to below zero.  
“The roast turkey's really good here.” Piper said breaking silence. “Great, I’ll have that... please.” - “To go?” Tish asked. “Eh no, eat in.” - “Since when are you back in town?” - “Just for a few nights. We have a gig in town.” Y/n answers while paying.  
“You can take a seat, we’ll bring it to you.” The only guy in the shop said. Y/N immediately notice his eccentric style. She loved it when people didn’t play by the books. Priestly dropped the plate in front of Tish “I’m not bringing that to her.” He looked confused “Why not?” - “We don’t get along.”  
Priestly looked at Piper and Jen lifting his shoulder and walking behind the counter to deliver the sandwich, “Here you go. One roast turkey.” - “Thanks! By the way I love what you did with your hair.” Y/N could see how he wasn’t sure she meant it or if it was a joke. “It was a compliment.” She smiles softly “Thanks! I like yours too.”  
He turned to his friends, surprised yet happy, lifting his brows, big eyes. “She digs my hair.” he repeated to Tish while leaning on the counter looking at her. “Why do you hate her? She seems nice.”  
She rolled her eyes. “We used to go to the same school. I had a boyfriend who was in college.” -” Of course you do.” Priestly added. “He was a lead singer of a little band, quite popular at the time. She was the guitarist. The only girl in the band.”  
“Let me guess, they slept together, and you found out?” Jen asked. “Not only that, but she also let him take pictures of her naked ass. Posted it on myspace and then files a complain that he raped her.” Priestly frowned his brows “Why would she post those pictures?” - “Attention? I don’t know. But Steve had to go to court because of that.” 
“Oh, and side note.” she added “Her daddy owns one the largest law firm in the era. Little convenient don’t you think?” Priestly kept looking at the girl, what Tish just said didn’t seem to match with the vibe Priestly just had.  
His eyes roamed over her. She did really look like a rock chick. Flaming orange/red hair in a high messy bun with a few loose strings of hair in front of her face, it gave him alternative Pam Anderson vibes.  
A black leather jacket with an old band shirt, he knew for a fact she listened to them. The shirt was knotted in the back, so it came a little shorter but didn’t show any skin. Just high enough to show the belt in her washed up grey skinny jeans. And black doc martins.  
“You’re drooling.” Piper laughed. He waved her away and wanted to stare back at her. But he noticed immediately she was looking at him with a genuine smile. Great she heard that, he thought. After a short while Y/N got up and brought the plate back to the counter. “Thanks, it was really good.”  
“My pleasure...” He looked at her. “Y/N.” you answered “Priestly” - “Priestly.” she echoed “It was nice to meet you.” -” Come back anytime.” He said while you headed for the door. “You know what, I might actually do that.” Y/N bit her lip while passing Trucker on the way out.  
“What did I miss?” he asked. “Priestly just had a flirt with a not so bad looking woman.” Jen said. “Of his own age?” Trucker joked. ”You can all laugh, but she liked my hair. She’ll be back, you’ll see.”  
And he was right the next day Y/N decided to go to the same shop for lunch. “Roasted Turkey?” Priestly asked the second he saw her orange manes, which were lose, hanging down over her shoulders today. “Eat in?” - “Only if you join me.” He looked at Trucker who didn’t seem to mind.  
The two of them hit it off right away. They talked about music, hobbies, life and love but most off all just had a no-nonsense conversation. “Ok ok, you’re clearly into a lot of rock music and genres, old and new. So, I have a question I need to ask to know if we are going to be friends.” - “Who says I want to be your friend.” She joked taking another bite.  
“Funny.” He added noticing they had the same sense of humour. “Elvis dead or alive.” She looked at him. “We’re talking Presley, right? The king.” He nodded. She pretended to think about that for a second. “That man is living his best life somewhere. Away from the drama and shit, just vibing the music.”  
“Where have you been all my life.” He dramatically placed his head on his hand. Which made Y/N laugh and throw her head back. “I have to rehears in few minutes but why don’t you all come to the show Saturday?” She said while paying to Jen but still talking to Priestly. “VIP?” - “I wish I could offer you that. But no, it’s in a bar down the street, we start after you guy close. It’s free entree.”  
Saturday night 
Only Piper felt like going to the bar with Priestly after her shift. “Are you even old enough to be in a bar?” He joked holding the door for her. The two of them took the last empty standing table in the corned next to a pillar.  
“Ladies and gents, this is one of my favourite covers we bring. Mainly because I would have sworn, they wrote it for our lovely guitarist Y/N. Here is Runaway by Bon Jovi.” Priestly noticed how Y/N shook her head, not really entertained by that announcement.  
After the show she walked up to the table. With a pint her hand. “Great you made it.” Hugging them both. “What did you think?” - “Amazing!” Piper was very excited but left pretty soon after, leaving her and Priestly some time alone.  
The bar started to get empty, Eric the drummer placed a hand on her back. “He is making a scene outside.” Y/N sighs “I’m sorry Eric, but he is not my problem anymore. I told him not to drink so damn much.” - “I get it, just maybe don’t stay at the apartment tonight. He is really upset about you.”  
Meaning her ex-boyfriend and singer of the group Tom was waisted, aggressive and blamed Y/N for the recent break up. “I’ll rent a hotelroom don’t worry. Thanks for the heads up.” She yelled when he walked outside.  
“Boy trouble?” Priestly asked. “Word of advice, don’t every date your lead singer. Fell for it twice doesn’t work.” She looked at her drink. “You know you don’t have to stay in a hotel, stay the night at my place.”  
Her eyes shot up, trying to define the meaning behind his words. He noticed it in an instant. “N-not like that. On the couch, or or I’ll sleep there you can have my bed.” He got nervous, which she though was really cute. “It is cheaper.” she thought out loud.  
“Oh no I’ll charge like a 5 star hotel.” Lifting the heavy mood. “Fine why not. Just know if you try anything I might go all Hannibal Lecter on you.” - “Ok Clarise”. On their way to his place, she told him the entire story behind her break-up with Tom.  
“What about you? Any special girl in your life?” He got shy, slightly blushing “Tish.” - “Aha, Tish... of course.” - “What do you mean?” - “Tish is... popular, always have always be.” - “You don’t get along, do you?” The conversation continues in Priestly's kitchen. “I don’t hate her, I hate Steve for playing both of us and well, other... stuff.”  
He noticed her closing up. Moving her finger over the cup she was holding. “You didn’t deserve that.” Y/N’s eyes shot up. “She kind of told me.” -” Of course she did. Tish had her story and then there is the truth.”  
“I had no idea Steve made those picture. And he posted them online. He had thousands of followers, a lot of kids from our high school. Guys started to think I was easy, or I did it for attention because my dad is a lawyer but never cared much about me. Or it was an easy win for money.” 
“I never made a dime Priestly, he was just ordered to take those pictures offline.” -” That’s it?” She nodded, I was stupid enough to wash myself after... the event. So, no trace of... you know.” He automatically wrapped his arms around you. “I’m sorry.”  
Y/N sigh “My dad said I asked for it, the way I was dressed, too provocative.” Priestly hummed in disbelieve. “And now I fell for the aggressive a-hole, and will be forced to find a new band, again. All girls this time, no more guys.”  
You both laughed soft about that comment.  
Priestly kept his word and slept on the couch that and few nights after. 
Y/N decided to leave the band and stay in town for a while, found a job in the nearest music shop. She even co-housed with Priestly, he was exactly the kind of nice guy she needed to bring peace in her mind. Even though they moved to a bigger apartment, living together became cheaper for both. 
Weeks turned into months. Everyone at the sandwich shop expected Priestly and Y/N to date by now, but neither really seemed to be into the other like that. Y/N made it very clear not to want to date anymore and Priestly well, he was still head over heels with Tish.  
“I don’t get it, you are a nice guy. Why can’t she see what’s right in front of her?” Y/N said one night during movie and snacks. “She is to obsessed with guys who break her heart.” - “Clearly. I always thought she would have found mister right and married by now.”  
“Tish can have anyone she wants.” She said in between eating her popcorn. “Exactly! Why would she choose me?” Priestly sat up. “I would choose you.” Y/N stopped stuffing her mouth realising what she just said.  
“I-I mean...” - “You know me. That is different.” He interrupted her. “So does she!” - “Tish doesn’t even know my first name. You do.” - “I always knew I was special to you... Boaz.” She batted her eyelashes before getting hit with a pillow. “You punk!” She threw a hand full of popcorn in his face. “Thanks for the compliment sweetheart.”  
Sweetheart... that word made her warm, fuzzy, hard to breath.  
The last few weeks Y/N started to feel different about their friendship. It all went so fast, meeting and immediately hitting off. Only she knew she could never stand a change, not against Tish. He was head over heels, and she thought what she felt was friendship until one night she dreamed that he had kissed her.  
Realising when she woke up how heartbroken she was that it was just a dream. Priestly was the type of guy she would never fall for, to nice, to kind a little bit of a dork but funny and protective as well. But the situation where she needed to find a new home and job forced her to accept his help.  
Leading her to falling once again for the guy who was not interested in her. He liked her, but she was sure he saw her just as a friend maybe as an annoying little sister. But he didn’t feel the same butterflies in his stomach when they brushed against each other in the kitchen or when they hugged.  
So, Y/N played the part she thought he needed, a supportive friend. Y/N was pulled out of her thoughts when Priestly stood up. "l’m going to bed, I’ve decided I’m going to ask Tish out on a date tomorrow.” Her heart dropped.” Hands on approach huh? Great! Good luck!” It took all the strength she had to say those words and sound like she means it.  
The next day Y/N decided to visit her friend at work walking right in when Tish kissed his lips. A breath hitched in her throat, at first, she thought Tish kissed yet another guy, feeling bad for Priestly until she noticed that was him!  
He saw her at the door and looked exited. “She said yes.” Her eyes looked him up and down, not as thrilled as he expected her to be. “What’s wrong?” - “W-What happened?” - “I asked her out she said yes.” -” God no, to you? Where is your hair, piercings, clothing?!”  
Priestly didn’t understand her frustration. Y/N turned to Tish. ”So, when he was just him, he wasn’t good enough for you but now you want to date him?” - “What’s your problem Y/N?” She bit back. “You don’t change yourself for someone else. You shouldn’t change. Y-you're perfect the way you are, were.”  
“It was time to grow up.” He said soft. “Growing up means knowing it is ok to be different, not turning into a clone of Fred, Ted, Ed, whatever their names were.” She referred to all the exes Tish had. “I thought you were better than that Priestly.”  
Y/N shook her head. “I thought you were different, and I don’t mean just clothing.” Tears started to gather in her eyes. “I thought you were different than the men I know. You just don’t care as long as you get the hot chick right? Who cares what’s on the inside!”  
“Good to know.” Y/N didn’t give him time for response and walked out of the shop. Priestly turned to Trucker, Piper and Jen. “What did I do?” - “You are really blind aren’t you.” Piper said. “She is love with you.” Jen added.  
“Y/N? No!” He couldn’t believe that he looked back at the door she just walked out and back to Tish. Who tried to look neutral. “Is she?” he asked more to himself.  
After his shift Priestly rushed home, hoping to find her there but she wasn’t. She stayed away for days. Leaving Priestly torn apart. He liked being with Tish, it was like a dream come through, but he missed his friend.  
Tish and Priestly went out for dinner one night. “Will you stop worrying for one night?” Tish asked pissed. “Day in day out it’s Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. She clearly doesn’t support us. Let her go.” - “Tish come on, she is my friend.” - “You barely know her.” - “I know more than you think, we told each other everything.”  
“Well, I’m glad she moved out. I don’t want you to live with her. Before you know it, she blames you of something, all out of jealousy.” Priestly shot her an angry look. “What?!” He hoped he didn’t hear her correct. “You heard me.”  
“Do you have any idea what she went through? How can you as a woman even say something like that?” He got up, “This isn’t working. I can’t have you saying, no even thinking stuff like that about her.” - “Really? So, you chose her?” - “I don’t, I-I don’t know, I do know that she never, ever said shit about you.”  
“And, yes, I miss her. Every second even when I’m around you. I didn’t miss you when I was with her.” Saying those words out loud made Priestly realise what a fool had been. He pushed his feelings away convinced Tish was his dream girl while he had spent the last months with his dream girl without knowing.  
“I’m sorry.” he said while walking out on her.  
Priestly found Y/N the next day at the store she worked. Tuning a guitar. She noticed him walking in. “I’m working.” she blocked him before he could even talk. “Please, give me a chance to explain... Come home tonight. Please.” Y/N rolled her eyes. “Fine.”  
Y/N walked in the apartment noticing candles lit, smelled her favourite oven dish. When she walked into the kitchen, she saw a familiar shirt “I sell crack for the CIA.” Y/N quoted looking at him while he placed the dish on the table.  
“Where is the new Boaz?” Y/N asked not yet convinced, leaning in the door opening. “He is gone.” He walked closer to her “I realised you were right. I look way sexier with green hair.” Y/N let out a laugh combined with a deep breath. ‘Idiot.” she pushed him a step back. 
“No, I'm serious, I broke up with Tish.” - “You did? Why?” - “Turnes out my best friend was right. I don’t need to change to find someone who loves me.” he took a deep breath, “and I realised I was blind to see that she was standing right in front of me. Maybe I didn’t see it because it was just so easy between us.” He moved a lock of hair out of her face.  
“Can you forgive me?” He asked soft almost in a whisper. Y/N swallowed, feeling nervous and started to talk really fast. “Just don’t change anymore, or no... you can.. I-I mean, you can change if YOU want that, just don’t change for any...”  
Priestly shut her up by pressing his lips onto hers holding her with both hands behind, feeling her hair in between his fingers.  
“Ok.” he said letting go of her. “ok.” she echoed. “Priestly?” -”Hm?” - “I do think you are sexier with green hair. ”Y/N said while pulling him in by the back of his neck, biting her lip. The second kiss deepened quick. “If I had know this felt so good, I would have kissed your months ago.” He admitted out of breath.  
“Look.” Y/N pointed at window that showed their reflection very clearly against the darkness outside. “Coral and Clover, orange and green... Match made in heaven.” He kissed the temple of her head while watching. “Fuck I was really blind wasn’t I.” He chuckled. 
He saw her looking up at him. ”You’ll find a way to make it up to me.” She said her lips almost touching his, teasing, her brows raised quickly while she walked past him towards the bedroom. Taking off her shirt.   
It took him a second to process before he rushed to take off the apron, leaving it somewhere in the kitchen before he followed her.  
Hearing her teasingly yell.  
“Are you coming Priestly?” 
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darlingshane · 2 years
secret ingredient
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Michael Berzatto x Pregnant!Reader
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,9k
Summary: Michael has a crush on his pregnant neighbor and uses food as a tactic to win them over.
Content/Warnings: Pregnancy, Friendship, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Food, Eating, Complicated feelings.
-- Read below or at AO3.
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Michael has had a huge crush on his neighbor – you – ever since he met you a few months ago when you moved into the unit across from him. The problem with his infatuation is that you’re very pregnant, and right about to pop. He doesn’t mind that at all, no. Good news is that the father of the baby is out of the picture; bad news is you’re not interested in seeing anyone right now. That’s what he’s gathered from all the times you’ve hung out. So, he basks in the friendship you’ve offered, hoping someday you’ll see him differently.  
In all Michael’s hope, he uses his best tool at hand to win you over. More specifically, he targets and makes his case to your stomach; and every night, he brings you food from the restaurant after closing. It’s not just a conquering tactic. As a friend, right now he just wants to be helpful cause the last month has been very challenging for you. You’re two weeks away from your due date, and your girdle pain has severely become more unbearable, rendering you useless for the most part of the day. The only thing he can do to make your life a little easier is bringing a dish particularly crafted for you, so you don’t have to waddle to cook something for yourself or order something subpar from any other place.
Once the shop is closed, when all the staff has left, and the lights go out, he comes out of his office, slings on an apron and directs all his attention, and puts all his heart, on cooking something to make you feel better. It’s been a learning experience cause your cravings have shifted often and what you loved yesterday might not please your stomach today, so he does a different thing every day. Tonight he’s going for a grilled chicken sandwich. He takes his time marinating the breast before grilling it. He tops it with lettuce, tomato slices, onions, and pickles; he knows you’d never say no pickles. Then, he layers all the ingredients in a toasted sesame bun and wraps it before heading home.
He can tell by the time you take to open the door you’re getting more exhausted every second closer to the end of your pregnancy. He hands you the sandwich, and you almost rip it out of his hands by how good it smells. It makes him chuckle as he closes the door behind him and sits with you for a while to watch you slowly savoring the food he prepared.
“How’s the little guy doing?” he gazes at your rounded belly.
You shrug, chewing your food, enjoying the amalgam of flavors caught in your taste buds, “I think he wants to get out.”
“Hm-hmm, I’ve had two contractions in the past hour.”
“Shouldn’t you call your doctor or something?”
“I did. She said to time them, and call again if they get more intense and closer.”
“What about that Braxton guy?”
“Braxton Hicks?” you snort, “it didn’t feel like that.”
“Why are you so chill?”
“I’m not,” you quickly reply, smoothing a hand over the stretched shirt covering your pregnant belly, “I’m trying to stay calm, so he’d chill a little.”
“May I?” One of his hands hovers over your belly, and you nod shyly.
You swallow the lump in your throat as he places his palm on the topside of your tummy. It’s not the first time he’s done that, but every time he does, it makes your stomach flutter all the same. Michael puts the same love in that gentle touch, as he does in all the food he brings you.
He came into your life like a blessing in the middle of one of the worst times of your life, and his friendship has made life more bearable in these past few months. How in the world you got pregnant by some asshole instead of someone like Michael goes beyond comprehension. It feels like the ultimate joke. Though, there are bigger things in your mind right now than considering dating in your situation, you wish you’d met him sooner.
Whatever feelings you’re harboring for the chef, you have to put them aside. You’re heavily focused on bringing the little guy growing inside you into this world safe and sound, and starting something with Michael in this crucial point of your life would only make it more confusing for you and for your baby boy, and you can’t have that.
It’s pretty obvious, he likes you back. Who’d hang with a pregnant idiot like yourself this much if it wasn’t interested in something more? Even your most loyal friends aren’t as concerned as he is. He listens to all your complaints, makes you laugh, and most importantly– he feeds you. Every fucking night for the past couple of months you’ve been spoiled by having a personal chef sating all your cravings. If that's not love, then what is?
His beautiful lips curve up when the baby kicks right below his palm. He leans closer and in a moment of temporary confusion, every rational thought leaves your mind, and you tilt your head and press a kiss against the corner of his mouth. It takes him by surprise, and his bottom lip trembles as you pull your head back slightly.
“Sorry,” you mumble, tearing up at how stupid you feel after doing that. A second after, your apology is wiped away when his mouth sweetly presses against yours once more. It lingers for a hot minute before having his lips bouncing against yours several times, bumping your nose with his as his face tilts to the other side.
Your heart races when his mouth parts wider, inviting you into a deeper kiss. You accept and shyly send your tongue to meet him in the middle. His hand is still on your tummy, and you tentatively place your palm over his knuckles. You feel him smile as he kisses you ever so slowly until you feel another kick lower in your abdomen, and you jerk your face away.
Wait… it’s not a kick, you quickly realize. You hum lightly in pain, as that semi-familiar cramping from earlier that flares at your lower back and wraps all around your abdomen, and you even feel it reaching your thighs this time. You clench your teeth as Michael takes his hand away and soothes your back instead until it passes.
Relaxing once the pain has dulled, you lean back against the backrest and inhale deeply.
“I don't know how to fit you into my life right now, Michael. I wish I could.”
“Honey, don’t worry about that right now. Was that–”
“Uh-hm,” you check the clock in your phone to calculate the time since the last one, 18 minutes. They’re too far to tell if you’re in active labor. Could still be false, but you doubt that, cause like everything else in your life, nothing ever turns out like it’s supposed to. “I think you should go.”
“I’m not leaving you alone right now.”
“You’re too damn stubborn, you know that?”
“Said the kettle,” he scoffs, “do you really want me to leave?”
You think for a beat, and shake your head, trying not to burst into tears, “I just don’t wanna be an inconvenience. I got myself into this, I should deal with it alone. You’ve done too much for me already… I could never ask you to do this.”
“Sweetheart,” he exhales, “you’re not, and you shouldn’t have to deal with this alone. Nobody should. I’ll go if you don’t want me here, but know that there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, got it?”
“Got it,” your lips turn up slightly, and he mirrors your response.
“Then that’s settled.”
You swallow the lump in your throat and go lay down on your bed for a bit and see if it passes while Michael makes himself useful washing your dishes and putting away the half sandwich you left unfinished.
He truly is heaven-sent. He checks on you every few minutes and brings you water, and later sees that his car has enough gas to take you to the hospital. He sure would do anything for you, without question. Much like you said, he doesn’t know how he’d fit into your world, either, but he wants to figure out. The fact that you’re having a baby is not the most scary thing about you, it’s the thought of not having you at all is what terrifies him.
Your baby boy wants to get out tonight, even if you’re not ready. The non-stopping contractions, coming increasingly closer every time, tell you that it’s time to accept he’s not slowing down and that you need to get to the hospital.
Michael drives you. This wasn’t on his plans tonight, but he doesn’t wanna be anywhere else, to be honest.
It comes out naturally for him to take care of you during this long process that lasts thirteen hours. Though he's never had to face anything like this, taking care of family is part of what makes him– him. And you, whether you are together or not, feel like family to him.
The feeling is mutual, even if you haven’t come into terms with it yet.
When the big moment comes, he never leaves your side. He holds your hand, tight, until the baby is out. It’s then that he steps back for you to meet your son. That’s a sacred moment he doesn’t want to interrupt.
Once you're both settled, he leaves for a few hours to check on the restaurant, and comes by later with a bouquet of flowers and a big teddy bear.
“Hey,” you beam, glancing at Michael from the bed, holding your little guy tucked like a burrito in your arms.
“Hey, sweetheart. How are you feeling?”
“Tired but good. We’re good.”
“So, this is Rhys,” he places the gifts down and comes closer to take a good look at the newborn.
“This is Rhys,” you repeat.
“He looks like you.”
“God, I hope so,” you gently touch Rhys’ chin, and he scrunches his tiny face.
“You did really well. Both of you.”
“Thank you,” you gulp the lump in your throat, and gaze at Michael, “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“Of course, sweetheart.”
“Listen, I uh… I need to ask you something. You can say no, but I was thinking of giving him Michael as his middle name. I didn’t have one when we came here, and it’s fitting. You were here with us all night, you’re one of my best friends and I just… I don’t know. It doesn’t have to mean anything other than that. I know what happened last night was confusing, and I’m not asking you to marry me, just… I want him to have your name if you agree.”
“Wow,” he swallows, flabbergasted, “really? He can have it if you want, sweetheart. You didn’t have to ask.”
“Okay, good,” you exhale, “cause I was already getting used to how it sounded.”
“Rhys Michael,” he pronounces slowly, “yeah, sounds good.”
“You wanna hold him?”
“Maybe later. He looks so cozy in there. I don't wanna upset him.”
“You won’t.”
“Are you sure?”
You nod, and he gently picks Rhys up from your arms and sits on the chair next to the bed.
It’s such a weird, overwhelming feeling seeing Michael cradle your baby in his arms, and it saddens you that his own father wasn’t here to meet him, but at least he’d have Michael as an ally, a cool uncle, a best friend perhaps… whatever he decides to be, you know it’d be good for both of you.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
companions and their comfort foods
Cait; didnt care about food until Sole dragged her out of the Combat Zone. Sturges makes a tarberry cobbler that is to die for. It's lightly crisp, it's sweet, it's juicy; it's incredible. Once they get a reliable source of milk, and then cream, that cobbler is an orgasm in a skillet. It ends up being rather good for her mental health, too, as she starts going berry picking for it and makes friends with the farmers. It's also just a naturally soothing activity. It's hard to think about all your trauma when you're waist-deep in water, plucking berries off a bush.
Curie; Does tea count as food? A delicate Carrot Flower tea keeps her going wherever she is. She takes it with sap or, if lucky enough to forage or buy it, Stingwing honey. The tea itself has a slightly tart finish, almost citrusy. Curie takes it hot or iced, depending on the weather. It was one of the first things she tried after getting her synth body. For a meal, she really enjoys Preston's campfire cooking. Wants to find a working grill for him, Nick, and Danse to bond over. The act of cooking is a time-honored group activity, and goodness knows Preston and Danse neglect their emotional connections.
Danse; The standard Brotherhood rations wouldn't quite apply as 'comfort food', especially not after exile. Danse is utilitarian. he doesn't have a personal relationship with any specific food. But...Nick, despite not being able to drink it himself, makes the best coffee. Even with garbage grounds. A hot, strong cup of coffee in the morning is sometimes the only thing convincing Danse that it's worth waking up. Danse is usually the one cooking; he's gotten good at it over the years. Accidentally betters his relationship with everyone just because he makes decent food. Even Hancock is on his best behavior come breakfast.
Deacon; Cornbread and honey. Cornbread is one of the more common foods, at least in places where they can grind cornmeal. It's messy, it's drier than a desert, and it's pretty bland, but it's just...nice. There was a bar back in University Point that made it, and sitting by the ocean, watching the waves, and munching on some hot, buttery, honeyed cornbread is just such a simple pleasure, how could anyone not savor it? Preston makes the best cornbread now. Has intrusive thoughts of the sexual variety over it. No, Deacon, you don't have to do that to get cornbread. Preston isn't into that anyway, it wouldn't even work. Those pre-war 'films' lied to you, buddy.
Gage; He's a basic bitch. It's steak. Steak and mashed potatoes and a salty gravy. But he's picky. If you want a good steak, you'll want a fresh cut from a Brahmin. But good fucking luck finding Brahman steak. You can't kill the damn things just for the meat, because the milk you get is more valuable. One happy Brahmin can get you a lot of milk, which means a lot of cheese, butter, yogurt. It's a long wait until a cow gets old enough to butcher. Then, the owner might keep the meat to themselves. Gage is a raider, yeah, but he's busy. He can't keep tabs on every cow in the area to see what farm to raid for a fucking steak.
Hancock; Break. Fast. Sand. Wich. Mirelurk egg, grilled cram, cheese, tato...goddamn. God. Damn. One time he put mac and cheese on it instead of Brahmin cheese and it almost turned him religious. Hancock doesn't do sweet breakfast, thinks it's not 'mayoral-y'. He takes his sandwiches to, like, a rooftop, to just eat in silence and savor it. Gets really aggravated if interrupted. Also, guess who makes the best breakfast sandwiches? Danse. Fucking Danse. Life's just not fair, man. Also wants to get the guy a grill; maybe it would, like...help him chill. Give him a different personality.
MacCready; Sugar bombs! Sugar bombs! Sugar bombs! It's basically dog kibble for a twenty-year-old. He'll eat them dry, but he'll pay top cap for some milk. For some concerning reason, despite being 210+ years old, they're never stale. He doesn't care. A bowl of cereal and a comic book, or if Sole lends it, a Pipboy and video game, is an awesome way to start the day. It's a little Saturday ritual he tries to have with Duncan. Afterward, they go dig holes looking for X6's treasure. Gets excited whenever he sees X6 with mud on his boots; knows there's a patch of fresh, disturbed dirt out there somewhere.
Nick; Before, OG Nick loved himself a good lasagna. Currently, Nick gets his fix by helping Preston and Danse cook. Makes coffee the way Danse likes it, with a lot of sugar/honey. The others complain it's too strong and sweet, but the next best thing for Danse's mood would be to sneak chems in it. Obviously, Nick isn't going to do that. And he can't sneak it in Danse's own cup after brewing, because he'll notice, and criticize the waste of resources. A happy Danse is a tolerable Danse. Making Danse happy risks making Danse persnickety because Danse thinks joy and pleasure are selfish. Nick would pull his hair out if he had any.
Preston; Grew up in a Creole family that would sooner nuke the world a second time than give up their family recipes. The current Minutemen make a lot of dishes they've learned from Preston. He's pretty smug about it. His dad's cooking is near and dear to his heart, but his comfort food would be fruit salad. Mutfruit, melon, tarberry, and some canned fruit Sturges nabbed at a store before the raiders cornered them in Concord. It was the first meal he'd had in a while, and it meant they were finally safe. Now it triggers that relief whenever he has it. Makes it when he's anxious. If you notice cans piling up in Preston's trash, please check on him.
Piper; Would have said Takahashi's noodles, but after some time away from them, eating a wider variety of food, she likes them less. They're still good, but they used to be "I am a tired 20 year old who can't cook" good. Now they're just "I remember eating this a lot" good. Her actual comfort food would be s'mores. Piper's mom died when Nat was really little. Afterward, her dad paid for marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers whenever he could, and they'd sit around a campfire and enjoy while her dad told stories. Piper hasn't continued the tradition; it hurts too much, and Nat doesn't remember their parents anyway.
X6-88; didn't understand the concept of comfort food until traveling with these idiots. Still thought himself above it. But then...Piper handed him an innocuous, tiny package. "Gumdrops," she called them. Sour, faintly sweet. Coursers were fed a flavorless nutrient block. She noticed his interest. Snuck him similar things. "If you put this in cola, it explodes!" He tested it. It very much exploded, but the hard candy was still good. Then Deacon got in on the contraband, gave him a box of Dandy-Boy apples. Pre-war snack food was prohibited for its concerning nutritional value. The illegality made it all the more alluring. One thing lead to another, and now X6 has locked safes filled with candy, buried in the woods behind Sanctuary. The local children seek his treasure.
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togrowoldinv · 2 years
Grilled Cheese
Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
Natasha comforts you during a time of loss
Note: Okay, silly name for not a silly fic. Idk I’ve just lost a lot of people lately and wanted to write a fic with Nat just being the ultimate comfort. It’s more soft fluff than sadness though.
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
Loss. It’s not something you’re unfamiliar with. And it’s not something that your wife is unfamiliar with either.
When you texted her that it had happened, the moment you ultimately feared, she rushed home at the news.
Natasha held you. She held you through the evening, through the night, and in the morning now.
“I’m going to make you breakfast, my love, but I don’t want to leave you in here alone,” Natasha says softly. Her voice and the fan are the only sounds in the room.
“It’s okay, Nat. I’m not hungry anyways. Just stay here with me,” your voice comes out barely above a whisper.
“Okay detka. Come closer,” Natasha says. Her arms pull you as close as possible. You bury your face in her neck and soak up her warmth.
You don’t fall back asleep. Neither does she. But Natasha lulls you into a relaxed state with her hand moving over your back as she hums a soft tune. It’s your wedding song, the one Natasha had danced with you to that first night you went out together.
A couple hours have passed and Natasha convinces you to take a shower. It takes a lot of your energy but you do feel a little better.
When you go to the kitchen, you see your wife standing by the stove with a spatula in her hand.
“Do my eyes deceive me or is Natasha Romanoff cooking?” You joke. Natasha smiles to herself before turning around and enveloping you in a hug.
“Only for you, baby. It’s just a grilled cheese,” Nat says.
“It’s everything,” you reply.
She kisses your cheeks softly and your lips once before she turns back to the stove. Though she keeps you at her side and you appreciate her affection.
“How is it?” She asks as you take the first bite of the sandwich.
“It’s great, babe.”
“Be honest,” Nat says.
“It’s the best grilled cheese I’ve ever had,” you say with a smile.
It’s one of those moments where Natasha just feels an overwhelming amount of love for you.
“I love you,” Natasha says.
“I love you too. Thank you for everything,” you say. “I know I’m no fun like this.”
“Hey, none of that, detka,” she holds your face in her hands. “I love you always and I will take care of you always. Okay?”
“Okay,” you say, looking into her sincere green eyes.
“That’s my girl,” she says.
Natasha kisses you once more and the two of you spend the day together. With every single touch and every single moment, you feel Natasha’s love for you.
And the loss is suddenly bearable.
Tag List: @gracebutnotgraceful @i-wished-for-you-too @wandasbb @be-missed @likefirenrain @hehehehannahthings @mythosphere-x @readings-stuff @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @madamevirgo @milfloverslut @mrswidowjohansson @alotofpockets @wandassitcom @ggrangerdanger @marvelwomen-simp @maia-lightwoood @mortallytremendoussandwich @xxromanoffxx @peanutbutterprincess @karmasgxrl @picnicmic @wandaslittlewhore @exhaustedfangirl @when-wolves-howl @natashalovers @marie45019 @inluvwithfictionalwomen @sammi1642 @jujuu23 @the-night-owl-blr @strangegardentaco @avatarsnips @romanoffswoman @natashasilverfox @imthenatynat @sayah13 @harleysincairo @rach2602 @cordyandbilliehavemyheart @lovelyy-moonlight @huitzilinthebudgie3 @juicyy444 @natblackwidow2 @youralphawolf72 @btay3115 @red1culous @lenam07 @randomwriter1021
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Hi! If that's okay could i request Arven, Nemona and Penny with a reader that has a Scolipede? both the reader and their pokemon are known to be intimidating with a bad temper but once they trust someone they allow themselves to be vulnerable and are actually really soft and extremely protective towards them.
Romantic for Nemona and Arven but platonic for penny please!!
Oh yeah!!! I love this poison bug horse!!!!!!
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They say Pokémon mimic their trainer's personalities. You and your powerful Scolipede are living proof of that.
You're known for being a rather intimidating trainer who often lets their temper get the best of them.
It's especially noticeable during battle studies class. If your opponent lands a critical hit on your Pokémon, you'll curse them out for it, rolling your eyes when a teacher reprimands you for using "profane language".
Among the few receivers of your wrath was Arven, who felt awkward as he sent out his Scovillain and hits your Scolipede with Flamethrower...and he wonders why you looked at him as though he murdered your Pokémon in cold blood.
He will definitely be blunt with you right back. Whether you're in class or shopping in Mesagoza, he's not taking your shit.
Tensions definitely escalated one day, when you both arrived to set up a picnic.....in the exact same place. But while you both agreed to share a table, you didn't talk to him much and used your own ingredients for food.
Unfortunately, you absolutely sucked at making sandwiches, as your picky bug/poison companion wouldn't even take a bite out of what you created, turning its nose up in disdain.
"Look, I know it's not the same as the Treasure Eatery, but c'mon. I even got you the grilled fillet you wanted! If you wanna starve then that's-!!"
"If I can suggest something.." Arven intervenes. "While grilled fillet does go perfectly with those ingredients, I think the problem is that Scolipede doesn't like the presentation."
You just huff, knowing damn well you didn't ask for his two cents, but he offers suggestions on how you could rearrange the ingredients so they look more appetizing.
Begrudgingly, you take his advice so he'd leave you alone, thinking it's not gonna make any difference.
Imagine your shock when Scolipede practically inhales the same sandwich it refused to even look at moments ago. And Arven stands there, smug as ever.
From there on, you're a bit friendlier to him, eventually apologizing to all his Pokémon for your harsh words. Even Scolipede warms up to them a little.
It's at that point where he starts seeing you letting your walls down bit by bit, expressing a softer side when you pet his sleepy Mabosstiff, or politely ask his Garganacal for some extra salt. He realizes you're actually a cool person, and so you two grow closer as friends.
You listened to him when he got comfortable enough to talk about his parents, being kind and understanding. In turn, you share some stuff about your past, in which he listens and offers his support.
But you still have your temper flares, of course....they're just redirected towards anybody who's giving him a hard time, such as one nosy undercover news reporter wanting to ask him about his parents.
"Arven! What are your thoughts on the prehistoric/futuristic Donphan spotted in the desert?? Is it true that it originated from your parent's so-called time machi-???"
"If you don't leave him alone, you'll have a toxic spike in your side...maybe ten if my partner here decides you deserve that many." You spat as Scolipede towers over them, scaring them off immediately.
In that moment, Arven's speechless at your sudden overprotective nature. But deep down all he can think of is one thing:
He's madly in love with you rn.
If anybody in Paldea got on your nerves the most when you first started attending the Academy....it's Nemona.
She saw your Scolipede once in the courtyard and practically begged for a battle right there and then, almost forgetting to ask your name.
But obviously one battle wasn't enough for her, as she'd keep pestering you for more every time you crossed paths.
It didn't help that the universe decided to pair you guys in class almost all the time, as she'd whisper endless questions to you. Like what moves you taught Scolipede, what level you caught it at, where you found it, how many Centiskorches it ate, etc., etc.
She's hardly perturbed by your temper and intimidating status, thinking you take battles way too seriously and just need help letting loose.
As the student council president, though, she does have to advise you to tone down your profanity...especially in front of the much younger students.
You act like she's irritating. But at some point, you do find battles genuinely fun with her. They don't feel like a chore.
She helps you experiment with new strategies, shows you how double-battles worked, explains terastilization, and more.
No matter what your Scolipede's tera type is, it's an absolute beast--and Nemona praises it for the way it shimmers and shines like its trainer does (which totally doesn't boost its ego).
During one picnic together, Nemona bravely gives your bug/poison buddy chin scritches. And when she hears you laugh upon seeing it flop to the floor, chittering happily, she becomes surprisingly bashful.
You're quick to notice her blush and playfully tease her, but she brushes it off as a sunburn.
She happy to see that you trusted her enough to be yourself. Of course, she likes your tough attitude and battle tactics, but this side to you was also sweet to see.
It definitely made her catch feelings for you. Maybe one day you both could be more than just close friends and rivals.
Out of the trio, Penny's most intimidated by your temper.
Especially when she accidentally bumps into you on the way to class, your Scolipede shooting her a mean look.
She'd tell you that large Pokémon weren't allowed to roam inside the school, but.....she'd rather live to see another day. And besides, she knew the reputations Scolipedes had back in Galar.
In a way your attitude reminds her of Eri and Mela, and it makes her wonder if you were ever bullied, considering the rumors currently going on around school regarding the new "rebellious" kid and their terrifying Scolipede.
Back then, "Cassiopeia" would've persuaded you to join Team Star, but those days are long gone, so she tries being nice to you whenever you do cross paths with each other. Like in the cafeteria or in class where you gotta partner up for assignments.
You're nice to her back, but quickly get annoyed by her quiet/shy nature, or when she suddenly runs off in the middle of a conversation in the halls. It just seemed rude.
One night, you see her Eeveelution team struggling against two disgruntled Team Star grunts, and you decided to step in to make it a fair double-battle.
Two minutes later, they're chased off....though not without insulting Penny and saying she "betrayed" them by disbanding the group.
She rolls her eyes at their remarks, but totally forgot you were still there until you spoke up, startling her as you ask if she's really Team Star's leader.
She tries running away again, though it doesn't work this time as Scolipede blocks her path. And that's when she lowkey panics, apologizing and begging you not to hurt her.
It's only now you realized that she was scared of you this whole time...and you feel bad. So you awkwardly help her calm down, reassuring her Scolipede's not gonna toss Sludge Bombs at her sweet little Sylveon or her.
To make up for it, you walk her back to her dorm room, with Scolipede acting like a guard dog.
She might've opened up a bit too much about why she formed Team Star while walking with you...but you're surprisingly chill about it.
"Don't worry. It's not like you were selling Pokémon illegally or trying to reshape the entire world....but if you were doing that, then we'd have a problem." You joke.
"N-Not funny." She huffs. "But anyways..can we just forget about my freakout back there?"
"Sure. I think Scolipede is ready to apologize to you, too."
The bug/poison type just chitters and nuzzles her cheek in a rare display of affection, which flusters her.
But as she bids you both goodnight, it made her realize that...your Scolipede isn't that bad, and neither are you.
It was all just a misunderstanding.
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missmahgenta · 3 months
Time to ramble once more about Vanessa and the FNAF movie!
I’m kinda curious to see what other aspects of her character she shares with game Vanessa, aside from the obvious.
-While talking about her abusive father, Game!Vanessa also mentions her fear and dislike of dark basements, which does make me think that they might use that in the movies to show the Sister Location (unlikely af? Yes, but we did see baby’s prototype so who knows)
-We’ve talked about Game!Vanessa having rainbow streaks on her hair, but no one has mentioned her glittery pink journal. Fingers crossed that if we get some flashbacks of Movie!Vanessa’s childhood/teenage years, we see both (I just think it would be neat)
-You cannot convince me that both of these girls have ‘friends’ outside of the animatronics. Maybe they are in good terms with a coworker or two, like Game!Vanessa and Luis, but actual living breathing friends? Nuh huh
-On that note, Game!Vanessa apparently has once ordered chocolates for herself and pretended they were from her made up boyfriend. Girlie wants to have someone in her life and wants to appear as stable and normal as possible. Another reason for Movie!Vanessa getting so attached to Abby and Mike so quickly, she probably feels the same loneliness.
-Back to topic of childhood trauma, wouldn’t be surprised if, should Mrs. Afton be mentioned in the next movie, that her fate would’ve been the same as Game!Vanessa’s mom, who had her daughter turned against her during a brutal divorce and ended up offing herself.
-Game!Vanessa somewhat enjoys cooking, and I hope that Movie!Vanessa does too because Mike doesn’t seems like a good chef (you’re seriously telling me that Abby, a child, would rather eat leftover soup than the grilled cheese her brother made for her? Just how badly did he fuck the sandwich up?)
-Game!Vanessa seems to suffer from severe anxiety and depression. Idk but this makes the scene where Movie!Vanessa yeets Mike’s meds into the river kinda funny, since I’m assuming she suffers from those things as well and maybe takes meds
-Alternatively, she realizes that she probably should take meds after spending some time with the Schmidts and attending therapy
-Btw can we maybe see some therapy sessions like we saw with Game!Vanessa on those CDs next movie or maybe novelisation? They all need it but, you know- (I’ll leave that as a suggestion for a Movie!Vanessa fic)
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kevin-sedai · 1 year
Wheel of Time pool party
Elayne: Decided to have a pool party because she got a new in-ground pool installed. Planned on keeping the look of it secret, but ends up ruining it herself with all the selfies she posted on Instagram.
Aviendha: Is floored by all the water that wetlanders get to just float in and play games. Is first angry at the waste of water, but Elayne enjoys it, so why not her? She takes a bunch of pictures with it and in it to send to the Wise Ones. They never answered.
Egwene: Got there early to help Elayne set up, but ends up setting up by herself because Elayne is playing Marco Polo with Aviendha.
Nynaeve: Shows up shortly after Egwene and brought water and cupcakes. She helps Egwene until she gets sprayed by something in the back. Turns around and sees Mat with one of her cupcakes, whom she begins to chase with promises that he'll regret the first kiss his father gave to his mother when she catches him.
Mat: Shows up with so much beer. Like, so much. Also brought water guns. Nynaneve just needs to lighten up. It's water. Is in a speedo.
Moiraine: Shows up with Thom and ice cream sandwiches no one thanks her for. Siuan is there. She spends a lot of time in the deep end.
Siuan: Is so excited to see Moiraine is finally able to swim so well in the deep end. She came with Gareth Bryne, who can't swim at all. Goes to swim with Moiraine.
Thom: The self-appointed DJ. He does not take requests and asks Gareth to bring him drinks. Anyway, here's Wonderwall.
Perrin: Is so excited. Once he and Faile say hello to everyone, he jumps in the pool. He mostly stays in the shallow end because, you guessed it, he can only doggy paddle. Swimmies are too small for his blacksmith arms.
Faile: Is already mad at Perrin because he's spending too much time in the shallow end. Berelain is in the shallow end. She calms herself down and gets the volleyball net and ball she brought. She's finally going to show Berelain who's boss.
Berelain: Unbothered by the daggers that Faile is shooting her, because Galad is there, jumping off the diving board. She gets on a float and goes to the deep end to purposely knock herself off when Galad jumps to get his attention. "You make such big waves," she tells him.
Galad: Is so confused; he doesn't make waves when he dives. He perfected diving so long ago. Anyway, he enjoys what time he can before Morgase comes home. She never gave Elayne the okay to have this party, you know.
Rand: Enjoys himself more than he thought he would. Spends a good amount of time on a lounge chair under the umbrella. Gawyn made him a burger and Rand compliments him on how well he did it. Is confused as to why Gawyn throws the spatula down in a rage though.
Gawyn: Self-appointed grill master. That is, until al'Thor had to ruin it. He made that burger well-done on purpose because he thought al'Thor wouldn't like it like that, but he does anyway? Goes to assert his pool party dominance by doing a flip off the diving board. Belly flops.
Min: Amused that Gawyn belly flops. Figured that's what the red circle she saw over his head was about. Spends most of the time with Rand and Loial to read. Goes in the pool when the volleyball game starts.
Tuon: Went because Knotai is there, and she wanted to make sure he acted properly. The speedo was her idea. Waited five minutes after Egwene told her to go in the pool to actually go in, because it was her decision. Will not put her head under the water because she didn't want to get her hair wet. "She doesn't even have hair, is she crazy?" Elayne is heard asking.
Lan: He spent most of his time so far sitting at the edge of the pool, trying to tune everyone out. Decided that he couldn't anymore. It is time for the volleyball game.
Birgitte: Took so many pictures of Elayne for Elayne while she does all these poses on floats, at the edge of the pool, and on the pool deck. Sees Lan setting up the volleyball net and ditches Elayne to help him.
The game starts pretty friendly but then becomes incredibly competitive. It ends because Faile spikes the ball into Gawyn's face and leaves a red mark on him. "So that's what the red circle meant," Min is heard saying.
Loial: Takes notes during the whole game. What a crazy summer ritual these humans have.
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bunting27 · 1 year
handcrafted ✏︎ m. bunting
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a/n: when this thought came to me i did not intend for it to be 13 pages of michael bunting being michael bunting, but here we are.
summary: y/n is ridiculously stubborn. michael is ridiculously convincing (and enamoured).
warnings: language, michael does not know what a boundary is at all, financial struggles 
wc: 6.1k 
it had been a long day. longer than she was anticipating, and admittedly longer than she could handle. she was at the salon from nine to one because one of her clients absolutely could not wait one more day for their highlights, and then she had a shift at the cafe from one-thirty to eight thirty. last but not least, because it was a saturday (and because the owner was a lazy bitch), she would probably have to stay late and do payroll. 
she was tripping over herself trying to get work done in every area of the back, because whoever had made the schedule put an untrained newbie at the grill, then the customers were bitching at her cashier every minute, plus she was supposed to be on coffees. truly, whatever it would take for them to have more than three employees working on a saturday evening, she’d probably do it. 
when it finally slowed down, she started pumping syrup into a cup for herself, but was tapped on the shoulder before she could brew anything. when she turned, she saw that her cashier was sniffling and staring at the ground. 
“shit, i’ve got it, go for your fifteen” y/n walked over to the counter and was met with an incredibly angry elderly woman, so she perched herself up on the counter with her arm. 
“what seems to be the problem” she didn’t have the energy to smile at the lady, so she bit the inside of her cheek, staring her down and praying that patty didn’t come out of the office anytime soon. 
“your cashier is a sinner. this used to be a god-fearing, christian establishment and now look at the place! i can’t even get a coffee these days,” y/n raised her eyebrow, staring the woman in the eye in complete silence before she fixed her posture and crossed her arms. 
sucking her teeth, she nodded and finally opened her mouth. “if you could take your head out of your ass for five minutes and order your god damned coffee without thinking about the sexual orientation or political affiliation of your cashier, then you’d be able to get a coffee just fine, actually.” the woman scoffed, muttering something about taking her business elsewhere, and then she walked out. 
y/n smirked to herself and then redirected her attention to the man in front of her, who was sporting a close lipped grin. 
“okay, cool! what can i get for you?” she raised an eyebrow, signing into the computer. 
“what’s the sandwich special today?” she pursed her lips, looking into the back where her cook was timidly poking the hash brown that was on the grill, and she sighed. 
“i’m pretty sure our cook got processed into payroll twelve hours ago, so you’re getting a grilled cheese, and probably not a great one, either” he smiled, taking out his card and nodding fondly at her. 
“alright, a grilled cheese and a boston cream, then” she nodded, slightly unnerved by his energy, and incredibly unnerved at how nice he was being to her. she grabbed the donut from the tray and slid it into a paper bag, handing it to him and activating the pin pad. she nodded at him to go ahead and pay so he did, dropping a fifty in the tip jar as well.
“wh- can i get your name for the sandwich? it’ll be just a minute” she probably should have done the right thing, which was to inform him that he definitely slipped the wrong bill into the jar, but she couldn’t bring herself to say anything.
when his sandwich was done, she helped the cook wrap it up and she handed it to him, watching as he made his way over to a chair and sat, pulling out his phone and typing away as he ate his grilled cheese.
she sighed to herself, continuing to make her coffee from earlier and then taking a gulp when it was finished. she started some of the closing duties, hoping to get a headstart so she could somewhat train the cook, and so that she could send her cashier home at eight rather than eight thirty.
while she was sweeping, she would occasionally look around to see if any customers had come in, and she quickly took note of the guy staring at her, grilled cheese and donut long gone. 
eventually, she became sick of it, so she looked right into his eyes, giving him a ‘what gives’ look of annoyance. 
“i’d tell you to take a picture but that would be really fucking creepy” he raised his hands in defence, taking his phone back out and continuing to type. she shook her head, rolling her eyes and then grabbing the dust pan.
It was finally her day off, and she was more than thrilled to finally be able to take a walk with her dog, and just relax for an entire day. an entire day where she didn’t have to deal with horrendously behaved customers or someone bitching at her because she couldn’t get decades of red dye out of their hair in one session. 
she walked into the dog park and made sure she closed the gate tight before taking the leash off her dog and letting him roam free. it hardly took any time at all before he had found another dog to play with, and she could sit on the bench and wait peacefully until all of his energy was exhausted. 
her moment of peace was short lived when she heard someone behind her. 
“they’re getting along well” she looked over her shoulder and raised her eyebrow when she was met with the same man that had given her a hefty tip at work just a few days before. 
“what are you, stalking me?” he smiled and sat next to her, shrugging his shoulders. 
“moved to this side of town recently, trying out new places” she avoided his stare, keeping her concentration centred on the two dogs that were now chasing each other around the large patch of grass. she knew if she looked at him the guilt would just eat her up more than it already was
it was quiet for a while. he stayed staring at her while she kept her arms crossed and her eyes trained on anything but him. finally she looked over at him, huffing and pulling her phone out. he was hopeful that he would get her number, or maybe he would put his in her phone, but was left confused when she peeled the case off the back of her phone and pulled out a neatly folded fifty dollar bill. 
“what’s this?” he made no move to take it from her, eyebrows furrowed and hands kept still in is jacket pockets. 
“it’s yours. you left the wrong bill, couldn’t bring myself to spend it” he raised an eyebrow, shaking his head slowly. 
“no, that’s what i meant to leave” she clenched her jaw, huffing and looking over to see that her dog was well spent and on his back over at the water bowls. she shoved the bill into his chest and quickly made her way to the hook she left her leash on, calling the dog over. 
he jogged over to her, trying to offer the money back to her and she ignored him, focusing on getting her dog into his leash. “keep it, i want you to have it” she shook her head, eyeing him before opening the gate and ushering her dog through it. 
“i’m not taking your money, screw off” 
for the next two days she had shifts at the salon, so it had been a while since she’d seen the cafe. as soon as she walked in, though, the staff was eyeing her. 
she raised an eyebrow, rolling her eyes to herself and making her way over to her locker. she pinned her name tag to her chest and pulled back her hair, sighing quietly. 
“y/n?” she turned to see the cashier from the other night, holding a perfectly folded fifty dollar bill. her lips parted, hands dropping from her hair as she stared at it. 
“is he here right now?” the girl shook her head, and y/n just gaped at her hand in disbelief. what was he getting at? was he trying to impress her? was it a pity thing? either way, she wasn’t a fan, and she definitely was not impressed. 
“split it with jace, i don’t want it” the girl hesitated, clueing in that y/n knew exactly who had given her the money, and that she was starting to get annoyed. 
“uh, he gave us each one, too. complimented jace’s grilled cheese… are you guys dating?” y/n froze, staring down at the girl with an extremely unimpressed look. 
“if i could fire you right now, i would. you ever say some shit like that again and i’ll tell patty you asked for more cash shifts” she grabbed the fifty from the girl’s hand and slipped it back behind her phone case, shooing her away and going back to pulling her hair from her face. 
he was nervous, which is something he could say was new to him, especially when it came to dating. the idea of marrying into an nhl salary had made his pool of options larger than it needed to be, but he had a feeling that she wouldn’t be convinced with money.
when he walked into the cafe, she immediately made eye contact with him, and she was certainly not pleased to see him. before he could think about how to go about this, something he admittedly should have planned before going into the place, she was dragging him back out by the arm 
“what is your deal, michael?” he blinked slowly, opting to just hand her the contents in his hand rather than say anything.
she didn’t even look before trying to hand the box back to him, shaking her head. 
“stop trying to give me shit, it’s really weird” she deadpanned, walking away and back towards the shop. he groaned, quickly sliding in front of her to keep her from going into the store. 
“open it” he handed her the box again and she rolled her eyes, roughly taking it from his hands and popping the lid off it. she stared inside, her interest piqued but she was still annoyed. 
“are you trying to ask me on a date right now?” he shrugged, pulling her back to the side so they weren’t in front of the door. 
“look at the jersey” she glared at him, not really in the mood to hold off on her rejection so she could get on with her day. nonetheless she shoved the box back towards him, having him hold it while she unfolded the jersey. 
she raised an eyebrow at the large number 58 as well as the name ‘bunting’ on the back of it, folding it back up and placing it back in the box. 
“you got me a random dudes jersey?” he grinned at her, making her back away and glare at him, confused and irritated. 
“it’s my jersey” she cracked a smile, trying to hold back the laugh that was dying to come out of her. she failed, though, chuckling slightly at what he was insinuating 
“you’re kidding” he shook his head, still cheery and almost too excited to pull out his phone and google himself. 
she stared at the image of him next to the various hockey statistics she truly could not give less of a shit about, eventually letting her eyes stray to his face, then back to the phone, again and again. 
“i want you to come to my game” his voice brought her out of her daze and immediately she looked repulsed. 
“absolutely not” the noise he let out was almost a whine, and the look he got because of it was scolding and disgusted, so he sighed. 
“come on, y/n/n, just one game and i’ll stop bugging you” she contemplated, glaring down at the date on the ticket and knowing full well it landed on a day she wouldn’t be working. 
“if you win you can keep coming to the cafe. if you lose? fuck off and do not come back. but i’m not wearing your jersey and you do not get to call me y/n/n” he glanced down to see which team they’d be playing and he liked his odds, so he nodded, smiling wide at her. 
“deal, now can i get a grilled cheese? preferably one with melted cheese, this time” she rolled her eyes, grabbing the piece of paper from the box and making her way inside and behind the counter. 
she grabbed one of the grilled cheeses waiting to be picked up and walked back over to him, pushing it into his chest. 
“this is to go. now get lost” he was still smiling wide, eyes bright and teeth on full display. he knew she only agreed to go knowing there was a chance it would get him to finally leave her alone, but he was still so unreasonably giddy at the fact that she’d get to see him play. 
she, on the other hand, was the opposite of excited, and she was almost wishing she got sick before wednesday. especially when she went into ticketmaster to see where she’d be sitting and her seat number was tucked right behind the home penatly box. 
the first thing he did when he got onto the ice for warmups was look for her, immediately spotting her in her seat, looking annoyed. she wasn’t wearing a jersey, but instead a navy blue hoodie and a backwards baseball cap with the leafs logo on it. he grinned to himself, starting to bounce against the boards like he usually did, catching a glimpse of her staring at him like he was an idiot. 
auston was the first to notice him staring at her, then it was mitch and willy simultaneously. they grouped together, quietly asking if any of them knew who she was. none of them did, but they all took note of the fact that she looked like she desperately wanted to go home, so they at least knew she wasn’t a fan.
will and mitch looked at each other, then at auston, before spitting out their mouthguards and going ‘not it’ while staring auston right in the face. he groaned, tilting his head back in annoyance as he glided over to michael, who was still keeping a close eye on her.
“who’s she?” michael jumped slightly, having been completely unaware that auston was behind him, and unaware that he had been lost in thought staring at her. he blinked, recuperating from the embarrassment and also trying to come up with a better answer than ‘i have a pathetic crush on a manager at that cafe on dundas’
“she, uh,” he stuttered, clearing his throat and pausing. “she works at a cafe nearby. i tried to tip her fifty and she shoved it in my chest and told me to fuck off” auston raised an eyebrow, chuckling at michael and shaking his head. 
“doesn’t look like you’ve grown on her much. she looks pissed,” michael nodded and pursed his lips, taking a puck from the ice and tossing it up and down with his stick. 
“oh, no. she’s repulsed by me. i’ll get there, though”
it was the third period and y/n was wishing she’d checked the statistics of the team the leafs were playing before she had made her deal. the leafs were up 5-2 and michael had two goals. currently, he was running his mouth to a random player on the opposing team who was just about ready to drop his gloves.
michael wore a huge grin the whole time, and the referee pulled him away with both arms before he could even think to swing. he settled into the penalty box like it was his home, immediately looking back to look at y/n who was immensely unimpressed. 
he looked to the kid who was sitting next to her and gestured as if to ask if he had a marker, and then he caught it from over the glass. he grabbed a skate rag and she watched as he scribbled onto it, opening her hands when he tied it into a ball and tossed it over, wearing a proud smirk.
she unraveled it, rolling her eyes at the phone number that was etched onto it. she looked up at him, raising an eyebrow and he took his gloves back off, making a phone with his hand and bringing it up to his ear while mouthing ‘call me’
she had to admit that the way he went about it was impressive, but she was still not a fan of him, his sport, his personality, or the fact that he had taken such an interest in her. she didn’t understand, and she didn't want the attention and speculation that would come with being seen with him.
even before she knew that this was his job, she could not possibly find more pros than cons of being associated with someone who had enough money to tip fifty dollars at a small cafe. she was perfectly content taking care of herself, and all he would do is fuck up her life if she got at all comfortable with him and then he screwed her over. on top of that, he was endlessly annoying and far too cocky for her liking.
she sighed, shoving the skate rag in her hoodie pocket and shrugging before mouthing ‘suck a dick’
the game was over and y/n was contemplating every life decision she had ever made as she looked at the score board to see it was 6-2 for the leafs. she hated it all more when michael was pronounced the first star of the game and he took a lap, a big smile on his face while he looked at her. 
she rolled her eyes as he left the ice and then she turned to leave, but was met by a security guard blocking her aisle. 
“miss y/n?” she made a face as if to say ‘duh’ and the guy motioned for her to follow him. she grumbled slightly, following him through halls and into ‘employees only’ doors with a look of confusion. when he stopped walking, he told her to sit and she did, taking her phone out and scrolling through it until someone was sat next to her.
she looked over to see michael, with a big grin and a dishevelled suit on. 
“hey” she glared at him, huffing and looking to the other side.
“hi.” she saw more players come out of the room and one of them waved at her, raising an eyebrow. he made his way over and she looked back over at michael, whining.
“when will this night end” the guy smiled and stuck his hand out, and she ignored him. michael shook his head slightly with a chuckle, looking at her with the most enamoured look auston had ever seen.
“you’re pathetic, bunts. i’m auston” she saluted sarcastically, getting up and looking down at michael. 
“i’m going home now” in seconds he was up to stop her, walking down the hallway with her even though she had no idea where she was going. she felt his hand on the small of her back, redirecting her to the exit and she slapped his arm away, glaring at him. 
“come home with me, or at least let me give you a ride” she scoffed, was he really that stupid? what could she have possibly done to have given him any impression that she would want to go home with him? hell, she didn't even act like she tolerated him. inside, she was begging him to stop trying, to leave her alone. 
but she was smart enough to know that he wouldn’t, because nothing he had done as of yet pointed in the direction of him giving up on her.
“what can i do to get you to leave me the fuck alone? seriosuly what is it that’s making you think i want anything to do with you” she was whispering angrily. she wasn’t that much of a bitch that she’d scold him loudly in front of a hallway full of reporters and his teammates, but she was getting extremely impatient with him. 
“i like you” he was looking her in the eye and it told her that he meant it but it was also the most intimidating thing she’d ever had to look at. if she was being honest, this was the first time anyone had shown any interest in her beyond just wanting to fuck her. 
most of the time those guys didn’t even want to fuck her, either. they just wanted to prove that they could fuck her. it had been years since she let anyone in like that and she’d be damned if she broke her walls down for a rich boy who thinks he can get whatever he wants by tossing money at her.
“i could infer” he just kept looking at her, hoping that she would at least agree to let him drive her home, especially at this time of night. If he was lucky, she would see that his intentions were good and she would stay with him. 
she eventually clenched her jaw, sighing and gesturing vaguely in front of her. 
“fine, show me the way, jackass” he ignored the nickname and responded with a soft smile, starting to walk to the parking lot the players parked in. she followed close behind him, eyes widening when they approached a cadillac and he opened the passenger door for her to get in. maybe she was a tad impressed.
“to yours?” she chewed at the inside of her cheek and cracked her knuckles with anxiety, looking over at him quickly before she spoke. 
“i’ll go to yours. but i’m staying in a separate room and you need to take me to mine first cause i work tomorrow and i need a change of clothes” he nodded, smiling at her and he wouldn’t let it out, cause he knew it would piss her off, but he was so excited to finally get to know her.
he pulled over by her apartment and watched her get out. she had been silent since agreeing to stay at his condo, and he was expecting it, but it was still awkward. it took a few minutes before she was back out, now with a bag of clothes. 
he drove off, trying his best to focus on the road rather than her.
“why do you like me? i didn’t do anything” he chuckled, eyeing her now that he was stopped at a light. 
“you say it like i’m punishing you” she looked over at him with a look that told him she essentially saw his behaviour as a punishment and he nodded, still smiling like his mouth was stuck that way. 
“as much as you would absolutely never admit it, you’re a caring person. and you’re beautiful and funny, and you hate me which just immediately means you’re my type.” she glared at him 
“that was revolting. i shouldn’t have asked” she crossed her arms and looked back out the window as the light turned green, preferring the silence that was previously thick in the air of his car. 
“what? me saying you’re beautiful?” she acted like she was shuddering in disgust, but when the streetlights would shine on her face, he saw the light blush covering her cheeks. 
nobody had ever called her beautiful before, at least not in this context or in that disgustingly sweet tone, and she couldn’t tell if she loved or hated it.
it felt like an eternity before they were at his condo, and he was guiding her over to the elevator to get to his floor. apparently many people in downtown toronto were having late nights, because the elevator was packed and her back was pressed to his chest.
he wanted to lean into it, wrap an arm around her and nestle his nose into her hair. but she wanted to push him off and settle for leaning against a stranger. 
he let his thoughts control his actions, hand securing itself on her hip under the sweater she’d been wearing and chin resting on her head. she grabbed his hand, pulling it from her and dropping it. she let him keep his head on top of hers, though.
“you’re starting to warm up to me” she scoffed, shoving his face so that his chin slid off the top of her hair. he pouted, figuring he should’ve listened to the part of him that said to shut his mouth and enjoy her presence.
the elevator made an annoying dinging sound and she felt that same hand on her back, guiding her out. she slapped him again, turning back once they were out of the elevator to glare at him.
“stop touching, shit for brains” he giggled, unlocking his door and closing it behind her, then watching as she looked around. he thought she was adorable, walking around and looking at things like a shy little kid.
he grabbed her hand, turning her to face him and her eyes went wide for a split second before she shoved him away from her. the smirk on his face was cocky and she hated it, wanting to slap it off him. 
“sorry, sorry. c’mon, let’s watch a movie” she nodded, keeping an eye on his movements so that she could stop him if he tried to touch her again, and he noticed immediately. 
“y/n, relax, okay? i’m sorry for freaking you out” he sat down and she left a cushion of distance between them when choosing her own seat, deciding his apology was sincere enough for her to stay warranted he didn’t try anything again. 
he handed her the remote to the tv after getting into netflix, so she scrolled through it and putting on a movie she’d seen a million times. 
she knew the familiarity of it would comfort her and she wouldn’t have to worry about accidentally watching a horrendous movie on a night she already wasn’t exactly enjoying.
she cracked a smile when she clicked on it and the preview tab said ‘resume play’ with an almost completed red line, meaning he had already watched it. 
she went down to the ‘play from beginning’ button and pressed on it, pulling her knees to her chest and leaning her chin on them. half way through the movie, she had went from stiff and uncomfortable to slightly relaxed, laid on her side, and curled in on herself so she only took up a cushion and a half. 
her eyes were trying their hardest to stay open, but the time between blinks was slowly becoming shorter and shorter. it didn’t take long before she was sleeping peacefully on his couch cushion
he had been taking glances at her since the movie had started, so he’d seen it when she finally dozed off. he let her be, letting her rest until the movie was over and then he carefully shook her shoulder, mumbling her name to try and wake her up. 
she stirred and buried her face into her arm before opening her eyes, almost wishing he’d just let her sleep on the couch and in her jeans. 
“hi, princess” she groaned, tucking her face further into her arm and using the other one to swat at him. 
“i am not a princess, dickface”
she woke up the next morning to a knock at the door. she didn’t want to admit it, but she’d had the best sleep of her life. his place was so much more quiet than hers, and the heat kicking on at night didn’t sound like a volcanic eruption. 
there were limited ambulances speeding by on the street outside of the window, and there weren’t any neighbours bashing each others skulls in for idiotic reasons. plus, the bed was unreasonably comfortable for a spare.
she mumbled incoherently to tell him she was awake, so he cracked the door open. his face softened completely when he saw that she was still half asleep, curled up into a ball and snuggled close into the bedding.
“what time are you working? i can bring you to the cafe” she shook her head, reaching over to find her phone in the sheets and squinting at the time. 
“not the cafe, my other job. at one” both of his eyebrows went up in surprise, and then he almost pouted. two jobs to live where he’d seen last night was horrible. 
he didn’t exactly have a lavish childhood, so he knew what it was like to struggle, but she didn’t even have any emotional support, either. he had his mom and his brother around until he made a name for himself.
he knew better than to say anything now, even if he desperately wanted to help her, she’d made it clear she didn’t need, or want, his help. 
“well, then we have time for breakfast. i’ll get doordash” she glared at him through glossy, half closed eyes and shook her head. 
“stop spending money on me” he acted like he thought about it and then grinned at her.
“hm. no!” he pulled his phone out and tossed it onto the bed, letting her pick what restaurant she wanted and what meal to get. 
she scrolled through the breakfast tab before stumbling upon a small business that made fancy crepes and she clicked on it, ordering the first thing that she thought looked appetizing. 
he ordered his own crepe, approaching her by the bed. 
“why won’t you let me help you when you need two jobs to live?” she groaned, rolling her eyes at him and swinging her legs over the side of the bed.
“can i use the shower?” it was his turn to roll his eyes. he blocked her from leaving the room, crossing his arms. she scoffed, shoving him away and wandering his condo looking for a full bathroom. 
“fuck, can you answer my question? any other person would jump at this opportunity, what’s different with you? i don’t get it” she shoved both hands into her hair, groaning in annoyance and finally turning to look at him. 
“i jump at this ‘opportunity’ as you call it and all it does is make it ten times easier for my life to go to shit. i don’t need your help. especially not financially” she was yelling, sick of his persistence and trying everything he could to convince her that she should let him in.
he just stared at her, looking like a lost puppy. “but you have it” is all he said, head tilting slightly. 
“if you want to help me plant a fucking garden or something, go ahead. but i’m not taking your money. cause the second i get comfortable with a pro sports salary? any sense of self sufficiency i have is gone and if that ends? i’m so totally fucked” 
he paused, the reason she was being so cagey with him finally sinking in. she didn’t trust that he’d stick around. nonetheless, he took it as a challenge.
he wanted to prove to her that he wouldn’t leave her to fend for herself, that he had no interest in leaving her at all, actually. he’d gain her trust if it was the last thing he did.
he dropped her off at the door of the salon and then, without telling her, parked and followed her in. he walked in just in time for a blonde little boy to run into her arms and for her to pick him up and set him on her hip.
“hey, baby. what’re you doing here?” she looked over at one of her co workers with a worried look and he watched with a small smile, admiring how natural she looked with the boy in her arms.
“jennie’s out sick again?” the other woman nodded, rolling her eyes and wiping her hands of hair dye with a black hand towel and setting a timer. 
“yep. mags is covering for clients that want it. needs the extra money.” y/n frowned, squishing the boys cheek softly. he, however, was too busy gaping at michael to notice. michael waved slightly, taking note of the maple leafs toque he was wearing.
y/n took notice of the boy staring at the door, and turned around. 
“what are you doing? go home” she set the boy down but he tugged at her arm and pouted up at her.  
“y/n/n it’s bunting from the leafs, don’t be mean” she grinned slightly and kneeled down to his level, pulling his hat off and grabbing a marker from the counter nearby. 
“you wanna go say hi?” he hid behind her, shaking his head. 
“it’s okay, baby. i’ll go with you, c’mon” she held her hand out for him and he grabbed it, walking over to him with his face shoved into the lower half of her thigh. 
“hi, buddy” michael tried to ignore the unyielding urge to kiss her and say ‘i knew it’ cause here she was glaring into his soul with a little boy clung to her and she was being a sweetheart.
she cared about this kid, and she was worried for her co worker and she was ignoring her apparent hate for him for this kid. 
“i can hear the gears in your head going haywire and they need to quit it immediately” and there it was. 
michael sighed, kneeling down and greeting the boy with a cheesy grin. 
“you want me to sign that for you?” the boy nodded and handed him the hat and marker, literally jumping for joy. as soon as the hat was signed, he ran off to show his mom and the two were left alone, y/n glaring daggers into michael’s eyes as soon as the boy was out of sight. 
“you can go home now,” he leaned over the register and smiled at her like he was just a random guy, greeting her for the first time. 
“i need a trim. you got time right now?” she gave him an award winning customer service smile and nodded sarcastically, walking over to her station. 
he sat, watching her attentively through the mirror as she grabbed the cape from her cubby and laid it over him. 
she stared into his eyes as she tugged the cape around his neck, buttoning it as tight as possible, ignoring his cough of resistance. 
“too tight?” he nodded slightly, murmuring a breathy ‘yeah’, and exhaling sharply as she pulled the button off. she apologized with a blatantly fake tone and draped him properly, getting started on the haircut. 
when it was done she ran her fingers through it, doing a half solid job at ignoring his love struck eyes when she looked into the mirror to ask how he liked it. all he could do was nod and lean into her touch, to which she glared at him and pulled away.
he got up awkwardly and she lead him to the register, putting in his total on the card machine and handing it to him.
his eyes shifted from her to the machine a few times, and when the receipt came out and the cash register popped open for her tip, she choked on her spit. 
five thousand dollars. 
she dragged him out by the hand and shook her head at him once they were out of the building. “you need to learn boundaries. jesus christ, you can’t just-“ she wanted to scream at him but finally, he’d shocked her enough that she didn’t know if she could scold him for it.
it felt selfish, but if she kept the tip her savings for a home would be immediately doubled and she wouldn’t have to be so stressed about getting sick and needing to call off for a day or two. exactly what she was afraid of. she didn’t want to, couldn’t depend on him like that.
he took her silence as an opportunity to push his nose next to hers, cradle the back of her head and kiss her, gentle but firm. he couldn’t ignore his heart jumping out of his chest when she kissed back.
“let me take you on a date. dinner, maybe? tonight once you’re off” she bit her lip, looking up at him.
“boring. let’s go to dave & busters. eight.” he grinned, giving her a peck on the forehead.
“now get lost before one of my co workers sees you’ve got five grand to waste and gets you to knock her up for child support” he giggled, pulling away from her and starting his car.
“jealous?” she scoffed and walked back into the salon, grabbing the receipt and tucking it into her pocket, planning on talking to the owner privately about the money she’s owed. 
“that boy looks at you like you handcrafted the earth” mags commented, smiling.
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clatoera · 6 months
🧸 🫂 💄 🌟 for Clove!!
These are always in ARWBFB AU bc...I said so :)
Thank you thank you i'm so excited to do this.
🧸 A headcanon about their childhood
-As we know..Clove was raised by a grandmother who resented her and a father who pretended she didn't exist because that was more convenient for him. The resentment of her grandmother, and her often absent guardianship, is why Clove learned to cook at an early age. She was four and a half when she figured out how to crawl onto the counter top and reach the bread and peanut butter, and she subsisted on peanut butter sandwiches for weeks at a time. Her grandmother never questioned when her seven year old grandchild knew how to make fried eggs before school, or when she was ten and would walk by with pan grilled chicken on a plate. She did, however, get questions when eight year old Clove discovered grocery shopping. She came home from school with a backpack full of ingredients for spaghetti, and it isn't until she is walking past later that her grandmother realized she didn't even have noodles int he house that morning. She's self sufficient.
🫂 A friendship headcanon
Cato was Clove's best friend their entire lives. That's well known by anyone who spent more than half a minute with them. However, once Cato's title switches from best friend to something much much more, it is Glimmer who ultimately does claim the role of her best friend. And While Clove would like to pretend she isn't... she is absolutely her best friend. Clove's love language somehow becomes cooking after the war, when all her friends (her family) chose to pile into her home and ask for meals. She pretends it irritates her, but really, it lowkey makes her feel good. In fact, when Glimmer calls her in the middle of the night (or Marvel calls for Glimmer, because she doesn't want to bother Clove) when she's pregnant or has new babies Clove bitches and complains to Cato but she goes every. single. time. (Cato goes too, even on the middle of the night trek to D1, he isn't passing up his chance to hold babies, like it's not fair she gets to go do it just because she's useful). Her love for those friends runs so deep, her loyalty goes so deep, that when the children of her friends are old enough to eat real people food she is over there weekly making them new things to try. She isn't even asked to do so.
💄 An appearance headcanon
Clove was absolutely teased for her size. Compared to D2 girls she is training and competing against she is significantly smaller than most of them in all ways. She is severely underestimated and as a result had to develop that fierceness we all know in love. Not only is she underestimated by girls, she is ignored by boys who do not look at her too long in the way they do the other girls their own age (which, she doesn't mind, she's not interested anyway). It is not until she is an adult that she finds out that the reason those boys never looked at her too long is not because of her size or the way she looks, but because Cato had threatened to break the neck of anyone who did (jealous jealous jealous possessive boy).
🌟 A headcanon about their desires/wishes
Clove's biggest wish/desire/goal her entire life was to go into the games and win. However, once she achieves this, she realizes that she has never, not once, thought about what comes after. It is somewhat of an identity crisis, even more so years after the war when the games were no more. Clove does not know who she is other than a trainee for the games. It is such a dilemma after the games ends. She never even thought about getting a pet. Once she achieved her goal..she was a little lost.
Thank you thank you THANK you my friend this was SO FUN! @bodyelectric77. I love my girly pop.
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hellcheer-heaven · 11 months
Hellcheer List: How caretaker Eddie helps Chrissy.
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Thank you to @bluebunnymoose for helping me with this.
So I know that I’ve mentioned a previous headcanon where Chrissy and Eddie would have their “kid day” together. I do love the idea of the two of them engaging in that, but I really like the idea of Eddie being a gentle and loving caregiver to Chrissy.
Let's say she's having a rough week and she's just exhausted and overstimulated.
When Eddie can sense and see that she’s distressed, he goes right into caregiver mode.
One of the first things he does is hug her and offer her a stuffed animal.
She holds the toy and lets herself cry in his arms, tightly shutting her eyes as he rocks her gently.
“It’s okay Chrissy, just let it out sweet girl. You’re safe here.”
Sometimes when there’s too much going on, she may speak very softly, say a small selection of words, or nothing at all.
If she doesn’t talk, Eddie will ask her a simple yes/no question: “Are you tired? Do you want something to eat?”
He also gently encourages her to point to what she needs as well.
He's considerate and patient, letting her know that she can communicate her needs when she’s ready.
She’ll quietly ask for a bubble bath and when he asks her if she would like her bath toys, she looks up with a little smile and nods.
While he washes her hair and scrubs her skin, Chrissy will blow the bubbly foam and watch it float, reaching out to catch it before it hits the water.
Eddie smiles knowing that she’s feeling a little better, he’s even happier knowing that they will have the weekend to themselves to continue this for as long as she wants.
This means no errands, chores, and other adult responsibilities, just taking care of his one and only.
In their own small house, Eddie has already supplied the pantry with snacks and comfort food (bear shaped graham crackers, pop tarts, mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, etc.) that she was never allowed to eat in her childhood.
Eddie will help make their bed and decorate it with her stuffed animals.
He’ll rent a collection of cartoons and animated movies on vhs for them to watch.
He brings out a huge container of arts and crafts and coloring books to play with.
There’s a large soft blanket spread out with even more of her stuffed animals in the living room.
There’s a book shelf filled with her favorite stories from her childhood.
These include fairytales with happy endings, Alice in Wonderland, Winnie the Pooh, Dr. Seuss, Goodnight Moon, Charlotte’s Web, Peter Rabbit, Madeline, etc.
If she wants to color in a coloring book, Chrissy will lay down on the blanket, open up her big box of crayons, and have her back rubbed while she colors a picture of Minnie Mouse petting Figaro.
Before he heads to the kitchen, he gives her two choices for lunch: Grilled cheese sandwiches or pizza rolls.
They eat in front of the tv and laugh together as they watch cartoons and movies.
She’ll happily sing along and dance to the songs, and ask Eddie to join in, something he gladly loves to partake in.
During a sad scene, Eddie gently holds Chrissy as she squeezes her plush toy and presses it tightly to her face.
He rubs her tears away and pecks her forehead, sweetly reminding her that it’s okay to cry and feel sad for a character.
Even if it’s a movie that they’ve seen many times, certain parts never fail to make her tear up, “Seeing Dumbo cry is sad to watch, isn’t it Chrissy?”
“Everyone is so mean to him, he wants his mama Eddie. Dumbo loves his mama and she misses him.”
When Chrissy wants to make a pillow fort, they take off the couch cushions, rearrange some furniture, cover it with a blanket and crawl inside.
When she wants to play with her dolls, Chrissy decides how the story goes.
She’ll let Eddie know which dolls he gets to play with, what kind of voice to use, and what will happen next.
He loves to watch and listen to her create all sorts of tales and describe the adventures and hardships the characters go through.
After dinner time, she begs him to stay up just a little longer, but he softly reminds her that it’s time to get ready for bed.
He offers to pick her up and take her upstairs for her evening bath.
When she’s done brushing her teeth, he dresses her in cozy pajamas and lets her pick two books to read aloud.
During story time, she asks for him to read the book in different voices for each of the characters.
Then he turns off the lights and turns on the nightlight, singing or humming a few comfort songs to her as he tucks her in and boops her nose to make her giggle.
Chrissy will give him the puppy dog pout and tell him, “I’m not tired Eddie.”
Eddie can’t resist those pleading eyes and lays down beside her, brushing his fingers from the top of her forehead to the end of her nose.
She’ll try to keep herself awake, her eyelids feeling heavy as the gentle hum of his voice eases her into a peaceful slumber.
“I’m… not tired. Not… sleepy. Eddie…”
He stays at her side until she’s fast asleep, carefully getting out of bed, and tiptoeing away.
Eddie looks at Chrissy one more time, smiling at the sight of her so calm and serene, “Sweet dreams princess.”
The next morning after breakfast, they would go for a walk in the park and Chrissy would stop to look at the playground.
She wants to go, but she doesn’t tell him and she’s afraid of being judged by others, so instead she watches from afar.
Later on in the late afternoon/early evening, Eddie says that he has a surprise for her
After dressing her up warmly and telling her to bring one stuffed animal, he takes her over to the park.
All of the families have left and the two of them have the entire playground to themselves.
He would push her on the swing, race her down the slide, spin on the merry go round, climb the jungle gym, and play on the see saw.
After she’s tuckered out, Eddie takes her home and then it’s time to get ready for bed.
After a quick clean up and a shower, he joins her as well.
He lays down beside her and kisses her lips, affectionately whispering, “I love you Chrissy.”
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ctitan98official · 5 months
Graduate student Donna Beneviento x professor Y/N part 2
Love this AU! Read the first part here!
It had been a few weeks since Donna started working on your research team. She was brilliant. She had already come up with important conclusive findings and you had come to rely on her.
One day, you walk down the hallway, whistling happily as you make your way to your classroom.
You open the door and see Donna already sitting there. She’s always so punctual. It’s really sweet how focused and prepared she is.
“Good morning!” You say with a grin.
Donna turns and smiles sheepishly at you before you see a little face poke up and look at you from behind her.
“Hi!” A cute little girl greets you excitedly.
Your grin gets wider. “Well, hi there, little bit! I’m Y/N. What’s your name?” You ask as you make your way over to hold out your hand to her.
“I’m Angie!” She says proudly and shakes your hand.
You chuckle at how adorable she is. “The pleasure is all mine.” You say good-naturedly.
You look over to Donna who is blushing like mad. “Old undergrad roommate?” You joke and point your thumb at Angie, who giggles wildly.
“I’m so s-sorry, Y/N.” Donna apologizes. “This is my daughter, Angie. Her school lost power for the day and I couldn’t find a babysitter.” She says, holding her head in shame.
“Hey, no problem here. This is a 9 AM class, it’s nice to see someone so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.” You laugh. “I’m very happy to meet you, squirt.” You say to Angie, making her squeal joyfully. “In fact, would you like to be my very special helper today, Angie?” You ask her.
Angie’s eyes light up. “Yeah!” She says.
“Great! Could you make sure each desk has one of these sheets of paper on it?” You ask and reach into your bag to hand her a small stack of assignments.
Angie is honored and immediately grabs them before setting about her task.
You turn and look at the lovely dark-haired woman. “She’s beautiful, Donna.” You say with a warm smile.
Donna feels like her heart just melted at how sweet you were with her daughter. Unfortunately, this does nothing to quell the large crush she has on you. “Thank you for being so understanding.” She says nervously.
You grin at her. You could look at Donna’s cute, flushed face all day and never get tired of it.
“Like this, Y/N?” Angie calls and gestures to what she’s done already.
“That’s perfect, thanks!” You say with a thumbs up. “She’s a natural.” You say, pointing at Angie.
Donna can’t help but giggle at your playfulness.
You laugh before going to set up your presentation.
Class goes fairly well. Donna is able to keep Angie entertained by letting her play on her phone.
You, on the other hand, are having a difficult time focusing. Donna is such a good mom. You see the way she gently rubs Angie’s back or brushes hair out of her face as she takes notes. It endears her even more to you. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t have a crush on her, but that was just all kinds of inappropriate. You feel guilty even thinking about it. You’re not only her professor, but her project lead.
Eventually, as the hour ends, students begin to rush out to get to their next class.
You know Donna has a few hours in her schedule before she needs to attend another lecture, and you really just want to spend more time with her… So, you do something that you’ll probably regret. “My dynamic duo.” You say, smiling at Donna and Angie. “Are either of you hungry? I skipped breakfast so I am. There’s an awesome sandwich place close to campus. My treat.” You offer.
Donna stammers for a second before Angie begins asking the real questions. “Do they have grilled cheese?!” She asks with a hopeful look in her eyes.
You laugh. “As a matter of fact they do! Grilled cheese is my favorite.” You tell her.
“Mama! Y/N and I have the same favorite food! Can we go, Mama?” She begs, bouncing in her seat.
“Yeah, can we go, Mama?” You plead with big eyes.
Donna’s entire face goes red after hearing you call her that. You’re cheeky. “U-um… Well, if Y/N has time.” She says, looking at you.
You grin. “Absolutely! Let’s roll, gang.” You say, motioning for them to follow you.
It’s a beautiful day, so you three decide to walk the block or so to the little restaurant.
You and Angie are animatedly discussing video games. It’s nice to have someone to talk with who enjoys the same things you do.
Donna has no idea what you two are discussing, but it makes her so ecstatic that you like Angie.
Everything goes fine until some guy runs up and tries to yank Donna’s purse out of her hands.
“Gimme your bag!” He yells and starts wrestling the purse away from her.
The violent assailant makes Angie cower in fear and tears roll down her cheeks.
Something primal awakens in you as you see the panic in Donna and Angie’s eyes. The complete need to protect them spurs you to act. You immediately grab this fucker and throw him to the ground harshly.
He somehow manages to get the purse before he tries to make a break for it.
You run after him and tackle him to the ground.
The punk howls in pain. “You broke my fuckin’ arm!” He shrieks.
“Good! Maybe you’ll learn something from this, ass!” You say.
He manages to hit you a few times before you effectively end the fight.
You punch him right in the face to get him to stop struggling.
A crowd of people begins to form and you yell out for someone to call 911.
The guy is out cold. You must have really hurt him badly.
Some people from the crowd restrain him until the cops can arrive.
You thank them before walking back over to Donna and Angie. “Are you two okay?” You ask, breathing heavily before handing Donna her purse.
Poor Angie is shaken up. She’s bawling as Donna hugs and consoles her.
“Yes, Y/N. Just reeling a bit.” She tells you. “I… Thank you for saving us. That was incredible.” She says, standing up while Angie clings to her leg.
Donna is still in shock from how easily you took the guy down, but she notices a few nasty gashes on your face. “Y/N, you’re hurt.” She says and reaches out to cup your jaw.
The warmth from Donna’s hand is amazing. You fight the urge to let your eyes roll back in pleasure. “I’ve been through worse.” You smile tiredly and give her a wink. You look at Angie and crouch down to her level. “What about you, little bit? Everything okay?” You ask gently.
Seeing how you were able to protect her and her mom makes Angie feel completely safe with you. She bursts into relieved tears as she runs into your arms.
You’re surprised but immediately hug her back.
Angie feels secure in your embrace.
You stand up, still holding Angie, and look to Donna. “They’re probably gonna want to get statements from us about what happened.” You tell her. “I’m going to drive you both home after we finish up. I’ll send your professor an email to excuse you from your other lecture.” You say.
Donna can’t begin to even process how thankful she is for you. It’s rough being a single mom, but ever since you came into her life, you’ve made her feel like she is being taken care of. As much as she had a crush on you before, you just became her savior. You neutralized a potential threat to her beloved daughter. That basically makes you a saint in her book.
She timidly walks closer and places a soft kiss on your cheek. “Thank you, Y/N.” She whispers and puts her arms around you and Angie.
Note: Plot twist at the end there. Let me know what you thought and if you want another part!
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