#because mf doesnt seem to like anything
dragonroilz · 9 months
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he doesnt know
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anotherpapercut · 10 months
sorry if this is extraordinarily pretentious but I do think it's wild that lobe piercings count as piercings in the same way a lip piercing does. it feels wrong. I have never thought of ear piercings as real piercings it seems like you should just be born with those right like they should be just in there naturally
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infizero · 2 years
i may have chosen this cute pic of young basil but rest assured this kid has fucking issues
#suicide mention tw#like erm. omori spoilers in the tags if you do not wish to see them#i find the idea of someone seeing my pfp who doesnt know anything about omori and being like#aw that boy in the flower crown is so cute#like lolllll they dont know he helped stage his friend's accidental murder of his sister as a suicide .  .. .. . .#and also that hes insanely mentally ill and like the most unhealthily codependent mf ive ever seen#i swear im not one of those ppl that woobify him and just make him aww anxious kid got traumatized and is sad :(#like yeah he is traumatized but STOP BELITTLING TRAUMATIZED CHARACTERS TO JUST ''ohhh theyre so sad poor thing'' SHUT UP!!!!!!!!#do not erase the unlikable/ugly parts just to make their trauma more paletable IM SICK OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!#yes basil is absolutely deserving sympathy and it is incredibly tragic what happened to him and im not saying you cant feel sad for him#or make content of him being sad#but news flash BASIL IS SUPER FUCKED UP!!!!!!! HE DOES FUCKED UP SHIT!!!!!!!!#hes INSANELY dependent/attached to sunny like the trauma bond is unreal#he acts irrationally he acts ''creepily''/''unusually'' bcuz of his trauma#for fucks sake HE TRIED TO FORCE SUNNY INTO DOING A DOUBLE SUICIDE BASICALLY?????? AGAINST HIS WILL???????????#PPL GLOSS OVER THAT SO MUCH IT SEEMS HE LITERALLYYYYY WAS ABOUT TO KILL HIMSELF AND SELFISHLY DECIDED HE NEEDED SUNNY TO GO DOWN WITH HIM SO#HE FUCKING ATTEMPTED TO MURDER HIM!!!!!!!!! EVEN WHEN SUNNY WAS CLEARLY NOT OK WITH IT AND FIGHTING BACK#and again IM NOT SAYING THAT THIS IS 100% HIS FAULT its obviously because of his trauma but like. thats not a full excuse#whatevers I DID NOT MEAN TO RAMBLE ON THIS MUCH...........#i just have thoughts its the same shit ppl did w ctommy - rejecting when his trauma comes out in ugly ways and glamorizing it when it was#more quiet and sad#dawg basil stabbed sunny's fucking eye out.......... yes he was in a terrible mental state BUT LIKE STILL?????#serena.txt
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weirdmageddon · 9 months
💿⚛️ davejade headcanons
sorry for leaving you guys waiting on this for like a week lol i kept being like “tomorrow for sure” but falling asleep but anyway here it is. i might add more to this if i think if anything but reblogs might not reflect the up to date source version so you can always find it here
most of these are pointing out stuff thats basically canon anyway but whatever lol. basically canon headcanons
dave tries to impress jade to get her attention because he likes her
this ones for you *misses hoop by 5 feet*
he doesnt mind jade’s inane riddles honestly. he isn’t perturbed by how she just knows things like rose is, because he doesnt think into it too far. he trusts her
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he spends a lot of time indulging in her interests and showers her in his music and poetry
they draw things for each other a lot <3 jade has the pictionary modus and seems pretty good at drawing and of course dave sent her sbahj as furries in the mail. sending jpegs over the internet is BABY NONSENSE. real boys send their childhood friend/crush pictures they drew for them through the INTERNATIONAL POSTAL SYSTEM to an unspecified island in the middle of nowhere, pacific ocean that gets packages dropped by plane so the recipient can tangibly hold it and hang it in their room
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actually i was going through the commentary and hussie addresses it as such:
“Also notice her SBaHJ furry poster, which was clearly a very thoughtful gift from Dave”
jade would give dave a "cool" plushie of a tiger or something nd he keeps it on his desk . froot’s beautiful idea
he loves her plushie sensibilities. so much less unnerving than his bro’s phallic puppets. they're still soft but no cognitive dissonance this time about the softness coming from foam puppet ass hoorayyy
theyre still reading homestuck on act 4 but they understood them instantly
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jade humors dave’s ironic cool facade because it makes dave feel more comfortable without feeling too exposed, but it’s because of this that he feels like he can open up to her because she isnt prying. (im still not over the smile here btw. only jade could make dave smile after a fucked evening where he spilled juice on his turntables and accidentally skewered an innocent crow with his sword and broke his window this mf is TYPING. also getting a bit of joy out of the fact that the only visible suit on his cards-themed bedcover in this panel is a heart)
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but he knows that jade is not unaware of what he's hiding. couldnt even refute her lol
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from the knight’s perspective, it’s “i’m not as [blank] as i appear. i want you know that about me if i know you well and trust you, or i DON’T want you to know that about me if i DON’T know you well. the reason is that i want to know that i can trust you to avoid turning my insecurity into a Whole Thing”
basically she allows dave to take initiative when HE feels comfortable and confident in sharing the things he’s self-conscious about. this really helps him be comfortable and form a strong bond with her
dave would wrap his arms around her to “ironically” imitate a pair of tangle buddy squiddles (while actually concealing genuine affection basically unbeknownst to himself) but he winds up looking just a little too into it for just an “ironic” bit yall……
jade is slower to realize her deeper feelings since she shows love to everyone (so long as theyre deserving of it!!!) it just hits her one day that she actually Likes him in a special way, while for dave it is more dynamic and gradual but very on the downlow, expressed in creative acts and services
once dave actually recognizes he’s really caught feelings for her down the line, dave and jade happily do the tangle buddies hug all the time. its like their handshake. its their weird couple thing
these two when together as a unit they do not give a shit about what other people think of them
this shit lol:
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Creative Fucking Powerhouse the two of them
davejade ass song to me
jade is quite spacey and super appreciates dave’s level-headedness and steady pragmatism while at the same time not being a rigid stick in the mud about it. for example when they were acting as each others’ server players dave was advising her but it was appreciated by jade
sorry its just literally socionics duality LITERALLY THIS IS THEMMM (also i spent WAY too much time making these graphics and integrating texts from multiple sources please appreciate it)
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fittingly with that, as ouroborista writes about the opposite space-time aspect dichotomy,
Space and Time are the fundamental Aspect pair. Their job is to make shit take place. To create novelty. Between them they span not only all of existence but also the inseparable twin approaches of any creative project. Space goes for breadth, for ideas, for expansive, holistic input, while Time goes for needlepoint focus and a rapid-turnover ability to pull through on the prompt. There’s a reason why these are the two Aspects necessary for any successful session of SBURB.
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jade is literally always having a little giggle about him. dave is a funny guy. lame court jester ass boyfriend
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he’d draw his post-ironic fursona and show it to her with the usual deadpan expression on his face, eyes obscured by his shades. but jade will look at it and when he sees her smile and laugh it makes it all worth it. his cheeks feel warm and he’ll smile slightly like “heh heh”. dave the type to smile like an idiot over anything jade does like his mouth keeps making a thin line and hes trying to fight it but . Jade
dave thought jade looked absolutely stunning in her 3 in the morning dress his mouth probably stupidly hung open the tiniest amount seeing her after swapping into it
of course she only wears it for what she considers "very special occasions"…..spending time with dave seemed to be a very special occasion :)
jade think dave looks sharp in his suits!!
imagine jade adjusting daves crooked bowtie and lapel and his palms start to sweat and he darts his eyes from behind his shades and chews the inside of his cheek she making him nervous bro 💯
jade is definitely the teaser and dave is the teased. still i dont think jade teases dave as much as john and rose which is why he feels more comfortable opening up to her about his shit. her teasings are much lighter and inconsequential
despite how funny and informal he is dave is a classy well-put-together romantic. he is responsible and harmonious in how he choses to present himself. remember when he got secondhand embarrassment from rose when she was drunk before her date with kanaya and he suggested to her and kanaya that the two reschedule? … he’d NEVER do something like that. sober. suit is ON. hair is neatly combed. he is right on time, not too early not too late, and his first words are “yo whats up”
dave has this designated driver energy about him
after dogtiering jade’s dog ears can perk and flatten, adding even more expressiveness
jade has so many hobbies and interests i think she’d get dave into horticulture somehow unironically
theyre both the kinda mf to ask “would you still love me if i were a worm”
dave’s hands are warm
jade’s skin can be cool to the touch in some places like the back of her arms or shoulders and dave places his hands there to warm them. or by rubbing them or something
idk just some associations space is cool and time is warm to me. the vaccuum of space is cold and time is associated with gears which are associated with generating heat and dave’s classical element is fire and jade’s is earth and her planet is initially covered in snow and daves is covered in lava idk…. just makes symbolic sense i guess but its also cute in its own right
dave would love going to the beach with jade on earth c cause the ocean is so boob i mean boob i mean boob i m,ean boob i mean SHIT . blue. blue
this Fucking animation bro
she infodumps about science and he sits his ass down to listen
jade does this (excuse the fact that the url is roselalonde)
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deadbeat-motel · 4 months
For my rewrite, I wanted to tie each sinner who's staying at the motel to a specific deadly sin to make it easier to understand what got them in hell and just for the fun of it.
It doesn't apply to the rest of hell to have a specific sin, but I thought it was interesting that the inhabitants of the motel will represent a sin.
Some of these characters are still rough ideas and will be subjected to some changes once i finalize the actual lores for these characters:
First up, Angel Dust is easy to confuse as Lust because most people might assume that since he's a sex worker, its probably what got him in hell right? Though, his sin had nothing to do with being lustful since he didnt become a sex worker until then (plus being a sex worker doesnt warrant someone a tacket straight to hell). Instead what really did him in was Gluttony since it was his appetite for vices that got him into trouble and also inadvertently lead to his death and it was that appettite that lead him to take any and all clients to feed his appetite for angeldust.
Nifty's sin is Lust, though not in the traditional sexual sense that we know. For her sin's sake, Lust is all about an uncontrollable desire that leads one to do horrible acts in order to attain what they've been obsessing over. In the rewrite, I was going to let her be a lot younger (most likely an adolescent-young teen) with a very skewed sense of what romance/love is like and have her lean in more towards a yandere-type character or a crappy creepypasta kid character (think Nina the killer levels of crappypasta). I'm torn between the two ideas at the moment.
[Also fun fact, hearing that nifty was a japanese woman from the 1950's kind of took me off because googling it, she wouldve been a woman who grew up in the middle of world war 2 and lived through a bit of the Post war boom if we assumed she's also american as well. Having someone with a background like that who acts like she's mentally a child makes it feel like Viv did no research at all.]
Husk's sin remains as Greed, as gambling just seems so hard to quit for him, even when his life is on the line, especially when he's cheating death so many times. Maybe it was after he had his first close encounter with death in his youth... or the few couple of times during the war... that he began to think of himself as too lucky to die. Unfortunately for him, he'd have to learn the hard way that whatever force that was trying to save him can't do anything about his own body failing from years of self-destructive alcoholism.
[Husk will literally kill me with all the research I'll have to do from 1910-1970 to get his story straight.]
Alastor is one Prideful mf. As an intelligent serial killer (possibly cannibal), he was able to evade the police whilst keeping the high-profile radio host job he killed others for. He enjoyed leaving clues and slipping little hints around his scene that stumped the entire police department. In the end, getting sloppy because of his own overconfidence in his abilities was what did him in and he was chased down and shot by a hunter in his escape.
Sir Pentious is Envious of the Victorian family and those above the middle class. He believed that he deserved to have the same kind of privileges they have especially since he was a brilliant inventor who believed he could forward Great Britain to a greater future. So he gave up 15 years trying to take over the monarchy by himself and failing miserably. He died due to an invention gone wrong and that was the day Great Britain was rid of its persistent annoyance.
[Some people may read about him in history books and confuse him for an anti-monarchist when this man's entire goal was to replace the monarchy with himself.]
Cherri Bomb grew up as a resentful youth of the Japanese 70's being a sukeban of a delinquent girl gang. Their Wrath was known all across the other local schools in their area and they were known for their sheer brutality. However, Cherri Bomb in particular was also feared by other members of the gang as she was ruthless punishing those who wanted to leave the group. She doesn't ever disclose how she died to others and thus no one is ever really sure how she ended up down here but no one really feels the need to ask.
[I'm extremely unfamiliar with Australian history so Cherri Bomb will have to have grown up in Japanese 70-80's delinquent culture.]
There's one sin left.... but since I don't really have anyone in the HH cannon that could realistically fit Sloth, I'm left with two options: Characterizing the blank slate that is Crymini myself or leaving the last resident as a community effort "Build-a-Sinner."
So first poll ive done but....
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
~late night car drives with bsd charas~
this is an idea i got while listening to depressing vocaliod songs, SO HERE WE ARE!!! these are just some hc i have about how it would go, some charas are COMPLETELY platonic!! (this is mostly platonic in the 1st place tbh) this is my first time writing on this app, and i haven't written anything online in a few years, so if the formatting is weird, PLEASE TELL ME IDK WHAT IM DOIMNHG
chara list: dazai, chuuya, poe, ranpo, and yosano
GENRE: fluff fluff fluff and sillies
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-he would probably be going to some weird ass convenience store with you at ungodly hours in the morning 💀
-i feel like he would mess with you and fucking drift the car when yall turn
-lets just say you get close to dying more then once 😁
-one time when yall tried to sneak out, kunikida caught yalls asses (your ears still hurt to this day from the mouthing off you got from kunikida)
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-ok so i know i said late night CAR rides BUT CMON WHO DOESNT WANNA RIDE A COOL ASS MOTORCYCLE WITH CHUUYA!??!?!?/1
-i hc that when chuuya gets really pissed and the person is super rude to him, he fucking makes their car float...LIKE FULL ON 😭
-but other then his road rage, its honestly pretty chill
-i know that he has a BANGER playlist, I JUST KNOW IT
-i fell like he'd also play around on the motorcycle a bit, BUT AT LEAST HE WOULDNT NEARLY KILL YOU UNLIKE DAZAI (눈‸눈)
-id say its pretty nice and balanced, with enough calmness to make it enjoyable for the most part, but enough thrill to keep asking him to take you out <33
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-just gonna let you know right off the bat, his ass is NOT driving 😂
-there is a high chance that he JUST woke up and started banging on your door because he had cravings and well, he ran out of his snacks...so OBVIOUSLY he had to bang on your door, its important!!!
-and even if he was completely awake...he would get yall lost so fast
-so you were driving him
-honestly? its kinda funny to see groggy ranpo walk around and try to grab what snack he wants at the convenience store when he's barely awake
-bro literally drops the bag like 5 times (you picked it up all 5 bc you kinda pitied him rn 😭)
-he basically ends up sleep walking his ass outta there
-the ride is mostly quiet, mainly because ranpo falls asleep on the way back
-imagine if you played heavy metal and woke him up
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-these car rides would be so peaceful
-ngl he would probably sometimes take you out just to drive with you (its not like gas is a problem for him anyways 😭)
-doesnt seem like a talker tbh, he might ask you if you want to go anywhere specific, but you guys mostly just listen to music together (he saves the story telling for another time <3)
-you hold karl in your lap and pet him like you're an evil villain (cannon)
-very calming and relaxing drive <33
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-ngl she kinda gives dazai vibes, in terms of playlist
-there has been more than one occasion when she just drunk-drove you
-shes a small talker, OR A GOSSIPER WHILE YALL DRIVE
-yall just have so much fun talking about the ada and everything that's going on there <333
-would scream the lyrics to any 2010's throwback song, while having a (hopefully) safe dance party
-very fun to be around, and even though she drunk drives, shes def safer then dazai
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mattestrella · 5 months
okay wait u seem like the yapper type so thoughts on laura cus i LOVE reading what people think abt her 😍🙏
i was avoiding this question because i have so much to say abt this bitch ass mf
okay now why the FUCK did she move three 17/18 (idk how old) BOYS into her home with her 16 year old daughter… A MANAGER is supposed to help with WORK, for example; new opportunities, merch, tour etc. NOT take them on holidays and put them on her fucking christmas tree??? also idc if nicks gay why is she letting her 16 year old daughter sleep in the same bed as a client?? also didnt someone say she isnt even qualified to be a manager‼️ ANDDDDD imagine if the gender roles were swapped and laura was a man and he moved three 17/18 year old girls into his house like what the fuck?? also tbh i dont HATE madi but i dont like her. she doesnt rlly do anything so i dont know why she gets so much fame😭😭 actress/influencer my ass. there was this one post laura made and it had the first slide as a picture of laura, nick, matt and chris and the next slide as laura and madi and she captioned it ‘Sons and daughter’ MA’AM. THATS UR FUCKING CLIENTS NOT SONS?? and the way madi was the second slide HER OWN ASS DAUGHTER? madi even commented ‘the way im the second slide’. also she never posts any other clients on her socials its always only the triplets like i understand there the most famous but u still have to post about your other clients LMAOOOO. i could say sm more but my hands hurt ALSO i want to know what marylou thinks abt her
thank you for calling me a yapper i actually love you ma
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michelletsw · 1 year
Twisted wonderland boys with a s/o that's deathly scared of spiders
Twisted wonderland boys reactions to walking in on there s/o standing on something looking like there going to cry trying to kill a big spider.
I made epels so long compared to the rest of them lol TwT sorry also I didn't do ortho but I threw him in with idias. I'm changing them up a bit gets kinda random with the hair spray lol.
((I honestly don't know if idia or vill are scared of spiders I couldn't find anything about it so I'm just going off there personality here sorry TwT))
Warnings ⚠️ cursing, not spell checked,
Heartslabyel, octavinelle, scarabia, pomefiore, ignihyde, savanaclaw, diasomnia.
He was making his way over to ramshackle for a sleep over, walking into the dorm and making his way up to your room only to stop when he hears you yelling? Walking towards the sounds he ends up infront of the bathroom door, knocking he asks if your Allright. To which you respond by yelling at him to come help you, he opens the door and sees you backed into the corner clinging onto a hair spray bottle for dear life. Panicking he asks what happened, what are you doing? Why are you in a towl??? "SpIdEr. HeLp." He turns to look at the still running shower and spots a unreasonably giant spider just hanging out on the wall next to your soaps. "Okay you go get dressed and I'll take care of it" mainly only saying this because he doesnt want you to see him struggling with this both mentally and physically. You hand him your hair spray and run to your room now that he's alone it's just him and the spider. He can do this...... he can't do this. Has psyched him self out multiple times when trying to put cups or something over it, attempting to kill it with his shoe failed because he got to nervous he might miss and it would jump on him. Ended up retreating over the the other side of the room and thinking for about 2 minutes before it clicks, he turns the shower back on and grabs to shower head and moving it so the water just hits the spider and it goes down the drain! Done and done!.... not done and done he repeats not done and done!!! It worked for the most part but it's not going done the drain it's fighting back, the mf holding on for dear life. You make your way down the stairs yelling for epel and asking if he's doing okay, the boy now panicking he runs over to the sink cabinet and grabs the first cleaning product he saw, that just so happens to be bleach he pours it on the spider and it finally gives up and accepts its fate. He turns the shower off and puts everything back then leaves the bathroom, he tells you everything is fine and he killed it. You 2 then continue on with your sleep over and hang out for the rest of the night.
Rook was on his way to do his daily stalking check up on you to see what your doing and what not. Letting himself in he makes his way to your room only to stop dead in his tracks when he hears you yelling from the common room, he quickly makes his way over to you afraid something might of happened. Walking in he sees you standing on the coffee table with your eyes watering, he instantly looks to where your looking at snd sees a large spider on the wall where the couch is. You still haven't noticed him it seems, he grabs one of his shoes and smashes the spider, This quick action makes you jump almost falling off the table. Rook grabs you and places you down on the other couch next to the window "wait here mon petit trickster" he leaves to the kitchen and comes back with a paper towel and cleaning cloth, he cleans the spider mess off the wall then his shoe. Throwing them away he goes back over to you kissing the back of your hand "what shall we do this afternoon mon amour" you go get food and have a picnic in the botanical gardens, talking about your day and what not.
Due to his busy schedule your dates normally consist of doing self care or movie nights in his room, you where sitting on his bed waiting for him to come back after being disrupted and having to leave the room to answer a phone call. Once he walks back in the room you are now standing on the bench at the end of his bed, he asks what in the world your doing? Turning to him teary-eyed you point to the wall and tell him there's a spider. He immediately laughs and starts to baby you "my poor sweat potato" he walks over and grabs your hand walking you out of the room to get some tea while walking past the lounge rook is siting in one of the chairs and looks over to you both and gets up and walks down the halls. You and vil stay in the dining area for some time calming down and drinking tea. Once you return to his dorm the spider seems to have disappeared, you continue your night as planned and don't question anything.
You where actually at his dorm room playing some video games and everything was going good till idia called for a snack break. He was walking back to his room and when he got to his door he heard you screeching, he quickly opened the door and ask you what happened? You now standing on his desk chair, point to the wall next to you and theres a big ass spider. Now you both look like your about to cry "YOU SHOULD KILL THAT!" "Um No FuCk tHaT!" Idia yelled back jumping on his bed. Your yelling combined with the noise of random objects being thrown at the spider could be heard all the way from the kitchen where ortho was, curious but he didn't think much of it atleast till he heard you screaming "Ah! IT MOvED FUcK iT!!" "DoN't Abandon Me Here!" Followed by the sound of a door being thrown open and running. You and idia now both in the kitchen sitting on the floor ortho of course ask what happened and if you two are okay, checking your vitals and looking for any injuries. You explain what happened and that there's a giant spider in idias room. "Oh! Is that all?" Ortho chuckles and grabs a cup, making his way up to idias room. Idia and you look at each other still a little startled, you break into laughter over your own reaction. idias nervously joins your laughter as you both get up and make your way back to see what orthos doing. You and idia peek your heads through the door way to see ortho happily holding the spider in a cup with paper under it, making his way to the door to go outside. Seeing you both he holds up the spider showing you that he caught it, you both thank him as he leaves. You continue on with your hangout with ortho joining you, gaming and hanging out till ortho makes you to go to bed around 12.
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joeypartharmony · 11 months
Ok so im a little uncomfortable so check the tags and buckle up because im gonna open my mouth
"Ohh ohh we needed a reason to get him in jail so that jiho could have his badass moment with a yellow-tag guy and rise to the top and then the interview with daniel so it could pl-" YOU COULD HAVE JUST DONE SOMETHING ELSE. HAVE JIHO KICK SOME OTHER GUYS ASS. YOU COULD HAVE PICKED SOMEBODY ELSE.
"Buh but evra evra this stuff does happen its important to shed light on-" NAH YOU COULD HAVE DONE THAT WAY DIFFERENTLY, BUT YOU DIDN'T.
AND HE'S THE GAY REPRESENTATION IN LOOKISM. you could argue Jay is The Gay too and they're just not saying anything and I'd be like "yeah! That sounds right! If he was a woman he'd be a main love interest! My king fr!" but HE'S NOT BEING SHOWN THAT WAY. MY HEADCANON IS NOT CANON. AND MOST LIKELY, WON'T BE. IT IS DOWNRIGHT PROBLEMATIC HOW HE'S THE MOST OBVIOUSLY SHOWN GAY REP IN LOOKISM. "evraaaa not all gay people are good people!" YEAH BUT HE'S PRETTY MUCH THE ONLY ONE WE'RE SEEING ON LEVEL ONE HERE. THE ONE. AND HE'S A CONVICTED R4PIST. THAT'S HIM, THAT'S THE GUY.
If i got some info wrong please let me know :) keep yourself safe out there
Drink your water, shoplift, eat filling food, brush your teeth, punch a racist, brush your hair and shower! Self care isn't always something you want to do <3333
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miku-meeku · 6 months
Gurl, Variable Barricade was literally the first otome game I played.
I'll give you a quick run down, our MC Hibari is an independent girlboss who's just awful at romance. She's from a powerful family so she expects an arranged marriage but her grandfather was like 'LMAO, no. You have to choose from these 4 trash men instead and your gonna live with them for a while'.
So for our 4 love interests are as follow, marriage fraud who is Ichiya Mitsumori who is also the ultimate male wife, the gold digger which is Shion Mayuzumi (material girl), submissive and bully-able Nayuta Yagami and finally gambling addict Taiga Isuguri (personal fav)
The game is very much a sort of rom com, our lovely Hibari has to pick one of them to be her husband which is hard when everyone seems like they would be a dead beat spouse. It's dangerously hilarious, like girl I was laughing every 10 mins
Also to me Taiga is definitely Whitney, hands down no arguments. Shion could be Robin since ya know, Robin doesn't do jack shit and is only there for eye candy, Nayuta is Kylar mostly because he would just straight up do anything Hibari says to the degree that if she said she wanted him to be her dog he would woolf, Ichiya is... I can't really see him as Sydney, well atleast corrupt Sydney, idk he wouldn't fit
Anyways play Variable Barricade
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i feel like literally only one character suits one of the LIs in DoL and its just Whitney BAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA
Shion is too pretty to be Robin (no offense Robin) but then again, I did a lil digging (cuz blonde boys makes me drop my pants) and wowie this mf doesnt do anything other than loiter, hes just like me frfr- and Robin also doesnt do anything other than loiter (sorry for Robin slander, ily Robin)
Nayuta's dog traits and obeying yada yada does seem to fit Kylar's but this guy is too happy, he reminds me of someone that I can't pinpoint HMMM,,, you think if i color his hair black, he'd look more like a happy version of Kylar,,,
and the one who doesn't fit anyone is Sydney BAHAHHAHA, I read a lil abt Ichiya and they literally have nothing in common, rip Sydney
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anws its actually kinda funny, back then i always look away from bad boys until recently with Whitney cough, TAIGA LIKES BRITISH ROCK BAHAHAHAHA ISNT THIS JUST WHITNEY FR, i wonder if he sounds like floyd from twst since hes voiced by nobuhiko okamoto or is using more of his bakugo voice instead (i really love nobuhiko okamoto sm)
honestly would love to play this game to immerse myself in romancing a Whitney look-a-like but....
no money
no nintendo switch
im poor sobs
goodbye japanese whitney voiced by nobuhiko okamoto
maybe one day in the future...
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thesoupinursocks · 1 year
Part Two
stupid little things that i hc for hjp
-his favorite kind of music is 90s R&B bc thats what he grew up with, he absolutely cannot stand wixen music no matter how hard he trys
-he HATES pizza. hates it.
-he got bullied into getting a new pair of glasses when he got older bc his old one finally got broken beyond repair and when he got the new prescription he just kept stairing at trees and saying "oh my godric mione theres like actual leaves on the trees. like i can see every individual one."
-his favorite icecream is strawberry cheesecake, but a close second is cookie dough
-he has this really big sweatshirt he shrinks to carry around in his pocket werever he goes bc its so usefull when he gets cold
-talking abt getting cold, this mf is FREEZING 24/7. not a warm bone in his body. his teeth r chattering in 40° weather and his fingers turn blue if hes outside too long.
-he is slightly deaf in his right ear, partially from the killing curse messing with him, and also bc he fell down the stairs when he was like 4 and smashed his frontal lobe on the linoleum floor, and it never healed right.
-his favorite animals are snakes (obvi) and sometimes he goes to muggle pet shops to go talk to them bc he gets so sad that there locked in a glass cage and cant get out
-he has really bad blood circulation and when he sits criss cross his legs will go numb and when he trys to walk it off he looks like an idiot and his friends laugh at him
-pravati and padma and still friends with him and will invite him to hang out so they can paint his nails and try to fix his hair
-he was always tanner then alot of the kids at privit drive, bc he wasnt white, but he never got out much in the summers bc he wasn't allowed to so he always looked more pasty than he should have. the summer after the war he spent so much time outside and he tanned so much that when get went back for 8th year minerva thought he was james for a second
-he loves making friendship bracelets for people but hes so bad at them because of how shaky his hands are but everyone he gifts one too never complains.
-he has a necklace with the sirius star constellation
-he bought a magic ring that shows the moon and what phase it is the moment he looks at it, because he can never seem to keep track of it for the life of him and he wants to be able to for remus
-sometimes when he wakes up his hair does weird things so he grabs a pair of sissors and hacks off the bits that stick out bc "it will grow back hermione it really doesnt matter that much"
-he helped the twins pull a prank on ron so that every cup he drank out of for two weeks would flip itself upside down into his lap. ron eventually just started drinking with a straw though
-he and hermione lie to ron about muggle things all the time because its fucking hilarious to see him believe anything they say.
-he stole a street cat that was wandering around his flat one time bc it bothered him that it didnt have a home, and he named it "shitass" because it was the loudest and most annoying cat harry had ever met.
-he is expected to be late to class by most of his teachers. when he shows up on time it's like an actual surprise
-his full name is actually Haris James Potter and he had no clue until when remus was repremanding him and said his full name and he was like "..who?"
-harry has extensive knowledge on periods because of how much hermione complains about hers
-he only drinks his coffee black but he puts a shit load of honey into his tea
-he has a hard time differentiating his left from his right
-he sucks at spelling. actually once spelt his own name wrong on a assignments and snape graded him down for it.
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itslilacokay · 9 months
what no sleep does to a mf (i got a paper trail analysis
funny story haha, so in a server i witnessed a few talking about what it would look like if the 7 traits were taken to an extreme, and after that i get reminded of paper trail every time i think of the extreme traits and i had to share this because this is one of the first actual "analysis" stuff i ever do
for those that have not seen nor read paper trail, see it as this has spoilers to the comic! read it right now now nown now n
lets start off with what the extreme traits are (based off two people)
determination -> obsession
bravery -> recklessness
justice -> judgementalism
kindness -> sacrifice
patience -> inaction
integrity -> blindness
perseverance -> stubbornness
(these will be explained further down the post dw)
i thought of these at least appearing once in each dark world with a trait corresponding to a prince world, hell i thought of an extreme trait being noticed in some princes, there are exceptions but the real point of this analysis is that its shown in paper trail so imma start off already before i forget
gotta start off though right off the bat that unfortunately i couldnt notice sacrifice with ralsei happening in paper trail, so thats one exception
kindness, or in this case sacrifice is not going to be mentioned moving forward until proven otherwise, sorry
so lets start with the first new prince we see in the comic instead, which would be eslira
eslira represents the patience trait but now in this case, inaction
inaction is in a way patience to an extreme since you have to wait/have tolerance a long time with patience, but you dont do anything even though you have to in certain situations with inaction
eslira throughout the whole comic, does none shit he does NOTHING at all!!!!!!!!
all the other princes did something somehow, like with aelsir's haste, the super pacify with irales and ralsei, lairse, even SARELI did something and he just lullaby'd with ralsei
but eslira? they dont do anything. they just follow along and stay in the sidelines always worried, basic inaction right there
he could in a way helped the fun gang in some small little way with the yisho fight, or in any fight really in trophy city but he does nothing at all, he just stands there worrying and and sitting and
anyway aelsir's next with bravery, or in extreme form, recklessness
its only shown once in aelsir's respective dark world, with the thunder hills and with the soul just still trekking along even though they get damaged every time a lightning hits which is every 4 seconds
recklessness IS moving along in a lack of regard for danger, while bravery is moving along even something is frightening, so i say this works!
sorry theres not much for bravery boy there isnt much to go off of extreme traitwise for his section haha
irales now
for how i see it, stubbornness is moving forward without really accepting any other paths that could be easier, good or bad while perseverance is moving forward despite difficulty
you could say that for someone to go through a hard path, and moving forward with said hard path even though theres much easier and better path, is a sign of stubbornness to me
for irales, its more of a personality thing
irales is stubborn in a way, since he doesnt seem to accept any other possible reasons and just sticks to what he sees and its only until the end he actually isnt a stubborn little fuc
okay. well you can also say lairse is stubborn as well in a way that he wont accept monsters, but its layered under an extreme justice and for a huge reason, irales' stubbornness is based off i dont know what he sees apparently (refer to previous link)
sareli's up with blindness i mean integrity i mean
as one member said, one can be blinded by their beliefs COUGH CXOUGH @mileymint COUUYGHHHHH so lets base it off that!
integrity is a truth/moral/belief related trait, and you can probably see why blindness is a possible integrity extent after i type this
for integrity to turn into blindness, one must believe that what they are doing is truly right though its really not, and even if others say otherwise, they wouldnt agree since it goes against their morals and/or beliefs, thus leading them to be "blinded" as they cant "see" what is wrong with what they believe or think is the truth
sareli, throughout his whole section, has been doubting his actions since his prophecy just tells him he will fail and even though he gets told otherwise that he CAN help, he immediately disagrees with them since it goes against with what he believed for a long time, and since it turns out he will fail anyway in the prophecy, why would he NOT fail now when he tries to do something?
and now lairse. ohh lairse where do i begin
i admit, i thought up justice's extreme trait. there was scrupulosity, but its more of obsessed with judging of oneself based off if they are against their own morals and/or religious morals/reasons, judgementalism is sortof the opposite, ie judging of others immediately possibly based of their own morals and/or to an extent, religious morals/reasons, instead of hearing their own reasonings and how they are really like
lairse immediately dislikes susie and noelle due to them being monsters, who in his eyes, are sinful for what they have done despite susie and noelle knowing none of that and having no part in that event
hell, he even told them that they weren't allowed to come with him, kris, ralsei and lancer only BECAUSE they were monsters, thats intense judgementalism right there, heading off to racist territory honestl
for determination turned to obsession, i think i can see a bit of obsession in asriel but not in the way you think
obsession can be bomped down to just having a certain idea, person, desire, or thing on your mind all the time
and assuming that while asriel was in college, he still had the thought of the trapped humans in mind almost all the time, id say that is just simple example of obsession shown in paper trail for asriel
but thats not all as i have something else.
the knight.
"but liiiiilaaaacc!!! hes not a prince and he doesnt have a dark world relating to the determination trait!!!!" like i said in the start, this was made due to me realizing how extreme traits are shown in paper trail as a comic, not just the princes. so i wouldnt say this is an exception!
the knight and asriel have, in a way, the same desire; freeing humans. its just that the knight takes it way too far
his obsession to freeing humans has turned him desperate, wanting to free his kind from the depths of the earth, trying all he can, even making a twitter account just for a chance to get us to play the game and possibly freeing all the humans by just simply playing through dark worlds
his desperateness turned to obsession for freedom of humans in a way, is what im trying to say
aaaand thats it i think! thats all i have in my mind
holy dang this took a while i hope you guys like this silly analysis this took me a long while and a lot of researching
who is reading this
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kikigeh · 1 year
Most stressful thing as someone known for loving Frozen irl is having people, kids, parents, family members, my siblings, anyone ask anything about Frozen II and me being genuinely fucking unable to answer because I don't fucking know.
"So, what does Elsa do in the forest?" I DONT KNOW. We watched the same film! They don't say!
"So, is Ahtohallan her mom?" I DONT FUCKING KNOW. It's a river/glacier of memories and I assume it used Iduna's voice to call for Elsa and not seem that threatening but then again she sings with Elsa and seems to directly address her so it doesnt seem like a memory and instead it seems kind of sentient-- WHO KNOWS? I SURE DONT.
"Wait, did the water horse drown Anna and Elsa's parents' ship???" Sheesh I don't know but it is kind of implied that it did because it also did try to murder mf Elsa as well but don't think too much about it
"Why wasnt Elsa at Anna's coronation?" It's not her coronation it's just some unveiling of the statue but please don't ask me why Elsa wasn't there
Disney CEO man was sure bold to say they're making a Frozen 3 when it sure as hell seemed like the Frozen 2 team were put through hell and back to create a story and string it together only for 80% of usable stuff to be chopped away in favor of a franken-story that's hard to follow, hard to explain, badly executed but none of us ended up minding at first because Elsa had her hair down and is pretty and that alone was reason enough for me to watch it in cinemas at least 10 times.
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kusanalogy · 2 years
Teyvat idols !
Characters: Ayaka, Venti, Chongyun and xinyan Band!au, Modern!au. some character x gn!reader, but its mostly focused about them as a band
Author's note: was inspired by this picture below and a result of playing too much bang dream/bandori.. also i rewrote this bc the original one was "being their manager" but i think i'd get more ideas if i changed it to s/o, sooo now we're here :D I might make a pt.2 but im sure it'll be shorter than this
summary: Your s/o whom you knew for the longest time becomes an idol for a band, How would they act?
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She's also known as "The Kamisato Princess" due to her angelic look :0 The young girl needs lots of encouragement before setting on stage, venti usually helps her with boosting up the confidence last-minute. Her big brother, the infamous ayato also watches her perform, Giving her more the reasons to push thru and make beautiful music.
As for you, She'd be so happy if you watch her !! Its all the assurance she needs. If you're the loud type and you always cheer her on, she gets kinda embarrased but in reality she doesnt mind it that much. After all she does have all sorts of fans. Though she'd prefer to hear your praises after a concert in private, she feels much more comfortable that way.
Speaking of fans, at first she had so much trouble communicating with them, Making her occasionally stutter :( Once you see her look uncomfy while talking to fans, you try to push her away steadily, without making a scene and go in a corner, attempting to soothe her
She actually slowly improves communicating at public events, meetings, etc. because of you <3 let the girl take her time with this, And spend time with her equally. Even after all of what the both of you do, she'll thank you for being by her side. As long as it stays like that, rest assured she'll be happy.
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Okay pretend he isnt a god in this au hes just some random guy
He loves posting on social media, Lots of the content on his account are song covers, pictures you took of him or memes (which is what his supporters love about his account). He interacts with his fans in the comments each time, But ofc there are always haters. He seems like the type to fight back but in reality he just deletes the comment and ignores the account, not wanting a bad image.
He also wrote some of the songs that the band created !! the rest are from different multiple sources
Awards the band members with a glass of wine/juice/drink of choice and some snacks the day after going on a concert. Sometimes brings you with him! He believes it'll give them some motivation to move forward, Which does work most of the time, ...unless he gets drunk and starts scaring them with objects they would not appreciate
One time it was raining outside while they were having an after party at the kamisato estate so while drunk, this mf ran outside and got a FROG into the house and claimed it as his pet. Thoma had lots of trouble trying to find it after venti lost the frog a while after.
"And as the *hic* MoNdstadt saying g-goes... wait.. where did the frog go????"
[insert sound of xinyan screaming afterwards]
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She's an amazing role model !!
She makes it a goal to like or reply all the comments, even the ones that are just "Great!!" or "amazing", she'd reply with a "thank you 🤍" or simply liking it
Like venti, she makes stuff for the band that she doesnt really need to do by herself, but she does it anyway because she adores what she does, the girl picks out outfits for the band i just know she has amazing taste in clothing. She also draws lots of ideas for merch, her designs always impress the other band members and you
She usually asks for your opinion before going on with making merch, creating tunes or just anything that she wants to improve later on. Xinyan trusts you so much with it, even if you dont know much about what she does.
Has so many ideas for her job, She can barely keep track of what she should try to push thru first. Its not like she doesnt enjoy it tho, hell, she loves it‼ Promotes the band's music everywhere, she likes to share it so more people can understand the art of music :))) shes really passionate about it
"Y/n!! Have you shared my solo to your other friend groups yet? I promise its good! I put lots of thought into it 😋"
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Like ayaka, hes pretty shy on stage too. He's also kinda a perfectionist? When its time to finish rehearsals he still practices at home, thinking it wasnt good enough. If you catch him getting to focused, pls remind him to take a break! He often forgets to take one
Gets stressed pretty easily, he randomly doodles or eats cold food to relax himself. Loves going outside <3 even better if you accompany him, sometimes just going out for a walk gives him enough inspiration.
Super supportive to the rest of the band members ⊹.(⁎˃ᴗ˂⁎). ⊹ He shows it with words tbh, he says its much easier like that. Likes the idea of working together, He believes it'll solve problems much faster and produce more ideas, making the future of the band brighter. He aims for that desire, seeking to make people proud.
He has lots of pets !! He posts lots of pics of them on social media. Speaking of social media, He tries to keep your relationship a secret. Not that he doesnt trust you or anything, he just doesnt like the fact that you might get hated or something. He's aware that he probably wouldnt stand it if his s/o got hate :(
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rithmeres · 2 years
hadestown thots (as requested):
first of all here’s a pic of the cast after curtain call sorry its only six pixels wide
also im pretty sure i was standing right next to one of the ensemble members (alex puette, tall guy standing behind orpheus in the picture) on the subway earlier that day
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ok what is there to say about patrick page that hasnt already been said. i love it when he enters with ‘i missed ya’ and the people in the audience who aren’t familiar with the show are like wtf [nervous laughter]. the role was literally written for him so it’s no surprise that he just owns it but after seeing him my memory was wiped of the hades i saw on tour i genuinely cannot remember the other guy because patrick page is Thee Guy
eva noblezada STOLE. THE MF. SHOW. seeing her perform live changed me and changed fundamentally how i see the show. when i saw the tour in los angeles it felt like orpheus was the main character. but with eva’s eurydice it’s her world and we are just living in it. her eurydice wants so badly and it comes through brutally despite her insistence that she doesnt need anyone or anything and her fear to have anything lest it slip away. every note was exactly where it needed to be, the quality of her voice and technique is stupendous, even when she’s sobbing on her hands and knees her voice is clarion and pitch perfect. i saw her at the stage door after and SHE said thank you to US and i was like no no no no thank YOU.
jewelle blackman as persephone slayyyyed she’s kinda crazy and i love that for her, though i wish some of the vocals could have been altered to let her go into her super low range like she did when she played one of the fates
sayo oni was orpheus and i loved himmm. famously i am not a fan of reeve carney’s orpheus (sorry) so me n emma were elated to have a fresh voice in the mix. his voice was clear and sure and gorgeous and i had been kind of afraid that even if orpheus was really good he would b overshadowed by eva because she’s such a powerhouse, but they matched & blended well in skill and vocals and i had nothing to worry about. orpheus 2 me only works as a character if he’s naive and childlike and ya boy pulled it off so well.
malcolm armwood was a fantastic understudy hermes (pictured below at the stagedoor with his BEAUTIFUL family and/or friends), although i really REALLY wanted to see lillias white in the role just to see what flavors she would inject to hermes as a woman, mainly in her relationships w persephone and orpheus. but it was fun to have a young hermes bc most of the hermes that i’ve seen/heard have been like 40+ but armwood brought a youthful buoyancy to the role that contrasted with the aged hades+persephone but still seemed older and wiser and ageless next to sayo oni’s childlike orpheus
the fates were much more vindictive and close to villainous in this version. on tour they were a more neutral force
the tour didnt have the elevator in the middle of the turntable, instead there was a door that opened up to the back of the set with red lights that looked like the front of a train. (this was very cool and in some ways i liked it better bc the bway version just had the drum kit there instead). obv the elevator as the route to hell is unmatched when orpheus turns around at the end but my ideal production has both the train lights door AND the elevator for maximum effect so hades et al can exit/enter via the train or the immediate descent underground as the situation requires
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Honestly? I think we should stop blaming members for the hate on this fandom. I don't think they should calculate every thing they gonna do, neither every pic they wanna post. I think tae should be able to post a fucking pic with his friend, on his ig, whenever he want. Tkkrs r beyond help, they don't even have a single thought on that brainless head anymore. Jimin gets hate for them everyday, with tkk moments or not. With jkk moments or not. He get hate for everything, because the cult hate him regardless of what happens. BTS r real people, they don't belong to us and they can do what they want, we can't control them. With all the truth in tkkrs face, they still think tkk r married and blablabla. Even if tae never posts a jk pic again, they gonna still believe in tkk, they will say that tkk r hidden by the company. Should tae stop doing what he wants forever, then? Should the members let those mfs control them forever?
Look, I really like u, but I think you should be more careful, because u r setting up jkkrs with those things u r saying about tae, even if its followed by "I really like tae, don't hear me wrong". I get it that it comes from you worrying about jm, but just be careful. I worry about jm so much, but we can keep saying rude things about other members, because then, we r not so different from the cult. I want to believe that jm is ok, that he doesnt get affected by all this bullshit anymore, and that he has his family, jk and members by his side.
I didnt send this to appear on your blog, u dont even have to answer me.
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But at the same time people are allowed to feel some type of way if they want to. I've not once shared an ask about anyone hating on V. Just people who are venting about what he's been up to. Which to me is okay. I delete anything that sounds anti. Even a little bit.
Anon, V can do what he wants. It just all seems very strategically placed is all. I think its okay to talk about it without shitting on the dude.
Like I've mentioned 20 times now, I will never have an issue with V as long as Jikook continue to have no issue with V. But I can side eye his behaviour. I feel like that should be allowed.
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