#doc and O’Malley
cerayanay · 10 months
Red vs Blue is so good if you love codependent dynamics
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w3llf4ll · 3 months
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Thinking about O’Malley and his issues with being human.
Stills under the line break.
The gif is having issues so I might try reuploading later.
This was originally meant to be a mini comic, but I went too hard on the rendering. Oops.
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daydreamerdrew · 4 months
“Red vs. Blue in Halo Reach Fire Fight!”
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squidshop-art · 9 months
caboose as pyro in your tf2 universe is so adorable holy SHIT
TY!! on the topic of my rvb tf2 au i might as well share some doodles i made for it
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leonardalphachurch · 8 months
also i have a joke in cccr where they’re not understanding how alpha and epsilon are different and doc chimes in to help explain plurality and reminds them all of the pamphlet he made for them and someone (grif) is like oh god do we actually have to learn this shit now and doc is like. well. you could have learned it. for me 🥺
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doxxed0367 · 10 months
Does anyone in the rvb community know how long Doc was infected with the Omega AI for? Im curious
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joltning · 11 months
day 17: free space
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clocks-are-round · 2 years
me watching the offensive driving psa
(note, i am only like halfway i just needed to write this down)
grif: hitchhikers can be dangerous— oh, nevermind it’s just doc
is it?
o’malley: yes, i totally won’t sabotage the break lines or anything like that
you have a wonderful sense of humor and i admire your confidence
grif: nevermind it’s o’malley
aw, nevermind as in they’re going to leave-?
*still lets him hitch a ride*
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correctrvbquotes · 4 months
Fades in to O'Malley and Lopez standing on a base in a cold desolate-looking place
O'Malley: (evil laughter) Well, my metallic friend, your modifications are complete. And my plan is coming to frution. Frusi- Fru-Frutition. Fr-
Lopez: Fruición[Fruition.]
O'Malley: Oh, shut up.
Lopez: Sí, Maestro. Su plan es infalible. [Yes Master. Your plan is foolproof.]
O'Malley: Now to bring together my enemies.
Cut to Vic's control panel, with the words 'OUT OF AREA' flashing in red
Vic: Oh dude, come on, you gotta be kidding me.
Vic's answering machine: Hey dude, it's Vic. No solo mia, not in the casa right now, so leave a message and I'll call you back. Just leave your what's up at the yo....yo.
O'Malley: Vic, pick up, it's me, (evil laughter).
Vic: Oh hey, Doctor Baron von Evil Satan, what's up dude?
O'Malley: Don't screen my calls, Vic.
Vic: Dude, you don't come up on caller ID I'm not just gonna answer anything-
O'Malley: Caller ID? I'm in hiding you baffoon! I'm trying to take over the universe! (evil laughter)
Doc: We're also on the Do Not Call List.
O'Malley: Oh, shut up.
Vic: So how's that plot going dude.
O'Malley: Magnificent! (evil laughter) I've called my bounty hunter in. He'll take care of your little 'red and blue' problem post-haste (evil laughter).
Vic: Oh cool! Thanks for turning that around so quick, dude.
O'Malley: (laugh continues) Ha.
Vic: I know you're swamped.
O'Malley: Then the universe will be mine and I'll crush every living soul in to dust, hahaha! Except or you of course Vic. I'll make you Assistant Crusher.
Vic: Okay, dude. Looking forward to that.
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smol-ruby · 9 months
can’t tell if this was because of o’malley or they just hate doc
it’s so much funnier if they just hate doc tho
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agentbuckshot · 8 months
In like that one scene Where like tucker, sarge (I think, it might’ve been simmons), and Dr Gray rediscover Doc who they all have completely forgotten about I like to believe O’Malley wasn’t like fully in charge of Doc absolutely fucking LUNGING for Tucker. Like imagine you were a pacifist with extremely good morals, but the people who you’ve tried to help in every way you can, the people who have forgotten you several times before but you still try to continue helping, and when you board a ship without ANY questions or payment to go to them, they completely forget you in some dark cave for what I’d assume is a Very fucking long time, I would Be throwing hands like the Hipocratic oath or whatever made me promise upon violence not peace
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kronosveritas · 5 months
I don’t know if any of you know much about Tarot, but I am in the process of drawing an rvb tarot deck and these are my thoughts for which character should be assigned to each of the major arcana cards.
Included in parentheses after the character are some trailers generally associated with that arcana (to my understanding)
Please feel free to let me know in comments/tags if YOU think these fit/what fits better so I can potentially make the deck!
_____________ {arcana below fold} _____________
💙 Fool- Caboose (new beginning, fresh start, risk, a chance, new cycle, originality, fearlessness, travel, innocence, being green, trickster, acting foolish)
❤️ Magician- Tex (talent, skill, power, magic, control, manifest, tools, mastery, willpower, focus)
💙 High priestess- CT (intuition, feminine wisdom, hidden knowledge, secrecy, initiation, receptivity, spirituality, the inner world)
❤️ Empress- Allison (feminine power, abundance, fertility, pregnancy, marriage, creativity, receptivity, pleasure, mothering, nurturing, giving birth)
💙 Emperor- The Director (Order, structure, authority, power, boss, masculine, father, ownership, autonomy)
❤️ Heirophant- Sarge (tradition, structure, teacher, mentor, counselor, religion, dogma, advice, status quo, organization, conformity, rules, church, obedience)
💙 Lovers- Grif and Simmons (romance, partnership, love, choices, duality, opposites, union)
❤️ Chariot- Shiela (triumph, directed willpower, control, direction, movement, progress, vehicle)
💙 Strength- Carolina (strength, inner power, self control, calm, endure, willpower)
❤️ Hermit- Epsilon (inner wisdom, solitude, withdrawal, quiet, teacher or guru, research, seeker)
💙 Wheel of fortune- The Triplets, or the Chorus Rebels??? I can’t decide (luck, change, a turn of events, karma, movement, shift, improvement, fate)
❤️Justice- Doc & O’Malley (fairness, court, justice, balance, weighing options, seeing both sides, consequences, integrity, honesty, truth, law, middle path)
💙 Hanged man- Temple (sacrifice, letting go, faith, suspension, waiting, hang-ups, martyr, illusion, surrender)
❤️ Death- Felix (ending, transition, transformation, release, change, severance)
💙 Temperance- Lopez (moderation, balance, healing, alchemy, middle ground, patience, blending, harmony, guardian angel)
❤️ Devil- Meta/Sigma (bondage, materialism, negativity, slavery, addiction, stuck, jealousy, deviance, excess)
💙 Tower- Kimball (chaos, disruption, tearing down, rebuilding, uncertainty, blow, enlightenment, unexpected change, overthrow, revolution)
❤️ Star- Donut (hope, optimism, healing, balance, spirituality, health, well being, peace, wishes, vulnerability, success, balance)
💙 Moon- Wash (intuition, illusion, deception, darkness, reflection, fear, subconscious, dreams, difficulty, fear, imagination)
❤️ Sun- Tucker (optimism, success, joy, birth, happiness, health, inner child, energy, enthusiasm)
💙 World- Rooster Teeth Founders? Or Blood Gulch? Or RVB kill switch? (completion, ending, success, travel, closure, graduation, Universe, freedom, environment, rebirth)
^^possible link for meaning reference
<<I have individual assignments for nearly all the minor arcana too, but that would be far too long to post here>>
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w3llf4ll · 3 months
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I don’t remember what this was going to be labeled with.
Something something, weight of your sins? Something something sharing a pastry boyfriend? I don’t know.
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heroictoonz · 3 months
“So the O’Malley in your head,” Tucker started instead. “What was that then? If it wasn’t Omega. I never got to ask about that.”  Doc shifted almost nervously at the question. “Ah, that. Um, well. I guess when he was pulled out of my head my brain had to fill that gap with… with something else.” He crossed his arms over his chest but it wasn’t in the same casual way as Tucker. His seemed more guarded. Like he didn’t want to continue the topic at hand.  “And that ‘something else’ was O’Malley?”  Doc nodded again.  It didn’t make much sense to Tucker, honestly. Especially since no one else seemed to come out of having an AI with that.  “Yeah but also most everyone else who had the AI are dead now,” Church huffed. “Well, either dead or Carolina and Wash I guess.”  Tucker supposed there was a point there. Who’s to say how the others would have mentally coped with losing their AI like that. From what he knew about the project’s ends, most of them didn’t cope well with it. Tucker didn’t even wanna think about what might happen if all nine of these fuckers were suddenly ripped from him at once.  Not that he wanted to keep them either. He needed to find a way to get them all out safely that wouldn’t fuck up his brain in the worst way possible.  He could hear Gamma start to laugh. “You are too late for that.”  Tucker frowned. What the fuck did that even mean.  “Don’t listen to him,” Church hissed out. “The Alpha’s decite, remember?”  “The pot and the kettle sure are talkative tonight,” Sigma mused almost humored. 
I forgot wip wednesday but I wanna start doing wip wednesday but I was wayyyy too busy this week So have a day late wip
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rubykgrant · 1 year
(The Freelancers are just there and OK, don’t worry about it, everybody is alive and friends in this scenario, it’s fine)
-Florida makes everybody Uncomfortable... plus, he and Sarge start this REALLY awkward flirt-fight thing, where maybe they’re dating Romeo/Juliet/forbidden-love-style, maybe they also wanna stab each other, maybe both (this is the equivalent of two single dads that get together, and it embarrasses the heck of the kids “Gross! Old people love”)
-Florida also keeps halfway flirting with Church (like maybe not, but also kinda yes) in his very specific creepy way, and Church is just like “Uh... no thank you???”, and then Sarge calls him a home-wrecker
-York vibes with Grif, and keeps helping him rig snack machines to spill free goodies. Also, he intentionally sets-up Donut to say all kinds of innuendos. York totally encourages the bad puns and double-entendres (if it makes everybody else groan, that means he won)
-Flowers and Donut are a whole SPECTACLE for the others to hear
-South and Kai become this unstoppable FORCE OF CHAOS, and their bros are over there begging them to be normal for 5 minutes
-South also gets along with Donut, she likes that he knows all the drama, and he likes how mean-funny she is
-North and York both LOVE being overly-supportive of Wash, he’ll be doing something normal like getting a bowl of cereal or whatever, and they’ll be cheering “Look at our boy gooooo!” etc like embarrassing parents at a soccer game
-Wash loves hanging out with the Triplets again, and people start calling them the Quartet
-Everybody gave Wyoming the silent treatment for almost 2 whole months, which drove him crazy
-When they finally acknowledged his existence, he started having all kinds of arguments with Sarge (it is a nightmare to listen to them; Sarge is a yee-haw and Wyoming is like the evil-version of Bert from Mary Poppins)
-Other people keep taking the “Grifshot” and hiding it somewhere Maine can find find it, and he ALWAYS gives it back to Grif... who is like a timid little bunny rabbit in that situation
-Maine will also just stand around and watch Tucker do stuff. Tucker feels like this is some kind of INTIMIDATION act, but Maine literally just thinks Tucker is cool
-Lopez was initially indifferent to all these extra morons he has to hang out with, but Connie actually pays attention to him and is the only one who knows how to chill, so they get along really well
-People were surprised that Tucker wasn’t immediately flirting with the new girls, but he honestly assumed that South and Connie were a couple and he was trying to be a good ally-bro (they start playing it up, and... maybe they ARE a couple???)
-He DID try to hit on Ohio, which everybody thought was hilarious
-Kai is less subtle; who’s single and what are you into?
-Iowa for some reason decided Simmons is the coolest dude and always wants to know what he’s doing and help with projects (he messes things up a lot, but Simmons enjoys the attention)
-Idaho is a naturally good helper for Doc, they both like assisting with bandages and what-not, and they’re both “list-makers” (they make categories and lists for everything, from important supplies, to favorite movies). Idaho also is a great friend to O’Malley; whenever he speaks up, Idaho instantly plays up the role of “evil assistant” and goes along with the bit (they don’t do anything actually “bad”, they just like. sneak all the ice cream and them blame it on somebody else)
-Grif and Simmons get really into playing word-games with the Triplets, they have endless conversations about nonsense
-Carolina had to try REALLY hard to convince them “No seriously guys, I can relax now!”
-Tex, Carolina, and Church have their own weird little dysfunctional-family thing going on; whenever they get snippy with each other, he tries to be the peace-maker, and it ticks them both off. If they ignore him for too long, he starts bothering them until they finally crack to yell at him (and that means success). Sometimes Carolina and Tex will whisper to each other while glancing at Church and giggling, so he KNOWS they’re talking about HIM, but when he asks they just go “Nothing~”. Carolina is a total enabler when it comes to Church mouthing-off to somebody (she just encourages him to rant more). Tex will throw Church over he shoulder like a sack of potatoes sometimes and just walk away with him. He likes it
-Tex just kind of decided that Locus is going to be her friend, and while he doesn’t understand why she even likes him, he enjoys her company (still thinks he doesn’t “deserve friendship”, but he’s getting better). They like going to events like motorcycle races together
-Whenever Caboose asks a question, North takes the time to explain stuff to him (so does York, but York doesn’t know what the fudge he’s talking about and just makes stuff up. not in a mean-lying-way, he’s just a dink)
-Iowa and Caboose will wander off to look at rocks or whatever, but also just have a whole ADVENTURE (they might have accidentally gone to Narnia at one point)
-Kai and York are united in a “f*ck the law” attitude, and will engage in some “creative vandalism” from time to time (they wreck advertisements all over the place)
-Doc and Maine hung out together for several days before even discussing stuff about O’Malley and the Meta... nobody is entirely sure what was said (which is fine if they want to keep it private), and this seems to have resulted in Doc having absolutely NO fear of Maine (even when other people still get intimidated), and Maine has all these inside-jokes with O’Malley
-Sarge called dibs on Maine, South, and York. He truly feels like they are integral to some kind of grand scheme that makes no sense to anybody else. Maine is fine with it, he likes the Reds. South immediately jumps on the SUCK IT BLUES band-wagon (because guess which side her bro got absorbed into). York hams it up, like woe is me, I am on the opposing side of a feud from my dear friends, knowing full well this does not matter
-Locus is one of the few people who kinda just has default respect for Flowers? It seems as if he genuinely doesn’t notice how weird Flowers is (he does, Locus just likes the way this messes with everybody else). Meanwhile, Flowers is at least nice enough to avoid giving Locus “orders”, and instead invite him to join activities like baking or knitting/crochet
-South scares Simmons to death, she’s everything that terrified him about Carolina times a thousand, but she loves listening to him when he snaps and gets all uppity
-Tex and Connie have their own chill moments together, kind of reconnecting their friendship, and sharing stuff they have in common (they like similar books and what-not)
-North started having a whole control-trip, not intentionally trying to be a jerk exactly, but he doesn’t know how to NOT be the one who takes care of everybody else, and if nobody listens to him, he kinda has a panic attack and becomes insufferable... as a result, Tucker gets into arguments with North, kind of a LOT. They don’t “hate” each other or anything, but North makes a lot of incorrect assumptions about how immature Tucker acts (not fully realizing how capable and clever Tucker can be), so Tucker feels the need to one-up North and take him down a notch. Tucker finally made North see there are different ways to care for people. They eventually are on better terms, and can jokingly argue without it being a whole thing, because North genuinely respects Tucker
-When Maine seems to be getting especially “isolated”, it’s actually Locus who knows how to gently approach him and pull the guy into a different train of thought (both having once felt like they were “just weapons”, and learning how to be people again). Maine returns the favor, but with a different method; when Locus is in a self-destructive and depressed mood, Maine will just pick him up, then go pick up somebody else, like Wash or Caboose or whoever might be right for the moment, and they have a Friendship Adventure (which usually involves watching cartoons)
-Kai gets all the ladies together for a PARTY NIGHT! Sometimes it’s just them staying in, eating their favorite food and watching TV, sometimes it’s going to a club for dancing, sometimes they have an entire action movie adventure that results in a show-down with some bad guys at an abandoned amusement park. You know, fun stuff
-Connie and Wash like going out for friend lunches together, they enjoy a lot of the same kinds of food. They also both dress like dads on vacation to the beach, and will complete the fun with bowling
-York doesn’t get totally DRUNK like he used to, but he’ll get a bit buzzed occasionally, and while he’s up for hanging out with anybody, his favorite person to be around like that is Lopez. The robot might sound “stoic”, but he’s clearly amused by loopy York... who speaks Spanish, and catches all the funny comments Lopez makes (Lopez will also help steer York when they walk around so he doesn’t trip and fall)
-Church personally gives Wyoming a reality-check whenever the guy gets too full of himself, and it’s weirdly not with his usual explosive fury of swears; it will be very quiet and kind of chilling. Wyoming is genuinely unnerved, and tries in vain to win Church over with compliments (Simmons calls him a loser and a suck-up). Doc joins in, being a mean little smart-mouth with Church
-Ohio is the only one who isn’t afraid of Carolina’s hyper competitiveness when it comes to video games, they’re BOTH super headstrong about playing
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leonardalphachurch · 2 years
the real poll. who has freakier ai brain sex
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