#do the protags have official names yet???
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blazingstar400 · 5 days ago
I am SUPER hyped for it!!! Though as I looked at Taunie… am I crazy or does she kinda look like Viola?
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I think it’s the hairstyle. It’s sorta similar. I wonder if there’s a connection there? Or maybe not. I’m probably just seeing things.
And have you seen our starters???
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Chikorita, Tepig, and Totodile!!! I seriously don’t know who I’m gonna choose between these three. They’re all great. 😭
I also really like the protags!!
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I thought they were gonna look like copies of Calem and Serena kinda like how Akari and Rei looked identical to Lucas and Dawn but they actually look completely different.
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I did not expect that lol
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petorahs · 1 year ago
what are your headcanons about Juliana and Florian?
oughhghghg where to begin
-Juliana (Jules for short) and Florian (Flori, Flor, etc) are twins! Juliana is the older one. This is inspired by the fact that... they look so similar in their official art! All the recent protags all do but these two take the cake. It's so funny to me. -they look so similar in fact, that they could be body doubles! but that's totally wrong and unethical they'd never... right? -I like the HC that they're both from Galar (their mom having Skwovet and using a British term early-game, the Galarian pokemon stickers in their room, etc). They're both Paldeans, but were raised there before moving back to their hometown with mom.
-Fun thing about Scarlet/Violet is that they're such huge games that it's totally justifiable to have dual protags doing different things. Because of this, I decided to have Juliana handle the 'battle-heavy' routes like Victory Road while Florian, who is more research-focused (and has main character syndrome) features more in The Hidden Treasure arc. -I can't decide on who really does Starfall Street yet, but I'd like for Path of Legends to be the both of them helping Arven since it's the most plot-heavy and has to do with endgame. -Don't ask how but both Koraidon and Miraidon exist at the same time and the twins are their trainers. -In my recent art of them, you'll notice Juliana and Florian's eyes get all blue/crystal-like! this is an effect of their time in Area Zero/being exposed to that much Terastal energy. just them though, no one else...
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-additionally, Flo's hair turns from a purply-brown to pink post-game because he's named "Haruto" in Jp, meaning spring. this carries over across all languages! I wanted to evoke a sense of a blossom coming to life over the course of his journey.
-hates battling because his sister will always be better at it than him, so he vastly prefers pokemon catching instead. (Galar's League-focus/prominence made him sickkkk. he was glad to move) -helped Jacq complete the Paldean, Kitakami and BB pokedex because of that. they're tight, the both of them. -his smile never reaches his eyes, early-game. -he is not naturally kind, nor does he see himself as the 'hero' of the story (that was always Juliana, not him), but he fakes being a main character to make people think he's just as good (this is also a byproduct of Galar's culture tbh) -that's why he seems like the more extroverted of the two, but really, he's just as quiet as her behind doors. -tbh even the fact that he has one beauty mark under his eye instead of two like his twin sis bothers him... blud thinks he'll never be enough! -Koraidon's trainer
-after meeting Kieran, Florian tried to be kind from a genuine want instead of to impress people. he wanted to be the 'hero of the story' that Kieran saw him as... and not because he needed to be out of his sister's shadow. Kieran made him want to try. -like the only way I see him winning during BB League wasn't because he was the main character who always wins, but because winning was the only way he could be friends with Kieran again. -his arc will conclude when he learns to be kind and do things out of selflessness :) which is why he takes a Tera Blast during the Indigo Disk's climax, the ultimate act of selflessness. help. sorry man it was for character development...
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-The actual main hero of the story. Really insanely strong in battles. like just straight up a beast -Juliana's names mean "youth", so she stays the same, forever a young battle prodigy Florian tries to match (but can't...). Also, youth to me can mean the future, which is why she's the Miraidon trainer! -Another reason why she's Miraidon trainer is because she can't express herself how she wants... she can't emote easily and speaks monotonously, like a robot. -Her arc would conclude when she learns that the people worth keeping in life are the ones that get her even when she doesn't feel "normal" :]]] true treasures. -big eater -read once that having beauty marks under your eyes means you'll have "trouble in love" and tried to scrub hers off... really envies Florian for having just one and thinks Flo's some kind of romance genius. goes to him for love advice one day and it freaks him out (he's having just a complicated time as any teen!!!)
-Heavily inspired by Pokemon Special's take on her. like look at her she's so cool.
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mygangofgaydragons · 1 month ago
A quiet MudWing who lost her sibs to a disease that overtook her village 3 years ago. She's a massive germaphobe. Mudpuppy doesn't like to talk, she'd rather listen to a rant. She second-guesses herself a lot, but is VERY loyal to her friends. Defending them is the only thing that she'd get mean over. It does take a lot for her to consider someone a friend though. She has a very interesting sense of humor and finds everything funny. She likes giving gifts. She believes her siblings' spirits are furious at her for surviving while they died, and hates herself. She has anxiety.
A childish SandWing who hatched in the Den, and ran away with his brother, Granite, at the age of 3 to escape their home life. He lived in the desert as a nomad for another 2 years, robbing merchants who's prices he disapproved for fun. He's very empathetic and his brain is wired to constantly be trying to make those around him smile because that's what he used to do for his brother. He's a pushover when it comes to strangers because he sees it as a chance to make friends. He holds grudges and never forgets a face. (Bro is a crow confirmed??????)
A calm, extroverted SeaWing. She lives with her dad, nb older sibling Calypso, adopted younger brothers, Mackerel and Tang, and Calypso's hatchling daughter Minnow. (Mentioned those 2 being adopted because Mackerel has only been with them for 6 months and isn't quite used to them yet). Horseshoe is unintentionally loud and pushy at times, and too forgiving. She's questioning her gender. She wants to be a leader and is afraid of both being a pushover and being bossy.
A quiet SeaWing-RainWing hybrid. She was raised by a RainWing healer named Mango. She's very friendly and generous, but doesn't have many friends. She kinda wants more but she's fine either way. Due to her hybrid status, most of the RainWings treat her like an interesting object rather than a friend, and the NightWings are too intimidating. She's a coward deep down though, and would bolt in an emergency if she could. She's also terrified of rushing water like rivers and waves, but that's due to trauma from when she was younger. Her best friend is a RainWing named Ocelot, and depending on how long I decide they've known his partner, Disaster, they might also be one of her best friends.
A social, naive SkyWing who was abandoned as an egg in a MudWing nest and raised by a MudWing sib group. She's very social and helps other sib groups build shelters in hopes of befriending them. They have taught multiple dragons to "read" (completely ignoring all silent letters except e at the end) so they could be penpals. She's a massive people pleaser, and would do almost anything she was asked to avoid conflict. She shares Horseshoe's forgiving nature. She/they, demigirl
An extroverted, terrible at socializing SeaWing-NightWing hybrid. He spent his whole life in one spot on the NightWing Island's coast, with nothing but his father and a LOT of scrolls. He ADORES history and politics. He was introduced to other dragons when the volcano erupted, but the NightWings disliked him and the RainWings saw him as a commodity, not a dragon. He loves socializing, even though he's awful at tones and stuff, but doesn't have anyone to do so with, so he sticks to scrolls. He attends all of Queen Glory's official appearances and finds her completely and utterly fascinating.
Gypsum and Celsius:
A pair of IceWings from the same hatching. They are from a poor coastal village and were raised by their grandfather, Whitecap, because their mother, Verglas, was imprisoned for killing one of her fellow IceWing soldiers in defense of a SeaWing on the opposite side of the war. Their grandfather believed in physical punishment and raised them to avoid other tribes unless it benefits them. They don't like hybrids, Pantalans, humans, anything different. Gypsum is very vocal about his opinions and gets physically angry, and Celsius is quieter, but she still judges everyone. She just doesn't shout about it. Celsius' personality has completely changed since last time I posted about her. They're almost never apart. They do have complex characters I promise but it's my attempt at a twist
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shima-draws · 1 year ago
Hi all thanks for letting me infodump about my new kids <3 Anyway here’s their general info and personalities. They don’t have names yet so suggestions are welcome. Also elemental power suggestions are welcome (remember, this is within the ATS verse so it’ll have to be 1 of the 15 elements). Some of them are already set but not all of them so ;)
Protag boy: THE boy of all time. He’s lovable. He’s stupid. He’s absurdly powerful. He’s really chill UNLESS you mess with his friends then he goes apeshit. He’s got a boyish charm that every single member of the group is attracted to. He’s the official leader of the group and they would do ANYTHING for him. His childhood friend passed away due to an incurable illness so whenever someone gets sick he mother hens to the EXTREME. He rarely ever cries so when he does the entire group flips their shit trying to comfort him or trying to beat the hell out of whatever made him cry. And most importantly. He is BABY
(Yes I got inspired bc I’ve been watching too much shounen lately. I NEEDED to make the boy ever)
Mute girl: Originally she was a VERY famous singer but she “vanished” five years ago. She’s kept this a secret from the group. Due to trauma she has chosen to go mute and has not sung in a long, long time. She communicates solely through sign language and eventually the rest of the group picks it up. Is generally closed off, but opens up to the group as time passes. When she does finally get the courage to use her voice and sing again, everyone absolutely loses their shit at how beautiful her voice is and they all cry and it’s very emotional.
Rabid feral girl: Little feral child that is just a gremlin and was taken in by the group bc she had no family. She thinks of protag boy as her big brother and absolutely adores him. She’s also a BEAST in battle, one of the strongest members of the group. She has no memories of who she was before she met the group, and has a mysterious past that will soon catch up with her. She’s probably the most blunt out of everyone and can sometimes say rude things without meaning to. You want to get roasted by a 10 year old? Yeah she’ll roast you alright
Edgy boy: He’s stoic and strong willed and stupidly powerful. Has more of a physical fighting style rather than using magic. Was the first member of the group to fall in behind protag boy. Would do ANYTHING for protag boy, even betray the other members. Is surprisingly a really good dancer, but will only dance in public if it’s with mute girl (who’s also had dance training). Everyone is jealous of this. Is one of the few people to have known sign language from the get go, so he translates for mute girl a lot at the beginning. Might also secretly come from high society.
Standoffish mechanic: He’s a jerk, but he’s so lovable. Would die for protag boy. Protag boy gushes over his inventions and it boosts his ego way too much. He comes off as arrogant and cocky but he’s a real softie deep down :’) He butts heads with edgy boy a LOT. There’s some weird sexual tension going on there that nobody else wants to bring up. The “everyone is so not worth my time except for the people I love and care about” kind of guy. He will be brutally honest with you.
Non-binary parental figure: The oldest one in the group who watches over all the others. Very gentle and kind hearted, but willing to be strict if necessary. Acts as a sort of mentor figure to protag boy (and p much everyone else tbh). Is arguably the most powerful member of the group, but rarely ever uses their magic. They’re the kind of person that lets their kids learn their lessons the hard way. Is the first one to figure out mute girl’s story and acts as her confidant.
Violin boy: Has a history with mute girl and went through a similar trauma as her. Due to a misunderstanding he holds a serious grudge against mute girl which is eventually solved. He probably ends up joining the group. Or just runs into them once in a while. He’s socially awkward and can’t hold a good conversation to save his life…unless it’s with mute girl. Is actually very attractive but hides his looks due to low self esteem. Thanks trauma.
Himbo: I’m holding out for a himbo til the end of the night
(Dumb and strong and respects women and ride or die. Also gremlin girl’s best buddy and unofficial guardian. I really don’t have much else to say about him I honestly haven’t given him a lot of thought yet.)
Healer girl: Soft spoken and kind, she takes care of the group’s injuries and provides support in battle. Everyone’s a little intimidated by her bc she’s scary when they don’t immediately come to her for medical treatment after battle, or brush off their injuries. Grows close with mute girl. Is the calming presence of the group, and everyone comes to her when they are stressed. (This causes her to have a complex about being the calm one, the cheerful one, the one who always has their shit together. This is unhealthy. Lmao)
Smart girl: “I’m surrounded by idiots but they’re MY idiots” kind of person. Brilliantly clever and quick witted and has a sharp tongue. Thinks protag boy is SO dumb but she loves him anyway and has absolute faith in him. Has a loving family back home and gets embarrassed when her softer family side is brought up since she’s kinda arrogant and cold. Regularly spars with edgy boy. Gets easily flustered and then gets angry about it.
Cute baker: His pastries are SCRUMPTIOUS. He wears glasses. And has freckles. And he’s nerdy and kinda shy and awkward and he’s perfect. He’s more of a behind the scenes kind of strategist. He works with mechanic boy a lot to improve on their gadgets and gizmos and also on food related things. Is also wickedly smart but more in the book smart kind of way (while smart girl is street smart. Life experience smart.)
Now that you’ve met the squad…
(Also pssst tell me who you voted for in the tags/comments if you wanna!! I’m curious 👀)
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dormantvolcanoblog · 5 months ago
My idea for a better Minecraft Movie plot
So I came across a video about A Minecraft Movie where it mentioned that apparently they cast Jack Black of all people to be Steve because "he likes the game" and someone in the comments argued that by that logic everyone who likes the game should have been Steve, and this gave me an idea for how I would have done the movie in some alternate universe where it was me of all people producing it. This is only an outline and if it were real it would be a lot more fleshed out, I just did this for fun.
(I know we haven't officially been told the full plot yet, though allegedly it did leak online and revolves around the protags stopping a Piglin witch who "wants to end creativity" which lead to many people getting upset due to the plot being cliche and too similar to that of The Lego Movie.)
The plot
The protagonists end up in the Minecraft world. Night eventually falls but they find a village and shelter there. Whilst staying in an empty house they find a book containing legends of a mysterious figure named Steve, who slayed powerful monsters and built entire cities all on his own. They decide that if anyone is going to know how to help them get back to the real world, it's got to be him, so when morning comes they set off in search of Steve.
They explore the world, but it seems that this Steve guy is more elusive than they thought. Along the way they fight monsters, they mine, they craft, they learn the ins and outs of this strange new world and soon become acquainted with how it works. And slowly but surely, it builds up to the Piglin invasion. A Nether portal was left open during one of the gang's escapades and now the pigs want revenge on the humans who depleted their resources.
Eventually, there's a part that seems like the darkest hour. The Piglins have begun a siege on the village where the gang started, and they're stuck with the choice of staying in the house and starving or going into battle and certain death. And after all that, they never even got to meet Steve.
But then, the main character (that kid, I think his name is Evan or something) realizes the truth: Steve was not actually an individual but was meant to be a metaphor. They've technically already met him- because everyone is Steve. He is inside everyone and everyone has the capability to be like him if they truly believe in themselves and try their hardest.
And so, the main character leaves the place where they've all been hiding and approaches the Piglin leader. The leader is like "Just who do you think you are?" and the kid says "I... am Steve." And one by one everyone else in the group emerges, saying a variation of "And so am I!" like some Spartacus type stuff.
Cue an epic battle where they manage to defeat the Piglin leader. They then learn that they shouldn't have been so reckless with their taking resources and are able to make it up to the pigs, who end up being able to show them the way back home.
Some of this was kinda rushed but whatever. I know some might argue that this might be "too deep for a kids' film" but there have been plenty of successful kids films with deep messages. And remember that kids are developing, it's better that they consume well thought out media than just slop with no proper message.
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fullhavelstonearmor · 6 months ago
I came across something here on tumblr. It was a list of stuff like “You don’t HAVE to make your evil protagonists justifiable” and “Your evil characters don’t HAVE to face consequences.” Now, this list was clearly yet another case of “tumblr user thinks they’ve thunk a new thought.” But here’s the thing. They’re right. You don’t HAVE to. Everyone knows it. Everyone who’s made a bad guy knows it. There’s nothing morally wrong with you as a person if you write a story about some homicidal rapist getting away with shooting up a school. But now tell me this. When was the last time you read about this kind of character in the role of protagonist, and ENJOYED it? You can’t really name a lot. Because in most cases where the protagonist is an unjustifiable evil person, the story is dogshit. It’s REALLY fucking hard to write a story about that kind of guy, and nigh impossible for the story to be GOOD. Especially if they face zero consequences.
Now, before opening my tirade on certain bad examples of evil protagonists, lemme speak on good examples. First of all, slashers. Like, horror movie slashers. These are good because they’re meant to be stupid and cheesy. They do ridiculous kills because it’s fun, or occasionally disturbing, to watch. And you may argue that they aren’t protags, but be honest with yourself. When I say Friday The 13th, who comes into your mind? Not Tommy Jarvis, Jason Voorhees. The hockey mask guy with a machete. The story of the series follows him, so he is the protagonist. And he does ridiculous shit like go to space. It’s dumb, it’s cheesy, and even though he avoids consequences by being immortal, you don’t really care, because it’s a shitty slasher film and it knows it. Next positive example.
Jack, from The House That Jack Built. Now, I hear you. “Oh ultimate super intelligence Havel, he DOES face consequence! He dies and goes to mega hell!” Okay, fine, I give you that, but for most of the movie, we watch him get away with despicable acts. When you reflect on this fucked up movie, do you think of the Dante’s Inferno references, or do you think of that taxidermy kid’s terrifying smile? The smile? Yeah, me too, bud. The reason he works as this kind of fucked up bastard of a protagonist is because we still see it from the outside. Despite being the protagonist from a technical standpoint, to us, he is an antagonist. We hate him. We watch the movie and hope he gets gunned down by police or something. We hopelessly pray to movie gods that his victims survive. This is only helped by Vergil, who provides insight and criticisms to Jack’s fucked up ideology. I mean, we watch him glorify Hitler for crying out loud.
Alright, final good example is ironically, good for almost the exact opposite reason as Jack. “Johnny Cutthroat Cash” from Manhunt. See, while we see that Jack likes killing, and is straight up addicted to it, we can only INFER that about Johnny. We only know two things about Johnny. He was on death row, and he’s good at killing people. We don’t know if he was a serial killer or a mercenary or anything. You could claim he’s sadistic, but he may also be doing his job of creating a spectacle. We see only one bit of guaranteed emotion from Johnny, and it’s from when his family is kidnapped. Johnny works so well, not because he’s a well written character, but it’s the fact he lacks a character. He’s a bald Caucasian man. He matches a million people. You are Johnny. You decide in your own mind if he’s a fucked up killer or he maybe killed some official for banging his girlfriend. You don’t know and you get to pick. I think the lack of origin aside from his family hating him after whatever he did is what helps. When you can make your own character, it doesn’t get boring.
Now. Onto the two bad examples. Our first protagonist is ironically called “The Antagonist.” From Hatred. Hatred is… well… dogshit. The story is ass and so is the gameplay. If you’ve never heard of him, you’ve definitely seen his face. He’s the poster child of shitty edgelords. The whole plot of the game is that he hates people and just goes on a shooting spree before nuking his city. Its gameplay is similar to the original Postal. But while Postal 1 is a delve into a madman’s psyche, in which he expresses remorse and is implied to have killed himself for it, (for a defense of later Postsl installments, see horror slasher section) The Antagonist just… doesn’t do that. He shoots people and then nukes the city. It’s fucking stupid. I’m not crying over the lack of a happy ending, I’m complaining that it’s BORING. I mean, we don’t even get an idea on why he hates people. The game is so edgy it’s laughable.
Speaking of so edgy it’s laughable, I could really put any original Garth Ennis character here, but I’m going with the classic. The one and only British Punisher. The worst “protagonist” I’ve ever even fucking heard of. Billy motherfucking Butcher, from The Boys comic run specifically. If you’ve ever watched the show, you’ll notice that Billy is a complex individual. All of that depth is gone in the comics. He’s just a genocidal freak, and Garth Ennis makes all the superheroes pedophiles and junkies to justify the Punisher ideology he’s such a fan of. Thing is, the Punished is a good character. Because he’s different. The Punisher is in the wrong, and he knows it. He knows blowing the brains off some bank robber is not the most moral choice. Butcher on the other hand, will kill a super hero in front of his children, and AFTERWARDS discover the super hero had a stash of “cheese pizza” so he’s ACTUALLY the good guy now. He’s only seen as a bad thing at the end when he goes full on “I hate ALL superpowers, time to kill my friends who I have superpowers” which is… I mean, it’s consequence I guess? But it’s a dumb fucking ending to dumb fucking comic series. The Becca thing still happened, but he only mentions it occasionally to justify his bullshit when he DOES do something Garth recognizes as questionable. Don’t read The Boys comic. It’s not even so bad it’s good. Just read Watchmen.
Anyway! This is a topic I’m strangely invested in. Can’t believe I wrote a whole rant over a single tumblr post about “bad guys are cool.” I think it’s because I agree. Bad guys are cool. But consequences to their actions is a major part of it all, and so is a base level of justification. Do you guys have favorite examples of this, good or bad? Lemme know. I’m open to debate too, if for some reason you loved Hatred or hated Friday The 13th.
TL;DR: You know how making a pure evil character in Fallout is just a boring playthrough? Fiction writing can be like that if you’re not REAL careful.
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femmelone · 7 months ago
um. intro post
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hiiii i'm moony from @otacringe and this is my jojo sideblog or something. u can check my main for more info but for the basics i go by they/them or de/dem, i'm a minor, and i've been into jojo for about 4-5 years (i can't escape. it never ends.)
i don't really do long dni stuff but the same stuff that goes for my main goes here. no bigots, no proshippers, and no south park/hsr/hp/dsmp fans.
tag info below the cut:
general stuff (same as it is on my main) #moony speaks - for any general discussion/talk stuff. (about jojo ofc.) answered asks go here as well, and i'll probably tag those as asks or something. #moony's art - for any art i post #moonyposting - for shitposts or anything original that i don't deem worthy of being tagged as an actual textpost or art post #moony's ocs - stuff with ocs! each universe has its own tag also.
oc stuff #iron frontier - post-sbr storyline about the son of johnny's daughter in a universe where the wild west went on for. a lot longer i suppose. #rainbow rising - protag!shizuka part. set in the original timeline 25 years after diu. #squadraverse - technically the official name for this one is material world, but i'm just used to calling it this. protag!squadra au in its own independent timeline. trans girl melone centric. decent chance the characters from here might get their own tags as i love to ramble about them. (not yet tagged) copper county blues - iron frontier sequel almost entirely based on highway 61 revisited bc i love making sense out of nonsense
part-specific stuff since persona has kind of taken over my ability to use p3/p4/p5/etc. as abbreviations, you're getting these. im mostly a part 4-onwards guy though so don't expect as much of the first three #pb - part 1 #bt - part 2 #sdc - part 3 #diu - part 4 #gw - part 5 #so - part 6 #sbr - part 7 #jojolion - part 8 #jojolands - part 9
character-specific stuff i was gonna say oops all melone but i remembered im also the number one hayato co-protagonist truther so he gets one too #melwife - for her... #trans mel - for anything related to she/her mel that has some actual thought put into it on my part #hayato - self explanatory. i have no explanation for why i love this kid he's just cool
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Live Reading: The Salt Miracles
I am only doing this for The Salt Miracles and not the other stories in The Winter Spirits because it's too much effort and I'm already going insane. I'm also going in 100% blind, I have absolutely no idea what it's about or whose perspective it's following, but my lord am I nervous.
I haven't even started yet but I just realised I've been calling it The Salt Mines by accident and put it in a twitter post oops-
I'm chewing on glass and gnawing at the bars of my fucking enclosure
This (not) reading is more indicative of my mental illness than my actual diagnoses
If St Hilda is a fucking asylum I'm going to commit several crimes
I already love Mhairi she's so fun
Wait why is it changing to another dude Mhairi was fun :((( ik I'll probably like Flint but Mhairi is cool and I want her to write a proper female mc for once
Wait wait wait if the salt is pink it's probably Himilayan, and that along with Russia was where Mori said there was a weird no-clairvoyance zone thing so ??? I'm going to lose my marbles
Ohh nvm it's algae, that would've been cool
Okay Flint is also a priest, we have two priests now
"... I've been, you know, head first in a bucket the whole way" yeah okay this is a Pulley protag and I love him
" 'A whole...Christmas selection?' 'Nuts' " that may just become my new Twitter bio (probably not I like my Glass Onion reference too much)
He has a portable camera so this is probably taking place in like the twenties, but Kodak as a company was founded literally the same time tlfop was happening which is funny
Motherfucker are we getting animal-human hybrids???
I like fog as a metaphor, especially in tlfop, so I will probably write out something about it later
"...beehives, or cairns (graves)" this sounds like when Mori threatened Ito's wife who was allergic to bees
Why tf are there pilgrims??? Ik they're not like the Mayflower types of pilgrims, but what kind of religious journey thing are they doing???
I also want to write about the complete lack of respect for government officials and just general authority from the pulleyverse protags bc none of them have any fucks to give about authority figures
"...in his unofficial capacity as the bishop's shoulder-angel" PLS-
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was mentioned and now I'm 1.) thinking about tlfop again, and 2.) am fairly certain that this story takes place not far from the events of tlfop, because the first Sherlock Holmes book was published in 1887 and he references them as being "new:
"...now the bishop didn't believe in miracles"
"I'll be Eve in a cider factory" tbh I don't understand what that means too well rn but I love it regardless (ik Eve bit the apple and all that jazz I just can't wrap my brain around the metaphor please don't explain the Bible to me)
I auto-filled an Irish accent for Kerryn in my brain so when he called Flint "Father Kang" I thought he meant "King" for a minute
Okay so it starts December 18th, which is also the date that Mori said he would come back to Japan if I'm not mistaken??? (Edit: I WAS RIGHT AND I FEEL LIKE GOD)
But I must be slightly off because X-rays weren't invented until 1895 :(((
Also I know Kerryn is probably the secondary lead but there's something off about him I don't like, I can't put my finger on it
Either Ms. Pulley messed up her math or I don't know what an advent calendar is, because I was under the impression this was in December, so how tf has Rosemary been on the island for 38 days if she's been there since September??? She would've had to have come in November for that to be true
Flint out here profiling people by name like his name isn't fucking Flint (I also definitely laughed and thought of Batman when I read Bruce's name for the first time)
I can't handle references to the winter king rn don't do this to me-
I stopped to make dinner because I'm hungry, I started at like 5:30 and it's now like 7:35 and I have some yummy pasta and pumpkin tea (I also had like 1.5 margaritas)
I can finally use my insanely eurocentric art history class notes to explain the imagery of what Flint describes in Ezekiel's angels; each of the four creature's heads is representative of the four apostles who wrote the bible, and that coupled with the biblically accurate angels coming down from on high are clear indicators of the second coming in art, meaning the previous priest was preaching the end of days to these people
I've always been such a sucker for Catholicism in gothic media, especially when it comes to imagery, so this all is right up my alley
THE O W L ? ? ?
"...the Almighty had forgotten about the United Kingdom" she's so fucking real for that
Honestly??? The Bishop sounds like he'd be a good love interest for Flint. Maybe it's because I don't like Kerryn that much even tho he's the standard choice, but the whole "hearing them talking to you in times of stress" thing is a fun thing I like with all the pulleyverse couples and it happened with the Bishop so. Hmm.
Fliny's whole color metaphor for logic + Thaniel's synesthesia sounds like another essay for me
The optimism of Flint and the pilgrims is really going to make the horror aspect of this all hit so hard I'm excited
On that note, I love how the stones that looked like beehives so readily became cairns as the tone got darker
My computer started updating as I was making this and I was so scared that I lost everything but thank fuck for tumblr drafts
Anyways those salt rocks are a grade A prime example of Chekov's gun if I've ever seen one
The rocks are fuckin BIRDS???
The fear of machinery is something we have seen in Pulley novels before, especially around this time period, but it's just making me think of the Mars House and how that would tie in
That was fast
"The islanders didn't leave a hundred years ago. We're walking in them." this line goes so hard, especially because it includes the audience in the "we"
OOO altitude sickness, very Bedlam Stacks-core
The cloaked devil imagery and unforgotten knowledge description is giving very much Edgar Allen Poe and it's gorgeous
I cannot say I care at all about Kerryn becoming salt but damn was it a creepy twist
And the way she physically started crumbling??? Genuinely horrifying
It took this short story for me to realise that that scene in twofs where Mori is giving his side of the argument with the priest in the future where he actually did go to the wedding, he's arguing about the story of Lot, which likely was derivative of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Wonder why that would come up. Hmm. A mystery.
"He could taste it -- something electric." PLS I'M GOING NUTS-
What in the fucking Cthulu-
Oh Mhairi's back!!! Yay!!!
Alright maybe I spoke too soon with the whole Bishop and Flint thing
Wait it's not Flint??? I thought Bruce was Flint for a second
Oh f u c k dude that was HEAVY
That's so nuts
I literally do not have words what the fuck was that ending
It was really good and clever and fun but w o w
Ending thoughts: I genuinely have none, that was terrifying and beautiful and cool as FUCK, and I think if Ms. Pulley started pumping out only horror novels from now on I would be in full support. It's a really fuckin out of pocket move considering her previous works and even her last short story that had a relatively happy ending but my god it was good. 10/10, very creeped out. Also the sign at the end??? Knowing Flint probably wrote that out and put it around his own neck like a noose??? That's so fucking hardcore I can't believe it. Utterly amazed.
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ghostofadragon · 1 year ago
I'm genuinely so obsessed with your sun of alcoritrés OC verse….. its so fascinating to me and i Love your drawing with the dragon & rider gear diagram it's so well thought-out!! The whole setting and the people seem so interesting i need to know More…….. do you have Information about the characters im obsessed
thank you!!! :^D its pretty new so its kind of underdeveloped but the main charas of the universe rn (and basically the only ones i have. like i said its new) are like
DRAGON INSTITUTE CONTEXT: unnamed officially as of right now but there is a thus-called Institute where several of the characters were born and raised as dragon riders. its very militarized and reminiscent of the irl (US) air force - riders are psychically bonded to their dragons from birth and use that link to communicate with them midair.
Farah "Spaceman" Al-Basri Glorymorn and her dragon Maiseylith - he's a Lockheed, built for high-altitude flights, hence the origin of the 'spaceman' callsign - are kind of the main pov characters of the universe? she's about 30-31, so a good handful of years younger than the other two i'm about to list, and hence she was in an age class underneath them in the institute and was around to learn about their short-lived War Hero Exploits and kind of revere/idolize both of them (well, not collar, but i'll get to that) as a result. since she is new i do not have an Entirely formed personality for her on the ground Yet but she's a bit of a smartass, kind enough but not very social/often the odd one out, is introduced as somewhat of an everyman, she's comparatively new to this whole active combat thing and wants to do good by her new boss:
Richas "Goldie" Auberon and his dragon [NOT NAMED YET FORGIVE ME] are the quintessential Golden Boy (hence the callsign) War Heros of the story at first. his moniker before i named him properly was 'heroguy' if that tells you anything about his narrative place. he's kind of a doomed-by-the-narrative servant of the war machine, but he does Eventually learn to be a better person. eventually. it takes a while. to the local public he's kind of a celebrity captain america type though. on the surface he's kind of the typical male video game protag emotionally constipated Man Guy archetype, but he's also just genuinely kind of a dick underneath it. he gets better though i promise. he used to have a vicious but one-sided childhood class rivalry with:
A. L. "Collar" Iscariot and her dragon Beowulf, deeply stoic and caustic, callsign named for the collar of scars around her neck - previous to the injuries she was called 'duck' because she cut it too close to the ground during training one too many times and they never let her live it down. farah is her "replacement", which is to say, farah is richas' right hand man, which is the place collar used to (bitterly and unwillingly; she did not like richas and did not want to be associated with him) have before she publicly deserted the Institute and left to, for her own reasons, follow:
Sinclair De Vautour and his dragon the Queen of Spades - a nighthawk, built for stealth: he was not raised in the institute, and bonded to QoS after he rescued her from a illegal trafficking/dragonfighting operation where she was in line for the ring. This was not an act of goodwill. He needed a weapon. (He did quickly grow to like QoS, though.) he is very much the Goth Evil Overlord kind of archetype: this is still in development but i think on paper he runs some kind of wide-scale company as a front for his operations; collar is his loyal second-in-command, there with him since (almost) the beginning. he is an orphan, though his dragonfire scars were given to him later on. he was forced to cannibalize his family to survive the event that killed them. he is generally very unforgiving and cruel. i would say he and collar almost have kind of a harrow/gideon dynamic going on if they were middle aged bitches instead of in their late teens and also were not in love with each other. and if gideon was a heartless cunt and 200x less goofy in nature. this makes no sense but you gotta trust me on it man
there is also "Lovelace", real name unknown, who is sinclair's... uh... side piece? literally do not know how else to explain it. he hired her under the guise of being his girltoy but she's actually there to do insane hacker work for him. whether they also have sex or not is irrelevant. she is wanted by the state government and has served significant time in prison for past cybercrimes. she does not have her own dragon but occasionally co-opts QoH by bribing her with food and/or baubles if she needs to go anywhere on dragonback.
like i said in there this verse is very new so there are a lot of missing or temporary details to all of this but i AM slowly chipping at it 👍 my time is currently being absorbed by namowrimo but ill get back in there eventually! dragon rider ocs are my passion 4ever
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satsuha · 1 year ago
D V and Z for the ask game? :D
under the cut bc idk if this counts as ship hate and it got really long
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
hika ag... (not putting the eng ship name for search reasons) i already knew the devs were gonna push them the moment i saw the crossed paths illust released but ultimately it felt disappointing to me in the game orz i already don't like the feeling when a certain ship is being pushed if they aren't going to go the whole mile and make it canon but in a game like octopath where the protags have such minimal interaction i don't like that it feels like these two got special attention (they have the most banters together tied with thro/oche) and yet their interactions aren't.... interesting....! some of hikari's story banters with her literally feel like he could be talking to a random npc instead and the things hikari says in agnea's story ring very hollow to me 😞 given like the fact that they both lost their mothers, illusts show hikari dancing with her or playing the flute (even the lyre in a concept art draft), it's disappointing to me that their ingame banters don't touch on this at all... complained about their crossed paths story another time but honestly for all this complaining i don't hate them i just feel very disappointed and sort of like they wasted their interactions together ngrhg
V - Which character do you relate to most?
KINDA dungeon meshi spoilers... completely off topic from what i usually talk about but i like marcille's character arc and her goals arising from her fear of being left behind. i'm gonna keep things vague since dunmeshi just got an anime and is getting bigger and also since i don't want to go too deep into why i relate to her but stories about learning to value the time you have with friends while knowing it will end one day (frieren is another obvious one) are very close to me
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go!
sorry when you say ramble i think it will always be complaining-adjacent with me but after playing agnea ch3 with english voices i got so surprised at the difference between eng and jp giselle that i got compelled to make a comparison of it and it JUST... makes me so sad that certain chars will be more likely to be overlooked or overshadowed, even liked/disliked depending on localization efforts o<-< i know it's unrealistic to ask people to play in multiple languages bc that isn't feasible for everybody but honestly it's jarring sometimes how different certain characters or scenes can come off as... i struggle with interacting in fandom spaces bc i don't always agree with english localizing efforts (and i get it, it really is a difficult job and by no means do i think they did a BAD job at it most of the time) but because so many people who will interact with my posts have only been exposed to that version, i'll feel very... alienated?? by some interpretations that i see. but i mean ultimately interpretation is more subjective and i think localization only nudges you to one side or another, so i still just do the same as i would do otherwise and find people whose content i enjoy... that was a lot of rambling but did you know that in hikari's ch2 banter with castti the english changed his lines quite a bit ?? i've already talked about how i think eng hikari is more expressive in his voice acting but i think it's something that was present in the text first and i... AM VERY MIXED about it bc i do think it works Really nicely in certain scenes, but i still like how restrained jp hikari sounds because i think it suits him more... anyway this is just a small snippet of the kind of thing i think about when looking at localization like in the end it's just Different versions, i guess i do look at the original jp version as more accurate to the creators' intentions but i think having an "official" interpretation in english can be nice and valuable in its own right.. if i didn't think so i just wouldn't play these games in english at all lmao (by comparison i don't play korean games in english bc at least the ones i've gotten into don't have great localizations so i don't think it adds much merit)
crying the last one is so long but you asked me to ramble 😭 LMAO... but ty for leaving an ask!
alphabet asks
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milkieways · 2 years ago
we are growing! 7/21/23
Honestly im feeling a bit all over the place, like, oof- what do I do first and where should I continue.. but things are moving forward even if we don't know the way. I appreciate my friends (the team / anyone whos working even just a bit into the game) ! BUUTT OKOKOKOK ! LETS GET A LIST OF STUFF THAT IS CURRENTLY FLOATING AROUND! - The town's name is Aiyana Gardens. ✨ - Here is a list of all of the characters so far: Star (protag, first person), Kishu Chi, Nocte Ventus, Markus Bowen, Lily, Daryo Anne "Incarnation", Yu Bou, Anemone (not official name), Manager Noe, J, Katie Anne, Angela and Oliver Miller. These are official characters that are being planned and then we have a list of possible characters implemented. Possible characters: Brielle Gilmour, Lee Gilmour, Skye Joss, Ryoko Tinselly, Chloe, Edward Sam, Misaki This is all subject to change but the first list is highly unlikely to change <3 Character profiles and desc will be coming in (yall can request specific posts abt characters as well!)
I✨ - Yu bou's VA is currently in the works! If his possible VA becomes his official, we have our first character with an official voice AND VA! WOOO ✨ - A general rule in this world is that everything around the world evolves around the idea of plants, characters are assigned to plants / are identified by plants except for some characters. ✨ - The Anne family is a famous family with one of the members living in the town
- The cafe's work system is being worked around, having multiple managers, workers and hours. So far, we have the hours and shifts: 7 am - 12 am. Morning shift is 7 am-12 pm, mid-day / afternoon shift is 12-6 pm and night shift is until 12 am ! Different characters are assigned to different shifts, still being discussed. ✨ -Our protagonist, Star, is a worker in the morning and night shifts, we have J, working morning and mid day shifts, (Anemone) is there as well working in the mornings and Manager Noe! ✨ -Working on getting character sprites for Markus and Yu Bou, drawn by one of our amazing artists >v< ari!! <3 ✨ -Star, Noe, Anemone, and a couple unnamed character development and details ✨ -Writing the "book" version of it so its ready dialogue ✨ -Looking for coders / programmers and general networking to find other people to help + abilities of ppl! ✨ - Doing research because I want certain amount of diversity and visual accessibility in the game (the cafe's design being accessible for example), as a disabled poc, lgbtq+ person, I'd love to create a media that shows more diversity for people like me and people from communities I know / come from :) ^ fair warning though because I am a third cultural person (basically having mixed cultures bc home country's culture, family culture and where I live culture) and I am yet to be learning more about other countries BUT I personally have a disconnection from stuff like that so getting feedback on cultural stuff would mean a lot! Despite this, my point still stands, the people and communities I've met plus myself have features I'd love to include! So, im open and planning sort of to make open discussions for this :) ✨ There might be some more stuff but I can't recall more rn so this is it for today <3 General reminder that while it seems that we r doing a lot of work, it will come in slowly, specially with me also being a college student + future full time student, but I appreciate all the comments and general support!! I literally am stimming everywhere and bouncing off the walls bc of this game and the development, emotionally everywhere haha. But yea!! <3 Might do an "about the creator" post and some about the team!! anyways, THANK UUU <33
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a-tear-in-the-veil · 1 year ago
1, 4 & 39 for the BG1 Act One questions!
THIS, was such a gift and delight to answer. Especially, the first question because I have been holding in my Tav's backstory for so long. Thank you so much for the ask, it was the highlight of my day/evening. I had lots to say lol. It is my intention to write some fics in the future too. Now :)
Tell us about your Tav! Name, class and subclass, race, pronouns. Do you have a headcanon for where they're from? Their family? Are they a Dark Urge? Or did you choose an Origin Character? Was it an easy decision? (1)
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My Tav’s name is Sitri (or Sylvie? I have not settled on her name yet, but I am leaning towards keeping her original name. Sorry Tumblr poll, but also thank you for the input. It WAS helpful). She is a teal, fey-touched Tiefling who uses she/her pronouns. She is a sorcerer, and her subclass is kinda complicated/tied in with her backstory and choices she makes during the events of BG3. 
SO LET ME JUST YELL ABOUT THAT NOW. Sitri is a mix of Origin Tav and Dark Urge. So, waaaay back, during early access (probably even earlier) is when Sitri was created. Before Dark Urge existed. And, I wanted my character to tie in to the other Baldur's Gate games so she was a Bhaalspawn that was intentionally hidden away in the Feywild. And, after much thought, that is the backstory I am sticking with. Her mom was actually the Bhaalspawn protag from the previous Baldur's Gate games and her dad was Anomen (Okay. Look. Look at me, the romance options were slim). 
Sometime after the events of BG2 and Temple of Bhaal, Sitri was born (which according to this timeline was roughly 1369 DR). However, her mom and Anomen went to the Feywild and made a deal with an Archfey for Sitri to be raised and kept in the Feywild with the intent of protecting her from Bhaal and everything that comes with being a Bhaalspawn. As soon as Sitri’s mom finds out she’s pregnant, she and Anomen go to the Feywild to make the pact and they stay in the Feywild until Sitri is born. Immediately after her birth, they return to the material plane. Because of that no one really knows there was a Bhaalspawn that has been removed from the lanceboard except for Sitri’s parents, Jaheira, maybe Minsc, and other companions from the previous games. Of course, secrets have a way of getting out…
In my version of the Feywild, I maintain that time passage between the material plane and Feywild is erratic (unless an Archfey intercedes then they can help travelers return at a reasonable time). Also, I think another important bit about my homebrew Feywild is that the Gods are not really a thing there. The Feywild is outside of the Gods’ jurisdiction. 
So, Sitri fully grows up in the Feywild and, while she grows up, over a hundred years pass in the material plane, bringing us to the events of BG3. Which, unfortunately, is Sitri’s first time out of the Feywild. Well, she maybe got a good week and a half before ya know, ha ha. I am currently working on writing a little something about her departure from the Feywild.
The terms of the pact are that Sitri is to stay in the Feywild to be raised and protected. Especially, she is to be protected from the influence of the Gods. The Archfey, Zybilna, in return gets a daughter to raise. Knowing Bhaal’s less than stellar reputation, Sitri is raised very “sheltered.” She is only allowed in very specific areas of the Feywild which are The Domain of Delight, her adoptive mother’s home and domain, and The Midsummer Court within the Maze of Farthagan known as the Domain of Debauchery (which is not an actual, official Feywild court). Sitri grew up well-educated and privileged, but she never learned to physically fight. She probably never even killed a fly. The sight of blood makes her feel faint (derogatory). For all intents and purposes, she’s learned to be Fae and how to survive in that kind of environment. Sitri has lived in the Feywild long enough that it has irreversibly changed her. Though, she still isn’t quite one of them. That is the drop of water that causes the ripple and leads to Sitri finding out about the pact. And Sitri did not know about the pact.
Going back to her subclass, she is a lunar sorcerer when she leans more into her Fae nature and she is a divine soul sorcerer when she, well, has dark urges. So, she starts as a lunar sorcerer until she kills someone for the first time. Killing someone for the first time is also what triggers the Dark Urge for her and the sight of blood makes her feel faint (affectionate?) now. At that point, she switches to a divine soul sorcerer until the Bhaalspawn business is concluded in which she will either go back to a lunar sorcerer or she is permanently a divine soul sorcerer depending on how things play out… For example, as a lunar sorcerer she has Faerie Fire on her spell list, but after she kills she can’t cast it anymore. She keeps casting inflict wounds instead. 
Do you remember in which order you recruited your companions? Which companion introduction would have felt the most familiar / like home to your Tav / Character? (4)
Shadowheart, Astarion, Gale, Lae’zel, Wyll, Karlach, Halsin, Jaheira, Minsc. I would recruit Astarion first if it didn’t mean I have to wait till the druid grove for Shadowheart. Most familiar/like home for Sitri was probably pulling Gale out of the rock. Feels like the most whimsical or Fae adjacent way of meeting someone out of the available options. Bonus, most familiar for a companion meeting Sitri would be Astarion because he saw her in passing during her week and a half before everyone got tadpoled (I wrote a thing about it on Ao3 called [Five Days Before the Nautiloid Attack]). 
What does your Character think of Raphael? (39)
I love that I got this one because I love thinking about the overlap with fiend bargains and Fae bargains. I think because of her upbringing (also her adoptive mom is Zybilna who… according to the far realms wiki has LOTS of experience surrounding demons) she knows, objectively, making a deal with him is a bad idea. But she is tempted by the proverbial red button purely because she wants to see if a Fae can outsmart a demon. They’re both trying to out manipulate each other, and I think that will be a really funny relationship to explore given Sitri’s backstory.
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year ago
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Time to clean out my inbox!
Sorry it takes me forever to respond, but if you've sent me an ask recently that hasn't been answered it is more than likely under the cut! ↓
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Honestly I don't know that Erwin has one mortal enemy so much as he doesn't trust 90% of people in general! He sees everyone as a threat and assumes the worst about *most* people until they prove otherwise. That's just how he is, unfortunately. :(
But at the start of my story he hates Ted Roswell with a fiery passion and doesn't trust him for shit. I'd argue Ted and the authorities of Strangerville (any military or high-ranking police) are his absolute enemies and he wants to burn their whole world down. In general Erwin hates authority though and always has. He's not fond of Meredith Roswell either, but mostly sees her as harmless and just as in-the-dark about her husband as everyone else is.
Before Strangerville there were many people who bullied or ostracized him, but he wouldn't call them his enemies because he didn't really care what they thought of him then, and certainly doesn't pay them any mind now! He does have a particularly difficult/toxic ex that has a brief cameo in the story though... they're not enemies but damn close lmao!
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I love the Hunger Games! I went through a dystopian novel obsession in the mid 2010s that hasn't worn off yet (lol). I'm a bit behind in that I haven't read The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes yet, but I'm actively in the tag so I pretty much know the whole plot lol. I'm hoping to receive the book as a Christmas gift this year so I can reread all the books together and be fully involved in the fandom again!!
Also, for the record, I'm Team Peeta! I love him. Katniss and Peeta are *chef's kiss* to me. Additionally, I have limited information on Lucy Gray Baird but I love her too and will protect her from all the female-protag haters and President Snow apologists!! Get behind me, Lucy!
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Yes! Erwin has always been really tall! His whole family are giants with his dad being the tallest at 6 feet and nearly 5 inches tall and his older sister Maggie being the shortest at 5 feet 10 inches tall...which is still quite tall in my opinion!
In my story he started "officially" transitioning (doing testosterone therapy, going by a different name, binding, etc.) somewhere around 14 years old. He came out to his sister and then his parents a year prior though (he was around 13) and knew he was trans long before then!
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No worries, thanks for asking for clarification! You don't sound stupid. I'll try to explain to the best of my ability, speaking mostly on Wren and Victor's specific situation.
In a lot of cases labels, such as the nonbinary label, primarily serve as a way to transmit information. It tells people "This person does not personally subscribe to the gender binary of male or female." But a nonbinary person can still have a sexual identity like gay or lesbian or they might subscribe to being pan or bisexual. Every couple, every situation, and every person is different. In some cases having a partner who identifies as a certain binary sexuality like gay/lesbian/straight might cause the nonbinary person dysphoria, so the cis-partner might consider this if they begin to date a nonbinary person and ultimately decide they want to identify as pan or bi moving forward! Again, it's ultimately between the people in the couple. Labels are just that: they can be subject to change or stay the same forever... both are okay!
But in the way a cis man dating a trans woman does not negate his ability to personally identify as straight, or a bisexual woman like myself being married to a man does not negate the fact that I'm bisexual, Victor being a cis-man and dating Wren who is nonbinary does not inherently negate his ability to personally identify as gay. At least in Wren's case, it wouldn't bother them to be with a cis-male who would personally identify as gay. In fact, Wren identifies as nonbinary and gay, preferring male-presenting sims. For Wren identifying as nonbinary is more about the freedom of expression and the freedom to exist authentically in whatever way they're feeling, so Wren doesn't feel gender dysphoria if someone associates them with a gender binary, they just don't prefer it that way. That's just Wren's personal experience though; another nonbinary person might feel completely different and that's valid, too! I think there's no singular, easy answer that would cover every situation or every person's personal preference because gender and sexuality are a vast spectrum and they aren't mutually exclusive. The most important thing is that everyone in the relationship is communicating, respecting, and validating each other's identities and boundaries.
The term you might be looking for is Diamoric: Diamoric can be used by nonbinary people as an umbrella term to describe how their own presentation of gender coincides with their sexual preferences, but it can also be used to describe relationships in which one or more of the partners is non-binary, including relationships where one of the members is binary! I haven't personally heard this one used casually though, but just because something isn't popularized or common doesn't mean it isn't a valid and helpful term or identity to know.
That being said, "Queer" is a pretty common umbrella term you'll see used by someone who might want to have a simple, all-in-one indication of their gender and sexuality preferences.
I hope that I was able to effectively explain this, but as always feel free to pop by for clarification if you need it. You can't learn if you don't ask! <3
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heshemejoshi · 2 years ago
Ryuji + Alfyn for the character thing?
ALFYN GREENGRASS (octopath traveler)
First impression: i actually didn’t think much of him at first. he didn’t seem that interesting to me at the time. Boy how the turns ended up tableing.
Impression now: he’s still like one of my fave characters ever tbh.. an inspiration for me in a way too. i can relate to a lot of how he acts in his story
Favorite moment: MULTIPLE ACTUALLY.. that one travel banter where he and therion take a nap at the tavern. the scene in his chapter 1 where he speaks to his mama. the ending of his chapter 2 when he cries after saving the siblings and sickly in town…….. wow……..
Idea for a story: i can’t think of any right now but My god. i have so many fic drafts from years ago. i’m too lazy to find them rn but they’re there ok
Unpopular opinion: i don't like how he's drawn in most official art. i hate how he looks in the art of him in the game (the drawing where he's kneeling and consoling a kid. HE IS MAKING SUCH A DRY EMOTIONLESS FACE that's not HIM!!!!!) i've seen too many fan interpretations and drawn him a lot myself to realize his art lacks swag!!!!!! that he has!!!! in the narrative!!!!! which is crazy
Favorite relationship: OFC alfyn/therion. i also really like (non romantically) alfyn + zeph, alfyn + ophilia, alfyn + olberic, alfyn + primrose. this last one i find so fun because alfyn is so bisexual to me i imagine him finding prim hot because honestly. which bisexual doesn’t?
Favorite headcanon: he’s trans. <3
RYUJI SAKAMOTO (persona 5)
First impression: this dude seems cool. i like his hair and swag (scoliosis)
Impression now: i want to look and be like him in the sense that i want to be rowdy and stupid and look cool. i’m already a lil bit machorra but i want more of that swag. sometimes when i wait at the bus stop i try to mimic how he stands in the game. HELP ME.
Favorite moment: when he leaves to grab a soda and burps just after yusuke reflects about his late mom’s painting of her with him on her arms WHY DID HE DO THAT????? STUPID.
Idea for a story: i could rewrite the entirety of persona 5 better. not because i know how to write but because i am a woman (kind of. it’s complicated)
Unpopular opinion: idk i’m not in the fandom either. and i just finished madarame’s arc LMFAO i’m NOWHERE in this game
Favorite relationship: y’know for headcanoning him as bisexual i actually don’t ship him with anyone super strongly.. i think ryuiji/joker (idk if the protag has a canon name or not yet) and he and yusuke are cute though but i haven’t met yusuke that much in order for me to think about if they’re compatible or nah to be honest it's funny that they both coincidentally have issues with their respective father figures. family trauma is so crazy.
Favorite headcanon: he’s bisexual absolutely. discussed it with a friend while playing and we both agree on the vision
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uranium-city · 1 year ago
was gonna do this in tags but i have a lot to say so i changed my mind
I think the album is the better listening experience & objectively more polished & better put together. But there’s something so special about the demos & Hawaii: Part II: Part II as a whole that it feels wrong to call it worse. Like it’s a collection of cute behind the scenes things, of course it’s not going to be as polished as the final product- but that doesn’t mean it’s a worse experience or doesn’t offer something worthwhile
The entirety of HPIIPII offers an experience that just makes HPII feel complete, like seeing all the work that went into it & all these fun little things that never would be seen in the full album like the synths & guitar melodies & stuff like the White Ball ad libs just adds so much. I LOVE seeing this stuff, even if they don’t have a place in the final album. & I also think about how good the third Time Machine demo is or the different, yet equally wonderful musical experiences the Stranded Lullaby demo (1) & GHOST versions offer, or how fucking awesome the fourth Mind Electric demo is & knowing how much I enjoy listening to them I can’t truthfully say I find them to be inferior versions (if anything I think the Time Machine demo is better than the final product). They offer so much musically, but also so much in terms of story theorization that I just DROOL over. Like without the demos we would never have the information that the protag is named Simon, which is one of the most iconic & essential parts of this album’s theorization ever. Looking at the White Ball demo as if it’s a post-Mind Electric Simon desperately trying to hold onto the memories he had with Stella through his insanity, or the looking at first Stranded Lullaby demo as if it’s a love song he wrote for her before Murders is just soooo cool. & with how short HPII is, having two extra hours of content to enjoy adds so much to being a fan of this album. Most of my engagement with this material has probably been through HPIIPII just because it offers so freakin much.
So my vote goes to other. The official HPII may be the more clean experience, but I don’t think HPII is complete without HPIIPII. I genuinely believe it would be a much less engaging experience without it.
Also, feel free to reblog or comment with your reasoning of your vote :>
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digitalgate02 · 3 years ago
Cyber Sleuth AU for 02 kids
If you know me, you would remember i'm more like a "Walking AU Machine" and instead of making OCs for the things i like... I just throw Daisuke & co. into those universes to see how they would handle them.
I’m copy + pasting from my twt thread.
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※ temp art for the post, he does not look wear Aiba protag outfit, ok?
Daisuke, Ken, Miyako, Takeru, Hikari and Wallace are from the same high school, but NOT from the one Aiba/Keisuke are.
Do not ask about why Wallace is here, i just can't leave him out. I'm pretty much Wallace brain rot right now.
Miyako is secretly a hacker, while the rest not. 
 Daisuke accidentally get taken by an Eater like Aiba protag, but just like Aiba he manages to become a "digital being" and Miyako helps him to find data to build a body. Like Aiba, yeah. Then this group of teenagers decide to investigate this peculiar critters to bring Daisuke back, so they casually meets Kyoko and the CS cast. 
 They solve things together sometimes, but their focus is just helping Daisuke, of course.
The 02 group got their respective digimon (yes Wallace got two again because he can) though Daisuke has befriended a ton of digimon. Yet his main partner is V-mon.
Mirei finds interesting this version of those kids, because she's aware about their 02 (canon) counterparts lol.
Oh yeah, Iori is just a middle schooler who works as everyone's "voice of reason" and he vaguely remember of his late father knowing Matayoshi.
(why? because i like Matayoshi so much. He and Hiroki would've been good friends imo)
The 02 group has actually no official "headquarters", so they keep using the computer room from their HS for this. And sometimes they have to use the bedroom for one of their members instead. 
 But y'know, Miyako being part of the Computer Club helps them a lot.
They do not want to mess with the business of the other hacker teams (Hudie, Zaxon, Rebellion/Rebels, Jude, Demons, etc) but they somehow follow Nokia's philosophy about considering the digimon more than hacker tools. 
So they fight evil hackers hurting the digi for Mirei lol
Hikari heard of the rumors of the ghost boy wandering in Kowloon and keeps trying to catch a cool picture of him. Ken is also so interested on this mysterious boy that he goes investigating it. 
 However, Daisuke hates ghosts. Especially because Ghost Boy = Eaters around.
When the other six discovered Miyako was actually a legit hacker, they asked her why and she just "Idk i thought it could be useful someday" "Oh..."
Takeru: So Daisuke-kun, since you can become invisible... Daisuke: No. I won't help you to prank Yamato-san. • • •
Ken: ... How do you feel? Daisuke: Ken: I'm serious, do you feel something? Daisuke: It's hard to explain... I feel nothing, but i can taste the food. Wallace: How!? Aren't you made of data now? Daisuke: [shrugs] At least i can't die by Kuremi-san's coffee blends. Them: Lucky you • • •
Daisuke: We need a group name if we're hackers now! Ken: I don't think we need a name though. Daisuke: How about... Them: No. Daisuke: But-- Hikari: Please, no names. Daisuke: Okay 😔😭 • • •
Btw, evolution chart:
V-mon → XV-mon → Wingdramon → UlforceV-dramon 
Wormmon → Stingmon → Okuwamon → GranKuwagamon
Hawkmon → Aquilamon → Hippogriffomon → Valdurmon
Armadimon → Ankylomon → Groundmon → Cannondramon*
* I know this line is not present in the games, and i don't like the options in-game 😔
Patamon → Angemon → HolyAngemon → Seraphimon
Tailmon → Angewomon → Holydramon
Terriermon → Gargomon → Rapidmon (perf.) → SaintGalgomon
Lopmon → Turuiemon → Antylamon (deva) → Cherubimon (virtue)
That’s all for now folks ✨
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