#Honestly I love all these character concept so much idk how I’ll be able to narrow them down
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shima-draws · 1 year ago
Hi all thanks for letting me infodump about my new kids <3 Anyway here’s their general info and personalities. They don’t have names yet so suggestions are welcome. Also elemental power suggestions are welcome (remember, this is within the ATS verse so it’ll have to be 1 of the 15 elements). Some of them are already set but not all of them so ;)
Protag boy: THE boy of all time. He’s lovable. He’s stupid. He’s absurdly powerful. He’s really chill UNLESS you mess with his friends then he goes apeshit. He’s got a boyish charm that every single member of the group is attracted to. He’s the official leader of the group and they would do ANYTHING for him. His childhood friend passed away due to an incurable illness so whenever someone gets sick he mother hens to the EXTREME. He rarely ever cries so when he does the entire group flips their shit trying to comfort him or trying to beat the hell out of whatever made him cry. And most importantly. He is BABY
(Yes I got inspired bc I’ve been watching too much shounen lately. I NEEDED to make the boy ever)
Mute girl: Originally she was a VERY famous singer but she “vanished” five years ago. She’s kept this a secret from the group. Due to trauma she has chosen to go mute and has not sung in a long, long time. She communicates solely through sign language and eventually the rest of the group picks it up. Is generally closed off, but opens up to the group as time passes. When she does finally get the courage to use her voice and sing again, everyone absolutely loses their shit at how beautiful her voice is and they all cry and it’s very emotional.
Rabid feral girl: Little feral child that is just a gremlin and was taken in by the group bc she had no family. She thinks of protag boy as her big brother and absolutely adores him. She’s also a BEAST in battle, one of the strongest members of the group. She has no memories of who she was before she met the group, and has a mysterious past that will soon catch up with her. She’s probably the most blunt out of everyone and can sometimes say rude things without meaning to. You want to get roasted by a 10 year old? Yeah she’ll roast you alright
Edgy boy: He’s stoic and strong willed and stupidly powerful. Has more of a physical fighting style rather than using magic. Was the first member of the group to fall in behind protag boy. Would do ANYTHING for protag boy, even betray the other members. Is surprisingly a really good dancer, but will only dance in public if it’s with mute girl (who’s also had dance training). Everyone is jealous of this. Is one of the few people to have known sign language from the get go, so he translates for mute girl a lot at the beginning. Might also secretly come from high society.
Standoffish mechanic: He’s a jerk, but he’s so lovable. Would die for protag boy. Protag boy gushes over his inventions and it boosts his ego way too much. He comes off as arrogant and cocky but he’s a real softie deep down :’) He butts heads with edgy boy a LOT. There’s some weird sexual tension going on there that nobody else wants to bring up. The “everyone is so not worth my time except for the people I love and care about” kind of guy. He will be brutally honest with you.
Non-binary parental figure: The oldest one in the group who watches over all the others. Very gentle and kind hearted, but willing to be strict if necessary. Acts as a sort of mentor figure to protag boy (and p much everyone else tbh). Is arguably the most powerful member of the group, but rarely ever uses their magic. They’re the kind of person that lets their kids learn their lessons the hard way. Is the first one to figure out mute girl’s story and acts as her confidant.
Violin boy: Has a history with mute girl and went through a similar trauma as her. Due to a misunderstanding he holds a serious grudge against mute girl which is eventually solved. He probably ends up joining the group. Or just runs into them once in a while. He’s socially awkward and can’t hold a good conversation to save his life…unless it’s with mute girl. Is actually very attractive but hides his looks due to low self esteem. Thanks trauma.
Himbo: I’m holding out for a himbo til the end of the night
(Dumb and strong and respects women and ride or die. Also gremlin girl’s best buddy and unofficial guardian. I really don’t have much else to say about him I honestly haven’t given him a lot of thought yet.)
Healer girl: Soft spoken and kind, she takes care of the group’s injuries and provides support in battle. Everyone’s a little intimidated by her bc she’s scary when they don’t immediately come to her for medical treatment after battle, or brush off their injuries. Grows close with mute girl. Is the calming presence of the group, and everyone comes to her when they are stressed. (This causes her to have a complex about being the calm one, the cheerful one, the one who always has their shit together. This is unhealthy. Lmao)
Smart girl: “I’m surrounded by idiots but they’re MY idiots” kind of person. Brilliantly clever and quick witted and has a sharp tongue. Thinks protag boy is SO dumb but she loves him anyway and has absolute faith in him. Has a loving family back home and gets embarrassed when her softer family side is brought up since she’s kinda arrogant and cold. Regularly spars with edgy boy. Gets easily flustered and then gets angry about it.
Cute baker: His pastries are SCRUMPTIOUS. He wears glasses. And has freckles. And he’s nerdy and kinda shy and awkward and he’s perfect. He’s more of a behind the scenes kind of strategist. He works with mechanic boy a lot to improve on their gadgets and gizmos and also on food related things. Is also wickedly smart but more in the book smart kind of way (while smart girl is street smart. Life experience smart.)
Now that you’ve met the squad…
(Also pssst tell me who you voted for in the tags/comments if you wanna!! I’m curious 👀)
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kamiversee · 1 year ago
bro i’m crying so bad i spent the last 3 days binging tfl and i atp ion even know who i like more. like bro i didn’t even peep choso re-entering the apartment until u mentioned it in ch. 18/19(?) 😭😭😭😭😭
i was genuinely just rooting for choso the whole time until i read thru some of ur responses to anons in ur kamianswers! tag. made me more wary of choso coz everyone was talking ab how he’s THE SAME AS GOJO like choso was blackmailing mc too ?????
the whole fuck list concept just confused the fuck outta me like IM THE MC. like fym gojo doesn’t really owe any of those guys anything ???? why she sleeping w them then ????? then i thought back to ch. 1/2(?) when gojo said it was for his entertainment. i honestly forgot that bit until it was restated in ch. 46😭😭😭
i also rmbr u saying that some ppl have guessed the ending already, so i was trying to figure out what i could but i just gave up from confusion. now i just wanna wait for the next chapter to come out instead of trying to figure shit out coz i ain’t nancy drew💀 ima let everyone else cook
anyways i would love to read the other stories that u have bc i love how ur characterization of everyone in the story from the mc, gojo, and choso to shoko, ino, and even naoya. while not everyone had a lot, i was still able to get to know every single person u mentioned. another thing that i think ur amazing at that is highlighted very well throughout tfl was ur ability to build up a certain character or event. nanami’s night, choso’s comeback, and sukuna pt 2 were some of my fav parts to read bc u built up each one perfectly tbh.
all in all, bro is perfect 🫶
Thank you so much for this.
Im literally so happy that I’m able to have people really understand how confusing it is for the reader, the whole point is to be confused so I’m glad I was able to achieve that <3
And hey I will say, as far as we/the reader knows, Gojo claims to have owed two people specifically; Geto for sleeping with his ex, though the reader doesn’t rlly get tht info herself & then Toji for breaking megumi’s leg at one point ^.^
So from her pov, she only knows that Nanami is someone who Gojo owed nothing to, still causing confusion ofc but I just wanted to make tht clear :)
I feel like I lowk gotta rewrite my other stories bc idk if I’ll ever live up to this masterpiece fr😭 BUT I’ll be making a poll abt what story I should write next once this is over so ig we’ll see <3
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eebeewrites · 1 month ago
Hi, I just wanna say thank you for actually answering my requests and everything. I love them so much and they’re amazing
But I know I’ve been sending a lot in, and idk if you’re the type of person who feels this way at all ever, but I wanna make sure you know you don’t HAVE to answer all of them.
If you genuinely don’t feel like answering anything or just wanna take a break or anything that’s completely fine. You give us amazing chapters so often, of a bunch of different characters and the fact that you’re able to keep up with it is amazing. So if you wanna just focus on those mostly it’s completely fine and understandable.
You’re an amazing writer and I feel like we’re all appreciative of the work you do and put out for us to read. It honestly makes my day just reading your stories, whether it’s sad or happy. This blog has honestly become a top hyper fixation when I thought I wouldn’t find another. Thank you for all your work.
(I’m very nervous when commenting or sending requests because I’m bad at explaining things and worry it comes off wrong. If this for whatever reason feels rude or annoying I’m sorry, I don’t mean for it to at all)
Of course! I’ll be real this blog is my main hobby right now, and tbh I need to get back to my big brain high fantasy project but I’ve kinda just been enjoying writing my boys. World building and super complex political plots sometimes make my wanna bash my head against a wall, so this is a nice break from it! It’s also like 6am and I can’t sleep from period cramps so…here I am! Id say a solid 70% of writing for this blog happens while I’m in bed on my phone or on break from work. It’s just…fun!
But thank you so much, I fr appreciate it so much!! Honestly I don’t mind answering most requests as I have a lot of fun with them; I think I’ve only deleted a request once just because it was a new story concept I just didn’t really have strong emotions towards. Honestly I probably won’t be starting anything new for awhile because I need to learn how to finish things.
I’m kinda glad I get to spend so much time here thought because usually this is a busy time of year for me prepping for a big concert across the country, but this time I have a lot more extra help which means…mORE TIME FOR ELF SEX YAAAAAAY . I also work from home teaching voice lessons online, so when people cancel last minute sometimes it’s like.
Well damn. Now I have an hour for writing. Yippee! Which happens a lot this time of year because people get sick from the cold and whatnot. All I can say is I can’t guarantee my pace will always be this nyoooooom but I’m enjoying it while it lasts!!
But fr. Thank you. This blog has seriously revived my confidence when I was thinking about quitting writing altogether, and I’m eternally grateful for that :D
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anonymous-dentist · 2 years ago
Hi! I love your fic ''You're Dead'' but I saw your post about not updateing it/turning it into an original piece. As much as I'd love to read it w/ original characters, I'm also very attached to yd!karlnapity :'3 So I wondered - it's due to Dream allegations right? Idk too much (I saw some stuff on twt about it but there were so many re-tellings I'm not sure what is true) but if the allegations turn out false, will you continue the piece? Or maybe I don't know something and it's all been proven true?
(Here’s what I say as of 8:24 a.m. on the 19 of October:)
At this point I legitimately don’t know what’s true and what’s not. What I do know comes right from Dream’s Twitlonger. He did some weird messaging with fans, and- even if they weren’t minors- that’s really freaky. Shitty, even.
This isn’t my first rodeo with this kind of thing. I was an Achievement Hunter and Funhaus fan back in 2020. I also know to always believe the victim and to not believe, say, random fucking people saying things and then immediately leaving.
I’ve never liked Dream. It’s never been a secret. I’ve never watched any of his videos besides the face reveal and I’ve never watched any of his streams because I’ve never liked him. I’ve never defended him outside of saying he isn’t ugly. All the stuff he’s done in the past has been horrible. I firmly believe that you can grow as a person (I know it firsthand), and I’ve always been able to separate art from artist as you can tell by c!Dream being in my fics, but at this point it’s legit just too much. Because even if the allegations are true, the way he handled this plus the Manatreed situation earlier this year plus him, again, admitting to sending weird and very parasocial messages to fans just makes everything he’s touched tainted.
You’re Dead won’t be continued. I have cried over this. It isn’t the most important thing in the world, and the priority here should be with the victim(s?), but it still hit hard yesterday when I realized I’ll never be able to finish my fic.
Even if I was to play devil’s advocate here, I’d say that he’s still too gross. Dream’s character was going to die in the end, anyway, but I’d still have to write and include him in the second half of the fic, and I’m. Not doing that. So it can never be continued even if the allegations are somehow false. It sucks and I’m heartbroken. There, I said it, but it isn’t worth hours and hours of seeing his name there. He doesn’t deserve even a single hit on the Google search bar.
But! I really like the new concepts I have for You’re Dead: the Remake. It’s tighter and more focused while making adjustments to the characters that bring them to life in new ways and allow them to act like total fucking freaks all of the time (because tbh they were super ooc for a fanfic.) There were a lot of plot threads in YD I don’t think I could have ever successfully concluded in a satisfying way. Things were jumbled and messy and, honestly, pretty bad. But now I can fix it and make it actually good!
If the allegations are somehow false and other creators ditch the asshole motherfucker piece of shit, maybe I’ll be able to write about their characters in peace. Maybe. Karlnapity are so fucking important to me, you don’t understand. But the way things are looking based on what I saw on Karl’s stream last night and by how silent twitter has been on the subject… it’s not looking too good.
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saintharted · 2 years ago
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I posted 129 times in 2022
That's 23 more posts than 2021!
83 posts created (64%)
46 posts reblogged (36%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 129 of my posts in 2022
#;;out for morning prayers. [ooc] - 63 posts
#;;alas! that my body clean and whole never been corrupted; today must be consumed and burnt to ashes! [visage] - 20 posts
#;;i am not afraid... i was born to do this. [ic] - 17 posts
#;;my flag; defend our brethren! [promo] - 11 posts
#drxgonharted - 8 posts
#;;children say that people are hung sometimes for speaking the truth. [musings] - 7 posts
#pulseofthestars - 4 posts
#;;lord; accept my sacrifice. [asks] - 4 posts
#;;jeanne d'crack [crack] - 3 posts
#/mobile - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#can't /not/ respect him when he owns up to what he does and still respects god and doesn't try to claim he's doing it in his name
My Top Posts in 2022:
Me: Idk if I’m doing a good job with Jannu
Roby, with a bat in hand:
4 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
Me, banging pots and pans: Respecting someone and disliking someone are not mutually exclusive--You can do both!!!!!
4 notes - Posted December 31, 2022
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I remember Anna talking about it ages back, but honestly? Jannu would really respect that despite all that has happened with how Kirei is, he doesn’t really blame how he is/the shit he pulls on God or the heavens above? He owns it, and while he is absolutely doing some pretty awful shit--At least he a.) is aware of it, and b.) doesn’t try to push it off as someone else’s fault.
She doesn’t respect what he does nor him as a person, but for being able to separate being a man of the cloth and being Kirei as a person--That’s not easy, and I feel like that should be discussed more but DelightWorks is busy turning Jannu into Jeanne d’Arcschool Musical featuring protagonist who is flatter than my cup size as the love interest.
5 notes - Posted December 31, 2022
“I don’t understand this omnipotent-benevolent thing.” “You are confused because the Bible describes God as an omnipotent and benevolent deity.” "Exactly.” "Omnipotent-benevolent simply means that God is all-powerful and well-meaning.” "I understand the concept. It’s just... there seems to be a contradiction.” "Yes. The contradiction is pain. Man’s starvation, war, sickness...” "Exactly! Terrible things happen in this world. Human tragedy seems like proof that God could not possibly be both all-powerful and well-meaning. If He loves us and has the power to change our situation, He would prevent our pain, wouldn’t he?” “Would He?” "Well... if God Loves us, and He can protect us, He would have to. It seems He is either omnipotent and uncaring, or benevolent and powerless to help.“ "No, signore.” "Imagine you had an eight-year-old son... would you love him?” "Of course.” "Would you let him skateboard?” "Yeah, I guess. Sure I’d let him skateboard, but I’d tell him to be careful.” "So as this child’s father, you would give him some basic, good advice and then let him go off and make his own mistakes?” "I wouldn’t run behind him and mollycoddle him if that’s what you mean.” "But what if he fell and skinned his knee?” "He would learn to be more careful.” "So although you have the power to interfere and prevent your child’s pain, you would choose to show you love by letting him learn his own lessons?” "Of course. Pain is part of growing up. It’s how we learn.” "Exactly.”
This exchange is honestly something Jannu would say to someone
5 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
@drxgonharted​ replied with:
“Berserker- Sorry, I mean, erm, Kriemhild wouldn’t let me out of seiza position unless I agreed. She was was pretty insistent about it."
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“Good grief--There’s a limit to how much someone can do.”
Says the very much a busybody of a saintess.
“Should I speak with her? That name connects you to another hero, I don’t believe it fair to have it taken from you.”
5 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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elganac · 3 years ago
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———  BASICS  !
·         (PEN)NAME: borbie, borb, birdie
·         PRONOUNS: she/her or they/them!
·         ZODIAC  SIGN: virgo
·         TAKEN  OR  SINGLE: single
———  THREE  FACTS  !
i’m currently trying to be a content creator off tumblr ( tuber of the v variety! )
i’ve been playing candy crush almost everyday for the past like two months
i’ve been on tumblr since uhhh 2013, maybe even 2012???
·         PLATFORMS USED: mainly tumblr, though i originally started off via text messages and kik! i’ve also rp’d on discord, but it’s difficult for me to keep track of and maintain muse for those threads since the back and forth is too fast for me. ofc there was also the skype period
·         GENDER: kind of 50/50 really?? i have more male muses than female but i think that just kinda happened. i think i prefer female muses in a way though! 
·         LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S): idk what this question actually means but uhhh i guess i dont really lean towards like, “scary” or “aggressive” looking face claims? my muses tend to be on the cutesy or mischievous side, like even nate who is the more serious of the selection is really just a big shit poster, so while he has like aggressive tendencies he’s not really an aggressive face. does this even make sense lmao????
·         MULTI OR SINGLE: putting all of my muses onto one blog has been the best move to maintain my sanity
———  FLUFF  /  ANGST  /  SMUT  !  ♡  
·         FLUFF: i crave fluff sometimes, i really do. sometimes it’s very repetitive and redundant but honestly sometimes i could just rp the same concept over and over again with different rp partners so see different reactions and the nuances in relationships. like sharing a bath — it’s not a new concept on my blog or my muses’ relationships, but i will always love writing about muses wanting to share a bath together or like sharing a bed together, stuff like that. 
          especially when it comes to muses like alison and emile who are hopeless romantics and just thrive off of being in love and being cared for — it really is so fcking cute to write fluff when it fuels a close bond 
·         ANGST: i honestly haven’t written angst in so long, but i def do enjoy it for the sake of character development and exploring dynamics. i’m not really a fan of angst for the sake of angst anymore since it gets really tiring to just make a muse suffer just because especially when it’s like the most outrageous of circumstances, but if there’s actually a direction and a reason to the angst, i really enjoy it. especially if there’s a lot of room for plotting between me and my rp partner
·         SMUT: mindless smut sometimes is good in the sense it’s self-indulgent for me, but if it’s overdone, i do get burnt out really quickly. i usually reserve smut for closer rp partners or more established ships, but sometimes i’ll open it up to flings to explore new relationships and situations with muses. but tbh, one of my fave kind of smut is the kind that allows for a lot of exploration of a muse’s sexuality. not just who they’re attracted to but also just like, them learning how to manage and cope with sexual desire, sexual activities, and sexual exploration overall. i especially love this with alison because her perspective is skewed as a result of some trauma, so i always enjoy letting her explore her sexuality with other muses. 
·         PLOT  /  MEMES: i absolutely love plotting. i love plotting so much, like it honestly gives me so much joy to yell at people on discord about our muses and just take an idea and spin it into something so much bigger. i like memes too, but i feel like sometimes i get anxious from them just sitting in my inbox even tho there’s technically no rush or obligation to even answer the memes. it’s a weird thing, but memes are def a good way to break the ice sometimes. i wish i was able to send more memes out to people, but it’s hard to find time to sit down and scroll through the memes to find a good one to send to people :pensive: 
tagged by: @madamhatter​ ( weeps this was from ages ago!!!! )
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renegadesfics · 3 years ago
Omg so sorry for falling asleep on ya last night 😂 But now I'm up and I'm having my coffee and trying to remember all my questions. Okay so
1- how do the adults feel about all this? I feel like Wayne is either completely disinterested or like mad as hell at the reader.
2- What about the Hellfire kids? In that lil snippet Mike seems annoyed but he's also a like 14 year old boy and puberty could just be hitting him like a brick so idk
3- why is reader driving around with no heat in their car????? It's about to be winter in Indiana it's gets below 0° easily get that shit fixed omfg
4- what has Eddie been doing for the months they've been apart? Just sitting in the house being a sad boy? Kissing other girls? Kissing other boys? Or is he like completely love sick and writing the worlds greatest emo anthems on his guitar.
6- even if they do get back together what happens after the holiday when reader goes back to school???????
I'm just honestly so invested in this storyyyyyy. It's so well written and genuinely interesting. You're such a good writer. The way you say so much with so little dialogue. I am in awe at your skills, truly.
Oh god! No reason to apologize at all, I'm so glad you got sleep, that shit's like... super important!! Thank you for coming back and continuing the conversation, that's so sweet!! Okay, but onto your questions:
This definitely gets addressed in either part 3 (edit: posted just recently!). In part 4 or after, we may also get reader's parents' take on the whole scenario. Can't keep your personal life very secret in a small town, it seems.
That part's already done, actually, and while I feel like I struggled a bit to capture the kids in fully robust 3D, I also recognize that this is reader's first time interacting with them and First Impressions are a thing. They may pop up more in later parts, I haven't totally settled that one yet. (I’ll give you this much, reader definitely likes at least some of them.)
The heating was just a funny little quirk that I added in the beginning when it was all only going to be one part. It was a like, a throwaway one-liner I had tossed in just to add some depth to the character? But now I'm thinking it's probably something they should get looked at before they leave Hawkins.
I will just go ahead and put out there that I fully 100% invest in the concept of queer Eddie Munson. The personal interpretation of that queerness is up to any one person and how they see it, and I'm not here to police anyone else's perspectives on that. I, however, do interpret him as somewhere on the Bi/Pan side of things. (As a bisexual woman, this could just be me projecting.) Strictly speaking, this isn't relevant to the plot, but you kind of hinted at it with your question and I just wanted to take a second to talk about it. Anyway, my plan is definitely to get a little bit more into how Eddie spent the months reader was gone, but I'm not totally certain when that'll happen.
That's the big question, isn't it? Can't provide much by way of specifics here without big spoilers.
Unfortunately, I also can't give a whole lot away on this one because... I mean, y'know. Have to keep you hooked somehow. But I do plan on at least kind of answering this before I wrap the entirety of TtDS up!
Thank you again for your interest in the series and engaging the way you have!! It means so much and I'm so grateful to have people enjoying reading the story as much as I'm enjoying writing it. Maybe in a slightly selfish way, I love talking about it. So. Anyway, hope I answered your questions as best as I'm able to at the moment and hope you enjoy what's coming!!
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marshmallowprotection · 3 years ago
Seeing how many ppl asked for matchups I got curious.... idk why I was so hesitant at first but lets go (if someone recognises me from this no you don't, my identity is a mystery shush)
Both romantic and platonic are fine, whichever you find works best honestly! I’m lesbian but I don’t mind being paired with men since this is all fictional anyways.
Alright so. I’m an ISTP-T and my one hobby is drawing (unless daydreaming for hours on end counts as a hobby). I’m an introvert and I have lots of trouble with opening to new ppl but I really cherish the friends I do manage to make. I love living in my own little world and thinking about my ocs who are basically one of the only thing that truly makes me happy and I love imagining a cosy little future for myself even though I have no real ambitions beside continuing to draw and getting better at it.
I’m very good at school stuff and all (I’m a genius but also rlly dumb and uncultured and lazy), I’m very stressed all the time, I often dislike elements about myself like my appearance or my personality and I’m kind of a cleaning freak. If there’s one thing I hate about ppl it’s ppl who don’t put in the effort to better themselves and their surroundings. If there’s one thing I love about ppl it’s ppl who take the time to understand others and still try their best when things are hard. I think having some kind of drive, even if it’s not what’s considered as a « noble goal » and may seem insignificant or silly is admirable.
Something I think is important to know is I despise the idea of the tranquil committed lifestyle as a concept in fictional stuff (I don’t really mind it irl but a matching would count as fictional so I’m adding it to this). For reference Saeran’s normal ending made me want to tear my brain out of my head bc of how torturingly boring that life would be. The idea of not having any option to get out of something is something that terrifies me which makes me hate when characters talk about getting married, having children, etc. The fact I move very slow when it comes to romantic stuff doesn’t help and is my main problem with the mysme cannon route bc dude we’ve known each others for less than two weeks.
Now this is only about fictional characters so I don’t know how relevant it is, but one thing about me is I have terrible taste. Irredeemable villains? Give them to me. Characters that are universally hated and are so one dimensional it’s laughable? Come here babe, I’ll invent you a whole backstory and make you my favourite character. Maybe I’m a contrarian, maybe I just like blank slate characters bc it gives me room to write them how I like them, maybe my gay awakening being through the bullies/rivals in otome games permanently affected me. But there is nothing more shameful to me than the characters I do actually end up liking.
Anyways that’s it I don’t want to rant too much about myself. I rlly like your writing and I’d like you to know you have inspired at least a hundred hours of daydreaming (though most of it used your aus as base and just expanded on them by going completely off script. But know that I mean this with tremendous respect and it doesn’t take just any old fanfic to get my brain engine going that hard)
I match you with...
You view the world in a very particular way. You like things to happen realistically. You don't want a suspension of reality. You want to put in the effort even if that takes a lot longer than it would for other people. You just want to know that what you're getting into is going to work out for you, and there's really nothing wrong with that at the end of the day. Everybody has a comfort zone and you know what yours is. You should commend yourself from being able to understand what it is that you want. With that in mind, you need somebody cut understands your perspective and wouldn't try to push you into a corner. 
You're going to have to hear me out on this one because you might not get it at first. If there's one thing that we know about Yoosung, it’s that he’s driven. He gets a little lost in life because of his grief but that doesn't mean that he gives up on everything. He struggles to find himself and it's thanks to your compassion that he's able to have a better understanding of himself and the things that he wants.
His route if given a bit more time would realistically work out for you. Because it goes in such a way where you start out as laughing together as friends before he formally ask if he can be your pre-boyfriend instead of your boyfriend. This would be his first relationship so it makes sense. You're going to work with him slowly on this to build an interesting relationship. You're testing the waters and it's not as if you're exactly dating, but it's figuring out if that's something that you want to do.
You and Yoosung could drive each other to your passions and goals. It feels like that would be a nice balance for you, regardless of if you were to date or not at the end of the day. A little optimism would never hurt so Yoosung would be the counter to your realism. It’s nice to have someone who believes in you no matter what happens, y’know? Be grounded but hopeful, that’s what Yoosung does for you.
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starrybouquet · 4 years ago
yo should i watch star trek? i've been thinking about watching it but there are so many shows and movies and it's verrry overwhelming.
star trek and ncis have both been in my list of shows to watch for a long time, but i never got around to actually watching them. watching u post about them makes me wanna binge watch them but it's SO overwhelming and idk where to start
Okay, first off, you should ABSOLUTELY watch Star Trek. It's GLORIOUS and absolutely bonkers and thoughtful at the same time. You should also definitely watch NCIS because for a show about murder, it is surprisingly comforting 😂
This post got VERY VERY long because I learned I have a LOT of thoughts about how to watch large amounts of television. Uh, sorry 😂I split it up into NCIS and Star Trek, and then....the Star Trek section is still really long. I hope it's not too much rambling, and that it is possibly helpful?? I feel really honored you asked me about this <3
NCIS is pretty simple to binge - I just finished watching it for the first time. Pretty much, I'd run straight through NCIS (the original, not NCIS:LA or NCIS:NO) from season 1-13. A few caveats: I enjoyed s1-s2, but I have some friends who were bothered by a few episodes that were transphobic. I mean it's kind of expected, since the show started in 2003 and some of the characters weren't written as the most accepting people, at least at the start But that doesn't make it easier to watch. If you think that will bother you, I'd be happy to give you a list of episodes to watch/skip. :)
From season 3 onward, I'd really just watch in order (you can skip some of the more gruesome ones *glares at two specific season 3 episodes*). I wandered off sometime around season 13/14 but you can conceivably continue on to season 18 which just finished like a week ago, I think?
Oh, and then you can try the spin-offs. Neither have really been able to hold my attention but you might have better luck!
Star Trek
Okay this one is a lot less simple. Yes, there is SO much Star Trek and asking yourself to binge all of it is very very confusing because....this timeline is a good explanation.
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Sir, what?
So! There's no right way to binge Trek. I'd definitely start with a TV show. Yes, there are a lot of Star Trek movies and some of them are fabulous, but Star Trek was born on TV and the TV shows are still the bread and butter of the franchise.
There are maybe five good entry points for Star Trek. If you don't like the first one you try, try a different one, since they are similar but every entry in the franchise has a very different feel.
I'd say there are maybe five good entry points for Star Trek:
Star Trek: The Original Series (1966-1969) The classic, very first Star Trek. Kirk, Spock, McCoy. Absolutely ICONIC. Has a few fabulous, classic high-concept sci-fi episodes and a few absolutely HILARIOUS episodes. If you choose this one, be prepared for a show that's VERY 60s in color and style, thinly-veiled Vietnam War allegories, and a lot of William Shatner.
Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994) My personal favorite. Episodic, absolutely brilliant acting, and the RANGE! Literally has a cross-dressing Wild West romp one week and a deep, "machines develop a sense of self-preservation" plot the next. Some of the very best television ever made. The only problem with TNG is it starts reallllly slow. Most people don't really enjoy season 1, and it really doesn't get good until halfway thru season 2. So I'd recommend watching the pilot, then maybe skipping through a few s1 episodes as they strike your fancy. There are a few good ones but also many duds. The nice thing is it's entirely episodic so you can skip without worrying about losing the main thread of the story. After the pilot, I think the only season 1 episode that's crucial for plotty reasons is Skin of Evil (1x23)? Then starting with A Measure of a Man (2x09) I'd watch straight through. The rest of the series is EXCELLENT and quality is, on average, fairly high. (Okay, you can skip the last episode of s2 since it's a clip show. A writer's strike happened. XD) If you choose this route, be prepared for the slow start. And the VERY 80s sci-fi costumes. :)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-1999) I'm not a huge DS9 fan, but I really, really enjoy their comedic episodes. If season-long arcs and a more gritty, politick-y feel strikes your fancy, this is the show for you. Again, this one has brilliant acting (most Trek does tbh) and a LOT of range. DS9 is set during wartime, so it's definitely got a different feel. I like it but don't love it, but this show has changed the lives of a lot of people, I think, so it's definitely a good option. I think DS9 starts better than TNG, and this is definitely one you want to watch in order. Seasons 1-3 are a little more episodic and then the series-long war arc begins in earnest.
Star Trek: Voyager (1995-2001) I have an outsized love for Voyager entirely because of fandom. (J/C fandom has a very large overlap with Sam/Jack fandom!) The premise of Voyager is that it's a ragtag crew (half military officers, half rebel terrorists) trying to get home after being flung 70,000 light years from Earth (which will take roughly 70 years for them to traverse). This is the only show with a female captain and it is TERRIFIC. I'm just saying, if you watch this one, be prepared to ship the captain and the first officer. Because...you will. :) Overall quality of Voyager is, IMHO, not quite as high as TNG. It's again more episodic with some occasional multi-episode plot threads. But the two shows have equally strong captains, and Voyager is definitely a more scrappy ship than TNG's Enterprise. The characters change a LOT over seven seasons, so definitely watch Voyager in order. I think this show actually has one of the better pilot episodes of Star Trek, in a franchise full of notoriously poor pilot episodes.
Star Trek: Discovery (2017-) If you want a "modern" show - y'know, fancy effects and such - I'd roll with Discovery. But it's definitely a controversial entry in the franchise, and one of the less consistent ones, IMHO. But I really like the pilot, and also enjoyed season 2, so you could definitely start here if you're looking for something that's more recent and less, y'know, of whatever era it was made.
For people who love SG-1, I'd probably start with TNG or Voyager? I'm not sure. Discovery is a lot flashier but I think you'll probably enjoy the other four more, if you like SG-1. Totally a matter of personal taste, though.
I hope you got to the end of this, and honestly, if you want to get into either of these shows and are still confused, just message me? I will happily give advice :)
Just binge NCIS from episode 1 onward. If you are very sensitive to transphobia, message me and I'll tell you which season 1 eps to skip.
For Trek: If you love SG-1, I'd start with The Next Generation or Voyager. But honestly, you could start with The Original Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, or Discovery, depending on what you like in your TV.
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dex-xe · 4 years ago
I’ve made Spotify playlists inspired by each of the ghosts and I’ve made these little written pieces to talk about them. if you wanna read them, please go ahead - if not then enjoy the music!!
This is the Captain's playlist:
Moonlight Serenade - Glenn Miller
This is one of my favourite like old WWII style songs, I just think it’s beautiful and really great to dance slow to (at some point in my life I will dance with my husband or wife to this song in our little kitchen, and then my life will finally be complete). It’s in Doctor Who (in The Empty Child) and Jack and Rose dance to it in front of Big Ben, like it’s a really great scene in one of the best episodes of Dr Who ever. So good and a great WWII song.
Soldier - Trixie Mattel
Yes, I know this is about Katya’s issues and everything that happened with that but like it is also like very accurate to the Captain’s arc. Like “soldier, take your time” is like yeah?? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I don’t believe the Captain is even remotely aware of the fact he’s gay cause like I don’t reckon he understands love or the fact that he’s got feelings like that, I don’t think he knows so yeah take your time to figure it out yeah, Captain.
We’ll Meet Again - Vera Lynn
This song seems to have taken a new meaning in pandemic times but Havers leaving Button House and (I assume) never returning but like the Captain staying at Button House completely in the dark as to what happened to Havers and therefore living with the possibility of Havers returning.
HEAVEN - Troye Sivan & Betty Who
Obviousssss, but this song was such an integral part in me figuring shit out about my life. Like, I was 14 and a massive Troye fan when it came out and (growing up in a working class, strict religious, small town family) the music video was literally my first understanding of the fight for queer rights. I knew about LGBTQ+ identities and identified as a variety of queer labels at the time I was completely unaware of the entire struggle that had come before me and seeing photos and footage of this fight for the first time was O.o Anyway, I'll stop talking about myself and say that I’m incredibly happy with the hc of the Captain trying to learn a bit more about queer history in his journey to accept himself.
In Our Bedroom After the War - Stars
The poor Captain, let the man love I beg. I have so much love for stories and hcs of the Captain being sweet and being in love like pls ily.
Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths
This might actually kill his gay little soul but by good it would be worth it!! I’m gonna go off on a bit of a philosophy tangent but what were ya expecting from me honestly: the sample used in Achilles Come Down is an extract from a 1942 essay by Albert Camus who, alongside Kierkegaard and Nietzsche and the like, wrote about the concept of ‘the absurd’ which is a tricky concept but a reallyyyyyy simplified version of it is basically the idea that humans constantly search for a meaning and purpose for life and the universe but the universe does not provide answers to that which causes human distress. Basically, what I mean to say like isn’t that concept just so Captain?? Like he searches for meaning in war and can’t see life beyond the war because that provides him purpose, you know?? But yeah, it’s a banging song and I’m sorry about the tangent.
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
Ya saw this one coming :P Well he just is a good old fashioned lover boy so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
William, It Was Really Nothing - The Sm*ths
Even just the name being right is like *chefs kiss*. Yes there are lines in this song that are just shit and reallyyyyyyy show the views of M*rrisey and his general shitty behaviours.
It’s a Long Way to Tipperary - John McCormack
It’s just a fun song.
You’re Somebody Else - flora cash
LGBTQ+ staple really, ik it’s about being trans but I wanted to include it because of the recent Ben Willbond interview when he talks about how he’s interested in the contrast of a confused authoritative figure. Like the Captain is such a contrast and I love that in characters.
It’s Been a Long, Long Time - Harry James
Like I’ve said repeatedly, I wanted at least a little bit of time specific music for each of them I could. So yeah there’s a few for the Captain, WWII music is such a vibe tbh.
The Boxer - Simon & Garfunkel
I’ve always interpreted the song as being about loneliness and well, Captain my boy that you. Like he’s literally surrounded by people 24/7 but is so very alone. When the others are all watching tv in Redding Weddy and the Captain is just sat in the window watching for Havers is just so pretty and I think it’s really telling of the relationship he has with the others.
The Arrow and the Aim - Nadia Reid
Pretty pretty song, the voice is *mwah* but that’s irrelevant.
Ramblings of a Lunatic - Bears In Trees
Okay but like yes. The Captain is so alone like despite being around people literally all the time - not being able to escape you might say. Is he aware he’s different? Like what goes on in his head, will we ever know?? Cap, you gotta start talking to people, man. You gotta open up cause you will go crazy, Ik it’s been 70 years fella but seriously you’re gonna go crazy soon.
Death with Dignity - Sufjan Stevens
Just a beautiful song, and yeah with the Captian being the way he is and so focused on the war and military and the idea of "death with dignity" is pretty prolific. Given that we're fairly sure the Captain never saw any action, would he be considered to have died with dignity?? Maybe, maybe not idk.
I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General - Arthur Sullivan & John Reed
That one scene where Alison is trying to sleep and the Captain is just sat beside her bed singing this. Like that’s so funny XD It’s his little head bob as he sings like that’s so good.
Kiss Me Goodnight, Sergeant Major - Arthur Askey
I remember my nan had an Askey record and she used to play it all the time and this always made me laugh cause 5 year old me couldn’t get the image of a really strong and tough soldier being all motherly and yeah I just wanted to include it :D
Teddy Boy - Paul McCartney
The Captain’s name is Teddy, I take no debate on this. Just the idea of the Captain’s backstory, like a childhood backstory for the Captain genuinely makes me cry. I know a lot of people have shared their stories of their interpretation of the Captain’s childhood and they’re all sad and I love them all :’) (Specifically a big fan of Operation Keep Calm on AO3 and what they’ve done with the Captain’s character and story, 10/10 would recommend but it’s not finished and I really hope it is at some point ily).
O Captain! My Captain! - The Static Shift
Just an interesting song, yeah? “I believe I’m in my prime”/“In my bally prime”, you get it XD
John My Beloved - Sufjan Stevens
I love this song (no I’ve never seen the film and no don’t really intend to) It’s just sweet, you know, and the religious elements etc yeah that’s good.
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kvgehiras · 4 years ago
waaaa i'm sure whatever you have typed up is great!! if you ever decide to post it, i'll look forward to it ♡
cough cough SO UM,,, ik this is oddly specific but i hope you don't mind aha .. a character of your choice with someone who has some important exams coming up soon, maybe?? i've like ... procrastinated like all of my work and slept through the entire few weeks before,, so i'm currently on the brink of eternal sleep (my fault, wholly, really) i don't mind who, just pick your favourite/s!!
thank you in advance!! qwq
hello again anon!! THANK U AAAA i might post it after the current event ends bcs im busy grinding lately lol but i will post it soon so i hope u like it ehe ;; as for ur schedule PLS SLEEP !!!! i do know the feeling off not doing any of ur work nd just resting but sometimes it's ok anon! studying when ur not feeling like it will only feel like a chore nd u probably wont be able to retain any of it. so study when u want to, bcs while exams r important, so r u hehe <3 anyways here r the charas!! wrote a lil scenario for mika, leo, nd rei!! hope u like it <3
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• mika overworks himself alot, mainly bcs he just wants to prove, to himself and others, that he is worthy of being a part of valkyrie
• but he still likes being a lil spoon when yall r cuddling (o˘◡˘o)
• while he is a powerful artist when hes on stage, he just melts when hes in ur arms yk!!!!
• so he doesnt mind it when lately u seem to be slacking off a bit more than usual bcs he gets more cuddles from u !!!!! #mika1stwin
• but when u suddenly stop out of nowhere nd even refuse to come out of ur room at times bcs uve procrastinated ur work too much nd if u do not finish going through ur material then ur doomed to fail nd oh lord-
• "(y/n)?"
• u look up at ur bf nd hes standing beside u- w his stuff in his hands.....?
• "ah ya see.....ya've been lookin' a lil stressed lately so i thought abt.....helpin' u like this! idk what is troublin' ya, but im here to always listen! :D"
• u break into a grin, one mika had missed so much, nd grab his cheeks to plant a kiss on his cheek
• nd still keeping ur hands where they are, u pull away to look at his bright red face
• "thank u mika... ill always be here for u too, ok?"
• nd he quickly nods, scared to meet ur eyes, esp bcs of the close proximity of ur faces rn
• what a lil baby
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• leo is honestly the last person u want to see when ur trying to finish learning ur material,,,that too in a rush
• like!!!!! u love him u rlly do but this bitch will start doodling abt his inspiration nd all nd ur brain just cant focus yk
• that, nd also that if u dont give him Any attention At All he will literally wither away nd basically refuse to sleep nd WILL stare at u till u give him kissies (nd he alrdy doesnt sleep enough........ sigh)
• so when he wakes up in the middle of the night (the one night u managed to somehow get him to bed) nd doesnt see u in the room a part of him panics
• he quickly calls out for u nd when he hears u respond from the study room, he opens the door to see u slowly turn around from ur chair, tired, shoulders slumped over
• immediately rushing over, leo tightly wraps u in a hug, a hand running through ur hair
• "(Y/N)!!!!!!!!! WHERE WERE U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I THOUGHT THE ALIENS KIDNAPPED U!!!!?!!???!!!!!!! DONT LEAVE ME AGAINNNNNN 。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
• "leo it's 2 am.......nd also i didn't leave u, u know? im right here!"
• the exhaustion was very evident in ur voice, so much so that leo pulled away only to squint his eyes at u nd go "r u not ok? u sound tired ...... gasp r u DYING????????? NOOOOO U CANT DIE UR MY INSPIRATION!!!!!!!!"
• "leo thats v sweet nd while yes i Am dying im not leaving u it's ok"
• leo smiles, which turns into a grin, nd then he suddenly gasps again nd oh lord what idea is it this time
• "(y/n)!!!!! how abt i sleep here????????"
• ".....huh?"
• "YEA!!!!!! didn't u leave that room so u wouldn't disturb me?????? but im lonely so......ill just sleep on ur lap then, ok? ok! good nightttt!!!!!!!!"
• nd then he places his head on ur lap, the other half on his body relying on the chair he was previously sitting on for support
• while he isnt wrong abt the disturbance part.....he does look content here.......nd he does feel lonely so ......
• mayb u just gotta learn today what u can wing everything at this point...... it's gonna be ok . probably....?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• unlike the other two, rei wouldn't even have to guess that ur not doing ok, he would just Know
• nd what does he do to help? flirt w u nd get u to let him teach u obv!
• he Knows it's not rlly teaching, nd so do u, but what can u do when he looks at u w those puppy eyes of his, nd says that he'll do anything nd everything in his power to always help u
• so when he does take in whatever u have to study he..... he realises he's Also bad at this
• good job rei rlly helps out a ton!
• anyways to make up for it, nd also stick w his promise to help u, he tells u to go through the material, nd explain it to him! he heard somewhere that it works bcs it forces u to rlly understand the concept instead of memorising it nd u think it should work
• but oh god how is it supposed to work when rei keeps looking at u w stars in his eyes, nd his hand suddenly grabs urs nd he circles his thumb on the back of ur hand nd IS HE FLIRTING IN THE MIDDLE OF A STUDY SESSION
• rei playfully quirks an eyebrow when he sees u get flustered nd just . lay ur head on the table w sigh nd just whine
• "REIIIIIIIII I HAVE TO STUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
• he chuckles bcs he does realise what hes doing to u nd honestly he loves ur reactions so he keeps doing it
• "fufufu.....sorry love, i'll be quiet now. go on, do ur thing." (liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur too flirty for a study session!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
• tip : never keep him in the same room as u when u have work to do . keeps flirting . too much distraction .
• ratings : 200/10 . the additional 200 points is bcs hes too cute to say no....... god he rlly has u wrapped around his finger huh
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jazzblogsabout · 4 years ago
Gem Glow
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Woo-hoo, let’s get this party started! I’m so excited to be back and doing this! Here’s a couple reminders:
I’ve already seen the entire series, so if you haven’t finished it yet THIS IS YOUR WARNING!!! This blog is going to be extremely spoiler-heavy! The other thing I’d like to let everyone know is that while I’ve watched it all (and many times) I haven’t watched it all through since it ended. I was really sad about it and dramatic and not ready to move on. But I finally feel ready to go back through it in it’s entirety. I’m really looking forward to watching the show without any long breaks or hiatuses and absorbing it all in. Hopefully you guys like what I have to say about it as well! Let’s go!
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I like that we start the show off with Steven, Sadie, and Lars. I feel like all three of their journeys really revolve around each other in a very subtle way, which I’ll be talking about more as the show goes on. But also, it’s just nice to start out on some neutral ground with a show with this much lore. 
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I forget how different the animation and Steven’s voice are in the beginning of the series! Sometimes I like it, and sometimes I’m glad things changed.
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“We think they were trying to get into the temple.”
We don’t really get a whole lot of explanations on the temple, do we?? What exactly is the temple, anyways? Who made it? How does it work? Why are these baby centipeedles attracted to it?
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One critique I have with this first episode is that they make the concept of “Gem Monsters” a little confusing. Audiences are still trying to grasp what’s going on, and implying that gems can reproduce like that (not like how Rose did it) is a little misleading. Which leaves me wondering how the heck a corrupted Nephrite was able to make these things in the first place? So confusing, even for a seasoned viewer.
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I’m sure many of us have noticed by now, but peep Connie’s glow bracelet in the freezer! Love that continuity!
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To be honest, I have tried over and over again to figure out who Cookie Cat is supposed to represent. We were all so sure this song was foreshadowing for somebody. Honestly, you can stretch stories around and make it fit for a couple of characters, but in my opinion... it’s nothing. It’s just a cute rap about  some ice cream. I really don’t think it was about anyone in particular. Let me know if you have some SOLID arguments against that (or have heard anything different from a crew member), but for now that’s what I believe. 
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I wonder how many times Steven’s gem has glowed in his life up until now. We know it glowed once as an infant. Obviously he can’t remember a time where it glowed, but maybe as a really little kid or toddler?
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Sneak Peek into Steven Universe Future (that neck!!!)
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It’s so obvious now that the Gems are so bad at teaching Steven how to summon his weapon, because they’ve never had to teach anybody before. Every other gem in existence just knows how already. That would be so wild. Like having to teach somebody how to move their hand. Like, idk, just do it??? haha
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jongins-tiddies · 4 years ago
Ult group tag game
tagged by @kjmsupremacist <33 love u xiami and yes I'm doing nct cause I'm a WHORE
Who was your first bias? dude ,,, no lie it was lucas that man literally grabbed me by my throat and spit in my mouth - turns out hes an idiot but hes still MY idiot <3
Who is your bias now? jaehyun :) #iamavictim
What was the first MV you watched? xiami idk what it was do you remember EDIT: after consulting with my lawyer I realized that the first mv i watched was moonwalk <3
What’s your favourite MV? jesus are you seriously going to make me choose   -_- ok for nct there are so fucking many but I'm really vibing with regular (127 ver) rn? also i fucking LOVe yestoday for the ~graphic design~ 🤪
If you could listen to one of their songs for the rest of your life, which would it be? mm pls uh HONESTLY ? maybe highway to heaven ?? I just love it and think that it has range (as evident by the two extremely diff mvs)
Who would you want them to collab with? honestly anyone BUT jasonderulohyung  
What (MV) concept do you want to see them do? i really want a royalty concept omfg like with crowns and gold shit everywhere>>>> some dark jewel tones???>>>>> OH AND CORSETS??/?// HOW COULD I FORGET THE CORSETS???
Have you ever had a dream with any of the members in it? jesus yeah. not necessarily often but its def happened multiple times. they spend so much time terrorizing me during the day that youd think they would have enough respect to leave me alone when i sleep ?? but NOOO
If you could spend the day with one member, who would it be and what would you do? oh jesus. honestly i think i would genuinely get along with johnny best so probably him <3 tbh go on a fucking coffee tasting tour and then get so incredibly caffeinated that we just stay up all night walking around the city taking pictures together and being goblins :’) *long sigh*  but i would give it all up just to fucking get wine drunk w jaehyun and listen to records *sobs quietly*
Which member do you think you would get on with best? THE WAY I JUST- ok yes johnny .. but besides that woo for sure i think we would vibe hardcore, m0rk just cause he's rly nice ((like how could you not get along w him)), and tbh lucas HHAHAH i feel like i would have such a time with him cause he’s a dumb jock like meee toooo girlieee 
Which member do you think you would argue with? oh my god. haechan lmfaooo but like argue in a sweet annoying way like i do w my freshman kids at school like damn ur funny and i love you as my own but i’ll beat ur ass stfu (i just think ur adopted kids should have a healthy amount of friendship but also fear and reverence for you) (yes you guessed it I'm a slytherin that needs to go to therapy <3)
If you had to let one member scroll through you tumblr, who would it be? hm. tbh johnny cause i don't think he’s mean enough to judge me lmfaoo also i think he would be cool about the edits i make so there’s that .. all in all i think it’s pretty obvious that I'm in love w johnny suh please god don't have a scandal i won't be able to bear it and i would doubt my character judgement skills till the day i die <3 thanks luv xoxo
I’ll tag some new mutuals !! @staywithmoon @dropofgoldensun @anameicallmyself @ethaeriyeol   ayeee friends and I'm tagging you again ella lmfaooooo  @abunnycotton 
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hyperfixationtimego · 4 years ago
IDK IF YOU MEANT JUNKO IS HER GF AND BEST FRIEND BUT!!! Celeste/Kyoto friendship, they’re both man haters 💜 /j
I remember a game night thing back then, Clue reinvigorates Celeste’s interest in murder mysteries and she honestly impresses Kyoto when she tricks Togami into revealing his cards (mainly questioning his truthfulness/credibility)
After that, Kyoto and Celeste try to find videos, games, and books of murder mysteries to solve, but with Celeste able to figure out who’s lying and Kyoto’s detecting ability, they’re unstoppable. Junko likes to nitpick the murder mysteries too, even though she likely has no idea who the murderer is.
After a while of their regular things being too easy, one day they walk into the kitchen area to find Chihiro and Sonia (again no idea if this is in character but her cosplayers are always cute) putting some fake blood on Ibuki. Makoto is upsetting the area, like knocking over the knife holder and such. They’re super confused, until Makoto says (very unconvincingly) “:O someone killed Ibuki!!! you guys gotta figure it out”
That becomes the new regular thing, like every other week they make a new murder mystery for the two and they have to solve it (including the fact that some stuff will be inaccurate, and just how the group thinks it would happen). Peko isn’t that fond of it, but she’ll do it if Chihiro gives her the 🥺 look, and both Miu and Leon absolutely love the chance to play characters (I forgot her name but if Peko does it, Tsumugi/blue hair will do it too, she just prefers to be the victim) - queer eye anon
and yes yes they are 😌
and also !! legit 👀 like. it pisses Togami off to no end (seriously, how did she do that?? how could he be tricked so easily???) but Kyoko’s like “,,,,,oh my god,,,,,,,,such manipulation,,,,,,,such incredible deductive skills,,,,,”
long story short kirigiri develops a squish (platonic equivalent of a crush) on this weird mean goth bitch and just starts hanging around her more often until eventually Celeste is like,,,,,,,,,fine, if I simply MUST adopt you as a best friend, I suppose I will, seeing as I have ABSOLUTELY NO CHOICE in the matter :)
so they start spending more time together, and Kyoko’s usually the one who’s like “hey I found another murder mystery thing we could try-” to which Celeste’s response tends to be more lighthearted “oh, very well, if I absolutely must-”
It’s incredible - no piece of mystery media stands a chance against them <3
also a little off topic and might be a bit ooc, but I think we should all consider buzzfeed unsolved!kyoko and Celeste because that just seems goddamn hilarious to me ndndbdbdbddbd
and BDBSB YEAH THEY’RE SO SWEET?? Makoto came up with the idea, but Sonia and Chihiro are absolutely essential to the operation as a whole.
Sonia’s interest in serial killers provides a necessary take for the psychological perspective of real life cases, so they know for certain it’ll be stimulating for the detective of the two, meanwhile Chihiro’s brainpower allows for both creative and logical placement of clues, red herrings, and more!
Plus, all three of them are absolute sweethearts that most people have trouble saying no to <3 (they’ve even gotten Byakuya to participate once or twice! Celeste and Kirigiri were both delighted and bewildered!)
THEY ALSO GET OUMA INVOLVED BECAUSE HE’S THE ONLY ONE THAT EVER GIVES CELESTE ANY TROUBLE IN DECIPHERING LIES FHSBSBDBSBS (she usually gets it right on account of her own luck, and if she gets it wrong, It tends to be either salvageable or ambiguous enough that she can pretend she was right and nobody can tell they were ever on the wrong track)
Miu pretends like she needs fujisaki, nevermind, and naegi to beg her for her participation, but she’s honestly more than willing because!!! She gets to yell and be loud and have fun and play weirdos!!!! And sometimes she even invents new things for practical effects, just ‘cause she can! And she knows it makes her friends happy!
Leon’s a pretty good actor until Celeste stares him down - then he immediately either loses his nerve or fucks something up ❤️
and dhsbsbdbsbdb Peko!!!! Peko and Fuyuhiko get involved because a) chihiro gave them both the 🥺 face, as you said, and b) fuyuhiko,,,,,,,thinks the concept,,,,,,,,is fun,,,,,,,👉👈 but shut up he’d never admit that!!!
Tsumugi makes costumes!!!! And totally loses herself in the roles!!! She gives the BEST performances, and Celeste and Kyoko are often left sitting there like “wow ok” because hdbdbdvdvdvdvdvddv????
They get Nagito involved a lot, both due to his luck and the fact that he’s very easy to convince (and often comes up with more cool ideas for the scene of the crime/evidence/general concepts!) though, if he’s involved, then Hajime needs to be as well, becauee everyone can only take maeda’s self-deprecating bullshit for so long until they need someone to shut him up hdbdbdbdb
Hiyoko acts like she thinks it’s dumb, but actually really wants to be included 🥺 👉👈 so mahiru takes it upon herself to “force” her into helping
Sakura and Hina love to help however they can! :D I don’t rlly have anything specific for them, I simply think they’re very cool and would be very eager to help because they love their friends <3
Sayaka is INCREDIBLE when it comes to thinking up “murder” plots! Motives, manipulation, the likelihood of certain actions being taken.....+ due to her high intuition, she’s able to discern what types of things kyoko and celeste prefer during their little games! She also provides insight into emotional response for the actors, which helps to make it a lot more immersive!
Mikan gets very very very nervous as a performer and is usually very unreliable in that aspect, but she gives pointers on whether or not certain wounds would be enough to kill a person! She also provides emphasis on vital organs and helps with anatomical accuracy!
Gundham adores being able to give monologues, and the three in charge of everything do their best to give him macabre, weird roles so he can speak and confuse the two girls to his heart’s content ❤️
if they ever need to talk to chiaki during an investigation, they usually need to wake her up, or get her to stop playing a video game (which she’s not supposed to be playing!!!!) in order to interrogate her (she also forgets a lot of the details and evidence she’s supposed to give them shdbsndbsnsb)
she also likes to give chihiro ideas for plots and things, though mostly uses her games as inspiration !
Shuichi and kyoko are friends so he’s like “yyyeah okay I’ll do it” and so by the same token, Kaede is automatically (and emphatically!) involved as well
Kirumi gets involved because if it’s a request, she’ll do it 💛 plus she kinda loves being involved with this stuff ngl jsnsbsn meanwhile ryoma is like this is dumb but if it’ll make u guys happy then I guess I have no choice
Maki’s pretty difficult to convince, ngl, but if kaito pesters her enough, she might drop by to give her two cents on some of the most plausible and effective methods of getting rid of evidence, as well as what she would do if she were in the position of the murderer (makoto and co. are like wow maki thank u very cool we are absolutely terrified)
shinguji makes it a point in the anthology to embarrass himself at the drop of a hat for his friends’ benefits regarding things like this, so they’re obviously in hbdbdbd plus they love being able to study kyoko and celeste’s behavior while working on each “case,” because without a doubt they are two of the most interesting specimens of human thought patterns and processes he’s ever SEEN <3
since it’s for the sake of two girls, Tenko’s very excited to do whatever Sonia or Chihiro asks of her (she’ll do things that Makoto asks, too, but it takes some convincing....) and Himiko.....isn’t a particularly convincing liar to begin with, but her experience with stage trickery comes in handy pretty often! (though they have to practically drag the information out of her shdbsndn)
Angie agrees to participate on the grounds that all of her characters get to bring up and endorse Atua. she gets picked for murder victim quite a lot bsbssbdb
also highkey 👀 the canon cases get re-enacted at some point (for the first game’s third case, they actually let Celeste be in on it as a little treat for Kyoko! it was absolutely bonkers and they both had literally so much fun!!!)
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years ago
The Mandalorian s2 ep1 Reactions Post That’s right I’m BACK
and none of you not even god himself can stop me from rambling about space cowboy dad and tiny green baby stuff for much longer than any sane person should 
the TL;DR is that I still love this show SO MUCH, beware a bunch of spoilers under the cut!
- costume design wise I LOVE how badly the armour fits Cobb Vanth
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 especially when you get shots with him and Din side by side for contrast:
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It’s not just that it’s clearly not made for him (it seems he’s a lot lankier and more wiry than Boba is), he simply doesn’t know how to wear it, and he doesn’t know how to take care of it, because he doesn’t know what it means. Remember when Din’s breastplate got bent completely out of shape by the mudhorn and he had it repaired to the best of his ability long before they even finished with the ship? That’s why he looks so grounded and natural in it and Vanth has sort of a clumsy Spiderman-in-his-first-home-made-costume air about him. (also Boba’s helmet has a beautiful heft and solidity to it in this, they make all the beskar have a Feel and weight to it, makes it feel important)  
I like that Vanth is taller than Din; everything that drives home that Din’s strength doesn’t come from being naturally physically imposing or impressive is a joy to me 
- Boba’s armour seems to be confirmed to be real beskar, which gives me so much hope that they’re doing something actually nuanced and interesting with Boba and Jango’s cultural identities as Mandalorians (whether they do consider themselves that or not, for example), unlike George Lucas’ inexplicable yet unbending stance of ‘They aren’t and never were lol get fucked Fetts’  
the way the triumphant heroic part of the mando music sputtered and died when the man himself showed up tho... uh-oh this might be bad news 
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man but that’s a stunning and surprising way to introduce a well-known character divorced from what makes them so iconic, though, just from that I’m going to trust they know what they’re doing (AND they got temuera morrison back I’m so EXCITED!!!). without the armor there’s the face of someone who shared that face with literal millions and at the same time must be looking older than his father ever got to at this point, and that’s super interesting as a starting point to me. (I... guess there’s still a chance it’s a fakeout and that it’s actually another clone, but that would be such a letdown when they’ve already given us this haha) 
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- an excellent [mando sighs] moment
this opening scene did a great job of re-summarizing him for the audience -- establishing again that he gives you one chance at dealing with him fairly and if you insist on continuing to be an asshole about it, you’re toast, the fact that his fighting style is so much about being able to tank blows rather than not getting hit in the first place, the horror movie monster mando setup as he stalked the dude down and strung him up, the Poetic Justice predicated on some very careful word choices, and most importantly “where I go, he goes”... all wonderful, I’m sure I’ll watch this scene back for fine details and better looks at the background characters many many times 
(word seems to have spread about him and the baby for real now, which makes me VERY nervous btw)
- Pulserifle’s back! Jetpack’s back! Razor Crest’s back! Grappling line’s back! PELLI’S BACK!!!!!! Tattooine... is also back *Finn voice* Why does everyone want to go back to Tattooine????
I really enjoyed the way they fleshed out and (for lack of a better word) humanized the sand people, though, if you are going back to this desert hellplanet again that is a worthy reason to do it 
- Din swearing :O!! and one of the less egregious star wars swears too, I’m fine with this
- in campaign star wars news: I guess there was sort of both a binbon and a jubna in this ep! what a time to be alive
- as usual I love the jawa. a bright spot in any day, just a bunch of lil goblin-y friends hanging out having the best time loving sparkly crystals and rescuing silver foxes.  
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get in loser we’re going shopping
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I uh. Do you think. Hm. Is there maybe a metaphor here somewhere. Is there perhaps a hidden, one may say double, meaning, at play, right here, in this image? Who can say, it’s just niggling at me (there’s a very similar set of shots with Toro in season 1, but seemingly the show went ‘I fear we might have gone too subtle with it, let’s amp it up this time’ over the season break loool)
honestly though this dynamic really highlighted everything I love about the ways Din performs masculinity. It’s so much softer and more community/collaboration focused and more comfortable to be around than Vanth’s version -- and Vanth isn’t a bad dude by any stretch of the imagination, it’s not hard to see why he’s like that considering where he’s from, he’s just such a... man. The lone person who can protect this village! The only man who’s got what it takes! It’s all on his shoulders and no one else’s, so do exactly as he says or he’ll put a hole in you! (I think it’s telling that one of his first comments to Din is ‘I’m sure you call the shots wherever you’re from, but ‘round here, I’m the person who tell folks what to do’, because as we as the audience knows, Din very much does not call the shots of where he’s from lol) I guess it says some nice things about the tribe of Mandos Din is from that this is how he approaches things, and it says some good things about Vanth how quickly he comes around to this smarter and less confrontational/domineering style of doing things once he’s been exposed to it and sees how it works. it’s just neat
(it’s smart of Favreau to set his ~*lone gunslinger*~ character up like this, too, it makes him so much more interesting and versatile)   
- With the way Din says ‘a Mandalorian Armorer sent me on my path’ it does seem confirmed that’s the equivalent of a priest role or a sort of shaman -- I wonder if he knows the name of ‘The’ Armorer or if they take on the role as a whole identity 
- the sheer contrast between the two people who wanted Din to take his helmet off for them in this ep tho... wants Mando’s armour off for horrible awful reasons and got exactly what he deserved:
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wants Mando’s armour off for entirely sympathetic and understandable, just culturally uninformed, thirsty thirsty reasons & also having drinks together:
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 (the sort of... little lick over his bottom lip he does there? keep it in your pants vanth my GODjflsadf he’s a good dude tho he understands and respects the ‘no armour removal before marriage’ thing and backs down gracefully)
- This is a nuanced thing: I don’t think I actually ship it (not in a requited way from Din’s side, anyway, Vanth I’m 100% sure about lol), but the incredible potential for out-of-context-taking of “Take it off, or I will”/”...we doin’ this in front of the kid?” is uh astounding  
(anyone got the vibe Vanth sort of had something with the bartender too? no just me? well well)
- I was never really scared Din was actually dead or hurt b/c baby wasn’t scared and I figure he’d know lol, a very useful fear barometer 
- “What’s the plan?” “Take care of the child” “What are you gonna do?” “I don’t know, but wish me luck *yeets his new bro out of harm’s way before diving in head first himself*” fksdjhfkjlashdfkjsldahfkasldjhfskldajhfsadkjfh WHAT a summation of Din’s entire approach to battle & life, dad please you carry a not insignificant part of my heart around with you be careful 
(Also with the heavy implication that Boba was watching the whole thing... can you imagine him just looking on as Din throws himself down that gullet like a madman. There must have been some ‘o_-7 *headscratch headscratch* ???’ going on for him there)
it’s kind of sweet that din trusts vanth will take care of the baby if something happens though, they really bonded quickly huh 
- the sand people who kept willingly going over to the krayt dragon’s cave are honestly braver and more admirable than anyone else has ever been, I kept just shouting in anguish as they were gobbled up, they deserved better 
- can we talk about how clear it still is that Din’s just... lonely. When he thinks he’s found another Mando and he sounds almost reverent with relief... and then it gets odder and odder (’uh... drinks? I guess... does he have drinking straws with him or -- HE’S TAKING THE HELMET OFF???’ oh buddy)
I wonder if they’re building towards something about him realizing it doesn’t have to be Mandos for him to trust and bond with people longer term? Basically all the characters he’s met and we’ve watched him form attachments to and get help from are non-Mandos -- Kuiil :’^(, Cara, Omera, Cobb Vanth, IG-11 :^’’(, Greef Karga to a degree. Establishing so firmly what he’s looking for this early would be good setup for a ‘what a character thinks they want vs. what they need’ thing later on just on a writing level, anyway, Boba Fett could bring in some interesting points of view about Mandalorianness too   
- baby’s happy gurgles when he sees pelli!!!!!! din speaking sand people language and petting alligator doggies!!!!!!
- pedro pascal’s voice work remains an utter joy to me. din’s measured, earnest, occasionally slightly stilted way of talking is still so good, and then he does things like inserting some more... idk life is the wrong word but that more charged and dynamic tone he took on when he said (”I thought you weren’t a gambler”) “I’m not”. *chef kiss*
- if the pulse rifle’s stun is able to do that to a fuckn krayt dragon... that’s some serious shit din is carrying around with him lol (interestingly the actual shooty pew-pew part of it didn’t seem to do much to it, but then I guess he was shocking it from the inside out and not through thick hide, so idk)
- my only real complaints about this ep: Vanth’s backstory ran a bit long, and not enough baby & dad interaction. the concept art’s got me tho: 
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 (din often wears his original/old armour in concept art still, incidentally, don’t know what that’s about)
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+ omfg ;______;
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- this sand people person conscientiously brushing a bantha’s teeth... blessed
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- Customary flame thrower report: there was a rare useful deployment of the flamethrower. Good job Mando’s flame thrower for furthering the field of diplomacy
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surveys-at-your-service · 3 years ago
Survey #457
“blue are the words i say and what i think  /  blue are the feelings that live inside of me”
Do you buy your lingerie at Victoria’s Secret? No. That shit is so overpriced and not for my size group. Would you ever use an online dating service? I never would again. Are you good at multitasking? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Have you ever eaten Frosted Mini Wheats? Ugh, those are so gross. What does your bikini look like? You think THIS bitch wears a bikini??????????????????????? Does age really matter in a relationship? To an extent, yes. How much does the last person you kissed mean to you? I honestly don't even know if I'd be here without her. Almost like magic, Sara popped back into my life right after I returned home from the hospital following my suicide attempt. She helped make recovery possible as a solid source of support. Do you use lotion? Not NEARLY enough. My skin is so dry; I need to. Do you believe in teenage love? I experienced it deeply and thoroughly, so yes. Have you ever sat on the roof of your house? No. Do you like Sublime? I like that one popular one of theirs. "Santaria" or whatever it's called? What’s your favorite movie genre? Paranormal horror, especially the "found footage" type. It's creepy to imagine it being actually real. Is there a celebrity that you’d be willing to have a one night stand with? If he was single? I know in my gut I would lmaooooo Do you want to live in your current town the rest of your life? OH MY GOD PLEASE NO If you found out today your best friend was gay what would you do? She's demisexual, so. She can like anybody. If you could get a pet for free today-what kind/what name? A tegu, because it wouldn't need an enclosure that I don't have. I'd let it free roam. God, I can only imagine Roman's reaction. How many people have you slept with? If you mean what I think you do by "slept," one. Do you ever wish you had a family business to become a part of? Not really. What’s the most gruesome way you could come up with to kill someone? Hunny, have you seen my dark RP????? The world best be glad I'm a pacifist lmfao Do you think anyone deserves to die that way? I don't believe in torture, so no. If you had to fight for survival, what would your weapon of choice be? A gun, I guess? I'd want something with range and that's quick. I wanted to say a bow and arrow, but preparing another arrow after shooting once could really cost you your life. Where did you buy your favorite pair of jeans? I don't wear jeans anymore. Do you have a large dog? We don't have a dog, period. If not, are you afraid of them? No, I love big 'ole puppos!!!!! I just don't wanna own a dog myself. Are you good at playing darts? Holy fuck no, I have NO hand-eye coordination. I once stabbed the guy at a balloon popping booth thing with a dart in the arm, if that tells you anything, ooooooooooof. Do you like breaded chicken sandwiches? YESSSSSSSSS omg Do your parents know that/if you smoke? They know that I don’t. Have you ever been under a blacklight? Omg so in elementary school, we did this thing once where we all washed our hands as best we could and then put them under some sort of light (maybe a blacklight, idk???) to see JUST how resilient germs are. You gotta scrub the fuck out ya hands, people. How many pounds do you want to lose? I'd rather not share a number, but a lot. What’s your favorite natural phenomenon? The Northern Lights. Do you snore? Very surprisingly for someone with sleep apnea like mine, I actually don't. How many people do you know with the same first name as you? Off the very top of my head, one, but it's spelled differently. I KNOW I know of a shitload more Brittanys, though. Is it possible you could be pregnant? Well, I haven't been intimate with a man in years and just finished my period, so like- Could you go a day without texting? I go most days without texting. Do you have a step-parent? My dad is remarried, so yes. If so, do you get along with them? She's EXTREMELY Christian, so her beliefs wildly disagree with mine, but I keep my mouth shut a lot just to keep the peace. She IS a very sweet woman, nevertheless, and am glad she and my dad are so happy together. Does your current/last job require that you wear a uniform? My last job (which lasted not even two hours lol) did. When will your driver’s license expire? My permit has been expired for like... two years. Do you live in an apartment? No. If the last person you kissed proposed to you what would you say? That's too wild a concept to even imagine. I'd probably ask if she was okay lmao. Would you ever get back with one of your exes? Weeeelp, I want to get back together with Girt. Pretty badly. Write a foreign word, and what it means: "Schadenfreude" is a German term that essentially means secondhand embarrassment, but it doesn't have a perfect translation. Is there an ex you think about everyday? Inevitably. That's PTSD, my friends. Who is the last person that you said I love you to, besides family members? Sara. What's the worst thing you have ever said to anyone? Something along the lines of "no one could ever love you like I do." It boils my blood just typing that; I considered even deleting this question. That quote right there is fucking manipulation, even IF I thoroughly believed it. Who was the last person to comment one of your pictures? I don't feel like looking. Do you tend to go for older or younger when looking for someone to date? It's weird, I'm into slightly older-than-me guys, but probably girls who are barely a bit younger than me. Have you ever been used? I don't think so. Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head? Like I've said in plenty of surveys: Jason is probably a permanent fixture. But also as of the past two days, Girt's been living up there. I went from "hmmm I just don't know how I feel" to "FUCK I want to talk to him about how stupidly into him I am right this fucking INSTANT" pretty goddamn fast. It kinda scares me just because of how extreme my feelings are. Again. That's only ever gotten me hurt. Buuuut let's not get into that. Have you ever got caught cheating on a test? No, because I've never tried to. Will your next kiss be a mistake? I hope it won't be. But it's not like I know the future. Have you ever worn an oxygen mask? Actually yes, when I was young and thought I was having an asthma attack or something. Mom had one for her own asthma. Then I obviously wore one for surgery. What song do you want to be played at your funeral? "Paradise" by Coldplay is absolutely #1. How many swear words are in the song you’re listening to? I'm not listening to music; I'm back to watching Gab play Sekiro. What color was the last swimsuit you wore? Black. Have you ever kissed anyone of the same sex, and if so, who? Yeah, just Sara. Who did you last tell to ‘shut up’? Ha, I think my WoW friend Lyndsey, but only playfully, of course. We pick fun at each other all the time. Would you ever get a tattoo of a boyfriend/girlfriend's name? NOOOOOOOOO. Are you one of those girls who already have baby names picked out? I know what I'd name my kids IF I actually wanted any, yeah, but I don't. Do you think guys with long hair are attractive? Yessss, I love long hair on guys. Are any of your siblings taller than you? I think Ashley is a liiiiil bit taller? I know my brother is, for sure. Have you ever scared someone so badly that they cried? Yikes, no. When was the last time you wore high heels? Boy oh boy, no idea. Is there someone that you want to hurt right now? Jeez, no thanks. What was the most interesting or colorful birthday cake you’ve had? I don't remember, but I'm sure something from childhood. What was the last thing someone bought you? Was it expensive? Mom bought me food from McD's, which obviously isn't expensive. Do you have any interesting moles anywhere you don’t want people to know of? No. Have you ever gotten high or drunk in a really formal place? Strong "no" there. Do you ever write poetry and post it on any certain websites? On the very rare occasion I write poetry and actually like it, I'll sometimes post it on dA. What do you miss most about your childhood? Actually, genuinely having fun and not dealing with fucking anhedonia. Would you like to know the precise date of your future death? Hell no. Do you photograph well? I'd like to hope so. Are there any animals you flat out refuse to touch? Maggots and similar bug larvae. What super power would you refuse, if it was offered to you, and why? Mind reading. It just sounds... awful and overwhelming. What’s your favorite discontinued product that you wish would come back? Oh, I KNOW I have answers to this, just none are coming to me immediately and I don't feel like sitting here for five minutes thinking about it. If adults had show and tell, what would you bring into work? My snek! :') If you had a reset button for the last 10 years, would you press it? Tempting, but... I don't think I would. I cannot go through how deep my depression was again. Who is someone you would never swear in front of? My nieces and nephew. Yes, I don't believe in profanity being a "thing" and is just a stupid human fabrication, but nevertheless I acknowledge societal standards and expectations, and they're way too young to get when you shouldn't say something like that and why. Have you ever won a contest or competition? A few. Who is your favorite TV character? I don't think I really have one? Do you coo over other people’s babies? Not really, no. Sometimes I'll think they're super cute and be like "awww," but I don't like... squeal and spaz like some people do. What is something that makes you very squeamish? VOMIT. Has there been a celebrity death that really affected you? Steve Irwin got me deeper than anyone else. Chester Bennington hit real hard, too. If you’re out of high school, have you stayed in touch with your high school friends? If you’re still in school, do you think you will? Most of my closest ones, yes, at least via Facebook. What’s a movie that you want to see? Old movie, but Jacob's Ladder. It was a massive influence on Silent Hill, so naturally, I'll probably love it. It's a classic, anyway. Do you use the same username everywhere online or do you have a lot? I use "Ozzkat" in most places, but I do have some other ones for different sites. Who was the last person you know who became pregnant? My friend Ana recently revealed she's expecting her second child, a boy. What fad were you actually into? I have zero clue. Have you ever tailgated? Would you want to? Fuck no. That's how so many wrecks happen. My sister legit got in a wreck with an 18-wheeler mostly because she was tailgating (which she does BADLY); she was trying to pass, and he moved over at the same time because he couldn't see her coming around. It's a borderline miracle she got out with only some cuts, bruises, and a seatbelt burn. Have patience, people. Get off cars' asses. Why did you fall for the last person romantically? Look, don't get me started on this. There are a shitload of reasons and I have been way too emotional over this the past few days laksdfja;lwke What’s the last thing you had to eat? A bagel w/ cream cheese for breakfast. Do you ever pick up your house phone? We don't have a landline phone. Truth be told, are you more into looks or personalities the most? Personalities, for sure. I cannot be into you if your personality isn't attractive.
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