#sakuma rei enstars imagines
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koingks · 1 year ago
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raelyn-dreams · 10 months ago
The shuffle song being named "Ringing evil phone" is hilarious to me for all the obvious reasons, but also because of the fact that Ritsu speaks fluent English (Operetta). While I'd assume the rest of them got a translation, Ritsu almost 100% knows exactly how ridiculous that sounds from a full English perspective and decided to go with it because on god he needs to see how this turns out.
Every time he sings that title in a sexy whisper™️ along with four other people who Do Not Realize he probably thinks it's the absolute funniest shit and gleefully hopes Eichi is regretting ever approving this (meanwhile Tsukasa came to support his senior and is currently having an aneurysm in the front row).
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rizelcchi · 2 years ago
"We'll take you to the land of promise"
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"We want to enjoy the mischievous fate we've been dealt"
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katsuhiras · 2 years ago
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grimace shake Rei: a tale in 3 pictures (insp @tobeos)
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reisakumaproducer · 2 years ago
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This is the funniest Rei CG to me. Rei is talking about the DDD finals between Trickstar and fine, except he’s backstage with presumably the rest of UNDEAD. Absolutely no reason for him to pose like this in canon. Why is he like this
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enconfess · 1 year ago
The fact that there are certain characters you can't say anything negative about or dislike without getting told why you should like them is so annoying to me. I'm not talking about genuine hate because I get not wanting to see hate on your faves and I don't think that's okay. I'm just talking about how even if you say you dislike a certain character or make a light hearted slander joke on them then you'll have at least one person who produces that character telling you that you're wrong or something like that. It's most prominent with Eichi and Rinne from my experience, I guess it's to do with how they're not too liked in the fandom on other platforms. But there are characters that people on here can actively dislike or slander like Rei and Tsumugi for example but not be wrong. Yeah they're not wrong for doing that either as long as they're not spreading genuine hate comments but like, why can't things like that be said about all characters? Especially since there's plenty reason to dislike Eichi and Rinne and no one is wrong for disliking any character, I don't think that's something that should even be questioned either as I don't like explaining why I dislike certain characters myself. Not saying I condone actual hate towards any character or anyone who produces them, just saying that it's annoying that even saying you dislike certain characters or picking fun at them is something you'll get shamed for doing. It's annoying. If it wa like that with all characters then as annoying as it is, it'd be a bit more understandable. But it's not all characters, it's just the ones that typically are disliked by a lot of the fandom.
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alkaloidalypse · 2 years ago
screenshots for my own personal use 
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koihanwrites · 2 years ago
hi! i really like the sibling hcs you did! may i request one with a gn middle child (whos also an idol) for the sakuma brothers? sorry if this didnt make sense! i dont really know how to word my requests
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Reader Being Ritsu and Rei’s Sibling (Middle Child) Headcanons!
Gender-neutral reader
Pairings: Rei x gn!reader and Ritsu x gn!reader
Genre: Fluff
Sibling Headcanon Series (Enstars)
Warnings? : None!
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Ritsu Sakuma
Firstly, being a sibling with these two can be quite chaotic and troublesome due to Rei and Ritsu's personality.
Surprisingly, you get along with them.
Since you're older than Ritsu, he will look up to you and sees you as someone he can rely on.
He respects you more than Rei.
Your relationship with Ritsu is pretty chill, he trusts you enough to sleep on your shoulder or on your lap at the randomest times.
He also trusts you with his feelings so he finds you as his safe place whenever he feels too overwhelmed with something.
He shows his affection through physical gestures like hugs, cuddles, clinging on your arm and etc.
Ritsu likes getting compliments especially from you.
You will be Ritsu's sleeping buddy forever until you die.
He doesn't mind if you wake him up when he's sleeping, though expect a few whines before he stands up. You're lucky that you're his sibling or else he'll have a grudge on you /j
Ritsu is easily jealous so when you're putting too much attention to someone, he'll cling on your arm and pull you away from the person you're talking with.
Despite his laziness, he is still an intelligent young man so when you're having a hard time doing your homework, he'll help you out but with an exchange.
(That exchange can be 1 week of cuddling or doing mean pranks towards Rei)
If you play an instrument, you two can have duets together with his talent for playing the piano.
Expect him sleeping after playing 2 songs.
Despite his weird and strange his cooking is, he will force you to eat his food with those puppy eyes that you cannot refuse from your younger brother.
Overall, Ritsu can be quite the troublesome brother but deep down he really cares about you and will become (realy) overprotective when someone hurts you.
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Rei Sakuma
Rei sees you as his little sibling (despite you only a few years ahead of him) he will mainly treats you as a child.
Despite this, he still respects your matureside and will try to refrain himself from treating you childishly.
He deeply cares about you and will act like a proper older brother towards you (which sometimes turns the opposite since I can imagine you being more mature than him)
Still, you find him trustworthy since that time when you vented your feelings to him, he understands what you feel and will give you advice and comfort that you need.
He is a highly empathetic person so when he finds you sad or mad, he will be the first one who will ask you if you're okay.
Rei doesn't take the "I'm fine" option seriously and will try his hardest for you to open up to him.
Due to Rei's weak body, you're always the one who he can trust with taking care of him.
He greatly appreciates the help you give him and will return the favor sometime.
(casually insert the "grandpa let's get you to bed" meme)
You'll be the one responsible whenever he drinks/eat another expired food/drink so expect checking all of the expiration dates inside the fridge.
Whenever he's sleeping inside his own coffin, you're the only one who can wake him up with one knock on his coffin.
During your free time, when Ritsu is not with you he'll be the one to keep you in company so you won't feel lonely like him in the past.
Overall, he's an empathetic sibling who is willing to help you with your problems. He's also very grateful to have you in his life.
The end..... ✩
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poetryandfluffycats · 10 months ago
🦎anon BACK with more brainrot exceot this time it isnt mao but its rei because you would think he would be talked about more than he actually is! (gn!reader below)
imagine youre ritsu + maos childhood friend and with being friends with them for so long of course youve met their families, including your self-proclaimed vampire friend’s hot older brother. i imagine having the biggest crush on him that mao picks up pretty quick but ritsus kinda in denial of, but has an idea. rei probably also knows, somehow. you never try anything with him though, out of respect of your friend and knowing his relationship with his brother. but that is until youre all having a sleepover at the sakuma residence and ritsu and mao are sleeping but you just cant drift off, so you go downstairs to grab a glass of water whilst still in your pajamas. down there you run into rei who finds you extremely hot with your tiny little shorts and old sleeping t-shirt. taking advantage of the fact that you like him, he lures yoy into his room where he absolutely ravishes you. youve probably came more times rhan you can even count on your hands, your body is limp and all you can do is take his big dick fucking you deep inside. you want to scream out but he has a hand covering your mouth, muffling your whimpers of his name. imagine all the hickeys and bite marks he’ll leave behind on your lower collarbone and chest too. i can imagine him whispering such degrading things in your ears too.. “you’re such a dirty bitch, getting off to my cock with my brother sleeping in the other room” “who wouldve thought my baby brothers friend would be such a slut for my cock” “stay quiet, you wouldnt want to wake everybody up, huh?”. afterwards he probably brings you a cup of water (you had left yours downstairs) and makes sure youve found a comfortable place to sleep with mao and ritsu in his bed (on a separate note: REAL BEST FRIENDS SHARE THE BED NO MATTER THE GENDER!!!) and goes on with his life. the next morning mao is lookingg at you and rei like 😟 and ritsu is like ??. oopsies!
sorry for writing a whole fanfic in your inbox , hope u enjoy tho !!!
rei my pookie wookie 🥺 dude isn't talked about enough i fear, whole reason I got really into enstars was because of big titty vampire man.
this ignited something within me Istg. the whole "sneaking around with your best friends older brother" thingy already appeals to me but with rei? yeah am creaming. he comes up behind you the next morning whilst mao and ritsu aren't looking, grabbing your ass and grazing his teeth on your neck, reminding you of the dirty activities you had engaged in with him and making you all hot and bothered again 🤭
might have to sneak off to do smth about that....
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aeoki · 4 months ago
Swing Night - The Two, Divided: Chapter 1
Characters: Adonis, Kouga, Kaoru & Rei
TL Note:
For those who don’t know, this is a direct reference to Kouga’s first meeting with Anzu in the Enstars! main story.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< The next day. >
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Kouga: Ugh… I think I’m gonna go crazy…
Kaoru: Oh, this is rare. You’re giving up already, Kouga-kun?
Rei: You’re more of a coward than I’d expected.
Adonis: You can do it, Oogami. You’ve overcome all the obstacles that have blocked your way so far – you’re the coolest man there is, right?
Kouga: Oh, shut up~! This ain’t ‘bout me being a coward!
I just don’t get it! Why do I have to watch all these stupid romance dramas and flicks!?
I’m seriously not interested in this stuff!
Rei: Isn’t it precisely because you have no interest that you should watch and study them?
Although, I am rather sleepy now… Hasumi-kun would pester me to watch the same anime show with him when we were children. I remember watching those episodes while listening to his commentary beside me.
Being made to watch a movie you have no interest in is in itself a form of torture, isn’t it?
But this is necessary in order to help Adonis-kun. Isn’t that what we all agreed to do?
Kaoru: Yeah. We’re learning the types of men that are well-liked and the ones that are disliked to get Urania-chan to call off the engagement.
Kouga: I know that! But I can’t watch this stuff, alright!?
I wanna watch an action flick where the main character’s gettin’ chased by the antagonist and there’s guns being fired off!
Rei: Think of it this way, Kouga: The tactics used in making someone fall in love with you is similar to a car action sequence or a gunfight.
See? The main character’s rival in love was just killed with a bullet of justice – a bullet of love ♪
Kouga: I see. I guess I can enjoy romantic movies the same way then…
Yeah, right! I don’t have that great of an imagination!
Rei: Hmm. Well, if you can come up with the quickest way that will make Urania-chan call off the engagement, then I suppose we could put an end to this, Kouga?
Kouga: The quickest way to get her to call off the engagement…?
Step on her face the first time you meet her[⁎]?
Kaoru: Wow, that’s the worst. Seriously, don’t, okay? That’d be a real accident.
Rei: I’m sure there are women in this world who like men with bad behaviour, but those men aren’t even considered human at that point.
Adonis: I think you’re always honest and correct, Oogami. But I cannot understand that idea. One shouldn’t be violent towards the weak.
Kouga: I–I know! I already regret doing that! You guys were the ones who asked me for the quickest way, dammit!
Rei: So you were aware you were disliked by Young Lady Anzu?
Kouga: She’d put her guard up every time she saw my face, ya know. I felt pretty intimidated too.
Kaoru: Intimidated? That’s how you viewed your communication with a cute girl? That’s just the worst, no matter how you look at it.
Kouga: Just shut up~!
Rei: In any case, deepening our knowledge by watching romance movies should definitely come in handy later.
Adonis: ? What do you mean?
Rei: I received the batch of questions for our magazine interview the other day, but…
One of the questions was “Please tell us about your first love.”
Kaoru: Oh, right. It’s a magazine for female readers, so there’s bound to be questions about romance and the type of girl we like, huh.
Rei: Indeed. After all, love stories will always be exciting no matter what country you’re from. I think they had rather good questions and it was plenty to fill the magazine page.
But I think questions that ask us about actual experiences are not good questions, so I’m thinking of rejecting those sorts of questions.
Kouga: Questions askin’ about our “first love” and whatnot are so frickin’ annoyin’, but I don’t get why you think those aren’t good questions.
Rei: Well, it’s obvious. If we answer truthfully, then our unit’s image will just go down the drain.
Adonis: Sakuma-senpai, the reason you have misgivings on the topic of “first love”... is it because you think we wouldn’t be able to answer it?
Rei: Indeed. That’s exactly so!
Think about when you’ll need to answer these questions on the fly.
I figured if you watched romance movies and dramas beforehand, you’d be able to use that knowledge to put an entertaining twist on your stories and experiences that may be otherwise lacking.
It makes sense as Kouga and Adonis-kun are both children, but it’d also be pretty bad if Kaoru-kun were to get stuck with an answer, right…? Considering his image as an idol is one of a playboy.
Kaoru: I–I can come up with an answer or two!
The question is asking about our “first love”, right? I don’t think my answer would be what people are expecting, though.
First loves are more bittersweet and fantasy-like, right!?
Rei: An excuse, I see. You also said that at the speed of light.
Kouga: No one sees you as a playboy who switches girls like they’re shoes or somethin’, Hakaze-senpai.
Kaoru: Ugh… Talking about love and romance is what I’m supposed to be good at, though…!
Rei: Well, there’s no need to be completely honest. We’re idols unlike those whose image is all about honesty and the truth.
Plus, when idols talk about their first love and romance in general, it’s just gossip. They should be treated as entertaining memories.
Kaoru: I guess. In the worst-case scenario, I can always just make up a harmless story that’s based on a movie.
I bet Adonis-kun and Kouga-kun would hate doing that, though. Lies can be convenient at times, you know?
Sometimes, kind lies that won’t hurt anyone are better than the cruel truth.
I also don’t think the people watching us see us as people who are 100% showing our true selves, either.
We hide our true faces and selves with makeup and beautiful embellishments.
No, that’s what it means to be an idol.
Rei: Naturally, not everything we do show is fake or a lie. Making adjustments as necessary is important – show what needs to be shown and hide what needs to be hidden…
This sounds rather silly, but it’s an extremely delicate issue when it comes to idols. 
Talking about love may not seem significant, but it actually is.
Kouga: Ugh, this is so annoyin’. I ain’t great at being that thoughtful, and I hate it too!
I’m always showin’ people what I’m really like!
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Rei: Kouga, you may feel you can still be loved if you do that, but you still need to be thoughtful on a minimum scale. That’s what I’m trying to say.
That’s one of the conclusions reached by the people who are even more well-versed in romance than us – in a way, you could say that’s one correct answer.
Therefore, Kouga, you’ll need this knowledge in the future, so be sure to keep watching the movie with no complaints.
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twilightmalachite · 2 years ago
Altered - Heaven and Hell 24
Author: Akira
Characters: Tsumugi, Rei
Translator: Mika Enstars
"…I’m sick of “you guys”."
⚠️ This is an import from a unproofed Twitter Livetweet!
Season: Winter
Location: Yumenosaki Academy Library
Content Warning: Contains references to suicide.
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Rei: Lemme ask you, actually. Why should I have to do something?
Tsumugi: Why, huh—
Rei: Just ‘cuz I could’ve? ‘Cuz I’m the Superstar Sakuma Rei-chan who could’ve? ‘Cuz I could’ve, I should’ve?
My will, my wishes, my heart isn’t bein’ taken into account.
Why is everyone always trying to make me do everything?
So, I was sick of it, honestly.
Even Keito, who’s always proddin’ at me, begged me. “I’m begging you, please do it. As long as it’s you, it can be done.”
When I looked into that guy’s eyes as be begged at me so, I hated fuckin’ everything.
…I’m sick of “you guys”.
Tsumugi: Rei-kun…
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Rei: Ah, I get it already. I’m actin’ like a child. People have positions in society, and they gotta play the role they are expected to play, even out of obligation.
But you know what? I was still just a kid, I couldn’t take that.
Even I was a kid, too, y’know. That was why I sang rock music.
It made me feel a lil’ better, but it didn’t save my soul.
I’m not pure like that “Lil’ Puppy”. I don’t actually love rock music. I was just consumin’ rock as a distraction, just as everyone else consumed me.
But, thanks to that Keito comin’ in there and strikin’ me, that underground live house is no longer a place where I can distract myself.
Every time I’m there, I get irritated, only bein’ able to think of things I hate.
I’ve lost my safe haven.
And I no longer have energy to search for a new one.
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Tsumugi: … …
So that’s why you chose to overlook us.
Even though we were trying to subdue you.
Rei: Puttin an end to my borin’ life was the best thing I could’ve asked for. I wished more than anyone for Sakuma Rei of the Five Eccentrics to be subjugated.
For that guy to be trampled and ground into dust, and erased from this world as soon as possible.
That was how I felt at that time.
And so, I overlooked you guys. You probably didn’t realize it, but I even supported ya from behind the scenes.
How come the Yumenosaki administration chose to overlook the student’s steadily growing power?
Did they leave the student council to bend the school’s very rules simply out of incompetency?
Who knows, really. Maybe they got a push from a certain someone who happened to be well-liked by adults.
Tsumugi: You had been diligently building the cross of which you would eventually be crucified upon.
You had given up and wanted to kill yourself.
You must’ve been in so much despair, Rei-kun.
I’m sorry. It was you who saved me, yet I never realized your real intentions.
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Rei: Don’t apologize, I had also been maskin’ that depression I had to keep it hidden.
Ahh, I’ve always been bound by my very own character. As everyone’s favorite superstar, Sakuma Rei-chan.
So, I’m tossin’ “that guy” out, and lookin’ for a new character.
And, besides. I feel like it’s my fault for bein’ so desperate back then. I’m like, “Are ya kiddin’ me, are you an idiot?”
If it had been just me, that’d be fine. I didn’t care what cruelty I faced, ‘cuz it’s what I wanted. But truthfully, I’d always felt alone back then, even when there were lots of people surrounding me.
And so, I had only been thinkin’ of myself. Like some grandpa, I’d figured to prep my grave while I’m alive or whatever. Like the selfish person I was.
But, there were people other than me who were gonna be put within that grave.
At that time I never imagined that I would love them so much.
I never thought I’d have a friend who was equal to me.
Tsumugi: The Five Eccentrics, right?
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Rei: Yup, the friends you guys gave me. No sarcasm intended. It was you who brought us together, where we then found each other.
Five people, who otherwise would have been alone, were able to find those the same as themselves in this wide world.
It was a miracle.
But, that is where I’m troubled. I regret it now. I shouldn’t have acted so prematurely, I shouldn’t have overlooked you guys out of despair.
Tsumugi. Just as you said, I could have stopped you guys.
But, I didn’t stop you guys. Because I had abandoned myself out of desperation.
I thought I had lost everything. I didn’t believe it would be possible for me to gain somethin’ new and precious again… I never believed it’d be through them.
I hadn’t even considered the possibility at the time.
That is my failure, my sin.
My greatest mistake.
I honestly wish I could punch myself from back then in the face. Tell him, “what’re ya doin’ givin’ everythin’ up, givin’ into your despair like that!?”
But, well, you guys already beat me up, so why bother goin’ out of the way to beat myself up too?
When I try to hurt myself like that, I’d just sadden others more than I hurt myself.
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Tsumugi: Then, why—
If you realized your mistake, why didn’t you act? You could have turned it around from any situation.
Eichi-kun was in so much of a hurry, I doubt he would have been able to respond in time.
Even at the final performance, you could have won if you moved with all your might, and ignoring all the plot points up until that point you could have been victorious—It should have been possible!
And yet, even then, you didn’t do anything.
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Rei: You don’t know why, Tsumugi?
Nah, you should know the reason by now.
While you’re now able to empathize with a story to the point of shedding tears…
I empathized with the author and protagonist of the story.
He had just looked so happy at long last, how could I ruin a moment like that?
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starrycharm · 11 months ago
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ about me ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
• local sakuma rei cult member
• hajime’s soccer mom
• undeadP & ra*bitsP
• proship degen
• asks & comments are my lifeblood pls give yum yum
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ what I'll post ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
• silly lil headcanons/imagines
• ~≤1k word fics [~>1k will be linked to ao3 bc tumblr formatting scares me]
• misc brainrot/enstars reblogs
tag for my written nonsense = starrycharm writes
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ what I'm comfy writing ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
• fluff, angst, & smut
• femstars
• platonic & romantic relationships
• most pairings [including poly, selfcest, & taboos]
• most kinks [mileage may vary ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭]
• x reader [including specifics according to request like dom reader, ace reader, chosen name, etc]
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ socials ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
ao3 & twt: starrycharmP
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾ requests = open ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
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buddyfunnyspendtime · 2 years ago
is enstars ever going to do a 3rd sakumas resurrection sunday or whatever it's called because a year is about to pass ?? like I know they didn't do one in !! because operetta takes place like. early in the year es is established in !
I have no idea what they would even do in resurrection sunday 3 but if they do I imagine it to be reis event scout or a tour maybe idk
they already got la mort though so it probably will. take a while if it ever does happen
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reisakumaproducer · 2 years ago
Izurei is my new crack ship. I think Rei should make fun of Izumi being short
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lilysundragon · 2 years ago
I am more than happy to answer! I find old fandom stories really interesting so although I wasn't an enstars fan from 2016-2019 when the old Basic Ranking system was around, I did a lot of digging for information. Apologies in advance for the long story.
Unlike the system we have in place now, where we're guaranteed cards at certain thresholds (like in Music, we'll always get the 5* at 3.5million points) back in 2016 you needed to compete with your fellow producers for even just one copy. HappyEle would decide on a "border" that needed to be met in order to obtain the 5* card and this would usually be around 8,500 players. This border would later be extended to 11,500 players but it was still impossibly slim odds to get the 5* you wanted. According to a blog that goes really into detail about how the old Basic Rankings worked (which I will link below if you're curious), with a playerbase of 250,000+ players and growing, about 3.6% of the playerbase would be able to obtain even one copy of the 5*. So you can imagine how hellish ranking for a popular character would be. You would need to essentially outspend any of your fellow KnightsP or ValkP or UndeadP for even the chance of a single copy of your beloved idol.
You can imagine how much money you needed to throw at the event, how much sleep you had to lose to make sure your LP didn't cap (every 3 hours. You had to wake up every three hours in the middle of the night what on earth), and how frustrating it would be to do all that and still not make the cutoff in a particularly brutal event like a Leo center or a Rei center.
Here's some cool data about what it looked like depending on what unit you produced. Source: https://twitter.com/enstars_hell/status/1084536438480240640?lang=en
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Just looking at this as a KnightsP makes me want to curl up and cry.
This old system eventually got so bad that it was reworked after a particularly memorable Event (it was the Sakuma's Setsuban cards. Of course it was the Sakumas) and HappyEle changed it so that you were guaranteed at least ONE copy of the event 5* at 5 million points.
The ranking system in its entirety was eventually abolished when Music was introduced and Basic got reworked into what it is now, where all our copies are guaranteed at certain thresholds and "tiering" is more of a bragging rights competition rather than a complete bloodsport.
If you want to learn more about the intricacies of old Basic tiering (and there is a LOT with math that goes way over my head), this blog made an in depth guide from way back in 2016 if you're hunting for more info or if you want to hear OP's first hand account of ranking for Akatsuki events and Marionette Nazuna: https://yankeebanchou.wordpress.com/2016/06/30/mobile-bunny-talks-about-ranking-ensemble-stars/
Sorry for this suuuper long winded explanation lmao. TLDR: Ranking used to be a tooth and nail competition to obtain even just one copy of the event card, where all producers were pitted against each other. Because only a very small percentage of players could obtain a card, it could be really brutal. I'm so happy we never have to experience that!
i love digging through old fandom history. the old 2016 ranking system on enstars basic sounds absolutely insane, i'm so glad they got rid of it
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kvgehiras · 4 years ago
boyfriend! rei sakuma
my mind has become a puddle bcs of this man so enjoy this lil scenario mayb hehe
• rei as a boyfriend is a very...... interesting concept, yes
• before he asked u out, the entire day he was either in his coffin, planning out nd Hoping that u'd agree
• "should i go to the garden... i heard y/n likes flowers....... but i think a lil tea-time wouldnt b bad either..... i can ask ritsu to help me bake stuff...... but will he help....." - rei, whispering in his coffin, at the verge of insanity
• speaking of ritsu, he was probably the one who would push rei into asking u out bcs he was tired of hearing his brother go on nd on abt how cool u looked while wearing undead's hat
• ritsu, trying not to punch him alrdy, (this is the nth time btw) : pls. pls shut up. go confess or smthg alrdy idk
• rei, looking as if a lightbulb popped up above his head : WAAAAAAAAA RITSU THANK U I LOVE EUEUEUUUUUUUUU
• ritsu, leaving : ew no
• ANYWAYS !!!!!!
• the rest of undead n aoi brothers would also definitely kno.....probably (read : definitely) that is friends w rei knows abt his gigantic crush on u except for YOUUUUUU
• Y/N !!!!!! WHY R U LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!
• anyways remember him planning to take u to either the garden or tea club or sumn?
• yea he does neither ❤️
• so u see . he kind of forgot that u usually appear in the music room around 4pm
• nd it alrdy was 4pm
• so guess who was here!!!!!!!
• "rei.....?"
• rei, opening his coffin in a hurry : Y/N!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!
• "what were u whispering abt?"
• "whispers?"
• "yea!! i heard u be like 'oh i think this one might b good........i think they'll like this......hmmmmm'- :OOOO DO U LIKE SOMEONE"
• good job rei
• "i. uh. uhm. so . uh. hhhhhhhhh" - rei, a blushing mess
• y/n how can u still not know.........
• "its ok!!!! take ur time!!!! tell me if i can help!!!! :D"
• y/n hes gonna melt...... hes gonna dissolve into nothing......pls........
• "its... its okay.... u dont have to help..."
• smthg....smthg kinda tugs inside u? for some reason?
• u knew rei made u feel weird in a positive way but.... what was this.....why do u feel kind of....sad....
• "ah thats fine! dont worry!"
• nd w a deep breath
• "whos the lucky person tho?"
• rei does realise this is the time
• hes scared
• hes rlly scared
• so digging his nails in his palms to calm himself down,
• "actually i-"
• "oi vampire bastard have u confessed to y/n yet!!!????!!!!!!!!!!"
• "oogami i dont think-"
• ...
• .........
• .....................
• THETE WAS A MOMENT GOING ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• rei, head in hands : wanko.........why.......
• adonis, aka the only sensible person in the room apparently : come on oogami lets leave them for a while
• finally, silence
• thankfully rei breaks the ice first
• "so um....now u know i guess"
• tbh u thought u'd feel worse when u find out who rei likes but this.....
• u feel kinda happy......
• (kinda is an understatement u feel like ur gonna pass out, actually)
• u feel ur cheeks heating up nd realise Smthg
• huh mayb u rnt That oblivious after all
• good job y/n !!!!!! late but good job !!!!!
• anyways
• u notice rei looking at u, a blush spread across his face, one similar to urs
• "well... thank u for telling me ig...? nd also um..."
• "(・・?)"
• u give him a quick peck on the cheek, kind of surprising him
• "i like u too!! :D"
• oh my god. uve done it. hes gone. his head is in the clouds. his soul has left his body. his cheeks r getting very warm nd he
• nd he grabs ur face nd kisses u oh so gently
• hes been wanting to do this for So Long
• nd u know this bcs of how he looks at u after he pulls away, his hands still holding u, thumbs gently caressing ur cheeks
• there are stars in his eyes
• "y/n will u... will u do me the honour of being in a relationship w me?"
• u laugh nd GOD ur heart is abt to jump out
• "sure thing"
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