salty tides
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✧・゚:✧INDIE RP✧・゚: ✧ 
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saltyxtides · 1 month ago
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☪ —— Freckles Mound
When Freckles met a tragic end — Bayden was really devastated. && as his friend — she wanted to comfort him the best way she knew how. A painted grave rock pile where Freckles was cruelly mutilated was a way to keep Bayden's beloved horse's memory alive — && help him grieve through it.
It honestly felt like the right thing to do but when they inhabited Bayden's body the task felt bittersweet. Each rock they collected ended up being painted by them ( Celestis ) in the end. Doing absolutely nothing to truly represent Freckles — the real Freckles. For Bayden that rock mound was suppose to be a way to keep her ( or his ) memory alive.
However it's pretty clear they know nothing about Freckles — && horses ( Celestis didn't know what Freckles looked like or what made Freckles so special to Bayden ). The rock mound was a nice tribute. Yet it couldn't quite bury the haunting truth of what they'd witnessed in the fog && how Freckles really died.
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saltyxtides · 2 months ago
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If it's not Tiffany & Co. — The Jeweler of Kings. Cartier — Bvlgari — the PLEATHORA of j e w e l e r s name tagged into the metal work.
Then it means truly very little to Montgomery. Real silver or not. Vintage heart spoon/fork pendants hasn't quite made the mark into the fashion world. It probably will never make a fashion debut — WHY they f e l t part of way they had about it.
Of course there was always going to be a twinge of uncertainty as they considered the possibility that Montgomery's pleasant demeanor was merely an act. && that her true feelings about the necklace remained unknown. But what they found odd? If Montgomery TRULY meant i t — wouldn't she have sent a photo of herself wearing it by now?
MONTGOMERY only w e a r s what trends — from the style of her hair — to the generic popular perfume — the style of her clothes. They may not be in Rowan's body — but it's shown since the day CELESTIS first seen M o n t g o m e r y. && they could be wrong. But they felt like they were going to wait for something that was never going to HAPPEN — let alone c h a n g e.
When DR. W a r d e y n glanced into her drink — frowning with that faint confusion — They almost tensed. But thankfully DR. W a r d e y n moved on hunting for snacks && laying out trays with much practiced ease that they felt like a reluctant passenger in BAYDEN'S b o d y. Just watching. Questioning if they should help DR. W a r d e y n or not. Does he help with this? Annoyed. In the kind of way that they weren't sure. They really need to start paying more attention when BAYDEN is with DR. W a r d e y n.
" Yea. I know you're right. I just really want to know what musical piece she's been working on lately. " Clarrissa has a lot of talent in those little fingers && a lot of ambition in that head of hers.
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From the corner of there eyes they followed DR. W a r d e y n in the kind of way they tried to remember where things were around the kitchen without being obvious about it. Which pantry had what to which drawer had the corkscrew in. Blessed that they didn't ask them to cook. Never had they ever cooked in there damn life.
The ONE t h i n g they couldn't pull off. The ONE t h i n g that they feared most as playing BAYDEN W a r d e y n.
They felt themselves shrug — in that Bayden style — as they've seen it a hundred times. At the question?
They. Both. Went. To. Far. , They thought. In the kind of way they both were to blame.
Quieting as they didn't want the conversation between them about ROWAN to last l o n g. Who was actually DR. W a r d e y n ' s real son. There was something they couldn't quite put into words about witnessing DR. W a r d e y n ' s maternal affection? Even if it was from the perspective of Bayden's body. They questioned what was real && what was influenced by alcohol. Surprisingly impressed with DR. W a r d e y n as she pulled the cork free with a satisfying p o p — as they lifted an eyebrow at the second glass being poured. DOUBLE d r i n k i n g?
Bayden's hair being tousled. The soft laugh. DR. W a r d e y n 's thumb resting at Bayden's jaw startled them a little. They had to stifle there instinct to pull away. Instead they let themselves stay still. Calm. CALM as they c o u l d anyway. Unsure if they would ever get used to it. Experiencing so much . . . physical-ism?
A sense of dissociation crept in between themselves && Bayden's body. They both were present in the moment but they both observed different things in the moment too. They wondered what Bayden was doing — the REAL o n e.
Swiping the drink DR. W a r d e y n poured for her son. Gently CLANKING it a g a i n s t DR. W a r d e y n ' s own glass.
" Or we could enjoy what time we have together tonight && always talk about it later. " Trying to smoothly make it more about them then a psychological problem that wouldn't solve itself over night any way.
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But totally AVOIDING the ' t a l k ' as it's pretty clear it wasn't going to just fix itself over night.
Hopefully the booze in DR. W a r d e y n sensed that they put her first over there tanking friendship with Rowan. Putting the glass to Bayden's lips as they faked that they took a sip or two.
With so much pills running in Bayden's system they weren't going to jeopardize the mission at hand by fucking themselves up tonight. No matter how tempting it was to. But they couldn't pass out before DR. W a r d e y n. Putting the glass down on the counter top quietly — as they were more than glad to leave the glass behind — the conversation behind — && grab those snack trays && confidently lead the way to spend a different kind of torture with DR. W a r d e y n.
As far as Celestis knew Monty was very appreciative of the necklace. She showed nothing but pleasure about it in front of her brother. She hadn't disposed of it until she was out in the parking lot on her date so maybe she'd never know how Monty really felt about it.
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"I knew you'd be excited. Just you wait." Jude took their no ways as Bayden's sarcastic flamboyance as deep into her stories as she was.
Jude looked in her glass and got confused. She could have sworn she just-
Ah well, she'll just refill it now. Now where did she put that bottle?
She was listening intently as she rummaged for snacks at the same time. She pulled down bed serving trays to sit the snack on so they could sit up with them in bed. She kept looking around.
The bottle? Something about this wasn't right at all.
Eh, she was so happy listening to her son go on about Classy and her sign language to worry too much about it. She'd just get another bottle.
"Well, she's always around. I'm sure you'll get to see her soon." His mother put a positive spin on that sullen face of his knowing how much he enjoyed the small girl's company.
She went over to small circular wire stacking counter wrack. She pulled another bottle and looked in the drawer for a corkscrew as he went on to calling his relationship with Rowan ice.
Oh dear. She didn't like hearing that. She knew from all reports she was one of the few stabilities he had.
"Well, that doesn't sound like you guys at all. I know you two play your little pranks on one another, whatever you two get up to. I thought it was all in good fun. She finally go too far, darling?"
Then the cork came up with a pop sound. She pulled down a second glass. She poured for two. She brought the glass over to Bayden and left hers on the counter for a moment. "It's a holiday." She winked. "I won't tell if you don't." Then she used her free hand to run through her son's floppy bangs and shook her head. "Don't let her get to you, my love. Whatever it is I'm sure it'll work out if she has any sense at all. Who couldn't adore you? We can talk about it if you want." She offered as she rubbed his jawline with her aging thumb.
Then she motioned all the snacks she gathered on the trays. "Be a good boy. Help your momma take all this upstairs. We'll get the settled in and make a night of it."
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saltyxtides · 4 months ago
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saltyxtides · 4 months ago
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Adrielle Cuthbert in every episode — Don’t Trust Humans ( 1.04 )
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saltyxtides · 4 months ago
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saltyxtides · 4 months ago
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saltyxtides · 4 months ago
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saltyxtides · 4 months ago
She was going through the motions of their dance when suddenly a necklace was dropped into her hand. This began a whole slew of strangeness. It was cheap, but only because the spoon was found for free? Not that Monty knew that. It just looked cheap to her. If the spoon it was made from came from the Doctor Wardeyn's home their mother would surely recognize the pattern and eventually question how he'd gotten it turned into such artwork as they didn't exactly have access to such precise bending or buffing tools inside the asylum at his disposal. They aren't exactly giving hammers and hacksaws to patients. It wasn't exactly cheap nor easy for a patient to send it out and have custom jewelry made either. As luck would have it she was tipsy now and paid no mind to the necklace on her daughter.
Monty however did not recognize it. Like she cares what's in the attic, her mother's precious, boring, garbage, that collected dust. So, she accepted it for now and let him put it around her neck to be nice to her brother. She smiled here with every bit of excitement her brother was giving her a gift. She leaned in and whispered, "I love you." Then she pulled back and rolled her eyes like she was trying to say it where their mother wouldn't hear because she didn't want her making a fuss out of them being sweet. They both knew she would and ew neither of them needed anymore of that. "All your moments are dramatic, my boy." Jude teased her son back with a big smile enjoying his presense.
The mother and daughter pair finished their dance and Monty held the heart necklace in her hand and winked as she said, "Night Bay." She gave it a little shake as a reminder she cared and it was another way to give him another thank you for it and show appreciation. "I will." She said about the phone on the way out to the garage. She'd sit in the car and the sight of the Penguin would actually make her jump. She'd scream, "BAY!" It'd be heard from inside the garage all the way into the house.
Jude would stare at her son with one of those "what did you do now" Mom faces. Then she'd just shake her head as she heard the car back out and the garage door go back down. Whatever it was Monty didn't come back in furious so she'd let it go. It made Jude laugh.
"Oh you two."
She was squeezing and rubbing over her son's forearms which were currently wrapped around her from behind. Celestis was right. It was a Bayden thing to do. She tilted her head into him and enjoyed the moment a little longer.
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She wouldn't notice Bayden messing with her drink. Good thing. It'd change her fast. Happy tipsy would turn to mean.
"Yes darling. Of course." She'd turn around in his arms and embrace him in a big warm hug instead of just close enough to dance.
A mother/son dance would occur next and no one could tell Jude he wasn't the best partner to ever step in with her.
The little problem Celeste had gotten herself into by cohercing Monty to bring them to the main house was what could have been a quick visit and done became a spend the night with Jude because she wasn't going to driving him back to the asylum in this condition. No one else did these off the record trips off property except Monty and Jude. She had paid off security but it wasn't like every move wasn't risky. When leaks happened more bodies happened. Monty was on a date. She might not even be back till late or the next day. They really hadn't thought this through unless they wanted to be back in Bayden's house for some reason other than checking in on Jude.
It might start to sink in as they danced and she would say, "I love our slumber parties." She'd move his hair. "I'll make a snack tray and we'll watch tv in bed all night again. I'll catch you up on my stories right where we left off. Days of our Lives is off the rails. You won't believe what's going on with John Black. Ohhh, the pawn card is back." She was ready for Bayden to gasp in a no way sort of way because this would have been a big deal in the story they were both following.
More tales the real Bayden wouldn't have admitted to Celestis without provocation, that he cuddles up with his Mom to binge watch day time tv on Peacock to bond with his mother.
As they swayed to the song she'd also say, "And you can tell me how things are going with you dear. And that little friend of yours. Classy. She's so adorable. The cliffs wouldn't be the same without her." She meant Clarrissa of course, "Oh and the other one. The one you always make the Valentine's for. The one you said was pretty. Miss Rowan."
And there's one the real Bayden would want to slit his mother's throat for. Oh the condundrum of that one considering they'd never been anything more than friends for literally years and the real Bayden now knows Celestis actually hates Rowan's face.
In Monty's car, as she was driving, she was on the phone with one of her girlfriend's telling them they were finally on their way to hit up their date.
"Family interference. Yeah, I know. You know how it is for me. It's like all I ever do is spend my time helping the needy. Charity work exhausts me. I'm just too good a person. I know, thanks. He's just so sad. It's not my fault if he didn't have me he'd kill himself. You're right. I should do more for myself. My mother expects way too much out of me. I'm in the prime of my youth. I should be living. I get he's my brother, but I don't know why he's my problem. Anyway, text me in 15 in case this guy bores me, show up, make him think he's getting lucky. We'll make him buy us both dinner for being a loser."
She'd get off the phone and then look in the mirror when she'd park. She'd notice the necklace and get a better look at it now that she wasn't dancing around with Bayden. It was cheap. She grumbled out loud to herself, "Probably turn my neck green." Then she pulled it off and threw it in the glove box before going in. ( @montywonmom )
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Being trapped in Bayden's body — they were barely keeping up with the familiar but utterly foreign rhythm of dancing together when they gave MONTGOMERY — the p e n d a n t.
To Montgomery it just looked CHEAP && k i t s c h y — a fitting gift from a quirky older brother. Though silver from 1937 was pure material. Unfortunately wasted on Montgomery. While they did a lot of the shaping back during CHRISTMAS in the dead of n i g h t in the garage hoping to snag the computer but it was never the right moment.
But the filing? That took a lot longer than they expected. Almost the entire month of January worth of time — delegating between the paint drying over for Freckle's rock grave mound [ x ] they made a promise with Bayden a while back.
Having found the rock's when they were ROWAN — && painted them when they got stuck in B a y d e n ' s body.
Only issue was they couldn't capture the real Freckle's. Not like the real Bayden could. They had no idea what Freckle's even truly looked like. But when they were lost && didn't want to return back to assistant living in case they crossed paths with the real Bayden in Rowan's body they spent time doing just that. Painting rocks for Freckle's grave mound && taking a nail filer smoothing the metal edge of the pendant as the rock's were drying.
Was it worth it? NO. Did they do it anyway? Y e a.
It sucked being HELPFUL && s y m p a t h e t i c. They were stuck in SHIT-t a s t i c storm of there own responsibility && damned personality traits they can't break out of even as Bayden. They should take a page or two from Bayden's own sister. They put to much effort into something they shouldn't give a DAMN a b o u t.
" I k n o w ~ " as they couldn't help themselves whispering back to Montgomery. A PRETTY b i g smile on Bayden's face. Between Montgomery's rolled eyes && Bayden's appearance it would be very clear they shared a sibling moment.
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They felt in that moment that was more of a ' DAMN straight they a r e ' but they froze — saying nothing as they weren't sure if they ever heard Bayden curse around his own mom before. It was one of those borderline moments that they felt they needed to censor themselves as Bayden. But knowing Bayden he'd take that PAINFULLY && p r i d e f u l.
' All your moments are dramatic, my boy, '
From the moment Bayden was born right? An INNOCENT k i d swept in the Wardeyns family dysfunctional dramatics. An INNOCENT k i d literally forced into the black sheep role with the dramatic hair — the dramatic everything.
Again that AOL sign o n dail u p played in there head. Weirdly it was almost comforting in the moment. Getting them out of there own anger? Where they angry? If they were they didn't show it physically. But they needed to break out of it. Because the song was winding down && Montgomery was saying her goodbye's.
" Night, Monty " as they saw the gesture of her phone " Can't wait to hear how tanked you're date went later. " Not that they believed for a moment Montgomery would call them. Obviously calling him would mean Dr. Wardeyn would also be around to hear how her date went too. Only thing they could hope for was that Montgomery would make more of an effort to call Bayden randomly throughout the months she's absent for.
They watched her go — relief mixed with hypervigilant. They felt the hair on the back of there neck stand up. The cold rush of being on there guard. They realized in that moment that perhaps the thing they saw in the garage was more a WARNING for t h e m.
A WARNING for t h e m not to use the computer then. A WARNING for t h e m not to be left behind now.
There was nothing they could do about it. They needed to get to the bottom of answers that they have — they knew the risks when they left but there isn't going to be another chance to check GOOGLE m a p s on a computer privately either. If the worse truly happens — then maybe being Bayden && taking his place isn't the end of ends? In a worse case scenario he get's to truly live. There was that ' come clean ' motive.
&& then she found the text. Shattering the moment as they got a very ' mom looks ' that was equal parts questioning && amused from Dr. Wardeyn waking them up from there IMPENDING d o o m s d a y ticking countdown. Nonchalantly shrugging Bayden's shoulders && boyishly smirking trying to play off whatever had SPOOKED M o n t g o m e r y.
Feeling there own soul tense against Dr. Wardeyn's calm, reassuring buzzed presence. Polar opposites in the moment. There was something they were getting to understand about Bayden. Perhaps Dr. Wardeyn herself wasn't all that terrible. Sure she had made some pretty terrible choices that destroyed Bayden's life. Dr. Wardeyn chose the wrong kid in there opinion to support. Though they can see WHY B a y d e n was strung along into all this. For a moment — that rareness — almost like peace as Dr. Wardeyn leaning herself back — perhaps radiated a warmth only a mother could.
Not that they understood what that meant — or known what that felt realistically. Just that . . . they understood a little more about Bayden in a weird way.
Yeah well they were going to regret taking her DRINK a w a y in a moment. They could feel it.
The most awkward thing — as they fell into step with Dr. Wardeyn for that MOTHER/s o n dance was that all that they did today was all very knew to them. Some things they could live without FEELING for the rest of there l i f e. Yet through all that they had to do — they did get to see a glimpse of something they NEVER got to k n o w.
Thankfully they weren't starve crazy for a family? Pretty sure they weren't starve crazy anyway. They didn't feel the need to overlord && high jack Bayden's life. Rather if things don't fall apart tonight in the kind of way that put's Bayden's life on the balance of the ASYLUM or j a i l. Now that's the weight they were carrying on there shoulders as of now.
The only way they know how to swap back into the other's body would be the last resorting method they had. Knowing Bayden's head space a little more they didn't want to confuse him — or make things more complicated than they already where for them.
Yet perhaps they had thought of this a little more. The BIGGEST r i s k s. The r i s k of being CAUGHT. The r i s k of being the reason Bayden would assume they RUINED his life. What they couldn't do? Live with themselves if they FAILED to do the o n e thing they came here for. If everything was going to fall to RUIN the least they could do was s e a r c h.
Search the entire property && even outside of the borders to find where those DAMNED t h i n g s could be kept hidden.
Any. Lead. Is. Better. Than. Sitting. &&. Waiting. For. Something. Terrible. To. Happen. Again.
The evil in them wanted to be deviant && get Dr. Wardeyn hella drunk so she'll pass out faster. The good in them. . . the good in them. . . The. Good. In. Them. Wanted. To. Help. The. Evil. Side. Of. Them.
That look on there face when was clouded over when Dr. Wardeyn started talking about Day of our Lives. John Black — they felt like all of that was something they bonded over but they had 0% knowledge of. It felt more like Dr. Wardeyn just spoke Spanish or a secretive brail lingo that they were overthinking.
" No. No way. I think you're trying to trick me this time !! The jokes on you I'm not falling for it Mom. Not until I see it with my own eyes. " The way they shook there head ' no ' ' nope ' ' lies ' ' all the lies ' came forth.
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They could act all thunderstruck when they kind of watch it all unravel? Jack Black can't be that hard to figure out — the guy that they forgot the name of already. Pretty sure they got the guys name wrong. Being in denial was there only out in this awkward situation. If they weren't on such a high level mission to out awake Dr. Wardeyn tonight they would drink to get them the hell through this.
" Augh. I didn't get to see Clarrissa today. " They sounded a little sulky sense Dr. Wardeyn brought it up " the day went by so fast — talking about fast she's learning sign && getting really good at it. Soon she'll be able to tell us what kind of sheet music she needs. " Clarrissa talent could only grow from there. In the kind of way if they knew what she needed. What she also wanted to explore can only go further. " She's a smart && talented kid. " Instant excitement as Classy or Clarrissa they knew exactly who Dr. Wardeyn was talking about without even having to drop a hint. It was just an all knowing feeling.
Though there was a rather long pause. They wanted to be careful with what they say next. Not taking what Dr. Wardeyn said to heart. Maybe Rowan's more his type in looks. So what? Perhaps if things were reversed in the kind of way they were stuck in Celestis body Bayden could have said the same thing. They didn't want to make it confusing.
" Were kind of in an ICE a g e movement right now. " Simplifying everything? Yea. That sounded lame but oddly accurate. There friendship was colder then the Tundra during a snow storm. It's more likely there friendship was buried underneath an avalanche that the snow storm happened to create. They don't really blame anyone but themselves for it. While they didn't go into much detail what even an ICE a g e movement even meant to Dr. Wardeyn. They could already feel the follow up questions Dr. Wardeyn's going to ask as if mentally preparing themselves for it.
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saltyxtides · 4 months ago
Monty was too in her own head to catch on this wasn't her brother. Witch gifts or not it was a pretty big leap to go assuming someone had gone and switched bodies even if someone was acting a little off.
All she really knew was her brother kept calling her impatient when she already told him she had a Valentine's date waiting. She rather liked the idea of keeping a guy waiting a little. It keeps them in anticipation and lets them know she's hardly desperate. They weren't THAT important. So, she didn't mind too much playing out her brother's incessant need to check up on his mother.
He continued to say things that seemed a little weird, but he was weird, so she just kept thinking he's having a weirder day than usual. It must be the holiday hype. The excitement must be too much for wee Bayden and his boring life.
Leave his meds out this. Blah blah blah. She rolled her eyes.
As for ponies and Star Wars? She turned it around on him.
"Of course I do. Every time you call the family tv."
Monty would show no apparent attention or notice to the apparition or vision showing all the more it was all in Celeste's view. Well, Celeste's view from within Bayden's body, or so it would seem.
Monty crossed her arms as her brother kept dragging out reasons to dance. That was the most unusual. It was usually him begging her to hurry up and she'd be lucky if he wasn't begging for more when it was over and have to put her foot down.
There he was trying to be clever again with the sparklers from last July still sitting in the garage.
"Okay. Okay. Cute."
Then Bayden decided to put on a song through his phone though she always had hers ready for him. The theme was appropriate to her. Unknown to Celeste, or maybe she did, but it was a song the brother and sister had shared before. If Celeste got anything right wearing a Bayden skin suit, she got that right. It was his passive aggessive attitude on the world all wrapped up in a song. Passive aggression was something Bayden was great at reading and dishing. Maybe Celestis just liked the song or maybe she found it on his playlists and just chose randomly. Whatever reason Celeste chose it the real Bayden may never get to know. But, that was what no one understood about Bayden at this point in his life that actually knew him. Maybe he was set up, but it didn't matter. He chose every step along the way. He chose to stay in this bumsack asylum of a Hellspace and make it his own paradise. He fucking loved his mother and sister in spite of it all.
Then Monty would finally get that traditional dance, the one Bayden and she had every year. This is when from within the windows of Bayden's blue eyes Celeste would actually see the family fun he clings to.
Monty would dance.
She wouldn't just stand there like a lump at her brother's side tracking the time like she wanted it to be over already. No. She smiled. She swayed. She whooshed her hair to the side and curled his tattooed hands into hers in a playful way. She'd giggle and try to make him turn out to spin her. She'd even sing the last few lines out loud with him like the song was a celebration between them and their life was a party nobody else was invited to. It'd be a proper dance that got a little silly and rambunctious near the end.
"My waaaaaaay!"
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Then they'd see a flash because of course late in life Judith would have her flash set on her phone.
"Aww, my BayBay. Home. My sweet perfect children."
Jude entered the room with a light in her eyes, a dainty glass in her hand, and satin robe, and bare feet.
"I didn't know you were coming. What a perfect night."
She sounded too tipsy and full of joy to be upset Monty pulled Bayden home without permission first.
"I got it." She shook her phone. She was so happy she managed to get a shot of them dancing. She stuck her tongue out at them feeling sneaky.
She'd come right up and embrace Bayden like she hadn't seen him in years. It was certainly a special ocassion greeting hug. She'd start popping kisses all over the side of his cheeks while she had him in her grasp.
There was an experience Celestis would never have known from her own psychiatrist. Kisses and hugs like family instead of professional distance. Now she was inside Bayden's body really getting the Bayden's life experience.
Then she'd twirl her finger, "Keep it going Monty-girl. My stunning girl." She meant the music. "Let it run." She didn't know who's phone it was coming from. Her hips would sway and she took Monty's hand and they'd take a moment to dance a square or two around the family room.
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She'd swirl her way over to the counter and leaned as the joy never stopped. "I'm next, you know." She pointed at Bayden. "You're giving your momma a dance too. I want a dance from my boy. My boy. My boy. My boy who came to save me from having to spend Valentine's dancing alone." She was refilling her glass.
Even Monty would stroke Bayden's ego here and say, "You know he's always there to save you, Mom."
"Oh, I know. I know. My boy loves me. What do you got?" She teased Monty.
Monty laughed and smiled, "A date. I'll leave this to you two."
It was all a fun and fancy free type feeling the moment Jude entered the room. She wasn't in director mode. She was in mom mode in the comfort of her own home.
"No no. One more before you go." Jude plead so tickled inside by the whole thing. "Then you can make those boys out there suffer wanting you. My so pretty girl."
Then Celeste would have to stand there in Bayden's body and watch as mother and daughter danced a fun and laughter filled dance Witchraft. Another Frankie song. "Pull me some Witchcraft, BayBay." She knew Bayden would have a whole playlist of Sinatra because she knew her brother. The song would just make the pair laugh and giggle. Jude would throw her head back as Monty spun her. This was Wardeyn family fun.
He... she could watch as the mother/daughter pair shared some fun filled laughter in the family room. Monty called over, "Look what you got me into, Bay." But, she wouldn't look upset at all. Just fun and silliness.
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Jude would put the back of her hand on her head after like she was winded with glee. "Oh my. These dancing feet still have a little kick in them." She went over to take a sip of her glass.
Monty would finally pick up her phone to leave. She hadn't seen Bayden's text just yet. She was too busy with the momma ambush. As she gathered her handbag to go and with Jude so happy, to the outside looking in, it might have looked like the most normal happy family ever. They could be a beautiful family portrait. The real Bayden lived for these moments sitting in his little assisted living house watching his old home from afar. They didn't come often.
The real Bayden back at the asylum was still in Rowan's body, the girl who Celestis jumped into and who's body he always knew as his friend Rowan until recently. The girl who he'd known for so many years wasn't even the girl he thought she was, but in that he also came to realize no matter what name she went by, it had always been the same person since he'd known that body whether she'd stolen it or not. Accidently or not.
But right now none of that was in his-her head. He was Rowan now. The only thing in his head was knowing he was missing time with his sister. She only came once a month unless there was a holiday. Inside he was longing for it. Every time his mother passed him in the halls of Briarcliff and didn't recognize him he didn't feel the freedom he thought he might. He felt lost. Absolutely misplaced. He felt like he was slowly disappearing like he might just vanish. For as many times as he wished to be invisible the feeling was absolutely atrocious.
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He knew if this was how Celestis felt every time she accidently touched someone her life fucking sucked. No wonder she wanted to sit around in Briarcliff and waste away.
He put on a dress. It was Valentine's Day. There was always some games and fun in the community room. It took everything in him to not cry. He tried to focus on going out to join Clarrissa. She might have been a mute child, but at least someone still liked him. Even facing Clarrissa without being his complete self felt daunting. She didn't get the same light in her eyes he was used to from being pals for so long in there. It was the same with the nurses. Janet. He had no refuge. The staff he was buddies with, the inside jokes were all gone.
He was trying to get to know her life, but it was hard.
He was alone.
He wasn't sure he could do it. Not today of all days. ( @montywonmom )
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Being in Bayden's body — his younger SISTER was b l i s s f u l l y unaware of anything about the real Bayden beneath the surface she knew.
Regardless of there own soulful paranoia in BAYDEN'S b o d y Montgomery would never suspect the outlandish truth — that her OLDER b r o t h e r wasn't her OLDER b r o t h e r today. That idea of a body switch? Even for Montgomery that was a bridge too far.
Even for a WITCH — that was a b r i d g e too far.
But sparklers ablaze as the music started && a song Montgomery shared with Bayden — Bayden's own little PASSIVE a g g r e s i v e anthem — snuck in through there choice. Did THEY k n o w? It was all just a coincidence — as the real Bayden might never know there reasoning — but it DIDN'T m a t t e r to Montgomery.
This song was like a magic spell — an gateway into the kind of private && A N N O Y I N G s i b l i n g ritual they’d share. IF a n y t h i n g — Montgomery would think — he got that right.
At first they HALF h e a r t e d l y played along. Not because they wanted too but because Montgomery was a bundle of to much movement for them to keep up with in the dark as they were waiting for the cue to happen as they practiced so many times before —
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew When I bit off more than I could chew But through it all, when there was doubt
With Montgomery's hand in one of Bayden's tattooed one's they'd finally turn out to spin Montgomery. While the other hand slipped into Bayden's LEATHER j a c k e t sneakily && pulled out the surprise they had for Montgomery the way they imagined over && over && over.
I ate it up and spit it out I faced it all, and I stood tall And did it MY w a y
Letting the cheap chain drop revealing a Pure Silver 1937 Rose & Leaf Spoon Heart Necklace dangling in front of Montgomery when they spun them back in towards them. THERE w a y.
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When they were investigating the House during the time they stayed for Christmas as Bayden. They hoped to find answers about the ' History of the House ' && ' Property ' in search of secrets that might help them solve where those things could be stored away but in there investigation they found a stray dusty old silver spoon in the attic.
The tools in the garage worked wonders. Montgomery can't be jealous of DR.W a r d e y n either as they now each have there own pendent.
The bright flash of DR.W a r d e y n ' s phone going off capturing the moment they were putting the necklace on Montgomery.
DAMN. There was a part of them hoping there would be no true record of today. In the kind of way that Bayden won't ever have to look back on the time they weren't there. Why they've done this all there way from the very b e g i n n i n g.
“ Mom! You’re ruining my dramatic moment! ” Exaggeratedly taking on an Emperor Kuzco tone as if emphasizing someone interrupted there groove.
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Moments later, when the sounds of their silly little dance party filled the living room, them as Bayden couldn’t help but feel a flicker of dread. In those fleeting seconds, perhaps the weight of the world could be crashing down on them after all. HELP. They are in need of an p s y c h i a t r i s t.
They had grown up without a family of there own && the one they thought was there family betrayed them. This moment sparked a trigger to remember that moment of a traitor. So all that warmth && affection passing between them — the familial closeness was both strange && causing PTSD within them. It's worse when they quickly have to squash it down, burying there problems beneath a Bayden who wrapped there arm around DR. W a r d e y n acting as if they felt the total opposite as they do.
EVERYTHING was n o r m a l. EVERYTHING was f i n e.
As they danced, oblivious to anything but the present, they felt a tinge of worry creeping in the back of there mind. A whisper of doubt about DR. W a r d e y n ' s drinking. As if trying to focus on something else. Anything else. Because being there in that moment was like being in an den of snakes — GRACEFUL yet d e a d l y.
" Looks like I'm not the only one who can pull off some moves, huh? " They quipped as Montgomery && DR. W a r d e y n danced together trying to play along with the lightness of the moment. Messing with the phone to play the song DR. W a r d e y n so suggested. Watching as mother && daughter fell easily into a rhythm of there own swaying to Witchcraft
Trying to craftily pour some of DR. W a r d e y n ' s alcohol down a fake plant . . . as they hoped that was a fake plant! They didn't have enough time to water down DR. W a r d e y n ' s alcohol so pouring a little of them out in the dark in what they pray to be a fake plant worked for them.
HID a f e w open bottles. STOLEN a f e w sips themselves. Glad Montgomery distracted DR. W a r d e y n as they worried something bad would happen to Bayden's mom once they all left — guilty of association if something does happen — the accidents lurking where unfathomable.
“ Oh, you’ll live! ” They quipped playfully, arms crossed, watching them share a moment so simple yet if they were the real Bayden must feel like undeniably precious. Though all they felt was cold anxiousness && fear clawing at there chest.
It felt like they were seeing Bayden’s world through his eyes — this raw — uncomplicated joy that had kept him so fiercely tied to his family. But what Bayden was clinging to && why he might love this HELLs p a c e of a world so fiercely.
Though Bayden also had to wake up too. They mirrored each other in a way — in the kind of way that Bayden's family gave him up — as much as Rowan themselves gave her up. Only difference was they felt they were never going to stop until all that was wronged was righted. While Bayden carried the weight very differently then themselves that took a lot of strength they didn't have.
THAT t r a i t o r was going to pay. If it's the last thing they EVER d o. They just have to remember it all first . . . as it was scattered && fractured for now.
" Don't forget to text me, " They called as they watched a rushed Montgomery leave. Wrapping there arms behind DR. W a r d e y n embracing them from behind, resting there chin on her shoulder gently. " Happy Valentine's Day Mom. " As if they had waited to tell her privately. It seemed like a Bayden thing to do. Though if they were being honest had no idea what to do. Only thing they aimed for was DR. W a r d e y n ' s glass yoinking it out of DR. W a r d e y n ' s hands gently of course.
" You still have enough kick to dance with me? "
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saltyxtides · 4 months ago
TRAITOR | Fierce Orchestral Strings Music
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saltyxtides · 4 months ago
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saltyxtides · 4 months ago
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☪ —— Scars.   
Scars have always served as a powerful reminder of both the physical && emotional journey(s).  
For Rowan && Celestis there scars vividly illustrate there abusive childhood growing up in the care of Katherine Greene:
Along Rowan’s spine is a burn mark of a upright cross.
One look at both of Rowan’s ribs && one can’t really tell where scars or her rib indentions begin.  There’s just to many scared over laceration marks to make sense of it.
At first glance Rowan may look like she has freckles along her upper arms, shoulder blades, chest, && stomach.  But getting a closer look will show those weren’t freckles at all but cigarette && taser burns scattered about her body.
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saltyxtides · 4 months ago
The Owl House: Hunter Theme - The Golden Guard
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saltyxtides · 4 months ago
Sibling what?  Code of conduct?
She sneered her nose at the wording. Bayden suddenly sounded like he was raised in Catholic school or maybe he’d been watching too much Brit tv. What the fuck? 
She let that weirdness go when he asked to call him more. 
“Okay? I know damn well you have a phone. I thought you didn’t like we couldn’t be completely honest there in case people were listening. But, okay. Don’t think I don’t see what you’re doing. You’re trying to check up on my dates again. You worry too much. I can take care of myself, but if it makes you feel better, I will.” 
Celeste hit on one unknowingly with that one and scored big for Bayden. He might not know it yet, but if Monty followed through, he would be thankful later. Shocked and thankful. 
When Bayden pointed to the cams she shook her head. “Stop foiling my dreams, Bay.” She crossed her arms and pouted when she realized she was wrong. 
Then there came something to bring her back up. 
“A surprise? For me? What are you talking about now?” 
She looked around at the chinzy tackiness of it all. 
“You are right about that. I do deserve better.” 
Once they were talking about Janet and he was trying to steer her away from it Monty continued to be wow-ed and weirded out by the manner in which Bayden spoke. It was just so flowery. It seemed off, but funny. 
“Why do you sound like a mashup of Star Wars, My Little Pony, and Friends with a dash of wannabe Deadpool only you’re not pulling any of them off?” She was laughing softly poking fun at how he spoke which was probably a good thing because it distracted her from the actual conversation’s topic more than what the fake Bayden was trying to do. Celeste’s flowery way of speaking was definitely catching her ear and seemed to over do it when trying to act like a don’t-care-boy, sort of like Amanda Bynes in She’s the Man. She just didn’t quite pull it off and if an audience was watching it would be pretty damn fun. It also wasn’t enough to make Monty jump to any crazy conclusions like it wasn’t her brother in that skin, but it certainly raised a brow. 
“Oswald?” Monty shrieked shrill at Bayden’s analogy of himself in a suit because Monty knew something else Celeste didn’t know. 
“And that’s a bad thing? I mean it is for me, maybe not for you, but  I told you never to bring your obsession with him up again. Your celebrity crush on him got way too descriptive and TMI for even me of all things you wanted to do to that man, brother dear. You are out of hand, Bayden. You did that on purpose just to put all those images back in my head, didn’t you? Sneaky, sneaky. I’ll get you back for that.” 
Sibling stories were spilling. Bayden’s secrets were too. Celebrity crush. Robin Lord Taylor. Now she knows. Rogue wasn’t the only comic book character brought to life on screen Bayden had an affinity for. 
It seemed after that Bayden tried to save face after Monty’s mocking and speak about who he danced with in real life. Screw fake crushes. Something real happened to him? Monty lifted yet another brow. 
“Shhh. Oh my gawd Bayden. We’re a little close to the house to be saying that place’s name out loud. Mom’ll gut you. You know she’s terrified of you loving him more than her. You and your daddy issues. AND don’t say that’s crazy because we both already know she’s crazy. But okaaaaaaaaay. Okay. I believe you. You danced with a girl. Your secrets are safe with me. Always are. You know that.” 
She still sneered her nose up because there was no telling what Bayden got up to in the Hotel Cortez. It was the family’s weak spot when it came to Bayden. It was where they fucked up and let out his leash too far. 
“But you are talking weird. You are just extra today, Bay. Did they change your meds again? You always get weird when they change your meds.” 
Everything got light again with the tale of their childhood. It felt good to Monty to relive it. She parked in the garage and the door would close behind them. Once it down they were safe. 
“Safe. It’s down. You can sit up. We’re home. We can act normal now. No more show for the hospital.” 
She’d get out and head into the house through a side kitchen door. The house was as it always was. 
“Mom. We’re home!” Monty called out and set the keys in dish on the counter. 
The doctor’s voice would come from the bathroom way down a long wing in the hall. 
“Thank you for bringing my boy on this day of love. My children are home at last.” Then a big splash was heard as she laughed kicking her feet around in her bubbles. 
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Monty’s eyes shifted over to Bayden, “Told ya and looky there, still alive. Not drowned yet. Worry wart.”  “Now, what’s the surprise? And our dance before figures out how to get out of the tub or let me guess. You have to go help her first?”  ( @montywonmom )
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Today was shaping up to be more of a Valentine's DAYMARE than a s i b l i n g celebration.
Everything had turned out to be ROCKY at best && the weight of unresolved emotions hung heavily in themselves.
“ I KNOW, I k n o w. It’s just that I care, okay? You’re not just my little sister. You're my ONLY l i t t l e sister Monty. I can’t help but think about all the potential creeps out there. GOOD at l e a s t text once in a while if you can't call me. ”
Not that they believed in Montgomery to keep her word. Relying on her was more often a gamble or a risk more times than not ending in disappointment. There was no doubt Bayden countlessly had reached out only for his efforts to dissolve into the quicksand of her busy lifestyle/ignoring her big brother. Yet the urge to connect — to try was far stronger than the fear of not trying to help Bayden in the very end.
It honestly sucks to like someone, let alone care. They already learned what happens when you do. It never works out in the end.
They NEEDED to s t a y focused. They NEEDED to not s c r e w this up. But doubts lurked in the corners of the back of there mind whispering deceptive thoughts that threatened to unravel there focus. Each passing whisper fed off there anxiety only amplifying the sense of urgency that coursed through their veins.
Knowing the bond he had with his sister was significant to Bayden himself && rather than letting the day's LESS-than-g l a m o r o u s moments push && pull as they urgently were rushing Montgomery. They needed to make sure DR. W a r d e y n was ok.
" I'll stop foiling your DREAMS when you stop being i m p a t i e n t, " a faint smirk on Bayden's features as they continued to walk alongside Montgomery.
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" SEE? You're being Impatient a g a i n! I guess I'll keep foiling your dreams when you least expect me to. " Knowing full well that Bayden himself would have relished in a little game with his sister like this priding on being the dream disruptor to his sister jokingly. Keeping her hopefully intrigued about her valentine surprise at least as they held a certain smugness && ignored her on purpose.
Not that the oddly oversized absurdity of cheesy Valentine decorations clinging to the white walls desperately trying to make something out of nothing. That ' CHINTZY t a c k i n e s s ' couldn’t be helped — neither could it overshadow how they felt about themselves being Bayden in the moment.
Desperately trying to make something out of nothing. Trying so desperately to be someone else — all over again.
Wow. More than anything they were slightly impressed Montgomery knew the words ' Star Wars ' let alone ' My Little Pony '.
" Did I just hear you say My Little Pony? Star Wars? I bet you secretly watch My Little Pony when no ones around, " Half in disbelief && half in shock && half joking for once.
" Maybe not that DRAMATIC, but a bit more — expressive && a tiny bit nervous than usual . . . " A tiny bit nervous was an understatement as they stared at the ceiling of Montgomery's car questioning when they were going to figure out they were a fake.
Only underneath the lightness in the moment was a level of anxiety that couldn't be comprehended in the kind of way that felt like they've done wrong.
" How dare you! I'm simply expressing my 50-s h a d e s-of love for Robin Lord Taylor!!! "
An ache flaring in there chest as they were learning things about Bayden from someone else && not exactly from himself hit very different. Each little detail shared felt like a knife — twisting with the realization that this felt invasive. That's not the way they wanted to know him. Shoving the thoughts from there mind as that's the least of there problems right now but a sharp ache still remained.
If she wants sneaky. They'll show Montgomery sneaky. Whipping Bayden's phone out so secretly && with a bit of heavy concentration to do what they wanted to do while Montgomery drove they sent her a text && an image from the backseat!
[ 📱 — text to Montgomery from Bayden ] Nothing freaky to see here at all. [ X ]
" You do know HOUSES can't hear r i g h t? Please seek professional help if you start hearing houses Monty. The crazy in our Mom doesn't fall to far from the crazy in us. We just make it lOoK gOoD. Minus your expert level on house whispering now! So rude of you keeping that from me. That's why you need to CALL me m o r e. But yea. Don't tell Mom. I'll also keep your HOUSE w h i s p e r i n g from Mom too. "
Joking into it more than trying to take what she said seriously or to heavy, because they know how Bayden felt about Hotel Cortez && at the same time they can't say they feel the same way as them. They've only been there once.
" Leave my meds out of this!!! I'm doing this MY w a y this year, " as if her big brother has had this moment in his mind for a while. Yet she's been questioning them ever since they arrived at Briarcliff. Being reminded of an pitbull that won't let go of it's toy.
Though in all trueness, they couldn't compare to the real Bayden. However, they did plan this in case of this happening. Only thing they wished they could change was there situation with Bayden prior. In the kind of way to prepare themselves to be the Bayden Montgomery expects to be would have helped more then trying to grasp into improv.
" Ha ha Monty VERY f u n n y. " They retorted not so amused. Now that they were actually in a parked car. Getting up slowly from the back seat of her car as soreness throbbed from there stomach.
Only the moment they open the car door to get out there was a familiar rancid smell overwhelming them.
The KIND of s m e l l that they knew wasn't existent but only in there mind. Casually stepping out of the car into the garage there ' IT ' was again.
On the cemented ground of the garage the visage of a dead girl again laid a few ways away from them, as they recall seeing her near the laundry room last time they visited. Her skin swollen about to split any moment. Once a beautiful young girl but now just a tangled decaying rot of a mess.
As that smell that filled the entire garage was like potted meat left in the sun. It doesn't help that the empty glassy appearance of it's eyes followed them like a Decayed-Mona-Lisa, as the veins around it's eyes appeared black making it much harder to pry there own attention away.
They knew she wasn't real, or actually there, but that didn't mean it didn't startle them.
Or was it? They question to themselves that there might be more to Bayden. With so many EYES on h i m, they couldn't investigate the matter on there own without the questions being raised if there was something wrong with him.
After all, if they ' SWAP b o d i e s ' why couldn't Bayden see thing's that other's can't? His family tree comes from a LINE of w i t c h e s/w i z a r d s.
Where the voices more than just voices && the things they see more than just that. Or where they projecting what they desire Bayden to be?
But why it had moved from the Laundry Room to the Garage? Did it move because ' IT ' followed them in the kind of way they spent some time in the garage back in Christmas? Or had it moved to lead them. In the kind of way that the dead girl was trying to show Bayden something.
It won't be solved standing around making Montgomery suspect something was wrong with them. They already had enough to actually worry about right now. Closing the car door gently as if everything was normal. No smell. No dead girl. Just them walking over to pick up something they hid during Christmas that they needed to use.
Following Montgomery into DR.W a r d e y n ' s home through the side kitchen door. It looked exactly the same when they visited.
But it was such a relief to hear DR.W a r d e y n ' s voice, to feel a burden weight lift from her shoulders.
Never had they ever felt so awkward && out of place standing there in an actual family unit. Dysfunctional. But still a family unit. Better then Rowan's && her own situation anyway.
The way there tongue felt thick && full of cotton suddenly. As if anything they wanted to say back in that moment wouldn't come out. Staring down the hallway where DR. W a r d e y n ' s voice came from.
“ ALRIGHT, a l r i g h t ! I won’t jump to help Mom just yet, ” they said, crossing there arms with playful mock sternness. “ But you’re RIGHT, we should probably dance like nobody’s w a t c h i n g before she sets sail on her bubble sea. ”
On that note they began walking past Montgomery with ease && little hesitation as if they've known this house all there life.
" Stay here for a second Monty I want to do something first — " they sounded more serious as they went to the living room && though they felt terribly stupid, in the kind of way that made them feel utterly embarrassed.
They put 5 sparklers In the shape of an ' M ' for Montgomery in a aluminum can they already put holes in to hold them. Finding them around Christmas when they where restless.
Turning off the living room lights leaving it nicely dark enough. Fiddling with Bayden's phone ready as they lowered the volume so it wasn't hella loud after lighting one sparkler after another until they were all lit, sparkling in that ' M ' for her to clearly see.
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" You can come look now, " not so loud but just loud enough for Montgomery to catch.
lıllılı.ıllı.ılılıılıı.lllııılı. Now Playing [My Way] 0:07 ———♡——— 4:36 ◁◁ ▐ ▌ ▷▷
" — Montgomery Wardeyn will you do me the honor of having this dance with me? "
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saltyxtides · 2 years ago
Bayden was one of the most cuddly people on the planet despite his off putting personality and when he finally put his arm up around her Monty felt more signs of him. Between the home-spun gifting so simple and the quickness for affection she had no reason to suspect anything was up in this room.
Until he refused to dance. 
Celeste told Bayden she wouldn’t try to ruin his life with family, but it seemed her own stubbornness couldn’t help itself. 
Celeste said to Bayden Monty would sniff it out because she was a witch too. Nah. She could sniff it out because Celeste couldn’t follow one simple lead set before her. 
When families have traditions you don’t break them. She even just heard Monty say out loud Bayden was the one who made up this tradition giving Celeste the biggest clue how important this was to Bayden and Monty really comes here every year just for him to do this. Celeste was fucking up by not just going through the motions and moving along. She was tipping Monty off is what she was doing sucking at acting like Bayden at all.
Why does it matter if we don’t do it this year?
“Because it’s what we do. It’s our tradition. It’s how I know you love me. You’re acting weird. Not your regular weird. Actual weird.”  
She shook her head no. She wasn’t going to stop.
Then up she went forced off his lap. As her mind was reliving the Valentine’s Day the tradition was made up she almost became turned into a boiling pot of rage because she knew things right now Celeste did not. The Bay turned this into being worried for mommy. She narrowed her eyes at him. She stood there with little white knuckled fist balls at her sides and straight arms. It was the only thing he could have said to simmer her down and make her believe in any sort of way something might have been more important than the dance. The stupid mamma’s boy. Thank fuck he was so that he was so easy to manipulate. They did need Jude alive.
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“Fine, but we’ll dance in the house before I go. I’ll hate giving mom the satisfaction of knowing how mushy we get, but I’m getting my dance. I blame you. My date can wait. I’m worth it.”
Personal life? Shrugging her off and going vague with terms like personal life? Who did he think he was talking to? He wasn’t an employee speaking to a boss. This wasn’t work. This was his sister. They didn’t have boundaries like that. Personal life? That’s what she came for so he could talk to someone for real because he lied to all the doctors. They both knew that. She was who went to about his personal life. So this instantly made no sense now. She was his real person and now he was going to suddenly build a wall?  – At least, Monty thought she was his real person. Truly, she was. At least, Bayden attempted to make a real person out of Rowan because of the things he couldn’t open up to Monty. But, Rowan started to be a sucky friend too. You know you’re a sucky friend when Bayden decides he likes his sister better than you.
“What personal life? Look, if this is about Janet again her husband doesn’t know. If she’s acting weird again she’s just scared of getting caught, but that’s half the thrill for her anyway. I have already gotten the last janitor that was going to file a report fired. I said he touched me. I did a mind wipe on her hubs before he could confront her. He’s never going to confront her, Bayden. I got ahead of it all. Really. You’re in the clear. Fuck nurse pussy to your heart’s content. She had a hysterectomy. I don’t really give a fuck if it gives you some excitement in these boring walls and I don’t become an auntie. Just try to be discreet. Just tell me if you think someone saw you guys again so I can deal with it. You know it just snow balls into a bigger mess when you stall.”
He danced with a girl before?
She laughed as she gathered up her gifts and his gift basket so he could go through it at the house.
“Yeah, I know all about your dates to all those medical conventions and galas Mom paid for so you could appear like a nice young man that knew nice girls back when she paraded you around like a patient monkey in a suit. You cleaned up real nice too. Remember the one in the red dress with big puffy brunette hair? The convention you accidently got burnt down? I helped pick her out. She seemed like your type. But you always told me those girls didn’t count. It doesn’t count when your mommy pays them to be on your arm.”
Then she thought about his moments he escaped and his hallucinations. She better check in to be sure he’s okay. She waved them on.
“Change of heart? They count now? Or is my big brother keeping a secret from me?” She started to smile like come on. Let it out. Spill if there’s something’s to tell.
Getting through the hospital and loading up the car would have to go in relative silence because even though much of the staff knew what was going on so Bayden wasn’t unaccounted for during head counts there was still an obscurity to taking a patient with a life sentence without parole dropped in this program off grounds, even if it was just up the hill to the director’s house.
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Bayden would be forced to lie down in the backseat where he wouldn’t be seen as they drove up the hill. He knew the routine, but if Celeste messed anything up along the way Monty was sure to remind him. Once safely stowed away she’d say, “Remember the first time I drove you and we snuck away first to get ice cream and Indian food? We laughed so much and you wanted to run away. I asked how we would live. You said I don’t care as long as I have ice cream, and Indian food, and you, every day forever you thought it was so good. I’ll be good I swear. I kept telling you you were good. Mom was so mad by the time we finally went home. I’m surprised she ever trusted me to drive you, her precious boy, ever again.”
But boy oh boy if the real Bayden could read minds. Thank goodness he couldn’t. If he knew Rowan-Celeste-Whatever-She-Wanted-To-Be-Called was judging him all the time the way she was, judging his family, just fucking all of it, daring to act like she had room to judge as if Celeste had a normal bone her body worthy to cast normal judgement… that’d be last she’d ever see of him. Luckily, he could not read minds.
Instead while Celeste was avoiding the dance with his sister the real Bayden was dreaming of it, wishing for it, and missing it so greatly stuck in Rowan’s body he’d… she’d nearly be having a breakdown of their own in silent tears by themselves avoiding everyone for the rest of the day because they were close. Monty and Bayden were close. That was the problem here. Celeste was somehow missing even though they were putting Bayden through all this she was all he had in the whole world. She was his everything. Of course they were close. She was his one and only visitor in the entire fucking world. If the girl wasn’t intelligent enough to figure out these two were close she was going to ruin his life before the day was through because Monty didn’t have to be a witch to figure out something was wrong with Bayden if this was going to keep up.
( @montywonmom​ )  
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      THEY tested the water’s that they treaded on.  Montgomery just happened to be the current that demanded there full attention or so god they would certainly find themselves in deeper water.
      ‘ The trick, ’ said the voice in there head, ‘ is to commit your sins in plain sight. ’ as if the voice read there mind.  They needed to switch to there p l a n B.  Not that they were happy about having to do it.
      Sadly.  They fingered the hidden package in the leather jacket’s hidden upper pocket.  That they managed to hide, as Montgomery almost found it earlier if they didn’t stop her from patting his stomach.  Soreness is one factor, as there was also something they didn’t want them finding.  Though they hoped they could have given it to Clarissa, but it was still made with Montgomery in mind, in case they had to go with PLAN b.
      “Ok.  Then what about sibling code of conduct?”
      “If you don’t want me to be salty next year little sister then here’s a solution.  Once a month.  Preferably any sunday.  Call me.  Believe it or not I have a phone.”  Pulling it out && wiggling it to show her the proof that she must already knew about.  Yet there was still another in assistant living house too.
      “Since you’re the one with the busiest schedule.  It’s easier for you to make the call first.  Yea?”  Since being in Bayden’s body a little over a month, they’ve learned a thing or two about them just from observing alone.
      “&& you can start on how much of a DWEEB you’re d a t e was.  Tonight.”  Emphasizing older-ly brother distaste of her date she was going to have tonight.  Bayden’s sister so happily brought to the conversation.  Along with portraying selfish-concern.  After all she was meeting a total stranger that just might psychologically be more fucked up than her.  It’s not that impossible to imagine that Bayden could be worried about there little sister’s well being.  Along with the teasing that it wasn’t SUNDAY but t u e s d a y.
       But using dramatic means to make a point, but underlining that they must miss there younger sister, &&. be concerned all on top of it all, while wishing to connect more felt stronger in leads of Bayden’s side of a brother.
      They could only hope by the time Montgomery calls next time she’ll actually be talking to the real Bayden.  If Montgomery ever called again - one visit a month wasn’t enough effort for them to accept.  Cause regardless of her attitude now, the real Bayden deserved better, && needed more.
       They knew Bayden was SALTY but his sister was certainly s n a p p y.  Couldn’t help but admire the ORIGINAL-d u e t of the Wardeyn siblings. Feeling a grin tug at the corner of there lips.  “What are you talking about Monty?  WE give m o m the satisfaction every year.  Every dance — ” pointing at the ceiling, rolling there finger &&. whistling for dramatic effect, as if circling the surveillance not just from the camera’s around the room, but some of the nurses capturing the successful valentines day event they so provide at Briarcliff Asylum DR.W a r d e y n could use for publicity.
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       “I know it’s our TRADITION , it’s i m p o r t a n t to me , && I know it’s important to you too.  Despite everything , we still have each other — ”  
      “ — It’s just this year I wanted . . .  to surprise you?  Do something DIFFERENT for y o u that can’t be done here but you’re hella impatient.  You deserve better then paper doilies && dancing under construction paper hearts Monty. ”  They didn’t lie, going into damage control mode - as they had a plan in mind in case the nuclear reactor was over-heating they thought it through since Christmas.  That’s how far along they planned this in case they had too.
       It also was a drop of a hint. A big brother ruffling his younger sister’s feather’s on the outside playing on her impatient weaknesses.  Only they tested what was possible && what wasn’t from the inside as they were learning as they go.  There not Bayden because in the end, no one could replace the original, but there not dumb enough going into this blindly, they had a little more creativity/planning it was always something that felt familiar to them. 
       Slowly turning around, walking backwards as there hands would jam into the front pockets of Bayden’s signature leather jacket.  There was something soft.  A soft muffling clanking sound being jostled around in that LEATHER j a c k e t of his that clearly would peak Montgomery’s interest as they wouldn’t have stopped until she had recognized the sound was coming off them.  As they wouldn’t give it/reveal it until they got back to the house it seemed.
       They hoped the little hints being dropped might lower there blood pressure, cause Montgomery couldn’t hide her anger veins if her life depended on it!  All they could HOPE for was that they border lined thought — maybe she just got to close to something Bayden didn’t want her to find so quickly > That sitting on his lap might have made them overly nervous — Could have outright panicked && moved her without thinking twice about it > doing all they could to try to cover for it only saying the first thing that came to mind.  H o p e f u l l y.
       . . .  They were silent for a moment as they pivoted forward, as they were wanted to be angry but couldn’t.  Bayden’s own sister talked about a cheap version of what happened to her own mother when there where plenty of other ways - tactics - to get someone fired.  To carelessly use sexual assault as a means of an end knowing the person they are talking too?
‘ ...I was never wanted just some accident of rape okay ’   ‘ ...I don’t belong on this fucking earth. I shouldn’t fucking exist ’
       It was like going back as they saw the ghostly visage of that night play in the back of there head.  Remembering the pain in Bayden’s face as Rowan, hearing the hurt in his voice as Rowan that night.  Worse they couldn’t get mad — not for what DR.W a r d e y n or for BAYDEN been through because of it.  
       “ You know this conversation is starting to snow ball into an avalanche, because I’ve temporarily taken a hiatus on nurses.  FOCUS l e s s on Janet - that was so last month but don’t quote me on it cause it’ll probably be back in next month.  BUT concentrate m o r e on the pressing matters that my life right now is glitteringly — coarse && rough && irritating && messily everywhere && not worth much to bother about. ”  It’s basically like glitter. If it was a feeling, that’s how they felt.  The problems they struggled with as they couldn’t exactly tell Monty everything, but they also couldn’t lie either or be damned by getting caught by a Witches intuition.  They met in the middle of things.
       They had forgotten about that.  Briefly remembering seeing Bayden dress up a couple times in a PENGUIN-s u i t e /  FORMAL-s u i t e as all that sounded a lot like glorified torture, && it made a little more sense as they snorted with humor.  “ I looked liked Oswald Cobblepot on a bad day. ”  They wanted to smile, the kind of smile that would reflect that they were thinking of someone that they liked-a u g h aware of?  Bayden stature in a suite reminded them of cosplaying Oswald Cobblepot, the Robin Lord Taylor version, at least.  They wanted to be mean && tease him about it now.  Feeling a massive curiosity too, unfortunately they couldn’t tap into memory's of Bayden to pry what Montgomery meant when — convention you accidently got burnt down.  Feeling instantly && unreasonably annoyed but it didn’t change a thing about themselves to show it.
       “Keep taken cheap shots at me aye?  Is it about time I tell you?  SHOULD I s p i l l?”  Obviously as they where baiting Montgomery, while they were thinking about what to even say!  That memory was something that Bayden didn’t even tell his sister, regardless of him not believing they were real.  They didn’t want to tell her.  They liked that she didn’t know.  Until the answer came out all on it’s own solving itself.  
       “ TSK. T s k.  Tsk.  You forgot I used to work at Hotel Cortez — && I danced with one hot mamá.  One HOT d r u n k mamá — ” to be fair, if there was someone Bayden would dance with.  They could certainly visualize Bayden doing something that near amusing anyway.  If he locks DJ’s in bathroom’s to heist the music playlist there’s wiggle room to work with here. “ — but don’t go telling MOM t h a t.  That’s just stays between the two of us now. ”  All jokes aside && banter with Montgomery there was a feeling — a feeling that caused the hair on the back of there neck to stand up.  Alarmed by it.
       For a long moment they’re demeaner changed after reaching a certain point with Montgomery as it obviously made them feel the weight of it.  Slowing there steps enough to have them walking side by side, slowly falling a hair behind her so she was in front.  Not sure how to act . . . but they didn’t ignore what they felt && kept a solemnness to them.  Committed to the silence, even it wasn’t what Montgomery was used to.
       They did not know the weight of the danger Bayden was in, but they could understand what they where getting themselves involved.  Only it didn’t stop the skin prickling along there back, as it wouldn’t have made sense to sit somewhere like the front.  Honestly, regardless of them doing it wrong.  They seemed to prefer the backseat.  There could be a lot of Karen’s out there, && being in Bayden’s sister’s car, no doubt would have a lot of EYES on t h e m.  Regardless of having to take a moment to lie down --- holding there breath as they hid the painful soreness erupting from there abdomen until they where flat on there back.  
       Those words rang in Bayden’s brain.  They felt themselves sinking in the backseat as there was no recollection.  There mind was numb && the body fluttered with minor panic.  It’s not something there used to.  The concept of family.  The concept of being raised properly, as it’s easy to tell DR.W a r d e y n loved them in her own way.  There are some holes in there memory right now though they hope to fill in the gaps with Rowan’s casefile sooner or later, but they know, Bayden had it better growing up.
       A reflexive smile reached there lips, as they suppressed a laugh, leaving a groan like sound as it sounded like the struggled not to laugh. “ It’s memories like those Monty that make it all worth it, you know . . . almost as good as . . . my little sister’s company, ice cream, Indian food, && mom scaring the shit out us!  DDAAMMNN.  That’s c o l d.  ICE c o l d that you’d think mom wouldn’t ever trust you with me after that.  It wouldn’t ever be the same without you.” 
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saltyxtides · 2 years ago
She was acting overjoyed with the simple gifting.
“Aw. Flowers. Picked fresh and stolen from the yard just for me. Now that’s the BayBay I know. Risking your little bit o’ welfare just for me. Ohhhh. You could have gotten in trouble for this one.”
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She held them to her nose as she leaned her head against his shoulder ever so sweetly fawning over it with great dramatics, a sentimental affair like no other.
Pink was her favorite. Absolutely. So that was a win. Rock candy was a golden touch. She almost wondered if Bayden made it himself because that actually seemed like a project he might do in the kitchen, but didn’t ask. She’d check for a store bought label later. He’d pulled out his mother’s credit card at Christmas which was a rare affair of it’s own. It let her know he and their mother were back in good spoiled standing if he was allowed to use it. Monty liked to keep track of these things. Having any access while in lock up was a big deal. So the fact that he did again at Christmas was something Monty noted. It felt like maybe their worlds were getting back to normal after the big blow up and she wondered if it was even possible. Monty saw that as a good sign.
“Thank you. So sweet of you to go out of your way for me. I love how much you love me. I love you too.”
She was leaning there ever so seemingly happy and overjoyed by the whole exchange when her brother changed up attitude on her.
Not in the mood? Fake dance?
If this were on a scene in a show a scratched record sound would have split the scene and brought everything to a halt.
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Since when doesn’t her brother want to dance with her on Valentine’s Day?
“Uh oh.”
She hugged him tighter.
“Someone’s holding something in again. What mood? What happened? Talk to me.” Her hand started to pat his tummy. “Who was mean to you this time? I’ll fix them. No dance with my brother will ever be fake.”
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Then she looked up from his shoulder right into his face and patted his cheek. “If that doctor mom has griping over you is giving you too much homework again I’ll go give him another good case of dysentery. Give him a high fever. See how he likes seeing things that aren’t there. I’ll get you out of whatever he assigned for at least another week or two and you haven’t even looked at your big basket from me yet.” She turned and pointed at his Valentine’s gift trying to cheer him up.
Monty would in no way believe Bayden meant fake dance as a real jab against her. It was their tradition to do this dance every year. So not doing it would confuse her and make her think something was seriously wrong with Bayden. It would make her worry for him right after such nice gifting which made her believe he and she were fine. So it would lead her to believe something was wrong elsewhere that was dampening his mood.  
Then she tilted her head in the other direction still looking him dead on in the face thinking of him wanting to hurry along home. “Or is this about mother?” She smoothed the hair around his ears. “I got you all worried about her now mentioning the gin, didn’t I? She’s a grown up Bay. She’ll be okay. She’s made it this far. Stay present. Right now’s about me, what you gave me, and how much I love you for that, and how I got a basket full of all your faaaaaaaaaaavorites. Come on. You love dancing. All you ever do is whine there’s no real girls here to dance with. Come on. You made up this tradition and told me I would be an evil witch and wanted to curse me green with warts if ever I refused. Remember? No way I’m letting you out of it now if I have to puppeteer you myself, just in case you suddenly get a burst of unused bottled magic. I’m not letting that be the first spell that casts out of you.”
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She laughed trying to lighten Bayden up, but she was serious. Later bloomers with magic were sometimes known to happen.    
( @montywonmom​ )
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       BAYDEN’S sisters current state was a privilege she took for granted.
       Watching as they continued to c o o over her little surprise’s, as the least they can say is Bayden’s sister looked overjoyed with such simple gifts.  Literally had to execute the risk they had to put in to the gift out loud.  It didn’t take much to entertain herself, which was a small blessing considering the circumstances of having to live, breathe, && act as BAYDEN W a r d e y n.
       The dramatics, the act of sentimental affairs, no wonder Bayden was confused at times.  It was like Bayden understood his sister was a WACK-j o b, but they could see why it was a battle to distinguish what’s reality && what’s easier to look the other way because they were tied by blood.  Not fully, but still tied && anchored to one another by DR. W a r d e y n at least.  Especially when his issues flare up, the definition of what’s real && what’s not has it’s own emotional toll.
       “I’m glad you like it.”  They replied genuinely relieved that they passed the test, putting there arm around her shoulder, giving her the faintest of a side embrace.  Every second counted && they didn’t want to linger to long, not sure what MONTGOMERY W a r d e y n was made of.  Pulling away in mere seconds lazily, as they still had to act a little like Bayden, The Older Brother.
       Despite the scratch-record misgivings, they stayed silent glad it wasn’t a full fire-works of dramatics from Montgomery.  They couldn’t run from a psychopath’s whims.  But if they could avoid it, then they’ll face it head-on. There's no way it's going to get the better of them.  It just wasn’t going to happen.
       Reflexively grasping Montgomery’s elbow gently halting her from touching Bayden’s stomach, releasing her elbow effortlessly.  The sheer soreness from vigorous military's muscular strength they spent time doing to build Bayden's endurance trials, && to test Bayden’s own endurance through insomnia-esque late nights.  
       Gaining hope, or some traction to achieve lighter dosages on certain pills in his plethora of pills Bayden takes on the daily.  Performing for six consecutive nights, resting completely one day per week.  Has it helped?  No.  All there was to show for all that effort was a lame 6 pack, && a lot of there time wasted in Bayden.  Girls where just very different from boys.
       Bayden’s face twisted into a scowl.  “Why does it matter if I don’t feel like dancing?  Fake.  Not fake.  Can’t we just not do it this year.”
       Sighing, as they frowned.  Wondering how close Bayden really was to Montgomery.  They can’t say they knew everything about Bayden to act like him, if this was some moment to be vulnerable or not, but it seems from listening to her babble on what she think’s is happening, his younger sister also carried on the weird trait in the WARDEYN f a m i l y.  The only normal one, out of the three to choose from was DR. W a r d e y n. For now . . .  Anything can happen with this damn family.
       “You really aren’t going to stop until you get something out of me?”  
       Rolling there eyes, they couldn’t listen to Montgomery anymore.  As much as they couldn’t take the little touches, from the fact she tried to touch his stomach to the way she’d brush down the sides of his hair.
       “I appreciate your concern Monty, I really do, but there’s nothing to talk about.  I’m just feeling overwhelmed && anxious about something going on in my personal life.  Thanks for offering to help, but I think I need to work through this on my own for now.” 
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        “Monty!  Someone drowns in a tub nearly every day in America-”  taking on a serious tone, obviously, that was the que, placing there hands underneath Montgomery’s arms && easily lifting her off there lap placing her down beside them as they where getting up. 
       “-BuT nOt ToDaY sAtAn!  Not my mom. No sir.”  As the amount of sass, && effort to make that so cringe was worth it.
       Placing there hands in there pockets as they where already walking off.  
       “Stay present?  Girrrl, we gotta get you outa here.  Nobody has time to dance in a Asylum when Prince Charming’s waiting for the worst Valentines of his life.  The earlier the better.  So the paramedics can make it on time, you know Monty?  You’re Valentine’s date doesn’t know he’s going to be an organ donor by the end of date.”  A dramatic whistle.
       “It’s all fun && games until you start playing sports sis.  Why mom’s staying with me tonight.  She get’s it.” 
       Not bothering to illuminate or fabricate the gifts Montgomery got for Bayden mattered, because in a way, they didn’t.  Because in some way Montgomery was worried about the wrong things.
       “Oh, by the way Monty.  This might come as a shock to you, but I’ve danced with a real girl before.  Words can't describe.”  
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       What a tweaker she was!  A tweaker && a drunk on Valentines Day. Odd to say they missed Bayden right then && there.  Only what there putting Bayden through, the real Bayden, they didn’t deserve it.  Much how Rowan didn’t deserve it either.  There friendship was probably to far gone even if they found a way to fix things.  
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saltyxtides · 2 years ago
When Monty showed up for her Valentine’s Day visit for her brother she entered with a big over zealous and over dramatic hug for him. She set a ginormous basket of decandant candies and chocolates from all over the world down first. Then she smothered him.
“Happy Valentine’s Day brother of mine. Your Valentine has arrived. Aren’t you happy now? Cherish it now before you get stuck with mother all night. She’s already in the bathtub gin. Good luck with that.”
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“I know I’m the best thing that ever happened to you and the highlight of your day. I’m the blessing of your life. You don’t even have to say it. I know you’ll never have a real girl out there for a Valentine but I got all prettied up, just for our dance. Don’t carry on how I’m better than another girl because I’ll never leave you like you always do, but it is true. I never will. Never, ever, EVER. Okay, I have a date after dropping you off with mom, but it’s for you too. She’s making me play shadow caddy. Ew. But, I love, uv you, wuv you.”  
Then she’d back up and do a little spin for him so he could see her dress all in pale pink lace. It was something designer though the real Bayden rarely called these things out, just told her she looked so pretty.
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“Now where is it? Before we dance. Show me what little drawing or confection you’ve whipped up for me this year. Is it a poem? A song? Gimme, gimme.” Then she plopped herself right into his lap like an ever so close space invading sister might. “What quaint little BayBay way have you chosen to honor me this year?”
( @montywonmom​ )
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       MONTGOMERY W a r d e y n buzzed around like she’d guzzled every drop of espresso.  Her actions were downright condescending like a Katy Perry parody video.  && they finally understood where Bayden’s arrogance stems from: that. 
       Dozen’s of times they had rehearsed Monty’s return in there head — the dramatic embrace, the exacting chosen gifts pattern last’s Christmas greetings.  They’re own breath felt tight, as if the walls were pressing in being constricted by something as dangerous as a python hugging them back weakly.  
       “ Happy Valentine’s Day, little sister. ”  A spin off of Montgomery’s own words used.  Only they didn’t look happy about Monty’s statement about DR.W a r d e y n.  The mama boy’s persona.  It was easy to show how they truly felt on the inside. A fiery scowl that felt like it wasn’t going away anytime soon.
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       The more && more time they spent with Montgomery, in Bayden’s body the more his sister reminded them of Mother Gothel.  Only it’s the sibling addition Instead of listening through it, Monty’s voice began to sound tiny && helium high-pitched, as far away as an echo.
       If Bayden was meant to be controlled, that idjit would have come with a mother fucking remote.  But guess what?  He’s is own person.  What did his own sister really know about him?  It’s worse that his own sister didn’t even think about the concept of him ever falling in love.
       Could be a thing someday!  Anything was possible, but if it didn’t revolve around her, she wouldn’t notice.  He is a qualified person.  Not bothering to listen much after that, thus they lose more brain cells in the process.  Not quite looking to happy && keeping there thoughts to themselves.
       Only to be re-awakened into the moment when Monty sat on there lap.  Who did she think they were?  Jolly old St. Nicholas.  Wasn’t she a little to old to be sitting on his brother’s lap like this.  It was a high level of uncomfortable-ness, as she needed to leave room for the holy spirit.
       Not that they even believed in the holy spirit!  But damn girl give some space.  “ It’s not much. “ Taking a small bundle of daffodils — wrapped in yarn to hold it together ( god forbid the string nurse would come back again knowing Bayden’s luck ).  Freshly picked from the Asylum Grounds.
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       Pink lemonade rock candy.  Though they couldn’t match Bayden's real skill of CHEF B o y b a y d e n style.  This was still food-relative?  Also re-using the cupcakes they made for them would have been safe, but let’s face it.  The calories consumption of a cupcake ( 131+ c. ) vs. rock candy ( 15 - 50 c. ).  
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      It would be a waste to give them to her if she would just throw them away in the end.  Only now they had to try to finish things quickly between them.  As they didn’t want to stay anymore longer than they should.  “ Monty I’m not in the mood right now to stick around, fake a dance, so let’s JUST l e a v e.”
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