#do not steal fics
stiles-o-dylan24 · 2 years
friendly little PSA to my fellow fic writers who also post their work on AO3:
my teen wolf rewrite, It’s Always Been You, was stolen word for word and uploaded as a kindle book to be bought on Amazon *insert all the angry expletives* The “author”, Plush Books, has 549 books in their amazon storefront page that are more than likely all stolen based on the info I received last night that led me over to a twitter thread that shed light on what’s happening.  Anyways more info to see if your book was also stolen from this “bEsTseLLiNg AuThOr” and what to do to hopefully get it removed below the cut
Here’s the amazon storefront for the literal piece of shit who stole books, I hope no one else has their work on here and if you do I’m so sorry you’re feeling the way I am.
Here’s the twitter page that was very helpful in bringing insight to what happened and the fact that this has happened before with another “author” on amazon a year ago who has since been shut down. 
Here’s the twitter thread that details what to do and say in your email to get your book taken down from Amazon. You cannot send attachments in the email to Amazon, as they state they will not open them under any circumstance, so keep that in mind and just be very detailed in your email about the proof you have ready to send them (google doc timestamps, screenshots of comments/kudos and those timestamps and so forth)
Here’s the Amazon faq answer to what happens after you submit a DMCA request
Here’s the Barnes and Noble "author” page as well, mine wasn’t here as of this posting but I’ll be checking back daily since the amount of books on this list is significantly less to what's on amazon. Here’s what you have to do to submit a claim to B&N.  
I was able to click on the book’s image in my stolen work’s listing and the first 7 chapters, and a little bit of chapter 8, were visible to read without having to actually buy the book to get more proof it’s plagiarized. I took a bunch of screenshots, along with a screenshot of the description which was copied straight from my ao3 description, to be prepared in case amazon emails me back saying they need the proof I mentioned having when I emailed my DMCA request in, so I’d suggest doing the same.
Based on a comment in the twitter thread from when this last happened apparently Amazon doesn’t really care about this and is very slow in actually doing anything to take listings down. I’m hoping that’s changed since the last person who did this had all their listings removed but in any case, in addition to emailing amazon with my DMCA request I also left a review on my actual book’s listing-- that will hopefully be posted soon-- stating how it was stolen work. I’m just so mad and I had to do something so even if the book listing never gets taken down at least that review will be there and I’ll keep sending emails and leaving reviews until it is taken down because fuck this person and anyone else like them who thinks this is ok.
Please don’t hesitate to reblog this to get the word out! There’s a lot of fandoms affected, just a few I saw were: Supernatural, Teen Wolf, Marvel, and Star Wars
if anyone wants a laugh here’s the link to IABY and the amazon book where they named it ‘It’s Always Been You: A Sisters Love’ which is just so wrong to what IABY is and created the actual WORST book cover image🙃
EDIT to add that as of 19 December 2022 my stolen book has been removed from amazon along with 300 others! The barnes and noble page also no longer has any books listed from plush books which is amazing news! Keep spreading the word to get the real authors notified so the rest of the stolen works can be removed as well!
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saintobio · 1 month
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dramatis personae; sylus, reader, xavier. heavy angst. period piece. medieval au.
— “in a realm where light and dark doth vie, ‘tis not thine eyes, but thy heart, that must discern who be the true enemy.”
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♱ forbidden love
an illicit romance: crown prince xavier, your childhood friend and devoted lover, stands on the precipice of duty as the sole heir to philos. as he is bound by the chains of his obligation to the throne, his heart aches for the one lady he cannot claim.
♱ marriage of convenience
wed to a tyrant: emperor sylus, an oppressive ruler from a neighboring empire, secured your hand through a ruthless bargain he struck to claim you as his wife. your marriage is not one of love, but a cold transaction sealed by power and ambition, leaving your heart trapped in a gilded cage.
♱ the damsel in distress
the bastard daughter of a grand duke: born of noble blood but marred by your mother’s lowly station, you walk a fine line between privilege and disgrace, ultimately forced to marry a man for your own survival. yet, your fate was sealed by a vow to xavier—a promise to break free from sylus’s grasp when the crown of philos finally rests upon your lover’s head.
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happy74827 · 4 months
“I watch movies for the plot”
The ✨plot✨:
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bittersweetyrn · 9 months
big fan of essek thelyss, not the fanon interpretation, which is either "smol bean, tiny fragile elf who's a sweetheart and basically a child" or people mistakenly calling betrayal of one's home country a "war crime" and then proceeding to be flippant about it anyway, but the real Essek
pretentious motherfucker that committed treason bc he though he was smarter than everyone else
learned to float literally just to impress other rich people
canonically neutral evil
basically head spymaster of his country and master of lies but sucks shit lying to his friends
stayed bitchy even after his redemption arc
"there is nothing I would love more than to not be around you all for the remainder of this day"
a space wizard that crushed someone with telekenesis just to show off (the person was already dying)
sexy feet, nice ass, overall hottie
fell in love with a traumatized wizard of his enemy country and it was mutual despite all the betrayal
gave away state secrets to enemy wizard bc he though he was sexy
discovered time travel with his boyfriend
proceeded to say they shouldn't use time travel (bc now he's a good boy) but was willing to sacrifice everything and help if his bf wanted to use it
once confessed he had such a bad fight with his dad that his dad ran into the demon caves and never returned (essek doesn't feel bad about this at all)
young for an elf but still 120 years old, he called his bf "young man" and flexed on him about how much more evil he is
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eggcats · 3 months
I really need to figure out a name for the "Alastor just thinks his own thoughts about Vox are universal and has not had a single question since" AU tbh, bc they've taken over my mind atm and I need something to easily tag it without clogging the main tags
Because I'm just imagining, like, Alastor unintentionally doing a lot of the same shit that Valentino did to Vox when they dated, except the way Alastor does it just makes Vox feel more confident in himself and their (totally fake and for clout) relationship - especially because Alastor's not even doing it on purpose
Like, I need them to be this:
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Except instead of buffalo chicken dip, it's definitely a random sinner who insulted Vox within Alastor's earshot. He's still eating them alone, on the floor, and covered in blood, though. The room is now a bloodbath, and they're banned from ever going back.
(When he sees Vox, he offers him the best parts - Vox (obviously) says no but he's spent enough time with Alastor to know the parts he's being offered are Alastor's favorites to eat so he's extremely charmed and flattered, lol).
Either that, or Alastor had a sip too much of whiskey and Vox was in the bathroom so long Alastor thought he left, so Alastor just took over the music and is by himself doing the Charleston. Alastor immediately grabs him and makes him dance the second he sees Vox. Alastor ALSO insults his dancing the entire time.
I just need an Alastor who just refuses to even consider that it might just be HIM who is attracted to Vox and insists he's definitely dating Vox to make the rest of hell jealous, but still (even not knowing a single thing about dating or relationships) being a better partner to Vox just by sheer virtue of thinking Vox is a catch.
Very much their energy needs to be:
Vox: *realizes he's lost Alastor at the bar they went to together* Great, it's fucking Val all over again.
Alastor: *currently eating someone for implying they don't find Vox attractive* Darling, I was just taking out the trash! Imagine being so stupid to not even REALIZE how they feel about you!
Vox, holding his screen in his hands: Yes. Imagine that.
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il-predestinato · 6 months
fanfic writers owe us nothing don't be ungrateful stop demanding things etc etc
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we are LESS. THAN. 10. FICS. AWAY from overtaking maxiel as the top f1 ship on ao3 👑
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scribble-brain-aced · 6 months
the star sanses finally capture nightmare’s gang. they bring them to an empty AU until they figure what to do with them. put them in jail? redeem them?
until then, the gang is separated, so that they can’t form an escape plan, so that they can’t influence each other. putting them in the same room together is too dangerous.
except the stars don’t realize they NEED each other. they don’t realize that they literally can’t function properly without the help of the others.
dust can’t be sure what’s real or fake without asking someone for help.
killer can’t work up the motivation to take care of himself without someone nagging him.
horror can’t handle the pain, or the brain fog without someone there to help, or at least to be quiet company.
cross can’t handle being left without a purpose, without someone for him to protect and love and be with.
nightmare tries to act normal, but he can’t handle being alone without someone to be with and cling to.
the stars could help them, but the gang is so tightly knit together that they’re practically completely co-dependant.
is it a ploy, or a trick? is this just a plan to get them back together? the stars, being unsure, don’t fall for it. they leave them separate.
and the gang starts to break.
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part two of fic ideas i have planned out in my head but haven’t written yet. (please do not steal, i post these because i need to talk about these ideas or my head will explode)
-a dark academia no capes au featuring tim drake who takes it upon himself to figure out if the court of owls is real and whether they’re the ones making people in his senior class disappear.
-a survival horror/gritty action based of the game the long dark. the batsiblings are on their way to meet bruce somewhere in canada when their plane crashes. they’re split into two groups as the plane breaks during the crash and forced to survive in the great bear wilderness while a strange geological apocalypse is happening
-a fluffy slice of life fic where bruce suggest tim join damian on his weekly stay at dick’s during the weekend.
that’s all i’ve got for right now.
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dumbpilots · 8 months
ok hear me out:
combat photographer bradley bradshaw. swings a gig photographing the daggers (thanks uncle pete). spends a lot of time around the base snapping photos of the daggers in their flight suits/service uniforms. and if he spends a long time going over the (quite frankly, ridiculous) amount of photos of a certain blond lieutenant, well... he's editing (and it's no one's business but his own).
"isn't this mission supposed to be classified?" - bob
"he's just so talented! how many people do you know that can photograph a super hornet at that speed?!" - mav
"wow... this photo almost makes me believe hangman has a soul behind those eyes" - nat
"hey, bradshaw. i think it's time for a little conversation between the two of us..." - javy
(and when they finally fall into bed together for the first time, bradley stares down at jake's body, canvassing every aspect with his eyes, drinking him in)
"i'd tell you to take a picture because it'll last longer, but i know you've got plenty of me already" - jake
"it'll never be enough" - bradley
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naffeclipse · 4 months
I'm thinking of making Devil Eyes Officer Y/N a smoker, not like a chain smoker, but one who had previously smoked before joining the police academy and had quit, and then once inflicted with Eclipse's torment, turned back to smoking as an unhealthy coping mechanism (this would also include, of course, Eclipse's reaction to such a thing (he does not like it)), but, I'm afraid this will be a turnoff?? for readers?? so let me just ask
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lulublack90 · 19 days
Prompt 3 - Dressed
@rosekillermicrofic September 3, word count 362
Previous part First Jegulus part
When Barty finally woke the next morning, it was to the smell of bacon and coffee. Barty hummed happily as he buried his face in his pillow, stretching out his entire body before reluctantly getting up and walking into the shower. 
The shower was massive. Evan had insisted on this exact one when they’d renovated the flat. It had been ludicrously expensive, but Barty felt it was worth every penny as the hot water pounded into his sore muscles, massaging out the activities of the previous night. 
Regulus was waiting in the kitchen after he’d pulled himself away from the shower and got dressed. 
“Reg, my other love, you’re here early,” He grinned, swooping in and stealing a kiss from him before he crowded behind Evan at the stove. “Hmmmm, hello first love,” He hummed as he bit Evan’s earlobe. Evan let out a sharp hiss but leaned back into him. 
“This is nearly ready and once we’re done we’re going to help Regulus move some stuff from Grimmauld,” Evan told him as he pushed the bacon around the pan. Barty shuddered and turned to look at Regulus.
“Are you finally moving out?” He asked hopefully. Regulus squirmed in his seat. 
“Possibly, it all depends on how they take it when I come out to them,” Barty froze. They’d kill him. 
“Reg, do you think that’s a good idea? I mean, look what they did when you got a B on your History GCSE.”
“It was nothing, I can handle them,” Regulus waved him off. 
“Reg, you should have gone to the hospital, the only reason you didn’t was because you begged us not to take you,” Barty was so close to shouting at his friend he had to take a deep shaky breath. “Just be careful alright, and tell us when you’re going to do it so we can be on standby,” He pleaded. Regulus nodded and Evan handed him a bacon sandwich. 
“It's a good job we’ve got the van,” Evan smiled at Regulus. Barty huffed and began biting huge mouthfuls out of his sandwich, wanting to get on and get Regulus out of that house as soon as possible.  
Next part
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chuluoyi · 1 month
heyyy so there's this person who is translating your works on wattpad and I'm pretty sure you didn't give them authorization so yeah here it is
user @lvsedd and the story name is "revenge"
also they have other work (name: paradise jujutsu kaisen) with multiple translations of other authors but I couldn't find them here :/ if anyone wanna help pls
unauthorized translation/plagiarism
thank you for letting me know! and i most certainly don’t give any permission to translate anywhere, and i don’t understand spanish but they seem to copy my “the deposed empress remarries” series and make it into many chapters and retitle it as “revenge” instead
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since june? gosh. this user lvsedd in wattpad do put me in credits as the original author but no, this is not how you do it. it’s still called stealing for your own convenience
to others out there who plan to do the same/have thoughts of plagiarism and whatnot, please stop doing this kind of things. it’s very discouraging to the original author. even tho this is just some hobby, i do put a lot of time into writing fics. this is very, very unpleasant to look at and it makes me get mixed feelings bc it’s the same as feeling your work is recognized as someone else’s. how would you feel if it happens to you?
please just be decent even in online space. you can be inspired by someone else’s works but don’t copy the whole material. the very least you can do is ask for their permission and respect it if they don’t give it. and in this case, i’ve never even been asked and to suddenly see this makes me reconsider even writing altogether bc why should i when it’s so easily stolen anyway?
and then i also checked out their oneshots library called “paradise” and found my and several other fic writers’ oneshots being copied and translated too since 2023 without credits even — THIS IS PLAIN PLAGIARISM
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this is just disheartening. other fic authors please watch out for your fics in this book! and by the end of this, i’d suggest just report them altogether
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 13
Happy Wednesday! This arc is over 20k already. How many of you didn't realize that? I've got a longer segment for you this week. There wasn't really a good place to end it and this brings us to the end of the scene. If you like banter, this segment is for you.
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
First, Previous
Word Count: 2.2k
Jeremy couldn’t help but add, “Be sure to mention us to your dad, Timothy. It’s been ages since we’ve last been able to meet at a gala!”
“Yes, sir,” said Tim. Not that he’d be following through. Assholes. Danny pushed him up a wide staircase that framed the entranceway to get to the second floor.
“Exactly like my parents,” he told Sam.
“I swear, if I didn’t have Gradma Ida, I’d go insane. My room’s this way.”
Sam’s room was so large that not only did she have a double bed and vanity, but also a couch and enough cushions that they were all able to spread out comfortably. Tim and Danny took beanbag chairs next to each other. His friends took the couch while Tucker took a space on the floor and promptly pulled out a laptop and two PDAs. Sam settled in a rocking chair.
Tim laid out the goodies they’d gotten from the corner store. “We brought snacks.”
Sam grabbed a bag of chips. “Thanks. So what’s on the agenda for the night?”
Cassie asked, “Is there anything we can do about the ghosts?”
Danny buried his face in his hands. “I don’t know. I can’t get a close enough read on them to see where any are. And there’s so many that even if I knock one out of a human, another would just take it’s place.”
“Any idea what they might be after?” asked Tim. “The ones last night were wearing uniforms like police officers. And we saw the news report from your school earlier. That one looked like a werewolf.”
“He was wearing a collar,” added Bart. “And his outfit also appeared to be a uniform of some sort, though not a police one.”
All of them stared at Bart.
“You don’t think he was there willingly,” said Sam.
Bart shrugged. “Didn’t look that way to me.”
Danny groaned and leaned over until he was resting his head on Tim’s shoulder. “What am I supposed to do with that? What do I do if he’s not here to attack the town?”
Tim wrapped his arm around Danny to hold him steady. “How much sleep were you able to get between last night and now?”
“Unno,” mumbled Danny. “Three, four hours?”
Cassie clicked her tongue at him. “How about you get some rest tonight and we can figure it out tomorrow. We’ll take the night in shifts and if there’s a large-scale attack again, we’ll wake you up.”
Tim sighed. “Much as I hate to admit it, Cassie’s right. You need to sleep.”
Danny snorted into his neck and Tim couldn’t help the way his cheeks heated at the feel of his breath. “Like you’re one to talk.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Tim rolled his eyes. “We all know I’m not a good role model. Do as Alfred says, not as I do.”
“Wayne family moto!” Conner teased. Tim gave him the finger.
“Just one thing to do first,” said Bart.
“Yeah,” added Tucker. “I need to fix up Conner’s phone.”
“Two things, then,” amended Bart.
“What’s the other thing?” asked Sam. “I feel like I’m out of the loop.”
Cassie leaned back and looked up at the ceiling. “The Fentons gave us a tour of the lab. We want to arrange a system to get Danny out of Amity if things go bad.”
Tim noted how both Tucker and Sam tensed and exchanged a look. Then Sam nodded. “We’re in. And since you are who you are, which, Danny, we will be talking about how you kept Justice League connections from us later, we’ll trust you to be able to do it.”
“Don’t be mad at him,” protested Tim. “I made him promise to keep my secrets. It wasn’t safe for him to discuss it.”
Tucker waved a hand in the air. “We understand. Doesn’t mean we’re not frustrated with him. Don’t worry about it, though. Your secret’s safe with us.”
Tim bit his lip. “Please. It’s vitally important for my family’s safety that nothing gets out.”
Conner snorted. “Plus Batman would murder you dead if he found out you let anything slip.”
Tim groaned. “Don’t remind me. I’ll have so much paperwork. And would probably be benched for forever.”
Bart laughed and flicked a chip at him. “We’d kidnap you and help you prepare a new hero identity!”
With Danny still leaning on him, Tim couldn’t even catch the projectile and it hit him on the forehead. “I’ll take you up on that if I ever do get benched permanently.”
Sam cleared her throat. “As amusing as this all is, what’s the plan with Danny?”
Danny groaned, but didn’t move. “I don’t need one, guys. It’s not as bad as you think.”
Bart snorted. “Dude, your parents showed us an iron maiden.”
Danny shook his head. “Dad’s the only one who’s been shut up in that. And that was for threatening me and Jazz with it.”
“Um… what?” asked Cassie. “Why does everything you say make me feel more concerned?”
Tucker spoke around a mouthful of jerky. “Because his parents are mad scientists.”
Sam nodded. “No one lives in the houses on either side of his. And the value of every building on the street has plummeted due to proximity.”
Cassie shook her head. “How the hell have they been allowed to do all that? And why haven’t their driver’s licenses been revoked? We saw how they drove that tank of theirs.”
Tucker snorted. “No cop or city official is brave enough to go up to Jack ‘I can run through brick walls’ Fenton and tell him he’s not allowed to do something.”
Sam laughed. “And even if they were, Maddie Fenton has a blackbelt and will hold a grudge.”
“Last night it also seemed like she knows her way around that arsenal she’s got,” said Tim.
“Yeah,” said Danny. “Mom’s the one you’ve got to watch out for when my parents go on the hunt.”
“Okay.” Tim was already thinking up ways to neutralize them. “Us four should be able to handle them. What about Jazz? Is she someone we’d have to worry about?”
Danny pushed himself up and made sure Tim could see him rolling his eyes. “Jazz would never do anything to hurt me.” It was clear Danny believed his statement completely. And, honestly? After all the stories Danny’d told him and meeting Jazz in person, Tim was inclined to believe him. Though Danny wasn’t done. “And my parents would stop if they had any idea I was Phantom.”
Neither Tim nor Danny was as certain about that statement. Glancing around, everyone else seemed to have the same doubts.
“Well,” said Tim. “You know me. And I’ve told you about B. ‘Backup plans’ is my middle name. I’ll feel more comfortable if we have one.”
“Fine.” Danny flopped over until he was laying across Tim’s lap. “But don’t expect me to help.”
Now it was Tim’s turn to roll his eyes, but his fingers were gentle as they brushed through Danny’s hair. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. So, it’s Maddie we’ll have to outsmart. I doubt Jack’s strength is any match for Conner or Cassie.”
“I can get you access to the Fenton house,” said Tucker gesturing to his laptop. “Even if they activate the home defense system.”
Tim nodded. “Thanks. I’ll also get you communicators so you can reach me in case of an emergency.”
“Perfect,” said Sam. “We’ve each other’s cell numbers, too.”
“Yep,” said Tim. “But phones should only be used for civilian identities. If you need the help of heroes, please use the communicators. It’s best to keep things as separate as possible.”
Conner nudged Tim’s foot with his own. “Yep. Tim here won’t let us refer to him by name when he’s in costume. Even if we’re all alone in our own base behind two dozen layers of security.”
“Need I remind you who trained me?”
Cassie laughed. “He’s even worse. You should hear my aunt go on about him.”
Tucker was watching them with interest. “Who’s your aunt?”
Bart disappeared from his spot only to reappear next to Tucker to whisper in his ear.
Tucker’s eyes widened and he stared at Cassie in wonder. “That is so cool! Could you get me an autograph?”
Cassie laughed. “Why so surprised? You know who I am. Did you think I wouldn’t know her?”
Tucker blushed. “Yeah, well. Excuse me for being distracted by the ghost invasion we’re dealing with.”
Tim cleared his throat. “I think we’re getting off topic. Now, we have a way into the Fenton house. Tucker, could you get us all the way into the lab?”
“Easily. I’m fully in all their systems and they’ve no idea.”
“How will we know he’s in trouble?” asked Bart.
Tim bit his lip. “Danny and I already have a system in place where if we don’t hear from each other within seven days without prior warning, we reach out to someone. For me, it’s B’s butler. For him, it’s you Tucker.” He nudged Danny only to realize he had passed out his lap. Tim couldn’t help the fond smile he gave and shook his head. “Tomorrow I’ll propose decreasing that to three or four days.”
Conner nodded. “If none of us hear from one of you for more than four days, we’ll come. Probably me, Bart, or Cassie since we can travel faster.”
Tim grimaced, but nodded. Sometimes it really sucked being the only baseline human in the group.
Bart gave a thumbs up. “I can usually be somewhere in minutes if I’m not tied up doing something else!”
Sam looked them over critically. “You know he’s gonna insist that goes both ways. If you guys don’t check in, he’ll go to you if he can.”
Tucker began typing away on his laptop. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner. I’m setting up alerts on the Fenton lab. If they start recording any experiments on an actual ghost, I’ll get a notification. If there’s any indication it’s Phantom, I can have the alert forwarded to you.”
Tim nodded. “Good. Do that.” He looked at his team. “We’ve seen the Fenton’s weapons and some of their fighting skills by now. I don’t think we’ll have any issues subduing them if necessary.”
“Nah,” agreed Cassie. “We can handle them.”
Back to Sam and Tucker, Tim asked, “Do we know what their weapons can do to humans? What risks they pose?”
Sam grimaced. “The small blasters are fine. But some of the bigger weapons? Like the bazooka or the missiles? Those have caused damage to the roads and buildings beyond what the ghosts do.”
“Have there been any casualties?” asked Cassie.
Tucker shook his head. “No. Thank God. It’s all been property damage so far.”
Sam nudged him. “Not quite. You’re forgetting Wes’s brother. Jack broke his arm two weeks ago when he shot at the Box Ghost and knocked over the pile of bricks that was being used to rebuild Mr. Nguyen’s store.”
“Ugh, right. I think I was trying to block that debacle from my mind.”
Tim sighed and shook his head. “I knew it was bad, but Danny really downplayed it.”
Sam shrugged. “Yeah, well, this is life in Amity right now.”
“I suppose so.” Tim looked down at Danny who was frowning even in his sleep. “I think I’m gonna get him in a bed. Where will we be sleeping?”
“Probably a good idea,” agreed Sam. “Do you want to share a room?”
“Yeah, if you don’t mind. We haven’t had any one-on-one time yet. Which is a shame for our first in-person meeting!” Tim laughed and ignored the looks his friends were shooting him as well as the grins Sam and Tucker were exchanging. “Though with our lives, I should’ve expected something like this rather than a purely civilian meeting.”
Sam laughed. “Yeah, probably. This is about par for the course for us. Take the room across the hall. If you need the bathroom, if you exit my room, turn left and it’s two doors down on this side of the hall.”
Tim shifted so he could lift Danny up. Despite the shuffling, Danny didn’t open his eyes, though he did grumble indistinct protests.
“Just getting you in a bed,” said Tim.
Conner grabbed the bag that had their belongings in it and opened the doors for Tim. While Tim settled Danny in the bed, even having to remove shoes and socks, Conner separated their things so he would have everything he needed.
“Thanks, Kon.”
“Anytime, Tim. Get some rest yourself, okay?”
Tim huffed a laugh. “Sleep is for the weak.”
Conner shook his head. “You say that and yet at the end of basically every mission, you pass out for twelve hours and are useless for two days.”
Tim stuck out his tongue. “I do have homework to do. And I want to keep my eye on the local news channels. And I need to check in with Bruce again before he flips. Let me know when your phone is working?”
“Will do. See you tomorrow.”
So! They now have a working system for how to find out if Danny's in trouble and to get him out. Hopefully they won't have to use it! (I mean, we all know where this is going. I presume you've all read the original prompt and fill that started this mess.)
Also, thanks to a comment on the last post, I wanted to clarify the relationships in this fic. If you've gotten Core Four (Tim/Kon/Cassie/Bart) vibes from this... Yeah. You did. If you've gotten Everlasting Trio (Danny/Sam/Tucker) vibes from this... Yeah. You did. I'm going to write those groups as a sorta QPR. Eventually, we will have romantic Danny/Tim (hence I've been tagging this Dead Tired) on top of those QPRs, but that won't really happen for a while. First Danny will date Val and Tim will date Steph. Danny will have another relationship, too, that I'm keeping secret for now. None of those are likely to get any page time as I am planning a time skip after this arc. But they will be referenced by characters. The actual Danny/Tim won't happen until after the rescue scene from the original fill. (Which I'm sure you can imagine will be changed quite drastically now that all these characters know each other.)
I no longer do tag lists, but if you head to the Subscription Post, you can set up notifications for when this updates!
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moonyswarmsweaters · 5 months
me: do literally anything
my mind: I wonder which Mauraders era character would also do it too
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eggcats · 5 months
Radioapple fic, where idk Catlastor exists (or maybe it's just KeeKee or Fat Nuggets) and does something bad and so like Angel or whoever picks him up and is like "I'm putting you in Air Jail for that one mista'!"
The next time Lucifer annoys Alastor, he picks up Lucifer and goes "Air Jail."
It becomes a thing where sometimes you just see a grumpy Lucifer being held aloft by Alastor (or his shadow tentacles) as he goes about his day. Even Lucifer himself doesn't know why he lets this happen.
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marauders-brain-rot · 30 days
Wrote this for the fic I'm writing but I literally have no clue when it's going to happen, thought it was perfect to post for today though, might write another one exclusively for Tumblr as a microfic rather than an excerpt but we shall see, I'm determined to be able to update my ao3 fic today:
Regulus was laying with his head in James’s lap and James was running his fingers soothingly across the other boy’s scalp, humming absentmindedly as he thought. Regulus’s eyes had fluttered shut long ago but James knew he wasn’t sleeping because every now and then he would adjust himself or his eyelids would flutter briefly before settling again. James liked that things were easy with Regulus, he didn’t have to pretend around him, he could be the imperfect version of James Potter and Regulus would still choose him anyways. 
“I was doing some research last night,” James said absentmindedly after a while, fingers still running soothing tracks through Regulus’s hair. 
“I knew this was too good to be true, tell me Jamie, how long before I go into the light?” Regulus popped one eye open and the mischievous smirk that spread across his face sent James’s stomach into flips. 
“Hush now, you, or I won’t tell you what I found.” James replied with a light flick to the tip of Regulus’s nose, which only caused him to scrunch it so adorably that James couldn’t resist planting a delicate kiss to the space between his brows. 
“Okay, okay, what did you find?” The smile on Regulus’s lips made James want to kiss him until they both forgot what they’d been talking about. 
“Did you know that Regulus is the brightest star in the Leo constellation?” James started as he twisted strands of Regulus’s hair between his fingers. 
“Believe it or not Potter, Sirius and I were taught all about our stars growing up.” He answered with one of his famous dramatic eye rolls that rivalled Sirius’s.
“That isn’t the point I’m trying to make. The Leo constellation is the lion constellation, the actual name for Regulus is Alpha Leonis which means ‘heart of the lion’. Reg, we were written in the stars, you were meant to be in my heart.” James was beaming with pride at his discovery but Regulus just groaned. 
“James Fleamont Potter, that is absolutely the cheesiest thing I have ever heard.” Regulus was shaking his head but the smile on his face and the red in his cheeks told James that he didn’t really care all that much. 
“You love it,” James responded, hovering his face above Regulus’s. Regulus’s eyes locked with James’s, allowing him to see every bit of emotion that he usually kept locked deep inside. 
“No, I love you.” The intensity in his eyes was unlike anything James had ever seen before and it took his breath away. Before he’d known him, he’d always thought that Regulus had gotten cold, grey eyes where Sirius’s had a more lively tinge of blue. It wasn’t until Regulus had really started letting James in that he realised that every time he’d looked at Regulus and seen cold, grey, lifeless eyes, he had been staring directly into carefully crafted occlumency walls. In reality, Regulus’s eyes were the most stunning grey-blue that reminded James so much of the ocean when they were filled with emotion.
“I love you too, Reg.” James watched as his reply caused the widest smile he’d ever seen spread across Regulus’s face before the emotions of the moment overtook him and he kissed him as passionately as he could given their awkward angle. ‘This is my happy place,’ James thought, ‘this is where I belong.’
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