#divider creds — @saradika-graphics.
loveisunison · 28 days
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🌻 Reminder for older self shippers (and anyone who relates, really) !! Your f/o will never shame you for liking and/or wanting to buy things that are deemed "childish."
You want games? Your f/o will play with you or watch you play!
You want plushies? Your f/o will love them all as much as you do, and they'll be overjoyed to learn all their names if they have any!
You want toys? Your f/o will go to the store with you and help you pick the best ones! 
Anything else that people may associate with kids? Your f/o won't unless you ask them to! 
They won't ever think you're childish or stupid for wanting these things; they won't view it as "wasting money" or an irresponsible purchase, and they won't make you feel guilty for it.
Your darling loves seeing you happy, and anything that helps with that is worth it for them !!
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foreveric · 2 months
"𝓘 𝓓𝓞."
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pairing — john wick x f!reader content — 70% FLUFF 20% ANGST 5% SMUT words — 2,284 dividers — @saradika-graphics tagging — @feinv and @iovesia (srsly their blogs r what kept us inspired to finish this while sick, lol)
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This is it.
The day hundreds of lives were ended so that John would be able to settle down in his life with you, the most precious thing that he’s ever had in his life. You’re like his rock that he’s never had growing up, and he wouldn’t dare risk allowing his bloody career to get in the way of the life that he could have with you. And now, everything that he had planned and gone through that day for this very ceremony was coming into fruition.
Today made it feel like everything he did that night was worth it: all of the lives he took, and the blood he had to so violently spill. Watching you walk down the aisle in the dream wedding dress he’d always imagined on you, kissing you slowly at the altar after you’ve shared your vows to seal your commitment after years of dating each other. 
Hearing the marching music begin to fade in, John’s gaze flickered up to meet your own, even if it was covered slightly by the mesh of the white veil you were wearing. Lifting the veil up, John would flash you a smile full of warmth and affection; the most emotional smile the man was ever able to muster in his entire life — you could just see it behind his eyes.
“Do you, Mr. Jardani Jovonovich, take Ms. (Y/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife…” The Officiant asked, his attention focusing on John as he stood at the altar, holding onto your hands.
A few months earlier, John was in a much different place mentally. Instead of getting prepared for his wedding with you, he was preparing for his final assassination, the “impossible task”, as Viggo called it. Of course, John was more than willing to perform such a task, if it meant getting to settle down with the love of his life.
“You did well, Jonathan.” Viggo commented to John with his hands held behind his back.
“Thanks,” John replied with a small nod of his head, silently expecting Viggo to add onto his statement.
“I suppose you still want to be released from our organization?”
“Yeah.” He answered firmly, yet he still tried to keep himself level-headed after the adrenaline rush of the mission.
“Well, I wish you and your lover the best life.” Viggo replied to John before turning his back to him, holding his hands behind his own back while he stared out the large window that was just placed just behind the desk. “Be seeing you, Mr. Wick.” He added in a colder voice than before. It was a tone that didn’t go unnoticed by John, but he didn’t care then. At least, not about this “family” he’d been stuck in since his childhood. No, now all that he cared about was the future he was about to lead with you.
In the shower at home, you were luckily not home that day, giving John the perfect chance to wash the blood away from his body. None of it was his blood, though. No, he was washing off the lives he’d ended a mere few hours ago. But, he was used to this feeling — he was used to killing, to seeing the red on his hands and chest after an exhausting mission. 
And now, John tried to make himself focus on the plans he had made for today many months ago — to propose to (y/n), and make you his officially. That ring he got a few weeks ago? It was going to be used for this special day. His heart leaped when he opened up the box to check on the ring, the diamond shimmering brightly in the sunlight that seeped in through the nearby glass windows of the mansion he was now sharing with you. A smile painted itself across John’s lips as a reaction to the thoughts he began to have flooding through his mind of the day that would soon be in his future.
Then, just as he’s lost in thought, John’s head whipped up to the sound of the doorbell ringing, announcing your presence at the front door. Quickly hiding the box away from view, underneath the bed, John sprinted out of the bedroom to greet you at the door. There’s a smile still present on his face as you open the door, immediately welcomed by him wrapping his arms around you to pull you into his embrace and kiss the top of your head.
“Hey, hon.” John greeted you, his voice more cheerful than it normally is.
“Hey…how was your day?” You ask, your voice sounding groggy from working long hours throughout the day.
Catching on to your exhaustion, John gave you a light nod of his head before taking his right hand and gently placing it on the back of your neck, his thumb resting on the side of your jawline. 
"I've been thinking about you," he says with a tone of sincerity laced through his voice while his deep brown eyes were locked onto your own.
"Yeah?" You reply with a hint of playfulness that John quickly caught onto, making him smirk down at you.
"Mm-hmm." John murmurs affirmatively right before leaning in to lock his lips onto yours; they always surprise you with how soft they are every time you feel them. After breaking the kiss, he brought his lips up to brush them against your ear, sending shivers down your entire back. "You go take a shower while I cook you some food, alright?" He offers, yet there was a silent hint that he wasn't going to budge on this.
"Okay." You agree, nodding your head lightly in response to the offer John had just made you.
Lying wounded on the cold ground of the warehouse in which Viggo's enemies operated in, John gasped for breath as he locked eyes with the sky, which was pouring down the same tears he nearly shed at the idea of not standing at the altar with you, not putting that ring on your finger, not marrying YOU. He couldn't bear himself if this is how it all ended. When he noticed he was unable to get up, however, you seemed to have a spiritual hold on him — or, maybe even...a connection? John began to hear his phone ring, prompting him to glance down and take a look until he saw that it was your contact displaying as the number that was calling. At first, John was hesitant to answer. Not because he didn't want to answer your call, it would be far from that. No. Instead, it would be because...he was terrified of what you'd think of him if you were to find out about the truth of his past and what he used to do for his life. But, something clicked inside of John for him to press the green button on the keypad of the cell phone, lifting it up to his ear to hear your voice speaking to him once again.
"Hey, babe. I got dinner ready a few hours ago and you didn't come home, are you okay?" You ask as the line connected, the concern evident in the tone of your voice.
"Long story..." John answered in his own weakened and strained voice. You could immediately discern that something was horrifically wrong.
"Where are you?"
Not a beat was skipped between either of you before you swung your purse over and around your shoulder, jingling your car keys in between the crooks of your fingers. John gives you the address to the warehouse he was in. Of course, the sketch location raised questions in your head, but you knew you couldn't probe him for answers now; not when he's in such a risky position.
"I'll be right there." You say as you swing the front door open and begin to rush out to the driveway until you reach the car that was left.
In a matter of no time, John would soon begin to hear the engine of your car rumbling in the near distance until it was parked a mere few yards away from his limp body. "Oh, John!" You exclaim in concern right before rushing over to where John was leaning against the warehouse wall, the adrenaline immediately beginning to course through your entire being.
"I'm alright, honey." John replied in a soft-toned voice that was only meant to comfort you through the distress he knew he must be putting you through.
"I'm going to get you in the car," you declare in a tone that leaves no room for him to argue with you. But, in that moment, it really seemed as though John had no thoughts of even attempting as such. Taking his arm over your shoulder, (y/n) used your strength to walk John back over to your car to the passenger side. Once he was seated, you quickly pulled the seatbelt over John’s chest and buckled him in right before shutting his side’s door and darting around the car until you were able to get into the driver’s side.
Back at home, you gave John the stitches he needed for the deep gunshot wounds he had when you first got to him. There was a surge of emotions flooding throughout your entire mind, mostly being that of fear and concern for John’s well-being. You couldn’t lose him, not when you still have the chance to save him. Shoving away the questions you may have wanted to ask him, you focus on the task at hand of saving his life.
After you took John’s black tuxedo and white dress-shirt off by sliding them up his arms and chest, revealing two gunshot wounds to his right shoulder and chest, eliciting a gasp out of you.
“Jesus Christ, John.”
“I know, I know…” he attempted to speak up while keeping his voice low and soft-spoken, but you were too panicked to even hear him as you prioritized making every last move count.
“This is the worst I’ve ever seen you.” You continue to mumble to yourself as you attempt to concentrate on the bloody wounds that were penetrated straight through John’s skin.
“Where the Hell even were you?” You question, quickly followed up by an exasperated sigh with your eyebrows furrowing deeply in frustration. The thought of someone hurting John made your blood boil into pure rage.
“(Y/N), relax.” He finally spoke up, this time at a much louder volume than before to ensure that he got your attention. John would then notice you flinch back slightly, prompting him to reassuringly reach both of his hands up to lightly yet firmly place them on the top of either of your shoulders, his thumb slowly rubbing the exposed skin underneath your crewneck top. “I promise, I’m okay.”
“I’m gonna hold you to that.” You sigh before reaching your hands back down towards the one gunshot wound you were giving stitches to. John appeared to hardly even flinch the entire time, only raising more questions in your head. But you knew that now was not the time to probe for anything. After you have finished stitching up John’s wounds, you exhale out a deep sigh and rub your forehead with the back of your hand. He could see how exhausted you were after a long day, making him reach his hands out to hold onto your shoulders. Your eyes lock onto each other’s.
“Thank you,” John said. A soft smile curls up across the corners of his lips and he trails one of his hands up from your shoulder to the nape of your neck, prompting you to lean in closer to him. Locking your lips, you and John began to share a searing kiss. It was one of those that made your heartbeat start to speed up against the walls of your chest, one that you would never forget for as long as you shall live 
That’s the moment that John recalled when he snapped back into reality to see you standing in front of him, looking like the most gorgeous bride ever. His eyes sparkled with love and affection, his smile growing warmer right as the Officiant continued on with his speech. The music already faded out and it was all silent on the Western front – only the Officiant spoke, and the audience was also silent, even the babies. “— in sickness and in health, until death do you part?” The Officiant asked while his head was turned in John’s direction, who answered with a light nod of his head in confirmation.
“I do.” John responded to the Officiant, his eyes never once straying away from yours.
“And do you, Ms. (Y/N), take Mr. Jardani Jovonovich to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”
“I do.”
The ring bearers then handed the proper ring to the bride and groom, which was then followed by you and John sliding either ring on each other’s ring finger. You both were smiling gleefully at each other while the trade was made between you. “In the power vested in me, I hereby declare you husband and wife.” The Officiant announced with joy radiating through his tone of voice as he took a small step back, allowing you and John to close the distance between the both of you. “You may now kiss the bride.” He said to John, who didn’t waste a second in making your marriage official.
That kiss, it’s like one that you could only ever dream of. It was one that would change either of your lives forever; not like how your first kiss did, no. This kiss was one that would change the course of your relationship for the rest of your lives, officially making the both of you legally married. He was your husband, and you were his wife. And now, you could live happily ever after.
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starieq · 3 months
pretty, pretty please, Mr. Dynamight?
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a/n; hello! I’m back! Here is a cute little fluff! I saw a TikTok with her and her boyfriend with matching hello kitty pjs, and I just thought of Katsuki, lol. divider creds! - @saradika-graphics thank youuu! -arianna You stared at the adorable Hello Kitty pajama set in their hands, excitement bubbling up despite knowing exactly how Katsuki would react. 
They had always loved cute things, and Katsuki... well, he had a soft spot, even if he vehemently denied it most of the time.
"Hey, look what I found!" You announced cheerfully, holding up the pink pajamas adorned with Hello Kitty's iconic bow.
Katsuki glanced over from where he was lounging on the couch, his expression initially neutral. "What's that?"
"Matching pajamas! I thought it would be fun for us to wear them," you replied, grinning widely.
Katsuki raised an eyebrow, looking skeptical. "Hell no. You're not serious, are you?"
You pouted playfully. "Aw, come on, Katsuki! It'll be cute. We'll look adorable together."
Katsuki huffed, clearly torn between his tough-guy persona and the undeniable appeal of your enthusiasm. "I'm not wearing that girly shit."
You knew he was just being stubborn.
 "But look, they're really comfy," you insisted, holding up the soft fabric for emphasis. “Pretty, pretty please, Mr. Dynamight?” You pouted. 
Katsuki sighed, glancing at the pajamas again before meeting your gaze. "Fine, whatever. Just don't expect me to pose for any pictures."
Your face lit up with victory. 
"Deal! Thank you, Katsuki. You won't regret it, I promise."
Later that night, as they both slipped into their matching Hello Kitty pajamas, you couldn't help but laugh at the sight of Katsuki reluctantly wearing his. Despite his grumbling, he secretly didn't mind the cozy pajamas as much as he let on.
"See? I told you we'd look cute," you teased, nudging Katsuki gently.
Katsuki rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of a smile playing on his lips. 
"Yeah, yeah. Just don't get used to it."
As they settled in for the night, you snapped a quick selfie of you two in your matching PJs, Katsuki scowling slightly but unable to hide the twinkle of amusement in his eyes. Deep down, you knew he secretly enjoyed the idea of sharing this silly, cozy moment together.
Taggies! @peachsukii @slayfics @queenpiranhadon
let me know if you wanna be on the tag list!
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ryrywrites · 3 months
Drunken Schoolboy - Anthony Bridgerton
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divider creds: @cafekitsune @saradika-graphics
Pair: Viscount Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader
Description: Attending a ball hosted by Lady Danbury, the newly-engaged Lady Y/N Roman and Viscount Anthony Bridgerton become separated by the ton. When the watchful eye of high society becomes too much for Y/N, she retreats into the library where she's met with her very drunk fiancé.
Warnings: Anthony coming onto the reader drunk, nothing but fluff here 🫶🏻
WC: 2.6k
A/N: Work has been tearing me up and I needed some Bridgerton fluff. This one is little short but I'm working on some longer stuff for you guys. This was just a cute lil idea 🥰 Enjoy!
Update: As I was writing this, Tumblr said fuck you to my hard work and deleted literally everything so...I want to die. Okay, enjoy 😃
anthony bridgerton masterlist × main masterlist
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Y/N crept down the silent hallway and made her way into the dusty room, scanning her surroundings to make sure no one had spotted her. The dull hum of chattering society and soft music could still be heard from the ballroom as she walked through to shelves of books. Y/N was practically raised among these books and found that her favorite hiding place in Danbury House was this library. Although she appreciated Lady Danbury's hospitality and the amount of work she put into these seasonal balls, Y/N never found them enjoyable. She was always to leave a ball early if she could get away with it, or simply avoid the event all together. But this was her and the Viscount's first appearance out in society as an engaged couple so attendance was necessary, at least, according to her mother. As soon as they arrived, the couple was torn apart by the droves of squawking ladies and a trio of rakish bachelors, who had dragged her dear fiancé away to God knows where. Y/N was almost immediately bombarded with questions and suspicions from the nosy mamas and jealous debutantes who all were wondering why Viscount Bridgerton would choose her over any of them. They poked and prodded, trying to determine what made her so special that she had won the Mr. Bridgerton's favor.
Truly, she herself still had trouble grasping the engagement. I suppose the only true answer to their intrusive questions was that the pair had fallen in love. Over the course of the season, they had a long feud and competitiveness that kept them constantly on their toes around the other. They could not deny their longing for the other and one night, Anthony confessed his true intentions and begged her to release him from this torment and marry him. Of course, she accepted and confessed her own feelings to the man. What the two had found in each other, they had never been able to find in anyone else. A shared understanding of loss, a similar sense of wit and humor, and a love so vast, it truly did conquer all. But tonight, the prying eyes of society had brought her to exhaustion. Her social battery was drained by the time those mothers had come to the conclusion that nothing scandalous had taken place to force the pair into marriage. Once they had nothing to gossip about, Y/N and Anthony became yesterday's news and she was pushed back to the wall, where she stood and watched the many lovely couples dancing and conversing, wondering where her beloved had been swept away to.
She had finally had her fill of tea cakes and awkward isolation. Now, here she stands, scanning the shelves for any book that may occupy her time. Just as Y/N had pulled a book from the shelf, she heard a loud bang against the wall in the library. She was immediately startled and jumped in place, dropping the book with a thump. She turned around to see what had made such a fuss and there stood her promised, a tall sturdy man with tousled brown locks and a royal blue suit coat. Anthony was leaning up against the wall, disturbed, until he spotted his fianceé, holding her chest for dear life. His face quickly lifted in drunken glee and he trudged over to her, she relaxed once she realized who he was. "My dear, what-" Anthony cut her off by wrapping his arms around her and lifting her off the ground, spinning her in a large circle. "My darling, I have found you at last!" He spoke very openly and outlandishly, not caring about his volume. The startled woman let out a yelp of surprise as he twirled her around. She placed her hands on his shoulders, attempting to ground herself. "Anthony, you must be quiet!" Y/N whispered and hoped nobody had heard his inebriated outburst of affection.
He smiled cheerfully and obediently hushed his tone, placing her on her feet once more. Y/N was taken back by the man's forward and adoring gaze upon her. Anthony was many things. He was stubborn, competitive, and very subtle with his love in public. The most physical contact that had ever shared was a kiss and an intimate embrace, nothing further. Now, Y/N feared their discovery in such a secluded and dark place with his hands so carelessly roaming her torso. "Dearest, please, what has come over you?" She quickly halted his hands and gently removed them from her corseted waist. She examined him suspiciously and realized the man before her was absolutely sloshed. She placed a hand to her mouth, stifling a laugh. "I have been searching far and wide for you! And now you are here! I am so happy to see you." He slurred excitedly, his heart was filled with overwhelming joy at the sight of his beautiful bride-to-be. Y/N snorted and rolled her eyes at his eagerness. She held his hands and guided him slowly to a chair. "Yes, and I am happy you found me." As she slowly seated him in his chair and he laid out lazily and smiled up at her, weary and obviously tired. She knelt before him, lowered herself down to meet his eyeline.
"Anthony, how many drinks have you had this evening?" His head bobbed along with every word she spoke, he watched her lips intently with droopy eyes. His face turned slightly pensive as he thought and then held up five fingers. Y/N eyes widened in disbelief. Those damn hooligans, Anthony's condition was surely their doing. I felt irritation rise within me as Anthony's eyes drooped closed. I lifted myself up and sighed exasperatedly, walking around him and stroking his cheek. "I believe it is time we take our leave, my love." He hummed in reply, loving the feeling of her fingers rubbing his cheekbone. "Please, stay here. I shall return in just a moment." She whispered softly, kissing the top of his head and making her way out of the library, in search of either Colin or Benedict. They had most likely seen their brother in this state before, they would were the only ones who could help her discreetly take Anthony home. Y/N carefully reentered the ballroom, her eyes darting the room for any signs of a Bridgerton. She came face to face with Benedict Bridgerton, just the man she was looking for. "Y/N! How are you this even-" She quickly ignored the pleasantries and carefully pulled him by the arm to the library.
Benedict was very confused, almost concerned by her hurried strides, until they reached the library and he spotted his smashed brother, his legs spread in a splayed position and his head bobbling along to the tune playing in the ballroom. Benedict let out a boisterous chuckle at his incapacitated brother. "Good God. What on Earth happened to him?" He wondered. Y/N shook her head in similar confusion. "I hate to be a bother but I can't exactly...hold him up on my own." He nodded understandingly and moved across the room to where his older brother laid. "Come on, you knob. Let's get you up." Anthony didn't appreciate his brother's insult but lifted himself up with Ben's extended arm. He stumbled for a moment but steadied himself. "I'll alert the valet that we shall be leaving." She turned on her heels and Ben quickly followed after, with Anthony's arm over his shoulder. Anthony was beginning to sober up and groan slightly under his breath. Y/N maneuvered the two men through the crowd of socialites and they finally made their exit. She swiftly notified the valet. Their carriage was pulled around with a couple of whines from the horse and Anthony.
I opened the door for Ben to shove his brother gently into the carriage, he tumbled within the small coach and, at last, found his seat. "Thank you, Ben." Y/N whispered softly, not wanting to draw attention to the scene. He bowed before her with a sly smirk. "He will never live this down." He stated very well pleased, turning around to head back into the ball. As Y/N settled into the carriage, finally able to sit comfortably in her dress, she noticed Anthony beginning to rub his head. "My darling?" She stated curiously. He was suddenly feeling very sober and extremely sick. "Where are we going?" He inquired, his voice strained from the very clear ache in his head. "Home, my love." She placed a warm hand on his knee from across the carriage. He let out a heavy sigh, getting him inside was going to be a difficult feat. As the carriage slowly came to a stop, a footman opened the ornate door and helped the two out of the carriage. Y/N had always appreciated the staff's understanding and compassion towards the Bridgerton family. Anthony could not stand on his own for very long so Y/N placed her arm around the man's waist and threw his arm over her shoulder. She was watching very intently while Ben was carrying Anthony, knowing she would likely have to follow his actions.
He was a hefty man, heavy and large in frame. Every step up the front stairs felt like a mile, even with the footman's help. She was determined to get him inside, even if her face was turning a flushed red from the exercise. Once they reached the door, after what felt like centuries, the footman opened the door for the two of them and took his leave once Y/N dismissed and thanked him for his help. He would certainly be receiving a hefty tip from her in the morning. Anthony was beginning the sober up and hold his weight a bit as the two scuffled to Anthony's bedroom. She had not yet seen his room, it was seen as impropriety to be alone with him in his quarters but she was sure no one would mind, in this particular situation. He laid out on his back, peacefully for a moment and so quietly, she could've sworn he had fallen asleep immediately. Until his body shot up very suddenly, making her jump in surprise. "My word!" This was the third time he had flustered her tonight and she was beginning to become agitated in a very humorous way. "I believe I'm going to be sick." He said very woozily, looking as though he was going to vomit on the floor. Y/N's eyes widened in fear and quickly lifted her dress and made a dash to the kitchen.
She found a bucket and, tripping over herself, ran back to the bedroom, the sound of her heels clicking rapidly against the linoleum floor. She thrusted the bucket into the man's hands and stood back, preparing for impact. He leaned over the bucket for a moment, becoming visibly pale and sweaty. He was still, very still while her body was fully tensed. He shook his head and laid moved the bucket to the floor, placing his elbows on his knees and shaking his head droopily. "My God. What happened? And why?" He moaned annoyed at the feeling that trembled in his stomach and the bile that was beginning to travel to his throat. She cautiously sat beside him on his plush bed and rubbed his back, trying her best to ease his discomfort. "Remind me not to let you leave my side at the next ball." Y/N smiled relieved that he was coherent once again. "No more balls." Anthony groaned. He laid back, whining bitterly. Y/N could not help but chuckle at the man that laid beside her, what a dunce. She absolutely adored him and she could not help but wonder what would make him drink so recklessly. He peaked an eye at the woman, hearing her titter and arching a brow at her. "You laugh at my suffering?" He asked, feigning offense and placing to his heart in shock.
"You are a dramatic jolly man." She continued to smile down at him, attempting to wipe the beads of sweat growing at his brow. He looked up at her with admiration in his eyes. This woman was truly perfect. How could he have been so callous for so long? Better yet, why had she held out through his cruel behavior? Truthfully, Y/N could not find a rational reason why she chose to stick by his side. She considered the idea that she was a fool and lost all rational thought the moment she met Anthony. That is how she justified her stupidity, her inability to avoid the eldest Bridgerton son. "And you..." He leaned up on his elbows, practically man-spreading before her in his navy blue trousers, white-collared button-up dress shirt, and matching navy vest with gold detailing the chest. He wrapped his arms, slowly, around her waist and wiggled around to crawl closer to Y/N until his head nestled comfortably into her skirted lap. "Are a goddess." He mumbled, his words buried deep in her dress. He hugged her waist possessively, inhaling her scent of french lilacs and gooseberries. She looked down at the pretty man and savored this touch, placing a delicate finger to his cheekbone and tracing it to his slightly disheveled hair.
The light crow's feet at the corners of his eyes stretched as he smiled softly, his eyes fluttered close. As she cradled his head in her lap, she wished they weren't separated by her heavy petticoats. She craved closeness and her discomfort in such tight yet puffy clothes was evident with every shift of her hips. Anthony knew tonight had been less than ideal for his future bride, having to coddle and care for him. Anthony allowed his eyes to open wearily and he offered her a half smile which she returned wholeheartedly. Although this was not how she anticipated ending the evening, she was grateful to be away from the nosy eyes and ears of the ton. She watched the way his face contorted to one of guilt and burden. "I am truly sorry, my darling. I know you must think me a scoundrel for my behavior and I do not disagree." His mind was off it's bend and he would not admit his fault so candidly if he was not still slightly boozed. Y/N tilted her head sympathetically. He was not wrong but she did not blame him, not entirely. She did not spoke, allowing him to continue. "What can I do to make this evening up to you?" He requested. She waited a beat, for dramatic effect. There was nothing she wanted more than...
"I know one way you may make amends." She placed a finger to his jaw and smiled longingly. "Marry me, and all shall be forgiven." His eyes filled with emotion, a tender combination of love, gratefulness, and drink. He pushed himself up from her lap, the emptiness making her as uncomfortable as her dress, and leaned forward, placing a firm kiss to her forehead. "That, I shall," He whispered, placing another careful chaste kiss to her cheek. "And more." She gazed upon the man, fearing a tear would escape her tired eye from the emotions and true admiration she shared with Anthony. With such a hasty motion, Anthony did not realize how dizzy and nauseous he was until his stomach began to turn. He clenched his jaw, wired tightly shut, as well as closing his eyes once more to steady himself and tried to push the feeling away but failed with an exasperated sigh. "Dear God, I'm going to be sick." Y/N quickly lifted herself with a push of her palms to the soft quilted mattress and flew to the kitchen to retrieve a cold cloth to place on his head. It would be a long night but he was undoubtedly worth the trouble.
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crookedteethed · 7 months
MORESAL of praise | e.m.
Pairing: Up-and-coming Musician!Eddie Munson x Girlfriend Musician reader
Warning: 18+ Cursing, Smut (p in v), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), Reader is intimidated by Eddie's size, Praise kink, Pet names, cockwarming, Eddie being a tool, barely proofread, reader and Eddie are both in their mid-twenties, From y/n perspective
Word count: 2.7k
Divider cred → @saradika-graphics
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There's a squeak to my door that needs fixing, and a water leak somewhere that needs tending.
I asked my tenant to fix it, but he tells me: "This is what you get when you pay $300 a month."
The Luminary, home of musicians trying to live for cheap.
I sit my guitar case on the creaking floors, and kick off my ten-hut boots.
My apartment had been cold. A dull gray atmosphere manifested itself not only due to the cold weather outside but also the poor insulation through my apartment walls.
The door to my room was slightly cracked and I noticed between the lines of static silence were the faint sounds of acoustic strings.
I opened the door. In my room, there was one dim lamp light lit. It shined a yellow hue on my boyfriend, who sat on the edge of my bed. Eddie had been playing his black acoustic guitar--the one he wrote "This machine slays dragons" in white paint on, his notebook he often wrote in laid open next to him, a black ink pen between the margins of the notebook.
He doesn't look up at me when I tell him "Hi."
His concentration was on the nylon strings of his acoustic guitar as he mutters an "Oh, hey." back.
My boyfriend looked beautiful at the moment, inattentive, yet beautiful. The warm yellow tone reflected his pallor skin, strands of his thick curly hair tucked behind his ear, and a brown celluloid guitar pick between his teeth. Somewhat of a Vermeer painting.
I walk over to my dresser.
"Sorry, I'd broken in." Eddie says. "I needed to be somewhere quiet, my roommates wouldn't give me that." The roommates that had also doubled as Eddies bandmates.
"It's okay." I say, while shimming out of my black satin skirt. "I was going to ask if you wanted to come over tonight anyway."
My skirt falls to the floor, it pools around my ankles. Next to come off is my stockings, then my shirt, and lastly my bra.
I catch Eddies eyes lingering on my bareback as I fish for something I can sleep in. My hands pick a shirt that said "Margaritaville" and was four sizes too big.
When I turn back around to Eddie, he's back to strumming a random chord then he writes it down in his notebook.
In the small bathroom that connected to my bedroom, I don't look myself in the mirror when I take off my panties and throw them into the hamper.
Now getting into bed, I crawled over to where Eddie sat, sitting behind him on the weight of my knees.
Eddie had seemed to form some sort of a strumming pattern with his song, but he didn't seem to like the sound of it by the harsh glare he gave his guitar.
"It sounds pretty." I assure him.
He lets out a low mumble that sounds like a "Thank you."
"Thinking about playing it to the guys, play it at our audition at Beacon records, maybe?"
I hum as I slowly walked on my knees, my calloused hands gripping his bare shoulders. "Mmm-hmm," I say as he kept speaking, but I was too busy stroking his hair to fathom anything he was saying.
I lean in closer to his body, enveloping myself in his warmth.
My boyfriend: the thermal.
I bring my lips to his neck, and in one long hard suck, I kiss the flesh. His reaction is what catches me off guard.
"Babe." he turns to me, he stares at me with the same glare he gave his guitar. "I'm almost done." He continued. "Then we can do whatever you want."
The music continues.
My bottom lip start to poke out, and I probably would've started to cry if he was a bit more harsher.
I start to scoot to the head of the bed. "Take as long as you want. I'm going to bed." I tell him.
I get underneath my cold blankets, lay to my side and force myself to sleep (despite not being sleepy).
Suddenly, his strumming stops.
With one eye opened, I peak at him (out of curiosity). I squeeze both my eyes shut when I feel Eddie get up from the bed, his bones cracking in the mitts.
He leans his guitar on the wall, and places his closed notebook on the bedside table.
We accidentally make eye contact when he turns off the lamp light, I squeeze my eyes in a haste, but l feel the smirk on his lips illuminating in the darkness of my room.
Eddie then slips underneath the covers beside me, his clipped nails and rough hands graze the plush of my slender hips. I feel his smirked lips kiss the dip of my shoulder blade.
"I'm trying to sleep." I mumble.
"No you're not." He says, breathing on the nape of my neck.
I feel Eddie's muscular hands turn me over by the shoulders. When we're face to face I get a glimpse of his shadow covered face, alabaster skin darker then normal.
Eddie traces a finger over the line of my jaw and pulled my body tight to his chest. His body heat makes me feel less cold. Eddie brings a warmness to me that spreads from my temples, to my limps and it makes me melt like ice cream on a midsummer day's night.
"You're freezing." he states.
My lips part as his thump soothes the petal skin of my jawline.
"Lemme make you warm. Lemme make up for before, yeah?" He said in that voice I couldn't resist. It's a low, gravelly tone. A tone filled with assurance and leverage.
And though I wanted to roll over and play sleep, I simply couldn't. With sluggish eyes and a parted mouth (due to his thumb playing with my bottom lip) I found myself nodding to Eddie's words.
As Eddie crawls on top of me, I combed my fingers through his thick dark curls. Eddie's the one to close the gap between our mouths.
The kiss begins with the utmost tenderness. It was long enough that I could inhale his breath, feel the warmness of his skin, and tasted the last thing that lingered on his lips (the celluloid guitar pick).
But, with the hunger of a starving man, Eddie deepens the kiss. I responded to him with a low mewl between the gnawing and the suckling.
When I feel Eddie's hand snake to where our cores met, I stopped him.
He hovers over me with concerning eyes, and red-bitten lips.
"Did I do something wron--"
"I want to ride you." I breathlessly say, earning another smirk from him and glint in his eyes.
In a swift motion, Eddie and I switched places, with him now being on the bottom while I was on top. Eddie rests his back on the metallic bars of my headboard. In this position, the moonlight peaking from my curtains had shined on his face, leaving me in the shadows.
I start to adjust myself by bunching the hem of my shirt around my waist; Eddie adjusts himself by lifting his weight to pull down his boxers, and that's when I feel it.
I feel the warmth that radiates from his cock to my wet slit. His tip nearly meshing with my clit.
Eddie's cock had had a slight curved mushroom shape to it with a hefty girth to it as well, with three large straining veins running along the side of it.
His reddening tip spewed drops of clear pre-cum that leaked down from his dick and to my thighs.
I gawked at his cock, with slightly parted lips.
Oh, how I yearned for Eddie to be inside of me all day. During my yearning, Eddie was on top. It occurred to me then that I'd never ridden Eddie before. Eddie is always the one to do the penetrating.
My eyes met with his, a devious look in his deep, earthy brown eyes.
"Sorry." I mutter.
Eddie looks at me with a condescending grin as I lift myself up by my knees. I give a few tugs to his cock, before aligning his length to my entrance.
I feel the supple wetness of my cunt drip down my thighs and onto the puddle of Eddie's pre-cum that resides there, as I inch him closer to me.
It was either the intimidation or excitement in my lower belly that lead me to stop.
"Can you help me?" I mumble.
"What?" Eddie says, cuffing his hand behind his ear. Whatta prick.
"You heard me." I said.
"I believe I didn't sweetheart, you were mumbling."
He knew for a fact he heard me; we were so close to one another that I could listen to the fluids swishing around in his belly. But for the sake of it,
"Can you help me?" I repeat, this time loud and clear.
"Ohh, that's what I thought you said." He decides to play dumb, desperation pulls on my face. "Thought you wanted to ride me, huh?"
"I do, but I'm scared it won't fit." I say.
"It fit all those other times." He rebuttals.
"But all those other times weren't like this." I stare deep into his eyes and poke out my bottom lip. "Please, just help me."
"Oh, don't cry sweets, you know I was gonna help ya, y'know." He tells me. "But first, take off your top fr'me."
I comply, watching him watch me take off my "Margaritaville" shirt and discarding it onto the floor.
Now completely bare, I feel my nipples start to pebble at the cool breeze of my apartment.
Eddie's mouth latches onto my left breast like a moth to a flame. I feel his hand give my right breast a firm squeeze. As his lips and tongue revolved around my sensitive buds, the tips of his curls tickled my chest.
"Eds." I gasp, bringing his head closer to my chest as if I were trying to feed him.
In the next moment, he spilled a few drops of saliva on my other nipple and flicked the newly wet nub, and started to suck on the puffy skin.
"Eds, baby, you're doing so good." I moan. Eddie hums in acknowledgment, concentrating on my left nipple like it was his guitar and notebook.
"But please, Eddie, I need you inside of me; I'm dripping here." I whine.
Eddie slowly detaches himself from my right nipple, a string of saliva connecting his lips from my nub. He looks down at the slickness that coats his and my thighs.
"Shit." he curses. He looks at me with those chocolate brown eyes of his, and a look of flattery on his face. "And I didn't even have to touch that little clit of yours to have you dripping like this."
"Eddie, please!"
"Alright, alright." He says. "By the way, y'know you're beautiful when you're all whiney and struggling on me."
Before I can rebuttal, I see Eddie gripping the thick base of his cock; as he brings his tip to my entrance, I bite on my bottom lip out of pure anticipation.
A faint sigh of relief died on our lips as Eddie melded inside me. I let out a shaky gasp at the sudden stretch. For a brief second, I sit on his cock, taking in his size, taking in his heat.
Involuntary, I clench around his girthy length as a response his cock throbs inside of me. I think if we knew morse code, our private parts could have a flirty conversation without each of us knowing; I giggle at this thought.
Eddie wraps his arms tightly around my waist "You got this mama." He pecks the skin of my collarbone.
With doe eyes I slowly nod my head, before slowly starting to grinding my hips onto his.
"That's it, baby, keep going." Eddie praises, looking up at me with such admiration. I start to quicken my pace, feeling my slick and clit coat his torso.
As Eddie's lips ravishes the dip of my neck, he breaths against my skin: "You have no idea how much I want to fuck you right now."
"Then do it." I say. "Fuck me."
And with the quick placement of his large hands groping the plush fat of my waist, Eddie starts to slam my body up and down on his cock in a bouncing motion.
I mewl at his relentless thrust. Groaning every time I feel his ridged cock dragging inside of my gummy walls, I whimper when I feel him graze my sweet-spot, only for him to draw himself back and slam right back into me.
The only sounds to fill the air was skin on skin, hard smacks coming from each time our bodies thrashed.
"Fuckin' shit." Eddie groans. "Look at my girl, taking me so well." Butterflies swarm inside of my belly.
I look down to where Eddie and I connected once again, I see the lips of my cunt touch the base of his cock and then back up to his tip. Eddie fingertips graze the meat of my ass, he gives my cheeks a tight squeeze.
My cup runneth over.
My eyes begin to flutter close. "M'close." I murmured against Eddie's lips. I was tottering on the edge of my climax.
Eddie switches from mercilessly slamming me unto his cock to grinding, rubbing me against him. With the palms of his hands splayed across my ass cheeks, he rubs me closer to him in fast, greedy motions.
"Eds, M'close!" I whine.
"Finish f'me, sweets." He says, voice hoarse like he was on the edge of his climax too.
It was the hoarseness in Eddie's voice, the bead of sweat sloping down the side of his face, and then the delicious feeling of his cock finally bumping into my sweet spot.
A plethora of moans escapes my lips. My back arches at the shockwaves of pleasure that ebbs and flows throughout my body. There's a ripple of orgasmic delight all over. My cunt starts clenching and unclenching around Eddie's cock.
Accompanied with the sounds of our skin slapping is the wet slick coming from my spent cunt.
Lazily, I collapsed into Eddie's chest and bury my face in the croak of his neck, giving him quick little pecks on the hot flesh--my body twitching every now and then.
Eddie still fucks into me.
"Almost there, sweets." he elongates. "You're so good to me." He kisses my cheek. "Always taking me so well in that little cunt of yours, always letting me use you, even when you're on top."
You would think Eddie was talking me through my orgasm, but he was talking him through his, I think his own praised turned him on twice as much.
I start to feel Eddie's cock spasm inside of me. I'm too spent to do anything but pull him tighter to me.
He pushes himself all the way in and stills himself. I feel his cock swell up, and in those two seconds of stillness I can feel just how large Eddie really is.
With each spurt of cum, Eddie's cock pulsates. I feel the warmth and pressure of his cum coating my cervix. With each spurt, Eddie lets out low (gravelly) groans.
Eddie kisses my forehead.
I lay on his chest, listening to the fast paced pumping of his heartbeat. My eyelids start to fall and I start to feel that post-coital weariness.
I try to move myself off of Eddie, but my sore and stiff hips and limps makes it hard.
"What are you doing?" Eddie asks me as I try to move beside him.
"Eddie, I have to get off of you, we can't stay in this position all night." I say.
"Says who?"
And as I snuggled back into Eddie's lap, his semi-hard cock starting to soften inside my warm cunt, I told Eddie he was right.
Who said we couldn't stay enveloped in each other's warmth for the rest of the night? Two lovers wrapped around one another in a cold bed in the cold Luminary. With no money, dead-end jobs, a guitar in hand, and dreams not only of each other but dreams of making a difference someday.
Eddie didn't need to be famous to make a difference in people's lives when he'd already made a difference in mine, my beautiful boyfriend.
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pedgito · 8 months
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most recent fics:
HEAT ABOVE (tommy miller x reader) [8/8]
RFR (chapter two: first to lose) (joel miller x reader) [8/21]
CRAVINGS (logan howlett x reader) [8/23]
RFR (chapter one: beginnings) (joel miller x reader) [8/4]
more places to find me:
smosh sideblog
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— dividers creds to the lovely @saradika-graphics
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lucyswinter · 7 months
request!!! the nightmare trope with cilly. reader wakes up scared in the middle of the night and he comforts her 💖
pairing: cillian murphy x fem!reader
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genre: fluff
warnings: none! <3
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(a/n): thank you so much for the request ml!!!! alsooo new divider!! creds to @/saradika-graphics 💗💗 this was not proofread, but ava got a sneak peak and liked it so lmk if there’s any grammatical errors lol
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You let out a sharp breath as you jolt up into a sitting position, dry sobs echoing the walls of your bedroom as you cross your arms and grip the opposite forearm for support. You don’t even notice that you’ve woken Cillian until he made himself known.
“Lovey? What is it?” he asked you worriedly, eyes wide, slowly sitting up and leaning on his arm so that he could see you properly.
“I-I…” you manage to pant out, eyes watering.
“Love, you need to use your words. What’s wrong?” He puts a hand to your cheek and softly strokes your face with his thumb in a comforting rhythm. He always knew exactly what to do to calm you down, even when you didn’t.
“I had um.” You pause to take a nervous gulp, eyes now overflowing enough for a few tears to race down your cheeks, some pooling up around Cillian’s thumb. “I had a nightmare…” a sob punctuates your sentence, prompting Cillian to furrow his brow with worry.
“Ohhh my poor sweet girl” he laughs, his hand moving down to rub your shoulder and pull your head against his chest. “I’m so sorry”
You try to lift your head from his chest. “Cill i’m going to get your shirt all wet with tears” you sniffle, another sob of guilt coming on.
“Shh it’s alright love. I can change later. This is about you right now. I’ll be fine.” He pulls you back on his chest and continues rubbing your shoulders. “Now, would you like to talk about what happened, or no? I won’t pressure you, but I’m here if you need me baby.”
You let out a few more soft sobs before wiping your cheeks and lifting your head to look at him. A sense of relief washes over you as soon as you meet his bright blue gaze.
“I just…I was being chased by this monster and he chased me into this house, and when I got into one of the rooms I-“ you’re cut off by a slightly more violent sob, the tears returning your cheeks, your eyes squeezed shut in an attempt to make them stop.
“Shhh take your time, sweet girl. Poor baby.” His lips connect with yours, and linger for a few seconds before he pulls back to give you his attention.
You take a deep breath out and continue to explain to him what happened. “And when I got into this room you were there but…but you were dead” you wail, the tears streaming down your cheeks like a waterfall.
“Oh my sweet caring girl. I’m so sorry you had to think about that. Ohhh poor girl.” He wiped tears from your now puffy eyes to reveal red cheeks. “But I’m here. And I’m not dead, lovey. You don’t need to worry about that.” He places a kiss on your cheek, and begins to rub your shoulders again. “I must say, angel, that sounds an awful lot like the movie we watched tonight…I don’t mean to jump to conclusions, but is there a possibility you got a bit frightened by the movie and that’s why you had this nightmare?”
You nod, ashamed to admit that a silly movie scared you.
He let out a soft chuckle, more pitiful than condescending. “Well why don’t we go back to sleep, baby.”
You lie down on your side and snuggle up closer to him so that his chin is above your head. He puts his arms around you and gentle rubs his thumb against your back, causing a tingly sensation to spread through your body in waves, lulling you closer to sleep. Your eyes flutter, and eventually close. You let out a soft sigh, and he leans his lips close to your ear, tickling the sensetive skin with his warm breath.
“No more scary movies for you, sweet angel. I hate seein’ you all scared.” He whispered. “Sleep now, love. Dream sweet things”. He planted a soft kiss on your forehead as you slowly drifted into a peaceful slumber.
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(a/n): ty for reading!! next up is a neil lewis oneshot and a hotch oneshot!! <33
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loveisunison · 2 months
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Shout-out to self shippers with "scary" disorders, and I'm talking about the really stigmatized ones. Shout-out to self shippers with "bad" and "scary" symptoms. Shout-out to self shippers who are trying to be good and still do bad things because of their disorder.
Shout-out to schizospec self shippers, shout-out to system self shippers, shout-out to cluster b self shippers, shout-out to low empathy self shippers and shout-out to everyone else who not only has to deal with their mental health issues but also the fact that nobody else understands. And to those who are deemed crazy or evil.
Your f/o loves you, actually, and despite how many times you fall into tendencies that are "too much" for anyone else; they will always love you. No matter how many people call you evil, they will still love you and they will know there's a part of you that wants to be good.
And you know what? If there's no part of you that wants to be good and you're still doing your best to remain kind despite your nature, I see you, and your f/o does too. And they still love you, they always will.
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foreveric · 1 month
joel miller x daughter!reader — grumpy dad headcanons.
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you're crazy if you think that he will let you go out on patrol without ellie or tommy, or at least with someone who he trusted with you. of course, he's paranoid about losing his only chance at redeeming himself as a father; so he's not going to take any risks at losing it.
if a clicker even comes remotely close to you, he will snap and take it down in the blink of an eye. half of the time, you didn't even have a chance to recognize that there was a clicker nearby.
although it doesn't happen much with him around, there have been some times when you have gotten hurt. whenever you were hurt or injured, he would always take the time to care for you delicately, like you were the most precious flower.
he hates to see you cry, no matter what the reason may be. it brings him back to sarah's cries, and he'll do anything in his power to comfort you and calm you back down.
when you're old enough to start dating, you'll have to sneak around late at night while he is sleeping. you'll also have to sneak around ellie and tommy until you're clear from the jackson grounds. but, of course, he'd find out about it later on; and he wouldn't be too pleased about the fact that you hid that you were dating someone.
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haecien · 6 months
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Birthday Wishes X.MG
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A/n - this fic is for my baby @mirxzii <33 HAPPY BIRTHDAAAYY !!!! I literally love u sm I'll try to get this out on march 20th or the start of march ! Also we are both march babies and your birthday is 6 days ahead of mine<33 (we are literally twins atp) I HOPE U ENJOY THE FIC <33 Also happy birthday to everyone else who is celebrating their birthdays on march mwa <3 (divider creds @/cafekitsune & @/saradika-graphics)
Also babka looks so good👁
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Synopsis - Being an idol is tough, especially with your strict diet. You wanted to celebrate your birthday in peace but your company thought otherwise, but here comes your boyfriend to the rescue.
Genre/s - Idol!Minghao x idol!reader, fluff, secret relationship, tried to make this gender neutral so y/n is in a split group (kard situation just imagine whatever gender you wish to be! <3), also a mix between smau + written!
Warnings - Mentions of food, Strict(ish) diets mentioned, Cursing, Body shaming(?), use of petnames, If you find more warnings I should add lmk! <3
Wc - est 700 words?
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You just got back from a fan meeting, you're so tired and exhausted from it. You were annoyed from how many aegyo requests you got today though.... but you're atleast happy you got tons of gifts from your fans.
" My God... this is a mountain of gifts, so many jewelry this time tho! — "
One of your bandmates butted in " Well... you did mention on a weverse post you been wanting to buy new jewelry, and it is your birthday soon anyways— " Oh, my, God.
Did you really just forget your own birthday? Your OWN birthday?
" I— I JUST FORGOT MY OWN BIRTHDAY. MAKES SENSE WHY I RECIVED SO MANY GIFTS I WHAA- " you again got cutted off but this time by your manager.
" Listen up, we have a busy schedule today and the next few days. And I know y/n its your birthday in a few days, we'll host a weverse live and all that— " " Will there be cake? "
" What? " " You heard me, will there be cake? "
If there was one way to describe you, its that you love your sweets very much. There are numerous compilations of just you eating and adoring sweets as your fans found your sweet tooth the most cutest thing ever.
" Y/n please tell me you're being serious right now— Some netizens are noticing you're putting on some weight. That's a risk to your image! " Your manager scolded you, leaving you and your band members to be silent for a bit.
Your bright smile quickly faded into a slight frown, you were about to say something but quickly closed your mouth.
The leader of your group stepped up and tried to break the tension, " Thank you manager-nim, let's talk a bit later since the members are tired from the fan meeting— I'll see you in the afternoon. "
Your leader bowed down, as the manager left, " Y/n, I know you're a bit upset but you need to know hes trying to look out for you. If they say you need to limit on the cake then you need too. "
You nodded, looking upset.
The leader sighed and looked at you, reaching for there wallet. " Lets buy some Babka, you said you were craving that right? " suddenly you wernt feeling sad, your eyes lightened up. You quickly nodded your head, the leader giggled at your expression and your band headed out of the building to buy foods and treats.
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That was your boyfriend for you, the one and only Xu minghao. The public doesn't know you two are dating besides mutual friends and members. Really you both didn't expect you'd be dating each other, your first meeting of each other was scuffed.
It was just when you newly debuted a year after seventeens debut, you were both at a music show award and they won their first award. You rarely knew these guys but you felt so happy for them.
Later after the awardings you saw the same band backstage, you wanting to be friendly approached them. " Hi! I'm y/n from (group name) , I just wanted to congratulate you guys for your first win! " the member who was closest to you looked a bit confused but just gave you a polite smile and a simple thank you, it was a bit awkward so one of the other members from seventeen came forward.
"Thank you y/n, oh I'm seungkwan! That was the8, hes a bit shy and he is still learning Korean and English so bare with him please... " you laughed it off and said it was fine.
After that it felt like the universe just wanted to make you go together at every award show at this point, it was like you couldn't escape them.
So naturally you both expected to always see each other during award shows and sometimes even variety shows. Some of your fans started to notice it and made a little fun inside joke which you all talked about with each other.
When one group is absent the other gets confused, usually after the show you'd be frantically texting each other bombarding everyone with "WHERE ARE YOU" texts. Because of these interactions your groups were very close behind the cameras, so its expected the whole fan base would be shocked to see a picture of you and minghao walking together, alone.
The company cleared it up by saying how it wasn't really them, obviously that didn't work... but the issue died down and no one really remembers it. Non the less after all of that you both still managed to have one of the most best relationships you both have.
But, telling the members the news of you guys dating sent them absolutely going bat shit crazy. After that some members slipped in a little joke or hint about you two, though the fans suprisingly didn't notice.
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Time skip — The day of your birthday.
The day has started and you open your weverse notifications and you were bombarded with happy birthday messages, all of your colleagues, members, friends, family all greeted you a happy birthday.
Your birthday live was canceled due to conflicting schedules and you not having the energy but you assured your fans about it saying how you'll do a live as quickly as possible.
Your birthday was great, it was still missing one key thing. Ofcourse the cake, you and your members had a little private party and your company strictly told your members to NOT give you any sweets or anything that might make you gain weight, all you could eat was stupid salads and like one cupcake.
What a killjoy.
You saw everyone else eating whatever they wanted, you envied how much some people didn't care about their weight. It made you feel sick over how people were just eating and stuffing their faces with all kinds of sweets, on your own fucking birthday.
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After your little party you went back to your dorm, you were surprised to see your door unlocked though.
You swore it was locked an hour ago, what if someone went in? Shit worse a fan went inside and maybe installed cameras inside?
Or left a creepy note with cameras! Your heart was beating while you slowly entered your dorm, closing and locking the door. You heard a metal sound, its sounds like something fell from the kitchen.
Scared, you grabbed a umbrella that was beside your door and held onto it tightly. You ran towards the kitchen and just started swinging the umbrella around trying to hit whoever or whatever was there.
You heard a thud and looked up, " Fuck— HAO? "
Minghao rubbed his head and looked down at you, " Happy birthday? " he had cake frosting all over his face and hands, and chocolate on his lips.
You dropped the umbrella " Oh baby I'm so sorry for hitting you oh my— you look fucking messy by the way." Minghao rolled his eyes at you.
" Thank you genius. "
Minghao pulled you in his arms and gave you a little peck on the cheek, " Now your face is covered in chocolate too. "
" Ew, the chocolate tastes good but ew... "
"Oh boo hoo, I know you're happy to see me. "
Yeah, he was right. Of course you're happy to see him. The only thing that could cheer you up after having a shitty day was your boyfriend.
Even if sometimes your schedules are packed for the week you still both secretly met up on breaks, hey what can I say your companies are close.
You peaked behind minghao and saw a glimpse of a beautiful wrapped box before he blocked your view again, " Aha, not now love. Later you'll see what I have prepared for you. "
"Come on, you love me right? Can't I have a little peak? " you cupped his cheeks in your hands, shaking his head a bit. " Nope, that doesn't work on me. Even if it's your birthday. "
" It will ruin the surprise ! "
Minghao convinced you to go into your living room and put on your favorite show to keep you distracted for a bit.
— After awhile Minghao covered your eyes and lead you back into the kitchen again.
" Happy birthday my dearest, y/n. "
Your kitchen was beautifully decorated, the balloons in your favorite color, the smell of the candle filling the room. The snacks on the counter, freshly made just for you and him.
And most importantly, the strawberry cake on the table.
Your reaction made Minghao giggle, " I'm assuming you like it baby? " you felt like you were about to tear up, " Hao, I love it so much, its better than the party my members did. "
" Im glad you like it, I'm sorry if I don't have much for your gifts but here. "
He gave you an envelope, labeled " To my dearest, y/n "
You opened it to see a letter. You quickly read the letter ;
" My dearest, y/n.
No matter how old you're turning today, I wish I'd spend all of my lives seeing you. I want to grow old with you and stay by your side, I want you to be my first and last, the person I'd marry and have my future with.
I know things haven't been the most easiest but I'm so glad you're still with me til this day. You have dealt with me for so long, you helped me when I was at my lowest. I wish to repay you back with every cent I have.
But if I cant repay you with money then I shall repay you with my life.
Happiest of birthdays to you my love. "
TAGLIST — @slytherinshua , @weird-bookworm , @woozvc , @bangantokchy , @mayashu , @mirxzii , @glosskirt , @amxlia-stars , @addicsvt , @isabellah29 , @hrts4hanniehae
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muffinsstimboardhoard · 4 months
✨Rosalina (Swimwear) Stimboard 🌊
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All new life... Carries the essence of stars... Even all of you...
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x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
divider cred: Saradika Graphics
Koopa Cape Underwater theme slowed + reverb made by LittleKun
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systemofwhispers · 3 months
❝𝐒𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐦 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨❞
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Hello!! We are the System of Whispers, and this blog will mostly just be to rant about stuff and get more moots (we're coming for you >:] /hj). Anyways, most of us don't always front, however we will sign off with our name + emoji!
Generally, you can call us Whisper or Whisp, and collectively we use they/them pronouns!! We also use I/Me and Us/We interchangeably.
Alter intros can be found here
Our partner sys is @lunarfulcrum
Our QPP sys is @fireflycollective
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- We are firmly anti-endo
- Traumagenic system
- Bodily 16-17
- Will mostly repost things about PJO, Pokémon, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, and other things that I (the host) am interested in!! (note, i do not support vivziepop for what she has done, or whatever is going around. I js like my little demon show)
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- Endogenic systems and their supporters (neutrals are walking a very thin line)
- Tulpas, willows, radqueers, transID, etc.
- Basic DNI criteria (homophobes, zoophiles, pedophiles, etc.)
- Paraphiles, pro-shippers, pro-contact paras, anti-recovery, pro-endo/tulpa/willows
- Anyone (bodily) 13 and below
- Anyone (bodily) 30 and above
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Frequent Fronters:
(note: this changes frequently, so we'll update as needed)
- Madison 📚 : She/her | Host
- Seraphina 🪖 : She/her | Co-host, stress holder, bodily caretaker
- Josie 🫦 : She/vamp/luv | Love holder, hypersexuality holder
- John 🧼 : He/him | Anger holder, confrontation protector, limit breaker
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divider creds: @saradika-graphics
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daily-red-character · 3 months
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Red Character of the Day
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day 152
Ayame Sohma
From: Fruits Basket
divider cred: saradika-graphics, animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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ellies1luvr · 3 months
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Ellie williams
dealer!ellie x daddy issues!reader
fic events
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Abby anderson
mean!abby x reader find a kitten
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joel miller (platonic)
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divider creds: saradika-graphics
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crookedteethed · 7 months
STORM’S be heavy soon (1) Billy the kid
Pairing: Billy the kid x Rich girl reader
Summary: Billy is hired to be the bratty Y/N Bristow guard on a five-day trip to Macon, GA; who knows what may happen on the long trail?
WARNINGS: Original characters, Cursing, reader's last name is "Bristow", mentions of guns, gun usage, reader is snotty, Eventual smut , (gonna add more warnings as I go)
Authors note: Typically I don't write for this show, but this idea popped into my head a few nights ago. Also, I haven't watched this show in months, so I'm just going off my imagination/what I remember. Enjoy!! <3
Word count: 2k
Divider cred → @saradika-graphics
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New Mexico, 1881
On Ovid Bristow's hand-crafted cherry wood desk lies the sand color sack of silver dollar coins he'd just offered Billy.
The sack had been plopped on the desk and sat there untouched for a whopping two minutes, two minutes in which Billy been debating if he should take Bristow's offer.
Surely, Billy wanted the money. He could use a new rifle--ou--two new rifles, afford a new pair of boots, and maybe even a new horse--a quarter horse since quarter horses were the best for ridin'.
However, Billy had a sinking suspicion of immorality towards Ovid Bristow a sinking suspicion that boils in the pits of his stomach whenever he sees the aging, gray haired man with a deceitful smile on his face (Billy always smiles back, though). A sinking suspicion that's been brewing in his stomach for a while now.
But to mention this "sinking suspicion" Billy had wasn't suspicion at all; everyone knew Ovid Bristow was cruel; Bristow himself knew he was a cruel man, so he couldn't blame his wrongdoing on his ignorance.
It was just last week Billy had been playing cards with Ovid, along with several other aging gray-haired potbelly men, inside Ovid's new Saloon and Brothel (it used to be the old church house, but Ovid paid the church house's landlord twice as much as Pastor David did to own the building.)
Normando something (Billy had forgotten the man's last name, but it doesn't matter now since he's dead.) claimed he won the game, showing all the men his hand. A royal flush, he had one 10, one Jack, one King, one Queen, and an ace of spades.
Poor Normando; if he hadn't been smiling so hard and gloating about his win, he would've seen it when Ovid drew the gun from his holster. And then that was the end of Normando something, shot in the head by a colt revolver. Ovid said Normando had been cheating; he saw the stash of cards underneath the table.
No one doubted this, as you don't want to provoke the man with a gun in his hand.
In the present moment, Billy thought of this: how cold Ovid had been to murder someone over a card game (a card game?!). Billy imagined what Ovid would do to him--how worse his punishment would be if he: "Lost sight or let anything happen to his darlin'."
And that's where Billy resides in the place of dubiety.
"What? Did ole' Ovid Bristow scare you?" Bristow laughs, a flock of seagull-type laugh; when Billy doesn't join in on the laughter, Ovid suddenly becomes serious.
"Look," Bristow says, standing up from his desk, now face to face with Billy. "I'll give you some more money if that makes you feel any better."
He goes into his left breast jacket pocket, pulling out a rolled-up wad of cash. Bristow tosses the wad of money onto the sack of coins.
"1,500 in total." He says. "It's all there, you can count it."
As callous Ovid been, Billy knew he wasn't a liar. He believed that the sack of coins and the wad of cash had amounted to 1,500.
Billy stayed silent, as silence is the loudest response.
"C'mon, Billy, I wouldn't be asking this of you if I didn't trust you, you're one of the only men I trust, let alone trust you being around my darlin'."
Ovid sits on the edge of his desk with disdain, his stare not particularly on Billy but just above Billy's head.
"I see how those bastards look at my little Y/n at the Saloon, they look at her like she's one of those harlots at the whore house." He spats. "How I wish I can put a bullet through every one of those no good lookers head."
Ovid stands to his feet again.
"But you Billy, you don't stare at my daughter like she's a piece of meat, to you Billy my daughter ceases to exist. I like that about you."
Billy seemed calmed on the outside, but in the inside, he heard the bells ringing in his head.
Of course he looked at you, every man looked at you when you walked by. You were enchanting, the most beautiful woman Billy had ever saw.
Billy did most of his staring when you or your father hadn't been looking. Most of his staring had been from the corner of his eyes or below his hat.
The first thing Billy noticed about you was your bright eyes. They were a pretty shade of (your eye color) that matched your pretty crimson-colored lips and rosy cheeks. You were light on the makeup, which Billy had liked. You'd done your makeup in a way that almost seemed like you weren't wearing makeup at all; Billy liked that about you too. He also liked your elegant collarbones that sat right before your cleavage.
What Billy liked the most about you was that you were educated. You were going to college soon, the first woman Billy had known to do something like that--hell, the first person.
But if it weren't for you getting accepted into Wesleyan College in Macon, GA, Billy wouldn't have been asked to escort you there.
"It's only a week there and week back." Ovid told him at the beginning of the conversation; then Billy had his mindset that he wouldn't take you.
But now, thinking about you--thinking about anyone but himself taking you to Georgia, one of those no-good lookers Ovid described somewhat infuriated Billy.
What if one of them were to take advantage you? Or try to harm you? What if one of them were to kidnap you, take you to one of the many enemies Ovid Bristow have made and hold you for ransom?
Ovid had said it himself, he trusted Billy, so if the job was to be done, Billy was the one to do it.
So as Billy left Ovid Bristow's office, he had the 1,500 stuffed down in his pockets.
Walking Billy to the door, Ovid had his arm snaked around Billy's neck, with a wide smile on his face.
"I knew you wouldn't let ole' Ovid down." He says. Ovid then instructs Billy to arrive at his manor tomorrow by a quarter till seven and pack lightly, as the rest of the wagon is reserved for his "sweet darlin'. "
Leaving Ovid's office, Billy thought he might've seen you inside the waiting room, but it was just that harlot--the one that works at the Brothel that looks like you.
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It was 6:45--a quarter till seven when Billy arrived at the Bristow's manor.
Ovid Bristow's riches had been by pure luck. He used to work in the fields, digging holes to plant crops, and one day, he accidentally struck oil. The best kind of accident that could happen to a man.
Ovid Bristow was the Rockefeller of New Mexico.
Approaching the manor, Billy was greeted by a heap of men and women, all housekeepers, butlers, maids, and landscapers, all of whom had been waiting to give Y/n Bristow a farewell. Plus there been a marching band of all men standing at ease.
He didn't know if he could go inside the manor to tell Ovid he'd been here right at a quarter till seven and was lightly packed, because the doors had been locked shut.
So Billy waited with the rest of them, alongside the coachmen who was to take you and him to Georgia. He slips his sack into the back of the wagon.
"Warner." The man introduces himself as, he was a fellow old enough to be Billy's grandfather, Billy questioned Warner's ability to ride for five days straight day and night.
Your entrance was rather grand, ostentatious.
As soon as the white and gold doors flung open, the marching band began to blow their trumpets and bang their drums.
You stood in the doorway, a demure smile on your face, until the marching band's song (which sounded like a bunch of commotion) ended.
"Farewell, my good people, as this is yours truly last day on Bristow's Manor." You spoke dramatically. "Goodbye Nettie, I'll never forget that day you yelled at me for breaking that vase, and then I nearly gotten you fired for raising your voice at me." You waved to an older woman in a maid's uniform, who looked like she was suppressing an eye roll. "Goodbye housekeepers, whom I've never learned the names of, Goodbye Landscapers who kept planting thorn bushes even after I pricked my finger on one when I was five, Goodbye…"
As you continued saying your goodbyes the word "Shallow" was on the tip of Billy's tongue, but he hadn't want to make his judgement. Though he saw you around town, normally accompanied by your father, he hadn't spoken to you yet.
He'd been too scared he'd get shot or beaten by Ovid for simply saying a "Hello" to you.
Ovid had been beside you as you said your goodbyes, carrying a round pink leather suitcase, presumably yours. Behind the both of you were two butlers carrying the rest of your luggage—ten suitcases in counting, all pink, some round, some rectangular.
"Jesus Christ." Billy mutters to himself.
"Goodbye--" you stop in front of Billy, scanning his face--those dark curls and dark blue eyes--wondering what was his occupation on the manor. He'd look familiar to you, but then again he didn't.
Trashman? The stableman? Daddies assistant? No, he was to ruffian like to be Daddies assistant.
Then you suddenly remember--yes, that's who he is.
"Farewell, stablehand, I don't have any memories of you, but I shall wish you the best of luck cleaning shit for the rest of your life at Daddies stable." You smile.
A scowl had formed on Billy's lip.
That shallow bit-
His thinking is cut off by Ovid's laughter. "My sweet darlin, this isn't the stablehand, this is Billy. Billy here's a gunslinger. I hired him to keep you safe on the trail to Georgia."
You hum, a slight smirk on your lips. You raised your dainty hand to Billy and introduce yourself.
Billy puts his rough hands in your warm, smooth ones. You feel a jolt run through body, you wonder if Billy felt the jolt too.
It wasn't like you didn't know his name now, so Billy just tipped his hat and called you “Misses.”
"Fantastic," Ovid says with a deceiving smile. "Darlin', why don't you make yourself comfortable inside the wagon while Billy and I exchange a few words," Ovid tells you. "And gentlemen, why don't you start loading up darlin's luggage," Ovid instructs the butlers.
As you get onto the wagon (with the help of Warner) and the butlers start loading your things, Ovid pulls Billy to the side by the scruff of his neck.
"Now, remember yesterday I said I trust you, Billy. Darlin's all I got, Billy, it be a shame if something were to happen to her while she's in your care… It be even more of a shame what'll happen to you." Ovid says in a calm voice.
"Promise me that you'll take good care of her during those five days, promise me that Billy."
"I promise, sir." Billy says, looking at you from afar, you yell at the butlers for "manhandling" your "valuables."
Ovid catches Billy staring. "Also, Billy hear this, I know my daughters a pretty girl--she gets her looks from her late mama--god rest her soul, but I swear if you even must lay a finger on her with the intent of lust; I'll have you castrated, you got that boy?"
Billy thought about it , walking around town without his manhood, be known as the man without a cock.
"Y-yes sir." he sweats.
"Good!" Ovid exclaimed, letting Billy go.
"Daddy!" You yelled "I'm not getting any younger here!" You say impatiently.
Then, as you, Billy, and old man Warner left the gates of Bristow Manor, the marching band played another loud commotion. The blaring drums and tubas still ranged in Billy's ears as you all were 2-3 miles down the road.
Billy looked at you, cocking his head--you'd been filing your nails.
A Rose thorn bush, Billy labeled you--so amusing to look at, tempting to touch; when he felt the courage to touch it, he'd realize he gotten pricked and was starting to draw blood.
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*I plan on making this a two part series*
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tyrianludaship · 6 months
Monthly Promo let's go
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Hello and Howdy! If you want a cringe TF2 and TSP selfshipper as your moot, I can be that guy :D
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(Full Intro w/ my F/Os and DNI are linked here. Please read it if you can.)
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Cred Divider. @/saradika-graphics
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