#🌒 — foreveric.
foreveric · 2 months
"𝓘 𝓓𝓞."
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pairing — john wick x f!reader content — 70% FLUFF 20% ANGST 5% SMUT words — 2,284 dividers — @saradika-graphics tagging — @feinv and @iovesia (srsly their blogs r what kept us inspired to finish this while sick, lol)
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This is it.
The day hundreds of lives were ended so that John would be able to settle down in his life with you, the most precious thing that he’s ever had in his life. You’re like his rock that he’s never had growing up, and he wouldn’t dare risk allowing his bloody career to get in the way of the life that he could have with you. And now, everything that he had planned and gone through that day for this very ceremony was coming into fruition.
Today made it feel like everything he did that night was worth it: all of the lives he took, and the blood he had to so violently spill. Watching you walk down the aisle in the dream wedding dress he’d always imagined on you, kissing you slowly at the altar after you’ve shared your vows to seal your commitment after years of dating each other. 
Hearing the marching music begin to fade in, John’s gaze flickered up to meet your own, even if it was covered slightly by the mesh of the white veil you were wearing. Lifting the veil up, John would flash you a smile full of warmth and affection; the most emotional smile the man was ever able to muster in his entire life — you could just see it behind his eyes.
“Do you, Mr. Jardani Jovonovich, take Ms. (Y/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife…” The Officiant asked, his attention focusing on John as he stood at the altar, holding onto your hands.
A few months earlier, John was in a much different place mentally. Instead of getting prepared for his wedding with you, he was preparing for his final assassination, the “impossible task”, as Viggo called it. Of course, John was more than willing to perform such a task, if it meant getting to settle down with the love of his life.
“You did well, Jonathan.” Viggo commented to John with his hands held behind his back.
“Thanks,” John replied with a small nod of his head, silently expecting Viggo to add onto his statement.
“I suppose you still want to be released from our organization?”
“Yeah.” He answered firmly, yet he still tried to keep himself level-headed after the adrenaline rush of the mission.
“Well, I wish you and your lover the best life.” Viggo replied to John before turning his back to him, holding his hands behind his own back while he stared out the large window that was just placed just behind the desk. “Be seeing you, Mr. Wick.” He added in a colder voice than before. It was a tone that didn’t go unnoticed by John, but he didn’t care then. At least, not about this “family” he’d been stuck in since his childhood. No, now all that he cared about was the future he was about to lead with you.
In the shower at home, you were luckily not home that day, giving John the perfect chance to wash the blood away from his body. None of it was his blood, though. No, he was washing off the lives he’d ended a mere few hours ago. But, he was used to this feeling — he was used to killing, to seeing the red on his hands and chest after an exhausting mission. 
And now, John tried to make himself focus on the plans he had made for today many months ago — to propose to (y/n), and make you his officially. That ring he got a few weeks ago? It was going to be used for this special day. His heart leaped when he opened up the box to check on the ring, the diamond shimmering brightly in the sunlight that seeped in through the nearby glass windows of the mansion he was now sharing with you. A smile painted itself across John’s lips as a reaction to the thoughts he began to have flooding through his mind of the day that would soon be in his future.
Then, just as he’s lost in thought, John’s head whipped up to the sound of the doorbell ringing, announcing your presence at the front door. Quickly hiding the box away from view, underneath the bed, John sprinted out of the bedroom to greet you at the door. There’s a smile still present on his face as you open the door, immediately welcomed by him wrapping his arms around you to pull you into his embrace and kiss the top of your head.
“Hey, hon.” John greeted you, his voice more cheerful than it normally is.
“Hey…how was your day?” You ask, your voice sounding groggy from working long hours throughout the day.
Catching on to your exhaustion, John gave you a light nod of his head before taking his right hand and gently placing it on the back of your neck, his thumb resting on the side of your jawline. 
"I've been thinking about you," he says with a tone of sincerity laced through his voice while his deep brown eyes were locked onto your own.
"Yeah?" You reply with a hint of playfulness that John quickly caught onto, making him smirk down at you.
"Mm-hmm." John murmurs affirmatively right before leaning in to lock his lips onto yours; they always surprise you with how soft they are every time you feel them. After breaking the kiss, he brought his lips up to brush them against your ear, sending shivers down your entire back. "You go take a shower while I cook you some food, alright?" He offers, yet there was a silent hint that he wasn't going to budge on this.
"Okay." You agree, nodding your head lightly in response to the offer John had just made you.
Lying wounded on the cold ground of the warehouse in which Viggo's enemies operated in, John gasped for breath as he locked eyes with the sky, which was pouring down the same tears he nearly shed at the idea of not standing at the altar with you, not putting that ring on your finger, not marrying YOU. He couldn't bear himself if this is how it all ended. When he noticed he was unable to get up, however, you seemed to have a spiritual hold on him — or, maybe even...a connection? John began to hear his phone ring, prompting him to glance down and take a look until he saw that it was your contact displaying as the number that was calling. At first, John was hesitant to answer. Not because he didn't want to answer your call, it would be far from that. No. Instead, it would be because...he was terrified of what you'd think of him if you were to find out about the truth of his past and what he used to do for his life. But, something clicked inside of John for him to press the green button on the keypad of the cell phone, lifting it up to his ear to hear your voice speaking to him once again.
"Hey, babe. I got dinner ready a few hours ago and you didn't come home, are you okay?" You ask as the line connected, the concern evident in the tone of your voice.
"Long story..." John answered in his own weakened and strained voice. You could immediately discern that something was horrifically wrong.
"Where are you?"
Not a beat was skipped between either of you before you swung your purse over and around your shoulder, jingling your car keys in between the crooks of your fingers. John gives you the address to the warehouse he was in. Of course, the sketch location raised questions in your head, but you knew you couldn't probe him for answers now; not when he's in such a risky position.
"I'll be right there." You say as you swing the front door open and begin to rush out to the driveway until you reach the car that was left.
In a matter of no time, John would soon begin to hear the engine of your car rumbling in the near distance until it was parked a mere few yards away from his limp body. "Oh, John!" You exclaim in concern right before rushing over to where John was leaning against the warehouse wall, the adrenaline immediately beginning to course through your entire being.
"I'm alright, honey." John replied in a soft-toned voice that was only meant to comfort you through the distress he knew he must be putting you through.
"I'm going to get you in the car," you declare in a tone that leaves no room for him to argue with you. But, in that moment, it really seemed as though John had no thoughts of even attempting as such. Taking his arm over your shoulder, (y/n) used your strength to walk John back over to your car to the passenger side. Once he was seated, you quickly pulled the seatbelt over John’s chest and buckled him in right before shutting his side’s door and darting around the car until you were able to get into the driver’s side.
Back at home, you gave John the stitches he needed for the deep gunshot wounds he had when you first got to him. There was a surge of emotions flooding throughout your entire mind, mostly being that of fear and concern for John’s well-being. You couldn’t lose him, not when you still have the chance to save him. Shoving away the questions you may have wanted to ask him, you focus on the task at hand of saving his life.
After you took John’s black tuxedo and white dress-shirt off by sliding them up his arms and chest, revealing two gunshot wounds to his right shoulder and chest, eliciting a gasp out of you.
“Jesus Christ, John.”
“I know, I know…” he attempted to speak up while keeping his voice low and soft-spoken, but you were too panicked to even hear him as you prioritized making every last move count.
“This is the worst I’ve ever seen you.” You continue to mumble to yourself as you attempt to concentrate on the bloody wounds that were penetrated straight through John’s skin.
“Where the Hell even were you?” You question, quickly followed up by an exasperated sigh with your eyebrows furrowing deeply in frustration. The thought of someone hurting John made your blood boil into pure rage.
“(Y/N), relax.” He finally spoke up, this time at a much louder volume than before to ensure that he got your attention. John would then notice you flinch back slightly, prompting him to reassuringly reach both of his hands up to lightly yet firmly place them on the top of either of your shoulders, his thumb slowly rubbing the exposed skin underneath your crewneck top. “I promise, I’m okay.”
“I’m gonna hold you to that.” You sigh before reaching your hands back down towards the one gunshot wound you were giving stitches to. John appeared to hardly even flinch the entire time, only raising more questions in your head. But you knew that now was not the time to probe for anything. After you have finished stitching up John’s wounds, you exhale out a deep sigh and rub your forehead with the back of your hand. He could see how exhausted you were after a long day, making him reach his hands out to hold onto your shoulders. Your eyes lock onto each other’s.
“Thank you,” John said. A soft smile curls up across the corners of his lips and he trails one of his hands up from your shoulder to the nape of your neck, prompting you to lean in closer to him. Locking your lips, you and John began to share a searing kiss. It was one of those that made your heartbeat start to speed up against the walls of your chest, one that you would never forget for as long as you shall live 
That’s the moment that John recalled when he snapped back into reality to see you standing in front of him, looking like the most gorgeous bride ever. His eyes sparkled with love and affection, his smile growing warmer right as the Officiant continued on with his speech. The music already faded out and it was all silent on the Western front – only the Officiant spoke, and the audience was also silent, even the babies. “— in sickness and in health, until death do you part?” The Officiant asked while his head was turned in John’s direction, who answered with a light nod of his head in confirmation.
“I do.” John responded to the Officiant, his eyes never once straying away from yours.
“And do you, Ms. (Y/N), take Mr. Jardani Jovonovich to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”
“I do.”
The ring bearers then handed the proper ring to the bride and groom, which was then followed by you and John sliding either ring on each other’s ring finger. You both were smiling gleefully at each other while the trade was made between you. “In the power vested in me, I hereby declare you husband and wife.” The Officiant announced with joy radiating through his tone of voice as he took a small step back, allowing you and John to close the distance between the both of you. “You may now kiss the bride.” He said to John, who didn’t waste a second in making your marriage official.
That kiss, it’s like one that you could only ever dream of. It was one that would change either of your lives forever; not like how your first kiss did, no. This kiss was one that would change the course of your relationship for the rest of your lives, officially making the both of you legally married. He was your husband, and you were his wife. And now, you could live happily ever after.
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foreveric · 2 months
ted logan x insecure!gf!reader‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ tw's. douchebag parents‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
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he doesn't understand why you're so insecure about every little thing about yourself; you're so beautiful in every way, and he couldn't imagine what you'd have to be thinking.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
whenever you're feeling shy or insecure about yourself, he will spend his time doing everything he could to calm you down. he'll squeeze you so tight against his chest until you no longer are focusing on the insecurities that were circulating through your head.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
even when it's not prom season, he'd treat you like the prom queen every day, 24/7. he's always celebrating and admiring your very existence, treating the ground you walk on like a celebrity red carpet.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
after a fight with your parents, when your eyes are streaming with tears from the emotions that were eating you up inside. he would snuggle with you for hours on end, even after you tell him that you're feeling better. he can't understand why your parents would say those kinds of things to you, and it made him feel bitter towards them. but, he'd focus all of his energy on caring for you instead of his own emotions.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
if there is a bully at school picking on you for something that you were insecure about — or anything about you, really — he'd come to your aid and defend you from any of the nasty things they would say to you and act like your shield.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
poetry. there would be LOTS of poetry from him whenever you're feeling hurt over something someone has said to you, or when you're insecure about something about yourself in general. the best, though, are the ones he'll randomly surprise you with at school, always hidden in a special place.
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foreveric · 2 months
Kind of going off your list of the Kenau characters with a pregnant reader
what about them with a reader in labour!
keanuverse characters x pregnant!wife!reader in labor — headcanons.
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jack traven
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do NOT let his calm take on action get you thinking he'll be just fine when you're in labor. the nurses that were coming in and out of the room would have to give him updates to tell him how you're doing and if the baby was alright or how far along you were. after the baby's been born, he'll burst into the room and rush over to you with his heart pounding against his chest like roaring thunder. whatever you want or need for recovery, he's your man for every need; even taking care of the baby.
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john wick
he's going to be with you through every second of the way, and he'd be damned if anyone tried to tell him otherwise. only because they're the medical professionals ensuring you and his child's safety. sure, he's panicking inside, but the stoic expression on his face would never let on otherwise. when you're finally able to meet your little bundle of joy, he doesn't hesitate to help with cutting the umbilical cord. he'll whisper reassuring things into your ear to soothe you from any lingering pain that you may still feel from the birth. of course, you've already planned out a name for either gender, and you're more than prepared to welcome in your little one.
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kevin lomax
sure, he's a bit neglectful towards you in your marriage. but, when it comes to your family together, he's always going to be there for you no matter what. he can't understand your pain, but he'll still give you the verbal encouragement that he could while under the pressure of the moment. while you're in recovery, he will help to take care of the baby — even to put it to sleep at night when you need the break, or he'll even learn how to change a diaper.
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foreveric · 28 days
Imagine Keanu's characters's serach history on their computer.
𝜗𝜚 ࣪˖ ִ𐙚 hol' up, lemme cook.
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john wick:
most effective guns
vintage cars
how to care for a dog
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kevin lomax:
best ways to make your wife cum
romantic restaurants near me
ongoing court cases
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jack traven:
body cam videos
cute date ideas for girlfriend
local crime news
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john constantine:
how to cope with cancer
demon possessions
near-death experiences
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foreveric · 2 months
keanuverse x pregnant!wife!reader — headcanons.
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john wick
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he'll be even more protective over you, always anxious whenever you go out to go grocery shopping or even the simplest thing of having a day out with your friends. when you do get back home, he'll ask you everything about what had happened while they were apart.
john constantine
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similar to wick, he'll become much more protective over what you're doing and where you're going; but, not for the same reasons. instead of keeping you safe from the cruel people in the world, he was protecting you from dark magic, demons, and all of the otherworldly enemies he knew were out there. he won't let you near anyone or anywhere he could deem to be dangerous for you. if you were to go out, he'd be with you and by your side 24/7 like your own personal guard dog.
kevin lomax
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he's still going to prioritize his work, of course. but, he will make the effort to be home with you more often in order to help with nesting and preparing to welcome the baby into the world. when he is home, he'll spend as much time with you as possible -- cooking together, snuggling together, etc.
tom ludlow
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oh, this man wouldn't let you out of his sight, not even for a second. if you complain of stomach pain, he'll do what he can at home to treat you until he realizes you may have to go for a check-up at the hospital. when you go in labor, he'll be with you for as long as possible until the staff tries to separate you, but of course he wouldn't let that happen so that he could hold your hand throughout the process. and, he will name his first child after him, if it were to be a boy.
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foreveric · 2 months
what about the
reeves verse with a reader who panics like over everything and she lowky had meltdowns
im saying this cause its me and i need any of keanus characters to calm me down
💌 — gotta love me some keanu to calm me down from stressing myself out lol.
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john wick
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he's going to cuddle and squeeze you until the meltdown calms down. he won't let you go even after the wave washed over, just to make sure that you wouldn't fall back into another meltdown for as long as he can control it. he'll say things like "baby, it's okay", "don't worry, I can take care of this", and "just breathe with me".
jack traven
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similarly to wick, jack will love on you and talk you through the meltdown. he'll place a hand on your shoulder before wrapping both of his arms around you and placing his chin on top of your head in a protective manner, as if he was silently fighting off all of your stress and worries.
john constantine
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he's going to give you tough love, like the cynical bastard that he usually is. but, he'll still give you the affection that you needed in your own ways. he'll poke some jokes at you, using his sense of humor as a shitty (but, in his own ways, the only) way he knew how to calm others down in stressful situation.
neo anderson
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he won't let you get stressed, not if he could control it. getting a little into yandere territory, but if it was a severe problem with anxiety or meltdowns, he'd program a special code to help you not have them anymore. he doesn't want you to be overwhelmed with too much, so he will do everything in his power to practically shelter you from any unnecessary stressors.
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foreveric · 2 months
keanuverse characters reacting to make-up. f!pov
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jack traven — he just loves you for who you are and that you're a part of his life. everyday, he feels lucky just getting to wake up next to you and sharing his life with you. even if you put on a little bit of make-up, he won't mind it one bit. of course, if it's an appealing color palette you've put on yourself, he won't hesitate to express to you how much he truly loves it.
john wick — although he prefers your natural beauty, he won't judge you at all if you decide to apply something a little extra to it. in fact, a part of him loves to see how your artistic and expressive side can come out when it comes to using make-up on yourself.
john constantine — he wouldn't want you to be anywhere near make-up, being aware of just how much dark magic could be done with it. if you were to use it, he'd try to convince you to take it off, but he'd never actually force you to take it off.
neo — he's not against it at all. if anything, the man's neutral about what you decide to do with your body. it is all your choice, after all. if you put on a look that he likes, he'd of course make sure to show you how he appreciates your beauty.
ted logan — despite never being up-front and admitting it, he has an interest pulling him to the beauty of the make-up you apply. sometimes, he'd even allow you to put some on him whenever he's feeling snazzy enough that day. if you need some help, he won't mind helping you to blend some of your eyeshadow in or apply some mascara onto your eyelashes.
🐇— kiara.
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foreveric · 2 months
john wick x sick!f!reader — headcannons‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
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— tw: some mentions of prescription medications, chronic pain/illness, hospitals, etc.
you've got a chronic illness, but that won't change john's love for you. no, in fact, he will do anything and everything in his power to make sure that you know just how much he loves you by doing both little and huge things for you to surprise you.
one night, after a day of you having pain all throughout your body, he decides to gift you with a fancy dinner at home, complete with candles and a glass of champagne. if you need help, he will carry you up the stairs bridal-style just like how he did on the night of your wedding ceremony.
whenever you need help with or getting your prescriptions, he wouldn't mind a bit to go out and get them for you if you're having a bad pain day and can't drive, or if you're out of them (which he'd rarely allow to happen, the only couple of times it did was because of a mission that was drawn out longer than he'd expected).
he'll massage you wherever the pain is hurting you the most in the moment: shoulders, wrists, feet. he doesn't care, just as long as he's helping to make you feel better from your unforgiving pain.
after a long day, he will still cook dinner if you were unable to that day whether if it was because you were in pain or too medicated. all that matters to him, is that your needs are looked after and cared for, because you're the most precious thing he has in his life right now.
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foreveric · 1 month
joel miller x daughter!reader — grumpy dad headcanons.
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you're crazy if you think that he will let you go out on patrol without ellie or tommy, or at least with someone who he trusted with you. of course, he's paranoid about losing his only chance at redeeming himself as a father; so he's not going to take any risks at losing it.
if a clicker even comes remotely close to you, he will snap and take it down in the blink of an eye. half of the time, you didn't even have a chance to recognize that there was a clicker nearby.
although it doesn't happen much with him around, there have been some times when you have gotten hurt. whenever you were hurt or injured, he would always take the time to care for you delicately, like you were the most precious flower.
he hates to see you cry, no matter what the reason may be. it brings him back to sarah's cries, and he'll do anything in his power to comfort you and calm you back down.
when you're old enough to start dating, you'll have to sneak around late at night while he is sleeping. you'll also have to sneak around ellie and tommy until you're clear from the jackson grounds. but, of course, he'd find out about it later on; and he wouldn't be too pleased about the fact that you hid that you were dating someone.
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foreveric · 2 months
john constantine x emo!gf!reader — headcanons.
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he'll buy you whatever dark clothes you ask him for. you are his baby doll, after all! he'll spoil you to high heaven with little goth trinkets or new emo outfits. all that he asks for is a little bit of "spoiling" from you in return...
he knows that you're not just "in a phase", and he'll (quite literally) lunge at anyone who may suggest otherwise. like your parents or siblings, for example.
if you're having a day of depression, he will quickly catch on and do what he could to support you through it. he'll say reassuring things to you, make you your favorite little snack and cuddle with you during a movie, or he'll even let you have your own alone time if you decided that's what's best.
when you get your nails done a new color (even though they're usually black), he'll admire them along with you. he'll even bring the back of your hand up to his lips and press a soft kiss onto them, a silent way of him expressing that you were his — and only his.
at the mall while out on your weekend date, he'd take you in the dressing room of the mall's spencers (or hot topic) and take in every second of you stripping down the one skirt you were just wearing to replace it with the new one you were considering to buy then.
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foreveric · 2 months
Keanu reeves characters with a reader who just had to put down there childhood dog 😢
💌 a/n:: we got this request while we were recovering from covid, so apologies if there were any delays!
the keanuverse characters — headcanons.
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john wick
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of course, this man's going to empathize with you. although he wouldn't know exactly what it was like to lose a childhood dog, he sure does know what it's like to lose a dog that meant wonders to him. he's going to be there with you while you grieve, and he'll occasionally stop by with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. you would save all of those flowers for as long as you could. because, when the flowers die, they make you think back to your dog. but, you couldn't let him know that.
jack traven
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he's never really had any kind of dogs in his childhood, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't love them. he's going to be there for you whenever you need him. even after a grueling day working in the force, he will stop by just to visit you. "I understand what it's like to lose someone close to you." he softly whispers to you, keeping his voice a low volume while speaking gently. but, somehow, that naturally deep voice of his would always get you distracted from the grief over your childhood friend, your dog.
john constantine
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let's be honest, he's gonna be a bit of a dick about it. he'll make deadpanned jokes at you for crying so much over one little dog. he doesn't understand grieving, or why people do it. how-ever, he will still listen to you when you need someone to cry to. he loves being there for you, but he can't feel sympathy or empathy, so he never knows how to respond to what you have to say.
tom ludlow
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he'll always visit you in your home/apartment with a bottle of your favorite alcohol. despite being familiar with grief, he never learned how to cope well with it, leading to him using alcohol as a source of relief; to numb himself. when he is there with you, he'll listen to you until he's really too drunk to coherently understand what you were saying. it will always be random times when he leaves, and he'd always leave the rest of the alcohol bottle with you as a "gift".
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foreveric · 2 months
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ted logan x drama!f!reader — headcanons.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
while you're practicing and rehearsing for your lines, he will be there to help you and support you in any way he could. although you try to act like the pressure didn't get to you, and that you were handling everything with stride, he would be the only one to see your true breakdowns.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
during one of these breakdowns, he will guide you through whatever lines you're flubbing up or having problems with. he'll rehearse with you even if he's not involved in the play.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
when it comes to costume malfunctions, he will take the damaged costume to missy for her to fix it up for you. it'd only be a matter of days before you would receive the returned costume. it always feels like a wave of relief washes over you in one of these moments.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
similarly to the costumes, if there's something wrong with your make-up that he catches before the final show, he'll take you somewhere private backstage to wipe it off until it's perfect again. or, if it's an extreme make-up emergency, he'll take you to missy to have her revise your situation and fix it.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
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foreveric · 2 months
im not sure if you have any giudines for what you will write so ofc im sry if this crosses over them but
how about any keanu character where they get into a fight with reader and they raise there hand to wipe there face or something and she flinches and they feel super guilty etc
💌 — hi, there! this prompt isn't on the guidelines, i'm fine with writing it! i should post a requests guidelines soon. i'm honestly just surprised and grateful to be sent requests!
decided to go with constantine 'cus i've been thirsting over that bastard religiously recently. i need help. but, you could imagine this as wick, too imo.
🪷 — lillian.
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"You know I can't let you go out alone, (y/n)! It's too dangerous." John nearly scolded you, having to bite on his lower lip to recompose himself and regain his control.
However, as he did so, John would proceed to notice that you were beginning to well up with tears in your eyes. The man's protective instincts over you immediately kick in, prompting him to slowly approach you, completely unaware of how his height was intimidating to you in the moment. Then, the most dreaded thing you anticipated: seeing him raise his hand up towards you. The action caused you to flinch and tremble, your eyes closing tightly.
"(Y/N)...(y/n), what's wrong?" John inquired in a much softer voice compared to the one he was speaking in previously. He slowed down the movement with his hand before bringing it down to cup against the side of your cheek, causing you to rest your head into his touch.
"I'm sorry..." You whimper softly, your eyes welling up with tears that threatened to spill out at any given second.
"Shh, you didn't do anything wrong." He whispered back while his eyes were staring directly into your own.
"Hey. You know I'd never hurt you, right?" John asked in a soothing tone against his naturally deep voice, cutting you off before you could even finish what you were going to say. But, then again, maybe that would've been for the best.
No, he wasn't going to let you even think that you did anything wrong.
"Mm-hmm..." You mutter, nodding your head slowly in agreement to answer John, who leaned in slowly to purse his lips and connect them with your own, sealing the both of them into a tight kiss. After what felt like an eternity only did you and John pull away from each other, your breaths ragged and heavy from the passion you had just displayed for each other.
"Good." John eventually broke the silence between either of you, only for him to gently yet firmly hold onto the back of your head and pull you closely into another searing kiss, this time eliciting a moan of surprise and pleasure out of you in response.
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foreveric · 2 months
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john wick x f!reader — first daughter headcanons.
he will do your hair in the morning, or whenever you asks for him to, really. he'll braid it, put it up into pigtails, or even just a pony tail; whatever his little girl asks for.
if there's someone making you sad or upset, he won't hesitate to go after them. although you never really know what actually ended up happening to the person, all you knew was that they would suddenly be gone after you complain about them to him. there's no length greater than his daughter's safety and well-being.
if you want to have some father-daughter time, he's always got the time for it. he'll never once let his own life come before you, because you've been his first priority ever since you were born and introduced into his life for the first time.
when you do go out for a get-together, he'll typically let you pick everything that you did for the day. he will also sometimes make some suggestions for what you can do or where you can go, but he'll always make sure that they're something safe for you, too.
he takes you for rides in the mustang that helen gifted him before her death. it's his most prized possession, after all. and he always loves to share it with you. he even has the front passenger seat set up just for you whenever you go on your little trips with him.
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foreveric · 2 months
ted logan x teen!f!reader.
— rainy day in headcanons.
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he will draw a sketch of you for as long as you'll be his model and pose for him, getting your best angles and features. he'll show it to you after, just to get your opinion on the final result.
every great rainy day inside includes watching a movie together while snuggling in bed, maybe even with a slice of pizza (or two). he'll watch your favorite movies, and vice versa.
if you get scared by the thunder, he won't hesitate to open his arms wide for you to lean into his chest. you'll hear his heartbeat then and begin to ground yourself by listening to it, your breathing soon starts to match his own rhythm.
he won't hesitate to remix or even create some music with you. in fact, most times he's the one who offers to do so. you'd end up jamming for hours together, even up until the rain stops outside.
nothing's better than when he sings sweetly to you. he may not have an acoustic guitar to play along with his vocals, but they carry the song he chooses to sing to you (or you ask for him to sing, which has happened a few times) while cuddling closely to each other.
one day, you noticed just how long and fluffy his hair really was. and, with a stroke of luck, he agreed to let you do his hair however you wanted to. he'd end up with a tiny ponytail sticking up on the top of his head like a tree, making you both burst out laughing when he sees the results in the mirror.
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foreveric · 1 month
ALSO. since coming out as lesbian, we have realized who our main crushes are:
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from left to right: scarlett johansson, sandra bullock, jennie from blackpink, taylor swift, bella ramsey, ana de armas.
y'all think we have a type?? lol. seriously tho, they're all just so gorgeous. 💗
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