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cripcoin · 4 months ago
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Diuturnic / Chronic Illness flags
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Diuturnic is a suffix for chronic illness and long lasting conditions.
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The flags above are as follows
Diuturnic -> coming from the latin words Durus (meaning harsh, severe etc) and Diuturna or Diuturnum (meaning long lasting), this term is not meant to be a replacement use for chronic but to encompass all chronic conditions.
DolorDiuturnic / DoloTurnic -> the orange flag, representing chronic pain, dolor is Latin for pain. This includes all forms of chronic pain.
LangourDiuturnic / LangoTurnic -> the blue flag, coming from the Latin word Langour (meaning faintness, weakness, infirmity, feebleness, exhaustion), this term is meant to encompass all forms of chronic fatigue.
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It is not required to use the created names to use the flags, you can simply call them alternative flags for chronic illness, pain and fatigue.
Our previous chronic illness flags:
Pain - fatigue
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We are accepting requests for sub terms/flags under Diuturnic !
@sanguinaryfreaks , @hewasanamericangirl , @the-church-of-strabismus
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bogleech · 2 years ago
bog please help me which specific book is this i'm interested
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It's Dirge, the second book in a trilogy about how humans and thranx came to form a single integrated civilization, though technically there are four books about this history; one standalone novel about first contact, and the trilogy that begins 20 years later. I'm gonna quote their wikipedia synopses:
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Nor Crystal Tears: "The story follows a Thranx, Ryozenzuzex (i.e. Ryo, of Family Zen, clan Zu, Hive Zex) who came from an odd-numbered hatching (thranx offspring almost always come in multiples of two) immediately making him somewhat different from his brethren. Setting himself aside as different Ryo decides that he has to know what is the secret of the new space-faring race that supposedly wear "their skeletons inside".
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Phylogenesis: "Desvendapur is an anti-social Thranx poet native to the colony on Willow-Wane who believes he can find new inspiration for his poetry by coming in contact with the physically repulsive humans, an intelligent mammal race that is unlike the insectoid thranx."
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Dirge: "The Pitar are a close human analog to humans, appearing to be perfectly human except for a wider variety of hair and eye colors (including blue and violet among them) along with nearly god-like physiques. Most humans almost immediately view the Pitar as perfect. This complicated matters for the insectoid Thranx who wish to form a closer alliance with the humans. Some xenophobic humans go so far as to invade the small Thranx colony in the Amazon, killing many of the insect colonists. While this causes a political nightmare for both humans and Thranx, it also brings together the human chaplain and Thranx spiritual advisor who form the United Church."
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Diuturnity's Dawn: "In the third and concluding novel of this trilogy, an uncomfortable archaeological alliance of Thranx, humans, and AAnn, explores the well-kept secrets of the lost civilization of the Sauun on the frontier world Comagrave. After a series of accidents that occur where the AAnn are convenient for helping an injured or stranded human, the chief Thranx scientist starts suspecting an anti-Thranx conspiracy." The AAnn are major antagonists throughout this continuity; they're its "war-loving" race ala the Klingons but they're desert dwelling flesh eating "reptiles" (it IS acknowledged that things like mammal, insect, bird etc. are just human colloquialisms for convergently evolved aliens, though) who look down humans and thranx in part because we both look like and taste like their favorite staple prey. For some reason however an AAnn has never been officially illustrated outside an RPG module:
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In case you want to know going in what the lovable bastard asshole dinosaur people look like.
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wordsmusicandstories · 3 months ago
Haiku-Tautogramma  in Ⓓ
Il gioco linguistico proposto questa settimana da Eletta Senso – qui – è un Haiku – Tautogramma in Ⓓ. Ecco il mio testo: Doma, dicembre,diuturne difficoltàdeliziandoci! Se volete giocare, inviate i vostri testi, che saranno riportati qui sotto⤵️ This week our language game is a Haiku – Tautogram in Ⓓ If you want to play, please send texts in your own language: they will be shown here⤵️
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your-fave-is-crippled · 3 months ago
flag masterlist
[flag masterlist]
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a list of flags we use and where they came from.
we ask you do not reupload the flags without the coiners permission. our own are off limits and for personal use only.
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flags by us:
Aid user flags
First set: General, Hearing, Brace, Cane & Wheelchair
Second set: General mobility, Walker, Scooter, Guide dog, Glasses, Crutch, Forearm crutch.
Anemia + POTS
Autoimmune haver (alts to immusyc)
First set: General, Addisons, Hashimotos, Celiac, Dermatomysotis, Graves, Multiple Sclerosis, Myasthina Gravis & Pernicious anemia.
Arthristis flags:
First set: Osteo, Rheumatoid, Psoriatic, Fibromyalgia & Gout
Sight related:
Astigmatism, Myopia & Hyperopia
Cpunk witch + Cpunk alt
Chronic flags:
Chronic pain + Chronic fatigue (alts to diuturnic flags)
Chronic migraine + Arthritis (specific type of chronic pain)
Diuturnic (+ Dolorturnic & Langoturnic)
Hypermobile + Scoliosis
Prosthetic user flags:
Prosthetic limbs: Limb, Leg, Arm/Hand
Prosthetic eye + Spine
Pain / Issue flags: Joint, Jaw, Back
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by others:
Asthma (by yiekistore)
Chronic Migraine (by pickle-the-lad)
Cerebral Palsy (by yiekistore)
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (by yiekistore)
Disabled Intersex (by intervex)
Endomatrosis (by spaghettimakesflags)
POTS (by yiekistore)
Physical Disability (by the-masquerade-council)
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if you have flags we can add to the list feel free!
very prone to updates, please reblog the original posts!
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vagabondprophet · 5 years ago
On a first name basis with suffering
No stranger to the barbarous threads
By which beauty burns like embers,
Caring nothing for the safety of others
And everything for the warmth
It can’t keep to itself.
The gaze of diuturnity
Found in her mortal face,
Every utterance saturated
With sharpest of truths,
So to hear her voice
Is to swear a blood oath.
She reigns over lilac
And briar alike,
For pain and fragrance
Share a common past.
She is my queen of flowers
And empress of my thorns.
- Vagabond Prophet
Thank you to @ragewrites for the prompt ‘ queen of flowers of queen of thorns.’
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corallorosso · 5 years ago
La denuncia dei medici: “Mentre combattiamo il coronavirus alcuni avvocati invitano a farci causa”
Medici, infermieri e personale sanitario vengono elogiati anche al presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella per quanto rischiano con il Coronavirus, e spesso pagano con il contagio o addirittura con la morte i loro sforzi per assistere i malati. Troppo spesso, denunciano più media, non hanno peraltro protezioni adeguate. Eppure, avvisa Filippo Anelli, presidente della Federazione nazionale degli Ordini dei Medici Chirurghi e Odontoiatri, ci sono avvocati che invitano i malati contagiati da Coronavirus a far causa ai medici per presunti errori. Un’azione in grado di rovinare la vita, per di più proprio a chi la difende e, guarda un po’, cerca di proteggere anche chi vorrebbe prendere le vie del tribunale. La Federazione aggiorna quotidianamente il conto degli operatori sanitari contagiati e dei morti tra i sanitari per il Coronavirus: al 27 marzo erano rispettivamente ben 6.400 e 51 i decessi, secondo i dati dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità Anelli ha scritto al presidente del Consiglio Nazionale Forense, Andrea Mascherin, su un fenomeno che, se confermato, può avere pesantissime ripercussioni anche nel lavoro di chi protegge la salute di tutti e, di conseguenza, anche sulla salute dei cittadini. “Caro Presidente, mi rivolgo a Te quale massimo rappresentante della professione forense, quella professione che insieme a quella medica tutela diritti di rango costituzionale – esordisce Anelli -. In questi giorni tremendi di preoccupazione per la salute dei cittadini e la tenuta economica e sociale del Paese, con i medici e i professionisti sanitari tutti impegnati in prima fila in questa guerra contro un nemico invisibile ma non per questo meno pericoloso, alle diuturne difficoltà si aggiungono le comunicazioni pubblicitarie promosse da iscritti agli Albi degli Avvocati che, di fatto, pubblicizzano la propria attività, evidenziando presunti errori commessi da quegli stessi medici che, spesso a mani nude, provano ad arginare l’emergenza pandemica e pagano questo impegno contando i propri morti”. Fanelli parla di “delusione” di fronte ad azioni dove “gli interessi di natura economica prevalgono sull’interesse generale che, al contrario, vorrebbe i medici operare nella massima serenità possibile per garantire l’assistenza duramente messa alla prova in questi frangenti”. Globalist
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chinadigitaldentallab · 3 years ago
Orthodontics in China Digital Dental Lab
By receiving Orthodontics by China digital dental labs many valuable and satisfactory benefits can be gained such as flourishing and healthy mouth, delightful appearance, and diuturnal and long lasting life of teeth. According to AAO American Association of Orthodontics, approximately 50 percent of the world population attain malocclusions severe in condition. For this, an authentic and recognized Orthodontic service provider is very much required.
For more information visit: https://www.chinadigitaldentallabs.com/product/orthodontics/
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restlessmuseum · 7 years ago
dichiarazioni che contendono a rivoli, scorsi strade asfaltate della mantica.
invertono in senso finalistico il prima che era verticale, secondandolo
per togliere di mezzo questa roba sporca ecco, riappare il sangue
è come chi cartavetra ma a buon mercato. l'occhio marmoreo. la pietra fertile.
mai più dietrofront per alcun tassametro
(pezzo archeologico)
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milliworks. mice abandoning the mother ship if we ever get out of this techs.
cold sweat of rainy days, claptrappery. i abdicate the honey of olive trees
body drupe of bed.
meandeering at maximum sound, i recap after use used after as the movie seen before
patched theater with moths vanessas precipicely over outline, prepucely over wait
rough rims of faith diuturnal
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cooperatoresveritatisinfo · 4 years ago
L'umile frate cardinale Guglielmo Massaia e la cura dei corpi e degli spiriti
L’umile frate cardinale Guglielmo Massaia e la cura dei corpi e degli spiriti
“E voi, umile figlio di s. Francesco, il cui nome fecero glorioso e venerando le diuturne e immense fatiche sostenute fra barbare genti per la propagazione della fede, collo splendore della romana Porpora diffonderete piú viva la luce di quella vita apostolica, di cui foste nobilissimo esempio; mostrando al mondo, che lo disconosce, quanto bene possa meritare della vera civiltà anche un umile…
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kidaoocom · 5 years ago
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cripcoin · 2 months ago
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A diuturnic term/flag for those with chronic headaches and/or migraines, including those with full body, periodical, severer or moderate pain from headaches/migraines, regardless of when or how often they happen be it monthly, weekly, daily, having no pattern and so on.
This includes anyone who's undiagnosed or doesn't know what it is beyond constant headaches/migraines regardless of what form it takes.
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Capiti -> comes from capitis, Latin for headache.
+ iuturnic from diuturnic.
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Requests are open!
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bogleech · 8 years ago
I'm dyin' here, what's the name of that novel series about the aliens that look like mantis people and the series is about them interacting and living alongside and combining with humanity? It's killing me that I can't remember.
Novels in Alan Dean Foster’s Humanx Commonwealth universe!
This is the one about their first contact:
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This one is followed by the books Phylogenesis, Diuturnity’s Dawn, and Dirge.
Humans and arthropods work out all their weird differences, make friends, and in a possible dig against Star Trek style aliens, they defeat an incredibly evil species that happens to look a lot like us only Always Sexy.
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fuckyeah-nerdery · 8 years ago
Got a nice little book haul from the library’s sale
Mercedes Lackey:
Heralds of Valdemar: Arrows of the Queen, Arrow’s Flight, and Arrow’s Fall
The Last Herald Mage: Magic’s Pawn, Magic’s Price (they didn’t have the second book, though)
Royal Assassin and Assassin’s Quest - Robin Hobb
Hunting Party - Elizabeth Moon
Daggerspell - Katharine Kerr
The Price of the Stars - Debra Doyle and James D. Macdonald
Empire in Black and Gold - Adrian Tchaikovsky
Phylogenesis and Diuturnity’s Dawn - Alan Dean Foster
The Longest Way Home - Robert Silverberg
The Godfather - Mario Puzo
The Pleasure of My Company - Steve Martin (yes, THAT Steve Martin)
The White Lioness and The Return of the Dancing Master - Henning Mankell
Alaska - James A. Michener
Red Harvest, The Dain Curse, The Maltese Falcon, The Glass Key, and The Thin Man - Dashiell Hammett (omnibus)
Skinwalkers, A Thief of Time, and Coyote Waits - Tony Hillerman (another omnibus)
Sanibel Flats - Randy Wayne White
15 Travis McGee novels that I’m not going to list because it’s 15 books - John D. MacDonald
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ryusxnka · 7 years ago
secretusreginam :
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          The VOICES; they scream out various words, all echoing in cranium’s chamber. They encourage, they dissuade. They EMBRACE, they reject. Torn at the seam, mind is S P L I T  between acceptance and dissent. A state of schism within body and soul. Immense salacity lingers in wanting to control and to have winter ABIDE to her very presence. But its boreal hold remains austere and diuturnal. Bound at bones, not at flesh; free will is naught but a beatific FALLACY. Take heeding from very monarch whom was enslaved by words of own parents.
      ❝Acceptance goes BEYOND simply embracing these powers. It doesn’t give back what was lost of my life.❞
          Lips part and inhale air once more in preparation to speak MIND, but they catch at throat’s base and slip back into dark cavity where UNSPOKEN words dwell. No use in spewing complaints; in spitting out immaturity. Where will that take you, but one step backwards into the  P A S T? Feel the weight of crown and wear it with pride. Do true queens complain of their power and authority? They dare not engage in such FATUOUS actions.
      ❝I cannot so easily accept them for what they are.❞
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                 H is ears are closely attending to her articulating voice; its tone, it undulates with an evident  impact of self - pitying  distress he  once bore as an inadequate child  -----  As a prodigal academic  student exceedingly  dreading the  ghastly powers he’s never  once asked to  receive. Not many  were cognizant  of the  problematic incidents that  had been written,  instilled,  into his assorted medley of lasting memories,  for all perpetuity no matter how pressing he’s  ventured to suppress his  long past  blunders,  by bloodstained fingers  who may be benign  at times but  are more frequently malignant. Untrusting or so he considered them to be.  -  Foolish boy, terrified of  harming others,  he instantly propels them  away and embeds himself in  a crystalline sphere  of utter frigidity and solitude. She was still an impeccably enigmatic woman to him. It’s rather Ironic, isn't it?  --  That they were in a class of  comparable fates and yet they were from two completely distinctive worlds entirely.  He knew not of her past, nor of her periodic struggles. --  But even so,  he knows she isn’t one to easily resign sans first putting up a fight. “ Is that how you truly feel? “ He’s glancing down at the tasteless  floor tiles from aloft his shoulders, evoked with recollections he strongly condemned. “ Hmph. You speak the words of a coward. Not of a Queen; A leader. “ 
  Ice is quite beautiful. But it is also notably lethal; A tragic factor of truth.
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thelesserlights-blog · 6 years ago
Unfettered Daughter of Zion
Unfettered Daughter of Zion
Unfettered Daughter of Zion
She walks over gold grains
Grit in her step,
She tolerates burns
Glazing her shoulders,
She licks salt off her lips
Rubs sand in the wound,
Turns scorched cheeks
Diuturnal Daughter,
She was born to bear heat.
  Isaiah 52: Captive Daughter of Zion
Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for…
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ftbugatti · 8 years ago
Mi rendo conto proprio in questi mesi di quanto grande sia la mia tragedia di scrittore nel mondo che lei dice libero e democratico. I miei romanzi e le mie poesie perdono a vista d'occhio il loro 'significato', per aggiunte e falsificazioni continue, diuturne, dilaganti: per una interpretazione denigratoria portata a un grado di intensità e di ferocia mai viste. I miei testi deperiscono effettivamente, i significati delle mie parole hanno una reale depressione espressiva fino a essere quelli che la gente (intesa come massa guidata dal potere industriale e dal susseguente conformismo statale) vuole che siano
Pier Paolo Pasolini da 'Le belle bandiere' Dialoghi 1960-65 (a cura di Gian Carlo Ferretti, Editori Riuniti, Roma 1977)
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