#disguised purple diamond
Not necessarily an update, but sorta. I’m currently slowly reworking on everything. Barely anything from before now is going to be canon to this AU because I’m wanting to completely start over, but idk if I’ll actually go through and delete old posts. Just know that anything with old Sophie art (her design before this) is no longer canon unless I state otherwise. I will be keeping the idea of Rose and Steven coexisting (aka Steven has his own gem) but they will be still sharing powers (with some of his own) because Steven was created using Rose’s essence (it’s complicated but makes sense in my head). I’ll be figuring out other things that’ll still end up canon in this AU, but it’ll take some time since I’m doing this for the fun of it (despite not being hyperfixated on SU at the moment). I’ll also be working on an actual timeline unlike before since I’m planning on setting this after the events of SU, but nothing is confirmed yet. Especially since I’ll have to be figuring out how everything happens now that Rose/Pink is still alive (which is more work for me, but I wanted to have Sophie kinda bond with Rose and Rose seeing that she really wasn’t the only diamond to see how flawed gem society really is/was or something along those lines).
As a sign that I am still alive and working on things (albeit slowly) here’s some art I’ve made related/for this AU. Basically the only confirmed designs for this AU.
Firstly, we have Sadie’s performance design as 80die. This is confirmation that 80die will still exist in this universe because I really just love the idea. Her design is more inspired by actual outfits female artists in the 80s wore (a mix of pop & rock). Also the star earrings are a nod to Greg’s star shirts since he is her manager.
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Secondly, I have finally given a design to Purple Diamond’s disguised form as an amethyst. I kept a bit of Amy’s original design (light purple hair with a dark purple streak), but mostly completely changed her look. I kinda did a slight color shift with her design like Rose and I kinda (unintentionally) designed her skirt to be a bit similar to bottom of Rose’s dress. Though I did look at a ref of CG!Amethyst to kinda have her look similar yet still different since she’s just a diamond pretending to be an amethyst. Also the hearts in her design is actually a callback to the original concept I had for Purple Diamond’s symbol when after her rebellion (since stars is kinda the Crystal Gems thing). Though I think the only time I’ve ever shown anything related to the original concept for Amy’s group of gems (which mostly consisted of 2 or 3 other gems) is in Sophie’s earliest concept design, which is somewhere on my main account.
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Lastly, I designed a fusion between Steven and Sophie. This is mostly the design of what their fist time fusing would look like. It’s heavily inspired by Stevonnie (for reasons I will not explain yet). Their fusion is called Stevie and their pronouns are They/Them. I don’t have much on their personality or really anything other than their design. However, I can say that both were surprised and excited to be able to fuse. (Also it’s really the first drawing I’ve ever made that actually has toes since I tend to avoid drawing them lol)
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So yeah. A lil update and some art. You can send in asks for any questions based on what could possibly change or what ideas I have for this AU or even my thoughts on Sophie in other AUs. However, I may end up being vague with some answers for this AU since I’m still figuring things out and working on the timeline, but I’m fine with answering any questions for this AU. I may not be very active here (I’m more active on @artistically-unique-girl or @artsartblog since their my main account/blogs) but I still see things and check up here every once in awhile since I’m not trying to burn myself out over this (like I did before) and actually figure things out before just throwing out too many ideas at once. So feel free to leave any questions or thoughts you may have about this AU as I’m working on it (some things could spark new ideas for how this AU will be) or just questions or my thoughts on Sophie in other AUs because I have fun thinking about how Sophie would be/exist in other AUs. That’s all for now. Until my next post, stay creative!
~Mod Art
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jq37 · 5 months
The Report Card – Fantasy High Junior Year Ep 15
The Buddy System
Welcome back to Fantasy High where the Bad Kids are still fighting for their lives and, more importantly, their grades. 
After a sterling start to their Last Stand exam, they still have a lot more test to get through before they’re academically out of the woods and they need a perfect score on the written portion to pass which is incredibly harsh but that’s Aguefort for you!
This is a very long episode where everyone gets to be so cool. Truly, you can see how competent all of the players and the characters have become as they carve a bloody path through wave after wave of enemies. 
As usual, it doesn’t really make sense for me to do a blow for blow recap of this fight but it’s absolutely worth watching. It’s an absolute delight from Siobhan and Emily irl making up a limerick in tandem to pass the Performance section of The Last Stand to Gorgug rolling truly more Nat 20s than I’ve ever seen in my life and almost solo-ing a *Purple Worm*. There’s not really any commentary that I can add to improve on just how amazingly they do in the episode. They’re forced to use the auto-pass stamp twice but only on the two most unreasonable things Brennan asked them to do–write a 300 word essay longhand in five minutes and do a (gag) math word problem. With those two stamped, they get 100% on their written exam. They even get some extra credit (partially due to Siobhan’s IRL LOTR geekery). 
Not only that, but Gavin (the proctor) only gets hit (I think) once and never actually goes down! None of the Bad Kids do. Hell, Adaine–their squishiest member–basically just sits at her desk the whole fight answering questions and slinging spells and she’s fine! Happy ending, A+s all around, roll credits, right?
No, of course not. Nothing is that simple–not that this was simple. They can’t just be the first party to ever pass The Last Stand without dying and have it be done. 
During the fight, everyone–but especially Kristen–has been suspicious of Buddy. She does an Insight check and sees that he seems on the level but that’s not enough to quell her suspicion. Near the end of the fight, she eats the Vulture King eyeball (granting her a minute of Truesight) with the intent of seeing who Buddy really is–a reasonable instinct considering Ruben was in disguise at the festival. 
She sees that Buddy is Buddy. She *also* sees Kipperlilly Copperkettle invisibly aiming a crossbow at Gavin. KP clocks Kristen clocking her, smiles, and lowers the crossbow, instead choosing to SLIT BUDDY’S THROAT. Buddy falls to the ground, absolutely DEAD. Not making saves. FULLY DEAD. A blue scaly hand touches her and they both vanish–Kristen can tell that the spell was Plane Shift (which is necessary for getting in and out of this testing pocket dimension). She frantically looks for a diamond to cast Revivify but her pockets have been picked and Buddy’s Revivify diamonds are gone as well. 
They finish the fight victoriously but Buddy’s death casts a pallor on everything. This was supposed to be a fight to the death but Buddy was the one person whose death wasn’t figured into the bloodbath. Gavin tells them that they pass the rest of the year with A+s but is shaken and thrown off kilter by the seemingly random murder. Kristen tells him what she saw and Gavin says that he was observing so he can vouch for the fact that none of them had anything to do with the murder but this is a crime scene and they have to call the Fantasy FBI. The Bad Kids are all super worried about Gavin’s safety since Kipperlilly was going after him initially, but in the end they agree to take him to the Council of Chosen office in Bastion City so he can be under their protection and to leave Fig’s phone (juiced up by Gorgug) in the pocket dimension with Buddy’s body in case there are any shenanigans (you know, besides him getting murdered which was already a pretty big shenanigan).
The Bad Kids drop off Gavin and then take a bus back to Elmville with a new mission: CSI Elmville, let’s get this bitch arrested! 
Editing to Add: This is a very cool post by @thisisnotthenerd that covers all the Last Stand Qs and monsters in the form of Gavin's proctor notes. Check it out!
Kipperlilly for Icing Buddy
This was gonna go to Brennan for making a bunch of stand up comedians do math under a time limit but I can’t not give it to Kipperlilly here. She smiled. She looked at Kristen, smiled, and slit Buddy’s throat. There was no gritting her teeth like it was a hard but pragmatic choice. She was about to take the life of someone who fully trusted her and she did it with glee. There is something *deeply* wrong with this bitch, and we knew that already but hoo boy this certainly clinches it. 
Honor Roll
Gorgug for DESTROYING that Purple Worm
Everyone was in top form this episode but if I have to give it to one person, I’m gonna give it to Gorgug for single handedly holding back a Purple Worm, a monster so terrifying that there is an official D&D show where the premise is that all the players have to fight an OP monster they’re almost certainly gonna TPK against and the title is “Faster, Purple Worm! Kill! Kill!” Our boy didn’t even drop. That’s Maximum Legend Behavior. 
Random Notes
Kristen has the thought that she interrupted a truly horrible thing that KP was about to do and wonders what the crossbow bolt was loaded with. I didn’t mention it in the recap but I wanted to call attention to it because Brennan called attention to it. 
Also Riz got some footage of Gavin clearing them with his tie and Gavin sent their scores to the superintendent (not Jace to be clear–Tectonya Karkovnya who we met in The Seven).
Ugh I’m so annoyed because if KP and Oisin get questioned under Zone of Truth they’re absolutely gonna be dosed up with Devil’s Honey.
Buddy’s throat was slit and there’s no rune on his chest so presumably he can be revived if he’s brought to a hospital–hell Kristen could probably do it with a higher level spell–but I’m worried someone’s gonna slap that rune on him while his body is alone.
Do we think KP killed Buddy without a thought because she knows she lives in a world with revives and she knows it’s temporary or is she just like I truly do not care what happens to this (literally) corny ass cleric. I don’t know him like that. 
Once again, I love Adaine’s div powers so much. “You crit actually.” What a legend. Also love Fig coming to her with doubt and her just being like don’t be crazy and slapping a reticle on the monster to help her aim. I really love their friendship. 
Adaine is my favorite Bad Kid and I am first in line to throw down wrath on anyone who tries to mess with her. That being said, my favorite non-Bad Kid character is Aelwyn who has absolutely tried to kill Adaine and attacked her on multiple occasions and also is wanted for murders she absolutely did. My point here is that Oisin’s next moves will determine if he’s “surrounded by bad influences/I can fix them” material like Aelwyn or, “Throw out the whole man” material like that cop Antiope had a crush on. I am still rooting for the former but I will flip on a dime, do not doubt me. 
I tried that essay writing task and with 25 seconds left on the clock (I stopped when I finished making my points) I was only at 174 words and my hand was seriously cramping. So I would say, valiant effort from the Bad Kids but that was a *rough* ask. 
Kristen’s Bless really came in clutch! Honorary mention to her for that AND for having enough intuition to keep an eye on the Rat Grinder situation. I wonder if Brennan contemplated that might happen. 
Fig bug zapping all those flying monsters was chef’s kiss. 
Did Bobby Dawn fail Kristen specifically so she’d have to take the Last Stand? If so, he is indirectly responsible for his grandson getting iced. Hope that tastes bitter when he finds out but for all we know he’s one of those ends justify the means guys. Bleh. 
This season really is a love letter to all that came before it. The questions, the pentacorn, Adaine’s go to move even magically just being making a fist and letting it fly. I really love how much love Brennan clearly has for this world. And the 100% score the players got on the test shows they obviously love it right back!
Loose Ends
It is Fantasy High tradition for us to get a huge lore dump near the end of the season that ties together a lot of disparate clues and I hope we’re getting there soon because there are a LOT of loose ends we have yet to tie. Here are as many major ones as I can think of right now in case it helps spark productive speculation amongst y’all. 
Who killed the Loams?
Why the move to Loam Farm for Frosty Faire?
What specifically was Ruben trying to do with the symbol when he was playing at the festival? Presumably the thing Grix was trying to prevent?
Who killed Professor Badgood?
What were the exact circumstances behind Lucy’s death?
Who was able to put the rune on both of their bodies and what exactly was the goal there?
What is the Devil’s Honey being used for? What about the other things Aelwyn was getting for KP like Ambrosia? Why did she want a Cloud Rider engine?
How is Jace involved? Why is he manipulating Ruben?
How culpable is each individual Rat Grinder? Are they all in it together or are there varying levels of how involved they are?
Why were Ankarana’s domains wiped from heavens’ computers?
Why did Ankarna become corrupted and why was she forgotten? Were the celestial gods (Sol and co) involved?   
How did KP find the rogue teacher?
Also what’s her damage? Why is she obsessed with Riz? What are her anger issues about?
What’s her current goal? Who is she loyal to (if anyone)? Why did she want to know about Kristen creating a god exactly?
Why did Lucy change her god and then change it back?
Why was Buddy specifically requested by the Rat Grinders?
Why is KP running for class president? And is Mazey being principal a purposeful machination or just a weird thing that’s happening incidentally? 
What’s up with Spy’s Tongue Curse and Kalina only being able to say Ragh’s name? Is it related to that conversation between Kalina, Adaine’s mom, and Jace from SY?
Why wasn’t Ivy surprised to see Fig in disguise as Lucy who was at the time fully dead?
What’s up with the party vision that Adaine has now had at least twice?
Where is KP getting her money from?
What made the Rat Grinders become the Rat Grinders when they started as the High Five Heroes?
What's up with the shatter stars infecting the soil around Elmville?
Where exactly is Cass right now?
What does Ankarna want?
How does Ruvina fit into all of this?
Feel free to hit me up if there's something you think I should add to the list! Can't wait for next week. I'll see you then!
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cattimeswithjellie · 1 year
A Brief History of the Tunnel Bore War
As is the case with many ongoing storylines in Hermitcraft, especially the wars, it can be hard to keep up with what all has happened and keeps happening, especially if you don't watch many hermits. Here's a brief synopsis of the escalations and shenanigans that have led to the current point of the Tunnel Bore War (also called Prank War 2.0 or the Barnyard Brawl)
Grian, Scar, Mumbo and Doc are all neighbors on the Hermitcraft Season 9 server. Grian has a floating-rock structure called The Rock, Mumbo builds The Vault, Scar builds a whole amusement park called Scarland, and Doc uses a world-eater to create a massive hole to bedrock called The Perimeter. Other Hermits are also nearby, but they are less involved in current events.
Grian and Scar make themselves pesky to Doc throughout the early part of the season, mostly small but irritating things like stealing copper from the walls of the Perimeter and using the bedrock floor to spawn mobs that leave holes behind.
Doc responds with impressively overengineered contraptions like a cannon that shoots charged creepers at Grian's base and an arrow that can blow through netherite armor and kill Scar in one hit. He also creates a walking machine that can move along the side of the Perimeter and lob TNT towards his neighbors, but does not deploy it. Doc mentions that he is purposefully avoiding putting creepers in Scarland because he is a huge fan of Scar's design work and doesn't think Scar could successfully handle charged creepers (which is demonstrably true).
While being heckled by Gem, Impulse and Scar to build the back of his base, Grian convinces Scar to play hooky and go visit the new massive tunnel borer that Doc has built in the Perimeter. After several successful uses, they both hit the ignition button at the same time and destroy the entire machine. After some initial panic, they try to apologize with a pile of diamond blocks (something Doc super-duper does not need) along with a box of Scarland merchandise, some fairly good TCG cards, and one of Grian's duped dragon eggs.
Doc retaliates for the loss of his tunnel bore in his usual manner, by breaking Minecraft in impressive ways using crazy redstone machines. He parks dozens of wither skull bullets above Scarland and turns Grian's nether portal sideways and only one block tall. He creates a massive sign in the Perimeter forbidding Grian and Scar from entering.
Grian leads Zedaph on a quest to prove that Zedaph is worthy to possess a duped dragon egg. The first trial of the quest is to explode a block of TNT in a little-used portion of Doc's base, revealing a clue hidden behind a wall. Zedaph follows instructions and does so, and neither he nor Grian clean up the mess afterwards.
Doc, after using a redstone and ender-pearl based teleportation device to camp the button and collect all three of Mumbo's friendship crowns, uses the purple crown to set a trap for Grian. He places a TNT cannon below Mumbo's base and rigs it to shoot when a zombie wearing the purple crown is killed. Grian kills the zombie and retrieves the crown, but the cannon blows a hole through the redstone door of The Vault and destroys it. Most of The Vault is undamaged, but Mumbo does briefly convince Grian that the prank blew up his entire base, causing Grian to burn the friendship crown in shame.
Grian and Scar don their disguises as Poultryman and Hotguy to descend into the Perimeter and build an enormous chicken-making machine. Through significant AFKing and leading chickens around with seeds, they fill a substantial portion of the Perimeter with 6k-10k chickens and many more eggs. As collateral damage, their activities break the chunk loader that holds Doc's dragon pet in position and allow it to move far away from its usual position. Doc recruits Zedaph to help clean up chickens to repay him for his part in the earlier base damage, and he recruits Ren because he is bored and likes to chase chickens.
During the cleanup process, Doc builds a nether portal link between his base and Grian's base, relocating a few thousand chickens into Grian's base.
Grian recruits Scar and Mumbo into an alliance to keep an eye on the "aggressions" of their neighbor. They call themselves The Buttercups, a plant that is poisonous to goats, and build an adorable encampment on the edge of the Perimeter to keep an eye on things. They are briefly derailed when Scar and Mumbo realize they can /kick Grian by dropping any gravity block in his vicinity, but the alliance holds together.
Doc builds an automated dragon-egg duper capable of dispensing 112k dragon eggs per hour and collects tens of thousands of dragon eggs. With Ren's extremely enthusiastic help, he places thousands of duped dragon eggs in and around The Buttercups' bases, especially in Scarland.
So that's where things stand as of now, July 7! I'm sure I've probably missed some things, feel free to shout them out for me! We can only wait and see how big and horrifying things get from here...
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rebeccaajc93 · 3 months
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Here is my Top 10 Aardman Villains List:
*10. Lord Nooth from Early Man (2018) - He is maybe the hilarious Aardman villain, But He is not my forte, Because He is too cowardly for my taste. *9. Anthony Trumper from Shaun The Sheep Movie (2015) - He is maybe more dangerous than Lord Nooth, But He is too boisterous for my taste. *8. Piella Bakewell from Wallace and Gromit: A Matter Of Loaf and Death (2008) - Because She is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and a serial killer. *7. Victor Quartermaine from Wallace and Gromit: The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit (2005) - Because He is an arrogant hunter, who wants to hunt the rabbits for sport and wants to marry Lady Campanula Tottington for money. *6. Preston from Wallace and Gromit: A Close Shave (1995) - Because he is a canine equivalent to The Terminator. *5. The Toad from Flushed Away (2006) - Because He was originally the royal pet amphibian of the young King Charles III, But He was replaced by the pet rodent that made him very angry and upset, then He was flushed down the toilet and sent to the London Sewers. *4. Agent Red from A Shaun The Sheep Movie: Farmageddon (2019) - She maybe has a cold exterior, but She has a tragic backstory that made her feel very misunderstood and sympathetic. But thankfully, she redeemed herself in the end by giving Lu-La’s parents a hug. *3. Queen Victoria from The Pirates! In An Adventure With Scientists! (2012) - She is maybe the Queen Of England from the 19th Century, But She is a pirate-hating, katana-wielding ninja warrior. *2. Mrs. Melisha Tweedy from Chicken Run (2000) and Chicken Run: Dawn Of The Nugget (2023) - Because She is the most threatening out of the human Aardman villains and She is armed with an axe, She married two husbands, chicken meat products businesses and different outfits from the different decades, The First Movie’s case is wearing Burgundy tweed dress and black wellies, When she was with Willard Tweedy and doing the chicken pie business in the 1950’s. While for the sequel’s case is wearing the Pink Penelope Pitstop-Styled Go-Go Boots, black leggings, dark red gloves and plum-purple sleeved dress, When she is now with Dr. Marcus Fry and doing the chicken nugget business in the 1960’s. She is the first Aardman villain is returning for her revenge against her arch-enemies. *1. Feathers McGraw from Wallace and Gromit: The Wrong Trousers (1993) and Wallace and Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl (2024) - Because He is the most iconic Wallace and Gromit villain, as well as his silent, but deadly nature. He is a diamond thief of the penguin, Who is disguised as a chicken and he is armed with a pistol. He is using Wallace’s technology and inventions for his evil purposes/intentions, For The Wrong Trousers (1993)’s case is the techno trousers. While for Vengeance Most Fowl (2024)’s case is the smart gnomes. Like Melisha Tweedy, Feathers McGraw is the second Aardman villain is returning for his revenge against his arch-enemies.
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
I’m not prepared to see how things transpire when Fe and Rooster go back to work. Especially if Jaidyn is gonna be there.
But you're gonna have to deal with it bestie. Because it’s gonna have to happen sooner or later. And we know shits gonna blow up. As always though here’s the Terms of Endearment Masterlist.
Warnings: Mentions of domestic violence.
SunnySide daycare centre was a diamond in disguise. At first when you had been looking for a place to enrol Odette into when you realised you were going to be sticking around longer than intended it hadnt even fallen onto the short list of daycares you were reading into. It had been with Penny Benjamin's recommendation that you actually decided to go forward with the application process. A good friend of Penny’s had worked there ever since she could remember.  
“Tooster!” Dot giggled and squealed as Braldey held her up over his head, roaring like what he thought a dinosaur would sound like. Whatever sound left his ajar mouth was definitely not a dinosaur sound, but it made you laugh nevertheless. “Tooster! Dop! Dop!” Dot tried to plead with Rooster through her bout of giggles. 
“Hi Miss Y/L/N, just dropping Odette off are we?” One of the ladies at the reception desk asked as Bradley placed her down on the counter, letting her back lean against his shoulder as one of her purple backpack staples nearly cut his circulation off. 
“Yes please, and I also wanted to speak to someone about confirming the list of people permitted to drop off and pick up?” It was your first day back at work after the small Christmas and new year break you all got. The third of January saw SunnySide back up and running and in full swing again as most of its enrolled were military children. 
“Sure, not a problem at all Felix.” Bradley crooned his head your way to plant a gentle kiss against your temple, he could see the vein popping from a mile away. “Okay so i've got yourself listed as the primary caregiver and emergency contact, i've got a Jake Seresin listed too as a primary pick up and secondary emergency contact if we can't reach you and a Bradley Bradshaw was just recently added as a primary pick up and drop off and third emergency contact if yourself of Jake are not reachable.” The receptionist explained as she turned her head up from her computer screen to look at you. “Does that all sound good Fe?” 
“Yeah, all good.” You sighed out a breath of relief. “Um, I was also wondering if I could red flag someone?” Bradley knew it was hard for you to even ask, but you needed to make sure that Odette was going to be safe in the care of the child workers you trusted her to. He’d been the one to remind you that it was probably a good idea to get ahead of the game and expect Jaidyn to try something. “Dots dad has recently moved to town and I just want to make sure if he ever tries to collect her or comes to try and see her or something that someone will notify me?”
“Sure thing sugar, I just need a name and I can make sure that if that were to ever happen we’d notify you, but please remember unless someones been specifically nominated as a trusted adult, we wouldn't let just anyone claiming to be here for Dot pick her up Felix, She's safe here.” It was nice to be reassured. 
“Thankyou.” You smiled softly as you nuzzled your daughter, kissing her cheeks until she was smiling. Bradley had tried his best to do her hair this morning, you had to redo it but let him redeem his self esteem when he placed the purple bows against her pigtails. “Uh, his name is Jaidyn Dolan.” 
“Great, I'll make sure if he ever comes snooping around that you're informed immediately.” 
“Alright squirt, time to go.” Bradley roared again as he scooped Odette up, placing her down on the ground as he opened his arms wide for her to smoosh herself against him, encapsulating the almost three year old he’d give his life for. “You have a good day alright? and I want at least two new drawings, got some new picture frames to fill.” 
“You know you can't just keep using her for cheap artwork Bradshaw.” You were quick to laugh as you came to crouch beside him, Dot moving from his warm strong embrace to your loving, protective hug. “Love you Lieutenant Polkadot, see this afternoon baby.” 
“I'm gonna stockpile them so when she actually does grow up to become the next Picasso, i'll be making bank.” Rooster quipped as he stood with you, watching as one of the early childhood educators took Dot by the hand and walked her inside the daycare. “Come on Mamma, we better get to base.” 
You weren't going to lie, you were utterly terrified of what going back to work would bring. Nothing had changed really, but so much had also changed at the same time. Before the break, you and Bradley weren't exactly sure what the two of you were. Now? You’d gone ahead and made it official, Bradley Bradshaw was your boyfriend and you were his girlfriend.
God, you had a child, you were a fully grown woman and even just the idea of introducing Bradley as your boyfriend to anyone made you feel like a prepubescent adolescent. You asked if you could refer to him as your partner if anyone were to ask, Rooster said you could call him anything under the sun so long as he was yours and you were his. He didn't care that much for labels, he just wanted you and your daughter for the rest of his life. 
“If he comes near you Bradley I swear–” Holding the passenger side door of the Bronco open. 
“I can hold my own, don't you spend a second worrying about me Fe.” Penny had offered to lend you her car for a little bit while you looked on marketplace for anyone going for a good price. Jake was still waiting on his insurance claim to finish processing so he could cash in for a new Ford. You had politely accepted knowing Jake needed it more than you did. “Besides, I think the more important matter at hand here is making sure you remember to grab the keys to your new house before you leave this afternoon.” 
“True, true, still can't believe I actually got approved.”  As it turns out, one of the main reasons it had taken you so long to be approved for staff accommodation was that one of the admin workers knew of you and your beautiful daughter and wanted to find you something you could truly make a home. There was a new opening on the outskirts of the bass housing, a modest two story house with a garden and white picket fence. Three bedroom, two bathroom, two car garage. It had all the fixings and once you'd seen the letter and photos attached you couldn't contain your excitement. “I think Jakes almost a little too excited to see the back of me.” When you had told Jake that you'd been approved for your own place, he was beyond excited for you, told you that he was delighted to finally see that day, that he thought you were gonna be living rent free under his roof for eternity. 
Although he teased and pushed your buttons, never once did Jake insist eternity was a bad thing. He had sent Bradley a text soon after telling him to meet him at the hardware store that afternoon so they could split a pretty penny on a solid security system they could both remotely access. 
“He’s gonna remember just how quiet his home was before you showed up, trust me.” Bradley smirked as he started up the Bronco, strapping himself in and before he even thought about shifting into first gear–he made sure you were buckled in too. “You still wanna go look at furniture on the weekend?” 
“Absolutely, there's this lounge that is apparently stain proof at fantastic furniture I wanna have a look at.” You reached down for the catalogue you had thrown into your bag this morning, Bradley laughed when he quickly glanced over to see you had circled some items in red marker. “Wonder if I can get something that looks similar at the op shop.” 
“You dont wanna buy it new?” Bradley wasn't against second hand, he loved a good thrifted piece as much as the next guy. His favourite bomber jacket was actually found at an old overcrowded second hand store he went to once with a few buddies who were in search of some clothes of a themed Sunday Funday back in his TopGun days. But he thought if you were starting a fresh, new life, new house, new people around you who loved you for you, that you’d want some new furniture, owned just by you. No string or memories of any kind attached, owned by you and only you to create only the best of memories on and around. 
“Rooster, I don't think I’ve ever had a piece of furniture that's brand new.” You sighed. “I think the bunk bed I shared with my sisters was so old that every time something broke or snapped my brothers would just nail a piece of wood to the frame to keep it from falling apart on us in the middle of the night.” It was becoming abundantly clear that you and Bradley came from two very different backgrounds. “Roo—“ you reached over to place your hand on Roosters thigh. “My mum's bipolar, Frank? Well—he’s an alcoholic and an addict.” You explained with a solemn tone. “I did whatever I could to help raise my siblings and I wish to this day I could have done more than I did before they cut me out.” You never explained why you didn’t talk to your siblings anymore, Bradley had asked Jake one night over a few beers and the only explanation he gave was that you wanted a better life for yourself. “Everything I do, all the money I earn? Is so that Odette can have a better life, I wanna be able to give her everything because she’s a great little girl and she deserves a hell of a lot more than I’ve given her so far.” 
Rooster didn’t argue, he understood where you were coming from. Reaching up to grab the hand you’d placed on his thigh to bring it up to his lips, he pressed a gentle kiss to your palm. It made your heart do backflips the way Bradley didn't try and argue, didn't try and change your ways or your views. It made you feel loved for who you were–and there wasn't a single fibre of Bradley Bradsahw who wanted to change a single part of who you were. 
“So we make a day of it? I’ll rent a trailer and we can op shop the shit out of this house mamma.” 
The locker room was crowded with naval aviators returning to work after having been off for the last week or so. Bob Floyd was the first one to notice the new face amongst the sea of all too familiar faces he’d grown to know over the last year or so being stationed in North Island. 
“Take a picture, it'll last longer.” Jaidyn smeared as Bob found himself staring at the man he didn't know, turning his head sharply to anywhere else in the room but the man's line of sight when he’d been sprung. “Im just fucking with you man” Jaidyn smirked as he reached out to shake Bob’s hand. “Names Jaidyn, Zeus.” 
“For the love of god Bob don't touch him, I don't know where he’s been.” Jake hissed as he stepped in between the two aviators, puffing his chest and flaring his nostrils as he clenched his jaw. 
“Jake–” Jaidyn eyed off his former best friend like he’d seen someone come back from the dead. “It's good to see you bro, how's things? How's my missus?” Jaidyn was only beginning to test the waters to see how far he could push Jake Seresin in a public forum before he snapped. The locker room had never felt so silent before with so many people in it. “Heard she's been crashing at your place ever since she took off.” 
“Judging by the swelling under your right eye I trust Bradshaw already told you to stay clear away from her and we won't have any issues.” It was a nod to the bruised knuckles Rooster was still carrying the weight of after having busted his fist against Jaidyns face. “I wanna make one thing abundantly clear though–” Jake hissed through gritted teeth as he got up in Jaidyn’s face enough to have the slightly taller, brunette man stumble back a step or two. “You fucking go anywhere near her and I find out about it ill kill you, and thats a promise.” 
“What lies had she spun to you Seresin.” Jaidyn chuckled as Jake turned on his heels, heading back in the direction of his locker after having shook his head Bob's way, gesturing for the backseater not to go near him. “ I never took you for a bitch.” 
“Yeah well, I'd rather be known as a bitch than as the guy who beats up women.” Jake didn't even have to turn around to know Jaidyn had gone the darkest shade of red known to man. “Because I never took you as the kinda guy who would do that shit for fun.” There was something Jake's fellow aviators were missing in the confrontation going down in the locker room because in all the time they'd known Jake Seresin he had never once mentioned his former best friend or the girl he saw as a sister until you showed up at his front doorstep. “You damn near killed her and you know it.” It was what Jaidyn was smearing next that had Jake seeing red, that had him racing across the locker room at full speed, pushing past everyone and anyone who got in his way, just as you and Rooster were walking in hand in hand laughing at something stupidly corning he’d said just to make you smile. 
“Yeah well, it's damn near addicting when she makes such pretty noises.” 
“YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Bradley was off in an instant, leaving you at the threshold of the locker room as he raced over to break up the conflict unfolding. “ILL FUCKING KILL YOU YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” Jake had his hands on Jaidyn in three point five seconds, shoving his chest as hard as he could before he tried to throw a punch that would have knocked the slightly taller, brunette with the wicked and maniacal laugh out cold. 
“Jake!” Rooster stepped between the two men who were about to throw punches. “He's not worth it man, it's want he wants, don't give it to him.” On the way over, Rooster had passed the Admiral making his way over, it was only a matter of time.
“What the hell is going on?” Mickey asked as you stepped into the locker room looking all kinds of meek and to blame for the events transpiring. “Who the hell's this guy?” 
“Dots father–” Is all you said and suddenly all eyes are on you. The squad who had become like a family to you all looked at you as if you were suddenly so much shorter, so much more vulnerable and so much more broken than you really were. “Jaidyn is Odette's dad, he uh, he followed me here.” 
“Fe–” Phoenix was the first person to speak as you never took your eyes off Bradley as he tried his best to deescalate the situation. Throwing himself between Jake and Jaidyn like he didn't care for his own wellbeing, just those around him. 
“I'm fine Nix, really, I’ll uh–I'll be in the hangar if anyone needs me.” You held back tears as you faked a smile so painful it damn near pulled on all the strings in Phoenix's heart. “Fanboy please don't forget that the strap on your hemet still needs to be fixed before you go up today, come see me whenever you can, the new part I ordered came in over the break.” You thought maybe throwing yourself into your work would keep you sane enough to get through at least the first day back. But when you made eye contact with Jaidyn for a brief moment, the way he smiled at you like he knew he won made you want to throw up. 
“Neither of you two know what shes really like, shes got you fucking played boys.” Jaidyn scoffed as he broke himself away from Braldey and Jake who stood side by side, the rest of the team behind them looking over their respective shoulders. “We’re engaged, she loves me and it'll only be a matter of time before she comes crawling back, begging for forgiveness after she took our daughter and ran.” In retrospect, Rooster knew he he maybe shouldn’t have said it—but his words were escaping far too quickly for him to stop himself.
“You mean the same daughter who calls me daddy now while I tuck her into bed every night?” Bradley knew what his taunt would cost him, he was prepared to cop it too. Dot had never called him dad before and he surely never expected her to. But as Jaidyn swung a powerful right hook against Roosters cheek just as Admiral Beau and Pete Mitchell were stepping into the locker room to see what all the fuss had been about, it was worth it. 
“Lieutenant Dolan, my office now!” Admiral Beau shouted as he watched Rooster go down, Jake just barely caught his head before he cracked it on the side of the bench. There were a few seconds there where Bradley Bradshaw swore he could smell colours and hear shapes but it was so worth it as the taste of iron coated his taste buds. 
“Bradshaw you alright?’ Jake asked as he watched Bradley fight off unconsciousness, he could have sworn if this had been a cartoon he’d have stars flying around his head like in that one movie Dot was scared shitless of. Who Framed Roger Rabbit. He didn’t blame the two year old though, that ending kinda fucked him up too. “Rooster? You there.” 
“Oi be careful, he can actually throw a solid punch.” Bradley chuckled, showing Jake his blooded teeth as he sat up slowly. “Admiral Beau didn't seem too happy though, which is good.” 
“All you did was by yourself a little more time Rooster, I don't think this solves anything, if i'm being perfectly honest I think this might have made things worse.” Bob interrupted as he sat down next to Rooster on the ground with the locker room medical kit, assessing the damage. “Far out I don't know how your nose isn't broken.” 
“Where Fe?” It was his first question. “She didn't see, did she?” If there was only one thing Bradley Bradshaw was worried about it wasnt if his nose was broken or if he’d actually hit his head or not. It was if you’d seen him take a hit for a lie he told just to get Jaidyn to play his own game. You hadnt, you were half way back to your hanger by the time Rooster had hit the deck and Jaidyn was being escorted to the admirals office for disciplinary action. 
“Nah, she left before you turned yourself into a human punching bag.” Fanboy was the one who gave Rooster the answer he’d been hoping for. ”But hey, why do they call him Zeus for?” 
“Stands for Zero Effort Unless Supervised.” Jake replied as he stood with a groan, letting Bob take over as nurse's aid. “Im sure you’ll find out just how he got that callsign in the first place, hes a fucking terrible wingman.” 
“Lifestyles——of the rich and the famous—.” You muttered along to yourself as you hung halfway into the engine bay of your latest victim. An old Tomcat that the admirals had asked you to bring back from the dead as a side job amongst all the services and everyday tasks you kept ahead of to make sure the Dagger Squad were as well oiled as they could be. “They’re always complaining—always complaining.” Good Charlotte’s The Young and the Hopeless album had been blasting through your speakers for about four or five songs now—filling the silence with the early two thousands music was enough to keep your mind on the task ahead instead of wandering off somewhere else. 
“Don’t change career paths Felix, you sound like a broken record.” Jake chuckled as he stood looking up at you from the ground below. You stood atop the ladder, looking down at Jake. “Can we talk for a minute?” 
“Only if you grab me a redbull from the mini?” You replied as you started making your way down. Being careful to take one ladder step at a time. Jake did as you asked and made his way over to where your mini fridge sat, filled with copious amounts of caffeinated beverages ranging from redbulls to massive cans of Bang energy. 
“Here.” Jake handed you your beverage of choice as he stole a five hour energy, he didn't need to ask, so he didn't. “So we found out who Zeus is gonna be flying with–” Jake wasn't even trying to beat around the bush as he took the five hour energy down the hatch. You had your mechanic suit undone and tied around your waist, leaving you exposed to your black stand issue T-shirt. 
“Don't say Bradley.” You groaned as you cracked open the can. Taking a sip as Jake looked at you as if he wished he wasn't about to say Roosters name. “Jake I swear–”
“Okay so I won't tell you Jaidyn is Roosters wingman now.” 
“Oh well you just did! Didnt you?” You sighed in defeat as you made your way over to the small lounges you’d thrifted for the workshop, more often than not the Daggers would spend their lunch breaks and down time in your hanger turned workshop. “God, that's not gonna go well.” 
“You’re telling me, Roosters already got a black eye and it's only day one.” Okay, Jake really had dropped the ball on that one. He knew you were going to find out sooner or later and he thought it was best if you found out sooner, but still, the way you looked at him like he’d just punched you in the face was not a good experience. “He’s fine, Bradshaw was just taking the piss and took a fist to the jaw, he's fine Y/n, lover boys still walkin and talkin.” Jake explained as he sat across from you in one of the old rocking chairs that needed new upholstery. “Thats not what I came here to talk to you about, fuck Rooster, hes fine.” 
“We wanna put some security cameras up in your new place.” 
“You wanna do what now?” Your eyes bugged out of your head a little as you choked on the carbonation of your red bull. “I feel like that's a little bit–”
“Necessary Y/n, it's necessary because I wanna keep you safe.” You didn't reply for a moment, you just sat across from Jake smirking as you mulled over your next statement. Sinking a little lower as you placed your legs up onto the coffee table that was covered in polaroid of you and respective members of the dagger squad– all slid underneath the glass slab. 
“You’re gonna miss me, admit it.” You chuckled, biting your bottom lip because you knew even if he wasn't going to admit it that you were right. Jake Seresin had gotten used to having you living in his spare room and he was in fact going to miss the chaos you so effortlessly brought back into his life. From the way you never replaced the toilet paper roll after a roll was finished to the way you would put a movie on full ball and still manage to fall asleep half way through. 
“Fuck off Fe.” Jake scoffed as he turned his head away from your eyeline. “I just think since you’re gonna be on your own a lot more often, if you had cameras, we could check in on you without physically having to check in on you.” 
“No common areas and I wanna know where every single fucking one is.” Pointing at Jake, you agreed to the cameras, understanding that it was probably a good idea even if you just had a few around the place. “And so help me god if you so much as stick your nose into my private life with bradley il–” 
“I don't wanna know what you and Bradshaw get up to behind closed doors.” Jake shivered at the thought. “I'm still scared from the display I walked in on at the dining table.” 
“Maybe nows not such a good time to tell you we fucked on your kitchen countertop too.” 
“You’re fucking gross you know that?”
“Eat me Seresin, I'm a grown up. I can do whatever and whoever the hell I want.” The two of you just sat there for a while listening to the same Good Charlotte album you would listen to when you were getting high together at the back of the yards. Jake's mum would kill him to this day if she knew her baby boy had been exposed to such a thing. 
“I don't care how old we get, you're still gonna be a little shit of a sister.” Jake broke the silence first as he leaned across, his elbows digging into his knees. “You’re a pain in the ass, but you're my pain in the ass and this shit you've got going on with Jaidyn is all of our problem alright?” Jake frowned as he watched you shrug like you didn't think you were worth the extra effort. “I think you should tell the rest of the guys how serious things really are so they can help too.” 
“I aint required reading Hangman.” You groaned as you let your head fall back against the chair. “But if we can drop the subject for now, i'll think about it, alright?” 
“Okay.” Was all Jake said as he pressed his lips together and nodded, standing as he came over the tussle with your hair. “I'll see you at home, don't forget to pick up your keys.” 
“Rooster already reminded me, but thanks.” You watched from the couch as Jake made his way out of the hangar. “Hey Jake?” You called out after him, watching as he paused in his tracks to turn his head back to where you sat. “I don't say it enough and I really should.” You cooed. “I love you.” Jake just smiled, he knew you did and he loved you back, so much. He’d known you his entire life and he still knew there was so much more to you than everyone saw. Perhaps Bradley would be the person to get to know you just a little better than Jake thought he did. 
“I love you too.” 
“Talk out of your ass like that again and I'll be the one who smacks you upside the head you got it Bradshaw?” You growled as Bradley made his way over to you, dragging his feet along the bitchament from a long day. The side of his face knocked up and surely bruising. “Jake told me what you said.” Bradley had been avoiding coming past the hanger all day so you couldn't castrate him for being an idiot. 
“Hangman needs to learn to keep his mouth shut.” Dropping his bag, Bradley took you into an embrace he;d been wanting to give you all day, the smell of your shampoo always brought him solace. Kissing the top of your head a few times as he kept you close against his chest. Pressing your back into the side of the Bronco you had been waiting beside. “But I know, I know, I shouldn't have said it.” 
“You can't be doing that shit, he's dangerous and I don't wanna lose you.”
“Oh trust me mamma it’ll take alot more than a single right hook to take me down.” You loved the term of endearment Rooster had chosen for you. Mamma. It made you ache for his touch. 
“Really? Cause from the eye witness account Fanboy told me about when he came to pick up his helmet, apparently you hitting the deck like a sack of shit.” You taunted Rooster as he saw Jaidyn making his way over to his own car out of the corner of his eyes. Far too close to you than he was comfortable with. 
“Love makes a man do crazy things.” Rooster was serious when he tilted your chin to look at him. Holding your chin between his thumb and index. “I love you Y/n, and you don't have to say it back, but I do love you–so much baby.” So caught up in the way Bradley was looking at you like you hung all the stars in the night sky just for him and him alone, you hadnt even noticed Jaidyn near his car, parted only one space across from Roosters Bronco. 
“I love you too.” It was one of the first times you'd ever said that with genuine intent. You told Jake you loved him, but this was a different kind of love then the one you had for Jake. Jakes was unconditional sibling love. The love you felt for Bradley bradshaw you'd never experienced before. You really did love Bradley, so much it hurt. “Now how about we go check out my new crib huh? Ten bridge street is officially all mine.” 
“Ten Bridge street huh?” Jaidyn eaves dropped as he slammed his car room after having thrown his duffel into the back seat, leaning on the side of his car with his arms crossed over his chest. 
“I'm nine Bridge street honey, looks like we’re neighbours.”
Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014 @blindedbythelightt t @averyhotchner @emma8895eb @blairfox04 @caitsymichelle13 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @teacupsandtopgun @aemondssiut @feltonswifesworld87 @akalei349 @notjustsomeblonde @americaarse
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lala1267 · 1 year
Let you off with a warning.
Summary: in the backseat with a police officer turned into a relationship.
Warnings: big age gap, drinking, cigar, use of the word daddy? Reader is still in school, abuse kinda, smut (not that bad).
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She drove on the moonlit road at a high speed. The street lights flew by the slightly dimmed window. The rush of it all felt so good to her. The empty bottle of vodka rested in the passenger seat of the car whilst the liqour slowly made its way to her brain. The road was tilting as her vision worsened. She was a mess, drinking and driving on a highway. But she wasn't new to breaking the law. She was a rebel who did what she wanted and looked cool doing it. She would spend nights getting crazy in clubs and using her sexy body for free drinks. She was only seventeen, yet she walked the street so mean. She would dance like nobody was watching. She was a young girl, selfish and wild. Hot like the summer and mean like a child who keeps crying till she gets her way. Dancing on tables making deals with devils like a drunk beauty queen. She lived for fun and got shit for free. She had a face like an angel, but really, she was just a girl who wanted money and men.
As she accelerated, blue and red lights flashed behind her vehicle. Sirens rang in the distance as she slowed the vehicle down and pulled over. The police car parked behind her. She watched through the mirror to see a tall, handsome police man step out of the car. A smile formed on her glossy lips before she fixed her hair and makeup. The man made his way towards the car until he was staring through the dimmed window. He knocked on the glass before she rolled the window down so that she could listen to him. Her doll-like eyes gleamed in the moonlight as she flashed a perfect smile at the man. His black hair was covered by a uniform hat, and some strands escaped and hung in front of his face. His glasses were rather large and tinted purple. They looked expensive, that was just what she wanted.
"Do you know why I pulled you over, ma'am?"
He asked politely as his powerful gaze almost broke her character. She sat up and toyed with her long hair.
"No, I don't know, officer."
She said as the smell of alcohol radiated from her breath. Her innocent eyes shot diamonds into his eyes. His face scrunched, and his eyebrows furrowed before speaking.
"Have you been drinking tonight, ma'am?"
He asked as he leaned closer so that he was resting on the edge of the car. She tucked a stray stand of her golden hair behind her ear to reveal the diamond earing.
"Oh no, I would never do such a thing, officer."
She said as she pouted her lips and batted her long eyelashes at the man who was clearly unamused. He sighed before replying.
"So what is that bottle doing in the passenger seat?"
He asked with a disguised cockyness in his tone as he pointed to the empty bottle of vodka. She turned her head towards it before instantly turning back to the handsome man.
"That, uhm, I don't know how that got there, officer."
She said in an innocent tone. The officer shook his head and rolled his cold blue eyes that were barely visible through his expensive glasses.
"That's besides the point. Are you aware of how fast you were going, ma'am?"
He asked in a raspy tone that sent shivers down her spine.
"No, not at all, officer."
Her captivating eyes lurked over his body. She looked at his chest that was slightly exposed due to his position before returning her gaze to his face.
"Well, you were going over the spead limit. I'm afraid you will have to have a ticket. License and registration, please."
He stated before holding his hand out for her license and registration. She didn't have a license or registration. She didn't even have her driving licence since she was only seventeen. She sat there thinking for a moment before she was interrupted by his deep voice that echoed throughout the car.
"Oh, I see. You're underage. That won't look good on your criminal record, will it."
Her eyes widened slightly before she gave a pleading look, and her smile downturned.
She asked in astonishment.
"You heard me. I will need your full name and your parental guardian's names, as well as your age."
He said as he pulled out a small notepad and a pen from his back pocket.
"Please, officer, let me off just this one time."
She pleaded as she gave her best puppy eyes. Her hand swirled in her hair as she maintained eye contact. She looked for an ounce of sympathy in his deep eyes.
"The law is the law."
He gave an unbothered frown before waiting for her answer. She leaned closer to the window edge, where he rested. She unbuttoned her dress slightly before reaching down into her pink bra, that was slightly on show for the handsome man that stood before her. He looked at her in confusion. She pulled out a small paper with numbers on it. She held it out in front of the man.
"How about I give you my number instead? You don't need all of that information."
She said as she bit her pink lips. Her eyes looked into his while he was finding his words.
"No, thank you maam. Age and name, please".
He grunted. She frowned before her gaze became more flirtatious.
"Oh, but officer, why would you get a little girl like me in trouble. I'm not a naughty girl, everybody know that I'm a good girl officer."
She said as her tongue licked her lips. She moved her arms down to the end of her small pink dress. She gradually pulled it up to the top of her thighs as she watched his eyes wander to her hands. She hid the evil smile that was eager to escape.
"I'm a good girl, I can prove it to ya."
She said as her dress hiked up to her pink thong that was almost fully exposed. His face flushed a light shade of pink before he was snapped out of his dirty fantasies.
"No need for that. Now give me your name and age before you will end up in more trouble."
He said, slightly raising his voice as he became more annoyed. She brought her hands up to the buttons on her dress. She unbuttoned even more of them so that almost her whole chest area was exposed.
"My name is Gabriella, and I'm seventeen. Am I still a naughty girl officer?"
She asked as she brought her hand up to the golden police badge that rested in his left chest. She played with it like a toy before slightly moving her hand to his exposed chest. He instantly brushed it away, fighting his fantasies.
"What's wrong, officer? I was just playing."
She said in a flirtatious tone as her once puppy eyes quickly turned into siren eyes. Once again, she moved her hand up to his body. This time, she trailed the edge of her finger up to his chin. She moved it up to his soft lips.
"I'm so young and sweet, I would love for a big, older man to put me in my place."
She said as her eyes set a love spell over him. She inched her face closer to his so that she was just a few centimetres from his lips. His breath grew stronger, and his chest heaved up and down. The man couldn't resist the flawless girl that sat before him. He opened the door before aggressively before dragging her out like an old doll. He quickly bent her over the vehicle, his pelvis met with her ass before tight handcuffs wrapped around her wrists.
"Do you really have to put those tight handcuffs on officer?"
She asked as the handcuffs clicked.
"You're pissing me off. Shut ya mouth."
He snapped as his pelvis digged into her. He held her head down onto the car whilst maintaining a tight grip on her now messy hair.
"Don't arrest me, officer, put me in my place."
She said whilst letting out a breathless moan before arching her back so that her ass was pushed up against his growing hard. He took deep breaths as he tried to keep his composure, he didnt want to lose his job to a minor.
"Come on, teach me to be a good lil' girl, please."
She pleaded. She let out a small moan before feeling her body get turned around by his big hands. Without warning, he aggressively kissed her. A smirk appeared on her lips as she realised that her manipulative tactics had worked once again. He grabbed onto her wrists that were still trapped by the cold metal before dragging her out of the car. He dragged her all they way into the backseat of the cop car as the door slammed shut behind them. He gripped her long hair and squeezed her thighs as he continued to kiss her. Shortly after, he hiked her dress up and pulled her pink lace thongs down to her ankles so that she was fully exposed. She was nude in front of a police officer who was probably over double her age. He grunted into her ear as he ripped his belt off and pulled his uniform trousers down so that his hard was on show. Without warning, he began to grind into her like she was the object of his affection. Loud moans escaped her mouth as he continued to aggressively heave into her. She was just wishing that he could be her mister. He used all of his built-up anger and irradiation on her body, but she didn't mind one bit. He whispered sweet nothings into her ear while he gave her heaven. She moved her head up towards his face and kissed him like her life depended on it. Not long after, he stopped and climbed off her body. She sat up as her she stried to maintain her breath. She looked down at her dress that was rinkled and ruined. She looked to the man who was breathlessly getting his uniform back on as sweat trickled down his face. He turned to look at her before laughing. He moved his large hand to her thigh and squeezed it like it was a toy.
"Don't worry honey, I will buy ya a new dress."
He said as his chest heaved up and down. She smiled at him before it quickly faded when she saw him open the door.
"W-here are you going, o-officer?"
She said as her confidence drained. He looked back at her.
"Uhm, I need to get back to the station. And you need to head home as well."
"N-no, please don't go."
She said as she quickly moved up to him and wrapped her arms around one of his.
"But, I have to go back to work."
He said as he watched her pathetic self hold onto him like he was her last hope. She tilted her head up to face him, her eyes were glistening, and her smile was now a frown.
"Please just stay. Please officer"
See quietly said as her tears began to form. He gave her a look of sympathy before moving closer to her and cuddling her like a teddy bear. He stroked her hair and rubbed his hands around her body.
"Don't call me officer. My name is Elvis."
He said as he continued to nurture her like an abandoned puppy. She sniffled before using her cartoon eyes to ask him a question.
"Am I still in trouble?"
She asked quietly, waiting for his response. He giggled before speaking.
"I'll let ya off this time, honey."
He said before he grasped her once more.
The next day
She sat in the silent classroom. Staring at the rather large test that layed on the desk she sat at. Her eyes scanned the questions over and over, but she couldn't seem to lift her pen. She was still stuck thinking about Elvis and his deadly grip on her soft thighs. She thought about his sweaty hair that bounced up and down whilst he fucked her like an animal. The fact that he had his cold gaze on her the whole time made her legs twitch. She crossed her legs and squeezed her thighs to stop her arousal. The loud bell that rang through the corridors broke her out of her fantasies. Without hesitation, she quickly picked up her bag and adjusted her very short skirt before walking out.
"Excuse me! The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do."
The annoying voice of her teacher echoed throughout the classroom as she continued to strut out, completely ignoring her. She flicked her hair before her body was out of the stuffy class. She walked over to her locker. She fiddled with the padlock before she finally opened it. She pulled out her school books that were empty due to her ignorance for school. She was due for a thirty minute detention after school, but she just wanted to leave. She carried the books in her hands as she strutted out of the doors and into the open air. The other school students were laughing and walking with eachover, whilst she was alone, still torn on Elvis. She followed the crown of students before walking out of the gates of hell. Her checkered skirt bounced up and down, her hair swaying from side to side as she walked with grace and passion. Her long sun-kissed legs shined in the sun. She squinted her eyes as she saw a familiar face in the distance. It appeared to be a man, he stood in front of a pink Cadillac as he shot her down with his eyes. A smile lit up her face as she realised that it was Elvis. She ran over to him before hugging him like a teddy bear. One of his hands ran through her long hair as the other wrapped around her ass. She pulled away to look at his handsome face.
"How did you know what school I go to?"
She asked with the same cheerful smile still lingering on her face.
"I have my ways, darlin."
He said before placing a kiss on her forehead. Her attention was torn to the pair of hands that had suddenly landedon her waist. She quickly turned herself around to see Lucas. He was just a popular fuckboy that had hoes all around. She used to have a fling with him a year ago, but that disappeared from her memory over time. He bit his lip and stared at her short skirt before talking.
"Why don't ya show me what's under that skirt."
He whispered as his hands trailed up her thigh, lurking towards her panties. She was quickly dragged away by Elvis's deadly grip. He stood tall in front of Lucas. He grabbed him by his collar before grunting inaudible words. He pushed him away harshly, almost making him kiss the cement floor. Lucas patheticly walked away with his head down and his tail between his legs. Elvis turned back around to Gabriealla, who had a cheeky smile on her face. He stroked her hair as his cigar rested in between his lips.
"He won't give ya anymore trouble, sweetie."
He said in a deep, raspy voice that shot electricity through Gabriela's body. Her captivating eyes stook to his before she wetted her lips with her tongue.
"Ok, Daddy."
She said in a rather cheerfully yet flirtatious tone before placing a kiss on his cheek. Elvis smiled at the nickname he had received before opening the cadillac door for the gorgeous girl that stood before him. She didn't hesitate to get in. He sat himself in the drivers seat before they drove off.
They pulled up in the driveway to his million dollar mansion. It was amazing. Gabriella's eyes lit up at the awe of it all. He held onto her hand as he walked her into the covinous building. A giant chandelier hung over them as they entered. He led her into the living room that had soft white carpet. She felt like she had found her dream man. She had hit the jack pot. She sat herself down on the cream lever sofa that was placed in front of the TV. Elvis sat himself next to her before placing his arm around her. She looked up into his mysterious eyes
"Elvis, I wanna know more about you."
She said as she waited for his voice to respond back to him.
"Well, there isn't much to know."
He said bluntly.
"Hmm, do you have a girlfriend?"
She asked sarcastically.
"I have a fiancée, but that doesn't matter."
He said under his breath. She giggled before speaking.
"I don't see a ring on your finger, so I still see a future with you."
She said. She didn't really care that he had a fiancée. She knew that if he loved his fiancée more than her he wouldn't have fucked her. She knew she was the better woman.
"How old are ya? You must be older since you have a fiancée."
She said as she chuckled.
"I'm thirty-six."
"That's ok, I've always had a taste for older men. You can be my daddy."
She said as her alluring gaze met his. He turned a shade of pink to her remark.
"Well, I wouldn't mind if ya called me 'daddy'."
He said as his contagious laugh followed. He bent down slightly before wrapping his arms around her and picking her up like a baby. He placed her in his empty lap. She dug her head into his chest as he whispered sweet nothings into her ear whilst circling his hand on her ass. She soon fell asleep in his big arms. She loved him.
He picked her up from school and tucked her in bed. He would devote his whole world to making her happy. Many people criticised Elvis for having a relationship with a minor, but they were deeply in love. It went from a crazy scene in a police car to a relationship. They didn't know that they'd have this much fun. She was his little sparkle queen. She would dress up for him. As she would run around on the grass, her dress would bounce, and so did her golden hair. She used to be a bitch who roamed the streets but he turned her into his girl. He watched her while she played and laughed, her bright soul made his day. She kept him young as he kept her by his side.
As their relationship grew stronger, his anger became more frequent. This was because he was going through a lot of trouble with his wife and homelife. You couldn't blame the man.
Gabriella and him sat on the sofa. Gabriella read a book to him since he wanted her to. She would do anything he wanted, anything for her daddy. She was dependent on him. If he left, she would cry until he returned. She read the words out loud. She raised her eyes up to him as well as her eyebrows to get a look at his face. He quickly slapped her forehead as his face lit up with anger.
"Don't do that. It makes ya forehead get wrinkles."
He said in a mean tone as he sat himself back.
She said quietly before reading agian.
No one could rock her like he could. He would love her and descepline her if needed be. He made her cry only if she deserved it. If she was caught flirting with other men, she would get a nasty slap to the face by his big hands. If she disobeyed him, she would get her hair pulled until tears formed in her eyes. She still loved him, he was only moulding her to be a proper wife for when he would marry her one day. His hits felt like kisses to her. That was his way of showing love, she didn't mind one bit. She was his object for when he was bored and his bitch when he was aroused. She was his pretty party favour, he said that she was his favourite flavour. His drugs, props, money, and connections made Gabriella more drawn to him, she was like a magnet to him. She was his bitch and he was her King. It was a man's world.
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atamascolily · 7 months
There's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it section of the Rebellion opening where bells flash across the screen and once I paused it, my brain screamed "Utena reference!"
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Left: The Rebellion Story (2013). Right: The Adolescence of Utena (1999).
Rebellion is to the original Madoka Magica TV series as Adolescence is to Revolutionary Girl Utena, to the point where I jokingly refer to it as "The Adolescence of Homura". The primary difference is that while Rebellion eventually makes it clear that it is a continuation, not a retelling of the original, the relationship between the Utena movie and its predecessor remains open to interpretation. (To make up for it, Adolescence has a gorgeously animated and romantic dance sequence and ends with the two female leads cuddling naked and kissing, while Rebellion... doesn't.) Most of the parallels are subtextual rather than overt, but every now and then the animators give us a shot that makes it clear that Utena was indeed a direct influence.
This whole section is difficult to see because it flashes by so fast, but it also includes another shot that takes my breath away:
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The windows of the castle in the fantasy theme park open up to reveal the clockwork powering it; the cogs and gears float in the celestial void, the "engine" of reality as we know it. The entire theme park is a Potemkin facade meant to disguise and distract us from the truth... essentially giving away one of the movie's main twists before it's even gotten started. This is also hinted at in earlier shots of the desert "blooming" as it is covered by an illusion, which is eventually rescinded in the final moments of the credits, but goes further by indirectly pointing to Homura as its source.
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This is also Homura's hand, but it's not as immediately obvious, just like the hands puppeting the Nightmares are also hers, but with a bandage to hide the soul gem mark on her fingernail. I don't know if we ever see that bracelet again, though.
Note that although opening windows are a major recurring visual motif in this movie--the symbol of the Law of Cycles' salvation--this is different, as evidenced by the stained glass design on the panes. Here we are "looking under the hood," so to speak, in a manner evocative of Princess Tutu, one of the other influences on Madoka Magica and Rebellion in particular, in which "reality" is ultimately revealed to be controlled by a narrative represented as mechanical clockwork. I can't help noticing the stained glass in the window is round with a purple cross--reminiscent of Homura's shield and her diamond-shaped soul gem.
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We also get a glimpse of the clock face, which is not the weirdest clock in this series by a wide margin, but does combine the shield/gears/time motifs nicely.
In case it's not clear, I love it when opening credits contained major spoilers hidden in plain sight and I cannot wait to see what they do with Walpurgis no Kaiten.
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keepmeinmind-01 · 25 days
—carved songbird
this is a theseus and leta drabble i scribbled in and transcribed from my notebook. i’m trekking at altitude and a little delirious.
The swan-white of his shirt collar, the curve of his neck, the clavicles pressing against the fabric of his waistcoat like sprouting wings. Her eyes trace the dark curls that cradle the shells of his ears and she thinks of how they are running her lover ragged. Each of his breaths remind him of this. In, out, those bones for flight punching against the fine tailored wool.
Theseus is helping her sort her jewellery for the next Ministry gala. She is watching him from the doorway as he stands before their bed and divides her messy collection eight ways. They have only just stopped being friends. Becoming something more. Perhaps it has been a year, maybe longer.
And perhaps what is emerging is bitter, invigorating. A whole unfolding future that tastes like an entirely different kind of freedom to the rebellious self-destruction she has always sought.
No one knows Theseus isn’t a fan of the galas, of the sparkling displays and grand halls and veiled interrogations disguised as polite conversation. That Theseus is both good at doing what he wants and what is expected of him—that sparks a certain jealousy in her.
She loves the artifice of those events as much as he hates it. Masked galas for a masked girl.
Masks haunt the pair of them. Theseus is tearing his off from where it has grown fused, tightly moulded to his face. Fingernail gouge by fingernail gouge, bloody scrapes.
But when Leta has kohl on her eyes and just the right amount of coldness bubbling through her Slytherin veins to deter intruders, she loves the mask, with the passion of one engaging in a long held, illicit affair.
She watches as he picks out and lays aside a diamond necklace—fake jewels, because they don't have that kind of money, and she’d die before taking her inheritance. And then he rests his long fingers against a precious velvet pouch.
Those wings of his still.
She knows she’s the only one who’s ever seen those blades, those wings. But the stillness—that’s ironic, when she knows what she keeps hidden in there. The two of them are connected enough, intertwined enough, for their magical signatures to cautiously interweave like vibes. Unhurried, deep, passionate, like the warm-fed purple of a flower erupting into bloom. Like their coupling. Like their existence. Illicit to others: a mongrel name like Scamander with a fallen heiress of the sacred Lestrange breed.
But so right.
Right enough she knows he realises what he is holding. That it is special, and secret, and precious.
This is no ordinary piece of jewellery. She did not know her mother long enough for her hands—which she imagines as a darker, warmer, beautiful brown, maybe hands like her own of which she is starved of seeing—to have passed down this singular timepiece.
One day in her girlhood, it had been left on the windowsill of her mother’s quarters in the Lestrange manor. As if hand-delivered by a corvid after her own heart. A note left in a mother tongue her mouth still could clumsily shape, because she’d always vowed Lestrange would never stamp it out of her, even as she spelled her hair to flat silk, crimped curls.
Nothing like the ringlets, soft and coarse, that Theseus spends hours combing out for her on their quiet days together.
Theseus pulls off the velvet covering and gently weighs the tarnished gold pocket watch in one hand.
Watching Theseus be so tender with all that is left of her mother—all beyond the dark onyx pools of her eyes—fragments something inside her.
It makes her go to him, padding on bare feet, and stretch to kiss that swan-spot on the back of his neck. He sighs. The noise mists into their shared bedrooms some trace of the wet ocean of her pain.
I miss her, she wants to say, but I never knew her. Is that silly?
Theseus is dependable, says what he means. His eyes meet hers as she drapes one of his arms to cradle her: closes her hand over his to trap that restless heartsickness the watch contains.
She loves it—she hates it.
In the acceptance, in those gestures, he tells her it’s okay without needing a word. And, for a moment, she imagines she can hear that carved songbird sing.
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Neopronouns in Action #090: Gaining a New Perspective
This is almost exactly 5k words long.
See this post for many places to experience Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, for free!
How it started:
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[ID: A digital drawing of characters from the book Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions. In the foreground is the narrator, a square who is orange, green and pink, with the pink forming a shape like a blobby fish with a single purple eye on its back. On each of his corners are small white triangle markings facing inward, helping to disguise his true eye, which faces upward as he falls. He is labeled, "Raymond, he/him/his/himself, 2D square", and "[Getting ejected from the Third Dimension for speculating about the existance of the Fourth and beyond". Above him in the distance is a pale red sphere with darker red and blue markings, still with one hand out stretched after throwing Raymond. The other arm ends around the elbow. Xet is labeled, "Kormance, xet/xev/xel/xevself, 3D sphere". End ID.]
Neopronouns: xet/xev/xel/xevself, which follow the same rules as he/him/his/himself.
Replace he with xet
Replace him with xev
Replace his with xel
Replace himself with xevself
"He is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as he gets a fence set up around his yard so the puppy can go outside without him having to walk it. His uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting him use, since he lost his. He's going to buy toys and train the puppy himself.”
"Xet is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as xet gets a fence set up around xel yard so the puppy can go outside without xev having to walk it. Xel uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting xev use, since xet lost xel. Xet's going to buy toys and train the puppy xevself.”
(Archived read-more link)
Beneath a vast ocean, looking down at a lower layer of density that swarmed with life, there floated a sphere. From above, xet was only deep blue and pale red, with darker red spots covered in small blue spots on the xel left and right sides. Lowering yourself down further, you could see xel back, which still had the same thick blue stripe, now with a multilayer of red diamonds in the center, with another red spot visible on xel lower surface.
If you swung around to look at xel face, you would see xel single, oval shaped eye, with a white sclera, and blue and black diamonds for the iris and pupil. Above the eye on either side were two dark red diamonds, and below blue circles, each connected to the eye with a thin line of the same color, like sections on a microhip.
Xel had a mouth filled with the sharp teeth of a carnivore. This mouth was currently twisted into a regretful frown, and the brow above the single eye furrowed in frustration and unease.
Xel had two arms, and only one hand. Xel right arm ended at slightly less the length of the left in an uneven stump. There were no signs of battlescars, because Kormance, the sphere, had been born this way.
Xet stared down towards Flatland, watching as Raymond, that impudent, foolish, insane Square, fell back down to where he’d come from, spinning like a coin as he went, turning almost invisible when his thin edges faced up towards Kormance for just a heartbeat at a time.
His outer edges glowed white, but his insides were mostly pink, with green and orange and white around the edges, with what seemed like a large, staring purple eye.
But it was all just one of Nature’s forms of defensive trickery. The pattern of pink surrounded by green, along with the eye that seemed to stare directly up at you when he was actually in his natural realm of Flatland, created an almost exact replica of a wexli – a small, but incredibly poisonous scavenging fish – as seen from above.
Scientists had studied and published their findings about Flatlanders for thousands of years, so xet knew that the clever mimicry had evolved ages ago to help fend off predation by many of the three-dimensional species who had once preyed upon them.
Now there were only a few highly specialized species that were still observed preying upon Flatland humans, but they were becoming rarer by the decade.
Raymond fell, spinning end over end, and Kormance couldn’t see his real eye, but xet wondered if he was looking up at xev, or down at his own world, approaching so rapidly. The only visible difference between his upper and bottom sides was a slight silvery sheen on his lower side.
Kormance shouldn’t have thrown him like that, but xet hadn’t been able to help xevself.
Raymond had started on his tirade of higher dimensions, and just kept going and going, getting more hysterical the longer he went, and nothing Kormance had said had gotten him to stop. He’d gotten to the point saying they were going to visit an eighth Dimension for Starlan’s sake, and Kormance was sure that xet would have lost xel own mind if xet had had to listen to that deranged Figure for even a few more seconds.
So xet had thrown him back down to his Plane.
Xet wasn’t proud of it, but at least xet knew that Raymond wouldn’t be harmed. The surface of Flatland was liquid, and they hadn’t been up so high that any damage would be caused. He might sink below the surface for a few moments with the impact, but after that he would naturally float back up to his natural placement in the density layers.
Kormance knew this from reports of the last Millenial Mission, when the Square Pyramid, Pathodorax, who had also brought her Envoy to the Third Dimension, had been forced to drop her back into Flatland in an attempt to save her while fleeing from a pack of selakhos that had ambushed them.
Selakhos never cared for Flatlanders as long as they were in their plane, but it was almost certain that the Flatlander would have died in an encounter in three Dimensions.
After dropping her Envoy, Pathodorax had found a cave to hide inside until the Recorders came and drove the selakhos away.
When Recorders had been dispatched to check up on her Envoy, they found the Kite emotionally upset, which was understandable, but physically uninjured.
The Recorders had listened in as she told her story to another Figure who had taken her in. She’d fallen, felt herself hit the layer of Flatland, and saw nothing but darkness for a few seconds, then reemerged in Flatland itself, several dozen miles from where she had started.
This is why Kormance had been careful to keep xel mission to a small radius just wide enough to allow a trip to the capital city, which was only an hour away from Wentbridge where Raymond lived, just in case that sort of disaster somehow happened.
Not that Kormance had had to worry about selakhos or any other predators, since the chosen areas over Flatland had been carefully monitored for the weeks leading up to the new year, ensuring that the movements of any dangerous animals were being tracked at all times. Kormance would know if anything had turned in xel direction long before it actually reached xev. The Recorders had been very careful to make sure nothing would go wrong this time.
They were very strict about maintaining the Millenial part of the Millenial Mission, for reasons Tormance could never understand. They were always going on about some prophecy they’d never actually tell anyone the details of. It was infuriating.
But nothing had gone wrong, at least not until the very end.
Long story short, Kormance had made sure to keep close to Raymond’s house after their visit to the Flatland capital, and even now, xet watched as Raymond, now tiny from the distance that yawned between them, splashed down with perfect aim inside his own studyroom, right side up.
Just as had been predicted, Raymond sank below the surface of Flatland for a moment or two, but then was buoyed back up almost immediately.
Kormance wondered what that had to feel like to a Flatlander, and felt guilt creep through xel insides. Xet really shouldn’t have thrown him like that. But they’d been running out of time anyways, and at least he was safely in his home again, and hadn’t landed Wrongsideup.
That would have forced Kormance to go back to put him Rightsideup. Xet could live with many things, but xet wouldn’t have been able to live with xevself if xet’d purposefully left a Flatlander flipped the wrong way like that.
That was another thing that had been Recorded during the last Millenial Mission. Not Pathodorax’s Envoy, but another’s – a Messenger whose name had been struck from the Historical Record for reasons not revealed to anyone but Recorders. The Flatlander had been taken into real space, and returned, but returned Wrongsideup. And by the time their Messenger had realized the mistake, the time was up, and they were prevented from returning to flip their Envoy Rightsideup again.
The Recorders of that era had been extremely interested in the monitoring of that Envoy’s life.
Only enough details of it had been released for public knowledge for Kormance, and every other Messenger, to know that being flipped Wrongsideup wasn’t something any of them wanted to subject their Envoy to.
Raymond’s landing must have made a noise, because as Kormance watched, the longer Straight Line that was Raymond’s wife rushed to the room he’d landed in, and for the next few minutes, the two seemed to be speaking, though from so high up, Kormance couldn’t actually hear what they were saying. All xet could see was the constant movement of their insides, indicating anxiety.
For a few seconds, xet considered going back down, to finish the lesson. Xet hadn’t gotten a chance to explain the makeup of all any Solids besides Cubes and Spheres. But it was too late now. His wife was in a very small room with him, and there’d be no way for Kormance to get to him again without her noticing.
And not only would Raymond probably not listen, he’d probably just go off again about higher dimensions, instead of listening and learning the rest he needed to know about the actual reality of the Third Dimension.
For a few more seconds, Kormance hesitated, struggling against all xel excuses, arguing with xevself.
And then xet sighed, and turned resolutely away.
Today’s Mission hadn’t been a complete failure. Xet had convinced xel Envoy that the Third Dimension did really exist, albeit through drastic measures. There were bound to be others today who had failed their mission, even if they’d also resorted to bringing their Envoys to the real world. Kormance couldn’t afford to dwell on the negatives, xet had to think positively. Xet had succeeded. Raymond fully believed in the Third Dimension.
It wasn’t Kormance’s fault that Raymond had gone insane once his mind was opened to the possibility of another Dimension. Kormance had tried to stop him from jabbering on about the analogy and infinite dimensions, but nothing had worked.
Kormance was trying to stay positive, but it wasn’t working well, xet was too anxious and angry. That absurd little fool had repeatedly asked xev to show him xel insides, like xet was a shape as simple and open as a 2D Figure or lower, like xet could somehow just will xel internal organs into view for the sake of a rambling Flatlander.
Who did he think he was? He hadn’t even known the word “up” before Kormance had taught him, hadn’t had any idea there was a Third Dimension! And then he had the gall to turn around and ask to be shown the fourth! And the fifth! And the sixth! And who knows how long he would have gone on if Kormance hadn’t thrown him back where he belonged! Like he expected Kormance to somehow be able to perform miracles! It wasn’t fair! It wasn’t Kormance’s fault!
But xet had to admit now that it was clear that Raymond had been a bad choice for an Envoy of the Third Dimension. His mind had clearly been stretched beyond its limit, and now he couldn’t recognize the limitations of reality anymore.
Kormance had chosen him almost on the spur of the moment, aggravated by his arrogance towards his own grandson, who despite being so young, clearly knew more than he did.
Originally, Kormance had been planning to teach the child, since young minds were always more willing and able to learn new things, but other considerations, xel pride being the major contributing factors, had gotten in the way of that plan, and now look what had happened.
But maybe it had been inevitable. The hexagonal child had done the exact same thing his grandfather had done, after all. He’d been shown the existence of two dimensions, and said he was ready to learn about the third. And then his grandfather had been shown the existence of three dimensions, and said he was ready to learn about the fourth. Both had looked at the reality that had been revealed to them, and tried to follow the pattern even further.
It was admirable, really.
...And the longer Kormance thought about it, the more and more xel thoughts seemed to all crowd together, different thoughts and feelings conflicting with one another as xet floated on xel back, looking up at the sky, the stars of which were covered in thin white wisps of clouds here and there, with the green and white face of the moon wavering just over the edge of the horizon.
There were only Three Dimensions, and no more.
Science had proven this, and so did every day of Kormance’s experience.
Raymond had tried to convince xev that the ghost hunters and self-proclaimed psychics of xel world had actually had contact with the “fourth dimension”, just like he, the Square, had been visited by Kormance the Sphere. But that just couldn’t be true.
And yet, that little hexagonal child had been right when he’d said that it was clear that even their Flatland geometry lead them to the next logical step of a third dimension. And Kormance had been happy to see a Flatlander, especially one so young, figure this out all on their own.
But then, when that child’s grandfather came to the same conclusion when he saw proof of the third, leading inexorably to the fourth…
But Kormance and the others who had been chosen to carry out the Millenial Mission had always had the clear goal of instructing Flatlanders about the existence of real space. They told them flat out that there were more than two dimensions. They never lied or pretend to be spirits, or at least, they hadn’t done that for the last two thousand years. The Recorders had made sure of that.
So that meant that if what Raymond had said were true, and Beings were coming down from the so-called fourth Dimension, then why wouldn’t they just say that that’s where they were from?
None of the people who’d ever claimed to be able to see inside things or leave the world had ever claimed they were going to the Fourth Dimension when they did so. They didn’t even say they were going to the real Space. So either the hypothetical Fourth Dimensional beings were lying, or their Envoys were.
And what reason could they have to lie about such a thing?
Most of their countries in Spaceland were more civilized than those in Flatland; they didn’t execute people just for talking about things they didn’t want to hear. No one would be murdered or thrown into life imprisonment if they went around telling everyone there was a fourth Dimension, not if they had proof.
...But would they have proof?
Kormance turned to look down again, back towards Flatland. Xet had drifted slightly while xet floated, and now xet was above the large, and now almost empty theater, rather than directly above Raymond’s home.
Xet stared down, watching the oblivious Figures in the back of the theater as a few Isosceles triangles were busily working to store away all of the equipment for the play and clean up the trash that had been left behind by the patrons.
None of them knew xet was up here, or that they were being watched.
They had no concept of up or down, and couldn’t move in either direction even if they tried. Even knowing about the Third Dimension wouldn’t give them any more ability to move in it. Not without help from a Third Dimensional Being.
Kormance knew that it was almost impossible for a Flatlander to prove to other Flatlanders the existance of the Third Dimension on their own, without the assistance of a Three-Dimensional Being.
They couldn’t lift themselves into real 3D space, or lower themselves into it. They couldn’t demonstrate in any way the directions of up or down, or even describe which way they were. They couldn’t point up or down, they couldn’t even look up or down.
The only thing they had was their word, and their imaginations. Their only hope was to fire the imaginations of those who let them speak, and there were very few in this region of Flatland who would let them speak.
Who would believe Raymond if he did tell anyone what had happened to him, and what he had seen?
Kormance knew that it was only a matter of time before the Circles passed their law once again demanding the arrest or execution of anyone found to be preaching the truth of the Third Dimension. If Raymond ever revealed the truth, no one would believe him, and he would be risking his life in doing so, no matter how comparatively high his personal status was.
And for what?
Not for the first time, Kormance wondered why the Recorders insisted upon these Millenial Missions. Why the Messengers were limited only to teaching a single Flatlander each, once every thousand years, knowing that most of the Flatlanders they revealed the truth to would be powerless to teach others, if they were even allowed to live at all.
For just a few minutes, Kormance had thought about recruiting the hexagonal child to the cause. As a Hexagon who was part of the noble caste, he would have had more protection from the punishments of the Circles when he was found out.
But a Square was still high ranking enough that it wouldn’t mean instant death, especially for a Square of such unusually high social standing as Raymond.
He was extremely educated in the fields of Flatland mathematics, to the point where he was regularly invited to high-profile clubs attended otherwise almost entirely by the nobility. He was well-trained in the art of Sight Recognition for someone of such “poor Configuration”, and had, as far as his society was concerned, single-handedly raised his hexagonal grandsons after the death of their father, before his remaining adult sons had moved back in with him the week before to help fill out the extravagant house their eldest brother had bought before his, and his wife’s, untimely deaths.
(The fact that Jemima, Raymond’s wife, who was a Straight Line, and his daughter, Lorraine, also a Straight Line, had done all of the work of actually caring for and raising the young Hexagons was not acknowledged at all. They received no credit for their work, because the Flatland Configurationists insisted that Straight Lines or “women” were just inherently natural caretakers of children, going so far as to say that that’s all they were good for, so there was no point in praising them for it, because then you may as well praise gravity for pulling southward. [This all despite the fact that most Flatlanders could get pregnant and bear children, not just Straight Lines.]
So all of the credit for the two Straight Lines’ three years of unexpected work nurturing and raising the two young Hexagons that had suddenly been dropped into their laps after the family’s tragedy went instead to Raymond, the Patriarch of the household, who’d had next to nothing to do with the children until a few days ago, when he’d started teaching them the basics of Sight Recognition.)
Add to this the fact that Raymond had fathered so many healthy, completely “Regular” sons in the first place, with only a single daughter in a total of seven births, and her Configuration comendably just as Straight as any Straight Line could be, and it was hardly any wonder that the women-hating, Configurationist nobility regarded Raymond as a Square almost beyond his own class?
Kormance had little to fear that Raymond would be killed if or when he revealed his knowledge of the Third Dimension to his countryfolk. He was too highly esteemed, too accomplished for that.
The nobility knew how rare it was to find Squares who genuinely, consistently produced Regular Pentagonal offspring. They wouldn’t risk killing him, not unless he did something drastic beyond imagining that would actually merit killing him and anyone he’d ever spoken to.
But that was doubtful. He would most likely be kept alive, either in prison, or an asylum. Kormance was sure that something would be arranged so that Raymond and his wife would have the opportunity to produce more Perfectly Regular Pentagons for the ruling classes to hold up as shining examples of their cherished “Law” of Natural Progression.
The Configurationists valued their eugenics programs too much to waste an opportunity like that. They’d probably even furnish Jemima with a pension of some sort, maybe a chapperone, to make sure the house was maintained and the new children kept well fed and cared for. Or maybe they’d just adopt the children out into families of real nobility. There was no way to really tell.
Kormance didn’t know for sure what would happen to the rest of Raymond’s family if or when he was arrested. Only one of his sons had had his own sons so far, the rest were still bachelors. It was too soon to tell if his “Progressive Regularity” had been passed down or not. So maybe the Configurationists wouldn’t touch them until they saw whether or not they’d be useful for their long-term plans.
Most likely it would depend on how publicly and successfully he attempted to preach his heretical gospel of the Third Dimension. Or maybe it would never happen.
Not all the Flatlanders ever chosen to be given the knowledge of the Third Dimension had revealed that knowledge to others. Some of them carried the secret to their grave.
Kormance didn’t even know what the point was in telling them, not when everyone who cared enough to know knew that in 10% of Flatland, talking about the Third Dimension, or anything related to it, including talking about where light came from, meant either instant death or lifetime imprisonment.
The Recorders knew this. So did the Shepherds. So did all of those chosen to carry out the Millenial Mission. For Starlan’s sake, most of the general population knew it too!
They knew that by sending missionaries to spread the knowledge of the Third Dimension, they were condemning 10% of those chosen to learn it to death, imprisonment, or a lifetime of having to keep the truth of the world secret, tormented by the paranoia of anyone finding out what they knew.
And maybe 10% sounded low on paper, when you were just thinking of the millions of Flatlanders as abstract concepts, but they were real people. 10 out of every hundred Flatlanders who were chosen would live in areas where sharing their knowledge would mean severe punishment from their governments, and this only included the countries where it was on the books illegal, it didn’t include any of the places where it wasn’t outright illegal, but could still mean death or imprisonment anyway.
It was cruel, and unnecessary. It couldn’t be done in good conscience.
But that was why Kormance and the others were doing it, instead of the Recorders or Shepherds, or anyone else, wasn’t it? They were convicts, felons, prisoners. As far as everyone else was concerned, they’d already committed crimes, so what was one more moral weight upon their cores?
They had neither the right to freedom, nor to conscience.
Well, no, that wasn’t entirely true. Some of them had a conscience. Some of them refused to reveal the real shape of the world to the Flatlanders, knowing that their Envoys might be killed for what they’d taught them. Two of the other prisoners assigned to the same region as Kormance had been conscientious objectors. They’d been dropped down with Kormance, been given the same orders as xev. But instead of heading off to find a suitable Envoy, they’d crossed their arms and sat in place, completely refusing to take part.
When the Recorders came to collect them all, they would be thrown back into prison, just the same as they’d been taken out.
Kormance wished xet could have been so heroic, but...xet just couldn’t. Xet didn’t want to spend the rest of xel life in prison, staring at the same four walls until xet died, and this was xel only chance to get out any time in the next ten years.
Xel family was still out there somewhere, wondering where xet had disappeared to or whether xet was still alive.
Xet had tried to choose xel Envoy carefully, wanting to ensure the least amount of danger along with the highest chance of comprehension, because xet couldn’t win xel freedom by failing to teach xel Envoy. It had to be a successful lesson.
So, a mathematician with high social status had probably been the best choice. He probably wouldn’t be killed, even if he did reveal the truth of the Third Dimension.
Kormance kept telling xevself that, but it wasn’t actually making xev feel any better. How many people had been killed today as the price for xel freedom? How many had died to pay for the freedom of the others who were probably out there still, in the further reaches of the 10% of Flatland that had made understanding the world a crime punishable by death?
All of those Isosceles in the council chambers, at least.
Each of them had had a name, friends, family, hopes and dreams for the future. And now they were dead, because Kormance had chosen to follow the orders xet had been given.
And who knew how many more would die in the future if Raymond chose to reveal his secrets? The secrets he only knew because Kormance had told him.
How many would survive, but would spend the rest of their lives in prison?
It had already happened to Raymond’s brother.
All of those deaths were on xel head. All of those people thrown in prison for the rest of their lives were on xel head.
The price of Kormance’s freedom had been high, and until the Recorders came to collect xev and the others, there wouldn’t even be any telling if xet had even won xel freedom at all.
The Recorders could still look at Raymond’s hysteria for impossible, even higher dimensions, and decide that Kormance had failed after all.
All those deaths, all those lives ruined, Kormance’s betrayal of xel own moral code, and it might all just be for nothing after all.
Xel eye was no longer focused anymore on what was below xev, Kormance was simply floating along with the gentle current, too lost in thought to focus on the life of the Flatlanders playing out below xev.
What if Raymond had spoken the truth? What if there was a fourth Dimension, or even more than that? He’s insisted it was all strictly according to analogy, just like with the Third Dimension…
A point moving created a line.
A line moving created a square.
A square moving created a cube.
The denizens of Lineland could not see a line unless they were taken into the Second Dimension.
The denizens of Flatland could not see a square until they were taken into the Third Dimension.
None of them had any idea anything else existed outside of what they could see until they were shown a new perspective.
And it...was a mathematical progression. All strictly according to analogy.
If a fourth Dimension really existed, then it would be beyond Kormance’s ability to perceive unless xet was brought into that Dimension by a fourth Dimensional Being, just as it was impossible for a Flatlander to perceive the Third Dimension, or a Linelander the Second.
And who even knew what kind of creatures lived in the First?
A deep voice spoke suddenly, saying something unintelligible to Kormance.
It jolted xev out of xel thoughts and made xev jump upright. There was nothing in front of xev, so xet spun around, surprised and confused. The Recorders weren’t due back so soon.
There was a sphere floating there, with their back xev. They were deep blue, covered in pale gold, five-pointed stars. Xet couldn’t see any arms at all, and felt a swell of befuzzled camaraderie bubble up in xel core. It wasn’t often xet got to meet other amputees. Who was this person? And what had they just said?
“I’m sorry,” xet said, circling around the stranger so xet could see their face when they spoke, “I couldn’t hear what you said.”
Xet circled to the other side of the sphere, but still couldn’t see their face. They’d turned as xet walked to keep their back to xev. Xet stopped, bewildered. Why would they do such a thing?
“Will you let me see your face?” Xet asked, feeling hurt, “It’s easier for me to understand what you say if I can see your mouth.”
There were a few moments of no response, then the deep voice spoke again, more clearly than the first time, “Sorry, but you won’t be able to see my mouth unless you come into the Fourth Dimension.”
Kormance could only stare.
The voice continued, after a few moments, “What you’re looking at is just a cross section of me, not my whole body. In the Third Dimension, I appear to you as only a sphere, the same way your Flatlander friend appeared as a point in Lineland, and how you appeared as a Circle in Flatland, but I am really a vwindir – or, an extra-sphere, as your student from Flatland so aptly called me. You really shouldn’t have dismissed him so quickly about the exter dimensions, you know. He may have gotten a little carried away, but he wasn’t wrong.”
There was a short pause, then the voice added, “But I digress. What I said first was, are you ready to visit the Fourth Dimension now? And, are you? I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have.”
Kormance’s first reaction was that this had to be some sort of joke. Someone playing a trick on xev. But then xet remembered that that was exactly how Raymond had reacted to xev, and how the King of Lineland had reacted to Raymond…
Oh Starlan, this was actually happening, wasn’t it?
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[ID: A digital drawing of two characters based on the book Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, drawn against a grey-blue background. In the foreground is a royal blue circle covered with pale yellow stars, labeled, "Ted, they/them/their/themself, 4D vwindir", and "[patiently waiting for a reply]". They have no limbs or facial features visible. Behind them is a pale red sphere with a single eye and two arms, one of which ends around the elbow, with darker red and blue markings, labeled "Kormance, xet/xev/xel/xevself, 3D Sphere", and "[conception of the world being hastily rewired]". Kormance is staring at Ted with xel diamond-shaped pupil dilated, and a blank expression of shock and consternation. End ID.]
A million thoughts were racing through Kormance’s mind, but of all of them, there was one important question xet felt the need to ask, just to be safe:
“You promise you won’t put me back Wrongsideup?” Xet did’t even want to know how that would work for a Three Dimensional being, but xet assumed xet would be finding out shortl.
The voice replied, kindly, “I promise not to put you back Wrongsidelot.”
Kormance wondered if xet was dreaming, but xet didn’t think xet was.
“Well,” xet said, bracing xevself, “I guess I’m ready when you are.”
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birindale · 9 months
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Adventure of the Blue Diamond
Frosta learns about stranger danger, Catra blots out the 'daystar', and She-Ra smashes a priceless gem for no discernible reason.
Transcript/Image ID below the cut
[Image Description: A cover and 14 comic pages from the She-Ra mini-comic, “Adventure of the Blue Diamond”.
Cover: She-Ra stands in a snowy field, staring at something. Double Trouble, Frosta, and Bow stand behind her, none of them dressed for cold weather. Bow has an arrow nocked, and his embedded ‘heart’ is situated low on his torso, more where a belly button would be. All parties look vaguely concerned. The ‘Princess of Power’ logo stands in sharp contrast to the indigo sky, while the title ‘Adventure of the Blue Diamond’ is a washed out azure with insufficient lining to read well against the lighter purple background and blue of Bow’s pants.
Page 1: A yellow text box reads, “The duties of the day behind her. PRINCESS ADORA indulges in a rare moment of quiet reflection. But her sweet peace is to be short lived… For all is not well in Etheria… ”
Adora is looking into a mirror, brushing her hair despite still wearing her crown and high-collared cape. She’s smiling peacefully.
Adora notices something in her reflection, pausing in her brushing. 
What appears to be a window glows gold in the reflection of the mirror, and she stares at it with a concerned frown. 
Kowl bursts into the room, frantic, calling, “Oh, fair princess, woe is me! DANGER! DANGER… all I see! QUICKLY! You must follow me! HOOT! HOOT!” Adora whips around to face him. 
“Good heavens, Kowl! What IS the matter?” she asks. The words ‘Adventure of the Blue Diamond’ appear on a title scroll at the bottom of the page. ‘Blue Diamond’ is rendered as though made of cut gems.
End Page 1.
Page 2: “Just look and listen!” says Kowl, leading her to the open window of the Crystal Castle. A strong and ominous wind hisses outside.
“CATRA! Up to her old tricks! I’d recognize that voice anywhere!” says Adora, looking out into a gathering storm. 
“She’s gone too far I fear! Etheria’s DOOM is all too near!” says Kowl. 
“Not if I have anything to say about it!” says Adora, with a confident smile. 
“BY THE HONOR OF GRAYSKULL… I AM SHE-RA!” she yells, holding the Sword of Protection aloft. Magic swirls around her, and the word ‘BOOM!’ is printed in big red letters. Her crown inverts, but does not cover her eyes as a mask. 
“I must find the source of this dark trouble at once! Kowl, summon BOW and DOUBLE TROUBLE… quickly… I’ll need their HELP!” She-Ra says to Kowl.
End Page 2. 
Page 3: A yellow caption box reads, “Moments later…” and we see that it’s begun to snow. A large vehicle with lepidopteran wings, somewhere between the Butterflyer and the Flutter Plane in design but colored to match Double Trouble’s outfit, is parked in front of the Crystal Castle, where She-Ra meets with her allies. 
“Brave Bow, far greater is the force of Catra’s folly this day than I have ever seen it! I know not the SOURCE of her dark powers, but we must NOT let her EVIL TREACHERY SUCCEED!” says She-Ra. 
“Never have I seen Etheria look more DESOLATE and DREARY! Whatever Catra’s up to… It must be a vile TRICK indeed!” says Bow. 
“She-Ra, surely you must have some sort of PLAN!” says Double Trouble. 
“Indeed I do and much of it depends on you, Double Trouble., with your SPY DISGUISE you can make it into Catra’s camp UNDETECTED! GO NOW and discover for me just what wretched scheme that fiendish feline has up her sleeve!” says She-Ra. 
Double Trouble stands with her hands on her hips, wind buffeting Bow behind her. “And when I have your answer?” she asks. 
“Then send a SIGNAL skyward. The FLUTTER PLANE will bring Bow and me to your side in a but a moment!” says She-Ra, so apparently that is in fact the Flutter Plane, just riffing on the earlier two-seater concept art that Filmation discarded and Mattel never produced. Cool.
A yellow caption box reads, “A clever scout, Double Trouble soon finds herself on the evil Catra’s trail…” and we see Double Trouble slogging through the snow, following a very neat and precise course. 
“FOOT PRINTS! Catra has been here all right!” she says, following them as it continues to snow. The ground is now completely covered.
End Page 3. 
Page 4: “... and up ahead… a CAVE!” says Double Trouble, trudging through even deeper snow, approaching, you guessed it, a cave. “If I don’t miss my guess, the SINISTER FELINE seeks shelter from the storm inside!” 
“Just as I suspected! BUT WAIT… What’s this? The fiendish feline holds a PRISONER!” Double Trouble thinks to herself, peering into the cave to see an exultant Catra, wearing a silver fur cloak, gloating over a woman with long blue hair tied to a stalagmite. 
“AT LAST! The treasured SNOW CAPE and its powerful SECRETS are mine… ALL MINE!” says Catra.
End Page 4.
Page 5: “HELP! Somebody HELP ME!” yells the prisoner. Catra smiles dismissively and pulls out her mask and says, “FROSTA, my dear, you are a FOOL! There is no one to hear your cries, nor anyone to interfere with thissss…
“My most diabolical plot to SEIZE CONTROL of all Etheria!” she declares, putting on her mask. 
The space between panels reads, “Unleashed by Catra’s evil threats, Double Trouble CHANGES into her SPY DISGUISE - a face that Catra recognizes as a FRIEND!” followed by a four-panel sequence of Double Trouble shifting into evil mode. 
“CATRA! What have we here?” she asks. 
“WHA…? Oh it’s you, Double Trouble!” says Catra. “This foolish girl has given me her precious SNOW CAPE, and with its secrets, Etheria will soon be MINE!”
End Page 5.
Page 6:
“HOW? What secrets? Tell me your plan!” says Double Trouble. 
“I took Frosta’s powerful WAND and FROZE ETHERIA!” says Catra. “But its freezing effect is only temporary! Fear not, friend—I’ve discovered a MAP in her cape that will lead me to the BLUE ICE DIAMOND! And I will have the power to freeze Etheria FOREVER!” 
“Double Trouble, guard Frosta until I return!” says Catra, running from the cave.
A yellow caption box reads, “Above Etheria’s moonlit horizon, Bow and She-Ra watch… and wait…” and we see the Flutter Plane flying over a snow-covered landscape.
“LOOK THERE! It’s Double Trouble’s SIGNAL!” says Bow, pointing at a flare of magic from the pilot’s seat. 
“GOOD! Let’s take ‘er down…” says She-Ra. 
End Page 6. 
Page 7: “She-Ra, Etheris is in the greatest PERIL! Frosta, QUICKLY, you must tell She-Ra everything you know!” says Double Trouble, as she emerges from the cave, supporting Frosta. Bow and She-Ra run towards her.
“So LONELY have I been here, in the frozen north, for Catra’s TRICKERY I was an easy mark! A day ago, she befriended me… but it has COST me DEARLY!” says Frosta, beginning to cry. Double Trouble holds her closer in support.
“Go on, tell her about the SNOW CAPE!” she urges. 
“Foolishly, I GAVE my snow cape to Catra in exchange for her company! Inside the cape, there is a map that will lead her to the Blue Ice Diamond!” says Frosta, dripping tears. 
“THE BLUE ICE DIAMOND! Catra will use the gemstone’s powerful magic to turn Etheria into a frozen wasteland FOREVER! We must STOP her!” says She-Ra, evidently horrified.
A yellow caption box reads, “With Frosta in the lead, She-Ra and her stalwart cohorts race across the Dreaming Mountain! But can they reach the Blue Ice Diamond in time?” 
The Flutter Plane flies overhead while Double Trouble and Frosta (who has been mistakenly colored to look like She-Ra) ride in another vessel. It’s a sailing sledge (an iceboat meant for dry land) with an unstayed mast & single lateen sail, long and narrow in the style of a stereotypical viking ship, complete with an ornate figurehead of a bird of prey. The entire ship is a similar shade of green to Double Trouble, including the sail, which is feather-patterned. There are struts visible in later panels which confirm this is a sleigh and not a magical land-ship of some kind. The whole thing is reminiscent of the Sea Harp in shape, but that hasn't been designed yet.
End Page 7. 
Page 8: A yellow caption box reads, “... or does Catra ALREADY hold Etheria’s fate in her grasp?” as Catra gloats over a gem, which glows a vivid green. 
“CATRA!” shouts Frosta, now colored correctly, “HALT! Or I shall FREEZE you where you stand!” She climbs from the sailing sledge and brandishes her Snowflake Wand (which is really more of a staff). 
“You’re TOO LATE Frosta… TOO LATE!” Catra calls back, lifting a faceted gem to her face as she smiles in evil glee.
End Page 8. 
Page 9: “LOOK! Etheria’s bright daystar DIMS even as I speak, and a CLOAK OF DARKNESS SWEEPS THE LAND!” she yells, gesturing at what I think it’s safe to assume is a sun and not the planet Venus because it’s flipping huge, “Soon I shall rule FOREVER!” 
“WHISSSSHHHH,” goes the Snowflake Wand, which now more resembles a scepter, then “ZZZAAA,” in a spidery, electric sort of style. Sparkles emerge from the wand and Frosta looks pretty pissed.
“--KRAKK!” finish the onomatopoeia, as we return to Catra, who’s surrounded by sparkles as the sun darkens behind her. 
We zoom in closer to reveal she’s frozen solid, still cackling. 
The focus shifts to the sun, now completely dark. 
End Page 9. 
Page 10:  Frosta falls to her knees in despair, burying her face in her hands as Double Trouble tries to comfort her. In the background, the Flutter Plane lands and She-Ra leaps from within. 
“Oh She-Ra, I have FAILED! There is NOTHING we can do to save Etheria from darkness… it’s all MY FAULT!” sobs Frosta as She-Ra lays a supportive hand on her shoulder. 
She-Ra doesn’t respond immediately, trudging over to Catra as Bow reaches the sledge. 
“Perhaps there is MORE to this blue ice diamond than meets the eye!” She-Ra says, plucking the gem from the frozen Catra’s grasp. 
“BOW! Stand fast and make ready an arrow! I have an idea!” she calls back over her shoulder. Bow moves forward obediently. Frosta is still kneeling in the snow and Double Trouble’s still in the sledge. 
End Page 10.
Page 11: “The SECRET of this gemstone’s POWER may lie WITHIN…” says She-Ra, setting the blue ice diamond atop a rock. 
She lifts her sword. In this panel and the next, she’s shown with her inverted crown functioning as a mask. “... so, if we CRACK it…” 
She brings the Sword of Protection down with a huge “SMASH!” 
“... we can set its magic FREE!” she finishes, revealing that there was a second, smaller diamond inside the first diamond, matryoshka doll style. For some reason. 
“Now, let your arrow FLY!” she says to Bow, as he ties this smaller diamond to an arrow. It glows a soft yellow. She-Ra’s crown is no longer a mask. 
End page 11. 
Page 12: Bow aims directly at the darkened sun. 
We get a close-up of his face, deep in concentration, as he releases the arrow with a loud “SPUNGG!”
The arrow sails towards the sun. 
Double Trouble, Frosta, and Bow look on. Bow lowers his bow. 
The arrow disappears from sight, leaving only the darkness and the blotted daystar. 
Double Trouble, Frosta, Bow, and She-Ra watch in silence. 
The sun remains dark 
End page 12. 
Page 13: “BULL’SEYE!” hollers Bow, lifting his bow to the sky in jubilation as the sun goes “BUH WHOOM!” and begins emitting light once more. He slings a celebratory arm around Frosta’s waist, like he means to hug her but is just too excited about archery to bother. 
Catra begins to defrost beneath the heat of the sun. 
She comes to staring at her now-empty hand, startled and soaking wet from the melted ice, the snow cape falling from her shoulders. We see that beneath the snow, this was some kind of arid plain, which contradicts its earlier description as being the “Dreaming Mountain”, as the Dreaming Mountains are the home of Castle Chill (and thus, chilly) from Filmation. 
“CURSES! FOILED AGAIN!” shouts Catra, sprinting into the distance. 
End Page 13. 
Page 14: “YOU’VE DONE IT! The daystar glows brighter than ever!” says Frosta, clapping her hands together in delight. 
“Etheria is SAFE once more and I am FREE at last of Catra’s EVIL MAGIC!” she says, holding her snow cape over one shoulder like a jock with a letterman jacket. 
“Yes—Etheria is SAFE and BEAUTIFUL once more!” says She-Ra, walking over to her. 
“Bow, Double Trouble, time to go! The CRYSTAL CASTLE and NEW ADVENTURES await!” says She-Ra, looking over her shoulder to her friends. 
“But WAIT! How can I ever REPAY your kindness? Perhaps my coat…?” says Frosta, holding the snow cape out to She-Ra as Double Trouble and Bow climb into the Flutter Plane. 
“Fair Frosta—haven’t you learned a moral after all that’s happened? REMEMBER THIS!” says She-Ra:
“FRIENDSHIP can’t be bought or sold… it must come from the HEART! And from OUR hearts to YOURS—a friendship that’s EVERLASTING!” says She-Ra, in the traditional red text they use for morals. Everybody smiles at each other. 
The End.
End of Page 14.
Back Cover: The “Princess of Power” logo, with the text “Collect Princess of Power (trademarked) Dolls & Accessories! Each Sold Separately.
Cardback illustrations for She-Ra the “most powerful woman in the universe”, Bow the “special friend”, Double Trouble the “glamorous double-agent”, Frosta the “Ice Empress of Etheria”, Catra the “Jealous Beauty”, Castaspella the “Enchantress who hypnotizes”, Kowl “The Know-It-Owl”, Angella the “Angelic winged guide”, and Glimmer the “Guide who lights the way”. 
Illustrations copyright Mattel Inc., 1984. Hawthorne, CA 90250 U.S.A.
PRINTED IN TAIWAN. All Rights Reserved. 
End of ID]
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
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Image © @iguanodont
[Of all my self-insert characters, this is my self-insertiest. I consider myself to be somewhere in the Venn diagram overlap of Mary Poppins, Bugs Bunny and any given Addams, and that's the spot where Gigi comfortably holds court. She's also the manifestation of my use of friendly but weird spellcasters to steer the party in the right direction. Which means I wanted to be sure in the flavor text to emphasize that Gigi's a light touch. She's the kind of character who will craft the PCs magic items, cast a reincarnate spell if one of them dies (because it's way more fun than resurrection, plus she doesn't happen to have that many diamonds on hand...) and point them towards the next adventure, not the sort of character who will do everything herself. ]
Gigi CR 21 CG Fey This woman is fat, jolly and subtly inhuman. Her skin tone is a light purple, shading to red on her hands and feet, and her witch’s hat moves as if something growing from her head is holding it in place.
Gigi is the “Scary Fairy Godmother” of Varisia, a powerful inhuman witch who helps the people there survive the onslaughts of other monsters. Gigi is a phouka, but rarely appears in her natural form, preferring a humanoid guise. When not appearing as a human, she often takes the form of a gnome or goblin. She lives in a well-hidden cottage in the Sanos Forest, and from there ventures forth under invisibility or disguise to engage in her well-meaning meddling. Gigi prefers to act subtly by giving advice, casting beneficial spells and hexes or pointing people in the direction of a magic item or clue, rather than unleashing her true power at a moment’s notice.
When Gigi does decide to fight, she can be truly terrifying to behold. She is one of the most powerful witches in Avistan, and couples that with her natural abilities as a pooka. She usually fights under cover of invisibility, and uses debilitating spells to end combat quickly and efficiently. Gigi is proud of her magical prowess, but is well aware that a well placed knife can solve some problems spells cannot. If she is in a playful mood, or is fighting to teach a lesson rather than kill an enemy, Gigi will instead use Flyby Attack and Greater Dirty Trick to inconvenience and annoy opponents. Gigi is happy to play a support role in a fight, especially if teamed up with her right hand gal, Priscilla.
Gigi began her life as an ordinary phouka in the First World, who spent her time living hedonistically and annoying fey and mortals alike. One day, she came upon a chameleon caught in the web of a giant spider, and she let it free. She spent days watching this lizard, fascinated by its patience in hunting and movement, and followed its slow and steady journey. Eventually, the lizard led her to Mormo, the Goddess of Predators. That Great Old One had been regaining her strength and putting together her plots to strike against the Mother of Monsters Lamashtu. She had sent various reptiles out as living invitations, to extend an offer of allegiance to anyone who might notice. And Gigi was the only one who noticed.
Gigi became an instant convert and Mormo is now her patron, granting spells through that same chameleon (which Gigi named Liz). Since Mormo received a cool reception in the First World, Gigi decided to move to the Material Plane to support Mormo in the Great Game and to win her allies and converts. She chose Varisia as her home base because of the remarkable density of catastrophic events that occur there regularly, as well as the large number of adventurers fighting against said events. Gigi is the patron of several groups of adventurers, not all of whom know her real identity and agenda, and at least one of which knows her solely as a helpful disembodied voice. She is also one of the driving forces behind the increasing integration of goblins into the societies of other humanoids, as she has a soft spot for tricksy little monsters.  
Gigi      CR 21 XP 409,600 Variant phouka witch 16 (vellemancer) CG Medium fey Init +11; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +38
Defense AC 44, touch 35, flat-footed 32 (+11 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural, +8 armor, +13 deflection) hp 440(35d6+315) Fort +25, Ref +32, Will +32; +4 vs. mind-influencing spells DR 15/cold iron; Immune disease, divination, poison; SR 23 Defensive Abilities blur, eldritch shield, invisibility
Offense Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) Melee dagger of subtlety +30/+25/+20/+15 (1d4+9/19-20), slam +23 (1d4+3), gore +23 (1d8+3) or 2 slams +28 (1d4+7), gore +28 (1d8+7) Special Attacks hexes (DC 34, beast’s gift, delicious fright, evil eye, feral speech, fortune, regenerative sinew, slumber, speak in dreams, ward), sneak attack +5d6 Spell-like Abilities CL 12th, concentration +25 (+29 casting defensively) At will—deep slumber (DC 26), major image (DC 26), suggestion (DC 26) 3/day—baleful polymorph (DC 28), blindness/deafness (DC 26), confusion (DC 27), dimension door, fear (DC 27), mirage arcana (DC 28), telekinesis (DC 28) 1/day—feeblemind (DC 28), greater shadow conjuration (DC 30), irresistible dance (DC 31),  phantasmal killer (DC 27), song of discord (DC 29) Spells CL 16th, concentration +32 (+36 casting defensively) 8th—demand (DC 34), horrid wilting (DC 34), maze, mind blank (already cast), prediction of failure (DC 34) 7th—harm (DC 33), heal (DC 33), jolting portent, shadow body, umbral strike (DC 33), waves of ecstasy (DC 33) 6th—cone of cold (DC 32), flesh to stone (DC 32), geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater heroism, stone to flesh  5th—cure critical wounds (DC 31), greater forbid action (DC 31), inflict critical wounds (DC 31), overland flight (already cast), pernicious pranksters, reincarnate, waves of fatigue 4th—blessing of fervor, charm monster (x2, DC 30), death ward, debilitating portent, inveigle person (DC 30), neutralize poison (DC 30), wandering star motes (DC 30) 3rd—aversion (DC 29), bestow curse (DC 29, already cast), clairaudience/clairvoyance, fly, helping hand, remove blindness/deafness, speak with dead (DC 29), vampiric touch 2nd—anticipate peril (x2), cure moderate wounds (DC 28, x5), ghostly disguise (x2), inflict moderate wounds (DC 28, x5), mortal terror (DC 28, x2) 1st—charm person (DC 27), doom (DC 27, x2), identify, ill omen (x2), ray of enfeeblement (DC 27), vocal alteration (DC 27) 0th—arcane mark, dancing lights, detect magic, read magic Patron—Fate
Tactics Before Combat Gigi casts mind blank and overland flight on herself each morning. She also casts a bestow curse (-4 to all attack rolls, saving throws, skill and ability checks) into her witching gown each morning Contingency Whenever Gigi is reduced to 100 hit points or below, she is teleported to the hidden basement of her house in the Sanos Forest
Statistics Str 25, Dex 32, Con 28, Int 42, Wis 22, Cha 36 Base Atk +17; CMB +28 (+32 dirty trick); CMD 60 (62 vs. dirty trick) Feats Accursed Hex, Agile Maneuvers, Bouncing Spell-like Ability (baleful polymorph), Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Craft Wondrous Item, Dodge, Eschew Materials, Extra Hex (x3: evil eye, feral speech, ward), Flyby Attack, Greater Dirty Trick, Improved Dirty Trick, Mobility, Quick Draw, Spell Penetration, Weapon Finesse Skills Acrobatics +43, Appraise +51, Bluff +49, Diplomacy +49, Disable Device +33, Disguise +45, Escape Artist +43, Fly +43, Heal +38, Intimidate +49, Knowledge (arcana, local, nature, planes) +48, Knowledge (dungeoneering, religion) +45, Knowledge (history, nobility) +51, Linguistics +36, Perception +38, Sense Motive +38, Sleight of Hand +43, Spellcraft +48, Stealth +46, Use Magic Device +45 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Sylvan, telepathy 100 ft, 20 others Gear tome of clear thought +4 (expended), manual of bodily health +4 (expended), headband of mental superiority +6 (Appraise, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nobility)), belt of physical might +6 (Str, Dex), dagger of subtlety (as sword of subtlety), hat of fortune’s favor (as headband), cackling hag’s blouse, witching gown, lesser cloak of displacement, periapt of health and proof against poison, bracers of armor +8, goggles of minute seeing, metamagic rod of Quicken Spell, rod of abrupt hexes, staff of vision, wand of cure serious wounds, ring of wizardry II, ring of spell turning, contingency statuette, scrying mirror, 4,000 gp worth of crafting supplies, 2 doses of herbs and oils for reincarnate spells, 80 pp, 7 gp Spells Known As above, plus resurrection, greater teleport, contingency (as 6th level spell), break enchantment, hold monster, teleport, scrying, secure shelter, spite, remove disease, tongues, bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, eagle’s splendor, fox’s cunning, owl’s wisdom, mage armor, cantrips SQ change shape (Small or Medium humanoid or Tiny to Large fey, alter self or fey shape II), legendary, quick change, scry on familiar, selective invisibility
Special Abilities Eldritch Shield (Su) Gigi gains her Charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to Armor Class and Combat Maneuver Defense. Expanded Wishgranter (Su): A vellemancer adds the following spells to her familiar for free: bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, eagle’s splendor, fox’s cunning, and owl’s wisdom. The vellemancer can cast these spells only as part of her wishgranter ability, but she can sacrifice any prepared spell of 2nd level or lower to spontaneously cast one of these spells. Invested Hex (Su): Each day, Gigi can implant a number of hexes equal to half her witch level  plus her Intelligence bonus (24/day for Gigi). Any given creature can have only one hex implanted at a given time, and implanting a new hex ends the previous one (the witch still loses the use of this ability she spent on the previous hex). Only beneficial hexes capable of affecting another creature can be implanted with invested hex, and this counts against the uses per day of hexes with limited uses per day or per creature. To implant a hex, the vellemancer must take a standard action and touch a willing creature. The vellemancer can activate the hex as a free action, or the hex can activate automatically when a single predetermined condition is met (decided when the hex is implanted). The subject must be within medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per level) for the witch to trigger the hex, but a predetermined condition can activate the hex regardless of range. An implanted hex lasts until the next time the witch regains her spells. Once triggered, a hex is no longer implanted and can’t be triggered again. Invisibility (Su) Gigi remains invisible even when she attacks. She can activate or suppress this ability as a free action. Legendary (Ex) Gigi's statistics are built off of 25 point buy and she has the equipment of a 20th level PC. This increases her CR by 1. Quick Change (Su) Gigi can use her change shape ability as a move action. Selective Invisibility (Su) When a phouka is invisible, it can choose to be visible to a single creature. A phouka can later choose to become invisible to that creature as well, but if that creature succeeds a DC 32 Will save, it can still see that phouka for the next 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma based. Wishgranter (Su): A vellemancer can borrow mental strength from others’ hopes and dreams to empower her own spellcasting. A creature can make a wish as a free action at any time, even during the vellemancer’s turn. The vellemancer must be able to hear and understand a wish in order to use it as a spell component. A spell that doesn’t normally have a verbal component gains one when cast using this ability. A wish doesn’t need to mention the name of a specific spell, but it must describe an outcome that can be accomplished by casting a spell the vellemancer knows (for example, wishing to be more likable could supply the verbal component for alter self, eagle’s splendor, or even baleful polymorph, depending on the results). A vellemancer gains a +1 bonus to her caster level when using a creature’s wish as a verbal component in this manner, but she cannot include herself as a target of such spells. She can be affected by such a spell if it affects an area rather than one or more targets. A vellemancer is under no compulsion to grant a creature’s wish. Once the vellemancer grants a creature’s wish using this ability, she cannot use this ability to grant that creature any further wishes for 24 hours.
Liz CR N/A Variant lizard (chameleon) familiar (pilferer archetype) N Tiny magical beast (augmented animal) Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +1
Defense AC 30, touch 14, flat-footed 28 (+2 Dex, +2 size, +8 natural, +8 armor) hp 220 (effectively 35 HD) Fort +10, Ref +18, Will +22 SR 21 (31 vs. divinations) Defensive Abilities nondetection
Offense Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft. Melee bite +21 (1d4–4) Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Statistics Str 3, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 2 Base Atk +17; CMB +17 (+21 steal); CMD 23 (25 vs. steal, 27 vs. trip) Feats Greater Steal (B), Improved Steal (B), Weapon Finesse Skills Acrobatics +38, Bluff +25, Climb +10, Diplomacy +25, Disable Device +22, Disguise +25, Escape Artist +34, Fly +34,  Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, local, nature, planes, religion) +30, Linguistics +21, Perception +33, Sense Motive +30, Sleight of Hand +42, Spellcraft +30, Stealth +54, Use Magic Device +25; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics, +4 Stealth Languages speak with master Gear bracers of armor +8, wand of scorching ray (50 charges), contingency statuette SQ empathic link,share spells, sneak
Special Abilities Contingency: Is Liz is ever swallowed whole, she teleports back to a spot ten feet outside of Gigi’s house. Sneak (Ex) Liz gains a competence bonus equal to half of Gigi’s witch caster level on Sleight of Hand and Stealth checks. Variant Lizard (Ex) As a chameleon, Liz gains a +4 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Stealth checks, instead of the normal lizard racial skill bonus. As a familiar, a chameleon grants a +3 bonus to Stealth.
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rjalker · 22 days
just the art (Click here for the 5k word story that the art is for)
How it started:
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[ID: A digital drawing of characters from the book Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions. In the foreground is the narrator, a square who is orange, green and pink, with the pink forming a shape like a blobby fish with a single purple eye on its back. On each of his corners are small white triangle markings facing inward, helping to disguise his true eye, which faces upward as he falls.
He is labeled, “Raymond, he/him/his/himself, 2D square”, and “[Getting ejected from the Third Dimension for speculating about the existance of the Fourth and beyond”.
Above him in the distance is a pale red sphere with darker red and blue markings, still with one hand out stretched after throwing Raymond. The other arm ends around the elbow. Xet is labeled, “Kormance, xet/xev/xel/xevself, 3D sphere”. End ID.]
how it's going:
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[ID: A digital drawing of two characters based on the book Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, drawn against a grey-blue background. In the foreground is a royal blue circle covered with pale yellow stars, labeled, "Ted, they/them/their/themself, 4D vwindir”, and “[patiently waiting for a reply]”. They have no limbs or facial features visible. Behind them is a pale red sphere with a single eye and two arms, one of which ends around the elbow, with darker red and blue markings, labeled “Kormance, xet/xev/xel/xevself, 3D Sphere”, and “[conception of the world being hastily rewired]”. Kormance is staring at Ted with xel diamond-shaped pupil dilated, and a blank expression of shock and consternation. End ID.]
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random-vore-blog · 26 days
May I ask for more sanegiyuu vore? It's so cuteee 😭😭
Of course! I am just gonna use an au I have cooked up. Plus, this gives you an idea of what happened to Giyu :3
Harpy's Lake Gem
The moon was up, its rays casting over the forest where mythical creatures resided in, illuminaring the landscape with its its gentle touch. The forest that held mysteries no human could solve, a puzzle too difficult for the human mind to complete. A foreign, but also familiar space for many who travel across the land to find the place.
Those who entered never came back. Many went missing upon entering the forest, many remains left out by the borders- a warning to any who dare to try to enter the forest without permission. Be it an arm or any other limb or a corpse, it didn't matter. It was still a warning.
But deep in the forest, a lake stood proud in the open in the heart of the forest. Its surface shone like gems, the water calm and at peace. The moonlight caressed the precious surface with care and a gentleness no one knew about. But as gorgeous as it looks from above and on land, there was a sinister aura that lurked beneath the surface- hidden from anyone by the facade of the innocent surface of the water.
The most deaths of humans occured here, in the heart of the forest, where no one would ever find the remains- gone and nowhere to be seen or to find their way out of this place. The lake was a trap- a deathtrap that had worked succesfully for the creature that resided in the lake it called home. It lured the next victims by just its voice alone, a song that no one could resist and follow.
A seastack on the far side, close to shore, sat comfortably with the water gently lapping at it. Ontop sat the cause of all the missing people that dared to enter the forest, right into its webbed hands.
A Siren.
Mythical creatures with the lower half of a fish and the upper half of a man, beings sailors told tales of- with a taste and appitite for human flesh, an appitite no human could understand. Its beauty hid away the sinister side deep beneath the surface. The beauty of the creature used to trick mankind, a facade to disguise their true intentions from mankind- violent beasts that drowned man for its own pleasures and needs. Sometimes feasting on the corpses of the victims it drowned.
The siren on the seastack had a beautiful tail as blue as sapphire stones with white diamond-shaped dots on the sides, the fins a transluscent baby blue colour, hair as black as a raven's with hints of almost invisble blue hues under the moon, dark blue eyes that pulled many in their gaze, fins acting like ears the same colour as the tail, the fingers a light blue colour that spread up to the elbow, claws a beautiful dark blue and webbing white, the upper torso covered in robes of red with a checkered pattern consisting of green and yellow.
The scales reflected the moonlight that caressed them, giving off a faint glow from the tail. It made the creature not only look majestic but also gorgeous and etheral, a beauty no one could take their eyes off of. A mask crafted over thousands of years to perfect the beauty.
The gentle sound of a song escaped its throat, sounding masculine in comparison to most feminine songs sung by the normal female sirens. Thus being identified as a male siren, a rare sight to behold as thete are few left in the world.
The fins on his head twitched as he heard something, another creature that he was all too familiar with. Someone the siren knew and had been friends with im the past, despite their historical rivalry, the wars both of these two mythical creatures had for thousands and thousands of years.
The siren turned his head slightly to look behind him, seeing all-too-familiar bird talons clutching onto the hard ricky surface, latched onto the stone to ensure that they don't let the creature slip off. He looked up, seeing a familiar face he had grown used to.
White hair that illuminated silver when light caressed the strands, purple eyes that glared daggers at him, scars on the face and lips formed into a frown. Dark green armour covered the chest, a black shirt underneath, a cloth of sorts hanging from the sides and tied to its waist, dark green pants that stopped right above the knee where the bird feet began to form. Black wings with white feathers at the edges, the tail matching the colour scheme of the wings. Green streaks right by the cheeks, feathers placed on either side where human ears would be acted as the ears.
" Shinazugawa-san."
" Tomioka."
The voice of the creature was a lot deeper and rough, as if it ate sand for breakfast instead of its preferred food. The hint of venom in the tone gave the siren, dubbed as Tomioka, an insight to what the creature wanted.
It wanted him for something, and that something he was unsure of. He couldn't place a clawed finger on what the winged creature wanted. And that creature was an expert at aerial hunting.
A Harpy.
Winged beasts with the lower half of a bird while the upper half was a human, arms replaced by wings larger than a human's body. Maybe larger than two humans stacked on each other. They came in many shapes and sizes, but they took on the species of any predatory bird. Their excellent aerial control in the air was phenomenal and more executed than any bird, surprassing their bird of prey counterparts.
" Is there something you need?"
The siren asked softly, a curious glint evident in the blue orbs that watched the Harpy with caution. He was aware that he was a delicacy for these aerial predators, nothing but a meal to them. He had to tread carefully if he didn't want to become Harpy food. However, he was unsure if the Harpy viewed him as a food source, seeing as he- identified by the masculine voice- never laid a talon on him.
" Does Kagaya-san need us in his presence?"
" No,"
The Harpy lowered his upper torso, bending it to be on eye level with the aquatic being.
" he does not need us in his presence."
Tomioka made a small frown, eyes squinted in confusion at the words that left Shinazugawa's- as Tomioka called him- mouth. The confusion did not leave his features, not until a talon pinned him against the rock, on his back. His back arched from the sudden contact of the cold surface, eyes widened as they stared at the purple ones that glared at him.
" It is you."
" What are-"
" It's your late night swimming that irritates me."
" Shinazu-"
" NO! Every time I patrol, I always see you swimming late at night!"
His jaws clenched in anger, body shaking with rage.
" And tonight is NO different! You think I don't notice the smallest of hints that you have insomnia?! Or the details like the dark circles under your eyes known as eyebags?!"
He growled, snarling at the being under his taloned foot, wings opened slightly to prove his point, to imply what he meant by his words. Tomioka just stared at him in disbelief, as if the Harpy had said that he had commited a crime...
" Don't try to hide it! I can see it from a mile away! Even Iguro can smell it from a mile away!"
" Sh-"
" No-! I am DONE watching you swim late at night when Iguro and I are on patrol!"
The pressure on the Siren's chest increased, before he was lifted up, off of the cold floor as his tail laid limp on the ground beneath. He had never seen the Harpy this irritated before, let alone concerned for his wellbeing. A warmth blossomed in his chest at the thought of someone caring for him.
" And I am going to do something about it."
He said dangerously low, above a whisper and his voice dripped with anger. Not only that, but the talons brought his face closer to Shinaguzawa's.
Before he could say anything, the lips in front of him parted, reavealing a cavern of flesh. Strands of saliva clung on the roof an anywhere it could cling onto, a tongue slipped out to give him a taste. He didn't react to it, however, as his attention was drawn to the pearly white teeth that were sharp and could snap him in half, crush bone. He was in a state of shock, not able to tell his body to move as it failed to co-operate with him.
It closed in front of him, and he stared at Shinazugawa wide-eyed.
" You taste better than I expected."
The Harpy murmured, tilting his head to the side, squinting his eyes in glee, something the Siren never saw.
Before long, the Harpy tilted his head straight and licked his lips. He- he wasn't going to- right? Tomioka felt a wave of panic hit him like a ton of bricks, a slap across the face full force.
The maw opened again and this time, his head was placed inside. He wanted to struggle, to scream and cry out for help, but his body refused, still in shock and trying to process what was going on.
It was warm, very warm. The humid air inside messed with his gills, threatening him to gasp for air a lot nicer than the dry air he was forced to inhale-! But he didn't, he couldn't. His body didn't belong to him as he was swallowed, body sliding down the now tight tube with ease like he was nothing. As if he was a small fish that slid down the throat of a crocodile... His skin got irritated by the dry air, unable to handle the warmth the air inside the Harpy provided. It was unbearable, and quite itchy.
By the time he got his body to struggle, it was too late as his head slipped into a roomier organ, the rest of his body following soon after.
It was hot, humid and with a liquid that filled tbe organ, stopping the itching he felt on his skin and scales. He panicked, body jerking away at the sudden pressure on his back. His eyes wide as realization of where he was dawned on him. He was in Shinaguzawa's stomach, a place he feared the most.
" Shinazugawa-san! Let me out!"
He panicked, body about ready to hyperventilate as the shock wore off, adrenaline the new booster to help his body to hyperventilate. His body shook.
" Let me out! Please! I beg of you!"
He yelled, trembling as his eyes were blurred by the tears that formed, jerking as a sob left his form. He held his head with both webbed hands, covering his finned ears that flattened against his head and closed his eyes, gritting his teeth. The waterfall got out of the walls known as tear ducts.
" Please- please Sanemi! Please! Pleasepleasepleaseplease-"
He repeated, unable to do anything but beg Sanemi to let him go, to not let him die in this place other sirens had died.
He stared at his middle in shock, where his hand would've been if he had human arms rested on the slightly bulged area his "meal" was in, begging for his life to be spared, pleading.
Did- did he not realize that he... oh no-! Oh nomonononono! He didn't-
Panic enveloped his body when he was called by his first name. Did his insomnia affect him to the point of not thinking rationally? That him and Tomioka were a thing? This- oh god... The thought of digesting a living creature and his mate alone made him sick.
He rubbed his middle, trying to soothe and calm the the hyperventilating Siren down as best as he could while he hummed.
" Hey- hey-! It's okay! It's okay!"
He wanted to calm down his poor mate, tried to reassure him that he was not in any danger- that they have done this before with comforting words! But they didn't leave his throat after he spoke or tried to speak again. The words evaporated from the tip of his tongue.
All he could do was push thrpugh it all and just head back to his place located on a massive and broad seastack where a cave was.
He opened his wings and crouched down, jumping in the air and took off, heading back to his cave- his home. He couldn't use words to calm Tomioka down... he'll just hope that he realizes that he is safe-
His feathered ears twitched as he heard shaky breathes, the heartrate of the siren inside the organ slow and at a pace he was familiar with- that he grew fond of. He sighed in relief, in time to land gracefully on the edge of the cave.
His talons scraped against the stone beneath them as he entered, checking his surroundings to make sure that nothing was out of the ordinary. Besides Genya sleeping in the mest he built for him.
It was a long night, and restless one. He was tired, wanting to gain energy for what the next day wpuld bring. He stopped in his tracks and laid down like a bird, eyes closing as he focused on the weight in his crop. He'll rest his eyes for a few minutes... It wouldn't kill anyone if he rested a little, right?
And so, he dosed off, joining his brother and Giyu in dreamland where everything that had happened was nothing more than an old and bad memory.
The End
Sorry if this is not what you wanted, but I did enjoy writing it! It was a lot of fun to play with these two boys I ship so much!
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kaitoujokerscans · 1 year
Get Back Hachi’s Memories! CH2
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<2> The Play 'The Tragic Monster'
That night, a play called "The Tragic Monster" was being performed at the Harmony Theater. It was a world-famous play currently on tour in multiple countries. Its greatest highlight was the final act where the titular monster gives the princess the gem contained inside its body. This dazzling gem, meant to represent the monster's pure heart, was a large diamond. Big-budget performances would often use a real diamond as a prop.
The historic Harmony Theater held the distinction of presenting the first-ever performance of The Tragic Monster. The prop they used especially for the famous scene was a diamond called "The Monster's Heart", estimated to be worth 300 million yen. This was the target of Joker's latest caper.
A load of large props had been brought into the Harmony Theater's backstage storage room. Near the many stage sets, a large column slowly inflated and exploded with a loud POP! Joker appeared where the column had been.
"Made it in!"
Joker had infiltrated the theater by disguising himself as one of the columns used as set dressing. To do this, he had used another one of his phantom thief tools: Image Gum. An image formed in the mind is transferred to the gum, and by blowing the gum, it can be formed into any shape. It can be wrapped around oneself to disguise as somebody or can be used to fabricate large objects.
Joker took careful stock of his surroundings and headed for the stage.
The performance had already started. The diamond would be taken out of the vault in advance of the final act and be brought to the stage wings. Later on stage, the actor playing the monster would remove the diamond from its stomach so that the audience could see it for the first time.
"All righty, it's about time to make our move, Hachi! ...Oh right, he isn't here," Joker said to a vacant spot before remembering he was alone. Apparently he'd spoken out of habit.
It had been a long while since he'd worked without Hachi, but he'd worked alone at the start anyway. It was just like going back to how things were before. With this in mind, Joker lightly jumped up to the backstage ceiling.
Steel beams crisscrossed all over, and spotlights hung here and there. The Harmony Theater had quite a grand stage, so the ceiling was as high up as a four-story building. To the front of Joker and far below, the actors recited their lines on stage. In just a few minutes, the diamond would make its appearance.
"Okay, just gotta make this like so, and..." Just as Joker was simulating things in his head, he heard the clomping of footsteps somewhere. The footsteps were gradually approaching the narrow catwalk which hung from the ceiling.
Joker shot a glance in the direction of the sound.
From the darkness, a familiar voice issued. "I'm the black shadow that paints over the light... Shadow Joker!"
Directly ahead of Joker, a young man in a dark purple suit emerged from the dim. He wore the same style of suit, and the same golden "J" brooch was on his lapel. But unlike Joker, the golden eyes peering out from under his cyan-colored bangs had a cold glint. He was Shadow Joker — one of Joker's rivals.
"Aha, Shadow. Didn't expect you here."
"Wherever you go, I'll be there. Joker, you're not taking 'The Monster's Heart'. I'll kill you first! Bloody Rain!" he shouted, pointing his black umbrella at Joker. Its tip glowed bright, and a moment later, a red beam shot straight at Joker's chest.
"Ghh!" Joker quickly took a card from his breast pocket and deflected the beam. Joker's cards were treated with a special coating invented by his master Silver Heart. This allowed him to parry attacks to an extent, and when thrown, they were an effective weapon.
Joker blocked Shadow's incoming beams and moved to the side. He leapt up using the spotlights as footholds, leaving Shadow standing down below. Then he raised his card again in anticipation of the next attack.
But Shadow didn't attack. His umbrella was trained on him, but all he did was scowl in his direction.
"Huh? What's up with you, Shadow?"
Shadow was clearly acting strange. He was hesitating, as if he wanted to attack but couldn't.
"Something wrong? Why aren't you attacking?"
"W-Well... I can't say."
"Mmkay, whatever. I'll just steal the treasure like I was planning."
"You can't!" Shadow exclaimed, but he still didn't move to strike. He turned his gaze back to Joker, then gave in. "It's Rose..."
Rose was Shadow's younger sister. Joker had known them both when they were younger. At one point Rose had been kidnapped by a man named Professor Clover and had fallen into a coma for many years. Joker and Shadow had cooperated to save her from Clover's clutches. Rose had been living with Shadow since she awoke.
"What about Rose?"
"She's here to see the play. She's really been looking forward to it."
As Shadow explained it, Rose was an aficionado of "The Tragic Monster" and had been very excited for it to come to the Harmony Theater. In fact, she was so excited that she had researched which audience seat would have the most optimal viewing angle, spent a lot of effort to buy the best pick of the bunch, and had lined up first thing in the morning to buy pamphlets and merchandise.
"Except... Joker, you sent a notice to the theater." Shadow glared at him. Joker's notice had set the Harmony Theater on high alert, and Rose was worried as a result. The theater had refused to be intimidated by Joker's notice and decided to go on with the show, but nevertheless, Rose was still concerned. Joker would probably show up in his usual bombastic manner to steal the treasure. If that happened, the performance would be thrown into chaos.
"Urgh..." Hearing this, Joker fell silent. Rose had guessed right. Joker had planned to barge in during the play, steal the audience's attention, and triumphantly steal the treasure.
"That's why I'm here. I'm not letting you screw up the play."
"You are?"
"I'll keep you occupied during the performance. You're not getting your hands on the diamond while the play's still going."
"But... after the play's done, the diamond's going back in the vault, yeah?"
"I don't care whether you get the diamond or not. I'll be happy as long as Rose can enjoy the play."
"...Fine. Then I just have to take the diamond without interrupting the play, right?"
"That makes things simple, then. I was gonna use this strategy with Hachi, but you'll work too."
"...What are you talking about?" The words were barely out of Shadow's mouth when Joker held up an array of cards in front of him.
"Straight Flash!"
He fanned out the Ace, Deuce, Trey, Cater, and Cinque of Hearts, which radiated a glaring light that blinded Shadow. This was Joker's special move.
"Ngh!" When Shadow could finally squint his eyes open, his look was entirely different. Joker had used Image Gum to change Shadow's clothes. He now looked like a renaissance coachman.
"W-What the heck is this?"
Joker then twirled his cape around and changed his own form. He was in a well-fitting navy blue suit, perfectly emulating the style of a young entrepreneur.
"You're a servant, obviously. We're about to go up on stage."
"Soon enough, in Act 4 the monster will remove the diamond from its body. We'll be on stage in the scene after that, and we can look for a chance to swipe the treasure."
"Huh!? I'm not going up on stage! Count me out!"
"Oh, really? Then I guess I'll do it myself and make a total mess of things before leaving with the treasure."
"Ghh..." Shadow bitterly bit his lip and scowled at Joker.
"Looks like we have an understanding, then. Let's get going. Servant!" Joker called, starting to leisurely walk off on his own.
"W-What'd you call me!?"
"Come on, that's no way to speak. 'Permit me to accompany you, Master' is the line, right?"
"As if!" Shadow exclaimed and followed after Joker.
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Rose watched from the box seat as "The Tragic Monster" unfolded on stage. The gorgeous set, the handsome actors in their extravagant costumes, the outstanding direction which gave life to this tale of lost love; it all had her transfixed. Watching the performance she had anticipated so greatly was like a dream. She wanted nothing more than to stay immersed in it forever.
I'm so glad I came...
It was Act 4 now, the scene where the monster removes the diamond from its body. The monster offers up the pure heart fostered inside it to save the heroine, forfeiting its own life. The heroine takes the diamond in her hands and is still grieving when the ball begins. The stage swiftly changed to an opulent setting.
It was then that she heard a familiar voice ring from the stage. "Master! This way!"
The voice snapped Rose out of the dream and back into reality. The man who appeared had eyes which she knew very well.
Onii-chan...! She almost exclaimed it out loud, but covered up her mouth. Yes, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that was Shadow up on stage in costume. Why is my brother here...!?
Before she even had time to ponder, another surprise came along.
"Ho there, Shad Lad. Keep a steady pace, now."
Behind Shadow was a young well-to-do gentleman... or so she would have thought, if not for recognizing Joker through his disguise. He was adept at confidently walking in like he owned the place.
And... Joker too...!? Rose was dizzied by all the shock. Then she remembered how Shadow had reacted to the notice Joker had sent. Oh brother... please don't tell me he's going to fight Joker on the stage...!
Rose clenched her fists tight and glared at the two down below. If you mess up the performance, I'll make you pay...!
 Meanwhile, down on stage, the other actors were bewildered. A totally random pair of people had just wandered in and started improvising on set. But they couldn't let their faces show that something was wrong. Part of an actor's job was to smooth over unforeseen events and keep the play going smoothly. With this in mind, the top-class actors stayed unperturbed by the sudden guests and attempted to bring them into the flow.
The actress playing the heroine strode forward. "My, thank you for coming all the way here tonight. Would you kindly remind me of your name?"
After a slight pause to think, Joker responded, "I say, hello there. I had sudden business in the area. You may call me... Kaitou Joe." Joker gave the same alias that he had used when he and Hachi had snuck into Juumonji Private Academy.
"Ho ho, we are glad to have you with us, Master Kaitou. What is this business you speak of?"
"To be quite forthcoming, I am here on account of that diamond," Joker said, pointing to the diamond which adorned the stage. "You are, of course, aware that a brigand has announced his intent to steal it?"
"Why, yes..." The heroine responded. The theater manager had informed them before the performance.
"The diamond must be moved to a safe location."
"Why, is that so?"
"Yes, by order of the police."
The heroine observed Joker closely. Well, maybe something had happened and the phantom thief made his way in. These actors had probably been sent in urgently to inform them in a natural fashion. The theater manager's direction was to have the item moved by the police to somewhere safer.
"Very well." The actress playing the heroine took the diamond out of its glass case. But just then, other actors piped up.
"Wait! This is altogether suspect. Could it be that you are the brigand?"
"I beg your pardon?"
Right in the direction where Joker was looking, there was Inspector Oniyama, dressed up as an actor himself. Oniyama was a Japanese police officer who had pursued Joker for a long time, and would follow him to the far reaches of the Earth, the sea, or the sky if need be. He had hidden himself inside the performance in order to guard the diamond.
"If you are not the brigand, kindly prove so." Oniyama narrowed his eyes. He hadn't realized his identity yet, it seemed.
At this, Joker briskly raised his arm. "As you wish. I regret to inform you that I am no brigand. However, you will find one quite close by!"
"Close by?"
"Yes, indeed. I speak of you, over there!" Joker pointed at Shadow in the servant costume. The actors on stage broke into murmurs despite themselves.
"Wha...!?" Stunned by the sudden turn, Shadow's eyes darted around. He hadn't been told about this.
"You may have thought yourself clever, disguising yourself as a servant, but you can't fool me. You're the brigand who covets the diamond!"
"W-What do you mean!?" Shadow tensed up. As he did, two actors behind him quickly made their move. These were the female officers Ginko and Momo. They were both Oniyama's subordinates and had also been stationed on stage.
Ginko and Momo swiftly pinned Shadow's arms behind his back and restrained him.
"L-Let me go! It's not me!"
As he struggled, it dawned on Shadow: Oh, Joker planned to use me as a decoy while he snatches the diamond...! Well, think again!
"Don't be tricked by him! That man there is Phantom Thief Joker!"
Shadow's accusation caused another stir among the actors. But Joker simply gave a smile and spread his hands out with little care.
"Aha, but you are Joker. I, on the other hand, have come to save 'The Tragic Monster."
"Permit me to give you proof..." Joker quietly moved up to stage center. He turned to the audience and the spotlight naturally fell upon him.
"Ahem... 'Of the monster's tragic life, this is what I think. Its heart was frozen over as if by a blizzard. But by your actions, its spirit was born anew, into a warm hearth glowing in the snowy landscape. Aah... I hold great pity for the monster. Let the gem of its heart be restored unto it, so that a spirit of compassion may be revived within...'"
The actors and audience alike listened to Joker's lines in silence. Many among them were already familiar with these words, and for good reason: Joker had just recited lines from the unabridged version of 'The Tragic Monster. After this part in the unabridged version, the gem was once more returned to the monster's heart and the monster was brought back to life. These were pivotal lines, and Joker knew them.
The unabridged version of The Tragic Monster was exceedingly long. Modern-day performances had tweaked it bit by bit into its current version. However, there were many actors and fans out there who wanted to see an unabridged performance. Rose was among their number.
Joker had brought back the line with a perfect recitation. Some weeping could be heard from the audience. Joker's heartfelt performance had struck a chord with them.
"Then you will save the monster..." The heroine now trusted Joker completely and tied his lines back into the story.
"Yes, I promise to save it now." Joker spread his arm out and a white pigeon flew from his hand. Joker had hidden it up his sleeve. The pigeon flapped its wings into the air and began to circle around above the audience. "With the help of that pigeon, I will deliver the diamond to it at this very moment. Your attention please!"
Shadow stared from afar at the diamond lying on a table on the stage. It glittered upon its pedestal. How exactly did Joker plan on stealing the diamond?
"In just three seconds, the diamond will teleport to where the pigeon is. Counting down, three, two, one... presto!" Joker pointed at the pigeon. Everyone had their eyes fixed on it. And then...
The pigeon's beak twinkled. It gave a great flap of its wings, and the next moment, its beak held a giant diamond.
"!?" The whole theater stirred. Shadow quickly looked back to the diamond on the table, only to find that it had disappeared without a trace.
"W-What sorcery is this!?" The heroine exclaimed, and Kaitou Joe answered her.
"The pigeon will now depart to find the monster, who vanished beyond the mountains. Then it will return to your side. Will you accept it when it does?" Joker looked at the heroine with clear eyes.
"Very good." Joker took a deep bow and walked off into the wings. Everyone's gaze followed him, astonished. After a brief silence, the whole theater broke out into applause, praising Joker's performance. They all kept clapping their hands together, utterly mystified. Oniyama, Ginko, and Momo likewise watched in astonishment as Joker left.
Rose was the only one who knew. Joker had successfully taken the diamond, and by a very simple method at that. He had used a type of close-up magic, meant to be performed in close proximity to an audience. Other tricks like this included making a coin disappear or guessing a card. The particular foundational magic technique he had used was called "misdirection". Simply put, it was meant to divert an audience's attention from something you didn't want them to see. Supposedly, an audience follows the gaze of the magician, and if the magician looks at them, they look back at the magician.
Joker had used this principle to guide the theater's attention to the pigeon. While he counted down and had everyone focused on the pigeon, he took the diamond right out from under their noses. Rose was the only one in the whole place who had witnessed it.
The diamond in the pigeon's beak was probably a fake made with Image Gum. Joker had tucked the real one away in his pocket and sauntered off the stage. Moreover, he had used lines from the unabridged version in order to write himself into the story. Rose leaned back in her chair and exhaled. Her fear that Joker would ruin the play had not come to pass after all.
But the play wasn't over yet. The actress playing the heroine, in an attempt to tie up loose plot ends before the finale, addressed the other man who was being restrained.
"What a miserable brigand you are. The diamond you coveted is here no longer..."
"Say what...!?" Shadow scowled at the heroine.
"That's right! Phantom Thief Joker, you're so under arrest!" Oniyama snapped out of it and turned back to Shadow. Then the heroine spoke to Shadow with disdain.
"If only you were pure of heart, just like that young man..."
This set off Shadow's anger. "What'd you say!? Like HIM!?" With his pride unexpectedly wounded, Shadow couldn't take it anymore. He pulled out Bloody Rain, which had been concealed at his back, holding the tip up high and yelling. "Like hell! Bloody Rain!!"
A beam fired, hitting the stage setting and causing a loud explosion. It didn't take long for the actors and audience alike to start screaming. The huge curtain promptly dropped.
On the other side of the curtain, Shadow could still be heard yelling and kicking up turmoil. The audience was buzzing nonstop. Rose gradually stood up from her seat.
She muttered something under her breath, but it was too quiet to make out clearly. About the only audible phrases were "You've really messed up now, Onii-chan." and "Heaven or hell, which..."
It wasn't hard to picture what kind of gruesome finale awaited Shadow after this, but the truth remains unknown...
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By the time Joker got back to the Sky Joker, it was the dead of night.
"Ahh, I'm beat" Joker pulled the spoils of his latest caper out of his pocket and set it on the table, then plopped down on the sofa and stretched his legs out. He was still in his "Kaitou Joe" costume, but he could finally relax now. Dealing with Shadow took a lot of energy. Not to mention...
"That really was easy," Joker said out loud to himself. He didn't want to believe it was because Hachi was absent this time, but to be honest, he had approached this job with a different attitude.
Then, Joker noticed that something was off in the living room. Hachi wasn't there.
He must've still been angry. Or he had gone to sleep already. But if he had gone to sleep, it was strange that he would leave all the lights on in the living room.
Just then, Hosshi bounded in to greet Joker. "Hosshi! Hosshi!" it cried, as if trying to tell him something.
"What, pseudocat? What's up?" Joker hated cats. He called Hosshi "pseudocat" because something about it reminded him of those abhorrent creatures.
"Hosshi hosshi!" it yelped, running into the kitchen.
"What is it?" Joker dragged himself on tired feet to the kitchen, where a pot of curry was still stewing on low heat on the stove. It smelled burnt. It must have been cooked too long.
"Waugh, that's dangerous! Hachi forgot to turn off the stove." Joker turned off the burner and looked into the pot. The curry had been thoroughly scorched and didn't look edible anymore. "He burnt the food though? Really...?" Joker wondered and looked around the room. Then behind the counter, he spotted Hachi's leg.
That was an abnormal place to fall asleep. Joker rushed over and found Hachi lying down face-up on the floor. His eyes were closed, and just above his brow, there was a large bump. Beside him was a small plate and spilled curry. He must have been in the middle of taste-testing.
"Hachi! What's wrong!?" Joker called him. But there was no response, and no sign of him waking up. "Hachi!"
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Joker gently sat Hachi up and called his name once more. "Hachi!" He lightly tapped his cheeks. Hachi's round cheeks quivered and his eyelids fluttered slightly.
"U... urgh..." With a quiet groan, Hachi slowly opened his eyes.
"...Hachi, you okay?" Joker looked at him with worry.
"Eh?" Hachi observed Joker's face with a curious look. Joker noticed that his gaze seemed different than usual, somehow.
"What's wrong? Hachi?"
Then, with an extraordinarily confused look on his face, Hachi asked:
"Who are you?"
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clarafell · 3 months
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AU: Genshin Impact.
My, have you heard? Has anyone told you?
Have you heard the rumor about the Falling Star of Teyvat?
Legend has it an unknown goddess, disguised as a shooting star, came crashing down in the heart of Snezhnaya without any warning... Engulfed in brilliant shades of purple, the mere sight of the falling star filled anyone who witnessed the star glide across the night sky with something stronger than hope yet much deeper than despair... They were filled with love. Everyone who saw the star in the aurora-colored sky felt the wave of love upon them.
The story goes the star found in the frozen lake was actually a young woman. With hair as black as the night and skin as pale as the moon, the woman could not be stirred from her slumber. Locals who rescued her body from the frozen lake on that fateful night swore she wept in her slumber, clutching at her heart as if lost in a deep pain. Noticing the maiden lacked any form of physical injury from her fall from the sky, the brave men that found the woman decreed she must be of divine blood for she survived the fall from the heavens above.
Still spellbound by the sight of her descent from the heavens, the hopeful people of Snezhnaya claimed the woman had to be some kind of deity of love. Noticing the pain in her heart, the wary and easily frightened worried that the love they felt was actually despair. Unable to wake her up, all the confused Snezhnaya locals could do were wrap her up in warm furs. No one knows where this goddess came from, but she disappeared as quickly as she appeared...
The story goes that she awoke from her slumber, but she noticed something was missing from her human vessel. Some claim that her heart shattered when she fell from the heavens, scattering shards of her heart across the land of Teyvat. The story proclaims that the celestial being now walks the soil of Teyvat in disguise, forever searching for her heart. They say she will grant your wish if you find her on her search for her missing pieces of her heart as long as you can pay the price.
But that's only an old, nearly forgotten rumor—
Do you wish to know the truth?
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The truth behind this distant myth is that the fallen star did not wake up.
The most loyal of the Tsaritsa's followers took the unconscious body of the celestial being straight to the Zapolyarny Palace for further investigation. They searched for a vision, for anything of the sort that might give them answers, but they found nothing of the sort. With neither vision nor delusion, they still could feel energy dripping from her form. All they found were a diamond-shaped gemstone, bright and the most beautiful shade of purple. The more curious of the followers try to investigate further, but a lizard-like creature possessively guards the dazzling gemstone from greedy hands. The creature takes a liking to observing the palace life, but it never strays far from its mistress.
No one knows the language of strange runes on the odd creature's body, not even Tsaritsa herself. They presume it is the name of the guardian to the gemstone, but they could not be more wrong. It bears the name of its mistress, written in despair.
With no way to wake her up, the being remains in the depths of the Zapolyarny Palace. She is kept a top secret from the rest of the world, more valuable than any of the tomes in the palace. A descender, after all, is a rare sight to see. No outside source is aware of the emergence of the secret descender. The event of the shooting star and its strange spell over people eventually becomes blurry, becoming one of the many myths in Snezhnaya. Taking pity on the lost being, the Tsaritsa plucked the slumbering outsider in order to place her within the safety of her palace. The Tsaritsa never once made an official statement on the shooting star phenomenon nor the rumor of a wandering goddess in search of her heart.
The fallen goddess remains asleep for an entire century, but her cold body is preserved. The silent guardian of her vision-like gemstone roams the palace walls for a whole century, rumored to be part of the shadows themselves. Trying to catch the creature will always, without fail, end in failure. The creature has a mind of its own, but it doesn't cause any trouble. All it does is observe when it isn't guarding its gemstone. One can find it attached to the ear of the slumbering goddess, pretending to be nothing but jewelry. It claims the Zapolyarny Palace as its playground while its mistress sleeps.
She will reside in her elusive domain, trapped yet safe within the icy walls...
On one fateful day is when something interesting happens. The sleeping goddess finally opens her eyes on the very same day the Tsaritsa's heart is broken. A shower of shooting stars scorch the sky in the midst of the fall of Khaenri'ah, signaling the awakening of a new force of power taking the stage.
The awakened descender declares her name is Homura.
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With no understanding of the way Tevyet works or what is happening, Homura has no guide. The troubling part is how her memory is broken into pieces, leaving her with only pieces of her memory. The Tsaritsa is the first to come to Homura's side. Despite her grief and the chaos, she helps Homura to her feet. Struggling with both her memory loss and adapting to her unfamiliar surroundings, Homura drinks all the information she receives. As a way of repaying the Tsaritsa for her kindness, Homura tells her what she does remember whenever something new appears.
Worried over what would happen if others found her mysterious descender, the Tsaritsa requests that Homura should remain within the the Zapolyarny Palace for her safety until she is fully prepared. With the help of the Harbingers and the rest of the Fatui, a struggling Homura begins to adjust to the world of Tevyet within the walls of the Zapolyarny Palace. It would take quite some time for Homura to be released from the Zapolyarny Palace, but Homura is too focused on learning about this new world. Others would snap for being stuck inside for so long, but Homura adjusts surprisingly well. Often absorbing the many books as the Tsaritsa's home provides, Homura begins her slow journey of knowledge.
Over the long time in the Zapolyarny Palace, Homura begins to receive all forms of training from a couple of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers. With power beneath her fingertips, the study of Homura finally eventually begins day by day. The creature that once roamed the walls during Homura's century old slumber turns out to be something a lot more when it transforms into something that almost resembles as vision, casting away its body. Rather than calling it a vision, she states that the gem carried her soul. With her knowledge of her former world, she begins to learn how to fight with the help of her soul gem.
Her choice of weapons seem to be either the Catalyst or the Bow, but she does show an interest in learning how to use all sorts of weapons. Memories come back to her in a slow trickle, but not enough for her to feel complete again. More comfortable in her knowledge of Tevyet, she still laments that she is missing so much about herself. Anything triggers her memories, thus easily leading her to potential magical outbursts. Training to control her unpredictable magic is hard for her to do when she can't remember how her powers work, but the Fatui in charge of her rehabilitation are determined. Homura doesn't give up, but her journey is lonely once she realizes that she is alone in this world.
Confused over her purpose in Tevyet, she listens to the guidance the Majesty herself. Remembering the Cryo Archon's intense feelings when she awoke long ago, Homura feels compelled to bring the Tsaritsa's wish to life. Practically raised in Snezhnaya by the most devoted Fatui members, the lost Homura is unable to hide from her incompleteness forever. She takes her studies and training a little too seriously in order to distract herself from her lingering problems. The Tsaritsa's desires strike something passionate in Homura's chest. Noticing this feeling in her chest, Homura dedicates herself to following this feeling.
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The mission to obtain all the Gnoses is another thing strikes Homura with lots of déjà vu, but she cannot explain why. With her long time spent in Snezhnaya, Homura is finally released into the world. Her century old slumber ended when the world of world of Teyvat was drenched in despair, but her exposure to the rest of Teyvat has been heavily limited for what appears to be protection. The growing interest to see the rest of the big world grows the more she learns from books. The fear of speaking out of term is strong in the beginning, so she allows herself to get enchanted in the stories and the arts provided at the snow-covered palace.
One day, she allows her longing to burst out of her lips.
The Tsaritsa allows her the freedom, but she lays Homura with the reminder that her purpose is to bring the old world to ruin. Why would she awaken during the Cataclysm if she wasn't meant to bring ruin upon the old world? With no one else to help her, Homura joins the Fatui under the watchful gaze of the moon. In a way, she has always been with the Fatui for as long as she can remember. Unable to imagine a life without the guidance of the Tsaritsa or the Fatui, she complies with the wishes that the Tsaritsa has for her.
Snezhnaya feels like her home, yes, but something within her very core tell hers she is supposed to have another purpose... Perhaps another form... This nagging grows and grows the longer she lives a dormant life within the gilded walls of the palace. Unable to ignore the sensation to burst out of her shell, Homura begins her journey through Tevyet. She travels alone by herself, but she keeps up with reports whenever she spots familiar signs of the Fatui.
In her travels, Homura slowly rediscovers that she has the power to grant wishes. While not able to grant someone the power of a glorious vision, Homura is able to still give people a taste of power and control of their own destiny at the cost of a price. In the beginning, Homura tentatively explores this power to fulfill someone's wishes.
Only able to grant wishes to those with some amount of magical potential, Homura is able to keep in contact with the people under her contracts through telepathic communication. The price of having power through Homura comes at the cost of one's soul, which is ripped from the body and transformed into a gemstone.
Unlike the power of a vision, using too much magic bestowed upon those with a soul gem can lead to their soul becoming murky. Getting swept up in despair, however, can also lead to the corruption of the soul as well.
Failure to keep one's soul cleansed from negativity may or may not result in a fate far worse than Hilichurls... Defeating all sorts of destructive monsters, however, allows one's soul gem to be cleansed. One must understand the delicate balance between despair and hope to make the full use of Homura's power.
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Over time during her travels, Homura earns unofficial titles. Rumored to be connected to the Forsaken Goddess from the myth of The Falling Star of Tevyet, Homura does not allow many to get close to her. If the whispers of being either a deity of either love or despair do not follow her, then she is loudly declared to be a witch because she does not hold a vision. She allows everyone to judge her based on their assumptions, but she keeps her descender secret to herself. Some folk in various regions have accused her of being some sort of Abyss Order parasite that taints anyone that she touches with her strange, visionless powers.
Unable to find somewhere to belong during her travels, her heart begins to regret leaving Snezhnaya. Though she is plagued by a sense of lonely detachment from the rest of the world of Tevyet, she still wanders the land to fulfill Her Majesty's most personal duties... However, Homura still travels in order to search for answers to her own questions. She keeps her heart closed off, willing to put on any form of facade in order to survive. Haunted by another life in another time, Homura is often found trying to do anything to make herself useful yet also distract herself. She has been known to take up all sorts of tasks with the Adventurer's Guild once in a blue moon, but she is mostly occupying herself with Fatui-related duties.
Homura remains faithful and eternally thankful to the Fatui for they are the only home she has known in Tevyet so far, but she is especially loyal to the Tsaritsa. It remains unclear what would happen if Homura regains everything that she is missing. For now, there is no need to keep her tabs on her since she is extremely far from regaining her old self before she entered the world of Tevyet.
While she is very loyal to the Fatui, not all is well with paradise. Homura does feel extremely uncomfortable around The Doctor himself. She has always avoided him the most out of all the Eleven Fatui Harbingers, feeling both disturbed and disgusted by the way he treats people. She cannot put her finger on why she feels the most unease around him, but being in his presence long enough brings up rather dark thoughts. He is the only one that she struggles being around. The second has to be the deceased Crucabena, the former holder of The Knave title. Both The Doctor and Crucabena do not sit well with Homura, but she has always kept her thoughts to herself by putting on a performance whenever she was around either of them.
Homura shows the potential to belong as one of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers, but her struggles with her sense of being holds her back from such a coveted position. Though she does not hold the title of Harbinger at the current moment, her unofficial title as the Tsaritsa's secret descender still holds her as a coveted piece on the Her Majesty's chessboard. Homura is indeed a rather sheltered person from her centuries held up in Snezhnaya under watchful eyes, that is quite true... But do not underestimate her because she seems lost. A dark intelligence lurks beneath the surface, promising to keep any foe on their toes. She will strike down anyone who stands in the path of her heart's desires.
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msfcatlover · 1 year
Trying to design the Reverse!Robins suits, and suddenly realizing Damian & Jon basically traded aesthetics when they became Nightwing & Flamebird.
Shadow!Damian suit: Aiming for sleek while still somewhat disguising his body outline, almost ghostly in Gotham’s dark nights. Primarily black with (dark) red fingerless gloves and red stripes going up the backs of his sleeves to “pool” into a bat in front of a gold circle, plus red laces & trim on his boots, and a couple other pops of gold (the hems of his gloves, the eyelets on his boots, and lightly decorating every one of his weapons.) Uses a hooded cowl & greasepaint on the upper half of his face to hide his identity.
Nightwing!Damian suit: Focused on practical functionality, body armor & lots of pockets make it look almost military, while still not impeding his freedom of movement. Dark blue (nearly black) with silver highlights, though he’d eventually add purple gloves with metal-capped knuckles in tribute to Steph. Hides his identity with a neck gaiter & black domino mask with white lenses. Wears their shared symbol (the House of El diamond, with a pair of feathered wings spread out over the edges) on his back in silver.
Superboy!Jon suit: Leans hard into his boyish charm, aims to be disarming by looking almost like an ordinary kid. Blue sleeveless Superman suit (slightly darker than normal) with a bright white S, worn beneath jeans, sneakers, and a plain zip-up hoodie (worn open, so the S is still visible.) As he got older and became one of the co-leaders of the Titans, the rattier jeans got traded out for dark skinny jeans, the sneakers for work boots, the undersuit got a few shades darker, he added long sleeves with fingerless gauntlets worn on top, and the hoodie mostly stayed tied around his waist until he found a civilian who would be comforted by it (the hoodie can be any color at all.)
Flamebird!Jon suit: Leans way more into his kryptonian heritage, in the “the Superman suit is inherently alien, and that’s why it fits like that and Clark can get in & out of it seemingly easily” way. Black with gold panels on the sides, gold soles on the shoes, with their shared symbol in (flame) red on the chest. Also wears red gauntlets and a red domino mask (to match Damian’s) though Jon’s mask doesn’t have lenses and he wears black greasepaint behind it (which only makes Jon look more alien, when you think about it.)
I did not do (most of) that on purpose. It was only when I realized how closely they mirrored eachother ( [black, gold, red, “otherworldly” sort of look] vs [blue, white/silver, very “grounded,” with a single pop of bright color] ) that I decided to lose the red in Jon’s Superboy design. Just... they straight-up traded aesthetics, and I did not plan that.
(For the record they didn’t either, and I’m pretty sure they don’t even notice. Damian just wanted something more functional & less reliant on a utility belt, while Jon wanted to embrace his heritage more.)
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