#disconnected commentary
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presidentpawn · 6 months ago
het oawn i hope youre doung olay!
- @msc137
Uh huh. Yeah, doing fine.
...Are you doing okay?
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celestial-toys · 4 months ago
That I Would Be Good [3/5]
Whatever It's Worth
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“For whatever it’s worth, I think it always looks fine. I think you fuss over it too damn much, but regardless
 fine. You always look fine to me. You’d look fine even if you didn’t have any hair at all.”
A small smile blooms across your features as his words sink in. “That’s
 that’s the closest thing to a compliment you’ve ever given me, Sun.”
You turn and he lets the ends of your hair slip from his hands, looking a bit caught off guard at your sudden motion. You ignore his false eyes and look directly into the camera in the center of his screen. “Thank you.”
He remains frozen for a moment before his display dims to black and he turns, quickly scrubbing the worst remnants of conditioner off of his hands and onto a nearby towel. “I think your hair has been conditioned enough.”
- - - - - - -
In This Chapter
Sun attempts some level-headed honesty with his hands in your hair, and Moon gets a little overzealous when it comes to his unofficial position as Household Chef.
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Pairing: Sun x Moon x Reader
Word Count: 4,779
Contains: [AU - Real World | Sentient AI/Automatons | Personality Swap] [implied EDNOS] [invasion of privacy] [implication of past self-harming behavior] [Reader has their period (not graphically described)] [discussion of menstruation] [discussion of various foods and nutrition] [one (1) use of a fem gendered term for Reader] [discussion and feelings of dysphoria] [eating]
A/Ns: This is a songfic. Lyrics and title are from ‘That I Would Be Good’ by Alanis Morissette.
This fic is part of my AU “[Not] Made by Design”, the full series can be found here.
Links to other parts of this fic: [Ch.1] [Ch.2] [Ch.3 (you are here)] [Ch.4] [Ch.5]
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That I would be good if I lost my hair and my youth.
After rinsing the remainder of lightly-tinted soap suds out of your hair, off of your body, and down the drain, you bend down to turn the shower off. Gently squeezing the worst of the water out of your locks, you straighten back up and pull the shower door aside.
Then you shout.
“SUN! What the fuck are you doing?!”
You quickly step behind the blurry frosted glass of the shower door, leaving only your head peeking around the edge. You shiver in the relatively cold air that rushes to fill the shower stall as you await an answer. The solar automaton is currently leaning against the opposite wall, arms crossed and casual as ever, monitor flipped around 180 degrees in what you assume was meant to be a silent assurance that he wasn’t watching you.
“I have a question.”
Your eyes pinch closed and your features scrunch up in frustration, silently asking any higher power out there to grant you the patience to deal with this nonsense. “And it couldn’t wait until I got dressed?”
He shrugs. “I don’t see why it would need to.”
You silently press your forehead against the cool metal of the shower door’s frame.
Are you decent yet or must I continue admiring the grout between the tiles on this wall behind me?”
You huff, reaching out of the shower and grabbing your bathrobe off of its designated hook. “Just one
 damn second
” You cinch the rope around your waist and step gingerly out onto the bath mat. “Okay, I’m ïżœïżœdecent.’ Now—pray tell—what do you need to ask me?”
He leans his upper body away from the wall, rays retracting to give himself enough clearance to flip his monitor around. His rays slide back out in tandem after he turns his head to face you, and he rests his shoulders against the wall once more. “I was wondering why you’ve taken three showers today.”
You stand there, blinking in disbelief. “That’s it?”
“Yes. It’s
 concerning. I wanted to make sure you weren’t up to any
 harmful behaviors in here while left unsupervised.”
You roll your eyes. “‘Left unsupervised
’ What is this, some kind of inpatient program? Christ, Sun, this is my house! Can’t I catch a break?”
You throw your arms up in frustration, and he doesn’t answer you immediately. It isn’t until you deflate, dropping your exaggerated expression and bringing a hand up to pinch the bridge of your nose that he finally responds in a quieter tone. “You
 concern me. I don’t know what to do.”
You sigh, trying to reign in your frustration.
Sometimes you forget that he has a lot less experience with being a person than you do.
You try to cut him some slack. “Sun, I appreciate the concern over my wellbeing. But I promise you, the only destructive behavior going on in this bathroom today is the damage I'm doing to my hair.”
He’s quiet, processing your words for a moment before he announces an observation. “It’s a lighter shade than it was this morning.”
You nod. “I sure hope it is. I’ve been in here washing the hell out of it with this fading treatment, trying to get the color I wanted.”
His expression is something between confused and disapproving. “You aren’t supposed to do that. It’s bad for your hair to wash it so much.”
You turn to the mirror and toy with your hair, dismissing him. “Yeah, yeah. Jeez, who are you, my hairdresser?”
He steps into view beside you in the mirror, leaning in closer to examine your hair. “Maybe if you’d gone to one instead of DIY-ing it you’d have gotten the color you wanted.”
You lock eyes with his reflection for a long moment. “
He seems pleased enough with your response, stepping back a bit and watching you futz with your hair in the mirror.
“Have your concerns been quelled now, or
I suppose.” He replies, making no move to exit the bathroom.
Well then are you gonna just stand there and watch me apply my leave-in conditioner or what?”
He ignores your question, leaning in close to you again. Pinching the end of a damp lock of hair between the pads of his fingers, he hums his dissent. “You really need to quit fucking with your hair if you want to still have any left.”
You can’t help but laugh. “Goodness, the way you worded that almost sounds like a threat!”
His eyes meet yours in the mirror again and he smirks. “No
 just a warning.”
He drags the tail end of your hair along the palm of his opposite hand, like idly toying with a paintbrush. “You’re always awfully concerned about the appearance of your hair.”
You cock a brow up at that. “Are you sure that isn’t a threat, Sun?”
A noise escapes him: half-scoff, half-laugh, and he sounds oddly genuine when he reassures you. “It’s not. I just
He releases your hair and you can finally lean far enough away to open the cabinet. “Mhm. What don’t you notice.”
He ignores your comment in favor of hitting you with another set of sudden left-field questions. “Are you afraid of getting older? Or are you afraid of losing control.”
Your hand halts, hovering halfway toward retrieving the conditioner from the cabinet, and drops back down to your side as you turn to face him. “What?”
“I’ve learned that some people dye their hair because they want to appear younger than they are. I’ve also seen many posts online where people describe making drastic changes to their hair while going through something difficult in their life. The concept appears in a number of song lyrics too. It seems to me like an attempt at gaining a sense of control.”
The fun thing about living with sentient, learning AI is that they’re always asking questions and compiling information about the world around them.
The not-so-fun thing about living with sentient, learning AI is that they’re always asking questions and compiling information about the world around them.
You’d liken it to having a fully grown adult with the curiosity and learning capacity of a child, if you didn’t want to feel even weirder about your “Creator x Creation” dynamic than you already do sometimes.
“While I
 appreciate your attempts to psychoanalyze me based on my hair-dyeing habits, I regret to inform you that it’s neither of those things for me, Sunny.” You consider it a moment more, and add on. “
As far as I’m aware, at least.”
His head tilts to the side a bit. “You don’t have to patronize me.”
“You used that name for me. ‘Sunny.’ It made your statement sound
Another fun thing about living with sentient, learning AI is that you get to clear up all sorts of little miscommunications.
“Oh, no, I—I didn’t mean it to sound like that. I’m sorry, Sun. That wasn’t my intention.”
He doesn’t let it go so quickly. “Based on my calculations, a nickname like that tends to be used in one of three ways—patronizing, dismissive, or affectionate. Care to clarify which one it was?”
You level him with an unamused stare. “No, I don’t care to clarify.”
You then turn to retrieve the conditioner from the cabinet, effectively shutting down that line of questioning. You grab the body lotion while you’re at it, and as you set your items down on the counter, you attempt to free yourself of your overly-curious bathroom companion. “Unless you’re waiting around to help me put this stuff in my hair, I'm afraid it’s time for you to go find something else to do for a little while, Sun.”
His response is
 unexpected. “I
 can help.”
What has gotten into this guy recently? Used to be you had to fight to get one nice word out of him and now here he is playing ‘20 Questions’ and offering to condition your hair?
 didn’t expect you to actually—”
“If you didn’t want me to offer then why’d you ask?”
You squint at him, unamused. “Sun, c’mon, I know you grasp the concepts of sarcasm and rhetoric.”
Once again ignoring your statement, he pushes himself away from the wall and holds out his upturned palms in an open gesture of offering. “Would you like me to help or not?”
You’re quite sure he expects you to turn him down, so you agree to his offer, if for no other reason than to subvert his expectations. “You know what? Yeah, sure. I’d love the help, Sunny.”
He freezes for a moment—processing—but you’ve gotta admit, he collects himself surprisingly fast, apparently feeling up to the challenge.
Once you explain how much of the product to use and how to apply it, you quickly find yourself staring into the mirror, watching Sun carefully and methodically work conditioner into your hair and wondering how you got here.
Eventually a question pops up and you break through his focused silence. “Does it really look lighter than it did earlier today?”
Yes. But if you want my honest opinion it looked just fine before you scrubbed the life out of it three times.”
You huff in surprise at his bluntness. “Damn, okay, tell me how you really feel
“When have you ever known me to mince my words?”
“I know, I know. It’s fine. I appreciate your honesty.”
Silence settles over the two of you for another few moments, but he eventually pipes back up. “For whatever it’s worth, I think it always looks fine. I think you fuss over it too damn much, but regardless
 fine. You always look fine to me. You’d look fine even if you didn’t have any hair at all.”
A small smile blooms across your features as his words sink in. “That’s
 that’s the closest thing to a compliment you’ve ever given me, Sun.”
You turn and he lets the ends of your hair slip from his hands, looking a bit caught off guard at your sudden motion. You ignore his false eyes and look directly into the camera in the center of his screen. “Thank you.”
He remains frozen for a moment before his display dims to black and he turns, quickly scrubbing the worst remnants of conditioner off of his hands and onto a nearby towel. “I think your hair has been conditioned enough.”
Your tone quickly becomes teasing. “Aww, is somebody flustered?”
He reaches for the doorknob. “It’s time for me to walk Zero. I trust you can moisturize the rest of yourself without my assistance.”
Quickly making his very smooth retreat, as your laughter subsides, you’re left there to apply your lotion in thoughtful silence.
That I would be great if I was no longer Queen.
“Does this feel more like an ‘apple-cinnamon’ or ‘banana-walnut’ kind of day?”
You release a soft sigh as you raise your head from where it’d been
 briefly planted atop your crossed arms, and you lean back into your seat at the kitchen table. “You really don’t have to do every single thing for me, Moon.”
His monitor clicks, spinning a few degrees back and forth to accompany his playful rebuttal. “And leave me with no task to occupy these idle hands? Why, I feel like that’d be just cruel.” The pout he wears doesn’t do much to convince you, nor to ease the guilt you feel.
He can tell as much, and tries a more serious approach. “Star
 you’re menstruating. From what I can tell, this is a more painful period than normal. I’m sure in no small part due to the excess stress you’ve been under this past month. You deserve to rest as much as possible right now.”
“I figured you’d be in favor of me getting up and moving around. Isn’t that supposed to help in the long-run?”
He nods. “It can. But it tends to help the most when stretching and physical activity is maintained throughout the entire monthly cycle, not just once you’re already bleeding and in pain.”
His explanation is straightforward, but soft spoken, everything in his tone and body language obviously trying not to offend, accuse, or criticize. “Besides, bugging you to exercise tends to fall more under Sun’s jurisdiction, and he’s had his reasons for prioritizing other aspects of your well-being this month.”
Speak of the devil, Moon’s other half strides into the kitchen with Zero trailing closely behind. He has no trouble falling into the conversation. “I can help you through some gentle stretches later today if you’d like, but I second the notion that you should rest right now. I don’t need to hear any more groans and curses from you like I heard after you insisted on cleaning up the living room and prepping your own dinner last night.”
You rest your chin in your palm. “I ‘insisted’ because I just
 I feel like I put too much on you guys. You don’t deserve to have to do all this shit for me.”
Sun scoffs, speaking with his back to you as he pulls open a cabinet door. “Trust me, you’re doing us all a favor by letting this one over here dote on you. I fear he’d go mad if there wasn’t always some task he could busy himself with, and he seems to favor any task that falls under the realm of taking care of you.” He turns to face you, mug in hand. “Now, what do you want to drink?”
You’d laugh at the juxtaposition of his words and his actions, but the deep pain of another cramp sets in and you weakly wave a hand in defeat. “Just some hot water, please.” He hums in confirmation and moves to grab the kettle. You turn your focus back to Moon. “I’ll let you
 appease your instincts. It’s kinda my fault that you’ve got ‘em in the first place.”
His expression brightens, round eyes curling into his signature crescents. “Good! Now, shall I list your options again?”
You shake your head and hum a negative, mulling it over for a moment as you take hold of the steaming mug of water that Sun quietly slides in front of you. “Uhh
 actually, can I just have it plain today?”
Moon smiles softly, head twisted back over his shoulder to look at you while he pulls a carton of dry oats from the pantry. “Of course, star. Would you like some sugar on it or do you want it truly plain?”
You shove aside the inner voice whispering to you about ‘empty calories’. “
I guess a little brown sugar wouldn’t hurt.”
Moon brightens a little at your answer. “Good choice! I hear that brown sugar gives it a maple syrup-y taste thanks to the molasses. Oh, that makes me think of pancakes! And waffles! And french toast! I should make one of those tomorrow. How does that sound?”
You smile at his growing excitement over tomorrow’s breakfast, in spite of the fact that he won’t even get to partake. Another cramp sets in as you respond and you try to keep the strain out of your voice. “They all sound good, but I don’t know if I can choose right now
He gently places a small pot of water on the stove, turning the burner’s dial with practiced precision. “That’s alright, there’s no rush! It’s just some—heh—food for thought!”
Sun groans at the joke, and Moon defends it. “Hey, no—that was a good one!”
Zero noses at Sun’s hand, stealing his attention before he can begin to debate with Moon. As you passively watch him pull the dog’s breakfast from the fridge, a random thought occurs. “Do we still have any Ruffles left?”
Moon opens a different cabinet and shuffles a few bags around in his search. “Weeee
You’re hesitant to request the odd combination, but your craving wins the inner battle. “Can I
 have some of those too?”
“You certainly can!”
Sun reaches past Moon to grab Zero’s bowl from the dish rack, speaking beneath his mechanical breath. “Sugar and salt, what a breakfast.”
“They’re fine choices!” Moon chipperly responds, the word ‘fine’ punctuated by a small smack to the back of Sun’s monitor.
Sun’s rays retract as he ducks down and steps back, distancing himself from Moon’s reach. “I never said they weren’t.” He sets Zero’s bowl on the counter with emphasis. “But you might want to throw some sort of multivitamin in with that salty-sweet mix.”
“I always see to it that they meet their daily needs, Sun.” Moon’s voice rarely wavers from its amicable tone, but there’s an undercurrent of finality to it now that quiets any further commentary from his other half.
As he stirs the simmering oats on the stove, his monitor turns to face you. “Oh, speaking of! I was thinking about making you something with spinach and tofu for lunch. You could use the iron, and the magnesium might help to ease your cramps. Plus the vitamin C should help you absorb the iron, and- oh! I could add some wild rice, or potatoes. The additional B vitamins should help the magnesium, and they support progesterone prod—” The kitchen timer dings, stealing his attention and interrupting his ensuing nutritional ramble.
Twisting his head back around, he turns the burner’s dial off. “Anyways—point is—how does that sound to you? I could cube the tofu and toss it into a spinach salad, I could slice and fry it and arrange it together on a sandwich, or I could even sautĂ© the spinach and make a tofu scramble!”
His excited discussion of all of your lunch options is a bit overwhelming to you, considering you haven’t even conquered breakfast yet. Still, you bear in mind that he’s only trying to help, over-enthusiastic as he may be sometimes. “Uhm
 the sandwich sounds nice.”
“Alright! Then it shall be yours.” He moves to pass behind you, enroute to retrieve a bowl from the other side of the kitchen, wrapping an arm around your blanket-clad shoulders in a brief embrace. “Anything the Queen of the castle desires is hers upon command.”
You both giggle a bit at his playful expression, and Sun rolls his eyes, accompanied by a dramatic gagging sound. Zero’s happy tail thwacks repeatedly against one leg of the kitchen table. All is well.
Except it isn’t.
As Moon returns to the stove and Sun portions out Zero’s meal, you struggle to fight back the feeling that what he’d just said didn’t sit right.
It had nothing to do with his devotion to service and everything to do with the concept of you being “Queen.” All of this morning’s focus on your menstrual cycle, coupled with this ‘princess’ treatment and compounded by his casual use of feminine terms for you, suddenly has you feeling more like a woman than you suppose you’d like to.
Trying to push the nagging uncomfortable feeling aside, you pull your phone from your sweatpants pocket. You attempt to distract yourself with a mindless scroll through your notifications as the pleasant smell of your breakfast fills the room.
After presenting Zero with her own breakfast, Sun takes a seat across from you at the small table. You can feel his analytical gaze on you, pointedly avoiding eye contact when you glance up from your phone to sip your water.
By the time Moon presents you with your breakfast, the feeling has done nothing but rapidly fester. You try to distract yourself with the meal, but not even the absurd sight of your requested potato chips—on a plate, methodically arranged by size and laid atop one another in a spiral—is enough to rid you of it. You do your best to sound unbothered when you thank him, and he falters as he moves to step away from the table. “You’re very welc-ome
 Is, uh
 everything okay, star?”
Sun doesn’t beat around the bush. “Something’s wrong. Is the pain getting worse?”
You’re quick to shake your head. “No, no, it’s fine. I’m fine. Just
 thinking about something.”
Moon’s hand comes to rest on the back of the nearest empty chair. “Well
 talking tends to help people sort their thoughts out, no? We’re all ears if you’d like to get it off your chest.”
You hesitate and Sun straightens in his seat. “If my presence is preventing you from opening up, I can leave the room.”
Your gaze flicks to him, brows knitted. “What? No, no—I
 why would you think that?”
He shrugs. If the notion bothers him, he doesn’t let it show. “I’m sure Moon is
 the easier of the two of us to talk to. You seemed to be getting more uncomfortable the longer I sat here. Makes sense to me that maybe you’d rather me not hear about whatever’s going on.”
You start to feel a bit guilty that that’s the conclusion he jumped to. “No, Sun, that’s not
 I mean, okay—yeah, I could feel you watching me, but just about anyone gets uncomfortable when they know they’re being watched. Your penchant for staring isn’t
 you’re not keeping me from opening up.” You look him directly in the eye. “There isn’t anything I’d say to one of you that I wouldn’t want the other to hear. I don’t want either of you thinking that.”
Sun’s fingertips drum along the table and his faceplate clicks to the side. “Okay then, what is stopping you?”
You pull in a deep breath, internally debating whether it’s even worth explaining.
 don’t have to tell us, if you really don’t want to.”
You give Moon a tired smile, opening your mouth only for a defeated sigh to fall out. “It’s
 nothing, really. Stupid, even.”
Moon frowns. “Did one of us do or say something wrong?”
 I mean—not really. Not intentionally! It’s just
” You groan, resting your forehead in your palms. “I feel uncomfortably
 feminine. Today. For some reason.”
He nods slowly. “Oh
You attempt to elaborate. “I know I don’t talk about it much. You guys know I use She/They pronouns and there’s no more explanation really required. But
 I don’t know. Something lately has just had me wishing I was more masculine. Or—at least more androgynous, I guess. And with all this focus on my period, and—”
Sun, the ever patient listener he is, cuts you off. “Menstruation is not inherently feminine. Any human can have periods if they have a uterus.”
You nod quickly. “Yes—I—I agree, but you’ve gotta take into account that that’s a relatively new take on the concept. It’s a good one, of course, but
 a lot of people still associate having periods with being a woman. It’s been so tied to femininity for so long, always seen as a ‘woman’s issue’ that
 it can be a difficult thing to un-internalize. It’s a common cause of dysphoria in transmasc and nonbinary people.”
He listens intently, rays slowly circling his head as he considers your point. “Right
 right. I see. That makes sense.”
You take a pause to sip your cooling drink and recall where you left off. “It
 honestly doesn’t usually bother me this bad. I couldn’t tell you what’s different about this month, it’s just not sitting well with me. But I do appreciate knowing that you two don’t see it as making me feminine. That does help. It’s just
” You shake your head. “Ugh, this is so silly
Moon slowly pulls back on the chair he’s been holding onto, stepping around and gently taking a seat. “It’s not silly if it’s bothering you.”
Sun nods, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. “He’s right.”
You meet both of their gazes in turn with a small smile before casting your eyes back down to the table. “It’s not a big deal, though. It just
 on top of already feeling very feminine, it sat with me wrong when you called me ‘Queen’ earlier. That’s
 that’s literally all!” You punctuate your confession with laughter, trying your best to make light of the issue.
Moon’s eyes brighten. “Oh! Oh
 oh goodness you’re right! I didn’t even—I didn’t even think
You raise a hand out toward him, quick to stop his unnecessary apologies. “It’s not your fault! I promise. You had no clue I was feeling
 this way today, and I know you didn’t mean anything by it. I’m not upset with you, I’m
 honestly way more upset with myself that I’m so bothered about it in the first place.”
Sun throws his opinion into the ring. “I don’t think either of you are at fault. Moon didn’t know you were feeling this way, and you can’t really control when you feel this way.”
Moon nods and you follow suit. “Yeah, I was hesitant to say anything because I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. I already feel like I’m
 hah—‘overly-sensitive’ right now anyways.”
Sun’s expression quickly shifts to disapproval. “Oh, that stereotype can get fucked. You feel how you feel and that’s that. It’s just as real right now as it would be at any other point in your cycle.”
Your eyes widen at Sun’s insistent tone and Moon chuckles a bit at the sight. “I agree, star. And
 I don’t think that you’re making a ‘big deal’ about it at all. Honestly, I think the best way to not make it a big deal is to not be afraid to tell us if we use a term for you that makes you uncomfortable. I’d much rather you tell me than just try to ignore the feeling.” He reaches out to place a hand over yours. “We know that your identity isn’t set in stone. If there’s ever something you want to be called, or something you don’t want to be called, the best thing you can do is just let us know, okay?”
Unable to fight the affectionate smile that pulls at your cheeks, you flip your hand over to grab his properly, and squeeze. “Okay. Yeah, that
 I can do that. Thank you for understanding.”
His faceplate contentedly clicks a few degrees to the right, his smile soft. “Thank you for telling us.”
Feeling flustered and just a bit overwhelmed by how surprisingly smooth that went, you give his hand one more squeeze before pulling back to wrap it around your mug instead. You clear your throat as you do so, looking for something less intense to say. “I uh, I guess for now I’d just like to stick to gender-neutral stuff, okay?”
Moon nods eagerly. “Of course! Easy-peasy. I can even remedy what I said earlier if you’d like!” He’s muttering to himself before you can even tell him that that’s not really necessary. “Oh—uhm
. what’s a good neutral alternative to ‘Queen’
Sun instantly starts listing suggestions. “Monarch. Ruler. Sovereign.” His rays spin a quick round, a tell that he’s taking his internal database search online for more information. “‘Caln’ is apparently a monarch word based on the Q slash K sound of Queen and King, if that sounds better to your ear.”
He suddenly barks a laugh and your brows raise in interest. “What?”
He shakes his head dismissively, still chuckling. “Nothing, just
 Quora results. The questions some people pose are truly something.”
Moon’s interest is piqued. “What’d you find that was funny enough to make you laugh?”
Sun’s voice shifts to his ‘default human’ impression. “If Queen Elizabeth announced she was gender fluid, dot-dot-dot
You stifle a laugh. “That’s certainly one way to pose the question.”
“What's the rest say?” Moon asks.
Sun waves his hand in dismissal. “I don’t know. The preview was humorous, but I wasn’t compelled to follow the link to the full thing. Quora gives me a headache. I’ve moved on.”
Moon playfully pouts as Sun expands his list of suggestions. “Excellency. Majesty. Highness. Grace. Eminence. 
 Oh, apparently ‘Caln’ is queer. Wait, do they mean queer created or queer exclusive
You interject before he spends the next hour falling down a rabbit hole of royal terms. “You could go the meme-y route and call me Liege.”
Moon’s attention shifts back toward you. “Is that one gender neutral?”
 think so?” You shrug. “Sounds neutral enough to me. Though I honestly wouldn’t mind a bit of masculinity to counterbalance the way I’m
 feeling right now.”
He nods sagely as Sun’s list of suggestions continues to grow, getting more and more obscure as he delves further and further into his search.
You can’t help but laugh a bit as you dig a spoon into your oats, beginning to breathe easier with the reminder that you’re in very considerate company.
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A/N: Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed. I’ll be back in a few days with part 4! You can also find my notes and commentary on this fic right here on Ao3. Links to the playlist and moodboard for [N]MbD can be found on this blog’s pinned post, as well as in the series notes on Ao3. Image Sources: x - x - x
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demigodofhoolemere · 10 months ago
*makes a comment on a thread about wishing the sequel trilogy had handled the OT trio better and expressing a dislike for the trope of original characters being unhappy together or inexplicably bad mentors in a sequel*
Some guy responding to me for whatever reason: *uses this as a vehicle to bash Rey and call her a Mary Sue*
No, no, that’s not what we’re doing, buddy. I said nothing about Rey. This ain’t her fault. Whatever problems I have with aspects of the ST have nothing to do with her and we’re not gonna bag on her like this. Kindly walk away.
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astralleywright · 2 years ago
i have not watched the back half of last night's episode yet so i can't speak to the tone of it, but people recasting laudna threatening ashton when they and imogen and chet were going off alone last time in bassuras as "laudna not trusting ashton" is WILD. laudna literally told ashton that she chose him bc she knew he was the most sensible of the three and could keep imogen safe. maybe the vibes now are different but like, it was pretty explicitly because she trusted them the first time.
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dullahandyke · 1 year ago
i look at some of u guys talking abt a new show u watched or a new thing u read and im like. holy shit thats a thing u can do. im in awe of u. i spend my time slowly ping-ponging between several interests whose base componants i can never experience because i get scard
#right now its danganronpa again grin. did u know ive been into it on and off for lets say 7 years at this point#and ive never once played it myself. i have it installed on this laptop ready to go and i just! never open it!#because if Im the one playing it then i have to pay attention and i get scared#but if im watching a lets player i just naturally pay attention without the pressure#ive talked before how i always feel i need to have the smart cool takes on shit#n this deep plays into that#idk boti was good for me bcos nobody fucking knew what it was so nobody could judge me for pardoning anotsu's crimes bcos he was hot#so i probs need to do that again#yknow a thing where i disconnect from anything that anyone knows about and get really really into some dipshit manga from 2008#but also like. i get a lot of my media recs from people talking abt what they like#which then means i defacto have someone who is gonna know if my takes are shit#and like even now. im watching mop cycle w dri and im having fun w it#but i feel bad bcos i see so many ppl like This Is The Best Anime Ever and i just like. dont get it#like i can actively feel the messages and shit whooshing over my head#its a fine anime! i'm having fun watching it! but i don't get all the commentary abt pacifism or whatever#idk. something something my need to be The Smart Kid The Bookworm Kid that went unchecked too long without peers to challenge me#so now im here like Uh Oh#and like this wouldnt be the end of the world (save for its impact on my mood n stuff)#but also like. i am an english student. i should know this shit. but i stragiht up do not feel smart enough to sometimes#i keep coasting by on the assumption that im a smart kid and i'll automatically be better than my peers#and im being disproven#i got an english exam back tonight and i got like 63%#and i like college! i just dont like. college.#anywho its approaching 3am and i have a 9am tomorrow morning which means bedtime
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fagoutboy · 9 months ago
the more ive sat and thought about it the more dissatisfied i am with that doctor who finale
#spoilers in tags#but like. what was all that for then.#like on paper im not against how things turned out and what happened in empire of death etc#but it all feels so like... disconnected from everything else we got#on paper i have no issue with rubys mom being normal. but then why did you do all of that#being like 'har har ppl expect women to be extraordinary' when YOU DID THAT like thatd be fine commentary if you didnt do. all of that#like ppl werent expecting her to be super powerful and special Because Shes A Woman its bc YOU DID ALL OF THATTTT#anyway that said i liked the scenes w her birth mom and as an at-birth adoptee it felt very realistic. love you ruby#but im still so bothered by like.... everything else. I know its very run of the mill shitty deus ex machina rtd finale but like#hes done it better before. ?? hes done season-long mysteries that actually had weight and built to do something. what did this build to?#all of the mysteries meant genuinely nothing except for susan twist which i did enjoy her ending#i dunnooooo. im just baffled i guess. ive been trying to forgive the stilted weird dialogue and writing choices this season#thinking itd all amount to SOMETHING later on so itd be worth it. but uh. it has not really been worth it.....?#finale eps are easily among the worst of this (minuscule) season. ncuti is literally the only thing carrying this shit#anyway. good lord. i hope it gets better from here. and also the seasons get longer this was really rough.#txt
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artskls · 2 years ago
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in this the year of our lord and savior i accepted Star Trek into my heart
look at me struggle to remember how to draw and use a fucking pen
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samw3000 · 1 year ago
You cannot keep meBy sitting on your reclining throne all daySurfing social media with nothing to sayYou can scroll through on your own time Not when sharing mineWatching you, watch your phonewhile sitting on your reclining throne That's not the play. You're such a clicheFar from my idea of an ideal dateI appreciated you, hard working manYou know what they say - about all work and no playDull

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presidentpawn · 6 months ago
I've heard a little bit about you from other Ricks. You left the curve?
- @t0x1cr1ck (Healthy Rick)
Yes. I left the curve. I hope you have heard of the danger posed.
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psychologistmimi · 2 years ago
Quiet noise keeping me in a zen zone
What’s your favorite time of day? I’m an early bird. I can’t help it. Even when I want to sleep in, I can’t. My body considers 9 am to be late. Sadly, or unfortunately, my dog is an even earlier “early” bird than I am. This past morning, he wanted to be walked at 4am. Considering that I get up so early each day, one would think my favorite time of the day is the early morning. I used to take

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buntanteen · 1 month ago
svt fic recs list <3 - ot13 carat day/valentine's day edition - sfw & nsfw ver.
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summary: for carat day and valentine's day, 26 reader insert fics [1 sfw & 1 nsfw per svt member]
contains: 18+ nsfw (mdni!!) majority is afab reader
✩ svt writing & fic rec masterlist ✩
✩ choi seungcheol/scoups ✩
❄ cheol of the day - @xinganhao
❄ older bf! cheol (+18 mdni) - @cherrybr4t
✩ yoon jeonghan ✩
❄ so disconnected - @ylangelegy
❄ fake enemies - @cherrybr4t
✩ hong jisoo/joshua ✩
❄ what it's like having joshua as your husband - @wonkierideu
❄ joshua overstimulating reader - @hoshifighting
✩ wen junhui/jun ✩
❄ clingy jun kitty jun - @miaoua3
❄ junhui with hickeys - @sluttywonwoo
✩ kwon soonyoung/hoshi ✩
❄ porn star!hoshi - @hoshifighting
✩ jeon wonwoo ✩
 - @svtswhorehouse
❄ pretty boys bring you to heaven - @cherrybr4t
✩ lee jihoon/woozi ✩
❄ critical inquiry - @heartsfromia
❄ woozi boyfriend headcanons (NSFW) - @jihoonjuseyo
✩ xu minghao/the8 ✩
❄ fan account - @channiesbakery
❄ touch me, tease me, feel me up - @seungkw1
✩ kim mingyu ✩
❄ not for sale (masterlist - ongoing) - @xinganhao
❄ shutting mingyu moans while you're riding him while there are people in the next room - @hoshifighting
✩ lee seokmin/dokyeom/dk ✩
❄ ultimate boyfriend material - @fairyhaos
❄ pussydrunk!seokmin - @hannieehaee
✩ boo seungkwan ✩
❄ tangerine tours - @xinganhao
❄ aphrodisiac - @hoshifighting
✩ chwe hansol/vernon ✩
❄ vernon + clingy/affectionate!reader - @ssentimentals
❄ you're so sweet, but
 - @seungkw1
✩ lee chan/dino ✩
❄ operation dispatch - @xinganhao
❄ phone sex with chan as he uses a fleshlight - @hoshifighting
ames note: no commentary cuz there's like...so many fic recs on here i didn't want to crowd it with too much text haha. i hope y'all enjoyyyyy these and carat/valentine's day!! <3
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dughole · 1 year ago
radiohead’s complicity in israeli-occupied palestine
my feelings on radiohead are complicated these days, as i’m sure they are for many. i'm using this post as a method of sorting out my own thoughts & to provide sources.
for me, the bottom line is this: radiohead is both a brand & a musical group. the brand of radiohead has always had deep roots in the israeli colonial project - they have played many, many shows there throughout their career. their breakout single - creep, was intially only a hit in israel (x, x) & the personal choices of some of radiohead's members remain just as involved. jonny greenwood met his future wife - the israeli artist, antivaxxer & vehement zionist (x) sharona katan - at a show radiohead played in israel in 1993 (x). jonny consistently collaborated with zionist musician shye ben tzur & his projects continue to tour in tel aviv as recently as last september. as for jonny himself - his only statement in regards to the war on gaza has been in mourning for the israeli concert goers on october 10th - w no such empathy spared to the 100,000 palestinians dead, injured, or missing. as for thom, while he’s thrown a few bitchfits (x) through the years abt criticism of radiohead’s shows in israel, he has imo - only paid lipservice to the criticism, saying “playing in a country isn’t the same as endorsing its government” going against the pleas of his peers & coworkers in the music industry. as well as the pro-palestine activism undertaken by his long term friend micheal stipe (x & x). (note: stipe stood by radiohead’s performance in israel in 2017, but his current political choices suggest his understanding of the situation has evolved). even his own son - noah yorke, a fellow working musician, has voiced his opposition to the genocide in gaza via instagram stories. as for the other members, rhythm guitarist ed o'brien has called for a ceasefire, as well as making a few tweets about "solidarity with palestinians & israeli peacemakers". while bassist colin greenwood reportedly refused to accept letters of dialogue from the fan-run organization radiohead fans for palestine. drummer phillip selway's commentary is similarly brief but defensive, saying radiohead's 2017 tel aviv concert "felt right"
to me, this paints a picture of a band who's members stances on israel range from abhorrent to simply not enough. & as a brand, their particular combination of action & inaction amounts to a fundamentally zionist perspective. you cannot separate radiohead as artists from radiohead as a brand name.
i've loved radiohead since i was 14. i was brought into it by another longtime fan. i cried & danced when i saw them live back in 2017 - it was, & remains, a moment that allowed me to live through the hardest parts of my life. i felt for the longest time, that radiohead's music & political positions encouraged my empathy - my questioning of conservative political authority. & while all celebrities are failures in some sense - it is still heartbreaking to know how wrong i was.
i don't think it's possible to disconnect the decade of connection & love i have for their music - I won't ask that of myself or anyone else. & the idea of scrubbing one's taste of the "morally impure" is useless effort & an inappropriate simplification of both art & our conceptions of what makes someone "bad". but i can say with certainty - i will not be giving them any more of my money, whether that be streaming their music or buying their merch - & i encourage you to do the same. silence is complicity - this is beyond silence.
in the words of nina simone - "an artist's duty, as far as i'm concerned, is to reflect the times. how can you be an artist and not reflect the times? that to me is the definition of an artist."
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dcmcboxers · 1 year ago
My shout-out to queer youtubers
Hbombs list was great but obviously not comprehensive. I watch a lot of video essayists and wanted to give a little love to the smaller channels that fall under the radar. Please feel free to add to this list!
let's talk about stuff/Sarah Zedig
If you've seen Jesse Gender's videos on the Matrix movies you may already be familiar with Sarah. She does excellent film and culture analysis with a lot of great conversations on paratext and outside influence in engaging with text. Her video on Tunic is one of my favorites.
No one makes videos like hers, which has the side effect making them a bit hard to describe. I will link one of my favorites which describes the disconnected temporality of being older when you discover you're queer.
Turbo Queer
Really really under watched channel. Skylar covers a lot of topics from video games, to anarchist history and modern events, to autistic life, to current politics. For a fun one check out her video on the SpongeBob strike episode.
Kaz Rowe
Kaz does a fantastic job examining modern myths and manufactured history primarily pertaining to western Europe, Victorian & Edwardian England, and 1800-1900s US. And of course, talking about historical queerness in all its ambiguities and evolutions. I highly recommend their video on Weimar Germany.
drapetomania interrogates the politics of low class and high class art and entertainment from a queer and Black perspective. Their art history videos alone cover many angles of white supremacist history I haven't seen anyone else discuss and I'm very excited to see more from them. They are also a very under viewed channel that more people should see!
I am error
Evelynn's channel primarily discusses video games in a presentation style and voice most similar to Action Button reviews. There's something just a bit more personal here though. I hesitate to say cozy since that word has a bit of an infantilizing connotation, maybe comforting is closer. She puts an immense amount of thought and empathy into the experience of playing video games and the personal narratives we build with them.
For more transmasc perspectives there's Swolesome. He has a lot of interesting insights into the more traditionally masculine and "broish" communities like fitness as well as commentary on recent trans issues.
Music, disability, and aggressively non-binary. Their video on gender presentation in heavy metal was really insightful. I would also check out the video "Why I Wear Gloves" for more insight on invisible disabilities.
Vivian Strange
Vivian delights in being a bit of a contrarian- something I really appreciate. She's probably going to challenge you and you're probably going to disagree at times, which is what makes her channel so important. Her video on Marquis De Sade is powerful and a must watch (if you can stomach the subject material, although I would encourage you to try). I haven't seen her most recent video on Saw yet but I am extremely excited to.
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platypusisnotonfire · 24 days ago
Second point: watching it with a buddy that has never seen it and him saying:
“I can’t believe Gandorf DIED!!” In all sincerity.
Rewatching lotr extended trilogy like
Oh gollum is very much a clinical DID split from Sméagol ok
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altocat · 2 months ago
One of the little touches I like best about Advent Children, flawed movie though it is, is that we never see Aerith's face until the very end. Up until that point, her face is always hidden or obscured.
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She feels almost otherworldly. Distant from Cloud's life, almost like a faded half-memory. She feels, well, dead. Something that only half-exists now only in visions and memory. There, but never really there. Maybe it's a commentary on the nature of faith. Or maybe it's Cloud still feeling disconnected after losing her.
Which is why THIS moment at the end
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feels genuinely powerful. We finally get to see her face again. It's the moment where Cloud fully seems to accept her death and move forward. It's a final moment of real catharsis where he recognizes that his dead loved ones are still with him but he CAN finally let go--he's not alone anymore.
Everything is alright.
And that's beautiful.
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I don't care if AC is goofy and kind of messy. It has its problems. But there are just as many highs in there as well. I think the team behind it was being 100% sincere with what they made here and it shows. The ending is genuinely moving for me. And a poignant close to the world of FF7 as a whole.
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werewolfcave · 4 months ago
What ultimately hooked me on ORV was the moment inwhich we learn why Lee Jihye was chosen by the Maritime War God.
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And the constellation Maritime War God has continued to fascinate me and this especially because he seems to be one of the few constellations who genuinely cares for his incarnation. I wonder how much of it in part is from the fact that he genuinely cannot separate his incarnation from his actual life.
There's a commentary to be made about our ability to separate what we see on a screen from our real life. But the Maritime War God just... Can't. That is the descendant of his closest ally and he cannot abandon that. To treat her as some pawn, some disconnected thing, would be to betray also his closest confidant.
His ally that could not make it to constellation-hood.
And because of this he remains very... Human. Likely for quite some time he had lost the connection to his humanity but in this case? It has been reignited. And I would guess that that is partially because Jihye survived by killing her closest friend. The sympathy that arises from that because of his experiences as well.
THIS is why that moment stuck with me. THIS is why that moment sold me on ORV. Because it's the compassion and love that can sprout even in the worst beings, even in the worst hells.
Another moment that stuck with me was the moment in which as Kim Dokja died as the 73rd Demon King, Uriel repeatedly called out that she did not wish for his death. Over and over and over.
It's the connection to humanity that is forcing its way out of the chests of these constellations. Some are deeply cruel and disconnected... But some cannot help but love. At their very core they love. And that cannot be undone. That cannot be severed from them. And it is the crux on which ORV stands.
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