tikitania · 4 months
For everyone who's been puzzled/annoyed/disliked Tsiskaridze's 7th grade ladies class at Vaganova, here's a place to commiserate:
I so appreciate Isabella's critiquing of this class and alarm raising. She's being quite polite, but she's not pleased and you can tell. Watch this and then watch a graduation exam circa 2000. WORLDS APART in terms of classicism, style, and purity. I'm alarmed. I'd love to see NT get "promoted" out of this job and handed a new role in the Bolshoi. If this is the direction of Vaganova, I'd track the corollary. How many Vaganova grads get a Mariinsky contract? Or does the theatre hiring more from BBA, Perm, Eifman, etc.
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skyward-floored · 1 year
be me
decide to scroll the zelink tag because that usually cheers me up when I'm mopey
have the entire tag except for maybe five posts blocked because it's all totk related
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mallevsmaleficarum · 1 year
AO3 was down for thirty hours and none of you thought to revive the “whovians grab your sonic screw drivers” world heritage post?
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anitatad · 27 days
I Had these Good Intentions...
After the dismal failure that was last week, I was determined to yank up my socks and do something constructive this week. I even went so far as to order the wooden struts that I need to replace on my bonsai shelves. They’re not coming until next Saturday, which was disappointing. I suppose I could start by dismantling the ones that are slowly rotting away, and I could make a start on preparing…
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 17 days
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The dog days are over.
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anewp0tat0 · 2 months
i lied i had like atleast one more weston thought to expell from my brain, before i miss this boat entirely. we're heading to green lands woooo
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badasserywomen · 7 months
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Some pawns that i made from the DragonsDogma2 character creator. Yes they will all be giant women
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Colorized Thylacines pt. 3
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tomatoart · 1 year
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training montage
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jimiscribif · 8 months
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the nail in the coffin
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tom-is-online · 1 month
another pure curiosity poll. also feel free to tell me why in rbs or comments cuz i would like to know :)
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spideypoolsupremacy · 10 months
(Asking as someone who can't stop cringing at my attempts of smut and will probably never write it)
Also kissing doesn't count as smut. You can argue about it BUT IT'S NOT
Also ALSO I know the answer might depend on the fandom u are reading so let's just answer in general alrighty
Reblog for larger sample size blah blah blah (but like really plz)
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blafen · 7 months
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pastadoughie · 9 months
i am literally begging people to stop putting sexism and transphobia on my dashboard please fucking think critically abt ur internal biases for 5 secconds and please accept even an ounce of critisism without assuming that someone is attacking you unfairly
alot of you have extremely sexist beliefs that you dont recognize because within social media as a whole these are incredibly normalized, covering blatent homophobia and misandry in tumblr buzzwords doesnt make you not sexist it just lets you be sexist and homophobic and transphobic in a way that is socially acceptable and incouraged within a queer centric space
i keep seeing posts talking abt how people actively like artwork (writing, photography, drawings) more when they find out its of a butch lesbian and not just a dude, and like, if your opinion on a peice of media can change solely based on the gender of the person being depicted by it, with zero change to the character, then that implies an inharent bias against men like, just because its men doesnt mean it isnt sexism
same thing where people think that media depicting gay men is better when it explicitly isnt written by a gay man, like that implies a fundimental disrespect of the work based on the sexuality and gender of the author. if you like an artwork but then you find out its written by a trans women, and all of a sudden you think its garbage, you are transphobic, but when people try to point this same bias out for the works of queer men this is largely written off.
i know ppl will argue abt punching up and whatnot, and while i do in some ways agree with that overall sentiment, i think that we should be striving to uh, not be sexist at all, rather then just being misandrists instead of mysogenists, like, if you only care about sexism when it hurts women/women ajacent people then you dont actually hate sexism you just want it to harm a different group of people, you dont hate the system you just want to be ontop of it and benifit from it
misandry and mysogeny present in different ways, they arent a directly comparable thing, different people have things worse in different ways so its rlly hard to take a group and say "this group has it worse", like yes generalizations like that can help in an extremely broad sense, but the world is not black and white and this kind of shit is mindnumbingly complex, trying to act like there is some kind of objective scoreing system for who is more oppressed then who is just unproductive and harmful
and moreover, someone having it worse then you doesnt make you less deserving of trying to make your situation better, i dont experience racism and in many many many ways i have it easier then poc people, that does not make me undeserving of support and that doesnt make me complaining or trying to better my situation unreasonable
we can care abt the lives and want to better the situation of different groups simoltaniously, we dont have to stop caring about racism because we want to better transphobia
i get that transwomen have it rlly bad and i do not experience the exact same struggles as them, and therefore cant comment on alot of them, but so often i see erasure of queer men in order to give more focus to transwomen, and just because trans girls go through alot of shit doesnt make that ok
one thing that people have to recognize about misandry and specifically transmisandry that you dont really have to see as much with its mysogeny counterparts is that they have far more attention and people care far more about activism for queer women/women in general, queer mens experience and specifically the transmasc experience is very very very often erased and written off even by supposedly trans friendly and queer sorces, people care more about butch lesbians then they do trans men dispite the insane ammount of overlap between the two groups, when researching about historical butch lesbians alot of them are just, trans guys that people are misgendering and mislabeling as butch lesbians because ooooo woemennnnn
being transmasc myself i can say that like, the erasure of trans men is an extremely large issue, for large swaths of history the experiences of trans people arent paid attention to at all, and even looking at media coverage today, if people are going to talk abt transgenderism they are talking about it specifically under the lens of trans women
this is largely because misandry (specifically, people thinking that having cock and ball makese u somehow predatory) makes trans women an easier punching bag, trans women get more attention because they are easier for radfems (misandrists) to be bigoted against in a more violent way, if you assume all men and amab people are violent and predatory by nature then this makes justifying violence against trans women easier
and yea being a punching bag for the media is fucking hard but it does mean that activism for that group is much much much louder, more people are complaining about trans women so more people know abt the specific issues they face
but dispite trans men yaknow, also existing and recieving a shit ton of transphobia and erasure over history they dont get talked about as much, people hate us and are violent twards us but we dont nessasarily get the same outrage for our treatment
trans men are just as often get the dismissal for being women, and the outrage for being men as trans women do we just dont get as much support and thats really difficult! often people seek to treat transmasculinism as some kind of new thing like, i get the comment often that "usually its boys that wanna be girls" and its like, no. its not. its simply that people care less about us
i think that its really easy to misenterpret me here so im gonna just get this out of the way, i dont think that women have it easier then men in a broad socital sense, but also, i dont nessasarily believe that means that my complaints are invalid, being a queer woman is not a walk in the park, and neither is being a queer man, and both groups experience homophobia transphobia and sexism in different ways, so acting as if saying one is objectively worse then the other is unfair and reductive
i think that if we want to get anywhere in regards to making it easier to be trans then we need to talk about all queer experiences, you cant just, only care about trans women you have to care about all trans people, and moreover queer people in general, this means you HAVE to be vigilant about people wrapping up sexism in a tumblr buzzword packadge, you need to consume things critically and you are not immune to pipelines, people dont just wake up and become radfems you get continually fed more and more extreme idologies, being fed things that you 90% agree with untill you eventually become completely removed from the groups you were supposed to stand with
you can care about the oppression of multiple groups at once, and if you think activism in any way involves the erasure of a certain group then you have fundimentally misunderstood what youre supposed to be doing, queer men exist and they deserve support and respect and you need to be able to support and respect them without being like "ohh she is soooooo trransfemme coded" like. men can be queer and still be men, they can be queer and still deserve your love and support, i am begging.
also yes i am aware that outside of my specific experience of tumblr people fuckin hate trans girls and women in general and they dont feel the need to do this shit. but that doesnt mean what im talking about is not an issue and is not something that people need to change and address. if you find urself doing this shit you have got to reflect on yourself, you arent immune to transphobia or homophobia or sexism ESPECIALLY if you think that you somehow are magically immune. nobody is. no identity is. everybody is suseptible to this shit and it takes active critical thinking in order to combat it
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anitatad · 4 months
Not What I was Expecting...
I usually forget these things, but for some reason it was on my mind all evening. They said the best time to see the aura borealis was around eleven o clock, so I left the Eurovision contest in my families capable hands, and staggered outside to the blissful silence of my yard. A quick check of the sky told me what I had expected. No magic light show, streaks of colour, nothing at all really.…
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rui-drawsbox · 6 months
I like to remember my first stardew save whenever I can, so I kinda remade my farmer for my first playthrough of Coral Island kajdhjsk
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