#disabled kankuro
edai-crplpnk · 9 months
New Chapter! 🎭🐶
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KankuKiba, background SasoKisa
Polyamory, Disability
Chronically Ill Kankurou, Chronically Ill and Trans Kiba
Everyone is disabled
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ghoste-catte · 1 year
What is the "Lee wins" au? Lee wins the chuunin exam fight against Gaara? Lee wins everything? Lee wins at life? /j
LOL it's Lee wins the chuunin exams.
If you want a more detailed summary, TW for suicide attempt and nasty injuries below
Basically, the premise is that Gaara faints during their fight due to a combination of Lee crushing his ribcage with a kick and the sight of his own blood, letting Shukaku take over. Lee gets injured, but not as profoundly as in canon. The "4th Kazekage" (Orochimaru in disguise) declares they have to kill Gaara, but Gai intervenes and Kakashi becomes suspicious when he recalls that Gaara is the Kazekage's son. Matters get even more suspicious when Orochi-kage isn't able to use the magnet release to subdue Gaara. The invasion gets stymied as a result. With a joint cooperative effort from multiple nations' worth of shinobi, Gaara is eventually taken down - severely injured, but not dead. Some experts are able to stabilize his seal a bit, but not quite permanently and to excruciating pain.
And while jinchuuriki do have healing powers, the powers are imprecise and basically just focused on keeping the vessel alive. Gaara recuperates in the hospital in Konoha, after undergoing - under great risk & extensive seal work - a surgery that removes several dead organs from his body and reconstructs his ribcage. Lee visits him from time to time. Ultimately he is told that he will no longer be able to fight (in his mind - protect himself & assert his existence), so he throws himself off the roof of the hospital. The sand catches him, of course.
Suna attempts to transfer Shukaku to Kankuro, but the sealing fails because Shukaku insists on staying bound to Gaara.
Years later, both of their paths have been utterly altered: Lee remains a taijutsu specialist but has become a special jounin with a focus on assisting wounded shinobi through rehab and physical therapy. Gaara has become an avid gardener and agricultural scientist, though severely limited by his physical disabilities. In addition Temari has become Kazekage and is constantly dodging assassination attempts by the Council, who consider her a traitor's daughter. There are several attempts to marry her off to control her, one she almost goes through with until Kankuro walks into the council chambers and announces his intentions to kill Temari's intended and his family, at the risk of war.
Lee and Gaara stay in touch by mail, though Gaara's mental health is perhaps as poor as his physical health, and he spends much of his time researching a seal that wil lock Shukaku away for good. The story is mainly epistolary from here.
Ultimately, Lee and Gaara reunite in Suna when Lee is dispatched as support on a mission, realize that the feelings that have been growing between them are more than a lasting friendship, and ... well, you can probably guess the rest :)
Anyway, this fic is SO SO plotty, so I will probably never write it, but it's fun to think about sometimes!
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allgather · 2 years
I love being self-indulgent and sharing important parts of myself with my muses. pidge is from a mixed-faith family and is jewish, autistic, and non-binary. angus is jewish and autistic, too. kankuro is jewish. kazuma is disabled and has chronic migraines. shisui is disabled. iruka has ocd and is trans. jonouchi is trans. and kakeru is stupid.
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drifterthorn · 2 months
Naruto Reflection 
I love Naruto and Shippuden. While I have seen all of Naruto, I never did finish Shippuden but they are both amazing shows and I highly recommended them. The show is a great mix of silliness and serious sciences. Naruto is about a boy who is a young outcast ninja because locked away inside him is the Nine tailed fox. Naruto is working towards becoming Hokage, the leader of his village. 
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From the very beginning of the show, we understand that Naruto is the underdog. Everyone treats him as an outcast. This just makes him more determined than ever to become Hokage and make people see him. Pain and Loss are a constant theme though out Naruto and Shippuden. The Pain arc in Naruto Shippuden is a significant and many of the fans favorite arc. It has a lot of physical and emotional challenges that effect Naruto and help him grow up more. Nagato also known as Pain. He is the leader of the Akatsuki clan who wish to capture all the tailed beasts that are sealed in people around the world. He invasions Konhagakure village seeking to capture Naruto because of the Nine tailed fox sealed in him. Pain kills Jiraiya Naruto mentor this leads to Naruto doing intense training to finally face off with Pain. This are is great for showing Naruto and many other characters growth, determination, and abilities. And again, this whole arc is about pain, loss, sacrifice, and the cycle of hatred that is in the world something you see from the very first episode of Naruto.  
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I think a great example of those themes and one of my favorite characters in the show is Gaara. Before he was born the one tailed beast Shusaku is sealed inside of him. This leads to a life marked by isolation and fear from his village and even from his two siblings Kankuro and Temari. Originally Gaara is showed as the villain filled with hatred and despise for other people. Though his story he learns to overcome his past trauma and become a respected leader of his village. And I really like his story because it is so similar to Naruto. Both have tailed beast sealed in them but where Naruto was filled with laughter and still able to make friends. Gaara was filled with hate and isolated from everyone.  
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Growing up in a small town I was an outcast being I have a learning disability and I was gay. I quickly learn how cruel humans can be and hidden myself away from everyone. I admire that Naruto was able to still be himself and find joy.  
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sup-hoes-its-me · 3 years
To Be So Lonely (Gaara x Reader)
A/N: my first ever attempt at a gaara one shot. Essentially, you are permanently disabled due to an accident involving evil jinchuriki gaara, but you never gave up on him. friends to lovers. dramatic confessions. gaara is just so pure and sweet, he deserves all the love and more. perfect baby boy. precious.
ps. this was a very quick write. there may be mistakes, idk. just hopefully someone enjoys.
Word count: 3600 (soo short lmao)
The pair of them walked the aisles of the bakery. He adored how her eyes grew wide when they landed on a particularly shiny loaf of bread or a decadent chocolate cake that she couldn’t help but gush over. Today, after work since it seemed he had a break, he decided he would go with her to the dessert shop she’d been begging him to go visit.
He watched as she hobbled forward on her crutches, leaning some of her weight on walls or tables when she got the chance. He felt genuinely awful. It was his fault she was in that position after all. Nearly ten years ago when she enveloped her in his sand and crushed her leg brutally. He was so lost and hopeless back then, and a mere sparring match was enough to set him off and permanently injure the woman.
He felt like the worst man alive as he watched her walk around, and he followed on soft feet behind her. They were friends. It seemed that even after all he had done, she still cared about him. She walked up to his office the day he became Kazekage, and asked to be his assistant. He couldn’t say no, not with the way she smiled so beautifully at him with those soft lips and sparkling eyes.
Admittedly, he wanted her to be at his side.
She often sat with him in his office when there wasn’t anything too urgent going on, her legs tucked under her and her crutches leant against his desk. She would tell him stories about her day or things that she found funny, and he would listen intently to each word. He adored her voice. It was perfect, the perfect pitch and tone, just enough enthusiasm to blow him away. How she could be so positive when so many things had gone wrong, he wasn’t sure.
He knew that if he asked Naruto, the boy would have the answer for sure. He was so wise with people in that way. After all, Naruto was the reason Gaara was able to change into the man he was today, the man that had Y/N laughing and giggling in the evenings before she went home.
Y/N’s smile was so bright. It practically glowed when she entered the room. He wanted to bottle it up and keep it forever, that is how much he admired her enthusiasm. He couldn’t imagine the pain she went through, and the struggle she goes through daily. He couldn’t imagine the strength she must have to work for him and maintain that attitude that he admired so deeply.
She was so beautiful. He found himself waking up multiple times in the morning with her still on his mind, her eyes and her smile and the way her hair fell around her face. He found himself so lost in the mere thought of the woman, he thought he might be going crazy.
He’d asked his siblings about the situation, on separate occasions, just gauging what two more adjusted people thought of the situation. Each time, they laughed, and told him he simply had a crush on his closest assistant. His sister told him to act on his feelings before she was swept away by some other man from the village. His brother told him she was quite a catch, and he would be lucky if she liked him back. He thought she was only kind to him because he was her boss, essentially. Needless to say, that was a bit rough for Gaara to hear.
He wasn’t sure what he would do if Y/N shared his feelings. She certainly was kind, and the woman he wanted to be with, but he just couldn’t be with her, not after everything he had done. He couldn’t imagine her ever caring for him like that after he took away a huge portion of her mobility. He stole away from her the ability to become a shinobi like she always wanted. He felt like a monster.
There was no way in good conscience, he could accept her affections and burden her with his own. She was too perfect. He wouldn’t ruin her in that way. He couldn’t.
And so he was content just following her around, buying her little goodies here and there to make her happy just one more time before he had to see her off for the night. No doubt, he would dream about her once again tonight, after spending so much time staring into her eyes and hearing her melodic laugh. Sometimes, he found himself looking forward to those nights where she would plague his mind. He could truly be himself in those dreams without any constraint, without an ounce of guilt. He could love her during those nights, and he found himself longing for more and more each day.
She spun around in front of the final glass case in the near empty bakery, and she pointed to some fruit tarts in a little box.
“You want those?”
“Yes, please.”
He pointed them out to the staff, and they bagged them up and slid them across the counter. He got a discount as the Kazekage, and he was more than willing to buy a few things for her. It was the least he could do. Even though he paid her a decent amount for her work, he still felt generous. He liked seeing the way her eyes lit up and her ears perked up with happiness each time he bought her a simple cake or tart. It was so cheap and simple, he felt like he was robbing her. He got so much enjoyment out of seeing her beauty over and over again and all she got was a little dollar dessert.
They walked out of the store, and she sighed, reaching into the bag and taking out the little box. She pulled out the cake and took a quick bite, sighing loudly at the flavor. “Wow, Gaara, this is one of the best ones yet. Try it,” she held out the other side to him.
“No, I’m okay. I’m sure it’s great.”
“Oh, come on.”
He sighed, and took the tart from her hands, taking the tiniest bite from the side opposite of hers. She was right. It was really good. He nodded, his lips curving into a tiny smile as she grinned, giving him a thumbs up. “See, I told you it was really good. I don’t go around picking out crappy sweets.”
“Here, eat the rest. You haven’t had a chance to eat today, have you?” he asked, urging her to take the tart back. She did, and nodded. “You really can’t be doing that, Y/N. It’s not healthy to skip meals like that.”
“I know. I normally don’t but during my lunch break today, I was busy talking to your brother and I lost track of time.”
“So it was Kankuro’s doing? Of course.”
“Oh, jeez. It’s not a big deal. My parents are going to the market today so they’ll no doubt be home with some food for me to eat for dinner. Plus, you got me these awesome tarts for dessert.”
He nodded, a hum leaving his lips. “Still, I’d like if maybe you started eating lunch with me, just so I can make sure you’re getting proper nutrition.”
Her eyes widened, and she began to smile once again. She felt her cheeks begin to heat up from his offer. How could he so casually say something like that? He was never one to really think through the things he said, just saying exactly what was on his mind. “Are you asking me on a lunch date?”
“What?! No-that’s not what I meant,” he blurted out, his own cheeks turning red under her stare. “I just meant it as a friend thing.”
She averted her eyes back down to her dessert, and she took another bite. After giving him a moment of time to cool down, and after she’d swallowed, she replied giddily, knowing it would stir him up once again, “Alright, well, I wouldn’t mind if it was a date thing, just saying.”
He was now nearly as red as his hair, and she burst out laughing. “What?! Y/N, don’t laugh at me!”
“Okay, Kazekage-sama.”
He huffed as he tried to calm down, following as she started off once again to her home. On days like this one, he would walk her home from wherever they had gone, and in turn, he said it was a way for him to see the village. In reality, he had seen the village more than enough time to count, he really just wanted to walk with her home, to feel like he was doing something for her by providing company on the short journey through the streets.
As they approached her home, he knew that this was going to be the end of their outing and he would have to leave her once again. He really enjoyed their time together. It was the only part of the day he looked forward to most of the time, and to see her go always filled his heart with a bit of sadness. It was unreasonable to want anymore time out of her day to himself, but he couldn’t help but want it.
She opened her front door and stepped inside, holding the door open so she could see him standing at the edge of the walkway to her family home. He shifted awkwardly under her stare, one that was absent of a smile and that familiar glimmer in her eye. Things felt serious all the sudden, and it made him nervous.
What had changed all of the sudden? He never expected her next words. They hit him in the chest like a stone, and knocked the air from his chest.
“Gaara, I think I’m in love with you,” Y/N called to the boy standing in her doorway. One outing after another, she found it harder and harder to maintain a neutral guise around him. Y/N really liked him. He was strong. He was a hero. He was a beautifully kind creature whom everyone came to adore.
He stood there in shock, his eyes wide and lips just agape. He wanted her to take back what she’d just proclaimed. He couldn’t accept it. Not when her crutches were right in his view, and her leg was missing right below the knee. He couldn’t handle that confession. Not now, not ever.
It was all his fault.
He turned his head away to the street and sighed, shutting his eyes tightly. “Y/N, I’m sorry.”
“Sorry for what?” she asked, fiddling with the bag of groceries in her hands. It took a lot of nerve to confess to him. It takes a lot to go out and profess your love to the Kazekage and the famous Gaara of the sand. He was a celebrity, practically. He wasn’t simply a childhood friend. She was rightfully nervous.
“I’m sorry you feel that way about someone like me.”
“Gaara, stop. Please. What happened, it’s over now. You’ll never be that same person again.”
He grit his teeth, another sigh coming from behind his teeth. “I cannot accept your confession. I’m sorry, but I have to go now. Please, keep this between us, alright?”
It seemed that the end of their rope was near. He had said what he wanted to say, or what he felt needed to be said. He cared for her, he’d cared for her since he could really remember. She was always kind to him, so beautiful and sweet and generous. Y/N was forever forgiving, and he knew that. He was fully aware that she’d forgiven him for what he’d done to her when he was lost in violence all those years ago. He just couldn’t forgive himself. He was forgiving of those who had wronged him, but to give mercy to the person who brutalized the one woman who’d shown him kindness from the beginning, he just couldn’t bear it.
Gaara was a lonely man. He would always be a lonely man, surrounded by people but always just far enough to protect them. He couldn’t let someone like her become close again and risk something else happening. Even if he was non violent now, what’s to say someone else wouldn’t have a grudge against him and target her?
It was all too overwhelming.
“You can’t deny it, Gaara, you love me too,” she called back to him, quiet enough not to disturb the neighbors but loud enough that it rang out in his chest like a gong, echoing there for a minute. She continued softly, “You can’t just pretend there’s nothing between us just because something happened almost a decade ago. You can’t abandon me, not after everything we’ve been through.”
“Y/N, it’s not that easy.”
“It really is that easy. If you care about me, and I care about you, then that’s all that matters. Forget about my leg, please. I’m over it. I’ve grown used to it, so much it’s not a problem,” she explained, “In fact, you treating me like I’m some injured lamb is the real problem. I’m a strong woman. This injury is nothing when it comes to my sheer force of will.”
He felt terrible, really, he felt like every move he made was the wrong one. He felt like he’d travelled down all the wrong paths with this woman, and she still loved him. Despite everything, she loved him without fault. He was her best friend. The friend who stole her leg from her so young. He was beyond conflicted.
His eyes flickered around the street, and she could feel his paranoia. It would be quite scandalous if someone caught them out here talking about something as personal as this. He was the Kazekage after all, whether he was experiencing normal 22 year old emotions or not.
Y/N grabbed his hand and tugged him quickly into her home. Her parents were gone for the day to the shops, so they weren’t there to intervene, not that they would be too pleased to see their daughter with the red haired boy. Yes, they were proud to have him as their Kazekage, standing strong and tall for the nation. But the injuries he had inflicted on their daughter were a bit too severe to ever completely forgive him. They could never give Gaara their blessing, nor did they truly approve of their friendship. Y/N and Gaara knew this. It only caused his guilt to hang heavier in his chest.
She shut the door behind him, and sighed as she leant her shoulder against the wall, a bit of pressure taken off her sole leg and her arms propped up on the sticks.
“Gaara, how do you feel about me? Really?” she asked.
He wanted to say nothing, to just turn away and pretend he hadn’t heard the question. But he knew that wasn’t an option. He would tell her everything. “I enjoy your company, more than I care to admit. You are so beautiful and kind, I always want you around, especially when work gets rough.”
Y/n stood silent as she let him keep going, to get what he was feeling off his chest. There wasn’t really an outlet in his life to get out all these pent up emotions. He could use a shoulder to lean on sometimes, just as much as anyone else.
“You’re right,” he groaned, “I love you.”
A soft breath caught in her chest at his words. It was true that she had a feeling he felt that way for her, but it was a different thing to hear his words reach her ears. His breathy, raspy voice and the exasperation carried in his tone. The way his eyes refused to meet hers he was so afraid. She felt a shiver run up her spine, and she had to take a deep breath to calm herself down. “Then what’s the point in fighting it?”
“It’s wrong. What I did to you, you’ll never be the same again and it’s all my fault. I don’t know if I could bring myself to look at you everyday knowing that I hurt you so badly. Back then, I didn’t even have remorse. I-I…”
“It’s okay! You’ve changed, time and time again, you’ve shown me that you’re not the same man you used to be. You are so brave and caring and considerate. You care about me and all the other villagers. You changed, and I love the man you’ve become.”
“Does that mean you can forgive me for what I’ve done?”
“I would forgive you a thousand times over.”
“You’re the man of my dreams. Please, don’t deprive me of that.”
When his eyes met hers, he wanted to melt away in her arms. She really didn’t care about what he had done, she just wanted him for who he worked so hard to become, the man that Naruto pushed him to be. She raised his arms, and found himself walking right into them. Her head hit his shoulder, and he let out a long shaky breath. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you, too, Gaara. I truly do.”
And when she pressed her lips to his, he found himself falling deeper in love with her. She was so soft and gentle in his arms, against his skin, flush and warm like he’d always imagined. He never really expected himself to find someone, not after all he’d done and the man he made himself out to be. He never imagined the kiss of a person on his lips, or the feeling of someone’s arms wound around his body. He only imagined pain.
Yet, here she was. The most forgiving angel in the entire world.
“Y/N L/N, what the hell is this? Dammit, can’t you do this somewhere else, you foolish girl?” a voice called through the door, and when they peered between the curtains, the sight of her mother and father walking up the path to the front door, grocery bags piled in their arms. Her mother’s face was quite red, a small smile gracing her mouth, while her father was another story. Completely exhausted with everything.
Gaara pulled away quickly, his head ducking down so his eyes only met the floorboards. He was Kazekage, why was he so afraid of some old man and his paper sack full of rice? He wasn’t completely sure. All he knew was that Y/N stood there with that beautiful smile, her cheeks puffing out from embarrassment. “It’s okay. They aren’t angry. You might want to head on back home, though.”
The elderly couple opened the door, and he found himself face to face with her mother who smiled, corners of her eyes crinkling. “It’s about time, you sweet boy.”
Her father roared, feeling himself growing hotter with every second that passed. “About time for what, Rise? This man to come in here and violate our daughter-”
“Shush, dad. It was all me this time,” Y/N piped up from the back, which only fueled the fire.
“Of course! You’ve always been so promiscuous, Y/N. How could I expect any less?” he rolled his eyes. “And about you, Kazekage boy.”
“Be gentle, Tanaka.”
“Instead of hurting my daughter, I expect you to protect her as if your life depended on it, you hear me? I won’t have someone coming into my house and hurting my children,” he demanded, and Gaara could only nod. He had never been in a situation quite as terrifying as this one, he had to admit. He felt like he had been caught in the middle of some heinous act, even if it was only kissing the object of his affections. He was more than embarrassed, he thought he might crumble into a million tiny pieces.
He replied, “Of course. I’d never let anything hurt Y/N, sir.”
“That’s what I thought. Now get out of here. You can see your little girlfriend some other time, she has chores.”
Gaara nodded to the family of three before opening the door and walking through the threshold. “Goodbye, Gaara!” As he peered back over his shoulder, he was once again stunned by her smiling face, her small hand waving to him as he shut the door behind him. He felt his heart beating faster as he walked down the street back to the Kazekage’s mansion.
Has life always felt this good? He wasn’t too sure. He felt high, like he was floating above the ground with each footstep. Maybe giving the good life, giving Y/N, a chance, was going to work out in his favor. He could feel happiness creeping up his chest and rumbling through his stomach. His cheeks turned red at the thought of his now girlfriend in her home getting scolded by her father, and he couldn’t help but imagine the next day when she would report to his office to pick up paperwork and maybe he could swipe another kiss.
When he walked into his home, he brushed by his brother whose brows perked up upon seeing his expression. “What’s got you looking so whipped, Gaara?”
“It’s nothing, Kankuro.”
“Y/N, right?”
His brother's loud laughter rung out in the empty hall. He patted his brother's back with a firm hand, practically congratulating him for getting a girlfriend. It was strange in that way, thinking about it like that. He now had a girlfriend to hug and hold, to keep tightly clasped in his heart for as long as she would allow.
Life was too good. He slept better that night than he had in a long while. All because of this one person who’d wormed their way so easily into his heart.
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spellcasterlight · 3 years
Psst hey hi! Question! What are your general feelings about baby/kid fic for your rare pairs? (I ask for not even slightly suspicious reasons...) - Love, Very Suspicious Anon
Hi there Very Suspicious Anon! Sus Anon is sus! 😂❤️
As in like, stories that give the rare pair couple's children? Bring it! That sounds like good stuff! 👍
Like can you imagine?
A [Kiba x Ino] child with soft blonde hair but the fierceness of their father. Who is gentle with the flowers in their mother's shop but will rip out an enemies throat with their Inuzuka teeth on the battlefield. Their canine companion biting down to hold their enemy steady so they can use the Mind Transfer Jutsu. Ugh I need this!
A [Shikamaru x Hinata] child with the abilities of the byakugan combined with the shadow moulding abilities of the Nara? Shadows literally wrapping around their opponent and bringing them into range, they wouldn't even have to move in a fight! Also; maybe the byakugan could help with looking after the deer as well in a medical way?
A [Kankuro x Sakura] child that can manipulate puppets like their father but with the medical abilities of their mother? Long-distance healing anyone? Maybe they have two puppets, one for attack and one for healing? But oh they're a puppet master so their taijutsu must be terrible. You're in for a rude awakening. Gimmie gimmie gimmie.
A [Shino x Tenten] child where they have the hive and battle strategies of their father but the weapons knowledge, physical prowess and pinpoint accuracy of their mother. The child would be unstoppable. All your secrets you think they don't know because you whispered? Their hive has already told them. Think you're going to have the upper hand in a hand to hand fight just because they're an Aburame? Think again. Think they're just going to wildly throw their hive at you? Nope, they know exactly where they're going. Got a plan to disable their hive so they'll be powerless? Not this Aburame they have a barrage of steal with your freaking name on it. Think you can outrun them? Not a chance, their hive will find and literally eat you. I need to write this story so baddddd!
I've been asked a few times to write a [Shino x Tenten] story were they have children and I have so soooo many ideas! I need to actually get writing them all down because I realllllyyyyyyy want to take a crack at that pairings children! 😂❤️
And another point, just while I'm here, making OC's is hard! I only have one and like even for a tiny one-shot the amount of thought and details that go into them is just ridiculous. So anyone who wants to take a crack at making OCs, no matter how small the story, should very much be encouraged!
Thank you for attending my Ted talk 😂
And thank you for the cool ask! ✨
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Suna Kakashi AU- Headcannons
Team Seven’s Sensei
After having one eye stolen by Danzo and destroyed, Shisui leaves Anbu and becomes a Jonin sensei. Though Sakumo doesn't find him a good fitting team for a few years, so Shisui uses the time to adjust to having only one eye and learning how to fight with that new disability.
Once Team Seven is formed though, Sakumo immediately decides upon Shisui as their Sensei. An Uchiha capable of teaching Sasuke to use his Sharingan and helping to control the Kyuubi if anything happens.
Shisui's excited to start training new Genin, and wastes no time in learning their various abilities and talents so that he can teach them to the best of his ability.
With Sakura he focuses on her skills with Genjutsu, helping her improve them and become stronger with her Genjutsu. With Naruto he focuses on helping him with his Taijutsu and learning new jutsu's (Sakumo as Naruto's guardian has made sure to help him with his chakra control already), and Sasuke gets extra training in his Katon and other jutsu's to add to his collection. As well as getting training to use his sharingan when he awakens it.
Kakashi Meets Gai
During the Chunin exams that the sand siblings take part in, Kakashi goes to Konoha with them in order to keep an eye on the three of them and see how they do in the exams. Unable to wear his usual Anbu mask and cloak combo, or to go in without any sort of disguise, he chooses to go in as a travelling Photographer.
During his visit, while he's taking a few pictures around the village, he runs into one of the Sensei's for the other teams partaking in the Chunin exams. Maito Gai. Friendly and excited, Gai offers to take 'Sukea' around the village when he finds out that he's a photographer and show him all of the best spots. Kakashi's a little taken back by such openness, but decides to take Gai up on his offer anyways.
Kakashi finds himself enjoying the day he wasn't expecting to have. Going out for Dango, having Gai show him his favorite training field and a perfect view of Konoha from the top of the Fourth Hokage's stone head. At the end of the day, he says his goodbyes to Gai. Determined to get back to his hotel and check on the kids, he turns to walk away when he hears Gai say "Tommorow, if you're still here I have a few more places to show you. If you'd like."
He's not sure if it's an invite to a date, or just Gai being nice. Either way, he can't help but blush and assure Gai that he'll still be in the village.
And that night while he's watching guard over Temari and Kankuro's rooms while they sleep, he finds his mind wandering back to that sweet smile and friendly voice that he spent all day with.
Rasa’s Death
On his way back from a mission, Kakashi sees sound Ninja passing him by. Not surprising, given Rasa's agreement with Orochimaru, but still unsettling.
Deciding to check out what was going on, he follows the path they came from as best as he can to find Orochimaru standing outside the village over top Rasa's body.
At first, Kakashi refuses to believe what has happened. That Rasa has been killed by Orochimaru. But when Orochimaru starts to talk about his plans continuing forward, not needing Rasa for their goals to work, Kakashi loses his cool and attacks the other Shinobi. Determined to get him back for what he did to Rasa.
It's not a fight he can win, of course. Not at the stage, he's at. He does manage to get a few hits on Orochimaru, but in the end, he ends up making a run for it just so he can survive. With multiple wounds, Kakashi makes his way back to Suna. As soon as he walks through the gates and see's someone heading towards him, he succumbs to his injuries and passes out. Leaving his life in the hands of his village, hoping that he can get up in time to stop whatever it is Orochimaru has planned against Konoha. Plans that Kakashi has no doubt don't include Rasa's kids and Baki getting out of Konoha alive.
17 notes · View notes
kayura-sanada · 5 years
Chase the Wind, ch. 13/?? (GaaNaru)
Title: Chase the Wind Chapter: Thirteen Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Gaara/Naruto Rating: T Words: ~4800
Summary: Since before he could even remember, Gaara had heard the sound of the howling wind in his mind. He always wished he could find the person on the other end of that sound, that elusive being who might love him for who he was.
Note: I own nothing. The title is derived from “Touch the Sky” by Julie Fowlis. I was torn between that and “if I gotta be damned, I wanna be damned with you” from Meatloaf’s “Bat Out Of Hell.”
Chase the Wind - Since before he could even remember, Gaara had heard the sound of the howling wind in his mind. He always wished he could find the person on the other end of that sound, that elusive being who might love him for who he was. (GaaNaru) One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve
They’d been running non-stop, and still Gaara could not feel Naruto. Something was wrong. The wrongness of it churned within him, roiled inside his gut. Every single nerve in him was on fire. His chakra burned within him. The demon, ever screaming in the back of his mind, sounded small and tiny compared to this feeling.
He wasn’t the only one. Ever since the girl – named Tenten – had named those she knew to be on the team trying to retrieve Sasuke, Temari had been just as quiet and tense as he. Of the three of them, the only one keeping a level head was Kankuro; whoever his soulmate was, the person was likely not involved in this madness.
The trees had become denser, thicker, as they made their way to the heart of the Country of Fire. They had passed Konoha only moments before. Tenten had not gone inside the village, instead seeking to hurry with them to the Country of Sound. They had yet to find any trace of Naruto, though they had found a place where a battle had occurred and blood had been spilled. Both he and Temari had quickened their pace then, at the exact same instant. They had yet to see anything more than traps.
“There’s another one,” Kankuro said. Gaara caught a flash of string before Kankuro disabled the trap on the treeline ahead of them. “None of these were set off,” he said, though Gaara could hear some frustration in his tone. “That’s a good sign, at least.”
It was. He knew it was. Naruto wasn’t the brightest; any traps in the vicinity would have gone off with only him running the charge. The one named Shikamaru, who had made his mark by, of all things, surrendering, was said to be in charge of the others. He had to be the one pointing out the traps. Choosing to go around them instead of disabling them would have given Naruto and the others the element of surprise, at least. Had it been enough?
“Naruto.” He could still hear the wind. So long as he could hear that, he wasn’t too late.
Still. He wished he could go faster.
“Got it?”
Naruto grinned. People could say what they wanted about Shikamaru, about him being lazy and a good-for-nothing like Naruto, but he wasn’t dumb. When he put himself to a task, he could do really well. Naruto nodded. “Hell, yeah!”
Shikamaru launched forward. Naruto followed right behind him. “Let’s go, Naruto!” Shikamaru yelled. “It’s two on one! We’ve got the advantage on our side. It’s not something we two can’t take care of!”
“All right!”
The woman laughed. Perfect. “You pieces of trash won’t make a difference, no matter how many of you there are!”
“Don’t underestimate our teamwork!” Shikamaru said. It was a perfect line. Naruto never would have thought of it. “Here we go!”
“Bring it on!”
Shikamaru yanked a kunai out of his pack and charged straight ahead. It was so obvious, Naruto was surprised the woman was only able to block with her flute. The clash only barely rang out before Shikamaru shouted. “Naruto! Now!”
“Eat this, bastard!” Naruto pulled back his fist… and sailed right over the idiot woman’s head. He smirked. Psyche! He landed on the tree behind the woman and continued running. They’d accomplished Shikamaru’s plan. The woman started cursing behind them, talking shit, only to jump suddenly away from Shikamaru. Naruto changed a glance back, but her focus was still on his friend, not on him.
He had to hope Shikamaru would be all right. He had to believe the Chuunin could win. Even though the others hadn’t caught up to them yet, he had to believe they were okay. He had to have faith in them and wait. He looked ahead. For now, everything came down to him. Getting to Sasuke, getting him back before it was too late. His panic fed his chakra until it nearly burst from his skin.
Sasuke was just ahead of him. Naruto would reach him. Even if this guy moved at the speed of light, Naruto would catch up. After all of this, he wouldn’t let all their efforts be for nothing.
This guy made Naruto leave everyone else behind. Just to get to Sasuke.
Rage bubbled up in his chest. It crept into the deep, dark void inside of him, the part that screeched and screeched for him to find his soulmate. The part that, at that moment, was starting to sound more and more like the voice of someone all alone, saying he existed to kill. Gaara wasn’t there. Sasuke was leaving. Naruto’s friends were behind him, maybe dying. Why weren’t they there? Why hadn’t Neji, of all people, at least caught up? What if he went back and found all of his friends were gone?
He knew this feeling. It looked like a swing set in a tree.
But Naruto would fix it. This man. This man would not have Sasuke. Orochimaru would not have Sasuke.
Finally, the hole in his chest wasn’t hurting as much. It made it that easier for him to hurry his pace.
They found one of the genin.
They didn’t recognize him. A thin guy with wild brown hair. Tenten had spoken about stopping to help him. Temari had been the one to speak point-blank. “We can’t afford to worry about him when we don’t know the state of the others.”
He wasn’t her soulmate, then, at least. Still. They left a small flare for anyone who came after them and raced ahead. Gaara didn’t know about Temari, but his concern had ratcheted greatly at the sight of a fallen Konoha genin. Naruto was powerful; he could handle himself. But what if he couldn’t? What if, what if, what if?
A few minutes later, and they saw another. Tenten’s reaction was very different. She stopped running with them immediately and leaped down. Gaara’s eyes narrowed. The body of the enemy this genin defeated was right next to him, unlike before. The unknown wild-haired genin had at least managed to walk away from the battlefield, find a safe place to bunker down, and conserve whatever energy he had left. This one was near death. His victory had come at a high price.
Tenten grabbed the person’s shoulders and nearly moved them before Temari barked, “don’t!” They came down to inspect the area. Webbing coated the place. Arrows of some sort pockmarked the ground – and the young genin’s body. Trees had been torn down. Chunks of tinder lay haphazardly over the area. Gaara’s gut twisted around itself. This was not the battlefield he and Naruto had seen, but for two people without beasts inside them, it was not small.
Why could he still not feel Naruto?
Temari bent down and checked the genin’s pulse. Gaara stepped a bit closer. The person looked familiar. It took until Temari had okayed it and Tenten had lifted the young man, pulling him up until his hair fell back, for Gaara to recognize him as the one Naruto had struggled against in the Chuunin Exam. His heart pounded. This one had been acceptably strong. Where was Naruto? Why were these genin dropping like flies against their opponents?
He turned to continue running. “His heart rate is low,” Temari said. His nerves sang. He nearly yelled at her to hurry up. Looking back, he saw Tenten staring down at the unconscious genin with wide, tearful eyes. “We have to keep going.”
“I…” The girl hesitated. She looked up. “I’m going to go get help. A… a medic team.” She laid the genin down again and stood. “I…”
“Do what you have to,” Temari said. She didn’t bother pointing out that the girl was choosing this genin’s life above her mission. Maybe she didn’t have the right to do so, with her own concern likely tied to her own soulmate. Or maybe, for that exact reason, she simply didn’t wish to waste any time. “We’re continuing ahead.”
Tenten nodded. Finally, Temari joined Gaara and Kankuro, and they hurried off.
“We’re getting close,” Kankuro said. It was his first time speaking in a while. Gaara didn’t respond. Temari chose to keep her silence, as well. Gaara wanted to ask how far her bond had gone with her soulmate, but, well. He could guess. How many chances would Temari have gotten with whomever it might have been? Whether it was this Kiba person or – as Gaara had come to expect – Shikamaru, she’d had little chance to get to know either of them. Neither had even touched one another during their fight. The chances of her having a stronger bond than himself and Naruto were slim. Which meant the answers to the questions he truly wished to know could not be given.
He was close enough that he should have felt Naruto by now. He knew very well Naruto had been farther away by the time the bond between them had snapped apart. It had taken Naruto the better part of the trip back, he would assume. Which meant something was wrong. Horribly wrong. The itching, gaping maw in his chest was urging him faster, and he no longer knew if it was because their bond wasn’t completed or if something unnameable had happened to Naruto. Could he not hear his soulmate because his soulmate was unconscious? Was Naruto dying? Comatose?
Not knowing was the worst. He hated that they’d been separated. He shouldn’t have allowed it. He should have traveled back with Naruto. They could have strengthened their bond on the way back, and he could have been there when Sasuke ran off.
Of course, it was impossible for him to know, or to say it would have been better. They’d made the wisest choice under the circumstances, with the knowledge they’d had.
It simply didn’t feel so wise now.
Just. As soon as he could hear Naruto again, this anxiety might leave him. Things would be better. So long as he heard Naruto again.
So long as he heard Naruto again.
Almost. Almost. Almost.
The new freak who’d taken Sasuke was just ahead of him, in a break in the trees that signaled the approaching border between Konoha and a nearby kingdom – in this case, it had to be the Kingdom of Sound.
He threw himself forward, launching past the last line of trees into the open air. The guy stopped running and looked at him. He placed the creepy coffin down.
“Hey!” He landed in front of the guy. “What does Orochimaru want? Why does he want Sasuke?!”
The guy barely bothered turning to him. His hand trailed along the top of Sasuke’s prison. It fell to his side as he turned more fully to Naruto. “Orochimaru-sama has already completed the jutsu of immortality. After all, in order to acquire all the jutsu in all the world, he needs time.”
Immortality? What an egotistical prick! “What the hell does that have to do with Sasuke?!”
The man looked to the coffin, eyeing the seals. “Immortality doesn’t necessarily mean the immortality of his own body. He must replace his body with a newer and stronger one before his current one succumbs.”
Newer…? Strong… er…? Naruto’s eyes widened. He blanched. “That…” He struggled for breath that didn’t burn his throat. His vision turned red. “That’s what Sasuke’s for?!”
“Yes.” The man hunkered down into a battle stance. He held out a weapon in one hand. “Exactly.”
“I won’t let you!” He snapped his hands together, linking them in the hand symbol he knew better than his own name. Chakra roared within him, seeping deep into the pores of that hole inside of him. It swept out in a maelstrom. The enemy looked around. That’s it. No widened eyes, no fallen jaw. Just a short look around, then a quick, annoyed grunt. The hole inside of Naruto ramped up and up and up, until all he felt in his veins was the same red in his vision. “I won’t let you take Sasuke!”
A thousand self-created doppelgangers stood at the ready, each of them as red as the last. “Interesting,” the guy said, then ducked low. Naruto barely had the time to send the doppelgangers out before the man cut the first five away. He gritted his teeth. For some reason, his teeth bit into his lip, nearly making him bleed. Even though he was aware of it, and of the pain it should have caused, he felt nothing. The red was in his blood. It deserved to come out.
He doubled forward. For an instant, his shadow clones all froze. The enemy took out nearly two dozen before Naruto, legs buckling, managed to get them moving again.
His mind clanged like fire bells. He fell to his knees and clutched his head. Wind. Like a physical snap, the wind had punched into his head, turning idle desert sands into a building maelstrom. His breath caught in his chest. The hole that gaped and gaped was suddenly too full – red and sand stuffed together. He screamed.
Noises. Noises in his head, wailing like banshees against the sudden brightness in the back of his mind. He could hear another heart where he’d longed for one to be. It faltered for several moments as if frozen. But it continued. It reached for him. Sobbing, he reached back.
Concern. Worry. Relief. He could feel it. Gaara. Gaara was back. Back in his head where he belonged. Naruto breathed, short, tiny puffs of air, then slowly, slowly, more stably. All around him, smoke from his fallen duplicates encased the meadow. He could hear the man moving through the brush at their feet. He tried to stand.
Gaara was here. Where? How? Was he on some mission heading north? Tears burst in his eyes. The pain in his chest had been so strong, so wide. He hadn’t even realized he’d gotten used to it until it was suddenly gone. He looked up, as if he could see Gaara somewhere on the horizon. All he saw was smoke. All he heard were the screams of his clones as they fell, unresisting, to the enemy’s attacks. He clutched his chest and stood.
What sort of mission had brought Gaara close enough? How long before Gaara left his range again, and that horrible sucking blackness returned? The hole that had been so deep was suddenly gone. It left that red feeling missing, as well. The Kyuubi’s chakra? What had happened to it? What had happened to him?
What had he been doing? He remembered arriving here, in the meadow, and facing this guy down. He remembered hearing Orochimaru’s plans for Sasuke. Even now, the thought of it made him want to tear someone apart. But his anger had felt palpable when he’d first heard. What did that mean? What had Gaara’s presence pulled him back from?
More shouts. He looked up to find most of his bunshins gone. He took a deep breath. Right. First and foremost, he had to defeat this guy, or else how was he going to save Sasuke from that fate?
He focused. Really focused. Watched how the guy moved, as if in a dance. Fluid motion, with every limb working in coordination, even as he attacked multiple clones at once. One foot kicked out, catching a clone in the neck, only for him to follow through on his momentum, swing onto that same foot, and slice through another two clones before sinking his weapon into another clone’s chest. Now that he was paying attention, Naruto saw and felt the weapon used. He jerked. “Bones?” He looked again. Several clones, just before they disappeared, confirmed it.
The man didn’t pause at Naruto’s revelation. “This,” he said only, “is my kekkei genkai.”
Temari turned to him. She’d reported seeing signs of an ongoing fight only moments earlier. According to her, her soulmate was close enough for her to feel. And yet Gaara still hadn’t felt Naruto – until just now.
“Is he all right?” Temari asked. “Can you tell?” Gauging the chances of her own soulmate’s health, or worrying for him and his? No matter. In either case, it made him feel warm to hear the question asked.
“He’s lost control of his beast,” he said. But even as he said it, it didn’t sound quite right. Naruto might have been losing control, but while Gaara initially felt the creature’s existence in Naruto’s mind, it hadn’t consumed him. In fact, it seemed to be receding.
Kankuro slowed down a bit. “I don’t want to go near that,” he muttered. A fair point. Gaara had nearly killed the two of them multiple times while under the same condition.
“How…?” Temari didn’t finish the question, but he didn’t need to hear it. He knew.
How could he know Naruto’s feelings? Now that he could feel Naruto, there was something like a string tugging at him; the desert wind, so welcome after his initial hatred of it, seemed to nearly point him in Naruto’s direction. When he’d lost touch with this feeling, the feelings had disappeared from his mind far earlier than the sound of their shared souls. Now they came back, both, at once. As if their souls had longed to rejoin.
He stopped for a short moment. They were near a battle. Another seemed to have begun far below. Yet Naruto was at neither; already Gaara could tell that Naruto was further off. The fact that Temari could hear her soulmate despite them never strengthening their bond meant he was the closer of the two. “We’re splitting up,” he said.
Something was going on. From the emotions he was getting, Naruto was battling someone, as well. Someone who had managed to make Naruto nearly lose control. He sensed no pain – not yet – so the culprit had to be an emotional weakness. Was he fighting Sasuke? Was he already facing such a battle?
Temari hardly looked at him at his announcement. “All right.”
Kankuro sighed. “Be careful, you two,” he said, knowing better than to ask for anything else. Temari nodded. Gaara simply took off.
The sudden emotional connection should have been disorienting. Yet, because he’d been waiting for it, it had been nothing short of a relief. Even now, he could feel Naruto as he recovered from his own shock – likely because he hadn’t expected a connection between the two of them during this mission. Feeling Naruto in the back of his mind, sensing his confusion, his wonder, his comfort in the return of their bond, helped alleviate his own concerns. Naruto’s senses narrowed shortly thereafter, a sign that he was returning his attention to his battle. A new relief touched Gaara as he left Temari and Kankuro behind; the confusion of their sudden connection had not cost Naruto his health.
He saw the battle Temari moved toward as he passed, careful to keep away from the fighting. The bodies were far away, to his left, but he was certain the male was the one Temari had fought before. He glanced at the genin as he raced past. From what he remembered, he was smart, but had very little spine. Such a man was Temari’s soulmate?
Well. No one would ever think that someone like him might be mated to someone like Naruto. Perhaps there was more to him than met the eye.
In any case, Temari was going to be by his side momentarily. Kankuro would be heading down to the bottom of the basin to find whoever it was that had fallen. It was one of those he didn’t know, a genin Tenten had called Kiba. Gaara’s target was further ahead, straight as the crow flew. Now that Naruto was paying attention again, the feelings Gaara could sense had changed into determination and conviction. Yet even as he listened, he could feel those change, as well. From assurance to surprise to disbelief and no slight amount of revulsion, as if something was making him sick to his stomach. Just what was Naruto facing?
The revulsion gave way, practically between one step and the next, to more surprise, then a hard emotion that pressed heavy upon him. Naruto suddenly got very, very worried. Gaara couldn’t go any faster, yet he wished he could. That worry grew louder as Gaara advanced. Each tree before him stood like a wall. As he passed each one, he imagined he could feel Naruto more strongly than before. He imagined he could feel Naruto’s movements, the expenditure of his chakra. If he knew anything about Naruto’s fighting style, the blond would be relying on his clones. From what he was sensing, the battle wasn’t going in Naruto’s favor. Still, he didn’t sense any pain. Naruto was still safe. There was still time.
Someone passed by him.
Gaara nearly stopped. The person who’d passed him had been incredibly fast, too fast for him to decipher more than their presence. Whatever was making them move so quickly, he couldn’t sense it. If it hadn’t been for the sound of the tree boughs rebounding from their flight and the wind left in their wake, perhaps he wouldn’t have even noticed what he had. His teeth ground against each other. Who was this? Another enemy? Someone else attempting to hurt Naruto? He was about to intercept them when the noise of Naruto’s soul screamed out.
He heard it. It was so loud it seemed to echo. Surprise, joy, relief. Everything roiling in the back of Naruto’s mind calmed. His friend had been found, and from what Gaara could tell, he was safe, as well.
Unlike Naruto, however, Gaara’s reaction was anything but calm. Sasuke had run off, not been kidnapped. He wanted to betray Konoha. Betray Naruto. Naruto, however, did not know that pain yet. Abandonment, ostracization, cruelty, loneliness, pain. All of these may have been Naruto’s bread and butter, but betrayal would mean someone being kind enough to become trusted to begin with.
Naruto was in danger. Gaara tried to express that, only to feel Naruto’s confusion, followed by pain. “Dammit.” Gaara had to get there, before Naruto learned this lesson. He didn’t deserve to learn what this felt like.
At first, Naruto didn’t recognize the person who emerged from the coffin. Its hair was long and gray, like an old woman’s, and its skin was creepy and unnatural. Even as he watched, however, the person stood straight, and the hair shortened, and the skin turned normal, and it couldn’t be anyone other than Sasuke.
His heart jumped. An insistent voice in the back of his head told him to be wary, to remain prepared to fight.
He ignored it.
“Sasuke…” Sasuke wasn’t turned toward him, but away, toward the country of Sound. He looked busy staring at his hands. To be fair, Naruto would be, too, if he’d woken to find his skin all mottled and gray and even now carrying some weird black spots on it. Sasuke clenched his fingers. At least the spots faded away. Naruto raised his hand, the annoying asshole forgotten. “Sasuke, what the hell are you doing with these guys?! Let’s head back! Come on!”
At first, Naruto didn’t hear it. It was low, a tiny rumble, no stronger than the breeze around them. Then he realized Sasuke’s shoulders were shaking. Even as Naruto watched, frozen, Sasuke lifted his head and laughed. The voice in the back of his head started insisting it be heard. He listened. Finally, he listened. And it screeched danger. Danger.
Danger. Sasuke was dangerous.
Naruto gritted his teeth. Sasuke wasn’t the type to laugh about what he’d done. What about Sakura? She was his soulmate, right? Who could look at what they were doing and laugh? How could anyone abandon their village, their friends, and laugh?
“Hey! Sasuke! Can’t you hear me, dammit?!”
Sasuke didn’t respond. He didn’t even look at him. He just bounded off through the grass. Toward the Sound.
“Sasuke, wait!” Sasuke disappeared through the trees on the other side. They were so near the border. Almost out of time.
Naruto stiffened. The voice had come from behind. The guy – the enemy – Naruto had forgotten about him–
He raised his hands. Useless. There was no way he could dodge or block in time. He’d been so stupid.
“Konoha spinning wind!”
Naruto’s heart, having frozen mid-beat at the sound of the dude’s voice, kicked into overdrive. He finished turning. He was alive enough to finish turning. He hitched in a short breath. That was Lee. Even as he stared at that jumpsuit-clad back, he felt his jaw drop. How? How could he be there?
He’d kicked the dude far enough away that Naruto was safe. Even though he’d caught himself, even though the enemy still hadn’t fallen, Lee’s surprise attack worked. He couldn’t believe it. He winced and grabbed his head. The sudden burst of fear from the other side of the bond caused a thrum of pain against the back of his mind. He sent a quick wave of assurance – or, well. Probably surprise and confusion, but could he help that?
The enemy picked himself back up. Naruto couldn’t even see a scrape on him. “And you are?”
Rock Lee straightened – straightened! on both feet! – and got into that fancy ready stance of his. “Konoha’s proud verdant leaf has been reincarnated! I am Rock Lee!”
It really was him! Who else could spout out that kind of line with a straight face? “Bushy-brows…!” He grinned. Was this what people meant by a miracle? “How? What about your body?”
“Don’t worry, Naruto! You’ve gotta go get Sasuke!”
Sasuke. Naruto’s grin faded away. That was right. Even though it was amazing to see Rock Lee moving around again, Sasuke was what mattered. Sasuke, who was running straight toward a trap. Who had just laughed and hopped away. His gut churned.
“Leave this guy to me.”
A breeze whipped around them, shivering through the grass and shaking the trees all around them. Naruto took a single step, ready to run. “Be careful, Bushy-Brows. This guy uses his own bones as weapons.”
For a moment, Rock Lee turned his gaze to Naruto. His stance, at least, remained firm. “Bones…?”
As if to broadcast it, the guy held out his creepy bone-sword. “That guy,” Naruto said, “is insanely strong…”
He paused. Should… he even leave? Yeah, Sasuke was important, but Rock Lee had been injured just that morning. He’d been using crutches. And this guy was so strong. Naruto wasn’t very powerful or anything, but he hadn’t even landed a single hit, even with a thousand clones. But if he stayed? Maybe together, they could–
Rock Lee dropped his hand from its ready position and flung it out to his side. Naruto saw the thumbs up just before Rock Lee spoke. “What are you doing? Hurry! Go!” Naruto hesitated. “Naruto-kun. You made a promise to Sakura-san with your nice guy pose, too, didn’t you?”
“Don’t worry! I’ll bring him back! That’s the promise of a lifetime!”
Naruto gritted his teeth.
“I will defeat this person! That’s a promise!”
Right. Naruto smiled. He’d relied on the others to get him this far. He’d chosen to have faith in their abilities. Bushy-brows deserved the same.
He turned and ran off.
Something had happened. He couldn’t tell what, but Naruto was once again on the move. For a moment, as Gaara had hurried through the last ring of trees toward the outer edge of the forest, he’d thought Naruto was in danger. Naruto had faltered as surprise and happiness had swamped his mind, loud enough for Gaara to hear what he was thinking. Gaara had feared Sasuke attacking Naruto, and the proceeding feelings – shock, terror – had told him he might have been right.
Whether he had been or not, the feeling had passed, and had done so without pain. Only more surprise. Naruto had run a gamut of emotions so quickly Gaara had failed to understand them all; he was still new to these feelings, new to trying to interpret them from another. Before he’d managed to understand more than that Naruto was once more faltering, Naruto had receded away, running further from Gaara. After Sasuke still? Had the surprise meant that Sasuke had run away from him? What exactly was going on?
Soon. He would know soon.
So until then – until then, Naruto, stay safe!
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geometragic · 6 years
Traits and characteristics !
                         BOLD all that applies to your muse.                                                           italicized  -  applicable in some verses
Tagged by: The amazing @heartofbasara ! Thanks a bunch for tagging me ! ^^ Tagging: @excellsus @daemonusdea @aestuavis​ (Akane) @erekhsha @we-devilish-few (Kankuro) @onnakabuki @maskedloyalty @shiftingtrickster @affinityafflare (Amir) @backblade and anyone else who’d like to do this meme ! ^^
Tumblr media
Eyes: blue | green | redish-brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other
Hair: blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other
Body type: skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | muscular | chubby | overweight
Skin: pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored
Gender: male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels | don’t have any definite headcanon either way
Sexuality: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | doesn’t like labels (( By default, Katsuie thinks that he’s heterosexual because he’s only ever had a crush on Oichi. But he’s actually demi-pansexual. ))
Romantic orientation: homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels (( See above. ))
Species: human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus/succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | android
Education: high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other (( Since he was raised by a rich samurai family, he’s well-educated for his time. ))
I’ve been: in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | redacted | brainwashed | shot
Positive: affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | attractive | charismatic | calm
Negative traits: aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative
Living situation: lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | other
Parents/guardians: mother | father | adoptive | foster | grandmother | grandfather | creator
Sibling(s): 3 sisters | brother | none | other
Relationships: single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated
I have a(n): learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability
Things I’ve done before: had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
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edai-crplpnk · 1 year
New Chapter!
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KankuKiba, Sand Siblings, background KibaShino and ShinoHina
Getting Together, Slow Burn, PolyAmory
Chronically Ill and Psychotic Kankurou, Everyone Is Disabled
Teen and Up, Rating May Change
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ghoste-catte · 4 years
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It’s finally complete! For day 7 of @naruto-scifi-week, this final chapter is for the prompt Space Pirates! Lee and Kankuro recuperate from their surgeries, Lee gets a new job, and the whole truth about the history of the Konoha Twelve is revealed.
Thank you to everyone who’s been with me on this journey, whether we’ve spoken or not, whether you’ve left a comment or just read in silence. This is the second-longest thing I’ve ever written, and other than the first little bit of Chapter 1, I wrote the entire thing (40k words!!) in just over two weeks. I’m certain there are mistakes, and I’ll do my best to go back and pick over them as I have time. If you have left a comment, rest assured I have seen it and have been absolutely over the moon about it, and I promise I will get around to replying as soon as I can! I’ve just been beyond thrilled with the reception this fic has had, and I can’t tell you all how much it means to me. 
Title: All the Grain of Babylon
Rating: M
Fandom: Naruto
Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings (see notes for specific warnings)
Relationships: Gaara/Rock Lee, Minor or Background Relationships
Characters: Rock Lee, Gaara, Sand Siblings, Konoha Twelve
Additional Tags: Naruto Sci-Fi Week 2020, Post-Apocalypse, Dystopia, Alternate Universe - After Earth, Trans Characters, Cultural Misunderstandings, Touch-Starved, Sunans are basically Morlocks with a Vulcan twist, Inspired by the Pavlovsk Experimental Station, Disabled Characters
Sunagakure is an outpost’s outpost, the most hidden of the hidden villages. Situated deep in the bowels of the planet Kaze, aptly named for the devastating windstorms caused by its thin atmosphere, the village is mostly nomadic. Under attack, the entire village can close off its tunnel structure and relocate in less than twenty-four hours, so long as the location of the Seed Bank isn’t discovered.
With Gaara as its leader and a code of strict cultural mores, the small underground society has survived, perhaps even thrived. But their safety and stability is put at risk when a ship crashes on the surface of Kaze. A ship whose crew claim to be the last known survivors of the long-abandoned planet Earth. And what the outsiders bring with them causes Gaara to question everything he’s ever known …
Read ‘All the Grain of Babylon’, Chapter 7 here on Ao3!
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tekka-dan · 7 years
A Concept
Naruto is happily single, as the brand new Hokage of The Leaf Village. Playfully, he flirts with Sasuke in his free time as well as frequently strolls the village and greets the people, maintaining the peace between other villages successfully. He manages to abolish the shinobi solider system as well as brought up serious matters to address the Hyguga Clan Branch System. He lives in harmony with Kurama, carrying on the Uzumaki name.
Sakura happily marries Lee and together they give birth to a daughter and a son. Shortly after, Sakura opens an emergency medicine and medical clinic. Regularly, she lets visitors tour her hospital, honoring her Haruno Clan name, establishing their gift for chakra control and genjutsu release abilities. Lee assists with the elderly and disabled in the medical clinic, where Guy Sensei is admitted for the remainder of his life, accompanied by Kakashi frequently. In Rock Lee’s free time he does yoga with the elderly, with his children assisting.
Sasuke, although enthralled and flattered by Naruto’s attempts, happily marries Karin and together they settle outside the village of Konoha, rebuilding his clans city and reclaiming the Uchiha Crest. They raise two daughters and a son together. In their home, pictures of the Uchiha Clan are framed and hanging on the walls. Sasuke no longer harbors indescribable hatred for Konoha, but he has sworn to never return. Reluctantly, Naruto and Sakura accept this. Karin often visits Konoha to have girls day out with the Kunoichi.
Kakashi spends his spare time reading in a library he purchased and refurbished in the village of Konoha, his top selling books are all the editions of Jiraiya’s Tales along with The Tale of a Gutsy Ninja. Tsnuade visits with Shizune and TonTon, becoming regular customers. Decorated in his library are photos of his father Sakumo Hatake, Rin, Obito and Minato. Naruto often stops by to pay tribute to Minato and Obito. Kakashi no longer wears his mask, he visits Guy Sensei during his down time, reading to him as a means of torture.
Kurenai raises Mirai miraculously, retiring from her days as a Sensei. Kurenai and Mirai visit the burial site of Asuma every day, where she regularly runs into Hinata. She is often visited by Kakashi, Yamato and Guy Sensei, accompanied by Rock Lee. She ages beautifully.
Shino joins a research facility in Konoha, his family aiding in the cures to various diseases that his insects specialize in extracting. He delivers his medicine to Sakura for her usage in her medical clinic. He goes on to successfully help other villages with his research, finding cures for numerous diseases and counteractive measures for illnesses using his insects. With this persistence, he goes on to teach his findings to younger clan members who partake in his development.
Kiba travels between villages, hunting and gathering wild dogs with his clan, maintaining strong bonds with his comrades in the Leaf Village. He spares with Naruto frequently, enhancing his abilities and skills exquisitely. Joining the police force, he and Akamaru become veterans quickly. Eventually, he becomes leader of his squad, with his sister being second in command.
Hinata manages to abolish the Hyguga Branch System, doing away with the main and lower families, they come together as one. Her sister marries and she attends the wedding, holding Neji’s picture in her arms. She visits Kurenai regularly and looks after Mirai. She goes on to become a role model for Mirai.
Shikamaru goes on to marry Temari. She takes over the Nara clan name, they move back to the Sand Village, where they bring one son into the world together. Temari goes on to open a school to train upcoming shinobi in wind style techniques. Shikamaru becomes the behind the scenes man of finances for her school. Their son goes on to join the school, becoming an elite and world renowned wind style user.
Gaara marries a lovely woman from the sand village and together they give birth to three daughters and adopt one son. He remains Kazekage, abolishing the shinobi system of child soldiers. He also opens an orphanage, as well as builds a massive sand box for the children and the village. Gaara pays frequent condolences to his father’s burial site and brings flowers to his mother’s burial site, accompanied by Temari and Shikamaru.
Kankuro travels between cities performing puppet shows and teaching upcoming shinobi self defense techniques, using his puppets as dummies for them. When he has the time, he pays his respect to Saosori and Lady Chiyo’s burial sites. Mom and Dad puppets are retired, they are kept in Gaara’s orphanage, where children can sit in their laps, as means of comfort.
Ino opens a flower shop in Konoha where she regularly runs into Sai, who she eventually marries and has one son with. Together they incorporate an orphanage in her flower shop where Sai teaches the children how to draw while Ino helps them plant flowers across the village. Their son happily assists them, often drawing little pets that come to life for the children to play with while in the orphanage.
TenTen opens an artillery and weapons shop in the village. As business progresses, her inventions become steadily more modern; eventually leading her to creating the first automobile. She uses her newly built transportation to tour outside villages, selling her equipment. She works direct in line for the military, however with the nation being at peace, they find more use for them in other ways. Karui joins her shop, incorporating a class to teach swordsmanship as well as teaching kids to be blacksmiths.
Choji helps the old man from Ichirakuramen retire, taking over his business, where Naruto frequently visits. He meets Karui there, falling in love with her and bears one daughter. Karui moves to Konoha, where she joins TenTen’s weapons shop, incorporating a blacksmiths addition. Their daughter helps Choji in the restaurant, where she entertains customers and serves meals.
Naruto ends peacefully with everything resolved and ship wars aren’t created because everything else has closure. We say goodbye to our beloved team 7, as we wish them a well deserved farewell and thank you for the best times of our childhood.
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fandomsunshine · 7 years
Nart Watch S1 E21
Identify Yourself: Powerful New Rivals
- Gonna open up with gaara on the tree and his siblings nervously trying to explain to him. “I’ll kill you.” “I-I was wrong I-I’m sorry... “to his little brother. gaara apologize to sasuke, who is creeped out. He vanishes in sand and appears to his siblings. 
- Sakura holds them put to ask if they’re from the sand. Land of fire and land of wind are allied nations, but coming and going for no reason is illegal. She demands to know their business. 
- Temari shows a permit. They’re here for the chunin exam! Which Naruto has no idea what it is and Konohamaru does. If you take it you can become chunin
- Sasuke asks Gaara’s name. Refers to him as “that gourd next to you.” “I am gaara of the desert. I am interested in you too... What’s your name?” Tells him Sasuke Uchiha. Naruto cuts through the tension to say ‘what about him’ and gaara says ‘not interested’ asks if he looks weak. compared to sasuke yes
- Some sound nin are watching and say the gourd ninja and the uchiha need to be watched. 
- Kurenai, Asuma, and Kakashi all recommend their whole teams. Also apparently you can recommend any genin that has completed at least 8 formal missions. But having carried out twice that amount is more appropriate. Iruka thinks it’s too soon for Naruto. But he still gets recommended. He objects, saying he was all of their teachers, and they all have great abilities, but it’s too soon. Kakashi says he became a chunin at 6 years old. Iruka yells, accusing him of trying to crush Naruto. Kakashi says that wold be interesting. But he gets it. However, they’re not Iruka’s students anymore. They’re his subordinates. Kurenai tried to interject, and Asuma sees this as troublesome. 
- The hokage decides to introduce a preliminary exam~
- Meanwhile Sakura and Naruto are getting pissy at having to wait. Sakura’s pissed she didn’t get a chance to blow dry her hair. Naruto says he didn’t even wash his face or brush his teeth. Kakashi says he got lost on the way to life. Then says he’s reccommending them for the chunin exam. “Kakashi-sensei I love you!! *hug*” 
- Naruto’s so excited X3 I think he looks forward to fighting kankuro and sasuke. Sasuke is looking forward to fighting Gaara. Sakura, who has been falling behind, doesn’t think she’s ready 
- Man these are some cool genin showing up. They all look older than 12. 
- Grass ninja grabs Moegi and jumps away, kidnapping her. Naruto goes after her with konohamaru and udon
- Oh Sasuke is inviting Sakura to a walk? Yeah no this is a trap
- They chase him into the woods where he has moegi tied up and gagged. He wants the first hokage’s scroll of sealing
- Sasuke and Sakura walk in the fog. Tells her to give up on the chunin exams, that it’s too early. She agrees. Says she might die, and she’s happy to be worried abot. He says he is worried. Grass nin shows up and they fight. They make it seem like Sasuke loses and gets impaled by kunai. 
- “What’ll happen if I say HELL NO?” and “Pff! I don’t care what happens to straw!” ha he already got moegi back and catches the guy in a net. Konohamaru hugs his friend happily. But the gy switches with a rock 
- Sakura’s crying over Sasuke again. “Give up on the chunin exam!” Oh no she knew it was a genjutsu XD good I was about to say. She knows Sasuke would never invite her for a walk. “Don’t make me say frustrating things. That kind of elementary genjutsu would ever work on me!” and she knows they aren’t really there. He objects, and Sakura walks right over to the weapon and it goes through her. Haaaa “I’m not scared! >C I’ll take you on! The chunin exam is...! ... I’m still not sure if I can do it” 
- Sasuke faces off with the grass nin easily, taking them on in seconds 
- Oh it was just Iruka! And it was the preliminary exam. They all passed!
- It’s been 5 years since rookies have been entered into the chunin exam
- Tenten and Lee! Talking about the chunin exam as they train with dummies. Throwing kunai and the like. Neji too. He has no problem sitting under a dummy and letting tenten throw
- Sasuke notices something is weird about Sakura. 
- Lee gets into a fight with some older genin. Tenten nicely asks to be let through and gets punched. “Listen, we’re being nice. Many people have quit after failing, and a lot of people become disabled here.” 
- Chunin is at the level of unit leader. Ninja deaths and those things are responsibilities like that. How can they just let brats through? Saske says that’s a good point. But he will be let through. Can you let go of the genjutsu please? “Sakura, you should’ve noticed. Your analytical knowledge and genjutsu-know-how are the most improved of our squad. She’s gained confidence
- They start to fight but lee stops them both qickly with great strength. Saske is stunned by the chakra in his arm. Neji says he was the one who didn’t want to show off strength. And Lee is blushing over sakura X3 “Please go out with me! I’ll protect you until I die!” “Absolutely not” “Huh D:” “You’re way too intense” “Oh D:” Naruto laghs
- Neji asks Sasuke to identify himself. Naruto is annoyed that this keeps happening to Sasuke and not him! “When asking someone his name, give your own name first.” “You’re a rookie right? How old are you?” “”I don’t have to tell you.” Tenten thinks Sasuke is cute. Sasuke just leaves. X3 Sakura leaves holding her boys’ hands
- Oh those genin were instructors
- Sasuke is looking forward to fighting neji, lee, and gaara
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edai-crplpnk · 11 months
New Chapter! 🐶⏳
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KankuKiba (+ background KibaShino and ShinoHina)
Slow burn
Chronically Ill Kankurou
Trans Kiba
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edai-crplpnk · 2 years
New Chapter!
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Rating: T
Relationships: Sand Siblings, Kankurou & Sasori, Sasori/Kisame
Other Tags: Modern AU, Hurt/Comfort, Chronically Ill Kankurou, Psychotic Kankurou
(It's actually a week old and I forgot to post, just pretend!)
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edai-crplpnk · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
I did it once so the first batch is here! But I can surely do five more.
1. Spit: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38992998
A post-Chuunin Exam fic of the Sand Siblings trying to live together in a tad bit more harmony and less murder than before. Once again, I love fics that explore the dysfunctions in the Sand Siblings and how they can be genuinely bad to each other, especially early on, even when they are trying to be good. Also loved exploring how autistic Gaara would use his sand as a sensory tool/protection.
2. Anything Is Better: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39333273
My first (and for now only) Baki/Yuura fic. Also it's smut. Sad smut. I love them. Much closeted men, much internalised homophobia. I've been wanting to write a fic centred more around Baki and his relationship to queerness and all for a long long time and I haven't gotten to it yet. But it will happen! For the record, this belongs to my Worldbuilding canonverse (with all the KankuShino, and with Silhouettes!)
3. The Best Thing: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44161606
Happier smut! This is my KankuOmoi fic in the KankuShika modern AU. It's a little spin-off of Kankurou's first time and coincidental discovery of his queerness. (Men are hot, who knew!) It's been very soft writing about young adults sharing this moment of tender awkwardness and I'm very happy with the result.
4. My Cigarette Burn my Finger 'Cause I Forgot I Lit It: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39983637/
This is from the same modern AU as The Best Thing and Before a Doll. KankuShika "meeting the parents" fic, except they're not dating yet. Mortifying position to be in, but very funny for us. This is also what triggered the current writing of Haemorrhage since it starts tackling Kankurou's history of addiction and the evolution of his relationship with his siblings.
5. From the Day I Decided to Carry You: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36113848
I will admit the porn-to-plot ratio of that one is a bit weird but it just- it happened like that haha. It's a KakaGai fic about Gai cutting and caring for Kakashi's hair. An exploration of vulnerability and self-care with some dysphoria sprinkled on top. It happens post-Land of Wave arc, and there is also a discussion of Kakashi's feelings regarding having his team, having killed Haku, etc... I found it frustrating that we've gotten so little of Kakashi's reaction to these events because I can't imagine how fucking traumatic and triggering Haku doing the exact thing Rin did must have been. (Not to mention, you know, the fact that he murdered a kid in front of kids?) So I wrote about it. But they also fuck in the middle. That's the fic.
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