#dis be Jane 100%
mr-walkingrainbow · 1 year
#1. Robecca and Venus were implied and ARE dating!!! He said it was like. Just like other monsters they had tried putting hints and characteristics into monsters that we could see and relate too. (He also said it outright down here. Lol I got all the proof guys!)
2. They never actually came up with Jane Boolittles Origins. And yes Dr. Morou and Dr. Boolittle raised her. But it was always a thing to them they'd say ‘oh well get back to this’. And then they never did. When asked; he genuinely doesn’t remember what they had planned for her.
3. a REALLY big mystery solved and lore dump guys. This one’s juicy. I KNOW HOW SPECTRA DIED. I KNOW HOW SHE DIED. AND WHAT THE TRAUMATIC STORY WAS FOR HER. I ACTUALLY FUCKING KNOW! Y’all ready? Drumroll…. It was, a, CAR CRASH! Yes you heard me. THE VONDERGEIST FAMILY ALL DIED IN A CAR CRASH. I think he said he she just came with her family off skirts and they got into an accident. I’ll reblog this with the video of him saying it!
4. Toralei lives in a monster high housing/boarding building when she is not attending school. This place is used for kids who do not have a place to go too, or if their home is too far to return to easily. I think there was an error somewhere where she mentioned parents? I mentioned that to him and he was very confused/didn’t remember. Reconfirmed that if she wasn’t in the monster high housing area. She would have been in either Jail or The streets.
5. Robecca was not rebuilt for 100 years due to Misogyny. Also because it had to go into the lines of her ‘mysteriously’ disappearing for her to have her comeback. I asked about how it was low key such a dark story, and he mentioned that since technically Monster high was the ‘horror’ genre. He was able to get away with things like that.
6. the Vampire Heart mystery! So remember how in Friday night frights we all see Ghoulia place a Robot Heart into Robeccas chest. Something that is very clearly not the Vampires heart? But then suddenly in Frights camera action it’s there? Well, technically that’s an official Error by the crew. He actually said he noticed it, and told management and stuff like ‘won’t people notice it?’ And they were all like ‘nah it will be fine no one will notice’. But then we all clearly did lol. He also said that because if this, he came up with the idea that the Vampires heart was ENCASED in the Robot heart we saw in Friday night frights. Ergo, explaining how Robecca had two hearts in one body! (It’s also confirmed Hexiciah placed the Vampires heart into her while he was building her. Which would explain why she didn’t remember it was their).
#7. Gooliope Jellingtons Origins. I asked what her origins were. And basically, she DOES NOT have any parents. She was CREATED IN A LAB. Which apparently didn’t treat her right. So she ESCAPED the lab and ran away to the circus! (Or blobbed away?) because he also confirmed, she was the blob. Or based off the blob. She wasn’t actually like. The daughter of the blob. She WAS the blob itself.
#8. Kiyomi Haunterly is Gay! I know this is was already somewhat canon and said before. But I asked and he confirmed it that she was in fact, Gay. And he tried to show it in her diary.
#9. We’re reaching some only implied/supported things. Not fully confirmed or intended. But Kala Mer’ri has BPD. I asked about if she has anything like BPD cause I relate and saw that a lot in her. He replied that he did try to make attributes for each Character specifically so we could related to them like that. And that it was to also make sure every character wasn’t a carbon copy of another. Basically. He didn’t like. Outright say ‘yes. She has bpd’. But he also didn’t disprove it. And he reacted positively to the idea and supported it.
#10. Robecca Steam has ADHD. It’s basically the same as above. Although he did like the note that I (someone with adhd) specifically had the same traits with Robecca, even more specifically, that we both are ALWAYS late. And can never keep track of time to save our unlife.
11. Dedyet DeNile Origins. He actually completely forgot about Cleo’s Mother eventually being reunited. I had asked how she had ended up in that same weird time loop Tomb thag Hexiciah was stuck in. (Which they were eventually freed by Robecca in her SDCC diary). He said he completely forgot about that. And genuinely didn’t remember anything about it. I basically re-explained the whole thing and he was very interested. Unfortunately. Not to much origins to go on.
11. here’s a canon one! What happened to Aamanita Nightshade after she left the DeNiles in the tomb. It was kinda funny, but he basically was like ‘Amanita went up and was just like ‘Peace!’’ And then never came back.’ She goofed around a bit, buuut it wasn’t entirely like her fault? She quickly went back to sleep after breaching the surface. So yeah. She was not awake for long. She quickly went back into flower mode until she woke up again at the Gloom and Bloom party.
12. He’s working on another one of his Monster prints! He sells them on his online shop here
He’s currently working on Toralei!!!!! He said he was working on her on the way over. And that he was trying to go in Order of the G1 doll releases. He mentioned he had only done Skelita out of Order because she was like ‘that one’ who was INSANELY popular with fans when she came out. Especially in Mexico. It’s also why she was the only Funko pop made who was not part of the main ghouls.
13. Random. But he actually didn’t create each backstory individually by himself. In the beginning he did A LOT. Like Frankie was the first backstory he ever created. And it got more help and divided as more and more characters were introduced.
14. he has read every single diary for every monster. Cool little fact cause DAMN theirs a whole bunch of them.
15. everything in the Ghoulfriends book series is CANON in the monster verse.
And that is ALL FOLKS! I had held those questions in for about 7-8 years. So it was everything to me to have them answered and confirmed! I really tried to ask everything that was a huge mystery to us monster folks. And I hope you guys are excited to see all these new CANON facts!!!
I’m sorry if this is not everything. Just like Robecca. I forget stuff pretty easily. I’m wracking my brain for every little detail. Unfortunately my father didn’t record as much as I would have liked. But he did get some perfect key moments! And I’ll make sure to reblog with those moments as proof of confirmation!
I love y’all! Make sure this goes viral so every monster high fan gets to hear the news!
Signing out, I’m Tumblr Spectra Vondergeist, and I report the news.
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badwolfrose34 · 25 days
Girl in the Fireplace Rant (cont.)
There was at least some engagement on my last post about this so I decided I will in fact post a follow up. GitF was 100% a bad faith episode. Moffat wrote it because he is classist and misogynistic and hates Rose. Unfortunately, part of his purpose for the episode was to show that the Doctor will always prefer a “classy” aristocrat over Rose and he wanted to have her treated as nothing. So, all of us Rose fans have to come up with a headcanon that undermines the writer’s intentions.
I think the most common one is to believe the episode was the Doctor’s attempts to push Rose away because of her mortality and how that scares him.
That never worked for me because a major part of the Doctor’s character is his protectiveness. He would never push her away to the point of danger or abandonment. For me, I feel that fictional or not, the actions of the Doctor in that episode would be entirely unforgivable if they did happen. So my headcanon is that this episode was a nightmare Rose had.
If you are like me are also one of the fans for whom the pushing her away theory doesn’t work, read on for my explanation of why I don’t think GitF could be an actual event within canon. Moffat may be a BBC writer but it doesn’t give him a right to completely undermine the show, it doesn’t actually belong to anyone outside of financial concerns. If you’re content with believing he needed to push Rose away and that the episode did happen, you can ignore this.
Why the events GitF did not happen within canon (but could’ve happened as a nightmare)
1. Doctor Who canon is very loose as it is. With multiple writers across multiple mediums, things do contradict each other and us as fans get to decide for ourselves what fits with canon and what does not.
2. The Doctor has been clearly shown to be in love with Rose. He is protective of her to the point that if a decision will kill everyone else but give her even a slight chance of survival, he can’t actually make that decision. He almost did in Dalek, but after she didn’t get through the barricade the first time he was incapable of significantly reducing her safety for the good of everyone else. He snapped awake from a regeneration coma just because Rose said “help me”. He freaked out when Cassandra had her body and again in Tooth and Claw when she was in trouble. If you count Stone Rose that almost certainly took place before GitF and he once again, lost his mind over Rose being a statue.
I do understand seeing Sarah Jane age freaked him out. And I could’ve understood him distancing himself from Rose a bit in some way. But his instinct to protect her is so strong he’d never sacrifice her safety to push her away. Leaving her alone with clockwork for an extended period of time while he partied and invented drinks is impossible enough. Let alone the way he believed he’d have no way back to the ship when he went through the time window for the last time. Not only had he just promised she could spend the rest of her life with him, but her and Mickey would’ve likely died alone on that abandoned spaceship.
Simply, it’s just too out of character to happen within the rest of the Ninth and Tenth Doctors’ canon.
3. The horse. I have been a big horse person my entire life. Horses have extremely strong flight instincts. Even the most trusting and well trained horse in the world is never going to jump through reinforced glass. I do realize as Sci Fi fans we have to suspend disbelief for a lot of things. But we are never given an explanation as to why this horse would behave so dramatically differently from another horse. Every bizarre thing we accept in the DW universe is explained to some extent. There is a book where the Doctor tames a horse with psychic paper. But that horse is never asked to violate its instincts. That horse behaves as any other tame horse behaves. That is an example of acceptable DW suspension of belief. There is still a sci fi/alien technical explanation and I can absorb it. I cannot absorb a horse jumping through a firm glass window unless they were running from something even scarier. No matter how well trained a horse is, it’s not jumping through glass just because a humanoid asked them to. Nothing was chasing Arthur and his body language did not suggest any kind of fear to indicate he was running from something even scarier. All the droids were already in the other side of the window as well. It’s simply bizarre and impossible, even in a sci fi snow. Within this very show the Doctor states you can’t hypnotize someone beyond their survival instincts. I believe this applies to horses and a horse’s instincts is to avoid jumping through or into a reinforced barrier.
Next, we are given no explanation as to how this horse jumped through glass unscathed. Glass that was said to be so strong only a truck could break through. Horses are also extremely delicate and many have fatally injured themselves just playing in the paddock. Even for injuries not that extreme, every horse person knows that even small things result in giant vet bills.
Finally, it is once again grossly out of character for the Doctor to take a living animal and make them do something he previously calculated would required a truck.
4. Things are back to normal as if the episode never happened by the Rise of the Cybermen. If the Doctor had really developed feelings for another woman so strong that he would leave Rose for dead, then lost her, would he just be back to being the same old Doctor the very next episode? I doubt it. The Doctor is also a character known for holding on to guilt. Even if Reinette was mechanism to push Rose away, the way he abandoned her would’ve caused enough guilt he wouldn’t just be normal the very next episode. The show carries on as if Reinette never happened because Reinette never happened.
The only reference to that GitF is some clockwork droids in John Smith’s journal. Which could be explained by another encounter with the droids or by the Doctor looking at Rose’s mind to see the nightmare. Which would be an intimate enough moment to imprint on John Smith’s subconscious. The words “a girl in every fireplace” can once again refer to the Doctor seeing Rose’s nightmare or another off screen adventure entirely. There is no reference strong enough to confirm the actual events of GitF ever happened. The show functions exactly the same way without it. Because, it never happened.
5. The events of the show make perfect sense as a nightmare in Rose’s head. Take it from someone with a degree in psychology. Rose has abandonment wounds from Jimmy Stone. She also has abandonment wounds from her father dying when she was too young to understand it. School Reunion, the episode right before GitF triggers her abandonment wounds by making her see the Doctor has previously left companions and did not come back for them. It also makes her wonder if she is special to the Doctor. These doubts combined with her past trauma are a perfect recipe for her to have a bizarre nightmare where she gets abandoned in the most horrific way after the events of School Reunion.
I will leave you all with my fic where this was all a nightmare. Or you can write your own if you prefer. My point is that for those who feel the way I do about this episode, we do not have to accept the events as canon. We do not have to believe the Doctor has ever treated Rose this way except in her worst nightmares.
Update to address Deep Breath:
1. Doctor mentioned seeing clockwork droids before, but we know that the Doctor has many off screen adventures. He could’ve encountered the droids at any other point in his entire life besides GitF.
2. As for that episode stating the SS Madame De Pompadour existed, that still doesn’t confirm anything. There was a real life ship called the USS Queen of France. This was named for Marie Antoinette. Jackie dated a sailor once and Rose had a friend named Keisha whose brother was a sailor. This means Rose could’ve heard one of them discussing historical naval ships. This how she would imagine a ship named after Madame de Pompadour in the first place. She and the people who built the SS Madame de Pompadour and SS Marie Antoinette would’ve simply drawn inspiration from the same place. Also, there’s the fact that someone named a fictional ship Titan many years before Titanic ever existed.
Update 2: Rose was going to get an A level in French if she hadn’t run off with Jimmy. So she could’ve reasonably been familiar with some aspects of French history and able to imagine all of these things in a dream, even if it wasn’t a historically accurate dream, everyone knows weird things happen in dreams.
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wisteriaiswriting · 4 months
Soldier and Medic dating a short feisty reader
Short and Feisty S/O
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Words: 734
Swearing: 1 in Soldier | 2 in Medic.
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This motherfucker only enables and encourages anything you do.
He’s also considered one of the more ‘feisty’ mercs. (He’s not very short though.)
So he’s always more than willing to join you on anything you do.
You’re now never able to go anywhere alone. (Could be him or one of his raccoons.)
Whenever you two are in battle he’ll try to stay near you, but can never guarantee it.
Isn’t someone who will purposely tease you about your height.
While he does occasionally make remarks he doesn’t even realise he does.
Likely you’ll just climb onto something if you can’t reach, so he’ll stand back, announce his appearance but only watch in case.
If you ask though he will grab you the needed item.
Quickly enough into the relationship he gave you your own helmet. (Your initials are carved on the inside.)
Also given a title. (You’re now Captain, no fighting him on this.)
He’s the type of guy to just throw you over his shoulder.
Nothing is making him drop you. (Maybe, just maybe if Demoman asked.)
Hearing his name yelled from down the hall, he swiftly poked around the corner. Finding Engnieer looking worried as he looked around, jumping when he noticed the familiar helmet looking back at him.
“We kinda need your help out ‘ere.”
Engineer scratched his chin for a few seconds before opening his mouth, only to be cut off by the door next to him –which led outside– being slammed open. Missing him by mere inches, and the person that came through was, unknowingly to him, the cause of this problem. You.
In your tightly grasped hand, was a hat. Specifically Sniper’s. Not sparing a glance back at Dell as you saw Jane. Rushing off and away from the door just in time for Mick to rush through, unable to grab you as you moved. Only now did Jane realize what was happening.
Standing taller as you successfully got away, taking your spot right behind him. Peering out to see Mick sigh, hunched over as he walked away. So did Engineer, not before he gave the last words.
“Just make sure it gets returned in the same condition.”
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He will actually encourage you from time to time.
It’s the fact he still needs time away from… you and everything you're doing.
He’s more ‘feral’ than feisty on the field. (Also off the field, when doing his medical things… Even you stay away from all that.)
Is 100% a teaser.
This fucker won’t shut up about everything, especially your height and specifically the height difference.
Internally panics if he ever catches you climbing on things.
He’ll rush over to pull you off (Most times he puts you down, but now always.) before grabbing the thing himself.
Majority of the time Archimedes will stay away from you. (Whether Medic says so or not, who knows?)
Climb this bitch.
He will freeze in his steps and shut down, a great tactic if he’s teasing you.
Will never stop thinking about it until he dies. (But even being in hell doesn’t stop him.)
Has offered to increase your height by… some sort of means alright. (Many times mind you.)
Gained the habit of just grabbing you, by one of two ways. Either like a cat, holding you so he’s out of reach. Or under his arm, where he has gotten stratched.
Has and will speak German to you, especially if you don’t understand it. He enjoy’s watching you become more and more riled up over it.
Anyone who walked near Medic’s office could only hear noises, all of which shouldn’t be happening in any medical office. But unless they took a look in they could only guess who was messing about, with those guesses being you bothering Medic.
He could focus with all the ruckus you were making, seemingly interested in the most basic objects in the room. All before dropping them not where they belonged. Cupping his face in his hands as he muttered something, which you could only assume was about you. Unaware of you hearing him and now interested in his words.
“What ‘cha just say?”
“Sie sind unausstehlich…”
Hearing you huff in response to his words.
“Fine, if you won’t tell me I’ll ask someone else!” Medic only looked up when he heard his office door shut and the faint shouting of, “HEAVY!”
Sie sind unausstehlich - You are obnoxious
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tmsource · 6 months
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blue bird countdown -`♡´- ↳ [52/100] days of Jane and Lisbon
My father was a good man, just like you are. And after my mother died, he was a self-pitying drunk just like you are. He killed himself—damn near killed me and my brothers, too.
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rory2geeked · 3 months
making up lore for mbav because im bored😈🙏
- ethan’s seer powers come from his grandmother on his mom’s side (lets bfr his mom gives off that kinda vibe) and it skips a generation that’s why his mom & jane didn’t have the seer powers + his dad is just completely unaware to everything😥😥
- i feel like his mom doesn’t know anything about the seer stuff either
- benny’s grandma & ethan’s grandma were also silly supernatural evil fighting besties ?????? 😈
- it would be kind of a parallel to benny and ethans friendship too🤔🤔
- rorys parents are divorced👍 100%. BECAUSE WHY WASNT HIS DAD AT THE MUSEATRONICS TALENT SHOW😥😥 uuhhhh🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
- this part isnt actually a theory, but a confirmed fact from a writer on the show— AFTER THE FINAL EPISODES, they were supposed to be transported to like europe back in time like with da vampires n stuff for a silly little adventure👍👍
- my made-up lore for that is that sarah would like find a cure in old timey europe but it would be like a long ass adventure to get the cure
- erica and rory find a way to go to old timey europe to save their friends😋😋
- also rory pulls a bunch of old timey europe chicks🤔🤔 i would mess with that plot like heavy like he starts dating some european girl and when she finds out hes a vampire the fang gang has to save rory from being burned at the stake😭😭 I CAN LITERALLY IMAGINE THAT PLOT IT WOULD BE SO FUNNY
- “guys?? why are you tying me to a wooden pole?? uhh… what are you doing with that— FIRE!!!!!!” cue loud girly rory scream
- serica moments for days!!!!!!!!
- benny almost dies ???
- a lot of fun shenanigans
- okay thats all 😈😈🙏
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Saw the ask about rogues and civilians thinking Red Robin died while he's off on BruceQuest AND discovering he spent years undercover as a sex worker and thus band together to makes entire sections of the city impossible for other Bats to enter
Fuck, how does this affect Red Hood? From Jason's own personal thoughts on Tim and (how much does he learn?) to his reputation
Yeah when Tim's hero reputation is irreparably FUCKED before he does things himself and goes off on BruceQuest, all hell is breaking loose and now a good chunk of Gotham's people and rogues are . . .
As far as they know right after the kid got Smear Campaigned he fucking DIED
Wtf would they even do after that?
Dick-as-Batman is gonna have it horrifically, how are civilians and rogues gonna treat Damian as Robin? Will they try and kidnap Dami to try and save him from Jane Doe's fate?
What does any major character think of this? Individually or collectively?
How does this affect their relationships with each other? Oh God, Alfred; what about him?
During BruceQuest do rogues and civilians alike try to reach out to the third Robin's associates to see if they need help themselves like Cassie
Joker???? What about him and if this is a timeline where Tim was earlier Joker Junior'd? What will he think when news comes out what will he do?
Does Harley decide, after Red Robin returns and it's revealed the kid is alive and well, to go "Joker is objectively 100% awful but he was up to something" and adopt Tim as her own kid of sorts, but without Joker sharing custody and doing it with her owm friends instead like Ivy?
My brains melting, go crazy go stupid
Alright!!! Let's try to answer the questions ^^
For Jason/Red Hood, it depends on how much RH is associated with the Bats. Before the BruceQuest, it might not be well-known that he's allies with the Bats (especially because he's shot at or tried to beat him up). Depending on how public his aggression towards Robin (now RR) was, this might endear him to the areas that are closed off. As far as emotionally, there Jason had to resort to crime and desperate measures just to eat. Dealer's choice on whether he had to resort to selling himself or not. Regardless, I bet Jason throws up repeatedly in horror and distraught after finding out that Tim has been doing that during his time as Robin (not sure when Tim would have started, but at least as young as 15). There's a bit you can explore there with angst and shit (especially since Jason attacked Tim at the age of 15).
I think that maybe Gothamites would believe that Robin has lost his marbles in grief. However, that makes perfect sense due to everything he's been through (as far as what's publicly known of him being a child therapist, Robin, and losing Batman). Despite them thinking it's possible he did lose himself, at least he wasn't putting people in the hospital like Batman did. I think they would be more upset that RR wasn't supported and how hypocritical everyone was.
It's a toss-up on how they would treat Damian. It probably varies between despising the child for taking over R3's place, wanting to protect him, and being indifferent to Batman throwing another child into the line of fire.
Alfred is debatable. How cruel it is to Alfred and how the old man reacts depends entirely on how he acted to Tim during his years of Robin, whether the 16th birthday incident happened, and whether he intervened when Damian said harsh comments to Tim. That would change Alfred's reaction to being either "fuck it's all my fault" or "what more could I have done so this didn't happen?"
Maybe a rogue or two tries to reach out to RR's non-Gothamite associates. I'm curious how Anarky reacts to all of this.
Adding JJ to this AU would be so fucking cruel to Tim, but I'm down for that. That would give him parent issues with 3 sets of parents, but Harley is just a complicated mess of emotions and shit. I think she would take on more of an aunt role to Tim due to the whole JJ incident. There could be some angst there with Tim calling her Aunt Harley
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seireitonin · 11 months
What alternative subcultures the Creepypastas would be in!!(pt 1)
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This was an ask I accidentally deleted! Oops! I also listen to all the music I put in here! So it’s also a small glimpse into what I listen to! Also as some of you know I’m in the scemo and goth subcultures! But I know a lot about alternative cultures period so this was fun to make!
LJ: VICTORIAN GOTH 100%!! / Victorian Circus Core
I mean he’s literally from that era
The feathered shaw, the black and white color scheme, the black lipstick and guy liner with the pale white face!!
Literally a goth king. That’s an outfit I would definitely see at a goth club!(I’ve been to many)
Another part of goth culture is liking horror/ monsters. Since LJ is a monster he’d fit right in!
He’d be accepted by most goths despite his looks bc goths have morbid dark fashion senses themselves!
So if they saw his swirly cone nose and sharp teeth they’d be like: omg! I love your look!
He’d definitely listen to classical music and other goth music Specifically Switchblade symphony and Cocteau Twins
He definitely listens to old PATD
I can see him wearing other Victorian inspired clothes too!
Like dis:
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Jeff: Metalhead/ with 90s emo(for nostalgia.)
I mean look at him
He’d definitely shit on nu metal and still listen to it
The long greasy black hair, not showering, thinking he’s better than everyone else yeah sounds like a metal head to me/ hj
He listens Cattle Decapitation, Peeling Flesh, Suicide Silence, Cannibal Corpse, Avatar and literally anything with machine gun drums
He listens to some 90s emo but will never admit
Definitely wears band shirts especially the ones he got from concerts when he was a teen
He loves a good mosh pit
You know, the ones where you come out all bloody?
Yeah he loves those
He can hurt people in them and it’ll be fine? Sign him up! (Man has no pit manners smh)
Definitely a metal elitist
“You like SOAD? Ugh that not REAL metal”
Stfu Jeff.
Yeah. Metalhead to his core.
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LJill (I love her, so underrated)
Victorian goth as well, but she leans more in the gothic Lolita side of it
Wears pretty gothic Lolita dresses with lots of black and white lace, buttons and she’ll have a matching bonnet and parasol to match when she’s feeling extra fancy!
She feels so elegant and feminine when she puts her multiple layers of petticoats on! She wouldn’t be caught dead without them!
Her makeup and lipstick is always perfect.
Her hair is always either perfectly curled or perfectly straightened
The goal is to look as doll like as possible ( also because she is one!)
She listens to music box like music if that makes sense?? For example Swan Lake by Fairy Lullaby or Porcelain Eyes
She, like LJ listens to classical music and goth music
But mainly classical and music box!
Will go to tea parties and knows how to make tea cakes and sandwiches
Just a lady all around!
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Jane: Trad Goth/ Casual Goth/ Amy Lee
Since Jane is always on the move and doesn’t really have time to get all dressed up
So she’ll usually be in a simple black dress or black pants and a turtleneck
But when she does get a chance to dress up
She dresses trad goth mixed with Amy Lee
She’ll have her hair long with bangs covering her forehead
Trad goth makeup, but a bit more modern,big eyeliner and arched brows
She’ll be wearing corsets and waist trainers
Long skirts, ripped leggings
High heel platforms
She goes all out and she looks great!
Listens to music like The Cure, Siouxsie and the Banshees, New Years Day and The Birthday Massacre
Can do goth dances very well
God she’s beautiful
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Toby: Midwestern Emo/ early 2000s emo/ a tad grunge/ indie
He just looks like one tbh
But seriously he had a hard life and emo music gives him comfort
Toby wears flannel shirts, grandpa sweaters, simple tee shirts and pants that are loose but not too loose
Hiking boots, sneakers
He listens to Chidos, The Front Bottoms, State Champs, Real Friends, Nirvana, Yawning, Hail the Sun, The Used, A Lot Like Birds, Static Dress, Mild High Club and many many more
He can play the guitar, drums and sing pretty well
He needed something to keep him busy while he was homeschooled after all! And it took his mind off of the horrible things he was going through
Plus with him feeling no pain, he could practice his hands bleed so his hands are really calloused
He likes to sit in the woods and just listen to music sometimes
He’s a loner like that
Especially in the fall when the leaves are so pretty
He feels almost peaceful. Almost
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EJ: Tbh I can’t put him in a single box I feel like he’d be everything
He’ll listen to whatever whenever
Except religious music it freaks him out
Ya know because of the cult that took his eyes
But I see him liking dark ,dreamy music if that makes sense
His taste actually lines up with Toby’s pretty well
Static dress, MGMT, YKWIM by Yot Club, Homage by the Mild High club, My Bloody Valentine, Grouper
Also anything with sad guitars like wish by sign crushes motorist (Toby likes music like this too)
Sometimes even lo-fi if he has to unwind
Jack wears all black most of the time. Just so he doesn’t look too dirty
Black hoodie, black shirt, black pants, black shoes
He also feels like any other color won’t go with his now grey skin
But yeah EJ is just a dude with a wide music taste
We love that for him
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Nina: Obviously Scene+Emo= scemo
Do I even have to explain?
She listens to Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, Bring Me the Horizon, Paramore, AFI, FOB, Get Scared, Hey Monday, MCR, Ghosttown, Millionaires, Brokencyde, Medic Driod, Dot Dot Curve, A Skylight Drive, ISMFOF ,everything Toby listens too as well(and many more)
Nina wears either all black with colorful hair or has her signature black and pink with more colorful outfits
Cheeta print, skulls, DIY stuff, band shirts, tube tops, tutus, skinny jeans, brass knuckle necklaces, hoop earrings, black eyeshadow, big teased hair with raccoon tails
Yeah she’s 2000s emo fs
Goes to raves and concerts like crazy
But she’s not opposed to any kind of music and will do goth makeup for fun
And wear Jane’s clothes
She thinks goth is really pretty but it’s just not her
She’ll stick with scemo lol
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Jason The Toymaker: Steampunk/ Victorian Circus Core
The copper in his clothes
The bright red hair
The long flowing jacket with intimate details
Yeah he’s definitely steam punk
Im not sure what kind of music steampunks listen to but I’d like to know!
Jason definitely listens to Emilie Autumn and old PATD
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I mean…it was obvious
Skillix, deadmouse, xxxanteria, Luci4, old Flying Lotus albums, 9lives
He’s literally code so I think he’d like it
Not much else to say here tbh
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I’m getting tired so lmk if you want a part 2 lol
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angevvine · 17 days
RTC Incorrect Quotes
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noel: I have one foot in the grave but in a kind of fun flirty way, the way one might slip on a fishnet stocking.
ocean: Hey, misha, do you have feelings for me?
misha: Yeah, anger.
noel: Be kind. Everyone is fighting their own battles.
misha: Why would I be kind? I will be brutal and relentless and ride into battle by their side!
constance : I love murder mysteries!
jane, trying to impress them: I've been a suspect in four murder cases.
ocean: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone.
misha: Mine just says "misha no."
ocean: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
ocean: I don’t even have time to tell you how wrong you are.
ocean: …
ocean: …
ocean: Actually it’s gonna bug me if I don’t, so—
noel: This is a bad idea.
misha: Then why are you coming along?
noel: Someone has to get your injured ass home.
noel: “ I want to grow up and be like noel!” That is called Acquiring Depression.
ocean: I feel like I have died and gone to heaven.
noel: I have that dream, too, but you go in the other direction.
constance: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon?
noel: I'm a knife.
misha, from across the room: He’s the little spoon!
ocean: I got grounded for a whole week just because I came home late.
noel: Well, you deserved it. I mean, getting everyone's hopes up like that and then showing up again.
ocean: So, constance , do you have a crush on anyone?
constance : The only crush I have is this crushing anxiety.
misha: I lost ocean.
constance : How did you LOSE ocean?!
misha: To be fair, they are very small.
misha: I wasn’t that drunk.
noel : You colored my face with a highlighter because you said I was important.
constance: Unpopular opinion, not all dogs are good boys.
ricky: Blocked.
constance: Sometimes, they’re good girls!
constance : My stomach growled super loud in French.
constance : I would like to clarify, my stomach did not speak in French. It growled during French class.
noel: Bonjour.
ricky: Le growl.
misha: Hon hon hon, feed me a baguette.
constance, setting down a card: Ace of spades.
misha, pulling out an Uno card: +4.
ricky, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you!
ocean, trembling: What are we playing?!
ocean: What do you do when someone offers you drugs?
noel: Take them!
penny: Punch them in the neck!
constance: Say thank you!
misha: Offer them more drugs to assert dominance!
ocean: …
ocean: No.
misha: Get in loser, we're going shopping.
noel: This is a Tacobell drive thru.
noel: We need to open this locked door. ocean, give me your credit card.
ocean: Here.
noel, pocketing it: Thanks. misha, break down the door.
ricky: penny and I are no longer dating.
penny: ricky, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
constance : How do you want your coffee?
noel: Black, like my soul.
constance :
constance : noel, your soul is a latte.
noel: All in all, a 100% successful trip.
constance: But we lost ocean.
noel: All in all, a 100% successful trip!
misha: Bro-
noel: No, no, hold up, rewind.
noel: My tongue was down in your throat just a second ago and now you're calling me bro??
ocean: Might I make a suggestion you possibly won’t like?
noel: Do you make any other kind?
ocean: We’ll find another route, it’s not safe for amateur adventurers.
misha: That sounds like a challenge.
ocean: I have to stress, that is not a challenge.
misha: ...Is exactly what you say to dissuade the weak of heart from accepting the challenge. Well, challenge accepted!
ocean: There is no challenge!
ocean: We have fun, don’t we, constance ?
constance : I have never been more stressed out in my entire life.
noel: I'm trash.
ricky: As someone who's environmentally conscious, it's my duty to pick you up. Does 7 work for you?
noel: You smooth motherfucker.
noel: And yes it does.
misha: I’m really glad “fight me” has replaced “sue me” as the common saying because I don’t have money, but I do have fists and I am always angry.
constance : I'm trying to juggle family life and work life but I can't seem to find a balance. What do you suggest I do to keep everyone happy?
jane, deadpan: Quit your job, kill your family.
noel: If I say I love you, will you say it back?
misha: Yes.
noel: I love you.
misha: It back.
ocean: Why is noel crying face-down on the floor?
constance : To be honest, I'm kinda pissed that I'm not asleep in bed next to the love of my life in a cottage with no obligations other than watering my vegetable garden.
Hairdresser: How would you like your hair cut?
ricky: Preferably with scissors, but a sword could be badass.
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lobotoboy · 1 month
Time to combine two fixations together, and create a new thing that I'm almost 100% certain has been thought of before!
A DANGANRONPA X RIDE THE CYCLONE AU (please someone make art of this, i'll post my attempt at a jane doe pic for this au later, but im still a beginner lmao) CAST (with explanation): To preface, I wanted everyone except Jane to have died in either their game or anime arc. Ocean O'Connell Roseburg: Ruruka Ando So this one was hard, because I initially wanted to stick to just the games, but neither Mahiru nor Hiyoko fit the bill for me, so I went with Ruruka. Personally, I think she's underrated, I feel like she's very compelling, and like Ocean, has room to grow in a similar way. I think she believes her way is the best way, like Ocean, and has the potential to learn differently. Constance Blackwood: Chiaki Nanami Chiaki is an obligatory add for me, no doubt about it. Constance is UNDERRATED, LOVE HER MORE PLEASE. Sugar Cloud is all about Constance finally recognizing the good things about her life around her, and Chiaki has a similar world view in both the anime and the games. If you look in the anime especially, she's one of the few characters who seems to understand a person can have worth without having a talent, and that's something that should be praised. Also she's my best friend's (@multifanforever) wife, so she's chill ig. Noel Gruber: Nagito Komaeda Do I *really* need to explain this one? Look at him. Name me a better character to put here, I dare you. In all seriousness, Monique is giving Servant Nagito vibes, and he'd SLAY Noel's Lament. Mischa Bachinski: Leon Kuwata Leon was also a bit of an 'out of left field' (teehee) pick for me, but Mischa's a rapper and Leon wants to break into music. Mischa's got a bit of angst in him, and so does Leon. Leon and Mischa are respectful lovers of women, so I feel like they'd be buddies and thus fit.
Jane Doe: Hajime Hinata/Izuru Kamukura WHERE DO I START SDUEHFEUFHWE I LOVE JANE AND I LOVE THESE TWO FUCKS. My stupid ass husband and his evil (not really) alter ego. Aside from personal bias for my favorite characters, I think they fit the most. I could (and want to) write a dissertation about Hajime and Izuru, but for the main gist of it, the way his identity is erased in canon, lines up with how Jane doesn't know who she is. At the end too, when they pick who gets to not be dead (i honestly dont understand the ending of rtc, is it resurrection, changing the timeline, rebirth?) it could be reminiscent of Hajime coming back post Neo World Program. Also Izuru lends himself really well to a creepier design. Ricky Potts: Kaito Momota They both kind of have that kind of selfless attitude to them, Kaito's illness is a good match for Ricky's disability, and obviously space. I also headcanon Kaito as a cat person. The Amazing Karnak: Junko Enoshima To me, they have similar, joking vibes to them. I feel like she'd mess with them just as much, if not a bit more than Karnak does. The changing rules and such are just for her entertainment. Virgil the Rat: Monokuma (obvi) I feel like Monokuma would rock the bass, and obviously makes sense as the one to accompany Junko.
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Creepypasta Masterlist Vol. 3
You all know the rules and so do I
References aside, the time has come to make a third installment to the crp Masterlist line! For context a post can hold 100 links before capping out, and each list is full/close to full.. that's insane, over 200 crp posts written over the course of a year (and some change)! Which.. isnt impressive given I've written nearly.. jeez how many posts? I know theres at least 300 from TADC-
Moving on, you all know the drill! This will be updated as needed until the 4th list is needed!
Remember to read the rules in my pinned before requesting!
You can find things such as tropes and fluff alphabets linked in the bottom of the Masterlist of Masterlists posts! Link in pinned AS OF MAY 24TH 2024 THIS LIST IS COMPLETE
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X dragon reader
X reader who owns a goose
X reader who sleeps in weird places
X reader who draws them
X reader who is half demon
X reader who knew them before their incidents
Laughing Jill, jane, and nina hugging hcs
Cuddling various crp characters 1/2
Lj and ej x reader on their period
Masky and Lj when the readers ex returns
Cuddling various crp characters 2/2
LJ and masky x reader who hums and taps
Various crp characters x reader: blanket thief
Slender and splendor x weird creature!reader
Various crp x transmasc!reader
Tim and Brian as step parents
Dating the proxies
Slender and splendor x sick reader
Getting masky and ticci toby snacks
Slender and splendor comforting reader
Kissing their scars (various)
Down time w/ jeff and toby
Toby and jeff x reader who has plushies
Toby and jeff losing the reader
Toby and jeff x reader who has a nightmare
Sharing the bed w/ various crps 1/2
sharing the bed w/ various crps 2/2
Gift giving w/ the proxies
Jeff and Toby's ideal partners
Date nights w/ jeff and toby
Dancing w/ various crps
Various x reader who is also a killer
Lj and ej x undead reader
toby ej ben x clumsy reader
Various crps x feral child reader platonic
LJ and slenderman x afab nonbinary reader
Platonic slenderman x daughter!reader
General slenderman headcanons
Platonic fluff alphabet a h i
Ej x reader who gets sick often
T H ♡ with EJ
Ej x reader wedding
Ej and reader raising twins
Ej x angel!reader
Ej x oc (raffle winner)
Platonic eyeless jack x feral child!reader
Eyeless Jack x forgetful reader
X reader who writes horror
X moth!fae!reader
Gift giving
X reader who eats flesh
ej x reader angst
T C J with LJ
LJ x reader who stutters and forgets words
LJ x reader who has hair like pinkie pie
LJ x trans ftm reader
LJ as child!readers imaginary friend
LJ x reader who loves the victorian era
LJ x imaginary friend reader
X princess reader
Comforting reader after an attack
Tim x reader who dies during child birth
Tending to hoodies wounds
Hoodie cuddling hcs
Doing hoodies makeup
Platonic toby x reader on their period
Platonic toby x kind and quiet reader
Platonic Nina and Jane x reader
Laughing Jill x plush doll!reader
More platonic nina hcs
Platonic jeff x male reader
Going to a concert with nina
Platonic nina x nonbinary reader
Role swap with ben Drowned and reader
Mini cuteness aggression hc w/ lj and nina (x reader)
Jeff x reader on their period
Ticci toby crushing on the reader
Dating nina and Jeff hcs
Bloody painter x model reader
Playing fortnite w/ toby
Jeff x horror writer reader
Warm bodied reader x ticci toby
Jeff x mean girl reader
Giving Jeff gifts
Ben x ghost computer virus reader
Jeff x reader who eats flesh
Jeff x vigilante reader
Face painting w/ sally
Jeff x deaf reader
Jane x fem satyr reader
Ticci toby x reader who eats flesh
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doverstar · 8 months
A paltry 3 people have asked me to expand on my opinion that Clara (who I like) is bad for the Doctor, so here I go below.
Strap in, this will be long. I disliked Clara back when her tenure was happening live, but upon rewatching the show now, with my husband, I completely changed my mind and grew to really appreciate her and cried when she died. I like Clara. But I came to this conclusion you’re about to read during that rewatch. In a nutshell, Clara and the Doctor’s relationship is unhealthy. Stop wait let me explain-
*hands you the nutshell* First. The show itself acknowledges that this Doctor/companion relationship is something unprecedented and ugly and bad for both of them towards the end. Why? Is it Clara? YES AND NO children. Clara as a companion, personality-wise, is not any different or special than many Classic Who companions, and Jenna Coleman is ridiculously likeable as Clara. I know Clara is The Impossible Girl (because Moffat can’t write 100% ordinary people), and I know she has met all of the Doctors up to Twelve at least once, but take away her decision to throw herself into his timeline – take away the fact that the Master literally orchestrated events so that Clara and the Doctor would travel together because their personalities would create something dangerous and unhealthy in the end – and Clara herself really is just a twenty-something who wants to travel and acts like she’s the coolest person in the room. So Clara herself on the surface wasn’t the catalyst for the relationship becoming unhealthy. At least not the way she was written in the beginning. At first, it’s the Doctor making big Red Flag decisions. And I say that with so much love towards Matt Smith’s Doctor, who is dearly missed in these trying times. The Doctor meets the first version of Clara (from his perspective) as a barmaid/nanny in 20th century London. She’s exceptional (and unnecessarily flirty because Moffat can’t write women who don’t lust after the protagonist) and the Doctor invites her to travel with him. This is huge because the Doctor has just spent who-knows-how-long mourning the Ponds, who he was not ready to lose and who he had grown increasingly afraid of losing before he lost them. He sits on a cloud and has sworn off of travelling or helping anyone because he is that sick of losing people. He’s hurting and he doesn’t want to go through something like that again. The Ponds were just the latest in a very long line of lost people—remember, directly before Amy and Rory, the Doctor had to say goodbye to Donna, Martha, Wilf, Mickey, Jackie, Jack Harkness, Sarah Jane Smith oh my goodness, and Rose Tyler. And then he loses the Ponds. It’s agony. And it just keeps happening to him over and over again, and the Eleventh Doctor is especially vulnerable because he’s so tender-hearted and raw from Tennant’s losses, and this is the first time he’s lost companions with this face. The Eleventh Doctor is literally described by Moffat as the incarnation of the Doctor who chooses to forget. He’s consistently not addressing things like Gallifrey, the Time War, Rose, Donna, Martha, etc. When he’s reminded of them, the only thing he really reacts with is a strained admission of guilt (Let’s Kill Hitler and The Doctor’s Wife, anyone?). Eleven does not focus on what he has lost and worked really, really, selfishly-at-times hard to preserve the safety of the Ponds in particular. And then he loses them and throws a Doctor pity party on a cloud in a top hat.
Enter Nanny Clara, and she reminds him of what he’s missing and how things should be and helps him get his mojo back. Great, good. But she also reminds him of this one chick in the Dalek Asylum who begged the Doctor for help and was already dead. And the Doctor not only loves a mystery, but hates losing (losing people in particular). So he invites this Clara to come away with him and begin his never-ending adventure all over again, because she seems perfect for the job. And then she dies. Just like Oswin the crazy Dalek. Just like Amy and Rory, and the DoctorDonna, and Rose Tyler on the list of fatalities during the incident at Canary Wharf. Like Adric. But the Doctor doesn’t give up and pout in the 20th century this time. Instead, he gets determined to figure out what is connecting Nanny Clara and Dalek Clara, and determined to find a version of this mystery girl who can travel with him and not die this time. Third time’s the charm.
He finds Clara Oswald in the present, saves her life, freaks her out with his desperation to befriend her, and then she finally comes away with him. It’s played incredibly sweet specifically because it’s the Doctor trying to entice a companion and working for it, because he’s already seen she’s the one—twice—and is determined to keep her. This is an inversion of what usually happens, which is that the companion has to prove themselves worthy of the position to the Doctor during a meet-cute adventure. Classy. Fun. But we see from that point forward that the Doctor is kind of…weirdly obsessed with Clara. And not just because she’s appeared as three different-but-the-same people in his life lately, but because he’s the man who forgets and he lost people and never deals with that, and now he has this girl who he’s been unable to save twice before and he wants to make sure that doesn’t happen again. What’s worse, Clara becomes “the ultimate companion”, saving the Doctor throughout all his lifetimes by jumping into his timeline so she’s technically companion to all of him at one point. This is bad because not only is it not fair (as the gamers call it, it’s OP, yes I’m hip with the kids) it solidifies to the Doctor that she is the culmination of all his past failures in companion tenures.
She’s not the ultimate companion; she’s the ultimate do-over.
He’s obsessed with keeping Clara safe. He’s obsessed with keeping her with him. It’s not because Clara is this gorgeous, super-special, Not Like Other Girl(s). It’s not because he’s madly in love with her (though Moffat wants repeatedly to be able to imply that without properly saying it because he can’t write a female who is not in lust with the protagonist, hey let go of my soapbox I’m using that-). It’s not even because he lost two Claras previously and he feels really bad about that. It's because he’s projecting every single failure to keep a companion onto this one girl. The Doctor is trying so hard not to be controlled by the circumstances around him. He is trying so hard to keep this one, just this one, with him this time that he kind of turns into a withdrawal maniac when she’s in danger or choosing to do anything other than travel with him. The Master (Missy) orchestrated events so that Clara and the Doctor would be able to travel together because it was obvious the two of them would destroy each other in the end. The Doctor was such a person (Eleven) at such a time in his long life that could not stand the idea of losing one more friend and would do anything to keep history from repeating itself. He has to have Clara. He can’t quit Clara. She’s all of them. She’s everyone. And poor Clara—Clara is great, but being with the Doctor brings out only the worst in her. The woman is obsessed with herself. She was better off before he came around! Keeping pace with the Doctor, traveling the universe with him, feeling like she had something with him no one else could touch—all of that inflated her sense of importance; she has to be special. She has to be in control. She’s bossy and confident and as long as the Doctor is around, she’s the most incredible human being in her species and he is lucky to have her. That’s how he makes her feel—because it’s obvious he can’t let her go. (“Traveling with you made me feel really special.”) And worse, Clara can’t let him go—but not even specifically the Doctor. The Doctor, to Clara, is only as valuable as he makes her feel. It’s very sad because the two of them are kind of convinced they’re best friends and that’s why they’re together, but that’s not it. They’re not best friends. They’re toxic.
(Best friends do not trick other best friends, lie to them, threaten their way of life and only home to get their boyfriends back and then say “I’m sorry but I’d do it again”. Best friends do not notice that their best friend is there for them in spite of that line of action and then still disregard their best friend’s safety and needs in order to get what they themselves want above all else. Death in Heaven, I hate you.) And! Clara was so rattled by Eleven changing into Twelve. The sweet young man who flirted with her and made her feel so romantically important was gone, now there’s this grisly old fella who is rude to her and makes disparaging personal remarks about her physical appearance, and who doesn’t like hugs. But they’re not done. Because now the relationship has changed even further—we went from “he likes me and he should because I am Important” and “she’s staying with me and she should because I am gonna keep her safe and it won’t be like last time(s) and that’s why she’s special, that’s why she’s Impossible” to “I’m with him because he needs me and because I am Important like he is” and “she’s staying with me and she should because I am gonna keep her safe and she’s still special and she’s still Impossible and I can’t lose her no matter what”.
Clara is controlling and the Doctor is controlling. Missy would have you believe the Doctor won’t be controlled, but that’s just another form of control. The Doctor can’t stop travelling with Clara. Twelve will not let her rest, Twelve will not let her die. Clara will not stay home, Clara will not put anyone or anything else before herself, before traveling and saving the day and feeling special. In fact, it’s gotten to the point where the Doctor treats Clara with such reverence, she actually believes she’s 100% his equal and should be him. That was not a typo. I did not say she should be like him. I said she thinks she should be him. It gets worse and worse as time goes on. Clara thinks she can be the Doctor. She can travel anywhere, she can do whatever she wants, and she will always win. Because she’s important. Because she’s special. She doesn’t realize that she can’t, and that that’s not who the Doctor is anyway. And the Doctor watches Clara get eaten up by this addiction to travel, addiction to heroics. Clara loses Danny and that’s her last tether to normal life. It’s sad because Danny was twice the man anybody expected him to be and he was almost there, almost good enough for Clara to stay and be safe with. But the Doctor and time and space are a tough act to follow, and when Danny died, Clara felt she was owed better. She wasn’t angry because Danny was young and she loved him and she wanted better for him. She was angry because as a time traveling hero, she deserved to have her boyfriend alive and not hit by an ordinary car in the middle of an ordinary day on Earth. (But she wouldn’t have stayed with him anyway, and she wasted so much time with him treating him like he wasn’t special enough and then it was too late. If the Doctor had not been part of the equation, treating her like she hung the stars and making her believe it, they could have been happy. She could have been okay.)
More adventures, more close calls. At this point everything likeable about Clara in the past has faded away because she is just not the same person anymore. She’s ruined. And it’s her fault, and it’s the Doctor’s fault. Clara isn’t addicted to travel or heroics. Now she’s addicted to feeling important. She’s addicted to being special. And she needs to feel that so badly that she decides she is the Doctor and can do what he does and ignores the danger and ignores the rules and the risks and what it might do to the Doctor to lose her, and she faces the stupid raven. This girl legit dies a painful, scary death because she thought she could do whatever she wanted, control every situation, and it couldn’t possibly turn out badly because she’s Clara Oswald, the Impossible Girl. Did the Doctor ever give her any idea that that wasn’t true? Didn’t he worship the ground she marched on? She dies for it. And the Doctor, bless his poisoned hearts, cannot handle it. No way, it is not happening again. Not Clara! He’s avoided her death every other time. It’s not even about Clara anymore—Clara is actually a pretty rotten friend to the Doctor at this point; he’s nothing to her, not really, just a means to an end (and you can tell because when push comes to shove, she will choose herself and time and space over him, and over any sense at all, but if anyone asks, that’s her best friend and do you know why? because it’s very special to be the Doctor’s best friend). It’s not about her, it’s about them. About Adric, and River, and Rose, and Donna, and Tegan and Susan and Ace and Vicki. It’s about Ian and Barbara and Wilfred Mott. Not this time, universe! Not this time, Clara! "I have a duty of care." "Which you take very seriously, I know." Twelve goes through the most contrived, horrendous, comically-lengthened torture Moffat can think of (Heaven Sent) and comes out on the other side only to bring Clara back from the dead. Think of that. The woman is actually very long dead at this point and the Doctor braves literal Gallifrey to pull her out of the moment before the end. He breaks every single rule he has ever, ever had. And he does it violently, are you telling me for real that Clara is the best companion for him? She drives him to do right, to be the greatest he can be? She helps, she brings him back to who he’s always tried to be? No she doesn’t. She drives him to total depraved madman status because they can’t quit each other, and no, not the cutesy quippy Madman With A Box type of madman.
What makes Clara so different from all the other people the Doctor had to lose and who remained lost? Nothing at all. Nothing except that the Doctor decided this one isn’t going anywhere. Because she is every companion to him. This poor woman has a sack full of the Doctor’s past-companion baggage tied to her back but to her it feels light, because he treats it outwardly like a pedestal. So he “brings her back” and she figures out what he’s done and what he went through to do it, and they both learn that their relationship is actually so toxic that together, they would destroy the universe just to have what they want. Because that’s what they bring out in each other. The Doctor has to keep Clara safe, and Clara has to be special. They’re so unhealthy it affects everything around them, to the point where the Time Lords literally have a name for their destructive dynamic in their prophecies called the Hybrid (go lie down, Moffat). And the Master knew that because Time Lord…stuff…and deliberately ensured that Clara and the Doctor get together.
Luckily the Doctor is still, somewhere, miraculously, himself—so he recognizes at last that this is going too far and it’s bad, it’s all bad. The only solution, because he still can’t just return Clara to her fate, is to wipe her memory (hello Donna) of him so that they aren’t together but she also doesn’t have to die. So that he still doesn’t have to deal with losing people. And then the very worst part, writing-wise, happens. Clara complains and decides she must be allowed her memories, she’s entitled to them (too special to lose her memories!) but goodie for her, she doesn’t lose them. The Doctor, instead, loses his memories of her. Now, this is ultimately a good thing for him because of the horse I beat to death over there, don’t make eye contact, but—how sad is it that he still has to lose? That he still can’t keep someone, even after all that carnage? The healing process is beginning and he’ll be a better man than ever after this, but take a moment to mourn because that really sucks for him.
Okay here’s the worst part—Clara lives. And not only does Clara live, Clara lives forever. Clara is immortal. Clara gets her own Tardis. Clara gets her own immortal companion! (Ashildr.) Who learned something? Anyone? Not Clara! Who grew as a person around here? No one? Not Clara! Poor Clara Oswald, who started out nicely enough and likeable enough, at least on level with Classic Who companions, is ruined in the end. She gets exactly what she wants. She’s the Ultimate Companion! She’s met all the Doctors. He even fancied her at one point, well, how could he not? She didn’t die, she didn’t learn anything, she didn’t even really grow, she just got worse. Danny died and the Doctor lost, but Clara got to keep her memories, lose her mortality, and gain her own infinite time travelling machine. She became the Doctor. Yippee. Neither of them were made better by the other’s company. Rose Tyler said more than once, at least in three different ways, that the Doctor’s influence, that the opportunity to travel in time and space and help, brings out the extraordinary qualities ordinary people already have. He taps into their potential to be better, even better than him sometimes. The human factor, I call it. And they inspire him to be better, which is important for someone who is essentially immortal and can essentially go anywhere and do anything he likes. Wilfred said it, too, that Donna was better with the Doctor. But the codependency, the noxious way the Doctor and Clara interacted with each other—their whole relationship—it’s devoid of that improving quality. It wasn’t at first, at least not on Clara’s side, but that’s what it turned out to be. At least Moffat acknowledges that in Hell Bent, but he does it more in a way that is trying to communicate to you that that’s how deep and special the Doctor and Clara’s relationship is, isn’t it so important, isn’t it the best companion/Doctor relationship ever? Isn’t she hot, isn’t he whipped? Have you ever seen such devotion? Gag me. He doesn’t say it like it’s a bad thing. He’s just trying to win the 60-year-long companion race. And Clara and the Doctor both suffer for it.
I still like Clara. I blame the writing entirely for how things turned out, because I genuinely, really enjoyed her this last rewatch, and I wish that she’d met a better end. I wish she’d stayed with Danny and figured out what Danny was trying to tell her all along—that normal life is precious and worth it, and worth giving up the big sparkly universe for if you find someone else to live for besides yourself. I wish she’d sacrificed herself to save the Doctor in the present, not just throughout his past, because she proved that at one point she was capable of that. I wish she’d come to terms with the fact that she couldn’t control everything, couldn’t have what she wanted every time, and then chose to learn from that and use what she could control for the benefit of others (including the Doctor). I wish she’d gotten out the way Martha had gotten out. And I really, really wish the Doctor hadn’t had to prolong the pain he was always going to feel when someone else had to say goodbye. Anyway, that’s the essay a trifling three lovely people asked me for. Not really an essay, just word vomit. If you read it all, please let me know what you think! I could be wrong.
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iliveinyourceiling65 · 23 hours
Ok, I have a rly random RTC theory that has 100 percent been thought of before but.
What if Jane doe/ Penny Lamb imagined everything. Like, the whole choir went on the roller coaster together, and all of them but her died. And to cope with the survivors' guilt, she made up a whole fantasy where they got to choose who came back to life and they chose her. Maybe that’s why all of the characters are kinda one dimensional, and don’t really have a lot of characteristics (don’t come after me, I know this isn’t 100 percent true, pretend for the sake of my theory you agree with me-). What if it’s because Penny/Jane didn’t know the kids very well, so in  her imagination, she based them off of the little she did know, and that became their whole personalities (Like Noel being gay, Constance being nice, Etc.). 
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ink-ray · 7 months
Have been in a bit of a creative rut recently but this one ate (lore below cut)
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In my slender verse au after a victim dies / fulfills their initial purpose to the operator they are transported to a pocket dimension in which the “slender-mansion” resides
But before they can roam the endless fields and forests they have to be “approved” by the operator. (So for example if a random person is killed by someone involved with the operator they will be left to rot :( but if the operators victim winds up here they will be revived/let live in the pocket dimension) in some cases (Jeff) the victim isn’t considered useful (obedient) enough so they are allowed to run their course in the outside world until their inevitable demise.
It’s most common that victims end up here dead initially and the longer they remain dead the more they rot, obviously, but not in the traditional gruesome way that decay occurs in our universe.
First the victim’s features will begin to lose color (like hair, irises, skin, etc) beginning with the hair on the side of the body that the victim was lying on when they passed, so in Julia’s case her hair begins to fade on her front side because she was placed face down before her life ended.
Then about 7 months - a year in the body will begin to grow golden flowers at the point of injury that killed the victim. (In Julia’s case in on her stomach where she was shot) later spreading to any other points of injury and the ground around them. These flowers emit a soft glow.
It takes around 5 years for the flowers to fully over take the body and when they have done so the victim can no longer be revived. The flowers will lose their glow and pigment, eventually turning into a thick bed of white flowers.
If a person is revived after flowers had already begun growing the flowers will continue to live and will need to be removed manually, if not they will continue to grow creating a sort of zombie situation (rotting while living). When removing the flowers a short small pain occurs that’s similar to plucking body hairs.
The pale hair is permanent, similar to naturally occurring grey hairs, but any skin discoloration is not.
After being revived the person will find the mansion, which is a tall gothic style structure like this:
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The house is able to expand based on housing need but it’s not common that this occurs.
The house has:
-running water
Any other needs are covered during monthly trips where 2-4 victims are sent back out of the pocket dimension (while under close supervision) for 3-6 days. These resources are collected via shoplifting, pickpocketing, etc.
Proxies aren’t exactly a thing, there are more obedient victims but none are 100% in agreement with the operator. People like Kate the chaser are very obedient to their roles (mostly due to the influence of the operator still having an effect on them) but others like Tim or Brian can voice their opinions opposing the operator and face little consequence (mostly the operator makes their lives more inconvenient like cold showers, boiling water in the sinks, or blackouts only in their rooms, etc, etc.)
People I include in this au are
-Tobias Rodgers (Ticci Toby)
-Tim wright (the masked man / masky)
-Brian Thomas (the hooded man / hoodie)
-Jane Richardson (Jane the killer)
-Nina Hopkins (Nina the killer)
-Liu Woods (Homicidal Liu)
-Ben Drowned (brought to you via nintendo 64)
-Jack Nyras (Eyeless Jack (he sort of has eyes :I))
-Natalie Ouellette (clockwork)
-Sally Williams
-Kate Milens (Kate the chaser)
-…Alex Kralie (oops.)
This post is ridiculously long sorry😭)
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charlesdesvoeux · 3 months
vampterror au-- some people and when they were turned:
crozier: sometime in the mid-to-late 1500s and early 1600s. need to do more research on irish history but rn i feel strongly about this time-frame. his maker probably died in the 1600s.
fitzjames: georgian vampire, maybe 1750s-1760s. MAYBE made by lady jane. him and crozier are often drawn to one another; essentially an on-and-off couple. but they are NEVER 100% quitting one another. might spend a century apart but always come back to the other.
james clark ross: made by crozier in the late 1600s; crozier's first companion. probably remained together as pretty much husbands until the late 1700s; had a more-or-less amicable break-up (although crozier was kind of devastated) and are still cordial/come together occasionally.
ann coulman ross: made by jcr in the 1770s-1780s. at first crozier was very cold to her and resented her "coming between" him and jcr but eventually warmed to her and they became friends.
john franklin: ooooold vampire. like late 1400s-early 1500s vampire. made by lady jane who is probably at least 100 years older than him. she made him after the death of his first wife. died in the late 18th century maybe.
sophia cracroft: lady jane's human niece from the 1300s, the first vampire made by her aunt. spent some time as crozier's companion i think during 1800s-1820s or 30s maybe but then left. 2nd oldest vampire in britain ie very powerful.
lady jane franklin: 1300s vampire. very old and very powerful. by this point probably the oldest vampire in the british isles???
eleanor franklin: john's daughter by his human wife, made into a vampire by her father (late 1400s-early 1500s). difficult relationship with both him and lady jane, but close to sophia. dad's death in the late 18th century sends her spiraling. a great vampire, in the same way that hickey is a great vampire (see below). i can see her becoming friends with hickey eventually.
hickey: made by crozier in the mid-1830s. a prodigious killer who relishes in his nature. crozier thought he was an interesting, downright fascinating guy at first but then eventually came to find him wearisome and dumped him and hickey will be forever pissed off about it, it's like being abandoned by your father.
billy: made by hickey circa 1848. the thing is though, both bc billy was sick when he turned and also hickey didn't really know what he was doing he "came out wrong"-- essentially, it's like he's suspended in a dying state for all eternity: moribund but unable to die. it's pretty rough and he resents cornelius for it. some days are better and others are worse; sometimes he can leave the coffin and hunt and all that, but a lot of the time he can't really do all that much. resents hickey, but loves him too.
tozer: made by hickey circa 1850s-1860s, a very good hunter and for a long while hickeygibson's "third" which he resents but also he simply cannot quit hickey. like maybe he'll go away for a couple years or something but he WILL eventually come back to hickey and coming back to hickey also means coming back to gibson so.
armitage: also made by hickey circa 1850s-1860s. was already friends with/looked up to tozer before he became a vampire, and tozer essentially refused to quit his friendship with tommy after he was turned but he was also ADAMANT that he did NOT want tommy to be a vampire!!! he's too good he doesn't deserve our wretched existence!!! i think one day tozer really pissed hickey off and he turned tommy out of spite.
pilkington: made by tozer after tommy BEGGED him to turn him, prob in the 1910s or 1920s, ww1 vet. tommy essentially said "you will never love me like i love you, i have spent more than 40 years being the one you only turn to when hickey disappoints you, I WANT ONE PERSON WHO IS FOR ME". i think him and tommy are very devoted to one another. but also tommy still has very complicated romantic feelings towards tozer that frustrate pilk.
jopson: made by crozier in the 1850s. was crozier's extremely devoted human servant before getting turned. where hickey was a disappointment jopson was (in crozier's opinion) an astounding success. gets a monopoly on crozier's love for a good decade at least but then OOPS fitzjames comes knocking and he's feeling kinda jealous and insecure. which leads us to...
little: a human who managed crozier's business interests, knew about the vampirism and was desperately in love with jopson. after fitzjames comes back jopson turns him out of jealousy and feeling betrayed by his beloved crozier. poor little. initially his love is not enough to heal jop's broken heart but i do think eventually jop comes to actually love him and they become long-term companions. prob made in the 1860s.
le vesconte: regency-era dandy, made by fitzjames in the 1810s. very devoted to jfj but knows that once james gets with crozier he's pretty much kicked to the curb for a while, and it hurts him. still revels in being a vampire. fun guy. on-and-off with fitzjames for all of eternity but a second-choice forever.
hodgson: made by le vesconte in the 1830s-40s. they have a good time but i wouldn't call their bond necessarily super deep. like friends who are roommates.
irving: made by hodgson in the 1850s. struggles immensely with religiosity and vampirism and the like; i mean SEVERE emotional and mental health struggles. hodge is extremely devoted to him; irving does love him in a way but also resents him for turning him into a monster. being a vampire also means a permanent rift with william malcolm, who is a human; he considers turning him but decides he cannot curse him with this horrible burden, and malcolm dies a human. i think it's possible that he meets and connects with gibson over their ambivalent (to say the least) feelings on vampirism and maybe finds a new purpose in becoming gibson's "keeper" and taking care of him (prob during a time when hickey and gibson are broken up)
henrietta lefeuvre: made by dundy in the 1860s-1870s. they do spend quite a while being fairly happy companions but eventually she was like "i'm only a substitute for when fitzjames isn't here and i can't handle that anymore" and eventually decided to travel alone out there and find who she is outside of dundy etc. i think eventually lady jane and sophia take her under their wing.
stanley: turned by fitzjames in the 1850s-1860s, were companions for a while but jfj got bored and dipped. which made him very mad. a pretty good vampire, keeps his kills clean. very discreet.
des voeux: turned by stanley in the 1910s. relishes his nature but is not very controlled with his kills; obsessed with stanley, who's always leaving and coming back and leaving and coming back etc. eventually falls in with hickey's little "coven" ie hickey, gibson, tozer, armitage and pilk. him and stanley are on-and-off forever but they're absolutely never quitting the other for good. i could see him dying in the 2020s which throws stanley into a spiral.
trying to place silna and goodsir in this au but I'm still not sure. might come back to it later
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ghostieyanyan · 1 year
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Have you heard of the musical Ride the Cyclone? I thought of an MC who’s inspired by Jane Doe. They died and lost their head somewhere so they got isekai’d into twisted wonderland with a doll head to replace their lost one instead and they walk around with their headless doll. They have no memory of who they used to be and they’re very naive about how things work in the new world they’re transported to. If anyone of the boys goes Yandere for Jane Doe!Mc, any one of the would take advantage of their amnesia and keep them to theirselves. Which one of the boys do you think would be the most manipulative when it comes to stealing Jane Doe!Mc?
If you don’t know the musical, feel free to skip.
i havent seen the musical, but i love the idea of just some twst yandere taking advantage of amnesia mc. like they would use mc to make them their perfect little play thing or "help" them find themselves, only to hurt them with betrayal. also i know that a good handfull of the twst characters are sadistic but im gonna just list a few (cause if i went their all of them, qwq, this will be a very long post xD)
Also there’s only one drawing in this post (because it felt weird not not include one so ye) but it’s mainly fanfic and I’ll be labeled it as fanfic and not as fanfic plus art… if that’s cool owo
Yan!Ace x mc x Yan!Deuce
Yan!Lilia x mc
Yan!Rook x mc
Yan!Trey x mc
Warning: yandere, manipulation, stalking, threats, hint of murder, mention of war and starvation, hunting, displaying you like a animal(?), kidnapping,
Ace and Deuce
Why are these two together? cause they are chaotic together and i love how it can be wholesome at times.
In the relationship, they both agreed to help mc and also show them the ropes of twisted wonderland. Deuce, more on the side of helping mc with finding themself, because he understands how it can be very difficult at times. But he also doesn't want mc to go home so soon. Ace, more on the side of wanting mc to stay in twisted wonderland, but also help them find themself with him and deuce in mind. They basically agreed to be the opposite sides to the same coin.
They'll, of course, fight with each other on how to help you. what thing are most important for you to work on right now? but they overall want the same thing. but they are still very mischievous when they want to be.
Example, Ace will in intentional start fights with deuce to show mc that they'll be so lost without you to step in to help. or even, when they get into a situation that they need your help to solve.
"only their perfect can save them. don't leave them alone. they'd be lost without you."
But deuce, he would show you the amazing things that twisted wonderland could offer and see if you like anything or dislike it. i imagine he has a book with all your like and dislikes, your taste, favorite food and drinks, how you like certain things or your hobbies. plus if you forget anything, he'll be there to help.
if someone outside their group ask about their strange behavior with you, they will deny it all. but if this person keeps digging, ace and deuce will show them how protective they can be.
if you asked about their strange behavior, they'll just tell you that you're imagining things.
"maybe its some of your old memories coming back? but they don't make sense? strange..."
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"Awww what a cute little human that lost their way~ it reminds me of when i met Silver~ so cute~"
this man will 100% use your amnesia to make you into his play thing. he could mold you into a sibling for Silver. he could mold you into a great warrior for malleus, side by side with sebek. or he can even mold you to be his and his alone.
with his years of experience of life, he'll show you anything you wish to see and make your dreams come true. he'll tell you stories, a mix between fairy tales to myths to his very own experiences. he'll show you everything and anything, for the price of your name~
he's given you no reason on not to trust him. Lilia takes great care of you when you first came to his world. i mean with tweedldee and tweedledumber, plus that beast cat, you'll likely be dead by the first week.
Lilia takes every opportunity to take you away to diasomnia and cares for you. with a high secured castle plus luxury food, he tried to feed you his meet one time and you fell into a coma for a week... maybe the vegs were bad?
if you had an issue with this arrangement, he'll gladly show you the dangerous of this world without his aid. he'll show you a small unimportant war that was just west coast of the main land. all the deaths and threats, the horrors in peoples faces. how some people became mad and turn against their own kind for a glimpse of hope in their future, only for it to be ripe away when they get caught. Lilia will also show you the horror that are not necessarily violent like war. hungry starving kids and families that had to turn to stealing just to make sure they're guaranteed a place in tomorrow. he'll tell you that the cycle repeats whether people like it or not.
"That's why its safer to be with me. the world is a cruel place, a place that a sweet angel like you doesnt belong. this place also has a good handful of cueal people aswell. youre not even garentee that crowel will find a way home for you, he doesnt even know that place! thats why its safer with me. ill keep you safe. now rest... youve had a very long day..."
the beauty of it all! To Rook, you are like a blank piece of paper waiting for a poet to spill their silk words on you. you're like a caterpillar waiting for some leaves to turn into a chrysalis and then to your turn form as a beautiful butterfly~
Rook doesn't have any ill intent for you but he merely aims to preserve your pure innocents. in his words, keep your angelic wings white from the impurities of the world. he will not hesitate to strike down anything or any one that wants you to fall, or cover your wings in their mud.
he admits, its difficult to learn anything about you when you don't even remember who you are, but in a way its beautiful for him. like a bird learning how to fly.
if you ask him about his view on beauty, he'll gladly show you all the beauties in the world. hell show you how some things look scary or mysterious can look enchanted. but if anything ugly comes in your way, he'll shield you from it and make it disappear on the face of twisted wonderland.
if you dont like what hes doing and you try to run from him.. lets say Rook loves a good hunt. He will not stop until he finds his butterfly. of course, he doesn't want to hurt you, or even dirty you in any means, but he will threaten you. Rook would say that if anything bad would happen to you, to not have the light in your eyes that he loves so much, he'll display you like those beautiful insect display in a museum. you'll forever be part of his display from his hunts.
but you dont want that to happen right? he wants you to live! to fly with the other butterflies.
but maybe Night Raven College is no place for a fragile butterfly like you to be in. he doesnt might taking you away for only his eyes to see. he'll take great care of you.
"what do you say~?"
Whether Trey likes it or not, he takes great care of his dorm, like a big brother or even a dad for some. so when he saw you, his instict took over and he immediately was worried for you.
"did you eat yet? how's your day? anyone giving you a hard time? are ace and deuce causing trouble for you? you look pale! come on, follow me. we have some treats in Heartslabyul that will make you feel better"
to say he spoils you with sweets is an understatement, and if you are craving sweets then he'll gladly make you something else. don't worry about repaying him. you're smile and well being are perfect payment.
even though Trey has a very busy schedule, being the vice housewarden, being part of the science club, taken care of his house, plus riddle, he still makes time for you.
a lot of people wonders how but like magic, he makes it works. for some, its a little creepy. Trey starts to show up, like he knows your schedule like the back of his hand. always with treats and a drink in hand.
if there are people causing you trouble, or in trey's eyes, people he does not approves of. he'll tell you in a "im just looking out for you manner."
Trey will get you, sit you down, hands you some treats and talks to you about his "issues" with your friends. he might just say some things that make you see your friends in a different light. the type of light that makes you not rely on them too much. But you can rely on Trey if anything comes up.
also whether he sees you in the light of a sibling or a partner, you're not 100% sure which one. but all the things he does for you... is coming from the heart..
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tarotenvelhecida · 2 years
pick a card– which book speaks to your soul?
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You read something which you thought only happened to you, and you discover that it happened 100 years ago to Dostoyevsky. This is a very great liberation for the suffering, struggling person, who always thinks that he is alone. This is why art is important.
—Conversations with James Baldwin.
this is my love letter to all the bookworms in the tarot community— pick a pile & i'll give you a list of genres + book suggestions carrying important messages to you.
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To the daydreamers and the escapists; to the ones that need to rest before following what you need follow.
RELEVANT GENRES & CONCEPTS– fiction in general; romance; fantasy; fairytale; poetry; ‘happy ever after’ endings; hopeful endings; fantasy; magic; dreamy.
AUTHORS – Ursula K. Le Guin; Louise Gluck; Mary Oliver; Jane Austen.
‘The Paper Garden: An Artist Begins Her Life’s Work at 72 – Molly Peacock'
‘Good Bones – Maggie Smith’
‘If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho – Translation by Anne Carson’
‘Owls and Other Fantasies – Mary Oliver’
‘Dog Songs – Mary Oliver’
‘Emma – Jane Austen’
‘Howl’s Moving Castle – Diana Wynne Jones’
‘The Little Prince – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’
‘Death Comes for the Archbishop – Willa Cather’
‘Sonnets from the Portuguese – Elizabeth Barrett Browning’
‘The Hawk and the Dove – Penelope Wilcock’
‘The Secret Life of the Lonely Doll: The Search for Dare Wright’
‘The Ink Dark Moon – Ono no Komachi & Izumi Shikibu’
‘Alice in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll’
‘The Letters of Vita Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf’
‘Little Women – Louisa May Alcott’
‘Anne of Green Gables – L.M. Montgomery’
‘Kissing the Witch: Old Tales in New Skins – Emma Donoghue’
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For the ones that carry the ache to learn and know everything; to the ones bored with life's commodities & seriousness. For the ones that question everything around them – as they should do.
You do not need to fit in. Don't change yourself for other people. If they want to see you this way, then become the proud witch in the edge of the woods.
RELEVANT GENRES & CONCEPTS– books on 'niche' knowledge; science; philosophy; true crime; drama; scandalous romances; adventure, magical realism; YA thriller & horror; comedy & sardonic comedy; ‘controversial’/'weird' books.
AUTHORS– Carmen Maria Machado, Kate Moore, Grady Hendrix.
‘My Sister, The Serial Killer – Oyinkan Braithwaite'
‘The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales – Oliver Sacks'
‘St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves – Karen Russell'
‘Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife – Mary Roach’
‘The Hitchhiker Guide to Galaxy – Douglas Adams'
‘Inferno – Dante Alighieri'
'Magic for Beginners – Kelly Link'
‘Lace Bone Beast: Poems & Other Fairytales for Wicked Girls – N.L. Shompole'
‘Severed: A History of Heads Lost and Heads Found – Frances Larson’
'The Woman They Could Not Silence – Kate Moore'
‘The Dictionary of Lost Words – Pip Williams'
‘She Kills Me: The True Stories of History’s Deadliest Women – Jennifer Wright’
‘Anatomy: A Love Story – Dana Schwartz'
‘Pretty Dead Queens – Alexa Donne'
‘I’m Glad My Mom Died – Jennette McCurdy'
'Rabid: A Cultural History of the World's Most Diabolical Virus – Bill Wasik'
‘Chilling Adventures of Sabrina – Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa’
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You need to put your sadness somewhere. If you can't, remember that someone has done it before – and transformed it into a story. Let the words you'll read be the resting place for whatever you're feeling right now; let yourself remember that not even your pain is lonely in this world.
RELEVANT GENRES AND CONCEPTS— poetry; gothic horror; thrillers; murder mysteries; tragedies; cathartic stories; biographies.
AUTHORS– Shirley Jackson, Osamu Dazai, Clarice Lispector, Sylvia Plath.
'The Year of Magical Thinking – Joan Didion'
‘The Dead – James Joyce'
‘What The Living Do – Marie Howe'
‘The Hour of the Star – Clarice Lispector'
‘Why This World: A Biography of Clarice Lispector’
‘Some of Us Did Not Die – June Jordan'
Somewhere Towards the End – Diana Athill'
‘We Have Always Lived in The Castle – Shirley Jackson'
'Heaven: A Novel – Mieko Kawakami'
'Journal of a Solitude – May Sarton'
'Jane Eyre – Charlotte Bronte'
'Grief is the Thing with Feathers – Max Porter'
‘Carrie – Stephen King'
'Of Dogs and Walls – Yuko Tsushima'
'Frankenstein – Mary Shelley'
'The Stepping Off Place – Cameron Kelly'
'Letters to Milena – Franz Kafka'
‘Beloved – Toni Morrison'
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