#digital daily journal
fjadwrites · 17 hours
014: crunch reading just to be back on track
Good afternoon!
Yes, I know. This is a lot later than my usual blogging time. You could say things had gotten busier around here since I woke up this morning. It's 3:46 PM here as I'm writing here. But I did read for today. I think that's a good thing. I tried to read as much as I can while doing things around here.
As for my reading update from yesterday,  I got to finish reading several books! What do you know? Then again, three of them were just the shortest books from my old currently reading list that were added since the early 2024, to be honest. You could say I'm in a hurry to be on track with my Goodreads Reading Challenge for this year. And what better for me to do that?
Read short books. But three out of the four books I've finished reading yesterday were self-help books. And one of them has something to do with writing. And obviously, since I did crunch reading (as I'd like to call it) yesterday, it was obvious that I surpassed my page count quota yesterday. With this, now I'm thinking of raising the maximum number of pages for me to read to either 80 or 90. Definitely not 100 as it was still too much for my brain.
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Let me rate the books I've read yesterday. I mean, I know I did it in Goodreads already. But I also want to do it here.
"The 12 Week Year" by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington - ⭐⭐⭐, but only because it only made my brain like a mush and maybe I just felt pressured in a way as I was reading the whole thing. I mean, the idea was great that you can actually do a lot of things in about 3 months. But maybe I wasn't in the right mindset just yet to implement the process to myself at the moment. For now, I would consider doing the process in the future, especially since I do view myself a failure at my age of 33.
"5,000 Words Per Hour: Write Faster, Write Smarter" by Chris Fox - ⭐⭐⭐, but the idea was definitely something I can do when I'm writing. I actually first heard about this book because of Kate Cavanaugh's video when she tried to write 5,000 words an hour like Chris Fox. But it actually took me a while to finish reading the whole thing. I don't know what made me stop reading this, to be honest. And I know it's other than my reading slump. Should I blame my writing slump/writer's block on that, as well? But yes, I know I can only write around 3,000 words maximum in one day. Why? I tend to write my stories by hand first. It has been a habit since high school and I don't think I've ever outgrown that. But I could still do the practices here in this book in my writing just so I can use that as a reason to discipline my writer self. So the books still helped me in some way.
"Romancing The Beats: Story Structure for Romance Novels" by Gwen Hayes - This one was a definite ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ for me, only because it does provided me more insight than I ever thought I needed when it comes to writing romance stories. I mean, you could say that romance is sort of my forte in writing stories. It was the genre that I started writing back in high school. Yes, I'm thanking Kate Cavanaugh once again for me discovering this book for writers. And I think she outlined her first romance novel with this as a guide. I still haven't started outlining any romance stories with the beats in this book. But I will get to that ㅡ once I managed to get my writing groove back.
The second volume of "By The Grace Of The Gods" is also done, and I've rated it ⭐⭐⭐⭐ in Goodreads. Hmm... Maybe because I wasn't some of the characters to appear here early that I've only seen on the second season of the anime version. Another thing that could've affected the original 5 stars rating was the initial assumption I had that anime version encompassed the first two volumes of the light novel. I was wrong. This volume seemed to be encompassing only 3 episodes since it has something to do with the continuation of the monster subjugation and starting the laundry store. The real problem for me? Information overload on the store building part.
That's a lot for me to even write here, you know. But I thought I should add my comments (even if it's short) on each of the book I would finish reading. Yes, even my own ratings on the books done reading.
It's currently raining hard as I write here, but let's get on with the next part. As for th book I continued reading, I actually read 18 pages of the fifth volume of "The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen" at past midnight, as I've mentioned in my blog entry yesterday. I didn't add more pages done reading on that book after that since I concentrated reading more on the other books. So no comments and ratings just yet.
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I really should try raising the maximum number for a bit, but I would definitely not let it reach 100 for my brain's sake. But with all that I've read today, I think I already reached this page count quota today. I'll let you know about the books I read tomorrow. 
Just to give you a heads up ㅡ they were mainly novellas. Blame my frustration for constantly seeing the number of books behind schedule in my Goodreads Reading Challenge. So this was my solution to finally beat that.
Yes, I know this entry is already way too late than my usual posting time. But it's only past 5 in the afternoon here in 🇵🇭, so it's still within the day.
Let's see if I can post here during my usual early posting time. See you tomorrow! Happy reading. 😊✌️💕📚📖
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grendel-menz · 4 months
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daycare diary
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belovedapollo · 4 months
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everything is still, quiet, lonely and sharp
reblog is ok, don’t repost/use
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thejournallo · 4 months
Most of the time, our minds lie to us.
Create your own lies and be delusional.
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dogstomp · 6 months
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Dogstomp #3151 - August 17th
Patreon / Discord Server / Itaku / Bluesky
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journalette · 4 months
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Counting the worriless mornings I still have left, before I become a fully functioning adult.
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mrsbluntwist · 4 months
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★*°࿐Stormy summer, horror book and red bulls…
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another-boring-diary · 3 months
We could talk instead of imagining ourselves in others' beds to forget each other, it only hurts more
Mahmood - nei letti degli altri
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hilasss · 2 months
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Café en Bariloche
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fjadwrites · 2 days
Blogging Plans And Reading Just One Book
Good morning!
This is actually a blog entry at past 8 AM here in 🇵🇭 since... sleep keeps winning. Urgh! Of course, there is a reason. I really couldn't sleep last night and I ended up sleeping at past 1 in the morning. It's a good thing that it's weekend. I don't have to wake up early to help my sister prepare for work. Maybe that's why I ended up sleeping that late. I just know I don't have to wake up way too early. 😁✌️
One more day before I reach my second week of daily reading. What do you know? I made it! Well, I did fail at reading as soon as I wake up. Sleep always wins on me. So the challenge that I chose to keep up was to reach my reading goal and write about it the next day to give updates. And so far, I was able to do both. Maybe I should do a weekly recap blog entry? Or not. I mean, I've been writing my daily thoughts about what I've read here on my blog. So doing that would only feel repetitive. But I seriously think I should write something different each week that may or may not have something to do with reading. As a way to make this blog a little diverse, in my opinion.
I do have topics that I want to write about. They've been pending for who knows how long already. And now I recalled that I have a Ko-fi account that I've neglected in so long. Like, what the heck? I never realized that I've neglected so many account in the last two years. I also neglected my hobbies in that time period, as well. What kind of person am I? I can't help feeling that I'm so lost in what I really want to do in life.
Thankfully, something sort of "snapped" in me and forced me to finally start doing this. Now I don't have any reason to neglect my blog again. And maybe my "special" weekly blog entry would help me start navigating my Ko-fi account in some way. Of course, that entry would still be free to read in the meantime. Or as long as I can make it. Wait... why does that sound a little greedy on my part? Hopefully not.
Anyway, with me writing things like this instead of filming like other booktubers do, consider this as my own way of vlogging or documenting my reading journey. Yes, it can be boring. As much as I want to film videos about this, it doesn't really sit well with me, you know. I have to do a different way to express my thoughts about what I read for the day, and so I chose to write them down instead. And I know, I feel comfortable doing this and I wouldn't be too stressed about editing and filming and most of all, storage space. 😂😂
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I only read one book yesterday even while I keep finding more to read. Yes, I did a digital e-book haul once again and I'm seriously putting such stress in myself again. I'm so sorry. Of course, I reached my daily quota yesterday, which was 27 pages. Now, I'm 53% done with the second volume. I was able to read 92 pages yesterday and I just realized that the first two volumes of this series encompassed the 12 episodes of the first season of the anime version. Who knows? Maybe I'd be able to finish reading the rest of the second volume if daily life activities wouldn't get in the way. My first sister (the one born after me) and her son (my nephew) were here since yesterday so I have a feeling that things would still be busy just until they go back later this afternoon.
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I have to use the generator for, like, three times because I kept getting lower numbers. One time was 17 and the second one was 18. Like, seriously? And when I chose for the third time, I got this. The reason why I have to do this 3 times was because I've already reached my 18 pages while I was reading the fifth volume of the light novel "The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen" at past midnight. Crazy of me, I know. But I couldn't sleep, that's why. So now, I needed additional numbers to aim. Today, I have to read 53 pages and I've already read my 18 pages. So that's... 35 more pages for me to read. Not bad at all.
By the way, should I try changing the numbers of the range for my number generator? Still not going to pass 70 as the maximum. But maybe I should do something with the minimum number. Should I use 20 as my minimum pages to read? I think I should do that tomorrow.
I have a lot of things to consider doing here on my blog. But do you know what I kept on saying when things would start to become overwhelming for me? Take it one step at a time. And that's what I have to do now that I have plans on my other neglected accounts.
For now, that's all I have. See you tomorrow! Happy reading. 😊💕✌️📚📖
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grendel-menz · 5 months
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itty bitty diary
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thisisdore · 3 days
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Journaled a little, worked on some digital journal pages, read so much, and enjoyed a hot chocolate and some really good toast this evening.
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thejournallo · 4 months
always check on yourself and do not let fake facts ruin your entire day.
Emotions are not 100% facts
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bluesnadbluets · 1 year
Try out this free template!
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journalette · 5 months
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Good morning fellow journalers!
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miwkchii · 3 months
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I WISH i had a pic of how the mall salon fucked my hair up but i was so in shock i had to go to one of our local salons immediately...
(im using "local" as in close, walkable close, to where I live. I live in the Philippines ifykyk)
I just wanted my hair back to a short wolfcut for my birthday :((, usually the mall salon does a good job (ive been there twice) but for some reason today they were rushing, i showed the pic of my old hair and they just went ham. Before i could say anything they already cut the back of my head super short. Anyway thanks to the local salon for somewhat fixing it TT, I like how it is rn but im def going back to my old style once it's grown out.
doodled this instead of studying lol jk this took 10 minutes, I just wanted yall to know the day i had.
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